Open Thread – Tues 29 Aug 2023

The Destruction of Pompeii and Herculaneum. John Martin, 1822

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August 29, 2023 8:09 pm

Aug 29, 2023 7:56 PM
Pretty soon the Chinese will run out of trading partners or sympathetic countries.

You’re kidding right?

Maybe not instantly but eventually everyone will restart their manufacturing industries simply as a self-defence mechanism. In the short term there are other manufacturing countries in Asia.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 29, 2023 8:10 pm

I was at the Forster RSL when one of these kicked off.

I’ve been wondering if Albo will send their tank to Ukraine.

(My old dad lives with within quite close walking distance of said beast…)

Cassie of Sydney
August 29, 2023 8:10 pm

“I suppose it will not make any difference for me to get into the priest’s ear.”

Yes it does make a difference. You absolutely should let him know. I would be very vocal if my rabbi allowed voice spruikers in his schul, in fact I’d be f*cking furious.

H B Bear
H B Bear
August 29, 2023 8:13 pm

A Maori told me that the British had to sign a treaty because they knew the Maori would be excellent guerilla warriors and would not give up

That may be true but the Maori society as it existed at the time of discovery met the common law criteria requiring a treaty (organisation, recognised leader etc). Again, discussed in Mabo.

August 29, 2023 8:15 pm

I’m watching the supposedly artificial intelligence (AI) program on Sky. All I can see is photoshopping, clever but still photoshopping.

August 29, 2023 8:16 pm

there is a great clip on youtube by Mel Gibson about the @@#%&* Bishops in the Catholic Church. It shouldn’t be too hard to find. They seem to be the direct cause of a lot that is wrong with the Church these past years. Their power really needs to be reined in.

Mark from Melbourne
Mark from Melbourne
August 29, 2023 8:16 pm

It’s right there in the definitions (S6) :

“The States” shall mean such of the colonies of New South Wales, New Zealand, Queensland, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, and South Australia, including the northern territory of South Australia, as for the time being are parts of the Commonwealth, and such colonies or territories as may be admitted into or established by the Commonwealth as States; and each of such parts of the Commonwealth shall be called “a State.”

S121 has this to offer…

The Parliament may admit to the Commonwealth or establish new States, and may upon such admission or establishment make or impose such terms and conditions, including the extent of representation in either House of the Parliament, as it thinks fit.

But, fundamentally, NZ wouldn’t be a “new” state. If they wanted in (which is all hypothetical) I read that as meaning we’d have a bit of a hard time stopping them. It is all a bit woolly.

Maybe best 2 out of 3 in rugby?

August 29, 2023 8:18 pm

Jeffrey Archer is very gullible re the AI, they had everything preprogrammed to solicit his reactions. On the other hand he is probably going along with the interviews. Still unimpressed.

August 29, 2023 8:19 pm

H B Bear
Aug 29, 2023 8:13 PM
A Maori told me that the British had to sign a treaty because they knew the Maori would be excellent guerilla warriors and would not give up

That may be true but the Maori society as it existed at the time of discovery met the common law criteria requiring a treaty (organisation, recognised leader etc). Again, discussed in Mabo.

Absolutely Bear.
The Maori even had a Royal Family.

August 29, 2023 8:21 pm

China is bleeding foreign capital.

Xi is running the economy into the ground.

August 29, 2023 8:23 pm

Aug 29, 2023 8:16 PM
there is a great clip on youtube by Mel Gibson about the @@#%&* Bishops in the Catholic Church. It shouldn’t be too hard to find. They seem to be the direct cause of a lot that is wrong with the Church these past years. Their power really needs to be reined in.

None of this would be an issue if we had somebody like Cardinal Robert Sarah for pope. The current pope seems to fit in with the rest of the West’s leadership so we may have to wait for a change all around. These things seems to come in waves but I hope the current one dissipates soon.

August 29, 2023 8:29 pm

Still not impressed with pre-programmed or remotely programmed robots.

August 29, 2023 8:29 pm

the current Pope is like the Church’s version of Biden for President.
A definite behind the scenes Cabal intent on running things their way. Pure Evil.

August 29, 2023 8:34 pm

That robot (AI) being showcased on Sky is very similar to the robot that was wandering around Narita Airport in 2017, about the same capacity.

August 29, 2023 8:38 pm

I just realised what the AI robot on Sky reminded me of, the GPS voice, and about the same intelligence capability. The only difference is that there is a keyboard jockey, or a team of them, providing replies to the interviewer instead of a canned program.

August 29, 2023 8:40 pm

Aug 29, 2023 8:37 PM
Xi is running the economy into the ground.

Companies are factoring in a looming crisis involving the US.

Do you mean that they are factoring in the possibility of Trump winning the next election and steering the US economy away from relying on Chinese manufacturing?

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
August 29, 2023 8:44 pm
Dunny Brush
Dunny Brush
August 29, 2023 8:47 pm

With AFL etc running around with teams called Naarm etc, it seems only a matter of time before some national team trots out with a Furst Naishuns moniker. Anybody have a clue what that moniker might be?
PS I fully expect ANZAC, Christmas and Easter to be gone as public holidays in my lifetime. I’ll be dead by 2060.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 29, 2023 8:51 pm

PS I fully expect ANZAC, Christmas and Easter to be gone as public holidays in my lifetime. I’ll be dead by 2060.

“Australia Day” will be next on the list.

John H.
John H.
August 29, 2023 8:53 pm

Aug 29, 2023 8:21 PM
China is bleeding foreign capital.

Xi is running the economy into the ground.

There are huge problems Roger. Increasing numbers of the young have moved from lying flat to let it rot, bailing out of society. The real estate boom was a primary source of investment but is now in serious trouble. Apartments are prepaid but not being completed, leaving individuals with mortgages but no asset. That’s a disaster personally and economically. The USA is already shifting production away from China and other countries are exploring means of uncoupling. Corporations are seeking manufacturing opportunities in other countries.

August 29, 2023 8:58 pm

I finally had a look at part of one of your videos. The one you just posted of the pony.
I am not surprised you receive complaints. A loooooooooooooong clip of a pony being walked on a lead down a footpath.
I had a genuine miniature horse. Corey. I had the privilege of owning him for 22 years. I used to cart him and my two dogs around in the back of my Panel Van. I trained Corey to saddle and harness, Competed with him in harness at many shows.

I am very happy to relay that Corey would never have walked quietly through the streets like boring Rowdy. He would have stolen every sandwich, ice cream, bag of chips and cigarette that he came across. And for fun, he would have head-butted, knocked over, then stomped every noisy kid who came screaming “can I pet the pony!!!!”

Link to something interesting for Christ’s sake.

Dunny Brush
Dunny Brush
August 29, 2023 9:03 pm

Sorry Zulu: should have mentioned that I believe oz day is already gone. My work place lets employees to swap it out – trauma day etc – but says it understands if we don’t because we might want to spend time with family. It doesn’t even acknowledge that anybody might like to observe Australia Day to, um, celebrate Australia

August 29, 2023 9:04 pm

CCP let their hegemonic mask slip too early so that even small economy countries are now getting nervous about being tied exclusively to the Chinese economy. They offended too many people which raised red flags with others. It’s not going to end well. I hope Australian agriculture producers are looking at alternative markets as the Chinese market is too capricious and thus unreliable.

