I went to see a comedy duo in Northbridge last night. Got a laugh here and there but tooo much…
I went to see a comedy duo in Northbridge last night. Got a laugh here and there but tooo much…
Skiting alert: My artwork has been recognised! Libs of TikTok used an image that was created by me. I feel…
ChatGPT Isn’t it true that philosophers who haven’t kept themselves updated with developments in neuroscience continue to believe in existence…
I totally boycott any Perth Festival stuff.
Barely intelligible. Don’t hang shit on stuff you obviously haven’t experienced. You are a ‘tard in my mind.
Never needed to see what he looked like. He set up the second desperately needed gunpowder mill in the US colonies. Then was an artillery colonel who saw combat. Finally he started a company to produce copper products in the colonies and the new USN. Not bad for a young guy who started out only as a good horserider.
The Revere Copper Company was so successful it still operates today 222 years after he started it. I wonder what Paul would think of their website?
Sweden officially declares sex as sport, to organise European Sex Championship
Sweden officially declared sex as a sport and is all set to host its first-ever sex competition next week. The people participating in the sex competition will engage in sex sessions which can go up to six hours daily. The winners of the sex competition will be decided by a panel of judges and the audience will also influence the final decisions.
The European Sex Championship which will start on 8 June and span over a period of six weeks with participants engaging in sexual activities from 45 minutes to 1 hour daily, depending upon the duration of their matches.
The report claims that the audience will also influence the decision of the sex competitions and will notice several aspects of the sexual activity. The final decision on the winners will be arrived at after considering the factors like the chemistry between the couple, knowledge about sex, endurance level, etc.
Nearly 9pc adults across 30 countries identify self as LGBTQ: Survey
According to the survey, Gen Z and Millennials are more likely than other generations to identify as queer, bisexual, pansexual, omnisexual, or asexual.
Paddocks in the east are drying up, although there are still plenty of reserves in most of the dams……with much of eastern and central Australia covered in already-yellowing grass and shrubs.
………A small piece of good news for eastern Australia is that the forested regions won’t be as dry as in 2019. It takes longer for forests to dry out. But fires remain a serious concern through spring and into summer.
This is definitely what we are seeing on Central Tablelands. Remaining summer fodder dried out & rapidly being consumed by the cattle. Our local RFS is again warning of fires starting in scrubland & in paddocks of long grasses like Lovegrass & spinifex that the cattle won’t eat. Nothing much in our paddocks to cause a problem, but we expect we will have to get in hay earlier than normal.
“Actually on a serious note, in my opinion the American Revolution was one of the biggest wrong turns in history. In fact, it was a tragedy. If the UK had offered representation to the colonies, the relationship would likely not have turned into a full scale revolution. The split could have been friendly and close. It would have happened, but not that way.”
I don’t disagree, and don’t forget that the American Revolution was also the geopolitical uprising and war of the time, and remember also that the Americans were heavily financed by France. If the Americans hadn’t been, I doubt very much that they would have beaten the British. By arming the American revolutionaries, France went broke, and this pushed France into revolution, a revolution that wasn’t nearly as benign as the American one.
Bourne1879 says:
June 4, 2023 at 1:25 pm
Michael Smith was also a well liked radio host on 4BC and then 2GB.
Wasn’t this the same Michael Smith that did his testes over that paragon of unionist virtue Kathy Jackson?
..and what happened to Custard?
I watched Dr Strangelove on SBS World Movies yesterday and one of the funniest lines in the film is where George C Scott (playing a US General) is wrestling with the Soviet Ambassador in the War Room at the Pentagon. The US President (played by Peter Sellers) intervenes and says –
“You can’t fight in here – This is the War Room”……………………lol
There wouldn’t have been such a thing as Canada and no Trudeau as PM. 🙂
For a split moment I read that as just Chalmers’ ears being separated at birth. Quick upon the tail of that image came the thought of him being born with just two hypertrophied ears attached to the top of his neck. Then the an earlier generation of the current surgeons who flense girls arms to fold into those risible fake penises intervened and raided the tissues of his arse to fashion a crude, and equally unconvincing head.
Then I thought “What a ridiculous irrational train of thought.”
Then I remembered the German chemist Kekule dreamed the benzene ring that runs our cars and underpins so much of the organic chemistry we rely upon today.
Anyone notice if Chalmers sits funny?
It’s worth remembering that the revolutionaries weren’t supported by many living in the colonies. So, when the war ended thousands of Loyalists migrated to British North America, the area now known as Canada.
You’re obviously one of those fellers who doesn’t need pictures to be able to read a book.
Sancho Pantsup will be in awe of you.
Quite so. IIRC the revolutionaries were outnumbered by the loyalists, & furthermore the revolutionaries had more (everyman) support in Britain than from their own people.
Yeah, he lived in her garden shed hoping to get closer, I think.
That wasn’t me…. the cause of his absence. 🙂
Custard put an exact date on when Trump was going to return to Rome on a chariot as president. It didn’t quite work out that way and departed due to slight embarrassment I suspect. It was another Faulty-like prediction who forecast a collapse of the US stockmarket on an actual date. Ironically the market began to rise and made record levels almost from his collapse prediction date.
Sexually touching….WTF does that mean?
High-profile Parramatta Eels player Dylan Brown has been charged with five counts of sexual touching without consent after an alleged incident at a Double Bay hotel on Saturday night.
Brown, one of the most decorated Eels players, was the subject of a complaint to staff at the Golden Sheaf pub late on Saturday night and will face court on Wednesday.
