Open Thread – Weekend 19 Aug 2023

Family Reunion, Frédéric Bazille, 1866

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August 19, 2023 12:46 pm

Look out for former VIC Pol staff Sergeant Krystle Mitchell who was the one who resigned on air whilst criticising the Andrews Government.

She might be with LDP people.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
August 19, 2023 12:47 pm

As Evergrande struggles in public places, the walls are closing in on Emperor Xi:

Furious Chinese investors lodge complaints over trust firm’s missed payments

Angry investors in trust products of a leading Chinese shadow bank have lodged complaint letters with regulators, pleading with the authorities to step in after the big Chinese trust firm missed payments on dozens of investment products.

Zhongrong International Trust Co., which managed assets worth $108 billion at end-2022, has missed payments on dozens of products since late last month, raising fears that China’s financial system may be at risk of contagion from a prolonged property market crisis and a rapidly slowing economy.

Its parent Zhongzhi Enterprise Group, which raises money from firms and the wider public and is reported to manage $137 billion in assets, has told investors it needs to revamp debt as it faces a liquidity crisis, Reuters reported on Thursday.

In the letter to the NFRA , investors demanded that Zhongrong provide reports of the underlying assets of defaulted products. It has traditionally had sizable exposure to real estate — a sector that has been roiled by growing debts and defaults since 2021.

Time for a distraction squirrel…

Black Ball
Black Ball
August 19, 2023 12:54 pm

I think someone upthread may have called it:

Victorian taxpayers will be left with a $380m bill for the Andrews government’s decision to cancel the 2026 Commonwealth Games.

The government confirmed on Saturday morning it had reached the figure following negotiations with the Commonwealth Games Federation and Commonwealth Games Australia.

All disputes over the cancellation of the games have now been settled.

“The parties also agreed that the multi-hub regional model was more expensive to host than the traditional models,” a joint statement said.

“The settlement was supported by the mediators.

“The terms of the settlement will otherwise remain confidential.

“The settlement finalises all matters between the parties.

“The parties are legally bound not to speak further regarding the details of the settlement.”

Following the decision to cancel the games, former New Zealand Judge, Kit Toogood, KC, and the former Chief Justice of the WA Supreme Court, Wayne Martin, KC, were appointed as joint mediators.

Premier Daniel Andrews on Saturday said the Games settlement meant the government could proceed with building houses in regional Victoria.

He said the $380m settlement was the best outcome and that challenging a “break fee” would have risked a lawyers’ picnic.

“And who knows what the ultimate number would have been.

“Who knows who wins and who loses in these sorts of matters, together with the inevitable appeals and appeals on appeals,’’ he said.

“We can focus on delivering thousands of houses and other sporting infrastructure across regional Victoria.’’

I won’t continue with the article but according to Andrews, spending close to $400 million to not hold an event is the best possible outcome from this debacle. FMD

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
August 19, 2023 12:57 pm

We are enjoying CPAC. Only booked in late this week once we knew we were back in Sydney, not delayed by family. Excellent speakers so far and no obvious Antifa outside. It’s pretty full, we could only get the cheap seats, Cassie is swanning it in Gold. I’m wearing a houndstooth coat and Hairy a leather bomber jacket if anyone here wants to say hello. Will report back termorra. Lunch here now and they are setting a cracking pace to the next speakers at 1.30.

August 19, 2023 12:57 pm

What is it with nurses and mass murder?

I think it goes back to Seinfeld. Jerry asked Nooman why postal workers went postal. Nooman responded that it was the mail. It just keeps coming and never stops.

It’s the patients. They never stop!

Reflect that mass murder is just the tip of the triangle.
Way higher are the number of medical mistakes leading to death, and vastly outnumbering these in turn are correct actions not resulting in good outcomes because the feedstock is not perfect.

Terry Pratchett’s book ‘Going Postal’ certainly showed the mail never stopping; it actually was compounding due to a feedback loop in the epistemology.

But the real reason for the rash of ‘going postal’ in post offices was social imitation. People act based on the stories of similar other people.
Far more suicides than mass killings result from this, and the prevention tactics are or should be based on similar principles as the suicide reporting guidelines.

August 19, 2023 12:58 pm

Black Ball
Aug 19, 2023 12:54 PM

I think someone upthread may have called it:

Victorian taxpayers will be left with a $380m bill for the Andrews government’s decision to cancel the 2026 Commonwealth Games

This hunchback is a criminal. He’s done this before too with the east west freeway that cost us over $1 billion.

You begin to wonder if there’s anything in it for him personally.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
August 19, 2023 1:01 pm

Abbott pandered to every man and his dog.

This is a conventional accusation but not sure it is correct. He was polite to people rather than antagonistic. Howard was ready to attack people but that was his style. Question is whether Abbott have in to contrary demands. Or was it horse trading. Or whatever else. What instances of pandering are you thinking of?

If the PM doesn’t have enough power what is the point.

Not sure what to say to this. It is the Westminster system. The Prime Minister is merely the first minister. We know that even Churchill had to deal with ministers and members. It is great when the PM and the party are on the same side, and that would usually be the case, but turns out Abbott did not enjoy that.

Even Fatty Trump was beleaguered by a swamp that was deeper and wider than he imagined. Certainly I had no sense of just how malign and perfidious US state institutions have turned out to be – by which I only mean that what I suspected turned out to be was worse – and the more pessimistic idea Trump would have had (enough to spur him to run for President) was also revealed to have been too optimistic. It bespeaks to layers beneath layers beneath layers of malfeasance. It is tortoises all the way down.

I have never heard of anyone who has met Abbott and come away saying he is two-faced, opportunistic, conniving, gutless, or a Tartuffe.

But I do recall people saying that if you were determined to hate the guy the last thing you should ever do is meet him.

I have not met him. (Although I have many fond memories of drinking various scotches within 100m and eyesight of his office in Manly – which must count for something.) But I persist in my belief that he is a good man who did the best he could, perhaps better than most, of the opportunity offered.

But, no matter what else, and to paraphrase Rick from Casablanca, I will always have those Speyside scotches*.

* I prefer Speysides in warmer weather.

August 19, 2023 1:03 pm

Well my weekly film post will return next Thursday.

It’s been a hectic last few weeks which was somewhat derailed a bit by having plantar fasiilitis in my left foot which was extremely painful for a couple of weeks (I was in a moon boot) but is now on the mend thanks to my excellent podiatrist.

The irony for me is that I never suffered any soft tissue injuries playing football (soccer) but in the last couple of years refereeing I’ve had 3 injuries (foot, knee and calf tear). I must be getting old.

The film for next week has been requested by a number of Cats, so the tease is:

Feed the French. Kill the Germans.

August 19, 2023 1:03 pm

You begin to wonder if there’s anything in it for him personally.

Not sure but he’s your typical political parasite who’s never had a real job and neither knows nor cares about other people’s hard earned. More Eloi.

August 19, 2023 1:04 pm


Way higher are the number of medical mistakes leading to death,

Good point Chris. Wifey has a niece who was just made a general surgeon. She often gets home at midnight and then has to go in at 6 am to perform surgery. The commute is an hour from where she lives, which means she may end up with a four hours sleep max. That’s seriously dangerous stuff.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
August 19, 2023 1:04 pm

Question is whether Abbott have in to contrary demands.

Gave in to.

I blame auto-correct, which is completely unfair but shifts blame from me.

Perhaps I have a career in politics.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
August 19, 2023 1:07 pm

I have been thinking about the government contracting thing.
I watched the Three Corners episode on large consulting firms tapping into Treasury from a couple of weeks ago.
In typical ABC fashion, the root cause of the dependency of the Public Service on consultants was … ta-dah … “Tony Abbott slashing the public service”.
Utter bullshit. A small team of effective contract managers could outsource hundreds of thousands of hours of work efficiently if they knew what they were doing.
The other gripe was the “start it low and watch it grow” contracting model, where the supplier relies on contract amendments to pump up the value and duration of the contract.
Again, pretty standard practice, which could be countered by good contract managers within the APS.
One of the key strategies to stop this scope creep is to break the contract into clear stages and re-tender each stage.
For example, with an IT contract, you tender out functional spec, technical spec, implementation, training etc, separately at each stage.
And here’s the sting. At each stage the contractor has to deliver a clear spec to be included for the next phase, and the Commonwealth holds a 10% retention until that next stage is let, or cancelled, or six months has elapsed without action.
Eligibility of a particular contractor to participate in the next phase will depend on cost/schedule performance in the previous phase.
One of the tools the Commonwealth should use is Intellectual Property clauses. If you develop a spec for an IT system for dedicated use by the Commonwealth and are paid for it, the Commonwealth owns the foreground IP. The way a lot of consultants gouge the system is claiming that there is background IP in the work they have done, which means they have to be paid for it if they aren’t awarded the next phase. Background IP being stuff they had developed and funded previously.
Utter bullshit.
In most cases “background IP” is what we call “general knowledge”. It gets very awkward when you start asking people to specifically define it in a particular case.
Anyway, the Commonwealth should simply stipulate that, if you want to preserve your background IP, don’t bother turning up to play. We don’t recognise it, and it will be considered as forfeited into stage 2 if you claim it was used in stage 1.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
August 19, 2023 1:12 pm

CPAC is live streaming on FB, ADH TV and youtube. Jacinta and Warren were absolutely amazing and other speakers so very good. Atmosphere is vibrant. Check it out.

August 19, 2023 1:14 pm

Well sure, you’d think there’s a limit to cheating, but these indictments are meant to frighten anyone who raises questions.

Here’s an example of the other problem. Who is their right mind would go or be allowed to scrutinize the count in Philly without being killed (and the murderer is subsequently found to be innocent as a result of self defense?).

Who is going to question the voting machines after Fox settled a defamation suit for almost US$800 million?

I’m generally an optimistic sort, but can’t see a way through this.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
August 19, 2023 1:15 pm


Aug 19, 2023 12:40 PM

What is it with nurses and mass murder?

I think it goes back to Seinfeld. Jerry asked Nooman why postal workers went postal. Nooman responded that it was the mail. It just keeps coming and never stops.

It’s the patients. They never stop!

They do when you put a pillow over their face.

Boambee John
Boambee John
August 19, 2023 1:17 pm


I won’t continue with the article but according to Andrews, spending close to $400 million to not hold an event is the best possible outcome from this debacle. FMD

The “event” to which he refers is the Liars’ success at the last election. Nearly $400 m to get him back into power? A bargain, just ask Dan, he’ll tell you.

August 19, 2023 1:17 pm

The situation in the states now is the demorats can do whatever they want: the media and the security apparatus backs them up plus close to 50% of the sheeple and most of the so called conservatives. The US is gutted. And I’m now sure they won’t kill Trump; they want him as a prisoner poster boy.

