Come on, Roger. Brave attempt to steel-man her argument but it still stinks.
Come on, Roger. Brave attempt to steel-man her argument but it still stinks.
Stargazy Pie?
OK. I was about to say that pork pies are shithouse. Under the threat of being Immam-Granted, I will revert…
Preferably the head from the body.
Australia was built on this stuff. Same as Pomgolia. Just ask your Parents if they are still alive. My Mum…
Sink not since. I’m irritated by this pseudoscientific madness so much I can’t write English properly. It’s absolutely everywhere, even in frigging weather reports.
Bruce of N
I have a vague memory from at least 50myears ago, of a film in which a new artificial sweetener with a name like that used a racehorse with the same name as an advertising mechanism. Can’t recall all the details.
50 years, not 50 million years.
The amount of aspartame that has gone down people’s throats would since an aircraft carrier. The stuff is harmless, or we’d know by now.
You’re shilling for the Food Additive Industry now, Bruce?
Sorta the other way around apparently.
He was serving a sentence in Home Detention with an ankle bracelet, & had a special dispensation to leave the home for employment on that building site.
Pre-Ardern he’d have been in jail – however her “we-shouldn’t-be-rough-on-the-wayward” policies had changed the law so he’d be in home detention instead.
He was serving a sentence for charges of impeding breathing, injuring with intent to injure, wilful damage, and male assaults female.
Apparently he was not considered a “risk” as those charges & all his priors, were for family violence only.
Spiritual policing: ‘sub-crime’ and ‘super-crime’
Breaking: Rand Paul Criminally Refers Dr. Fauci to DOJ For Prosecution For Lying to Congress About Gain-of-Function
The DOJ will probably whip up another “crime” to charge Trump with instead.
“As for critiquing the trans cult”
Nobody who has had any training in Biology swallows the trans ‘men can be women’ crap. It’s nonsense, and everyone with half a brain knows it. It seems a significant proportion of the population haven’t met that criterion.
New World Odor™
The most despised man in Canada. So much love wherever he goes.
The PM cuts Ontario stop short after being swarmed by protesters with chants of “F**k Trudeau” and others calling him a “traitor” broke out.
The aspartame thing was a total beat-up.
The WHO ranks stuff as follows:-
1. Known carcinogens (smokes etc).
2. Probable carcinogens (creosote, hair colouring products, bitumen, red meat and 1,000s of other things)
3. Possible carcinogens (everything else including aspartame).
Aspartame is in hundreds of foods, but which one was singled out in news reports?
Coca Cola sugar-free drinks.
So not hard to see the agenda.
In fact, I’m pretty sure some of the products depicted didn’t even contain aspartame.
YouTube Is Pulling ‘Sound Of Freedom’ Interviews, Reviews
Precisely, except he left out Australia.
New World Odor™
I believe in climate change…..but not the fake one the propagandists are pushing.
We desperately need a change in our political climate in Canada, the US and Western Europe asap.
Demons are currently in control.
Haha Ed, I don’t even especially like saccharine. The aftertaste isn’t to my um, taste. But I’ve consumed heaps of it, and heaps of PFAS, and heaps of TiO2 nanoparticles over the last forty or so years so I’m probably going to die horribly eventually.
Chemical health and safety is a field so far beyond the ken of ordinary people that the elites can easily get away with this hysterical propaganda. But it doesn’t work on me since it’s been part of my profession for a long long time.
Add in the Covid crap and the climate howling and you might just see a common thread going on.
New World Odor™
“A govt that can censor its critics has license for every atrocity. It is the beginning of totalitarianism. There’s never been a time in history when we look back, and the guys who were censoring people were the good guys…!
Once you start censoring, you’re on your way to dystopia and totalitarianism!”
I believe they ended up censuring him.
Chief Nerd
Robert F. Kennedy Jr Responds to the Smear Attacks Against Him & Calls for Unity
“We have to stop trying to destroy each other”
I’m pretty sure marvel group are about to block me on Twitter.
Check out the poster for Ms Marvels
My comment..
Ok paging Dr Freud here.
The central 2 figures look like she’s giving birth to a star child SL Jackson.
I’m unsure of the implications of him emerging from a glowing hole in her ladyparts.
I’m assuming a M rating for this instalment?
You’re shilling for the Food Additive Industry now, Bruce?