NSW Police confirmed Brown, 22, was taken to the Waverley Police Station shortly after the incident, where he was granted bail.
“About 11.40pm yesterday officers attached to Eastern Suburbs PAC were called to a hotel on South Head Rd at Double Bay following a report of sexual touching,” a police statement read.
It seems like there some young cougars about. Or dickheads
Smith destroyed himself. He just blew up. He became obssessed with the Lying Slapper (Gillard) over some shenanigans to do with her employment for a law firm and potentially under-the-table gifts like home renovation. From memory, he worked for some Fairfax related radio station and after refusing to give up his obsession, they let him go. Look, he could’ve bid his time until some better gig came up. But no, he had do die on that tiny molehill.
JC – the slapper got on the phone and the station folded.
Smith was boned as a result.
Yes, it’s something that not many Americans have considered but two countries were born out of the Revolutionary War, the United States of America and the Dominion of Canada, with the latter coming into formal existence 91 years after the former. The federation in 1867 of the self-governing British North America colonies into the Dominion of Canada was another outcome of the US Civil War, with the Canadians recognising the threat to the individual colonies of a re-united US. For history buffs the book Blood and Daring: How Canada Fought the American Civil War and Forged a Nation is a good read with a collection of personal stories of Canadians who fought, slaves who escaped to Canada and the major players who brought about the federation.
Okay, but my recall is that he just kept going and going. Again, my recall was that he received a warning prior to the size 10. Even so, don’t forget that he would have fully aware of the cage he was in (Fairfax) when he took the job. That would be like Tucker Carlson returning to CNN as the Tucker Carlson on Fox.
He could have taken his time and found another place to fulminate.
Some good soccer highlights here of the US women’s team vs Retired Wexham players:
Life lesson for all conspiracy theorists.
If you’re going to make a “bald prediction” try and be a little quirky on the date. Give yourself an out at the very least.
JC says:
June 4, 2023 at 2:47 pm
..and what happened to Custard?
That wasn’t me…. the cause of his absence.
I recall accusations of all of us being allegedly “off the pace” due to blog skepticism about Q‘s obscure conspiracy claims.
Looks like discretion has beaten valour with this one.
As for Smith.. Jackson was no spring chicken or Venusian beauty. She was also au-fait in taking monetary advantage of retired, dementing judges, as I recall.
Incredible how a mature guy with decades of life experience can so comprehensively fall for such a poisonous, sour boiler.
I’m so forgetful. How could I not recall the Q stuff he’d post?
The Greater Western Furries getting oh so close to knocking off Ninthmond.
Apologies. Fifteenthmond.
Yes I have done this joke before. Yes it is still good.
On the other hand, I get the sense that the Revolution cast in almost lapidary* fashion an idea (carved in stone) of freedom and human rights that we have now.
The American Revolution might have been triggered by a resentment toward taxation (a sentiment also to be found in Britain) but by a glorious stroke of luck the Founding Fathers were steeped in the spirit of the Enlightenment. They brought that beautiful dream with them when they laid down the basis of their nation. Voltaire would champion free speech, but no politician would. But for America those ideals would have passed into fashion, then out.
America allowed ideals to jump the membrane that separates them from politics.
Even now people in Australia – and Britain – assume we have the freedoms as embodied in American tradition. Even the gun thing, but our mediocre intellectual class think guns are bad, m’kay. But freedom of speech, of association, of religion as Australian ideals do not have their genesis in Britain. And yet America never ruled us.
Sometimes you see old British movies where the hero champions the cause of the right to say what you wish, or to go your own way regardless of the will of your lord or the powerful, or to keep what you have produced – these ideas were not English until America made them. People might have hated things, but America elevated the objection to sublime principles.
Our own forebears would have been far more resigned to the whims of the high-and-mighty than we are. The trick now is to cast enemies as high-and-mighty as license to defy them.
If you go to Japan (and doubtless countless other countries) you will see those Enlightenment ideas, thanks to America making them abiding principles and practice (without forgetting for a moment also that America was, in the 20th century, winners).
Well, I have typed for exactly the time it takes to drink 2 pints of Kirin Ichiban at the local ‘The Duck’.
*I just wanted to use the word to make clear it has nothing to do with butterflies.
In vino veritas.
Well, ‘In cervesia’ at least.
(I almost put cervesiam, which would have made it ‘into beer’, but if I am going to drown I would prefer wine. Left bank Bordeaux for choice. Paulliac, St Julien, or Margaux, for choice.)
KD got down-ticked.
Can we make this a drinking game?
The slapper got on the phone twice – once in floods of tears, the second time throwing a tantrum that put Paul Keating in the shade, and threatening a Senate inquiry into the media that would close the station down.
Oh, this cuts. This cuts deep. Dickless downtickers!
This von Mises Institute has a balanced and worldly view of the Boston Tea Party.
Hang on.
Made a Richmond joke. Immediately downticked.
*cogs turning*
Aha! Infidel Tiger lives!
Got my vote.
Wish he was still here so I could call him Qustard.
Hang on…if everyone gets one, where’s the “Special” in that? I call foul!
Here’s a song for you, you *&%^$ing Collingwood supporter. 27 Grand Final losses.
Over-Reactor – (I Love It) When Collingwood Choke (Official)
Louis Litt
Including results for teresa thermopolis.
Do you want results only for teresa thermolpolis?