Here the screech is a test Blind Freddy can see what this is but listening to talkback you’d think 90% of the callers, even though they have suspicions, also have the insight of a squashed lamington. I’m also still not betting against some election shenanigans.

August 19, 2023 1:20 pm

Certainly I had no sense of just how malign and perfidious US state institutions have turned out to be

me neither

August 19, 2023 1:21 pm

It is 60 km. to the local branch. Fortunately we do have another bank account and are able to log on there for transactions.
The ANZ has just lost a customer.

It is even worse for people in rural areas where there is not even a branch, and the branches are being closed down one by one.

This story that Johanna gleaned from Adam’s blog terrifies me – as I can easily see that happening to us in the bush. And yes – all the ANZ branches in towns within 1 hour drive have closed. We had problem when we sold a tractor a few months ago and had to drive 2 hours to a branch still open – or face the 3 hour drive back to Sydney.

We did manage to rescue the situation of an attempted hack during the pandemic – but it involved a 3 hour wait for ANZ head office in Melbourne to get back to us.

The current government – the party of the “Social Justice” warriors – is dismissing the inequity as “too hard to address” or just not interested.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
August 19, 2023 1:26 pm

Lizzie, from last night.
Might I respectfully suggest that studying “Geographical Distribution of Socio-Economic Urban and Regional yada, yada” in the 1970’s or 1980’s would give you no more insight into the meth-riddled pockets of our society in 2023 than anyone else.

August 19, 2023 1:27 pm

Westpac, ANZ and NAB have all pissed off out of our town. Only Comm Bank remains. I actually bank with a NSW institution with no branches at all in Vicco. Seems to work and I can get free withdrawals from Big4 ATMs (while I can get to them). Like many here, I carry cash and prefer it.

August 19, 2023 1:28 pm

On the other hand, remote living has its advantages. Husband and I just had coffee and cake at our local farm gate cafe and greeted locals. Then went for a long drive around the upper reaches of our valley. Magnificent scenery on this clear, sunny & windy day. Paddocks showing signs of greening and sun shine on the sandstone cliffs.

On the other hand, the Screech has instigated some venomous comments on the valley’s Facebook pages. There is no Eden on this earth.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 19, 2023 1:32 pm

You can only cheat so much before it’s too obvious to deny or obfuscate.

The Dems invented about 15 to 16 million votes in the 2020 election without being called to account on it.

Biden may break the 100 million barrier in 2024. He a very popular president! /s

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 19, 2023 1:39 pm

The rightosphere is today very tentatively asking the pertinent question.

Did the CIA work to rig the 2020 election? (18 Aug)

Yes they did. And almost certainly the Brazilian election and probably the recent Spanish election too, since the Left did a lot “better” than anyone expected.

Hammer and Scorecard: Are CIA programs designed to interfere in foreign elections being used in the US now? (8 Nov 2020)

Note the date of the blogpost. Since there’s been zero action or consequences on such things it seems likely that they’ve increased the scope of their intervention. After all they’re saving the Planet, whatever it takes.

Cassie of Sydney
August 19, 2023 1:42 pm

Moira Deeming speaking. Fabulous. I have caught up with Sall Groves.


Robert Sewell
Robert Sewell
August 19, 2023 1:43 pm

Robert Sewell
Aug 19, 2023 11:59 AM

Former Adviser to the Treasury and Bank of England, Dr Roger Gewolb, congratulates GB News on the success of the Don’t Kill Cash Campaign,

Perhaps the bosses have totally misread the socio/political mood that first surfaced with the Red Bull owner sacking his marketing team over their BLM arrogance. Lesson unlearned, we next had the Bud Lite saga, where admin still hasn’t woken up to the message that the consumer is King and isn’t captive to the marketing departments flings with political fashion. Next we have Target US who were a little quicker to disown the worms in their apple.
When corporations decide to treat their customers with respect and stay out of the political arena, they may get them back. But at the moment the customer who has been ear bashed for years about how non woke they are, are in the mood to kick a few heads themselves.

Robert Sewell
Robert Sewell
August 19, 2023 1:43 pm

Robert Sewell
Aug 19, 2023 12:01 PM
The above comment in reply to:

Aug 18, 2023 6:24 PM
Don’t Kill Cash – ‘An extraordinary victory!’ | Roger Gewolb congratulates GB News on cash campaign

Robert Sewell
Robert Sewell
August 19, 2023 1:44 pm

Robert Sewell
Aug 19, 2023 12:08 PM


Aug 18, 2023 6:57 PM
Have you ever tried to put your left hand in the right hand pocket?

Could never do it.
The pocket was always occupied by the government either scratching my balls or stealing the loose change.

Robert Sewell
Robert Sewell
August 19, 2023 1:46 pm

Robert Sewell
Aug 19, 2023 1:38 PM
Also given is that the people who infest government assume any problem is one that requires intervention by themselves because they are the smartest people in the room, and everything that goes wrong is always market failure, then they will always assume that the cure is more regulatory intervention.
The fact that they are proven wrong on a near continual basis is irrelevant to them – because they are the smartest people in the room.

eric hinton
eric hinton
August 19, 2023 1:48 pm

The Country Hour

Went to my first Limousin sale during the week; auctioneer line of the day, “38cm in the broad beans.”

Tell you what but. That Angus beef marketing campaign has worked a treat; boutique breeds like the ‘Limo’ have had to reinvent themselves as the new black – more than half the catalogue.

August 19, 2023 1:48 pm

Beijing Bets on BRICS as Biden Ramps Up Tech and Trade War

Chinese President Xi Jinping is preparing for only his second trip abroad of 2023 to attend the BRICS Summit in Johannesburg, South Africa next week.

What’s so important about the meeting that Xi feels the need to attend personally? Sputnik reached out to veteran China watcher Thomas W. Pauken II for answers.

President Xi is set to touch down in South Africa next Monday for a four-day state visit.

The overseas trip is Xi’s first since his visit to Moscow in March for talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Along with his attendance of the BRICS Summit, the Chinese leader is set to meet with South African President Cyril Ramaphosa and other regional leaders for the China-Africa Leaders Dialogue, a platform helping to facilitate Beijing’s ambitious vision for ramping up trade, investment, infrastructure, resource extraction and energy cooperation with the African continent.

Why Does China Need BRICS?

August 19, 2023 1:55 pm

Lucy Letby is a name which will go down in infamy. Murdered 7 newborns and attempted 6 others in England somewhere. Just shit.

I listened to two pommy journos actually worthy of the name, who podcasted brilliantly during the close to year long trial. Amazing work as they unravelled the complicated and complex circumstantial evidence to its well deserved conclusion.

Also amazing work by other individuals, consultants, doctors and others, who once they got past the “unthinkable” reason as to why these NICU babies were mysteriously collapsing and dying, eventually reached the truth.

Not so much the NHS managers at the hospital who went to great lengths to do nothing about it.

Thinking of the two baby boys from an identical triplet birth who were murdered by this monstrously inhumane excuse for a human being, just broke me. The parents were switched on enough to the fact that there was something rotten going on in that unit that they insisted the third baby be immediately transferred to another hospital.

It’s still an ongoing investigation as they are now looking at all neo-natal deaths in the unit while she worked there before 2015 and at her previous hospital. This seven may only be the tip of a very big iceberg.

Set me to thinking about how hard it is to overcome our belief in, or willingness to trust others without becomimg a totally paranoid cynic.

She looks like the quintessential girl next door.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
August 19, 2023 1:59 pm

What is it with nurses and mass murder?

It is in a secret part of the recruiting documents for nursing – I saw it at one of the sites Indolent links to.

Apparently to overcome the natural revulsion to the sight of blood and guts they tell nurses that they can take out their emotional angst on the patients. Just happens some nurses have inexhaustible issues.

Word is that Florence Nightingale used to stalk the ward with a lantern like a harbinger of death, selecting patients, and puts bits of shrapnel into men she had taken a disliking to – pushing the razor sharp shard through their skin and viscera like putty, then acting all heartbroken at their bedsides the next morning about ‘the senseless waste of life’ and ‘the ignominy of that grisly trade which treats these poor boys lives as a base denomination of an exorbitant currency’.

She got found out eventually, but they hushed it up. Of course.

I also heard that if Hillary wanted to become a nurse but her grades weren’t good enough and all she could get into was law.

Cassie of Sydney
August 19, 2023 2:01 pm

Lucy Letby should be executed.

Cassie of Sydney
August 19, 2023 2:01 pm

Lucy Letby should be executed.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
August 19, 2023 2:03 pm


On the bingo card of strange occurrences in 2023 there is one happy granny out there gleefully crossing out “Conservative men and Feminists team up”.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
August 19, 2023 2:06 pm

eric hinton

Aug 19, 2023 1:48 PM

The Country Hour

Went to my first Limousin sale during the week; auctioneer line of the day, “38cm in the broad beans.”

Tell you what but. That Angus beef marketing campaign has worked a treat; boutique breeds like the ‘Limo’ have had to reinvent themselves as the new black – more than half the catalogue.

I know, right.
If you were a member of any other cattle breeding society (Herefords, Limousin etc) you would be furious with your guys sitting on their hands whilst the Black Angus mob have stolen a march and branded (pun intended) themselves as something elite.
The average consumer seeing “grass fed black Angus” on a menu thinks they are buying premium.
Truth is, you’re buying a steer from a paddock, which is largely indistinguishable from a bunch of other breeds when it is in a 300 gm lump on the plate.

August 19, 2023 2:06 pm

I have never heard of anyone who has met Abbott and come away saying he is two-faced, opportunistic, conniving, gutless, or a Tartuffe…………
I have not met him…… But I persist in my belief that he is a good man who did the best he could, perhaps better than most, of the opportunity offered.

You are definitively right, Mother Lode, in the last comment. He is, indeed, a good man.

I confess I thought he was a disappointment as PM. It seemed to me that he fell victim to the syndrome of so many well-meaning pollies (and there are some!) – he tried to satisfy as broad a section of voters as he could. And this satisfies no one.

I see him intermittently at our local cafe on the beach in Sydney. Recently I thanked him for his help given to our local RFS a few years ago when a fire threatened local properties. As I said – he is a good man.

BTW we all blame a local wag for causing the incident in parliament with Julia Gillard. At the cafe one morning this lovely, elderly lady said to Tony, “Don’t you worry about her darling – she’s a “piece of work”! Some of the locals reckon that it was that fateful expression – murmured under his breath – that caused Juliar to go into a paroxysm of rage & cry “abuse of women”!

August 19, 2023 2:12 pm

This story that Johanna gleaned from Adam’s blog terrifies me – as I can easily see that happening to us in the bush. And yes – all the ANZ branches in towns within 1 hour drive have closed. We had problem when we sold a tractor a few months ago and had to drive 2 hours to a branch still open – or face the 3 hour drive back to Sydney.

