Love you all. Sleep well.
Love you all. Sleep well.
Marianne Faithfull – The Ballade of Lucy Jordan (1980) 45 years.
Many have commented similar, regards his likely predilection.
FT: Sudan says it has agreed deal for Russian naval base
When the man comes around https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWTjZgNJOc0
There is room to add a splash of Monica Lewinsky to the recipe too. Her legacy is assured and immutable which probably hasn’t occurred to her yet.
On the bright side of things, it is only the disgusting people that are paying any attention these days.
“This Captain Darling?”
No, this one
Thirty percent of young people want to be watched by Big Brother
They have not yet learned history. If they fail to do so they shall experience history repeated the hard way.
“History as a sexually curious cactus plant” is our future.
Yeah, let’s give it a couple of months first. No rush!
For Dilbert fans.
This link shows every daily strip since the first one on Sunday April 16, 1989 up until the last one on Sunday March 16, 2023, after which they become paywalled.
Nova Kakhovka Hydroelectric Dam possibly blown up in the Ukraine. I just had a squiz on Google Earth … a lot water behind it.
Major Dam Collapses in Ukraine – LIVE Breaking News Coverage (Nova Kakhovka Dam Destroyed)
The Australian contribution to D–Day
6 Jun 2019 – Lachlan Grant
The stories of the Australian men and women who participated in the battle of Normandy aren’t well known, yet more than 3,300 Australians were active in the D–Day landings (2,800 airmen, 500 sailors, and small numbers of men and women serving with the British Army), while thousands more served during the subsequent Normandy campaign. Thirteen Australians were killed on 6 June, but the campaign lasted beyond that one day. On 7 June, 20 Australian airmen were killed; on 8 June another 22 died, and the losses continued until August. In fact, more than 1,100 Australians were killed in Europe in the build-up to and during the Normandy battle (April–August 1944). To this day, June 1944 remains the costliest month in terms of casualties in the history of the RAAF.
Footage of the collapse here.
I quick search revealed some damage in November last year.
Thank you, P.
It was never claimed by indigenous people either, or they would need to stop referring to themselves as custodians of the land.
Not only has she shredded her own attempt to garner serious j’ism cred, but she also has a reputation as
being “hard to manage”. Not Andrew O’Keefe style “hard to manage”. That is, getting on the juice, abusing junior staff etc. They could usually dry him out enough to keep a back-log of game show episodes in the can. But she is in the “Epic Defamation Suit hard to manage” category.
The TeeVee career is over.
The Nein bridge is burnt to a crisp.
She is sitting in the by-passed salary man section at Ten until the contract time-expires.
And, if Sunday night’s televisual feast is anything to go by, she isn’t held in high regard at Channel Stokes.
And, sorry Darl, but your time at Dolly has permanently scuttled any chance of a gig with Aunty or SBS.
I see the odd ghost-written vitriol piece for the Saturday Paper, but that is about it.
Who knows, maybe the “Who Do You Think You Are?” franchise might do a spin off series which would suit … “Who The Fck Do You Think You Are?”
Well hey it’s on BrOSINT, so now I believe it.
And the denial is certainly something, with the Russian occupation mayor of Nova Kakhovka claiming that everything is quiet and calm.
Tax dollars at work .. LOL!
Just received in the mail an A3 2xdouble sided full colour glossy publicity blurb from Dai Le to Fowler residents with 29 photos all of which include her .. taking up 90% of the pamphlet .. other than that just a few lines of we-is-here-for-you good cheer ……..!
She’s not unipardee, I approve.
The things is, contra Santamaria, right-liberals thought that the economic stuff doesn’t bleed into the social stuff, but it clearly does and it obviously has over the last 40 or so years. If they’re are trade-offs, we need to make the right choices and not the same ones we made over that time period.
The teaching used to be that they were the guardians of the land, they were “of” the land, but they DID NOT own the land.
Who would say that? There are a few social problems I can list regarding family formation that are the result of economic mismanagement.
Seems that DILBERT link fell flat .. try again .. LOL!
Who knows what’s really disinformation and not.
What sorta stuff used to be in Dolly? I always imagined it was advising where to get abortions sort of stuff or is that my lurid imagination?
If they wanted to showcase their journalistic creds they should both of them get a large display cabinet and put in every award they have received – right back to the ribbon for under-13’s runner up in the 100m freestyle, and somewhere very visible have a little placard for “Walkley Award”. Then when people come to visit they can point to the empty space.
Santa’s life would make a good play.
There’d be a scene in Wilson Hall around 1936 at Melbourne University with Santa ranged against the communists supporting the popular front against Franco. ‘Viva El Christo Rey !’ Followed by pandemonium. What a man.
I reckon this dude is heading for the 10 storey hotel balcony drop off they do so well over there.
Now TASS confirms the dam has collapsed.
Hours after the Ukrainians said so.
Quick Dimitri, hurry the f..k up. The Uber’s waiting.
Our greatest Australian.
Monash, no. Participation award only.
I saw rumours of this this morning. I’m not sure why the Russians would blow a dam that would actually flood some of their defensive line and make the delivery of water to Crimea difficult as well as cooling water for the ZNPP further upstream problematic (apparently, it also produced energy for use at the plant. Everything points to the Ukrainians doing this as a part of their offensive operations; as it will likely lower river levels upstream and make crossing attempts easier to navigate. The footage of the break in the dam is incredible, as is the strike.
Brucey earlier …
Not if surveyed properly.
The question is loaded to gaslight the respondent.
“Oohhh, if I say no, am I excusing domestic violence?”
True story.
Credit where credit is due. Steve T. broke the story here first.
I’ve been meaning to take a more detailed look at Santa because he is the closest thing to a Buchanan-like political figure we’ve produced since WW2.
Dover, how close do you think we are to Russia using a tact nuke? Percentage.
Well, that’s </em an argument that brooks no return of serve.
Good. It needed emphasis!
So, two Australians who faced the death penalty now granted clemency in Vietnam – Just after a Tennis Elbow visit………………Hmmmmmmmmmmmm. Very lucky two people that had nothing whatsoever to do with an Australian PM visit.
ABC Gnus has it all.
