Open Thread – Weekend 29 July 2023

The Heart of the Andes, Frederic Edwin Church, 1859.

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July 29, 2023 12:11 pm

Everywhere you look, effwittery. From a just-moved AAP wire about (wait for it) the vital importance of women in the offshore industry:

… Along with environmental scientist Naomi Kerp and infrastructure specialists Erin Coldham and Emily Scivetti, Ms Barry set up Women of Offshore Wind (WOW) to support a nascent industry full of potential, particularly for regional workers.

“We need to open the door with this initiative,” she said.

For an industry already facing a skills shortage, WOW might prove to be vital for getting enough talent into a sector that could build a sustainable energy system for millions of Australians.

“Our mission is driven by the unwavering belief that a more diverse and inclusive workforce is not only essential for the offshore wind sector’s growth but is also integral to creating a sustainable and equitable energy future,” Ms Barry told the event’s crowd.

When the big asteroid hits and wipes out modern life it won’t be much of a loss.

July 29, 2023 12:13 pm

When the big asteroid hits and wipes out modern life it won’t be much of a loss.

speak for yourself

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
July 29, 2023 12:17 pm

Lunchtime eye candy, in a good way I hope.

Hughes JUPITER 3 Mission (SpaceX live YT feed)

Launch is due at 1pm our time and the feed goes active 15 minutes before. It’s a Falcon Heavy launch. The com satellite is ginormous and they are dropping the central booster into the ocean, since they need all it’s got to get the monster into orbit. But the side boosters are due to return onto the adjacent landing pads.

July 29, 2023 12:18 pm

I see Dambrosio is heavily involved in WOW.

Johnny Rotten
July 29, 2023 12:22 pm

Robert Sewell
Jul 29, 2023 11:59 AM

Seems one Michael Caine – you may have heard of him – was a Communist sympathiser – went to serve in Korea – came home a staunch anti – Communist.

Not many people knew that.

Not many people know that –

With Michael Caine –

And with Peter Sellers –

July 29, 2023 12:23 pm



Rocking = swinging
Ham = pig

One of the more desolate Pomgolian filled hellholes in WA
I’d bet if you sat in a bar there you would hear someone whining about ‘ Fatcher

Delta A
Delta A
July 29, 2023 12:24 pm

Swinging pig=Rockingham.

Delta A
Delta A
July 29, 2023 12:24 pm

Snap, Mole.

July 29, 2023 12:27 pm

Pity the poor ASIO kiddie transcribing our new codes…

The Beer whisperer
The Beer whisperer
July 29, 2023 12:30 pm

I know a lot don’t care much for soccer but Robbie Slater gives the Australian side, namely the coach, a decent whack.

He’s the only male involved so it must be his fault.

July 29, 2023 12:37 pm

Larry David as Vlod Zee in The Jew Who Roared?

At least the Hiden’s are suffering already.

Robert Sewell
July 29, 2023 12:38 pm

Knuckle Dragger:

‘Ultimate’ responsibility. A departing backhander to others. Translated:
‘I had to take the fall because I’m in the big chair. However, even though others were responsible to varying degrees, I had to take ultimate responsibility.’

A true confession would have had him sacking the entire Board, then resigning.
But no, this leaves the ones most complicit in the farrago* of lies and manipulation that have continued without pause for over a year.

Top Ender
Top Ender
July 29, 2023 12:43 pm

Many other blood sports, bear baiting cock and dog fighting are still popular around the world.

Bloke I know, a retired policeman in Thailand, breeds fighting cocks for the illegal sport of cock-fighting. Trade is brisk apparently – he sells 100+ a year.

July 29, 2023 12:44 pm

The Drip-Drip-Drip Will End Biden’s Political Career

I cannot vouch for the accuracy of Peachy Keenan’s report that Hunter Biden, having caused such trouble for the Deep State, has been invited to go paddle-boarding at the Obama’s Martha’s Vineyard estate.

The chief thing to keep in mind as you savor the soap opera of Hunter Biden’s faux prosecution is that Hunter’s story is inseparable from the story of dear old dad, “the Big Guy,” Mr. 10 percent, i.e., Joe Biden, president of the United States.

Yesterday, Hunter was supposed to plead guilty in a Delaware court to a sweetheart deal.

How sweet? Recognized medical authorities say it should come with a warning to diabetics.

It’s so sweet, in fact, that Hunter, though he failed to pay more (way more) than $1 million in income tax, was going to be allowed to plead guilty to a couple of misdemeanor charges, avoid all jail time and — added bonus — have a felony gun charged dropped, swept under the carpet or otherwise “disappeared” just like an enemy of an Argentinean junta.

July 29, 2023 12:44 pm

The seems to be a bit of a schism in the current metastasis of cultural marxism- for example wimmin of offshore wind are all pink and girly (no men allowed) but then a man can identify as a wimmin so surely anyone can be an offshore wind wimmin. Marxist electricity- no wonder it doesn’t work.

July 29, 2023 12:45 pm

I’m in Pomgolian camouflage right now.

Will go to a beach on the Norf side this arvo.

Is this far out to meet a swathe of men who failed to live up to the true Dauphin?

I’d rather not listen to why how bad this joint is and why they couldn’t live in Sheffield anymore. Something something too weak to talk back to MIL…

July 29, 2023 12:45 pm

Whilst taking a coffee break at Launching Place and old bloke walking past made a comment ‘not too cold today’, I said ‘nahh, but the pot holes are getting worse’. He agreed and then blamed the Hunchback. Hahaha.

July 29, 2023 12:46 pm

A lot of cock for cash, eh?

Trent McDruggal, Mayor of Woy Woy & Punchbowl.

July 29, 2023 12:47 pm

Randoms in Vic openly blaming Hunchback, maybe the tied is finally turning?

July 29, 2023 12:48 pm


Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
July 29, 2023 12:50 pm

Good to know that Yumi Synes’ children’s book is good porn not bad porn.

Not all porn is created equal—is there such a thing as a healthy pornography? (, 28 Jul)

We recently saw yet another controversy about sexual representation in Australia. Melissa Kang and Yumi Stynes’ book Welcome to Sex was attacked by the conservative group Australian Women’s Forum, leading to the book being removed from the shelves of Big W—and shooting to the top of the Amazon sales charts.

As a researcher on pornography, I was particularly interested to see that Stynes defended our need for sex education books by saying: “Many of the discussions around … the putrid effects of porn on real-world sex … come back to teaching about sex and consent and starting that teaching young.”

The whole article is quite raunchy for a science website. Here’s who the author is:

Alan McKee
Head of School of Art, Communication and English, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Sydney

He’s a sexologist. Amazing how far my old uni has fallen.

July 29, 2023 12:53 pm

New insights into the origin of the Indo-European languages

Linguistics and genetics combine to suggest a new hybrid hypothesis for the origin of the Indo-European languages

JULY 27, 2023

An international team of linguists and geneticists led by researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig has achieved a significant breakthrough in our understanding of the origins of Indo-European, a family of languages spoken by nearly half of the world’s population.

For over two hundred years, the origin of the Indo-European languages has been disputed.

Two main theories have recently dominated this debate: the ‘Steppe’ hypothesis, which proposes an origin in the Pontic-Caspian Steppe around 6000 years ago, and the ‘Anatolian’ or ‘farming’ hypothesis, suggesting an older origin tied to early agriculture around 9000 years ago.

Previous phylogenetic analyses of Indo-European languages have come to conflicting conclusions about the age of the family, due to the combined effects of inaccuracies and inconsistencies in the datasets they used and limitations in the way that phylogenetic methods analyzed ancient languages.

To solve these problems, researchers from the Department of Linguistic and Cultural Evolution at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology assembled an international team of over 80 language specialists to construct a new dataset of core vocabulary from 161 Indo-European languages, including 52 ancient or historical languages.

This more comprehensive and balanced sampling, combined with rigorous protocols for coding lexical data, rectified the problems in the datasets used by previous studies.

Indo-European estimated to be around 8100 years old

The team used recently developed ancestry-enabled Bayesian phylogenetic analysis to test whether ancient written languages, such as Classical Latin and Vedic Sanskrit, were the direct ancestors of modern Romance and Indic languages, respectively.

Russell Gray, Head of the Department of Linguistic and Cultural Evolution and senior author of the study, emphasized the care they had taken to ensure that their inferences were robust. “Our chronology is robust across a wide range of alternative phylogenetic models and sensitivity analyses”, he stated.

These analyses estimate the Indo-European family to be approximately 8100 years old, with five main branches already split off by around 7000 years ago.

These results are not entirely consistent with either the Steppe or the farming hypotheses.

The first author of the study, Paul Heggarty, observed that “Recent ancient DNA data suggest that the Anatolian branch of Indo-European did not emerge from the Steppe, but from further south, in or near the northern arc of the Fertile Crescent — as the earliest source of the Indo-European family.

Our language family tree topology, and our lineage split dates, point to other early branches that may also have spread directly from there, not through the Steppe.”

New insights from genetics and linguistics

The authors of the study therefore proposed a new hybrid hypothesis for the origin of the Indo-European languages, with an ultimate homeland south of the Caucasus and a subsequent branch northwards onto the Steppe, as a secondary homeland for some branches of Indo-European entering Europe with the later Yamnaya and Corded Ware-associated expansions.

“Ancient DNA and language phylogenetics thus combine to suggest that the resolution to the 200-year-old Indo-European enigma lies in a hybrid of the farming and Steppe hypotheses”, remarked Gray.

Wolfgang Haak, a Group Leader in the Department of Archaeogenetics at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, summarizes the implications of the new study by stating, “Aside from a refined time estimate for the overall language tree, the tree topology and branching order are most critical for the alignment with key archaeological events and shifting ancestry patterns seen in the ancient human genome data.

This is a huge step forward from the mutually exclusive, previous scenarios, towards a more plausible model that integrates archaeological, anthropological and genetic findings.”

Bar Beach Swimmer
July 29, 2023 12:54 pm

The other half is convinced that one of the reasons for this country’s low productivity is the increasing numbers of females in jobs that require a level of physical strength beyond their capabilities. “Please help her out; can you give her a hand?” Jobs that once required one worker now need a second as a back-up.

I think that’s also the reason for the introduction of a more military look for coppers – small females too afraid – and reasonably so – to stand up in front of a crowd without tons of body protection and weaponry.

I’m not suggesting that their fear is unreasonable but it makes body armour a necessity, without which it would be like the hobbits up against the orcs. Unfortunately, in a civil society, that change has developed into more of a menacing presence, which was more notable during covid.

July 29, 2023 12:59 pm

Hunter’s grift was really the whole family’s business

That business had only one product: selling political influence

The Biden administration has repeatedly told the public that Hunter’s lucrative consulting business doesn’t matter unless it is directly connected to his father.

That’s true. Moreover, they add, that connection is not just unproven, it cannot be proved because it didn’t exist.