We did manage to rescue the situation of an attempted hack during the pandemic – but it involved a 3 hour wait for ANZ head office in Melbourne to get back to us.

Even in hte middle of suburbia, they closed my (very quiet) local Commonwealth, and removed the autotellers that provided most service. Now we have to park in Innaloo or Subiaco or Karrinyup and struggle through to the branch, then wait in a 1-1.5 hour queue for service when needed. Going with a nursing home resident to do this is a mission; his wallet was swiped and three of these bank visits with travel and waiting times in 3 months, but he still isn’t square.

As for Centrelink for his seniors card… haven’t even tried.

August 19, 2023 2:15 pm

If you were a member of any other cattle breeding society (Herefords, Limousin etc) you would be furious with your guys sitting on their hands whilst the Black Angus mob have stolen a march and branded (pun intended) themselves as something elite.
The average consumer seeing “grass fed black Angus” on a menu thinks they are buying premium.

You are right, Sancho. The marketing campaign which established the Black Angus as the premium meat at your supermarket was nothing short of genius. They destroyed the status of the Hereford – which is a far better cut of meat – in my humble opinion. But then – Galloway meat is also a fine cut of beef – as are many other breeds. Our own Belted Galloways produce a very marbled cut which rivals the much prized Wagyu – although few people realise this.

The very large grazing property adjacent to us market the progeny of Angus cows covered by Wagyu bulls. They command a premium at the saleyards, and some of the better beasts have actually been exported to the home of Wagyu – Japan.

August 19, 2023 2:18 pm

Even in hte middle of suburbia, they closed my (very quiet) local Commonwealth, and removed the autotellers that provided most service.

Chris, it is an outrage. We are all just meekly acquiescing – although, in truth, there is f— all we can do.

August 19, 2023 2:21 pm

BTW we all blame a local wag for causing the incident in parliament with Julia Gillard. At the cafe one morning this lovely, elderly lady said to Tony, “Don’t you worry about her darling – she’s a “piece of work”! Some of the locals reckon that it was that fateful expression – murmured under his breath – that caused Juliar to go into a paroxysm of rage & cry “abuse of women”!

In the play ‘I’m with Her’ presented last week in Darwin, Julia Gillard was presented with great dudgeon as an inspiration to women everywhere especially the Mysogyny speech.

When JG was made Prime Minister, I was at a school event with Dr Liz Constable our WA Minister for Education. (I volunteered for her)
I asked Dr Constable ‘What do you think about your Federal counterpart’s big move?’
Sharply indrawn breath. “That woman! She couldn’t lie straight in bed!”

August 19, 2023 2:21 pm
August 19, 2023 2:22 pm

The ABC of Wokery

19th August 2023

Nicholas T. Parsons

August 19, 2023 2:23 pm


The Vietnam War and the Present Crisis

Mervyn Bendle

August 19, 2023 2:25 pm

Voice Special Edition
Is the Voice Redundant?

17th August 2023

Alasdair Millar

This essay appears in our Voice online-only edition.

Subscribers and non-subscribers alike can download
the entire August issue by clicking this link

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
August 19, 2023 2:28 pm

the progeny of Angus cows covered by Wagyu bulls.

So, a breed that insists it skirt cut should be called a kilt, moo (or low) with a long rolling ‘r’, and if you can convince them they have lost they will kill themselves.

Both sides of their ancestry love a drink too.

Not sure if you should bring them to the table on a plate, or on a chair so you can sit around with them, eat lamb, and get pissed.

August 19, 2023 2:31 pm

Bruce of Newcastle
Aug 19, 2023 12:33 PM

God bless you BoN. From your post I got “Speedy – blah, blah, bah……..”.

I don’t understand the chemistry at all. All I know is that every now and then, EV batteries might catch alight and they are a bugger to put out. But I certainly agree with you that this has very serious potential. I dread the day a multi-storey building goes up in flames and the cause is traced to a charging (or even non-charging) EV. If people die, this will turn the charging protocols upside down.

Even today we see people burning their houses down with cars (and scooters) recharging.

I don’t know what the solution is and whilst I love the potential power that can be released in terms of car acceleration, I am concerned that the increasing number of EVs may see a corresponding increase in dwelling fires.

By the way, the Lancia Delta Evo-e can accelerate from 0-100km/h in 1.8 seconds!! That is better than a F1 car that takes a somewhat more leisurely 2.4 seconds.

I gotta get me one of those! 🙂

August 19, 2023 2:33 pm

Lucy Letby should be executed

One hundred years ago this would have been seen as the right and just outcome.

However, here in the darkest, swampiest state in the country, a pathetic magistrate gave the lightest possible sentence of 2years 6 months to an unlicenced 2i year old moron with four bail breaches who drunkenly ploughed through a stop sign 30k over the speed limit and killed a 69yo. grandad, because reasons.

Reasons included time served (some of it in an indigenous ‘healing centre’), having a baby, having anxiety and intergenerational trauma of her aboriginality.

The family of the forgotten victim had to endure the ultimate insult of her blowing kisses to her family and telling them she’d see them soon.

Justice denied.

Perfidious Albino
Perfidious Albino
August 19, 2023 2:33 pm

On bank closures – not just regional either. The local Bank of Melbourne in Kew Junction closed some months back, unusual as the Big 4 have all relocated and modernised their branches there in the last few years. In the last month, the branch in Camberwell they literally just redirected everyone to has also been announced to be closing. Doncaster Westfield the next closest now I think.

First world problems I know, but they clearly have no interest in genuine customer service anymore.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
August 19, 2023 2:43 pm

Mother Lode

Aug 19, 2023 1:59 PM

What is it with nurses and mass murder?

It is in a secret part of the recruiting documents for nursing – I saw it at one of the sites Indolent links to.

They’re not hard to spot.
The red shoes are a dead giveaway.

Apparently to overcome the natural revulsion to the sight of blood and guts they tell nurses that they can take out their emotional angst on the patients. Just happens some nurses have inexhaustible issues.

Preach it, brudder.

August 19, 2023 2:47 pm


Forget about Hiden. He’s not running. The only reason he’s not gone yet is because of the laughing hyena issue.

They’re trying to figure how they get rid of him asap but don’t want to be screwed with her as president.

Eventually the nominee is likely to be Oldsom.

August 19, 2023 2:48 pm

Progress on my homework assignment

Literary historian George Watson cited an 1849 article written by Friedrich Engels called “The Hungarian Struggle” and published in Marx’s journal Neue Rheinische Zeitung, and commented that “entire nations would be left behind after a workers’ revolution against the bourgeoisie, feudal remnants in a socialist age, and since they could not advance two steps at a time, they would have to be killed. They were racial trash, as Engels called them, and fit only for the dung-heap of history.”

Commies are scum.

August 19, 2023 2:50 pm

As for Centrelink for his seniors card… haven’t even tried.

Seniors card comes from State gummint not CentreLink … NSW info ..

Black Ball
Black Ball
August 19, 2023 3:03 pm

Indeed, but its hard to argue this when mothers are permitted by law to murderer their own child at these ages themselves so long as they’re located in their womb. That’s the phenomenological irony here. In one ward, a neonate is being cared for, in another it is being removed in pieces.

And that’s one reason why the West is doomed. To be able to abort a fetus on a whim is murder.

August 19, 2023 3:07 pm

First world problems I know, but they clearly have no interest in genuine customer service anymore.

Megaprofits aren’t enough for our protected Big 4 banking quasi-monopoly. They covet Big Tech’s zero-customer-service business model — the go-and-get-stuffed up-yours road to 90% operating margins that even Australia’s airport monopolies dream about.

August 19, 2023 3:08 pm

Important article posted by Jo Nova on the rapid increase in bio weapon research in the USA – particularly under the watch of Fauci. When this was actually contested by the government in the last few years the research was transferred OS to places like Wuhan & in labs in Ukraine.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
August 19, 2023 3:18 pm
Robert Sewell
Robert Sewell
August 19, 2023 3:20 pm

Thanks for the links – many of them end up on my FB page to my Eastern State readers – both my sisters. 🙂

Robert Sewell
Robert Sewell
August 19, 2023 3:25 pm


Aug 19, 2023 9:27 AM
We are moving toward a Global Empire and enslavement of humanity in a Digital Gulag

Digital Gulag of the Western World perhaps, but I doubt anyone or any group of nations could conquer Africa without depopulating it first. Africa Rules and all that.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
August 19, 2023 3:28 pm

Janet Albrechtsen does it again, gee she’s really baiting the she-wolves

Female leaders’ daft words are not doing anyone any favours
Months ago, I read this from Dante: “I love to doubt as well as know.” An exquisite and wise phrase will linger in the mind.

Equally so, for different reasons, it’s hard to dislodge from one’s mind an ugly set of words.

A few weeks ago, a senior woman talking about gender parity said it’s simple – “it’s about more women coming in and more men going out”.

Emma Covacevich, the first female chief executive partner of one of Australia’s most esteemed law firms, conjured up the worst image for a workplace, which ought to be premised on fairness, logic and expertise.

Increasingly, daft words like this seem to emanate from women in senior leadership roles. It’s not that men don’t say dumb things too, but when women say them, the celebration of women in these positions means they are seen as role models for other women. Most of them relish the gender fame, until they stuff up. If only more of them understood that if you want to play first grade, it comes with scrutiny and responsibility.

On that score, it was not, by all reports, a merry day for men, or women, at Clayton Utz to hear, thanks to Covacevich, that parity at their firm appears to boil down to a brutish equation where expert legal skills take second billing to XX chromosomes. As much as the chief executive partner may wish to distance herself from what she told this newspaper, her words cannot be unsaid, even if they won’t be appearing – at least formally – as an addendum to her job title.

Not to labour the relevance of fairness, but test her equity equation by switching genders. More men in, more women out, anyone? Screeches of outrage would bellow from every woman – and many, many men too – because an enlightened society does not discriminate on the basis of sex. We have laws to drag even the stragglers to progress onto this same enlightened page.

So why would an educated new chief of Clutz – as we young lawyers used to call the law firm in the 90s – imagine that switching the genders in favour of women is a clever and fair thing to do? Are we dealing with wicked old-boys clubs where nothing less than a sledgehammer will do to deliver restorative gender justice? Does Covacevich wish us to believe she landed her plum job because she is female?

Not to labour the relevance of logic, but women are pouring into law schools at a rate of knots, more than 60 per cent, and filling jobs at law firms at a similarly fabulous pace. At Clutz, 65 per cent of graduate lawyers are women. While women make up 29 per cent of equity partners at Clayton Utz, one does not need a brain the size of Stephen Hawking (when he was alive) to wonder whether more women than men are choosing a different lifestyle to explain that drop-out rate. Maybe working an easier job as in-house counsel, or downsizing work to care for children rather than let a series of nannies do it. Only an ideologue would assume that women and men naturally compete for the same senior jobs in equal numbers and therefore should be represented 50/50 in those ranks.

