Open Thread – Mon 31 July 2023

Camille Monet in the Garden, Claude Monet, 1873

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August 1, 2023 10:38 pm

If the Libs had a nut between them they could be calling for a RC into the waste/ in effectiveness and plunder of the $90,000,000 a day spent on Abo issues.
It would torpedo a thousand iron ricebowls and might even cause some reasonable outcomes.

John H.
John H.
August 1, 2023 11:00 pm

Aug 1, 2023 9:32 PM

A new Flinders University-led study published in Cancer Cell, one of the world’s top cancer journals, finds that specific circular RNAs within many of us can stick to the DNA in our cells and cause DNA mutations which result in cancer.

“While environmental and genetic factors have long been believed the major contributors to cancer, this revolutionary finding – which we call ‘ER3D’ (from ‘endogenous RNA directed DNA damage’) – ushers in an entirely new area of medical and molecular biology research,” says Flinders University Professor Simon Conn, who leads the Circular RNAs in Cancer Laboratory at the Flinders Health and Medical Research Institute.

The research compared the neonatal blood tests or Guthrie cards of babies who went on to develop acute leukemia as infants with children without any blood disorders. This found that one specific circular RNA was present at much higher levels at birth, prior to onset of the symptoms of leukemia. “

I have a question, but I’ll see what you say first.

I read the news report earlier today.

ushers in an entirely new area of medical and molecular biology research

They are always anxious to claim priority, to be the first. Fair enough, there’s value in that but the refs provided on the article webpage clearly indicate this is not something new under the sun. I’m not particularly excited by this finding. It makes sense that leukemia in children has an intrinsic origin rather than an environmental mutagen.

I hate titles like “to what causes cancer”. Cancer is a category of conditions.

This reference is free available and possibly provides a good overview:
The Yin and Yang of R-loop biology

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
August 1, 2023 11:04 pm

Morsie, earlier:

Any batting candidates to replace the incumbents,preferably under 30?

Warner is gone. Khawaja is going. Smith is also going within two years
Starc is going. Hazlewood is almost gone. Lyon will never be near his best again – for anyone over 35, calf injuries are career killers.

The team has to be rebuilt around the new skipper, Travis Head, along with Carey, Green, Murphy, Labbashagnee and potentially Mitch Marsh at 7.

There need to be two specialist openers – none of this makeshift Shane Watson/Joe Burns rubbish. One can stay for two years – possibly Marcus Harris – but the other one needs to be chosen young and stuck with for five years at least. Ashley Chandrasinghe from Victoria might fill that role, with Harris being replaced by SA’s Henry Hunt as a long term option.

Michael Neser can fill the seamer role, with either Jhye Richardson or more likely Lance Morris for pure pace.

All this needs to be done inside twelve months, otherwise it’s years in the wilderness.

August 1, 2023 11:07 pm

How do you get .4% from 70/8200? I

Oh, I used the GDP number.

Anyway, I used budget outlays for ’22 which was 6010B which gives 1.16%.

As I said, why use federal government outlays? Total government outlay is relevant for the reason I mentioned. If you’re taking away funds from Americans, then the transfers should be looked at against all spending. In fact it should really be looked at against GDP. Ignore government and just look at it from a GDP perspective. I appreciate that it helps your argument to make the figure look bigger, but it doesn’t show the true impact.

This is a huge amount even if you take it as removing older items, but are Javelins, Himars, M777s, Bradleys and the like really near obsolete vehicles or equipment? And what of ammo?

Argue however you want on this matter. If you’re sending over used or relatively old equipment , it’s not the same as brand spanking new stuff. Ukraine has complained about this.

August 1, 2023 11:11 pm

anyone into lidar tech / startup investment?

August 1, 2023 11:13 pm

One problem Knuckles. You and the rest of Australia don’t wear blinkers like the selectors do. They only see what they want to see.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
August 1, 2023 11:29 pm
Bruce in WA
August 1, 2023 11:34 pm

Seems as though this man’s car was stolen, but the thieves were unaware that nowadays, you can track your car’s location. Which is what Our Hero did, and confronted said scumbags in a mall parking lot. He made them get out of the car at gunpoint and sit on the ground while everyone awaited the arrival of the San Antonio police.