That’s false, although the mainstream media has repeated it faithfully. But even the most feckless are finding it increasingly difficult to sustain this awkward lip-syncing with the White House press office.

Actually, the Biden grifting operation extends well beyond Hunter to include multiple family members. It always centered on Joe’s public position and the political access it ensured, first as the sitting vice president and then as a prospective Democratic nominee after Hillary Clinton’s defeat.

The clearest indication of the enterprise’s corrupt purpose is its construction of a web of nearly thirty LLCs to hide the distribution of profits from the operation. There is no legitimate business purpose for this tangled web of pass-through entities.

The only purpose is to hide the sources and distribution of this outside money. That should be obvious even to the Washington Post, though it doesn’t seem to be.

They might want to pay attention to another painful fact: all this money was paid for services that have never been disclosed to the public. You don’t have to be Sherlock Holmes to know the purpose. My dear Watson, all the clues point to political access.

That access hinged on Joe Biden’s political position. His family (and especially Hunter) went to great lengths to hide any direct, criminal connection and, it appears, to pay taxes on all the proceeds.

Proving a criminal connection to Joe Biden is a difficult, complex task — and it has not yet been done.

The main reason is hasn’t been proved, we now know, is that official investigations were deliberately blocked by higher-level officials at the IRS and, most likely, the Department of Justice.

In private meetings at the Internal Revenue Service, those officials acknowledged that there were sufficient legal grounds to pursue those connections to Joe Biden, which emerged from the IRS investigation of Hunter.

Then, for reasons that have not been explained, the same higher-level officials reversed themselves and prevented any investigation that would touch on Joe Biden himself.

We need to know the names of people who blocked that inquiry. We need to know if anyone higher up the chain of command ordered this cover-up or if they simply did it themselves to curry favor. We need all that testimony under oath.

And we need to know who disclosed to Hunter and his lawyer that some of Hunter’s documents were about to be searched and some of his associates interviewed.

Miraculously, those documents disappeared before the search and the associates were nowhere to be found. Another avenue of inquiry had been successfully blocked.

How do we know all this? Not from any investigation by the somnolent mainstream media. They only pull their Woodward and Bernstein act for presidents they hate.

They run a protection racket for the others.

Not from any testimony by Attorney General Merrick Garland. Not from the US Attorney for Delaware, who told a meeting of IRS agents one thing and then Congress another.

We know it only from testimony, given under oath, by two experienced, politically-neutral IRS agents. They spent years investigating Hunter Biden and reported multiple cases of political interference by higher-level officials whenever the investigation touched on his father. Such interference was unprecedented, they said, and would not have happened in any normal IRS investigation. We need to know who interfered and why.

And we need that testimony under oath, not that the Biden DoJ will pursue the threads.

July 29, 2023 1:00 pm

I’m not suggesting that their fear is unreasonable but it makes body armour a necessity, without which it would be like the hobbits up against the orcs. Unfortunately, in a civil society, that change has developed into more of a menacing presence, which was more notable during covid.


Refuse to help.

Johnny Rotten
July 29, 2023 1:00 pm


In pomgolian saxon, the ham bit means farm. The pigs may be on the farm though.

July 29, 2023 1:00 pm

Big W boycott of explicit book for kids is a win for common sense
By Monica Doumit – July 28, 2023

After initially standing by the book, the backlash caused Big W to remove it from their shelves and to only make it available for purchase online. Other retailers, such as Dymocks, kept the book on the shelves but quietly upgraded the age guidance to 14+.
This was claimed as a small victory by those objecting, but the win seemed short-lived, as it was announced that the book had reached number one on the Amazon bestseller list. Its supporters lauded this as a victory.

Call me cynical, but I smell a rat. The book is number one on Amazon, yes, but it’s not on the bestselling books lists at any other retailer. Angus and Robertson, Dymocks, Booktopia, Collins Bookstores, Boomerang Books, QBD Books and Abbeys all have it available for purchase, but it doesn’t sit on any of their bestseller lists. It’s not even being sold by retail giants Fishpond and The Nile.

Is it possible that—to prove a point—one or more motivated supporters just bought a few hundred copies on Amazon, deciding that the $5000 or so spend would be worth it to silence the book’s critics? Stranger things have happened.

July 29, 2023 1:02 pm

H B Bear
Jul 29, 2023 10:18 AM
Mayo had travelled from Melbourne to Hervey Bay for the Yes campaign, to talk to Bundaberg Catholic Primary School

Melbourne to North Queensland in July to speak to a group ineligible to vote – nice work if you can get it (Hint – you can’t).

The student can’t vote now but will be able to do so when the referendum is brought forward again some years after its defeat. Communists play a long game.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
July 29, 2023 1:04 pm

I saw on one of those screens that form a wall of bus shelter the following:

First the news article about the Matilda’s embarrassing defeat at the hand of (or boots) of Nigeria.

Next was about how Commbank will help you reach your goals.

July 29, 2023 1:05 pm

Why TF do parents and kids entering puberty need Yumi Stynes telling them about sex?

If it’s about consent then stop dropping charges against left wing figures and promote traditional marriages.

If some idiot brings up the myth of “marital rape” the High Court declared here it was never legal.

July 29, 2023 1:08 pm

Lunchtime eye candy, in a good way I hope.

Hughes JUPITER 3 Mission (SpaceX live YT feed)

Launch is due at 1pm our time and the feed goes active 15 minutes before. It’s a Falcon Heavy launch. The com satellite is ginormous and they are dropping the central booster into the ocean, since they need all it’s got to get the monster into orbit. But the side boosters are due to return onto the adjacent landing pads.

Awesome Bruce, thanks for the link, my timing was perfect. So good to have some real science happening still.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
July 29, 2023 1:11 pm

Jul 29, 2023 10:39 AM
Mother lode

Did you click on the link. Some areshole is lighting a fire in southern Italy caught by a drone vid.


I noticed also how he saw the drone, looked straight at it providing a perfect image of his face and threw sticks at it.

I suspect their police will be less lackadaisical about arson than ours.

July 29, 2023 1:15 pm

You reminded me Calli that I bought some little water colours and majolica fish in Sicily that until about 4 weeks ago were still tucked on a shelf in their bubble wrap and cardboard.
I took them up to the framers, finally.
Cost about three times as much for the framing as it did for the art.
The whale and giant squid watercolours have gone off to their new owners, Master Three chose the squid and said his baby sister could have the whale.
The little black worms in lovely green backgrounds, watercolours from the illustrations in an Italian children’s picture book, shall find a new home interstate and the majolica fish are staying here.
It is very nice to have those little reminders.
I have an little painting of a matador and his family in the spare room, from Valencia, takes me back there in an instant whenever I look at it.
fish a bit like this but more traditional and less cutesy wootsey

July 29, 2023 1:16 pm

Apologies if posted already.

Brittany Higgins, knickerless lubra

Indigenes scorned undies too, so it may be genetic.

July 29, 2023 1:19 pm

I saw a crew finishing off after laying new footpaths the other day, a female was shovelling delicate quantities of soil to the edges prior to the sprinkling of new grass seed.
Must be mighty good pay.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
July 29, 2023 1:21 pm

my timing was perfect

As was their’s HZ. Like space ballet. It was amazing to see the 2nd stage engine glowing white hot and vibrating. And the two boosters landing one after the other is like watching science fiction in action. Sigh. The lady commentator is seriously good! Nice to see something of our civilization still works.

Last week or so was the 54th anniversary of the Neil Armstrong doing that bootprint. We watched the Apollo landings live on TV at school.

Robert Sewell
July 29, 2023 1:30 pm


Even AEMO was last year saying offshore wind was economically unviable.
So, naturally, parliament pushed through the enabling legislation.
Seems they’re going to need even bigger subsidies now.
File under ‘We are governed by idiots.’

They may be idiots, Roger, but they are cunning and avaricious idiots. I think we’ll end up labelling the last 20 years as “The Great Looting Of Australia” during which the Left and the Industrialists enriched themselves and their Union Mates with damn near countless projects passed and funded at minimal costs, then they blow out to nation breaking levels.
The NDIS, Gillards only love, is a prime example.
I cannot think of one large project that has come in on time and on budget over that timespan.
It’s time to call in the wreckers.

Robert Sewell
July 29, 2023 1:33 pm


The mothers of dead Russian soldiers probably aren’t feeling tickety-boo either.

“Mother Russia has many sons”.
It may be true, but I’d think Mum would be getting pretty damn pissed off at the rate her Generals are tossing these men into the incinerator.

July 29, 2023 1:40 pm

Mens football can be played on a postage stamp if you are playing tikitaka style.
Because of the lack of skill in the women’s game you need to ensure you use the width of the field, stretch the defence out & have someone like the US does with Alex Morgan feeding strikers all day.
Sam Kerr scores a lot of goals but is most damaging when she plays that role.
(Think Giroud for France when they won the world cup in 2018).
Australia didn’t have that in their first two games (or if they did, it wasn’t noticeable).
And they refuse to use the width of the field.
Guess what, Nigeria did & that’s why they won.

July 29, 2023 1:42 pm

Jul 29, 2023 12:01 PM
It sounds very plausible from what I read earlier.

Zelensky has all the goods on the Hiden crime family, so Hiden has become the Z man’s little bitch.

It seems he’s got the whole US establishment.

Robert Sewell
July 29, 2023 1:43 pm


The Voice requires a referendum so it can’t be ATSICed this time.

I need to point out that a Referendum CAN be held to remove it from the Constitution.
All that needs to happen is for the Government to set up the referendum case and take it to the people…
Oh. I think I see the problem…

July 29, 2023 1:44 pm

Internal Polling Must Have Been Brutal: Biden Acknowledges Granddaughter For First Time

The internal polling and focus groups must have been brutal. So “Grandpa” Joe tossed Hunter’s daughter Navy a verbal bone during an interview with People magazine.

Just a bone, mentioning her name, nothing more.

July 29, 2023 1:46 pm

That said, that strategy isn’t bullet proof (the Dutch ovens held the Yanks to a draw).

July 29, 2023 1:48 pm

What Does the Swiss Study on Covid Vaccines and Myocarditis Really Say?

Interestingly, Switzerland stopped recommending covid vaccines, even for high risk individuals, this past April.

This week, there has been a great deal of attention being given to a study done in Basel, Switzerland, that was pre-printed last year and officially published this month. It indicates that the rate of subclinical myocarditis (heart inflammation without symptoms) after the COVID vaccine is much higher than originally thought. I think it’s worthwhile looking under the hood of this paper for a few moments.

I would like to focus on the research methods and conclusions:

What this study does is provide some indications that there is an impact on the heart at a subclinical level in some people, and potentially at a rate far higher than the 1 out of 100,000 cases asserted by our Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in their study (hat-tip David Strom of Hot Air). More studies would be needed to get a better understanding of the magnitude of the enzyme increases and individual factors that may make people more susceptible to the effect.