In the dippy stakes, Ms Equity’s “more women in, more men out” approach to gender parity falls a whisker behind Annette Kimmitt, who was very confused about the purpose and values at Minter Ellison – until partners there provided some refreshing clarity by agreeing to part ways with Kimmitt.

This was back in March 2021 when, as Minters chief executive, Kimmitt emailed 2000-plus employees. She wrote that “it triggered hurt for me” to learn that the law firm was acting for then attorney-general Christian Porter.

“I know that for many of you it’s a tough day and I want to apologise for the pain you may be experiencing,” she added. The decision to act for Porter had not, she said, passed through “the lens of our Purpose and our Values”.

And what purpose and which values might those be? The core purpose of defending a person from unproven allegations, as happens in a democracy where a criminal justice system is premised on the fundamental values of a fair trial and the presumption of innocence?

Kimmitt was gone within days.

Though her email and departure made headlines, two other recent examples suggest that some women are getting a free pass from the scrutiny that their prominent positions should attract.

Last month, Federal Court justice Ian Jackman excoriated his judicial colleague Kathleen Farrell for failing to deliver a judgment for nearly three years before taking retirement on a full judicial pension, around three years short of mandatory retirement age. Her failure meant Jackman had to take responsibility for the matter and deliver judgment.

Instead of thanking Jackman and instituting steps to ensure this never happens again, the Chief Justice of the Federal Court, Debra Mortimer, offered him an implied rebuke. It was reported that Mortimer emailed her colleagues on the bench about the need for restraint and collegiality.

Concern for collegiality and kindness in the workplace is lovely but even grander is the fair and efficient administration of justice, not to mention an overriding concern for the poor litigants before Justice Farrell who had spent huge sums of money on litigation, putting their lives on hold for years while awaiting judgment only to be told Jackman had been reassigned the case on June 30 and delivered judgment fewer than four weeks later. A chief justice might have something to say about the judicial function, perhaps inserting some new KPI’s about finishing judgments, or proposing that absent health or other relevant disabling factors, judges can’t collect the pension until they have finished their judgments.

Too many women in senior roles appear to indulge in emotional blather as if it is part and parcel of female leadership. Last week, it was ACT Chief Justice Lucy McCallum’s turn. The Sofronoff report found that the ACT Director of Public Prosecutions Shane Drumgold behaved grossly unethically in critical respects including knowingly withholding crucial evidence from the defence, preying on a young solicitor to include false claims in an affidavit to hide the material, and then making deliberately deceptive comments in court to Justice McCallum herself.

A chief judge might, quite reasonably, be incandescent with rage and determine to take every legal step open to her to punish the wrongdoing and ensure it could never happen again. Instead, Justice McCallum issued a note to lawyers giving a quick nod to public scrutiny and then came the urging “to show kindness and respect towards each other at this time and (I) look forward to continuing to work with the local legal profession to build on the many strengths of this jurisdiction”.

To call this motherly drivel is to do mothers a disservice. This is drivel, plain and simple. What about the interests of the community in seeing fair and impartial justice, not to mention the interests of all those brutalised by Drumgold’s behaviour starting first with Bruce Lehrmann, of course, but extending to the ACT police, Linda Reynolds and Fiona Brown, among others?

The Chief Justice appears to care more about a few stern words aimed at Drumgold than these disgraceful injustices.

For all the hoo-haa about the importance of female leaders, too many high-profile women are letting the side – and society – down with daft and woolly public utterances.

We don’t need female leadership, whatever that entails, we need leadership to ensure that institutions do the right thing.

What is it with female ‘leaders’? Is it a prerequisite for them to be twee? Twee doesn’t cut it. As for ‘justice’ in the ACT perhaps the entire legal system in the ACT should be examined from the Chief Justice down to the registry filing clerk to really see what’s going on. Or better still how about repealing the enabling act that set up the ACT in the first place? Now that would save a lot of money and get rid of the toxic Green infestation completely.

August 19, 2023 3:40 pm

Former Singapore leader Lee Kuan Yew pointed out that the time delay meant the non-communist nations of Southeast Asia were better able to withstand communist insurgencies in the mid-1970s than if they had taken place earlier.

Very true in places like Thailand. I have been to the border regions with Cambodia or “Kampuchea” as I have sometimes heard from the locals. Some of these places had a cold Communist insurgency that became hot in the late 1970’s to the late 1980’s. The bomb shelters are still in place round villages in Ta Phraya district of Sa Kheo albeit overgrown by weeds now. The Thais were lucky to have an incredibly popular King who was US centric and able to guide the corrupt governments/juntas through that period.

I believe the opening of the archives on the fall of the USSR had records indicating further Soviet activities were curbed as a result of the scale of US involvement in SVN.

August 19, 2023 3:46 pm

Biden will be running. And if he doesn’t my argument still stands.

What argument? I thought we were having a chat.

All this talk about Newsom, what are his polls like in the mid-West and East Coast? Last I saw he was doing worse than Harris countrywide.

Let’s just for the sake of argument say you’re wrong. You never are, but lets be hypothetical. Other than Oldsom, who do they have? They’ll cheat RFK out of it. I can’t see what other establishment leftwing tool there is. Kamala is out.

Robert Sewell
Robert Sewell
August 19, 2023 3:46 pm


Aug 19, 2023 9:38 AM
A story from Adam’s that deserves wider publication:

Interesting story. It’s almost as if they don’t want our business.
I decided a couple of months ago to open an account with another bank. Since there isn’t one in Barcy, I drove into Longreach where there’s a Commonwealth and an ANZ? Branch. Round trip 200km.
First time, I needed extra ID.
Second time, Bank closed during working hours for funeral. OK, understandable.
Third time, Closed for two hours for meeting.
Fourth time, Told I needed to make an appointment.
There was no fifth attempt.

Robert Sewell
Robert Sewell
August 19, 2023 3:48 pm

Don’t know if I ended up posting this – I kept getting error messages this morning.

Perhaps the bosses have totally misread the socio/political mood that first surfaced with the Red Bull owner sacking his marketing team over their BLM arrogance. Lesson unlearned, we next had the Bud Lite saga, where admin still hasn’t woken up to the message that the consumer is King and isn’t captive to the marketing departments flings with political fashion. Next we have Target US who were a little quicker to disown the worms in their apple.
When corporations decide to treat their customers with respect and stay out of the political arena, they may get them back. But at the moment the customer who has been ear bashed for years about how non woke they are, are in the mood to kick a few heads themselves.

Black Ball
Black Ball
August 19, 2023 3:51 pm

An amusing turn of events. Courier Mail:

A Greens’ renters rights rally outside Labor’s highest decision-making forum was spectacularly gatecrashed by a First Nations woman telling them to “get the f*** out of our nation”.

As protesters called for more government action on housing, the Jagera woman took to the stage, furiously venting her anger at the crowd, those inside, and politics more broadly, as those gathered listened.

“How f***ing dare youse come here with your politics. Get the f*** out of our nation and let us traditional owners deal with our s***. Youse are all handsomely funded,” she said.

“Youse are all to be ashamed of your f***ing selves … You totally disrespect our traditional owners … with your handsomely funded foundations and your trust funds.

“I am here today to practice traditional law … I don’t give a f*** who youse are.”

Her expletive-ridden rant – which ended with a mic drop – came just moments after Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Indigenous Australians Minister Linda Burney pleaded to the party faithful to campaign “like never before” for the upcoming Voice to parliament referendum.

The call to arms wrapped up three days of the Labor Party’s national conference, where the party’s platform was decided.

There’s more but it will segue nicely into the next article.
I’m not sure of what traditional law the lady wished to practice, but it wouldn’t be a stretch upon reading her words, that law may have included the consumption of a bottle of red.

August 19, 2023 3:52 pm

Fangirl (J: J. McDonald) wins Chris Waller’s 150th Group 1 in the $1 million Winks Stakes (1400m) at Randwick.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
August 19, 2023 3:54 pm

Too many women in senior roles appear to indulge in emotional blather as if it is part and parcel of female leadership.

It even extends to mid-level nursing managers in NHS hospitals it seems.
It is coming through loud and clear that the two ‘managers’ who were alerted Nurse Letby’s* wrongdoing were more concerned about the ‘toxic patriarchal masculine power imbalance with extra added mysoginy’ of the reporting male doctors rter than investigating a clear anomaly in sudden unexplained deaths.
Not only did they not investigate, they demanded a toxic masculinity apology and a cessation of further toxic masculinity complaints.

Black Ball
Black Ball
August 19, 2023 3:57 pm

Albo reaching fever pitch early:

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has called on Labor true believers to campaign like they’ve “never campaigned before” in a bid to supercharge the Yes campaign ahead of the impending Voice referendum.

Mr Albanese and his government has used the last day of Labor’s national conference held in Brisbane to mobilise the party’s base ahead of an anticipated mid-October referendum, with the union campaign machines expected to back in the Yes23 movement.

Published polls have consistently showed slipping support for the Voice, with the no vote particularly strong in Queensland.

Mr Albanese, addressing the party faithful, said “no one pretends winning a referendum is straightforward”.

“But just as the Uluru statement from the Heart places such emphasis on leaving base camp, we joined the Labor Party to scale the peaks.

“This is not a journey that began with us, but it is a journey we have been given the great privilege of joining.

“And a part of that privilege is a responsibility to make sure that all Australians hear the words that the authors of the Uluru statement wrote that we invite you to walk with us in a movement of the Australian people for a better future.”

Mr Albanese said attempting to change the country “for the better in way that outlasts all of us is a bold undertaking”

“But we take on these things because that has always been the Labor way. We take them on not because they’re convenient, but out of conviction,” he said.

Australians, in the first referendum in 24 years, will vote on whether or not they support formally recognising Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders as the first inhabitants of the nation and putting in place a constitutionally-enshrined Voice.

If established, the Voice will be an advisory body to parliament and the federal government, providing input on policy matters affecting First Nations peoples — including health, education, and economic disadvantage.

Shorter Albo:
“Vote yes to save my arse!”
I wonder if the spittle increased with the soaring oratory. A hideous individual.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
August 19, 2023 3:57 pm

Nurse Letby*
* Not to be confused with Nurse Betty.

August 19, 2023 4:02 pm

People here say Anal’s a Trot- are trots a different flavour of Marxist-leninism?

Black Ball
Black Ball
August 19, 2023 4:03 pm

Waller’s first Group One win came in 2008 Tom. 10 a year, T J Smith’s record could well be under threat by the time he’s done.

August 19, 2023 4:03 pm

You’re funny Sancho

August 19, 2023 4:06 pm

My goodness, the afternoon session of CPAC was good. From Moira to Alex Antic and then the forum hosted by Nick Cater. If I wasn’t there is person, I certainly was in spirit.

August 19, 2023 4:06 pm

A hideous individual.