Hasn’t stopped you from shilling for “ big lobotomy” over the years, as long as they keep giving you free sessions you will keep plugging for mongdom.
No, I think that was Charlene from Neighbours.
Err, same thing.
The loss of the job meant his freedom was now severely curtailed.
Lobotomising Special Ed sounds like hard work.
Bought a little of this a couple of weeks ago: https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/ZION/ Shoulda bought more.
FFS…It’s happening exactly as Ayn Rand wrote.
Mums unite against Just Stop Oil: Eco zealots refuse to move for woman trying to get newborn baby to hospital while pram-pushing mother tells them ‘You’re not God!’ as animal rights activists join infuriating slow-marching campaign
Kokoda Track or Kokoda Trail?
Notice the cats, Mole?
Nothing subliminal there. If you hang with the big jaw T gals, kickin’ ass and throwing gang signs, then the cats will always be waiting for you…
Even James Cameron, who is so lefty he produces green propaganda movies, is getting a little bit red-pilled lately.
“I Warned You Guys In 1984… And You Didn’t Listen” – Director James Cameron Highlights Fears Of AI Takeover (21 Jul)
Citing 1984? Oh my aching sides, he’s a paid up member of Ingsoc. On the other hand: baby steps, maybe he’ll start reading the Cat.
The game tomorrow – powa v colinswood
Give up – we have a unique set up no one has worked out.
A full forward who can’t kick and a full back who is the leading goal kicker.
Then the clash of the big guns MAAYNAAARD v the offspring of Quinten Bryce and John Elliot – Quinten NAARKLE
The game tomorrow – powa v colinswood
Give up – we have a unique set up no one has worked out.
A full forward who can’t kick and a full back who is the leading goal kicker.
Then the clash of the big guns MAAYNAAARD v the offspring of Quinten Bryce and John Elliot – Quinten NAARKLE
I have no idea of the veracity of the video on Michael Smith concerning GEN Campbell’s DSC.
But I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Any exposure of the destructive self interest of the puritanical clique of careerists who seized control of the ADF 20+ years ago can only be positive.
The old cry used to be that things would improve if only then uniformed branch became ascendant in Defence.
Well, that worked well. The PS capitalised upon their extreme ambition by offering obscene salaries and unchecked power so long as they were compliant.
Hence, The Defence People Group, HRC oversight, disgusting assaults upon warriors who were sent into incredibly complex combat situations with NO effective ADF leadership or support. Cocks in frocks and on it goes.
All power to the misused and abused soldiers who are fighting back.
What is so horrific is that it makes sense, this is how tyrants and dictators think.
Let’s see Linda Burney tip a bucket of sh!t over this one!
Jul 21, 2023 7:57 PM
New World Odor™
The most despised man in Canada. So much love wherever he goes.
The PM cuts Ontario stop short after being swarmed by protesters with chants of “F**k Trudeau” and others calling him a “traitor” broke out.
Castro’s love-child from Pierre’s slut of a wife.
For those in Oz
A friend of mines grandson is on the starting lineup for Freo in the AFL
He is 19yo, was a reserve last week and is in the main game this week.
He is number 48, any news would be nice, he is a fine young man with a great work ethic.
In a nutshell, BoN! But sadly this unavoidable truth will not deter the antis who are tap-dancing in the blood of the victims.
My team! I’ll watch with interest CJ.
In the absence of war the higher ranks become populated by individuals who are politically astute and know how to grease the wheels for their advancement. How about we insist that before someone becomes a lieutenant they must spend 2 years in a mercenary group like Wagner and every month drag a body into the Defense Department as proof they are killing people? Medals are only awarded on the basis of the ranks of the killed. Me riffing on a joke in the movie “In the Loop.”
Reports are mixed, & confusing.
When we’re stuck with what can be gleaned from news reports, we’re relying upon the nous of the current generation of reporters.
From some reports it seems that his dispensation was worded for attending that particular site, as opposed to specifically for “work”. (Never underestimate St. Jacinda’s regime)
Then again, it may be poor wording by modern standard reporters.
Either way, he’d have known enough about his (apparently) strict parole officers to know that without the job his roaming was going to end.
Do we have any clue if one of the blokes killed was the one who sacked him?
Well said, from one of the “inbetweeners.”