Global web icon
Birth Place: Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
Height: 1.64 m
Born: February 26, 1986
Job Title: Actress, Producer, Writer
First Credits
Other Works
Video Gallery
IMDb Seen
Is this her?
June 4, 2023 at 1:25 pm
Michael Smith was also a well liked radio host on 4BC and then 2GB. He came unstuck at 2GB because of his interview with an ex Union leader about then Prime Minister Gillard and the AWU matters 20 years previously. Despite clearing the interview with a 2GB lawyer he was not allowed to go to air and basically lost his job over the issue.
“Smith was Army first, went through Army Apprentice School then left to join Vic Pol after 8 years”.
I thought that he drew the ire of a particular station host when Smith made an accurate comment about a certain would be prophet being a pedo and said host had business dealings with members of the community that worship said prophet at the time.
He has certainly continued to pursue Gillard on his website at least for a time.
“Show me on the eel where Dylan Brown touched you.”
Ronery, Don’t forget the agreement hosted by Dover. Don’t mention names directly or indirectly. Keep to the agreement and all should be fine. Don’t, and lessons will have to be learned all over again.
The Q stuff was instantly recognisable as button pushing randomness. Something for everyone so inclined to believe. I like these lines from William Blake:
Discernment goes out the window when people are distressed, and the distress was there to be mined – firstly the grotesque 2020 election and subsequent Jan 6 injustice and all the covid mayhem. I don’t blame him one little bit.
I’ve no idea what you’re talking about.
*I just wanted to use the word to make clear it has nothing to do with butterflies.
You might have been thinking of lepidoptery, not lapidary?
Yes, well.
The intended stiletto between the fourth and fifth ribs was blunted somewhat by the fact that a pair of monobrowed Hawforn supporters were singing about Collingwood choking.
That’s aside from the Pies being the only club to ever win four flags in a row, and for Hawthorn – and other clubs’ communal benefit – you have to get into Grand Finals in the first place to bark about losing them.
27 GF losses. Yeah baby. You have to own it.
NB: Except the 1979 GF, which was a Wayne Harmes-inspired stitch-up by the VFL.
All those good things could have occurred without the war and a close knit association between the UK and North America would have been positive for the world. Look, the break would have occurred anyway as the US would have eventually striven for independence. UK’s influence on the issue of slavery could’ve hastened freedom without the Civil War too instead of a spiteful UK, which was ostensibly against slavery slyly sided with the South. Of course this is just speculation, but this family quarrel was dreadful. It could have averted so much “bads” and even hastened economic growth as wars had a terrible impact.
Oh look, it’s “security” butting in again.
Bruce o’ Newk,
Where I live we have birds constantly landing on our balconies. Loathsome things they cannot be the same species as light upon your verdant demesne*.
There is one sulphur crested cockatoo that has the most wretched, patchy plumage you can have ever seen, with exposed skin and ragged crest.
Do you think it might be an emo?
*Auto-corrupt was determined to change that to ‘your verdant demeans’. Seriously, you should not have to put up with that sort of abuse.
Oh, I know the difference. It is annoying how many other people don’t.
I should test the woman who got my ‘Tristan and Iseult’ joke.
Message to young, single footballers (male):
Do not, under any circumstances, go near any unknown female in a pub or anywhere else. Just…don’t. Steer well clear, regardless of “come hither” looks or any other type of come-on.
Be old fashioned and wait for an introduction, preferably from a pal. Or just stand around in a group of many. Don’t buy them a drink. Let the you go girrrrls buy their own. Don’t even look at them if you can avoid it. Better to be a socially awkward dork than sued by a skank.
You might meet the future Ms Right at the pub, just as you might get hit by a meteor collecting the post.
Can Trump End the Ukraine War in 24 hrs?
This war could be ended in 24 hours.
(1) stop all money going to Ukraine,
(2) threaten to freeze all their assets,
(3) threaten to remove Ukraine from SWIFT,
(4) Order Ukraine to honor the Minsk Agreement.
To Russia:
(1) Lift all sanctions
(2) No NATO training or weapons for Ukraine
(3) Ukraine will not be part of NATO
(4) Agree to pay for the damage to Nord Stream
Ukraine has an untrustworthy Government. Their end goal has ALWAYS been to destroy Russia. They were the first state to pull out of Russia and pitched the destruction of the Soviet Union to other member states. Ukraine was NEVER its own country. It became a country and achieved its sovereignty but that was never good enough. They had to start the civil war against the Donbas. If you want this war to continue, then grab a gun and go fight for this most corrupt head of state probably in the entire world.
Which is, as I said. The first warning was well telegraphed and then came the hammer. Instead of biding his time and finding another opportunity he ended up in her garden shed peering through the curtains with the look of some teenager head over heels in love. Then, avoiding the meaning, he accompanies her to the court over the case dealing with her rorting the union coffers. And people continue posting comments emanating from this first class idiot.
This % will increase. Being a pervert has always been a choice. Societies that embrace perversion are on the road to destruction.
Matthew 7:13-29
13 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.
14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.
Failed actor as Nobel Prize winning economist.
Just scrolled back.
Laughable nonsense.
Thanks, JC.
I suppose the crux of my thinking is that without the complete break at just that time America would have turned out a rather different country, and the country that did come into existence has had widespread influence.
Of course it could have been that, had America remained with Britain as a more idealistic daughter, as America grew stronger and more confident, the enlightenment ideas as practical policy might have spread back to Britain as ‘our’ ideas – Britain and America sharing common blood.
Neatly said.