Yes in every respect- this gouging of RAAF VIP privileges is grotesque. A really foul little man. As for Qantas cozying up with him, just another reason never to use them again.

August 19, 2023 4:07 pm

Really, people should read the NYTimes, it’s there in open splendor to witness leftwing insanity and it’s fun. I read it most days to see what’s going on, on that side of barbed wire fence.

Here’s astra, a “filmaker” thinking she has something to add to inequalady.

By Astra Taylor

Ms. Taylor is an organizer, a filmmaker and the author of the forthcoming book “The Age of Insecurity: Coming Together as Things Fall Apart,” from which this essay is adapted.

Aug. 18, 2023

Since 2020, the richest 1 percent has captured nearly two-thirds of all new wealth globally — almost twice as much money as the rest of the world’s population. At the beginning of last year, it was estimated that 10 billionaire men possessed six times as much wealth as the poorest three billion people on Earth. In the United States, the richest 10 percent of households own more than 70 percent of the country’s assets.

Such statistics are appalling.

The richest 1% own assets such as homes etc that aren’t in the middle of Mogadishu.
They also own financial assets, such as stocks etc that aren’t listed on the Mogadishu stock exchange. In other words the 1%ers have their wealth residing in places where the chances of a bomb going off and blowing away a couple of limbs is unlikely. These people became rich because stocks they own were given a very high valuation for other investors.

Astra thinks it’s appalling, but she ought to be appalled at what’s going on in these very poor countries that make them poor.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 19, 2023 4:10 pm

Yes in every respect- this gouging of RAAF VIP privileges is grotesque

Learned from Bob Hawke – at a time when smoking was banned on Service aircraft, Hawkie would light a cigar…

August 19, 2023 4:10 pm

That Cluzt wimmin lawyer’s picture reminded me of someone in a very unpleasant way. Then it came to me- Anne Summers during her Damned Whores and God’s Police phase.

August 19, 2023 4:12 pm

Learned from Bob Hawke – at a time when smoking was banned on Service aircraft, Hawkie would light a cigar…

Didn’t know that. I know the meja conspired never to tell us about the cigars and the butler.

August 19, 2023 4:13 pm

Argument doesn’t mean the discussion is bad-tempered.

You’re talking to head prefect: a man among men, of the highest manliness; it’s a matter of honour.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
August 19, 2023 4:13 pm

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has called on Labor true believers to campaign like they’ve “never campaigned before”

They are campaigning like they have never campaigned before. No one could look at the clunky dance comprised entirely of missteps and think they had campaign experience.

August 19, 2023 4:15 pm

Little filth never fooled me. It saddens me that so many were fooled by him.

August 19, 2023 4:15 pm

Get a load of this. I didn’t know there was a Somali stock exchange until now. I just googled it.

And guess what, it’s woke.

Ring The Bell for Gender Equality 2022

August 19, 2023 4:16 pm

STFU Cronkite.

August 19, 2023 4:16 pm

Shorter Albo:
“Vote yes to save my arse!”

I suspect Elbow knows he’s not a leader’s bottom. He was simply willing to stand in the trade union party leadership queue longer than his rivals — like the Slovenian Hag.

His government bizjet bill tells us he’s just a joyrider who can’t believe his luck.

Boambee John
Boambee John
August 19, 2023 4:23 pm


What is it with female ‘leaders’? Is it a prerequisite for them to be twee? Twee doesn’t cut it. As for ‘justice’ in the ACT perhaps the entire legal system in the ACT should be examined from the Chief Justice down to the registry filing clerk to really see what’s going on. Or better still how about repealing the enabling act that set up the ACT in the first place? Now that would save a lot of money and get rid of the toxic Green infestation completely.

To repeat a comment I made a few days ago, the ACT, as the federal territory, should be reduced to the Parliamentary Triangle; the Lodge, Anzac Parade and the Australian War Memorial. The rest of the former ACT should become one or two NSW shires. The residents of the Lodge already vote in their own electorate.

Plenty of Commonwealth functions are already carried out in the various states, I see no convincing why the remainder of the operating functions could not also be. Ditto with diplomatic legations, which seem to be able to operate in normal cities in other nations.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 19, 2023 4:35 pm

Shorter Albo:
“Vote yes to save my arse!”

Sharks are lurking. The Israel betrayal, the CFMEU try on and the AUKUS wrangling smell like white anting. I suspect the housing stuff with the Greens rent freeze are another wedgie tactic too. The left of the Left are feeling their strength lately.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
August 19, 2023 4:40 pm

Part of the task of stoking missionary zeal in the hearts of women to drive them into prestigious professions has been to tell them that there is a special female kind of leadership which is needed to balance out the failings of the male kind.

That it should be nurturing and compassionate was a way of latching into nascent maternal instincts of young women starting out and seduce them to the idea that these natural impulses could be answered by becoming lawyers and judges (and so on) as motherhood, with the bonus of being independent of nasty nasty men.

It is the young women who pay.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 19, 2023 4:45 pm


Albanese doesn’t know the difference between the Army and the Navy. Words fail me…….

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
August 19, 2023 4:45 pm


Australians, in the first referendum in 24 years, will vote on whether or not they support formally recognising Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders as the first inhabitants of the nation and putting in place a constitutionally-enshrined Voice.

If established, the Voice will be an advisory body to parliament and the federal government, providing input on policy matters affecting First Nations peoples — including health, education, and economic disadvantage.

So, apparently, Uncle Luigi’s core promise is to deliver the two things that the authors of the Uluru Statement from the Heart expressly stated (in the unread 25 pages) were exactly not what was required from any Constitutional change:

• symbolic recognition; and
• an advisory Voice to allow government to make “better choices” on their behalf.

It’s clearly all gone right off the rails for the First Nations, then. In the ditch. Lost opportunity.

Betrayed by a nasty little man who says one thing at the Garma Festival, but safely back in Canbra, or Meanjin says and does something else. A paternalistic Whitefella getting ready for more business as usual.

So, where is the public criticism of Luigi and Minister Burney for not reading the literature and understanding the request?

Where are the loud corrections of what ‘implement in full’ should mean?

Where is the outrage from the Yes Campaign and the great and good of the corporate world?

Where are Professor Langton, and Tom Calma, or Noel Pearson and the host of second stringers? Why are they not up in arms at this apparent betrayal?

The silence should be shocking.

Because it tells us that the message has gone out: ‘Stick with me on this. It’s what I do; I know how to wrangle the voteherd and bullshit my way through the Referendum – and once “Yes” is up, the real game can begin…

And that the message has been heard.

Base politics at its worst.

Old Lefty
Old Lefty
August 19, 2023 4:49 pm

A piece of ABC ‘News” ‘analysis’ in which Laura Tingle laments that the Albanese government is not left-wing enough ….

Robert Sewell
Robert Sewell
August 19, 2023 4:53 pm


Aug 19, 2023 11:50 AM
Investment property listing, Cairns, FNQ:
WAR Zone Bunker
Top floor (strategic high ground)
Huge balcony with commanding view over battlefield
Free cultural performances (residents screaming and fighting)
Artworks in carpark (graffiti)

Nah. Needs to be fifth or more floors up. Some nimble young feller could get up there real quick.
Even on the fifth floor you need electrified perimeter – not fatal levels, just enough to make the aforesaid NYF let go.

August 19, 2023 4:54 pm

Part of the task of stoking missionary zeal in the hearts of women to drive them into prestigious professions has been to tell them that there is a special female kind of leadership which is needed to balance out the failings of the male kind.

That it should be nurturing and compassionate was a way of latching into nascent maternal instincts of young women starting out and seduce them to the idea that these natural impulses could be answered by becoming lawyers and judges (and so on) as motherhood, with the bonus of being independent of nasty nasty men.

It is the young women who pay.

I think that missionary zeal is an unintentional side effect.
The intended effect was to make a meritless calim for power and money, look as though it had merit.
Like the ‘diversity’ benefit, its pretty damn dishonest.

August 19, 2023 4:55 pm



August 19, 2023 4:57 pm

What a waste of a top position.
I claim this page while having absolutely nothing to offer my constituents in return –
except being a blowhard with a massive sense of entitlement.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 19, 2023 5:00 pm

Australians, in the first referendum in 24 years, will vote on whether or not they support formally recognising Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders as the first inhabitants of the nation

Why do I have the nasty feeling that “recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders as the first inhabitants” will only set off another round of demands for reparations and compensation?

August 19, 2023 5:01 pm

Base politics at its worst.

The only thing we little people have left in Australia is our democracy and our vote.

American election theft hasn’t arrived here yet.

The Incredible Luigi thinks we’re so stupid we’ll vote for the anti-democratic woke revolution of the Voice that passes control to a new herd of troughers.

No. Just no. Luigi.

August 19, 2023 5:03 pm

Wow they didn’t give a siht. Click the twitter link. Not that I endorse this behaviour and realise the younger generations tend to be less respectful of authority but is this a clear case of Vic Pol’s chickens coming home to roost after COVID?

The contempt of the old troopers of the Goldfields for another era perhaps…

August 19, 2023 5:10 pm

Aug 19, 2023 4:15 PM
Get a load of this. I didn’t know there was a Somali stock exchange until now. I just googled it.

I would speculate that most of the world, and probably more than a few Somalis, also had no idea. The Exchange has a total of 7 companies listed.

August 19, 2023 5:14 pm

Wow they didn’t give a shit


Rockdoctor, the strategy is identical to the Democratic Party’s strategy in America: import a new voteherd to whom the law doesn’y apply and — hopefully — they’ll always vote for you, whether you’re the ALP or the Dems.

Happily, most recent immigrant imports in the US aren’t following the script. It turns out new immigrants hate illegals cheating the system..

August 19, 2023 5:19 pm

With the whispers about rub and tug tits may come (sic) back into the frame as leader of the liars. So, it’s timely to revisit this analysis of his accuser’s statement about him raping her.

Cassie of Sydney
August 19, 2023 5:20 pm

Home now to get changed into a nice frock for CPAC dinner tonight.

The last person I saw speak was the one and only Alan Jones. Jones has lost none of his fire, or his liking for flamboyant attire! He’s so incisive, particularly about elections, the state of the Liberal Party, and the Higgins fiasco. He’s also very, very funny, and at one stage, standing at the lectern looking at his notes, he struggled to turn on the lectern light to read the nots better, the light wasn’t switching on and he said……must be because it’s powered by renewables, to which we all roared with laughter!

I’m enjoying it as always, don’t the like the venue though, last year’s venue was much, much better.

Cassie of Sydney
August 19, 2023 5:26 pm

Oh and Jones said that he’s been booted from Sky because of his Covid commentary.

Black Ball
Black Ball
August 19, 2023 5:32 pm

Excellent reports Cassie and Lizzie.

