Open Thread – Weekend 26 Aug 2023

Regatta at Sainte-Adresse, Claude Monet, 1867

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August 28, 2023 7:53 am


Is that from the “why did Trump something something executive order 31415654” school of thought ?

August 28, 2023 7:53 am

Do you think the “Defence People Group” actually sabotages recruitment?

I asked this last night. Any veterans like to comment? I suspect it is from quotas and I was asking more specifically regarding officers.

August 28, 2023 7:53 am

BTW I am very grateful for the support on this blog for those who went against the zeitgeist. Struth & Indolent may have annoyed a lot of people but they were doing what they could on one of the few avenues of dissent. It was one voice government could not shut down.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
August 28, 2023 7:54 am

Vicki, most people got through with relationships intact, albeit with a bit of shoutiness at times.
I am talking about those relationships which didn’t survive and wondering if some of these relationships weren’t on the brink anyway, and Covid just provided a convenient vehicle to cut ties.
Of course, that can’t be admitted, so we cast around looking for a scapegoat.

August 28, 2023 7:55 am

Being top of the page doesn’t give one the satisfaction it used to.
Only 40% of the satisfaction to be exact.

August 28, 2023 7:55 am

He turned 14 the other day. His voice has become very gruff…

I would get his blood checked for nanna wrigglers.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
August 28, 2023 7:55 am


Aug 28, 2023 7:53 AM

BTW I am very grateful for the support on this blog for those who went against the zeitgeist. Struth & Indolent may have annoyed a lot of people but they were doing what they could on one of the few avenues of dissent

Both irredeemable f-ckwits who do more harm than good.

August 28, 2023 7:57 am

and Covid just provided a convenient vehicle to cut ties.

COVID was great in that regard.
The greatest self selection exercise in modern history.
Silver linings & all that.
Pity about f*cking up a generation’s education though.

August 28, 2023 7:57 am

People were more angry with me saying:

1. Trump was right about N Korea
2. Trump won.

No one really got angry bar one bloke and we got over it and I’d say became mates after we had it out, re:

3. The risks outweigh the benefits from the COVID jabs which are totally not compulsory.

August 28, 2023 7:59 am

Personally, if it wasn’t for the form letters, I would not have been able to get through COVID.

August 28, 2023 8:02 am

Thalidomide was in an era of shorter approval processes. Thalidomide is a chemical enantiomer with a mirror image molecule that can behave quite differently despite superficial similarity.

Biochemistry tends to be left or right handed. R thalidomide treats nausea. S thalidomide can cause birth defects.

R thalidomide in the body racemises to a 50/50 equilibrium of R and S thalidomide enantiomers.

I believe this was not known when it was approved.

August 28, 2023 8:03 am

There is another aspect to commentary on Covid and the disgusting things our governments imposed on us and got away with.

Loud daily denouncing may have its place, but no balanced individual can keep that level of anger up for long without it affecting their relationships and daily life. It becomes obsession, and everything is viewed through that particular prism.

You don’t need to be constantly trumpeting pet slogans to all and sundry. I have found it more useful simply to remind people from time to time, “don’t forget they locked us up, and they’d do it again.”. This has a profound effect and provides a rational entry point for discussion.

August 28, 2023 8:04 am

which are totally not compulsory.

Of everything that happened in Oz, this one grates.
The walking back of the “you didn’t have to get the jab if you didn’t want to”.
What a load of shite.
Unless you were retired or minted, didn’t go out much or if you did you went to places only like the beach or park only, you had to if you wanted to exist.

Boambee John
Boambee John
August 28, 2023 8:04 am


Enjoy the holiday.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
August 28, 2023 8:06 am


Aug 28, 2023 7:59 AM

Personally, if it wasn’t for the form letters, I would not have been able to get through COVID.

Speaking of the Kenworth Revolutionary, that was really funny.
People living in the midst of the shitstorm in Victoria drafting their own letters of protest to the three Upper House members who held the swing votes, even sharing details of which issues might push each MPs buttons.
But no.
“That’s useless! You haven’t said anything about section xx of the Constitution, and that this is all covered by the Maritime Act 1578 and a man has a right to pilot his conveyance …”

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
August 28, 2023 8:06 am

I’m calling this thread ‘The Coonara’
Dies down overnight – an open vent in the morning and away it goes.

August 28, 2023 8:07 am

Every time?
I dont thing so.
Someone has been going to Julia Gillard hyperbole classes.
Yes I sometimes linked to sources other than the daily expose or some fake monk claiming it was a freemason plot or frontline doctors (only $75us for an online consult and a few hundred more for your covid protocol drugs) if that doesnt work an obscure Canadian court has ruled that the virus doesnt even exist! or three young Canadian doctors working at the same clinic are dead after getting boosters! Steve Kirsch is a billionaire and he said so! then a daily update on dead canadian doctors, .
Stew Peters screaming about two Australian teens dying after getting vaccinated at a stadium in Sydney, then it was two children dying at a doctor’s clinic on the Gold Coast, every day, more and more hysterical claims.
I dont know anyone who got vaccinated that is now embarassed or even slightly sheepish.
I’m not getting a booster for Japan but I might get one if I go to Europe in January.

Cassie of Sydney
August 28, 2023 8:10 am

“I dont know anyone who got vaccinated that is now embarassed or even slightly sheepish.”

Je ne regrette rien.

August 28, 2023 8:10 am

If we DO get the lockdowns, curfews, social distancing, masks, egregious surveillance and tracking & vaccine mandates and bans on previously approved medicines, I will not comply at all. Not like last time when I flew under the radar and complied only when absolutely necessary.

You only need 1/20 or so people to do this.

There just isn’t enough cops to handle it. Most of them hated doing it anyway.

The whole thing was a sham when immigration was not shut down and we had made up nonsense like being masked at a pub but you could take it off to eat, what a polite virus.

The real virus of course was vote rigging of suitcases stuffed full of unregistered mail in ballots in the USA in 2020.

Might be worth buying a bidet…don’t laugh, it’s regal.

The Beer whisperer
The Beer whisperer
August 28, 2023 8:11 am

Oh, and I forgot that they also failed to turn on the emergency warnings in Maui.


August 28, 2023 8:12 am

Aug 28, 2023 7:39 AM

opposing opinion from the same ‘authoritative government’ sources of course.

You missed this..

Is this inherently evil? Does linking an opposing view prove endorsement of that v

No not at all.

But those who offered different, independent opinions were countered with the prevailing government view.

What sort of an argument is that?
After all that was in dispute in the first place.

August 28, 2023 8:14 am

Thanks John.
I hope we do, it’s a slightly longer gap between chemotherapy with the oncologist’s stamp of approval.
Made it quite clear that should there be any hint of a problem someone has to speak up and we’ll scamper home.

August 28, 2023 8:14 am

Unless you have an underlying comorbidity, I wouldn’t bother with a booster for Europe.

This time last year we were off to Croatia via Amsterdam, and I promised to comment here on exactly what I saw an experienced re Covid. No amount of reading newspapers and watching curated vision bites prepared me – there was nothing to suggest Covid had even existed once we left Emirates Karen and her strict mask wearing.

Meanwhile in Australia, people were still persisting in LARPing the pandemic.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 28, 2023 8:16 am

Covid was also a window into the soul of lefties, and it wasn’t a pleasant sight.

From COVID To Climate Change: Vehicles For Global Authoritarianism (27 Aug)

A large percentage of Democrats in polls supported even more extreme policies, including:

55% of Democrats wanted fines for unvaxxed Americans.
59% of Democrats wanted the unvaccinated forcefully confined to their homes.
48% of Democrats wanted prison time for anyone that questioned the vaccines.
47% of Democrats were in favor of government tracking of the unvaxxed.
29% of Democrats were in favor or taking children away from the unvaxxed.

RTWT. The fascist behaviour of the climatistas is very similar. Again it’s the same principle: they fear existentially and are prepared to do absolutely anything to save themselves from that imaginary threat.

August 28, 2023 8:17 am

Before COVID, a rule of thumb re pandemics was they lasted two years and naturally ran out of steam.

Now, if you look at the earliest detection of COVID from retained wastewater samples in Spain, this charade has been going on for almost four and a half years.

It’s time to STOP.

August 28, 2023 8:19 am

Maritime Act

This was one of the more humorous aspects of the resistance.
I suspect it was started by someone who had mistakenly ordered 2000 naval flags.
They set up an Amazon shop front & then started posting on the relevant forums to promote their usage.
“Hey honey, I remember how I screwed up with the decorations for that navy party?
I found a way to move those boxes sitting in the garage”.

August 28, 2023 8:21 am

The government view?
I linked to all sorts of sites, including research papers, ONS statistics, newspaper articles, interviews, the dreaded fact checkers, found actual causes of death, eg the French rugby player who died suddenly because he threw himself off a tower under construction.
You seem to be playing a little game ‘Kevin’.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
August 28, 2023 8:22 am

Unless you were retired or minted, didn’t go out much or if you did you went to places only like the beach or park only, you had to if you wanted to exist.

That is another way of looking at it. That some had the luxury of refusal with limited consequence.
People had businesses destroyed, struggling kids missed two years of school, and many incipient cancers went undiagnosed.
But apparently the greatest suffering was endured by someone who was being paid to do a job which doesn’t matter and who was restricted from strutting around in his retro gear, trying to pick up ladies 20 years his junior (with diminishing success).
Shouldna happened, to be sure.
But if you really must sook about it, direct you anger at the right targets.

August 28, 2023 8:23 am

That Spanish* thing is rot but I agree please stop.
*It was a wuhan lab leak.

Boambee John
Boambee John
August 28, 2023 8:24 am


But listen to this, and this takes the cake, the cartel of Bummingham, Pyne and the inbred others, in order to counter Antic and his “religious extremists” now want to, at preselection time, institute a rule where anyone, that’s right….anyone……not just a Liberal party member, can vote for Liberal candidates at preselection time. This is deliberate whiteanting. You simply couldn’t make this shit up.

Time for disgruntled ex-Liberals to use this to advantage. There is an opening for the ruthless application of “Sitting member last” there.

August 28, 2023 8:24 am

Supervisor just complained the internet was playing up. I suggested her social credit score might be too low. No response.

August 28, 2023 8:25 am

From my perspective, the fruitier parts of the “resistance” can now be looked back on with a laugh because they were mostly harmless.
Unfortunately, the same can not be said regarding the fruitier parts of the COVID forever crowd.
Like getting your dog jabbed, double (triple?) masking, locking down beaches etc.
You get the idea.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 28, 2023 8:25 am

this charade has been going on for almost four and a half years.

It’s time to STOP.

Good luck with that Dot. It’s too useful.

