Open Thread – Weekend 22 July 2023

Man and Woman Contemplating the Moon, Casper Friedrich, 1824

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Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
July 22, 2023 12:34 am

……………………………………… LOL!!!!

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
July 22, 2023 12:54 am

A good Ashes contest if the bad weather holds off.

Salvatore, Iron Publican
July 22, 2023 1:32 am

Crikey. Gerard Henderson, usually so spot on, has a column in the Weekend Australian likening Dan Andrews to Joh Bjelke-Petersen.

This is similar likening Donald Trump & Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez.

Either I skimmed Henderson too fast, or he’s suffering from JDS (Joh Derangement Syndrome)

Top Ender
Top Ender
July 22, 2023 2:42 am

Five years basically, for murder:

A mum-of-two has been sentenced to eight years in prison for fatally stabbing her partner in the heart during a drunken fight.

Yvonne Lulda, 37, faced the Supreme Court on Friday after pleading guilty to reckless manslaughter for the death of the 26-year-old man at the pair’s shared unit in Gray last year.

Justice Sonia Brownhill said the “gravely serious” crime was another example of “drunk, violent offending against a domestic partner that happens far too much”.

Lulda and the victim met at a residential rehab facility in June last year where she had been paroled after stabbing a previous partner with a pair of scissors, cutting his artery.

On July 7, a week after prematurely leaving the rehab program, Lulda started drinking with the 26-year-old and a group of friends.

Throughout the afternoon Lulda became angry with the 26-year-old and punched him a couple of times in the face before they went back to being “good to each other and kissing”.

By 6pm the pair were alone in the unit when during an argument Lulda picked up a 13cm kitchen knife and stabbed the man 10cm to 12cm deep in the chest, piercing his heart.

A neighbour who witnessed the attack and called triple-0 saw the man stagger backwards and collapse to the ground, with Lulda cradling him on the ground for several minutes.

Emergency services were unable to revive the man and he was pronounced dead at 8.46pm.

Lulda had left the scene and was found sitting on a kerb opposite the unit block with blood on her hands, initially denying her involvement in the stabbing.

“The offending comes from your extremely reckless decision made in anger,” Justice Brownhill said.

“He wasn’t armed and there is no evidence that he was threatening you in any way.”

Justice Brownhill said Lulda should have been “well aware” of the risk of bladed weapons given her previous conviction for the scissor stabbing.

A victim impact statement from the father of the 26-year-old remembered him as “a good young man” who was skilled at hunting and fishing.

“The victim was a much loved family member and his family is still grieving and miss him very much,” Justice Brownhill said.

Lulda was raised in Timber Creek and had struggled with alcohol abuse for decades after a difficult childhood, the court heard.

She had a long history as a domestic violence victim which included a brutal attack in 2016 while pregnant that left her blind in one eye.

She was given a non-parole period of five years.

NT News

July 22, 2023 3:25 am

… where she had been paroled after stabbing a previous partner with a pair of scissors, cutting his artery.

So, 5 years for a serial murderer?

July 22, 2023 3:31 am

I’ve enjoyed the standard of the Australian Women’s World Cup game against Ireland. I don’t follow women’s soccer so looked up the profiles of many of the women in the Australian squad. Most of them self-identify as lesbians. I’m not sure whether they play good soccer because they are lesbians or whether lesbians have hijacked women’s soccer in Australia?

July 22, 2023 4:00 am
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July 22, 2023 4:24 am

Thanks Tom.

July 22, 2023 4:26 am


First Law of Survival – never believe anything anyone says, especially if it’s on the internet.

Our car drop off stated quite clearly on the website “temporarily closed”. Merde! So we go to the next on in the chain – Bordeaux airport. Mais non! It is open! One hundred Euro to leave it here. Grrrr. The Beloved, fine man that he is, said foutre erff, and returned through thick traffic to the city centre…only to find the entire thing under construction with detours mysterieux. Found the hole in the wall for car returns…finally. And we are not only 100 euros richer, but another day’s rental due to a cerk up at the beginning of the hire.

We may be sitting on our balcony eating cheese and quaffing vino…but we are definitely not surrender monkeys!

July 22, 2023 4:35 am

Friday night in this part of Bordeaux. Nothing happens until well after 7pm. The streets are filled with University students. Some ancient hippies struggle for over an hour to set up their amps for a music show. I am approached by a young beggar who asks if I speak Dutch.

The Beloved asks for a wine list. Go to the cellar and pick what you want. A plate of that delicious golden corn fed chook and ratatouille later, we stagger off to our apartment. It is Friday night. A fracas in the street that started distantly over an hour ago erupts nearby. I wondered at the police presence, but wonder no more. It was outside the local mosque.

Not the Youth Fellowship returning from Bible Study after all.

July 22, 2023 5:42 am

I often wonder how can it be that the British royal family bears the stigma of colonialism slavery exploitation etc etc see old thread .
When the British Government withdraw from countries who want self determination, they do so leaving behind presumably a Westminster system of government with access to education and modern medicine . Now why would the peoples of these liberated nations with fabulous climates now become immigrants to a wet soggy over populated little island called the UK.
Did colonisation leave a country for better or worse. Modern day Ukraine need not apply.

Top Ender
Top Ender
July 22, 2023 5:45 am

Hey Calli…we’re in Cordoba. Staying in a first floor that overlooks Plaza Pontro, which is one of the first squares – it’s actually a rectangle – built several hundred years back. Cordoba is rather large at over 300,000 people, but we snaffled this old apartment in the middle of the old city due to Mrs TE’s skills in research.

Southern Spain around here is rather arid, but the city has a river running through it that greens things up.

So far I like the Spanish approach to things. Most places are clean, neat and tidy, and efficient. We took a bus to Granada before picking up another car, and the service was excellent. The Spaniards have a sense of humour – as far as I can discern – and are polite to foreigners.

July 22, 2023 6:08 am


July 22, 2023 6:17 am

Loved Cordoba.
I stayed in a gorgeous apartment in one of those famous patio buildings just off Plaza de la Corredera. Not far from you TE.
The entire area is fabulous. Loved walking around those streets in the early evening in late February.

July 22, 2023 6:27 am

This is terrible for Anheuser and other wokers.

Babylon Bee.

You’re drinking Bud Light? So you’re gay?

July 22, 2023 6:52 am
Black Ball
Black Ball
July 22, 2023 6:57 am

Australian tech billionaire Mike Cannon-Brookes has reportedly split from his wife after 13 years of marriage.

Black Ball
Black Ball
July 22, 2023 7:03 am

Vicki Campion:

In some apartments, you rarely meet the neighbours. During midnight fire alarms, the miserable number evacuated in pyjamas on the street is a fraction of how many would be there if all the units were occupied.

“In three years of living here, I have never seen another person taking their rubbish to the bin,” one Labor-voting apartment dweller in Sydney says. He’s got a six-figure income, has saved up a $100,000 deposit and has been trying to find an apartment to call his own for two years – but at every auction, he gets outbid by someone who will never set foot inside.

When Treasury data revealed in the Telegraph this week Chinese buyers were snapping up $7.8m in Australian property a day, those who make the most money from foreign investment rushed to warn off any change, pulling the “it will remove homes for rent” card – rather then the “it will reduce my commission” card.

People didn’t die defending this country so that people in another country could keep a foreign piggy bank in an empty residence that should be a roof over someone’s head.

Vacant apartments have become a dark warehouse of foreign wealth.

Everyone knows it’s happening, but where is the political will to stop opportunistic overseas investors from parking their money in apartments, not even renting them, but hiding them in a safe like their grandmother’s jewellery?

It’s not just an Australian phenomenon. Other countries are realising they need to take action to protect their citizens.

Singapore has doubled stamp duty on foreign homebuyers to 60 per cent so its people can afford to buy a roof over their heads. Even progressive, politically-correct Canada is stamping out overseas investors, which left the country navigating wildly expensive, underused and vacant housing.

The biggest proponents of foreign residential investment in Australia are the ones who make money from it. And it’s big money.

People in China have spent $7.4bn on residential real estate in Australia between 2020-21 and the first three quarters of 2022-23, followed by Hong Kong on $1.5bn, Vietnam on $900m, Taiwan on $400m and Singapore on $400m. I sympathise with the Taiwanese, who are more likely than others in the near future to need an alternative residence to escape to. In total, that’s $19.2bn in foreign investment in residential real estate approved in 32 months, including 1447 homes in the January to March 2023 quarter alone.

Nearly $20bn in Australian dreams has been sold beyond the grasp of Australian families in nearly three years – the same families who would defend the country if attacked, work as doctors, nurses and school teachers, and pay the taxes to pay the NDIS and Centrelink.

Foreign investment is important when we don’t have domestic funds willing to be risked on capital, or as is happening now, you have moral crusaders in our four-pillar banking system refusing to fund sections of the minerals industry.

But there is no problem with getting Australians wanting to invest in Australian houses.

We have inflated the prices and strangled the availability, and created a problem when one should not exist.

Shouldn’t you be 100 per cent committed to the country if you want to own a dwelling here? If the conservative side wants young people back, they must give them a fair home ownership opportunity.

Nothing is more fundamental to being an Australian than your right to own a section of it. As a farmer told his son, complaining about campers on their farm: “How do you expect people to love their nation, son, if you never allow them to set foot on it?”

The same dictum could be applied to a home: How do you expect someone to love their nation if they can never own so much as a square metre of it?

There’s little difference between Labor and the Coalition on housing policy regarding foreign investment. Neither is brave enough to face the issue front on.

Labor pays a lot of attention to public housing, an important safety net, but people dream of living in their own houses. You can’t hand public housing to your children struggling to get a foot in the property door.

Because the houses are overpriced, the Coalition says to “take money from your super to buy a house”, and Labor says, “you can live in my house” – but we don’t want to live in the government’s house or smash our super to buy a house.

The people whose nation built the home, whose future will be determined by the children growing up in the home, deserve the chance to buy the home for what it’s really worth. If major parties are worried why their combined vote is dwindling then they have to be more discerning about straight answers to the questions that move votes: law and order, cost of living and the ability to own a home.

The same cohort who have given up ever owning a home have given up on the major political parties. You’ve made them a rolling stone and they are gathering no traditional political moss.

Labor and the Coalition want the political stability of the two-party system, but offer younger Australians none because they don’t have the courage of Singapore or Canada to say our homes should be for people who are living here.

It is obscene that we have vacant units while families live in cars and tents in winter. Homeless because they can’t afford a home, not for any other careless judgment.

It’s a cliche of some moderate Liberal MPs to cite Sir Robert Menzies in their maiden speeches and then fail to follow the policy prescription he set.

He believed the path to victory was to represent Australians with a stake in the country, those who saved for their homes. Foreign ownership is precisely that – another country’s ownership of your nation.

Spin it how you like, PR girls – the one thing it does not mean is ownership of Australia by Australians.

July 22, 2023 7:05 am

Never thought such evil was possible

I’ll see your evil and raise you a despicable.

Trans former NH lawmaker faces federal charges for allegedly using daycare connections to generate child exploitation images

The first openly transgender lawmaker in the US is facing federal charges in connection with sexual exploitation at a Tyngsborough, Massachusetts daycare center. A teacher at the daycare who assisted the lawmaker in obtaining sexual pictures of the children has also been arrested and was charged in June. In a press release, the Justice Department referred to trans-identified male Stacie Laughton as “a New Hampshire woman.”

Groves allegedly used bathroom breaks for the children, such as diaper changes, to take pictures of the children in the bathroom and would send the photos to Laughton.

Unsurprisingly, this is being well buried by the marxist propaganda arm aka MSM.

Black Ball
Black Ball
July 22, 2023 7:07 am

May have been mentioned on olde fred but Tony Bennett brown bread

July 22, 2023 7:08 am

Jul 22, 2023 6:52 AM

Never thought such evil was possibleDirty filthy piece of garbage. I’m really starting to hate America.