Artificial Intelligence, Democracy, & the Future of Civilization | Yoshua Bengio & Yuval Noah Harari
Yuval Noah Harari
Great point.
It was Lithuania well before Ukraine – in 1990.
This was a bad thing? Jesus H Christ.
Good lord.
Laughable nonsense.
It was Lithuania well before Ukraine – in 1990.
This was a bad thing? Jesus H Christ.
The funny thing about that is that it was after Russia lost WWI before the Bolsheviks reclaimed it and they’ve been a sovereign nation since 1991, after they left the evil Soviet Union.
If they’re not their own country, why purport that Trump can end the war with a settlement within 24 hours?
You just said it wasn’t its own country.
Who were they fighting? Ethnic Russians, 3 million of whom have fled to the WEST since 2014?
Not even close. Biden, Xi, Putin are well ahead.
Rogue formatting, Dot. We get the gist.
The buttons are almost as treacherous as Spellwreck. But I did like Mother Lode’s “verdant demesne”. That’s a keeper (and oddly, enough, my iPad recognises demesne as a word).
Cheers! Bother, I’d better pace myself.
“sniff””sob” The end of Mayerling. It was an excellent day to indulge in a weepy love story with a sad ending. It has been cold, dark and overcast all day.
After such an indulgence, nothing brings you back to earth quicker than having to feed the moochers in the house then brave the cold and drizzle to lock away the poultry. sigh…
I have performed an Odysseus on you zero dick-ticks.
It is a modern myth made up by modern-day conservatives that the American Revolutionary War was not popular.
The total proportion of the US population who served sums up to over 6% of the population. WII saw about 10% serve.
Which for Australia with a population of 26 million, would mean 1.56 million regular army and militia forces.
At most, 20% of American colonists were loyalists. At most 20% of them left for Canada. The rest stayed and became Americans. 4% or less of American colonists were loyalists who left for Canada.
oops, I have wrangled that recalcitrant “r”.
The only point in making money is, you can tell some big shot where to go.
– Humphrey Bogart
Really depends upon what you mean by a thing. The subject matter of morality is the good. What is good is what conforms to a thing’s essential nature. Evil is in that respect whatever frustrates a thing’s essential nature.
Variation is exaggerated. There is a great deal of similarity on certain points across time and place (honour thy father and mother, pay respect to the gods/ God, not to kill, steal, etc). Still, variety outside of these broad general principles, as well as in specific circumstances due to disagreements about their application in certain concrete situations, etc.
Mrs DeSantis is cute.
And read the jacket.
No worries, Pogria. Been going on a while now…like eleven years.
It’s similar to the Stages of Grief. I think I might be at the Acceptance stage. With a shot of Derision just to keep it real.
Muddy, email me at [email protected]
What is a dot?
Noun – A small round mark or spot.
Verb – Mark with a small spot or spots.
Says it all really.
Not at all. If you’re discussing sentencing you should be concerned with what is just under the circumstances. The justifications of imprisonment and its deserved duration are going to be very similar to what apply in discussions of corporal or capital punishment. What is instructive is how little this actual was involved in clamour to remove either in the post-WW2 period.
J1 – THE ANNIVERSARY OF THE BLM INSURRECTION AT THE WHITE HOUSEThe marxist presstitutes downplay this abomination
I despise Rick Blaine for fighting with the Loyalists.
Ilsa was right to leave him.
I don’t think coup d’etat is quite the correct description of what happened in the US in 2020- it was actually a strike by the state against the people.
I will get to email swapping in the morning.
Daily Mail
Piggies squealing at the trough. Courier Mail:
One would have to wonder what role Tony Abbott played in this. (HT Plibbers, Tim Blair)
I was thinking more along this line.
Shooting my arrows through your zeroes to increase the up-ticks. 😀
Tariffs were a very small part of the issues which caused the American Revolution. The ‘Boston Tea Party’ was a minor protest in the bigger picture.
An excellent primer of what did cause the rebellion is the Declaration of Independence. Considering how clearly they laid it out for the world it is amazing how little their cause is apparently understood.
See also the Coercive (Intolerable) Acts of 1774, a series of punitive measures that were intended to cow the American population into obedience.
Stamp Act 0f 1765. The first British parliamentary attempt to raise revenue through direct taxation of all colonial commercial and legal papers, newspapers, pamphlets, cards, almanacs, and dice.
The 1691 charter of the Massachusetts Bay Colony was abrogated and the colony’s elected ruling council was replaced by a British military government.
The Townshend Acts are probably the best evidence of tariffs being a specific causal factor.
Bugger, I am still getting used to the lap top. Try this.
Went into the CBD today for a spot of shopping. Sportscraft and DJs are having a sale. Ended up buying a mint green faux leather skirt from Saba, quite beautiful, very chic.
Decided to walk down to Circular Quay to get the ferry back (I’m housesitting for my sister, minding her puppies). I’ve been hankering for some decent ice cream since the discussion on these pages yesterday and there’s a very good Italian Gelateria at the Quay called Zini Gelato and the ice cream is effing delicious. Decided to walk in and get a cone with two big scoops of very volcanic dark chocolate gelato that reminded me Vesuvius (I’m channeling my inner Nigella). I sat down and scoffed the lot, you see, good ice cream, unlike commercial ice creams, is not a assault of sugar on the taste buds and palate, it was sweet but not drenched in sugar and so it wasn’t jaw achingly sweet. I sat reading my book after I’d finished eating the cone and a couple with a small child sat next to me. The small child smiled at me and I thought, how nice. I then decided to check my lipstick before I embarked on the ferry and when I looked in the mirror I realised why the child smiled at me, my mouth had a ring of chocolate ice cream around it!
