Open Thread – Tues 20 June 2023

The Battle of Waterloo: The British Squares Receiving the Charge of the French Cuirassiers, Henri Félix Emmanuel Philippoteaux, 1874

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June 20, 2023 11:46 pm
June 20, 2023 11:48 pm

Won’t the charges against hunter be so so his old man can pardon him for tax related from the bribery and scams. Don’t know how that works.

June 20, 2023 11:51 pm


That’s not true. I lost a bet even though I won the bet, and paid up with lunch.

The bet was that on hearing the female scotus judge was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer she wouldn’t go past 6 months. Unfortunately, the demonrats pretended she was still alive in a real live version of Weekend At Bernie’s . I couldn’t prove they were carting the dead carcass around. I paid up.

June 20, 2023 11:53 pm

You can’t break through this level of cognitive dissonance.

It can be done with facts and repetition. Applies both ways, ofc … some are afflicted with TDS and others with BDS but luckily there are elections and free media.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
June 20, 2023 11:57 pm

Thanks Ranga.
Yes looking at a day trip to the highlands from Kanazawa.
Friends there recently and posted pics.
Looks amazing.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
June 21, 2023 12:04 am

Play resumes in the crickit at Sledgebaston.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
June 21, 2023 1:27 am

Minus 4 in loony Bowen’s globally warmed Canberra

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
June 21, 2023 1:40 am

And the solar panels aren’t warming and the windfarms aren’t turning.

Bowen’s renewables are so effective and reliable.

June 21, 2023 4:00 am
June 21, 2023 4:01 am
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June 21, 2023 4:18 am
June 21, 2023 4:35 am

Thanks Tom.

June 21, 2023 4:42 am

Yes looking at a day trip to the highlands from Kanazawa.

Check out Hentai national park while you’re there.

June 21, 2023 4:48 am

Some excitement in the cricket overnight.
Hopefully a good time was had by all.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
June 21, 2023 5:09 am

The Shrinking Dentally-challenged PM appears on the lowest rating show on TV to reach the vanishing audience:

Albanese refuses to reveal voice details on Project
Rhiannon Down
Anthony Albanese could not reveal details of how members will be appointed to the proposed Indigenous voice to parliament when pressed for details on how it will operate, but noted there had been a formal proposal for 24 people.

“That would be determined by the parliament,” he told Channel 10’s The Project. More

June 21, 2023 5:12 am

When we think of the poets of the Great War, Rupert Brooke and Siegfried Sassoon come to mind, with their “corners of foreign fields” and “the green of the spring”. But there is another…Wilfred Owen, the Shropshire lad and his “Dulce et Decorum Est”. His memorial sits behind the old abbey in Shrewsbury. His tragedy – he perished a week before the Armistice.

The old Benedictine abbey crouches on the “English” side of the Severn. It’s a conglomeration of Norman, Gothic and some Victorian restoration. But for me, it’s special for a different reason. It was the fictional home of Ellis Peters’ Brother Cadfael, the medieval sleuth and very worldly monk. Nothing remains of his garden or, indeed, the monk’s cells and priory.

Yesterday, the Beloved and I wound our way up to the castle and Laura’s little tower, and a view that took in a bend of the river which girdles the town on three sides. You can see at a glance why this place was so strategic as a border stronghold. Later we took the winding walk back down, past (and into) St Mary’s with its magnificent “Jesse” window, the higgledy piggledy half timbered houses, pubs and little dark passages linking the concentric main streets.

This place has seen wars pass over it for millennia – marauding Danes, Welsh princes and the Normans, the King and Parliament. Musket ball holes pepper the doors to the castle. An arbalest sits innocently inside the entry, guarded either side by much more contemporary 20th century guns.

And then there’s the Severn itself. A lazy, smooth curl of river with a dark, flooding, devastating history. Anglers hopefully dropping a line below shady willows seeking perch (taking pike is forbidden), pupils from the nearby school rowing in eights and fours.

Tonight – a pair of antipodean visitors…sitting at a riverside pub enjoying the spectacle and the skyline of spires.

June 21, 2023 5:14 am

Oh, and in the morning on Midsummer Day, the Beloved will enquire about who won the cricket.


Steve trickler
Steve trickler
June 21, 2023 5:42 am

I don’t think he made a deal with the devil.

Rodriguez – Cause

June 21, 2023 5:42 am

Tintarella di Luna says:
June 21, 2023 at 5:09 am

The Shrinking Dentally-challenged PM appears on the lowest rating show on TV to reach the vanishing audience:

Albanese refuses to reveal voice details on Project

“That would be determined by the parliament,” he told Channel 10’s The Project. More

I smell a rat, no politician will propose a new law let alone a referendum without having an outcome in mind.

June 21, 2023 5:46 am

Another brief travelogue and you can get on with other more important stuff…

Drove up to Port Sunlight today – it’s a model village beside the Mersey and its history can be googled by those interested. It’s a delight of Arts and Crafts style buildings – homes, row houses, public buildings and open spaces. And the Lady Lever Gallery.

Within is an amazing collection of sculpture, furniture, textiles, pottery and paintings collected by the Lever family (think Sunlight soap). Paintings by Turner, Constable, Rossetti, Millais, Waterhouse…the list goes on.

And there, on a wall, was this. Powerful, imbued with deep and mystical meaning – the agony of a doomed animal. I had only ever see the painting itself, but never the frame. It links the Old with the New and sits as a halo around the image.

I’m glad that it lives in a small collection that has to be consciously sought out by the curious. I think the artist would agree.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
June 21, 2023 6:14 am

Thank you Calli for the details of your travels.

Poet names bring back memories of long ago school days.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
June 21, 2023 6:18 am

Minus 6 at Canberra airport.

Bowen’s global warming effort must be working.

June 21, 2023 6:23 am

minus 5 at my place. Did my prep last night. Made sure I have a couple of bottles of water ready for making tea/coffee, brushing teeth, washing hands and a bucket for the loo.
Pipes are frozen!

June 21, 2023 6:26 am

Calli, I am enjoying your travelogue very much. You write descriptively, but without the garbage.
Looking forward to your next installment.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
June 21, 2023 6:47 am

Pipes are frozen.

I remember from days gone by with freezing nights – let the hot water tap slowly drip overnight.

June 21, 2023 6:58 am

Bearing in mind the cultural foibles of China, it would demonstrate a way forward for our collapsing electricity grid if it works. Assuming the political will could be found. *sigh*

China gives green light to nuclear reactor that burns thorium – a fuel that could power the country for 20,000 years
It has several advantages over uranium reactors, including safety, reduced waste, better fuel efficiency and suitability for use in arid landlocked areas
The tech is expected to strengthen China’s energy security as the nation has abundant thorium reserves

Real Deal
Real Deal
June 21, 2023 7:00 am

I’ve just read Janet A. in the Oz this morning. I can’t copy it but if someone can it deserves being read. If she was doing metaphorical target practice on Gallagher, dear Katy would be picking several arrows out of her. She doesn’t miss.

June 21, 2023 7:02 am

Without direct government interference.
Well other than rising interest rates and energy costs etc putting the squeeze on holiday makers.
Airbnb hosts revert to long-term rentals as rising costs of living hits bookings

June 21, 2023 7:04 am
June 21, 2023 7:05 am
June 21, 2023 7:07 am

Katy says
Not happy Janet.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
June 21, 2023 7:19 am

Janet A has put on the hob nailed boots to give Gallagher a fair old carnt kicking.

Well done!

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
June 21, 2023 7:19 am

English ‘pace’ bowler Ollie* Robinson said the other day that Australia had three Number 11s.

Overnight, two of those three – Nathan Lyon and Scott Boland – and despite Robinson’s best efforts, put on 36 runs to get Straya over the line and into the winner’s box at Edgbaston.

*Change your first name son. You don’t terrify anyone with a handle like ‘Ollie’.

June 21, 2023 7:35 am

I agree.
No-one has ever been terrorised by an Oliver.

June 21, 2023 7:36 am

A Neocon Monster: The Ruinous Lies & Crimes of Bill Kristol | SYSTEM UPDATE

This chap should have died of shame years ago.

June 21, 2023 7:39 am

Rainbows make everything better.

June 21, 2023 7:40 am

This is what sucking on the government teat looks like.

It’s not new.
Hotez is just the most recent high profile one.

June 21, 2023 7:45 am

I penetrated the southern cultural barrier to visit the Grandboys (x 4) in the southern frozen wastes.
All went well, I controlled my fury when treasonous Virgin mumbled a welcome to country insult (it is going to be difficult to find yet another airline).
I wasn’t arrested for tearing down the front fence of the kids school which sported an enormous SORRY banner. That pock marked wall is not going to be big enough when we finally wreak our vengeance on teachers.
And, the armed truce with my SIL did not go kinetic.
As always, the four little terrors were great fun. They used Grandad as an excuse to break rules and exercise independence. Things look encouraging post-zoomer.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
June 21, 2023 7:46 am

a double dissolution? Afr paywalled

Sky has this one:

Labor govt warns of ‘double dissolution’ election after Greens block housing legislation (20 Jun)

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
June 21, 2023 7:50 am

Rainbows make everything better.

You can use them to boil water!

Laurence Fox Dares British Police to ‘Pay Me a Visit’ After Burning ‘Progress’ Pride Flags: ‘I’ll Put the Kettle On’ (20 Jun)

Interesting to see if they take up the dare.

June 21, 2023 7:51 am

The Virgin acknowledgement is very irritating.
I put my fingers in my ears.
Not my elders.

Cassie of Sydney
June 21, 2023 7:53 am

A few days ago UK actor and commentator, Laurence Fox, on Father’s Day, bravely burned the “Pride” flag, and for his bravery he now faces a “police probe”. Yes, you read that right, forget about soaring knife crime in London, forget about soaring burglaries in London, forget about soaring sex crimes in London, the politicised Metropolitan London plod’s priority is to investigate Laurence Fox.