However, the effect appears to be more substantial than the CDC revealed, and that is troubling, given the covid mandate and the millions who have received the vaccines, boosters, and then even more boosters. People need to be given all the potential effect information and allowed to decline the vaccine, given these findings and understanding of the mildness of the current versions covid. Personal choice must replace mandates.

But what is even more intriguing is what the Swiss decided to say about covid vaccines in April.

Switzerland will not recommend a COVID-19 vaccine for its citizens during the spring and summer seasons, even for those at high risk of experiencing severe illness from contracting the virus.

The country’s latest recommendation regarding COVID-19 vaccinations and booster shots came directly from the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH), which declared most people in the country had either already been vaccinated “and/or contracted and recovered from COVID-19” at this point.

“Their immune system has therefore been exposed to the coronavirus,” the FOPH insisted in its guidance, adding that “in spring/summer 2023, the virus will likely circulate less.”

According to the Swiss, it’s natural immunity for the win. That’s the data point that is more important, in my opinion.

Bar Beach Swimmer
July 29, 2023 1:52 pm

Myer is having a 15% off sale off its lipstick range. This is newsworthy. Why? Because in a downturn, traditionally the sale of lipsticks goes up because women can’t afford a new outfit so they will buy a lipstick to cheer them up.

But what happens when for a few years masks become de rigueur? Women got out of the habit of wearing lipstick.

I see a “reap and sow” lesson there.

July 29, 2023 1:53 pm

“But I think also it’s important for me to be strong enough emotionally now to see that this performance was not a 3-2 loss, if you look at performance per se.”

Tony, Tony, Tony ……. ya gotta luv ‘im .. LOL!

July 29, 2023 1:57 pm

Bruce of Newcastle
Jul 29, 2023 12:17 PM
Lunchtime eye candy, in a good way I hope.

Hughes JUPITER 3 Mission (SpaceX live YT feed)

They must have loved Lost In Space as kids.

July 29, 2023 1:59 pm

Jul 29, 2023 1:30 PM
Another chap nailing his colours to the mast.

This could be the end of his TV career. Our betters do not countenance insubordination.

July 29, 2023 2:03 pm

Jul 29, 2023 1:44 PM
Internal Polling Must Have Been Brutal: Biden Acknowledges Granddaughter For First Time

The internal polling and focus groups must have been brutal. So “Grandpa” Joe tossed Hunter’s daughter Navy a verbal bone during an interview with People magazine.
Just a bone, mentioning her name, nothing more.

They can’t deny reality any more but note that she has not been welcomed into the family.

Could it be a fear that they will have to share their corruptly amassed fortune with another family member?

July 29, 2023 2:17 pm

The funny thing about Diversity is that the definitions of it are so … diverse.

Robert Sewell
July 29, 2023 2:24 pm

Thanks for your reply.

When this dickhead is embarrassed by the low grade IQ crap he’s posted, he calls it lies.
It was a “scenario” the PLA would use commercial jet liners to land at Melbourne Airport to invade the country. A scenario was it?

The subject was about what would happen if Dan took Victoria out of the Federation, and I remember it took about three days to cover the consequences.
My contribution was that Dan could invite in Chinese Police to help restore order. Or even just invite in the Chinese National Football team with all the trainers, supporters, half time orange carriers, it saw fit. As a Nation of its own, Victoria would have the right to do so, would it not?
Yes the conversation did explore extreme events, but I was not the only one exploring these scenarios.
The removal by Dan of Victoria from the Federation was the basis of the prolonged discussion about it. Yes, that’s called a scenario*. You removing the scenario from your replies is called “Lying by omission” and it’s one of your trademarks.

Sure, you were told that continually trying to get my attention and grovelling wouldn’t work for you too well and now look at you: making false claims that I am lying about your insane comments. Trying to sound intellectual doesn’t work for you too well, turtlehead.

Do you really think I want your attention JC? Really? This blog would be far better off if you just reined in your ego and stopped abusing anyone who stands up to you.

Let’s just recall the lies , the abomination that I informed on Brian even though he continually rejected your claim. You even tried that on at this blog knowing it was a lie.

There’s no evidence that Brian EVER communicated with you – just your demand that we believe what you claimed.

By your , claim even your parents appeared to reject you so why expect more from strangers.

It’s not a claim – it’s the truth. Mum suffered from Post Natal Depression and surrendered us kids to the State after Dad shot through. But if you think that makes a good rebuttal, it just shows what a nasty and vicious little prick you are.
…and the name calling should have been left in kindy, sport. Most of us managed it, so perhaps you might like to as well.
Obviously you have no idea of the meaning of the word, so here it is:
*SCENARIO | English meaning – Cambridge Dictionary
a description of possible actions or events in the future: There are several possible scenarios. a horrific / nightmare scenario such as a Third World War See also worst-case scenario Fewer examples The most likely scenario is that house prices rise again, forcing interest rates up. The worst scenario is that we lose two or three thousand pounds.

July 29, 2023 2:25 pm

Last week or so was the 54th anniversary of the Neil Armstrong doing that bootprint. We watched the Apollo landings live on TV at school

Ah yes, I remember the weather in Melbourne that day, wintry. I was in my first job. The boss got a TV brought into the laboratory and we were all allowed to watch it – the broadcast was at about lunchtime if I recall correctly. Everyone was very excited and amazed it was really happening. Can’t beat physics.

July 29, 2023 2:36 pm
July 29, 2023 2:39 pm

Do you really think I want your attention JC? Really?

JC is a tool, but he is OUR tool!

Johnny Rotten
July 29, 2023 2:44 pm

Robert Sewell
Jul 29, 2023 2:24 PM

Do you really think I want your attention JC? Really? This blog would be far better off if you just reined in your ego and stopped abusing anyone who stands up to you.

Please keep up the good work Robert. Jerk Off Cretin, the Sictorian pygmy, is a complete pain in the ar*e. And he is such a short ar*e. Pompous windbag to boot. He should play in his own sand pit with Ken and Barbie.

Johnny Rotten
July 29, 2023 2:46 pm

JC is a tool, but he is OUR tool!

Correction. Jerk Off Cretin is YOUR tool.

July 29, 2023 2:50 pm

Correction. Jerk Off Cretin is YOUR tool.

Is that what Armstrong’s DOS AI computer is telling you?

Johnny Rotten
July 29, 2023 3:00 pm

So Chairman Dan, Premier of the Sictorian Laybore Guv’ment, is going to ban gas for new residential and Guv’ment buildings.

So why is Chairman Dan cooking with gas?

Good Friday wasn’t that long ago. Is he still cooking with gas?

Johnny Rotten
July 29, 2023 3:02 pm

Jul 29, 2023 2:50 PM
Correction. Jerk Off Cretin is YOUR tool.

Is that what Armstrong’s DOS AI computer is telling you?

LOL. All my own work.

July 29, 2023 3:02 pm

Thanks for your reply.

Yes, the gratitude oozes with sincerity.

The subject was about what would happen if Dan took Victoria out of the Federation, and I remember it took about three days to cover the consequences.
My contribution was that Dan could invite in Chinese Police to help restore order. Or even just invite in the Chinese National Football team with all the trainers, supporters, half time orange carriers, it saw fit. As a Nation of its own, Victoria would have the right to do so, would it not?
Yes the conversation did explore extreme events, but I was not the only one exploring these scenarios.
The removal by Dan of Victoria from the Federation was the basis of the prolonged discussion about it. Yes, that’s called a scenario*. You removing the scenario from your replies is called “Lying by omission” and it’s one of your trademarks.

I’ve never denied or omitted the fact that you said landing commercial planes at Melbourne Airport to invade Australia was a “scenario.” You mentioned it because you thought Australia’s security was too lax. In fact, I started referring to you as a “scenariolist” after that. It was a hilariously idiotic comment, as expected from an imbecile like you.

Go find the comment and post it here so others can re-read your nonsense. You’re an absurdity.

If I recall correctly, the mocking was what caused you to cry in front of Sinc. According to him, you threatened legal action against him.

There’s no evidence that Brian EVER communicated with you – just your demand that we believe what you claimed.

I never asserted Brian communicated with me, you deceitful scumbag. Brian stated multiple times on the old site that it wasn’t him because he was told a woman with a Queensland phone number complained. I shared his reply on this site because you recently tried to paint me with the accusation, “You lied and you’re still lying.” You, dishonest imbecile, do exactly what you accuse me and others of doing.

It’s not a claim – it’s the truth. Mum suffered from Post Natal Depression and surrendered us kids to the State after Dad shot through. But if you think that makes a good rebuttal, it just shows what a nasty and vicious little prick you are.

I never suggested the claim wasn’t true that your parents didn’t want you. It didn’t surprise me in the least.

You agreed to ignore each other’s comments after you emailed him tiddle taddling and sobbing to the Sinclair. It lasted around three months, after which you began to grovel to me, thinking everything was good. I choose to disregard it. When it became evident that I didn’t want anything to do with you, you turned angry, like a woman scorned.

I begged you multiple times to cease groveling and not contact me via the blog. This aggravated you even more.

That bargain is no longer viable, and you must accept the consequences of your actions.

I find your remarks repulsive, and as I’m constantly telling you, this will never change. You are beneath my disdain.

Tell us more about “da Indian stole mi petrol”.

July 29, 2023 3:05 pm

@ JC:

“but just don’t like Asia very much and I don’t like staying in hotels either”

I am not exactly trilled by endless hours on aircraft and in hotel rooms, either.

What is more interesting has been to stay in “guest-houses”; small, cheap and where mot of the guests are “natives” in transit, or “old-hand” ex-pats. The “regular joint” in Hanoi was an easy walk from the opera house, (a slightly scaled down version of the famous one in Paris), the traditional markets and a couple of the city’s lakes. A couple of vendors operated food and drink stalls right outside the front door. Basic but satisfying. There were also “overnight” street kitchens that exclusively handled the “shift-workers” and travelers market. You see and hear all manner of things at 2 AM, while tucking into a big bowl of noodles and washing it down with a beer.

Europe? A couple of years back, the good lady and I ventured off to Slovenia, Croatia and Italy, flying via Taiwan, as one does, apparently. Stayed in “homestays”, seriously budget “apartments” and even Youth Hostels (and we were not the oldest “youths” in the place, either). Going somewhere and not encountering something new and / or interesting on the journey or at each destination strikes me as being rather pointless. And if the highlights are the hotel room and the restaurant………

Traveling for work can be hideously boring or you can venture out of the bubble and dive into whatever is on offer.

As they say in the cheesy movies: “Happy trails!”

July 29, 2023 3:11 pm

Please keep up the good work Robert. Jerk Off Cretin, the Sictorian pygmy, is a complete pain in the ar*e. And he is such a short ar*e. Pompous windbag to boot. He should play in his own sand pit with Ken and Barbie.

Yeah, the lowrent idiot posting excerpts from a crook’s lonely blog would be taken seriously.