Further to “sexual touching”, about thirty years ago I was at a nightclub when a man grabbed my breast, I smacked him so hard on his face that he recoiled in shock and I said “don’t you ever, ever do that to a woman again”. I doubt he ever did such a thing again, such was his shock. That’s how you deal with inappropriate sexual touching, but what do I know….I’m just a girl who was brought up with a strong mother and first and second wave feminism, which was all about empowering women. Now all girls wanna be are victims.
Need to feed the puppies, they’re yelling at me!
Well said Zatara.
In the censorship age, Currency Lad is one of Australia’s few undimmed online thinkers about history and much else that has been forgotten or sent to the sin bin with the rest of free thought.
Thanks for popping in, CL.
PS: the 2020s will be remembered in the West for little else but the return of fascism to refight the world war the fascists lost in the 1940s.
Cassie – you’ve know Liz, my erstwhile sister, she had the same attitude.
known …
This will not age well.
Because those sheltered workshop ‘tards got it right in 2007 with CMOs, right Anakin?
Bukele has also made El Salvador a safe country – albeit with strong-arm tactics, but he’s turning things around.
“Err well, you’re not going as badly as we thought but you should really hold these paper dollars that lose value every year…”
The government is buying 1 BTC a day, their GDP is on track to be above the historical average, and international loans are being paid back…
Some actual analysis, instead of boomers caterwauling about how great the US Federal Reserve’s programmed failure is.
Yeah…central bankers being made redundant by 5G. This is a conspiracy theory I can get behind.
Abortion rates are down five-fold during Putin’s tenure. It’s 111th in the world, is over a third less than the US, and under AUS by 3 per 1000.
Have you received my email of late Friday for Top Ender please?
I can re-send if necessary.
absolutely correct on how to deal with grabby guys. Late seventies and all the eighties I spent going to pubs, clubs and various music venues. It was par for the course that you would be groped at least once during the night. We never held back. We girls of that era punched, kicked and lashed out any way we could. It never occurred to us to call the police and complain. Very occasionally we would report any particularly foul and/or violent creep to management. That was it. Mostly, other blokes would deal with said creeps when they saw what was happening.
He’s the best writer in this country. His headlines are invariably works of art, while the text frequently has me looking up the dictionary.
A prophet without honour. We are blessed to have him among our online community.
I say this, having crossed swords with him on many an occasion.
Muddy, will pass it on in the morning.
I find it difficult not to love our own delightful Christian Elephant. Having been squished between his mighty toes myself.
ETU general secretary Peter Ong said the union’s opposition to uranium and nuclear energy was a longstanding position that dates back to members experiencing the horror of the bombings in Hiroshima in World War II.
If they experienced “the horror of the bombings in Hiroshima” then they were on the wrong side.
Posturing poltroons.
Top Ender.
Thanks, just done.
Just sent it straight to Top Ender, thanks.
I will email you an unrelated post submission later this week.
In “water wet/fire burn” news..
Husbands with Much Higher Incomes Than Their Wives Have a Lower Chance of Divorce
It isn’t hard to deal with stupid men with hands that stray and prey. I despair today, seeing so many young women, attired in not just “sexy clothes” which many of us loved and still love, but clothes that completely and utterly sexualise these young girls, and so many of them have these ghastly cosmetically injected lips which make them look like scary freaks from a gothic horror movie, all of this is Kardashian porn inspired, many fantasise about being “porny” but then they run to the police because some stupid imbecilic male gropes you………………FMD.
Calli is right above, parents need to tell their sons to stay away from bars and clubs.
June 4, 2023 at 5:35 pm”
Yep, agree. I’m the same era.
This is so fanciful I can imagine Peter went through TAFE as an intersectional blue-haired “lesbian”.
My link says it’s the highest.
Here, I repost the link. And it appears to be up to date.
Let’s have a look at your data.
So what is his position on bayonets? Or perhaps swords?
Using WWII Japan as your hook for horror has its drawbacks for anyone with an education or a memory.
From your link to the Declaration of Independence.
This is a bit harsh no?
One of the points the Declaration says the King has screwed up on.
Cassie, not about staying away, just being careful. Young people need to socialise and have fun. It’s the same advice I gave to my daughters and even then one of them got into strife with a Micky Finn…fortunately in the company of her older sister. An ambulance was called.
There are predators everywhere, and they aren’t just grotty old blokes in dust coats.
Cassie – that is a little bit prudish. I’m a man who has always enjoyed the company of aesthetically pleasing women.
Flattery and Flirting will always keep women and goils intersted, so to speak. They love being flattered and they enjoy flirting.
If the sons stock up on those two skills, they’ll also enjoy the company of young women as always intended. Without all the sexual harassment allegations.
For if there’s war between the sexes, then there’ll be no people left …
June 4, 2023 at 5:42 pm
ETU general secretary Peter Ong said the union’s opposition to uranium and nuclear energy was a longstanding position that dates back to members experiencing the horror of the bombings in Hiroshima in World War II.
If they experienced “the horror of the bombings in Hiroshima” then they were on the wrong side.
Posturing poltroons.
Australian PoWs captured in Malaya/Singapore/Java were present.
Here’s Foreign Policy Magazine discussing Russia’s abortion rate.