There is a sickness there for sure.
Has been for decades, we get it transmitted a bit later.
Is it permeating the whole of the US or just part of it though?

I’d hate think that it is prevalent outside of the major cities, if is then, goodby USA.

July 22, 2023 7:21 am

Chips have been banned for health reasons in a football ground in Victoria. What a bunch of authoritarian clowns they are down there! Where are the protests? Good grief!

July 22, 2023 7:25 am

I’d hate think that it is prevalent outside of the major cities

From my observations it isn’t. Even California and New York have huge conservative areas outside the cities.

Black Ball
Black Ball
July 22, 2023 7:26 am

Whereabouts Vicki? I’m heading to watch up at Woorinen just norf of Swan Hill. I will report back lol

July 22, 2023 7:29 am

Janet in today’s Weekend Paywallion:

Making the case for No to Indigenous voice to parliament, straight from horse’s mouth

Follow @jkalbrechtsen

The only thing Yes activists hate more than No campaigners misquoting them is No campaigners quoting them accurately.

There are two reasons for that. First, the whole Yes case was predicated on a marketing strategy to sell the voice on the vibe and steer away from the facts. The plan is to win on the back of a soft-focus ad campaign full of acoustic guitars, emotional messages about recognition and generosity, with celebrity endorsements devoid of fact and with as little mention as possible of the consequences of the voice itself.

When the No campaign injects some basic curiosity about the voice’s actual powers and about the real agenda of its core supporters, it upsets that carefully crafted spin.

Second, nobody makes mincemeat of the Yes case arguments anywhere near as effectively as the Yes advocates. The Yes case is most powerfully condemned out of the mouths of its own supporters.

It was no surprise, then, though highly amusing, to read that constitutional law professor Greg Craven said he “was beside myself with rage” after one of his quotes was repeated, perfectly accurately, in the official No pamphlet. Craven had said: “I think it’s fatally flawed because what it does is retain the full range of review of executive action. This means the voice can comment on everything from submarines to parking tickets … We will have regular judicial interventions.”

Craven claims he was taken out of context because he is a Yes voter. Being a Yes voter doesn’t alter the substance of what he said. He was right to point to the fatal flaw. Craven should be grateful the No pamphlet didn’t quote some of his other equally accurate and incisive comments. For example, writing in The Australian on March 24, Craven described “Anthony Albanese’s much-hyped revelation of his constitutional words for the voice” as “a ruthless con job”. Why should we doubt him?

Similarly, Julian Leeser, who appears to be on a bridge-burning drill within the Liberal Party, condemned the use by the No pamphlet of quotes from Thomas Mayo, a member of the government’s hand-picked Referendum Working Group.

It’s not surprising Leeser and Yes campaigners wanted to keep Mayo’s views under wraps. Mayo was quoted, again completely accurately, as saying the voice “is the first step, it’s a vital step and it puts all the explanation behind it. ‘Pay the Rent’ for example, how do we do that in a way that is transparent and that actually sees reparations and compensation to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People?”

Mayo is not some random maverick. It is quite possible, perhaps likely, he would be a member of the voice if it comes into existence. His views not only informed the design of the voice but are likely to be highly influential on the voice itself if the referendum is successful.

It is understandable that Leeser wants Mayo to disappear, or at least be given some media training, but is this fair to the Australian people? Don’t we deserve to know the views of key people driving the voice? Did Leeser so underestimate those of us who are curious about the voice that he imagined we wouldn’t do some basic homework?

Mayo’s other views on the voice’s likely agenda, if the referendum is successful, are also relevant. On June 28 the Daily Mail quoted what it called “damning tweets” by Mayo about changing the date of Australia Day. It said: “Voice to Parliament architect Thomas Mayo spent years insisting it would be the only way for the nation to determine ‘how and when we should celebrate Australia Day’ ” but had “sensationally backflipped, falling into step with a Labor government which remains adamant a date change would not be of interest to an advisory body”.

Big W has been accused of pushing the Yes campaign for the Indigenous Voice to Parliament, according to Sky… News host Andrew Bolt. According to Mr Bolt, Big W played a message over their PA system saying “We reaffirm our support for the Uluru Statement from the Heart, and its calls for a First Nations Voice to Parliament enshrined in the Constitution”.

So which view will Mayo hold if he is appointed to the voice next year? His 2021 views before becoming a member of the government’s working group or his more recent views?

On the same theme, the No pamphlet might have asked if Noel Pearson still holds his view expressed in 2012: “As long as the allowance of racial discrimination remains in our Constitution, it continues, in both subtle and unsubtle ways, to affect our relationships with each other. Though it has historically hurt my people more than others, racial categorisations dehumanise us all. It dehumanises us because we are each individuals, and we should be judged as individuals. We should be rewarded on our merits and assisted in our needs. Race should not matter.”

An influential member of the Referendum Engagement Group, Teela Reid, is in no doubt about the evils of Australia Day. The No pamphlet quoted her too: “It’s always been #abolish Australia Day, changing the date is a cop out.” Leeser and other Yes campaigners no doubt want her to shut up, too.

But these people are powerful forces, deliberately chosen by the government to help design the voice. Don’t Australians need to know that these are the views from within the voice’s engine-room?

It’s understandable that a diehard voice supporter such as Leeser may not want to advertise the views of Aboriginal leaders such as Mayo and Reid lest voters discover what the real agenda of the voice’s proponents is, but this is surely no way to build trust or show respect for Australians. The last thing Yes campaigners should want is a voice won by suppressing the real agenda. A voice won by misrepresentation is a fraudulent voice that will never have legitimacy.

Leeser and others should be happy, in the spirit of a fully informed electorate, to have the full agenda of Aboriginal leaders on display. The shame is that the No pamphlet didn’t include another 10 pages of quotes from the Yes side.

Sky News host Andrew Bolt has hit back at claims the Prime Minister recently made regarding a crucial detail…

For example, it could have included Marcia Langton’s words, quoted by the Lowitja Institute: “People who are opposing (the voice referendum) are saying we are destroying the fabric of their sacred Constitution. Yes, that’s right, that’s exactly what we’re doing.” Or Langton’s threat in an interview with this newspaper a few months ago that if Australians were so ungrateful as to vote No, they could forget about asking her to do a welcome to country: “I imagine that most Australians who are non-Indigenous, if we lose the ­referendum, will not be able to look me in the eye,” she said. “How are they going to ever ask an Indigenous person, a traditional owner, for a welcome to country? How are they ever going to be able to ask me to come and speak at their conference? If they have the temerity to do it, of course the answer is going to be no.”

Given we would be changing our Constitution we do need the Prime Minister to lead a new spirit of full disclosure to voters by clarifying his remarks on Ben Fordham’s 2GB radio program on Wednesday. Albanese said “it’s not about treaty, it’s not about compensation”. However, he has said numerous times that his government is fully committed to the Uluru Statement from the Heart, which is crystal clear that a makarrata commission to supervise the making of a treaty is the “culmination of our agenda”. And as we know from the book Treaty by George Williams and Harry Hobbs, the aims of a treaty will include shared sovereignty and compensation. In fact, there is a large body of work on treaty, sovereignty and reparations by activist legal academics, led by Megan Davis, Williams, Gabrielle Appleby and others, that Albanese can no longer deny or ignore.

If the Prime Minister is walking away from the full agenda of the Uluru Statement and the associated academic work on co-sovereignty and reparations, the leader of the nation needs to make that clear to us. If he is not walking away from this, then it really is time that he should be honest and admit the much bigger project afoot here.


July 22, 2023 7:36 am

Rosie – also loved Cordoba. A very beautiful town. La Mosquita just remarkable with its juxtaposition of Islamic & Christian architecture. Loved the stone bridge. But my deep interest is that it was the last stand for Julius Caesar’s legate Titus Labienus in the Civil War. My husband & I scoured the local countryside trying to establish the site of the deciding battle. They brought Labienus’ head on a lance to Caesar.

We stayed at a gorgeous hotel but for the first time husband got a hotel assistant to park our car in the impossibly squishy garage. We also collected a hat on our external mirror off a market stand on the very narrow lane leading up to the hotel.

July 22, 2023 7:37 am

The same dictum could be applied to a home: How do you expect someone to love their nation if they can never own so much as a square metre of it?

Cultural laws and the ‘Yes’ campain if it gets up.

July 22, 2023 7:40 am

Topender – make sure you see the amazing golden church in Granada. Can’t recall exact name – Church if John – in Spanish! Everything inside gilded. Extraordinary.

July 22, 2023 7:53 am

Shouldn’t you be 100 per cent committed to the country

Not after they tried to destroy me and my family for not taking their clot shot.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
July 22, 2023 8:01 am

Jul 22, 2023 7:53 AM
Shouldn’t you be 100 per cent committed to the country

Not after they tried to destroy me and my family for not taking their clot shot.

You can be 100% committed to the Country.

BUT. Not to the Guv’ments, the MSM, some Institutions, etc, etc, etc. I didn’t take the Gene Therapy/Emergency Approved Jab(s) either. I did my own Risk Assessment and said – Naaaaaah.

July 22, 2023 8:01 am

JSO melt.

The fish in the pond are dying.

July 22, 2023 8:04 am

I’m gonna take my compensation from this place then dump it like a bag if shit.

July 22, 2023 8:08 am

I like the way she finally realised what a moron she was when she said, “my grandson is home by himself, there’s no one, oops, grandad is there”.
Had enough wherewithal to think, I’m not going to get any sympathy if the viewers know I’ve left little jimmy at home alone while I am crusading in his name. LOL!!!

July 22, 2023 8:09 am

What’s with this “new” innovation of the media tieing folks, original, ethnicity to Australia .. Cambodian Australians …. FFS!
It could be, of course, the media’s way of evening up folk with the constant references to the tribal affiliations of 251s into all 251 articles ..
tho the lack of “proud” at the beginning is noted …..

Cassie of Sydney
July 22, 2023 8:12 am

The same dictum could be applied to a home: How do you expect someone to love their nation if they can never own so much as a square metre of it?

There’s little difference between Labor and the Coalition on housing policy regarding foreign investment. Neither is brave enough to face the issue front on.”

So Vicki, why should we bother voting for one of the Coalition parties? Oh and hellooooo, remember net zero? I shouldn’t need to remind Vicki that her husband/partner/father of her children willingly signed up to this catastrophic policy.

July 22, 2023 8:18 am

Hi Cassie,
your answer to Vicki Campion’s column is almost identical to the comment I posted in reply to the last column she had. Seems being the beetrooter’s squeeze has her caught in an eternal loop. haha.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
July 22, 2023 8:25 am

Nature doesn’t need people – people need nature; nature would survive the extinction of the human being and go on just fine, but human culture, human beings, cannot survive without nature.

– Harrison Ford

July 22, 2023 8:25 am

Labor pays a lot of attention to public housing, an important safety net, but people dream of living in their own houses. You can’t hand public housing to your children struggling to get a foot in the property door.

There are many families that have been in public housing for generations.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
July 22, 2023 8:27 am

The Yes vote for the InVoice is below 50% in NSW.

Listened to an ABC story about Rio Tinto winding down mines in the NT.
Even the ABC couldn’t report the events without reference to “sit down money” and tribal disputes over the royalty spoils.

July 22, 2023 8:29 am

Shouldn’t you be 100 per cent committed to the country if you want to own a dwelling here? If the conservative side wants young people back, they must give them a fair home ownership opportunity.

Okay Vicki, why don’t you convince your Significant Other to make it part of his and his party’s platform?

July 22, 2023 8:34 am

The river flowing through Cordoba used to be navigable to the sea, emptying into the Atlantic near Cadiz. Last time I was there it was hardly flowing. Silt making up 3/4 of the bed with only a couple of rivulets. The water at Seville was deep but hardly moving.