August 19, 2023 5:35 pm

Chris you could be PM. Do absolutely nothing and you would achieve more than Luigi the Unbelievable. The destruction of Australia would be halted overnight. Chris for PM, Chris for PM, Chris for PM.

August 19, 2023 5:35 pm

Gutfeld on The Five and his own show recently has been as good as any media person I have seen in my 115 years of life.

Black Ball
Black Ball
August 19, 2023 5:38 pm

Steve Price on the renewable energy push that is killing farmland:

The northeast town of Glenrowan in Victoria is best known as the location of bushranger Ned Kelly’s last stand.

On June 28, 1880, Kelly was captured after a siege at the Glenrowan Inn and the rest of his gang including his brother Dan were killed.

The gang had murdered three police two years earlier at Stringybark Creek. Ned was tried for murder and executed.

Since then, the Glenrowan community has traded on the history of the Kelly gang and its demise in their town.

Today Glenrowan might yet again become the modern- day example of a last stand, this time not by a criminal gang but by Australian farmers.

Glenrowan is about two and a half hours northeast of Melbourne up the Hume Highway. As you approach the off-ramp to Glenrowan going north as I did this week and look to your right you think your eyes are deceiving you.

A paddock that would normally be home to sheep or maybe cattle is instead a construction zone that’s well advanced.

The paddocks across an area of around 323 hectares — or nearly 800 acres in the old measurement scale — are well on the way to becoming home to 373,000 solar panels arranged in rows like a wheat crop.

To describe this as a shock to see is an understatement. Known as the Glenrowan West Solar Farm it’s owned by a company called Wirtgen, a German-based road construction outfit with assets in Brazil, China and India.

Wirtgen started out making road building equipment and now is heavily invested in renewable energy projects.

Like many foreign outfits they have realised Australia’s new Labor Government, and its aim for a 43 per cent reduction in emissions by 2030 (seven years away), is a profit goldmine too tempting to ignore.

The pots of sunny gold and windy profits are set to flow into the hands of mainly foreign-owned corporations.

The Kelly country solar panel farm is just an obvious example of what this unhinged rush to renewable energy is going to do to rural Australia and its landscapes.

This week we witnessed in the Melbourne CBD a simmering protest movement that is going to run head on into foreign-funded renewable companies that see wind and sun power as the new goldrush.

Farmers from regional Victoria trucked their heavy equipment to the city fringe, unloaded the tractors and then unloaded on AEMO – the Australian Energy Market Operator – that wants to assist in the construction of massive towers and transmission lines across the state.

The no-nonsense food producing farmers, like the Kelly gang, are up for a fight and those of us who live comfortable lives in the city and nearby regions need to support them.

As the former Chief Scientist Alan Finkel wrote in a recent book on the issues of getting to net zero, we will see forests of wind farms carpeting hills and cliffs from sea to sea.

He warned us to think about “endless arrays of solar panels, giant factories building wind turbines and the sobering observation of “endless kilometres of transmission lines to connect it all.”

Finkel – an electrical engineer and neuroscientist — made the accurate and blunt point: “We’ve, after 30 years, shaved off 4 per cent of emissions and now need to shave off 83 per cent.”

It’s these grim but accurate warnings that should make us all realise what a pipe dream and dangerous folly our state and federal governments are embarking upon.

Are Victorians OK with massive swathes of country Victoria being carpeted with kilometres of solar panels?

Do you really want to be that selfish suburban Greenie comfortable with the knowledge your hot water is being produced by giant wind turbines that slaughter native bird life in their thousands? I hope not.

Is net zero worth destroying food producing grazing and cropping land, owned by hard working generational farming families forced to open their farms to giant transmission towers?

As the Spring St protestors from farms across the state pointed out this week, their small businesses and their lifestyles are to be brutally destroyed by this fanciful green dream.

How is it that major transport links like freeways or airport extensions, even housing estates, can be held up by some endangered bird or lizard and the State Government steps in but if its wind or solar it’s open season.

Farmers I spoke to on Sky News this week were on the edge of tears. One was standing on his back porch near Donald and looking at the view, imagining it obscured by a 10-storey high wind turbine.

Asked if he would stop it and lock his gate and refuse money for access, he didn’t hesitate in saying he would fight to the end.

Up until now the green dream pushed by global warming warriors has been an ambitious wish list selling sun and wind as our net zero solution.

Now that the giant turning blades and acres of solar panels are sprouting like the farm crops of old, it’s time to back our farmers.

I hope these monstrous things were also discussed at CPAC ladies. There’s a discontentment around the place which is turning to visceral anger.

August 19, 2023 5:40 pm

Re. my post above – as an afterthought. Weirdly, Alex Antic’s address with regard to the mis/dis information Bill. His concerns outlined in his address reflected exactly what my submission entailed. MSM exempt; all sectors of government exempt. Orwell would be rolling over in his grave and Antic raised both 1984 and Animal Farm. Go Alex – you good thing.

August 19, 2023 5:42 pm

Yes I saw that shitty solar ‘farm’ going up to Beechworth a few weeks ago. Talk about selling us out to foreign interests.

August 19, 2023 5:42 pm

I hope these monstrous things were also discussed at CPAC ladies. There’s a discontentment around the place which is turning to visceral anger.

Yeah, I’ll believe that when CPAC gives its talks on the steps of parliament and then moves in a la Jan 6; minus the CIA agitators.

August 19, 2023 5:44 pm
August 19, 2023 5:48 pm

Oh and Jones said that he’s been booted from Sky because of his Covid commentary.

It’s quite revealing that those in media management like Sky News don’t actually believe in any of the stuff they’re allowing to be broadcast. It’s just a marketing strategy to broaden the audience base.

Same with what, until a few months ago, used to be America’s most successful and profitable TV network, Fox News. The third-generation Mudrock kiddies are destroying the business because, to them, the idea their father coined with the late Roger Ailes was just a marketing idea.

When the rubber hits the road, the Mudrock kiddies are just servants of the Washington ruling class who believe in nothing and will do whatever it takes to keep the Establishment onside, including torching their business. Kinda like the Stupid Frigging Liberals.

August 19, 2023 5:49 pm

CPAC still hasn’t enunciated a solution to the collectivist plague blighting what remains of civilization on this planet.

Nor will it, evah.

The only solution is the glorious and long overdue implementation of HOP Time™.

If advocating that allegedly extreme course of action makes me a bad personage, Cats, then so be it! 🙂

Robert Sewell
Robert Sewell
August 19, 2023 5:51 pm

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Aug 19, 2023 5:00 PM

Australians, in the first referendum in 24 years, will vote on whether or not they support formally recognising Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders as the first inhabitants of the natio


Why do I have the nasty feeling that “recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders as the first inhabitants” will only set off another round of demands for reparations and compensation?

You get that nasty feeling because its exactly what will happen – demands for reparations and compensation.

August 19, 2023 5:52 pm


That settlement over the voting machines must have hurt quite a bit and made them much more cautious.

August 19, 2023 5:52 pm

A teaser from the imminently imminent “Crowding out” guest post, Cats:

Some among us may argue that “government” must administer certain “public services”, including the obvious, such as national defence and law and order, i.e. the policing and the administration of justice – increasingly and dangerously absent as it is in many jurisdictions across the West.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 19, 2023 5:54 pm

Warren Mundine ‘comfortable’ of No win in WA as campaign seeks to ‘crush’ proposal nationwide
Jake DietschThe West Australian
Sat, 19 August 2023 1:53PM

Senior No campaigner Warren Mundine says he is “feeling comfortable” the Voice to Parliament referendum will fail in WA and that he was focused on crushing the proposal in every State.

Mr Mundine’s confidence comes as the WA Liberals for No Voice campaign is officially launched on Sunday and after The West Australian revealed on Saturday senior WA Labor insiders believed the Voice was “dead” in WA following the botched rollout of Aboriginal Cultural Heritage laws.

WA Liberal leader Libby Mettam cited the handling of the laws when she backflipped on her support for the Voice, ending unanimous endorsement from all major party leaders in WA.

The Indigenous affairs campaigner and former Liberal candidate agreed the implementation and repeal of the Act had doomed the Voice in WA.

“Australians love to protect Australia’s heritage, whether it be Aboriginal, colonial or whatever. But what we had in the case of the Western Australian legislation was total overreach,” Mr Mundine said.

Labor insiders told The West that even their own supporters had begun to conflate the heritage laws and the Voice and that while support remained in the inner-city, the outer-suburbs were lost.

When asked if the No campaign was certain it would prevail in the State, Mr Mundine said “I think we’re comfortable”.

August 19, 2023 5:55 pm

Same with what, until a few months ago, used to be America’s most successful and profitable TV network, Fox News. The third-generation Mudrock kiddies are destroying the business because, to them, the idea their father coined with the late Roger Ailes was just a marketing idea.

All nominally true. But while ever these folk are at Fox the dam holds:

Judge Jeanine
Emily Compagno
Kayleigh McEnany
Rachel Campos-Duffy
Will Cain
Pete Hegseth

Steve Hilton was a loss.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
August 19, 2023 5:56 pm

Janet Albrechtsen on Clayton Utz.

A few weeks ago, a senior woman talking about gender parity said it’s simple – “it’s about more women coming in and more men going out”.

Emma Covacevich, the first female chief executive partner of one of Australia’s most esteemed law firms, conjured up the worst image for a workplace, which ought to be premised on fairness, logic and expertise.

If I was a male lawyer put on a performance plan at Clayton Utz, I’d be citing this as evidence of constructive dismissal.
And on the Minters bint.

This was back in March 2021 when, as Minters chief executive, Kimmitt emailed 2000-plus employees. She wrote that “it triggered hurt for me” to learn that the law firm was acting for then attorney-general Christian Porter.

“I know that for many of you it’s a tough day and I want to apologise for the pain you may be experiencing,” she added. The decision to act for Porter had not, she said, passed through “the lens of our Purpose and our Values”.

And what purpose and which values might those be? The core purpose of defending a person from unproven allegations, as happens in a democracy where a criminal justice system is premised on the fundamental values of a fair trial and the presumption of innocence?

Kimmitt was gone within days.

And rightfully so.
The real money earners in the firm (the legal partners) weren’t having Kimmitt blow up their business.
The point is, despite the grand title of CEO, Kimmitt was no more than a glorified office manager.
Does anyone know what Covacevich’s status is?
I am assuming the same. Not the senior law partner, but the back office manager?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 19, 2023 5:57 pm

It’s quite revealing that those in media management like Sky News don’t actually believe in any of the stuff they’re allowing to be broadcast. It’s just a marketing strategy to broaden the audience base.

Same with what, until a few months ago, used to be America’s most successful and profitable TV network, Fox News.

Yeah, it was revealing that the Fox management were sprung this week donating to the Democrats.

