You’ve just managed to insult every carbuncle that has ever existed.
You’ve just managed to insult every carbuncle that has ever existed.
You can be sure that whether or not what she did was technically legal or not, many, many other Members…
This article about another giant law firm caving to Trump, is worth looking at just for the photo that is…
In a letter to the ECAJ, Mr Albanese said he would “like to reiterate my public statements – anti-Semitism has…
Putting the Le Pen “witchunt” into perspective …….. !
The drugs to treat diabetes, heart failure, cancer, allergies, autoimmune diseases, antibiotics, traditional vaccines etc etc are useless? The drugs don’t cure these conditions and there is no pretense about that. The drugs prolong lifespan and improve quality of life.
It’s the Australian way.
Heart deaths in Australia
For Tchaikovsky Symphonies you should try my favourite: Igor Markevitch/LSO on Philips. A bit pricy for the full 1-6 new but secondhand sets are a bargain at a fraction of new price.
Don’t ignore 1,2 and 3 which you can pick up as a Philips Duo for $12 via ebay.
Muddy – God. The Left defies God, the Right is based upon Judeo-Christian law and morality. You cannot get the Right to behave like the amoral Left for that reason. Consequently we cannot use the illegal actions the Left does so effectively.
The Left is holding civilization hostage for its aims. The Christian response to that is OK then have it your way, we have our citizenship elsewhere. Which is why the Left is so hostile towards Christianity and Christians.
Big Pharma is not without problems but modern medicine is lost without it.
For the last decade & a half, the argument can be made that big pharma has generated no real benefit.
That is, they have been buying IP & discoveries.
Not generating it internally.
Obviously, once they buy other companies they have to continue to fund the work.
Serious Question…
How many women’s bums did Bob Hawke pinch and how many women did Bob Hawke grope in his time?
Labor legend….nobody does hypocrisy like the left.
Any Cats watched Carnival Row?
Is it worth giving a go?
“The normies are poised to strike back.”
It’s interesting how it’s the migrant communities striking back.
Australians used to label countries in South East Asia as “corrupt!”
John H.
Quite so.
They ameliorate the condition and prolong/improve life.
It doesn’t say on the can “will cure xxxx”.
“Erin Molan referred to atrocities.”
Molan is a media whore, and all round hypocrite.
“How many women’s bums did Bob Hawke pinch and how many women did Bob Hawke grope in his time?”
Well, I’m gonna answer my own question, I think he pinched quite a few bums in his time, and I happen to know one woman whose bum was pinched by Hawke!
Listening to Dai Le on the lockdowns is quite encouraging. Many in her constituency felt like they were back living under the Communists.
“The drugs to treat diabetes, heart failure, cancer, allergies, autoimmune diseases, antibiotics, traditional vaccines etc etc are useless? The drugs don’t cure these conditions and there is no pretense about that. The drugs prolong lifespan and improve quality of life.”
Correct. Without all of the above, we go back to the dark ages of medicine.
I suspect when Blanche goes, they’ll be a lot of stories going out of the wood work.
Especially from those who are no longer ALP connected.
Coming out of the word work.
Not going.
Need more coffee.
Bob Hawke used to be quite partial to Havana cigars – they didn’t suit the image of the little Aussie battler, so there was a ban on him being photographed smoking. He took his butler with him, when he moved into the Prime Minister’s residence…
Sometimes English is a second language to me.
“Sometimes English is a second language to me.”
Sometimes I read things I’ve posted quickly, and I spot a spelling mistake or see that in my haste I’ve missed a word. We all do it!
Paul Keating drove a Mercedes & collected antique French clocks.
Good luck to him, but it sat oddly alongside his visceral class hatred.
The Aus reporting about a large hack into Defence information. I may or may not have a friend inside or outside military contracting. He told me a story last year where his laptop was hacked. He takes pride in the level of security his has on his laptop. Although even he admits the new gen of techies are leaving him behind. Anyway he took said laptop into the IT department and advised sheepishly they got me. IT laughed and advised they were surprised how long he had managed to stay unhacked. Most others have been done over much earlier and more than once. Bottomline if the hackers target you they will find you and hack you.
It would help younger Me’s further down the ladder.
Mum swore by a hat pin
Ideas are like rabbits. You get a couple and learn how to handle them, and pretty soon you have a dozen.
– John Steinbeck
This phone sim card “porting” is a worry.
Politicians come in three varieties: straight men, fixers, and maddies.
– Paul Keating
I would add a fourth. Liars.
A fifth: traitors.
We are restricting freedom for the common good.
Laughing at Barbara soon to be a hate crime in feckin’ Oirland.
an extremely wicked or cruel act, typically one involving physical violence or injury.
“a textbook which detailed war atrocities”
What is an example of an atrocity?
Torture; Rape, sexual slavery, enforced prostitution, forced pregnancy, enforced sterilization, or any other form of sexual violence of comparable gravity; The crime of apartheid; Other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health.
Apartheid, sex trafficking are comparable to a slap on the bum. Looking back, I think there are a few women I could accuse of “atrocities”.
Tayke ye the entrails of a paddock toad, freshe and yong, and applie to the canker thrice daily.
Sits comfortably with “eschew ye cole for the smoake thereof is Satan’s worke”.
The French clocks were the vehicle that the bagman used.
The very litigious bagman so those who know shouldn’t mention his name out of respect the blog owner.
A great case of the grift hiding in plain site.
So, let me get this right. You’re saying humanity is stuck with fossil fuels forever, until the end of time. There will no advance in fuels, even up to the point when the earth is engulfed by the self-destructing sun.
The problem with beating hydrocarbons as an energy source is that they are excellent. Relatively easy to handle and store and even the worst has high energy density. Jet fuel as extremely high energy density.
Even if some new tech was invented, transition would be slow. Historically transition takes at least 100 years. Timber and dung to coal, coal to liquid fuels. Churchill was a key player in getting the British Navy to move from coal to fuel oil. Not that long ago.
Liquid hydrocarbons have a long way to run.
Is this a back-handed reference to Bill Crimton and Monica Electrolux?
Ed Casesays:
June 17, 2023 at 10:09 am
No bottoms were pinched by David Van.
He grabbed a whole handful of bottom in his large claw and had a good feel.
We should all believe Turd Case on this. He has custody of the CCTV footage, just as he has custody of the recordings from the Mizzz Knickerless Case jury room (and also the judge’s chambers, because all rooms in a court house are wired for sound, as he has assured us).
I know enough about Andwew Pwobyn to call him the most divisive correspondent of our generation. But that’s only if you pay attention to an extremely low rating news program on the ABC, Australia’s #4 (but also “most trusted”) television channel. He ain’t anywhere near as destructive as the cologned and connected class of Waleed Ali and David Sharaz.
Why the flip are we wittering on about him? An overpaid underperformer got boned from the taxpayer-funded payroll, whoopee, but we should not accept anything less than the Rabz doctrine for the entire ABC.
