Open Thread – Weekend 12 Aug 2023

In the Grove, Ivan Shishkin, 1869

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August 13, 2023 1:13 pm

Very interesting. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to be any indication of when it was recorded.

Former FBI Section Chief Lays Bare The Domestic Terror Attacks Of The Satanic Deep State

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 13, 2023 1:14 pm

I still think Trump has a target on his back.

Yeah, Cohenite, he does. I wonder though if such a thing occurs whether someone somewhere says “let’s roll”.

Robert Sewell
August 13, 2023 1:18 pm


Aug 13, 2023 1:02 PM
Impeach Trump for a phone call and pardon the whole criminal Biden family. Seems fair. Not that I think that he had any real chance of success, at least this time, but he’s just cut his own throat trying to cosy up to the Dems.

Up to that time, I thought Vivek would probably make a good VP, learn the game and earn the Presidency.
No. With that one statement he’s blown his campaign.

August 13, 2023 1:21 pm

Bruce, the stay-at-homes I was referring to are the swing voters and independents

Ok, but we’re there that many of them in 2020 to make Biden the most popular Pres ever elected ? More than Obama? Seems a stretch.

August 13, 2023 1:24 pm

“… I am leading the great revival. After we have shut down the FBI, after we have refurbished the Department of Justice, after we have systemically pardoned anyone who was a victim of a political motivated persecution — from Donald Trump and peaceful January 6 protests — then would I would be open to evaluating pardons for members of the Biden family in the interest of moving the nation forward,” the 38-year-old biotech millionaire told The Post.

GOP 2024 candidate Vivek Ramaswamy ‘open’ to pardon of Hunter Biden

August 13, 2023 1:25 pm

Breitbart is running a poll on the GOP candidates.

You need an email address to vote. The number voting is big. Can you guess who is out in front by a country mile.

August 13, 2023 1:29 pm

I don’t think Vivek’s comment about pardoning the Hidens is that bad. Think of it like this, the chances of them getting off in a DC court would be almost 100%.. Okay, I’m exaggerating, it would probably be 99.7%.

A pardon would have the effect of telegraphing the old crook did some really bad things, but due to his age etc, the Prez will pardon, his transgressions. Pardon doesn’t mean forgiveness!

The other crook of course is the Kenyan.

August 13, 2023 1:36 pm

Thanks Zat

That’s actually a fantastic statement, because embedded in that is it sort of crystalizes in the punters’s mind that the Hidens did some bad stuff.

After we’ve cleaned house and pardoned the innocent, out of our benevolence, we may look at the idea of pardoning the Hidens for their wrongdoings.

August 13, 2023 1:37 pm

“Rich Men North of Richmond” is top of the Australian iTunes downloads chart today as well, so it looks like Outsiders might be a bit more influential than the elites realise.

August 13, 2023 1:38 pm

Speaking of Outsiders I loved how James Morrow described the teal electorates as ‘The Xanax Belt’.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
August 13, 2023 1:40 pm

evaluating pardons for members of the Biden family in the interest of moving the nation forward

Carefully phrased quote. A lot would have to be done before this ‘evaluation’ could take place. An ‘evaluation’ is also not a promise. Certainly, illegally gained funds could be sequestered and put into charities. That might suffice.

Vivek has further to go yet, I think. I don’t want him to go down in flames over this.

Willem Pasterkamp
Willem Pasterkamp
August 13, 2023 1:40 pm

It turns out that post-Rutherford physics was anti-empirical buffoonery from the start. They have a very restrictive idea of fusion. Fusion is easy but no energy spinner. Fusion and chemistry ought not be separated. Fusion is so easy chickens do it. There is no orbiting electrons. Electrons are fat and much more static. In this video we see that the knowledge of fusion going on in biology preceded the post-Rutherford takeover by a lot of young reprobates.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
August 13, 2023 1:41 pm

I’ve just logged in. I’m with you there, just upthread, JC. And any others who may wish to see Vivek as still a good contender, for VP in particular.

August 13, 2023 1:44 pm

Also, let’s not forget Nixon was pardoned and no one forgets to call him an old crook and rightly or wrongly, his name is tainted forever.

August 13, 2023 1:48 pm

On medium density development. It will be forced down residents throats whether they like it or not, already happening in some quarters. However agree with the above around Mossman and Military rd as I was there recently. There were blocks of the old solid brick units that looked about the same era of the ones dotting the Hume hwy at Liverpool. Where it it will cause problems is if they start moving and knocking down old homes in said suburbs with people who reside there generally having deep pockets.

As for one area I am familiar with as well from relatives is Wangi Point on lake Mac. Not saying I endorse NIMBYism but at the end of they day it’s their choice. Apparently there was an old guy that kept all the developers out of building wall to wall dog boxes. He has moved on but the community sentiment hasn’t as they are generally retirees with a bit of a NIMBY sentiment.

Lake Mac council on the other hand is pushing this sort of development and the point just got it’s first modern unit complex next to the RSL, however it was meant to be only 2 stories. The developer thumbed his nose and built 3 stories without sanction, ok imagine if you or I failed to follow a permit to the letter of the law. Council would have us knock it down in a blink of an eye. Apparently the same developer has a permit to put more up by the Bakehouse.

Public sentiment again is against it and distrustful of said developer keeping his word on heights. Sooner or later I can see something coming to a head as some residents in this area and Arcadia Vale have money. NSW Land & Environment court has a definite green bent so would be interesting to see which way they jump if one of these cases is brought.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 13, 2023 1:50 pm
August 13, 2023 1:51 pm

Swimming with the stiffs. Oh Lord.

Maui snorkeling company blasted for continuing trips for tourists: ‘Shame on you’
Maui Snorkeling is facing intense backlash from locals after a video posted to Instagram and Twitter showed their boat offering a snorkeling tour to a boatload of tourists.

One user on the social media platform X wrote: “Maui Snorkeling Lani Kai running tours for the tourist off Lahaina coast where dead bodies are still in the water, homes & buildings are burnt to the grown, people burned alive & you have companies like this still making money & entertaining tourist next to a tragedy how gross.”

In a statement posted to its website, the company stated:

And then the pr apology.

“We’d like to apologize to the community of Maui for running our snorkeling tour on the morning of August 11th. Our intent was to donate 100 percent of the profits to the Maui Food Bank in order to support those affected by the fires, which will provide thousands of meals.

August 13, 2023 1:53 pm
August 13, 2023 1:54 pm

Been removing decades of accumulated whatshouldhavethrownoutinthefirstplace from under the house this afternoon . On the lower side it’s about four or so feet high so not too bad creeping between joists.
I was puzzling why there the area had been concreted at some stage and then channels dug through the concrete because it’s the original section of the house build in 1953.
My son was teasing me about suggesting it possibly being the site of an old shed because the original farmhouse was less than a hundred metres away.
Then I found what was clearly a brick hearth, so it might even be site of the original cottage before the fancy pressed metal ceiling house was built.
No knapped flints though.
Thank goodness.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
August 13, 2023 2:04 pm

I’m aware of that, she can widen her eyes to Double Bay, Rose Bay, Woollahra, Point Piper, Darling point, Dover Heights, Bronte, Coogee, Willoughby, St Ives, Killara, Lindfield, Crows Nest, and all the other leafy suburbs that pepper Teal electorates.

lol, Cassie, you’ve left out Vaucluse! Truth to tell Vaucluse ocean-side towards Bondi already has a large number of apartments, and more are being added. Vaucluse harbourside is probably too big to touch, as is most of Point Piper, with some very influential owners. There are also very few apartments (although there is some limited breaking up of large houses into two or three apartments such as ours), otherwise there are only large houses on large blocks where the land is already over-valued (try $80 million for some waterfront blocks) to the extent of being beyond turning a profit for new apartments. Change though is inevitable everywhere.

Willem Pasterkamp
Willem Pasterkamp
August 13, 2023 2:04 pm

The key with the physics takeover, which enabled the subsequent export of junk science to all other branches, was to force people on the institutional level to believe things that could not be true under any circumstances. It all started with aether denial. That you could have a universe without aether was ridiculous since they were already measuring the wavelength of light. But they just locked that one in, like they did with the global warming fraud ….. and then waited. It takes decades to pull this sort of thing off institutionally. When trying to get by without aether was an institutional lock, thats when special relativity was introduced. With a bunch of propositions that couldn’t be true under any circumstances. Then it was kind of all over. A slimy set of tactics to take over a branch of science, like what might have been used to take over meat packing in Chicago. Or the Russian Empire. You could think of it as a Bolshevik takeover of physics.

Now we are onto our second century of physics and cosmology lies. Its like a century of winter with no Christmas, to steal from the Narnia stories. And the maintenance needed to keep this nonsense alive really is disgraceful. Like the three gimp Hawking saga for example. Cosmology is a sick joke. Just another set of lies to demoralise small children. They have centred cosmology around a young universe creation myth, strikingly similar to Genesis, and involving the idea of new space creation, plus the other foolish idea that the material from two trillion galaxies was stuffed into the head of a pin. Pretty much all of their physics laws can easily be shown to be lies. Especially conservation laws. Which if true would mean there was never matter nor energy at any time. And their attitude towards energy is a superstition, leading to the wasting of billions on fusion projects that are never going to work.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
August 13, 2023 2:07 pm

If they find ‘knapped’ flints in our garden I’ll argue they were made by Europeans. It was once an old sandstone quarry providing the stone for quite a few local heritage buildings.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
August 13, 2023 2:11 pm

It’s not all crap, Willem, though some may be.

