Miranda Devine nailed it. The only reason people get pardoned is because they’re guilty. Biden is, and always has been,…
Miranda Devine nailed it. The only reason people get pardoned is because they’re guilty. Biden is, and always has been,…
Chris Kenny “worried” by the friendship between Trump and Musk. As if Trump and Musk would give a flying fuk…
The suburb of Woollahra was first torched by Jew haters back in November, a few days before my mother died.…
That’s a damn low bar you’re setting there, Doc.
Fast driving, hand-eye coordination, etc.
What would flyingduk know about any of this anyway? What depth of experience & intense involvement could he possibly have that would match a few sunday-morning-in-pyjamas-with-a-cup-of-cocoa throwaway lines about
waterproofing… er.. driving & hand/eye coordination?I thought this was Dovers blog?
Having only only uptics reeks of needy ‘progressivism’.
how many ticks would an uptick tick if an uptick could up ticks?
It’s a mystery.
When I was in NZ early in the year my host took me fishing. They have access trails locked so he and his mates got big padlocks with the name of electricity companies or communication companies engraved on the lock. They cut off the first link and put their one on beside the Conservation lock. So far no problem.
I suggest a poll to determine the level of support (or not) for upticks.
The poll should be measured by upticks.
At the conclusion of the uptick poll, calculated by uptick metric, a clear result should be obtained as to who wants upticks, and who does not want upticks.
After that – the poll should be put in a bin and set on fire, because if blog management wants upticks, then upticks there shall be.
That was funny Gez. Imagine being so entitled he couldn’t do it himself even if he is one.
Your home being damaged due to heavy machinery operations? Andrews will compensate you. Just maybe not what you require, Ian Royall reports:
And there was pineapple on the pizza.
Time to lawyer up.
They were offered a Dilapidation Survey before the project started.
If they were too dumb to take up the offer, how is that Andrews fault>
I say, take the Pizza while you still can.
If You Were A Sheep During Covid, Admit You Were Wrong And Do Better Next Time
Those who were Covid cowards need to stand up against tyranny in the future. It’s the least they can do.
If you were one of those people who always diligently wore an ineffective mask, got the experimental vaccine and boosters, or performatively practiced social distancing, you really owe an apology to those who stood up for civil liberties during Covid and must commit to being smarter and braver in the future.
The Covid years mark what was arguably the greatest encroachment on personal freedom and bodily autonomy in the history of our country. The government decimated the American economy by forcibly closing businesses. It enacted unethical and anti-science mask mandates and government employee vaccine mandates, even though the Covid shots do not prevent people from spreading or contracting the virus.
Many counties and cities made life for the unvaccinated as uncomfortable as possible, with some prohibiting them from dining in restaurants and going to the gym or entertainment venues.
Meanwhile, private businesses and schools had their own social distancing, vaccine, and mask requirements, with even many churches bending the knee.
It was at least somewhat reasonable to wear a mask or social distance at the very beginning of Covid because there were so many unknowns about the virus. Yet the insanity lasted for years, well after it was clear the response to the virus was causing more harm than good and studies showed the lockdowns were futile, cloth masks were not effective, and the vaccine was causing serious injuries.
To avoid judgment, go out to dinner, and even keep their jobs, a disturbing number of Americans were compliant with the Covid nonsense. A smaller number of people, however, resisted. They allowed themselves to be fired or expelled to avoid the vaccine mandates. They forwent indoor dining and entertainment, and they walked through the airport with uncovered faces as dystopian loud speakers repeated over and over, “Federal law requires you to wear a mask covering your nose and mouth at all times.”
Covid had only the power we the people gave it.
Had enough Americans refused to shutter their businesses and comply with vaccine and mask mandates, the performative fear would have ceased to control us.
The most crucial thing to understand about the government and social reaction to Covid is that it was an experiment. During the 2020 World Economic Forum, Chairman Klaus Schwab and then-Prince Charles announced the infamous “Great Reset,” a WEF economic project that seeks to use Covid as a vehicle for limiting Western freedom and promoting globalism.
Charles stated that Covid “offers an unprecedented opportunity to rethink and reset the ways in which we live and do business.” The WEF’s “revolutionary reset” calls on world leaders to implement the forum’s socialist master plan for transitioning economies from relying on coal, oil, and natural gas to insufficient supplies of wind and solar power.
Essentially, government leaders exploited the fear surrounding Covid, using it to implement disastrous economic policies that kill the middle class and will eventually create a form of neo-feudalism that only benefits mega, global corporations and the state.
Thanks to the inaction of millions of Americans, the response to Covid irreversibly damaged our country. Yes, people lost their livelihoods, and it stunted the education of an entire generation of children, with hundreds of thousands to this day still reportedly missing from school systems across the country. However, it also set an alarming precedent that in America we willingly give up essential liberty anytime federal bureaucrats claim we are facing a public “emergency.”
Even worse is the example Covid set for younger generations. Perhaps nowhere in America was Covid more authoritarian than on college campuses, where young people were taught that mental submission, creepy surveillance, and Covid violation reporting systems were essential, virtuous, and even normal.
The ramifications of the Covid response will be felt for decades. If we learned anything from the WEF’s “Great Reset,” it’s that Covid is no one-off. Now that our leaders have watched the majority of the population relinquish their liberties for a virus comparable for many in the general population to the seasonal flu, they’re going to whip out the Covid playbook anytime they want to scare the populace into compliance.
That’s where those who were sheep during Covid come in. Thousands of Americans were severely punished for bravely resisting the Covid psyop because millions more followed the edicts and perpetuated fear despite knowing better.
When the next Covid comes along, those who were either gullible or cowards need to learn from their mistakes and stand up against tyranny. That’s the least they can do.
It’s simple. If one has a paid VPN service, one usually has access to hundreds of VPNs around the world.
Each change of VPN server gives one another uptick, if one desires.
There. Now you know.
Bringing up an old issue just because. Now here is a news video interesting for conspiracy aficionados. Start watching at the 1:02 mark.
Glowing orange hot metal, which can be seen *dripping* globs off one lifted chunk, even described as “molten metal” by the narrator, and all from a conventional semi-enclosed fire on old car parts. One witness reported an explosion, but nobody has said the yard contained explosives. Not a single explosive involved.
Molten metal without using explosives.
I’m sure there’s a lesson in that for all of us.
Runs a large hedge fund, FWIW.
Why Vaccines are Treated Differently from Other Products
How does a car, home electrical appliance, or computer manufacturer typically assure the safety of its products?
Well, they typically engage in some form of self-regulation. Companies competing with each other are interested in the success of their products and want to make as much money as they can. If a company finds itself risking a loss of revenue as a result of a manufacturing error or lack of safety, it typically corrects or refrains from actions that are responsible for the loss of profits.
However, this may not be the case if profitable conduct contains no liability. Should this be the case, the easy route to attaining greater profitability will be taken.
Indeed, such is the case in the world of vaccines, which proves to be the world’s exception to the rule.