Ya not seen nuffin if yas haven’t read my litany of proofing errors and poor sentience construction. I proof read, it doesn’t help me much. Sorry about that.
Bruce of N
RTWT. The essayist doesn’t say why the Left regards getting their way as “existential”. But I think it is the merging of Marxism with the climate religion, such that they believe they have to do whatever it takes in order to save the human race.
Saving the human race by reducing its numbers by almost 90%? Lord save us from this alleged salvation.
Gilas, the ‘popular’ musical mind is not always wrong. Tchaikovsky’s Piano Concerto 1 is still extraordinary in my imagination. The opening in particular and the then the start of the 3rd movement. As also is his Symphony No 6 (the Pathetique). Listen to it and weep.
What we like in a piece is also often influenced by the circumstances in which we first heard it and the mood in which we tend to return to it.
A couple of months ago I was visiting my brother’s holiday house down in Coastal Town and was thumbing through his collection of the Coastal Weekly.
A chap was in court for delivering a single open handed slap to an “undercover” policewoman (presumably from Slapper Squad) late at night in a pub.
From memory the fine was $4,000, with a good behaviour bond and “custodial sentence considered”.
Apparently the officer was suffering PTSD (Post Touching Stress Disorder) with mayo and fries.
OK, totally OTT in terms of penalty.
But the point is, it hasn’t been acceptable to go the grope (or slap) on the arse for quite a number of years.
Call it what you like, but that is reality, and Handsy Van is a dumb prick (or arrogant) for not recognising that reality.
I suspect he knew he was the accidental senator and was going to make the most of his one term.
Knuckle Draggersays:
June 17, 2023 at 10:35 am
loosened the cock ring
Loosened the what?
In the absence of a crotch, Turd Case ties a ligature around his neck to give himself an enhanced thrill. He has loosened it, allowing a tiny bit of sense to flow upwards.
Chelsea Handler is coping and seething hard about men having kids 20-30 years older than her.
It’s crass, but I think she needs to be put on a timeline-based bet.
Fair Shake – Here’s the Sky News version:
Russian cyber hackers compromise top-secret defensive data in historic breach (17 Jun)
There’s been a rash of such stories overseas in the last couple days also, which makes me think someone found a day zero exploit. I don’t know, since I’m not an IT guy…maybe tech Cats know more about what is going on?
Bob Hawke – the man who persuaded his then girlfriend to have her pregnancy terminated – then an illegal procedure – so he could qualify for a Rhodes scholarship…
Knuckle Draggersays:
June 17, 2023 at 11:01 am
The ADF is developing a Special Forces unit based on a legendary World War II regiment in response to the threat China poses
Based on Z Force, I’m led to believe.
I’m also led to believe the Z Force blokes did quite a bit more than kicking people off ‘small cliffs’.
IIRC, while operating in North Borneo, they paid rewards to the local Dyaks for each Japanese head produced. That would give rise to many attacks of the vapours if re-instituted.
Or maybe that was the Services Reconnaissance Department?
Yep. They’ll outlast ‘the science’ of pseudo climate change, that’s for sure.
They are far too good to just let go for a confected unreasoning authoritarian hysteria.
She got the hots for Al Pacino? Poor lady.
Al Pacino becomes dad again at 83 with partner Noor Alfallah, 29 (Express, 16 Jun)
It’s fun that the difference in their ages, 54 years, is actually more than Ms Handler’s age (48).
No, it’s just that he thought the “no smoking on Service aircraft” rule didn’t apply to him…
A lot of dysfunctional shrieking and shouting and unattended infants crying and kids fighting takes place in public housing. Would lightweight aerated concrete insulate against that?
Anybody know of this mob ? The Australian Natives Association.
… Probyn described Tony Abbott in 2017, as “the most destructive politician of his generation“*
That’s an accurate comment.
The Liberal Party had won 74 Seats at the 2013 Election and went close in another 10, on the strength of Abbott’s promise to repeal S 18[c] of the Racial Discrimination Act.
Then he allowed the AEC to dawdle for 3 months before declaring the Election, reneged on S 18[c], took no action over the W.A. Senate fiasco, behaved like a cockhead over the Malaysian Airlines crash in Ukraine, reneged on his promise to investigate the 16,000 instances of multiple voting at the 2010 Election, allowed Petra Credlin to participate in Cabinet meetings, tried a Medicare co-payment on in breach of his promises before the Election, made Scotty Morrison a Minister …
9 years later, the Liberal Party holds 39 Seats, so if he wasn’t the most destructive Politician in a Generation, tell me who could equal, let alone top Abbott?
Soon to be a province of China.
Format fail in my comment at 1211, but it should be clear enough.
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are called ‘f*****g grifters’ by Spotify exec Bill Simmons after their $20M Archetypes podcast is axed
June 17, 2023 at 11:57 am
The French clocks were the vehicle that the bagman used.
The very litigious bagman so those who know shouldn’t mention his name out of respect the blog owner.
A great case of the grift hiding in plain site.
Yes. Paul Bleating who once stated that – “Australia was the Ars@ end of the World” Wot’ a Pr#ck.
June 17, 2023 at 12:37 pm
It’s Over! South Africa is F*&$d – Failed State
Soon to be a province of China.
Serves them right. Just like Zimbabwe. Kick out the White ‘Know How’ and see what happens. And we have seen it. Empirical evidence Rules OK.
A friend was a secretary at Trades Hall back in Hawkies day He did not bother with the niceties of touchy touchy straight to the hard word . Stories of him sending notes like this to the air hostesses not too many knock backs I believe.
… Probyn described Tony Abbott in 2017, as “the most destructive politician of his generation“*
Was this Tosser around when Gough was around?
True. However SA is a hugely rich resource bounty which can supply China as an alternative to Oz. Another future headwind (gale?) in the making.
For the past two months, Roy, a truly dedicated, 54-year-old teacher who hasn’t so much as received a verbal warning in his outstanding 32-year career, has been worrying himself sick as he faced an investigation by the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) which has the power to ban teachers from working with children.
His crime? Telling a class of 11 and 12-year-olds, during a science lesson about how a body changes in puberty: that women have wider hips to allow them to child bear and men have broader shoulders to carry their extra muscle.
Being the sort of gifted teacher who contextualises learning, he gave examples about the size his grandson Joey was at birth and how his 23-year-old son Thomas gains muscle more easily in the gym than he can, as an older man, with less testosterone.
For the past two months, Roy, a truly dedicated, 54-year-old teacher who hasn’t so much as received a verbal warning in his outstanding 32-year career, has been worrying himself sick as he faced an investigation by the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) which has the power to ban teachers from working with children (Pictured with wife Julie)
He also drew upon his experience as a history teacher, explaining that archaeologists identify a male and female skeleton by looking at the size of the hips and the shoulders. In short, he told the children biological facts.
But, unknown to Roy, who was working part-time as a supply teacher at Retford Oaks Academy in Nottinghamshire and was filling in for an absent colleague, two children in the class had been diagnosed with gender dysphoria.