Cassie of Sydneysays:
June 4, 2023 at 5:44 pm
It isn’t hard to deal with stupid men with hands that stray and prey. I despair today, seeing so many young women, attired in not just “sexy clothes” which many of us loved and still love, but clothes that completely and utterly sexualise these young girls, and so many of them have these ghastly cosmetically injected lips which make them look like scary freaks from a gothic horror movie, all of this is Kardashian porn inspired, many fantasise about being “porny” but then they run to the police because some stupid imbecilic male gropes you………………FMD.
Youn forgot to mention going out drinking in a short white dress and no knickers (and the subject of a bra has never been mentioned in that particular case).
I get stuff sent to me on Tik Tok that is outrageous. Sure it isn’t pornography per se but it’s enough to make you blush then you cringe as you ponder to yourself holy s^%&, I reckon some of these gals are underage.
This channel is terrible. (tiktokgirls9000)
What’s the point of this video other than to fish for sugar daddies? Get attention for having decent legs?
I’ve aged out into a Gen X. I just don’t get this.
I think my sugar baby theory might be right, apparently, people use Instagram to date now, not even tinder. “You’ve got to have Insta game, bro. Download my app to maintain virtual frame, bro.”
The first result I googled. Article published last month. Ignore the scammy pick-up artist sales crap and just click through to the article.
When I went back to uni, a girl I became friends with started asking if I knew anyone interested in a sugar baby. I’m glad that I couldn’t afford her (insert Jack Reacher quip).
Varying levels of gall and delusion that you can turn back into a trad wife for Tom Le Bron Brady Depp Hemsworth Kennedy.
Extremely based.
Nope. Proclamation of 1763
OK for you but not for us? Did the Brit “landowners” in those Indian territories give up their lands? Do we really need to ask?
But hills of beans have been cheaper ever since.
You forgot …
Mother Lode – The poor cockie sounds like he has beak-and-feather disease. It’s a bastard of a virus.
My first arm cockie had it. He looks only a bit fluffy in the photo, then over months lost his body feathers. Eventually died of hypothermia one wet and rainy night, it was sad. I’ve seen rainbow lorikeets get it too.
Yes, that figure may be construed as constituting a “human tragedy” but I no longer believe “official figures” about anything, JC.
The fat fascist f*cks may as well be bleating that an indeterminate number of angels can dance of the head of a pin, or that the sky is bleu. Regarding the latter, I’d still walk out into the backyard to see for myself.
Zat, I was kidding around that the guys who wrote the Declaration don’t sound too woke. 🙂
I’m trying to figure who won out in the end. LOL
Just so it’s clear in my mind, the Brits were encouraging the Indian tribes to maraud through where the settlers resided – presumably the settlers partial to cutting the cord.
This means that of the women inside of the average man’s dating pool (based on age 18-44), more than 10% of them are actively or have been sugar babies in the past.
Dubai porta pottys, slightly shop soiled, why dont you man up now shes announced she doesnt do those sort of things anymore…
How long before “sexual staring” is a crime.
How long before “sexual texting ” is a crime.
Oh wait, under that disgraceful former so called Liberal government here in NSW, the former joke of an AG, Mark Sleazeman, introduced this pernicious law..
“New section 61H underscores that everyone has the right to choose whether to participate in sexual activity, that consent is not to be presumed, and “consensual sexual activity involves ongoing and mutual communication, decision-making and free and voluntary agreement between the persons”
Oh yes, just before a man ejaculates in me, I’m going to withdraw consent and then I’ll run to the police to say “he been raped”.
What a joke.
Okay then, but if the Russian government is fiddling the official stats, then it stands to reasons they would be manipulating the numbers down and not up as there’s only gain for them if the figures came in lower.
Sorry to be so blunt in my comment above and if you’re squeamish about the sexual act, well, just scroll.
Exactly so. An early use of asymmetric warfare.
Isn’t Speakperson the leader of the ‘opposition’ in NSW now? What an effing joke.
JC – I don’t give a rodent’s which way they are “adjusting the figures”.
Unbelievable those figures will remain, regardless.
Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity says:
June 4, 2023 at 1:14 pm
“So, what I’m hearing from you is…”
So what is his position on bayonets? Or perhaps swords?
The British Royal Air Force in fact had stopped bayonet training by 1982 when the Falklands war began. Guy Bransby was an officer serving with the RAF Regiment of ground attack airmen at the time: he presumed that “some high-ranking theorist had no doubt decided that we were all far too technological by then for such primitive behaviour.” Modern Western society has slowly but surely misunderstood the reality of combat…here is the revelation of its reality. Bayonets were indeed used in the Falklands, and Nora Stewart’s study of unit cohesion in that campaign notes with perception that:
Here on a modern high-technology battlefield with satellite communication to faraway capital cities, napalm, space-age weapons that destroyed bunkers in a moment, night-vision goggles, jets and submarines, here, in half light, in trenches and foxholes, men lunged at each other with bayonets in the same dreadful manner that combatants in log forgotten wars over countless generations had done so many horrifying times before.
Sqeamish? This is squeamish.
Living on my lonesome at the moment. Have to get my laundry done because I can’t work the machine. Never operated an washing machine in my life. The ironing lady is sick and I had to take my crap to the laundry today because the pricks won’t pick up and deliver.
Not sure if I’m having pizza or Chinese dumplings tonight.
I will need a personal demo, thanks Cassie.
“he been raped”
that should be “he raped me”!