‘I stand against every single thing it represents’:

Kol hakavod Laurence.

It begs the question, would Fox be facing a police probe if he’d burned the Union Jack? Or a crucifix? I doubt it, in fact such acts would be celebrated. Oh and further to desecrating crucifixes, remember that only three months ago, outside a church here in Sydney, a group of perverts desecrated a crucifix, and nothing happened.

Oh and further to the Belfield riot and the aftermath, Mark Latham is 200% right.

Pride cometh before the fall. It’s interesting that in the USA and Canada, it’s minorities who are fighting back.

Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
June 21, 2023 7:53 am

‘Mean girl’ minister fails first test of high office
Follow @jkalbrechtsen
Janet Albrechtsen

12:00AM JUNE 21, 2023

A few years ago, Katy Gallagher appeared to be the junior member of Labor’s mean girls. Overshadowed by Penny Wong and former Labor senator Kristina Keneally, Gallagher may have been mistaken for an apprentice to more skilled political apparatchiks.

With Keneally booted out, now telling the world that politics is a dreadful business, and Wong morphing into something of a regal political dowager, Labor’s Finance Minister has been revealed as a disturbing central player in the distasteful Higgins saga. Unless Gallagher changes her tune, this won’t end well for women or for justice.

What it means for Labor will be determined by voters in due course. The full account of Gallagher’s role in the Higgins scandal may never be known. Certainly, Gallagher and other Labor ministers are keen to shut down further discussion, deploying all kinds of specious arguments to do so.

But here’s what we know so far. Kimberley Kitching dubbed Gallagher along with Wong and Keneally as Labor’s mean girls. The trio, according to Kitching, were involved in a campaign to ostracise, belittle and bully the first-term senator.

Kitching didn’t fit their cliquey mould. She befriended Liberals. She defended a Liberal woman – Nicolle Flint – against sexist abusive behaviour.

Kitching was aghast when she learned that senior Labor women intended to weaponise a rape allegation. One of those women was Gallagher. She learned about the rape allegation before it was made public.

Gallagher says she did nothing with that information. But how can we be assured of that? And, given what we know now, why would we believe her?

Texts between Brittany Higgins and her partner David Sharaz reveal that Gallagher received a copy of The Project transcript before it aired, indeed, before questions were put by The Project to people Higgins portrayed as the chief villains: Linda Reynolds, Fiona Brown and Bruce Lehrmann.

Sharaz texted Higgins about Gallagher being “invested” – before Higgins’s allegations of a rape and political cover-up were revealed publicly. Sharaz was in contact with Gallagher not once or twice but apparently many times, before and during the political and media trial of Lehrmann and Liberal ministers.

What we do know is that Gallagher – and other Labor politicians – used an untested, uncorroborated rape allegation for their own crass political purposes instead of ensuring that a rape allegation was first prosecuted, with all attendant principles, through the criminal justice system.

How did that serve Higgins? Many people may know her name, but Higgins will forever be associated with a sex scandal in Canberra that Labor used to swing a few seats its way. Gallagher’s contact with Sharaz meant Labor had the inside running on how to politicise a rape allegation.

Gallagher’s behaviour risks hurting other women, too. If Gallagher’s investment in the Higgins model of choosing politics and media as the first and second ports of call, and police coming third, encourages a single woman to follow this path, it will be a terrible thing for the woman.

Gallagher has also undermined the criminal justice system. Last Friday, the senior minister used parliamentary privilege to say she believed Higgins, thereby branding Lehrmann a rapist. Just when it seemed hard to imagine it, this marks a new low in political leadership.

There is no opportunity for a new trial, no chance for a judge to rap Gallagher over the knuckles for treating an allegation as fact, and no path for Lehrmann to sue Gallagher for defamation. In other words, what Gallagher did, using the cover of parliament to make an accusation she would never make outside, was cowardly and irresponsible.

We are entitled to expect serious, considered judgment from ministers of the Crown, not casual trashing of the presumption of innocence. A minister of the Crown is supposed to uphold our system of justice, not tear it down for political convenience or sisterly solidarity.

How can an uninformed Gallagher, ignorant of the actual evidence, reach a conclusion a jury armed with weeks of careful analysis of evidence was unable to reach in the days before a mistrial was declared? What secret reserves of information or intelligence enabled Gallagher to be so definitive about something a properly informed and instructed jury could not decide on?

The criminal justice system has developed over hundreds of years, carefully working out the best accommodations between a complainant and a defendant, between innocence and guilt, between privacy and publicity. The legal system is far from perfect, and reforms that improve justice for the parties are important.

But bypassing the legal system – as Gallagher did in parliament last week, is like saying: “I, Katy Gallagher, know better than hundreds of years of legal practice and principles. I, Katy Gallagher, have publicly labelled Bruce Lehrmann a rapist because I believe Brittany.”

Gallagher’s contempt for Lehrmann’s right to the presumption of innocence and for the proper workings of the criminal justice system is matched only by her contempt for the processes of parliament.

Gallagher has misled parliament. While she told Senate estimates during a stoush with Reynolds that “no one had any knowledge” of Higgins’s allegations before them being made public, Gallagher admitted last week that she was “provided with information in the days before the allegations were first reported”.

Gallagher’s apology to Reynolds last week does nothing for her credibility either. Gallagher apologised that Reynolds felt upset for being targeted by Labor in 2021.

“Senator Reynolds is clearly upset about everything that’s happened to her, I am sorry about that,” Gallagher said.

That is not a genuine apology.

It wasn’t Gallagher saying: “I am sorry, Senator Reynolds, for what I did to you, for what Labor did to you.” It was Gallagher saying sorry Reynolds was upset by their behaviour. Gallagher refused to own her own behaviour.

Worse, Gallagher refused to answer questions about her involvement in this scandal on spurious grounds of protecting the wellbeing of other women. She said she was concerned at how women who come forward (with rape allegations) “are being treated right now”.

What utter baloney. This episode has nothing to do with other women unless you are bonkers enough to believe that other women should follow the Higgins-Sharaz model.

Gallagher and other Labor women are responsible for weaponising a rape allegation for their own political purposes. Crying foul for no sound reason to questions about their involvement is akin to Anthony Albanese saying he found the “mean girls” label offensive – and showing no interest in dealing with the substance of serious allegations by Kitching against senior Labor women.

Having reached high office by promising a new era of accountability, integrity and transparency, not to mention acting in the best interests of women, Gallagher and her colleagues have failed at the first real test.

June 21, 2023 7:54 am

Further to your note, Zulu.
Thomas Mayo – or Mayor – appears to have very little or no indigenous heritage. His father is/was Phillipine and Dayak, his mother Polish, Jewish and English.
From Independent Education October 2020
Can’t help wondering if the change of spelling is an attempt to muddy the waters.

June 21, 2023 7:58 am

I agree.
No-one has ever been terrorised by an Oliver.

The Irish might beg to differ.

June 21, 2023 8:00 am

Ollie Cromwell

June 21, 2023 8:03 am


June 21, 2023 8:05 am

Albanese refuses to reveal voice details on Project

His arrogance will be his undoing.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
June 21, 2023 8:06 am

Saw this on a must Tweet: Would be good to share with the LGBTIDGAFQ+ community!


Given the retention of the Q at the end, I am in two minds as to whether it is:

LGBT – I Don’t Give A F*ck – Q


LGBT – I don’t give a…Fah Q (as in, fah-kew, or FU).

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
June 21, 2023 8:07 am

Woops. It is a parody account.

June 21, 2023 8:08 am
June 21, 2023 8:14 am

Zulu Kilo Two Alphasays:
June 20, 2023 at 9:59 pm

The immortal Warren Zevon…


Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
June 21, 2023 8:15 am

The Irish might beg to differ.

I would raise two points, Roger:

1. Oliver ‘Ollie’ Cromwell got other people to do his dirty work; and
2. He had a shit haircut, which deserved parody and ridicule.

June 21, 2023 8:16 am

Reading in the comments on another blog that 251s get priority treatment in NT public hospitals ..
Anyone have any info on this .. cos if true we is, definitely, talking “wacism” ..

June 21, 2023 8:18 am

I’m not going to doubt Mayo’ indigenous heritage, he can have Filipino, Dayak and the Torres Strait on his dad’s side.

June 21, 2023 8:18 am

On the way back to paradise, I called into Sydney to attend the latest reunion of our little group that has been getting together for more than forty years.
Sadly, I believe it will be the last. Our group has become a metaphor for our society. The cultural divide between the inner city people and the rural/interstate visitors is now an ocean. Politesse ruled, but only just.
The city folk pronounced the scam and the voice beneficial in every way, which set the tone for the evening. Almost every topic became instantly political. One visitor commented positively on the upgrade of the Drummoyne swimming pool. “Yes yes” intoned the hostess. “That had to be done because sea level rise in the Harbour threatened to drown the pool”!
Glowing commentary regarding brave Anthony dragging himself out of Marrackville poverty led to longish pauses.
And so it went on. The conversation amongst the ‘out of towners’ in the taxi queue was simply depressing.
One matter that achieved absolute agreement in the queue was the imperative to destroy ABC and SBS.
A sad and reflective fight home.

June 21, 2023 8:19 am

Decent victory for the woke cricketers overnight. Usman no doubt enjoying with a soft drink. Nigel Farage can get stuffed.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
June 21, 2023 8:20 am

I used to be able to cover the loonies with the “qwerty”.

Now I need the whole farking keyboard!

June 21, 2023 8:20 am

1. Oliver ‘Ollie’ Cromwell got other people to do his dirty work

He led the reconquest of Ireland personally, KD, and presided over what transpired at Drogheda and Wexford.

Perplexed of Brisbane
Perplexed of Brisbane
June 21, 2023 8:21 am

June 21, 2023 at 8:16 am
Reading in the comments on another blog that 251s get priority treatment in NT public hospitals ..
Anyone have any info on this .. cos if true we is, definitely, talking “wacism” ..