Several pupils lodged complaints about ‘inappropriate’ comments he made in the lesson which caused offence.
Two weeks later he received a letter from the DBS stating: ‘We have received information from Retford Oaks Academy about allegations of a safeguarding concern about comments made whilst teaching a class.
‘We are now considering whether to include you in one or both barred lists [the Children’s and/or Adults’ Barred Lists]. Inclusion in either or both of these lists will prevent you from engaging in regulated activity.’
More at the Daily Mail
A man whom I might have married in my early university years always played this very loudly in the morning before the start of each of his exams. A private school boy, his parents kindly invited me to stay with them in their spacious harbourside home during exams in my first two years, when we were an item. I guess they didn’t want their promising only child distracted by attending to me in my bedsit and my exams certainly benefited from the home life during that time. His mother liked me, mothered me, and didn’t object to our possible marriage, but his father objected strongly. This boyfriend, whom I dumped for luurve of another, went on the the Dip Corps and became an Ambassador. I … well, here I am. Still listening to it. 🙂
It Turns Out That America Is Much Harder To Destroy Than Our Enemies, Foreign and Domestic, Thought
Nothing about lederhosen, Grampians or tiki torch parades?
I’m sick of ‘acknowledgements’, ‘welcome to (my) country and always was, always be.
And apparently The Voice is about inclusion.
No, it isn’t.
Just watching ‘Churchill’ on SBS World Movies right now.
Used to drive Z cars too, didn’t they? With two-way radio.
Gouigh Whitlam’s Generation was from 1911 to 1940
Tony Abbott’s Generation was from 1941 to 1970.
Even though Albanese is of that Generation, and notwithstanding Scotty Morrison,
Tony Abbott has been the most destructive Politician of hois Generation.
I’d say John Gorton was the most destructive Politician of his generation, even topping Whitlam.
As with Abbott, it took a coupla Terms after he was gone for the damage to manifest.
“Churchill – The Darkest Hour?”
The mailman’s camels have delivered William Manchester’s classic biography “The Last Lion.” Looking forward to reading the books.
Does it mark you as hopelessly conservative if your library has more biographies of Winston Churchill, then anyone else? Next comes Henry VIIIth and Margaret Thatcher.
Due to internet failure am forced to have daytime tv on for mum.
What a desolate wasteland.
“ coming up, how you might be able to get more when your dear to relationship ends” with the tasteful chyron “ what’s up for grabs”.
And being current year it’s including pics of cuddly gays and lezzos in happier times.
June 17, 2023 at 12:49 pm
Serves them right. Just like Zimbabwe.
True. However SA is a hugely rich resource bounty which can supply China as an alternative to Oz. Another future headwind (gale?) in the making.
Let the Chinks deal with the warring tribes of SA then and good luck.
If you get a chance, you could watch a much worse series on tellie than SILO.
Chilling stuff. Like looking in a mirror of our world today.
Well that’s disappointing.
World’s Largest Fusion Project Is in Big Trouble, New Documents Reveal
(and the greenies will hate it)
Refactor is a word spellwrecker….
“ dear to” fmd!
Being totally cynical and self-interested, the Chinese stabilisation of South Africa might see their economy from collapsing. Which I need for JMS dividends.
Churchill lived into his nineties, without ever drawing his own bath, or riding on a bus. On the only occasion when he took the Underground, Clementine had to organize a search party…
I assume this means Hebel or something similar?
Yes, when you pick up a 100mm x 200mm x 600mm block it is pretty light (compared with concrete or brick).
But the wall panel sized ones are still pretty heavy, so probably would mean having a small crane available.
As for “clip together” this would still require some sort of grouting/jointing I guess?
And I also suspect the slab/footings would need to be way more precise than is usually found on volume builder sites to enable easy instal.
The most common complaint from brickies is “footings up and down like a bride’s nightie” and “reo starter bars all over the shop”.
I know an old cabinet maker who HATES Hebel, specialised fasteners, etc.
I think he just hated being a cabinet maker/joiner. So there’s that.
(1). We don’t need to use illegality to fight. If we did, we couldn’t anyway, because we’ve let our opponents write the new rules. So legal means are the only practical way to go.
There was a brief discussion sometime in the past few weeks about ‘turning the other cheek.’ Did we conclude that it means to lay supine while God’s world and God’s people are attacked? Did not God grant us intelligence for a purpose?
(2). The Left is not holding hostages. The Left is lining up victims. They are not hiding it.
Enough with the crutches about how flaccid and helpless we are. Our opponents built the structure of their battering rams legally; by, partly, infiltrating our various institutions.
Has God abandoned conservatives, or have conservatives abandoned themselves?
Pride, hubris, ego. Take your pick. They’re all great poisons.
Ed Casesays:
June 17, 2023 at 1:04 pm
Gouigh Whitlam’s Generation was from 1911 to 1940
Tony Abbott’s Generation was from 1941 to 1970.
Even though Albanese is of that Generation, and notwithstanding Scotty Morrison,
Tony Abbott has been the most destructive Politician of hois Generation.
Your definition of a “generation” does not match that used by more authoritative sources such as the ABS. Do you have any source for your definition, other than your imagination?
PS, over at CL’s blog, you have claimed that the Boomer generation is those born between 1946 and 1976. Try to keep your stories consistent, even if inaccurate.
PPS, how are you going with looking up the Parliament House Security Manual and the Parliament House Protocol Manual and the Parliament House Cleaning Manual? Or do your references to security, protocol and cleaning procedures come from the same source?
“ coming up, how you might be able to get more when your de facto relationship ends” with the tasteful chyron “ what’s up for grabs”.
Good lord. Indeed what a wasteland.
Unless you have kids or are married never cohabit or have indicia of cohabitation for longer than five months. Six months in, in this country, and you can be screwed.
It brings me NO joy to say these very depressing things.
“It’s a myth! It has to be two years, unless a court decides, for reasons…”
That is only a few years off “Gen Y” / older millennials.
A friend was a secretary at Trades Hall back in Hawkies day He did not bother with the niceties of touchy touchy straight to the hard word . Stories of him sending notes like this to the air hostesses not too many knock backs I believe.
Hmmm. Attended a function prior to Sydney’s bid for the Olympic Games (yes, quite few years ago!). I can confirm he had roving eyes and little discretion. Fortunately, he did little more than that, as I am not averse to giving such adventurers a very vocal admonishment.
… Probyn described Tony Abbott in 2017, as “the most destructive politician of his generation“*
Ed Casesays:
June 17, 2023 at 1:04 pm
Gouigh Whitlam’s Generation was from 1911 to 1940
Tony Abbott’s Generation was from 1941 to 1970.
And please type correctly you T.W.A.T. Gouigh should be spelt correctly. The great man would have spelt it “God”…………”LO farking L”
The post being made was by ‘Probyn’s’ Generation and not you You Pillock. It had nothing whatsoever to do with a Head Case and a Suitable Case for Treatment.
Just Fark off and sleep with those dogs with fleas. The Laybore Partee…………….