Well, our Senior Scumbag wasn’t going to take this lying (sitting?) down, so he pulled his own gun and popped off at the car owner.

Whereupon Our Hero wasted the fucker AND shot Scumbag’s accomplice in the leg, I assume lest she wanted to retrieve her late partner’s gun and continue the festivities.

Quote of the day comes from the SAPD chief:

‘Certainly a case of self-defense, is what we have.’

Then, for the lawyers, he added (no doubt with a shrug):

‘We would prefer that they call the police before taking that into your own hands, but he did what he felt he needed to do.’

I think some applause for both the chief and Our Hero would be appropriate:

Can you imagine, even in your wildest dreams, an outcome like this?

No, nor I.

Bruce in WA
August 1, 2023 11:35 pm

So why am I awaiting moderation? This is new!

Bruce in WA
August 1, 2023 11:36 pm

OK, so it went straight through despite the dire warning. I give up …

Bruce in WA
August 1, 2023 11:37 pm

No, it didn’t.

Fark … time for bed.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
August 1, 2023 11:39 pm

TFM opined:

If the Libs had a nut between them they could be calling for a RC into the waste/ in effectiveness and plunder of the $90,000,000 a day spent on Abo issues.

Next you’ll be asking for a Royal Commission into why so many Royal Commissions result in no beneficial changes.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
August 1, 2023 11:49 pm

Reports in the media that the Poms refused to have a beer with the Australian team post-Ashes, despite several formal and informal requests being made.

Typical filthy English.

Hypocritical flogs who ignore their own unsportsmanlike behaviour but who cry, moan and cry foul again when the actual rules of the game are applied to them.

Apparently during the Blitz the English didn’t need air raid sirens. Someone just served up kippers and blood pudding slightly warmer than usual, and away they went.

A disgusting, insular island race of wannabe-French.

John H.
John H.
August 1, 2023 11:52 pm

Aug 1, 2023 11:07 PM
How do you get .4% from 70/8200? I

Oh, I used the GDP number.

Anyway, I used budget outlays for ’22 which was 6010B which gives 1.16%.

As I said, why use federal government outlays? Total government outlay is relevant for the reason I mentioned. If you’re taking away funds from Americans, then the transfers should be looked at against all spending. In fact it should really be looked at against GDP. Ignore government and just look at it from a GDP perspective. I appreciate that it helps your argument to make the figure look bigger, but it doesn’t show the true impact.

This is a huge amount even if you take it as removing older items, but are Javelins, Himars, M777s, Bradleys and the like really near obsolete vehicles or equipment? And what of ammo?

Argue however you want on this matter. If you’re sending over used or relatively old equipment , it’s not the same as brand spanking new stuff. Ukraine has complained about this.

The old stuff is paid for and is off limited use to the USA. They have thousands of AMRAAM air to air missiles lying around but have already developed AIM260s and Peregrine missiles which are much more potent. They have little use of anti-tank weaponry. The USA’s big challenge is the next generation aircraft, prototypes already flying, and naval warfare(new stealthy very long range cruise missiles). Europe has the meteor missile which is superior to all current missiles. Ukraine will see none of those missiles. It’s getting the old stuff and it should be grateful for it the whiney prats.

BTW saw an interview with a fighter pilot talking about the loyal wingmen concept. He said the huge difference is that whereas a pilot is making multiple decisions all the time the automatons are making hundreds if not thousands more decisions in the same timeframe and it shows in their performance. Much smoother flight patterns. Scary stuff for human pilots, they will die. That’s the future, what Ukraine is getting are weapons from the former century.

August 1, 2023 11:59 pm

Yeah John, thanks for providing a more detailed context to my point. The way the US government values the transfers overestimates the real value of the material being sent to the Ukraine.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
August 2, 2023 12:06 am

Why on earth are the Matildas playing in teal strips?

August 2, 2023 12:33 am

How much is the cost of replacing the Javelins they sent to Ukraine, JC?

It’s obviously a portion of the US$70 billion. I don’t know what they cost the US government. Do you? I’m guessing its not US$70 billion.

What is the cost of replacing the HIMARs?

See above.