Possibly not just the NT. A friend of mine with some aboriginal ancestry who works in the medical field said there are clinics in Brisbane just for aboriginals where they can walk in for free treatment and see any type of specialist, no appointment necessary.

Doesn’t help the poor buggers in Wadeye or Cherbourg but if you are in Brisvegas, happy days.

June 21, 2023 8:22 am

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders get priority in all public hospitals as far as I know.
Not to mention specialist Aboriginal Health Services.
Some progress made closing the gap on life expectancy but major changes in lifestyle is what is really needed.
in Victoria

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
June 21, 2023 8:24 am

Tonight – a pair of antipodean visitors…sitting at a riverside pub enjoying the spectacle and the skyline of spires.

Thanks for the travelogue, Calli. Mme Zulu and I are planning a holiday when she has recovered her health.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
June 21, 2023 8:24 am

Sinc was great with the first Catallaxy files and I appreciate it very much but he’s not a good judge of charcacter.

Look, he said ‘potential greatness’. Like the eggs, milk, cheese, and ham in my refrigerator is a potential omelet.

Besides, Trumble had strengths, but he was merely mismatched with the time he lived in.

If instead we lived in a time that called for a pompous back-stabbing gullible dishonest myopic patronising vain entitled elitist who lives in his own world where he is brilliant even while being played over and again by his rivals – if we were in such a time as that then Trumble would have been a messiah!

June 21, 2023 8:25 am

Roger says:
June 21, 2023 at 8:05 am
Albanese refuses to reveal voice details on Project
His arrogance will be his undoing.

Obviously Laura Tingle is no longer the preferred fellator.

June 21, 2023 8:25 am

In Victoria, no need to buy your medications, they’ll even be delivered free to your home.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
June 21, 2023 8:26 am

His arrogance will be his undoing.

The ‘No’ campaign can keep posing the question “What is it that they are afraid to tell us?”

June 21, 2023 8:27 am

I’m sure most here suspected this and now it looks like we were right. How many others have died or will die before our governments stop promoting this poison?

Cassie of Sydney
June 21, 2023 8:28 am

Oh lookie, the pervert apologist is here, despite always dissing on this place, despite calling us “you lot”, and despite being rather impolite to the blog owner (something he would never have done with Sinclair).

He can’t stay from here, perhaps he has no friends. I wonder if he’s punched any Nazis today, that’s code for punching people like “us lot”. But that’s okay, because when he comes here, he gets punched back.

June 21, 2023 8:29 am

In Victoria, no need to buy your medications, they’ll even be delivered free to your home.

This mollycoddling only makes people more dependent.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

St Vincent’s Hospital (Sydney) has a special “Aboriginal Health Unit” of indigenous staff who reassure indigenous patients that they’ll actually be cared for, blah blah blah, will be reassured by seeing an indigenous face among the staff, blah blah blah.

Here’s an image of the head of the Aboriginal Health Unit using his indigenous looks to reassure an indigenous patient.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
June 21, 2023 8:31 am

Usman no doubt enjoying with a soft drink.

He sinned against the language police Monty.

Ashes star gives X-rated interview as Sky Sports apologise after England lose first Test (20 Jun)

(Ok, it’s a beat up, but I thought the article is fun. Maybe you could ask him about Pride month?)

June 21, 2023 8:32 am

shatterzzz says:
June 21, 2023 at 8:16 am
Reading in the comments on another blog that 251s get priority treatment in NT public hospitals ..
Anyone have any info on this .. cos if true we is, definitely, talking “wacism” ..

You wouldn’t want to be a tourist in NT who has an accident. Oh that’s right, tourist numbers are way down these days.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
June 21, 2023 8:32 am

We’ve had climate couture, now the Voice finds its way onto the red carpet
Melissa Singer
By Melissa Singer
June 21, 2023 — 5.00am

In case there was any doubt about Labor Senator Jana Stewart’s position on the referendum for an Indigenous Voice to Parliament, her outfit for Wednesday’s Parliamentary Press Gallery Midwinter Ball should clear things right up.

Stewart, a Mutthi Mutthi and Wamba Wamba woman, and Australia’s youngest female Indigenous MP, will arrive at Canberra’s answer to the Met Gala in a gown printed with the Uluru Statement From the Heart and a cape emblazoned with the word, “Yes”.

For anyone needing a refresher, the statement, a precursor to the referendum on an Indigenous Voice to Parliament, includes the following words: “We seek constitutional reforms to empower our people and take a rightful place in our own country. When we have power over our destiny our children will flourish. They will walk in two worlds and their culture will be a gift to their country”.

On Monday, the Voice legislation passed the Senate, meaning a referendum will be held within six months’ time, most likely in mid-October.

Although politics usually takes a back seat at the Midwinter Ball, which is attended by MPs of all stripes, it has become a forum for political fashion statements in recent times. Last year, Greens’ Senator Sarah Hanson-Young and Claudia Perkins, the wife of Greens’ leader Senator Adam Bandt, wore gowns featuring climate-change messages that were thought to be inspired by US Senator Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s 2021 “Tax the rich” Met Gala dress.

But the designer of Stewart’s dress, Clothing the Gaps co-founder Laura Thompson, wants to make something clear: this is not a “protest gown”.

“What Jana is wearing is very much less of a protest and more of an invitation,” says Thompson, a Gunditjmara woman whose brand normally focuses on sustainable streetwear.

Melbourne-based Thompson, who will attend the ball as Stewart’s date – “I’m carrying the train!” – hopes a fashion moment tied to the Voice will help the issue reach new audiences, particularly young people on social media platforms where the discussion may not be as active.

“Jana and her dress will stop people on their Instagram scroll,” Thompson says. “Hopefully, then people will decide to learn more [about the Voice].”

The champagne-coloured, one-shouldered gown is printed with the text of the Uluru Statement, as well as the word “yes” in “Labor red”. Stewart will also wear a red velvet cape featuring the word “yes”, proving Canberra’s winter weather is no match for fashion activism.

Speaking to this masthead after the Voice legislation passed the Senate, Stewart says the gown exemplifies her personal fashion philosophy of “wearing my values”.

“I’ve been very conscious and deliberate about the things I wear and how I present myself,” she says. “There are lots of stereotypes about First Nations women – how we look, how we dress. I have always wanted to put my best foot forward.”

Prior to joining the Senate in 2022, Stewart was about to launch her own fashion label, Frankly Blak. She intended to make “nice linen dresses”, printed with her own Aboriginal art. But then life, specifically politics, got in the way. She says she plans to make herself some bespoke pieces to wear in parliament soon. For now, she’s happy to make a statement wearing the dress Thompson, who is also her sister-in-law (the women are married to brothers) has designed.

“A lot of time in politics, you are speaking to the same crowd,” Stewart says. “Wearing this dress is an opportunity to wear my values and create conversations [about the Voice] in circles that aren’t necessarily watching parliament.”

I’m sure this will make all the difference.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
June 21, 2023 8:32 am

Oh dear!
ABC news
Kangaroo bits found in the Grampians and lady tourist shocked when she found the massacre site.
Licensed shooters cut the heads and lower limbs off for transport and processing.
There’s thousands of the bastards in and around Hall’s Gap. They’re a constant pest for accomodation businesses as they lounge around on any bit of green grass or open land.

June 21, 2023 8:33 am

No-one has ever been terrorised by an Oliver.
The Irish might beg to differ.

any excuse.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
June 21, 2023 8:33 am

Seems that “Fantales” are being discontinued. Regular purchase at the drive in when I was a young bloke.

Do they still have the movie star biographies on them?

It is just that there are not that many interesting movie stars these days, and a lot of the famous ones are just hypocritical preachy deadshits who would make the lolly go off.

June 21, 2023 8:33 am

rosie says:
June 20, 2023 at 5:24 pm

I got swooped twice by a wattle bird from car in drive to front door this afternoon.
Didn’t know they were snoopers.
Must have build a nest in my front garden.
Why can’t we just be friends?

That’s early. In my experience I’ve been troubled more by wattle birds (aka noisy miners?) than by magpies.

I imagine the secret is to establish friendships with them the BoN way before they become preoccupied with parenting, but perhaps it’s not too late!

My family also always called them wattle birds, though. Oh, one just landed on my front tap. Just a little local colour to go with the bagpipes just before. Must be a special day at the police academy.

June 21, 2023 8:35 am

Mother Lode says:
June 21, 2023 at 8:26 am
His arrogance will be his undoing.
The ‘No’ campaign can keep posing the question “What is it that they are afraid to tell us?”

This should be the slogan and publicised widely.

June 21, 2023 8:36 am

One thing I’ll say for Biden: his Transition to Retirement plan is working out for him!

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
June 21, 2023 8:37 am

He led the reconquest of Ireland personally, KD, and presided over what transpired at Drogheda and Wexford.

Fair enough. But – over two years after he died in 1658:

Cromwell’s body was exhumed from Westminster Abbey on 30 January 1661, the 12th anniversary of the execution of Charles I, and was subjected to a posthumous execution.


His body was hanged in chains at Tyburn, London, and then thrown into a pit. His head was cut off and displayed on a pole outside Westminster Hall until 1685. Afterwards, it was owned by various people, including a documented sale in 1814 to Josiah Henry Wilkinson, and it was publicly exhibited several times before being buried beneath the floor of the antechapel at Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, in 1960.

Because of his shit haircut.

Boambee John
Boambee John
June 21, 2023 8:38 am


NBC News, citing two sources familiar with Hunter’s plea deal, said that U.S. Attorney for Delaware David Weiss agreed to recommend to a judge that Hunter receive a sentence of probation for the tax crimes.

Probation for tax fraud. Just unreal.

Equal justice before the law? The precedent has now been set.