July 22, 2023 8:36 am

Gemma in today’s Weekend Paywallion about the shit that is ruling the

On euthanasia, why do we endanger our most vulnerable children?
12:00AM JULY 22, 2023

There’s a new kind of evil afoot in this nation today. Evil is a strong word to use, I know, but I feel it deeply and I don’t think I’m the only one. There are people attempting to weave a thread through our social fabric under the guise of compassion, dressed up as kindness and equality, and Australian kids are in their sights.

There’s more than one part at play and in truth it has taken me more than a few weeks to finally arm-wrestle my jumbled thoughts into some kind of order. Hold that thought for a moment while I unpack it.

In recent months much has been said about the need to protect Australian teenagers from a range of valid threats, all of which require considered thought about how best to mitigate the risk and protect vulnerable youth while equipping them for adulthood.

There have been calls for mobile phones to be banned in classrooms; calls to ban or severely restrict junk food advertising. Experts have warned about the need to protect teens from digital exploitation. The underlying truth here is the recognition that tender hearts and minds can’t make adult decisions or self-regulate their behaviours when it comes to constant external pressures. We recognise that they need help because they lack maturity and because it’s our role as a community safeguard them.

If that weren’t the case, we wouldn’t be having those conversations. Which brings me back to the beginning and the sense that something is very wrong here.

The most confronting example comes courtesy of the ACT government, which has released a framework for consultation that would allow children as young as 14 (yes, they are children under the law and in every other sense) access to euthanasia.

Moreover, this framework doesn’t include a requirement (used by most other jurisdictions) that assisted dying can be accessed only by those with an end-of-life prognosis of six to 12 months.

Sky News Contributor Prue MacSween says euthanasia shouldn’t be available to teenagers as they have not fully… matured to make that decision for themselves. “People under 16, they go through highs and lows, life is tough for them … but to allow them to make decisions that we don’t believe they have the maturity to determine I just think is so wrong,” she told Sky News host Peta Credlin “I just think that we need to really take a step back.”

Let me put it another way. We’re being asked to believe the same kids who need protection from junk food advertising are emotionally and cognitively mature enough to choose suicide. I was with my father in the specialist’s office when he was told he had 18 months to live at best. His liver was buggered. You don’t forget those moments. Dad lived another nine years after being diagnosed as terminal. Seven good years, in truth; the last two terrible.

He was wheelchair-bound and fretted that he was a burden. We lied to him, of course we did, through our breaking hearts, and promised him that he wasn’t. Truth be told, it was a privilege to help care for him; an exhausting privilege. Under the law today he could have chosen to end his life because he was an adult, and that’s my point.

He was an adult and these are adult conversations, not for the likes of children. Can you imagine a vulnerable, terminally ill child fretting that they’re a burden on Mum and Dad? Being presented with a “brave” option to end their own life? It makes my stomach turn and, yeah, I think it’s an evil proposition.

Australian law and, frankly, common sense and decency recognise that children in their early teens aren’t developmentally mature enough to drive; to buy a house. The law says they can’t consent to sexual relationships and we rightly jail the predators who attempt to groom and convince them otherwise. Fourteen-year-olds can’t get married or work full time. But the ACT government wants you to believe a 14-year-old, terminally ill kid can make this decision or even should be given the choice.

Protesters hold signs opposing proposed Voluntary Assisted Dying laws. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Dan Peled

Like I said, there’s something rotten going on when it comes to the way kids are being commoditised, politicised and used for whatever purpose is on the table. The same people who want to lower the voting age say the age of criminal responsibility should be raised. So, which is it – are kids mature enough to vote or not so mature they should be held responsible for their actions?

The contradictions are jarring and this isn’t where it stops. One of the most fraught, delicate examples is the framing of support for children in gender distress or suffering from gender dysphoria. Globally, there is a veritable stampede away from so-called gender-affirming care that is beginning to affect the Australian landscape.

The most public of these reversals in treatment approach have happened in Sweden and Britain.

In Britain, the now notorious Tavistock clinic was shut down by the National Health Service after an inquiry found the treatment being given was “not safe or viable as a long-term option for the care of young people with gender-related distress”. Former staff members have revealed how vulnerable children were prescribed life-altering drugs after just one assessment. Who was advocating for those kids?

This isn’t about what anyone else believes about gender and sex, it’s about protecting vulnerable children. They are children. The same children whom climate activists are perfectly happy to terrify with ridiculous tales of a looming apocalypse, all for their own cause.

Here’s a question. Do we collectively love our kids enough to say no? Do we love our kids enough to say there might be a better way?

Or yes, we need cleaner energy, but there’s no need to be afraid. Let me tell you about a bloke called Al Gore; most of what he said was garbage, the world isn’t about to end.

No 14-year-old, terminally ill or not, should be given the option to end their life. They should be loved to the end, leaving this earth knowing their life mattered and that the world will be less colourful without them. No child should be given life-altering drugs unless all the questions have been explored and answered. No teen should be terrified into believing the end is nigh, for political gain.

I guess my question is simple. When this generation asks, who was there to protect us, what will your answer be?

July 22, 2023 8:40 am

Listened to an ABC story about Rio Tinto winding down mines in the NT.
Even the ABC couldn’t report the events without reference to “sit down money” and tribal disputes over the royalty spoils.

The refinery at Gove is being pulled down. There is estimated to be about seven to 10 years of bauxite left in the areas that Rio Tinto are allowed to mine.

Cassie of Sydney
July 22, 2023 8:46 am

I like Vicki’s pieces in the Telegraph, and I suspect she knows what the problems are but her husband/partner/father of her children is a big part of the problem. I no longer trust the Liberals or the Nationals. I don’t believe any of us should trust them. For nine long years they did nothing, on anything.

Overnight The New Culture Forum (transparency alert, I subscribe), a excellent UK think tank and broadcaster of conservative/right of centre ideas (which does stellar work and works with organisations such as Toby Young’s Free Speech Union) put up this…..”Tories Are Promoting a Radical Progressive Left Agenda – Even Right-Wing Bodies Are Becoming Woke”

Every word in this applies to the Liberals and Nationals. The dismal failure of Conservatives/Liberals/Nationals to stem progressive/woke nonsense when in government. Why? Well, it’s because some of them clearly believe it woke too, which means they aren’t real Liberals or Conservatives, they are simply using the parties as ladders to climb the greasy pole of politics. Here in Oz we have such classic pearls as the ghastly effwits, Andrew Bragg, Simon Bummingham, Simon Kean, Matthew Guy, little Johnny Prosciutto and Bridget Archer. These people are like festering boils on the Liberal Party and there are similar boils infesting the National Party. Men like Pitt and Canavan are the exceptions.

But the malaise is actually deeper and much more worrying. It is clear that conservative and right of centre parties such as the Liberals and Nationals have been somewhat captured but here is where it is perhaps more iniquitous. The state and federal bureaucracies have been totally captured by far-left ideologues, so that when we naively elect right of centre parties, and we expect them to change policies etc, our elected officials are being sidelined, smeared and overridden by these far-left bureaucrats. So, even in power right of centre politicians are, by and large, useless. It’s the bureaucrats who are running the West, running us into the ground. Until the day comes when a right of centre party takes power and performs a night of the long knives, or a Bartholomew Day massacre, where the blood of bureaucrats runs thick in the streets, nothing, absolutely nothing will change. And if and when that day comes, I’ll be out dancing in the streets.

But back to Campion, Beetroot and her piece. I don’t believe Beetroot Juice has any credibility left. When Morrison, in the dying days of his utterly useless government, decided to sign up to net zero, Beetroot Juice and his fellow Nationals should have walked. But they didn’t, did they, showing just how useless they are. Instead they thought they could pork barrel, and so they signed up, gifted us this hideous Labor government with Blackout Bowen, a cartoon figure if ever there was one, running feverishly amok, and thus careering this country into a disastrous direction, and one which is is probably irreversible.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
July 22, 2023 8:49 am

Throw the dogs a Bowen.

After conversations with senior office holders in regulatory authorities, I’m fairly certain that any move by AEMO or transmission companies to use essential services legislation to gain access to landholders property will not work.

They’re fairly certain that police will not enforce any attempt to enter private property without consent plus the fact that it’s a civil matter with the likelihood the parties would end up in a magistrates court – an uncertain outcome for the companies.

2030 looks about as solid as a promise from Chairman Dan.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
July 22, 2023 8:51 am

I’m not sure whether they play good soccer because they are lesbians or whether lesbians have hijacked women’s soccer in Australia?

Lesbians, I am given to understand, are very clingy with their partners, and jealous to the point of naked aggression in the face of any perceived competition for their partners.

Work that into game strategy and you have an unstoppable winning machine.

I cite once again a joke told me by a (lesbian) friend:

Q) What does a lesbian bring to a first date?

A) Her whole life.

July 22, 2023 8:51 am

Not wrong Crossie. I had a neighbour living in a govvie, grew up in Western Creek (expensive canbra suburbia) in govvie. His mother was pissed when she was asked to move from a 3 beddy she’d been living in for 40 years. The act town council brought in a thing where struggling families could buy there property if they lived there for several years. In this case the struggling family had both parents in the APS earning more a year between them that the house was sold to them for. Stayed the requisite 18 months or less then sold it for more than double, all courtesy of the taxpayer.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 22, 2023 8:52 am

Daily Mail.

Brittany Higgins’ book leaks: Wild Christmas parties, politicians pouring scotch in staffers’ mouths and the ‘big swinging d***’ club laid bare in leaked outline of her autobiography

Brittany Higgins details wild parties in her memoir draft
#NotJustADaughter has a range of remarks about MPs

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
July 22, 2023 8:54 am

A mosque in Bordeaux?

What could possibly go wrong?

July 22, 2023 9:00 am

What does a lesbian bring to the second date? A trailer with all her belongings on it.

July 22, 2023 9:02 am

This really is must watch. An insider confirming what we already know, that the whole thing is built on public subsidies. It would collapse tomorrow if we stopped paying for it.


Must watch

The green energy scam!

Here’s why you’re paying a small fortune for electricity.

They’re robbing you and destroying your kids future at the same time.

Wake the fcuk up sheeple.

Cassie of Sydney
July 22, 2023 9:02 am

There are plans for a huge mosque to be erected in Piccadilly Circus, London. If erected, I wonder if that mosque, in Pride Month, will be adorned with LGBTQIARSE+ banners? I somehow think not.

I wonder if some LGBTQI+ activist will dare stand outside that mosque and proudly shout “Allah is gay”. I confess I’d love to see such a protest, only to witness the ensuing reaction from a mosque attendee. I’d clap.

July 22, 2023 9:03 am

Gez you can only hope but it is Sicktoria. Magistrates are still Maates.

July 22, 2023 9:04 am


Controlled Opposition are the guys they send to appeal to your sensibilities on Current Thing. They distract the people that might oppose Current Thing by posing as champions of the dissenting faction. They use their positions to deplete the emotional and physical assets of the people that follow them, when those assets may potentially have been used in a meaningful way. Their entire purpose is to keep their followers engaged in the System, and to direct your energy away from real growth, so that their real masters can feed on that energy.

Fortunately, you can identify these people (or projects, etc.) pretty easily once you learn the pattern. Here are the 7 signs:

1. Inexplicable popularity with conservatives.

The first time you heard about Big Conservative Thing was probably someone in media telling you how popular it has already become. No one can explain how, and most likely nobody you know could say they knew anything about it when it was small. Their rise is described as miraculous, or a movement, but the growth was very sudden.

2. Fleecing massive amounts of money off of conservatives.

Gee. With all those resources in one pool, we’ll surely see some positive change, right? Right? Don’t hold your breath, mate. But do expect someone to extol the virtues of “taking stands” and “making statements” and other ways of paying them to tweet things about other famous people.

3. Alleviates the pressure of the current situation by saying, “Something is being done.”

Somewhere, out there. You may have had a bee in your bonnet about some issue, and Controlled Opposition may have even gotten you riled up about it, ready to kick names and all that. Even just listening to someone talk about it was cathartic. Anyway, roll next segment.

