Now imagine the USA, Europe and China are all launching, India and Pakistan have to figure the other side might…
Now imagine the USA, Europe and China are all launching, India and Pakistan have to figure the other side might…
Well well well. Gold Coast Mayor is Las Vegas on a NRL junket but Dutton going to a fundraiser in…
I’m buying frenchies and canned veges.
Then the second and third strikes from the other various triads, mopping up whoever is left with a chance of…
cohenite March 7, 2025 10:04 am Gutfeld is the best political commentator. His opening last night about the demorats reactions…
McConnell, Pelosi, Biden, Trump etc are just too geriatric to provide good government. I remember the old Tarzan movies with johnny Weissmuller when Elephants would voluntarily walk to the Elephants graveyard to die with dignity. Not these grifters.
From the “Hun.”
So who did Gillard’s handbag assault?
I will say ‘both’ and see where that goes.
“I will not indulge this blackwashing crap.”
I heard the term “race swapping” recently from an American, to describe this as a way to make up the racial quota system they use in Hollywood.
Though I do see it being overdone a few times. For example, the stage show Hamilton. Every major figure has been race swapped, whites are left to do a bit of dancing here and there.
I would suggest, the main figure, Alexander Hamilton was as white as Cinderella’s bum.
The actor playing Aaron Burr, even stopped the show mid performance in 2016 to berate an audience member, (almost) Vice President Pence,.. about diversity!
The irony was certainly lost on him. Americans just cannot see that their attempts to reduce rascism, only highlight it and make it worse. Much as we do here by similar well intentioned but misguided types.
I liked the show, thought the music was good and very well done, but it was about white people and no amount of makeup and play acting, or egos can hide that.
exactly – no details.
Kiddy fiddler, homo assault, domestic, hooker, random, girlfriend ?
The US seem to keep people on forever, not just politicians but TV personalities as well in the news space.You need to be carried out in a box.
The niece of my brother in law in Canada had herself tested with a similar type of organisation. Her DNA could be linked to other individuals who were outside the immediate family. It seems that my brother-in-laws father (who was a GP) had sired kids to women outside of his wife. My brother-in-law remembers some unhappy men remonstrating with his dad during his youth. They didn’t like being cucked!
The irony was certainly lost on him. Americans just cannot see that their attempts to reduce rascism, only highlight it and make it worse. Much as we do here by similar well intentioned but misguided types.”
The reason I say both is that Cornland is part of England, right?
Why don’t we just assume the worst?
Good enough for the ABC.
Geriatric US corruptocrats – dying in a ditch sans dignity after tripping over their walkers while altered as a newt and arguing* with the “domestic help”, having no idea who they are, what day it is or what planet they’re on.
God save the queen, man!
*Hammers may or may not be evident during such disputes …
Good to see article by Bettina Arndt in Daily Telegraph today.
About ACT legal system designed to believe all women and Higgins etc.
dNA testing should come up with interesting findings as It is claimed that a high percentage of British births are not related to the father on birth certificate
Might have been a fella.
It definitely won’t be a minor, if he’s in line for a diversion and no recording of guilt.
Which is one of the desirable outcomes of the former NaffWest 🙂 CEO being left in the library with a teller’s revolver.
Daily Tele.
Many thousands of people have had DNA ancestor and rello tracing, and a LOT of surprises. My Mum found a bunch of cousins, but family history research has a VERY difficult to track Great- Grandfather, and after a lot of work they discovered a newspaper report of scandalous court proceedings involving his mother, that fair curled the hair.
Hey, properties at Noosa don’t come cheap.
And over here, a cardboard replica of Ned Kelly’s armour; do not neglect the bloodstains of the innocent, under your shoe there madam. The Daily Telegraph is the sponsor of this tour, please like and subscribe!
“The real problem with Johns’s proposed solution is that a blood test will not reveal aboriginal Australian DNA given the technology and the small database of samples at the moment.”
The answer is to create a DNA database of genuine, verified, aboriginals. It is, after all, in their own interest. It is hardly a novel approach. The family history crowd have been doing it for years, and it is not at all invasive. All it requires is a cheek swab.
Let’s not forget Fauci who is also 80 and should have been retired fifteen years ago. Here in Oz we have Ita Buttrose , also 80+, who should never have been allowed anywhere near the ABC but ScoMo was star struck.
I have been thinking about the octogenarian power players who refuse to retire and have come to the conclusion that it’s not just the power trips. To get to their heights I think they have forsaken family and friends and now have nobody to retire with. At work they are surrounded by “their” people which is seductive.
To drag you all back to mispronunciation of Abo derived Town names. In the late seventies, I passed through Currabubula on my way to a job in Tamworth. Almost dislocated my jaw trying to work out how to pronounce it.
Always ask a local. 😀
I had the DNA test and the results were pretty much as per family history. The testing company sends notifications of matches as new people are tested and it appears I have a lot of third and fourth cousins in Germany and the US, once again no surprises.
Thanx to a generous Cat, I have done what everyone here (the Ed-bot and Montz excepted) should do, and signed up as a pre-polling-booth volunteer at volunteerforno.com.au
Thank you for signing up to help at the polls!
We appreciate your support in standing against the divisive voice to parliament.
Please click the button below to see your list of confirmed shift dates and times:
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If you signed up to help as one of our Booth Captains or official Scrutineer, you will be provided with additional information, including training in the lead up to Polling Day. In the meantime, the local coordinator for your electorate will be in touch within the coming weeks.
If you received this email in error, have any questions, or concerns you can reach us via [email protected] or call us on (02) 5133 5141.
Thank you again for joining the fight against the divisive voice to parliament.
All the best,
Volunteer for No
On behalf of Fair Australia
Oh, and if you didn’t already know, the referendum’s on 14th October 2023.