Not enough sheep around for the sort of wool over the eyes you’re suggesting, imho.

John H.
John H.
August 13, 2023 2:12 pm

Willem Pasterkamp
Aug 13, 2023 1:40 PM
It turns out that post-Rutherford physics was anti-empirical buffoonery from the start. They have a very restrictive idea of fusion. Fusion is easy but no energy spinner. Fusion and chemistry ought not be separated. Fusion is so easy chickens do it. There is no orbiting electrons. Electrons are fat and much more static. In this video we see that the knowledge of fusion going on in biology preceded the post-Rutherford takeover by a lot of young reprobates.

Tweety bird has returned.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
August 13, 2023 2:14 pm

Willem Pastercamp. Now that’s an unusual name. Where have we heard such unusual names before?

Willem Pasterkamp
Willem Pasterkamp
August 13, 2023 2:15 pm

Yeah its all crap Lizzie. Sorry you had to hear it from me. The famous Einstein equation. All crap. The idea things go to maximum entropy? Rubbish. Energy is more like putting a slinky at the top of the stairs. You are setting up a chain reaction and usually the energy is coming straightforwardly from proton repulsion.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
August 13, 2023 2:15 pm

Snap, John H.

Fly away birdie.

August 13, 2023 2:20 pm

Fusion is so easy chickens do it.

Comment of the thread.

Just think: fusion can be boiled, fried, poached and scrambled.

Willem Pasterkamp
Willem Pasterkamp
August 13, 2023 2:21 pm

You know these people are such idiots they try and tell you that a young lady called Emily Noether proved the conservation of matter mathematically. These people are such morons that they do not seem to realise that if matter were conserved there would be no slide-rules, no paper, no log books, and no Emily Noether to argue such a stupid thing, since there would be no matter. As it turns out new matter and energy are being created all the time.

August 13, 2023 2:22 pm

Sure, bogus ballots, GOTV campaigns, are important but you also need to actually motivate a good portion of D voters to fill out the forms or visit a polling station themselves, and this is still about 2/3rds of D voters even in 2020.

Which Trump will do/did.

Mark from Melbourne
Mark from Melbourne
August 13, 2023 2:23 pm

Tweety bird has returned.

My thoughts exactly.

Strength and swiftness to thy sword, DoverLord.

August 13, 2023 2:24 pm

Lessons in Western self-sabotage from the Ukraine War

The British playwright and Nobel Prize winner Harold Pinter was an early critic of the Bush administration’s decision, endorsed by British Prime Minister Tony Blair, to declare a worldwide war on Islamist terrorism in the aftermath of 9/11.

In the fall of 2002, Pinter was invited to make his case against the war before the House of Commons.

He began his talk with a bit of embellished British history about an earlier wave of terror in Ireland:

“There’s an old story about Oliver Cromwell. After he had taken the town of Drogheda the citizens were brought to the main square.

Cromwell announced to his Lieutenants: ‘Right! Kill all the women and rape all the men.’

One of his aides said: ‘Excuse me General. Isn’t it the other way around?’

A voice from the crowd called out: ‘Mr. Cromwell knows what he’s doing!’”

The voice in the crowd in Pinter’s telling was Blair’s, but today it could be German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, who has kept his silence about when and what he knew about President Biden’s decision to mangle Germany’s economy by destroying the Nord Stream pipelines last September.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
August 13, 2023 2:24 pm

P, yes, that ‘rap’ is a worry. Wrong audience for it. So Vivek’s still got a lot to learn. He might pull in some of the yoof vote with that style (though I doubt that actually) but it was not appreciated here.

Love the sideways eye-roll of that Attapuss lookalike that follows it.

What the ffff? it is saying.

August 13, 2023 2:24 pm

I’m beginning to actively dislike the “MAGA crowd.”

If boastfully burning down a good husband and father, former serviceman, A-grade governor and unequaled destroyer of communism in institutions aren’t the things they’re looking for in a President, they’re not the friends of either reason or reform.


August 13, 2023 2:26 pm

Great stuff, Bird.

I wish I understood it. All I know is that the cosmology of the magazine-explicated class has always struck me as hubristic baloney and its Godless initiates never show their homework.

Cassie of Sydney
August 13, 2023 2:27 pm

“I’m beginning to actively dislike the “MAGA crowd.”

If boastfully burning down a good husband and father, former serviceman, A-grade governor and unequaled destroyer of communism in institutions aren’t the things they’re looking for in a President, they’re not the friends of either reason or reform.”


August 13, 2023 2:27 pm

The only pardon I approve of is the sorry we had to get you up so early for prime position in the firing squad.

August 13, 2023 2:28 pm
Real Deal
Real Deal
August 13, 2023 2:29 pm

I just got home after running in the City to Surf. Well, running might be a stretch. More like joggling which is a cross between jogging and wobbling. Interesting on quite a few street corners between Woollahra and Vaucluse, there were middle age female Teal supporters holding corflutes for the Yes vote. Taking a leaf out of Cassie’s playbook as I passed them I told them to sod off. You can’t even enjoy a fun run without these pathetic creatures wanting to preach there politics to masses trying to enjoy something politics free.

August 13, 2023 2:29 pm

I think Bruce is right- DeSantis seems to be too much of a RINO or at least too much obliged to them. Would be great if Trump won next year but I’m not counting on it.

Real Deal
Real Deal
August 13, 2023 2:30 pm

Their not there. Sheesh.

August 13, 2023 2:31 pm

Scale up what DeSantis has done in Florida and the Dems and all the crap flowing with them will be out of power for a generation.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
August 13, 2023 2:32 pm

You can tell Eli has been out of Australia for a while now. Her freckles have gone.

She visited recently.

Eli from Russia:

Let’s meet Udmurt people, hear the Udmurt language, see Udmurt customs, and do everything the Udmurt way at Udmurt’s most important ethnic holiday – Gerber!

Time codes
00:00 Let’s do everything the Udmurt way today!
00:55 Welcome to the Gerber holiday in Pikhtovka
02:15 The important Udmurt ceremony
07:00 The festival begins!
08:33 Crafts of different districts of Udmurtia
10:10 Homeland of Tchaikovsky – city Votkinsk
13:18 We found the Udmurt food and an Udmurt man 🙂
14:46 The most red haired ethnic groups of the world
15:36 Let’s have fun at the festival

Who are the Udmurts? | Russia’s most red haired and musical ethnic group

August 13, 2023 2:34 pm

You can’t even enjoy a fun run without these pathetic creatures wanting to preach there politics to masses trying to enjoy something politics free.

yes it’s odious- many are nasty or bored nobodies trying to make themselves feel important too

August 13, 2023 2:35 pm

Dr Michael Yeadon: Why I Don’t Believe There Ever Was a Covid Virus

Dr. David Martin said more than a year ago that there is no “novel” virus. That each and every part of it was trademarked going back to the turn of the century.

August 13, 2023 2:38 pm

You know these people are such idiots they try and tell you that a young lady called Emily Noether proved the conservation of matter mathematically.

This is true. Noether is celebrated because she is female. That’s literally the only reason.

The conservation of matter for a non cosmic scale was proven empirically before she found an interesting result.

Identities can be mathematically correct and be garbage. There are higher dimensional solutions to Maxwell’s equations, but they are not empirically valid.

Willem Pasterkamp
Willem Pasterkamp
August 13, 2023 2:39 pm

“….and its Godless initiates never show their homework.”

Yeah exactly. I must apologise to you for being too materialist and anti-spiritual. But they robbed me of my heritage with their aether-denial. Not saying that I think the Church necessarily has the aetheric world perfectly correct. But my former Randian materialism is just untenable. These people are robbing the children of hope and of their spiritual inheritance. Thats partly what the war against aether was about. Sure it was a cynical takeover strategy from the dead souls club. But more than that it was like a Marxist insistence on the idea that matter was all thetr was. Purely a mechanical universe of brownian motion. Complete bullshit.

Willem Pasterkamp
Willem Pasterkamp
August 13, 2023 2:43 pm

“The conservation of matter for a non cosmic scale was proven empirically before she found an interesting result.”

You say this but you yourself are made of matter. Thats like a rabbi insisting to me that chocolate is conserved. Yet upon further inspection we see that the rabbi is made of chocolate. A chocolate rabbi. Well obviously the chocolate rabbi is spinning me a new story. But then again that depends on what you mean by cosmic scale so I withdraw any criticism.

Actually we can now see new matter creation in objects as small as Pluto and Enceladus. Everything above Pluto size seems to be in on this game.

Cassie of Sydney
August 13, 2023 2:48 pm

He’ll get the women voting for him because apparently he looks good.
I want Trump to win but more importantly I want the dems to lose.’

Agree. As for Gavin Newsom, he is both sinister and dangerous, Obumma on steroids. And it won’t be just women who’ll vote for him, given the shallowness of young Americans nowadays, male and female, they’ll vote Newsom, and I believe he’d end beating Trump if he was the candidate.

American presidential election winners depend on swaying independents and getting people out to vote. Like it or not, in 2020 the Demonrats got people out to vote and yes, I believe there was fraud in 2020 but not as much as people want to believe. The Trump “stolen election” mantra is as tedious as the Demonrats “stolen election” mantra from November 2016 through to November 2020. Further to fraud, Trump and the GOP establishment were warned, early in 2020, about the prospect of Democrat fraud, and what happened, they did nothing. As for getting crucial independent to vote for him, I still don’t see any evidence Trump is swaying independents in key states, they still loathe the man. We saw last year in the midterms how Trump’s chosen candidates largely bombed and fizzled, the GOP only just scraped through to get the house majority, meanwhile in Florida DeSantis smashed the Demonrats.