‘Election Variant’: Citizens Push Back Against Mask Mandates (27 Aug)

Yep, despite masks being shown over and over to be useless against Covid and positively harmful in other ways the usual suspects are clamouring from mask mandates again.

Since Australia is pretty much entirely controlled by ALP governments now (Tassie won’t stay Lib much longer) you can expect this stupid stuff to land on us too.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 28, 2023 8:27 am

clamouring for mask mandates that should be not from.

We’ll see if there is pushback.

August 28, 2023 8:27 am

Rot? It was tested with the same methodology accepted for most confirmed results during 2021 here in Australia.

I’m not going to argue with people who think PCR testing isn’t valid, they are unqualified numpties.

There could have been multiple leaks from that same lab, if that was the source. It is quite plausible, look at intelligence leaks for example.

August 28, 2023 8:29 am

One from the Sandy Powell school of jurisprudence*.
*The charge itself is sufficient proof of guilt.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
August 28, 2023 8:31 am

I’m looking at the horizon as the fog lifts and a huge old tree is lit by the rays of the sun breaking through.
The old dog is wandering around looking for a place to lift the leg before I lift him onto the ute for a day on the sheep. He won’t stay home and would happily drop dead on the job.

August 28, 2023 8:31 am

I’m not going to argue with people who think PCR testing isn’t valid

40 cycles is not valid.
But I get what you mean.

Remember when RAT’s were viewed by the medical establishment as useless?
That changed quickly.

August 28, 2023 8:32 am

From my perspective, the fruitier parts of the “resistance” can now be looked back on with a laugh because they were mostly harmless.

Except when they did untold harm.

I’m thinking about those evil, unmentionable numbnuts in SE Queensland and what they did to those police officers and their poor neighbour.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
August 28, 2023 8:33 am

Stew Peters screaming about two Australian teens dying after getting vaccinated at a stadium in Sydney

That was a classic tactic.
Trusted sources on the innernet in the USA or UK citing a horror story from a land far, far away (Mell-born, Austraya).
The trouble is when discerning people from that land far, far away see it and do some checking.
Of course, the standard response is “Well, the Schwab controlled media suppressed the story, but I know a bloke whose son knows an ambo who was there …”

August 28, 2023 8:35 am

LeBron James doesn’t get enough credit.
When the NBA was going into the bubble for that season he said he would sit out if they planned to shove that thing up his nose each day, which would have resulted in a mass walkout.
Then the saliva testing became the norm for the NBA & then most sporting teams in the world.

August 28, 2023 8:37 am

I’m thinking about those evil, unmentionable numbnuts in SE Queensland and what they did to those police officers and their poor neighbour.

That was COVID related?
Weren’t they “sovereign citizens” whack jobs?
I can’t keep up.

August 28, 2023 8:38 am

Remember when RAT’s were viewed by the medical establishment as useless?
That changed quickly.

People knew how to get false positives and false negatives and who knows how many people used them properly. I saw a lot of people not follow procedure at all.

I also remember the gaslighting on masks too.

Don’t wear one
Wear one
Wear one whilst standing up
Don’t wear one whilst sitting down
Wear two

It was just insanity with no medical science merit.

Quality assurance would have been the issue with RAT kits and mass PCR testing.

Retention samples leisurely tested in a uni research lab are likely to be tested properly.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
August 28, 2023 8:41 am

‘bern at 8:35.
One day I have to have a nasal lobotomy with a lumpy stick.
Next day I can briefly run a small swab (or is that schwab?) around my mouth for the same test.

August 28, 2023 8:43 am

Remember a lot of COVID fines got overturned in the courts eventually, at least in NSW.

I can’t see much of the state apparatus therefore being used again in the same way.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
August 28, 2023 8:43 am

The Coonara


Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 28, 2023 8:44 am

Teals call for rise in GST
Staff writers
Staff writers

Independent Teal MPs are calling current federal tax reforms “too timid”, and are pushing to raise and broaden the 10 per cent GST.

The six MPs urged the federal Treasurer to stop income tax soaring to 60 per cent of the Australian tax base with no policy change to accommodate this.

“Our tax system currently relies too heavily on income tax, which dampens productivity – but also as our population ages, a smaller and smaller proportion of people will be responsible for keeping our country afloat in increasingly difficult circumstances,” Sydney MP Dr Sophie Scamps told the AFR.

August 28, 2023 8:45 am


August 28, 2023 8:46 am

Actually we rely too much on mineral royalties.

If China goes to pot, we will find out bigly.

August 28, 2023 8:46 am

This horror clip was posted earlier

and here is AP admitting that exits were blockaded.

In deadly Maui fires, many had no warning and no way out. Those who dodged a barricade survived

And now they’re fencing off the whole area. Do you seriously think that anyone there will ever get their land back?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
August 28, 2023 8:47 am

Bing Bong!
Coffee break!
Bing Bong!

August 28, 2023 8:49 am

Three cheers for supply side economics.

Don’t raise the GST, however, instead abolish payroll taxes and cut and simplify income taxes.

You could even try to rein in spending.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
August 28, 2023 8:52 am

I have just been to Mass not in my usual house of prayer and there in the congregation was an elderly woman in jeans with a YES badge I resusted the urge to metaphorically shirtfront her with the reminder that the Church is a house of prayer not politics but the as I keft the Church there were the three flags -I am so disgusted eith the capitulation

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
August 28, 2023 8:53 am

What is happening here is pretty simple. What you are remembering is another person’s (people’s) take on what she was doing/saying not on what was actually said and done.

Then (a different person, to be clear, and of which neither were me):

I think we can safely consign Rabz, Titsoff and KevinM to either the “Misremembered” category or the “Malicious” category on this one.
I’ve made my adjudication on each one of them on that score.

Misremembered, potentially. Malicious, probably. I think there are two other options.

One – people can turn over time, like Old Yeller. Two – people dig themselves into a persona, which is easily done online, and then become accepted – even funny.

Then, gradually, points of view are gradually infused into commentary to test their level of acceptance. Over time, these little nuggets become more common, until the generally accepted poster becomes a vehicle to directly inject wompusness into an august journal of record. Finally, unmasked, that poster crashes and burns in the manner of an MV-22 Osprey.

Exhibit A – Tailgunner.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
August 28, 2023 8:56 am

Sorry for typos fatfingeritis on the iphone is chronic

August 28, 2023 8:58 am

Florida surgeon general slams renewed mask mandates, urges people to refuse to participate

If we want even a chance to avoid a reprise of the whole episode, this is what must happen. People need to stand up and say NO.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
August 28, 2023 8:59 am

Exhibit A – Tailgunner.

Leave him alone!
Just because he had a man-crush on Anders Brievik doesn’t make him a bad person.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
August 28, 2023 9:02 am

Manchester which morphed into the Lancaster

The Manchester was redesigned from a 2 engine bomber to a 4 engine bomber. And those 4 engines were the RR Merlin engine (the Manchester had the RR Vulture engines) that powered the Spitfire, Mosquito and other aircraft.

The RR Vulture engine was underdeveloped apparently and just not good enough.

August 28, 2023 9:03 am
Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
August 28, 2023 9:04 am

Pray to Siant Petre.
The patorn saint of speling misteaks.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
August 28, 2023 9:04 am

Struth & Indolent may have annoyed a lot of people but they were doing what they could on one of the few avenues of dissent

Respectfully, no.

The first said ‘no mandate’, which was met with universal approval, but then wove it into a tapestry of SovCit wonkery combined with ‘I am your leader’ followed by ‘I should be your leader’ and then ‘you are all dickheads and should “get a clot and die” because you do not all unconditionally accept my genius’.

The second posted this just now, and apropos of Hawaii:

And now they’re fencing off the whole area. Do you seriously think that anyone there will ever get their land back?

This is the ‘death rays from Klaus burned the land so Big WEF could steal it from TeH People and build tunnels under it to keep the millions of enslaved children whose hides are harvested for red leather shoes worn by E-leetes’ standard run.

Every single thing that happens is A Sign Which I Foretold, and armageddon awaits.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
August 28, 2023 9:05 am

The RR Vulture engine was underdeveloped apparently and just not good enough.

Well, it was English after all.

Boambee John
Boambee John
August 28, 2023 9:10 am


So was the RR Merlin?

August 28, 2023 9:11 am
Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
August 28, 2023 9:11 am

Aug 28, 2023 8:49 AM

JUST IN — Tucker Carlson is reportedly in discussions to interview Vladimir Putin, as reported by RT.

And watch Oliver Stone interview Putin – This is Part 1.

Helps with understanding the current UKR situation IMHO.

August 28, 2023 9:13 am
Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
August 28, 2023 9:15 am

The RR Vulture engine was underdeveloped apparently and just not good enough.

Well, it was English after all.

Another typical dopey comment from Mrs Stencho Pantyhose (Ladyboy). And it’s only Monday morning. The RR Merlin engine was also British/English. A magnificent engine.

August 28, 2023 9:16 am
August 28, 2023 9:23 am

Sancho Panzer
Aug 28, 2023 9:05 AM

Well, it was English after all.

This sums it up.

August 28, 2023 9:28 am

Did anyone see Rita doing a job on the Slapper during today’s Outsiders.
HIilarious. The clown woman was asked to define a ‘woman’ .
Four minutes of incomprehensible babble before she realised that she was being laughed at.
It all came flooding back for me.
We are a fundamentally good people. We don’t deserve to be ruled by ignorant, corrupt, Marxist detritus.

August 28, 2023 9:33 am

The LNP is full of them. Career politicians who seem equally happy to be in opposition as government, as long as they are advancing personally and racking up the superannuation.
See also Prosecutto, John.”

The newest member of the VIC Parliament from a few days ago is Nicole Werner.

Aussie Nic used to be Nicole Ta Ei Werner when she ran for the heavily Chinese seat of Box Hill in Melbourne. That particular identifier seems to have been shed like a snake sheds its skin for her most recent campaign.

Her qualifications ? Let’s list them: she’s a woman, she’s youngish and looks good, she’s no threat to the Fuhrer, and she’s a former youth worker which means she carries no stale old white lead in her baggage. It’s all about the look. Hugo Boss uniforms on order as ‘Tomorrow Belongs To Me’ plays softly in the background at pressers.

They think we’re idiots. Of what possible value is a youth worker to Parliament ?

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
August 28, 2023 9:35 am

The progressive ACT government, determined to head straight down the path taken by their sister progressive cities overseas (the Hun):

Australians are expected to flock to Canberra for drug-fuelled parties as the ACT becomes the first state in the country to decriminalise the use of nearly every drug including heroin, meth, cocaine and LSD.

Australian Federal Police deputy commissioner Neil Gaughan – the ACT’s own chief police officer – said he expects there will be groups of revellers heading to Canberra when drug laws are relaxed on October 28, as well as opportunistic bikie gangs looking to make money.