How’s the Destiny (Socrates) doing at the moment? You posted she caught COVID?

July 29, 2023 3:23 pm


We/I got back for an overseas trip a couple of weeks ago and I felt like crap for almost a week due to jet lag. We came back from the US and I find, as I get older, that side of the trip back here is a horror stretch. Actually, it’s always been a horror stretch since the beginning. Sleeping pills really screw me up and I have to take them otherwise I’d be awake from midnight on.

We have a permanent abode in the US, which really takes the sharp edge out of traveling, but unfortunately wifey doesn’t to just do that alone.

The idea of sightseeing in 30 plus degree heat and sun , waiting in line to get into a 500 year old building has lost its luster for me. I don’t ever want to do it again, but I’m sure I’ll be forced to. 🙂

I must say though that I love beach holidays. If only I could persuade wifey to sit on the beach and enjoy calmness of it all. That’s a holiday.

Salvatore, Iron Publican
July 29, 2023 3:24 pm

rosie Jul 11, 2023 7:17 AM
Hobart lines up to smack private home owners who have the impunity to try and make a decent living from their rental properties.
Are they going to belt hotel and motel operators too?

They already do Rosie. The playing field is not level. Council, insurance companies, utilities, all hit hotels/motels far harder than they hit domestic residences.

There’s lots of AirBnB type rentals in my town, including one that is effectively a 10-room motel, trading as one for more than 20 yrs, yet paying domestic rates, domestic rubbish collection, domestic insurance, saving thousands of dollars per week.

I don’t begrudge the owner this artificial advantage, I wish only that the rest of us could access the same discounts.

Salvatore, Iron Publican
July 29, 2023 3:26 pm

Oops, opened wrong page. (Haha, wonder what else is in store from Windows 11 or whoever is responsible for opening that?)

July 29, 2023 3:36 pm

Visiting gardens is the highlight of trips for me. Public or private, doesn’t matter. Stately homes and castles…not so much.

Even the very English things like the great hanging baskets of flowers outside pubs delight me…or a spire of single hollyhock rising from a crack in the pavement.

Sitting on a terrace with a bottle of wine, a plate of cheese watching the passing parade…priceless.

July 29, 2023 3:38 pm

“but just don’t like Asia very much and I don’t like staying in hotels either”

Bruce, it’s hit or miss now. We were delayed 5 1/2 hours on a return flight from Lisbon to JFK because of “bad weather”. That’s not the operating excuse – bad weather delays.

Last year, I arrived in LA and just as the plane had landed I received a text that the American airlines flight had been cancelled. When I go to the counter, the dude told me there were no flight available for two days! My kid did all the work to get me on a flight to SF with a connection to NY the following morning. Arrived a 7 in the evening and had to be up at 4.30 the following morning to begin the last leg. The airport hotel room, was like where you go to suicide. This is ungodly. Qantas never refunded the broken leg of the flight too.

July 29, 2023 3:39 pm


Who called security? It’s uncanny.

Robert Sewell
July 29, 2023 3:40 pm


…lost sales from Bud Light represented about one per cent of all of Anheuser-Busch’s global sales.

Is that all it took to remind A/B just where the money comes from?
Must do this again sometime…

July 29, 2023 3:43 pm


……..(‘(…´…´…. ¯~/’…’)
……….”…\………. _.·´

Johnny Rotten
July 29, 2023 3:48 pm

Jul 29, 2023 3:43 PM


July 29, 2023 3:53 pm

Did you click on the link. Some areshole is lighting a fire in southern Italy caught by a drone vid.

Here, the drone operator would get a visit to check his licence.

July 29, 2023 3:54 pm

Jul 29, 2023 3:43 PM


Is that the output from scammy Armstrong’s DOS AI supercomputer?

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 29, 2023 3:55 pm

Daily Mail.

Bruce Lehrmann fires back at revelation ACT government will keep findings of Sofronoff inquiry into his prosecution by DPP director Shane Drumgold secret for weeks

Bruce Lehrmann reacts to delayed findings
ACT DPP could face adverse findings against him

July 29, 2023 3:57 pm


July 29, 2023 3:58 pm

Pomgolian piece, but just as valid here with our list of 600+ critical jobs for visas

….Creating a near-limitless supply of workers making below average earnings compounds existing problems, including the UK’s chronically low pay. As research by Oxford’s Migration Observatory and the Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) has shown, immigration has a negative effect on the wages of local lower-skilled workers. It gives more power to employers by giving them more choice, undermining the bargaining position of British wage-earners. It also puts downward pressure on working conditions: migrant workers enjoy fewer rights and rely on visas to remain in the country, making them less likely to quit. Why employ a British worker with labour protections when you can go for a migrant with very few?..

To pick a couple at random
Cinema or Theatre Manager
Community Worker
Driving Instructor
Deer Farmer

I have a sneaking suspicion many of these are positions wanted by the eternal boomers, not wanting to sell up or move on, but needing a “ tied to the position” drone to keep “ their” business going.
Or am I being uncharitable?

July 29, 2023 3:58 pm

Martin Armstrong, Socrates and his Economic Confidence Model: Reviews of his Products and Services, Critique and Analysis. It is a Scam.

Lies about Super-computer
In Institutional Time Share Martin Armstrong claimed:
We have constructed the First Fully Functioning Artificial Intelligence System Correlating the Entire World Economy 7 days a week, 24 hours per day. There is simply nothing like this model in the financial world….

We are porting all systems to the IBM Sequoia, which is the fastest Supercomputer in the world with 16 thousand trillion calculations per second monitoring everything that beats and moves worldwide. You can put your entire portfolio into the system and it will monitor everything far more intensely than any human staff are even capable of accomplishing and without the risk of pure opinion…..

Time Share slots will be available at $5 million up to $100 million annually depending upon the size and international scope of the portfolio. Our actual annual cost just in energy to run such a system is in excess of $6 million…..

July 29, 2023 4:00 pm

BA is just as bad with flight cancellations. Cost us a day and £300 in transfers on the last trip. I heard some horrible stories about American too, also involving two day delays and cancelled flights.

Any other industry would be pinged for contract breaches.

July 29, 2023 4:02 pm

How is it possible that Martin Armstrong has been such a prominent and persistent loser? Lost as a coin dealer, lost as a newsletter writer, lost as a fund manager, lost as a forecaster. Now he is losing as a loser cult leader peddling disinformation for profit. One would think that a rational person claiming to be a forecaster would have found over time a way to NOT be persistently wrong about everything.


Martin Armstrong is incompetent in all areas that he claims to be an expert in, in all areas he claims to have advised others in. And he foolishly and stubbornly contradicts known facts that are well established by contemporary science. However, being a fool himself, he has found a way to commercialize this foolishness: He created a cult whose members pay for the privilege of feeling good about sharing his contrarian views. As can be expected after my exposés, his business is declining.

July 29, 2023 4:03 pm

Not that the ABC can be trusted wirh the details, but it is interesting that their reports say the MRH90 which went into the sea overnight ‘ditched’ rather than ‘crashed’ …. if so, it implies it was anorter mechanical failure which caused it (the 2nd such ditching in recent times).

Personally, I suspect a crash because none of the 4 crew appear to have survived, and helicopter ‘ditchings’ are generally survivable, particularly with a military crew who would all be HUET/bottle trained.

July 29, 2023 4:04 pm

An American website has noticed our civil (not) war over da Voice.

Readers of this blog may recognise the name of one of the commenters …

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
July 29, 2023 4:04 pm

the US occupation of Syria

Syria and Israel are formally at war, and the US is allied to Israel. If Assad wants his oil wells back he can negotiate peace with Israel. It was fun that when Wagner tried to take them they got obliterated. Combat between Russian and US militaries has been going on a long time, just beneath the radar.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
July 29, 2023 4:25 pm

Russia is very popular in Africa though. When the palace guard pulled the coup in Niger on Thursday the people in the streets were waving Russian flags in support. It’s unclear whether Wagner was directly involved in the coup, but they are contracted to the Mali, Burkina Faso and CAR governments. They don’t pussyfoot with jihadis, unlike the French who were told to go away by those governments.

Robert Sewell
July 29, 2023 4:25 pm

Johnny Rotten
Jul 28, 2023 2:37 PM

The Man Who Will Destroy America

This will end up in front of the Supreme Court. It will be very interesting to see which way Roberts jumps.

July 29, 2023 4:25 pm

If Assad wants his oil wells back

USA is good at invading weaker countries and stealing their oil.

July 29, 2023 4:30 pm

Half the weekly Taibbi & Kirn podcast is now a book discussion.
This week they reviewed Bartleby by Melville.
Kirn said that this story, written in 1853, was the origins of Ricky Gervais’s The Office.
Pretty cool stuff.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
July 29, 2023 4:31 pm

Razey – My impression is the US let the Syrian Kurds have those oil wells. Which is a nice touch, since it royally pisses off Mr Erdogan. Erdogan is the sort of ally of the US that you’d rather have as an enemy. Unfortunately Congress won’t kick Turkey out of NATO nor formalize a treaty with the Kurds, so whenever Erdogan has a go at them the US has to stand back. But there’re ways and there’re ways.

July 29, 2023 4:31 pm

Funny how giving grain to poor countries for decades makes a country popular in some parts of the world.

July 29, 2023 4:33 pm

Is that the output from scammy Armstrong’s DOS AI supercomputer?

LOL. Destiny is sentient too, the former Leavenworth resident claims.

Hey, Wodney do you believe that claim. Tell us, as you’re among friends and no one will hold it against you.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
July 29, 2023 4:40 pm

Funny how giving grain to poor countries for decades makes a country popular in some parts of the world.

Yes, funny that.

Australia and New Zealand are ‘powerless’ to stop China’s debt-trap diplomacy on their own – it’s time for the US and the UK to step up (sky, 29 Jul)

China has all but bought the Solomon Islands and we should be worried.

Solomon Islands Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare now claims that Australia and New Zealand reneged on deals to provide millions of dollars worth of funding to prop up his government’s ailing budget.

It won’t end well for Mr Sogavare. Maybe he should start learning Mandarin.

July 29, 2023 4:41 pm

I was in the city earlier today.
It’s silly how many shops now have these lines outside them.
There’s some Chanel pop up story on King Street that actually has a roped off lining up area.

July 29, 2023 4:44 pm

Ah yes, I remember the weather in Melbourne that day, wintry. I was in my first job.

I was in the public bar of the Cremorne shopping centre pub on my 5th schooner ..!
No idea what the weather was like …….. or cared ….. LOL!

Robert Sewell
July 29, 2023 4:47 pm

Jul 28, 2023 3:21 PM

Ex Oz Bushmaster .. free to good home .. may need a little work .. LOL!

I wonder if the 8 Track still works?