Of course not. Clearly fallen off the handbag bandwagon.
Like everything else about Gillard and the media – a complete fabrication from go to whoa. See also: Hawke, R.J.
Oh Nooooooooooo!
A thread or two back, a few of us mentioned The Famous Five and how we hoped it would never become televised because, of course, a big deal would be made of Georgina refusing to acknowledge that she is a girl and living her life as a boy named George.
The BBC is filming it now!
Penhalluriack – sounds like one of those composite names still found in England
Like Pentorhowhill and other place names, this one meaning ‘hill’ in an amalgamation of the various languages influencing modern English. Pen and tor are Brythonic and how and hill are Old English derived.
In Penhalluriack, the pen is Brythonic for head or a peak, hall derives from the Nordic holl for a spiritual place (eventually a dwelling hall), uri at a guess derives from the god king Urien of Rhegged, and ack like any of them really is anyone’s guess. These are just mine.
Well done Gilas!
I too have signed up to be a Booth Captain for VoteNo on referendum day. 🙂
While Jill Biden is on a “Vote Biden” world tour (is this even allowed), it has been reported that Michael Obama has not been seen publicly for some time…
Thus the name could be Cornish or Welsh or Old Lowland Scots, or it could stem from the middle of middle England, and just carry antique Brythonic traits. If I’m right about the uri/urien aspects though that would locate it in the Lancaster/Carlisle area of the ancient Brythonic kingdom of Rhegged. Ur as a stand alone not a part of a name, was also a Brythonic honorific, similar to the Sir (originally a land ownership title) we have today. Urien thus may have derived from Ur-rience. Rience is a known cognate of the British god Bran (the ‘raven’ god), which has developed along a very complex ‘name scatter’ into many of the named figures used in the Arthurian legends. So Urien of Rhegged could mean Sir Bran. Bran is almost identical to Arthur, who is the legendary Brythonic god Eiddyn (a variant of the Nordic Odin).
Like many figures of the legends, Urien, believed to have been a real person, was most likely a proxy for the religious beliefs of a tribe, whose leader may have carried the name of the god in question. In the same way, Arthur became a man’s name.
Where no genuine historicity can be attributed to any individual in the folkloric past the suspicion always arises that folkloric tales of a previous cosmology are being mixed with real events.
@John H
Here’s a video about the soap-opera that was QED (!) (quantum electrodynamics). It has a big-name cast, and one of the characters who comes out worse for wear is Richard Feynman, one of those who got a Nobel for this very theory.
The very sceptical Alexander Unzicker has a couple of videos on QED and Feynman.
Then here is Feynman in one of his famous televised lectures. In just the first minute he lays out a Popperian approach to science. Compare this to the story of QED.
If you are not emotionally moved by this then you must be dead inside. Seeing the smiles on the faces of the survivors is warming, in stark contrast to those looking directly into the camera with no smile at all … rough as guts.
Their eyes just pierce your soul.
It must have been harrowing for those carrying out the rescue operation. My exposure to this has been print, photographs and film with actors. When it’s real people captured on film … it rattles you.
Tough to watch but glad I watched it.
Nineteenth century videos. Back to life:
[4k, 60fps, colorized] (1945) Holocaust victims under U.S. Army medical cares.
Baris has a rather good video today on the implosion of the DeSantis campaign. One of the real problems for him staying in the race, apart from the terrible polling, is that many of his big dollar donors are already at the upper limit of their allowable donations to the campaign, and his grassroots support is at the bottom 20% vs Trump’s who receives over 80% of his campaign finance from small dollar donors.
DeSantis is done. He should have told the NeverTrumpers behind his campaign to die in a ditch and that he was giving Trump is full support and a clear field.
Thanks for posting Steve…. amazing images. Am sure each of those survivors each experienced the pain of knowing how close to death they must have been.
Watched the USA Holland fitba this morning .. class game .. Dutch dominated the 1st half and scored .. USA controlled the 2nd and scored so ended a 1-1 draw ..
Problem for the Dutch seemed to be they are by far the better individual players but most of their classy workload is dun well outside the penalty area .. looking “good” midfield isn’t much help in a sport that is won/lost by scoring goals .. I don’t think they had a, serious, shot at the US goal in the 2nd half ..
In contrast the USA piled on the pressure in the 2nd half but, except for a headed goal from a corner, couldn’t break down the staunch Dutch defence .. They won the corners count 11-1, most came in the 2nd “45” …..
Both teams will qualify for the final 16 .. all that needz deciding is the 1 & 2 position(s) ..
BTW, Trump running for President is the opposite of grift. He lost money as President, and he would not be under several indictments if he wasn’t in the running for the Presidency in 2024.
Shatterzz – you realise you just publicly admitted to watching women’s football? 😛
some guest on the Megan Kelly show made really good criticism of DeSantis… it went like this…
DeSantis doesn’t go on enemy networks and fight to the teeth with them on issues that Americans are sick of dealing with (border, climate, fentanyl, crime, trans) like Trump. He’s therefore also not entertaining. Yeah sure, he’ll lose some fights, but Americans want a fighter, not a Governor.
I don’t celebrate the death (suicide, likely) of anyone:
But she’s now face-to-face with John Paul II who has got a picture of her….
This is going to become a fascinating industry all in itself.
Exactly as Damon says, there is going to be competing claims on the opportunity for compensation that are in the process of being laid out for First nations activities via treaty – Voice, or no Voice.
The rewards are huge, the draw irresistible, and the political risks for allowing open slather or gubba involvement in adjudicating club membership are very obvious. And there will be no orderly queue.