August 29, 2023 9:05 pm

Do you mean that they are factoring in the possibility of Trump winning the next election and steering the US economy away from relying on Chinese manufacturing?

No, just stuffed.

It will hit us hard.

Over the past couple of years, despite geopolitical tensions, there has been a consistent upswing in economic and trade collaboration between the two nations. In 2021, the bilateral trade volume between the countries reached approximately US$231.2 billion, demonstrating a remarkable 35.1 percent year-on-year growth. Notably, China’s imports from Australia amounted to US$164.82 billion, marking a substantial 40.6 percent increase compared to 2020. In 2022, Australia’s exports to China amounted to US$102.35 billion. Concurrently, Australia’s imports from China reached US$83.73 billion, both signaling a substantial recovery from the 2020 data.

Cassie of Sydney
August 29, 2023 9:05 pm

““Australia Day” will be next on the list.”

Yep, if da Voice gets up, Australia Day will be binned and “Voice Day” will be inaugurated. What am I saying, even if da Voice doesn’t get up, Australia day will still be binned. It’s inevitable. We live in progressive land now, and progressives rule.

August 29, 2023 9:06 pm

I don’t see this alliance working long once the CCP start throwing their weight around.

Listened to somebody over the weekend talking about BRICS who said India would not play ball over the One Belt plan and that this was going to seriously hamper the success of the whole alliance.

Cassie of Sydney
August 29, 2023 9:06 pm

“Dunny Brush
Aug 29, 2023 9:03 PM”

Snap Dunny.

August 29, 2023 9:12 pm

Cassie, Dunny,
I will celebrate Australia Day no matter what.
My parents didn’t escape a Dictatorship and make their way here for their children to kowtow to another Dictatorship.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
August 29, 2023 9:12 pm

Aug 29, 2023 8:58 PM
I finally had a look at part of one of your videos. The one you just posted of the pony.
I am not surprised you receive complaints. A loooooooooooooong clip of a pony being walked on a lead down a footpath.
I had a genuine miniature horse. Corey. I had the privilege of owning him for 22 years. I used to cart him and my two dogs around in the back of my Panel Van. I trained Corey to saddle and harness, Competed with him in harness at many shows.

I am very happy to relay that Corey would never have walked quietly through the streets like boring Rowdy. He would have stolen every sandwich, ice cream, bag of chips and cigarette that he came across. And for fun, he would have head-butted, knocked over, then stomped every noisy kid who came screaming “can I pet the pony!!!!”

Link to something interesting for Christ’s sake.

F8ck off!

August 29, 2023 9:17 pm

F8ck off!

I rest my case.

At least link to boring Australian videos.

Cassie of Sydney
August 29, 2023 9:17 pm

“I will celebrate Australia Day no matter what.
My parents didn’t escape a Dictatorship and make their way here for their children to kowtow to another Dictatorship.”

I’m with you Pogria. I remember earlier this year when my department head (I work for a very woke corporation) said that people could swap Australia Day.

I just rolled my eyes. I am sooooooooooooo sick of it all. The good news is that nobody took up the offer.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 29, 2023 9:23 pm

Yep, if da Voice gets up, Australia Day will be binned and “Voice Day” will be inaugurated.

My favourite was the local member of the younger generation here, who was asked if he knew what “National Sorry Day” was about.

“Is that when the Aboriginal kids say “sorry” for beating us up, after school, and stealing our bikes?”

Dunny Brush
Dunny Brush
August 29, 2023 9:24 pm

Funnily enough re: the oz day swap out thing, it winds up being two holidays. Those that turn up don’t do anything on Jan 26. And those that turn up on the swap out day don’t do anything either. Long lunch days. Trebles all round!! The system works.

August 29, 2023 9:25 pm

I recall you telling us about that.
I am so sick of most people giving in to this bullying.
Growing up, I was the wog migrant in a sea of aussies. I never had the same clothes as the other girls, my skirts were never as short as theirs, I was never allowed to stay out as long as the other girls. It hurt for a long while, until I learnt to embrace the fact that I wasn’t a face in the mob. That early experience taught me to never “go along to get along”.

Boambee John
Boambee John
August 29, 2023 9:25 pm

I think that people should be confronted with the reality of their silly ideas.

Allow individuals to have the same number of public holidays as now, but take them when they wish. If they work on any of the current holidays, they get no penalty pay. All they get is days off at a time of their choosing.

Don’t believe in Christianity? Work Good Friday, Easter Monday, Christmas Day at standard rates. Hate Australia Day? Work 26 January as a normal day, ditto for Anzac Day, Melbourne Cup in Victoria, King’s Birthday, Labour Day and all the others.

The system will soon sort itself out.

August 29, 2023 9:29 pm

On the schools front, I think the Woke brainwashing attempts are going to backfire spectacularly. The result will be clear within 5 to 10 years.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
August 29, 2023 9:31 pm

Aug 29, 2023 9:17 PM
“F8ck off!”

I rest my case.

At least link to boring Australian videos.

[ Middle finger ]

Cassie of Sydney
August 29, 2023 9:34 pm

Nicely said Pogria.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
August 29, 2023 9:37 pm

I trained Corey to saddle and harness, Competed with him in harness at many shows.

My miniature horse is more butch than yours. The gauntlet has been thrown down Steve, demand satisfaction.
I want to see jousting on miniatures.

August 29, 2023 9:37 pm

at least I had a pony. 😀

With tons of personality. He was nobody’s lap dog.

August 29, 2023 9:38 pm

Someone pointed me this this surprisingly good piece in Zero Hedge on the alternatives to the US dollar. In short, there’s nothing on the horizon.

As I’ve said in the past, if the Euro couldn’t make much of a dent, nothing will.

August 29, 2023 9:39 pm

Farmer Gez,
a friend with a shetland and I actually did joust our way around the local park.
We used squash rackets.

August 29, 2023 9:40 pm


squash RACQUETS!!

August 29, 2023 9:40 pm

Dover, I think he was suggesting tensions and rivalries between India and China to do with the OBOR proposal we’re having an impact elsewhere on cooperation and harmony within BRICS. He thought it was doomed.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
August 29, 2023 9:42 pm

What’s on SKY News, What’s on SKY New, What’s on SKY News?


Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
August 29, 2023 9:43 pm

First pass to Steve.
Spelling foul.

August 29, 2023 9:44 pm

I should give Steve some leeway. Rowdy is in California. Poor pony is fortunate he isn’t laying prone on the footpath in a Fentanyl stupor.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
August 29, 2023 9:50 pm

Aug 29, 2023 9:44 PM
I should give Steve some leeway. Rowdy is in California. Poor pony is fortunate he isn’t laying prone on the footpath in a Fentanyl stupor.

It’s a mini horse, idiot!

August 29, 2023 9:54 pm

t’s a mini horse, idiot!

You cut me deep.


August 29, 2023 9:56 pm

I think people are underestimating how difficult ‘decoupling’ from China is going to be. It isn’t just manufacturing that China is engaged in, for instance.

The US trade deficit with China actually went up during Trump.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
August 29, 2023 10:03 pm

Aug 29, 2023 9:54 PM

I reckon you’d be cool in bed. Horse Girl. ( :


Top Ender
Top Ender
August 29, 2023 10:06 pm

Meanwhile in the Territory, perfectly normal:

‘I’ll sue you for millions’: Inside the corruption scandal plaguing the North Australian Aboriginal Justice Agency


“I’m going to get a f..king reference from the Prime Minister,” ousted North Australian Aboriginal Justice Agency chief executive Priscilla Atkins screamed down the phone line.