4. Offers their entertainment value as part of some vague solution.

This is closely tied in with the last two. One way or another, it always comes back to them leading the way forward. They assure you that you’re all part of something big together. All you have to do is sit back and watch. Meanwhile, when was the last time you met a fellow fan to actually build something together?

5. Leaves the true power of action entirely within the System.

The closest they ever come to offering a solution is to reinforce processes inside the System, or to leave solutions entirely in the hands of System officials. Like suggesting a vote on measures to stop people from cheating the vote, or other random, non-specific examples.

6. Portrays the managers of the system as incompetent, weak, cowardly, clumsy, or even greedy, but never evil and complicit.

This deflects true responsibility from those in power. Worse, it appeals to our natural inclination to say this about leaders we disagree with. But this is all part of the show that starts with politicians saying one thing and doing something else with entirely different results. It looks stupid, because honest people tend to take words at face value. Obviously, there are controlled exceptions to number 6, but it’s always to produce a scapegoat to take heat off the System itself.

7. Irregular ties to suspicious folk.

How many CIA agents do you know? How many criminals? How many billionaires? You may know zero, or a handful. But you probably don’t know many, and you probably haven’t received large sums of money from them, or acted as godfather to their kids. Like all of these 7 signs, it’s about seeing the larger pattern of behaviour.

Controlled Opposition are very, very good at articulating the problem, but not at solving the problem, and this is intentional. They operate like mercenaries convincing you to pick a hill to die on, then offering to fight in your place, for a price. But the other guys are in on it, and some days he comes back down the hill in defeat, promising that it’ll go your way next time. And remember, the mirror image of this is happening to those you know on the left, as well. One guy’s Controlled Opposition is often just another guy’s Big Bad Current Thing.

The answer is to unplug from talking heads, and keep your wallet in your pocket. Go build something with your own hands, with your own friends and family. Follow leaders that stand a chance of getting to know you as well as you think you know them. Leaders with skin in the game. And be leery of anyone attempting to lead you through your emotions, all the more so when they never lead you to a real way forward.


Bonus sign: Outcry!

It often happens that the lady doth protest in a way that’s about as effective, or even more effective, at getting conservatives excited about a thing as the advocates of the thing itself could hope to be. Staged protests are an old trick. And again, these people aren’t dumb.

Doesn’t that sound familiar? *cough*Vic libs*cough*

July 22, 2023 9:05 am

EXCLUSIVE: Fox News whistleblowers expose company’s support for far-left charities

While on its face, this appears to be little more than an attempt at corporate beneficence, the company is willing to match donations to the Satanic Temple, the Trevor Project [a far-left LGBT activist organization], Planned Parenthood (and local Planned Parenthood branches), and the Southern Poverty Law Center – radical leftist groups antipathetic to conservatives and the values they hold most dear.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
July 22, 2023 9:07 am

Gaslighting Germans.

Italy Ruffled By German Health Minister’s Wild Claim: “Climate Change Destroying Southern Europe” (21 Jul)

On his most recent escapade, Lauterbach tweeted of the once popular summer holiday destinations of Italy: “Arrived in Bologna Italy today, now it’s off to Tuscany. The heat wave is spectacular here. If things continue like this, these holiday destinations will have no future in the long term. Climate change is destroying southern Europe. An era is coming to an end.”

German energy expert Prof Fritz Vahrenholt reacted to Lauterbach’s claims in the German talk round panel “stimmt”: “That’s really terrible because we know that on the day he landed there, it was basically 30°C and the week that followed it didn’t get over 31°C. That, by the way, is usual in Bologna. In July in Bologna the average high temperature over the last 30 years has been 32°C. That means instead he could have said that we are seeing pleasant temperatures, not quite as hot as usual. But, he has to spread fear among the people.”

The heat crisis seems to be solely in Karl Lauterbach’s mind.

So he arrives in Bologna and screeches about the dreadful heatwave he’s experiencing, which is actually cooler than average. LOL, climate change works in mysterious ways.

July 22, 2023 9:08 am

Until the day comes when a right of centre party takes power and performs a night of the long knives, or a Bartholomew Day massacre, where the blood of bureaucrats runs thick in the streets, nothing, absolutely nothing will change. And if and when that day comes, I’ll be out dancing in the streets.

Metaphorically speaking, of course.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 22, 2023 9:08 am

Warren Mundine, from the “West Australian. Good question.

If a national, representative Indigenous body is the solution, then why did the four other attempts at this kind of body in the past 50 years fail?

The National Aboriginal Consultative Committee, set up in 1973, spent much of its short life in a battle over itself and was regarded as a failure, both as a channel between government and Aboriginal people and as a forum for Aboriginal views. It was replaced by the National Aboriginal Conference in 1977. This also failed and was shut down in 1985 after an independent review concluded it was out of touch and not well regarded by Aboriginal people and the auditor general found financial mismanagement and irregularities and breaches of its charter.

ATSIC was established in 1990 to be both a representative and service delivery body. Its representative function was a failure. Average voter turnout for ATSIC elections was persistently below 25 per cent. After two commissioners refused to step aside in the face of serious conduct allegations and were actually re-elected, it was shut down in 2005 with bipartisan support.

The fourth national, elected Indigenous representative body, the National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples struggled with relevance with fewer than 10,000 people signing up as members. It went into administration and minister Ken Wyatt declined to revive it.

There’s no reason to be confident that the Voice will succeed where all others failed, but its constitutional status will ensure we’re stuck with it. That’s the real reason its advocates want it in the Constitution. Constitutional recognition, which has nothing to do with a centralised representative body, merely provides the cover.

July 22, 2023 9:09 am

Steven Cuomo should lawyer up and sue the publisher. They saw that Brittney is a fabulist yet they still went ahead with the book.

July 22, 2023 9:09 am

Johnny Rotten
Jul 22, 2023 8:25 AM
Nature doesn’t need people – people need nature; nature would survive the extinction of the human being and go on just fine, but human culture, human beings, cannot survive without nature. Harrison Ford

why are you quoting an idiot? Humans build civilisation to insulate and protect them selves from nature. Humans transform nature into something less inimical to human existence. Nature will not feed you (easily), cloth you (easily), provide shelter or medicine. If you lose yourself in the wildness you will likely die.

July 22, 2023 9:09 am

Johnny Rotten
Jul 22, 2023 8:25 AM
Nature doesn’t need people – people need nature; nature would survive the extinction of the human being and go on just fine, but human culture, human beings, cannot survive without nature. Harrison Ford

why are you quoting an idiot? Humans build civilisation to insulate and protect them selves from nature. Humans transform nature into something less inimical to human existence. Nature will not feed you (easily), cloth you (easily), provide shelter or medicine. If you lose yourself in the wildness you will likely die.

July 22, 2023 9:10 am
July 22, 2023 9:11 am

The UN must be a safe zone for knickerless.

July 22, 2023 9:17 am

I haven’t listened to all of this yet but this is an interview with a Russian trans “woman” who sounds fairly down to earth.

…America’s Ruining It For Everyone Else

July 22, 2023 9:25 am

How did Steven Cuomo get there in my comment, I typed Ciobo.

July 22, 2023 9:27 am
Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
July 22, 2023 9:29 am

I cite once again a joke told me by a (lesbian) friend:

Q) What does a lesbian bring to a first date?

A) Her whole life.

On that theme –

Q) What is the Latin name for a Lesbian?

A) Strapadicktome.

July 22, 2023 9:29 am

why are you quoting an idiot? Humans build civilisation to insulate and protect them selves from nature. Humans transform nature into something less inimical to human existence. Nature will not feed you (easily), cloth you (easily), provide shelter or medicine. If you lose yourself in the wildness you will likely die.

If nature were so benevolent and non-threatening there would have been no need to invent shelters, tools and weapons. The existence of all civilisation and technology is proof of nature’s lethality.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
July 22, 2023 9:31 am

The third-rate mind is only happy when it is thinking with the majority. The second-rate mind is only happy when it is thinking with the minority. The first-rate mind is only happy when it is thinking.

– A. A. Milne

July 22, 2023 9:32 am

Thinking on the VOICE and $39billion a year (most of which, apparently, getz squandered) some folk out there have got to be doing extremely well from the 251 “sympathy’ game .. Folk must know these wealthy 251s and where/how they live ..
maybe time for a few pix of the “humpies” they occupy to enlighten us folk into how much they are struggling and give us an idea of why we need to vote YES .. LOL!
I did read a coupla weeks ago areference (no pix) of one 251 family in NT with a compound of several houses, several high end cars & boats and two helicopters .. can’t remember where I saw it or else I’d link it .. duuuuh!

July 22, 2023 9:32 am

Jul 22, 2023 5:39 AM

RIP Tony Bennett.

Tony and Dino and Frank – the Golden Age of Italian singers

A Look At Tony Bennett’s Friendship With Frank Sinatra

Dean Martin & Tony Bennett

Cassie of Sydney
July 22, 2023 9:34 am

“– Harrison Ford”

I don’t give a rat’s arse what Harrison Ford thinks or says.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
July 22, 2023 9:36 am

Black Ball

Jul 22, 2023 6:57 AM

Australian tech billionaire Mike Cannon-Brookes has reportedly split from his wife after 13 years of marriage.

Gonna be interesting if he has to unload shares to settle.

July 22, 2023 9:41 am

thanks for posting Gemma Togninni’s column. I admire Gemma very much and look forward to seeing ang listening to her when she is on Sky. She makes a tremendous amount of sense.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
July 22, 2023 9:42 am

This is a guy who vacations on a pleasure boat literally the size of an Anzac frigate.

Leo DiCaprio teams up with UCLA to train kids as young as 4 to be ‘climate warriors’ (21 Jul)

He also changes girlfriends once they reach 25 years old. Latest one is 19, so she may get to be around a little longer than usual. Don’t you just love climate warriors?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
July 22, 2023 9:45 am


Jul 22, 2023 8:04 AM

I’m gonna take my compensation from this place then dump it like a bag if shit

More big talkin’.
What Compo, Razey-san?

July 22, 2023 9:48 am

The next head of the USN did a turn as CO of an actual warship,
which is something, I guess.
The BSC in j’isming must be a typo.

July 22, 2023 9:51 am

I’ve enjoyed the standard of the Australian Women’s World Cup game against Ireland.

It was awful.
When the US team play watch how they maintain their width.
That’s how these games are won.

July 22, 2023 9:56 am

You can’t hand public housing to your children struggling to get a foot in the property door.

been along time since PH wasn’t heriditary .. since the “boat folk ” got their feet thru the doors all the, official, living arrangement rules have been, conveniently, forgotten ..

July 22, 2023 9:57 am

Should have said NSW Public Housing .. no idea about other states ………!

July 22, 2023 10:00 am

I’ve enjoyed the standard of the Australian Women’s World Cup game against Ireland.
It was awful.

It most certainly was. I can’t remember a single semi coherent passage of play by either team during the entirety of the game. None of them was remotely attractive either.

I might watch some of the European teams purely for the aesthetic value of the women, although generally their skill level is much higher.

The matildas are a female version of the schlockeroos – just bloody awful to watch.

When the US team play watch how they maintain their width*.

The last time I heard of those appalling lezzo slags they received an absolute pasting from a Swedish team seemingly composed entirely of gorgeous babes.

*Their house sized arses help with this.

Ed Case
Ed Case
July 22, 2023 10:04 am

Because the houses are overpriced, the Coalition says to “take money from your super to buy a house”, and Labor says, “you can live in my house” – but we don’t want to live in the government’s house or smash our super to buy a house.

This has been a paid advert on behalf of the Superannuation Industry
Authorised by V.Campion, Canberra.
She’s conflating Units and Houses while bloviating about land ownership.