Attorney Aaron Siri of the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) who has worked a great deal on vaccine-related issues like vaccine injury claims, vaccine exemptions and vaccine policy work, gave testimony to the Arizona State Senate on May 25th.
His impressive two-hour presentation sought to answer the question: How can this system that people rely on fail us so badly?
But to understand the failure is to understand the context within which the new vaccines arose. We need to understand what happened 37 years ago.
In 1986, Congress passed the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (HR5546).
This is an historic act because it removed liability for childhood injury vaccines.
Removing liability tends to alter the behavior of entities that benefit. Indeed, it turned out that pharmaceutical companies were no longer liable for injuries caused by their products.
That has been the law since 1986.
Attorney Siri says that he knows of no other product that has that kind of immunity.
Not planes nor drugs. But since 1986, big pharma has not had any market force check of any significance. “Think of all the products out there that warrant safety precautions, and the one you give immunity to is the one you give to babies. Think about that.”
It turned out that in the years leading up to Congress’ 1986 Act, the amount of liability that pharmaceutical companies were facing from injuries far exceeded the revenue that those products accumulated.
Manufacturers went bust or withdrew from the market. You would think that the typical and responsible action would be to simply make a safer product for any remaining pharmaceutical company. That’s how market forces work.
However, Congress decided that they did not have to make a safer product.
Instead, they could continue to sell harmful products and would be granted immunity to boot, thereby evading a lawsuit from anyone. Equally as awful, they made this law for any vaccine made for children from that day forward.
Subsequent to Congress’ ruling, drug companies now lacked the incentive to understand the safety profile for their vaccines before they were licensed.
When it comes to other medical drugs, drug companies are very interested in knowing the safety profile because they are not immune in these cases.
In the event of injury, they may very well have to pay for damages. But with vaccine clinical trials, there is no concern. Since the Vaccine Injury Act, Congress created the economic basis for this attitude. Pharmaceutical companies can make their money while taking the path of least resistance. And that path corresponded with the loosening of practices connected to clinical trials.
Military justice is to justice what military music is to music.
– Groucho Marx
Oh yeah, and what would you know about it, dickface. FFS STFU and stop trying to act all Mr. Security. You operate a run down shithole in the middle of nowhere and likely busted. Go clean the pool.
It’s not so much hand-eye in the argument I made. It has much more to do with spatial awareness and the interpretation.
Also Duk
Here’s a question for you to your own question about asking myself which race excels at table tennis.
Simply because it may be a popular game in China, or was, how would you know they excel at table tennis? Playing the game by lots of Chinese doesn’t mean their propensity to excel is more so than other racial groups.
What evidence do you have?
You have to hand it to Musk, the guy is absolutely brilliant. They only come around a few times in a generation and you need 8 billion people to make one of him. Two weeks ago he was counted out because “Zuck the Suck” decided to go and play on Twitter’s turf. What happened now?
Threads use is on the skids and Musk made a checkmate play. Folks now get paid for trolling comments.
How not to get allies.
A Country in Decline
Almost half of millennials think misgendering a transgender person should be a CRIMINAL offense, new survey finds
. A higher proportion of millennials believe referring to a transgender person using incorrect pronouns should be considered a criminal offense
. Among those aged 25-34, 44 percent support the idea of misgendering being a criminal offense, while only 31 percent disagree
. The issue of transgender rights and its implications on women’s rights has become a contentious political topic across the United States
SBS extreme left partner Vice is now owned by Soros.
How’s that? The Australian people are funding an outlet for Soros fascism.
SBS has always been more dangerous, insidious and treasonous than ABC who are just blunt instruments compared to SBS.
SBS disguise their race based fascism behind soccer and French girls taking their cloths off, but they are true globalist anti-democratic shills.
Integrating NITV with this mob was a natural fit. They already had the anti-Australian propaganda techniques in place.
I went to High School with a bloke that won the Australian Table Tennis Championship when he was 15.
Yeah, he didn’t have much Chimese ancestry, just enough to be the best Table Tennis player in Australia.
I thinki he may have won it again, about 15 years later.
Today in Expertise:
The opposite was and remains the case. Complete failure. She was fluffing for her masters.
From what I see on the roads, it’s nothing much to do with coordination but much more to do with attitude. Indian truck drivers (yes Indian) and Chinese motorists have a tendency to show terrible courtesy and road manners.
Just get a load at their ABC’s attempt at putting on a comedy show. They can’t do original and so the essentially remake a new version of Mother and Son. There’s one slight change. The son’s black.
The resemblance is astonishing.
How could they get two actors – one is black and the other white to look like a DNA match. Incredible casting talents.
Awaiting the Monty Python, Benny Hill and Kingswood Country remakes with breathless anticipation.
They’ll be belters.
Couldn’t the white chick go blackface ? Pretty poor effort from her.
Why do we need remakes? Other than providing evidence that the meja/entertainment complex have run out of ideas.
Imagine – an ABC parody of itself. That would have some comedy legs.
Kingswood Country ripped off All In The Family, which ripped off Til Death Us Do Part.
The difference was, Kingswppd Country was funny.
Neither Indian truck drivers nor Chinese motorists in my area.
What we do get is lots & lots & lots & lots of caravans, towed predominantly by elderly folk, exhibiting number plates from the two most south-eastern states.
Terrible courtesy and road manners is only the beginning of their dangerous habits.
This proves white folks are hopeless drivers.
From the Hun. Bastards.
You’re right, JC. Musk is very clever, but only part of that is high intelligence. He’s also an outsider who has not been captured by the fashionable political groupthink that is dumbing down the rest of corporate America.
What Musk is doing at Twitter reminds me of the very simple and brilliant commercial idea that journalist/entrepreneur Craig Huchison has used to build a national Australian sports radio network, SEN: country radio stations in Australia can’t afford to buy quality programs so Hutchison created the programming in his company, Croc Media, and onsold the content to country radio stations for zero cash upfront, but in return for the revenue from advertising attached to the content.
And, after reverse-engineering a takeover of the SEN network, Hutchison’s SEN has been buying up unused commercial radio frequencies in Australia and NZ and: voila! A (very profitable) Australasian sports radio network with stations in every major city, created virtually overnight, with major radio sports rights contracts for cricket, AFL and NRL.
Caravan drivers of a certain vintage perhaps. What isn’t in dispute is the shit roads and shoulders in regional Qld which make caravan towing a rather dangerous mission.
I’d like to add my bit on Liz Storer.
I like watching and listening to her. I can picture her drinking most blokes under the table and arm wrestling the rest. All while still looking hot.
She is actually a real surprise on the box. Long may she give the boofs a pasting.
No, it doesn’t in the least and once more demonstrates your analytical abilities, which are exactly what one would anticipate from Capt. Kebab.
In your anecdote, you restricted the population’s distribution, and we all know that as people age, they become slower. Your anecdote is worthless, you nincompoop, driller.
Let’s go back to your passionate defense of Duk’s remark. You made the rooky but understandable mistake of defending a voice of authority, which is not surprising coming from a slob.
What is it with you always trying to play security for people out of the military? It’s a very faggot-like affliction.
Good Lord.