My experience is that the indigenous have pretty clear local boundaries of who is, and who isn’t mob. I can easily see the political attraction of a NDIS-style ‘concierge’ system, whereby well-credentialled ‘big men’ act as cultural gatekeepers to the trough (a task attracting a suitable emolument, of course) – with some sort of Identity Commission as a backup for appeals.
Then you really are going to see howls about institutional racism writ large.
Luckily, no doubt, this will already have been taken into account by our Leaders.
Names are our window on the pre-literate past. Scroll if you hate history.
My own paternal surname-of-birth derives from a combination of French words that mean a Farm Villa in the Wilderness Area. That name is now the name of a French town, and excavated there is a second century Roman Villa that most likely gave the town, and it’s people, including my ancestors, the name by which in Roman times it was described, for the area was a wilderness then. My ancestors, yep, French Huguenots, took their aristocratic name from the town, by putting a ‘de’ in front of it. Similar to the way the Germans use von and the Dutch use van, and the English use of. At one time, these terms were signifiers of ancestral lands. My paternal ancestors apparently dropped the ‘de’ when they arrived in England, as fen drainage experts and then solid yeomen farmers in the early sixteenth century, occupying a manor, farming its lands, becoming local churchwardens, and being buried in its church. By the nineteenth century, their descendants were incorporated into urban communities, where some did well and others fell into poverty. Many French origin names in England and Ireland still exist from the flood of Huguenot refugees who fled during that troubled era of pogroms against Protestants in Europe. In Britain, the locals were gearing up to execute their king, so troubled times were upon them there too.
Given the, apparent , acceptance by CentreLink of all the , popular, I-is-251 epidemic that is sweeping the nation for the Voice vote .. I am now identifying as full OZ, courtesy of my great grandma (Mum’s side) who was born in Golden Point, Victoria in 1859 .. tho GG left Oz, forever, in 1862 I have realised that having a copy of her Burf Cert is far more authentic than just ticking a box so my claim to Ozzy-dom is, in my mind ( the one that counts .. LOL!), the “real deal” ..
‘Electricity prices down almost 60% a year on from Australia’s short-lived energy crisis’
Good luck getting contracted supply at those rates.
Good luck getting contracted supply full stop.
Everyone who has experienced the velvet rope at 1:00am wii be keen to see how the velvet possum skin is going to work. It’s an exclusive club and you’re not a member.
Janet Jackson?
Well, if crime fighters fight crime and fire fighters fight fire, what do freedom fighters fight? They never mention that part to us, do they?
– George Carlin
Hmmmm. White person blacks up to play black person, that’s “blackface” and irredeemably racist. Black person plays white person, but with their natural skin colour, that’s “race swapping”, and entirely reasonable.
Twisted up like pretzels!
So details have emerged that Gillard’s partner “sucked a woman’s nipple without her consent….”
How does that happen?
“I don’t celebrate the death (suicide, likely) of anyone:
But she’s now face-to-face with John Paul II who has got a picture of her….”
Sinead was blessed with enormous talent but she could never control her internal demons, and in the process she became an attention seeker. For a women who spent most of her adult life dissing on the Catholic Church, her conversion to the most misogynistic religion on the planet was…ahem…strange. but clearly it was another manifestation of her attention seeking.
Interestingly, she had a daughter in the 1990s by the Irish journalist John Waters, who has become a champion of the right in Ireland. He led anti-lockdown protests in Ireland in 2020. Interesting guy. When the child he and Sinead had a child but later split, Waters fought her tooth and nail for custody of the child, and he won. Apparently, she didn’t have good relationships with her surviving children, including her child with Waters. A sad life.
Just like Their ABC?
Remember the many media “personalities” pontificating about Howard being “too old for the job” when he turned 64? They never comment about the geriatric US pollies (except Trump while he was president).
Technically correct. So are Lancashire and Yorkshire, but like Cornwall, they have very strong local identification.
The lying slapper’s former “squeeze” was a flamer? Sure, he was a hairdresser, which logically stands to reason.
Where’s Eddersly?
If the former was a handbag, does that mean she’s also a flamer?
Dover, can you allow Eddles in as long as he clears this crap for us.
Went to my doctors new practice today.
It was one of those where everyone wears a mask.
Even my doc when I saw them.
The one-sixteenth and less urban activist class will fight to the bitter end to prevent that being done. Too much money, political power and ego would be at risk.
It appears that our very own Deep State have run afoul of a sensible ruling in the Federal Court.
The Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) had argued campaign posters used by Mr Craig Kelly (UAP) in the run up to the 2022 Federal Election did not have the required authorisations clearly visible.
However, the matter has this week been dismissed in the Federal Court with Justice Steven Rares tossing the lawsuit and ordering the AEC to pay legal costs.
During the proceedings, Mr Kelly’s barrister Christopher Ward SC had argued the font size used was the same used by Mr Kelly when he was formerly campaigning as a member of the Liberal Party, and was no different to the size used by other political parties during the 2022 election race.
“It was a stitch up right from the start. This was a malicious prosecution over a totally frivolous matter which was rightly thrown out of court,” Mr Kelly said.
Oh, I read it wrong. The former squeeze accosted a female hairdresser.
At ease. No need to Eddersly to report on this false flamer alert.
At my docs previous practice, masks seemed to be less than 50/50 when I was in there.
Some staff & doctors.
Some patients.
Today, I was the only person in a not a small practice that was sans mask.
Lizzie earlier.
The main point is that “Penhalluriack” is as Bwitish as John Bull, whining in the key of C minor, and soccer hooliganism, and doesn’t require the insertion of Middle Eastern throat clearing or other European inflections in the pronunciation.
Our doc requires masks too. It’s crazy crap, but he’s not a bad doc and I don’t get be bothered trying to find another one.
As much as I love a salacious story about those on the left, this has probably been handled properly. If only Dumgold had done the same.