You’re not buying the land when you purchase a Unit.
The real issue here is the character and liveability of cities being destroyed by rezonings for unit construction.

July 22, 2023 10:04 am

I’m not sure whether they play good soccer because they are lesbians or whether lesbians have hijacked women’s soccer in Australia?

My youngest daughter has been playing soccer since her schooldayz .. now in her early 30s and, definitely, NOT a lesbian .. LOL!

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
July 22, 2023 10:09 am

Vicki Campion:

Nearly $20bn in Australian dreams has been sold beyond the grasp of Australian families in nearly three years – the same families who would defend the country if attacked, work as doctors, nurses and school teachers, and pay the taxes to pay the NDIS and Centrelink.

Some perspective.

Firstly, feelthy absentee furriners are not competing first home buyers out of entry-level properties. Not defending Chinese bolt hole investors, but the market segment they are into affects the aspirational inner city apartment owner more than ‘dreamers’.

Secondly, the ABS tells us the total value of Australian residential property is approaching $10 trillion. So, $20 billion over 3 years works out at something less than 0.1% of the annual market value.

Probably the more significant drivers of high prices for first time buyers are:

• the GDP immigration ponzi mismatch with infrastructure and land releases;
• State and local government charges, fees, and mindlessly stupid bureaucratic obligations on construction;
• the fact that people want to live close in to cities (generally laid out in the 1920’s on the basis of 16 perch blocks) and not on estates bordering on scrub – as was the case 40 years ago.
• And, yes, supply chain issues.

He might like the jingoism, but hopefully the Beetrooter has a deeper understanding of the problem. Because I doubt many Australians died to defend crap decisions by mediocre government troughers.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 22, 2023 10:11 am

Should have said NSW Public Housing .. no idea about other states …

Wasn’t there a Greens Senator, busted occupying public housing, in New South Wales?

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
July 22, 2023 10:16 am

I don’t give a rat’s arse what Harrison Ford thinks or says.

That’s a terrible thing to say.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
July 22, 2023 10:17 am

Gaslighting Germans.

Italy Ruffled By German Health Minister’s Wild Claim: “Climate Change Destroying Southern Europe” (21 Jul)

Why the surprise?

Warmies have learned long since (although it took them a while) that you always warn of the dangers occurring elsewhere.

Speaking of local sea level rises doesn’t work anymore because people see nothing – and there is the embarrassing habit of warmies buying beachfront properties.

So you speak of Tuvalu being on the brink of being inundated, ice sheets crumbling into the sea, swathes of South America going hop like tinder, African deserts spreading outward to the edges of the continent erasing every living being, and so on.

Leave it to people’s imaginations to fill in terrifying details then beg to be saved.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
July 22, 2023 10:20 am

Besides, gaslighting can’t be good.

Perhaps something referring to instantaneous incineration of birds at solar farms, or the explosive disintegration of windmills in…wind.

July 22, 2023 10:23 am

Humans are going crazy

Screaming and farting at an RFK fundraiser in NYC.

Read on, it’s hilarious. And it wasn’t directed at RFK either.

Salvatore, Iron Publican
July 22, 2023 10:29 am

shatterzzz Jul 22, 2023 9:56 AM

You can’t hand public housing to your children struggling to get a foot in the property door.

been along time since PH wasn’t heriditary .. since the “boat folk ” got their feet thru the doors all the, official, living arrangement rules have been, conveniently, forgotten ..

As I understand it, in the first nations equivalent of the housing commission, tenancies are bequeathable.

So I’m told by blokes in the Dept of Works (As with most other Qld govt depts, now called “Q-something” or “Sun-something”)

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
July 22, 2023 10:30 am


Prince Harry’s memoir ‘Spare’ considered ‘most discarded’ book this summer (21 Jul, via Lucianne)

Prince Harry’s memoir is the “most discarded” book of the summer among vacationers, a travel company claimed.

The Duke of Sussex’s tell-all “Spare” has reportedly been dumped in hotel rooms, trash cans, and left poolside at various resorts in Spain, Greece, and Turkey since its explosive release in January.

Travel company On The Beach says it’s found over 100 discarded copies of the book this summer.

“We’ve never witnessed anything quite like it. Lost property offices in our most popular resorts are brimming with copies of ‘Spare,’” Chief customer officer Zoe Harris told the Express

“We thought it was funny at first but, over the past few months, several other hotels have been sending the books back.”

Harris said the company now has “bookcases full” of “Spare,” and has asked hotels to “stop sending them over otherwise we’ll never get rid of them all.”

Sounds like Spare’s book isn’t the only thing getting left behind.

Harry and Meghan ‘taking time apart’ on different continents – claim (19 Jul)

Unfortunately for Sparkles he’s the meal ticket, not her.

July 22, 2023 10:30 am

Wasn’t there a Greens Senator, busted occupying public housing, in New South Wales?

That’s what i was saying about forgetting the rules .. once it was that if your household income reached a certain level your need for PH expired .. now, as long, as you declare your income, honestly, your rent adjusts to market level without subsidy .. in other wordz your household (includes everyone in residence not just the name on the lease) income doesn’t affect your tenancy as long as your household income declaration is correct …
There are few 3 bedroom properties on this estate where occupancy is in double figures adults/kids .. once upon a time (up to late1990s) the rule was seperate bedroom for parent(s) (adult(s)) , mixed sex children separated .. boyz different room(s) to girlz .. and it was enforced ..!
but nowadayz it’s just cram ‘[em in .. whether this is due an actual change in the rulez or just the, usual, HC if-it-interupts-the-tea-break work ethic I’ve no idea ………
There was even a time when drug dealing led to eviction but now ……. ha ha ha!

July 22, 2023 10:39 am

I’m not sure whether they play good soccer because they are lesbians or whether lesbians have hijacked women’s soccer in Australia?

I dont know. I think they should let a few 6’3″ trannies play in the womens soccer world cup to spice it up a bit.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
July 22, 2023 10:40 am

Prince Harry’s memoir ‘Spare’ considered ‘most discarded’ book this summer (21 Jul, via Lucianne)

There is a delicious irony in that not only is Harry a spare, but his book is also.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
July 22, 2023 10:41 am

This weeks episode is not all bad … usual freak show in the beginning.

That little wanker ( it could have been Obama’s son ) is lucky the bus driver missed @6:20.

Reggie the wombat will have a good life with that family@ 12:04 and much, much more.


July 22, 2023 10:43 am

Jul 22, 2023 9:32 AM

Thinking on the VOICE and $39billion a year (most of which, apparently, getz squandered) some folk out there have got to be doing extremely well from the 251 “sympathy’ game .. Folk must know these wealthy 251s and where/how they live ..
maybe time for a few pix of the “humpies” they occupy to enlighten us folk into how much they are struggling and give us an idea of why we need to vote YES .. LOL!

I did read a coupla weeks ago areference (no pix) of one 251 family in NT with a compound of several houses, several high end cars & boats and two helicopters .. can’t remember where I saw it or else I’d link it .. duuuuh!


Early one morning, on a walk along the island’s western beaches, I stopped to marvel at the swarm of white, plastic outers of disposable nappies that had blown ashore and caught up in mangrove roots and branches (the soft inner parts had long gone, seeing they comprise an essential part of the local canine diet). An approaching middle-aged man could see my discomfort, and pronounced, “Disgusting, isn’t it? When’s the government coming out to clean this up?” It was clear he was not joking, that the locals take the meaning of “public servants“ literally. Just a couple of hours of light work by a few energetic adults (or even kids) could have cleared it all up, but that would require a degree of organisation and initiative.

As a postscript, several years after the completion of our project, while visiting Nhulunbuy I was taken by friends on a sailing trip from the Gove Boat Club. Heading down the inlet for a few miles, towards the Gumatj settlement (the Gumatj clan seems to dominate the Yolngu peoples, which some have alleged might be because of its stranglehold on royalties), we came upon a beachside, two-storied mansion. Reaching out from it was a small jetty supporting a helicopter on floats. “That’s where Galurrwuy Yunupingu lives”, I was told, and that was his private helicopter (presumably with a full-time pilot in residence).

Not far away was another, large, warehouse-like building, apparently the studio of the band, Yothu Yindi, made up of relatives of Galurrwuy. I recalled the man from years before as long-time chairman of the Northern Land Council and regarded widely as the “king” of Arnhem Land, expert at schmoozing politicians (he’d been portrayed as a friend of PM Bob Hawke, among others) and directing expenditure of mining and alumina plant royalties.

Galurrwuy died only recently, in April 2023, still crying victimhood in advocating for extra compensation and increased government spending in the region.

Returning home, I started wondering if that had all been a dream, until coming across an old article in The Australian by Elisabeth Wynhausen* that featured a photograph of that helicopter and explained it was used for, among other things, fishing and hunting (possibly for buffaloes, turtles, crocodiles and dugong). So much for socialism, or environmental conservationism, as deeply innate features of Aboriginal life – although many might think that nepotism seems alive and well.

Paul Prociv MB BS, PhD, FRACP is the former Professor of Medical Parasitology at the University of Queensland

July 22, 2023 10:48 am

Australian tech billionaire Mike Cannon-Brookes has reportedly split from his wife after 13 years of marriage.

I wonder if they will continue in their push to make one of the fancy private school in Sydney go co-ed.

July 22, 2023 10:50 am

A Russian Offensive Pushing Across The Rest of Eastern Ukraine

July 22, 2023 10:51 am

So you speak of Tuvalu being on the brink of being inundated, ice sheets crumbling into the sea, swathes of South America going hop like tinder, African deserts spreading outward to the edges of the continent erasing every living being, and so on.

Nothing special happening in Tuvalu, or any Pacific island for that matter:

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
July 22, 2023 10:53 am

The SBS has had RMIT ‘fact check’ the Yes and No pamphlets.

Needless to say, the Yes case was adjudged impeccable and the No case a tissue of lies (after the statements ‘fact-checked’ had been suitably reframed).

Unsurprising, of course, but an interesting illustration of the decay of public discussion.

Bar Beach Swimmer
July 22, 2023 10:54 am

Dr F @ 10:09am

Vicki Campion:…work as doctors, nurses and school teachers

In almost every discussion about the plight of workers on the lips of pollies and their hangers on in the media, it’s to this triumvirate that they turn. There’s no-one else out in the economy plugging away because all the hardworking Aussies trying to make ends meet are only in this lot.

They may think it’s a form of shorthand to cover everyone, but all it does is sideline the workers in the real economy.

July 22, 2023 10:57 am

Jul 22, 2023 10:39 AM
I’m not sure whether they play good soccer because they are lesbians or whether lesbians have hijacked women’s soccer in Australia?

I dont know. I think they should let a few 6’3? trannies play in the womens soccer world cup to spice it up a bit.

I believe Canada had a trannie in their women’s team at the last Olympics.

July 22, 2023 10:57 am

Elgar’s Tenth Muse: After Alice

22nd July 2023

Joe Dolce – Contributing editor

Be thou the tenth Muse, ten times more in worth
Than those old nine which rhymers invocate.

—Shakespeare, Sonnet XXXVIII

The first time I was exposed to the music of Sir Edward Elgar was in 1965 when I graduated from Harvey High School in Painesville, Ohio. We had to walk down the aisles of the school gymnasium, up to the podium to receive our degrees. As we walked in single file, in a slow almost funereal staggered two-step, the music of Elgar’s “Land of Hope and Glory” (Pomp and Circumstance March No 1) played over the school sound system.

Although I was unaware of Elgar at the time, I never forgot this music. I always associated it with my graduation, much as I once associated the music of J.S. Bach with the Christmas music they played in department store elevators.

Elgar’s Tenth Muse (1996) is a television special, directed by Paul Yule, and written by Nigel Gearing. It is set a century ago and stars James Fox as Elgar and Selma Alispahic as the young violinist, Jelly d’Arányi, who became Elgar’s inspiration and muse during his final years.