It’s a conversation NAAJA chair Colleen Rosas recalls in ¬detail. She says Ms Atkins called her, hysterical, and yelled: “You have accused me of criminal activity. I am going to f..king sue you for millions.”

The phone conversation came after Ms Rosas accused Ms Atkins of forging her signature on a contract extension document, securing her position as chief executive – and its $350,000 salary – for another five years.

Ms Atkins denies doing so, and says she never raised her voice at Ms Rosas.

The two women, along with chief financial officer Madhur Evans, are at the centre of serious allegations of corruption, bullying, fraud and deception within NAAJA, the country’s largest and best-resourced Indigenous legal organisation.

Some allegations include:
• Ms Atkins used company funds to acquire clothes, artworks, flights and cars – including a $129,000 Range Rover;
• Ms Evans secretly paid $20,000 directly into Ms Rosas’s bank account, in breach of the agency’s funding agreement;
• Ms Rosas requested her pay be given to her on a credit card so as not to alert the tax office and threaten her Centrelink pension;
• The NAAJA board was paid “huge” amounts of money, despite claims the attorney-general approved their pay for only eight days a year;
• Ms Rosas appointed her nephew as acting CEO, and a friend as head of HR – a position that was not publicly advertised;
• Ms Rosas told employees Ms Atkins was using cocaine;
• Ms Evans left her mobile phone in offices to record unsuspecting colleagues and logged on to Ms Atkins’s computer after hours without permission. When a cleaner saw Ms Evans on the computer, the cleaner was fired;
• Ms Evans is paid a phone ¬allowance but also has a NAAJA-paid mobile.

Each woman denies the allegations made against her.

The NT Independent Commission Against Corruption is investigating the allegations, and both state and the federal ¬attorneys-general are considering intervening to prevent the organisation, which receives about $20m in taxpayer funds every year, from going under.

Meanwhile, Ms Atkins has sued the agency for unfair dismissal, in a matter that will be heard at trial in the Federal Court.

Sources believe NAAJA will spend up to $1m on the trial, after it recruited global firm King & Wood Mallesons to represent them.

NAAJA is mainly funded by the federal government, and conducts the lion’s share of Indigenous legal cases in the NT, where crime has increased by double digits in the past year. The organisation employs 200 workers in Darwin, Palmerston, Katherine, Alice Springs and Tennant Creek.

In a sworn affidavit to the Federal Court, Ms Rosas claims she first became aware Ms Atkins had forged her signature on a ¬contract-extension document in a June 2022 board meeting.

“Ms Atkins’s salary seemed much higher to me than I recollected. Further, I had no memory of any involvement in its ¬approval. I was troubled by this, so I decided to seek out a copy of Ms Atkins’s contract of employment,” the affidavit, obtained by The Australian, reads. “Over the next few months I repeatedly asked Ms Atkins in conversation (to) provide me with a copy of her contact. Although she kept ¬assuring me she would, by October 2022 she still had not done so.”

On October 18, Ms Rosas asked NAAJA executive services co-ordinator Kerry Keightley to provide her with a copy of Ms ¬Atkins’s most recent contract. The document stipulated her employment had been extended for five years on a salary of $357,235 per annum.

“The contact extension letter had two signatures on it – one purporting to be Ms Atkins’s signature and one purporting to be mine,” Ms Rosas’s affidavit reads.

“I have no recollection of signing that document and I don’t believe that I did so.”

Ms Atkins denies forging Ms Rosas signature, and says the baseless accusation was a way for the board to force her out of her position as CEO. The substance of her Fair Work complaint before the Federal Court is that she was sacked for alleging Ms Evans engaged in misconduct.

On November 7, Ms Atkins sent an email to Ms Rosas and mother-daughter board members Carol Smith and Marilyn Smith detailing complaints against Ms Evans.

Those allegations included that Ms Evans, in her ¬capacity as CFO, made discreet payments directly to Ms Rosas, bullied other employees, recorded interactions with her colleagues without their permission, logged into Ms Atkins’s work computer after hours without her permission, disclosed confidential company information and failed to use her work-issued credit card in accordance with policy.

One week after she sent the email, Ms Atkins called Ms Rosas, having learnt that the latter believed she had forged her signature on her contract extension form.

“On the morning of 15 November, 2022, I received multiple phone calls from Ms Atkins. In all of these phone calls, she) was yelling at me and gave me the impression of being hysterical,” Ms Rosas’s affidavit reads. “Ms Atkins swore at me many times in these phone calls. In these phone calls, (she) mentioned she knew about an issue to do with me disputing my signature on the contact extension and said things to the effect of: ‘You have accused me of criminal activity’; ‘I’m going to get a f……. reference from the Prime Minister’; and ‘I ¬am going to f……. sue you for millions’ ”

That afternoon, Ms Rosas chaired an “urgent virtual board meeting” after Ms Atkins said she was taking a period of extended leave. One week later, the board agreed to suspend Ms Atkins on full pay while the NAAJA investigated the validity of Ms Rosas’s signature on Ms Atkins’s employment document.

During Ms Atkins’s suspension, the NAAJA board engaged external auditors BDO to conduct an “independent special audit” into her conduct as CEO.

“More specifically, BDO was engaged to review, analyse and report back to the NAAJA board on any irregular or inappropriate actions within specified areas of the CEO’s role, responsibilities and accountabilities in corporate governance of the organisation over the period January 2017 to January 2023,” Ms Rosas’s affidavit reads.

The findings of the BDO report were as follow:
• Ms Atkins personally purchased nine vehicles over a four-year period by way of a “novated lease” arrangement that was not approved by the board. The cars included two Range Rover Sports ($88,253 and $129,118), two Jeeps ($22,500 and $8736) and VW Amarok ($28,700);
• Ms Atkins attempted to cash out her annual leave entitlements to pay NAAJA back the money she had used for the cars. She cashed out more annual leave then she was entitled to;
• Ms Atkins charged personal expenses to her corporate card, including four iPads and a $1320 artwork;
• Ms Atkins failed to reimburse NAAJA for personal expenses charged to her credit card;
• Instances where the approver signature on credit card reconciliation did not match any of the approved approver signatures;
• At least 37 months of credit card reconciliations were not approved by the board as required.

Ms Atkins denies the alle¬gations made against her in the BDO report.
Ms Atkins’s employment was terminated after the tabling of the report. Police were notified of the allegations, and Ms Rosas has since met three times with representatives from Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus’s office and the office of NT Attorney-General Chansey Paech, who has also been referred to the NT ICAC for allegedly failing to declare a potential conflict of interest with the organisation servicing Alice Springs town camps.

A temporary injunction filed as part of Ms Atkins’s Federal Court unfair dismissal claim means her employment has not yet been terminated, pending resolution of the case.

Ms Atkins says since her employment was suspended, she has been continually harassed, including “current workers being advised she was on cocaine”.
In March this year, Ms Atkins wrote to Namatjira MP William Yan detailing claims of “improper conduct, abuse of power and corruption by the NAAJA chairperson, board and CFO”.