Has there ever been a more cringeworthy radio show than “Macca on a Sunday Morning”?
Foreigners exposed to this tripe would be firmly convinced that all Australians are semi literate morons.
Naturally 😉
This applies usually on sealed roads only.
Has little impact on lack of traffic awareness in town, on clear roads, at obstacles, etc.
Qld is hampered (in part) by being mostly quality soil & thus quite difficult to build a road bed upon.
Unlike the states to the west & south, where excellent road building countryside abounds.
I’d like to add my bit on Liz Storer.
Yep; if she and Jacinta and Daisy Cousens weren’t all married, and I wasn’t, I’d be knocking on their door:
Haven’t listened in 30 years, used to love the wharfie who’d phone in with waterfront yarns that were among the best you’d hear on the show.
Back before he had a halal kebob stand, Capt. Kebob was the chief of civil engineering in the QLD government overseeing all road construction in the state. If he doesn’t know, who would?
Makka, you’d benefit from visiting the NT, SA, western NSW & West Oz, where all caravanners suddenly become good drivers, once they’re away from Qld’s “indisputably bad” shoulders, potholes, etc. 😉
you lost me with Daisy Cousens.
She carries a real Marieke Hardy, little girl vibe. And the voice is like crushing aluminium cans. The other two, 100%
Hi Sal. 😀
Mrs M is a born and bred (FN) Qlder god bless her cotton socks and therefore has been conditioned from birth to not trust and frequently denigrate the horrendous driving capabilities of anyone emanating from Mexico or further south. Especially those hauling caravans. So your comments are not surprising.
Back in the 60’s , a Vic or NSW number plate coming up her street was cause for Mums and Dads to quickly call their kids back into their own yards, such was the perceived trauma of these unannounced visits from the beyond.
The new revised 10 Commandments.
I really, really like this dude. The one advantage, if he makes it to the White House is, that he won’t be doing any driving. 🙂
Scientists have discovered a new Black Hole.
Sometimes lessons are not easy to learn, especially those as the saying goes in relation to history. So, if we don’t acknowledge that tyranny was before us and didn’t want to let any of us go, that lesson will probably tend the same way.
There are still on the books in the state parliaments pandemic laws that could quickly and completely take away our rights as citizens, perhaps permanently if the need arose – see the climate change crisis claims.
We all need to be vigilant now. If we acquiesce a second time, there will be no going back. The forgettery is not an option.
To that, on the Outsiders this morning there was an interview with a woman who promised her mother, on her death bed, that she would write the story of her hero grandfather who fought against the communists in Lithuania.
However, once she started investigating her grandfather’s activities in that country during the war, she discovered that he actually was a Nazi who controlled a province? – a governor – and had been responsible for the murder of thousands of Lithuanian Jews, and that the Gentile Lithuanian population was complicit in these murders. The author stated that none of this has been known in Lithuania. The country, it seems, had simply forgotten the numbers of Jews murdered, because the people themselves were involved, and they didn’t want to acknowledge their part – and to be reminded of their actions.
I’m not suggesting in any way that the response to covid from individuals here or anywhere is like what seems to had happened during the war in Lithuania, by Lithuanians. I’m saying simply that we may wish to forget, or gild the lily in some way, but we can’t go back in time. Things were done to us all. We can not let the state, or those who would ignore this travesty in all of its manifestations, get away with it.
JC, has he got any runs on the board? Or could he end up playing lip service to those genuinely great assertions, once the donors get into him.
Well, Trump has promised to take Indian [chain] migration to the U.S. to the Moon if he gets elected again, so this StrreetShitter couldn’t be any worse.
Are the Opposition in Queensland making law and order a central pillar of their campaign? Courier Mail:
He has a net worth between 600 to 1 bill. I think, made in tech.
He’s a political novice.
cohenite, I’m in agreement with Pogria on Daisy. I put it down to the development of a look to get noticed on TV & youtube, together with her obvious training in drama. Very cringeworthy. Though, on one note, I see she seems now to be fledging out of her overly grandiose hairdos. That’s a good move, imho.
When is he going to be locked up for crimes against humanity? I’m starting to wonder whether even Hitler could match him for evil doing.
Government Documents prove Bill Gates is Primary Funder of UK Medicine Regulator despite owning huge shares in Pfizer
Correct that, Swimmer.
He made his money in pharma.
Has there ever been a more cringeworthy radio show than “Macca on a Sunday Morning”?
He’s the only thing on the ABC worth listening to. This morning’s presentation even featured a patriotic song, which must drive the national broadcaster’s inbreds to distraction.
Long live Macca!
If (and it is one helluva big IF) they do, it’s long overdue.
Almost certainly will be about 1/100 as strong as they need to be.
Qld is for the taking, for any party that credibly presents as able to fix the health system & halt ‘juvenile’ crime.
whose rights are they? pre-emptive law challenge
Are the Opposition in Queensland making law and order a central pillar of their campaign?
Yes but not vigorously enough. Not a fan of three strikes and your out laws as they could be misused but to curtail judicial inertia I think we are at the juncture.
Unfortunately a harsh crackdown is needed to right years of hand petting that has got us to this point.
You, taxpayer, come hither. And bring your wallet.
David Thompson shines a light on London’s struggling artists. As italicised, the answer is always OPM
At a public forum last week the local LNP sitting member was taking “open questions” from the floor about what we may want in a government.
A few dorothy dixers about highbrow stuff.
So Salvatore threw in a lowbrow question: “I’m tired of being burgled three nights in a row by the same under-18yo, if elected would your party be able to stop this?”
A few murmurs from the room, clearly I wasn’t the only one tired of ‘catch-and-release‘ and ‘you-can’t-arrest-your-way-out-of-crime‘
The sitting LNP member gave me a piercing look that said “When we’re back in, you’re on the list for some intense compliance inspections” then gave to the room (not to me) a slimy stock answer the greasily rolled off the tongue.
On Makka on a Sunday. That show, like Back Roads and the Anzac Day commemorations, are all designed by the ABC to try to re-balance its woke, anti liberal, left wing agenda. To make them look reasonably presentable to the rest of us, and presentable enough to continue our funding of them.
“Here we are, we are just like mainstream Australia. See ole Makka, painfully discussing for the umpteenth time, the wheat season/lambing/baking damper/singing goofy songs.
And here is darling Heather out there on the back roads of OZ slumming around seeking out the little people who inhabit and toil in the backblocks.
And here’s our big moment of Aussie culture as the voice of OZ – giving it up for the diggers, even to the extent of flying over half of our talking heads to speak to you all from Gallipoli and the Western Front (and then have a holiday on the taxpayer’s dime).”
What we’re seeing is performance art.
Footage released after elderly man was killed on his morning walk …
… Meanwhile, Ryo Jay Anan – who was not known to Mr Kerr – was arrested after he was found naked 100m away on the Noosa beachfront.
No further questions your Honour
Oh I will add, CCTV in my street caught the turds scoping out a mates car up the road before moving on. They tried getting into the house across the road, 2nd time occurring in under 12 months. Then finally got into a place a street over. There’s talk of starting a roving neighbourhood watch on Facebook apparently.