Funny, brickies hate it too.
I think CSR marketed it as “cutting down on laying costs”.
They are cut to a relatively fine tolerance and only need a thin layer of glue between courses.
For some reason, brickies like their 10mm of mortar which gives them some wriggle room.
For what ever reason it never really took off.
And, being an autoclaved product, it will get relatively more expensive as energy prices increase (although still cheaper to transport).
My sudden interest in Hebel.
I am reconstructing an old stone wall which has some missing decorative pieces on the corners – not concrete lions, but too complex to be bricked up.
I am using Hebel to replicate the missing pieces because it is really easy to cut and shape.
Grinder for rough shaping and handsaw and rasp to finish.
Yes Hebel seemed to have everything going for but almost all the new houses round here seem to bricks and mortar with some hardiplank on 2nd stories.
I don’t think bricks have really reached their zenith. There is a lot of leeway to experiment with their use, construction methods/laying patterns and manufacturing. I reckon Hebel is just a necessary step in optimising other construction methods. Moreso if we note robotics and additive manufacturing. We’ll have bricks until we can do the matter replicator thing in Star Trek.
“How many women’s bums did Bob Hawke pinch and how many women did Bob Hawke grope in his time?”
Well, I’m gonna answer my own question, I think he pinched quite a few bums in his time, and I happen to know one woman whose bum was pinched by Hawke!
Hawkie squeezed my arse once. The memory of that moment still gets me through the tough times.
China struggles with Africa. It has practical solutions ‘with a Chinese Characteristic’ to the issues of political inconsistency, corruption, managerial incompetence, and traditional social unrest.
It just can’t apply them outside of China.
Overseas, Chinese enterprises need to work in a FIFO bubble – which, in most places, causes unpredictable resentment amongst the locals.
The Left is not holding hostages. The Left is lining up victims. They are not hiding it.
Enough with the crutches about how flaccid and helpless we are. Our opponents built the structure of their battering rams legally; by, partly, infiltrating our various institutions.
Has God abandoned conservatives, or have conservatives abandoned themselves?
Very accurate observation, Muddy. Clearly, few – if any – Conservatives – have an answer.
I have always blamed “affluenza” for our failure to take earlier precautions. It is not as if a lot of us didn’t observe their march through the Institutions. And although some of us did mount opposition, it was largely ineffective because it was largely unorganised, and lacked sufficient support.
And why was support lacking? Because most Australians, of all political persuasion, were too busy enjoying the opportunities of work, travel and the accoutrements of a prosperous life, to take the gradual erosion of their liberties seriously.
By the time the pandemic revealed just how callous and ignorant of democratic principles our pollies and bureaucrats had become…..it was all too late. That Australians were largely silent as vaccine protesters were kicked, pepper sprayed, and shot with rubber bullets….says it all.
Is it too late for a political volte-face? I don’t know. When our children and grandchildren see “the good life” ebbing as the social justice and climate change warriors pursue their campaigns ……maybe they will stand and fight . But…mea culpa…we did not warn them soon enough…..
It does, but SA is a somewhat different kettle of fish. It has established ports, railways, power and transport infrastructure, a reasonably skilled workforce for Africa, a decent manufacturing base- yes much is poorly maintained but it can be be repaired/ rebuilt with money. Unlike much else of resource rich Africa , which are basically diseased shitholes run by the military. Quite an enticing prize for the resource hungry CCP.
The Oz cites some of those who signed the “Uluru Declaration from the Heart” as being unhappy that they are seen as supporters of the Voice…
Looks like the Dodgers gambit was a failure. Scene outside and inside when drag queens introduced and later in the game (top of the 3rd innings).
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare says:
June 17, 2023 at 10:58 am
Just saw this, and your subsequent comment:
Musical appreciation is always a matter of personal preference, but can change with experience and wider exposure.
I grew up on Tchaikovsky’s First PC because of the Pareto Principle or 80/20 rule.
So all one heard on radio, or could buy at the record shop was what was popular (and paid the rent) ie. Tchaikovsky’s 1st PC and 6th Symphony, Beethoven’s 3rd or 5th Symphonies, Mozart’s Eine Kleine Nachtmusic and 40th Symphony etc… etc…
Many, many masterpieces were thus ignored, getting poor exposure and general neglect.
CDs, internet and YT have thankfully changed all that.
Another example: Most of Liszt’s best known piano works are a shadow of some his much lesser known output.
One has to thank Leslie Howard’s Complete Liszt Piano Edition for this welcome revelation.
Mr Musk has blotted his copybook here.
Starlink failure, appears to be either the cable or dish itself according to the ubeaut app.
Report via the app…
Switch over to mobile data and the widget drops out not letting me report.
Go back to widget and can’t report because no Starlink connection….
Ferret our Starlink contact number- we will get back to you in 1&1/2 to 3 days.
Not happy Elon….
Erin Molan is even more of a lightweight than Stoker, she had a show on Sky that nobody watched and then got cancelled. She was replaced by Stoker who also has now proven to be a lightweight. Let’s see how long she lasts after this debacle.
Always found Tchaikovsky incredibly beautiful and easy to listen to. Just carries you along. I must admit I chuckle to myself listening to the 5th..anyhow have a Winfield. My favorite- the Nutcracker or maybe Swan Lake. I’m sure there’s a lot more wonderful stuff that I’m not familiar with.
The Oz cites some of those who signed the “Uluru Declaration from the Heart” as being unhappy that they are seen as supporters of the Voice…
What the hell did they expect??? The Uluru Declaration made it clear that the undersigned wanted a process of direct influence over the parliamentary process, that they wanted some sort of Treaty, and a Makarrata process of recognition of “wrongs”. Further, it is difficult to believe that they didn’t understand that the latter two desires would not lead to reparations.
DeSantis has misjudged how despised is the Republican establishment by their voters and his association with them is his greatest drawback. He is a young man in a hurry who is going to ruin his future prospects for candidacy by going against Trump who has a proven record. What he should have done is sat this one out, be picked by Trump as VP and then even if they lose he is the heir presumptive.
Strawman … my point was exactly the above – modern medicine cures little, except for mechanical problems. All Drs ever get taught about chronic illness is which drug(s) to prescribe for it. Why are they not taught about the causes (largely carbs and seed oils) , not taught about the cures (restriction of carbs/seed oils), and sanctioned by the system if they independently stumble upon the truth, and start telling their patients?
Hint: Drug companies sell drugs, not cures, and not health.
Erin Molan is even more of a lightweight than Stoker, she had a show on Sky that nobody watched and then got cancelled. She was replaced by Stoker who also has now proven to be a lightweight.
In their defence….Conservative women (especially attractive ones like Molan, Stoker, Nicole Flint and others) cop a lot of flak. Amanda Vanstone, Julie Bishop, Peta Credlin and others like them, were tough enough to survive and thrive. But it is a hard gig when Labor heavies take no prisoners.
In other news, Hun:
Waiting for the Grampian Nazis to appear.