“It would be naive not to think people won’t come down, even for a weekend, to get on the coke and not worry about the cops … it’s a reality we can’t ignore,” Mr Gaughan said.


Mr Gaughan agrees the new legislation by the Labor-Greens government could lead to conflict between bikie gangs, increased drug use, a high road toll and long term mental health issues.


Mr Gaughan said one of the main concerns was the relaxation of methamphetamine possession, more commonly known as ice.

“You will be allowed 1.5 grams, which is fifteen hits (which) cost about $1500 and not many users will have that money and that could see other crime problems.

This is potentially a good thing. For the rest of the country.

If every methed-up ice freak moves to The Seat of the Nation and turns it into a post-apocalyptic hellscape, so much the better for everyone else.

August 28, 2023 9:37 am

Johnny Rotten
Aug 28, 2023 9:15 AM
The RR Merlin engine was also British/English. A magnificent engine.

Also made under licence in the States and fitted to the P51.

(from Wiki)
Packard V-1650
Main article: Packard V-1650 Merlin
As the Merlin was considered to be so important to the war effort, negotiations were started to establish an alternative production line outside the UK. Rolls-Royce staff visited North American automobile manufacturers to select one to build the Merlin in the U.S. or Canada. Henry Ford rescinded an initial offer to build the engine in the U.S. in July 1940, and the Packard Motor Car Company was selected to take on the $130,000,000 Merlin order (equivalent to $2.72 billion in 2022 dollars[91]).[92] Agreement was reached in September 1940, and the first Packard-built engine, a Merlin XX, designated the V-1650-1, ran in August 1941.[93] Total Merlin production by Packard was 55,523.[74]

Six development engines were also made by Continental Motors, Inc.[74]

August 28, 2023 9:38 am

Walli Dali. Spot on RE Argenina. Spectacular country, very strange but infectious culture – sometimes.
Anyone searching for a definition of Latin mentality simply needs to go to BA.
Absolute belief that “as long as we keep on dancing” someone will pull their irons out of the fire. And generally, that is what happens.
Lunatic emotional politics, but are their outcomes any worse that what we are calmly allowing to happen to us?

August 28, 2023 9:41 am

It’s extraordinary that formerly respectable mags like Nature and Scientific American have degenerated to nothing more than marxist propaganda for the rotten, decaying western establishment.

You can add the Australian, the Lancet, the NEJM etc etc etc to that list….

August 28, 2023 9:47 am

Exhibit A – Tailgunner.

I’m more forgiving of gunner than other cranks of an older vintage.
If he still lurks and returns, I’m not going to raise the past.
If he leaves the crack pot stuff at the door.
I know a handful of young men who really went off the rails during COVID & they weren’t Melbournites.
I can only imagine what younger, working people in Victoria were going through.
It’s one thing to go off the deep end posting on a blog during a time of extreme pressure.
It’s another thing to actually believe it.
I’m thinking along the lines of a chap at the local RSL who’s had five too many Beam & Cokes.
A lot of sore heads & embarrassment the next day.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
August 28, 2023 9:54 am

If he still lurks and returns, I’m not going to raise the past.
If he leaves the crack pot stuff at the door.

Fair enough.

August 28, 2023 9:58 am

The best thing about the Trump Presidency is he brought our enemies into the light, and there are a staggering number of them. The termites have been quietly eating the house for fifty years and there’s barely anything now left holding the walls up.

The above is from Bruce of Newk from last night.

Seeing as what they are doing to him the termites are now just holding hands to support the edifice. They also know that a future Trump admin will kick them out and the deep state will fall. What they will try to convince everyone is that if they are touched “democracy” will fall.

August 28, 2023 10:02 am

The termites have been quietly eating the house for fifty years


H B Bear
H B Bear
August 28, 2023 10:06 am

Sancho Panzer at 7:55 AM

Both irredeemable f-ckwits who do more harm than good.

As a (non self described sneerer albeit non vaccinated) I am sympathetic to this point of view. Enough, let’s have some music,

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
August 28, 2023 10:08 am

My memory is pretty darn good. Possibly helped by the fact that on many occasions I objected to accusations made against her.

What is happening here is pretty simple. What you are remembering is another person’s (people’s) take on what she was doing/saying not on what was actually said and done. Day after day, week after week, the verballing and smearing ran on in a ceaseless chain. Every comment wove “evil rosie” into it.

After a while, accusation becomes fact. It has been tried on me also.

Me too, Calli. Me too.

Rosie has copped it worst of all though, with the exception in my case of a lone but constant stalker and some mindless acolytes. Selective memories and certain levels of fixatedness certainly have occurred on the blog towards a few people, especially over Covid issues, as seen with Rosie. My memory is also pretty good. I greatly admire Rosie’s fighting spirit.

August 28, 2023 10:11 am

Aug 27, 2023 8:26 PM
No I didn’t trust anyone. Not even me. I took a calculated risk. Different thing altogether.
My quack was as sceptical about the vax as I was. If he’d recommended it, I’d have sacked him and got another quack. Given the data available at the time, the risk from the bug was lower than the risk from the vax. I looked at the numbers and the history of the pharmaceutical companies. I also factored in the response of the authorities to hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin. If I’d had any trust in the system, that would have fractured it.

The demonisation and practically banning perfectly good medications was a huge red flag for me. That heightened my objection to a new type of vaccine that was rushed to market with no testing phase particularly when even a headache tablet has to go through a ten year testing phase. It all stank to high heaven.

I expected a rush to adapt many existent medications as treatments and it did not happen, it was practically forbidden. I also expected to see different countries taking different approaches and, apart from Sweden in the case of lockdowns, it did not happen.

My own GP advised to have the original two shots but has not said a thing about any boosters since then. I think he realised that they did nothing at best.

August 28, 2023 10:13 am

Why would it be necessary to fly to Canada to when plod is well aware of what happened and how could details of her past life make any difference given she is the victim, now deceased .. plod failed to answer a 000 call properly .. They couldn’t manage to find an apartment a kilometre from the local plod shop but need a trip to Canada for what? ..

Detectives last week flew to Canada to meet with Ms Dokhotaru’s family to gather further information about her life and associates in Australia.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
August 28, 2023 10:14 am

The first said ‘no mandate’, which was met with universal approval, but then wove it into a tapestry of SovCit wonkery combined with ‘I am your leader’ followed by ‘I should be your leader’ and then ‘you are all dickheads and should “get a clot and die” because you do not all unconditionally accept my genius’.

The best of times.

H B Bear
H B Bear
August 28, 2023 10:17 am

Sancho Panzer at 8:22 AM

That is another way of looking at it. That some had the luxury of refusal with limited consequence.

That was very much where I found myself. After my stroke I was out the game anyway and could just laugh at the absurdity of picking up my takeaway coffee, going past the off limits beer garden to the park I was exiled to. That did not extend to someone with a partner, two kids and a mortgage.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
August 28, 2023 10:18 am


Aug 28, 2023 9:47 AM

Exhibit A – Tailgunner.

I’m more forgiving of gunner than other cranks of an older vintage.
If he still lurks and returns, I’m not going to raise the past.
If he leaves the crack pot stuff at the door.
I know a handful of young men who really went off the rails during COVID & they weren’t Melbournites

Allegedly and supposedly, he was working in construction, which was exempt from a lot of the shit the rest of us were subjected to.
I think the nuffiness was a pre-existing condition.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
August 28, 2023 10:19 am

I also think this possibly brief respite from upticking has allowed a more reasoned debate to occur on personal matters, a far better airing of issues without fear of numerical howling down, a form of censorship by possibly fabricated numbers. If upticks return, I hope they are less negatively used for stirring. Dover’s call of course.

H B Bear
H B Bear
August 28, 2023 10:20 am

The best of times.

Word salad sales were up.

August 28, 2023 10:20 am

What they will try to convince everyone is that if they are touched “democracy” will fall.

“Democracy” is a mirage. What exists now is a strengthening tyranny held in place by collusion between ALL governing political parties, Govt bureaucrats , Business and the MSM. The aim is to keep us corralled, fat dumb and happy. While they loot the place over and over. And if that isn’t sufficient for their greed, they borrow in our name and our grandchildren , sending us into perpetual debt. It’s important that they don’t spook the horses. We after all are their meal ticket.

All western politics now (save for a very few spots) is a varying shade of red. With the ongoing task of convincing the punters that there is actually a range of viable political choices on which the MSM will bestow approval.

August 28, 2023 10:21 am

Allegedly and supposedly, he was working in construction, which was exempt from a lot of the shit the rest of us were subjected to.
I think the nuffiness was a pre-existing condition.


He was an arts grad.

August 28, 2023 10:21 am

things were said inline
they had context at the time
now, it is a whole pile of shit-talk that has passed.

this idiotic retrospective that is going on right now, where motives are ascribed and misunderstandings are re-hypothecated is absurd

new gibber built from the old gibber… is still gibber

August 28, 2023 10:22 am

Consider them parasites instead of predators when life gets you down.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
August 28, 2023 10:24 am

If he still lurks and returns, I’m not going to raise the past.

Nor am I. I always enjoyed Gunner’s sharing of his world. As mother of three now-adult sons and one adult grandson none of it in the drug line was entirely unfamiliar anyway.

Let alone having myself survived the sixties and seventies in a smokey toke. 🙂

August 28, 2023 10:25 am

*The charge itself is sufficient proof of guilt.

Sums up most of what’s occured since 2020 .. the BAT FLU era ……
that silly notion involving supporting evidence is sooooo 2019-ish .. LOL!

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
August 28, 2023 10:27 am

now, it is a whole pile of shit-talk that has passed.

Plus one to that, Matrix. Best to move on now. Like even the very best of families, the Cat family has its spats and fights and huffs.

Everyone still turns up at the funeral, as we saw when the Old Cat died.

H B Bear
H B Bear
August 28, 2023 10:28 am

Hard not to think (looking at you Chairman Dan, public sector unions and the ALPBC) the whole Covid thing was just a case of just not letting a crisis go to waste. I am prepared to concede there may have been a period of genuine uncertainty at the start.

August 28, 2023 10:34 am

this idiotic retrospective that is going on right now, where motives are ascribed and misunderstandings are re-hypothecated is absurd

I don’t think so. The passage of time takes some of the emotion and hyperbole out of it.

Just because something is said “inline” does not make it true. A lie said “in context” is still a lie. Repeating it simply reinforces it in the minds of the inattentive.