The US taxpayer isn’t going to replace a thousand 5-year old Javelins with a thousand 5-year old Javelins. They are going to purchase them at full price from Raytheon and Lockheed Martyn, so they not only lose what they had but they also must fork out the full cost price to replace them, so they loss is even worse than the 70B we are working with. It’s probably 50% more than that.

You’re double counting.
The government doesn’t account with a balance sheet. Once the cost of the old equipment is paid for and brought into the budget, that’s it and becomes a sunk cost.

August 2, 2023 12:38 am

The US taxpayer isn’t going to replace a thousand 5-year old Javelins with a thousand 5-year old Javelins.

That’s also disputable. Military equipment has a useful life and if it isn’t used it then gets trashed. I don’t know if a Javlin has a life cycle of 5 or even 10 years. A 5 year old missile isn’t brand new and shouldn’t be valued at cost even though the US Government would show it at full cost when explaining the transfer.

August 2, 2023 12:39 am

And what of ammo?

Ammo has a shelf life and giving it away or selling it is a great way to clear the shelves and gives a hard to argue with excuse for buying a restock of fresh.

Robert Sewell
August 2, 2023 7:46 am

Dover Beach:

Haha, Putin has just worked out that giving nukes to his next victim was a really bad idea.
Russia Offers To Negotiate Pulling Nukes From Belarus – Names Key Condition (1 Aug)
I’ll tell you this for free kiddo, they ain’t going to give them back. No sirree. The Belarussians are entirely aware of who their real enemy is.

I understood the warheads and delivery systems were controlled by the old KGB Border Guards and that role was taken over by FSB Security, no doubt in the occupied countries uniforms, but nevertheless under Russian control. The nukes would have to be re engineered to accept Byelorussian firing orders.
I doubt the Russians would have left much to chance that they could be returned in a fissionable condition if captured.

Robert Sewell
August 2, 2023 8:06 am

Aug 1, 2023 10:42 PM
That’s a frightening picture painted there – especially the change in production methods to the SV40 Simian Tumor Virus.

Robert Sewell
August 2, 2023 8:30 am

John H:

BTW saw an interview with a fighter pilot talking about the loyal wingmen concept. He said the huge difference is that whereas a pilot is making multiple decisions all the time the automatons are making hundreds if not thousands more decisions in the same timeframe and it shows in their performance. Much smoother flight patterns. Scary stuff for human pilots, they will die. That’s the future, what Ukraine is getting are weapons from the former century.

There’s a series of novels which explore the Loyal Wingman concept set in about 2030, which apart from the trashy ‘you go girl’ story line makes it reasonably clear about the tactics that are enabled from standoff low visibility missile platforms to aerial refuelling in hazardous airspace you wouldn’t send a crewed tanker into.
Available on Kindle – Australian Author – by FX Holden.

Boambee John
Boambee John
August 2, 2023 8:36 am

Aug 1, 2023 10:02 PM
I don’t know why you feel the need to defend the Army /DHA or attack me for my opinion about the treatment of soldiers and their families John.
Some paltry ‘service allowance’ is of cold comfort to young mothers who are left to look after small children in new postings where they have zero family support for thirteen hours straight, none of which was communicated by the army prior to transfer.
It should surprise no-one that Army attrition rates continue to be atrocious.

Don’t be so hypersensitive. I simply discussed conditions as they were a couple of decades ago, and expressed surprise at the apparent decline.

At that time, every member of the ADF Trained Force was in the top 50% of full-time income earners in the nation. The housing provided by DHA was high quality, and subsidised at great expense, that expense being increased by the DHA habit of providing houses above the approved standard. As a simple example, everyone above the rank of corporal was entitled to a house with en-suite and double garage; actually, many below that rank received such houses, at an increased subsidy cost.

If all of this has declined, don’t blame me, I left the system more than 20 years ago.

PS, anyone who was familiar with my interactions with DHA in the 1990s would roll on the floor laughing at the idea that I would defend everything they were doing.

Boambee John
Boambee John
August 2, 2023 9:26 am

Tap, tap, is there anyone here?

1 4 5 6
  1. And in Werribee the Libs are very close. The poof preferences might squeeze Labor over the line. But they’ve copped…

  2. Good morning all. And a great big fcuk you to the Greens in Prahran. Even the gays and hippies are…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x