I’ve long liked and admired Trump, I still like and admire him, and I believe he’s the victim of a lynching. I just think he and the USA would better served if he vacated the political landscape. I’ve written here before how Donald Trump reminds me of the character of Ethan Edwards from The Searchers (one of my favourite films). Trump’s legacy as POTUS is impressive, with his greatest legacy being his nominees for the Supreme Court, but like Ethan, Trump has done his job, and now it’s time for him to depart the stage and ride off into the sunset.

Cassie of Sydney
August 13, 2023 2:51 pm

“Real Deal
Aug 13, 2023 2:29 PM”


Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
August 13, 2023 2:53 pm

Wonder how many Eucalypt plantations are in Hawaii too. Know they are on the big island and some on Oahu. Be interesting to see if that was a contributing factor.

Apparently Maui used to have lots of sugar cane, like the areas around Maclean used to have, but they have since been left to ‘grow forest’, which may mean Eucalypts and other scrub.

On our way to Queensland I am always dismayed by the way pasture and canefields have been sold out to faramers ‘growing forests’ as per greenie diktats. Those lovely rolling vistas are no more, all is dense Eucalypt scrub and trees ready to flare up in the next El Nino conflagration and spew CO2 into the atmosphere far more than if simple pastures were left to do the same job for oxygenation and CO2 take up as the forests, but with far less frequent turn over of their carbon content.

But you can’t talk any sort of sense to greenies. When will we finally appreciate we are carbon-based lifeforms in a carbon-based ecology and accept it as a given? Climates change and so do ecologies, but there is no evidence that CO2 is any sort of ‘culprit’ in any of this. The CO2 ‘accounting’ engaged in at present is risible, ludicrous.

Willem Pasterkamp
Willem Pasterkamp
August 13, 2023 2:57 pm

“Just think: fusion can be boiled, fried, poached and scrambled.”

Chickens have been shown to turn silica into calcium. Now I don’t know if they create phosphates out of more ordinary gear but they certainly seem to. Since when we mine rock phosphate its usually from some isolated island that only the birds can get to it and only to take a crap. But Fusion is easier than that. Because its so easy even fertilised eggs can do it.

There’s something about Copenhagen. When these people want to lock in some total garbage model that steals our future from us they often shoot straight through to Copenhagen.

August 13, 2023 2:59 pm

Trump has done his job, and now it’s time for him to depart the stage and ride off into the sunset.


Run the risk of turning the whole shooting match into a “cult of personality” crap fest for the GOP, which in my opinion is already happening.

August 13, 2023 2:59 pm

Identities can be mathematically correct and be garbage.

No Dottie. Beauty is truth, truth beauty,—that is all
Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.

Give me a contrary example.

August 13, 2023 3:01 pm

Agree Trump is getting on a bit- pushing 80? How he’s survived the bullying, harassment and abuse is remarkable.

August 13, 2023 3:03 pm

Aug 13, 2023 12:28 PM


Cassie of Sydney
August 13, 2023 3:03 pm

That grotesque female police officer from West Yorkshire Police looks like a character from Wyndham’s Village of the Damned.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
August 13, 2023 3:04 pm

And here we are driving into Brisbane about 4pm yesterday and stuck in an horrendous traffic jam for an hour from Logan onwards. It cleared once we were past the turnoff to the Great Showdown for the Matildas. The Clem Jones tunnel was clear and simply doing its usual signage ‘shouting’ at us that drives Hairy spare. Stop yelling at me, he yells at it. We were babysitting the three grandies last nite, and Misses Seven and Nine had their Matilda’s poster up on the wall beside the TV and the excitement was high, mounting to hysterical during the penalty shoot off. Mummy and Daddy were out to dinner watching it with friends. A big night for Queensland, and Australia in general.

I know almost nothing about soccer but the way women play it differs greatly to the way men do. Hairy is still calling it lack of certain trained ball skills, but I think female knees kick differently so that with a high kick we risk falling on our bums. These girls do seem to run around a lot without much of a plan (even I can see that) and they get knocked about too much for my liking. However, modern times and all that. The girls were thrilled, which was lovely to see.

The little Mr Nearly Three is such a delight, given the all-clear on his possible heart and aorta issues, which is a great relief. He’s working on his lawnmower mowing the lawn right now. Such solid determination! We took the three of them to the park this morning, and had fun playing soccer with Grandpa. In their garden here they have a big pool, a big trampoline and now a big set of parallel bars and gym stuff. Fun for all but not you grandpa, you and grandma are too big. Well, yes. We are.

August 13, 2023 3:04 pm

but like Ethan, Trump has done his job, and now it’s time for him to depart the stage and ride off into the sunset.

After the movie ended, Ethan was best man at Marty and Laurie’s wedding, introduced new drought resistant cattle into the territory and later became governor.

Trump needs to finish his job: which at this stage is to start and win another hot civil war followed by mass lynchings of 100s of swamp scum. What a spectacle.

August 13, 2023 3:05 pm

Sorry, that’s the opposite of what you meant.

Willem Pasterkamp
Willem Pasterkamp
August 13, 2023 3:08 pm

Yeah what Keats says. That reminds me of Sepp Holzers’s permaculture farm. I appreciate that farmers who need to make that cash flow every moment are going to be skeptical about this sort of thing. But when you find a situation where dudes, for one reason or another, have pulled off the perfectly flowing permaculture system on some isolated hillside, its just truth, its just beauty, and you see that truth and beauty are one in the same. Just like the young genius said.

And now that we know that different plants and animals are engaged in fusion, and nucleus building activities, the upside from these systems is amazing. Not putting our hardworking farmers down even the slightest bit.

H B Bear
H B Bear
August 13, 2023 3:12 pm

Zulu Kilo Two Alfa at 11:56

Daily Mail.
When they [Lieborals] lost the 2022 election, she [Bittany] felt responsible

Brittany falls into the standard Gen Z trait of greatly overestimating their importance in the scheme of things. SloMo was doomed before her panties even hit the floor.

August 13, 2023 3:14 pm

I’m really pretty pissed off with the US tba- the way Trump and his supporters have been treated is up there with the USSR. I see some poisonous woman in Georgia is going to prosecute him now.

Willem Pasterkamp
Willem Pasterkamp
August 13, 2023 3:14 pm

There has been this New Zealand girl that has been doing this great research infusing ideas into water before freezing the water and the consciousness projected on the water leaving these amazing impressions on the ice. So I think we have made progress with the hard issue of consciousness. That consciousness is aetheric so consciousness preceded matter. And that in the material world consciousness is an aetheric projection onto a water body, not excluding the human brain.

Thats another reason for silvopasture and permaculture and hillsides that flow from pond to pond to pond. We want to surround the kiddies with the spirituality of animals trees and water bodies.

August 13, 2023 3:15 pm

Pondering on the deliberate “reforestation” (read weed infestation) near built up areas…and it’s almost worldwide now.

Why do they encourage/mandate it?

Just supposing it’s done to further the green agenda, the central doctrinal tenet being catastrophic global warming…what handier way can there be than out of control fire to ram home the propaganda? Floods are no good – you have to depend on copious rainfall in just the right area of the catchment which is completely uncontrollable.

But fire…fire can be caused at the drop of a hat. And what better way to scare people than the fear of burning to death?

Create the conditions, cause the catastrophe, film the horror, reap the rewards.

August 13, 2023 3:16 pm
August 13, 2023 3:17 pm

There has been this New Zealand girl that has been doing this great research infusing ideas into water before freezing the water and the consciousness projected on the water leaving these amazing impressions on the ice. So I think we have made progress with the hard issue of consciousness.

Say no to drugs.

August 13, 2023 3:19 pm
Willem Pasterkamp
Willem Pasterkamp
August 13, 2023 3:19 pm

Well the answers to consciousness had to come out sooner or later. And if it ends up being closer to CL than to Richard Dawkins, we just have to accept it. I mean I don’t expect CL to endorse any of this. But as a former near total materialist I have seen myself move a great deal towards his direction.

August 13, 2023 3:21 pm

So I think we have made progress with the hard issue of consciousness. That consciousness is aetheric so consciousness preceded matter. And that in the material world consciousness is an aetheric projection onto a water body, not excluding the human brain.

Thats another reason for silvopasture and permaculture and hillsides that flow from pond to pond to pond. We want to surround the kiddies with the spirituality of animals trees and water bodies.

I hope someone is collecting these. Before the aetheric implosion.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
August 13, 2023 3:22 pm

I’m aware of that, she can widen her eyes to Double Bay…

Well, where does she and Unspeakableman live? Those places will be cordoned off.

August 13, 2023 3:26 pm

Give me a contrary example.

I did – higher dimensional solutions to Maxwells equations.

August 13, 2023 3:28 pm

Actually I think Lindfield and Killara are in Bradfield which is represented by that Fletcher twerp. Might as well be teal.

August 13, 2023 3:29 pm

As Cassie has said it’s the regions and the outer suburbs that we need to look to.

August 13, 2023 3:31 pm

Space time as aether solves many conceptual issues.

SR is probably not complete, there are issues regarding satellite synchronisation even with SR adjustments.

August 13, 2023 3:33 pm

I did – higher dimensional solutions to Maxwells equations.

Ok, in respect of electric and magnetic fields Maxwell shows us that fields generated by moving charges can leave the sources and travel alone through space. What’s horrible about that?