June 21, 2023 8:38 am

June 20, 2023 at 8:55 pm
that is an achingly beautiful portrait of your grandchildren. You are a very fortunate soul.

Caught up with this scrolling back ..
Thanx .. Yep, I luvs ’em all .. the pix was the last time I’ve had them all in the same place together ..
Lockdown(s), mainly, to blame for that as 3 live in Danistan ……..

Johnny Rotten
June 21, 2023 8:41 am

Barking Toadsays:
June 21, 2023 at 6:47 am
Pipes are frozen.

I remember from days gone by with freezing nights – let the hot water tap slowly drip overnight.

Just lag those pipes and you will be alright. No frozen pipes unless you live in a Siberian Winter.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
June 21, 2023 8:42 am

Wilfred Owen, the Shropshire lad and his “Dulce et Decorum Est”
The pacifists would have it that Owen wrote about the futility of war- I argued in Lit that this poem was rather about the horrors of gas, and taken with his whole oover, I reckon I’m right.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
June 21, 2023 8:43 am

Reading in the comments on another blog that 251s get priority treatment in NT public hospitals


It’s learned behaviour. If they are hungry (they get free sandwiches), if they are tired, if they are pissed, if it’s raining – they wander up to the triage counter and point to their kidney.

An assumption is made that they have renal failure of some sort, and it’s straight in – engendering rage in parents in the same ED with small children suffering the aftermath of fever-driven febrile convulsions, croup and other breathing difficulties.

June 21, 2023 8:43 am

Thomas Mayo – or Mayor – appears to have very little or no indigenous heritage. His father is/was Phillipine and Dayak, his mother Polish, Jewish and English.

Interesting, so his mum had 3 parents? No wonder the kid is a screwup.

June 21, 2023 8:43 am

In Victoria, no need to buy your medications, they’ll even be delivered free to your home.

This mollycoddling only makes people more dependent.

Which is the point, of course…

June 21, 2023 8:43 am

Stewart, a Mutthi Mutthi and Wamba Wamba woman, and Australia’s youngest female Indigenous MP, will arrive at Canberra’s answer to the Met Gala in a gown printed with the Uluru Statement From the Heart and a cape emblazoned with the word, “Yes”.

Will it be in blood red splashed lettering on a white dress a la Alexandra Ocasio Cortez’s dress for the Met Gala or just black lettering? Or ochre brown for authenticity?

The dress

June 21, 2023 8:44 am

Trouble’t swish soiree.

No company whose business model involves knowingly killing LGBTQ+ people should be linked with the British LGBT Awards.

Unilever gift bags are out, I guess.

June 21, 2023 8:47 am

When we have power over our destiny our children will flourish. They will walk in two worlds and their culture will be a gift to their country”.

Jana Stewart, you have the power over destiny of your children now so why are you letting them get drunk, use drugs, rampage and vandalise their communities? What’s stopping you teaching them now how to flourish?

June 21, 2023 8:48 am

It’s learned behaviour. If they are hungry (they get free sandwiches), if they are tired, if they are pissed, if it’s raining – they wander up to the triage counter and point to their kidney.

At feraldton the chosen method is to turn up, entire family group in tow with whatever ailment you have and then when you are made to wait in the triage have the whole family shout/ abuse/ spit/ carry on like pork chops till you are whistled straight in.

Its not triage, its Cu*tage.

June 21, 2023 8:49 am

Cromwell’s body was exhumed from Westminster Abbey on 30 January 1661, the 12th anniversary of the execution of Charles I, and was subjected to a posthumous execution.

Ah…but was it Cromwell’s body?

June 21, 2023 8:49 am

I remember from days gone by with freezing nights – let the hot water tap slowly drip overnight.

One of the joys of a Geordie childhood .. getting up on a Winter’s morning to a flooded kitchen cos someone forgot to turn the water off before going to bed ….. LOL!

June 21, 2023 8:50 am

In another example of ‘if they lied about covid, what else did they lie about?’ Dr Peter McCullough is widening his net to muse about the causes of the exploding autism rates:

The evidence for immune system involvement in autism is overwhelming. The next question in the chain of logic is: “What common immune system perturbation occurs in nearly every child over multiple exposures during childhood?” Obvious exposures must include intensive childhood hyper-vaccination, that is, giving multiple antigens/killed/live-attenuated viruses to small children in the same dose administration which is common practice with the ever-expanding vaccine schedule.

June 21, 2023 8:55 am

This mollycoddling only makes people more dependent.

Which is the point, of course…

On a grand scale, yes, but specifically in regard to indigenous folk it is counter-productive in terms of “closing the gap.”

The key to improving individual and overall health outcomes (to use the jargon) is to encourage self-responsibility.

June 21, 2023 8:55 am

Vacuous crap like this deserved the Aboriginal spongebob treatment..

First in possibly a series.

June 21, 2023 8:55 am

re the priority treatment of Abos in the medical system, NZ has blazed that trail. Read an article about it yesterday. No time to link, heading out the door. Caio.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
June 21, 2023 8:56 am

Comment , from the Oz.

1 hour ago
Burney in Q Time had pages of highlighted notes that she used to answer all questions, often repeating the same lines, she was flustered and confused. The faces behind her showed they were not happy either.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
June 21, 2023 8:58 am

Cromwell was the al-Baghdadi of his day.
A cruel religious extremist with ambitions for a Cromwell family ruling dynasty.
He destroyed the visionary democratic ideas that sprang up in the new parliament and delayed widespread suffrage for over a hundred years and ensured the return of the detestable leeches that occupied the royal line at that time.
He’s the very definition of “it’s gone to his head”.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
June 21, 2023 8:59 am

Your children will flourish when you feed them three decent meals a day and send them to school – it’s an old fashioned point of view, I know.

June 21, 2023 9:01 am

Wow, this chap definitely deserved the sentence he got…

Judge Black sentenced him to 23 years and six months in jail.

He will have to serve 21 years and six months before he can be released.

Horrible story, but it appears justice was done right in this case.

June 21, 2023 9:01 am

Probation for tax fraud.

Al Capone went to prison for 11 years for tax evasion.
Wesley Snipes (actor) did 3 years.
Heidi Fleiss (Hollywood Madam) did 20 months.
Chuck Berry (Rock and Roller) did 4 months.
Pete Rose (Baseball Player) did 5 months.

So it wasn’t the standard before the Biden’s came along.

I don’t think Hunter has the discipline to do probation without violating the terms though, which means he goes back to court looking at a jail term.

June 21, 2023 9:02 am

I recall having a big spat with the Doomlord when I had a go at him over his prediction of stagflation under Labor. It remained a sore point with him for many years afterwards.

So yeah, when someone makes a wrong-headed prediction based on flawed assumptions, I will criticise even if they are the blog admin.

June 21, 2023 9:06 am

Burney in Q Time had pages of highlighted notes that she used to answer all questions, often repeating the same lines, she was flustered and confused. The faces behind her showed they were not happy either.

I know the factions and their union masters dole out ministries in a Labor government, but I wonder if Burney wasn’t a captain’s pick?

H B Bear
H B Bear
June 21, 2023 9:07 am

… and Wong morphing into something of a regal political dowager


H B Bear
H B Bear
June 21, 2023 9:11 am

… but I wonder if Burney wasn’t a captain’s pick?

Da Kneebone’s connected to da …. Wouldn’t be the first time. Will come in handy when assigning blame.

June 21, 2023 9:11 am

All went well, I controlled my fury when treasonous Virgin mumbled a welcome to country insult (it is going to be difficult to find yet another airline).

Bons, Brisbane to Cairns and QANTARSE did exactly the same thing.
Flew Air North from Cairns to Nhulunbuy…no ‘welcome to country insult’ nor any mention of it.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
June 21, 2023 9:12 am

The star of the most recent conference was the Anuna De Wever, a Flemish Belgian representing the young greens.

She will be just another example of the a kid who grew up being told that they were special, but was too besotted with herself to notice that her teachers said that to all the students and other kids’ parents said it to their spawn also.

This girl will think that an idea is brilliant as soon as it enters her head and any attempt to hold it up to reason is like stealing something from the world and as having an immoral intent.

I truly believe it goes back to schooling and letting kids have to confront the idea that they make mistakes.

I was talking to a woman the other day who said she remembers at school having written, say, a 150 word essay and having it returned with the misspelt words marked in red. Her attitude was that it would have been more positive to have ‘greened’ all the words that were right. It would have felt better.

For my part red marks indicating my errors made me want to get them right next time. It didn’t dispirit me and I did not need a counsellor.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
June 21, 2023 9:13 am

Probation for tax fraud.

Daniel Greenfield has this:

Hunter Biden Gets Probation for $1M in Tax Evasion, Gun Charge (20 Jun)

Federal prosecutors had demanded 20 years in prison for reality star Todd Chrisley for having evaded 2009 taxes and failing to file tax returns from 2013 to 2016.

The average jail time for tax evasion is 3 – 5 years.

However the average jail time for the crackhead spawn of presidents is zero.

I would correct that last to read “spawn of Democrat presidents”, otherwise yep. A million in evaded taxes is seriously large. I wonder if he will actually have to pay those back taxes? There’s the child support court case going on too, that could be affected as well.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
June 21, 2023 9:14 am

Cost of living: WA baby boomers splurging on travel, eating out while younger people struggle to get by
Cheyanne Enciso
The West Australian
Wed, 21 June 2023 2:00AM

Cashed-up WA baby boomers are living it up, splurging on travel, eating out and recreation, while younger people struggle to cope with the cost of living crunch, new data shows.

Credit and debit card data from Bankwest, compiled for The West Australian, reveals the total number of Baby Boomers splashing the cash grew at a rate at least twice that of Gen X, Millennials and Gen Z over the 12 months to May.

The figures show Boomers are outspending all other generations in every category, from the number of customers to the value and volume of transactions — and they seem immune to the money worries plaguing the rest of the community.