Without knowing whos done the dam demo job yet.
1: As mentioned, makes a crossing further up easier.
2: Makes area downstream a nightmare for attacking forces for months.
So either side has a motive, depending on their tactics for the next couple of months.
It’s greater than 0, and anything greater than 0 is a problem. Whatever hit the dam was large.
Dot says:
June 6, 2023 at 1:41 pm
Who knows what’s really disinformation and not.
Just looking at old cars. How cool is this?
Packard Boat-tail Speedster.
You just know a couple in it would be dressed for an elegant tea dance. Or a bank robbery.
nice summary Cassie, as usual.
Prompted me to go and watch plibbers squirm.
Good on that reporter for pushing the issue. “That’s all very nice, now how about you answer my question”.
dover0beach says:
June 6, 2023 at 1:58 pm
>as is the strike
Link broken… are you saying an explosive strike caused the breach ?
Interest rates will keep going up as there is about to be a wage inflation spike. Watch this space.
easy enough to independently verify these days — unless the Russkies or someone is sanitising all the satellite photo data.
Looked ok on June 5th
She’s got a hide like a rhino. Asked a direct question twice, dissembles and then whinges that the Libs won’t answer questions.
Finally admits to talking to Higgins (because she knew there would be a trail) but pretends it’s a “welfare” call. Bull.
Meanwhile, Beetroot Man is there grinning ear to ear. Nothing to laugh about – his stupid boss bought the whole thing hook line and sinker.
Not good news for trusted bloggers.
The Beetrooter is a natural for Breakfast TV. He’s a retail politician.
Bruce of Newcastlesays:
June 6, 2023 at 12:36 pm
It’s amazing how insane things are getting. Get a load of this:
Nearly 30% of people under 30 support government surveillance cameras in every home: poll (5 Jun)
Roughly three in 10 Americans under 30 favor “the government installing surveillance cameras in every household to reduce domestic violence, abuse, and other illegal activity,” according to the results of a new Cato Institute survey.
Have them watch this 15 minute short film. It’s not that far-fetched.
A man lives in a society where citizens police each other with their mobile phones. | Utopia
duncanm says:
June 6, 2023 at 2:29 pm
>Looked ok june 5
And today June 6
URGENT: New South Korean Study Identifies High Rate of Severe Myocarditis Cases
“These spring rolls are actually pretty good.”
About sums up commercial TV news and current affairs.
Philip Lowe and the boys aren’t going to die wondering.
It depends on what the objective was. If it was to cause as much damage and dislocation as possible then, yes, it worked very well.
Did lockdowns work? The verdict on Covid restrictions
Instagram lifts ban on presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. after he was booted for anti-vax comments
Dr Faustus says:
June 6, 2023 at 11:05 am
In Reality Bites news:
Power prices to take years to fall and Albanese’s bill cut pledge at risk by lack of green energy
Electricity prices will take years to return to pre-Covid levels as the nation fails to build enough green energy, business leaders warn.
When I looked at the many comments on this ridiculous piece there was not a single one who bought the lie that power prices will come down. In fact they will never come down EVER, even if, by some miracle, a proper thermal power plant ever gets built. The vandalisation of the electricity grid has passed the point of being reversible.
That piece illustrates the role of the mainstream media as propaganda agents for the malignancy of government. Keep the masses believing that you can improve their lives and they will swallow the story and thank you for it. It’s just like the bit in 1984 about the good news of the chocolate ration being increased to 10 grams with no mention that the same government had reduced it the week before. The OZ may not be quite as blatant as the Age but they all do it.
And in other surprising news, the Age published a letter yesterday castigating them for unseemly gloating over the BRS affair. Either they have some self awareness or more likely, the letters editor missed it because they were sick with the plague or monkey pox.
still saying ~ 1 per 100k incidence rate. Nothing too new.
Lowe probably knows he is on the way to spend more time with the family anyway. Chalmers can go full Whitlam.
“Genius tier” comments on inflation.
Jim Stanford
10 references to wage growth, tight labour markets & rising unit labour costs in today’s #RBA statement on its 12th interest hike in 13 mos.
0 references to profits, margins, or mark-ups.
The RBA sees only 1 side of the street. So workers pay to solve inflation they didn’t cause.
Mmmyes. Profits cause inflation.
*(That’s only 30 cents per hour in 2023)
New World Odor™
Dr Deanna McLeod, from the Canadian Covid Care Alliance
4 Ways the WHO Hijacked the ?? Healthcare System to Push Covid-19 Vax.
“WHO set the agenda & then our gov’t basically took taxpayer money & paid various experts, before they even knew if the vaccines were beneficial.”
Mullumhillbilly says: June 6, 2023 at 2:19 pm
The Official Fact Checkers™.
The Party would not appoint people as Official Fact Checkers™ if they were not infallible, dear citizen comrade.
The dam was previously attacked in Nov last year, but did NOT look from video like it was totally breached. Maybe attacker decided to have another go?
It’s not too surprising that the cash rate has risen.
The RBA has said at the start of last year that 9% mortgage rates are not out of the question. The cash rates are still low on trend anyway.
Dr Jordan B Peterson
NetZero means ZeroMobility for you, peasants.
Well, if there was any doubt that the Uke offensive was happening, that dam getting blown up removes it. I suspect history will see it as the start of a new phase. Possibly the final phase? It buggers up a lot of the status quo downstream, can’t go on for years more without it being rebuilt if a big humanitarian problem is to be prevented.
If unemployment spikes it’s game over. Time to open the tinned tuna and start bottom feeding.
Dr. Denis Rancourt Unveiling All-Cause Mortality: A Critical Analysis of the Pandemic Declaration and Vaccination Rollout | Ottawa Day One | NCI
This “virtual reality revolution: looks like a daggy fever dream of an old boomer grandparent now.
$5000 for a goofy pair of goggles that make you look as silly as Dexter or Professor Magoo?
I don’t think so.
What is the deal with India? A semi-privatised education system that is on-par with other major Commonwealth countries. They have a space programme. But you still have the odd person with a twitter account describing mismatching spiritual energies of her Aunt Flo and her temple as being a “scientific” explanation. https://twitter.com/SheetalPronamo/status/1665721362403713024
Would sphagnum moss suck up the energy from the temple idol faster?
