Getting them young / telling it like it is.

One of the effects of the left’s long march through the institutions is the almost universal capture of young minds. Generally speaking, at least until the financial reality of life arrives – job, spouse, children and a mortgage – there they will remain. Consequently, the young and the left do not depict a normal distribution pattern.

One can see why the left appeals to the young. The facts-don’t-matter-crowd decry objective truth and use moral posturing to emotionally manipulate. “Doing something” appeals to one’s better self and fits nicely with the purity of youth and the obvious lack of real responsibility. Think school kids taking the day off from their own education to march for the planet, despite not knowing or understanding anything about climate science – let alone, Maths or English – and you have in one the left’s predation of young minds using a bandwagon mentality.

So where in all of this is the right? Well, hoping for the young’s transition to real life. In fact the right is very much like that unsure pimply boy waiting with his mates for that new girl on the other side of the dance floor to come over to him. But while he goes on waiting, and waiting, and waiting, his rival has already twirled her out the door, never to be seen again.

At least not until around age thirty-five and the advent of those financial wake up calls of adulthood, may the right finally meet up with that girl again, and now with a husband, kids and mortgage in tow.

Even so, moving right is still not guaranteed. In fact in a way it has become less likely as more taxpayer largess, from both the left and, incredibly, from the right, which never receives any accolades from ramping up government spending, keeps growing. This is because the “someone-else-will-pay” mantra sums up how the appeal of blaming others for being in a much better financial position – and exacting from them an ongoing contribution – is mesmerising. What does not occur to those unformed minds, however, is not just how ravenously parasitic is government’s call, if allowed, on the wallets of ordinary working men and women, but that their own parents, if they are working too, are not exempted from the government’s claim.

At CPAC Australia last weekend, Pauline Hanson spoke about her satirical cartoon series, Pauline Hanson’s Please Explain. Now into its second year and uploaded each Friday to YouTube, the cartoons have proven extremely popular.

Hanson pointed out that despite the interest that her cartoons have generated with an older demographic – and evidenced by the numbers of hands that went up in the room in acknowledgement – the series has been specifically targeted at the 18-35 age group because conservatives and right-of-centre parties traditionally have been weak in engaging with young people.

Hanson noted that some of the people who work for the media company that produce the series for One Nation initially were suspicious of the Party and doubtful about what it could offer them. Specifically, these were members of that left-leaning demographic of young people.

But, as Hanson noted, once the “penny drops” the young are no different from any other group of Australians worried about the country, their place in it and how their needs can be addressed. And so from these cartoons and their work on the series the message of Please Explain did start to resonate.

Though it was one particular cartoon more than any other that opened their eyes: death taxes. When it comes down to it politicians wanting to grab hold of this generation’s inheritance was too much for them because they were the probable subject and not some random other. Knowing that their parents will ultimately pass on to them more wealth than any other generation ever has, they discovered they all have a stake in tax policy and what wealth redistribution really looks like. It may have been only figuratively that their age ticked over to thirty-five, but I can not see them back flirting with the left.

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August 25, 2023 1:19 pm

despite not knowing or understanding anything about climate science

“climate science” is an oxymoron.

death taxes

As inevitable as death itself. Coming soon (courtesy of Albansleazey, Dim Chambers the labore left and the greenfilth) to a banana republic near you.

August 25, 2023 1:50 pm

When it comes down to it politicians wanting to grab hold of this generation’s inheritance was too much for them because they were the probable subject and not some random other.

Too late for them, I suspect.

Odds on a second term Labor government (probably reliant on Greens or Teals next time around) will introduce some form of an inheritance tax and – scare tactics during election campaigns notwithstanding – it’s very much a live issue in the Liberal party room, with back benchers occasionally tasked with floating trial balloons to test public opinion.

Bruce in WA
August 25, 2023 2:24 pm

One of the effects of the left’s long march through the institutions is the almost universal capture of young minds.