Sky News webpage has lefty boilerplate most days, which seems to’ve been ordered from on high.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
August 19, 2023 5:59 pm


Aug 19, 2023 5:35 PM

Gutfeld on The Five and his own show recently has been as good as any media person I have seen in my 115 years of life.

Billing out 450,000 hours in your working life does not make you 115 years old, right?

August 19, 2023 6:00 pm

CPAC still hasn’t enunciated a solution to the collectivist plague blighting what remains of civilization on this planet.

The thing is Rabz we were more collectivist 40 years ago- gov banks, gov telephony, gov power generation, gov railways. And yet we were freer then. BIRM.

August 19, 2023 6:02 pm

CPAC has been impresive with first class people presenting.
While it brings on a warm inner glow, one needs to ask what influence it may exert on the wider political landscape.
Unlike the communo/fascist lunacy underway in Brisbane at the moment CPAC does not even have a Party to influence. In fact the ‘moderate’ controlled once conservative party is contemptuous of CAPC, and would vote with the Communists to silence it.
A wonderful expose of conservative intellectual thought it is, but
It has no influence upon the LNP;
it has no influence upon the media;
it has no influence upon the public at large.
When weak LNP leaders permitted the Party to be taken over by the cronies, they also lost the publicity capacity necessary to get counter ‘moderate’ messages out into the public domain.
So complex CPACs are not what is needed. What is needed is boots on the ground, grass roots branch re-energising. Only through rekindling the power of the membership will conservatism be reborn.
Take the intellectuals and idiologues out of CPAC and get them active in the Branches. Jacinta can show them how to do it.
Conservatives don’t need to be told what are the tenets of conservative ideology, it is instinctive. What is needed is organisational leadership. Elitist CPAC does not provide meaningful operational leadership.

August 19, 2023 6:02 pm

We effectively engineered this very “dependence” as an excuse to entangle us in a war

Never thought of it that way- always imaged good ol’ lower hourly rates was the reason

August 19, 2023 6:04 pm

Except Joe Manchin isn’t your regular run of the mill Nancy Pelosi Demonrat. Omission is also just misinformation and fakenews.

Fox Corporation executives have poured money into Democratic West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin’s reelection campaign, Federal Election Commission (FEC) records show.

Several executives have reportedly collectively spent tens of thousands of dollars in support of Manchin. Manchin is one of the few Democratic senators to appear on the network and warn the nation about the federal deficit and spending proposals brought forth by President Joe Biden and Democrats.

August 19, 2023 6:05 pm

That settlement over the voting machines must have hurt quite a bit and made them much more cautious.

I agree, JC. But their response was the opposite of what they needed to do for the future success of the Fox News business. They sacked the on-air talent singlehandedly responsible for around 15% of Fox’s annual profit.

The Mudrock children are expensively educated idiots. They would have learned more about business running a farm.

August 19, 2023 6:07 pm

we were more collectivist 40 years ago- gov banks, gov telephony, gov power generation, gov railways, gov postage

And gov airlines. I still remember a letter by a friend in my final year at school describing Oz to his penfriend (who existed in a soviet satellite statelet) with all the wonderful features identified above, signing off with “but we’re not communists, Squire”.

Until we are, again.

August 19, 2023 6:08 pm

Does anyone know what Covacevich’s status is?

She’s a black energy expert. She brings dosh in. The schizophrenic position of no fossils/nukes in Australia while exporting it in droves (this ain’t going to stop; even the filth don’t go there because they know their chunk masters would gut them) will continue and dentatas like Cova will exploit this while others in the firm rack in the ruinables dosh within Australia.

August 19, 2023 6:08 pm

I used to call it Royal Socialism

August 19, 2023 6:09 pm

You still see EIIR on telephone exchanges.

August 19, 2023 6:09 pm

This is really the only sensible answer

Deep state is trying to goad us into an unnecessary war with China due to our alleged dependence on Taiwan semiconductors

We effectively engineered this very “dependence” as an excuse to entangle us in a war

Really Dover. That is the only sensible answer, is it? No other possibility could be entertained and only that there are people who deliberately set up, or had manufacturing plants set up in Taiwan as a diversion in an attempt to stoke a war with China.

Pizzagate new sounds almost like a remote possibility. Bring back USSR!

August 19, 2023 6:11 pm


Much missed (already) … 😕

August 19, 2023 6:12 pm

So much US electronic and auto component manufacturing moved across to Taiwan during the 80s.

August 19, 2023 6:13 pm

Too right she is Rabz. She was indispensable.

August 19, 2023 6:15 pm

Aug 19, 2023 5:35 PM
Chris you could be PM. Do absolutely nothing and you would achieve more than Luigi the Unbelievable. The destruction of Australia would be halted overnight. Chris for PM, Chris for PM, Chris for PM.

My first policy speech; thank you, thank you.
How can we fight back against the evil enveloping our society? Start by being ourselves, the best we can. We start by aspiring to be better. Don’t cheat, don’t lie, don’t steal, don’t murder… and don’t stick your dick in crazy.

August 19, 2023 6:15 pm

Who among us is perfect? Not me.

August 19, 2023 6:16 pm

While it brings on a warm inner glow, one needs to ask what influence it may exert on the wider political landscape.

FA. They should have had Gina there and persuaded her to buy a media outlet.

Resistance to woke/alarmist/black armbands began 15 years ago. Great success was achieved but while the msm was initially cowered it regrouped and learnt its lesson: have the conservatives on if they can be ridiculed or ignore them if they can’t.

The msm is the propaganda arm of the left. I’m firmly convinced that unless conservatives move into ownership and control the West is stuffed.

Rub and tug is smarter than his spittle would indicate. The screech may go down this time but with the mis and dis bill in force – the gutless lnp will not oppose it in any meaningful way – the screech will reappear again after the sheeple have been softened up.

Cassie of Sydney
August 19, 2023 6:16 pm

Sky News is not “lefty boilerplate” of a night time, which is why some of us choose to subscribe.

August 19, 2023 6:16 pm

They sacked the on-air talent singlehandedly responsible for around 15% of Fox’s annual profit.

The Mudrock children are expensively educated idiots. They would have learned more about business running a farm.

You may have seen it in corporate life. Tucker is great, but he’s potentially a very loose cannon. Corporations don’t like loose cannons and there’s also, I think, the accounting behind the decision. Tucker was very successful in attracting viewers but advertisers hated his show, which meant it wasn’t earning anywhere near potential. If you figured out his ad revenue, it would have resembled a poorly followed program. You have a great show (high viewer interest) with little ad revenue and a potential for another voting machine fiasco. I would’ve fired Tucker in that situation and I generally like what he had to say.

Cassie of Sydney
August 19, 2023 6:17 pm

“Elitist CPAC does not provide meaningful operational leadership.”

I don’t regard CPAC as elitist, for all the well known figures you see there, there are hundreds of ordinary Australian men and women attending.

August 19, 2023 6:17 pm

I am off to roneo some letterbox literature that will totally fight back against the long march through the institutions.

August 19, 2023 6:18 pm

Essendon is rapidly approaching ‘sack the coach’ territory. Just saying.

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
August 19, 2023 6:18 pm

the laughing hyena issue

Nailed it.

August 19, 2023 6:19 pm

Aug 19, 2023 5:56 PM
Darren J. Beattie ?
This is really the only sensible answer

Deep state is trying to goad us into an unnecessary war with China due to our alleged dependence on Taiwan semiconductors

We effectively engineered this very “dependence” as an excuse to entangle us in a war

Vivek Ramaswamy discusses with Tucker Carlson the crucial need to relocate Taiwan’s semiconductor manufacturing to the United States.

“We are dependent on a tiny island nation off the southeast coast of China for our entire modern way of life. These lights wouldn’t work. The…


And a yep from me. Yesterday I posted that Vivek was a common sense politician. I reiterate that.

August 19, 2023 6:19 pm

Aug 19, 2023 6:12 PM

So much US electronic and auto component manufacturing moved across to Taiwan during the 80s.

And the Taiwanese built an incredible business out of it and scaled massively. But, it could have been a CIA front in order to goad the US into a fight with China. 🙂

August 19, 2023 6:21 pm

The yep nails it. Of course I agree.

August 19, 2023 6:25 pm

The yep nails it. Of course I agree.

(Nods wisely while groping desperately behind him for a 4×2.)

August 19, 2023 6:26 pm

Hindsight is bloody marvelous. Wish I could use it for investment planning.

August 19, 2023 6:28 pm

That settlement over the voting machines must have hurt quite a bit and made them much more cautious.

I’m skeptical of Fox’s caving in over the voting machines. There is plenty of evidence that the voting machines were sus. Plus why would you fire Tucker because of the cost of that loss? He was the least responsible.

I think it is more likely that Fox was either blackmailed or believed that Trump 2.0 would expose the corporate corruption that is now rife in the US. Anyhoo, I hope they go down.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
August 19, 2023 6:29 pm

You still see EIIR on telephone exchanges.

You still see VR on 100’s of post boxes.
News moves slowly in the UK.

August 19, 2023 6:31 pm


Can you come on there and try to explain to some economic illiterates how markets work. You’re quite good at it and I have to go to a party this evening and will be out of action.

Just to give you a little history, as someone mentioned just before, Taiwan has been in the microprocessor business since the 80s and they took it to commanding heights.

If price, reliability and customer satisfaction are the prime motivators, where would customers shop for chips. I’ll leave that to you to explain market dynamics.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 19, 2023 6:34 pm

Sky News is not “lefty boilerplate” of a night time, which is why some of us choose to subscribe.

That’s good. I mean it! Sky does seem to have a split personality, as does Fox. By example one from a couple weeks ago:

Floating solar panels could supply limitless amounts of energy (Sky News, 4 Aug)

What could be dumber than floating a vast number of solar panels on water? A disaster waiting to happen. Yet Sky put this one up with no incredulity. As I said this rubbish reeks of orders from on high.

Ridiculous spoutings from Palacechook and Malinauskas last couple days were reported by Sky with a straight face. I rest my case.

August 19, 2023 6:40 pm

Sky news Australia has very little to recommend it; it just looks good compared to the rest of the msm.

August 19, 2023 6:44 pm


Blakers isn’t an engineer, someone likely a grad jismist is being cute with that tag. He however is a scientist with Physics-Maths majors. Hmmm wonder if he is also into mathematical modelling.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
August 19, 2023 6:47 pm

Yeah, it was revealing that the Fox management were sprung this week donating to the Democrats.

Didn’t that come down to four members of management, between them, donating less than $10,000? And without relaying how much they may have donated to Republicans? I believe a lot of people and organisations donate to both sides to suck up to whoever wins.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
August 19, 2023 6:48 pm


Mother Lode
Mother Lode
August 19, 2023 6:51 pm

Besides, if 4 people perversely donate to Democrats, but the other 96 to Republicans, then the implied claim that Fox is in the tank for Democrats is not sustainable.