Q2 Volume Weighted Price at it’s highest level evah – excluding a six month period in 2022 when the Ukrainian debacle showed Australia what it means to rely on thieves running gas turbines.
Futures prices showing no relief.
No need to go to extremes. After La Gillard retired, there were reports of her setting up household in a nice joint in Adelaide, with a person of the female sex.
Sinead O’Connor – Molly Malone
OK, I am musing on all this this looking out to sea from the Hilton in Penang, where we have been upgraded to a suite on a high floor with beautiful water views from both of the very large rooms. We also have a private terrace big enough for a party of twenty to enjoy, with a full sized table and deck chairs. The bathroom is also spacious, containing those double sinks that were once all the rage, with the female goodies they provide placed next to the sink with the pull out mirror. That one’s yours, says Hairy, who has now taken himself off to the gym. At breakfast I saw the first all-in-black letterbox I’ve seen yet in Malaysia, a visiting Saudi family. It seemed so strange when all of the women here wear pretty clothing, face make-up and cutely applied colourful hijabs if they wear them at all. The many Chinese women here do not, of course.
The hotel has a driveway through tall and delicately leafed tropical trees, which provide a foreground to one side of our view. This is all in stark contrast to what we saw of Penang from the bus, the uninviting glitz of shopfronts with a backdrop of squalor and a sense of total confusion, with people darting everywhere. We were jaundiced in this opinion no doubt due to the very slow and traffic-heavy trip once we’d sped in from the kilometres of causeway you traverse to reach this island Asian city. It made us wonder why we had come here to sit in traffic for over an hour when could have stayed longer in the beautiful highlands. The high rise syndrome is everywhere here too, and the dusk showed us that many of these were unlit, unoccupied, as we had heard from the tour guide the day before. Perhaps something rather ‘Chinese’ going on there, thinks Hairy, re the building of premises that can’t be sold due to high prices and low demand. Other buildings were obviously over-occupied, full of people and their doings. Thankfully, after a five hour trip down, we were glad to leave the bus which dropped everyone in the middle of a busy three lane roadway to unload our own luggage, drag it to the kerb and take a taxi to this pleasant retreat.
I’m sorry but that’s purely speculative until we have Eddersly’s confirmation. 🙂
Michael Hutchence?
““I will not indulge this blackwashing crap.””
I think there are two different issues here. If we are talking about fantasy (eg, a stage play, etc) I have no issues with whatever colour the actor (or actress) is. Sometimes it can offer a different perspective on historical events. It is rather different if the film is supposed to be a reflection of historical reality, when it does matter.
B John
We shouldn’t be too harsh. If say, Eddles was kept strictly on flamer reports and confirmations. No one should be opposed to that.
but he’s not a bad doc and I don’t get be bothered trying to find another one.
Considering it’s not compulsory to wear one, I’ll still go.
Doc can not believe that I still haven’t had COVID.
According to them, I am the only person they know who hasn’t had it.
Thanks Johnny.
Have copied that!
“Doc can not believe that I still haven’t had COVID.”
I haven’t had it either.
I haven’t either or at least never knew I had it. I’ve had the flu a few times but it never registered on the test.
Everything’s perfectly normal on the West Coast.
That’s the new Grand Theft Auto JC.
The graphics are just so real these days.
“If we are talking about fantasy (eg, a stage play, etc) “
What about a fantasy that’s about Vikings or marauding Saxons? Ya reckon that a black actor playing a Viking king is okay? I don’t, doesn’t wash
Even the fantasy Game of Thrones stuck to the credible. The wildlings who resided north of the wall, in a land of ice, were not black.
He’s our only hope. What have we done?
I think there are two different issues here. If we are talking about fantasy (eg, a stage play, etc) I have no issues with whatever colour the actor (or actress) is. Sometimes it can offer a different perspective on historical events. It is rather different if the film is supposed to be a reflection of historical reality, when it does matter.
I agree and here are the Black and White Minstrels from 1964 in England doing some Gilbert and Sullivan –
Drunkard or just a simpleton with a coprophagic grin. Hard to tell.
NY comedian Aaron Berg was got a role in a security systems commercial.
His agent said the agency was looking for a white male to play the part of the burglar in the commercial.
Funny stuff.
Oh Dunno Bern, call me shallow Hal. The idea of a naked sheila toting a gun is pretty alluring. Of course if it’s not pointed at someone.
I had Covid (barely noticed it, but had to remain isolated for a week), despite having been coerced into the vaccine and a booster shot, neither of which I wanted.
And for all that, my health hasn’t been the same since being vaccinated, nearly two years ago.
I have absolutely no time for defenders or advocates of the vaccine.
WTF? I reckon Mitch McConnell just had a micro stroke. Really, there shouldn’t be anyone and I mean anyone in a senior government position who’s over 80. This age thing is insane.
80 plus year old man having a TIA.
Another reason for term limits.
You can’t be sure of that. I don’t know if I’ve had it or not. I had a sore throat for a few hours a year ago. I drank some Schweppes Indian tonic water ( with minuscule quantities of quinine) and smoked a cigar, and it went away. Maybe it was the dreaded covid 19, and maybe it wasn’t.
What is clear is that the hysteria fomented by government and the quacks was entirely unjustified.
McConnell’s fell earlier in the year and cracked his head open… late term concussion?
However, if I might play devil’s advocate, what on Earth happened to Tony Abbott when he did that interview with Channel 7 and, after being questions, he nodded for about half an hour without saying anything??? Was that ever explained???
You can’t be sure of that.
This is true.
But the times I felt fluey since RAT tests became available I tested myself each time & didn’t have COVID.
Unfortunately, his record is one of many speculative reports, and bugger all (sorry about that) confirmations.