August 13, 2023 3:35 pm

electromagnetic will propagate through a vacuum- high school stuff

August 13, 2023 3:37 pm

The higher dimensional solutions “solve” the problems that modern physics solves, except the higher dimensional solutions don’t work with respect to the experiments that underpin modern physics and that Maxwells equations can’t explain normally without the extra dimensions.

Willem Pasterkamp
Willem Pasterkamp
August 13, 2023 3:38 pm

“I did – higher dimensional solutions to Maxwells equations.”

Formula deification. There is not ten dimensions. Four or five dimensions. There is one dimension of space with the three-way coordinate system. Maxwell just did the best he could and others came along and tried to deify his approximations.

Now the revelation of the aether and aetheric consciousness can’t take us all the way to Catholic theology. Thats an extra-scientific matter. It takes us far from Dawkins but not all the way to Catholic dogma. On the other hand when someone intervenes in history and tells us that Russia will export its errors and later become a Christian nation, its no longer appropriate to just fold our arms at that kind of thing. Might be a lucky revelation. Might be something more than that. We might only hope she intervenes again.

But for the moment the aetheric world is wide open. What if Joan Osborne has something to say about it? What if Joan Osbornes theology has something going for it?

August 13, 2023 3:38 pm

high school stuff

Indeed it is.

Johnny Rotten
August 13, 2023 3:38 pm

electromagnetic will propagate through a vacuum- high school stuff

CO2 does not cause ‘Global Boiling’. General Science and no empirical evidence/proof.

August 13, 2023 3:43 pm

Regarding planning objections to medium density housing,dear leader is actually taking p,awning decisions away from thr local cou ncil as well as bani g o junctions.
Developers who have the ear of Andrews or the Planni g Minister will be able to happily ram through all manner of God awful developments all over Melbourne.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 13, 2023 3:43 pm

Reading Saul David’s book “Operation Thunderbolt” about the raid on Entebbe Airport.

As Israeli aircraft re – entered Israeli airspace, returning from the raid, the head of the surgical team announced over the intercom, that “last night, Israel introduced V.A.T. at eight percent. If you don’t like it, you are free to return to Entebbe.”

No – one laughed.

Johnny Rotten
August 13, 2023 3:44 pm

Hot Summer Due to Many Factors—Carbon Dioxide Emissions Are Not One of Them

“Let’s state the obvious and get it out of the way. It’s hot out there. Yeah, it’s summer and summer is typically hot, but it has as a matter of fact been “hotter than [usual in] July” (hat tip to Stevie Wonder) across much of the globe.

Hundreds, if not thousands, of daily temperature records in cities and towns around the world have been set during the present heatwaves, which, in some locations, have persisted for an extended period. The heatwaves are real. I say heatwaves because it is not a single global event but a series of regional ones.

Why now? For many progressive, bloviating politicians and alarmed reporters in mainstream media the answer is simple: climate change. In the immortal and insightful words of H. L. Mencken, “For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong.”

Climate change is a complex, long-term phenomenon, driven by a combination of numerous factors at different locations during different time periods. We can debate the causes of the modest warming of the past 150 to 170 years until we are blue in the face: the extent to which human greenhouse gas emissions contribute to it; the extent to which present measured temperatures are an artifact, at least in part, of the urban heat island effect—as was recently revealed in Houston and Phoenix; deforestation; solar activity; large ocean circulation patterns; and so forth. But the truth is, a recently warming world serves as a backdrop or baseline for the recent heatwaves; it is not their cause. The question is, what accounts for the large temperature spikes this summer—which are widespread, but not universal?

It turns out a confluence of overlapping weather and meteorological events, some having global or hemispheric effects, some more localized, occurring simultaneously, account for the ongoing heatwaves (a series of similar but disconnected heatwaves, which the media has misleadingly treated as a single related event) this summer.

One event that is contributing to a global rise in temperatures this year, and likely will for the next few years, is the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha?apai volcanic eruption, described in more detail below. Water vapor makes up the vast majority of the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, 98 percent or more, and the subsea Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha?apai eruption added an additional 10 percent to 13 percent to atmospheric water vapor. Scientists from NASA and the European Space Agency agree this huge addition to the dominant atmospheric greenhouse gas is contributing significantly to this years’ temperatures.

In addition, El Niño is back, and it’s a strong one. ”

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
August 13, 2023 3:45 pm

Sorry, not Unspeakableman. Minns.

August 13, 2023 3:45 pm

Aug 13, 2023 2:59 PM

Identities can be mathematically correct and be garbage.

No Dottie. Beauty is truth, truth beauty,—that is all
Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.

Give me a contrary example.

Your constant harassment of the rest of us with those trannie pics would be a contrary example.

August 13, 2023 3:49 pm

Gauss’ law and Ampere’s law are subsets of Maxwell’s equations iirc. It’s been a while but have been getting into antenna theory lately.

Willem Pasterkamp
Willem Pasterkamp
August 13, 2023 3:50 pm

To prove that CO2 warming is an issue, you need first an honest CO2 record (one which Beck provided) and honest temperature record, and to compare the one to the other with a process of human reason. The frauds run from Becks record but do not replace it with one of their own. Their temperature records are always rigged. The enquiry therefore has not started but still there is enough of an indication that cooling and heating tendencies of CO2 must roughly cancel leaving nothing to worry about, since if something ever turned up we would be beaten over the head with it. So remember when you are assailed by this loonies to ask them where there CO2 record is.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
August 13, 2023 3:57 pm

A previous civilization existed? It’s looking that way. As always, make up your own mind.

Kissinger had a map of Tartaria on the front of his book – World Order. Horse and cart days and they were building these structures? F-off!

If you disagree, enjoy the architecture.

Ancient Budapest?

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
August 13, 2023 3:59 pm

Trumps base feel he is their man in a way no one can be. They are motivated by his successes and injuries.

They propelled him into office and he spoke for them in a way no President had before. They were personally infuriated by the shenanigans during his Presidency and his loss as if it was done to them. Now they are embarked on a quest to undo an evil by putting him back.

When Trump said of the Dems “In reality they aren’t after me, they’re after you. I’m just in the way” I think that really resonated. That is how his base saw it.

They have no great loyalty to the GOP – disappointed too many times before. And if Trump does not win then the Swamp will have finally got their way.

I am not saying this to argue it should be Trump in the running (but it should) just to outline the dynamics. Ideally I would like to see Vivek as VP, but he would have to be a colleague and – this might rankle a bit – accept being overruled by a boss.

August 13, 2023 4:04 pm

Your constant harassment of the rest of us with those trannie pics would be a contrary example.

To the oppressed and closed mind beauty is often seen as persecution. For example this cute owl should fill your heart with joy similar to that produced by Maxwell’s equations; but if your mind is closed you will experience tremors, flatulence, sweating and mild convulsions. Remember it starts with the mind and requires practice: another cute owl. I’m willing to help you overcome this affliction but you must meet me halfway.

August 13, 2023 4:09 pm

Vivek is young and idealistic. He will only have 8 years – what to do for the rest of his life? I don’t think his heart is actually in DC politics. Lets see how he handles criticism, which will start coming now he has made a boo-boo. If Trump could get in there might be a chance some good work would get done re Federal corruption, and results might encourage the nation forward. If not, they will drown in illegals, drugs, lack of entrepreneurship, foreign wars and scandals and corruption, so sad to see.

Willem Pasterkamp
Willem Pasterkamp
August 13, 2023 4:12 pm

Cohenite if you want to see some evidence that consciousness is aetheric and that the consciousness we know of is an aetheric projection onto a water body, you want to track down interview number 13 of Dr Cowan and Friends with Veda Austin. If you are an older guy Veda is very good to look at so I hope that helps. I read into her work probably even more than the two of them did already. You can see Veda in other interviews but you might find it off-putting because she ends up associating with all these “hippies” (so to speak).

But I think this is good science. Good science. My computer is not great, so I am having trouble tracking down the one best interview.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 13, 2023 4:14 pm

Sex worker launches anti-discrimination claim against NT police.

By sarah elks
Senior Reporter
3:10PM August 13, 2023
No Comments

An OnlyFans star and professional escort has accused the Northern Territory police of discrimination after the force refused to offer her a job because of her “declared history”.

Lisa Lewis’s complaint to the Northern Territory Anti-Discrimination Commission could become a landmark test case of new laws that ban discrimination based on someone’s employment in sex work.

Documents show NT Police Recruitment accepted the application of Ms Lewis – who gained notoriety in her home country for streaking in a bikini at an All Blacks game in 2006 and for several tilts at city mayoral races – to join the police force on July 17.

The New Zealander was inspired to move to Darwin after seeing a television interview in May with acting NT police commissioner Michael Murphy, who appealed for new recruits to help deal with the Alice Springs crime crisis.

“We’re recruiting really aggressively,” Commissioner Murphy said. “Anyone who wants to come and join us, please come and put an application in online.”

At the request of the police recruiters, Ms Lewis provided her fingerprints, identification documents, her driving record, medical records, details of any “declarable associates,” and her criminal history.

In both NZ and the NT, where Ms Lewis has engaged in sex work, it is legal.

She said her only criminal history was old and minor: a public nuisance charge stemming from the rugby pitch invasion in 2006 and a common assault charge for pushing a man who later knocked her teeth out in 2012.

Ms Lewis said after she supplied her details, she received a call from a NT police recruitment senior constable who said due to her “unique profession (sex worker employment),” her application would need to go before the organisation’s integrity panel.

He asked whether Ms Lewis was currently employed as a sex worker, and she confirmed she was. Ms Lewis drafted a document to the integrity panel to give more information about her work history.