I would venture a guess Fox is in the tank for the establishment GOP.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
August 19, 2023 6:52 pm


Aug 19, 2023 6:08 PM

Does anyone know what Covacevich’s status is?

She’s a black energy expert. She brings dosh in.

Ah, so not like the Minters bint, who was a glorified office manager.
You can bill me 12 units for that.
But I still maintain her “men out, women in” comment will come back to bite her if they try to shunt a few male lawyers and partners.

August 19, 2023 6:52 pm

I’m skeptical of Fox’s caving in over the voting machines. There is plenty of evidence that the voting machines were sus. Plus why would you fire Tucker because of the cost of that loss? He was the least responsible.

I think it is more likely that Fox was either blackmailed or believed that Trump 2.0 would expose the corporate corruption that is now rife in the US. Anyhoo, I hope they go down.

Jupes, I think they may have caved because the case was going to be heard in a Manhattan court with a Manhattan jury. Avoiding that could have made the settlement ever so slightly more expensive… 🙂

We know the Demons were messing with machines but you have to be able to prove it. Additionally, you’d have to be able to prove the machine makers were in on it too.

Firing Tucker could mean they were attempting to de-risk the operation.

Get back later.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
August 19, 2023 6:53 pm

Yes, Jupes, I hear Essendon are chasing Adam Simpson.
If they can prise him loose from the Wet Coats.

August 19, 2023 6:54 pm

In a move approved by the rank & file of the Left faction at the ALP National Convention in Brisbane this week, China is to build 21 nuclear subs by 2030.

[only partly sarc]

Robert Sewell
Robert Sewell
August 19, 2023 6:54 pm
Watch these blokes wave white hot steel around making rebar.

August 19, 2023 6:55 pm

Don’t forget head prefect: 2 gins is your limit unless they are pink; and don’t talk exotic shares, stick to gold and annuities.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 19, 2023 6:56 pm

Didn’t that come down to four members of management, between them, donating less than $10,000? And without relaying how much they may have donated to Republicans?

ML – Fox is evil incarnate to the Left. Yet these people of their own choice donated to the Democrats, Manchin in this case. In doing so they risked another million eyeballs leaving in disgust from the channel they run. Which likely will happen. How dumb can they be to cause such damage to the business by their own stupid action? It’s like Bud Light doubled down.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
August 19, 2023 6:57 pm

Tens of thousands?

The article I read the other day had the highest donation as about $4k, and the last (fourth) listed as a few hundred.

So is the more a new list? There must be.

August 19, 2023 6:59 pm

Aug 19, 2023 6:40 PM
Aug 19, 2023 6:40 PM

Sky news Australia has very little to recommend it; it just looks good compared to the rest of the msm.

Yes, I agree. You would have received an upticky – IF function was reinstated.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
August 19, 2023 7:00 pm

Several executives have reportedly collectively spent tens of thousands of dollars in support of Manchin. Manchin is one of the few Democratic senators to appear on the network and warn the nation about the federal deficit and spending proposals brought forth by President Joe Biden and Democrats.

That was also in the article I read. They weren’t donating to Feinstein for example.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 19, 2023 7:05 pm

What would happen to any CNN management caught donating to Trump?

August 19, 2023 7:07 pm

The indigenous traditional owners of the Indian Ocean have filed a Federal Court challenge to Woodside’s Scarborough gas project c. 400kms of WA’s coast, alleging they weren’t consulted prior to the company engaging in seismic testing.

Custodian of the sea Aunty Raelene Cooper said songlines, whales and turtles were being disrupted and that Woodside was “not above our cultural lore.”

The bold move was inspired by the Tiwi Islanders success against Santos in the Federal Court in December of last year.

[again, only party sarc]

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
August 19, 2023 7:12 pm

That was also in the article I read. They weren’t donating to Feinstein for example.

Sorry. The Manchin part. Not the ‘tens of thousands’ bit. The article listed the biggest donation coupled with a name and less than $4k. By the time they got to the fourth donor they were in mere hundreds.

August 19, 2023 7:17 pm

He warned us to think about “endless arrays of solar panels, giant factories building wind turbines and the sobering observation of “endless kilometres of transmission lines to connect it all.”

watching a series comedy/drama HIGH DESERT set in Palm Springs, California and one thing very noticeable in the outdoor scenes is the proliferation of wind towers .. as soon as any scene is just beyond the town boundary into the desert all you see is row after row of wind towers …… strangely, enuf very few appear to be spinning .. no idea if that’s normal or just camera capture (like vehicle wheels going reverse) …….

Black Ball
Black Ball
August 19, 2023 7:23 pm

Gawd Roger, which part was sarcastic lol.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 19, 2023 7:24 pm

Custodian of the sea Aunty Raelene Cooper said songlines, whales and turtles were being disrupted

Five hundred million dollars is the going rate, to cure disruption, pain and grief.

August 19, 2023 7:28 pm

Gawd Roger, which part was sarcastic lol.

“The indigenous traditional owners of the Indian Ocean…”

The rest is factual, BB.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
August 19, 2023 7:29 pm

Well, it ain’t safe and boring nowadays. The suburb is almost entirely Lebanese and/or Muslim, and people get shot in the street from time to time.

The stalker shooting from the hip again. Her experiences and hearsay counts for more than any genuine study of immigration patterns or attempt to understand the processes involved. Pathetic. As for the ad fems, even more pathetic.

I don’t claim to be up to date on all of current Sydney’s immigrant patterns, but the census does show what overseas experience also shows, that large-scale immigration of people with very strong religious or cultural bonds produces people less likely to integrate and move quickly in the process of a creating a national ‘melting pot’. It also shows that we don’t have the sorts of ghettos (yet) that exist in Europe. My point stands, that the ‘melting pot’ thesis was one that certainly worked in the US and here in the post-war up to 1970’s period in Sydney, as my Pommie experience in Sydney’s outer west and the stalker’s experience in Dutch-heavy (not really) Greenacre certainly shows. I have often visited Greenacre in the past, btw, as I had a boyfriend from there. Stick it up your jumper, stalker. But I’d go to a census to get a genuine picture, plus other demographic info, like the crime stats and occupational data.

Immigrant construction-worker tradies in the south-western suburbs were doubly-hard hit by the Covid restrictions on their areas, btw. As anyone renovating knows, these guys (always guys) travel all over Sydney to work, and they mix in well with other Australians.
Here are the 2016 Census figures for Greenacre. Like much of the south-west Islamic populations have settled there, but also with other ethnic groups being present in a substantial ‘peppering’ in that area. It is what demographers call the ‘pepperpot’ element, and the shared workplace experience, that is significant with regard to eventual integration. Of course immigrants congregate but not as in France, for example, where the home country is almost replicated in strict high unemployment cultural ghettos from which people rarely move and where no others live.

Other local areas in Sydney also have significant ethnic populations: Villawood is very ethnically mixed, for example, and Hinduism is the religion of 25% in Homebush. The biggest Muslim community, as is well known, is in Lakemba, almost 60%, and Lakemba is the most ethnically concentrated, although Chinese immigration into the north-west is also marked. A very strong culture of origin can sometimes slow down the integration process in both culture and location. It is however worth looking at how at the second generation a strong process of incorporation is usually underway. A colleague of mine (I once guest-lectured for his honours classes on my sabbatical in the UK) is Distinguished Professor Roger Penn, one of Britain’s foremost scholars of immigration, who has shown this process in his large-scale statistical analyses.

We heard a lot at CPAC today about how we are all one, Australians, in one of the most successful examples of a culturally-mixed society on the planet today. That is something we can all be proud of, and try to keep our differences to a minimum, concentrating mainly on making Australia an even better place, our fortress continent in a very changing world, drawing on the best of our past, and everyone’s contribution to it, for our future.

August 19, 2023 7:29 pm

To the untrained eye, the Swedish team look a more polished outfit than the Australians.

August 19, 2023 7:31 pm

Custodian of the sea Aunty Raelene Cooper

How far off shore would those bark canoes or even dug out tree canoes got?

Guaranteed nowhere near the oil rigs are. I know fellas working off WA’s coast. If the Fed court accepts this then they are a farce.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
August 19, 2023 7:32 pm

What is CPAC?
Is that one of those anti-snoring devices?

August 19, 2023 7:35 pm

If the Fed court accepts this then they are a farce.

Stay tuned.

August 19, 2023 7:39 pm

Cats – does the Guest Post on “Crowding Out” go up tonight or tomorrow morning at about 9:00am (AEST)?

Ideally, I’d prefer some sensible discussion of that complex topic.

If not, then bombastic Birdesque pronouncements will be totally fine. 🙂

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
August 19, 2023 7:41 pm

The Swedish ladies are crap, but that doesn’t stop them being 2:0 up against the Aussie Matilda’s.

Two takeaways:

The second Swedish goal shows that immediate reaction is better than fiddling around with 3 touches in any goal scoring situation.

The Swedes are proportionately more gorgeous; a big issue in commercialising women’s soccer, QWERTY consumers or not.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
August 19, 2023 7:44 pm

Cats – does the Guest Post on “Crowding Out” go up tonight or tomorrow morning at about 9:00am (AEST)?

Tomorrow morning for me.
It’s a red hot issue that deserves not to be lost in piss and Matilda’s.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
August 19, 2023 7:44 pm

You still see EIIR on telephone exchanges.

I bought a genuine EIIR plate taken from a demolished Royal building in the UK. It now graces it’s own wall in our terrace conservatory room as a reminder of Her Maj’s reign, now passed into history. I purchased it in an old antique shop in Windsor during the Platinum Jubilee. Fifty pounds well spent.

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
August 19, 2023 7:44 pm

Now the Matildas are again losing a match, the commentary once again turns to the abysmal coach.
You know, the wonderful coach of the side when they were winning.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
August 19, 2023 7:45 pm

its not it’s

August 19, 2023 7:46 pm

The Svedettes are proportionately more gorgeous

Thank you, Cap’n obvious.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
August 19, 2023 7:47 pm

If not, then bombastic Birdesque pronouncements will be totally fine.

International Bankers.

August 19, 2023 7:48 pm

I’m such a Womanages’ schlocker fan I thought the game tonight started at 8:00pm (AEST). 😕

August 19, 2023 7:52 pm

What is CPAC? Is it one of those anti-snoring devices?

Pancho, you’d need one when listening to the stellar line up of sellout geriatric Abbottesque mediocrities.

But, yeah – rah rah rah …

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 19, 2023 7:52 pm

2:0 up

Hot Swedish babes are hot?
Say it ain’t so!

  1. It does rather seem that way. And the ‘traditional west’ is currently enjoying the fruits of 50 years of progressive…

  2. exposure to Communism wasn’t an “optimised experience” But of course it will be next time, when the WEF finally gets…

  3. My doctrinaire lefty Carlton monkey grip parents – I forgive them and avoid politics – have seven adult children and…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x