Yep, friends have a 10-year-old daughter, very bright, who tells us how early settlers “slaughtered” Aborigines and how we stole their land; how her teacher (female) has a wife and how wonderful that is; and how LGBQTIA+ people in Australia are oppressed by society; how the United Nations has 17 goals that we MUST adopt to make the world a better place.

August 25, 2023 2:30 pm

Death taxes will be the final nail in the grim realisation that big government has ordained for young people that they have no ability to own their own home. Only, however, if someone pins the tail on the donkey, because the media certainly won’t do that for them. Their message will be that the only solution to the malaise is more big government, in the same way, that more war is the only solution touted by the military-industrial complex.

1.2 million government-built homes dealt out to the favoured intersectional victim castes will only help the already shackled to big government plebs. If you’re a part of the shunned castes, get ready for the usual hurdles to fair treatment because they will only get worse.

August 25, 2023 2:34 pm

Yep, friends have a 10-year-old daughter, very bright,

Rather, very impressionable, my 11 yo is in the top 0.5% on the naplan scores, he buys none of that nonsense, what he does realise is that the audience for his work does and he tailors his work accordingly.

Bruce in WA
August 25, 2023 3:18 pm

Rather, very impressionable, my 11 yo is in the top 0.5% on the naplan scores, he buys none of that nonsense, what he does realise is that the audience for his work does and he tailors his work accordingly.Rather, very impressionable, my 11 yo is in the top 0.5% on the naplan scores, he buys none of that nonsense, what he does realise is that the audience for his work does and he tailors his work accordingly.

Impressionable? Yes. Congratulations, your son would be an exception. Is she very bright? Yes, by any definition of the word. She attends a very prestigious girls’ school, and this what is being force-fed to the entire student body, from Year 1 to Year 12.

August 25, 2023 4:21 pm

I have no doubt she is very bright, children that encompass those attributes pay attention to authority and wish to please them and you are right many children are being indoctrinated at school.

It’s not all lost though as many are also realising it’s all a bust. Few children that I know can relate to the trans stuff, most think it’s ridiculous and that only rubes get sucked in to that world to gain attention. Many are openly mocking the racism stuff, we live in a very multi culti area and it’s the immigrant children who openly mock that stuff. None of them can relate to the apartheid proxy voice.

Cassie of Sydney
August 25, 2023 4:40 pm

Good piece BBS. I too was at CPAC and I heard Pauline speak.

Regarding young people, I actually believe that, at the end of the day, despite the brainwashing, despite the endless progressive propaganda being spewed out by schools, by media, by entertainment, by academia and so on, at the end of the day the real problem is in the home, it’s parents, specifically lazy parents or over indulgent parents. Nowadays, too many parents either spoil their children or worse, they’re scared of their children, being too timid to push back against the nonsense that their kids bring home. Too many mothers want to be their daughter’s friends. It’s ridiculous, it’s absurd. The best pushback comes from parents in the home.

Back in the mid 1980s, when I embarked on my adulthood, studying at university, I became a “socialist”, voted Labor and so on. Part of this was to annoy my parents, but neither of them took this lying down. They were never afraid to verbally rebut my rabid nonsense. Another example, there’s no way, no way in the world I would have been allowed to attend a “school climate protest”, and my parents would never have tolerated my school indoctrinating me in LGBTQI+ rubbish.

My sister’s two boys are right of centre, one a conservative, the other a right of centre libertarian (he votes Liberal Democrat). They are acutely aware of the bulldust that is saturating western societies such as Australia.

And then I know families where there’s been no pushback, and so the children of these parents have become far-left mouthpieces. I find such offspring tedious, and it’s led to me distancing myself from their parents, because I blame the parents for how their children have turned out. Am I being too harsh? Perhaps, but there’s only so much shit I can tolerate. I have old friends whose son, a few years ago, attended an anti-Adani protest, was arrested at the protest and received a fine from the judge. But I am angry at his parents, this is a spoilt young man, a scion of a wealthy family, privately educated (of course), who despite his climate hysteria likes to go skiing every year in Canada, and who never hesitates to jump on a plane. But this same frivolous young man is more than happy to deprive a job and income to men and women living in central Queensland….because da climate. It’s all bulldust.