Boomer customers in travel agencies were up a whopping 58 per cent over the year, while they also flocked to airlines and hotels/motels in increased numbers, up 28 and 3 per cent. In contrast, the number of Millennials and Gen Z spending in hotels/motels went backwards, down 12 and 19 per cent.

The growth in older people flocking to restaurants and bars (up 10 per cent) was way higher than younger West Aussies. For hard-up Gen Z’s, there was actually a 2 per cent fall in patronage.

The number of older shoppers also grew 7 per cent over the period, compared to Generation X (up 3 per cent), Millennials (up 1 per cent) and Generation Z (down 3 per cent).

Boomers also continued to spend at the bowser at a far higher rate than other generations, despite high fuel prices, with a 12 per cent growth year-on-year, compared to just 3 per cent for Millennials and -1 per cent for Gen Z. For every other generation, there was a decline in buying clothing and motor vehicles of up to 10 per cent, but not for Boomers — older customers were up 5 per cent and 3 per cent respectively.

Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre principal research fellow Mike Dockery said Boomers were living it up “pretty well’.

Millennials need to learn their insignificant status in life.

Top Ender
Top Ender
June 21, 2023 9:14 am

Independent senator Jacqui Lambie says she will use every mechanism possible to look up the chain of command in the defence force, after she filed an official request with the ICC seeking an investigation into the culpability of ADF officers for war crimes exposed in the Brereton report.

“I am going to use every mechanism I possibly can to go up the senior command because right now we are giving them a blanket exemption,” she told ABC RN Breakfast.

“If both governments … aren’t prepared to go in and look at senior command, then one way or another, I’m going to force them to because you are not going to chuck all these diggers under the bus and not look at why, from the very top of senior command, this occurred, and give them a blanket exemption.

“You can’t tell me … that the top did not know there was something going on … I have served in that uniform and everybody at the top knows what’s going on.”

She said she had no doubt the ICC would inquire with Australia as to whether they are looking at senior command.


June 21, 2023 9:23 am

I doubt that one of the ladies attending our group reunion in Sydney will ever leave her Kiama home again. She was inconsolable during the dinner.
Dragging her bag between Town Hall station and the QVB bus queue she was set upon by a young aboriginal woman who spent her time kicking her bag and screaming “fuk..n white knuts, come ere steal our country murder our people etc etc”, kick kick.
Arriving at the bus queue she asked two young men for help. In a classic example of Zoomer bravery and concern they pulled out their phones and called the police.
Plod arrived quickly and flicked off the aboriginal girl. They then escorted our friend into one of the QVB entrances and advised her (our friend claims they threatened her) not to attempt to pursue the matter. She arrived at her sister’s home in tears.
The poor woman is devestated. Many of her cherished beliefs about our society are now ashes.

June 21, 2023 9:25 am

Why is is left to a brainless bimbo, looking for a guy with a big package, to point the bone at the total failure of leadership in our armed forces?
Shirley they are as responsible as the actual perpetrators of any of these crimes.

June 21, 2023 9:26 am

“What utter baloney. This episode has nothing to do with other women unless you are bonkers enough to believe that other women should follow the Higgins-Sharaz model”.

3mil suggests it’s not a bad ploy.

Just plead headache to avoid a court case and get on with studying for your non existing future employment opportunities.

June 21, 2023 9:28 am

Hey I got the power again! 3 upticks for one click. This power is fickle so I will enjoy while it lasts.

June 21, 2023 9:30 am

Boambee John says:
June 21, 2023 at 8:38 am
NBC News, citing two sources familiar with Hunter’s plea deal, said that U.S. Attorney for Delaware David Weiss agreed to recommend to a judge that Hunter receive a sentence of probation for the tax crimes.
Probation for tax fraud. Just unreal.
Equal justice before the law? The precedent has now been set.

Yep, Americans now have a precedent that they need not pay their taxes, they will just get probation. Though finding a lawyer who will take your case will be impossible, none of them is ready to be disbarred for you by the deep state. There is always the option of presenting yourself.

June 21, 2023 9:33 am

Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre principal research fellow Mike Dockery said Boomers were living it up “pretty well’.

Millennials need to learn their insignificant status in life.

Millennials can stop voting for politicians who have no problem with causing an economic depression to stop global warming and who promote “diversity” at their expense.

Boambee John
Boambee John
June 21, 2023 9:34 am

June 21, 2023 at 9:02 am
I recall having a big spat with the Doomlord when I had a go at him over his prediction of stagflation under Labor. It remained a sore point with him for many years afterwards.

So yeah, when someone makes a wrong-headed prediction based on flawed assumptions, I will criticise even if they are the blog admin.

The Fat Fascist Fool, BEc (Failed), BJ’ism, speaks with pride (goeth before a fall) of arguing with an economics professor, while apparently not understanding economics.

June 21, 2023 9:34 am

The poor woman is devestated. Many of her cherished beliefs about our society are now ashes.

Cherished beliefs about our society? You mean she has been hiding under a rock all her life?
This kind of incident has been going on for many years and the VOICE campaign will only make it worse.

If I had a dollar for every time I have been told to “F off you white C” by indigenous persons in the north of our great country I would be very wealthy. (well more so).

June 21, 2023 9:35 am

Plod arrived quickly and flicked off the aboriginal girl. They then escorted our friend into one of the QVB entrances and advised her (our friend claims they threatened her) not to attempt to pursue the matter.

Leaving the offender free to roam the CBD assaulting people based on their race.

The problem in a nutshell.

June 21, 2023 9:37 am

Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre principal research fellow Mike Dockery said Boomers were living it up “pretty well’.

As a tail-end boomer, I point to my FIFO salary and paid-off middle-class home and four kids raised with an amazing bride. I ask what is the NPV of a smashed avocado toast four years ago, compared with an eighteen percent home loan in a mining town thirty years ago?

June 21, 2023 9:39 am

“You can’t tell me … that the top did not know there was something going on … I have served in that uniform and everybody at the top knows what’s going on.”

She said she had no doubt the ICC would inquire with Australia as to whether they are looking at senior command.

It always smelled to high heaven that the top brass went after their own troops to please the diversity and high heels crowd. The honourable thing would have been to assume some responsibility, have some soul searching and hand back their own medals when demanding the troops return theirs. I have no problem with Lambie threatening them with ICC, it seems to be the only option left to get their attention.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
June 21, 2023 9:40 am

If I had a dollar for every time I have been told to “F off you white C” by indigenous persons in the north of our great country I would be very wealthy

I just reply, with the crudest of racial epithets. Fortunately for the peace of the land, I have yet to encounter an Aborigine who speaks Afrikaans.

Johnny Rotten
June 21, 2023 9:40 am

If you aren’t in over your head, how do you know how tall you are?

– T. S. Eliot

June 21, 2023 9:40 am

Looks like the cops dropped the ball badly on the old AC/DC managers murder.

On February 14, the NSW Forensic and Analytical Science Service said it found two pieces of paper in the pocket of Dye’s denim shirt. One was a post-it note with a handwritten name and number on it, while the other had a bloodstain.

“Evidently, these pieces of paper had never previously been noticed,” Gray said.

“They were found folded in the front top left pocket of the exhibit, the shirt, and never separately catalogued. Obviously, the failure by the police up to now to find these pieces of paper is very unfortunate, to say the least.”

June 21, 2023 9:43 am

Leaving the offender free to roam the CBD assaulting people based on their race.

Reckon I saw her the other day attempting to kick passing cars in Elizabeth St (just north of Central) while she was crossing the road.

Absolutely appalling idiotic behaviour.

Top Ender
Top Ender
June 21, 2023 9:43 am

Not looking good. “The Australian” reports:

Maritime experts say there is now only the slimmest chance of rescuing five people on board the still missing Titanic submersible.

“More people been to outer space than this depth of the ocean,” Titanic expedition leader, G. Michael Harris told Fox News.

“The worst situation is something happened to the hull and our fear is it imploded at (a depth of) 3200m .’’

Retired US submarine commander, David Marquet, says the sub “might as well be on the back side of the moon” because even if it is found, it has to be raised – an extraordinarily difficult operation – and brought back on board the mother ship.

“It needs us to rescue them,” he said.

Mr Harris also cautioned that even if the sub is found intact near the Titanic wreck it would be next to impossible to rescue the vehicle and bring it to the surface in time.

Mr Harris added “you have to cross every “T” and dot every “I” and do everything perfect and by the book. Throwing a bunch of tourists into a new sub created over the last couple of years, it’s not looking good.’’

In a press conference held this morning Australian time, Captain Jamie Frederick, of the First Coast Guard District, said Titan had about 40 hours of oxygen remaining for five people on board.

He added that the search is “complex” and requires multiple agencies working together.

The only optimistic scenario is that the sub, called Titan, has floated to the surface after ditching ballast and is bobbing around waiting to be found by the increasing numbers of C-130 Canadian and US coast guard aircraft sweeping the area.

The deep sea cable boat Deep Energy has been moving slowly over the wreck of the Titanic since Tuesday afternoon Australian time using its sonar detection abilities. It was the first vessel to respond to the emergency message issued by the STD-C – a marine satellite service – to alert nearby vessels to keep a look out on Sunday. It changed its bearings to head to the Titanic wreck site and was in position by late Monday.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
June 21, 2023 9:46 am

Not looking good. “The Australian” reports:

God rest ye merry, gentlemen.

June 21, 2023 9:47 am

Any relation to Rex’s statement that their just announced $35m loss was related to a lack of pilots preventing 1/3 of its regional fleet from flying?

June 21, 2023 9:47 am

I just reply, with the crudest of racial epithets. Fortunately for the peace of the land, I have yet to encounter an Aborigine who speaks Afrikaans.


June 21, 2023 9:50 am

I recall having a big spat with the Doomlord when I had a go at him over his prediction of stagflation under Labore

Yes, I remember that stagflation imbroglio as well. The Perfesser subsequently banned you for several months if I’m not incorrect.