July 29, 2023 4:52 pm

Apparently biden won’t give RFK jr the security he is legally entitled to as the 2nd rated candidate. Happy days if he goes the way of his father and uncle. It’s as though the whole of the US is sitting under biden as he craps on them. Biden has just acknowledged hunter’s slut grandchild just before the prime witness against him being involved in hunter’s treason appears before the House and after hunter loses his plea agreement. Coincidence what.

July 29, 2023 4:52 pm

Visiting gardens is the highlight of trips for me. Public or private, doesn’t matter. Stately homes and castles…not so much.

An English country garden .. LOL!

Robert Sewell
July 29, 2023 4:54 pm


NEW – Mystery outbreak of a deadly, paralyzing disease has experts baffled — More than 230 cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome have been reported in Peru, with more than half the cases occurring in a brief five-week period from June to July, NY Post reports

“Researchers concluded that the culprit behind the extremely unusual 2019 outbreak was the intestinal pathogen, Campylobacter jejuni. The gut-dwelling bacteria is well-known as one of the most common causes of food poisoning and diarrheal cases in the world. But, less well-known, it’s also one of the leading triggers for GBS.”

If I was a betting man, and I just may be, my bet would exonerate the Campylobacter jejuni. It gets a bad rap.

July 29, 2023 4:55 pm

RS it only needs some air in the tyres and it’d be a goer.

July 29, 2023 4:56 pm

Question found on “Armstrong economics”.

Hello, Martin.

Love your work. Destiny (Socrates), at least since I’ve been reading your blog, has a 100% success rate for forecasts, notwithstanding the 11-year gap when you were in federal prison on fraud charges. Destiny was forecasting things with a 100% success rate even when you were confined. Destiny appeared to be alive, even sentient.

Without trying to sound flattering, I have to say you’re the world’s eighth wonder, right after Babylon’s hanging gardens.
Can you ask Destiny if she believes those reports about aliens visiting Earth are true?


Email address. [email protected]

July 29, 2023 5:01 pm

has a 100% success rate for forecasts, notwithstanding the 11-year gap when you were in federal prison on fraud charges.


Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 29, 2023 5:01 pm

Stately homes and castles…not so much.

Meeh – visited Harewood House, just out of Leeds a few years ago. Magnificent garden, and a very dignified African couple explaining to their children that, yes the house was built for a man who had traded in slaves from Africa, but that was long ago, and you could not blame the English today for what their ancestors had done.

July 29, 2023 5:05 pm

Yes, Zulu, they’re often attached to the big houses. I mentioned Chateau Milandes in my travels…it has a magnificent formal garden, renovated by the new owners.

Inside the Chateau…Josephine Baker’s banana skirt!

You could say she was a horticultural exhibitionist.

July 29, 2023 5:06 pm
The Beer whisperer
The Beer whisperer
July 29, 2023 5:09 pm

JC is a tool, but he is OUR tool!

Correction. Jerk Off Cretin is YOUR tool.

Is it after midnight already?

July 29, 2023 5:10 pm

I’ve been reading about A N Pritzker, the Pritzker who made all the money for the current generation to spend on chopping on off kids cocks etc.
He’s held up as an American success story.
What I’m reading is somehow he had the CEO of the First National Bank of Chicago over a barrel so he’d get some of the most preferential terms of credit.
For most American billionaires there’s some murkiness along the way.

July 29, 2023 5:13 pm

Vienna has some of the most magnificent public gardens.
Not the most exciting of cities, but very pretty.

July 29, 2023 5:13 pm


Thanks for introducing Wodney to the blog. Tell us, do you have other high caliber friends like him?

Is it after midnight already?

Yeah, The Driller hasn’t been around lately.

July 29, 2023 5:19 pm

If in Vienna, you can see one of the alleged Spears of Destiny.
Long time ago when I saw it, but I remember it being in more of a hallway situation, not some grand exhibit.
A little bit gaudy for my liking.

July 29, 2023 5:21 pm

ask Destiny if she believes those reports about aliens visiting Earth are true?

Seems they are (the reports and the aliens)

July 29, 2023 5:22 pm

Martin Armstrong is a Nigerian Prince, as well as looking like Humpty Dumpty from Puss In Boots (Shrek universe) and Greta Thunberg.

July 29, 2023 5:24 pm

Margaret Troodoe’s memoirs ha ha were published in the Sydney Morning Herald when I was a teenager. Best one was when she was in a men’s lavatory with Jack Nicolson.

Robert Sewell
July 29, 2023 5:24 pm

Old Ozzie:

…Sir Keir faced a backlash earlier this year after he claimed that 99.9 per cent of women do not have a penis – implying that one in a thousand women have male genitalia.

He could have said “I haven’t checked all of them, you know.”

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 29, 2023 5:26 pm

Not the most exciting of cities, but very pretty.

Couple of rather magnificent palaces for the tourists to gawp at!

Robert Sewell
July 29, 2023 5:30 pm

Black Ball
Jul 28, 2023 3:29 PM:

“We had a three minute ceremony to perform … I don’t understand why it was hard to just be respectful.”

Do the Aboriginal People stand when the National Anthem is played in the cinema?
What do you mean it isn’t played?

July 29, 2023 5:30 pm

Jul 29, 2023 5:22 PM

Martin Armstrong is a Nigerian Prince, as well as looking like Humpty Dumpty from Puss In Boots (Shrek universe) and Greta Thunberg.

July 29, 2023 5:32 pm

From today’s Oz – the braindead lamestream meeja furiously diverting with a big useless slab of Z-Grade j’ism:

Price of cocaine driving bloodshed on Sydney streets
The lure of massive cash profits has drawn criminal syndicates to Australia. The answer is one of marketing and sales.
By Jack the cancerous ol’ knobhead

Wrong, wrong, wrong.


It’s Fraser’s moozley lebs’ progeny doing what they’ve always done – being violent stupid criminal cockheads on a short (‘rhoid rage induced) fuse and everyone else is expected to passively accept them and their inexcusable destructive brain pan fried idiocy.

Because to not do so would be waycissssm.

July 29, 2023 5:35 pm

The n’Drangheta were and are pretty good at keeping things Mum.

That’s why they are so successful then and now.

Bikies, Lebs…not so much.

July 29, 2023 5:36 pm

Back to King Tampon I. I understand he refused to meet DJT but spend more time with Keery filth and the old thief than the PM did. This nasty old fossil is a menace. He’s not doing the Royalist cause any good.

July 29, 2023 5:38 pm


Wednesday was a special day for the College because we offered an opportunity for conversation on the proposed Indigenous Voice to Parliament. We deliberately invited two speakers with different points of view on the proposal. Fr Frank Brennan SJ AO is a proponent for the Voice to Parliament. Mr Nyunggai Warren Mundine AO is an opponent of the Voice to Parliament. Fr Brennan and Mr Mundine spoke to a Senior School Assembly in The Great Hall during the day and then returned that night to the same location to speak to over 700 members of the College Family.


In a world of increasing polarisation, where debates online, on television, on the radio and even in person often devolve into heated arguments – the ability to respect the opinion of others seems to be slipping away from our society.

This week in The Great Hall, a powerful example of respectful conversation occurred when our esteemed speakers took to the stage, sharing contrasting viewpoints on the Voice to Parliament. Despite their differing opinions, they demonstrated a remarkable display of deep mutual respect and warmth towards each other.

In classroom discussions and during Friday Night Debating, we teach our students to present their arguments with conviction while listening attentively to opposing views. It fosters critical thinking as students must evaluate different perspectives to strengthen their own position. Similarly, on the sporting fields, we may not always agree with our opponent’s play or the umpire’s call, but we teach our boys to respect them. So, for our students to see two prominent figures engage in civil exchange on the big stage on Wednesday was powerful.

The online world we live in can often create echo chambers where we only hear opinions that align with our own. It is easy to become entrenched in our views and dismissive of others. Yet, the interaction between Fr Frank and Mr Mundine showed our boys that respectful dialogue is essential to bridge divides and find common ground. We continually encourage our boys to seek out diverse perspectives and engage with them thoughtfully.

By witnessing such respectful disagreement, Aloys boys learn the essence of building empathy. Understanding that it is possible to hold differing beliefs and still treat each other with kindness cultivates a sense of compassion. This empathy is essential in creating a more inclusive and just society.

By embracing differences and promoting respectful dialogue, we equip our students with essential life skills. These skills are not limited to classrooms, debating halls or sports grounds. They are crucial in shaping responsible citizens who can engage in constructive discussions, challenge their own beliefs, and seek out diverse perspectives to make informed decisions.

The Voice to Parliament Assembly and Campion Lecture in The Great Hall served as a powerful reminder of the art of disagreeing agreeably.

July 29, 2023 5:38 pm

Speaking of Fraser- looking back at Howard’s record it’s not much better.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 29, 2023 5:42 pm

Reading Anne De Courcy’s book “The Husband Hunters – Social Climbing in London and New York.”

If Sir was being driven in his carriage, accompanied by his wife, she sat on his right, and etiquette demanded that they be acknowledged by passers by.

If Sir was being driven in his carriage, accompanied by his mistress, she sat on his left, and etiquette demanded that they NOT be acknowledged by passers by.

July 29, 2023 5:44 pm

They really are screwed. Get a load of the youth unemployment rate and what someone speculates is the hidden rate.

This also has implications for our commodity exports particularly iron ore.

How China’s Marriage Slump and Unstable Housing Market Are Taking a Toll on the Economy

By Tanner Brown
July 29, 2023 1:30 am ET

China’s marriage rate had steadily increased until 2013. Here: a wedding ring shop in Beijing.

Ally Liu, 27, graduated from Beijing’s prestigious Peking University with bachelor’s and master’s degrees in finance, and now works at an investment firm. She said she’s exhausted from long hours at work.

“It’s embarrassing, but I’ll just say it,” she said in an interview from China’s capital. “I want to find a guy.” After a long pause, she added, “But it’s hard.”

China’s marriage rate steadily increased until hitting a peak in 2013, when 13.5 million marriages were recorded. By the end of that year, a precipitous decline began—one that continues. Last year the marriage rate hit half its 2013 level, at 6.8 million, according to China’s Ministry of Civil Affairs.

The factors complicating Liu’s romantic pursuits are manifold. Either she is drained of energy and pressed for time, or the potential suitor is. Her close relationship with her parents compels her to abide by one of their marriage demands: a spouse must own a home and ideally a car or other investments, or come from a rich family.

Both the causes and effects of the marriage falloff are being widely discussed in China. For one, the rising unemployment rate for the youth cohort has broken record after record each of the past few years.

Joblessness for this group, aged 16 to 24, hit a record high of 21.3% in June. By comparison, the rate for the same age group in the U.S. was 7.5% in June, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

But while China’s number frightens many who are on the cusp of graduation, it may in fact be much higher.

Last week, a professor at Peking University, wrote in a leading financial magazine that her calculations show the rate could be as high as 46.5%. The online article by Professor Zhang Dandan, which has since been deleted, argued that some 16 million non-students in this range are likely “lying flat”—a popular Chinese expression meaning to have given up efforts to work.