Saw a teenager scoping the suburb out today. They are getting more brazen and two out of the three ALP members are in trouble poll number wise in the city finally.
Well, that all sounds fine and dandy.
However what if I am morally opposed to ticking, want to live on a tick-free blog, but the poll question is “Tick below if you want to get rid of ticking”.
How do I get through that Catch-22 conundrum?
Duk..I nicely explained to you before that just because Chinese are at the top of the league for table tennis , it means nothing if you haven’t allowed for things like the fact that the Chinese represent 15% of the world population. The game appears to be extremely popular there while much less so in the western world. Those stats mean nothing if you don’t allow/adjust for this part of the equation. Please try harder as I think you can do it.
Ping Pong Tables were fairly common underneath high blocked houses in Qld 60 years ago.
I’d say Aborigines would be good at Table Tennis, except for:
#1. There’s no money in it as a Sport
#2. Someone’s gotta by the Table and bats
#3. Funding to buy the ping pong ball
Eddesly, I own a table and bats , all sitting in the garage. It hasn’t been unfolded for 20 years!
#Ukraine has stuff in the pipeline the Russians will never see coming.
A slightly different take is that the defence contractors are beta testing hardware & systems in Ukraine.
If it kind of works, they’ll claim success and mark up the price (like Patriot missiles after one of the Iraq wars).
If it doesn’t, no harm done as far as the Washington dinner party set is concerned.
Looks like the ABC has an ad for Tasmania pretending to be a drama on tonight.
This clip of an interview with David Martin is effectively three and a half minutes long (the rest is infomercial) and it is utterly brilliant.
I seriously think he has one of the best minds for unpicking the chains that bind because he focusses entirely on facts. I know we live in a corrupt and false reality but making people aware of the actual situation is a big part of the solution.
The Power of Attention: How to Do Less and Get More Done – David Martin
#2. Someone’s gotta by the Table and bats
Another typo by Head Case (by for buy) who is the Head typo.
This quote applies to Head Case –
“Roses are red, violets are blue, I’m schizophrenic, and so am I.”
– Oscar Levant
Well said BBS.
It doesn’t excuse sovereign citizen types high jacking the movement .though. They harassed staff on lunch breaks sent threatening quasi legal emails at my sons work. As a result it subdued discussion on the ethical use of coercion.
Question about Chinese Table Tennis champs.
Are they the Han, or the Cantonese?
Because the Han seem pretty useless and uncoordinated, but the Cantonese, who made up 99% of Australia’s Chinese Population before 1977, are fairly normal.
And the Chinese & Russians aren’t developing anything, no sir!
Face it, the perverted faggot loving ‘West’ is a dumpster fire that no-one is really interested in putting out. Let it burn I say.
If petrol-head pastimes aren’t a popular sport in suburban & regional Asia, is it fair to say that whiteys are better at motorsports, driving & spatial awareness?
Or is motorsport success simply a measure of the sporting proclivities of rednecks?
“I called up Mick and Shirl on UHF 31 about a threesome.
They said no”.
Why not get the TT set out, find a slope in your area who wants a game, and go from there?
They’re all smokers, so you might be able to sneak a few durries in as well?
That was actually a barrister who completely fabricated the character and his tall tales.
Macca was decidedly miffed when he found out there was a better faux knockabout bloke out there.
Turd Caser reverts to casual racism, as usual.
Reading Graham Freudenberg’s book “Churchill and Australia.”
“Australia seemed to bring out the worst in Churchill. Often enough to form a discernible pattern, Australia found itself on the wrong side of the very qualities….that made Churchill, as the philosopher Isiah Berlin described him “the saviour of his country, the largest human being of all time.”
“Asquith was the cleverest British Prime Minister of the twentieth century. Kitchener was hailed as the greatest British soldier since the Duke of Wellington, and Lord Fisher as the greatest British seaman since Nelson. Churchill went on to become the greatest wartime Prime Minister in British history. Between them, they produced Gallipoli.” Page 74
Interesting reading.
Extra and unneeded evidence that she’s a silly old trout.
I saw a bit of a Vivek Ramaswamy speech as I allowed myself to be swept along by the currents and eddies of the YouTube recommendations that run down the rightmost edge.
I liked what he was saying and felt sorry that he was so far behind Trump and DeSantis that he might not try again.
And that would be a shame.
I am a fan of Daisy Cousens. She is sharp and well informed and her presentation style and appearance is a finger to the establishment talking heads. You don’t have to look and sound like a miserable public servant to be a good commentator.
She has her target audience well defined. Grumpy ol farts are not her primary interest.
And, dare I say it, I also like Caleb Bond as a segment anchor.
Punch Cards and Picket Lines: Jean Arthur in The Devil and Miss Jones
Yes, JC. Just like Donald Trump.
You can understand why entrepreneurs like Vivek Ramaswamy and Trump are attracted to politics — a broken system that is shoving it up the people it’s meant to represent.
Making a system that f***ked up work again is the ultimate entrepreneurial challenge.
Basically, Gallipoli was the bait to keep the Tsar in the War, control of the Straits being the prize.
It was never intended to be successful, Britain and France had fought the Crimean War against Russia 60 years before to deny them that objective.
Graham Freudenberg, when was he ever an historian?
A bloke of that name was Press secretsary to Whitlam years ago.
Duk picked a silly game that could be easily shown to be lacking.
Then security chimes in making worse for him. Capt. Kebab has an incredible knack of wrecking people’s argument because he’s dim witted.
Let’s take cricket, baseball ( played professionally in Sth Korea) and of course golf.
India probably has 200 to 300 million people avidly interested in cricket. With those numbers, do they dominate cricket from year to year? They should.
How about Sth Korea and baseball? How many players end up in the major leagues in the US. A trickle?
Are there lots of Chinese players that dominate golf?
Composing music is hard work.
– John Williams
And Japanese players dominating in golf allowing for population size?
I’m not. She’s a pretentious wannabe actress who can’t stop acting.
Liz Storer, on the other hand, is very smart — which makes her very hot, IMO.
Crisafuli is no Campbell Newman.
I like Caleb Bond. Am very partial to his sartorial flair.
Voices are a huge turn off to me. Daisy’s voice cuts through my ears almost with pain. No matter how good someone may be, if the voice is awful, I change the channel or turn off the sound until they’re done.
I like Daisy for the following reasons:
1 She talks sense, albeit stridently
2 She favours Victorian fashion which I like
3 She’s a pretty girl, which doesn’t hurt
4 She has pissed off the feministas
5 She is obviously a very patient girl as her interviews with bolt amply show.
I left out soccer because I think there’s more of an endurance aspect than just hand eye. But even so, Asian teams are very underrepresented in the soccer World Cup finals even though they’re about 60% of the world population. (?)
It is not without some good reason that he’s picked up the moniker: “Christwhatafool”.
6. She isn’t a cut owl.
I remember Macca saying white people in Australia were like vermin or words to that effect. Just another ABC turd. How old is he now,? 150?
Sunday humour.