This is a “scientific” question.
There was always a high chance of this occurring, the pressure in Europe has seen Germany crack.
Property prices have been cruelling business development and commodity (food & utilities) prices have bitten consumers and businesses.
Mortgage rates were always going to go up, look at how mortgages are financed in Australia. Mortgage funding was slowing recently and there’s very little domestic funding for it. If the rates didn’t go up the interest rate parity would have been arbitraged away. The major banks have been previously this year putting up rates regardless of what the RBA was going to do.
A few weeks ago, the RBA said it was holding off on reversing QE with QT (Quantitative Tightening). I don’t get why they couldn’t leave interest rates alone and tighten policy by initiating the QT program.
It’s not a given that raising the o/n rate is actually a tightening.
I must say that the wage hikes (8.5% for the minimum wage and 5.75%) is wonderful to entice manufacturing back into the country. This is the sort of progressive, forward looking policy we need in the country and we finally have a government prepared to act and ensure wages rise even without commensurate productivity gains. Thank God for the current government.
Humphrey was being a glum bear when he said:
We dumped or drove out the previous main industries of manufacturing, but we’ve got barely a handful of companies building the new industries of robotics and AI.
You could upskill all you want in robotics and AI but who would pay you for it? Clicking ML reward buttons for training an AI in a foreign company perhaps.
Where the gubmint hopes to collect tax money in future I do not know.
And letting the world know that she has no principles whatsoever. If she were truly a Republican she wouldn’t accept the position in the first place. As you said, a trougher above everything.
Yeah, but it appears to be a dull and boring recession over there, Dot. It’s not dramatic and we may actually see unemployment not too far away where it is now in Germany.
Here it’s different. These imbeciles just hiked wages massively at would could be the wrong time, with the RBA setting it off with tighter policy than was needed before.
Self, above
June 6, 2023 at 2:44 pm
That vid in link maybe showing a bridge nearby the dam, from Nov 22.
Recent Reuters published aerial snaps show a smallish breach of tens of metres , but a few hours later the breach appears to be x~hundred metres wide and flow is very large.
So cause of breach still unknown.
Direct link to the South Korean COVID mRNA vaccine/myocarditis study.
It’s fully unlocked, you can access the PDF of the journal article as well.
Jae Yeong Cho and others, COVID-19 vaccination-related myocarditis: a Korean nationwide study, European Heart Journal, 2023;, ehad339, https://doi.org/10.1093/eurheartj/ehad339
Death duties and CGT on primary residences, along with an inevitable increase in GST once Taxmania falls to labore.
Get a load of jug ears pretending he’s an economist.
Dr. Denis Rancourt’s presentation clearly shows what was actually happening. It is amazingly informative.
Appeals are costly and it’s not likely Stokes will finance it which means BRS would have to rely on donations* which are unlikely now that he has been defamed further. On the other hand judges like Besanko need to be removed or at least rebuked. Perhaps the High Court is the best option.
*I would donate to the cause if it became an option.
Steve tricklersays:
June 6, 2023 at 2:40 pm
Bruce of Newcastlesays:
June 6, 2023 at 12:36 pm
It’s amazing how insane things are getting. Get a load of this:
Nearly 30% of people under 30 support government surveillance cameras in every home: poll (5 Jun)
Very happy to put a very smelly sock over the CCTV in my home. Should make for a nice video for the Guv’ment Agents………….No CCTV in the Shithouse (Bathroom for those from the USA) please though. LOL
As UKR is never going to give up (given that the US is never going to give up). Period. How long until Putin changes his mind from taking Sth/East UKR to taking it all – by strong military invasion, shock and awe etc…
How’s he going to feel about having a border with Poland/NATO allies?
Further to question by Mullumhillbilly:
ex-CNN talking head Brian Stelter
He’s the WEF’s go-to guy, apparently??
Visionary world class bureaucrats. We certainly are getting what we pay them for.
Incidentally, the latest national minimum wage increase is the largest this century (second highest was 5.67% back in 2006) and .55% higher than last year’s increase of 5.2%.
I certainly would.
It’s the Accord all over again, but without matching productivity gains.
How will he do that? He already tried once, unless it was a feint.
Johnny Rottensays:
June 6, 2023 at 2:23 pm
Interest rates will keep going up as there is about to be a wage inflation spike. Watch this space.
As I said 27 minutes before the cash rate rise was announced. Maybe I should have been a Guru or an ………………….Eco No Mist…………….LOL
He’s probably right. The damage was done long before this. It doesn’t help but.
The recordings of Lisa Wilkinson’s interactions with Brittney Higgins showed Australia not only how base she and her producer, are it pulls back the curtain on the rest of the media maggots. Not a pretty sight. It’s a warning to future manipulators who think they can use the media, they will use you and then spit you out as Brittney soon found out.
Interesting times.
Don’t worry, it’s only 370 bn worth of possibly unserviceable, lower quality debt.
And Indians.
Same as the sub-sea pipeline.
June 6, 2023 at 3:30 pm
How long until Putin changes his mind from taking Sth/East UKR to taking it all – by strong military invasion, shock and awe etc…
How will he do that? He already tried once, unless it was a feint.
Dotty Dot of Dottiness I recommend you read ‘The Art of War’ by Sun Tzu…………………………..Putin has.
Crossie – a good lesson for Bacon fed j’ismists. Doesn’t happen often enough but great when it does.
Slim Cognito, yet they are surprised that polls are telling them the Voice is sinking. The more they push this stuff at every opportunity the more alienated people feel.
I received this RE market report on the weekend’s sales etc. It doesn’t appear to me that things are slowing down in a great hurry.
Sydney is seeing the same thing according to the Monday AFR.
Fixed owner-occupier rates got down as low as 1.59%.
9% principal and interest vs 1.6% interest only would devastate most family incomes.
He’s winning by retreating and blowing up the infrastructure of his “fraternal people”?
I missed that bit. It must have been in Go Rin No Sho.
Top of the market JC. If there’s a collapse it will be like a sinkhole to them. It will flow up the economy.