Mike Riley is vastly lower on the scumbag journalist ranking than Probyn.
Mark Riley. Mark.
Why are they not taught about the causes (largely carbs and seed oils) , not taught about the cures (restriction of carbs/seed oils)
Duk, pardon my ignorance… but I have wondered whether olive oil is a seed oil? Hope not, as I consume a lot of it.
And surely you would add sugar to that list of contemporary evils?
This is why I think Albo is miscalculating with his mega migrant influx. The incoming populations may have some socialist leanings but they are socially conservative. The are horrified by the rainbow crowd and resistance will come from their direction.
And thus the final (after Rhodesia) civilised and functional country in Africa reverts back to being an African country. The west is also rapidly following the same script (Home invading Melbourne ‘youths’ im looking at you)
Perhaps they had a point with apartheid?
Not sure they’d go to all the bother of indicting Trump if they thought a redo of 2020 was possible. Something tells me those numbers worry them terribly.
Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one.
– Marcus Aurelius
Frolicking, most people I know on Starlink can’t stop saying enough about how marvellous it is, light years ahead of the NBN. 240 Mbps in remote areas.
We were living under the communists, ScoMo acted in a classical communist dictator fashion particularly when his multiple ministerships came to light.
One day I want a knock ’em out, drag ’em out fight about seed oil. There is a point in restricting their use but demonising them is silly. Plenty of “healthy” fats are still seed or at least processed fruit oils: flax and olive and coconut oil. Wheat germ oil has a lot of octocosanol which could be performance-enhancing.
The problem with refined canola oil is that the deodorising stage largely removes the tocopherols. [Of course, you want vitamin E because you can’t metabolise fat without it.] Any oil that polymerises would be identified by routine testing procedures and downgraded to crude or animal feedstock. If solvent extraction is an issue you’d find your bottles popping and sometimes catching fire. From memory, the contamination rate is 1 ppm or less.
If there is an issue with omega 6 and 3 ratios, you could eat more of one in other foods.
As for trans fats, check how much trans fats there are in other (whole) foods like a leg of lamb. Furthermore, the whole trans fat issue is bunk IMO at normal levels.
Why do seed oils cause inflammation? Why do they make you fat?
Disclaimer: I very briefly bought canola, barley and wheat for a living.
miltonf says:
June 17, 2023 at 2:05 pm
Always found Tchaikovsky incredibly beautiful and easy to listen to.
Him, Schubert and Rachmaninoff for everything, Chopin for piano.
The best, if not the most popular, melodies came out of these composers’ pens… ever!
Bach produced the best fugues and counterpoint.. if you like to fall asleep while listening.
Olives are a fruit, and the oil comes from the flesh, not the seed, so no, olive oil is not a seed oil.
Seeds are *mission critical* parts of the plant (ie their babies). They are thus heavily protected by chemical defences (eg cyanide in peach stones). In addition, their mechanical defences often require industrial processes to extract the oil. These processes are foreign in nature and can produce molecules in these ‘foods’ which are never encountered in nature.
Sugar IS a carbohydrate, and a highly concentrated one at that, its my number 1 evil.
Does m0nty support RFK Jnr for POTUS?
Kennedy put forward a campaign platform centering on “ending the corrupt merger of State and Corporate power that is threatening now to impose a new kind of corporate feudalism in our country.”
Without actually using the F-word, that’s as close to an explicit anti-fascist policy as you’re likely to hear from any Democrat candidate in this election. Surely m0nty must gravitate toward such mellifluous anti-fascist posturing?
Your straw man is that modern medicine claims to cure all these conditions. Never heard a doctor say that. Never known anyone who believes that.
Carbs and seed oils don’t explain a huge range of conditions. Early this morning I watched a video by a doctor with a phd who referred to multiple clinical trials and meta-analyses for various seed oils. There are scant few youtube authorities I trust. He is one. Surprised me because I regarded linoleic acid as a bad fat but there was scant evidence for increased CRP, TNF, il6, and il1. That completely surprised me because I thought the omega 3\6 balance was fundamental to regulating prostaglandin synthesis and hence controlling inflammation. A good example of the dangers of extrapolating from limited data. Health nuts make that mistake too often. I’ve done it too often. I’m still thinking about his claims because he references a huge amount of data. There’s no money in those studies for anyone.
Anyone today on a bad diet has no warrant to claim ignorance. At best it is willful ignorance. You’d have to be blind, deaf, and dumb not to receive dietary advice. I’ve had GPs give me good nutrition advice. People make bad lifestyle choices not through ignorance but through bad choices. No-one is hiding that information.
Reducing every health condition carbs and seed oils is over the top.
Barnes/ Baris made an interesting remark beyond DeSantis destroying his future prospects when they said that J. D. Vance was a future President. He’s certainly playing his cards right at the moment and being an Ohio Senator gives him a strong position in the key battleground states in the rust belt.
June 17, 2023 at 2:21 pm
Frolicking, most people I know on Starlink can’t stop saying enough about how marvellous it is, light years ahead of the NBN. 240 Mbps in remote areas.
I remember all those recent years ago when I heard of Conroy and the KRudd working out the NBN on the back of a Coaster or similar while airborne and I went………………Oh Faaaaaaaaark. Another waste of Taxpayer money where the Gov’ment should not be involved in playing around with technology. So right I was. Leave it to the Private Enterprise and use Taxpayer money for Defence, Hospitals, Schools/Education, Public Works (Infrastructure) and other stuff (not Woke stuff though).
Conroy put red underpants on his head. That says it all. The Krudd could only swear at Air Hostesses on Airplanes and swear at the Camera while trying to do a video and swearing about the Chinks……..LOL. FFS.
Australia. The Cleva Country. I don’t fink so………………………………….
Federal government to spend $2 billion on social housing around Australia
So, that’s going to be about $300m into Queensland; enough for about 500 – 550 new-build social housing units. Presumably earmarked for very special people with the right contacts.
Not immediately clear who’s available to actually start building in the next two weeks. At present Queensland (similarly to other states) is suffering from trade shortages, struggling builders, supply chain issues – and has a 20,000 resi house, apartment, and government infrastructure backlog.
Seeming, not doing.
Top Personages.
Count me among them right up until I have found it impossible to even report a fault using their own app.
Then have to search the internet to find a number that says use the app of press a button and we will call you sometime next week.
That Telstra level service.
Frolicking, most people I know on Starlink can’t stop saying enough about how marvellous it is, light years ahead of the NBN. 240 Mbps in remote areas.
Until you have a problem – & then contacting Starlink is very difficult – or so it used to be. Maybe changed now.
Duk – thanks for the info on olive oil. Agree re sugar. Am trying to reduce it to a practicable level.
The federal government has made a one-off $2 billion investment in social housing around the country, with funding to be distributed among the states and territories over the next two weeks.
Well that should keep a few Migrants housed for a little while. Wot’ Baat’ the rest of the Nation that have nowhere to live and already live here you Tossers?.