The email, obtained by The Australian, included dozens of allegations against Ms Evans and Ms Rosas, and urged Mr Yan to employ external investigators to look into her claim.

Mr Yan forwarded her email to the Acting NAAJA CEO.

Ms Atkins alleged the NAAJA board made “huge” payments to board directors instead of the permitted $300 a day, without consulting the Attorney-General’s office as required. She also accused Ms Evans of being complicit in Ms Rosas’s scheme to avoid tax office scrutiny, and protect her Centrelink pension.
“NAAJA has approval to pay 8 days per year per director sitting fees,” the emails says. “At the NAAJA board meeting on 25 & 26 August, 2022, the NAAJA board agreed to pay the chairperson an annual salary of $15,000 per year.

“NAAJA has never paid an annual salary to any NAAJA chairperson or NAAJA director. At the NAAJA board meeting on 10th and 11th November, 2022, the NAAJA board agreed to increase the chairperson annual salary to $20,000 per year plus sitting fees.

“The chairperson is on a ¬Centre¬link pension and was meeting with the CEO after the 25th & 26th NAAJA board meeting requesting this payment be made without the ATO being aware so it did not impact her ¬pension. The chairperson requested I give her a credit card to the value of $15,000 so Centrelink would not find out about the NAAJA fee. The CEO informed the chairperson we couldn’t and that it would need to be taxed.

“This annual salary for the chairperson has not been approved by the funding bodies. The CFO paid $20,000 into the chairperson bank account in December 2022 tax-free. The NAAJA board conduct constitutions (sic) reasonable ground for dismissal for inappropriately appointing the chair under a salaried position, failure to manage an actual conflict of interest, breach of public trust and illegal performance of official functions.”

Ms Rosas has denied allegations made in the email. The NAAJA has denied allegations that Ms Evans and Ms Rosas engaged in deceptive conduct.

As part of her latest affidavit to the court, Ms Atkins has included reference letters from NT Supreme Court judge Jenny Block, NT Chief Justice Michael Grant and barrister Phillip Boulten SC.

The matter is scheduled for trial from October 23.

The Australian

Top Ender
Top Ender
August 29, 2023 10:08 pm

Article above may appear twice – it went into moderation the first time.

Tthe original contained two examples of the F word later on, despite the sub-editor editing the two earlier versions.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
August 29, 2023 10:08 pm

I am not surprised you receive complaints. A loooooooooooooong clip of a pony being walked on a lead down a footpath.

Sure it’s not a dog?

We are one step away from screensaver clips of goldfish.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
August 29, 2023 10:17 pm

Knuckle Dragger
Aug 29, 2023 10:08 PM

Footy results !

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
August 29, 2023 10:18 pm

Footy results !

The goldfish beat the dog and the little horse.

August 29, 2023 10:38 pm
Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
August 29, 2023 10:42 pm

Crossie said

Do you mean that they are factoring in the possibility of Trump winning the next election and steering the US economy away from relying on Chinese manufacturing?

We joke Trump will have to run the country from a jail cell, but he’s already doing it!

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
August 29, 2023 10:54 pm

Canberra news (the Hun):

An 8cm worm has been pulled from a woman’s brain, in what’s believed to be the world’s first case of a parasitic ringworm from a snake infecting a human.

The Ophidascaris robertsi roundworm was pulled, still living, from the 64-year-old NSW woman’s brain following surgery at Canberra Hospital.


The species of roundworm is common in carpet pythons, typically living in the snake’s oesophagus and stomach, and shedding its eggs in the host’s faeces.

Researchers suspect the woman likely caught the parasite after collecting a type of native grass, Warrigal greens, beside a lake where a carpet python had shed the roundworm’s eggs in its droppings.

The woman used the Warrigal greens for cooking and was probably infected with the parasite directly from touching the native grass, or after eating the greens.

It’s a cover story. Obviously.



Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 29, 2023 11:05 pm

The worm story was in MedXpress today. Quite interesting in an icky sort of way.

Australian woman found with parasitic roundworm in her brain caught from carpet python (28 Aug)

H B Bear
H B Bear
August 29, 2023 11:31 pm

The cars included two Range Rover Sports ($88,253 and $129,118), two Jeeps …

The purchase of either is a crime in itself.

Bruce in WA
August 29, 2023 11:51 pm

Videos of ponies out walking?


No, don’t thank me.

Bruce in WA
August 29, 2023 11:54 pm

Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny opens with …

a black screen with a full-size warning that the film “contains tobacco depictions”.


August 30, 2023 12:28 am


Won’t someone think about the flying toasters?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
August 30, 2023 12:33 am

H B Bear

Aug 29, 2023 3:37 PM

I think anyone dealing with Drumgold at this point will be playing with a straight bat and looking to use the pads to anything outside leg.

There’s been altogether too much Baz-Ball with this one already.

August 30, 2023 12:57 am


Not casting aspersions or anything, but please check with Pedro re: your aledged miniature horse.

It was a dorper wasnt it?
Cut to the quick by the flash girls at the pony club you sought refuge in the belligerent wrinkle nosed ovine as a substitute.
Can you still hear it Porgia, in the night, the screaming of the dorper?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
August 30, 2023 1:24 am

More pony videos please.
The longer the better.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
August 30, 2023 1:28 am

Chaos in Pakistan.

Situation normal.

August 30, 2023 1:39 am

The UKs had a direct hit on a new high tech Russian coastal defense installation.
Not sure how they could be that precise???

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
August 30, 2023 2:14 am
August 30, 2023 3:21 am

Not sure how they could be that precise???

Since the video was shot from a drone my first guess would be via laser designation, as in the drone lased the target and the missile guided on that beam. That technology has existed since the 1960s.

Second guess would be via GPS.

August 30, 2023 3:23 am

Can you still hear it Porgia, in the night, the screaming of the dorper?

you promised you would never tell. You PROMISED!


August 30, 2023 4:00 am
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August 30, 2023 4:06 am
August 30, 2023 4:07 am
August 30, 2023 4:08 am
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Johnny Rotten
August 30, 2023 4:24 am

Thanks Tom.

Top Ender
Top Ender
August 30, 2023 5:02 am

Cheers Tom

August 30, 2023 5:04 am

A headline from the MIT Tech Review publication.

The tricky ethics of brain implants and informed consent

After two years of MIT forgetting about informed consent, they’re back !!

Top Ender
Top Ender
August 30, 2023 5:07 am

Article in the Hobart Mercury says Tasmanians are going to vote no against Da Screech.

Quotes an opinion poll which puts it at 53% No and 42% yes.

Funny thing though, is the paper is running its own poll in the article:

How will you vote in the Voice to Parliament referendum ?
Yes 6 %
No 91 %
I’m still undecided 3 %
3095 votes

which is far more indicative.


August 30, 2023 5:21 am

Article in the Hobart Mercury says Tasmanians are going to vote no

It will be fascinating to see which state has the biggest % no vote.
Can you imagine the smugness of the state that votes yes?
At this time, it looks like Victoria will be the only state voting yes.
Dan Andrews will fire up the twitter with a “I see you, I hear you” situation again.

August 30, 2023 5:22 am

That should read, Victoria is the only state close to voting yes.