If you think my comments are gibber, please scroll past.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
August 28, 2023 10:38 am

If every methed-up ice freak moves to The Seat of the Nation and turns it into a post-apocalyptic hellscape, so much the better for everyone else

My drug of choice might be popcorn.
Imagine some frightfully progressive tax-eater being woken at 4:00 a.m. by the sound of meth-heads breaking into their Prius.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
August 28, 2023 10:38 am

Speaking of Cats, let’s turn to felines. I delivered Attapuss at 8.15 this morning and they were streaming into the vets, all the doggies and occasional moggies there to be knocked unconscious and have their toofie-pegs done. Receptionists very busy discussing what was and wasn’t covered by pet insurance. As we have none, I simply had to sign on the bottom line that I agreed to pay for all contingencies. Attapuss, bless him, was too preoccupied with his lack of breakfast to notice that the carry case was once more on the bed in the spare room and that closed doors everywhere limited his access to some of his favorite hiding places. Who wants his dinns? I ask enticingly. He comes up with a hopeful bound, I grab him and shove him in the case before he knows what’s happening. Later baby boy, I console him, dinns later. Into the carey-car now.

Infantilising pets with softly-spoken petting talk. Of course we do it. Just as we comfort little humans in our care who can’t tell us what’s wrong except with wails.

Top Ender
Top Ender
August 28, 2023 10:39 am

For your amusement!

What a joke
Rod Liddle

The award for the funniest joke at this year’s Edinburgh Fringe was won by Lorna Rose Treen, with this: ‘I started dating a zookeeper, but it turned out he was a cheetah.’ There you go. It’s hard to know where to begin, isn’t it? Maybe with the fact that the joke doesn’t really work. Why would a zookeeper be a cheetah? Just because his work may involve looking after them? There’s no sense to it: the bloke just works in a zoo. If she’d said ‘I started dating a big cat – turned out he was a cheetah’, then that still wouldn’t be terribly funny but it would at least have semantic integrity. The second thing to say is that Lorna’s joke quite possibly was the funniest thing said throughout the ghastly festival, because they’ve banned all the stuff that’s really funny. Lorna, who professed herself ‘chuffed’ with her award, is what they are left with.

You may have read that the Leith Arches venue banned Graham Linehan from appearing because his view on transgender issues is only shared by the majority of the population. Linehan – who was one of the writers of Father Ted, among other things – has seen his career cancelled and it has cost him money and his mental health. Anybody who says anything which transgresses or lampoons the absurd shibboleths of the radical left will find themselves similarly estranged.

And so, in a sense, comedy has become a kind of anti-comedy, in which stand-up routines simply reflect the audience’s own prejudices and opinion and risk offending absolutely nobody, which is kind of the opposite of what comedy should be.

The journalist David Stubbs is among those who welcome this transformation. Hehas written a book, Different Times: a History of British Comedy, which is exultant over the fact that we no longer tolerate jokes about race, religion, gender, disability, mental health, now that comedy has become, as he put it, ‘compassionate’. Commenting on the success of Mackenzie Crook’s situation comedy Detectorists (which is, I concur, very good), Stubbs says that the writers ‘take on the obligation of maintaining the mental health of those watching’.

What? They do? How incredibly bloody kind of them. That may be a wholly admirable, if misguided, project, but it has nothing whatsoever to do with humour. Again, in a sense, it is anti-humour. And Stubbs’s notion of compassion is not of something which should be equally spread around – black people and lesbians are allowed it, for example, but not members of the Conservative party (he has a long screed of very uncompassionate hatred for the Tories) or anyone who disagrees with the party line.

What this idiot is talking about, then, is something we might call contingent compassion – you are allowed it only if you agree with his vapid world view. Otherwise, you’re out. Stubbs and his fellow travellers insist that they do not like comedy which ‘punches down’ – but that gives you an insight into their ideology. It is only ‘punching down’ if you consider black and Asian people, for example, beneath you. If you consider them – and lesbians and transgender people and the disabled – not to be simply victims, but essentially no different from anyone else, then it is not ‘punching down’ at all.

The point of comedy is to poke away with glee and guile at the stuff which lurks darkly in our unconscious. As Freud put it, jokes let out forbidden thoughts. The fulcrum of the best comedy should always foster within us a certain discomfort, and the punchline will recognise that discomfort and achieve a resolution by letting us howl with laughter – at least in part at ourselves for having harboured these thoughts within us. The laughter which comes, then, is truly cathartic. Comedy is also utterly dependent upon time and place, and jokes tend, like Cobalt 60, to have a half life of only half a dozen years or so. That is why the samizdat jokes told in the old Soviet Union seem a little lame today, but produced guffaws when they were originally told.

In short, jokes are about us and in the best joke the joke is always on us. Stubbs’s view of comedy is that it should do absolutely none of that. It should challenge nothing, least of all the audience. His idea of humour is authoritarian and tyrannical: it demands we obey, and nothing else. It reveals nothing.

Why did the chicken cross the road? One of the first jokes I ever heard and I didn’t find it terribly funny. ‘To get to the other side’ is the answer. It is a joke which mocks the listener for trying to fathom out why a chicken would cross a road. But then how about this? Why did the feminist cross the road? There are loads of answers, all of them worth a short guffaw. ‘Because I told her to’ is my favourite, largely because I made it up. Only works if it’s a bloke saying it. But then there’s the more predictable ‘Why the hell shouldn’t she?’ These jokes work because feminism as a paradigm must not be gainsaid in polite discourse – but there lurks within many people a certain resistance to it, a resistance they themselves may feel uneasy about.

And then there’s this. Why did the Muslim cross the road? Answer: the force of the blast. I made that up, too. But I think it works because it nips and niggles away at deep-seated prejudices within us which must, these days, remain unvoiced. If we’re equating Muslims with terrorists, the joke’s about us.

That is what comedy can do: at its best it can provide a kind of liberation from tyranny and authoritarianism, while asking us to question our own responses. It does the very opposite of what David Stubbs thinks it should do – it offers no compassion and revels in the brief discombobulation of our mental health.

The Spectator

August 28, 2023 10:40 am

Some areas in construction were deeply distorted by the Covid “response”. Quick bucks to be made by some, with an inevitable crash as discretionary money dries up due to interest rate hikes and general downturn.

The New Broom was riding the crest, only to be dumped around six months ago. He was warned, it will ultimately be a valuable learning moment for him, but it’s a tough lesson.

August 28, 2023 10:40 am

the plural of opinion is not fact

August 28, 2023 10:40 am

Labor misinformation law ‘a dangerous proposition for society’
28 August 2023

Human rights and civil liberties groups have expressed serious doubts about Labor’s move to quash misinformation, claiming its proposed law threatens free speech and democratic rights. Source: Sydney Morning Herald.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
August 28, 2023 10:43 am

this idiotic retrospective that is going on right now, where motives are ascribed and misunderstandings are re-hypothecated is absurd

I saw someone trying to initiate a pile-on against someone I don’t like.
I joined in.
I got my arse kicked, along with the initiator.
I would now like to announce “move on, and I’m above all that”.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
August 28, 2023 10:43 am

There a video on Youtube of a man who has monetised ‘calming’ of animals, selling lectures on his techniques. He sits with them ‘mindfully’ and they keel over and go to sleep around him and even all over him. Amazing to see it with big animals like horses and cows. Circus horses, we know, respond to small cues, and perhaps that’s his schtick too in some of his demonstrations. Being suspicious, I wonder if some of those animals are drugged, but then I doubt it. I appreciate, as he seems to do too, that most animals, even birds as I found with my mum Currawong on the nest, are extremely responsive to human emotions, and that they will flake out with you when they are happy and petted into calmness.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
August 28, 2023 10:44 am

The Faulty Memories seem to have dissipated.

August 28, 2023 10:48 am

How Vivek Ramaswamy, the surprise GOP debate star, made his fortune and triggered his critics

An early failure first put Ramaswamy on the press’ radar. In 2014, Roivant paid just $5 million upfront to acquire an Alzheimer’s treatment that GSK had abandoned. Roviant then turned the potential drug into a startup, Axovant, which it took through a $2.2 billion initial public offering in 2015—a record amount for a biotech company at the time. Ramaswamy made at least $38 million the year of Axovant’s IPO, according to Forbes. Two years later, however, the company’s only drug failed a clinical trial and its stock plummeted. By March of last year,, Ramaswamy had wound down his stake in Axovant (since rebranded to Sio Gene Therapies) from 78% to 25%. Axovant’s stock price now sits at 39 cents.

“He’s a very wealthy guy,” Sonnenfeld says. “The issue is that it was built by basically a version of pump and dump.”

August 28, 2023 10:48 am

Worth filing to keep track of the tricks radicals are planning to use to get the Voice referendum through — Paywallian:

Yes23 must win over at least 38 per cent of the nation’s 4.6 million undecided voters to claim victory in the October referendum, according to confidential research targeting young people, women, multicultural communities and soft voters in four battleground states.
The 31-page Yes23 Persuasive Conversations document, obtained by The Australian, includes new strategies designed to reverse polling trends indicating the pro-voice campaign is on track to lose the referendum, which is expected to be called for October 14.
Campaign volunteers have been told to name a “villain” when convincing at least 1.7 million undecided voters to join the Yes cause, including invoking mining billionaires who “care more about profit than protecting our country”.
With mining giants strongly backing a constitutionally enshrined voice advisory body, Anthony Albanese on Sunday travelled to Rio Tinto’s iron ore operations in the key state of Western Australia, where he expressed confidence the traditionally conservative state would back the Yes campaign.
The Prime Minister will travel to Adelaide on Wednesday to announce the referendum date and officially launch the Yes campaign in the must-win state of South Australia.
Central to the Yes23 campaign, which has recruited more than 27,000 volunteers, are new strategies to secure backing from millions of soft voters they describe as being “up for grabs”. The PowerPoint slides, which Yes23 says are not official but prepared by volunteers, includes new confidential strategic voting and messaging research.
“Young people are key. The largest age segment up for grabs are 18-34-year-olds. So are women … 54 per cent of (those) up for grabs are female. People who speak languages other than English at home are not being talked to about this issue,” the document say. “Opposition in WA is much softer than in other states, and so should be a key persuasion priority.
Tasmania is a key persuasion priority, with a higher proportion of supportive segments. SA and Queensland are over-represented in hard-to-move (segments).”
The document, which provides cheat sheets to help volunteers shift sentiment, categorises voters across eight segments – Sceptical Allies (closet conservatives), Cheerleaders (including young female professionals), Leaning Yes, Undecided, Leaning No, Disengaged, Hard No and Culture Warriors.
It provides instructions on how to redirect voters who ask why the voice is needed now, raise concerns over the lack of detail and who believe the voice is about “more than just recognition”. Yes23 campaigners, who should adhere to “positive framing”, are provided with written examples of how to “affirm, answer and redirect” under a plan to engage the base, persuade the maybes and ignore the opposition.
“The job of a good message isn’t to say what is popular. The job of a good message is to make popular what we need said,” the document says.
Yes23 campaigners, who will target voters in SA, Tasmania, WA and Queensland, are instructed to follow the “Four Vs framework – value, villain, victory and vision”.
After discussing values, which are universal or widely supported, campaigners are told to “name the villain, or unfair barrier, including who or what is harming us and why – pick a villain that most people dislike or distrust”. The Yes23 document tells volunteers to single out wealthy miners as villains: “Mining billionaires care more about profit than protecting our country.” This is despite some of the country’s biggest mining companies, such as BHP and Rio Tinto, backing the voice.
Other villain themes include harm caused by discrimination of the past, successive governments taking funding away from local communities without consultation and past governments reneging on promises made to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Under the Four Vs framework, “value” is based on Australians believing everyone deserves a fair go, “villain” focuses on exposing discrimination and racism “that still has an impact today”, “victory” celebrates the voice as a practical step forward and “vision” represents a “united community where everyone is treated with respect and dignity”.
Yes23 volunteers are told that “in this campaign, when they go low – we will go high”, and encouraged to “introduce yourself using positional language rather than hierarchical language”.
The key message for voters categorised as Sceptical Allies, who Yes23 fears are adopting arguments from “covert conservatives”, is that a No vote will “be a big setback for FN (First Nations) people”.
Opposition Indigenous Australians spokeswoman and No campaigner Jacinta Nampijinpa Price said “once again we see the Yes camp making it up as they go along, and ‘redirecting’ voters who just want the detail”.
“The fact they are treating voters like mugs shows the complete desperation on the Yes side, and the fact their proposal only serves to divide us, not unite us,” Senator Price told The Australian.
“This is all the more disingenuous given the Yes camp has eagerly accepted several million dollars from some of the world’s biggest miners.”
A Yes23 spokesman told The Australian “this is not an official Yes23 document” but acknowledged it would have been prepared by volunteers engaged in persuasive conversation training sessions. “We welcome the enthusiasm of our ever-growing base of volunteers to educate others on how to have conversations with Australians about the importance of a successful Yes vote. The efforts and conversations that our army of volunteers will be having in the coming months will be critical to getting this referendum over the line,” he said.
Yes23 campaign director Dean Parkin on Sunday joined Indigenous AFL legend Michael Long in Melbourne for the launch of The Long Walk. Mr Long is re-creating his 2004 walk from Melbourne to Canberra in support of the voice.
Mr Parkin declared more than 40 per cent of voters “are absolutely undecided” and said they would for the first time this week turn their minds towards the referendum when Mr Albanese announces the date.
He said the Yes campaign would leave “no stone unturned” to get its message across, including through cashed-up advertising campaigns and “millions of conversations” with undecided voters.

A No campaign spokesman said “from the start” its focus has been on the key states of WA, Queensland, South Australia and Tasmania.
“We’ve had voter contact programs in place for months focused on these states. As far as the No campaign strategy is concerned, nothing has changed. The Yes campaign is saying SA is a key state but we’ve been there right from the start,” the spokesman told The Australian. “The Yes campaign is an over-hyped, over-funded and overrated explosion of ideas – they don’t have a clear message. All they have left is the corporate millions that they will use to try and buy a result.”
Speaking at Rio Tinto’s iron ore operations in Karratha, Mr Albanese said he remained confident that WA would back the voice. He pointed to the backing of the AFL and the mining industry for the voice as a sign the state could “absolutely” be persuaded to vote yes.
Ahead of announcing the referendum date, Mr Albanese said Australia was the only former colony that had not formally recognised its Indigenous people.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 28, 2023 10:48 am

The newest member of the VIC Parliament from a few days ago is Nicole Werner.

They think we’re idiots. Of what possible value is a youth worker to Parliament ?

She’s a Pentecostal church youth worker. Which means she’s unlikely to go for long before offending woke in some way, whereupon Prosciutto will get the vapours again. I will lay in popcorn, just in case.

August 28, 2023 10:50 am

the plural of opinion is not fact

The plural of opinion is, of course, opinions. A galaxy of them.

As for facts, there are just so many of the darn things flying about. Some of them are wearing fancy dress, others are clothed in sombre shades and expect to be accepted on their own merits.

What I have discovered though is that a lie cannot bear to be challenged. Ever.

August 28, 2023 10:53 am

Thursday, I had an operation to remove a skin cancer. Just an scc, not particularly serious. I didn’t trust the anaesthetist not to kill me, nor the surgeon not to remove bits of brain. I just reckoned the comparative risks made the surgery a better bet. So I gambled and won.

I hope.

Best of British, Bogan.

If not, flowers to your bitches and hoes.

August 28, 2023 10:53 am

sancho, you truly are a petty infantile wanker

August 28, 2023 10:55 am

“He’s a very wealthy guy,” Sonnenfeld says. “The issue is that it was built by basically a version of pump and dump.”


“Pump and dump” scams don’t take NINE years to finish off.

This is from a 2015 Forbes article.

And Ramaswamy has quickly established a track record: Roivant Sciences’ 76% stake in Axovant and its Alzheimer’s pill, code-named RVT-101, has produced a 20,000% paper return on its initial $5 million investment. Before that Ramaswamy turned an $8 million purchase of several drugs to treat the liver virus hepatitis B into a $110 million stake in Arbutus BioPharma, a 1,275% paper return. In May Roivant scooped up a drug for psychosis for $4 million from Arena Pharmaceuticals. It also recently partnered with a Duke University group with a track record for inventing rare-disease drugs.

The smearing is undeserved.

August 28, 2023 10:55 am

And now they’re fencing off the whole area. Do you seriously think that anyone there will ever get their land back?

This is the ‘death rays from Klaus burned the land so Big WEF could steal it from TeH People and build tunnels under it to keep the millions of enslaved children whose hides are harvested for red leather shoes worn by E-leetes’ standard run.

The fence is there for all to see. And that’s all they can see. If they stop their car when driving past the police moves them on. They cannot get out of their car. No drones are permitted above the area.

What do you think is going on?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 28, 2023 11:01 am

Two years later, however, the company’s only drug failed a clinical trial and its stock plummeted.

Ah Monty you’re fun. I’m not clicking your link because the url is hidden.

How could you have forgotten the five drugs that Roivant sold to the Japs for three billion? It’s a mystery.

You also forgot to mention Ramaswamy being on Soros’s payroll and his comments about Israel. Those flaws have been noted. On the other hand his crack about all the other debaters being bought with elitist money would’ve gone down quite well with the rather furious Republican voters. Oh and 10% for the big guy, oops wrong party and wrong candidate. How could I have made such a blooper?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 28, 2023 11:03 am

What do you think is going on?

Indolent, they don’t want ghastly photos being taken.
The Dems are desperate to avoid a Katrina moment.

August 28, 2023 11:04 am

What do you think is going on?

I can think of a few non-sinister reasons, Indolent.

– looting prevention
– hazardous materials
– dangerous damaged buildings
– possibility of finding more remains

It doesn’t take away from the obvious systemic negligence. A bit like stable doors and bolting horses.

August 28, 2023 11:18 am

Tintarella di Luna
Aug 28, 2023 8:52 AM
I have just been to Mass not in my usual house of prayer and there in the congregation was an elderly woman in jeans with a YES badge I resusted the urge to metaphorically shirtfront her with the reminder that the Church is a house of prayer not politics but the as I keft the Church there were the three flags -I am so disgusted eith the capitulation

I was deeply disappointed yesterday when the intro reader at Mass in my parish mumbled some form of aboriginal acknowledgement. I spoke under my breath about blasphemy of acknowledging anyone but God in his house, I think the people in front heard me.

Then it got worse at payers of the faithful when we were asked to pray for the success of the referendum. I am really depressed about the direction of the church.

August 28, 2023 11:18 am

So, apparently Tucker has requested an interview with Putin…

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
August 28, 2023 11:19 am

Ahead of announcing the referendum date, Mr Albanese said Australia was the only former colony that had not formally recognised its Indigenous people.

Hey, Tennis Elbow. How exactly are these people not formally recognised? Please explain in detail if you can.

Boambee John
Boambee John
August 28, 2023 11:21 am

I see that the fat fascist fool has arrived with the latest DNC/MSM talking points. Still proving his insanity by trying again and again to convert commenters here to become brain dead leftards like him.

Sad, low energy.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
August 28, 2023 11:21 am

What I have discovered though is that a lie cannot bear to be challenged. Ever.

We also saw evidence of people in desparately late middle aged trying to offload the general dissatisfaction with life’s twists and turns – some Covid related, some not – onto an anonymous blog persona.
A person whose responsibility for the parlous and perilous state the complainer finds themself in is close to zero (apart from annoying them on said blog).

August 28, 2023 11:23 am

The newest member of the VIC Parliament from a few days ago is Nicole Werner. Aussie Nic used to be Nicole Ta Ei Werner when she ran for the heavily Chinese seat of Box Hill in Melbourne. That particular identifier seems to have been shed like a snake sheds its skin for her most recent campaign.
Her qualifications ? Let’s list them: she’s a woman, she’s youngish and looks good, she’s no threat to the Fuhrer, and she’s a former youth worker which means she carries no stale old white lead in her baggage.

Victoria’s own Natasha Stott Despoja?

Boambee John
Boambee John
August 28, 2023 11:24 am


What do you think is going on?

I hope that they are looking for bodies, and don’t want the morbidly curious taking photos of charred corpses.

Unfortunately, since a leftard government is involved, I fear that the whole thing is suss.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
August 28, 2023 11:24 am

Aug 28, 2023 10:53 AM
sancho, you truly are a petty infantile wanker

How observant.

Lots of upticks.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 28, 2023 11:27 am

Brittany Higgins, Bruce Lehrmann to take stand in defamation trial

By ellie dudley
Legal Affairs Correspondent
11:09AM August 28, 2023

A Federal Court judge has confirmed both Brittany Higgins and Bruce Lehrmann will take the stand during the defamation matters between Mr Lehrmann and two media organisations, as the court debates the admissibility of expert evidence stating false sexual assault complaints as “rare”.

Both former Liberal staffers at the centre of an alleged rape in Parliament House will give verbal evidence during the defamation cases of Mr Lehrmann and Network Ten and journalist Lisa Wilkinson, and a separate matter between Mr Lehrmann and the ABC.

The matters are expected to be heard together across four weeks in November.

Ms Higgins has repeatedly stated her willingness to give evidence in the defamation proceedings, and on Monday morning Justice Michael Lee said it would be necessary for her to take the stand after she failed to deliver her written affidavit on time.

Tim Senior, acting for Network Ten and the ABC, told the court on Monday his legal team was unable to meet with Ms Higgins due to her “unavailability”.