I think it’s time to stop the molly-coddling. I’m reminded of what happened last year, and I remember blogging about it after it happened, when a few days before the 2022 CPAC I was walking along Oxford Street Darlinghurst when I saw two young people, a male and female, putting up posters with the following words “Protest the far-right CPAC conference”. I knew where they’d come from, the University of New South Wales School of Fine Arts, which is located around the corner. I approached both, and I said “what you’re doing is illegal”. Both looked at me gormlessly, and I then proceeded to pull the poster down in front of them. But they stood there, and so I then turned to them, I pointed at them and I said…

“I’m the real Marxist here, and come the revolution we’ll deal with middle class privileged scum like you”.

Well, their jaws dropped, and I watched as they scuttled off like two little mice back to the UNSW School of Fine Arts. I can assure you that neither of these two gormless twits grew up in the western and south-western suburbs of this city, no, no, no, these two twits emanated from the north shore, the eastern suburbs or the inner-west. They are stupid young people who are the product of their parent’s affluence, and those parents should be pushing back against this garbage, but they are probably too passive or scared to do so. But here’s the thing, there is no room for passivity when fighting a war, and particularly when fighting a culture war.

Roger W
Roger W
August 25, 2023 5:22 pm

Girls are naturally more obedient and want to please.
Boys are naturally more rebellious.
This may partially explain the examples of the 2 students.
Some 80% of all teachers (maybe 90% of all primary teachers) are now female. Also more obedient, as a group. They certainly seem happy to teach rubbish that is more and more extreme and perverted. Also why some 12% of boys 5-7 are now on NDIS. Young female teachers do not comprehend why young boys like to run, jump, wrestle. It must be because they are ADHD or something.

August 25, 2023 5:38 pm

The factor which most strongly causes those who are left wing in their youth to switch to the right is having children of their own. Also included is a greatly enhanced appreciation for their own parents.

The decrease in the fertility rate comes mostly from increased numbers of adults having no children at all. So fewer move right.

August 25, 2023 6:21 pm

the kiddies have been fed a diet of idealism since birth

and so they have so many wrongs to right and empty gestures yet to make

Baudrillard was right, it’s symbolic first then semiotic

we have to wait … bad times create strong men

Cassie of Sydney
August 25, 2023 7:47 pm

“Girls are naturally more obedient and want to please.
Boys are naturally more rebellious.”

No, disagree. I think you’ll find most runaways are rebellious girls, not boys.

August 25, 2023 8:47 pm

Is she very bright? Yes, by any definition of the word. She attends a very prestigious girls’ school, and this what is being force-fed to the entire student body, from Year 1 to Year 12

So she unquestioningly believes the collectivist garbage being force fed to her by her ridiculous elders. That does not strike me as “very bright”. Very brainwashed it would seem. The shutting down of young minds through brainwashing is an unconscionable inexcusable obscenity and a crime against humanity.

Whatever happened to teenage rebellion? Thankfully it’s still clearly evident in boys who are less susceptible to collectivist insanity than those of the distaff.

Western women will re-learn their rightful place in society sooner rather than later if our implacable enemies have their way.

Thankfully, there will be no audible screeching in space when this happens (unlike now) and it will be all they deserve.

Play stupid games (feminism), win stupid prizes (enslavement by misogynist inbred imbeciles).

August 25, 2023 8:56 pm

I think you’ll find most runaways are rebellious girls

Such as my erstwhile sister, bravely rebelling as she was against my straight out of central casting catholic conservative father.

So goils are suddenly going to start rebelling against their pathetic hypocritical gerbil worming crazed collectivist mothers? It’s a given that the former will most likely have no idea who their fathers are anyway.