She stated she was still in the adult industry “because I need money to live and survive” and that she would stop working immediately should she be recruited to the police.

Willem Pasterkamp
Willem Pasterkamp
August 13, 2023 4:15 pm

Here is Veda with pretty good images if you have trouble tracking down the really great interview I’m talking about.

August 13, 2023 4:18 pm

I’m aware of that, she can widen her eyes to Double Bay, Rose Bay, Woollahra, Point Piper, Darling point, Dover Heights, Bronte, Coogee, Willoughby, St Ives, Killara, Lindfield, Crows Nest, and all the other leafy suburbs that pepper Teal electorates.

I must be missing something, not unusual, BUT if developers score properties in these suburbs to build high rise .. who is, actually, gonna be able to afford them? .. by the time the developer payz for the land and getz them up & running they aren’t gonna be “social” housing prices in millionaire row suburbs they are gonna be millionaire prices cos your buying not only the unit but the postcode/suburb …
Saw in the Mail Online yesterday a write-up getting all breathless about the cost of two derelict properties in the inner west .. concentrated on the state of the houses and skipped the bit about them being bought for knockdown/location .. folk don’t pay $squillions to do’em up they pay for the area and can afford the rebuild …

August 13, 2023 4:24 pm
Willem Pasterkamp
Willem Pasterkamp
August 13, 2023 4:26 pm

“SR is probably not complete, there are issues regarding satellite synchronisation even with SR adjustments.”

Cynical manipulative lies from start to finish.

August 13, 2023 4:38 pm

Ideally I would like to see Vivek as VP, but he would have to be a colleague and – this might rankle a bit – accept being overruled by a boss.

As a major problem with all politicians is accepting the will of the people a bit of training for such couldn’t hurt.

August 13, 2023 4:40 pm

Aug 13, 2023 7:11 AM

Also, while the study of Daffy may give deep insights into English literature, I attribute my love of classical music to early exposure to Bugs Bunny and Elmer.

We can thank Looney Tunes for imprinting classical music on baby boomers by including the best of classics in funny cartoons. Those cartooning guys were true geniuses.

Robert Sewell
August 13, 2023 4:42 pm

Mother Lode

Aug 13, 2023 3:59 PM
Trumps base feel he is their man in a way no one can be. They are motivated by his successes and injuries.
They propelled him into office and he spoke for them in a way no President had before. They were personally infuriated by the shenanigans during his Presidency and his loss as if it was done to them. Now they are embarked on a quest to undo an evil by putting him back.
When Trump said of the Dems “In reality they aren’t after me, they’re after you. I’m just in the way” I think that really resonated. That is how his base saw it.

+1100 upticks. None for the Cats who are dazzled by the newest shiny bright thing to grab their attention.

August 13, 2023 4:50 pm

Bob, he’s painting himself as the man who “stands in the gap”, which resonates with his middle America supporters. It’s not a bad metaphor either.

Trouble is, everyone needs to stand in the gap*. Rhetoric only goes so far.

* And this is very, very difficult.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
August 13, 2023 4:51 pm

Watching these blokes choose their lines on the track is mental. You’ve got to know what you are doing.

World of Outlaws NOS Energy Drink Sprint Cars | Knoxville Raceway | August 12, 2023 | HIGHLIGHTS

August 13, 2023 4:54 pm

Aug 13, 2023 8:45 AM
Flying taxis? They don’t happen until 2263.

Please refer to the handy ready reckoner in this weeks WIP.

I keep telling people, we have had them for decades, they are called helicopters.

Willem Pasterkamp
Willem Pasterkamp
August 13, 2023 4:56 pm

When you talk about Trump you talk as if he DIDN’T win the election, as if there wasn’t a coup, and as if the coup government isn’t going to double and triple down on the treason. You can’t seem to help yourselves. You have to pull yourselves together.

August 13, 2023 4:57 pm

Willem Pasterkamp
Aug 13, 2023 4:26 PM
“SR is probably not complete, there are issues regarding satellite synchronisation even with SR adjustments.”

Cynical manipulative lies from start to finish.

It’s the truth and based on empirical evidence.

If you are arguing that red and blue shift don’t exist you must have a warehouse of evidence to prove this.

August 13, 2023 4:58 pm

I’ve got an earworm: I think it was Steve trickler who posted the ‘She’s got Bette Davis eyes’ song.

I can hear it all the time. Unfortunately, the version in my head has refrain ‘She’s got fat and sweaty thighs.’

How do you exorcise such a thing?

Willem Pasterkamp
Willem Pasterkamp
August 13, 2023 4:58 pm

No there is no empirical evidence backing up this tribal nonsense. Its lies from start to finish.

August 13, 2023 5:00 pm

Lol! The Knights just scored a 100m try against the Bulldergs! In front of a home crowd.


Robert Sewell
August 13, 2023 5:01 pm


Aug 13, 2023 4:50 PM
Bob, he’s painting himself as the man who “stands in the gap”, which resonates with his middle America supporters. It’s not a bad metaphor either.

Yes Calli – he is. ‘Reaching across the aisle’ sounds great.
That was precisely what Obama promised. He delivered what has become one of the most disastrous periods of Governmental overreach since the US declared independence.

Cassie of Sydney
August 13, 2023 5:03 pm

“Trumps base feel he is their man in a way no one can be. They are motivated by his successes and injuries.”

I agree, but Donald Trump needs more than just his base to vote for him.

Look, I hope you’re all right and I’m wrong, and on Tuesday, 5 November 2024 millions of Americans get out and vote for Trump, those millions comprising his base, non-base Republicans, independents, conservative Democrats (yes, there’s still a few of those), and they swamp (pardon the pun) those who will get out to vote for Gavin Newsom (because Newsom will be the Democrat nominee).

Anyway, we’ll see, I hope you’re all right and I’m wrong.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 13, 2023 5:05 pm

Here is Veda

From that link:

“Veda Austin is a New Zealand water researcher, author, artist and mother of three. For nearly a decade she has been photographing water in a ‘state of creation’, the state between liquid and ice that she believes is responsive to consciousness. Veda views this important phase from three perspectives. Scientifically, water is becoming a liquid crystal, artistically, water is free to design, and from a spiritual level, water enters a phase of fluidity between space and time, and is in a place of ‘becoming’.

Her desire to find a unifying force that upheld the principles of life, nature, and the cosmos manifested when she began her journey with water at the deepest of levels. Inspired by the genius of Viktor Schauberger, Marcel Vogel, Theodor Schwenk and Rudolf Steiner, Veda embraced a Goethean approach, weaving science with phenomena based learning and years of refined observation. For her, water is not limited, it enters the bodies of people as freely as it enters the bodies of ants…it can be found in the Heavens as well as the Earth, and it never dies, it is always reincarnating between liquid, solid and gas. Veda believes water is FLOW…it does what it is.

With such an extensive collection of macroscopic photographs Veda’s work could easily baffle the rational mind, but by sheer consistency and quantity cannot be disregarded. In fact, Veda believes that through this medium of art an emotional connection can be formed with water, and that this is key to creating change in the way we treat our natural world. She says, “If we think water can feel, we will care for it. If we think it is intelligent, we will learn from it.”

Veda’s passion for water extends out of the freezer and into primary schools where she donates time teaching water science and cleverly intertwines it with art projects. She loves to reconnect children to the living water systems inside and outside of their bodies, believing that the ‘tamariki’ (children) are the water bearers of the future.

“Water is the rebel element, it won’t conform to the laws of physics or gravity and it can’t be killed. Without it there is no life. It reincarnates for all to see and science tells us it came to Earth from outer space. Rebellious, nonconformist, eternal and alien…..just look at the power we are filled with.” – Veda Austin”

I am a water chemist, I’ve studied and worked with it ever since I graduated. This is mystical rubbish. Water is a compound not an element. She is not teaching “water science” she’s teaching weird religion. Water is pretty though.

August 13, 2023 5:05 pm

How do you exorcise such a thing?

CL has just the thing for that; TLS boogying.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 13, 2023 5:06 pm

Jacinta Price says ‘Australians don’t need to be welcomed to their own country’

By joe kelly
National Affairs editor
and national affairs editor
4:55PM August 13, 2023
No Comments

Opposition Indigenous Australians spokeswoman, Jacinta Price, has called for an end to welcome to country acknowledgments before every sporting event and public gathering because the practice is “wrong” and dividing the nation.

The attack comes after former prime minister Tony Abbott last week conceded he was “getting a little bit sick” of welcome to country, arguing the nation “belongs to all of us, not just to some of us.”

Senator Price, a Walpiri-­Celtic woman who grew up in Alice Springs and the leading campaign spokeswoman against Anthony Albanese’s constitutionally enshrined voice to parliament, said “Australians don’t need to be welcomed to their own country”.
Read Next

“There is no problem with acknowledging our history, but rolling out these performances before every sporting event or public gathering is definitely divisive,” Senator Price told The Australian.

“It’s not welcoming, it’s telling non-Indigenous Australians ‘this isn’t your country’ and that’s wrong. We are all Australians and we share this great land.”

Peter Dutton last week said he thought that welcome to country was a “respectful way to acknowledge the Indigenous heritage of our country” but argued the practice was overdone and often used as an exercise in virtue signalling.

“I do get the point that when you go to a function and there’s an MC who I think appropriately can do recognition, you then get the next five or 10 speakers who each do their own acknowledgment to country, and frankly, I think it detracts from the significance of the statement that’s being made,” he told 2GB. “I think there are a lot of corporates that just do it because they think it’s what people want to hear.”