“The delay, I am instructed, there were two reasons for that: Ms Higgins’ unavailability, and the unavailability of her solicitor Mr Zwier,” Mr Senior said. “The combination of those matters meant that we weren’t able to conference with Ms Higgins.”

While Network Ten served an outline of the affidavit on schedule, Justice Lee said there was “no explanation” as to why the full affidavit could not be filed on time.

“I think we’ll just proceed on the basis she gives evidence by viva voce (verbal evidence),” he said.

Justice Lee said regardless of the schedule, he would have expected both Mr Lehrmann and Ms Higgins to give verbal evidence regarding the “critical incidents” that were alleged to have occurred in Parliament House.

“One of the reasons I would adopt that course I think, Mr Senior … evidence of what might be described as the critical incidents, which are the subject of the truth defence, even if an affidavit was served, I think require the critical witnesses to give viva voce evidence in chief in any event,” Justice Lee said.

Mr Lehrmann, who has consistently denied the rape allegations, is suing Network Ten and Ms Wilkinson over an interview with Ms Higgins that aired on The Project in February 2021 detailing allegations Mr Lehrmann raped Ms Higgins in Parliament House, but not naming Mr Lehrmann as the alleged attacker.

Network Ten will rely on a truth defence.

The ABC will rely on a public interest defence.

The Federal Court on Monday heard Mr Lehrmann’s legal team will have four weeks to compile submissions arguing expert evidence from University of Sydney psychologist Chris Lennings OAM is inadmissable.

Mr Senior said Dr Lennings’ evidence would speak to the response of sexual assault victims and their actions following the event.

However Mr Lehrmann’s barrister, Matthew Richardson SC, said he would “certainly” object to the admissibility of the evidence, as it claimed false sexual assault complaints are “rare” and seemed to simply be based on analysis of academic papers.

“As to the first report, which in addition to opining about the typical behaviour of victims of sexual assault, also posits opinions that for instance, false complaints are rare,” he told the court.

“There certainly will be objection to that evidence starting from the basis of whether or not there‘s a recognised field of expertise and so on, but also the conclusions and the opinions that are expressed, we would say have no sufficient factual foundation it really appears to be an analysis of academic papers.”

Hope Brittany wears knickers in the witness box…

H B Bear
H B Bear
August 28, 2023 11:27 am

Corpses are bad for polls. Far more useful come election time.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
August 28, 2023 11:31 am


What do you think is going on?


I hope that they are looking for bodies, and don’t want the morbidly curious taking photos of charred corpses.

Nah. Any minute they’ll put the signs up that say ‘All Your Land belong To Us’.

Or – or, as calli mentioned:

obvious systemic negligence

That. That is what’s going on. It’s still shit, but not a ‘It’s Happening!1!!’ moment.

August 28, 2023 11:31 am

Ahead of announcing the referendum date, Mr Albanese said Australia was the only former colony that had not formally recognised its Indigenous people.

I don’t remember anything in the US constitution mentioning any pre-Columbian native peoples.

H B Bear
H B Bear
August 28, 2023 11:32 am

Tim Senior, acting for Network Ten and the ABC, told the court on Monday his legal team was unable to meet with Ms Higgins due to her “unavailability”.

It will be interesting to compare this to submissions made when the Dept of Finance settled her claim against the Cth. Possibility after the next election you might think.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
August 28, 2023 11:33 am

the plural of opinion is not fact

Lucky there’s only a singular (albeit derivative) god oracle to show the way.

August 28, 2023 11:34 am

I notice that, five weeks after sacking Tucker Carlson, the new Democratic Party management at Fox News also took Steve Hilton’s Sunday night show, The Next Revolution, off the air.

Hilton was born in the UK, the son of Hungarian parents (nee Hircsák) who fled Hungary after the 1956 Hungarian Revolution (in fact, a counter-revolution by the forces of the Soviet Union, which ruled Hungary).

The Next Revolution was a pro-Trump program that had to be cleansed from the Fox News rundown to keep the Mudrock kiddies happy about the destruction of the former top-rating cable news network their father founded with the late Roger Ailes in the 1990s.

Carlson was the top-rating host on the top-rating network, which is now among the struggling bottom-rating networks after Carlson’s sacking as millions of daily viewers have left with him.

The only thing left on Fox News worth watching is Mark Levin’s Life, Liberty and Levin on Sundays (US time).

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 28, 2023 11:37 am

Ahead of announcing the referendum date, Mr Albanese said Australia was the only former colony that had not formally recognised its Indigenous people.

He has a short memory.

On the other hand he was only aged 4 when we did it.

August 28, 2023 11:37 am

Crossie my advise is say something.
Happened in my mother’s parish and she and others took issue, ie threatened to go elsewhere, enough negativity that it was stopped.
My parish, never going to happen.
Thank goodness for a wonderful PP.

August 28, 2023 11:38 am

congress, “under” Nixon, did pass some Natives Self Determination Act which basically “acknowledges” the natives and says they’re allowed to go onto their sacred land and practice their sacred rituals (with the caveat that it is self determination and does not automatically get government money)

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 28, 2023 11:41 am

The Next Revolution was a pro-Trump program that had to be cleansed from the Fox News rundown to keep the Mudrock kiddies happy

Newsmax has been running gleeful trolling articles ever since Tucker was axed. They’re quite fun.

Fox’s Debate Ratings Disaster: 50% Drop Since 2016 Election (26 Aug)

Support from Fox’s audience has fallen since the network fired Carlson, its No. 1 prime-time host, last April.

The move appears to have led to a significant ratings decline for Fox, dropping 23% in total audience across total day, year-over-year, according to Nielsen.

Meanwhile, Newsmax has seen a 50% increase in total audience across the day during the same time period.

And a recent McLaughlin national poll of Republican voters asked if Carlson’s departure made it less likely or more likely they would “trust Fox News.”

Only 8% responded they were more likely to trust Fox and a sizable 44% said they were less likely to trust Fox after Tucker’s firing.

Good on ’em. Serving your audience is what a channel should be doing, not attempting social engineering.

August 28, 2023 11:41 am

I wonder if the Japanese have a voice to parliament, a treaty and reparations for the Ainu.
If not, why not?

August 28, 2023 11:45 am

And the Adivasi in India?
If only the English had arrived in Australia a few centuries earlier.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 28, 2023 11:48 am

‘Conned into enlisting’: Navy reneges on promise to sailors, refuses payout

7:30PM August 27, 2023

The federal government has refused to pay court-ordered compensation to more than 280 sailors from the Royal Australian Navy who were “conned into enlisting” on the false promise that they would receive an engineering qualification.

The RAN had told sailors they would receive a Certificate IV in engineering over a four-year contract but at the end of the period said they would not be getting it.

A Cert IV is a nationally recognised qualification that teaches specific skills in certain fields, often considered to be equivalent to 6-12 months of a degree study, and would have given the sailors the opportunity to gain a valuable qualification while still working a full-time job.

More than four years after the NSW Supreme Court ruled in the sailors’ favour in May 2019, only one sailor, Clayton Seale, the lead applicant in the lawsuit brought by the group, has been paid.

The Supreme Court ruled in favour of nine additional test cases in June this year but the Commonwealth claims the payments awarded are too high, and has recently filed and served a notice of intention to appeal.

Class action lawyer Stewart Levitt, of Levitt Robinson who is representing the sailors, said they had been “conned by the RAN into enlisting” and contrasted the government’s treatment of the sailors with that of Brittany Higgins: “No litigation necessary, mediation in March 2022 and a payout of more than $2m in December 2022 – from A to Z in just nine months.

“This just goes to show that there is one rule for claimants, when politicians are facing huge embarrassment and need to contain the damage from an erupting scandal – as with Brittany Higgins – and another for Australian ex-servicemen, who put their lives on hold and at risk to serve their country,” Mr Levitt said.

For former RAN sailor Paul Turner, the damage is already done. Mr Turner said his service with the Navy tested his marriage, cost him time away from his children, and he ended his contract with nothing to show for it.

“I wasted six years of my life,” he told The Australian. “We, as a group – the 300-plus of us that joined this program – joined it off an advertisement. The advertisement was false.”

Mr Turner joined the RAN at the age of 34 – much older than many of his peers – after working as a plumber. Shortly into his employment, he was informed that he would not be receiving a Cert IV over his service.

Instead, Mr Turner said he was pressured to sign on for two more years to receive several Cert III qualifications – a lower level than initially promised.

He found much of the Cert III he pursued did not meet the standards sought by employers.

Mr Turner, now 46, went back to plumbing work just days after completing his service in the Navy.

Michael Quinn joined the RAN at 21, and was one of the nine test cases in the lawsuit.

Mr Quinn said he and his fellow sailors were told they could finish an apprenticeship over the course of their contract.

Some left outside apprenticeships to take up the opportunity. When they arrived for their service, this promise changed.

Mr Quinn had to change his career after not receiving his certificate, and now works in pest control.

“Navy just needs to take their side of the blame, and say ‘Let’s get these guys paid for, move on.’ And let’s just call it a day,” he said.

Mr Quinn and Mr Turner estimate their payouts would amount to between $75,000 and $107,000.

Tasmanian Senator Jacqui Lambie has previously raised the sailors’ claim in parliament.

“This has been going on for nine years – it’s enough!” she told The Australian.

“The Department appears to spend a fortune on matters like this one. No wonder they can’t recruit anyone.

“They can’t even give people the qualifications they said they would during recruitment.”

Senator Lambie plans to raise the issue in the next sitting of parliament.

The Australian has approached the RAN for comment.

What do they expect from the last service to retain flogging as a punishment?

August 28, 2023 11:49 am

Anal really sounds like one of red ted wheelwright’s second year students.

Cassie of Sydney
August 28, 2023 11:57 am

Re. “Tailgunner”, I think people have forgotten that not only did he express admiration for Anders Breivik, he also compared me and some other women on this blog to those female French collaborators in World War II, women who’d slept with, or had been girlfriends of Nazis during the occupation of France and who, when the Germans retreated, were rounded up by partisans and villagers and had their hair shaved as a mark and badge of collaboration and humiliation.

I don’t forget.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 28, 2023 12:06 pm


‘Joe The Plumber’ Famously Known For Confronting Obama Over Taxes, Dies At 49 (27 Aug)

Joe Wurzelbacher, otherwise known as ‘Joe The Plumber’ passed away at the age of 49 from pancreatic cancer, a source confirmed to the Daily Caller. Wurzelbacher, who became well known during the 2008 presidential campaign after confronting former President Barack Obama about whether or not his tax plan would end up costing him more, was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in early 2023.

An ordinary guy taking it to the magic wunderkind like a pin popping a balloon. RIP.