Bespoke, we used to live in a live and let live society. We minded our own business and let others do the same. But now, bullies and harassers abound.
I can’t see it ever changing back. Especially since the state has for decades been jockeying for more and more control over us.
Modern communications have both enhanced the state’s agenda, and yet, and though not as evenly, enabled individuals to find those of similar mind. (Thank you to the Old and New Cat and all the other on-line sites that have helped us in recognising the conditions in which we live).
Iirc, in a FOI request recently, Senator Alex Antic discovered that the previous Australian Govt under Scummo, pressured social media companies on more than 4000 separate occasions during covid to take down information that it did not like.
There’s a lot to still discover about what happened, how it happened and who directed it to happen. When it comes to light it won’t be edifying.
(Sorry to hear what went on with you son and his work.)
I quite like Daisy Cousens; first watched her on Bolt when it seemed to me, when Bolt allowed her to speak, she took a deep breath, started speaking and there was no way on God’s green Earth that she was going to be interrupted. Must have driven Bolt crazy.
The party of free speech.
SATP, Chrisifulli is a shame.
On the Townsville City Council he was constantly in the news, holding Tony Mooney & Jenny Hill (ALP Mayor & councillor) to account. Did some damn good work locally.
So when he relocated to the Gold Coast I was hopeful we’d see the same mongrel but in the state parliament. Well sad to say I haven’t seen any off it.
Roger, remember, “it doesn’t create a one job”.
Is this person taking stuff, or leaving stuff behind, having mistaken your establishment for a “transfer station”?
Insert name of choice. 😀
I’m off to split enough wood for the next couple of days.
woops, wrong link! Here it is.
The Palaszczuk Government don’t have a visible Police presence inLNP/Green type Electorates, but they’re heavy in the Lumpenproletariat areas of Woodridge, Beenleigh and Inala.
My opinion is that they learnt a lesson from the Campbell Newman Government, which had a radar behind every tree, and more or less ceased policing Seats they might lose in a Swing.
Vivek and his surrogates are also canny enough not to attack Trump or his campaign.
Sydney International Piano Competition (SIPCA) Part 4 (word-wall alert)
The Semi Finals are finally over, the six Finalists announced last night.
For those interested, videos of each session have been uploaded here.
This completes the series of Preliminary and Semi-Finals Rounds, 10 days of intense programming, 26 concerts, starting around 12MD and often finishing after 10pm.
The travelling to-and-fro the Conservatorium of Music was made more interesting by Sydney Trains’ almost daily timetable and itinerary changes, usually at the most inconvenient time ie. at night. This seems to be yet another “undocumented feature” of standard service delivery by the NSW Government, something that never seems to make it into the news.. the tacit acceptance of mediocre service delivery by the great unwashed, who must simply suck on their thumbs and pay for it.
Because of this, I left before hearing the announcement of the 6 Finalists, which have just now been posted on the Piano+ website.
But back to the Comp.
To my amazement, no elders of a paleolithic culture were ever acknowledged, nor any of us peasants ever welcomed to a mythical country, anywhere or at any time.
For this alone, the organizers must be congratulated.
I have, however, no doubt that this will change during the Finals, which will be at the Opera House.
The pianistic standard of the competitors was extremely high. Certainly higher than was the case on previous occasions.
The 32 competitors were chosen after 250 applied and auditioned in the last 18 months.
After one of the successful participants pulled out, she was replaced by a young Australian, Reuben Tsang, who was given a full one(!) week to prepare his program. He performed admirably, but it wasn’t enough because, as mentioned before, there is virtually no relationship between the audience’s and Jury’s preferences.
Comps are unfair, just deal with it!
Audience numbers increased as the Comp progressed, with an encouraging increase in the proportion of younger people and children, mostly Asian, with a few non-Anglo-Saxons. Despite this, old, and I mean OLD.. moneyed wealth and academic privilege were clearly visible, and audible, in the crowd hobnobbings during the intervals between performances.
The demographic change will be inevitable, and dramatic, in the next few years.
Asians will save Western Classical Music from its putrescent, increasingly deranged creator culture.
Have just caught up, courtesy of Hendo, with this latest piece of Green hypocrisy:
Needless to say, the ABC and SMH have sent this story straight down the memory hole.
In the 8 years of the Palaszczuk Government, the only ticket I’ve got was speeding in Kingston Rd, though I’ve gone through Red Lights and Radars elsewhere, many times, but crickets.
Jul 16, 2023 11:50 AM
Today in Expertise: Jessica Berlin @berlin_bridge
May 7
Nobody has all the details but one thing is clear: this counteroffensive will rewrite military history.
#Ukraine has stuff in the pipeline the Russians will never see coming. And much of what they do see coming, they won’t be able to stop anyway.
#SpringIsComing ??
Oh my Lord. Who is this? Has anybody asked Jessica for an update?
Motorists getting away with speeding is the inevitable outcome of the govt neglecting to issue traffic police with special paddles to use for pulling over drivers.
She has pissed off the feministas
Cohenite, it was some time ago. It may have been not long after she had started her gig on Bolt, she gave a free pass to Penny Pong.
Sorry, but I can’t recall the exact line of discussion, but both the other half and I were unimpressed with Daisy’s willingness to cover for one of the mean girls. And the worst of the lot at that, with her faux dagger-like smile and ascerbic retorts to anyone not on her side of politics.
Though Daisy was seemingly well informed that night, her acquiescence in defending Pong was enough for us.
Re Liz Storrer, I can’t see that ever happening with her.
Was Pauline Hansen approached for comment?
Motorists getting away with speeding is the inevitable outcome of the govt neglecting to issue traffic police with special paddles to use for pulling over drivers.
No, retard.
What it means, is that the Notices aren’t being issued.
This is why we’re hearing about the supposedly “rampant Crime’, because the Cops aren’t happy with the drop in Revenue.
The point is:
Once they boot Palaszczuk and start booking people hell, west and crooked, Labor will get booted.
One for Pogria
Ed – be careful. Depending on how long the light has been red, driving through a red lights can be very dangerous.
Many years ago I was involved in an accident where a car drove through a red light on my left. He was also speeding and because of the buildings on the corner, I didn’t see him until a few milliseconds before impact and couldn’t react in time. The female front seat passenger in his car was killed. She wasn’t wearing a seatbelt.
Exercise some care and don’t tempt fate.
Asians will save Western Classical Music from its putrescent, increasingly deranged creator culture.
No, they won’t.
Asians are robotic imitators, not creative interpreters.
Oh dear, he’s going third person now too.
In any event the story sounds like bullshit and the NYC fire truck came out to warn.
SIPCA Part 5.
As mentioned in a previous thread, the ABCess is no longer involved, probably the main reason for thr poor attendance in the early stages. No one I spoke to seemed to know why, but the speculation was the excessive cost of broadcasting and commenting on something that was actually culturally superior. Accusations of White colonialism and racism not being really pertinent.
The Friends of the Sydney International Piano Competition are the backbone of the organization and financing of this event, the Chair of its Board is a certain Bronwyn Bishop, a short person despite the wearing of high footwear, quite amiable, who circulated widely during the intervals.