An acknowledgment of country is made every sitting day alongside the Lord’s Prayer in both the Senate and House of Representatives – a practice that was introduced in 2010.

A number of Coalition MPs on Sunday supported the substance of Senator Price’s comments, with Nationals Leader David Littleproud saying that welcome to country had “just gone over the top.”

“I think unfortunately what’s happened – it’s not just sporting events – you can go to a meeting and everyone makes an acknowledgment,” Mr Littleproud said. “I think it’s gone overboard. It’s gone too far. Is it necessary? I think it’s a reasonable question to ask.”

MP Keith Pitt said the welcome to country was supposed to be “culturally significant.”

“If that’s the case they should be treated as such, not thrown around on T-shirts, email signatures, video conferences and aircraft arrivals,” he said. “I think sensible management would be widely welcomed.”

I know a bloke who dropped a very loud f@rt, halfway through “welcome to country..”

August 13, 2023 5:07 pm

I’ve long liked and admired Trump, I still like and admire him, and I believe he’s the victim of a lynching. I just think he and the USA would better served if he vacated the political landscape.

He is only in this race because it helps pay his legal bills and personal debts – follow the money. As mentioned above, DJT has performed a useful role in getting attention to some issues – now its time for someone younger and less burdened with toxic issues to carry things forward.

Or to put it more directly, DJT can win the nomination but he will lose the election.

And I would say exactly the same for the other side but with less certainty of democrat nomination..

Willem Pasterkamp
Willem Pasterkamp
August 13, 2023 5:08 pm

There has been a lot of progress with water since your dark ages Bruce. Are you aware of the concept of structured water? AKA exclusion zone water? AKA the fourth phase of water? Just for one example of how the world has moved on without you?

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
August 13, 2023 5:09 pm

This sad church in Tassie looks a little like the medieval church (c15th) that I am still trying to save in Britain, where at least 250,000 pounds (double that for dollars) needs to be spent underpinning one sinking wall and full buttress. The National Trust could help for our UK church, it is linked to a National Trust manor next door, but they are more concerned with saving ecology than buildings.

I think it a shame that the heritage group purchasing it is now selling it off and that the Anglican church has to sell off its properties to amend for past sexual sins. This, plus as the one commenter on the Tassie church notes, look at the transmission lines ruining the backdrop on the hillside. We have no sense of our history or the rights of ancestry and recent burials if we let this church fall into private use, but as in the UK, the pressure for that to happen is enormous. Money talks. Even when graves are involved.

Cassie of Sydney
August 13, 2023 5:10 pm

He is only in this race because it helps pay his legal bills and personal debts – follow the money.”

No, that’s where you’re completely wrong Kamala. Your animus towards Trump is well known.

Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
August 13, 2023 5:13 pm

Aug 13, 2023 4:58 PM
I’ve got an earworm: I think it was Steve trickler who posted the ‘She’s got Bette Davis eyes’ song.

I can hear it all the time. Unfortunately, the version in my head has refrain ‘She’s got fat and sweaty thighs.’

How do you exorcise such a thing?

But wait, Dr BG, there is more!!! You’ll never ever get this out of your grey matter!


August 13, 2023 5:13 pm

Cassie> It’s been well-documented where the campaign funds for DJT are being spent. Facts have no animus.

Willem Pasterkamp
Willem Pasterkamp
August 13, 2023 5:14 pm

Are you aware Bruce that the heart is not a pump? And that the structured water in our bodies sets up a kind of maglev track arrangement, that pumps a sticky viscous liquid twice around the world and the heart not pumping that at all. Water is much more mysterious than what you would make of it. But the main point here is that its an interface for consciousness. Thats the take home story here.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
August 13, 2023 5:16 pm

I keep telling people, we have had them for decades, they are called helicopters.

Yep. And some still called flying boats can take off and land on water.

Everything old is new again.

There are also speedboats called Water Taxis. Very handy around Sydney Harbour.

Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
August 13, 2023 5:18 pm


As a humble engineer, I’ve never understood why water is the only liquid to expand when frozen. (I think that this is true.). It doesn’t make sense to humble old me.

Bruce of Newcastle
Aug 13, 2023 5:05 PM
Here is Veda

From that link:

“Veda Austin is a New Zealand water researcher, author …

Cassie of Sydney
August 13, 2023 5:19 pm

“Cassie> It’s been well-documented where the campaign funds for DJT are being spent. Facts have no animus.”

No Kamala, and I’ll repeat, your animus towards Trump is well known. You’re a troll.

Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
August 13, 2023 5:19 pm

Lucky me, I was posted twice!!!

Willem Pasterkamp
Willem Pasterkamp
August 13, 2023 5:24 pm

Its only natural that Veda is going to attract the interest of some pretty waffly-headed types. And that she would be influenced in that direction. But my interest in what she was doing is more to do with correcting the science crimes of the Copenhagen crowd. Who put up a fatwa against aether, as a filter and a power grab. This got in the way of our understanding of the universe, of consciousness … And it seems to turn out that in our material world water is where aetheric consciousness expresses itself. Hence our brain being so high in water when it comes to molecule count. Veda doesn’t talk like this. This is simply my interpretation of what she was able to show.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 13, 2023 5:24 pm

He is only in this race because it helps pay his legal bills and personal debts – follow the money.

Actually Alamak what I think is before 2016 Trump had gotten to an age where he said to himself that he would now give back to the country that gave him the blessings he’s received.

And that requires saving it from the fascist Left. He saw what was happening and that no one else, except for us lowly powerless blogging righties, recognised.

It’s very cleansing to be in a state of mind that you literally have nothing to lose anymore, since you have a date with God in only a very few years. And you can spend the remaining time you have to do something you are gifted to do, which is to try to save your country.

Unfortunately I think the USA is beyond saving. But he will breathe his last breath knowing he did absolutely everything that he could to prevent the collapse. That is a fine thing to die doing.

August 13, 2023 5:27 pm

I know a bloke who dropped a very loud f@rt, halfway through “welcome to country..”

More than likely at the ten minute mark knowing how long that crap can drone on.
I would buy him a beer.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
August 13, 2023 5:28 pm

Because water expands when frozen, how does this effect the interpretation of ice core samples when reconstructing atmospheric gas percentages in the past?
Then there’s the huge pressures compressing ancient ice formations at depth.
It’s always seemed slightly dodgy to me.

Bill P
Bill P
August 13, 2023 5:29 pm

‘She’s got fat and sweaty thighs.’
How do you exorcise such a thing?

Perhaps a J Arthur?

August 13, 2023 5:29 pm

In a film replete with watchable scenes (including “anyone else want to negotiate?”),
I give the Cat the flying taxi.


August 13, 2023 5:31 pm

Aug 13, 2023 12:02 PM
Ron DeSantis Heckled So Much at Iowa Fair Gov Kim Reynolds Had to Ask People to be Nice to Him
I’m beginning to actively dislike the “MAGA crowd.”
If boastfully burning down a good husband and father, former serviceman, A-grade governor and unequaled destroyer of communism in institutions aren’t the things they’re looking for in a President, they’re not the friends of either reason or reform.

Actually MAGA crowd are the most reasonable voters, Trump is a known quantity while DeSantis is very wobbly on non-Florida issues. They want somebody who does not waver and Trump has not wavered on making America great again.

Ironically, Trump was probably going to be somewhere between Republicans and Democrats apart from the open border issue. He was prepared to compromise with Democrats but they kicked him in the teeth and here we are.

Willem Pasterkamp
Willem Pasterkamp
August 13, 2023 5:32 pm

“Because water expands when frozen, how does this effect the interpretation of ice core samples when reconstructing atmospheric gas percentages in the past?”

You have a process of the selection and rejection of proxies when it comes to reconstructing an unknown data set. In Big Bang theology they have selected a single proxy but a single proxy can tell you nothing. And there is this constant temptation, when you don’t have the data, or when you don’t LIKE the data you have, to substitute an unsupported proxy for the data you don’t have or you don’t like.

The ice record is NOT the CO2 record. And its shown to be unreliable, an understatement, with a tendency to average out and sit below real data.

So its a failed proxy. Including ice as a proxy is science fraud. Substituting the ice for the data set is worse fraud.

Robert Sewell
August 13, 2023 5:32 pm
Robert Sewell
August 13, 2023 5:34 pm

“Time for the Bud Light Treatment” – Social Media Erupts After Skittles Partners with Far-Left Group Which Supports Sex Procedures for Children and Places “Black Trans Lives Matter” On Its Packaging

August 13, 2023 5:37 pm

Any Cats heading off to the Adiclub Tent at Mrs Macquarie’s Chair on Tuesday evening to catch the Svedettes V the Chicas?

I will be there, clad in the loudest articles mined from the Imelda Collection™.

August 13, 2023 5:37 pm

He is only in this race because it helps pay his legal bills and personal debts – follow the money.

Monty style Gibberish.
All the lawfare is happening BECAUSE he is running.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 13, 2023 5:38 pm

As a humble engineer, I’ve never understood why water is the only liquid to expand when frozen. (I think that this is true.).

Mak – Is true! All to do with hydrogen bonding and the propensity of water ice to form a hexagonal crystal structure. As a liquid the molecules ooze past each other happily. But in a hexagonal crystal (think snowflakes) you have the gap in the middle of the hexagon, which contains nothing. Thus ice is lower density than liquid water.

Changes of course as you go up in pressure, but at one atm pressure the hole in the middle of the hexagon is stable.

I do like Kurt Vonnegut’s novel Cat’s Cradle, where some guy invents ‘ice nine’, which is denser than normal ice and melts only at 114.4 F. All water on Earth turns into it. A terrifying novel!