As for “stagflation under labore” we’re now being gifted with it in spades.

June 21, 2023 9:52 am

Independent senator Jacqui Lambie says she will use every mechanism possible to look up the chain of command in the defence force, after she filed an official request with the ICC seeking an investigation into the culpability of ADF officers for war crimes exposed in the Brereton report.

Possibly the first incidence of something beneficial coming from having a disaffected corporal in power?

Mind you, Germany’s example didnt end well.

June 21, 2023 9:53 am

I just reply, with the crudest of racial epithets. Fortunately for the peace of the land, I have yet to encounter an Aborigine who speaks Afrikaans.

Something about your mothers virtue and bus money perhaps?

Top Ender
Top Ender
June 21, 2023 9:56 am

Meanwhile in the Territory, Hogs Breath restaurant will bypass Darwin because of street crime:

Australian steakhouse franchise Hog’s Breath Cafe has narrowed down its search for its next Territory restaurant to two Top End sites while snubbing Darwin city due to crime concerns.

The company has scoped out two potential locations at Gateway in Palmerston and another undisclosed spot in the Top End.

But despite the success of the [Darwin] Mitchell Street Hog’s Breath, which closed when the lease expired more than a decade ago, Darwin city is not among the selected sites due to concerns about employee and customer safety.

Hogs Breath is looking to re-establish a store in the Northern Territory three years after its Casuarina and Palmerston outlets shut their doors for the last time.

With a couple of potential sites identified, the company is now looking for operators who want to run the restaurant.

Hog’s Breath chief executive Steve Spurgin said the chain had a site agent to seek out suitable locations for future restaurants and two suitable spots had been selected.

But he said the Darwin central business district was identified as potentially being too risky for customers and staff.

“Crime and the environment customers have to come through to attend the restaurant is a factor when selecting sites,” he said.

“We’ve looked at the social environment and asked would the people of Darwin feel safe coming to this restaurant?

“We need families coming to our restaurant and it’s a large part of how we select the site.”

Mr Spurgin said Darwin was similar to other regional centres when it comes to crime.

He said Hog’s Breath restaurants in Townsville, Mackay and Toowoomba were all experiencing social issues that impact customers and businesses.

Small Business Minister Paul Kirby said the government was working towards a safer CBD.

Darwin, BTW, is where the Parliament House and other centres of government are….

NT News

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
June 21, 2023 9:57 am

Something about your mothers virtue and bus money perhaps?

Such themes have been known to recur, indeed.

June 21, 2023 10:01 am

The key to improving individual and overall health outcomes (to use the jargon) is to encourage self-responsibility.

Which used to be called ‘actions have consequences..’

June 21, 2023 10:02 am


This is why we love you so much Monty; the implication of a foulmouthed long-grasser shooting ZK2A in the head for replying to her taunts is possibly clever – but detrimental to your social credit.

June 21, 2023 10:05 am

Not looking good. “The Australian” reports:

Somewhere there’s a millenial journalist working up a climate change angle on this story.

June 21, 2023 10:06 am

The only optimistic scenario is that the sub, called Titan, has floated to the surface after ditching ballast and is bobbing around waiting to be found by the increasing numbers of C-130 Canadian and US coast guard aircraft sweeping the area.

Assuming the owners skimped out on an independently powered rescue beacon.
They are more likely SUBSUNK than SUBMISS, unfortunately.

June 21, 2023 10:07 am

Top Ender says:
June 21, 2023 at 9:56 am
Meanwhile in the Territory, Hogs Breath restaurant will bypass Darwin because of street crime:

This will happen more and more as businesses depart crime ridden areas until the whole of NT is a no go zone. That I’ll be followed by a population exodus or happen at the same time. When that happens the indigenes can have the place to themselves, institute their culture and live pre-colonial lives.

Top Ender
Top Ender
June 21, 2023 10:12 am

You wonder about some of these judges. The perp has spent “some months” in jail, and might be sentenced to a further term:

Teen could end up in jail after breaking into blind woman’s home and threatening to stab her
A Hobart teenager is walking a fine line between jail and freedom after he broke into the Sandy Bay home of a blind woman as she slept, robbing her and threatening to stab her.

A teenager who broke into the Sandy Bay home of a legally blind woman as she slept, stealing her jewellery as he threatened to stab her with a large knife, could end up in jail – depending on his behaviour for the rest of the year.

Gregory Maxwell Picken, 18, has pleaded guilty to one count of aggravated burglary and one count of armed robbery, dating back to January 11 this year.

In his published comments on passing sentence, Supreme Court judge Stephen Estcourt said Picken had been gambling at the Wrest Point Casino for some hours when he broke into the woman’s home about 3.50am. He took the woman’s handbag and wallet from her lounge room before stealing jewellery from her bedroom.

The woman woke to Picken brandishing a large knife and yelling words to the effect of, “where is your phone, c…?”

She asked why he was in her home, and in return, he threatened to stab her twice.

The woman then got out of bed, with Picken continuing to threaten her as he left via the back door – taking her iPhone, wallet, cash, keys, glasses, Apple AirPods, handbag, and jewellery including two sets of diamond earrings that had belonged to her grandmother.

She contacted police and Picken was arrested, with some of the property recovered.

“These were horrible crimes and very serious ones at that,” Justice Estcourt said. “Since then (the woman) has not slept through the night, she wakes up a couple of times a night in a state of panic and (has) repeated dreams about the defendant standing at the end of her bed with a knife.”

Justice Estcourt said the woman was now moving house as a result.

He noted Picken had been brought up in a strong and close family unit, but that his father had died as a result of a one-punch attack that he’d witnessed at age 11, and that his mother struggled thereafter and died of a drug overdose.

Now a father himself, Justice Estcourt said Picken had spent some months at Risdon Prison and had been constantly scared for his safety. The judge took the step of deferring sentence until December and granting bail, with Picken to return to court every month to check on his progress.

Hobart Mercury

H B Bear
H B Bear
June 21, 2023 10:31 am

As for “stagflation under labore” we’re now being gifted with it in spades.

Without wishing to defend mUnty in the slightest, it is far from clear that any notionally right of centre political party did anything about either debt or inflation while in office. The Liars happen to be on the government benches but the causes go back years. Yes, the Liars are inevitably worse for labour market outcomes.

June 21, 2023 10:31 am

It always smelled to high heaven that the top brass went after their own troops to please the diversity and high heels crowd. The honourable thing would have been to assume some responsibility, have some soul searching and hand back their own medals when demanding the troops return theirs.

Not to mention turning their people over to civilian courts. When did the Court Martial go out of style, or existence?

June 21, 2023 10:34 am
June 21, 2023 10:34 am

You wonder about some of these judges.

Judicial activist.

June 21, 2023 10:36 am

The Liars happen to be on the government benches but the causes go back years.

Indeeed they do. Unfortunately for us Mr. 32%, Jug Ears, Mean Girl & Co. are ideologically opposed to the remedies that need to be applied.

June 21, 2023 10:37 am

Not to mention turning their people over to civilian courts. When did the Court Martial go out of style, or existence?

Very much in existence. I met someone who described his job as fixing courts martial that had been screwed up by the officers running them.

June 21, 2023 10:38 am

The diversity strikes again, apparently.
Didn’t want to hire a bunch of 50 year old white guys.
Says this guy:
It says the ends of this thing were glued onto the hull.
I wonder if one of the ends popped off?

Ed Case
Ed Case
June 21, 2023 10:39 am

I know the factions and their union masters dole out ministries in a Labor government, but I wonder if Burney wasn’t a captain’s pick?

She’s a token pick. She was also Deputy Premier in the Keneally Government.
She’s not very intelligent, that was displayed when she was on an ABC Election Night coverage with Trent Zimmerman.
Her response yesterday were those of a person on strong AntiDepressants.

It’s a similar play to when Tony Abbott put Bronnie B up for Speaker.
Abbott thought Labor would struggle since she was
#1. Old
#2. Female
#3. Out of her depth
But it didn’t stop Tony Burke from steamrollering her in QT.
Because of Burney’s obvious vulnerabilities, they’ve got Sussan Ley asking the questions, probably to avoid a Burney meltdown, but in my opinion she needs to go in a lot harder.

June 21, 2023 10:42 am

The perp has spent “some months” in jail, and might be sentenced to a further term:

The Court’s accounting is somewhat fuller than the Court j’ismist’s.

June 21, 2023 10:46 am

PM seeks advice on double dissolution over housing bill

Phillip Coorey – Political editor

The Albanese government is seeking constitutional advice over whether the Greens’ ongoing refusal to pass the $10 billion social housing fund is grounds for a double dissolution election.

After the Greens and the Coalition teamed up in the Senate on Monday to defer debating and voting on the bill until October 16, Anthony Albanese told caucus the action may constitute the first half of a trigger for an early full-Senate election.

“The Greens are bringing a juvenile, student politics approach which needs to be exposed,” the prime minister said of the Greens refusal to back the Housing Australia Future Fund (HAFF) despite numerous concessions.

“Continually deferring a bill can be taken as a block, and we are seeking advice on that,” Mr Albanese told MPs.

The Greens are demanding the government enact a national rent freeze before considering the bill, but Mr Albanese said that was not only untenable but would result in less supply and make the problem worse.

A double dissolution trigger is gained when the Senate fails to pass a bill twice with a minimum of three months in between.

Mr Albanese said the government was seeking advice from the Commonwealth solicitor-general regarding whether it could keep the bill in the Senate and have the Greens fail to pass it a second time, or whether the bill would have to be withdrawn, put back through the House of Representatives and back into the Senate for the Greens to reject again.

Greens leader Adam Bandt dismissed the threat but would not say whether he would welcome fighting an election over his housing demands.

“If the government and Labor act on rising rents and out-of-control rent increases, then this bill can pass the Senate when it comes back,” he said.