She seemed popular, with no one I spoke to critical of her performance in her role.
There was also no audible mention of helicopters.
The Friends hold a number of social functions each year, mostly in NSW, but with some overseas options, including participation in the auditions for applicants to the next Comp.
They also provide the opportunity to volunteer for the “Green Room”, helping with some simple backroom tasks, regularly dealing with the competitors being one of the most desirable.
As all the Friends I spoke to seemed genuinely decent folk, membership may not be such a bad idea.
During the chamber music performances and the playing of some of the post-2000 Australian compositions, the use of music scores was allowed.
In contrast to past editions, the use of iPads and Samsung Tablets was common, the page turning was either by simple swiping, wireless pedal contraption of by a page-turning assistant.
The latter was the most distracting, a perfectly presented, modestly dressed and impeccably professional Korean piano teacher volunteer from Melbourne called Michelle. Always sitting in the same position, virtually immobile except when turning pages, quietly efficient, beautiful to look at, cloaked in black with lustrous hair. Just as I was thinking of asking about her during an intermission, she was introduced by the MOC, to great general crowd approval.
Talking to her later, modesty and politeness personified, a real gem.
Dr Manniche and John are abused
Exercise some care and don’t tempt fate.
I appreciate your comment.
My situation is that I’m colorblind, so if there’s nothing stopped in front of me and nothing happening on the crossroad, i’ll sometimes drive thru the Red unintentionally.
On the ingredients of Olympic success and Duk’s assertion that Chinah’s dominance of table tennis is evidence of Chinese people having better hand-eye co-ordination.
It is true that certain racial groups seem to have a physiological advantage in particular sports (lightly framed people from East Africa dominate long distance running, whilst those whose racial origins are West African are great sprinters and power athletes).
But is there any evidence for the claim that Chinese dominate table tennis because of superior hand-eye coordination?
The first test would be to ask if they dominate other sports where hand-eye coordination is paramount, and the truth is, they don’t.
The key ingredients of Olympic success are:-
.1 A large pool of amateur participants from a relatively early age (starting the sport aged 10 or under);
.2 A talent identification programme to pick a reasonably sized cohort of high-end talent aged in their early teens (say, 200-300 kids a year);
.3 A talent development programme which provides intensive coaching until these kids reach 18-22, which churns out 4-5 players in the top 20 in the world, and gives you better than even money chances of winning medals.
I could equally say Canucks possess special super-powers in combing skating and wielding a stick, because they always win medals at ice hockey. We know that isn’t true. It’s just that they are mad on the sport and have a yuuuge pool of avid participants.
Conversely, are Ethiopians or Sudanese genetically unsuited to sailing or rowing? They never win any medals in boating events, so surely there must be a missing aquatic link in their DNA, right?
Of course not. It just isn’t part of their culture and, of course, those sports chew money and facilities, which those countries simply don’t have.
Strayans like to kid ourselves that we are a superior sporting nation, and there is something in our genetic make-up or culture which leads to us “punching above our weight”. The truth is, we just throw obscene amounts of money at developing a few medal winners.
Andrew Bolt:
thank you very much for that clip. I have three indoor cats and that happens on a daily basis. LOL!
Gilas, please.
Enough with the piano stuff.
You’ll upset the banjo players here.
Conversely, are Ethiopians or Sudanese genetically unsuited to sailing or rowing? They never win any medals in boating events, so surely there must be a missing aquatic link in their DNA, right?
Of course not.
Sudanese aren’t any good at Distance running because of DNA and Africans generally are hopeless in the water because of Negative Buoyancy, which is also genetic.
What the hell is “combing skating”?
I meant “ice skating”.
The Slow Death of Europe | feat. Calvin Robinson
Ed – the red light is the one at the top of the light array If it appears illuminated, it is ‘on’ therefore you must stop.
Look, I get it. None of us are perfect drivers and at sometime in our driving lives we have all done foolish things. I’m just saying from experience, beware of traffic lights because the car coming from your left or right will likely be at full legal speed (and possibly more) and most certainly not expecting you to suddenly get in the way.
I don’t think that the Queensland police operate in Peshawar.
Music is a safe kind of high.
– Jimi Hendrix
Again with the casual racism.
Close Encounters of the Third Kind is on Ch 76 soon at 3.35 pm this afternoon. A Top Film IMHO.
As an aside on the accident I mentioned upthread, my enduring memory after all these years is the violence of the collision. I had a few mishaps during my time in motorsport but this accident on a public road easily topped them all. In fairness, it was probably the ‘suddenness’ of it whereas in motorsport you kinda know when you’ve pushed too far (spin out) or see the obstacle (wall, large rock, tree etc) coming.
I once ripped the front left strut, with wheel still attached, out of a car during a rally and that was loud and violent, but it still didn’t come close to what happened at that traffic light.
Africans generally are hopeless in the water because of Negative Buoyancy, which is also genetic.
That must be why so many of them get eaten by crocodiles in those rivers.
BTW Head Case, how is your positive buoyancy? Do you float through the air when you smoke that stuff?
The food pyramid is literally a scam.
I think it was the AFR reporting some weeks back that almost 1/3 of all mortgage holders will be moving from fixed rate repayments into Variable rates over the next 6 months. Roughly 4-6 times their current monthly repayments. That’s not a wall, it’s a cliff face. The COL pain is about to get dialed up to excruciating for many thousands of families. Dutton needs to be banging on loudly about the family stress from Ruinables.
I’ve had the pleasure of being t-boned by a commodore on an otherwise deserted road on a Sunday morning.
I saw it coming and tried to shout a warning to dad but got out a blurt of gibberish just before it hit.
Was lucky, door pillar took most of it though it did knock me out briefly and I remember coming to while stretched out in a fit of some sort. Head went sideways into drivers side window.
Lady had been focused on following a friend and went straight through at about 60. Never even braked before hitting.
A bad intersection, lady who came out to help from house nearby said there was about a prang a month there.
Road long since redesigned now.
“Knowledge tells you it is a one way street.
Wisdom guides you to look both ways before stepping off the footpath.”
– Sun Tzu
JC wondered:
The difference is cultural. Agricultural.
They can’t look at 7000 sq.m of flat land and not want to plant rice in it immediately.
The first six months of soccer training are spent teaching them not to do that.
On the ingredients of driving ability an assertion that Asia’s perceived poor driving skill is evidence of Asian people not having high level spatial awareness or interpretation.
It is true that certain racial groups seem to have a physiological advantage in particular sports (lightly framed people from East Africa dominate long distance running, whilst those whose racial origins are West African are great sprinters and power athletes).
But is there any evidence for the claim that Asians poor drivers, & thus do not take the winner’s flagfall in Formula 1 because of inferior spatial awareness?
The first test would be to ask if they engage successfully in other activity or sport where spatial awareness is required, and the truth is, they don’t.
The key ingredients of elite success are:-
.1 A large pool of participants from a relatively early age (starting the sport aged 10 or under);
.2 A cultural predilection for motor sports & driving which provides intensive skill development & role models, and gives you a boost into the lower-tier motor racing that provides feeder talent to Formula 1.