I wouldn’t be surprised if the Murdoch kids gave Probyn his own show on Sky. They would probably see it as mainstreaming the channel.
“build to rent” schemes sound like the dodgy brothers developers planning to become slum landlords with cheap to build, low standard apartment towers. A wet dream, enabled by gullible politicians.
I’m still surprised the rotten ABC would ever sack one of their own. I would have thought Prodyn was ‘protected class’. Like a canbra pube- unsackable.
Rachmaninov was my Grandmother’s favorite. Both my Grandmothers were accomplished musicians. Unfortunately I’m not. I just listen and enjoy.
In light of the current political turmoil J.D. Vance is saying the right things and also keeping away from the Republican establishment. He owes them nothing particularly as they tried very hard to derail his election. He is realistic enough to realise this is not his time to run for the top job.
Johnny, Johnny, Johnny, why would Labor care what happens to the current population when they only get a 32% of the vote from them?
Yep, I doubt if forty years ago, when I was forty and perhaps could be considered by then even musically formed, I would have happily looked forward to and sat through two Wagnerian Ring Cycle operas if I hadn’t been introduced to them via Hairy’s trained musicality and my own interest in the Scando-Germanic legends.
You can always surprise yourself.
I reflect on life now from a fairly advanced age and a huge amount of different experiences.
Do pardon me if I occasionally mention them./sarc off
WomensForumAustralia @WomensForumAust · Jun 15
The birth certificate gender law passed in Qld before I’d even heard of it. To say there was insufficient public consultation is an understatement. Even the term “consultation” carries some ambiguity as to which side in the consultation should really have been the one to initiate the whole proposal.
Twenty year old and his permanent girlfriend coming now for his birthday party, cancelled last weekend.
Table all set, and the cake has 20 in two sparklers on top of it.
‘Youth’s a stuff doth not endure’.
Another observation on fta tv.
Project fear (.COvid edition) has been supplanted by the complete removal of limits on nanny ads.
Alcohol is treated as a straight out poison
Every road trip makes your family tremble in fear
Etc etc.
It’s fairly obvious it’s designed to create a free form anxiety in people exposed to it. And to show daddy government as a solution/ benevolent helper.
Yep. Authoritarian is the word I used backthread for the climate/gender leftism of today.
It’s bloody ‘orrible.
Ideally that should happen at an early age. Most adults don’t give themselves enough time to appreciate different types of music. Decades ago I would order ECM produced albums that contained a variety of experimental music. I’d have to wait weeks for the album to be delivered to the store. It didn’t happen quickly but to this day I seek out that music. Yet I am still a fan of suicide music(Joy Division). Wonderful description of a depressive mindset:
The dreams don’t rise just descend,
The dreams all come to an end,
But I don’t care anymore,
I’ve lost the will to want more,
I’m not afraid, not at all,
I watch them all as they fall,
But I remember,
When we were young.
“Insight”, first verse. Close to that, off the top of my head. The lyricist committed suicide a few years later. I love that song.
J.D. Vance wrote a book, please see the link below, explaining his beginnings. He understands far more than any other high profile politician what is happening in flyover America and what needs to be done. I hope he does run at some stage.
Hillbilly Elegy
He must have pinched somebody’s bottom.
Flashbacks – Voter Fraud.
I envisage a Stew Peters and Tucker Carlson meet and greet very soon.*
*Call it a hunch. Many in the twits sphere are still in their bubbles.
Stew Peters Network:
Gold Star Mom and election whistleblower Tina Peters is here to talk about the voter fraud she uncovered in Colorado when she was the County Clerk of Mesa County, Co.
Voting machines had internet access even though we were told that was an impossibility.
The Colorado state government has accused Tina Peters of illegally accessing voting records.
It is imperative for states across the nation to stop using electronic voting machines.
J. Alex Halderman testified before Congress in 2017 that the voting machines were compromised.
In 2022, Tina Peters ran for Colorado Secretary of State and believes that election was stolen as well.
County Clerks across the country are intimidated from speaking out because of the political persecution of Tina Peters.
The people who want a one world government understand that America must fall in order for their globalist goals to be realized.
Every patriot must wake up, stand up, and do something.
Tina Peters On Colorado’s 2020 Election Fraud: FEDS PERSECUTE Election Integrity Whistleblower
If you must break the law, do it to seize power: in all other cases observe it.
– Julius Caesar
Thought some cats, especially Gez might be interested in Kristi Noem’s plain, direct speech on the issue of farmers’ and ranchers’ control, preservation and productive usage of their own land – it’s refreshing to hear her speak this way.
A rather odd grouping.
This is a good starter piece on seed oils
Whatever scale you are using Mark Riley would be lower. Human dross.
He he. Paywallian comment on Pwobyn made it through. The weekend guys are always a bit softer. More tick and flick methinks.
Re read my comment, I am claiming the opposite, that modern medicine includes *few* cures, apart from mechanical repairs.
I agree, you need to add in the inflammatory effects of vaxxines (which, by their nature, stimulate the immune system) to explain the genesis of the majority of the chronic (and largely inflammatory) diseases of modernity.
So, Dai Le’s party is the Dai Le and Frank Carbone Network.
Frank Carbone?
Sounds familiar…
Ah, yes. Now I remember.
Dunno if I really like the choice of word ‘Network’.
‘Club’ or ‘Band’ would have sounded stupid.
‘Syndicate’? Hell, no. Not with the name Frank Carbone.
‘Movement’? ‘Epoch’? ‘Solution’?
Got it!
The Dai Le and Frank Carbone Experience.
And when they retire from politics they will be able to transition seamlessly – thanks to their established name – into a lounge act. Those unobtrusive places with the lights low enough for precious anonymity, slow and introspective.
Dai Le, in a slinky full length gown, can sing songs like The Paris Match, her voice in a slow intimate dance with the notes coming from Frank’s piano, soulful and mesmerising.
I’d put money in their tips jar.
June 17, 2023 at 2:13 pm
Erin Molan is even more of a lightweight than Stoker, she had a show on Sky that nobody watched and then got cancelled. She was replaced by Stoker who also has now proven to be a lightweight.
In their defence….Conservative women (especially attractive ones like Molan, Stoker, Nicole Flint and others) cop a lot of flak. Amanda Vanstone, Julie Bishop, Peta Credlin and others like them, were tough enough to survive and thrive. But it is a hard gig when Labor heavies take no prisoners.
Muddy has made the point previously. Conservatives (particularly conservative women) are not in the club, and may be treated with contempt by club “members” with no repercussions. See the treatment of Nicolle Flint, Catherine Deves, Moira Deeming and so many more.
While the fascist left have no objective standards, they claim to have them. Every time they treat a conservative woman badly, conservatives must start making noises. I suspect that the general population would not like the treatment meted out, but do not become aware of it. Highlight it on every possible forum. Home, the pub, sports events, everythere. Mention the Mean Girls, and their treatment of Kimberley K, one of their own! Get the word out.
Wow, that brought back some fantastic memories.