Awww sheeeit.
Here we go agin’
Cassie of Sydney
Jul 27, 2023 4:07 PM
“Doc can not believe that I still haven’t had COVID.”
I haven’t had it either.
Same here. No Jab(s), no boosters and no corona virus. The corona is nice with a slice of lime though.
Good find, Steve.
Certainly worth a look.
It’s strange how one can be haunted by a smile.
Dot, I expected you to laugh at my Dune/Pulp Fiction cross over post yesterday.
But I got crickets.
Doc, the few of us with a superior genetic structure aren’t impacted by COVID. I’ve been around tons of people reporting they had COVID after an association and have never felt like I had it. Wifey had it, but I never let her near me for a week….. also as punishment for contracting it.
Needed to explain that his rear end was a source of the spice.
Is that really true, or are you lifting that from that crook’s blog, Wodney?
Jul 27, 2023 4:26 PM
In my opinion, Abbott was so pissed off, he weighing the idea of knocking the fcker into the next town.
strip club?
.. more specifically, during a lap dance?
LOL!!!! That did cross my mind too – he was giving Mark Riley (?) the death stare..
Jul 27, 2023 4:30 PM
Same here. No Jab(s), no boosters and no corona virus. The corona is nice with a slice of lime though.
Is that really true, or are you lifting that from that crook’s blog, Wodney?
Of course it is true. However, you as an unbeliever can make up your own mind. BTW, you still seem to have that lisp. Sirry iriot.
And the corona beer is nice.
I see there’s at least one strip club in Brunswick.. where the alleged offence is supposed to have occurred.
So, got a little bit more detail on the Voice from ADH-TV
Australia will be divided into 35 districts who will appoint/elect/recommend/ask for the 24 Voice Members.
All States get 3 reps, Tassie 2, ACT 2 and NT 3 as well as TSI’s getting 3.
So The Speccie asks: ACT has 9,000 aborigines, they’ll get 2 voices. NSW has over 330,000, they’ll get three voices…
More on Our Tim:
The ex-partner of former prime minister Julia Gillard is set to plead guilty to a sexually assaulting a woman.
Tim Mathieson is accused of sexually touching the woman by sucking her nipple without her consent at Brunswick East in Melbourne’s inner-city on March 13 last year.
Mathieson – known during Ms Gillard’s reign as Australia’s ‘first bloke’ – appeared via videolink in the Melbourne Magistrates’ Court on Thursday when his barrister indicated he would plead guilty to a single sex offence.
Daily Mail
Men just have no incentive to go to those smutty places now. Perhaps the girls need to have their income taxes audited too.
Identified as a hungry infant.
Happens all the time. And who are we to judge?
So 18% of aborigines will have control over 13 of the 24 Voices.
Regarding DNA testing to establish Indigenous creds:
Most mainstream Australians will believe DNA to be a credible test outright. (Mind you, their understanding will be limited and issues like choosing reliable markers when there are so many ‘possible’ claimants whom you cannot reject outright without…DNA markers would not occur to them.
Some people, and likely most non-urban Aborigines, will know squat about this newfangled NDA thing and, having no reason to trust it, and not having seen episodes of Law and Order or Forensic Files reassuring them of its efficacy, will not embrace it – which is an eminently sensible attitude to take with regards to something with which you are not familiar.
Then there will be the numerous Rainbow-Serpent-oil salesmen who will object that Aboriginality does not reside in such gross materiality as DNA and chemical tests. It is not up to Western medicine to decide Aboriginal truth.
Of this last set there will be a fairly large, mostly whitish, contingent who will be resistant because they dread what it might reveal. How many current myths spun from fancy, feelz, and white guilt might not be snipped by scientific precision?
How long separated from their Indian antecessors*? How many waves? Why do these bones show a more ancient lineage not found in the current mob?
How much of the current mainstream mythology underlying demands for the Aboriginal industry relies on nothing more than the threat racism and the claim of a mystical pure past?
* Yes it is a slightly outdated word, but ‘ancestor’ suggests just the last several generations of individuals, and the usage of homo antecessor supplies the sense** of tens of thousands of generations.
** Bite me.
I am so into crack.
Old Ozzie:
I’ve said for years that Pence, as President Trumps VP, was a treasonous bastard and the truth is slowly coming out.
Worth reading again.
There is a photo of Pence with the Democrat leaders having a yuk up after the derailment of President Trumps election. President Trump is looking on and is realising just what has happened- the man he trusted during his entire Presidency was a plant from the Swamp, sabotaging his administration and his programs.
I hope Pence becomes synonymous with Benedict Arnold in US political history.
Delta A
The hunter Biden of the cat.
It does actually look very moreish
This is my go to to bring to parties.
Perhaps Julia’s bestie, Vivian Waller, could provide comment about Timbo, maybe she gave him pro bono legal advice.
John, I am assuming we are talking about a particular Case?
If so, in one of his latest “contributions” on C.L.’s blog, he reckons that when someone challenges any of his unsourced, un-linked, and otherwise unknown assertions, they have to prove him wrong, he doesn’t have to prove he is right!
I am sure he would get away with that in court, or in the peer-reviewed world of academia …
The Voice will have two full time co-chairs (nobody knows who will elect/appoint/select them), all other 22 will not be paid except for “sitting fees.”
So essentially, 18% of aborigines will be able to co-opt the Voice and potentially install two radical co-chairs.
Strange, I thought Labor was into one-vote, one value…
Slimy rent seekers at AEMO claiming ruinables have been a big factor in the fall of wholesale electricity prices.
Aussie coal:
– $400 Oct 22
– $200 March 23
– $140 currently.
The ABC never mentioned coal prices in their coverage.