I could equally say Canucks possess special super-powers in ice skating and wielding a stick, because they always win medals at ice hockey. We know that isn’t true. It’s just that they are mad on the sport and have a yuuuge pool of avid participants.
Conversely, are Ethiopians or Sudanese genetically unsuited to sailing or rowing? They never win any medals in boating events, so surely there must be a missing aquatic link in their DNA, right?
Of course not. It just isn’t part of their culture and, of course, those sports chew money and facilities, which those countries simply don’t have.
Strayans like to kid ourselves that we are a superior sporting nation, and there is something in our genetic make-up or culture which leads to us “punching above our weight”. The truth is, obscene burning of petrol in suburban go-kart competitions, stock car & other feeder competition, just does not exist in Asian countries.
Do Asians inherently lack driving ability, or do they lack driving experience? Do they have a culture in which technical precision & excellence (eg parking & not colliding in traffic) are not valued?
Dutton needs to be banging on loudly about the family stress from Ruinables.
You just said Mortgage repayments are going to rise 4-6 times soon.
While that sounds a stretch [double sounds more like it], Peter Dutton is already focusing on Cost of living pressures.
Talking about Renewable Energy is pointless, since the Coalition had the same Policy, except they’ll make their Policy work, while Labor couldn’t care less.
They come from highly competitive societies where consideration for others is of minor concern. That then translates into their driving manners here. Of minor concern.
But is there any evidence for the claim that Asians poor drivers, & thus do not take the winner’s flagfall in Formula 1 because of inferior spatial awareness?
They can’t even tell their right from their left.
The smartest East Asians are good ar remembering and regurgitating facts, the rest can’t even do that.
I’ve met Daisy Cousens twice. Daisy is nice and switched on but she’s no fierce warrior in the mould of Liz Storer, but I don’t think she pretends to be. Daisy now has her own slot on ADH-TV.
Daisy’s husband is Calum Thwaites, they married in 2021 after a long relationship. Calum Thwaites was one of the students from the Queensland University of Technology who was hauled before the Australian Human Rights Commission under Trigsie Poo. Thwaites was brought to the commission under Section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act. Remember that travesty?
Asians obviously have better hand-eye coordination.
And here is the irrefutable evidence.
So how impressed would voters have been to hear Treasurer Chalmers on Sunday go from dismissing the Fadden result as no biggie to saying he’d now fly to India and chat about global warming and “the energy transformation”?
Flying to a country that doesn’t really give 2 flying fornications about climate change policy to have a gabfest on “energy transformation” is instructive. Not sending Bowen, thinking Chalmers smells a change in leadership and will throw his hat with propeller on top into the ring to challenge Albo.
It’s all very good to dismiss the Fadden result, but didn’t Labor win a by election in Victoriastan not that long ago that was in Liberal hands since time immemorial?
I get a feeling that the backroom boys are getting antsy with Albo.
SIPCA Part 6 (Final)
One meets lots of interesting people at these uncommon events.
One of them was a retired, dual American-Oz Art Historian-Anthropologist from Uni of NSW. Lots of conversations about the various competitors, opinions on the pieces played etc..
We eventually entered the precarious grounds of politics, I was surprised that an academic, who would naturally hold stock-standard leftard opinions was, in fact, quite sensible, even pleasant.
We ended up agreeing on everything, even the music and the performances.
Wonders never cease.
Another was a Catholic priest at a Sydney inner-West Diocese. He had just returned from one of his colleagues’ funeral. A colleague who entered the Gates prematurely, despite all the vows, preying and devotion.
The still living priest actually approved of Bergoglio’s moves in the Vatican, maintaining he was trying to flush out the reactionaries in the Church (like Vigano`) and moving it into the 21st C.
Not that I agreed, but it was an interesting, unexpected perspective from someone who, in a brief-ish meeting, exuded lots of common sense and decency.
We didn’t exchange contact details but, as a sensible, easy conversationalist, he’s worth chasing up again.
Walking to one of the afternoon sessions, I had the opportunity to potentially, remotely, maybe, possibly, change the course of Australian political history, brushing past one of our favourite Liebor hench-women, just outside the NSW Parliament in Macquarie St.
The vicious, harridan’s scowl was there, in full view, just like the one she has carefully practiced and nurtured for her politically useless opponents.
It was good to see that her oft-seen compassion and niceness are mere facades reserved for the dumb masses consuming the MSM. Suspicions confirmed!
Alas, I missed my opportunity, hence why these posts can still appear.
Finally, before each session, a young Australian musician was show-cased, playing a short piece, not part of the Comp, but he/she would be assessed and receive some advice from the Jury, to help with future musical development.
Again, 90% were children or young adults of Asian extraction, some already accomplished performers at such tender ages as young as 13.
The cutest was Isabella Guo, only 10 yrs old, born in China and now attending Sydney PLC. Started playing at 4 yrs of age, reasonably average for these tiger-mum offsprings.
Her presentation was perfect and can be seen here, starting at 9 minutes.
All sessions, recorded and available on the Piano+ YT channel are revelatory when it comes to seeing the beauty of young talent, totally divorced from the pervasive, metastatic cancer of woke BS polluting social media and most of the Cats’ concerns on the blog.
There is still beauty in this World, that alone is worth celebrating!
“I like Caleb Bond. Am very partial to his sartorial flair.”
Yes, I like Caleb too.
Pedro the Loafer at 12:19
It is bad. Generally lasts about 3 minutes after the 6am news. Macca is an ALPBC star, I would guess$300k+ pa.
Vividly. Asking “white ” students to leave an “indigenous only” computer room. Didn’t we used to point the big finger at South Africa for such conduct?
“Erm… Jimbo said the coffers are empty unless you’re an aborigine.
So please vote for the Voice.”
Nie vir Europeërs nie, net vir swart studente…………
preying and devotion.
Steady on there Gilas
Presumably Caleb Bond is another who recalls it quite vividly.
What are the Sunday morning alternatives to Macca? Hmmm. Sponsored ‘health show’ on 3AW? RN’s inevitable audio exercise in the latest agonies endured by trans/gays/ albino dwarves/ people who identify as coal scuttles/Wounded Mother Earth/hand-gluers/ soup chuckers/ Indigenes denied their civilisation’s (yep, that’s what the ABC calls i t) traditional right to eat unwanted children.
So Macca wins by default even if you don’t like him — and I still do. .
I don’t want renewable energy (unfeasible in every way, and an ultimately doomed policy) from the Libs or anyone else.
I’d be betting on my Viet brother in law threading the needle driving 3+ hrs to home yesterday against Ed- mongs rally car skills.
“ don’t know left from right” what a maroon as bugs would say.
Seen any whiiite suuubs lately?
The other alternative is to get shit-faced every Saturday night and sleep through all of it.
It is not an “either/or” situation, like chicken or beef at a wedding. Some people do the same on weekday mornings … Karl or Kochie (or whoever it is now).
You can always embrace the power of the Off button.