August 25, 2023 8:59 pm

A rebellious goil

A not rebellious but even more fanatical goil

August 25, 2023 10:22 pm

Reclaim the language and the people with less gumption and fewer iq points will start standing up for what they believe in. The left have them all bluffed, people are scared to speak up because the language constantly shifts and they don’t want to be seen to be saying the wrong thing. For example a racist used to be someone who discriminates against someone of a particular race, now it just means someone who disagrees with the left.

August 25, 2023 10:46 pm

On several occasions, I’ve suggested that conservatives might apologise to the younger generations for largely ignoring them (‘It’s too hard; they’re brainwashed already’) as a tactic to gain attention and regain the initiative, instead of consistently reacting defensively.

I don’t mean apologise as individuals, and of course, there is a vacuum of significant (resourced and recognisable) truly conservative public voices. However, waiting for decades until the young mature enough to experience life is not a viable strategy, because the damage we permit our opponents to inflict in the meantime is seldom reversible.

Broadly speaking, conservatives equate tactics with policy, neglecting the former almost entirely. Without effective tactics, the sound policies have less impact.

If we could find a capable public voice, an apology to the younger cohorts would be an opportunity to initiate a debate about what conservatism offers, rather than the present ‘We’re not as evil as everyone says we are.’

Be humble and genuine, and disrupt the now standard political patterns and perceptions. It is not a one-size-fits-all solution, but a ‘foot in the door.’

Again, the key word is disruption.

August 25, 2023 11:21 pm

conservatives might apologise to the younger generations for largely ignoring them (‘It’s too hard; they’re brainwashed already’) as a tactic to gain attention and regain the initiative, instead of consistently reacting defensively

Muds – “life is conservative” as the younger generation are about to discover.

They will learn, the hard way.

the key word is disruption

This, I can agree with. Youth revel in “disruption”, it excites them.

August 26, 2023 12:11 am

What I mean is disrupting the status quo of political discourse. Continuing to paddle (with badminton racquets) up sh!t creek in a barbed wire canoe is not doing wonders for conservative genitalia.

Yes, we don’t yet have access to a suitable replacement watercraft, but we can at least start making up tall stories to tell during the anticipated next attempt.

Doing the unexpected (like acknowledging the younger chicks and roosters) often gains attention. That’s the first step. There’s no point in trying to sell the benefits of conservatism if they’re not listening.


August 26, 2023 6:52 am

For example, the current housing crisis in Australia is getting quite severe, with housing both unaffordable and unavailable. This is a total construct of big government, with supply artificially limited by multiple mechanisms. There are no conservative voices pointing this out, only either running dead on the big government will build 1.2 million houses and save the day nonsense or at best ridiculing it as undeliverable.

Too many conservative voices care about being labeled by the Marxists instead of standing up for the community, too many believe more in the capacity of government to do things than the capacity of people to do them for themselves.

August 26, 2023 7:12 am

Might I suggest that Ian Plimer’s Little Green Book for Teens might make a nice gift for wanna be Greta’s. There’s one for Ankle-Biters and another for Wrinklies too. Connor Court Publishing.

August 26, 2023 7:24 am

My copy of Little Green Book for ankle biters arrived yerstreday. Destined for grandson. Thank you Ian Plimer thank you Connor Court.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 26, 2023 8:45 am

Interestingly it’s all being driven by one particular demographic.

Single Women Are the Odd Men Out, Politically (24 Aug)

The exit poll in the almost even 2022 House (Republicans won the popular vote 50% to 47%) shows that married men voted 59% to 39% Republican, and unmarried men also went Republican by a smaller but significant 52% to 45% margin.

Married women, however, also voted Republican by a landslide 56% to 42% margin. So, why was the election so close? Because unmarried women favored Democrats 68% to 31%.