Mum and Dad owned a Ford Zephyr, imported from the UK via a stint in Africa, and we watched Z Cars a lot.
Hopping into the car we would say laughingly to each other at the start of every ride “Z Victor wun, this is Z Victor two. Cume in Z Victor wun.”
Ah, nostalgia. It aint wot it used to be.
I don’t have many regrets in life but not keeping and doing up the old Zephyr is one of them.
Twitter Tucker is best Tucker.
Recycling this clip from the 15th, about Xi Biden being a dictatorship, because it’s a strong polemic and not because it carries any good news whatsoever.
On reflection, this was a mediocre argument for being a dictator specifically, but a strong case of corruption. It’s easier to believe JB is a puppet figurehead rather than the dictator of events. The corruption is simply the reward for going along with the regime’s instructions and for not using POTUS powers to upset their applecart.
June 17, 2023 at 12:52 pm
The normies are poised to strike back.
It Turns Out That America Is Much Harder To Destroy Than Our Enemies, Foreign and Domestic, Thought
The evil-doers made two very clear mistakes: they came for the children, and they tossed over two hundred years of America’s justice system into a dumpster and then lit the dried banana peel kindling on fire.
Democrats’ second mistake was failing to understand that their politically-based persecution of and witch hunts against former president Donald Trump were rallying normal Americans not to defend Trump but to defend our country.
Oh to see the US Military storm the FBI, CIA and the State building and frogmarch all of them out for trials and executions (getting ahead of myself). They could pay a visit to Martha’s Vineyard too.
One can only hope.
June 17, 2023 at 12:37 pm
It’s Over! South Africa is F*&$d – Failed State
The smartest thing the former government did was give their nukes to Israel (my understanding is they helped Israel develop their nuclear program). Imagine them falling into the hands of Nelson and Co and his successors.
Dunno if I really like the choice of word ‘Network’.
Why not? This film clip seems quite appropriate for these days –
The African National Congress in possession of nuclear weapons?
The ABC is undergoing a “digital transformation” in its programing. Probyn was among the first tranche of redundancies and the “biggest name” but there were a couple of hundred others and will be more to follow. Looks like regional news will experience significant cuts and all but disappear. As with the axing of state based current affairs, it’s the ABC failing to live up to its charter and alienating its traditional auidience. Which only makes the case for a national broadcaster harder to make down the track, especially after the digital transformation fails to deliver new audiences. Good.
Pwobyn always struck me as having the look of a sulky little two-faced backstabber about him. All weaselly in the background sort of thing. So, clearly, and based on looks alone: guilty.
Zulu Kilo Two Alphasays:
June 17, 2023 at 4:06 pm
Imagine them falling into the hands of Nelson and Co and his successors.
The African National Congress in possession of nuclear weapons?
I agree. They can’t even run an Electricity Network. I think that they were consulted by Blackout Bowen. Oh dear…………………
Amanda Stoker is running for Preselection in the safe State seat of Cleveland. According to the Oz, she’s got a house in the area.
Andrew Laming is also running to head off Stoker.
The senior management of ESKCOM – the South African Electricity Comission – were eased out of their positions, in the name of “black empowerment.” When the power cuts and the “brownouts” began, they were asked if they would return to help run that organisation.
To a man, they refused.
The ABC has a long term tradition of boning people who are good at their job.
Jane Singleton was one, Sally Loane was another.
Story that reached my ears was that the Chinese were interested in spending a touch over 90 billion dollars, to build six nuclear reactors.
Turd Case
Andwew Pwobyn is not one.
Biden – Admits He is a Puppet
COMMENT: You are just anti-Democrat and always against Biden.
REPLY: Sorry, you are so biased you cannot look objectively at anything. When Biden utters the phrase “I’m deviating from the script, and I going to get in trouble” don’t you understand that someone is scolding him if he speaks his own mind? I’m sorry. That is irrefutable evidence that he is nothing more than a puppet.
You obviously do not care who is really calling the shots. So far, these people behind the curtain using Biden have destroyed the world economy by corrupting SWIFT, the sanctions on Russia have only divided the world economy ending globalism. Then they have the audacity to threaten China that if they supply arms to Russia there will be sanctions against them. All of this is when the US is supplying arms to Ukraine. They have transformed the USA from the policeman of the world to the arrogant world dictator.
There was the One China policy and the Biden administration has abandoned decades of peace ensuring now that China has no choice but to invade Taiwan or appear subservient to the United States. Then these people have NATO expanding opening in Japan to spread their version of world peace by bombing the hell out anyone they dislike exercising their dictatorial power. NATO is no the greatest threat to Europe. The only country that sees this is France. NATO will destroy all of Europe.
So feel free to vote for Biden if you are over 70 and have no family members then you will not be drafted which may go up to 65 years old this time and include girls. Otherwise, a vote for Biden will be a vote to send your children or grandchildren to die on some foreign battlefield all for the glory of the NEOCONS. The United States is in the midst of a coup. The NEOCONS are in full control – their dream has come true. A vote for Biden is a vote for the NEOCONS. Vote for RFK, Jr. but not Biden if you care about your country. Biden is the patsy. He is not making these decisions.
You have no idea how this works. For nearly 50 years, FBI director J. Edgar Hoover (1895-1972) amassed secret files on America’s most prominent figures. He then used those files to blackmail and smear presidents and politicians. You did what he ORDERED or he would use the dirt on you to end your career or imprison you as they are doing to Trump right now. The NEOCONS have done that to Biden and his family. He does what he is told – OR ELSE!”
Every infection induces an immune response. Muscle growth requires an inflammatory response. A surgeon told me he doesn’t administer anti-inflammatories unless the temperature rises too high because healing requires an initial inflammatory response. Stress increases inflammation because CRH is pro-inflammatory and is released long before the adrenals get to work. Vaccines make a small contribution to our total inflammatory load.
There is no single best diet. Nonetheless I tell people that by middle age they should be reducing their total carb intake, practice fasting, and keto is great for weight loss.
In that link you provided did you notice that the Tukisenta have a total carb caloric intake of 94.6%? Result:
No diabetes, no gout, no atherosclerosis, no obesity. They only occasionally eat pork and chicken.
The next graphic states: % carbs don’t matter, % Fats don’t matter.
Why? Because they are moving throughout the day. We were made for walking not intense workouts, not sitting all day, and not being constantly stressed. Thinking about diet without thinking about lifestyle doesn’t make sense. We need to reduce our total carb intake because we spend so much time sitting on our asses with only fingers moving.
The problem with the claims about what our ancestors ate is we have a patchy picture.
At what time point do we determine the best diet our ancestors had? 5,000 years ago, 10,000, 100,000 years ago?
They ate what they could find but there does seem to be a preference for seafood, probably because it was abundant and much easier to obtain.
We know ancestors in the Pleistocene were consuming grains and other plants. We don’t know how much.
We know that the animal meats they consumed were much leaner and grass fed not grain fed. They might also have consumed organ meats, much better than muscle meat.
Raw Garlic! A clove a day.