The film opens with a seductively beautiful and moving performance of Elgar’s Cello Concerto in the present day, performed by Natalie Clein. The “shadow” of Elgar is standing in the wings of the theatre watching. He closes his eyes, lost in the music.

Suddenly we are back in 1919. Elgar is chopping wood on his farm in Sussex. He is paid a visit by violinist Billy Reed, who has come to check on the progress of a new violin sonata. Elgar hasn’t begun the piece yet but instead directs him to the wooden music stand he has just built.

Elgar tells Reed that his wife, Alice, is very frail. In the house, Elgar demonstrates a chemical experiment he is doing in a test tube over a burner: “a little show stopper to wake them up in the back rows”. When asked about the music, Elgar tells him “the point, Billy, is that without the catalyst, you can’t turn dross into gold”. He is referring to the lack of inspiration that is preventing him from completing the work. Alice tells Reed that for thirty years she has been behind the scenes, ruling his bar-lines and looking after his every need. She says, “Allow me then this little vanity; I’d like to think that I was his muse.”

Elgar is invited to a private performance by the Hungarian virtuoso violinist Jelly d’Arányi. His wife tells him to go alone as she is not feeling well and “there are a lot of things you will have to learn to do without me”.

Elgar is plunged into a household of Hungarian bohemians and is overwhelmed. D’Arányi has just recovered from the Spanish flu, as has her friend, Igor Stravinsky. When she suggests to Elgar that perhaps he is not an admirer of Stravinsky’s kind of music, he tells her that he has always loved Richard Strauss and “much of Stravinsky”. When she asks, “And Schoenberg? Bartók?” He says, “Well, let us say with this ‘new’ music … shouldn’t music have a beginning and an end?” He asks her to perform his violin sonata and she gives him a big shocking kiss on the lips.

Returning home, he raves to his wife about the “d’Arányi girl”(left). His sick wife is more concerned about how long the two of them will still have together but assures him that his “new-found enthusiasm; the will to begin again” is what she has always wished for him. D’Arányi performs the violin sonata to great acclaim and he signs her program, “To my darling 10th Muse, E.E.”

He tells her that she made a “grievous” mistake coming to England. “There is no future for a musician in England, however serious. The English are simply not interested. They are Philistines.”

He invites her to play the new sonata at a private performance for a select audience of his elderly associates. It is an awkward occasion, with one of his friends laughing and calling her a “blue stocking” for her progressive views.

Back home, Alice (right) lies dying, she tells Elgar not to worry; that because of her faith, she knows she is going to a happier place. But she feels sorry for him because he “plays along”, for her sake, but has no real belief.

After his wife’s death, Elgar continues to pursue d’Arányi who, at first, refuses his calls but finally, taking pity on his loneliness, agrees to meet him for coffee. He tells her that he has given up on composing as his muse has abandoned him. She tells him she is returning to Hungary. He awkwardly attempts to kiss her and she pulls away, leaving abruptly. In the taxi, she says, “These old men! What do they think they’re doing?”

The closing credits tell us that Elgar never completed another major work and died twelve years later, and d’Arányi never married.

Ed Case
Ed Case
July 22, 2023 10:59 am

They may think it’s a form of shorthand to cover everyone, but all it does is sideline the workers in the real economy.

Doctors are doing well in the Housing Market.

I’d say what she really wrote was Police/Firies, Nurses and Schoolteachers, but an editor changed it so as not to give the game away.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
July 22, 2023 10:59 am

I think they should let a few 6’3? trannies play in the womens soccer world cup to spice it up a bit.

I fondly remember the Iranian Women’s soccer team.

Iran’s soccer association has been blasted as “unethical” following bombshell reports that eight members of its women’s team are men.

“[Eight players] have been playing with Iran’s female team without completing sex change operations,” Mojtabi Sharifi, an official close to the Iranian league, told a local news website.

I suppose that’s one way to get out of having to play in a burqa.

July 22, 2023 11:02 am

Summer Operations | The Russians Pummel Ukraine With Massive Strikes. Military Summary For 2023.7.21

26 Mins 40 Secs

July 22, 2023 11:03 am

In almost every discussion about the plight of workers on the lips of pollies and their hangers on in the media, it’s to this triumvirate that they turn.

They really have no idea no do they care- Vicky just turning out what she thinks is read meat for real people.

July 22, 2023 11:04 am

Australian tech billionaire Mike Cannon-Brookes has reportedly split from his wife after 13 years of marriage.

Apparently she’s not a greenie. I hope she bankrupts the bastard.

July 22, 2023 11:05 am

From Newcastle NSW to Newcastle-upon-Tyne, democracy is broken. The neutering of Brexit by the pommy establishment has been very telling and very frightening.

Bar Beach Swimmer
July 22, 2023 11:14 am

Ed Case
Jul 22, 2023 10:59 AM

My point still holds.

July 22, 2023 11:16 am

Great to see, coming to a house near you.Hope you don’t live in an apartment block

Bar Beach Swimmer
July 22, 2023 11:21 am

On the ABC website about the coming of the end of Rio Tinto’s Gove smelter, which is due to finish in 2030 and will see the end of mining royalties once the plant is fully removed and the area is returned to its pre-industrial state.

The title of the piece is ‘I’d hate to see them lined up at Centrelink’ said Yunupingu. Whatever royalties we’re getting now, we have to save ’em, for the future of our kids.”

By 2011, Rio Tinto had taken over the Gove Operations mining lease, and was ready to sign a landmark agreement with the Yol?u landowners of the Gumatj, Rirratji?u and Galpu clans.

At the time, both the ABC and News Corp reported the confidential Gove Agreement was worth around $700 million to the Yol?u over the duration of the company’s 42-year lease.

While it’s difficult to calculate exactly, analysis of annual reports by the Gumatj and Rirratji?u clans show both have attracted tens of millions in royalties over the past five years alone.

But the edge of the royalties cliff is looming.

Maybe shorthand for the clan dispute over control of the money that’s been going on up there for years up there.

Reading through the piece, they’ve not done much with their royalties. Another reason to get the InVoice up, before the moolah runs out?

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 22, 2023 11:24 am

Brittany Higgins’ book leaks

Two questions, raised in the “comments.”

Wouldn’t La Knickerless have signed a confidentiality agreement of some sort?

Can any proceeds from the sale of the book – assuming anyone buys it – be garnisheed, against that three million quid?

July 22, 2023 11:26 am

Jul 22, 2023 10:30 AM
Wasn’t there a Greens Senator, busted occupying public housing, in New South Wales?

Deb Foskey MLA for Town Council in canbra. Living in Yarralumla. Suburb between APH and Government House. Just another entitled greenie.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
July 22, 2023 11:31 am


Jul 22, 2023 11:04 AM

Australian tech billionaire Mike Cannon-Brookes has reportedly split from his wife after 13 years of marriage.

Apparently she’s not a greenie. I hope she bankrupts the bastard.

Gonna be interesting if she wants a cash settlement and he has to unload buckets of Atlassian shares.

July 22, 2023 11:38 am

Quintessential Sydney Staurday Early Morning Sport

7.3C felt like 1C with biting wind – 0830 down at North Curl Curl to watch no 9 Grandchild – 6 Year Old Grandson U7 Kids Soccer at North Curl Curl Sporting Grounds – Soccer – NetBall – Rugby League -AFL spread over a large area

Parking/Traffic as always there – chaotic – took chair and wind was biting – lots of socialisation by 6 year old on field – rotated – 4 to a side – boys and girls – goals scored by both sides

Great to see Australian Saturday Kids Sport alive & doing well – walking past loads of parked new cars, area is doing well

Club BBQ (Cards taken) – $7.50 The Lot (Big Bun, Bacon, Sausage, Egg, Onions, Lettuce & Tomato, Sauce) – helped keep insides warm

Now for F1 Hungary P2 Replay with Bundy & Pepsi Max

1998 Koonungra Hill Shiraz opened last night, to finish off tonight – perhaps Glass Penfolds Bin 28 or 389 to follow

July 22, 2023 11:47 am

US teachers’ union head goes full Noel Pearson.

(Actually, I don’t think even Noel Pearson would go there.)

Like Soviet Communism, Progressivism is an ersatz religion that co-opts the forms of the religion it seeks to replace.

July 22, 2023 11:50 am

Great to see Australian Saturday Kids Sport alive & doing well

The woke perverts are coming for it.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
July 22, 2023 11:52 am

Victoria Nuland approves Bolt’s message. Bolt is a Zelenskyy approving d*ckhead.


Aussie Cossack:

Aussie Cossack calls out Andrew Bolt

July 22, 2023 11:57 am

0830 down at North Curl Curl to watch no 9 Grandchild – 6 Year Old Grandson U7 Kids Soccer at North Curl Curl Sporting Grounds – Soccer – NetBall – Rugby League -AFL spread over a large area

In “God’s Own Country”, Old Ozzie! My daughter & grandchildren live in North Curl Curl. They have become Northern Beaches devotees, after living for over 20 years in a quiet street in Northbridge.

They are “beach people”. Me? Not so much. Prefer views of water – not on virtual top of it! And harbour views my preference.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
July 22, 2023 11:57 am

Bolt playing the JEW ( who do no evil ) card.


Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
July 22, 2023 11:58 am

Vicki Campion:…work as doctors, nurses and school teachers

In almost every discussion about the plight of workers on the lips of pollies and their hangers on in the media, it’s to this triumvirate that they turn.

Indeed. Old Jungle Saying: incorporate ‘high trust’ occupations in your low trust statement and some of the trusty goodness may rub off.

(As Mr Case rightly notes, doctors are probably most affected by the Chinese nomenclatura buying up $3 million apartments.)

July 22, 2023 12:00 pm

Now for F1 Hungary P2 Replay with Bundy & Pepsi Max

Husband has been watching it, & about the watch the F1 show. Strange – Mercedes not doing so well.

July 22, 2023 12:01 pm

Gonna be interesting if she wants a cash settlement and he has to unload buckets of Atlassian shares.

Jokes – and his traits – aside, why does she deserve any of his money? I understand child support but I don’ understand why a woman deserves many hundreds of millions of dollars just because she used to be married to a billionaire.

July 22, 2023 12:01 pm

Great to see Australian Saturday Kids Sport alive & doing well

Grandee(14) in Melbourne rang last weekend, all excited, plays full back and converted 5/6 shots at goal ……. LOL!

July 22, 2023 12:02 pm


July 22, 2023 12:02 pm

Australian tech billionaire Mike Cannon-Brookes has reportedly split from his wife after 13 years of marriage.

With Twiggy’s wife also calling it quits – seems the ladies are deserting.

July 22, 2023 12:04 pm

So who’s the gliberal imbecile that was sending expletive laden text messages to a woman for many years?

Giuseppe Prosciutto?

July 22, 2023 12:06 pm

Prince Harry’s memoir ‘Spare’ considered ‘most discarded’ book this summer (21 Jul, via Lucianne)

I believe the post-divorce follow up will be titled ‘Remaindered.’

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
July 22, 2023 12:07 pm

Vicki Campion:…work as doctors, nurses and school teachers

It is no coincidence that the perfessions they hold up as examples are almost always public sector ‘wukkas’ (I regard doctors as being effectively public sector employees, because their income is largely sourced from government or regulated by government).

July 22, 2023 12:08 pm

seems the ladies are deserting.

No-one ever went broke taking a profit.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 22, 2023 12:09 pm

but I don’ understand why a woman deserves many hundreds of millions of dollars just because she used to be married to a billionaire.

For shame – don’t you understand that the lady has become accustomed to a certain lifestyle during the marriage, and she is entitled to a sufficient share of her husband’s assets , to be maintained in that lifestyle?

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
July 22, 2023 12:10 pm

One must not forget that the citizens of Israel were treated as lab rates / guinea pigs … a lab experiment to paraphrase Pfizer’s Albert Bourla pertaining to the bio-jabs.