This sky-high jobless rate has given companies that employ younger workers—most notoriously tech firms—extreme leverage over their employees. If one wants a job at all, he or she may be forced to work the “996” schedule—9 a.m. to 9 p.m., six days a week.

This leaves those who do choose the corporate life little time or energy for romantic pursuits. “No gym, no dates, no time for my own stuff,” said Lee Wang, a 30-year-old project manager at one of China’s leading gaming companies, which he asked not be named.

Amid these work conditions lies a vast property market that is both unstable and out of reach for an increasing number of Chinese. Many young men were caught up in the recent spate of defaults among China’s large developers, which left millions of already-purchased units unfinished, leaving the owners in limbo.

A survey by university researchers taken just before the pandemic found that two-thirds of Chinese born after 1990 felt that owning a house was necessary for marriage.

The pressure for male suitors to own a property even has a phrase, the “mother-in-law economy”—meaning the requirement of the would-be bride’s mother that the future husband own a home.

A team of scholars from multiple Chinese business schools found that “the increasing price of houses, an important measure of marriage cost, has significantly reduced the marriage rate in China.”

Using 20 years of data, they found that for every 1,000 yuan ($140) increase in property prices per square meter, the marriage rate falls by 0.3%. With housing prices in large Chinese cities rivaling those in the west, such price increases put significant dents in the marriage rate, according to the study.

“As housing prices continue to rise, many young people opt out of marriage because they cannot afford to buy a house,” said study author Zhou Hongyong.

So many Chinese have decided not to buy a home and remain unmarried that even if housing prices fall, the generational shift may have already cemented, a Chinese economist told local media in September.

The government is in a difficult spot. It wants to boost the property market because rising prices means rising wealth for the hordes of Chinese who put their life savings in housing. But this would exacerbate the unattainability of purchasing property.

Ripples have also been felt in areas effected by the marriage rate, such as fertility. After a two-year lag, birthrates began to fall at roughly the same rate. China now faces a demographic crisis, with a shrinking population that will have too few workers to support a vast number of elderly citizens.

In 2001, China implemented legislation prohibiting unmarried women from any form of assisted reproductive technology (ART), including freezing one’s eggs. Women have pushed back against the law, by going overseas in droves to freeze their eggs and by challenging the legality of the legislation.

Last year, a Beijing court threw out a lawsuit from a women who said a hospital had refused to freeze her eggs because she was single. But officials may have taken notice. Other women have since filed suit.

In March, the National Health Commission began formally seeking expert opinion on allowing egg-freezing and other ART procedures, a step usually taken before legislation is introduced.

While foreign—particularly American ART companies—have benefited from this Chinese influx, a relaxation in the policy in China would mean a boon for the nascent fertility industry.

Experts that Barron’s spoke to were skeptical that the government, or the private sector, could easily intervene, or had the willingness to do so, to reduce work hours and pressure in hopes of improving marriage and fertility rates.

Not only are private companies reluctant to shrink working hours or take other employee-friendly measures because of cutthroat industry competitiveness, but firms could impede government from doing so, said Eli Friedman, chair of International and Comparative Labor at Cornell University who specializes in China.

“If the government were to require fewer working hours without a reduction in wages—which would be necessary for people to still afford living expenses in large cities—you would see tremendous pushback from companies, as it would undermine a key tenet of their business model,” he told Barron’s.

Zhenchao Qian, professor of sociology at Brown University, said that long hours in the private sector aren’t the primary reason for low fertility rates. Those who work in government or state sectors don’t necessarily work long hours but still marry late and have fewer children, he pointed out.

“It probably has more to do with the cost of raising children and poor job prospects even when children go to top tiered universities, that discourage marriage and fertility,” he said.

The government right now views economic development as more urgent than addressing the marriage and fertility problem, experts said. But policy makers still need to engage but tread lightly. “As a more effective approach, the government can contribute by addressing cultural attitudes toward marriage and family, modifying laws and regulations to influence the costs and benefits of having children,” said Haizheng Li, professor of economics at the Georgia Institute of Technology.


July 29, 2023 5:46 pm

Rumors of a New Russian Mobilization, and Other Interesting Things

29 JUL 2023

Today, I wanted to discuss rumors that Russia may be gearing up for a large new mobilization of troops. I think this is a possibility, but I’ll go through each point for and against the idea.

Firstly, the rumors stem from a couple random posts like this one:

There is a large web of corroborating information that we’ll try to sort through and make sense out of.

Firstly, let’s state that many observers have been calling for Russia to do a new mobilization for a very long time, but with quite contradictory approaches. People like Strelkov, in the same breath, derided Russia for not being able to ‘adequately provide’ arms, armor, ammo, equipment, etc., to the current batch of troops, yet at the same time called for “one million men” to be immediately mobilized. How do you accoutre one million men when you’re struggling to do so for 300k+?

Let’s also state the reminder that the current conflict represents the largest mobilization of manpower Russia has ever experienced since WW2. In every previous conflict going back to Afghanistan, Russia has utilized at most around 110k simultaneous troops at any given time, and in most of them far less—around 70-80k for the Chechen wars, Georgia 2008, etc.

So when they called up 300k reservists last year, this represented a historic challenge to the Russian state’s administrative mechanisms. There were many problems, but just as many on-the-fly solutions which were constantly remedying issues. Russia adapted with incredible agility to these unprecedented demands, such that the current army one year later barely resembles that of last year.

This is all to say that most people who don’t understand logistics can’t even fathom the gargantuan task of outfitting an army of that size from scratch. Over time, it became evident that one of the main reasons that the mobilization itself was the size that it was, and why no further mobilization was carried out, was due to Russia’s inability to properly equip anything larger. Sure, there were tons of legacy Soviet stockpiles of equipment, but it takes a large amount of time to get it out of mothballs.

However, as Putin and Shoigu diligently launched the productive industries into over-drive and a semi-war-footing, Russian supplies began to catch up to the demand, albeit in uneven fashion, as can be expected. This brings us to the present where whispers have begun to form that Russia is now producing so much that expanding operations could soon be viable.

I first reported the above in one of the recent reports, a comment made by Andrei Gurulev, state Duma deputy and a respected ex-general of the Russian armed forces. He said, basically, that should production continue increasing at the current pace, it will be able to equip another mobilized army. I’ll quote him again here to have everything in one concise place:

A new partial mobilization is possible with an increase in industrial turnover in Russia. This condition was called by a member of the State Duma Committee on Defense, Lieutenant General Andrey Gurulev
:”Partial mobilization comes from completely different parameters. From the ability of our industry to provide the group that is currently performing combat tasks. Today, our industry is able to provide the grouping that is on its own. If something is more than that, then it will be considered, ” he said.

There are several sudden initiatives that appear to underline his statements and give weight to the growing argument that Russia may soon be ready. The most notable have been the statements issued by another two key Russian figures, the first of which is Andrey Kartapolov. He’s a high ranking member of the defense sector, now serving as chairman of the defense committee in the state Duma and is also an ex-general himself, who had previously commanded the Western Military District amongst other formations.

In this new video, he’s arguing for the Duma to pass a new bill which raises the conscription age from 18-27 to 18-30:

A few things to note about this.

Firstly, what he’s saying is, there were efforts by other legislators to include provisions in the bill for giving various exemptions for people to get out of conscription. For instance, people who have a dependent child with a disability, as well as for fathers with three or more minor children.

What concerned everyone was his urgent statement that this bill was written for a much larger war which is already ‘on the air’, so to speak. There are many interpretations of this, with some assuming he’s referring to a wider Ukrainian escalation. But it’s clear he’s referring to the more long term potential for a war with NATO which inches closer each day, as evidenced by the recent Polish developments, etc.

The issue is confusing at first glance, because he’s referring to conscription not ‘mobilization’ in terms of what happened in September 2022. How it works in Russia is that anyone aged 18-27 has to serve their compulsory one year of service, but you get deferments for being in school, grad school, etc. So if you finish grad school at age 25, you still have to serve because you’re under 27. This new bill is changing the limit to 30.

But the compulsory conscript service has nothing to do with mobilization for Ukraine, directly speaking. The way it’s connected is that in Russia, anyone who’s served as a conscript automatically gets put on the ‘reserves’ list. The mobilization pool is taken from the reserves. However, the 300k mobilized last year during the official ‘partial mobilization’ specifically chose people from the pool who already had previous combat experience or were ex-contract soldiers (who served under contract and retired or simply left after the contract expiration, etc.).

The reason for this is because, since almost every male in Russia ends up on the reserves list, there is a giant pool of 25 million reservists. And to mobilize 300k from that, they don’t need to tap into all the ones who merely served the 1 year compulsory conscription but had no further experience beyond that. There were plenty other reservists who had much more experience and willingness, and those were the ones called up.

So at first glance, Kartapolov’s bill doesn’t appear related to mobilization but rather annual conscription. However, the way it’s related is that it creates a larger conscription pool which further creates a larger trained reserves in general, from which future members can be mobilized.

Little known is the fact that Kartapolov addressed and clarified his comments in an interview days later:

July 29, 2023 5:47 pm

Just been visiting the house/ museum of Uncle Ho’s 2nd in the party.
A couple of vital lessons.
Unions were cancer and the critical factor organising.
Don’t imprison your commies on a “ devils island” for 12 years and be overly surprised when they get away and devote the rest of their time overthrowing you.

Interesting little museum, many of the plaques had English translations.

Lots of pictures including one I hadn’t seen of the ( from the translation) “ fight never surrender” banner being hoisted over the French command bunker at dien bin phu.

Tough old bastard, 12years on hellhole island. And another 12 or so living in the mountains running the revolt against the French before another decade as president during the American war.
Died at 90, just before the Soviet Union imploded.

Cassie of Sydney
July 29, 2023 5:47 pm

My stepfather is very ill, seeing him today was quite distressing. My mother is steadily losing the plot, her way of coping is to go out and spend money, this week alone she spent a thousand dollars on three sets of bed linen, now that might be okay if she had no linen but she has sets that are still in the packaging in her linen cupboard. She has a wardrobe full of stuff she’s bought and has never opened. My sister, stepsister and I are trying to sort out their finances, my mother has always been clueless, she would be given “housekeeping” every week, and just use the AMEX and her DJs card.

Yesterday my sister was going through Mum’s fridge, and it wasn’t pretty expedition. My mother has always liked to go to Coles and Aldi and buy stuff she never uses. In the fridge my sister discovered seven tubs of butter, half empty bottles of sauces, one of which, when my sister checked the use by date, she got the shock of her life, the sauce expired in 2012! Now, I’m not really into use by dates but a sauce that expired in 2012 needs to be chucked, and chucked in the bin it was!