People in Big-Pharma call Legal.
Laming would at least inject some much needed energy into the LNP.
How the wheels turn. ABC radio station 6WF was a rural news service initiative of Wesfarmers when it was a farmer’s cooperative, and was acquired by the govt when ABC was formed in the 1920’s.
A group of us used to go out fishing from Lancelin, for dhufish, baldchin groper and black arse snapper (which we nicknamed ‘Marcia Hines’ — never mind).
We used two-way radios to keep in touch and ALWAYS called the other boat with “Broadsword calling Danny Boy, Broadsword calling Danny Boy” in our best (worst) Richard Burton impressions. We eventually got the word from SSR to STFU!
Perplexed, you are now going to be banned by all right-thinking social media services.
In The Slam Again (WUWT, 15 Jun)
Guest Post By Willis Eschenbach
Well, I wrote before about my time in real-world jail. The court said I was guilty of “Disturbing the Peace”, but we called it “Disturbing the War“. Like most things in my life, it’s a curious story … but I digress.
In any case, I’m now in Twitter jail. … So I went to bed last night, and woke up to find that I’d been suspended from Twitter, ostensibly for a Tweet I made back in May.
I responded to their “support team” as follows:
Dear friends at Twitter, I fear I’ve been greatly misunderstood. I have NOT violated the Twitter rules against advocating violence. I’ve been suspended for the following tweet:
“I see that James Comer is going to “take steps” against the FBI for concealing evidence of Biden corruption. Steps? Here’s my simple 3-step plan.
1) Fire every single person working for the FBI.
2) Burn the FBI building to the ground.
3) Salt the earth.”
Then, I got the following, sent 19 minutes later …
Your account was suspended due to violations of our Terms of Service. After reviewing for reinstatement your account will not be restored.”
So he basically said the FBI should be Rabzed, and immediately got totally banned by Elon’s new improved Twitter. I suspect at least half of America would agree with him, and you. I do.
Article, over at the Age, about how Menzies is dead, it’s time for the liberals to find a new path.
One commenter assures readers that the policy of the “Brisbane Line” meant that, if Japanese soldiers ever reached Brisbane, Menzies would flee Australia for Britain, to govern this country from there…
Hopping into the car we would say laughingly to each other at the start of every ride “Z Victor wun, this is Z Victor two. Cume in Z Victor wun.”
Being made in Liverpool UK they could only afford two cars in Z cars. They did get a third car but it was stolen from Manchester just up the road……………lol
You’re saying the media* is the state’s militia?**
*The media outlets which accept the taxpayer’s hard-earned, that is.
** Militia in a fascist or dictatorial regime, not defensive militia in a democracy or republic.
. and those who promoted and assisted the lying liars be automatically joined in any defamation action
Talk about zombie myths that seemingly cannot be killed!
Edjamuhkayte yerselfs, peeples.
There is no ‘new path’ for the Libs.
We were heavily drunk during that first moment of passion, and prior to meeting Lib, we didn’t have syphilis.
Have some effing self-respect, folks!
Tawdree. Teats just can’t prevent himself from spraying it around. Because, you know, he’s really into respecting powerful womanages. Just ask Kate Ellis.
Once his latest sleazebaggery becomes public, he’s finished.
Of course, trying to interest j’ismists in this blatant corruption is a pointless exercise, as I’ve discovered (again).
Persistence. The tawdreeness will (eventually) be exposed. 🙂
You can be sure that in the crumbling offices of the NYT, WaPo, CNN, MSNBC etc. there are still people who talk about Dubya’s plastic turkey.
“I’m still surprised the rotten ABC would ever sack one of their own. I would have thought Prodyn was ‘protected class’.”
Andrew Probyn is a stale and very white Anglo-Saxon male. Their ABC is now all about “diversity, equity and inclusion”. There ain’t no room for white males like the Probyns in this progressive paradise that’s their ABC in 2023. Perhaps Probyn should have seen this coming. He’s spent years buying into and spruiking this progressive claptrap and now he’s paying the price, it was his head on the chopping block. I’m just enjoying da schadenfreude.
Being a serial adulterer might be construed in some quarters as misogyny.
And they’re being lead on that brave path from the top.
Daily Mail.
I thought Probyn would become another Scrotum face or Kerry O’poo face- ie never really go away
Peanut Head clearly had Hawke as a role model. Unfortunately even the Liar machine couldn’t make it so. His place in history will always be losing the unloseable election, giving us SloMo and demonstrating that some politicians truly are unelectable. Quite a legacy.
“They might also have consumed organ meats, much better than muscle meat.”
mmmmm Offal! We had a thread run on offal a few weeks back. I have new recipes! 😀
Allegedly pinching fake Goldilocks’ house sized backside (not once, but twice) might just constitute an obvious example of irredeemable idiocy.
Parlyfax house, Cats – it’s a hotbed of unrelenting sexual gropeeness and incessant harassment of (allegedly) powerful womanages.
The only solution is to shut it down. Or, “nuke from orbit”*.
Just to be sure.
*My preferred option.
Getting boned at the ALPBC is a pretty exclusive club. Pwobyn wont have to take the Morry Schwartz The Saturday Paper walk of shame trod by so many others.
Discussed this morning, Zulu.
Morrison & Albanese weren’t naive, they were being politically expedient.
I’ve never liked the Australian vernacular term “grubs” for despicable low lifes but it this case it seems particularly apposite.
I received some sad family news which I won’t go into so it was very nice to spend the afternoon knitting with my sister. Such things distract and comfort us.
The funny thing is he did too.
Multiple discussion threads in one thread.
The beauty of the OT.
BTW, Duk’s right about meds.
Drugs are treatments, not cures. At conferences, it was amusing to hear all the talk of treating vascular disease, with the obvious unstated corollary that people would more likely die of cancer instead.
Most doctors are leftards, just as evil as your average ABC f@ckwit, but with a registered licence to potentially cause harm, which the ABC drone doesn’t.
And if any more evidence was needed, here’s another example of Russian savagery.
A clear outrage when compared to European class.
Sorry to hear that. Best wishes.
Bear – Teats (in)gloriously lost not one, but two elections.
The first was against The “Potential Grateness” himself, Waffles Turnbuckle in 2016 and then Goose Morristeen in 2019.
He may just yet be resurrected for 2025, sporting a glamourous new woife.
You heard it here first, Cats.
All good wishes, Cassie.
I knew a woman who was diagnosed with high blood pressure, she was in her early 50s at the time. Instead of taking medication to help the high blood pressure, she told various people, including myself, that raw garlic would cure her. Of course the garlic didn’t work, and two years year later she was diagnosed with vascular dementia, her decline was shocking.
So much for raw garlic.
Yes best wishes Cassie
Die Schadenfreude – it’s causing me much great rib pain, Cats! 🙂
These days they call it ‘mindfulness’ and charge $200 a session to learn it.
For men it can be fishing. (Is that an irredeemably sexist observation?)
Good when sisters are close & can support each other!