August 13, 2023 5:41 pm

Rabz, unless you are in a gold lamé unitard with peacock feathered headdress and sparkly emerald platform sandals, you aren’t really trying.

It’s Sydney, after all.

And don’t forget the rhinestone codpiece. Don’t let Carpe’s Q&A efforts go to waste.

Robert Sewell
August 13, 2023 5:42 pm

Bruce O’Nuke:

I do like Kurt Vonnegut’s novel Cat’s Cradle, where some guy invents ‘ice nine’, which is denser than normal ice and melts only at 114.4 F. All water on Earth turns into it. A terrifying novel!

Sounds like the Polywater scare of the 60’s. Except the polymerised water was actually dirty lab equipment.

August 13, 2023 5:45 pm

Perhaps a J Arthur?

I have no idea what that means.

August 13, 2023 5:46 pm

QLD’s LNP leadership supports treaties with the “indodgeyknees”
Then they do not deserve to be elected

Their stance will result in a Yak Cockup type debacle, again.

This is his goilfriend – she’s on Sky of an evening. What a tragic misallocation of an aesthetically pleasing brunette, Cats. 😕

August 13, 2023 5:47 pm

Aug 13, 2023 5:09 PM

Enthusiastically seconded.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 13, 2023 5:49 pm

Graeme – Come back after you’ve studied chemistry. Like the Meissner and Pitzer models for solute water thermodynamics. It’s ok, I’ll wait.

August 13, 2023 5:50 pm

Willem Pasterkamp

Woo-hoo – the Boid is till in da house! 🙂

Willem Pasterkamp
Willem Pasterkamp
August 13, 2023 5:51 pm

Bruce there is no conflict here with Chemistry. Chemistry is the one science that hasn’t been polluted by these Copenhagen reprobates.

Cassie of Sydney
August 13, 2023 5:52 pm

“They want somebody who does not waver and Trump has not wavered on making America great again.”

Not quite true. He wavered on plenty of things when POTUS, the Covid response being his biggest. He succumbed to pressure to appoint Fauci to handle Covid and there are other mistakes. However his successes outweigh his mistakes. But he also made some appalling choices, particularly in his inner sanctum, which I’m sure he now regrets. Admittedly, he was cornered, by the Demonrats, by many in his own party, by the MSM….but…but…but.

Look, I admire Trump and I admire his legacy, and I’d love to see him POTUS again, I’d love to see sweep a big broom through the Department of Justice, through the FBI, through the CIA, and so on. I’d like to see him break up big tech. I’d like to see him seal the borders. And if he’s nominated again, I truly hope he’s elected, I truly hope ninety or more million people come out to vote for him. I hope the GOP get a grip on those areas where there’ll be fraud (and they know where the fraud is likely to happen). However, people really need to stop thinking he’s some kind of messiah, or that there will be a Trumpian second coming because, as 132andBush said earlier here, we want the Democrats beaten, because if Newsom is elected, America is over.

August 13, 2023 5:54 pm

Graeme – just for the hell of it, my third economics post will essay the controversial topic of “Fractional Reserve Banking”.

Do not be absent in the comments, Squire.

August 13, 2023 5:56 pm

Those lovely rolling vistas are no more, all is dense Eucalypt scrub and trees ready to flare up in the next El Nino conflagration and spew CO2 into the atmosphere far more than if simple pastures were left to do the same job for oxygenation and CO2 take up as the forests, but with far less frequent turn over of their carbon content.

Lizzie, eucalypts are not needed anywhere unless you want regular fires to assault the environment. There are other trees that can cope with drought afflicted areas. The easy solution is to eradicate eucalypts and plant forests that don’t burn and look good with rolling countrysides in between.

For those objecting to getting rid of eucalypts, it is good to remember that Australian continent had mostly non-eucalypt forests until the aboriginal form of “farming” displaced most of them.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
August 13, 2023 5:57 pm

Critical string theory tells us that t’, the distance in the fourth dimension between aether theory and an exegesis on the Protocols, is proportional to the position of the observer.

Willem Pasterkamp
Willem Pasterkamp
August 13, 2023 5:58 pm

Maybe Chemistry has been polluted to the extent that Chemistry has been unnaturally separated from nuclear physics. You were so lucky Bruce to have lucked into the one area of science that was still true science.

Everything else is completely polluted. Virology is a fantasy. Even really good work like the Krebs cycle needs to be updated with the understanding that fusion is a natural part of it. The misinformation of physics has been a platform to screw everything up. Even philosophy. Like a 50-something philosopher has to bow down to a 20-something Einstein when everything he said was just crazy gibber.

Willem Pasterkamp
Willem Pasterkamp
August 13, 2023 6:00 pm

I look forward to it Rabz

August 13, 2023 6:03 pm

Bother. No Upticks available at 5:57.

Sarcasm level…supreme galactic emperor.

pete m
pete m
August 13, 2023 6:05 pm

Good Question

Where the he’ll does 34 billion dollars go every year?

JC – $34B came from a productivity commission report on ALL services value given to A and TSI – this includes pensions, health care etc.

$6B is additional funds over and above what other citizens receive for closing the gap and remote Aust funding.

So it would be good to start off with accuracy when asking this question.

And yes, I wholeheartedly agree a lot of BS money is paid in urban areas, and a lot of money is wasted in the bush on ngos and govt departments royally screwing up.

Some places have shown Ab led organisations provide better value for money given they want to provide for their own, and know who rorts the system and watch for it.

Anyway, back to your Aboriginal bashing everyone.

ps I don’t support the voice thingy for same reason you do – divisive and not needed. There should be 151 MPs who know damn well how legislation will impact everyone and if they don’t then they are not doing their jobs properly.

Willem Pasterkamp
Willem Pasterkamp
August 13, 2023 6:08 pm

Watching Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy again. Control took aside this super tough guy limey to smoke out the mole in the circus. Sent him across the iron curtain straight into an ambush.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 13, 2023 6:10 pm

You were so lucky Bruce to have lucked into the one area of science that was still true science.

True, Graeme, I agree! It’s sad what has been happening to my profession. My old uni somehow found my address after thirty years and started sending me begging letters and glossies, including from my old chemistry department. They are all now working on climate rubbish. Money corrupts and climate money has corrupted most of my old department.

It’s sad. I did my hons in the Sir John Cornforth laboratory, and one day the man himself came and gave a lecture to us. He’d received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in the days when Nobel Prizes meant something. We were privileged. Now I would not recommend anyone to study at that university, not even in chemistry.

August 13, 2023 6:10 pm

Aug 13, 2023 2:59 PM
Trump has done his job, and now it’s time for him to depart the stage and ride off into the sunset.
Run the risk of turning the whole shooting match into a “cult of personality” crap fest for the GOP, which in my opinion is already happening.

Every election is about a cult of personality, you want to be well known to get the votes. The GOP are perfectly happy with it when their preferred candidate drives the cult of personality but since they have offended most of their voters that will not happen in the foreseeable future. Republican voters are more aware who and what they want, Democrats are happy to be told for whom they should vote.

August 13, 2023 6:16 pm
Cassie of Sydney
August 13, 2023 6:17 pm

“Anyway, back to your Aboriginal bashing everyone.”

Who bashes “Aboriginals” here? I have a high opinion of many Aboriginals, some of whom I’ve met and had interesting conversations with, such as Senator Price, Warren Mundine, and Anthony Dillon. Oh and there’s a regular commentator here who is Aboriginal.

August 13, 2023 6:17 pm

Some places have shown Ab led organisations provide better value for money given they want to provide for their own, and know who rorts the system and watch for it.

Thanks Pete M. Always good to get another view. I would hate to think they’re all rotten. Could you please expand on that?

August 13, 2023 6:18 pm

Cassie – perhaps you might review the facts and think again re Trump and his personal legal bills. he is now spending more than his campaign raises on legal issues that predated his plans to run again.

As you state, trump is not the messiah – others can and will carry forward the republican causes which trump gave a good kick forward.

Willem Pasterkamp
Willem Pasterkamp
August 13, 2023 6:20 pm

A fellow called Roddy takes George Smiley for a drink. Trying to pump him for information. Smiley doesn’t tell him a thing but its a bit of a reverse pump since Smiley is taking in everything Roddy is saying. But he gets the drizzling shits with the digs about Smiley’s wife. He’s really hurt by her promiscuity. The whole thing is so rich like a Shakespeare play.

August 13, 2023 6:21 pm

Mother Lode
Aug 13, 2023 3:59 PM

Trumps base feel he is their man in a way no one can be. They are motivated by his successes and injuries.

They propelled him into office and he spoke for them in a way no President had before. They were personally infuriated by the shenanigans during his Presidency and his loss as if it was done to them. Now they are embarked on a quest to undo an evil by putting him back.

When Trump said of the Dems “In reality they aren’t after me, they’re after you. I’m just in the way” I think that really resonated. That is how his base saw it.

They have no great loyalty to the GOP – disappointed too many times before. And if Trump does not win then the Swamp will have finally got their way.

Well said.

It is pure fantasy to suggest that De Santis has any chance of winning in 2024.

Diehard Trump supporters – and there are many millions of them – will not flock to the polls because they love the GOP, They don’t. They are suspicious of De Santis because he is beholden to a small pool of corporate donors, while Trump garners millions of small donations from average punters.

I agree that Trump’s age is an issue, but not as much of an issue as the future of the US.