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 29, 2023 5:47 pm

Queensland helicopter crash: Debris pulled from water as four crew feared dead
Caleb RuncimanThe West Australian
Sat, 29 July 2023 3:44PM

Debris from a military helicopter that crashed landed into the ocean at an ADF training exercise near Hamilton Island is being pulled from the water as four Australian crew are feared dead.

The MRH-90 Taipan military helicopter crashed at about 10.30pm on Friday during a two-helicopter mission as part of Exercise Talisman Sabre in Queensland.

An exclusion zone of more than 1000m metres has been established in the Whitsunday waters as helicopters, police boats and marine rescue vessels pull parts of the chopper from the water.

The tail of the chopper was seen being pulled from the water and onto a barge.

Several countries are understood to be assisting in the rescue efforts including Canada and the US as about 800 people are involved in the search and rescue operation.

All four missing crew members are from Sydney’s 6th Aviation Regiment, Holsworthy Barracks.

July 29, 2023 5:56 pm

Sorry, to hear that Cass.

I think our mothers were related. We found stuff like shoes in boxes that had never been used, Clothes with tags and kitchen ware. I never believed it. The masses of unused tea towels was just incredible. The accumulation was both at home and the hobby farm. I can’t recall how many skips we ordered.

July 29, 2023 6:00 pm

Cassie, I feel for you. Just had a similar discussion with my brother. My parents have become secretive, reclusive and defensive as their physical needs become more pronounced. It’s a fear response. Tough times ahead.

July 29, 2023 6:00 pm

Jul 29, 2023 5:44 PM

They really are screwed. Get a load of the youth unemployment rate and what someone speculates is the hidden rate.

Ripples have also been felt in areas effected by the marriage rate, such as fertility. After a two-year lag, birthrates began to fall at roughly the same rate.

China now faces a demographic crisis, with a shrinking population that will have too few workers to support a vast number of elderly citizens.


Hence why China is exporting their Aged to Australia – just wander though OutPatients or Cancer Centres in our Hospitals

July 29, 2023 6:00 pm

This is the chapôn_??c_Th?ng

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 29, 2023 6:00 pm

Just been visiting the house/ museum of Uncle Ho’s 2nd in the party.

Le Duc Tho?

July 29, 2023 6:04 pm

That sounds very distressing, Cassie.
Words are inadequate at the best of times.

July 29, 2023 6:06 pm

A little hard to pin down but a big mover and shaker.

Frogs even used the old ball and chain fetters on the island.

July 29, 2023 6:07 pm

Rumors of a New Russian Mobilization, and Other Interesting Things

29 JUL 2023

For a Country that is supposed to be Repressive vs the Mafia Crooks in DC America, the Series of Poll results shown in this article show a quite free Russian Society

Cassie of Sydney
July 29, 2023 6:08 pm

Thanks JC and Calli. During the week Mum had yet another fall, she lay on the ground for half an hour, wriggled to get her mobile, my nephew had to leave his office and go to her apartment (he has spare keys). My sister texted me after my nephew got to the apartment. Anyway, she fell trying to pick up something, and now her forehead is bruised black and blue because she hit her head on the way down. She refused to see a doctor, but everyday she’s visiting my stepfather in hospital and the doctor treating my stepfather said to my mother on Thursday, “what happened to your forehead?”, “did you see a doctor?”. I know Mum is hiding stuff from us.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
July 29, 2023 6:09 pm

Yesterday my sister was going through Mum’s fridge, and it wasn’t pretty expedition.

That’s tough Cassie. Your mum sounds like a lot like my mum. My stepfather did all the financial stuff, but he passed away several years ago. I look after her accounts and financials now which she asked me to do. Usually goes well but not always. Still it’s her money. Her two fridges and two more freezers look like a squirrel’s acorn cache. There’s enough in them to feed an army.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
July 29, 2023 6:10 pm

Frogs even used the old ball and chain fetters on the island.

They still used the guillotine, as well.

July 29, 2023 6:16 pm

“I want to find a guy.” After a long pause, she added, “But it’s hard.”

“-because he must own a house outright and have $2mill cash in the bank, be 6’2″, handsome and come from a wealthy family well connected to the CCP”

July 29, 2023 6:16 pm

Cassie of Sydney
Jul 29, 2023 6:08 PM

Thanks JC and Calli. During the week Mum had yet another fall, she lay on the ground for half an hour, wriggled to get her mobile, my nephew had to leave his office and go to her apartment (he has spare keys). My sister texted me after my nephew got to the apartment.


you should get a Personal Fall Alarm

They also include an SOS button for the wearer to press and send an immediate alert to a call centre (if you have a subscription-based personal alarm) or a list of contacts that you can program into the device. This SOS button can also send a text message.


Personal alarms are primarily advertised as products that can provide life-saving emergency communication for the elderly when they have an accident. But these devices, which are also known as life or safety alarms, can also help protect children, solo workers, those living independently with a disability and even people recuperating after surgery or illness.

When these small devices are triggered they send an emergency alert to pre-set mobile phone numbers or a 24-hour monitoring service. Many personal alarms also perform other functions such as location tracking, automated location updates and some even let you install additional entertainment apps.

But despite the advertising, some test results and feedback from our members show that personal alarms may not be as safe as they claim. While we still test personal alarms and publish the scores, we won’t give any a CHOICE recommendation.

On this page:

. How do personal alarms work?
. Why we don’t recommend personal alarms
. What are the different types of personal alarm?
. How much do personal alarms cost?
. Do you need a personal alarm subscription?
. Important safety features to look for
. Do personal alarms protect your privacy?
. What’s the best personal alarm for the elderly?
. What’s the best personal alarm for children?

Why we don’t recommend personal alarms

As an organisation that tests these products, we feel we have a duty to inform you of which products reasonably meet their claims, and which do not. However, we will no longer recommend any personal alarms.

We conduct real-world tests when assessing personal alarms, which are designed to replicate consumer usage during day-to-day life. But experiences are subjective, and we’ve received a number of emails from members detailing how their personal alarms were faulty or didn’t work as advertised. These complaints occurred across a number of brands and models, which we feel points to problems with the personal alarm industry as a whole.

We’ve received a number of emails from members detailing how their personal alarms were faulty or didn’t work as advertised

We will continue to test, score and publish personal alarm reviews so you can make an informed decision if you need to buy one for yourself or a relative. In addition to listing products that we find to perform appropriately, we’ll highlight the models you shouldn’t buy.

Responsible supplier certification

Products that connect to mobile networks must be compliant with the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) requirements for suppliers. This includes personal alarms. To be compliant, the seller or their agent must be registered as a responsible supplier in the National Equipment Registration System (NERS) database. Without this registration, there’s no way to confirm that the seller’s products are safe.

Our test lists which suppliers provided this registration to us, or failing that, whether we could find them in the NERS database. If they don’t provide proof, or if we can’t find it in the NERS database, then the personal alarm scores zero as we can’t guarantee that it’s safe to use.

July 29, 2023 6:17 pm

Jul 29, 2023 6:16 PM

“I want to find a guy.” After a long pause, she added, “But it’s hard.”

“-because he must own a house outright and have $2mill cash in the bank, be 6’2?, handsome and come from a wealthy family well connected to the CCP”

Damn – I Fail!

July 29, 2023 6:19 pm

Cats – given the Cass’s revelations above, it’s time to post a comment about my wonderful night last night.

Headed over to cousin Anne’s place in the convertible with the roof and windows down (a balmy 18 degrees at 6:45pm) for a Friday night dinner with her, her hubby and the two beautiful young ladies that are their daughters.

Catholic conservatives, they are. The goils are exquisite pale skinned brunettes (18 and 21) yet they seem a lot less worldly than Miss Jess last week.

As the night went on it was encouraging to see Anne and her hubby increasingly agree with most (91.3%) of my pronouncements about the monstrous (and very obvious) decline of the West.

Non collectivists, Cats – they are out there, the scratching below the surface is increasingly necessary to reveal them.

Do not be afraid to engage in some digging. 🙂

Robert Sewell
July 29, 2023 6:20 pm

Steve Trickler:
Daily Oshkosh Highlights! – Thursday – EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2023
The first minute with the Constellation – beautiful.
AT 5.30ish – The Osprey, I love this bit of kit, just the thing for dropping off counter insurgency forces behind lines.
Best part? The Radial engine aircraft – nothing quite like the sound. I was hoping for an FW 190A to be there but alas!

July 29, 2023 6:22 pm

Damn – I Fail!

Hahah. It seems like a world wide phenomenon. Women over estimate their value, and men underestimate theirs.

Cassie of Sydney
July 29, 2023 6:23 pm

” We found stuff like shoes in boxes that had never been used, Clothes with tags and kitchen ware. I never believed it. The masses of unused tea towels was just incredible. “

Yep…Mum collects bedlinen, towels (she’s partial to Sheridan) and Sportscraft clothes, the wardrobe in the spare room has clothes in it that she’s never worn, that still have price tags on them!

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
July 29, 2023 6:28 pm

How about you check your diet and make changes, retards.

Porky people should be wary of this. It’s sucking people in.

Not sure about its use in Australia.

The HighWire with Del Bigtree:

Everyone seems to know someone taking Ozempic these days. But, it’s not all roses for the wonder weight loss drug, with serious side effects including suicidal ideations and stomach paralysis. Jefferey Jaxen reports.


July 29, 2023 6:29 pm

Cassie, best wishes for your mum and step dad, also, not forgetting yourself and your family.
Have been through this with mum before she passed nine years ago. One thing I will add, having had to deal with it myself, your mum will need to have someone she and your family can trust to be with her constantly. As I found with my mum, she became easy prey for people who did not have her best interests as their objective. This is why I had her live with me until I had to make the decision, due to her dementia, to place her in a home.
As they become more frail, they start to become suspicious of family and people they have always been able to trust and start to believe complete strangers.

Robert Sewell
July 29, 2023 6:39 pm

Jul 28, 2023 4:46 PM

…there is no justice – it is always the self-interest of those in power.

Isn’t that the bloke who had his head promptly lopped off by the Emperor who said “I’m not killing old friends – I’m killing new enemies”?

Robert Sewell
July 29, 2023 6:49 pm

Jul 28, 2023 5:10 PM
As for Sam Newman, ” “In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
Good man. I’d buy him a beer. There’s a place in our society in these dark times for a man who speaks the truth, come what may.

Delta A
Delta A
July 29, 2023 6:49 pm

During the week Mum had yet another fall,

Sorry to hear this, Cassie. Just one more drama to pile on the others.

After our house buddy’s complications post serious fall, I do agree that you should seek medical attention. Your Mum might be hiding something, as you suspect, so try to make the appointment for something minor and go along with her “for support”. Parents can be cagey old buggers, trying to protect us, but inevitably worrying you more.

I wish you all the best. You are a strong woman, but when it’s our Mums, we all need all the help we can get.

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
July 29, 2023 6:50 pm

Non collectivists, Cats – they are out there, the scratching below the surface is increasingly necessary to reveal them.