June 6, 2023 at 3:26 pm
As UKR is never going to give up (given that the US is never going to give up). Period. How long until Putin changes his mind from taking Sth/East UKR to taking it all – by strong military invasion, shock and awe etc…
How’s he going to feel about having a border with Poland/NATO allies?
He just wants a Neutral UKR. The Yanks want otherwise. Who will win? Watch this space. My money is on the Russians.
I’m on neither side so I read both sides of the UKR/RSS opinions. One particular side says he’s been very restrained in his efforts, particularly in relation to civilians (yes I know there’s causalities but there always are… oh sorry not according to last week’s ruling but you know what I mean) – but also willing to attack civillian towns where UKR troops may be based.
9% residential mortgages will be Mad Max territory. Even tinned tuna won’t save you.
And Dot – I think a distinction needs to be made that there’s a difference between Putin not winning in UKR versus Russia losing. They’re not the same thing.
Russia won’t lose any pre-2014 territory but I’ve been saying for months they are much weaker than before the war.
The Chinese Communist Party enjoy this very much. Any MICIMATT idea to weaken Russia to make a future war against China easier has had unintended consequences; in the form of a more influential China.
This is what $1.3 billion buys you.
Biggest concern.?
Even lefties appear to be switching off.
What clear event would count as Russia losing?
Ukraine regaining all territory up to the 2013 eastern border?
Ukraine regaining every hectare it lost and more of ex-Russia besides?
Zelensky playing piano in the State Duma?
It’s hard to gauge the probability of “loss” if you are not precise on how big the loss has to be.
June 6, 2023 at 3:42 pm
Dotty Dot of Dottiness I recommend you read ‘The Art of War’ by Sun Tzu…………………………..Putin has.
He’s winning by retreating and blowing up the infrastructure of his “fraternal people”?
I missed that bit. It must have been in Go Rin No Sho.
Dotty Dot of Dottiness. This is not D Day. This is a far different War. And the Russians will win as the West in Europe and the USA do not have the Industrial resources for any prolonged war. The UKR is fast running out of Manpower and the European part of NATO (apart from the UK) is not really that interested in supporting the Corrupt UKR Clown.
Would anengineering failure of the dam mean we’re looking at reconnaissance by fire, not
FrühlingsSommererwachen?Fixed rate lending shifted a lot of risk from the banks to borrowers. Likewise the requirement for fixed rate building contracts. Arguably in both cases the banks are actually better placed to manage the risks than where they were shifted to.
The industrial base of Europe and America is roughly 30 times the size of the USSR.
Colonel Crispy
I agree, that’s how preposterous it is for anyone to say Russia is going to lose, it may lose in UKR (I doubt it) but the dump US pollies saying we must defeat Russia (without any qualification) is either stupid, alarming or both.
Pillsbezerk strangely silent on Kitching .
Any record of a “welfare check” there.
We also see the standard lefty ink squirt of garbing themselves in a victim groups sackcloth and ashes to garner residual brownie points for herself.
“Ive been an advocate for “x”, yes, when its suited her and the handbag hit squad.
And raising the entirely pulled from her nether regions boilerplate about “only 14%… not enough convictions” etc, what a foul hambeast.
Its like the politican scum making sympathetic noises over housing affordability while owning 1/2 a dozen rentals each.
“I really care because i raised the issue’ is worth 4/5ths of SFA in the real world.
The worm has turned approximately 179.856 degrees.
Try to imagine anyone in the MSM taking the stick to the Liars twelve months ago over Britnah?
Even six months ago just after one juror decided to sabotage an 11-1 not guilty vote in the jury room.
OK, I get that there is a little bit of intra-network rivalry and positioning in Channel Stokes running the Lehrmann interview.
But I smell something else at play. I suspect that there is more very unsavoury stuff lurking in the background. Media types have got a whiff of it and suddenly are rushing away from Britnah to avoid the shit splatter.
Parallels with the Swiss Franc loans that blew up a lot of farmers. Plenty of work for lawyers coming out of that experiment.
Plibbers (and kd wrong) always front and centre when the handbags start whirring.
1) Taxation – ie visible PAYG etc – is un-necessary and only kept as a punitive/nudge measure (you want to buy booze – we tax it, you want to buy ciggies – we tax them too, you want to buy diesel – taxed taxed taxed). If they can fund PART of government expenditure without directly taxing it – eg by borrowing, inflation etc, they can fund ALL of it that way.
2) Inflation itself is a tax (if they print, say, 10% of the existing money supply in a year, but the size of the economy only increases 3%, they just stole the difference from your purchasing power in inflation) – this is the same as taxing it out of you.
Hard to tell from what I saw, and the removal probably indicates the footage was dodgy.
This is the sort of progressive, forward looking policy we need in the country and we finally have a government prepared to act and ensure wages rise even without commensurate productivity gains. Thank God for the current government.
Thank you senior Wolf diplomat ??
After Wong’s outrageous insult to the UK concerning colonialism, I embarked upon a search to identify her families history leading up to their occupation of Sabah and Malaya.
I have found absolutely nothing. Wikipedia is of course a fabrication.
Does anyone have some real information.
I am not a dress
We are women, we are warriors of steel.
Woman is something no man will ever feel.
Woman is not a skill that any man can hone.
Woman is our word and is ours alone.
I am not a dress to be worn on a whim,
A man in a dress is nonetheless a him.
Women are not simply what we wear.
If this offends you, I don’t care.
I am not an idea in any mans mind
And my purpose in life is not to be kind.
So while my rights are trampled every day of the week,
I will not stand by being docile and meek.
I am not defined by sexist lies.
There is more to a woman than that shallow guise.
That guise of dresses, bikinis and skirts.
Those clothes are not what womanhood is worth.
I am not a bitch, a TERF, a whore, a slag,
Hysterical, a witch, a slut, a slag.
NO! I am a woman, I am a female,
Who will not let her rights be put up for sale.
I am not defined by what men are not.
So to hell with cis misogynistic rot.
I am a woman, I am not a subset of my sex.
If this makes me a dinosaur, so be it, I’m a T-Rex!