Richard Lynn died, wiki haven’t updated. yet
Do we have any clue if one of the blokes killed was the one who sacked him?
Who cares?
Anyway, “Sliante.”
The reading on the verandah, overlooking the Avon River is David Halberstam’s “The Reckoning.” – “how, in twenty five years, America went from the American Century, to the American crisis”, and how Ford cars gave way to Nissan, who, in turn gave way to Hyundai…Interesting reading.
Someone here a few days ago saying that ‘top men’ in defence are preparing for war.
I would have thought ‘preparing for war’ should be the permanent state of affairs in defence.
If it isn’t, WTF are they there for?
I think we can conclude what the Auckland shooting was not.
It was not an operation conducted by gun control types to further there cause as implied by some.
Sure, they will milk it for all it is worth … just like every lobby group since forever.
there = their
As it frequently does.
Daily Mail.
Roger Moore is pretty much the only one of that era left now.
Ed October, submarine expert:
Meth smoke, sure.
So welcome to the really, really uglee woild, Scientist*. You’ll live. 😕
*An occupation (if it could be blessed with such a term) even more unfashionable than “economist”.
Allen Martin
When someone you dearly love is taken from you, Everything becomes an anniversary. Today, is one of those days. 1 year since she received the Pfizer FN2908. 1 year ago today, it started attacking her body and killing her from inside. I didn’t know she’d gotten the (jab). I spend a lot of time wondering if I could have saved her somehow and loathing myself for not making the most of the time I had left with my beautiful little girl. I miss you so much, Trista. I’ll never stop fighting the evil that did this.
Decent point.
‘Some’ have a go-to arrangement where every shit incident is part of a Master Plan by the Overlords who Control the Banks to Control the Population Because that Is The First Step To Enslavement in Tunnels.
Every time, with these people.
Hi Faulty.
End Wokeness
Sound of Freedom just hit $100M at the Box Office
“Try That In A Small Town” is the #1 song on iTunes
Disney lost $900M+ on their last 8 releases and Disney World is empty
Bud Light and Target lost billions of dollars over anti-woke boycotts
The silent majority is real
How to rewrite history: deny you have huge stalking form on Catallaxy. When you do. As anyone whose been here for a while, if they are honest, would know.
Feck off, angry stalker. Still stalking, aren’t you stalker? Just doing it quietly right now, pretending to be the soul of reason. Till the old ire mounts again.
Stalkers. Just. Can’t. Ever. Let. Up.
Valid conclusion; nothing to indicate anything else. And yes, it most definitely will be milked! Until it bleats!
Can someone please explain the difference between stalkers and lurkers?
Anyway, I’m packed and ready to go. Hairy is not, because although he said he would pack tonight, he’ll slowly throw a few things in a suitcase in the morning and we’ll be late getting a cab, and ’tis not my place to agitate about that. Somehow, we always manage to get there. I am talking clothes for colder highlands and clothes for hot lowlands. Seems to fill a suitcase even though I said I’d pack light.
We watched Rita and then James tonight. We’re bad, but politics in America is even worse. I am taking some books to read for light entertainment, you know, those things made of paper that you can hold in your hand and create the audio and video for yourself.
Sancho, stalkers are fixated. Nutjobs.
Lurkers like to watch. Perhaps they’re shy. Hi, lurkers.
Hairy now checking our plane on flight-tracker. Such is the modern world.
la Bardot
Possessing a cinched waist that is presumably impossible in this day and age.
Thank goodness modern goils ditched it.
Incredibly physically painful, if nothing else.
The Stalker once expressed a stated aim of ‘driving me off’ the blog. I’ve never wanted to remove anyone and what blogs I fund are my own business not the stalker’s. On those occasions when I’ve become totally fed up and left the blog for a break, the stalker has come in ‘dusting’ her hands with crowing self-promotion about her ‘cleverness’.
Stalkers gotta stalk and crow. Attention-seeking. It’s what they do. It is foolish and unnecessary on this blog.
So, enough now of stalkers. Miracles may happen. The stalker might lay off stalking. And all the uptickers, if they are real, can remove the nose-rings by which they are led.
A breakthrough.
la Birkin and Grese Bisargeng … 😕
une fille … 🙂
I blog here not to be nasty to or about others. I enjoy writing for its own sake, no matter what the subject, and I enjoy the companionship of some lively minds. On the dueling thread the stalker is still on record calling me a ‘whore’. Not even prefaced with the ‘attention’ rubric.