Okay, but should I have a pizza or dumplings?
Depends if he’s ugly.
“Okay, but should I have a pizza or dumplings?”
Well both are yummy, but I’d prob go for the pizza.
the Brits were encouraging the Indian tribes to maraud through where the settlers resided
Remember “last of the Mohicans”.
Both “sides” in the war of independence used their “pet” tribes as a form of “green men” to attack loyalists/rebels.
Which followed on from the French/English doing the same a decade or 2 before.
First-world problem, JC. Remember when half of Africa was starving because their rulers had stolen most of their national wealth?
PS: go with the pizza — you know what you’re getting.
Geez JC.
Be adventurous, go outside your comfort zone, cook!
Order some (raw) bacon, eggs, and steaks delivered. Only a highly trained military “chef” could fark that up.
Cass, we’re all adults here, except of course for Eddles, who has a mental age of nine.
Unless he’s just snifted some mighty quantity of gypsum, gifting him the mental capacity of a T-Rex that’s just blundered into a tarpit in the Yucatán Peninsula, while watching a cute li’l Chicxulub asteroid crash into the aforementioned locality.
After which much hilarity did ensue. 🙂
On squeamishness…I suspect some of us get the drift. 😀
On meeting The One…
Myself – Bible Study leader. Not allowed these days because much older and WWC restrictions
D1 – Christian camp (see above)
D2 – intro via friendship group, location…pub.
New Broom – dumped friends because beautiful girl across the room in…pub
Hmmmm. We all have our stories and warnings and restrictions. My takeaway is simply to be aware and be warned. And look at the family behind the object of desire. That might be a clue.
The former. Don’t hold back on the ideally liberally administered pineapple pieces, Squire. 🙂
How DARE you assume the victim’s pronouns!
Zat, don’t be outlandish. I can’t even use a oven. Microwave is by best.
I’ve been abandoned. That’s how I feel. Totally abandoned to fend for myself.
I’m hiring Cronkite for a divorce over cruelty being left to fend for myself. It’s pork and prawn dumplings (separate order of course and not combo) with some steamed bok choy.
One Ong doesn’t make it right.
Make some prawn rice paper rolls, quick, easy to make and delicious.
Only do takeaway Asian, you know it makes sense.
Or the perpetrator’s pronouns for that matter!
Shame, Catallaxy Latham.
Victim posting.
We’ve all been there. We know your pain.
And then they all froze to death the following winter.
The End.
Nearly midwinter here. Grab a dal makhani or go the pizza.
Whilst American colonial history is outside my normal reading, IIRC the British Parliament was trying to recoup costs for defending them in the French & Indian War.
Viet and Thai stuff is great in the heat though.
I was barracking for the dumplings.
Haha. Classic!
Thank you.
If you look at your link the data for Russia is 2004.
Begun by the inadvisable actions of a Virginia militiaman named George Washington.
The ironing!
I’m sure there’s a low IQ tradie nearby who could help you with these complex yet low skill , repetitious tasks.
JC a large BigMac Meal with a cool ridge water is ok now and then.
eeeeew. Even in jest, a guy saying he can’t manage on his own is gross. Some of the sexiest images in the world for women are, a guy chopping wood is number one, pushing a vacuum cleaner and loading the dishwasher/washing machine at number two, and cooking a decent meal
at number three.
On the subject of real men, SBS has a doco at 7.30 tonight about the finding of Shackleton’s Endurance.
Speaking of history.
My wife just yelled out from the kitchen “Who or what was Beowulf?”
I blame the vaccines.
I’m guessing it’s not so much can’t, as can’t be bothered.
And there’s nothing wrong with that.
Steve Milloy has been tirelessly exposing the fraud in nuclear safety policy which goes back that far also. The proto-Greens had been using the same Lysenkoist methods to hype nuclear scares far beyond the science. Now some of that stuff is being called to account.
Emails Reveal: Bureaucrats censor radiation risk science fraud by cancelling whistleblowers; Huge implications for nuclear power and more (3 Jun)
You have to read the whole thing to see how the modus operanti about the nuclear energy scares is so like the stupid global warming thing, and also Covid and anything going against the Hive’s sacred doctrine. The undermining of science of nuclear safety was the very first: they were successful in ramming the linear no-threshold model through as the official basis despite the actual data supporting the hormesis model. And that has been used to scare the pants off ordinary people for the last sixty years. “No amount of radiation is safe” they then squawked hysterically, which is a lie. Totally fraudulent, very political and just like globule worming rubbish and Covid rubbish. It really annoys me as a scientist to see this abhorrent corruption of my profession for such pseudoreligious mummery.
Early George:
Mr ‘I cannot tell a lie’ Washington may have been a progenitor of the military-industrial complex! The founder of the Deep State! Stay tuned for a doctor’s opinion! Subscribe!
And the French & Indian War sparked to the Seven Years War, arguably the first world war.
The French and Indian War was a continuation of the interminable wars the Brits prosecuted against the French.
Anglo-French War (1746–1763) – also known as the Carnatic Wars
Anglo-French War (1756–1763) – part of the Seven Years’ War and its peripheral conflicts
Anglo-French War (1778–1783) – part of the American Revolutionary War and its peripheral conflicts
The American colonists paid for ‘protection’ in the French and Indian war by providing the majority of the men who fought it and the food/gunpowder that sustained them.
That’s a huge drop from 2004 to now. Foreign policy reckons it was around 48 in 2017. From 2017 to now, it’s cumulative 73% drop.