Mull over that. Jews attacking Jews. Playing the anti-Semitic card is not so simple, is it?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
July 22, 2023 12:12 pm

Not one stone upon another.

Have you seen these giant piles of rocks at Yosemite? Rangers say knock ’em down (, 21 Jul)

If you’ve been feeling like you want to knock over giant piles of rocks, then Yosemite National Park might be your playground.

The park posted a video on Facebook earlier this month instructing visitors to stop building large rock towers, called cairns, and dismantle any they find. In the video, a wilderness restoration ranger gently shoves over a cairn, which appears to be several feet high.

“This dramatically oversized cairn is a mark of human impact and is distracting in a wilderness setting,” the post read. “Building rock cairns also disturbs small insects, reptiles, and microorganisms that call the underside home!”

Putting a rock on another rock is disturbing Gaia’s holy temple.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 22, 2023 12:12 pm

Daily Mail.

Resolve Political Survey on the Indigenous Voice to Parliament

A proposed law: To alter the Constitution to recognise the First Peoples of Australia by establishing an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice.

While you may not be currently decided, it is compulsory that you vote yes or no. Even if it’s a leaning, do you approve this proposal alteration?

Queensland: 42 per cent yes, 58 per cent no

NSW: 49 per cent yes, 51 per cent no

Western Australia: 49 per cent yes, 51 per cent no

South Australia: 49 per cent yes, 51 per cent no

Victoria: 52 per cent yes, 48 per cent no

Tasmania: 54 per cent yes, 46 per cent no

National: 48 per cent yes, 52 per cent no

The state figures are based on 3216 voters from two surveys in June and July.

The national figure is from 1610 voters conducted July 12 to 15.

July 22, 2023 12:13 pm

Prince Harry’s memoir ‘Spare’ considered ‘most discarded’ book this summer (21 Jul, via Lucianne)

I have been pleased to acquire John Howard’s memoir for free being given a copy got from Vinnies one year. Political memoirs do wander into the chuckout pile, don’t they!

I wanted it only to find out some of the inside story on the two gun buybacks, but his huge ‘seize the moment’ events got about two paras of fluff.

July 22, 2023 12:17 pm

Returning home, I started wondering if that had all been a dream, until coming across an old article in The Australian by Elisabeth Wynhausen* that featured a photograph of that helicopter and explained it was used for, among other things, fishing and hunting (possibly for buffaloes, turtles, crocodiles and dugong). So much for socialism, or environmental conservationism, as deeply innate features of Aboriginal life – although many might think that nepotism seems alive and well.

Few Australians have knowledge of how traditional society worked – and is still followed, often violating the laws of this country. If nothing else, we should all aware that Aboriginal Australia is totally patriarchal in terms of power relationships. Senior members of clan groups have recognised and uncontested rights. For example, it is not uncommon for senior men, such as mentioned above, to have more than now wife. That it happens in contemporary society – indeed, tribal law has not infrequently been acknowledged by magistrates – is not known in urban Oz.

It is therefore not surprising to learn that “the big fellas” can be quite wealthy in some communities. $30 billion annually is not just wasted on public servants. If the Yes vote gets up (thankfully, I’m almost sure that it will not) you will see a mind-boggling expansion of nepotism and concentration of wealth in these communities.

July 22, 2023 12:17 pm

Brittany Higgins details wild parties in her memoir draft

Knickerless Brittney as moralist.

Spare us, please.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 22, 2023 12:19 pm

Knickerless Brittney as moralist.

The irony hadn’t escaped me.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
July 22, 2023 12:19 pm

Old Jungle Saying: incorporate ‘high trust’ occupations in your low trust statement and some of the trusty goodness may rub off.

Also a great way to turn a high trust occupation into a low trust occupation. Worked example: the Australian medical system in the Covid era.

July 22, 2023 12:26 pm

Gonna be interesting if she wants a cash settlement and he has to unload buckets of Atlassian shares.

From memory, only a small amount of the issuance is traded. I would guess that the split would mean she’d have to abide with the agreement in place regarding the float. I’d love to see it freaking tank because she was selling out.

CL, you’re right. She doesn’t deserve a freaking sent merely because she shared a bed with the dude. I bet child support comes in at 500K a month. 🙂

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
July 22, 2023 12:27 pm


Jul 22, 2023 12:01 PM

Gonna be interesting if she wants a cash settlement and he has to unload buckets of Atlassian shares.

Jokes – and his traits – aside, why does she deserve any of his money?

CL, please.
Don’t interrupt us whilst we are kicking into the Byron Bay Jesus.
Some might say neither of them deserve the wealth which has fallen into their laps.
Wealth which he has used to try to tear down traditional power generation in this country and jack up power prices for The Little People.
So, excuse me if I don’t shed any tears for the c.nt.
My hope is that he has to cash out his missus at today’s inflated Atlassian share price.
Then, as a result of the fire sale for the divorce settlement the share price tanks to it’s true value (s.f.a) and he ends up broke, living in a caravan with fellow divorcee Davey Warner, arguing over how they can pay the power bill.

July 22, 2023 12:30 pm

The Herald Sun today:

‘Wearing masks all the time in public would reduce Covid deaths across Victoria by 25 per cent, in research Melbourne experts say could help inform future state policy.’

Seems to me getting rid of Dan Andrews and the inept VIC health bureaucracy would reduce deaths even further.

July 22, 2023 12:32 pm

Apparently she’s not a greenie. I hope she bankrupts the bastard.

Bullshit she isn’t. She, SHE claimed to have bought an island some time ago in the Whitsunday and she was determined to bring it back to its “original owners” state.

Cronkite, if the stock is restricted in terms of being sold, what happens in a divorce settlement ?

July 22, 2023 12:40 pm

I wonder if the Byron Jesus was leg-overing one of the staff? It should come out soon enough.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
July 22, 2023 12:46 pm

CL, you’re right. She doesn’t deserve a freaking sent merely because she shared a bed with the dude. I bet child support comes in at 500K a month.

I think she deserves gazillions for sleeping with that flea-bag.

July 22, 2023 12:47 pm

It’s shocking this needs a rule.

Miss Italy Pageant Bans Trans-Identified Individuals From Competing: “Must Be A Woman From Birth”

Meloni appears to be a real pistol too.

July 22, 2023 12:48 pm

I think she deserves gazillions for sleeping with that flea-bag.

Yes, this is an exceptional circumstance. You’re right.

John H.
John H.
July 22, 2023 12:50 pm

Sancho Panzer
Jul 22, 2023 12:46 PM
CL, you’re right. She doesn’t deserve a freaking sent merely because she shared a bed with the dude. I bet child support comes in at 500K a month.

I think she deserves gazillions for sleeping with that flea-bag.

What if she is a Barbie?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
July 22, 2023 12:54 pm


Jul 22, 2023 12:40 PM

I wonder if the Byron Jesus was leg-overing one of the staff? It should come out soon enough.

Is Sun Energy Cable Inc just a cover to employ babes for Jesus and Twiggy?
Probably not, but always worth speculating, because it doesn’t seem to have any sensible commercial purpose.
There was a rumour a few months back of some argy-bargy between the four Atlassians (who, for legal reasons, we will now refer to as Fred and Wilma, and Barney and Betty).
Or is that Fred and Betty, and Barney and Wilma?

Ed Case
Ed Case
July 22, 2023 12:58 pm

but I don’ understand why a woman deserves many hundreds of millions of dollars just because she used to be married to a billionaire.
Because …
If these guys can afford to pump and dump wives [& kids] for Pennies on the Pound, then they probably will.
It’s possibly the only part of the Family Court system that isn’t anti family.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
July 22, 2023 1:09 pm


Jul 22, 2023 12:48 PM

I think she deserves gazillions for sleeping with that flea-bag.

Yes, this is an exceptional circumstance. You’re right

Thank God.
I thought you’d taken leave of your senses there for a minute.
Byron Bay Jesus deserves to be clubbed like a fur seal.

July 22, 2023 1:14 pm

I hope the Byron J doesn’t get a financial hard on by borrowing a load of money to pay for the settlement set against the stock. That doesn’t turn out well.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
July 22, 2023 1:16 pm


Jul 22, 2023 1:14 PM

I hope the Byron J doesn’t get a financial hard on by borrowing a load of money to pay for the settlement set against the stock. That doesn’t turn out well.

Well, there you go.
That is exactly what I am hoping for.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
July 22, 2023 1:25 pm

What if she is a Barbie?

If she wants to be a Barbie she can be a Barbie.

‘I’m a plus-size Barbie fanatic – people tell me to go to the gym but I ignore them’ (21 Jul)

The photo is proof! Reminds me of some scenes in Fantasia.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
July 22, 2023 1:26 pm

Animals arrived, liked the look of the place, took up their quarters, settled down, spread, and flourished. They didn’t bother themselves about the past – they never do; they’re too busy.

– Kenneth Grahame

Then Humans came along and farked it all up………….lol

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
July 22, 2023 1:28 pm

Byron Bay Jesus’ lawyers will be desparate to get the former Mrs Jesus to sign up to a scrip settlement with very tight controls over sell-down.
If it transpires that it was common knowledge that Jesus had crawled under the fence, and Mrs Jesus goes into ‘woman scorned’ mode, it could be popcorn time.
“I want folding cash, and I want it now!”

John H.
John H.
July 22, 2023 1:28 pm

Bruce of Newcastle
Jul 22, 2023 1:25 PM
What if she is a Barbie?

If she wants to be a Barbie she can be a Barbie.

As per the video then she can take nearly everything he owns.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 22, 2023 1:40 pm

‘Extremely damaging’: ABC soldiers on in defamation fight with ex-commando
Michaela Whitbourn
By Michaela Whitbourn
July 22, 2023 — 3.30am

The ABC’s Media Watch host Paul Barry didn’t pull any punches.

It was “hard to disagree” that former special forces soldier Heston Russell’s defamation fight with the broadcaster over reports suggesting he was involved in killing an Afghan prisoner was “becoming extremely damaging for the ABC and unbelievably expensive”, Barry said on Monday.

Barry said he was not optimistic a new public interest defence – largely untested, and aimed at protecting investigative journalism – would rescue the ABC from an expensive defeat in a Federal Court case that has reportedly cost close to $1 million in legal fees to date.

“Hopeless,” was the characteristically blunt assessment of the ABC’s prospects offered in court last week by Russell’s barrister, Sydney silk Sue Chrysanthou, SC.

But the ABC soldiers on, after a series of unusual pretrial manoeuvres, and the trial is set to start in Sydney next week on Friday.

Russell is suing over two online stories, published by the ABC in October 2020 and November 2021, that Justice Michael Lee has found conveyed a series of six defamatory meanings, when read together as one article. The articles were connected because the second linked to the first.

The most serious meanings were that Russell, as commander of the November platoon of Australia’s 2nd commando regiment, “was involved in shooting and killing an Afghan prisoner during an operation in Helmand province in mid-2012”, “habitually left ‘fire and bodies’ in his wake” and “habitually and knowingly crossed the line of ethical conduct” when deployed in Afghanistan.

Russell, who ran unsuccessfully for election to the Senate last year under the banner of his own Australian Values Party, is seeking damages, a take-down order and orders restraining the ABC and its journalists from repeating the imputations.
The claims of ‘Josh’

Mark Willacy, one of three ABC Investigations journalists who wrote the first story, has reported extensively on war crimes allegedly perpetrated by Australian special forces in Afghanistan.

The first article reported allegations by a former US marine, given the pseudonym Josh, that soldiers from Australia’s 2nd commando regiment shot dead an Afghan prisoner in 2012 after they were told the prisoner would not fit on a US aircraft. He did not see the alleged killing but said he heard a “pop” over the radio and Australian soldiers advised there were now six prisoners instead of seven.