In general, women are more risk-averse than men, and thus more supportive of welfare state measures and more reluctant to support military action. They are also, as we have seen on female-dominated campuses, more willing to suppress speech that is seen as irritating or hurtful. “Highly educated women,” as Australian educator Lorenzo Warby writes, “are proving all too willing to trash other people’s freedoms to protect their emotions.”

By contrast a recent survey found that year 12 boys were getting more conservative. Maybe that’s a reaction to woke.

These are US-centric articles, but I suspect the same trends extend to Australia.

The dominance of the education system by woke women is something that’s not going to be rectified any time soon. And the increasing propensity of them to hide progressive indoctrination from parents, and evade legal edicts from above banning such practices, makes it even worse.

August 26, 2023 8:58 am

Hanson’s ‘Please Explain’ is a good example of disruption. Rather than crouching in a defensive position waiting to be attacked, where your opponent knows exactly where you are and your probable capacity to respond, she has taken the initiative and chosen to move around, not presenting a stationary target. In theory, this throws the opponent off their game plan, thus allowing follow-up moves to take advantage of their (temporary) disorientation. It’s not about ‘attack is the best defence’ but rather doing what your opponent is not expecting. They will still attack you, because that is the established routine, but if you use fancy footwork, you won’t be where they expected. You’ll need a sequence of follow-up moves of course, because disruption is only step one.

Back to Ms. Hanson: Her choice of title is also clever. By reclaiming the phrase that has been used to mock her (by practically every D-grade comedic non-talent in the nation), she dilutes its efficacy as a weapon. Well done.

Peter Greagg
Peter Greagg
August 26, 2023 10:50 am

Thanks BBS.

Just a personal example of my son, number 2. Born in 1976.

When he first went to university (to become an actuary), him and his friends all thought the government should do more for them. Cheaper university, subsidised books, an allowance to attend university etc.

I was invited to his 40th birthday party along with the (mostly) the same friends. All they wanted to talk about was how to the the government off their backs. Some even wanted the unemployed to report to their house to help them with gardening and housework etc. My son’s friends were arguing as they were paying so much in tax and not getting much for it, and paying for the unemployed’d Dole, then the unemployed should give the people that paid the taxes something in return.

Big turn around. Very pleasing. I am pretty sure they don’t vote for the Greens or the ALP

Peter Greagg
Peter Greagg
August 26, 2023 10:52 am

damn. “.. how to get the government off…” not “ to the the government off..”

August 26, 2023 2:16 pm

In the business world, disruption can have significant outcomes. Look at what the concept of ride sharing has done to a long-established taxi industry.

In the political sphere, what requires disruption is the initiator-reactor duality, where conservatives play the latter role & restrict their options. On a small scale, Pauline Hanson has grabbed the initiative and run with it. How can that be scaled up?

August 26, 2023 5:32 pm

I’ve been waiting for you, BBS! Are you still wanting the dialogue for No. 1?

August 29, 2023 7:59 am

Yep, friends have a 10-year-old daughter, very bright, who tells us how early settlers “slaughtered” Aborigines and how we stole their land; how her teacher (female) has a wife and how wonderful that is; and how LGBQTIA+ people in Australia are oppressed by society; how the United Nations has 17 goals that we MUST adopt to make the world a better place.

Don’t worry. All they need do is have a couple of unfair run-ins with authority figures and it can all change. They only need to question one thing and it can all come crashing down.

August 29, 2023 8:01 am

A lot of people don’t look into funding of special interest groups.

Cut the public funding and the propaganda will stop.

penny drops

Red pills. Some people have never handled a penny or 1c or 2c piece.

  1. Had convo with husband about this earlier today. Drove past a tyre store closed down and so got to talking…

  2. “We don’t need no steenking customers!” Sounds like they’ve taken on the business model of the underpants gnomes.

  3. The Tories do not, although the members voted for the lady who most does – Ms Badenoch. Wrong again. The…

  4. You never hear about the time it took six years to come out from underwater after 2008 or whenever. Good…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x