The Greens are isolated on the issue, with other Senate crossbenchers – including the Jacqui Lambie Network and David Pocock – urging them to pass the bill, as are the housing industry and housing groups which represent the needy.

“I don’t see who wins by kicking this to October,” Senator Pocock said.

“My view is that we now bank these wins, we get on with building new social and affordable housing our community so desperately needs across the country.”

A double dissolution is a full Senate election that must be held more than six months before the expiry date of the House of Representatives.

At the very latest, that would be March 29, 2025, but the government could go much earlier if it wished. The earliest it could hold a half-Senate election would be August 3, 2024.

The stand-off over the HAFF has become a proxy for a broader battle between the Greens and Labor for inner-city seats populated by young renters.

The Greens have branded themselves the party of renters and the government argues the minor party is selling these voters false hope in the form of an undeliverable rent freeze as an exercise in product differentiation.

Nationals senator Matt Canavan dared Mr Albanese to bring on a double dissolution.

“Bring on a double dissolution if that is what the government wants,” he said. “I am more than happy to fight on this issue and many other issues.

“They’re making a big deal of the fact that … they say on their own numbers they want to build 6000 homes a year while they’re letting in 250,000-350,000 people a year. Maybe we should slow down the intake of migrants.”

Black Ball
Black Ball
June 21, 2023 10:49 am

In Year 7 Science news, Eli Green reports we are on the up! Hun:

The shortest day of the year is approaching, with Australia to experience less than 10 hours of sunlight and shiver through freezing temperatures this week.

The winter solstice will occur this Thursday, marking the day with the shortest amount of sunlight and the longest night of the year.

It is measured by the day that the Earth’s South Pole tilts the furthest away from the sun, bringing with it plenty of night time and limited time in the sun.

The good news is that from here, the days will continue to get longer until we reach the summer solstice in December.

Each city and town across Australia will experience a different amount of daylight, with the length of time spent in the sunshine dependent on your latitude.

The closer you get to the South Pole, the fewer hours spent in the sun each day throughout winter.

The solstice is generally not the coldest day of the year despite the short time spent in the sun.

However, many Australians are set to shiver on Wednesday and Thursday in the lead up to the shortest day.

A cold front from the beginning of the week has brought in the freezing temperatures to the south east of the country, according to Sky News Meteorologist Alison Osborne.

“Another cold front, the second in two days, brings another burst of cold, wet and windy weather and heralds a significant cold outbreak for many,” she said.

She said Wednesday is looking to be “by far the coldest” day for NSW, Victoria, the ACT and Tasmania.

On Thursday, Sydney will see a high chance of showers in the afternoon.

The CBD will reach a low of 7C degrees and a high of 17C while the western parts of the city could reach as low as 0C degrees with similar maximums.

Melbourne is also set for a wet Thursday with a very high chance of showers and a low of 6C degrees and a high of 13.

Those in Brisbane will be a little bit warmer than their southern neighbours but not by much with a minimum of 9C degrees and a max of 22C.

Chilly as always, Canberra is set to see temperatures dip to 0C on Thursday, but that’s warmer than the -4 minimum on Wednesday.

Unless Eli Green is in fact a Year 7 student, I will give this article a hearty FMD

June 21, 2023 10:50 am

Jana Stewart (wife of Marcus) has two beautiful children.
As the offspring of middle class professionals they will never experience the reality of living in the lore.
They will just get to play let’s pretend and read rose coloured glass picture books.

June 21, 2023 10:51 am

The AFR View

Energy transition is flickering as renewables struggle to catch up

Never has the message to keep all options open seemed more sensible. Yet, the rapid developments in affordable nuclear power overseas cannot even get a look-in.

The man who manages the east coast electricity supply could not be any plainer. Coal-fired power is leaving the system faster than renewables are being built to replace it, says the Australian Energy Market Operator’s chief executive, Daniel Westerman.

Urgent investment is needed. The energy transition is faltering.

The choice between meeting the 2030 target of 82 per cent renewables and keeping the lights on might be only a few years away.

The penetration of solar and wind – and the overall need to decarbonise the economy – is undermining the economics of coal-generated power.

Three big coal-fired plants are scheduled to close this decade.

But the Snowy 2.0 hydro scheme is way behind schedule, as is the massive investment in transmission lines needed to connect the national grid to far-flung solar and wind generation.

Thousands more wind turbines and hundreds of thousands of solar panels are needed, plus massive investments in transmission and gas-peaking power.

Yet, the approvals for new projects have stopped, mired in quicksand. Landowners are demanding $400,000 a kilometre for the grid to cross their properties.

Producers of gas, the critical transition fuel, are demonised. Victoria has excluded gas from the “safeguard” mechanism that is supposed to provide reliable backup, particularly on windless nights.

Brett Redman, CEO of NSW grid operator Transgrid, says the nominated 2025 shutdown of the state’s giant Eraring coal-fired generator should be delayed to provide insurance against blackouts.

BP, one of Australia’s biggest energy investors, said this week that renewables were approaching their own “sliding doors moment” where they could not meet future targets.

Never has the message to keep all options open seemed more sensible. Yet, the rapid developments in affordable nuclear power overseas cannot even get a look-in.

H B Bear
H B Bear
June 21, 2023 10:53 am

Indeeed they do. Unfortunately for us Mr. 32%, Jug Ears, Mean Girl & Co. are ideologically opposed to the remedies that need to be applied.

Much like Linda Burney, they aren’t helping. Interest rates are a very blunt instrument and even more so after 30 years without a recession. I don’t think we have seen anything yet.

June 21, 2023 10:56 am

Ukraine exhuming old graves to bury today’s dead soldiers – NYT

Russia insists the West is conducting a proxy war “to the last Ukrainian”

Ukrainian cemeteries are filling up with the bodies of soldiers killed on the frontline, so much that authorities sometimes have to exhume old graves to make room for the newly deceased, The New York Times has reported. Russia has warned that by arming Kiev, Western nations were increasing the cost of the war for Ukrainians.

The Monday article in the Times reported on the “seemingly countless funerals” taking place in the western Ukrainian city of Lviv. The magnitude of frontline losses is being felt by the community, as fresh graves multiply in the cemeteries, the newspaper said.

A groundskeeper at one told the US outlet that since the beginning of hostilities in February last year, the military burials in her care grew in number from a small cluster to some 500. The management decided to exhume unmarked graves from World War I to make room for the newly deceased, she added.

In another example this week, the mayor of Ivano-Frankivsk, another western Ukrainian regional capital, announced that visitors to the city cemetery will be able to rent bicycles and electric scooters. Ruslan Martsinkiv said the service was his administration’s response to complaints by relatives who found it difficult to move around the rapidly growing premises.

Both Ukraine and Russia refuse to publish their own frontline casualties and each claim that their opponent has sustained more than they report. Kiev is currently engaged in a counteroffensive against Russian defensive positions, trying to make use of the tanks and other military equipment supplied to it by Western nations. The push has so far reportedly come at a great cost with no significant territorial gains achieved.

Moscow has accused the US and its allies of causing the armed conflict in the first place, by moving NATO infrastructure into Ukraine and threatening Russian national security.

Western nations that arm Kiev allegedly stopped it from striking a peace deal in the first months of the conflict, and are waging a proxy war on Russia “to the last Ukrainian,” officials in Moscow have claimed.

The Russian government said it was determined to safeguard its nation despite the cost.

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
June 21, 2023 10:57 am

Arky’s link shows a very troubling scenario.
Life and limb are threatened all in the causes of “inspiring young people” and avoiding hiring white men. It’s a similar message to the “pale, stale, male” argument of recent years against great literature.
The bloke who signed up quickly after reading that going down in the experimental sub could lead to death obviously believed that new college graduates had all the answers to his safety.
Looks like he made a fatal mistake.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

The bloke who signed up quickly after reading that going down in the experimental sub could lead to death obviously believed that new college graduates had all the answers to his safety.

IIRC that was from last year – though I’ll warrant he’s no longer quite so chirpy about that video clip.

June 21, 2023 11:06 am

Not to mention turning their people over to civilian courts. When did the Court Martial go out of style, or existence?

For at least forty years criminal offences have been referred to the civil authority.
Courts Martial haven’t gone out of vogue, getting the noose at Captain’s Table has.

H B Bear
H B Bear
June 21, 2023 11:09 am

As a self evident truth, the West will run out Ukrainians before Russia runs out of Russians. Ask Fritz.

June 21, 2023 11:09 am

Interest rates are a very blunt instrument and even more so after 30 years without a recession.

Especially with a significant number of homeowners being mortgage free.

If we go into recession we won’t come out without supply side reforms which are anathema to Albanese & Co.

June 21, 2023 11:11 am
June 21, 2023 11:11 am

Michelle Obama Is A MAN Heres the Proof

Convincing it is too. However in terms of overall perversion and strangeness the bidens and clintons surpass the obamas.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
June 21, 2023 11:12 am

Credit and debit card data from Bankwest, compiled for The West Australian, reveals the total number of Baby Boomers splashing the cash grew at a rate at least twice that of Gen X, Millennials and Gen Z over the 12 months to May.

Splashing the cash, you say?
Perhaps that phrase is the unintentional belling of the cat about these “statistics”.
What they are measuring is the drift of older Australians from cash to tap and go during Covid, rather than an increase in gross spending.

June 21, 2023 11:12 am

Tucker Carlson on the Hunter Biden probation fiasco.

He hits this one out of the park.

June 21, 2023 11:15 am

For at least forty years criminal offences have been referred to the civil authority.

What exactly do Courts Martial try these days if not criminal offences?

Perhaps you mean civil offences? In which case how can a service member’s actions in combat be a civil matter?

June 21, 2023 11:17 am

PM seeks advice on double dissolution over housing bill

A possible way out for Luigi of the immaculata dentata??