I found one just last night: 12 months ago he was pro renewables and very pro electric cars.
Now he is scathing on the subjects of EVs and the abandonment of coal and gas.
The reason? Power bills, the ban on gas stoves, and EV failures.

Cassie of Sydney
July 29, 2023 6:53 pm

Thanks Pogria, BoN, Delta and everyone.

Robert Sewell
July 29, 2023 6:59 pm

Bruce O’Nuke:

Is that anything like an Australia Card?

The HitlerCard or the StalinCard
Had the Bodgie with the hair used his noggin, he’d have gone for just welfare fraud crackdown, but no, he wanted it to be his Legacy.

July 29, 2023 7:04 pm

So sorry to hear of your troubles Cassie.

My mother-in-law is showing real signs of dementia.

She’s over with us for the weekend as it’s my better halves 60th birthday party tomorrow afternoon. Just an hour ago she commented a couple of times as to who was that young woman in the house – it was our daughter her granddaughter.

It’s quite depressing to see loved family members deteriorating before our eyes.

July 29, 2023 7:10 pm

do you have a Rabbi that is well known to your mum? You could ask him to visit and have a chat with her. Although we are grown, our parents always see us as children and find it very difficult to take on help and advice from us. Mum was always happier and easier to deal with after she had had a chat with a Priest. Just a thought.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
July 29, 2023 7:11 pm


His dad would be proud. All this makes sense when you consider what has come out from the lunatics mouth. When he eventually passes, those attending the funeral should have a MOAB dropped on them.

Klaus Schwab and Hitler

July 29, 2023 7:16 pm

err, Cats – this is likely to seem incredibly self indulgent, (for a change) but I’d like to post some guest threads over the next few months about matters, “Economic”.

A logical continuation of Perfesser Davidson’s Vision of bringing “Economics” to the populace.

As preposterous as Economics may seem, it can be usefully applied. Here’s some free introductory examples of the quality of the content:

First Lesson: Anyone you hear referring to “economic theory” is an ignoramus and can be instantly ignored from that point on.

Second lesson: “Rational consumers” do not exist. I’ve been scouring for the globe for many decades in the hope of a chance encounter with one. In the interim, I’ve had to settle for encountering the Loch Ness Monster, three Unicorns and Bigfoot.

Third Lesson: “Rabz’ Economic Guest Post, XXX 202X”*

*Available only to “Special Catallaxy Subscribers” (e.g. everyone who accesses this esteemed blogue)

July 29, 2023 7:17 pm

Robert Sewell
Jul 29, 2023 6:39 PM

Isn’t that the bloke who had his head promptly lopped off by the Emperor who said “I’m not killing old friends – I’m killing new enemies”?

I don’t know, Robert. It’s a borrowed quote.
I used to be fascinated by ancient history, but since the covidiocy, I’ve decided to convert all of my energy into bitterness and a pathological desire for vengeance.

Robert Sewell
July 29, 2023 7:20 pm

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Jul 28, 2023 6:39 PM

Is there a Welcome to Country gateway at Kingsford Smith yet? All entrants to Oz should pay $10 and be smoked with eucalyptus leaves after Customs

It’s only a matter of time!

There will very quickly be a levy imposed, I don’t know about the “Bestowing of Eucalyptus Carbins, but.”

July 29, 2023 7:20 pm

Rabz, I’m on board. 😀

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
July 29, 2023 7:20 pm

What is this N.D.A he speaks off? Weird sh*t going on in the background. Check out the body language.

It could be nothing.

Was He Going To Talk About N.D.A.?

July 29, 2023 7:20 pm

Close mate’s grandson is one of the NH-90 crew.
I can’t get down there because my lady is still in hospital.
Getting old can be trying.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
July 29, 2023 7:27 pm

Winston – When Hawkie had his Australia Card idea I was living in Tassie. Several of us from our church had meetingses as you do, actual ones about the threat of it! I look back on those innocent days with fondness, since today we’re now living in a fascist state I never thought could’ve happened in Australia. Thirty five years is all it took, from those Australia Card protest days. If Albo comes up with a national ID card it will be just icing on what already exists.

July 29, 2023 7:28 pm

Go for it Rabz . . . is it replacing or additional to your Saturday night Radio Shows ?

July 29, 2023 7:29 pm

Oh dear, bons. Close to home. Bugger.

July 29, 2023 7:31 pm

Yes please. I’d be keen to learn sumfink.

Robert Sewell
July 29, 2023 7:35 pm

I posted:
“These tweets of threats – you HAVE passed them on to the the police haven’ t you?”
She sounds like someone who makes claims on line, but can’t/won’t prove them.

July 29, 2023 7:41 pm

Sorry to hear that news bons.

July 29, 2023 7:42 pm

Wolfie – in addition.

Posting one guest thread a month isn’t exactly exerting myself.

The ignorance of “Economics” among the populace, however, is a source of much ongoing annoyance.

Most “Economics” is just common sense leavened with some basic knowledge of the Scientific Method.

July 29, 2023 7:43 pm

Sounds good Rabz. In senior HS we used a book by E D Shade.

July 29, 2023 7:50 pm

Most “Economics” is just common sense leavened with some basic knowledge of the Scientific Method.

Plus chicken entrails.

Never forget those. Very perceptive. 🙂

I understand many inner city types acquired chooks during the first heady days of Covid. Any annoying local roosters around to provide your first augury?

Robert Sewell
July 29, 2023 7:50 pm
The Biden Administration remains a ten litre bucket of pus – which has been overflowing for decades.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
July 29, 2023 7:53 pm

A revisit of this clip.

100 years ago Malins and McDowell exposed their film to the light capturing a moment in time.
It’s very difficult to understand and watch the original film as they were very limited by technology and the danger. Malins risked his life on several occasions making this film, being right on the front line with a huge box camera sticking out above the trench. After watching the film many times, over many years, I wanted to find these locations and stand in their foot prints and re film.
Some locations were easy to find, some took much research and some I haven’t yet been able to locate, but all the ones in this documentary are within yards to feet of where they filmed originally, none are guesses or just possibilities. I hope you enjoy watching and it helps you to understand please leave comments this is worth more to me than earning money i ask for nothing but love remarks

The Somme then and now.. 1916 – 2016

July 29, 2023 7:54 pm


Why she fell should be explored if it’s possible: she allows it. Sometimes falls are related to heart or brain issues. My mother fell and never recovered. She was gone mentally and bed ridden as a result of the fall for 4 years before she died. The fall caused a bleed on both sides of her brain. She also had a heart attack on the same day as the fall, which the doc confirmed occurs quite often. During those years I was only able to get her attention for 10 seconds per visit if I was lucky and then she was away with the fairies.

July 29, 2023 7:56 pm

Jul 29, 2023 7:42 PM
Wolfie – in addition.

Posting one guest thread a month isn’t exactly exerting myself.

The ignorance of “Economics” among the populace, however, is a source of much ongoing annoyance.

Most “Economics” is just common sense leavened with some basic knowledge of the Scientific Method.

Outstanding ! ! !

Most “Economics” is just common sense . . . so very true.

July 29, 2023 7:56 pm

Okay. The aborigines dancing at the MCG look unwell. A terrible pallor afflicts them. A rather angry young woman did a very unpleasant “welcome”. Perhaps her tummy ached.

The New Zealand national anthem is positively wholesome in contrast.

eric hinton
eric hinton
July 29, 2023 8:00 pm

Sounds good Rabz

To Hell With Poverty

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
July 29, 2023 8:01 pm

The Wallabies Test at the MCG is preceded by an acknowledgement of country, not a welcome. Not sure what the difference is but it may have something to do with a phrase the speaker used – “unceeded territory”.
We will lose for sure now.

July 29, 2023 8:02 pm

Nice, prolonged kiwi line dance, an unwelcoming “welcome” and a jazzed up ozzie anthem.

Apart from the delightful juniors with radiant faces accompanying the players onto the field…it looks like woke business as usual at the rugby.

July 29, 2023 8:03 pm

Bledisloe WTC

Don’t welcome me
to my own country
no don’t welcome me
where we are one and free.
We live here too
we’re just as good as you
So don’t welcome me
to my own country.

July 29, 2023 8:04 pm

Looking forward to the Economics 101, Rabz.

July 29, 2023 8:05 pm

Oh, I see.

We invite pallid female drips onto the pitch to tell us how horrible we are. They cavort around a bit and are paid handsomely for their efforts. Then we applaud them.

Stupid country.

Robert Sewell
July 29, 2023 8:07 pm

Mother Lode
Jul 28, 2023 7:52 PM

I just found out that the scientific name for the arrangement of spikes on a stegosaurus’ tail is ‘thagomizer’, after a Far Side cartoon gave it that name.

I’m still going through the Dilbert Viewer that someone kindly put up. I’m up to Sunday 3/3/2011 even though I try to ration myself…

July 29, 2023 8:08 pm

“unceeded territory”.

Hand over all enemy currency and goods and fornicate off to the bush then. Literally nothing stopping you longnose tribe from doing that.

July 29, 2023 8:11 pm


Robert Sewell
July 29, 2023 8:11 pm

Farmer Gez
Jul 28, 2023 7:57 PM:
DrVicFielding – yet another example of the Streisand Effect. You’d expect a genius level doctor of of …? would be smart enough to to shut up, but, no…

H B Bear
H B Bear
July 29, 2023 8:12 pm

Most “Economics” is just common sense leavened with some basic knowledge of the Scientific Method.

If you have not already discovered it the Econtalk podcast is outstanding.

July 29, 2023 8:12 pm
H B Bear
H B Bear
July 29, 2023 8:14 pm

We need a goodbye to country for the Wallabies.

July 29, 2023 8:14 pm

Commiserations to Cassie and other Çats coping with aged parents. My Mum at 90 is tending towards the opposite of hoarding by digging out things to get rid of.

My Dad’s tidy 3rd edition Melway was gone before I thought to ask about it, and I should digitise those slides if they aren’t already in the bin.

The latest is my Grandmother’s postcard album from circa 1911, as collected by a tween girl living in Southend-on-Sea. A wonderful insight that Mum thought should be put in the rubbish featuring locations, venues and stars, such as they were then. Naturally most of the cards have fallen loose fron the slits in the page and are loose therein.

Also, my Dad’s half-completed war savings stamp sheet. Rick Milne, who does valuations in a guest spot on Luke Grant’s overnight 2GB slot reckons it might be worth a pineapple.

Mum’s still driving to the shops, not sure for how long now. At least it’s a small degree of independence.

July 29, 2023 8:19 pm

On the “welcome” vs. “acknowledgement”…

One appears to have superseded the other, and I wonder why. Is it because too many people are aware of the fraudulence of Dingo’s tongue in cheek invention? Or is it a ramping up of pre-Voice truculence?

Also, shouldn’t he be called Ernie Warragul? It’s all so confusing.

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Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x