August 30, 2023 5:25 am

The euro accounts for about 20 percent of foreign currency reserves in the world, the USD 60 percent and slowly declining. Nice economy you’ve got there, Germany, shame if something was to happen to it.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
August 30, 2023 5:38 am

Oh my goodness looky here a NSW Liberal MP whose found a spine on the side of the road to perdition – petition agains the Shut Your Face Bill

August 30, 2023 5:41 am

List of currency reserved by currency

U.S. dollar. 59.0%
Euro. 19.8%
Japanese yen. 5.5%
British pound sterling. 4.9%
Chinese renminbi. 2.6%
Canadian dollar. 2.4%
Australian dollar. 2.0%
Other currencies. 3.9%

The interesting thing is how the Aussie dollar is 2%. I guess that sort of matches the size of the Australian economy in a global perspective.

I’m not really buying into the Euro stat. I’d bet a lot of the Euro countries would be holding the Euro and that would put it way out of proportion. I can’t find the breakdown by stats, but just a hunch.

August 30, 2023 5:45 am
August 30, 2023 5:50 am
August 30, 2023 6:17 am

Aug 30, 2023 5:50 AM

Page not found, how can he ban arm movements?

Banning the nazi salute I can understand.
Not approve of, just as I don’t approve of book burning.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
August 30, 2023 6:18 am
August 30, 2023 6:20 am

Victoria to ban hand and arm movements.

This is the kind of thing Full Frontal would have sent up.
Like Joan Kirner busking when Victoria was going bust in the late 80′, early 90’s.

August 30, 2023 6:38 am

3/10 in the Oz quiz today…scurries away.

August 30, 2023 6:44 am
August 30, 2023 6:49 am

You know, during covid when I was walking with my daughter and new grandson a long way from my home wearing my ‘not happy Dan’ facemask* a couple of Dan fans yelled something from their car at me and I threw them a nazi salute.
To their credit they laughed.
If I were ever to spot Dan himself I’d be itching to do it again.
*I eventually ditched the mask because my youngest son was worried it might bring trouble our way.

August 30, 2023 6:51 am

Latest from John Campbell

Vaccination leads to easier infection?

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
August 30, 2023 7:01 am

Today’s large dog and small horse clips are brought to you by Basil Zemplas and 6PR.

August 30, 2023 7:07 am

Sounds fascinating.
Do they come with free earthquakes?

Cassie of Sydney
August 30, 2023 7:08 am

Tintarella di Luna
Aug 30, 2023 5:38 AM
Oh my goodness looky here a NSW Liberal MP whose found a spine on the side of the road to perdition – petition against the Shut Your Face Bill

Coleman’s not a bad type, I actually do think he has an antenna glued to reality, something rare among most Liberal MPs, federal and state.

I’m curious though, because this bill was drafted under Scumbag and that vile rodent Paul Fletcher (sadly, one the Teals missed in their scalp haul last year), my question is, what were the Liberals thinking when they drafted these laws?

Cassie of Sydney
August 30, 2023 7:11 am

Hey Bern, I got 7/10!

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 30, 2023 7:17 am

I’m shocked. I’m wearing Sarah Hoyt’s shocked face this morning.

Snowy 2.0 Hydro Scheme set to cost $12 billion (30 Aug)

The Snowy 2.0 Hydro Project is now close to costing $12 billion after costs doubled in just the past six months.

The expansion of the Snowy Hydro Scheme was announced back in 2017 and was originally supposed to be completed by 2021, costing just $2 billion.

Can they get in another doubling by Christmas? Pity they didn’t use the money to build a couple of HELE plants instead.

August 30, 2023 7:20 am

Today’s Paywallion:

Canadian speech is free – except for Jordan Peterson


12:00AM AUGUST 30, 2023

A Canadian court has ruled that Jordan Peterson can be instructed to undergo re-education coaching by the College of Psychologists of Ontario if he wants to keep his licence to practise as a psychologist. The CPO objected to some of his comments on a range of topics, including transgender and racial issues, as they could pose “moderate risks of harm to the public”.

Failure to comply to the “coach’s satisfaction may result in an allegation of professional misconduct and the commencement of disciplinary proceedings by the College”.

The court ruled that the re-education does not prevent Peterson from “expressing himself on controversial topics”. But he must abide by the profession’s rules, which may restrict him.

This is yet another troubling example of a judiciary failing utterly to uphold freedom of speech.

Let us imagine that Peterson complies and submits to the complete indignity of re-education, and by some miracle can hold his tongue and suck it all up. What if he says the same harmful things again – something shocking but sensible, such as: we should stop encouraging the mutilation of our children on the altar of trans ideology?

The Ontario judges have agreed that the CPO has the power to mandatorily moderate Peterson’s speech and, if it deems it warranted, to take away his licence to practise if he fails to comply. He has free speech, claims the judges, but only if he sacrifices his professional opinion. As Peterson says, this does not worry him personally because he makes a good living by helping change the world for the better. But all other psychologists in Canada now know what to do – and say – if they want to earn a living.

This is a dangerous precedent and, although it applies to Canada, Australians should be aware that something similar could be forced on us by our own judiciary.

Australian courts have already shown themselves to be, at best, ambivalent about free speech.

At risk of being self-serving, the matter of Ridd v James Cook University was a case in point.

The High Court ruled that JCU acted unlawfully in censuring Ridd for his speech about science quality-assurance, but then ruled that JCU had a right to instruct Ridd to be silent about their unlawful behaviour.

After invoking John Stuart Mill and the importance of freedom of speech, they cast aside that freedom at the earliest convenience.

And it was the same with Peterson and the Ontario Court.

In the first sentence of their ruling, the judges showed their contempt for freedom of expression, at the same time as apparently affirming a citizen’s right to it, by stating: “When individuals join a regulated profession, they do not lose their Charter right to freedom of expression. At the same time, however, they take on obligations and must abide by the rules of their regulatory body that may limit their freedom of expression.”

This makes no sense – they clearly lose their right to freedom of expression if the regulatory body can limit that freedom of expression. So, I say this to the judges: spit it out and say it straight. Peterson lost his freedom of expression. Do not pretend he did not, and do not pretend you did not take his freedom of expression away – because you did.

But even the worst offenders claim they support freedom of expression as they take it away – think Xi Jinping or Benito Mussolini. They merely argue that while speech is free, it must be “responsible”, or not “harmful”, or not against the national interest. All these terms are sufficiently indefinable to cover almost anything.

In addition, the ruling against Peterson quotes five other Canadian case law examples, all recent, where other professional bodies (nurses, physicians and surgeons) have been given rights to restrict professional speech. One example was nurses who spoke against mask and vaccine mandates. It seems that professional associations in Canada are firmly in control of the speech of their members, and the Peterson case just reinforces this fact.

So, consider this: engineers, doctors, nurses, accountants, pharmacists, barristers – every professional who is more or less forced to be a member of a professional organisation is probably owned by their professional body. Stray from the official line, and do it in public, and you risk losing your job.

I am reminded of Ignaz Semmelweis, a pioneer of antiseptics in hospitals. He proved if doctors washed their hands before delivering a baby it greatly reduced the risk of the mother and baby dying from infections. The profession crucified him. If there had been social media in 1850, the Canadian judges would have forced him to be re-educated. Thank God for the outspoken dissenters such as Semmelweis and Peterson – they have given us so much, at significant personal and professional cost.

We cannot stand silently by and allow freedom of speech to be taken away from dedicated professionals.