Last post on the Speccie’s take on the Voice…
Once elected/selected/appointed, the Voice will then set up its own governance arrangements, everything from how meetings to work to behavioural standards to things like conflict of interest disclosures (or not)…
So, you’re writing a blank cheque for a body to be established and determine its own governing laws, behaviour, reporting and disclosure regimes.
Very nice, Mole.
Re Pence, Baris has said that at a TPUSA event in Florida (Charlie Kirk was their as well) a few days before Jan 6 Pence told the people at the event that he would ask the states to conduct an audit before accepting their EC votes. Did he intended to do so at the event and simply convinced to fold beforehand or was he lying at the event?
According to KeatingPM, the Senate is “unrepresentative swill”. So the inVoice will be far far worse.
In my opinion, Abbott was so pissed off, he weighing the idea of knocking the fcker into the next town.
Yes. He was restraining his rage and fighting against the urge to belt the carnt into next week.
I was disappointed at his restraint.
Re Pence: I’ll admit, I was taken in by him.
He seemed the ideal counter to Trump’s exuberant style.
Big disappointment.
It’s a pity he seems to have rejected the idea. It would have brought a touch of reality to media reporting.
There’s a huge amount of videos from the subcontinent and SE Asia of wukkas doing factory work with very limited inputs like capital, machinery, etc but with a very large labour force.
It asks the question “Who would outproduce who in a war supply situation?”
We could produce high quality weaponry while the Subcontinent could supply good enough weapons.
It’s like a replay of the Russo/German conflict where German tanks and aircraft were more technically advanced than the SU, but the Russians just kept producing more.
Ask KRuddie.
I doubt that the aborigines of Wadeye, Yuendumu, Hall’s Creek will have any control at all, though they are the ones most in need.
“sucked a woman’s nipple without her consent….”
Who, amongst us, (apart from perhaps Kittehs), can honestly say they haven’t done that!:)
What battles are you “iodining” about now that would require masses of weapons if there was a US led war fought against China?
Point out the landmass on where this war would be fought.
Are you thinking about, say a land attack on the West Coast of the US, or even perhaps the southern border through Mexico. Perhaps wrongly, I would be assuming that an attack on the East Coast of the US is not something you’re “thinking” about at this stage, right?
That’s the fool. He has been challenged so many times, and failed to provide evidence so many times, that he seems to have made up the “Do your own research” line as a defence mechanism.
It should be thrown back in his face every time he uses it.
Coming back from Saudi in early ’90’s and passing through customs. 3 lines open, two of them with about 20 lined up with nothing to declare. 1 with declare items and a rather bored and unloved bloke.
Bugger this, says the Bob. I had a couple of those yellow topped specimen jars of sand from SA. When someone was too crook to do the ablutions required of the 5 Pillars, they had a small bowl of sand to rub their hands in. The sand went through a sterilising process so was quite clean.
Explained this to the bored and unloved, waved through.
Meanwhile the line at the other two had barely moved.
I’ve just been told that the biggest sale of lasers these days is so people can use them to tease cats.
This is why physicists worked long hours, in laboratories across the planet for thousands of man years. To develop cat-teasing devices.
This tells you more about the human species than any sensible person would want to know. And some wonder why the aliens haven’t made contact. Sheesh.
A voice is not the tool required. Try bolt cutters.
B John
Come on , credit where credit is due. Eddersly’s flamer accusations were pretty damned good. By his estimate, 50% of the population are flamers of one sort or another.
His addiction was also interesting. He once claimed to be addicted to sluts. Hey, at least it’s healthier than smoking or booze, no?
Of all the disinformation being spouted by the news media, for me Sharri Markson’s 5pm show on Sky News is the only TV news program from which I learn anything.
Must-watch TV.
Robert Sewell
Admiral Gorshkov, architect of the expansion of the Soviet Navy in the 19560s/1970s, had the slogan: “Comrade, best is the enemy of good enough”. Many western naval “experts” spent much of that period in awe of the navy Gorshkov built.
We, and many other western nations, need two (at least – three might be better) tier defence forces. A limited number of the very best technology, backed by a large number of service personnel equipped with adequate, effective, weapons. (And a third tier optimised for local and static defence tasks).
‘ Just like Their ABC?
Remember the many media “personalities” pontificating about Howard being “too old for the job” when he turned 64?’
The other night Fabulous Phil Adams let slip that his 84th was this week, and he happened to share the day with John Howard.
Eighty freaking four ! Give over you old, graceless fossil. You’re an ancient marxist not an ancient mariner. A hollow gong and soon darkness, not ripeness, will be all.
Perhaps he deserves some credit, for certain limited meanings of the phrase “pretty damned good”. OTOH, if 50% of the population are flamers, some people are getting far more than their share of the hetero side.
There are also claims from various sources that the outside perimeter for the Chinese navy is a radius of about 1,600 K from home. How do you square that with an invasion other than Taiwan?
You once “speculated” that China could invade Australia through Melbourne Airport by using commercial airlines to front a land based attack. That’s very unlikely though, because I’d be very surprised if Singapore or Malaysian Airlines would see them the tickets. Surely, that news (massive ticket sales to the PCA) would get out too, don’t you think?
Old Ozzie:
This is where we need Vigilantes. The police are no longer able to do their job. But do you realise what is different? They’re White. Which means the shoplifting disease has morphed into mainstream life and is now an epidemic.
You know what else? These fatsos will be the first to complain when the shops close down and they have to drive twice as far to do their ‘shopping’.
PS, I am happy to leave the sluts to him. There are other, more enticing, pastimes. Like re-organising the sock drawer, or cataloguing family slides from the 1970s.
Jul 27, 2023 4:09 PM
Everything’s perfectly normal on the West Coast.
I saw the reports of the naked mad woman shooting at passing cars. The big issue is where she stored the ammo.