August 28, 2023 12:30 pm

Thanks for the comedy article TE.
I was a regular at venues like Macys in the early 80s, Shane Bourne, Trevor Marmalade, Richard Stubbs, and several others, not all as funny as they thought they were.
Not much off limits, best jokes when they targetted the audience especially if it was my mates.
Other than Dave Chapelle I wouldn’t bother with many these days.

Robert Sewell
August 28, 2023 12:53 pm

The Beer whisperer

Aug 28, 2023 7:43 AM
American authorised should be tried for crimes against humanity after what happened in Maui.
An absolute stunning level of incompetence in blocking roads and having no water.

WTF are “Special Police”?
Why are the affected areas being cut off with screens? If it was to prevent looting, just wire screens would do the job. So the visual screens are to stop people from ‘seeing’ not looting.
What is it that needs hiding?

August 28, 2023 12:55 pm

Gosh, those Osprey chopper-planes are goofy, dangerous-looking things.

That’s now eight fatalities during these military exercises caused by dodgy aircraft.

August 28, 2023 12:56 pm

Thanks for the comedy article TE.
I was a regular at venues like Macys in the early 80s,

Quite the shopper : Macy’s on 33rd street in the early 80s.

August 28, 2023 12:59 pm

Woman wears same dress for 100 days – to save the environment.

Robert Sewell
August 28, 2023 1:02 pm


I have found it more useful simply to remind people from time to time, “don’t forget they locked us up, and they’d do it again.”. This has a profound effect and provides a rational entry point for discussion.

‘Mostly’ provides a rational entry point for discussion, Calli.
Some on both sides consider it a trigger point for reinforcing their prejudices.

August 28, 2023 1:22 pm

Ms Higgins has repeatedly stated her willingness to give evidence in the defamation proceedings

this would be the same lady who had to take leave of previous proceedings due to imminent self-harm, or was it a case of the vapours ?

$3M and a tropical holiday certainly did the job of perking her up.

August 28, 2023 1:25 pm

The AFL is no longer a football organisation. It now does politics full-time.

The new head of football for the AFL men’s game is a female social justice warrior:

How a ‘deep-seated love for fixing an injustice’ has driven Laura Kane

Up yours, footy fans: your weekend escape is now officially hen-pecked by a woman looking for political injustices. FMD.

August 28, 2023 1:34 pm

David Burge Iowahawk:

1. Identify a respected institution.
2. Kill it.
3. Gut it.
4. Wear its carcass as a skinsuit while demanding respect.

August 28, 2023 1:35 pm

Some on both sides consider it a trigger point for reinforcing their prejudices.

Can’t win them all, Bob.

August 28, 2023 1:42 pm

On 100 day dress woman…

Ms Stamm said she wore the same dress day after day and only washed it four times.

“Wool is so odour resistant,” she said.

Suuuure it is. One hundred days, washed four times, so once every three weeks.

I get the textiles and landfill part – commenters here know how strongly I oppose it. But cleanliness is another thing. It isn’t just about pong, it’s about parasites and dead tissue.

August 28, 2023 1:58 pm

Aug 28, 2023 11:18 AM

I was deeply disappointed yesterday when the intro reader at Mass in my parish mumbled some form of aboriginal acknowledgement. I spoke under my breath about blasphemy of acknowledging anyone but God in his house, I think the people in front heard me.

Then it got worse at payers of the faithful when we were asked to pray for the success of the referendum. I am really depressed about the direction of the church.

August 28 marks feast of St. Augustine, convert who changed Church history

In the last years of his life, Augustine saw the old Roman imperial order undergo a violent and chaotic transition with an uncertain outcome. The Church, too, continued to struggle despite his and other bishops’ efforts. In the Vandal-besieged city of Hippo, St. Augustine died on August 28, 430.

After his death, through the legacy of his writings, St. Augustine became the most influential theologian in the history of Western Christianity. Pope Benedict XVI, who once described the saint as his “traveling companion” in life and ministry, has devoted six general audiences to St. Augustine’s life and thought since his election.

In August 2010, the Pope spoke of “an important aspect of [Augustine’s] human and Christian experience, which is also timely in our day.”

August 28, 2023 2:00 pm

Aug 28, 2023 12:59 PM

Woman wears same dress for 100 days – to save the environment.

Michael Shellenberger calls it a luxury accessory: that instead of wearing (in this case she is) an accessory, women peddle accessory views.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
August 28, 2023 2:06 pm

Mr Albanese said Australia was the only former colony that had not formally recognised its Indigenous people.

Nonsense. Billions of dollars in aid and then Rudd’s formal Parliamentary National apology (placed in schools and public buildings) and many consultative bodies. Tell him he’s dreaming.

August 28, 2023 2:08 pm


These are some of the questions in the Oz Quiz today

Aliir Aliir started his AFL career with which team in 2014?


Who won the 2023 Tour de France Femmes?


Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
August 28, 2023 2:10 pm

we were asked to pray for the success of the referendum

I would be defining ‘success’ in my terms, meaning a successful No vote.
It would provide by far the best outcome for all Australians, including aboriginal people.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
August 28, 2023 2:13 pm

In the Vandal-besieged city of Hippo, St. Augustine died on August 28, 430.

This date seems to have been a turning point for a besieged Christianity in Britain too.

The disruption caused by the Plague of Hydatius in the early 440’s would not have helped.

August 28, 2023 2:14 pm

calli, even if she didn’t do physical work causing her to perspire, and has dryish skin (i.e. not exuding oils) there would still have been a gazillion skin flakes embedded in that dress, and the things that dine on them.

TheirABC just loves these freakish stories about Saving Da Planet.

You know, people who (allegedly) generate zero garbage by spending hundreds of hours and dollars on the project, or young women who heroically don’t buy any clothes or shoes for a year (hello! I’m here! yoo hoo! why doesn’t anyone care about elderly, frugal women?).

We have the ones who weave plastic bags into hideous ‘craft’ works, Then there are the exhibitionists, holiday makers and other caterers to the insatiable ‘raising awareness’ market by riding across the Nullarbor on a solar powered tricycle or walking backwards from somewhere to Canberra.

This is what passes for serious, cutting edge ‘journalism’ at taxpayers’ expense.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
August 28, 2023 2:18 pm

he also compared me and some other women on this blog to those female French collaborators in World War II, women who’d slept with

I was one of the women ‘compared’. More than one here seemed happy to go along with it, btw. I didn’t know that little nasty originated with Tailgunner. Not impressed if that is the case. Take back my toleration.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
August 28, 2023 2:29 pm

Also didn’t I connect Tailgunner with admiring Anders Breivik’s murderous rampage although I have a vague memory of discussions disclaiming any praise for that. I’d never approve of that sort of lunatic political violence, don’t like it even in jest.
I might have been absent o/seas and not much on the Cat at that time. It’s easy enough to miss things as well as to get a skewed view on others here. It’s a blog, where more can be hidden than shown.

August 28, 2023 2:30 pm

Cassie, I don’t remember ‘gunner posting that stuff.
I withdraw my previous comments.

Robert Sewell
August 28, 2023 2:36 pm

Farmer Gez

Aug 28, 2023 8:31 AM
I’m looking at the horizon as the fog lifts and a huge old tree is lit by the rays of the sun breaking through.
The old dog is wandering around looking for a place to lift the leg before I lift him onto the ute for a day on the sheep. He won’t stay home and would happily drop dead on the job.

Many puppy upticks, Farmer Gez.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
August 28, 2023 2:36 pm

Re ‘Recognition’. We also got blighted with the High Court’s highly creative Native Title legislation, giving away half the continent to aboriginal interests. And now they want all of the surrounding seas. Time to Vote No.

If Native Title’s not recognition I don’t know what is. And now I would repeal it and replace it with something more useful if I could have my choice of High Court memberships.

Shame I can’t. 🙂

Fair Shake
Fair Shake
August 28, 2023 2:37 pm

St. Augustine died on August 28, 430.

and then after a short break went on to invent one of the worlds finest refreshments.

August 28, 2023 2:38 pm

I do, ‘bern. It surprised me. Exuberant, outgoing, sociable…and with a bit of pressure out it came.

There may be some clues there about inability to build lasting relationships, that self control is a quality for the back burner. It was unfortunate.

Robert Sewell
August 28, 2023 2:38 pm

I must have missed that one. Can you jog an old farts memory for that please?

Except when they did untold harm.
I’m thinking about those evil, unmentionable numbnuts in SE Queensland and what they did to those police officers and their poor neighbour.

August 28, 2023 2:44 pm

The Trains, Bob.

Ambushed police officers making a welfare check, murdered two on the driveway, shot their neighbour in the back when he raced over to check up on the gunfire. Then they tried to smoke out another female police officer who was hidden in the undergrowth.

They were Sov Cit weirdos, as I was reminded up thread. There was also yapping on the webs about how they were “justified” because of perceived “tyranny”. You get the picture.

They ended up suicide by cop.

Black Ball
Black Ball
August 28, 2023 2:45 pm

Wallabies fine tuning their World Cup preparations with a 41-17 thumping at the hands of Les Bleus. Wouldn’t have thought it was an ideal lead in.

Black Ball
Black Ball
August 28, 2023 2:48 pm

Aliir Aliir started his AFL career with which team in 2014?


H B Bear
H B Bear
August 28, 2023 2:50 pm

Wallabies are only for the true believers at this stage. I’m not one of them.

Robert Sewell
August 28, 2023 2:52 pm


Aug 28, 2023 9:11 AM
Why do cats love tuna so much? Scientists may finally know

That’s interesting. My doc suggested I start on those fish capsules to lower my cholesterol. The morning after the first dose, I woke up to find both cats nuzzled up to my head, purring like mad. I reckon to this day they both thought I had a secret stash of tuna somewhere and was eating it overnight…

August 28, 2023 2:52 pm

Wearing the same set of clothes every day till they grew out of them was de rigeur for my parents’ generation.

And having to wash everything by hand on a washboard down on the river bank probably discouraged frequent clothes changing by any poorer farmer’s wife pre war.
We recently came across a photo of my father and his four brothers taken in the early 30s, home hair cuts, hand me downs and I dont believe the younger boys owned shoes.
Anyhow congratulations on the hundred days, lady.

August 28, 2023 2:52 pm

Just been reading about Laura Kane, who has been appointed to a senior job in small, tight shorts football:

Kane, who had been the AFL’s acting executive general manager of football, was appointed to the role on a full-time basis on Monday.

She will become one of the most senior deputies of incoming AFL chief executive Andrew Dillon.

Kane’s portfolio will cover crucial game-related issues such as umpiring, rules, the AFLW and the tribunal.

She will also oversee areas such as player movement, talent pathways, and mental health and wellbeing.

Kane, a qualified lawyer who represented victims in the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, had several senior roles at North Melbourne before she joined the AFL in 2021 as its competition manager.