Peter Ridd is an adjunct fellow at the Institute of Public Affairs.

August 30, 2023 7:20 am
August 30, 2023 7:21 am

Sounds fascinating.
Do they come with free earthquakes?

I wouldn’t predict they do.

August 30, 2023 7:22 am

Fani Willis’s Dad Was a Black Panther

August 30, 2023 7:23 am
August 30, 2023 7:27 am

YES or NO? ..

Cassie of Sydney
August 30, 2023 7:29 am

“Ulez backlash begins as vandals target 14 cameras on one road as Londoners protest”

I never thought I’d say this but I think that the only way normal people can fight these far-left sinister and insidious controls is through social disobedience and vandalism.

August 30, 2023 7:31 am

If only he were a pink panther.
Seems to me that panther story was been posted here yesterday and it the day before too.

August 30, 2023 7:33 am

Aug 30, 2023 7:20 AM

Today’s Paywallion:

Canadian speech is free – except for Jordan Peterson

And yet, people question how the nazis got to power.
Easy does it, little by little eroding your rights.

At least the communists had the guts to start a full blown revolution and fight it out,
some they won, like Russia, some they lost, Spain and others.

August 30, 2023 7:34 am

Taxing the poor of London, nice work Khan.

Black Ball
Black Ball
August 30, 2023 7:35 am

I see Damian Oliver will retire after the spring carnival. Excellent career.

August 30, 2023 7:38 am

Hey Bern, I got 7/10!

In a Sam Jackson voice “Check out the big brain on Cassie”.

Imagine a world with no Tarantino movies.

August 30, 2023 7:40 am

Black Ball
Aug 30, 2023 7:35 AM

I see Damian Oliver will retire after the spring carnival. Excellent career.

Excellent career.
True, a good horseman, too smart for me alas.
Still made a motza backing him when odds were over about $7 and up.

Black Ball
Black Ball
August 30, 2023 7:40 am

Rita Panahi:

The disproportionate power of the trans lobby is evident in the manner in which politicians, bureaucrats and celebrities bend a knee to this increasingly intolerant, extremist mob.

In recent days we’ve seen prominent individuals from a former Australian prime minister to an international rock legend kowtow to an ideology that demands complete submission.

Australia’s first and only female prime minister beclowned herself, during a ‘women’s advancement’ event on Friday, when posed with the simple question; what is a woman? In a waffling and at times incoherent response that dragged on for close to four minutes and more than 600 words, Gillard failed to answer the question but did make it clear where she stood; and it’s not with women fighting to preserve women’s only spaces and sports from male bodies.

Gillard does not stand with the likes of JK Rowling, Germaine Greer or Riley Gaines, she stands with the trans activists.

She spoke of being inclusive of people who want “to be recognised as the gender their mind and soul have always told them that they are” and emphasised that most women “won’t end up playing elite sport (or) … end up in prison”. Put to one side the absurdity of an atheist talking about what people’s souls tell them and think of the callous manner she is disregarding the interests of vulnerable women in prison and girls and women in elite sport. Such is the fear of the trans lobby, and their attack dogs in the media, that Gillard went from feminist heroine to pariah in the eyes of many women who admired her.

Meanwhile, guitar legend Carlos Santana caused a Leftist media meltdown when footage emerged of him saying “a woman is a woman and a man is a man — that’s it”. On the weekend he backtracked and issued a grovelling apology to the LGBTQIA+ community for his “insensitive comments”.

“What I said hurt people … I sincerely apologise to the transgender community and everyone I offended,” he wrote.

Much of the power of the trans lobby comes from the manner in which they have captured the bulk of the media and that capture is arguably worse in Australia and NZ than anywhere else in the world.

That was clear with the hopelessly biased and inaccurate local coverage of the Let Women Speak events headlines by Kellie-Jay Keen who has served Victorian Liberal leader John Pesutto along with his deputy David Southwick, upper house leader Georgie Crozier and shadow education minister Matt Bach with defamation concern notices.

It’s not just former Labor PMs who have humiliated themselves in service to this fringe lobby.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 30, 2023 7:41 am

The real cost of wind energy is starting to hit too.

1st US Offshore Wind Auction Attracts Paltry Interest (29 Aug)

Germany’s RWE won rights to 102,480 acres (41,472 hectares) off Louisiana — the lowest winning bid for a federal offshore wind lease at auction since the Obama administration — while the other two lease areas on offer off Texas received no bids

“It is striking just how bad the economics clearly must be in order for two of the three sites to remain unsold … and for the site that was sold to go for such a low price,” said Alon Carmel, a partner at PA Consulting who advises offshore wind companies.

Yep. And just wait until they start noticing all the whale deaths and put restrictions on wind construction to protect them. Suddenly the economics will ratchet another step worse.

New documentary ‘proves’ building offshore wind farms does kill whales (28 Aug)

I wonder whether Mr Bowen will watch the documentary?

August 30, 2023 7:48 am

All this horsey talk…

For Pogria.

August 30, 2023 7:50 am

I see Damian Oliver will retire after the spring carnival.

One of the good ones.
In my opinion there are still some dodgy jockeys out there.
Oliver was not one of these.

August 30, 2023 7:51 am

Some opinion writer at The Age wants Melbourne renamed to ‘break our colonial chains’.
They aren’t chains, for starters, and Naarn is just a stupid made up word.
But sure spend millions and millions of dollars on the quest to erase what most consider a great heritage.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 30, 2023 7:55 am

Snow are now just a thing of the past. Children just aren’t going to know what snow is – Climatologist David Viner in 2000

Guardian in 2023:

Alarmists Warn of Snow Shortage at Ski Resorts from ‘Climate Crisis’ (29 Aug)

Climate alarmists at the UK’s Guardian newspaper warned Monday a quarter of European ski resorts will face scarce snow because of global warming.

“The phrase ‘climate change,’ for example, sounds rather passive and gentle when what scientists are talking about is a catastrophe for humanity,” said Katharine Viner, the Guardian’s editor-in-chief and a firm believer in an impending climate apocalypse.

I wonder if Katharine Viner is daughter of David Viner? That would be a fine irony.

August 30, 2023 8:00 am

Aug 30, 2023 7:48 AM
All this horsey talk…

For Pogria.

Lol, Calli, so true. Have spent many years doing just that. 😀
Although, Corey didn’t need a float, just scrambled into the panel van with the dogs.
Was a hoot when I would pull into a servo and two dog and one pony head would hang out the window to see what was going on.

Cassie of Sydney
August 30, 2023 8:08 am

This is very, very good, and I would urge everyone to watch. It is only half an hour.

This frightening dystopian nightmare happening in Canada under Turdeau is already in the ACT and Victoria, and now with Labor wall to wall and in Canberra, we will follow Canada.

I regard far-left progressive scum like Justin Turdeau, Daniel Andrews, Anthony Albanese, Andrew Barr and so on as not just dangerous but deeply, deeply evil.

At the next election, when Sleazy and his Squeezy turn up at a church or a Catholic school for a photo op, the priest or principal should shut the doors on them. I’m sorry, but until there’s some militant pushback, progressive scum like Sleazy and co are laughing out loud at our niceness. It’s time to stop being nice.