I am not a bleeder nor a menstruator,
A womb carrier or uterus haver.
Those words and phrases are such a sham.
Just call me a woman, it is who I am.
We are women, we are warriors of steel.
Woman is something no man will ever feel.
Woman is not a skill that any man can hone.
Woman is our word and is ours alone.
14-Year-Old Irish Girl Speaks Out on Biological Reality and Trans Indoctrination to Megyn Kelly
That relationship isn’t so simple as you believe. Japan practiced QE for the good part of two decades off and on, and the inflation rate was relatively minuscule. In fact they were fighting deflationary impulses.
June 6, 2023 at 3:58 pm
This is a far different War. And the Russians will win as the West in Europe and the USA do not have the Industrial resources for any prolonged war.
The industrial base of Europe and America is roughly 30 times the size of the USSR.
This is why you are a T.W.A.T. There is no USSR anymore. Go back to Skool Dick Head. Do you actually have a head? Dot. dot. dot. dot. dot. dot. dot……………….
If the war munitions part of the USA and Europe was so goooooood, then why are they struggling to keep up supplying the UKR?
This is Game Over very soon.
Complete regime change, not just the next neo-Putin but a puppet of Brussels who would change the culture forever. I agree that ceding pre-2014 territory is a non-starter, but that would hardly matter if the US manage to engineer a German-style soft revolution to kill off once and for all Russia’s historically warlike national character. Glasnost but done right this time. That would be the West’s ultimate goal, and if Putin keeps on making wrong moves this might be the end result.
Which reminds something a pal recently said. He reckoned doctors aren’t nearly half as smart as they think they are. He has a Phd in materials science from MIT.
Absolutely bloody hopeless. If it was braindead commercial radio she’d have been punted out onto the street on her house sized backside about a year ago.
LOL. Nothing will have changed. You cannot post pics or report on any damage on UKR terrority without inviting a visit from SBU. Their reporting recently of intercepting Gerans, Kinzhals, etc. is the stuff of memes.
1) And its population is 30x woker, weaker and less prepared for a fight.
2) And they are busy destroying said industrial base with ‘green’ power.
Can you tell my Martin Armstrong made out as though the USSR ending was a bad thing in what you posted yesterday? (He also mistakenly said the Ukrainians were the first to leave, Lithuania was).
Why conflate the USSR ending with a conspiracy to end Russia if they’re definitely not the same thing?
Sure, they’re struggling, but Ukraine annexed Russian-controlled land last year and Russians are reporting on Telegram that Leopard 2s are patrolling near Zaporizhzhia.
How many new Armata tanks have been produced in the last year and a half?
Your link to the strike has disappeared. The Ukrainians got plenty of practice in demolishing large concrete structures in the retreat from Bakhmut. As you say, it would take a very big bang to break a dam.
Cui bono? Beats me. The Zaporizhzhia NPP sits on the reservoir, from which it gets its cooling water, which is still necessary even though the reactors are in standby mode.
Yes, let’s see how things washout in the next couple of days.
June 6, 2023 at 3:58 pm
This is a far different War. And the Russians will win as the West in Europe and the USA do not have the Industrial resources for any prolonged war.
Dotty Dot of Dottiness and all of your hangers on need to listen and watch this bloke. And he is a USA’n
After Overseeing Weaponization Of Government Against Trump, James Comey Frets Trump Could Weaponize Government
An act of Insanity as Zelenskyy orders the destruction of the Kakhovskaya Hydroelectric Dam
June 6, 2023 at 4:22 pm
What clear event would count as Russia losing?
Complete regime change, not just the next neo-Putin but a puppet of Brussels who would change the culture forever. I agree that ceding pre-2014 territory is a non-starter, but that would hardly matter if the US manage to engineer a German-style soft revolution to kill off once and for all Russia’s historically warlike national character. Glasnost but done right this time. That would be the West’s ultimate goal, and if Putin keeps on making wrong moves this might be the end result.
The fat fascist fool has finally reached Cloud Cuckoo Land.
“Victory over Wussia is easy, just provoke a nuclear war, and reduce Wussia to ashes.
Leftards are pacifists for only as long as it is politically convenient, then it is Genghis Khan all the way.
The same bloke prior said it didn’t happen at all.
Putting to one side the fact half of them would never get a start in the first place, the ALPBC tolerance for underperformance is unmatched. The whole place is trading on an undeserved reputation from the 1950s. That is not sustainable.
Isn’t there the little matter of an oath?
Anyway, I wonder what her idea of ‘ceded’ would have been? A big meeting where representatives of the one, united, state of Aboriginal Australia reads a document and, binding upon all Aboriginal people everywhere, signed acceptance of British sovereignty?
It reminds me a bit of how vegans think animals die in the wild.
I doubt Gardner has really thought how ceding territory would be done by a sparse nomadic people. She must be a one of those people such as lawyers can be, or bureaucrats, who think the substance of a thing is in its formal protocols.
It would have been hundreds of little cedings which might not be as spectacular as Gardner immediately associates with the word. If nothing else all attempts to pry back land rights has been done from within the law, which is to say that they are predicated on accepting our current national sovereignty. They have to cede to our right to give it back (or not).
June 6, 2023 at 4:29 pm
This is why you are a T.W.A.T. There is no USSR anymore.
And you selectively do not like this being pointed out. Are you a Leftie or just a Dope? Ignorant more like. And you fink’ that you are an Eco No Mist on this website? LOL You need to go back to a smaller Fish Bowl and stop opening your small gob……………………………..
I did wonder about that Lode.
Honour and integrity are such outdated concepts.
Don’t you mean a T-Regina?
Well said!
Early footage of the breach in the dam.
The left bank is the low side of the river opposite Kherson city; that is, the side occupied by the Russians. One of the reasons they abandoned the city and the right bank was because of the possibility that Ukraine would breach the dam and leave their forces isolated. This was being canvassed before the withdrawal.
Russian fortifications close to the left bank will be flooded. There won’t be much time to re-establish them once the ground dries out sufficiently for an offensive. It looks as though the balance of benefits is with Ukraine.
Who knew slaughtering or expelling all the ethnic Germans in Eastern Europe
was a soft revolution?