Thank goodness she’s not an unqualified lawyer, whatever that is. 🙂

The editorial oversight at TheirABC is less than that at my high school student paper. Our English mistress sent split infinitives scurrying for cover, and dangling participles dangled at their own risk.

As for the CV:

who represented victims in the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse,

Oh, boy.

They are in for a world of self-inflicted pain.

August 28, 2023 2:55 pm

Those wooland dresses are around $140 with free shipping.
Not extravagantly expensive.

Black Ball
Black Ball
August 28, 2023 2:57 pm

Up yours, footy fans: your weekend escape is now officially hen-pecked by a woman looking for political injustices. FMD.

Just wonderful.
I may have related this story, old bloke here basically tore up his MCC membership not long after they admitted women to the Long Room.
The ladies would take the tables and stools where the men had stood for years. Their protests and letters fell on deaf ears and he never returned.

August 28, 2023 3:00 pm

Space. The final frontier. To boldly go where no split infinitive has gone before.


August 28, 2023 3:16 pm

I’m very brave. I’m quite prepared to boldly split an infinitive, where no infinitive has been boldly splut before.

Robert Sewell
August 28, 2023 3:18 pm


I can think of a few non-sinister reasons, Indolent.
– looting prevention
– hazardous materials
– dangerous damaged buildings
– possibility of finding more remains

All of which can be prevented by a layer of razor wire. Access denied.
A screen only provides visual access. It is no barrier to physical access. The Island of Hawaii is a major US military base. If they have one thing in abundance, it will be stocks of razor wire.
I think you’re wrong here Calli. The wrong thing – visible access – is the only thing being effectively prevented by opaque screens.

August 28, 2023 3:19 pm

AFL another effing lawyer. Think of the 100s of these ‘professionals’ universities inflict on Australia annually and on the taxpayer dime.

H B Bear
H B Bear
August 28, 2023 3:25 pm

The AFL survives and prospers almost despite the efforts of Gillon McPolo-Pony, the rest of the crew at Docklands and the combined efforts of the club presidents. This appointment is just more of the same.

Cassie of Sydney
August 28, 2023 3:29 pm

” Justice Michael Lee”

LOL, given what I know about Justice Lee, he’s not the type to tolerate any “poor me” theatrics from La Knickerless, and I doubt he’ll give her license to take a day or two off when the grilling gets too hard.

Justice Michael Lee is a very different kind of judge to Lucy McCallum.

August 28, 2023 3:42 pm

How can I be “wrong” when all I gave was a list of non-sinister reasons? I wasn’t trying to be right, just thinking about other possibilities.

I can probably come up with a list of lurid sinister reasons too!

I’m sure razor wire would keep people out. A bit of an H&S problem if some poor bugger gets caught on it.

August 28, 2023 3:44 pm

calli, as anyone who reads my comments knows, I’m not fussed about split infinitives. But, at least I know what they are.

On a different topic, the fight against varroa mites in our beehives is lost. Despite ‘the authorities’ destroying millions of dollars worth of hives over the past few years, the mites keep popping up further and further afield. They are here to stay.

A feature of local reporting about these things is catastrophism. This or that bug/bacterium/fungus or whatever is going to wipe out the local industry – which never actually happens. Remember that blight thingy from NZ that was going to destroy the local apple industry? The industry has its challenges, but it’s still there.

Reading up on Varroa, it’s been around for quite a while and exists in many countries. Of course we’d prefer not to have it, but we do, and other countries have not thrown up their hands and gotten out of the bee business. They manage it like any other pest.

I remember the awful images coming out of the foot and mouth and the BSE panics in the UK. Tens of thousands of animals slaughtered and burned, businesses ruined, farmers committing suicide. Those were precursors to the panic we experienced about COVID, It was the same stuff – vastly overblown risk assessments, huge economic, social and personal pain.

Heaven help our wool, lamb or beef producers if some panic about a furriner disease or pest suddenly appeared. The ‘shoot first and ask questions afterwards’ crowd would be out in force.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
August 28, 2023 3:44 pm


Aug 28, 2023 11:37 AM

Crossie my advise is say something.
Happened in my mother’s parish and she and others took issue, ie threatened to go elsewhere, enough negativity that it was stopped.
My parish, never going to happen.
Thank goodness for a wonderful PP.

The priest might be just taking the line of least resistance to satisfy a noisy minority (or individual).
If you let him know it is not the line of least resistance, he might drop it.

August 28, 2023 3:45 pm

All the coke heads on this blog will be rejoicing!

August 28, 2023 3:45 pm

I would trade a dozen upticks for a few lines of Comic Sans script, used sparingly but effectively.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 28, 2023 3:49 pm

Bishop puts aside politics, supports Wong on Yes trail
Paige Taylor

The former and current foreign ministers have put their politics aside for the Indigenous voice to parliament.

On Monday, former Liberal deputy leader Julie Bishop walked alongside Penny Wong on the main street of Perth in a show of support for a constitutionally-enshrined voice.

“I believe that this is an opportunity first, to give Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders their rightful place in the Constitution. But secondly, to give them the right, and the risk, and the responsibility to come up with policies that will address the problems, as they see them, and get better outcomes,” Ms Bishop told reporters.

In Western Australia, the Yes campaign is relying on the enormous popularity of Ms Bishop. She was a highly-effective fundraiser for the Liberals due in part to her extraordinary networking skills and a massive following in WA.

Ms Bishop announced her support for the voice at the National Press Club in July, saying “we have got to give it a chance”.

“I sat through too many of those Closing the Gap speeches in parliament to sense that what we were doing was working to close the disparity and inequality between Indigenous and non-Indigenous populations.

“In some instances, the key measures were getting worse, not better, so it’s not a question of money, it’s not a question of politicians coming up with policies, it’s a question of giving Indigenous people the franchise to make decisions to implement policies that will work”.

Yes campaigners thought those remarks, as emphatically supportive of the voice as they were, could be the extent of her involvement in the debate. But Ms Bishop. who turned Curtin into the safest Liberal seat in Western Australia before she quit parliament in 2019, suprised them by agreeing to campaign.

In Perth’s CBD on Monday, Ms Bishop walked with Senator Wong, Yes23 director Dean Parkin and Perth MP Patrick Gorman to the city’s main train station. There, they stood alongside Yes campaigners to hand out flyers to commuters.

Labor MP Patrick Gormann saw Ms Bishop’s decision to advocate for an Indigenous voice to parliament as yet more proof that the referendum was not about party politics.

“It was delightful to have two foreign ministers from different sides of politics both out there doing something that will enhance Australia’s representative democracy,” Mr Gorman said.

“It is a huge credit to Julie Bishop that shse has chosen to advocate for the Yes case.

“Given those senior roles she has held and her experience, she is someone better placed than most to know when something is above the normal partisan frame and recognise that this is something bigger.”

August 28, 2023 3:50 pm

That’s interesting. My doc suggested I start on those fish capsules to lower my cholesterol. The morning after the first dose, I woke up to find both cats nuzzled up to my head,

wtf would he do that?? As you age, lower cholesterol figures correlate with higher rates of death, sepsis, dementia, fractures etc

Cassie of Sydney
August 28, 2023 3:51 pm

Oh well, at least the ghastly anorexic stick insect and former member for Curtin is now an out and proud progressive, she now doesn’t even hide her sneering contempt for middle and working Australia.

The Oz…

The former and current foreign ministers have put their politics aside for the Indigenous voice to parliament.

On Monday, former Liberal deputy leader Julie Bishop walked alongside Penny Wong on the main street of Perth in a show of support for a constitutionally-enshrined voice.

“I believe that this is an opportunity first, to give Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders their rightful place in the Constitution. But secondly, to give them the right, and the risk, and the responsibility to come up with policies that will address the problems, as they see them, and get better outcomes,” Ms Bishop told reporters.

In Western Australia, the Yes campaign is relying on the enormous popularity of Ms Bishop. She was a highly-effective fundraiser for the Liberals due in part to her extraordinary networking skills and a massive following in WA.

Ms Bishop announced her support for the voice at the National Press Club in July, saying “we have got to give it a chance”.

“I sat through too many of those Closing the Gap speeches in parliament to sense that what we were doing was working to close the disparity and inequality between Indigenous and non-Indigenous populations.

“In some instances, the key measures were getting worse, not better, so it’s not a question of money, it’s not a question of politicians coming up with policies, it’s a question of giving Indigenous people the franchise to make decisions to implement policies that will work”.

Yes campaigners thought those remarks, as emphatically supportive of the voice as they were, could be the extent of her involvement in the debate. But Ms Bishop. who turned Curtin into the safest Liberal seat in Western Australia before she quit parliament in 2019, surprised them by agreeing to campaign.

In Perth’s CBD on Monday, Ms Bishop walked with Senator Wong, Yes23 director Dean Parkin and Perth MP Patrick Gorman to the city’s main train station. There, they stood alongside Yes campaigners to hand out flyers to commuters.

Labor MP Patrick Gormann saw Ms Bishop’s decision to advocate for an Indigenous voice to parliament as yet more proof that the referendum was not about party politics.

“It was delightful to have two foreign ministers from different sides of politics both out there doing something that will enhance Australia’s representative democracy,” Mr Gorman said.

“It is a huge credit to Julie Bishop that shse has chosen to advocate for the Yes case.

“Given those senior roles she has held and her experience, she is someone better placed than most to know when something is above the normal partisan frame and recognise that this is something bigger.”

I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.

Cassie of Sydney
August 28, 2023 3:51 pm

Snap Zulu.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
August 28, 2023 3:52 pm

Cassie of Sydney

Aug 28, 2023 11:57 AM

Re. “Tailgunner”, I think people have forgotten that not only did he express admiration for Anders Breivik, he also compared me and some other women on this blog to those female French collaborators in World War II, women who’d slept with, or had been girlfriends of Nazis during the occupation of France and who, when the Germans retreated, were rounded up by partisans and villagers and had their hair shaved as a mark and badge of collaboration and humiliation.

I don’t forget.

I have no regrets about hooking into that dickhead.
I know a few (ahem) “dinobores” were taken in by his faux gangsta-rap shtick, but I just thought he was a common or garden 40-something man-child.

August 28, 2023 3:53 pm


just got my council rates…. went up 50% since last year, when the only ‘improvement’ to the land value (which I paid for btw) was a shed which cost ~ 10% of the property cost.

When is shit going to break??

  1. BTW, where is ‘Blackout Bowen’? He is a ‘Ruin A Ball’ gift for the Opposition IMHO.

  2. MK is not obviously dumb, but the…i don’t know…naivety? immaturity? simplicity? in his views of this Trump move is clearly…

  3. More good news from the U.S. where Stuart Scheller, the marine colonel who was court martialed for his criticism of…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x