August 30, 2023 8:09 am

I reckon Dumbgeld is threatening legal action to boost his outgoing sinecure in case it comes out in a trial of local political interference. No doubt before the report was made public the town council had said you’ll be right, nothing to see here. Oops, sorry you’re on your own.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
August 30, 2023 8:12 am

Twelve billion for Snowy 2.0
Renewables are the cheapest form of power…renewables are the cheapest form… renewables are the cheapest….renewables are…renewables.

August 30, 2023 8:13 am

Peter Costello really ought to dissociate himself from that vomit making dinosaur formerly known as Fairfax.

Black Ball
Black Ball
August 30, 2023 8:14 am

More covid rubbish. Enough to boil the blood.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
August 30, 2023 8:20 am

Enough to boil the blood

‘Get a clot and die.’

August 30, 2023 8:22 am

I’m curious though, because this bill was drafted under Scumbag and that vile rodent Paul Fletcher (sadly, one the Teals missed in their scalp haul last year), my question is, what were the Liberals thinking when they drafted these laws?

It came out of the covid debacle.

ACMA said they didn’t have sufficient powers to police “disinformation” about published on the internet….such as, you know, outlandish theories that it was produced in a Wuhan lab

Morrison & Fletcher said “What do you need?” and ACMA came back with five items to which Fletcher agreed.

The Liberal Party is not your friend.

August 30, 2023 8:25 am

How will you vote in the Voice to Parliament referendum ?
Yes 6 %
No 91 %

Because the left’s primary weapon is to label opponents of the voice racists, we’re likely to see a much bigger rejection of the Voice than in the opinion polls.

In a democracy, the voting booth is the only place voters can be totally honest — especially now the left is telling them they’re racist if they refuse to vote to replace one vote one value with an apartheid system where blacks get special privileges.

I’ll go as far as to predict the result of the referendum will be shocking.

Black Ball
Black Ball
August 30, 2023 8:26 am

One more before I leave for work. Please laugh, Daily Telegraph:

Broadcaster Stan Grant has admitted he should have “behaved better” after revelations of a heated argument between the veteran journalist and a colleague in the lobby of the ABC’s office.

Mr Grant defended himself against what he labelled a “smear campaign by the media” after documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act revealed the rift.

“Earlier this year I was involved in an unfortunate disagreement with a respected colleague,” he wrote on LinkedIn.

“I was deep in conversation in the ABC foyer with a friend and colleague who was consoling me over the sudden death of my niece 24 hours earlier. I had also just returned from caring for my elderly ailing father. I was in an emotionally fragile state.

“A colleague approached me in what I and the witness felt was a confrontational manner. Things escalated in a way they should not and things were said that were not acceptable. I accept responsibility for this. I should have behaved better.”

Mr Grant said in hindsight he should not have attended work that day but felt compelled to host the Q+A program.

“In hindsight I should not have been at work but I felt an obligation to host Q+A before driving to be with my family and deliver the eulogy at my niece’s funeral.”

Mr Grant said the issue was resolved with no findings against either party but condemned the ABC for failing to protect him against a “smear campaign”.

“I left the ABC because trust is broken. I left the media because I don’t believe it serves us well,” he said.

“It divides and it doesn’t care who it hurts. It is toxic. I have been part of the problem for too long.”
The ABC has been contacted for comment.

FMD what codswallop.

August 30, 2023 8:27 am

I’ve been given the heads up regarding some No polling.
Looks like the Chinese & Indian communities No votes are big enough to knock it on the head.
I hope this becomes a mainstream news story whenever it’s released.

August 30, 2023 8:27 am

Aug 30, 2023 8:13 AM
Peter Costello really ought to dissociate himself from that vomit making dinosaur formerly known as Fairfax.

This is assuming he doesn’t actually agree with them.

August 30, 2023 8:28 am

I’ll go as far as to predict the result of the referendum will be shocking.

Groin grabbingly shocking ?

h/t Homer Simpson

August 30, 2023 8:31 am

New Australians.
Not on board with Original Australians.

As defined by Nino Culotta.

Cassie of Sydney
August 30, 2023 8:31 am

Can someone here please enlighten me as to what exactly is “abortion care”. Is it just me or do others also find this oxymoronic?

August 30, 2023 8:33 am

On China from an Australian perspective

105 bn AUD exports to China
85 bn AUD imports , a few years ago 145 bn AUD from China

Just saying we’re likely not going to fare well with a Chinese downturn.

Lie flat, let it rot!

August 30, 2023 8:36 am

Can someone here please enlighten me as to what exactly is “abortion care”. Is it just me or do others also find this oxymoronic?

From the same lexicon as “medically assisted dying.”

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
August 30, 2023 8:39 am

Stan being Stan and then Stan makes excuses for Stan.
Do they have a reflection pool at Ultimo.

Cassie of Sydney
August 30, 2023 8:39 am

“Looks like the Chinese & Indian communities No votes are big enough to knock it on the head.”

Unsurprising. Add in to that spicy mix the middle eastern communities.

Be prepared for the next six weeks though, a full on frontal assault of “yes”. Hopefully this full frontal assault will piss people off even more. My hunch is that it will, given the cost of living pressures which are really beginning to bite people in the bum. Further to that, I nearly fell over when I went to buy some rice the other day, it’s doubled in price, I reeled in the supermarket. Now because I live alone, these cost of living pressures don’t really impact me the way they would a family.

Oh and further to the Chinese & Indian communities in our cities, a Liberal Party with any spine and nous would already be targeting them over the Labor/Greens war on gas cooktops…….oh I forgot, our Liberals agree with Labor and the Greens.

By the way, I’m ready to be approached by YES spruikers here in Wentworth however I’ve decided not to be so nice. These spruikers will be on the receiving end of a verbal spray of the kind they’ve never ever received before. After approaching Cassie of Sydney, they will be stunned mullets!

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 30, 2023 8:40 am

10 minutes ago
Voice referendum ‘definitely winnable’: Turnbull
Joanna Panagopoulos
Joanna Panagopoulos

Former Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull is campaigning for the Yes vote in Kings Cross in Sydney this morning ahead of the official launch of the campaign in Adelaide on Wednesday.

Mr Turnbull and his wife Lucy wore Yes23 T-shirts, as he told reporters a lot had changed in the six years since he was prime minister.

“My government did not support the proposal when it was presented in 2017,” Mr Turnbull said. “And there were two reasons for that. First, we didn’t think it would be successful in a referendum, but I think that was six years ago, a lot has changed since then. It’s definitely winnable.

“And the second thing was we struggled with the idea of having an office in the constitution, the qualifications of which were anything other than Australian citizens,” he said.
“But the Indigenous community have backed this issue in for six years and they have argued, and said, this is what we want for recognition.”

Malcolm Turnbull should be horsewhipped through the streets….

Cassie of Sydney
August 30, 2023 8:42 am

“New Australians.
Not on board with Original Australians.”

Bern, watch that link I posted above to the UK Telegraph on ‘Oh’ Canada, and the interview with the Canadian Sikh.

The New Canadians aren’t on board with the far-left progressive Canadians wanting to groom their children. The pushback is coming from the New Canadians.

August 30, 2023 8:42 am

In a democracy, the voting booth is the only place voters can be totally honest — especially now the left is telling them they’re racist if they refuse to vote to replace one vote one value with an apartheid system where blacks get special privileges.