If the Russians didn’t have a historically warlike national character,
there would’ve been no need for the Krauts to invade Western Europe. Twice.
Overheard a couple of old guys taking about the Brittany saga over coffee today. This has Wile E Coyote and ACME written all over it.
A friend who is an avid ABC listener and a total Rustadon who can generally be counted on to toe the Liars line told me recently he had a gutful of the ABC banging on about da Voice to the point where he is an avowed No vote.
So he claimed that everything was fine before the situation was assessed, then admitted the strike once the situation was appraised. Sounds pretty sober to me.
Bear, for your viewing pleasure.
Zulu Kilo Two at 4:51 – this is the whole problem for the Mabo judgment, the various common law doctrines that were in force at the time (not second guessed 200 years later) and everything flowing from it. Naturally, you don’t hear it often. Especially in polite circles.
June 6, 2023 at 4:29 pm
This is why you are a T.W.A.T. There is no USSR anymore.
And I will keep saying it Dotty Dot of Dottiness. There is no USSR any longer. Why did you say it? Do you live in a Time Warp in the Cold War or are you just THICK as a BRICK?
I go with THICK as a BRICK………………..lol
Answer the question.
Why in what you posted yesterday did Martin Armstrong (the author) make out as though the USSR ending was a bad, nefarious and underhanded thing (done by Ukraine, where he even forgot about Lithuania leaving first) and make it part of a narrative about the “destruction of Russia”, all planned by Ukraine?
Please explain.
IT have asked me not to click on these sort of links.
Just after the Mabo judgment, a deputation of the local indigenous waited on the local police sergeant. They informed him that “Mabo means we don’t have to obey whitefella law.” I would have liked to have heard his reply.
I still can’t stop laughing. Especially the one where he’s pinned to the cactus and the dynamite is under his nose.
Can’t be too careful about those links.
“Sue” will do.
This needs some more Martin Armstrong to get Dotty Dot of Dottiness and others the shites…………lol
Real Estate, Blackrock & Dodd-Frank
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I have a question about Blackrock buying up all these homes. It seems that the Dodd-Frank bill empowered Blackrock to buy up all of these homes and rent them out. Was this all rigged for their benefit?
Thank you for being a rare light of truth in these dark times.
ANSWER: Dodd-Frank Title XIV establishes minimum standards for all mortgage products. It was a very clever piece of legislation that I would suspect Blackrock had a hand in creating. It prevents making a home mortgage loan unless they reasonably determine that the borrower can repay the loan based on the borrower’s credit history, current income, expected income, and other factors. The solution was to stiffen regulations to trap people into being perpetual renters and in reality shuts them down from ever owning a home. This has created the marketplace for Blackrock. It would be one hell of a coincidence that this provision came from a politician who did not understand the economy. It has the fingerprints of something much more sinister.
The Dodd-Frank Act effectively legislated that banks cannot allow a low-income person to own a home. Obama claimed that to make sure that a crisis like this never happens again, he signed the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act into law which was indeed the most far-reaching Wall Street reform in history. It was pitched that the Dodd-Frank legislation would prevent the excessive risk-taking that led to the financial crisis. Yet it did so by outlawing home ownership for the low-income and trapping them as perpetual rental clients for Blackrock. That was very convenient. Quite a few hands were in the cookie jar on this one. The wording was discriminatory for the potential home buyer rather than targeting the practices of the banks who made the mortgages and resold them. The better way would be to penalize the original mortgage lender for their lack of fiduciary duty than to codify restrictions on the consumer.”
I miss Senile Old Guy. His gravatar was an incinerated Wile. E.
More trustworthy the moles but only a little.
You could answer the question about Armstrong conflating the USSR and Russia.
Look! A Black Rock Hyena!
J’ismists with their fingers on the pulse of the figurative corpse:
Hot on the heels of the following as reported this morning:
Well, duhhhhhh. Both of the above courtesy of the Oz. Hint – both power prices and air fares will continue to remain at unnecessarily high levels due to greenfilth stupidity and economic self harm.
Dot says:
June 6, 2023 at 3:49 pm
Russia …… are much weaker than before the war.
Much weaker? Not sure about that. No doubt that the war has had a financial impact but assorted western figures paint a strange picture. For example, Trading Economics suggest that the GDP per capita has slipped from $US10,216 in 2021 to $10,100 in 2022 whereas both the World Bank and Statista say the 2021 GDP per capita was ~$US12, 200 and the World Bank say the figure will increase to $US15,443 in 2022. (but is forecast to slip to $US14,400 in 2023).
Who knows. I’ve always thought of Russian GDP, whether at a country level or per capita, was cast in the same manner as China – namely, it is what the Kremlin (or the CCP) say it is. Some things can be readily measured by western observers but others…. not so much.
Setting aside the financial element, the other test is the people and their overall ‘contentment’; the availability of fresh foods and other goods; and, whether they can afford to heat/cool their homes, drive their cars, and generally afford the accoutrements of life etc. From everything I have seen on the internet plus the direct reports of family/friends in Russia, life hasn’t changed. Indeed, our family/friends report that new (smallish) factories are opening to feed the demand for assorted goods. More factories means more jobs and more money in the community. And this is just in a small pocket of Russia south from Rostov-on-Don through Krasnodar and Pyatigorsk to the Georgian border. I can’t imagine it’s any different heading north from Rostov towards Volgograd and Moscow and I’m told that St Petersburg and surrounds is booming.
Everybody knows that the rate of goods flowing in from China has increased and the rate of western goods via Turkey (in particular) is a torrent. (Turkish wholesalers, by the way, must be laughing and never want the war to end). But none of this can happen if the people cannot afford those goods. Russians are still travelling overseas to holiday and Turkey, Dubai, Thailand, Indonesia and others are thick with Russian tourists as are assorted destinations in the Caribbean.
So, for the average Russian, life hasn’t changed very much (for some, at all) and for a others, has probably improved with new factories opening and the consequent jobs. Even McDonalds is still open, albeit operating under another name.
We all know that the western media loves to paint a bleak picture of life in Russia but the reality, on the ground, is far different to the western propaganda.