You think your numbers are credible? Why? Honest question.
Things can get a bit desperate by Sunday night irrespective of kitchen skills. Chorizo and scrambled egg was an old standby or a carbonara from scratch (no cream of course).
At the Core is one of Larry Niven’s most awesome short stories!
Ok, probably not that Beowulf though.
Spits on ground.
He was a Federalist, weren’t he?
I rest my case.
reheated pizza from last night here
Sunday nights so anti-climactic
Why not a high IQ one? Why the assumption that tradies are low IQ? Sure, Trans doesn’t help on that score but one of many doesn’t make a rule?
I’ve never shown an interest to learn, that’s all.
Speaking of history.
My wife just yelled out from the kitchen “Who or what was Beowulf?”
I blame the vaccines.
Was it an episode of Jeopardy?
Just can’t escape the rhythms of the week. Even when I was in 1st class I had that Sunday afternoon feeling
Gez, I invite you to my neck of the woods to speak with some like minded people in regards to your issues with power lines. Next Saturday
Daily Mail.
This is almost as laughable as when your disclosed you couldn’t work a screwdriver to install a flat pack shelf.
If DeSantis can’t beat Trump in his own state what is the point of this run?
How bad are the Stupid Phucking Liberals that this dickface is elected time and again? Hun:
Words fail.
Goodness me.
Etherdun supporters are carrying on like they’ve all won Powerball because their team, which is mathematically in the top eight, defeated another crew which is 17th on the ladder and won two matches out of twelve.
By a solitary goal.
They’ll all be rolling back to their traditional supporter bases in Moonee Ponds, Hoppers Crossing and Melton full of temporary good cheer.
I was Beowulf in my First Year High School Play. The Demon whose head I tore off was also a girl.
The Year one boys didn’t pass the audition process. ’twas really funny when I took off my helmet and my braids cascaded down my back and a little voice called out, “mummy, it’s a girl!”
If you want proof Gez, when I have found my old photos, I will email you some scans of said photos.
I think Foreign Policy is using numbers from early 2010s. Credible, yes. Circumstances in Russia, economic and social, dramatically improved over the last twenty years.
Lisa Wilkinson just grooming Britnay
The Steven Bradbury strategy. Got to be innit to winnit. Sometimes everyone else falls down and you are the last one remaining.
Plus pix
I have no idea why you’re talking to me because every conversation you lose you then accuse people of lying . The very thing you do is the very thing you accuse others of.
I’ve never in my life needed to install a shelf and I use a screw driver if I needed – even an electric one that I own. But keep up posting delusional crap , except stop talking to me as it’s pointless that in each discussion your guiding rule is to accuse others of lying. When you’re ready to apologize, come back and talk to me as I’m very forgiving in the right circumstances.
I also note Rabz that the mighty Reds are celebrating 131 years of existence. In honour
Just magnificent
ooh! Lawrence Fishburne is narrating the doco.
Downticked again! How horrible!
Attention downticker/s:
I bathe in your tears, borne of inadequacy and frustrated rage at my level of eternal awesomeness.
Bathe in them. Then I drink them, and several hours later I piss them onto my cane palms and paw paw trees.
Your tears feed my garden. Just so you know.
Sure at Anfield this is great, but with 90k fans tears are ready to cascade down the cheeks.
I bathe in your tears, borne of inadequacy and frustrated rage at my level of eternal awesomeness.
Bathe in them. Then I drink them, and several hours later I piss them onto my cane palms and paw paw trees.
Your tears feed my garden. Just so you know.
Thunderous applause, a worthy interwebs winner for today
BB agreed. I still have some of my relatives still suffering in rural Vic that aren’t Dan fans.
My 2c worth, WTF is Presutto is doing hunting down so called indiscretions in his own party? Go on a platform that Dan Andrews will be subject to the mother of all corruption investigations. LOL get Kel Glare as an investigator and Mark Weinberg KC to run it.
Andrews makes Bjelke-Pietersen look like a rank amateur.
The Québecois call the series of Anglo French wars from the 1600s to the 1800s, the Intercolonial Wars.
I think the Seven Years War would have happened regardless of whether or not George “Dubya” Ashington started World War Zero, or “WWI Beta test”.
He was part of the Federalists, known to members as “The Project for a New Ascendancy of Columbiaites”. A very evil man indeed.
From Mother Lode at 3:24 pm. It was the old Hollywood with the movies from the 30s, 40s and 50s that spread these ideals of freedom and citizens rights to the entire world. Sadly though the world also got to see and adopt the 60s, 70s and onwards Hollywood’s attack on its own people and history.
I crave down ticks.
Make it so, Mr Dover.
egg_ and Salvo are brothers.
Crikey, in clips ch7 are curating, they’re painting our Britney to be an airhead – then again, from everything we’ve seen & every public appearance made by our Britney, you’d be hard pressed to be able to show her as anything but a total airhead.
Tolkien did a magnificent translation of Beowulf, in alliterative verse:
On went the hours:
on ocean afloat under cliff was their craft.
Now climb blithely brave man aboard;
breakers pounding ground the shingle.
Gleaming harness they hove to the bosom of the bark,
armour with cunning forged then cast her forth
to voyage triumphant,
valiant-timbered fleet foam twisted.
He repeated the style in LOTR and the poetry of the Rohirrim.
Forget Brittney. Lawrence Fishburne is the way to go tonight. Also, the Captain of the Icebreaker has a Seff Effrican accent.