Josh did not name any soldiers said to be responsible for the alleged killing, but unnamed members of the 2nd commando regiment’s Oscar platoon were reported elsewhere in the article as alleging the November platoon had a bad reputation among Americans. Russell, who was not named, was commander of the November platoon during its deployment to Afghanistan in 2012.

Media Watch believed the ABC “pressed publish too soon” on this first report, Barry said in a separate broadcast in December 2021, before the defamation case was launched.

But an ABC spokesperson said in a written response to Media Watch that the broadcaster spent two months checking Josh’s “detailed account”.

The second article, bearing the byline of one of Willacy’s colleagues, repeated Josh’s allegation. A “key point” in the article said his allegation concerned November platoon. The ABC would later say the key point – in a dot point list outside the main body of text – was an error. The article included a denial from Russell, who was named and pictured.

Willacy and the ABC Investigations team won the 2020 Gold Walkley, Australian journalism’s top gong, for a separate Four Corners report in March that year which revealed footage of a Special Air Service soldier allegedly gunning down an unarmed man in a wheat field in Afghanistan in 2012.

Former SAS soldier Oliver Schulz, who appeared in the video, was arrested in March this year and became the first Australian serviceman or veteran to be charged with the war crime of murder. Schulz was granted bail in March after the court heard his trial is unlikely to proceed until 2024 or 2025.

But the history of the Russell reporting has been more complex.
Russell responds

Russell responded to the ABC’s first article on Ten’s The Sunday Project in November 2020.

“You were the commanding officer with the platoon all the time, and you never saw anything that has been alleged?” presenter Peter van Onselen asked.

“Absolutely. That is correct,” Russell replied.

Asked whether “you say that no prisoner was ever summarily executed that you saw”, Russell replied: “So, we’re responding to the direct allegation that this marine on a mission heard seven detainees turn to six and heard a pop and that that was the execution, and that never happened.”

Russell said in a statement last Saturday that his case was “not about criticising ‘Josh’” but holding the ABC to account for publishing what he described as “serious, uncorroborated allegations”.
Breach of accuracy standards

Russell complained to the ABC’s audience and consumer affairs unit about both articles.

The unit found in March last year that the first article “was not materially misleading” but “could be misinterpreted by some readers” as suggesting Josh’s allegation was made against November platoon because it was named in a separate part of the article. It concluded the story should be clarified, although it found no breach of the ABC’s accuracy standards.

Separately, the broadcaster told Russell in an email that month that the second article breached the ABC’s accuracy standards in that “reasonable efforts were not made to ensure that the US marine’s allegation was correctly reported”. It apologised and said the error in the key points, naming November platoon, “arose in the production phase for the story”.
Changes to the stories

The second story has been changed three times since it was first published, including to amend the key point to remove the reference to November platoon and refer generically to Australian commandos. Russell’s denial and photo remain in the story.

A clarification was added to the first story in March last year, stating that Josh “did not claim that the commandos he alleged killed a prisoner were from November platoon and nor did the ABC’s story”. References to November platoon remain in one section of the article.

July 22, 2023 1:46 pm

watched the USA v Vietnam WWC game .. Viets almost held their own in the 1st half tho went in 2 goals down including a well takn penalty save but after the Yanks 3rd goal, which was a class piece of build-up & finish, USA started to show how good they can be when they click ..
dominated the last 15 but full marks to the, tiring, Viets restricting them to 3 ..

Bar Beach Swimmer
July 22, 2023 1:46 pm

JC @ 12:47

from the link: In a recent controversial development, the Miss Italy competition has declared that it will not allow transgender women to participate in its contest.

How can having females only in a female-only event be described as controversial and a development? How easily are pejoratives inserted into nothing more than what is standard/conventional practice. According to the report, the rules always have stated female from birth. Yet the “journalist” claims it as a development.

noun [ U ]
UK /??n.klu??s?v.?.ti/ US /??n.klu??s?v.?.t?i/

the fact of including all types of people, things or ideas and treating them all fairly and equally:

For people, the only thing that should be grounded in fairness and equality is the law. Everything else has discrepancy of one type or another, which means the centre can not hold. See Carlton supporters having to put up with a Collingwood barracker, because some dork said so.

It’s ludicrous, and they know it.

Boambee John
Boambee John
July 22, 2023 1:47 pm

Bruce of Newcastle
Jul 22, 2023 12:12 PM
Not one stone upon another.

Have you seen these giant piles of rocks at Yosemite? Rangers say knock ’em down (, 21 Jul)

If you’ve been feeling like you want to knock over giant piles of rocks, then Yosemite National Park might be your playground.

The park posted a video on Facebook earlier this month instructing visitors to stop building large rock towers, called cairns, and dismantle any they find. In the video, a wilderness restoration ranger gently shoves over a cairn, which appears to be several feet high.

“This dramatically oversized cairn is a mark of human impact and is distracting in a wilderness setting,” the post read. “Building rock cairns also disturbs small insects, reptiles, and microorganisms that call the underside home!”

Putting a rock on another rock is disturbing Gaia’s holy temple.

The Inuit of Canadia have a specific style of rock cairn that they build. Should the non-Inuit Canadians wander around knocking them down to avoid disturbing “small insects, reptiles, and microorganisms that call the underside home”?

July 22, 2023 1:48 pm

Sancho Panzer
Jul 22, 2023 1:28 PM

Byron Bay Jesus’ lawyers will be desparate to get the former Mrs Jesus to sign up to a scrip settlement with very tight controls over sell-down.
If it transpires that it was common knowledge that Jesus had crawled under the fence, and Mrs Jesus goes into ‘woman scorned’ mode, it could be popcorn time.
“I want folding cash, and I want it now!”

History shows there’s nothing more deadly, more resentful and more vindictive than the scorned wife of a billionaire.

July 22, 2023 1:58 pm

Bordeaux has a very sleazy quarter that my daughter and I walked through on our way to find a particular basilica.
Fortunately day time but still visible drug dealing and many muslims, the men mostly sitting outside drinking coffee at former bars, my daughter felt somewhat uncomfortable as she was getting stared at a lot, so once the basilica was found and inspected we hotfooted along the river back to the centre.
Iirc Bordeaux had a problem a few years ago with attacks on guys.
Not really a surprise.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
July 22, 2023 2:04 pm

Dr Faustus
Jul 22, 2023 10:53 AM
The SBS has had RMIT ‘fact check’ the Yes and No pamphlets.

Needless to say, the Yes case was adjudged impeccable and the No case a tissue of lies (after the statements ‘fact-checked’ had been suitably reframed).

Unsurprising, of course, but an interesting illustration of the decay of public discussion.

It doesn’t matter what the RMIT (Rabid Mob of Insipid T.W.A.T.S) thinks. If the Australian Electoral Commission approves the pamphlets then the SBS (Stupid Broacasting Service) can STFU.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
July 22, 2023 2:08 pm

History shows there’s nothing more deadly, more resentful and more vindictive than the scorned wife of a billionaire.

(woman scorned + avaricious divorce lawyers) x $1,000,000,000 = popcorn.
Look, I think we need to temper our expectations here. I don’t think this will reach the levels of Johnny Depp vs Amber Heard, which is the gold standard in divorce cash bonfires, but it still could be good.
A US style pre-nup will be of limited value in Australian courts, and Byron Bay Jesus, being the greenie, feminista hippie that he is, can’t afford to be oppressing a ladeee.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 22, 2023 2:13 pm

A US style pre-nup will be of limited value in Australian courts,

All Milady has to do is state she felt pressured into signing the pre-nup, as she felt if she didn’t sign, the wedding would not go ahead.

July 22, 2023 2:22 pm

Jul 22, 2023 12:00 PM

Now for F1 Hungary P2 Replay with Bundy & Pepsi Max

Husband has been watching it, & about the watch the F1 show. Strange – Mercedes not doing so well.

With the new Testing of Unique Reduced Tyre Allocation for this race & Monzato satisfy Greenies, and screwed F1 P1 practice with rain,
P2 really was not indicative of perfoemance

As Lewis Hamilton said – new tyre restriction concept will reduce teams running in P1, P2, P3 and will give the Fans less to see

Greenies destroy everything!

July 22, 2023 2:28 pm

Cronkite, if the stock is restricted in terms of being sold, what happens in a divorce settlement ?

It’s a public company. A divorce settlement will bypass the share market so theoretically Atlassian’s inexplicable share price will not be affected. I say inexplicable because the company has NEVER turned a profit and has had up to $250 million losses PA. I’m sure it’s a CIA front. In any event while the share is traded in Australia the company is registered in NY so the share portfolio may get interesting.

I’d be interested in whether there is a pre-nup agreement which are presumptively binding in Australia. But since you say the bint is greener than her hairy fu.ktard hubbie I just hope they both flog themselves in the FCA.

July 22, 2023 2:28 pm

Cronkite, if the stock is restricted in terms of being sold, what happens in a divorce settlement ?

It’s a public company. A divorce settlement will bypass the share market so theoretically Atlassian’s inexplicable share price will not be affected. I say inexplicable because the company has NEVER turned a profit and has had up to $250 million losses PA. I’m sure it’s a CIA front. In any event while the share is traded in Australia the company is registered in NY so the share portfolio may get interesting.

I’d be interested in whether there is a pre-nup agreement which are presumptively binding in Australia. But since you say the bint is greener than her hairy fu.ktard hubbie I just hope they both flog themselves in the FCA.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
July 22, 2023 2:28 pm

I just stumbled upon this remark of Churchill’s.

A fanatic is one who can’t change his mind and won’t change the subject.

I swear, I immediately thought of one person.



July 22, 2023 2:40 pm

As Lewis Hamilton said – new tyre restriction concept will reduce teams running in P1, P2, P3 and will give the Fans less to see

Greenies destroy everything!

Yep – but I bet Lewis would not say that – suspect he is a Greenie! Having said that, I watched an interview with him made during the Australian Grand Prix – & I thought he has matured a lot.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
July 22, 2023 2:40 pm

It is folly for a man to pray to the gods for that which he has the power to obtain by himself.

– Epicurus

July 22, 2023 2:43 pm

Feel sorry for Checo Perez. Must be having to be No2 driver to Maxie. But he really messed up practice on virtually the first lap.

July 22, 2023 2:45 pm

Ricky Ponting’s twin Brian Harman (-10) had 49 putts for the first 36 holes of the British Open and leads by five strokes. Hard for him to get beat if he keeps putting like that.

July 22, 2023 2:48 pm

Putting a rock on another rock is disturbing Gaia’s holy temple.

Unless of course you are American Indian/Indigenous. Then you are considered a high priest of Gaia and your works cannot be disturbed by the lesser mortals.

Boambee John
Boambee John
July 22, 2023 3:01 pm

Jul 22, 2023 2:02 PM
Thomas Fazi
Mind-blowing testimony by the journalist that broke the Hunter Biden laptop story, neatly summing up in a few minutes how Dems, intelligence agencies and social media corps colluded to avoid an otherwise likely Trump win in 2020. Literally a textbook conspiracy.
Quote Tweet

Simon Ateba
Jul 21
BREAKING: Journalist Emma-Jo Morris (@EmmaJoNYC), who broke the Hunter Biden laptop story for @NYPost but was immediately censored by the state on social media in an attempt to influence the 2020 election, just delivered a mind-boggling testimony on the extent of censorship in… Show more

Set aside the actual election fraud in 2020, this is Exhibit A of ‘the steal’.

No wonder that mUnty the fat fascist fool is keeping a low profile here. Everything that he swore was above board has now been proven to have been based on lies.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
July 22, 2023 3:05 pm

Unless of course you are American Indian/Indigenous.

There are people who scoff at Christianity’s miracles are paralysed with awe at the magical bonds between indigines and land, their rituals, and their mystical decrees.

1 2 3 7
  1. cohenite  March 7, 2025 10:04 am Gutfeld is the best political commentator. His opening last night about the demorats reactions…

  2. That’s not really how that might work. Once the ICBMs start flying, they all go, because that’s the logic of…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x