Gosh. Stalkers do gotta stalk, don’t they?
I’m off on holiday now.
Absolute gold.
Bairstow left posted on 99 reds after giving the strike to No. 11 Jimmy Anderson, who promptly got caught in front.
All this country needs now is for the other, shorter, left handed houso ranga to fail. For, hopefully, the last time before he’s given the arse.
This is my fervent hope.
Please, dear God, let it be so.
Sacré bleu! 🙁
The “Just Stop Oil” symbol looks like an egghead with his eye punched in.
I see it as a Serving Suggestion.
New OT at 12.30am.
Pick me! Pick me!
Lurker – someone who reads or scrolls but does not comment or comments very rarely. Not particularly hostile in my opinion, though. They might go so far as to “approve” an opinion or an argument via an up tick. Those up ticks might make some uncomfortable, I confess they’ve had that effect on me until I got a grip (thank you sensible Cats).
Stalker – someone who deliberately goes out of their way to comment negatively on basically every contribution a commenter makes. Here’s one. It can be puerile as spelling or grammar corrections or as rancid as outright abuse, the “you are a ….” type.
Then there is the next level. They want to doxx because they imagine they know who you are and leave little identifying crumbs here and there for shits and giggles. The idea is to wrong foot the commenter and work as a thinly veiled threat. If you respond, they know they’ve got you.
They typify the rock bottom nature of some people on the internet.
And now I’m out on the town in Bordeaux after a particularly horrible day trying to return our rental.
The signs to the returning bays were dragged out of the drawer labelled “Beware the Leopard” and were in 6pt.
Good plonk and food is now called for as a remedy. 😀
Five years basically, for murder:
A mum-of-two has been sentenced to eight years in prison for fatally stabbing her partner in the heart during a drunken fight.
Yvonne Lulda, 37, faced the Supreme Court on Friday after pleading guilty to reckless manslaughter for the death of the 26-year-old man at the pair’s shared unit in Gray last year.
Justice Sonia Brownhill said the “gravely serious” crime was another example of “drunk, violent offending against a domestic partner that happens far too much”.
Lulda and the victim met at a residential rehab facility in June last year where she had been paroled after stabbing a previous partner with a pair of scissors, cutting his artery.
On July 7, a week after prematurely leaving the rehab program, Lulda started drinking with the 26-year-old and a group of friends.
Throughout the afternoon Lulda became angry with the 26-year-old and punched him a couple of times in the face before they went back to being “good to each other and kissing”.
By 6pm the pair were alone in the unit when during an argument Lulda picked up a 13cm kitchen knife and stabbed the man 10cm to 12cm deep in the chest, piercing his heart.
A neighbour who witnessed the attack and called triple-0 saw the man stagger backwards and collapse to the ground, with Lulda cradling him on the ground for several minutes.
Emergency services were unable to revive the man and he was pronounced dead at 8.46pm.
Lulda had left the scene and was found sitting on a kerb opposite the unit block with blood on her hands, initially denying her involvement in the stabbing.
“The offending comes from your extremely reckless decision made in anger,” Justice Brownhill said.
“He wasn’t armed and there is no evidence that he was threatening you in any way.”
Justice Brownhill said Lulda should have been “well aware” of the risk of bladed weapons given her previous conviction for the scissor stabbing.
A victim impact statement from the father of the 26-year-old remembered him as “a good young man” who was skilled at hunting and fishing.
“The victim was a much loved family member and his family is still grieving and miss him very much,” Justice Brownhill said.
Lulda was raised in Timber Creek and had struggled with alcohol abuse for decades after a difficult childhood, the court heard.
She had a long history as a domestic violence victim which included a brutal attack in 2016 while pregnant that left her blind in one eye.
She was given a non-parole period of five years.
NT News
Yeah, no red flags there at all.
That psycho should be imprisoned for life or committed to a mental institution.
Or, strand her alone with a kitchen knife on an island heavily infested by zombies and well covered by CCTV cameras. Stream the videos via a monetized u-tube channel so that society can recoup some of the costs of her existence while she gets to act out all her fantasies with knives. It’s a fiscally responsible win-win.
RIP Tony Bennett.
Tony and Dino and Frank – the Golden Age of Italian singers,