(this is not to downplay the lives lost in the conflict which has caused terrible misery for some families.)
Am I still allowed to read Dostoyevski?
Pence has announced running….. ugh….
More trustworthy the moles but only a little.
I resemble that remark.
Any more slander of my linktopia and Im GORN!!!
Who else would dare give such a link of quality to my people?
The timing is too cute. Wouldn’t surprise me if the Ukes started that little hole, knew it would expand over time and declared the offensive on when they knew it was too far gone to save.
Am I still allowed to read Dostoyevski?
The expurgated versions, where they have happy endings.
What I mean is the Russian conventional military is much less capable.
Having nuclear weapons as your first choice really limits your options. Emigration (roughly 1 million Russians since the start of the war) means a draft has much less potential and you have lost the best-skilled workers needed for modern weapons manufacture and maintenance. The long-term existential threat to Russia (specifically in the Far East) is China. Apart from some drunken fool from MICIMATT, no Westerners seriously want to “end” Russia, it’s a disaster waiting to happen. (Russia as we know it has existed more or less for over 300 years now, fifty years longer than the USA and as long as a formalised Great Britain). A permanently smaller and less capable Russia does not help the West except temporarily in that our politicians clash with Putin. Tacitly enabling China which managed to avoid outright failures of Communism and may never fall as expected does not help the West as their rhetoric has slowly changed from insular ethnic policies to regional domination and exceptionalism. I never believed the “end of history” nonsense, applying it to a nation many times the size of a small Middle Eastern kleptocracy would be insane as it hardly worked in the Middle East anyway.
June 6, 2023 at 5:39 pm
Would anengineering failure of the dam mean we’re looking at reconnaissance by fire, not FrühlingsSommererwachen?
The timing is too cute. Wouldn’t surprise me if the Ukes started that little hole, knew it would expand over time and declared the offensive on when they knew it was too far gone to save.
Hmmmm. Breaching dams and releasing the powerful forces contained by them is legally dubious under the Geneva Conventions. Will you be condemning this atrocious action?
June 6, 2023 at 5:21 pm
Dot says:
June 6, 2023 at 3:49 pm
Russia …… are much weaker than before the war.
Much weaker? Not sure about that. No doubt that the war has had a financial impact but assorted western figures paint a strange picture. For example, Trading Economics suggest that the GDP per capita has slipped from $US10,216 in 2021 to $10,100 in 2022 whereas both the World Bank and Statista say the 2021 GDP per capita was ~$US12, 200 and the World Bank say the figure will increase to $US15,443 in 2022. (but is forecast to slip to $US14,400 in 2023).
I agree Speedbox. Dotty Dot of Dottiness is well out of Order here. Russia is so much stronger now. They don’t go with the Woke West and the LGBTIQWIST Alphabet People. It is an Orthodox Christian Country. Just leave them alone and let’s trade with everyone. After all, we trade with China and they are not always up front with everything………………………..
Yes dams are specifically mentioned in the GC.
A bit of wriggle room though.
Article 53: Dams and Dikes
In addition to the other protections provided by these Rules, combatants shall not make dams and dikes the objects of attack, even where these are military objectives, if such an attack may cause the release of dangerous forces and consequent severe losses among the civilian population.
Dot says:
June 6, 2023 at 3:49 pm
Russia …… are much weaker than before the war.
I don’t think that that you even went to Skool. You should be writing – Russia is much weaker and NOT are weaker……………………..Poor Grammar Dotty Dot of Dottyness………………………FAIL
How is Russia “much stronger” when they have lost over half of their MBTs, artillery, IFVs and tens of thousands(+) [and well as possibly wounded in the hundreds of thousands] of soldiers and over a million young, highly skilled Russians have left since March 2022?
You also refuse to answer why Armstrong conflated the USSR and Russia. You just ignored this on the old Open Forum too. Please answer. 🙂
The vatniks on here can faff on all they like but Russia is in a precarious position, everyone knows that.
The question yet to be resolved in exactly how much the Ukes have left in the tank. They have tried their darnedest to prepare for this offensive in secret and cloak their capabilities. Have they actually got enough blood and treasure left to expend to shift the front back towards 2014 lines, or have they suffered too much attrition already? They probably don’t even know the answer themselves, but they’re going to give it one last shot.
If this offensive fails, the Ukes are deep in the hole.
Hmmmm. Breaching dams and releasing the powerful forces contained by them is legally dubious under the Geneva Conventions. Will you be condemning this atrocious action?
MontyPox Virus, would you arrest the Dam Busters from WW2?
I don’t think that that you even went to Skool. You should be writing….
Sir Joh Bjelke-Petersen rises from the dead!
Yes. Just don’t come here and talk about it. Like soccer.
June 6, 2023 at 5:54 pm
The vatniks on here can faff on all they like but Russia is in a precarious position, everyone knows that.
The question yet to be resolved in exactly how much the Ukes have left in the tank. They have tried their darnedest to prepare for this offensive in secret and cloak their capabilities. Have they actually got enough blood and treasure left to expend to shift the front back towards 2014 lines, or have they suffered too much attrition already? They probably don’t even know the answer themselves, but they’re going to give it one last shot.
If this offensive fails, the Ukes are deep in the hole.
MontyPox Virus – They are Farked……………………….
This Folbigg issue is going to go the way of all issues that the Left deem to have been wrong: make it right by requiring the Australian taxpayer to pay compensation.
This morning some lawyers speculated that Folbigg could be awarded up to $20 million compensation for wrongful imprisonment.
Speedbox, that isn’t necessarily a good thing if the reason these factories are springing up is because (likely government subsidies) Russia is substituting for imports they are import with ease. This has the impact of actually depressing purchasing power, and therefore living standards, if domestic production is more expensive.
mUnty says
Well that seals it for me.
Here is a concise, comprehensive and fairly neutral article on Russia’s economic position due to sanctions.
The conclusion seems to be that the war is going to get so costly that Zelensky and Putin will come to the negotiating table. What has always been on Russia’s side is they entered the war with a debt-to-GDP ratio of “only” around 20%.