“Oh noooo, the referendum failed because of the distraction of an election campaign”…

H B Bear
H B Bear
June 21, 2023 11:19 am

If we go into recession we won’t come out without supply side reforms which are anathema to Albanese & Co.

Population Ponzi can paper over the cracks for a while, although I suspect we are reaching the limits there. Still hasn’t fed into unemployment, can’t be long now.

June 21, 2023 11:20 am

Hunter Biden Gets Probation for $1M in Tax Evasion, Gun Charge
The average jail time for tax evasion is 3 – 5 years.

Poor old Trump and anyone near him; his accountant got 3 years for not declaring free parking at Trump Towers.

June 21, 2023 11:31 am

FMD, ABCcess going after another industry…

Commercial kangaroo shooters are required to adhere to standards of humane killing, set out by a national code of practice that was revised in 2020.

The code requires them to be correctly licensed and they are required to kill each kangaroo with a single shot to the head. They need to ensure the animal is dead before targeting another one.

But hunting takes place after dusk, which makes it hard for even the most experienced shooter to get a clean, single shot to the head.

I have an idea.
Lets get all the ABC catamites to line up 150m from a professional roo shooter and he’ll stop putting a bullet through their heads after the first miss.

Jane Gibb and her partner Frank Jesse moved here 17 years ago in search of a tranquil place to set up their yoga retreat.
For several years, she says they found just that.
Jane Gibb and her partner Frank Jesse moved here 17 years ago in search of a tranquil place to set up their yoga retreat.

For several years, she says they found just that.

“We cohabited peacefully with our neighbours and the people in the community … a lot of interaction with nature,” she says.
But that changed in 2017, she says, when commercial kangaroo shooters moved into the area.
“[They] started shooting kangaroos very close to our property … like 60 metres away from our front door,” Ms Gibb says.

At times she’s been woken at 3am by gunshots, to find lights shining through her property.

“I had a spotlight shone on me when I was near the front gate one night,” she says.

“You think, ‘Oh, they’re coming in, this is a home invasion,’ … it’s been very, very traumatising.

“We live in a situation where we’re frightened. We are frightened in our own home.”

We should totally run industry based on what neurotics and Karens think is appropriate.

H B Bear
H B Bear
June 21, 2023 11:36 am

We still haven’t got the bill from the ALPBC live cattle expose.

June 21, 2023 11:38 am

As for “stagflation under labore” we’re now being gifted with it in spades.

The recent inflation is now over in America. It was a temporary phenomenon, as people who weren’t partisan shills kept telling you.

The RBA this week quietly admitted in its latest papers that the Australia Institute was right all along: corporate price gouging is causing prolonged inflation in Australia. Not that they will stop punishing regular people with their rate hikes, of course. Beatings will continue until morale improves.

June 21, 2023 11:46 am

Time’s up. We are officially doomed, doomed I tell you.

Greta Thunberg
@Greta Thunberg

“A top climate scientist is warning that cliamate change will wipe out all of humanity unless we stop using fossil fuels over the next five years”

Jun 21, 2018

Fair Shake
Fair Shake
June 21, 2023 11:46 am

“[They] started shooting kangaroos very close to our property … like 60 metres away from our front door,” Ms Gibb says.

There is no doubt on still winter nights sound does travel far. But shooting 60m from someones home? Im calling BS. …and a yoga retreat placed in the middle of a target rich environment, sweet Jeebus.

June 21, 2023 11:46 am

Says this guy:
It says the ends of this thing were glued onto the hull.
I wonder if one of the ends popped off?

Sub brief is very good, have watched a lot of his content.

Regarding the ‘glued on’ comment, remember this is a pressure vessel constructed to resist external pressure, the opposite to a gas bottle.

June 21, 2023 11:51 am

To the horticulture crowd amongst the Cats. Why there is no Ribena in the US 🙂

June 21, 2023 11:51 am

Interest rates are a very blunt instrument and even more so after 30 years without a recession.

Its only 30 years if you ignore the effects of degrading the numerical denominator through inflationary loss of value in the AUD, and high levels of immigration.

Absent those 2 fiddles, most years since the 70s have been recessionary, we just dont notice because artificially low interest rates have enabled debt financed spending to obscure it – this must end at some point.

June 21, 2023 11:52 am

Bugga, the link disappeared:

June 21, 2023 11:54 am

the cost overrun for the construction of two ferry wharves in Botany Bay in Sydney revealed an early estimate of `18 million dollars had now blown out to 78 million dollars.
And Luigi reckons the gummint can solve the housing crisis witha$200billion spend on social housing
Words to terrify .. We is gummint and we is here to help ..

June 21, 2023 11:55 am

thefrollickingmole says:
June 21, 2023 at 11:17 am
PM seeks advice on double dissolution over housing bill
A possible way out for Luigi of the immaculata dentata??
“Oh noooo, the referendum failed because of the distraction of an election campaign”…

It’s also a neat way of getting rid of a lot of cross bench senators. If I were him I would do the same.

Johnny Rotten
June 21, 2023 11:58 am

H B Bearsays:
June 21, 2023 at 11:09 am
As a self evident truth, the West will run out Ukrainians before Russia runs out of Russians. Ask Fritz.

Around 8 million Ukrainians have already left the UKR and fled west. They won’t be going back to the UKR (or what’s left of it) anytime soon.

Fair Shake
Fair Shake
June 21, 2023 11:58 am

4 years ago I went pig shooting on a friends station in South West NSW. I sent a photo of our rich pickings to a private chat group back in Melburnia. A friend in the group – (usually a nice chap, Irish, left winger with a condescension for all things Aussie, lived 10 years in inner city Melbourne)…went ballistic (see I what i did there), called me a murderer, sadistic, etc… I initially thought he was joking but you can never tell with the Irish if a beer or a fist is coming ur way. Halfwit had no idea what damage pigs do to the land, waterways, lambs…

Anyway a couple of other chaps were v impressed and we now have a separate private chat where we share traditional conservative views on all things fked with Melbourne and this country. Welcome to my country.

June 21, 2023 12:05 pm

how can a service member’s actions in combat be a civil matter?

When somebody decides slotting a talibani on his meal break is murder, I guess.
If some muj gets RSI slitting throats,played hard, done good
and a cold compress is the correct response, not the Mozambique Drill.
Because that’s our thing now.

June 21, 2023 12:05 pm

Arky says:

une 21, 2023 at 10:38 am

The diversity strikes again, apparently.
Didn’t want to hire a bunch of 50 year old white guys.
Says this guy:
It says the ends of this thing were glued onto the hull.
I wonder if one of the ends popped off?

Watched it to the end, if half of what that bloke is saying is true…. God help those on board.

June 21, 2023 12:07 pm


Dreyfus deliberately running dead on legal case underpinning land tenure in Australia??

Yunupingu was seeking up to $700 million in compensation from the Commonwealth on behalf of his people, the Gumatj clan, over the acquisition of land on the Gove Peninsula in north-east Arnhem Land in 1969.
The Federal Court battle was the first time the court had been asked to determine whether the Commonwealth’s actions in acquiring land without recognising native title were invalid.

It was hailed as a case that could “break new legal ground” when it was first brought forward in 2019.

The Commonwealth argued it had the right to take property from Territorians without having to pay fair compensation, and that it did not have to provide just terms for an acquisition of land in the Northern Territory.

Lawyers also said that if the court rejected the Commonwealth’s argument, it could “potentially invalidate every grant of freehold or leasehold title in the Northern Territory since 1911”, exposing the Commonwealth to a slew of new native title compensation claims.

Federal Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus said it was appropriate the case’s issues be settled by the High Court so “parties to this and future matters have clarity and certainty about the law in this area”.

“I recognise the significant contribution that Yunupingu has made to First Nations land rights in Australia. Initiating this landmark case was one of many actions he took to build a better future for his people,” he said.
“This case raises important legal issues including very significant constitutional issues that go beyond the native title context.

“The application of these constitutional issues in the context of native title compensation is new and the Federal Court decision represents the first time these issues have been judicially determined in that context.”

Pretty standard lefty tactic.
“lose” a case, pay huge sums of money to encourage the next legal milestone to ‘lose’…

June 21, 2023 12:07 pm

The recent inflation is now over in America. It was a temporary phenomenon, as people who weren’t partisan shills kept telling you.

The RBA this week quietly admitted in its latest papers that the Australia Institute was right all along: corporate price gouging is causing prolonged inflation in Australia. Not that they will stop punishing regular people with their rate hikes, of course. Beatings will continue until morale improves.

Words that have little content:

the Australia Institute was right all along

Generally even ardent wrongology like those Brights publish includes useful filler phrases that true believers can ‘admit were right all along’.
‘The recent inflation is now over’ means that the inflation rate has dropped; so will the government give back the money it stole from the people by issuing money that had no value created behind it?
I lived through several episodes of ‘The recent inflation is now over’ under Zimbabwean economic management, and episodic inflation means it can by directly tied to government actions each time it jumps. Your assertion fills me with confidence that we are ruled by f**kwits, voting for inflated balloons of their own self-importance.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
June 21, 2023 12:09 pm

Regarding the ‘glued on’ comment, remember this is a pressure vessel constructed to resist external pressure, the opposite to a gas bottle.

He claims to have learned from the aerospace industry.
As noted, he didn’t learn much from the Apollo 1 fire.
The airliner industry developed the ‘plug door’ to solve the differential pressure problem. That is, it uses the higher pressure inside the aircraft at altitude to keep the door firmly in it’s hole.
Of course, the pressure differential is reversed in a deep sea submersible, but this actually makes the plug mechanism construction for the hatch easier.
Having said all that, the pressure differential in a submersible at 3,000 – 4,000 metres is vastly different to that in an aircraft at 40,000 feet. I also take the point about the game controller. Honestly, the controls on this thing would be pretty rudimentary and no need for a wireless controller, apart from making it look cool.

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Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x