I think you may have it the wrong way around.
In the midst of the ancient war between humans and cats, some enterprising homo sapien realised he could secure funding for his game-changing cat-tormenting technology by claiming it could bounce beams of light off the moon and such.
Obviously when it turned out that his device actually delivered on his ridiculous fantastical promise to the dunderheads in government, he could hardly put them straight.
After all, he needed funding for his new scheme of holographic mice.
In my opinion, Abbott was so pissed off, he weighing the idea of knocking the fcker into the next town.
LOL!!!! That did cross my mind too – he was giving Mark Riley (?) the death stare..
This was a turning point in this nation. Tone wanted to bash the guy but couldn’t due to the impact the wets and general faux conservatives, including the pretty horse lady, Credlin, had on him. So, instead of backhanding the smartarse dickhead he couldn’t even tell him to shove his head up his arse. He just stood there looking like a beaten loser who, like cocaine Mitch, had just had a stroke. He might as well have gone straight out and had the word loser tattooed on his noggin. It was that bad.
But you have to admit, it’s relatively safer than smoking or too much alcohol? It’s relative.
Phabulous Phil Adams — as opposed to the anti-business daily’s resident communist Phabulous Phil Coorey — are ideological comrades who loathe Australian freedom for which tens of thousands of men gave given their lives.
Neither Adams nor Coorey would sacrifice their favourite breakfast bun let alone their lives for their country, being fat-arsed, loudmouth knowall cowards.
They don’t like it up ’em!
An Indigenous man claims he left a Voice to Parliament Yes rally in tears after a fiery confrontation with high-profile campaigners.
Grant Appo alleged on Sydney’s Radio 2GB that he was told to ‘sit down and shut up’ by a member of Yes campaigner Thomas Mayo’s posse, after he fired off several questions at an event in Bundaberg, Queensland on Wednesday night.
Mr Appo told Ben Fordham he challenged ‘Yes’ campaign claims there was no Aboriginal representation in Parliament, saying there were already six MPs across the house of representatives and the Senate.
‘I told them: ‘There’s 4.6% of Indigenous people in Parliament, the Indigenous population is 3.3%. If they can’t speak up on behalf of Indigenous people, then who can?’ he said.
Mr Appo later told Daily Mail Australia that he was horrified by the way he was allegedly treated ‘simply for asking questions’.
‘At the end of my speech asking several questions, I was told to sit down and shut up,’ Mr Appo claimed.
‘They told me I was telling lies, misinforming the public,’ he said, adding that Mr Mayo appeared to make ‘angry’ facial expressions toward him.
He also later accused the organisers of ignoring ‘60,000 years of cultural protocols’ by acknowledging the wrong traditional owners of Bundaberg.
Daily Mail
I wonder if he would have lost votes if had smacked the douchebag around? I wouldn’t suggest clobbering him as that would’ve been see as pretty negative. Clobbering, as in sending the dick to hospital with face and brain trauma. If there ever was a case for a decent smack around it was that time.
Depends whether the threat of syphilis or HIV is worse than (light) smoking or drinking. I note that you referred only to “smoking”, but separately to “too much alcohol”. Was that significant?
For such a smart chap, Trump trusted & employed some of the worst people.
Bruce O’Nuke:
GB may be lucky. They can restart their grid from French Nuclear Power when theirs crashes, Australia can’t.
Even if half the US Pacific fleet were to get to Australian ports to power up the local grid in say, Sydney or Melbourne, I doubt there would be enough to restart a damaged grid. And it would be too late anyway.
I can understand the temptation, but if you get purely verbal aggro, you should reply with words, not a physical smack. Words are not violence. Anybody who claims that they are should be punched in the face. Not as punishment, but to show the difference between words and physical violence. It’s really important to know this, so punching them in the face is doing them a kindness. This is the only justification for using violence in response to verbal aggression.
Chris Wray would be one of the worst appointments. However, I can understand the pressure he was on. He was new to the job, he knew he had to get rid of Comey pretty quick and he was rushed int to the decision. Terrible choice.
Update on the death at Mt Panorama yesterday
It occurred on the first corner after pit straight .
But the car was travelling the other way ie anticlockwise
The impact into the wall was way to the left of where it would have been if the car was cornering
There were no skid marks
Verdict : Suicide
How did the Feds screw up so much to have the Hunter plea bargain to come before a Trump appointee?
Phatty Adams is another one who’s going to have to be carried out of the ALPBC in a box. Metaphorically of course, since he phones the show in from his Hunter Valley farm.
Significant in the sense that these two habits are quite bad. But I think the risk HIV is pretty low.
On the subject of booze, a pal has seen Darren Hinch two brunching alone, with a glass of wine next to him. This is the person who had burnt out his liver and handed a replacement.
No Quentin Dumpster long goodbye for him. He’s too valuable.
There were no skid marks
Verdict : Suicide
People are under the misconception that suicide via car equals life policies paid in full.
Doesn’t work like that.
It was explained to me, way back when, that “the ladies in black from head to foot are the fundamentalists – everyone thinks they are mad. The flowing robes and the headscarf are traditional Malaysian dress, and the girls wearing hipster pants, crop tops and headscarves are saying “I’m trendy, I’m cool, but I’m a good Muslim girl – don’t mess around with me.”
This is the person who had burnt out his liver and handed a replacement.
He is on his third.
Whoops.. twice..
Are you serious?
The other night Fabulous Phil Adams let slip that his 84th was this week, and he happened to share the day with John Howard.
Barry Humphries in that Les Patterson appearance for Bill Leak in 2017, rather derisively described him as “Self-effacing Philip Adams”.
Installing another geriatric as MD of the ALPBC about sums up the SloMo government. Arguably Ita has been an even greater disappointment than the last few.