I thought you meant curling. They’re good at that too.
The difficulty for Chalmers would be that he is of the QLD Right faction & the Socialist Left is in ascendancy in the ALP both in the membership and the parliamentary caucus (and possibly soon to be in the majority on the National Executive and therefore in charge of preselections).
Yes, another sport that the Kenyans aren’t great at, and I can’t fathom why.
That is why the premise behind “Cool Runnings” was somewhat amusing.
A Disney movie which, incidentally, took $150 meg at the box office and cost 1/10 of that to make.
I’d be betting on my Viet brother in law threading the needle driving 3+…
I said East Asians, dumbarse.
If i’d meant Jungle Asians, I woulda said so.
Quite correct.
Quite apart from his now-faded Boy Wonder credentials, there is a negligible chance of Chalmers securing 75% of Caucus, rissoleing Albanese and climbing over the political corpse of Plibersek.
Things are pretty sad when the red light ignoring turbomong has to be more specific in its racist trope to defend it.
Gilas, don’t listen to the kiddies in the cheap seats. I love that you have chosen the Cat for a recital on piano recitals.
Not my thing, but I was a passionate enterer of solo competitions as a brass bandsman in my early teens and remember the experience fondly. I always wanted to play piano, but I was too lazy.
So I briefly became a rock musician en route to my exploration of world as a journalist — before most journalists were brainwashed by the university system.
I still love music, but have come to loathe the misuse of journalism by activists who loathe the public and see themselves as kingmakers.
Piano recitals aweigh!
Turd Case
Try to ease back on the now overt racism.
PS, Vietnam is on the eastern side of Asia. If you meant Chinese, say so.
Funniest thing about the Fadden by-election is that a very large chunk of the Green vote defected to the Legalise Weed lady.
That says it all: at least half of Greens voters are stoners.
Picked somebody up at Brisbane Airport today.
Huge billboards for Women’s World Cup welcoming people to Brisbane Meanjin.
This’ll do wonders for the Yes vote.
Same in Perth.
Having 2 names for Perth on the billboard.
Incidentally, it’s not even geographically or historically correct.
Meanjin refers to the point on which parliament house & QUT sit.
The piano competition reporting has been a pleasant & uplifting addition to this site.
‘ What are the Sunday morning alternatives to Macca?’
This morning early on RN they had the Indian bloke who got the sars from breakfast a while back filling in on ‘God Forbid’. His guests were a Sikh and a Jewish chick and their topic was ‘ body modification: Why we do it, its religious significance, and what it means to alter our appearance for God.’
Being a Melbourne ‘comedian’ the host concentrated on finding the laughs which were non existent and it was not till the end that anything of interest emerged from the discussion. It limped to a premature end as he seemed to run out of questions so the host signed off and we were given five or six minutes of music that sounded like an electronic clock being tuned up under a renewables power brownout.
The whole thing was absolutely bloody farcical. Makka at least gets a few laughs.
Jul 16, 2023 4:14 PM
What are the Sunday morning alternatives to Macca? Hmmm.
Pete Davies on 2SM talkback; I get on there and tear strips off the alarmists and lefties. I’m always worth the price of admission and putting up with the other punters ringing in to talk about their dentist or hernia operation.
Laughs on RN are usually the non intentional kind.
Thankfully, in order to observe the enemy in our midst, we have a few Cats prepared to endure the snobby elitist insult of the ABC that virtually no-one listens to, even though we all pay for it.
As Rowan Dean said this morning, it’s time to pull the plug. The ABC now sees its mission as opening a rift in families between parents and children on behalf of the male homosexual; perverts running the trans movement.
Like the BBC, the ABC sees itself as a safe haven for homosexuals — a safe injection room of sorts — so it has become a perverts’ paradise.
How would he go with the deep state? Bearing in mind that on his first go Trump wasn’t able to clear it out.
Funniest thing about the Fadden by-election is that a very large chunk of the Green vote defected to the Legalise Weed lady.
Not sure about that.
The Greens dropped from 11,000 in 2019 to 8,000 in 2022 from 83,000 Formal Votes cast, to 5,000 as of 10 minutes ago with 88,000 cast.
Their vote is collapsing.
One reason could be that The Greens are clearly an Establishment Party now, so they don’t draw the Protest Vote.
Those 6,000 votes came from somewhere else, possibly Palmer’s UAP Party.
Of interest, the turnout was 110,000 in 2019, 83,000 in 2021.
Cameron Caldwell got 60% on Postals, indicating the LNP is on the ball.
If PrePoll holds up, he’ll win outright on Primaries, something that hasn’t happened in Fadden since 2013.
LinkAn outstanding result.
Take heart, Tom.
The ABC is sealing its own fate by neglecting broadcasting and setting up digital platforms and programming instead.
It’s going to be a disaster.
Why beat around the bush?
The word Meanjin does not refer to a *city* of any kind, let alone one built by aborigines. You can call the turn in the river whatever you want, but the city is Brisbane.
Will certainly make pulling the plug easier down the track.
Not much bush there, unless you count the rainforest in the Gardens.
My point was to drive home the idiocy of it all.
Their ABC’s digital platform may prove to be not as engaging or popular as Facebook’s “Metaverse” or “Threads”.
Coz there’s just a tad of competition & very experienced competition at that, in the digital field.
Just a hope. What’s left after Heston Russell skins them will be blown on the digital fiasco.
Most indubitably, Bear.
The general population won’t even notice, having long since tuned out, as they have with, for example, Q&A on telly and Karvelas on the wireless.
I am surprised to notice anyone identifying as an RN listener.
I’m shocked to learn of anyone desecratating a Sunday morning by even considering polluting the home with that sewer.
Sunday mornings must be gentle affairs. Tasty coffee, gentle music and a guilty omlette. Certainly not radio or TV of any nature – but ABC – you should be driven out of the temple.
A concesion may be available upon application in respect of Outsiders but only if the volume is kept low.
Jul 16, 2023 5:30 PM
As I understand it, the ABCESS will be removing regional radio. There goes their claim of being the trusted source during emergencies!
There are still significant numbers of imbeciles (mainly aged f*ckwits and chinese insolubles) getting around in face nappies, both indoors and outdoors.
If they don’t cease and desist soon I’m going to start yelling at them so loudly their hearing will be irreparably damaged.
Complying with fascism is never fine. You may be a moron, but when your moronity puts my basic liberties at risk, then the yelling begins.
The central principle of glibertarianism – you can do whatever the f*ck you like, but when it negatively impacts my life, you get put back in your box, toot sweet.
Rabz you may have posted about it but interested in how your drive to the Criterion pub was in the new vehicle?
What are the Sunday morning alternatives to Macca? Hmmm.
Walk the dog. Wash the car. Go for a drive. Go somewhere nice for lunch. I’d rather my dog did something on my loungeroom floor than have the rotten, stinking, despicable ABC polluting my house.
Tom at 4:52.
That was a sideswipe at other blogsters who like to direct traffic.
I hope Gilas took it as such.
Or it’s say hello to my little friend … 🙂