I do detect from C.L. and others a trace of the ‘he’s not the kind of person I’d invite to a dinner party’ snobbery that the RINOs (not to mention the Dimmocrats) have always raised. The latest is that he’s not being nice enough to his opponents in the GOP. Why, he’s actually rude to some of them! Including that nice chap from Florida.

FFS, American politics is a bloodsport, and all of this lace hanky nonsense is a recipe for defeat. Does anyone remember how Trump massacred the opposition to win the nomination in 2016? Fainting couches were backlogged for months. Does anyone think that Marco Rubio could have won against Hillary? ‘Little Marco?’

It’s exactly the same mentality that keeps Liberal Party figures from asserting themselves here. The classic error of the bourgeosie. The real aristocrats don’t give a toss about what the neighbours think.

And I mean aristocrats in the non genealogical sense.

Cassie of Sydney
August 13, 2023 6:23 pm

“Cassie – perhaps you might review the facts and think again re Trump and his personal legal bills. he is now spending more than his campaign raises on legal issues that predated his plans to run again.”

No Kamala, he planned to run again well before any indictments.

August 13, 2023 6:24 pm
August 13, 2023 6:26 pm

Blue shift is a “tribal” conspiracy, quantum physics has nothing to do with synthesis or instrumental analysis and the Krebs cycle relies on nuclear fusion.

These are some very bold claims that have no evidence and are contrary to reams of evidence and practical outcomes.

Nuclear fusion without quantum physics. Remarkable.

Tell us how the calculations for the modern fission-fusion-fission / spark plug-tamper thermonuclear weapons work – also tell me how the work function for a neutron deflector such as a high yield bomb casing works without a basis in Einstein.

August 13, 2023 6:27 pm

he is now spending more than his campaign raises on legal issues that predated his plans to run again.

oh you have access to his personal/campaign financial records?

August 13, 2023 6:27 pm

And I mean aristocrats in the non genealogical sense.

…but that’s not the best version of the joke.

August 13, 2023 6:28 pm

Unfortunately I think the USA is beyond saving. But he will breathe his last breath knowing he did absolutely everything that he could to prevent the collapse. That is a fine thing to die doing.

Trump is the only president who left office poorer than when he entered it. In continuing with his campaign for election not only is he endangering himself but his children and grandchildren as well. That is a huge commitment by one family. Contrast with Bidens who use the office as a piggy bank.

Willem Pasterkamp
Willem Pasterkamp
August 13, 2023 6:28 pm

The bad guys let De Santos be the only sane Governor in the country because they know they have him in their pocket. Its believed he can be blackmailed as a Guantanamo Bay torturer. He will be a disaster as a President since he won’t rebel, whereas Trump just might since he’s already been burned by the people he sucked up to. Plus De Santos is needed in Florida. Sometimes you just need one state where you can be human and thats good enough.

August 13, 2023 6:28 pm

Not quite true. He wavered on plenty of things when POTUS, the Covid response being his biggest. He succumbed to pressure to appoint Fauci to handle Covid and there are other mistakes.

The Georgia Senate runoffs.
Instead of just shutting his gob about the cheating why didn’t he realise the importance of getting Rep Senators elected and urge Republicans to vote as well as telling his minions to shut up and do the same?

All the stolen election talk could have come after.

August 13, 2023 6:33 pm

Aug 13, 2023 5:37 PM
He is only in this race because it helps pay his legal bills and personal debts – follow the money.

Monty style Gibberish.
All the lawfare is happening BECAUSE he is running.

Doesn’t it horrify you that he is persecuted only because he is running? What sort of country is it then? Doesn’t that say that it doesn’t matter who is Republican candidate as he will not be permitted to win?

Also why would Democrats allow anyone else to run unless he can’t win or will be on their side. All ugly possibilities.

August 13, 2023 6:36 pm

Doesn’t it horrify you that he is persecuted only because he is running? What sort of country is it then?

Yes it does. What I seen go down since 2016 horrifies and disgusts me. In Australia too- Howard dissing Trump in his latest book. What a revelation the last 7 years have been. Good that we know now.

August 13, 2023 6:39 pm

It is pure fantasy to suggest that De Santis has any chance of winning in 2024.

Assumes the Trump base is enough to win.
I’d like to think so.

August 13, 2023 6:39 pm

No Kamala, he planned to run again well before any indictments.

So you know whats in his mind and prefer to avoid the published data on PAC and campaign money flows. Fact-free, but stylish, writing is what you are well known for.

John H.
John H.
August 13, 2023 6:40 pm

Bruce of Newcastle
Aug 13, 2023 5:24 PM
He is only in this race because it helps pay his legal bills and personal debts – follow the money.

Unfortunately I think the USA is beyond saving. But he will breathe his last breath knowing he did absolutely everything that he could to prevent the collapse. That is a fine thing to die doing.

Today I read an article on Quilette which stated in 20-21 41 million USA citizens saw a psychotherapist but only 20% of all therapies have been validated. It has the toughest drug laws and by far the highest consumption of illicit and psychotropic medication.

The politics is just a symptom of a much deeper malaise that is destroying the USA. I’m amazed by it, I don’t understand it. Trump can’t fix it. I’m not sure anyone can.

August 13, 2023 6:41 pm

Cassie is one of the best contributors here. You are haughty, condescending and obnoxious.

August 13, 2023 6:43 pm

If you like sci fi then this futuristic who-dun-it series is pretty good …. SILO ..

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
August 13, 2023 6:43 pm

Dr Faustus

Aug 13, 2023 5:57 PM

Critical string theory tells us that t’, the distance in the fourth dimension between aether theory and an exegesis on the Protocols, is proportional to the position of the observer.

My butcher’s paper confirms this.

Cassie of Sydney
August 13, 2023 6:44 pm

“Fact-free, but stylish, writing is what you are well known for.”

Nah troll.

Willem Pasterkamp
Willem Pasterkamp
August 13, 2023 6:44 pm

Yeah contrast that to the Russians. Their degenerate tendencies beaten right out of them by their 90’s hardships and now they are a solid Christian country that makes excellent decisions. If there were three more NATO’s they would still have no chance against these people.

August 13, 2023 6:45 pm

Bear and myself are fine. Embrace the happy warrior mindset. There’s no need to let stuff roll off your back because receiving it at all is a choice.

August 13, 2023 6:45 pm

Cassie is one of the best contributors here. You are haughty, condescending and obnoxious.

Possibly a touch of projection there, but. I’m hardly the only person to ask that account to justify their “haughty, condescending” assertions with a smidgen of data.

Cassie of Sydney
August 13, 2023 6:45 pm

“Assumes the Trump base is enough to win.
I’d like to think so.”

As would I.

August 13, 2023 6:50 pm

Bruce of Newcastle,
I got a scare from a bird this afternoon as I put my garbage in the bin up my backyard.
The bird was on the top of the back of the garage and screeched so loudly as I passed by on my return to the house it even stopped the noise from the partying of a group on their verandah on the far side of my block. I thought it was going to swoop.
I later saw it through the window foraging for worms. I then identified it thanks to the internet as a masked lapwing.
I’ll wait till tomorrow to take the contents of my pedal bucket to the garbage bin, and wear a hat, because until dark the bird was still sitting on the edge of the roof.
I’ve lived in this house for over 57yrs and have never before seen a masked lapwing, or plover.
Any advice?

August 13, 2023 6:51 pm

I do detect from C.L. and others a trace of the ‘he’s not the kind of person I’d invite to a dinner party’ snobbery that the RINOs (not to mention the Dimmocrats) have always raised.

And you, of course would.
Not sure what you’re on about here other than trying to bolster some image of yourself as a knock about, well traveled, salt of the earth, rough and tough head kicking, every woman.

The latest is that he’s not being nice enough to his opponents in the GOP. Why, he’s actually rude to some of them! Including that nice chap from Florida.

Well I’ve noticed a certain air of “untouchabilty” wrt Trump starting to creep in.

Cassie of Sydney
August 13, 2023 6:52 pm

“Possibly a touch of projection there, but. I’m hardly the only person to ask that account to justify their “haughty, condescending” assertions with a smidgen of data.”

Data? Hmm, let’s just circle back for a moment you pompous windbag. Earlier you said that “He is only in this race because it helps pay his legal bills and personal debts – follow the money.” So, okay then, where’s your data for that statement you pompous git? Oh that’s right, there isn’t any data, because that statement is simply your own “projection” about Trump. You don’t like Trump, we know this, you’ve made it clear, very clear here on this blog, since you first raised your cackling Kamala troll gargoyle head here that you don’t like Trump.

Now piss off.

August 13, 2023 6:55 pm

apnews is just another tired old captured part of the legacy meja.

August 13, 2023 6:55 pm

Sent him across the iron curtain straight into an ambush

These things happen, Graeme.

Imagine being on the Eastern front ’41-’45.

That would have seriously sucked much bottomage.

August 13, 2023 6:55 pm

where’s your data for that statement you pompous git?

Try the link posted above.

And consider the possibility that DJT is capable of winning the nomination then losing the election for various reasons. Is that the outcome you’d like to see?

August 13, 2023 6:57 pm

Doesn’t it horrify you that he is persecuted only because he is running? What sort of country is it then? Doesn’t that say that it doesn’t matter who is Republican candidate as he will not be permitted to win?

Yes it does.

And no it doesn’t. In fact, with respect, Crossie, that last sentence is ridiculous.

  1. Lizzie, unfortunately our recent American guests (from Seattle) were incorrigible Democrats. But they also are in despair re their country…

  2. There were conservative posters back before he was first elected. They said “New Labour, New Danger”.

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x