Comment, over on Michael Smith, about the nipple sucking episode.
Bruce O’Nuke:
Nigel is right – this Board, which retains full confidence in Alison Rose, is guilty of the most appalling failure of judgement and they need to be sacked as well.
That’s almost 1% of the population in a year!
Is that the Phil Adams who made lots of munnee out of books of other people’s jokes?
Lol , Senior porn and gangster using walkers.
And and.
China’s fertility rate is possibly as low as Sth. Korea’s by some reports. Imagine, the PLA with 80 year olds landing on Taiwanese beaches and defenders who are also in their senior years.
The Costanza tactic. It’s not plagiarism if you believe that you are the first person to ever tell the joke.
So we’ve eliminated bestiality, then?
Correct. There’s enough power generating capacity for them, but not enough for us. They want us as peasants scrabbling in the muck, while they make full use of our labour.
Hark! is that the sounds of coconut shells?
It is!
Bloody peasant!
And by the eyes.
The tenderness in the carers was also a joy to behold.
This is why it’s over for China. Get a load of the fertility estimate. It’s worse than worse.
And this is why they’re totally rooted. You can’t have bread and guns at the same time with a collapsing population.
More here:
God, you’re such a buttoned up prude.
Who hasn’t got naked and taken a few pot-shots at traffic on the freeway.
A tiny snapshot.
One of the “must see” events for every quilter and stitcher was the Tokyo show held in the Dome every January. A display of some of the finest work in the world. Words can’t describe the beauty of the craftsmanship.
No more. The ageing population with few replacement needlewomen has meant permanent cancellation. Decline due to ageing entrants and organisers…killed by Covid.
The geriatric defenders have the advantage. They are in their bunkers, firing down on the beaches. The attackers have to maneuver their walking frames up the hill to get close to the defenders. Then (having lost their false teeth on the way up the hill) they attempt to gum the defenders to death.
Victoria being what it is under Chairman Dan, one thing is absolutely certain: if Mathieson were still attached to Gillard, the police and the DPP would never have touched him.
Just ask Emma Walters, who is now facing a string of charges since she ceased to be Mrs Setka.
Old Ozzie:
We’ll know that they know there’s a problem when the EV’s get banned from the Canberra Parliament complex.
Here’s a weird thing about memory.
I have never read Dune, don’t have a copy, and probably haven’t even seen a copy of it in 30 years.
One of the newspaper quizzes last weekend had a question, “What is the name the best selling sci-fi book written by Frank Herbert?”
Dune popped straight into my head and I have no idea where it came from.
Exempt from whitefella IBAC?
Yep, Rule of Law stops somewhere around Albury-Wodonga. Has done for some time.
Even more stark reminders. Get a load of this collapse.
Their dilemma is that because their per capita income is low by rich country standards and Satan’s representative on Earth (Xi) wants to flex his muscles and pretend he’s a big honcho on the world stage, they don’t have the money to care for the elderly, etc. It’s a whole nightmare. However, China being China, it’s not surprising that Xi imposed a required lifetime on the populace. You’re a gonner if you hit the age of 80. They implemented a one-child policy with forced abortions, so the lifespan thing shouldn’t surprise anyone.
I must add that the Great Quilt Festival was a marvellous cultural exchange, where western women could marvel at the ability of normally polite Japanese stitchers assert themselves when it came to bargains at the vendor stalls.
This was, apparently, as brutal as the DJ’s shoe sale. 🙂
Danny Boy – Sinéad O’Connor, 1993
I’m standing up here for the over 80’s. We (or should I say I?) may write long comments which are of interest to few and sometimes about pleasurable experiences that for some reason create distain in others (too bad, I haven’t always travelled easy) but some of us octogenarians are still firing on all six if not eight. I’m glad to still be travelling at all at my age, btw. We’ve just had a great lunch 200 steps down to the beach where an Indian family living in traditional circumstances make an authentic curry in their beachside hut, plastic chairs are a bonus under the ragged shade cloth. Tiny sea otters bob around some nearby rocks and pigeons act for all the world like seagulls.
Not that I would like now to be working as a CEO or being an MP . Or even working doing rosters and banging occasional heads together as in my old job. You do get slower and dreamier. I’ll leave that to those younger and who have more to prove.
During Uni we went to a party on Mount St (just up the road from Julian Grills place for WA Inc aficionados) which is an excellent spot to drink beer and watch near misses on the freeway. Strictly clothed and unarmed throughout, of course.
I’m sorry, but heading off to Asia isn’t a vacation, so it doesn’t count as “travel” for octo’s. It’s flyover country.
The only exception is, of course, Japan.
I’ve just come back from spending two hours at the hairdresser. I can confirm that he didn’t try to suck one of my nipples, but then again my hairdresser is gay!
These stupid Aboriginal place names will be the death of someone, mark my words.
Although I have heard ABC types pronounce Stawell as “Stay-Well” and Moe as simply “Mo”.
I’m waiting for the report from “Maxwelton” Qld 4822. Population 22.
What about auto erotic asphyxiation. If you aren’t too concerned about posthumous reputation then that one might get a payout for the policy holders. Or maybe not. Most would baulk at being remembered as the guy that died with his dick in his hands so maybe it would get past the insurance adjusters.
Yes. No cow would bring a law suit for having a nipple sucked.
The best hairdressers and house cleaners are gay. Not that there’s anything wrong with it.
Good on Avi for bringing this up. MSM whores won’t.
This is the video that every father going through a relationship breakdown needs to watch—especially those who think they know their ex so well that it’ll never happen to them because the courts are full of men who never saw it coming.
The shocking formula EVERY FATHER needs to know
That was in response to JC’s Japanese exception.