June 6, 2023 at 5:52 pm
You are a has been. Dot dot dot dash dash dash dot dot and more dots…………………..lol
they are no longer import with ease.
awarded up to $20 million compensation for wrongful imprisonment
IF you accept shes been the victim of a terrible miscarriage of justice which has seen her locked up for 20 years then Id say she deserves every cent.
Now shes been given the mantle of wronged woman will they charge her and try for a reconviction??
Can they?
This Folbigg issue is going to go the way of all issues that the Left deem to have been wrong: make it right by requiring the Australian taxpayer to pay compensation.
None of her family from either her side or her ex hubbie’s side seem to be supporting her. Strange.
This morning some lawyers speculated that Folbigg could be awarded up to $20 million compensation for wrongful imprisonment.
That’s alright: the legal eagles can only claim a maximum 25% uplift fee.
June 6, 2023 at 5:56 pm
I don’t think that that you even went to Skool. You should be writing
Of course I spelt School incorrectly as ‘skool’ and on purpose just taking the piss out of you from even talking about the USSR. You T.W.A.T.
So STFU as you have NFI
I don’t think that that you even went to Skool. You should be writing
Of course I spelt School incorrectly as ‘skool’ and on purpose just taking the piss
So STFU as you have NFI
Ive kept 1/2 an eye on Russian farm prices for about 10 years or so (as well as US and others).
I expected the prices to crater with the war, if anything they seem to be higher.
One consequence of this is that prior to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, the level of self-sufficiency in essential food products in Russia was relatively high. For instance, according to Rosstat, in 2020, the level of self-sufficiency in potatoes in Russia was 89.2%, 84% for milk, over 100% for meat, 86.3% for vegetables and melons, and 42.4% for fruits and berries.
I suppose it could be wealthy Russkis parking their money at home ?
The war has been a calamity for the Ukrainian people, and a catastrophe for the Russkis, many thousands dead/wounded and a generation of wealth squandered.
With so far China and the Vatican being the only ones trying to negotiate a peace/ceasefire. (after Macron was slapped down by the EU for daring to suggest talks would be good)
Yep. And we are still being woo’d by developers wanting to put 9 units on our lovely large block.
We are very happy to share it in a triplex of three stories with each one the three getting a whole floor Art Deco apartment with its own entrance and harbour views and sharing the garden. Developers are not getting their hands on our ‘parklike’ (sez the treeman) garden nor our orchard planted around the edges, which is doing so well now and beginning to fruit. I also think they underestimate the sort of shrieks and lawfare their development application might incur from the seven other homes that abut our fences.
Keep this in mind, but I think you more or less understood it. Upward moves in asset prices don’t always 100% reflect good things. The German stock market actually rose when the Nazis attacked Russia. There was nowhere really where you could park money meaning it was a flight to safety.
June 6, 2023 at 6:02 pm
Here is a concise, comprehensive and fairly neutral article on Russia’s economic position due to sanctions.
The conclusion seems to be that the war is going to get so costly that Zelensky and Putin will come to the negotiating table. What has always been on Russia’s side is they entered the war with a debt-to-GDP ratio of “only” around 20%.
Dotty Dot of Dottiness. You are deluded. The UKR Clown will never go to the negotiation table unless he was drugged and clamped in irons. He is a Crook and will run away to the Cayman Islands with his loot at the first whiff of defeat – accompanied by all the other crooks and helped all the way by the USA.
So while your mortgage rates and energy prices rocket upwards, Albo and Co are obsessed by da Voice.
Would make a good bumper sticker. Walk around slapping on them on cars in Sydney and Melbourne for a few weeks….
We’re not moving. Out feet first, as we agreed today in discussion with our skin doc who practices in Bondi but lives just up the road from us, while he busied himself with our annual check up. Hairy wore his winter Ugg boots I bought as a surprise for him, chosen willingly today so that he could get undressed and dressed again quickly, hoping he didn’t get spotted in them by anyone he knows. Then it was my turn to stand in my undies and have a big magnifying glass put all over me. Have to select a nice lacey bra and hipster knickers for that. Keeping up appearances, one might say. lol. Only time I care.
Very much symptomatic of the increasing isolation of the political class and their contempt for those that they are supposed to serve.
Thank you for the SFL training video.
Poroshenko was offered asylum by Putin.
Wasn’t Poroshenko the US’s preferred option for a while?
Russia is most definitely not in a stronger position now than before they started the war. Same goes for Ukraine, even more so as they had less to lose.
Lots of people were saying during the Bakhmut standoff that this war would last for a long time, I am not so sure. The Ukes may be 300-level champs but even the 300 got run over in the end. They might just have one more shot.
June 6, 2023 at 6:21 pm
Keep this in mind, but I think you more or less understood it. Upward moves in asset prices don’t always 100% reflect good things. The German stock market actually rose when the Nazis attacked Russia. There was nowhere really where you could park money meaning it was a flight to safety.
I disagree. In times of war in Europe money flees to the USA. That happened in WW1 and WW2.
We started quite a good historical TV series last night – one of those sort where they have actors playing out the scenes and renowned professors offering comment on the scenarios. It was about the lead up to the Eastern Front conflict between the Nazis and Russia, with emphasis on the players, especially Hitler, Stalin and the key generals. It was very watchable so we’ll see the rest of it now. They emphasised how the general population in Berlin had no idea what the Barbarossa push would entail and they were partying as usual, while Stalin refused to accept spy information that the push was coming and for nearly a week when it started he hid out not knowing what to do.
Some few people could see it coming. I wonder what the hell we are sleep-walking into ourselves now.
It’s a perfect shit-storm.
Mortgage rates up.
Energy prices up.
Groceries up.
Their “compassionate” payout of $3 meg to Britnah is blowing up in their faces.
And all Albo can do is scream waaaacist at anyone who isn’t all-in for the Voice grifters.
June 6, 2023 at 6:32 pm
He is a Crook and will run away to the Cayman Islands with his loot at the first whiff of defeat – accompanied by all the other crooks and helped all the way by the USA.
Poroshenko was offered asylum by Putin.
Wasn’t Poroshenko the US’s preferred option for a while?
The US is very fickle when it comes to protecting it’s crooks…………………….lol