I’ll go as far as to predict the result of the referendum will be shocking.

Tom, I need to qualify you statement a little bit:

“It is shocking that in a democracy the voting booth is the only place voters can be totally honest.”

The left was given the go ahead by Brandis who reacted to opposition to 18C by saying everyone has a right to be a bigot. He thereby labelled as racist anyone who insisted on free speech. Liberals have done more than Labor and Greens to destroy our free speech by not just inaction but actual actions such as Brandis’.

August 30, 2023 8:44 am

Be prepared for the next six weeks though, a full on frontal assault of “yes”. Hopefully this full frontal assault will piss people off even more.

Touting for race based privileges when many people are doing it tough…what a brilliant idea, Mr. 32%!

August 30, 2023 8:48 am

Aug 30, 2023 8:27 AM
I’ve been given the heads up regarding some No polling.
Looks like the Chinese & Indian communities No votes are big enough to knock it on the head.
I hope this becomes a mainstream news story whenever it’s released.

They know real racism when they see it, most came here to escape it and be part of an egalitarian society. It seems our betters think that egalitarianism is unfair.

August 30, 2023 8:48 am

Whatever you may say about Peter Dutton, he certainly lives inside Turnbull’s head.

Black Ball
Black Ball
August 30, 2023 8:48 am

Palacechook upset that the media are hounding her on the Amalfi Coast. Which is good, I wouldn’t want to be annoyed on holiday.
Except she is a premier and is it really a private holiday? Or maybe work related holiday? One just doesn’t up and leave when the party are openly discussing your future.

August 30, 2023 8:50 am

Oh to be passing by with my mobile phone ready when Cassie let’s fly at a Yes supporter.

August 30, 2023 8:51 am

Malcolm Turnbull should be horsewhipped through the streets….

There are quite a few former PMs that deserve the same treatment. The best thing they could do is keep their mouths shut.

August 30, 2023 8:51 am

They know real racism when they see it, most came here to escape it and be part of an egalitarian society.

Most came here for a better life.

Along the way some old fashioned Australian egalitarianism rubs off on them.

August 30, 2023 8:52 am

Can someone here please enlighten me as to what exactly is “abortion care”. Is it just me or do others also find this oxymoronic?

Or ‘womens health’ or ‘womens rights’ – ignoring that 50% of aborted babies will be female.

August 30, 2023 8:53 am

Aug 30, 2023 5:45 AM

Young Vivek

He both asks the question and stakes a claim to having it! 🙂

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
August 30, 2023 8:57 am

Former Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull is campaigning for the Yes vote

Pencils down ladies and gents. Turn the lights off on your way out, if you would be so kind.

We’re done here.

August 30, 2023 8:59 am

The New Canadians aren’t on board with the far-left progressive Canadians wanting to groom their children. The pushback is coming from the New Canadians.

And they will soon learn where they fit in the Canadian hierarchy, below progressives.

Even though the currently in power elites and progressives are going on about the great reset I am still betting that if worse comes to worst they will not be the ultimate winners.

That old saying “Eat the rich” keeps popping up in my consciousness and I wonder when the people will turn.

August 30, 2023 9:02 am

Or ‘womens health’ or ‘womens rights’ – ignoring that 50% of aborted babies will be female.

More than 50% once you allow for sex selective abortions.

Demographers in Australia have noted the higher number of male to female babies born in the Indian and Chinese communities and have concluded that pre-natal sex selection is taking place.

August 30, 2023 9:04 am

And they will soon learn where they fit in the Canadian hierarchy, below progressives.

Progressives tend not to replace themselves.

The future belongs to those who have large families.

August 30, 2023 9:10 am

The Oz is pursuing a rather dishonest line about the chances of the No vote getting up.

No-go zone for voters: apathy the real enemy
The No campaign’s path to victory in the indigenous voice to parliament referendum is under threat from low voter turnout and a high number of informal votes.

Not to mention dirty tricks when it comes to counting the votes, that is, including an indeterminate number of informal votes as yes votes, as blurted out by the incompetent apparatchik running the ALPEC.

I still think the screeech will go down like the Hindenburg, as it rightfully deserves to.

Boambee John
Boambee John
August 30, 2023 9:12 am

Cassie of Sydney
Aug 30, 2023 7:08 AM
Tintarella di Luna
Aug 30, 2023 5:38 AM
Oh my goodness looky here a NSW Liberal MP whose found a spine on the side of the road to perdition – petition against the Shut Your Face Bill

Coleman’s not a bad type, I actually do think he has an antenna glued to reality, something rare among most Liberal MPs, federal and state.

I’m curious though, because this bill was drafted under Scumbag and that vile rodent Paul Fletcher (sadly, one the Teals missed in their scalp haul last year), my question is, what were the Liberals thinking when they drafted these laws?

I noted in the ad a reference to officials/bureaucrats imposing a fine of multiple thousands a day for failure to respond to their blandishments.

A couple of decades ago, the High Court ruled that fines can be imposed only by judicial bodies.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
August 30, 2023 9:12 am

A Canadian court has ruled that Jordan Peterson can be instructed to undergo re-education coaching by the College of Psychologists of Ontario if he wants to keep his licence to practise as a psychologist. The CPO objected to some of his comments on a range of topics, including transgender and racial issues

How and when did it happen that governments felt entitled to adjudicate on matters so far removed from what could at all be considered their wheelhouse. Facts of psychology?

I cannot think of a single thing government does well. Well, not anything they have any business taking pride in.

Look at economics. If even half of the economic diagnoses, prognoses, and remedies that governments made worked we would be eating Rolls Royce’s out of solid gold bowls while riding our own unicorns ever day. Every budget promises a golden future and they never happen.

Teachers’ unions and their vomitous sallow kin the MSM – two areas that talk rather than do, who eschew ‘doing’ as beneath them, lie (in both senses) at the heart of this.

August 30, 2023 9:21 am

Thanks Cassie.

Agreeable people are canon fodder for psychopaths – Jordan Petersen

Nothing more I can add to that.

August 30, 2023 9:21 am

A reality check for fact checking Green liars.

Nuclear power plants in Japan only take four years to build.

Even at the exaggerated costs quoted by dishonest “renewables” shills, nuclear power is already cheaper than Snowy 2.0.

The upside of Snowy 2.0 ought to be better & more irrigation, flood mitigation and recreational areas with more efficient water trading.

August 30, 2023 9:24 am

John Howard undid any good he might have done (not much the more I look at his record) by facilitating Trumble’s rise.

Boambee John
Boambee John
August 30, 2023 9:24 am

“I left the ABC because trust is broken. I left the media because I don’t believe it serves us well,” he said.

“It divides and it doesn’t care who it hurts. It is toxic. I have been part of the problem for too long.”

Is sTan having a touch of self-awareness?

August 30, 2023 9:25 am

It began when Lenin & Trotsky, following Marx, declared that the bourgeois mentality was destined to recede from history.

And they would help it on its way, just to be sure.

Boambee John
Boambee John
August 30, 2023 9:28 am

“And the second thing was we struggled with the idea of having an office in the constitution, the qualifications of which were anything other than Australian citizens,” he said.
“But the Indigenous community have backed this issue in for six years and they have argued, and said, this is what we want for recognition.”

Translation of Turdball’s babbling “It’s good apartheid, not the bad apartheid where eeeeevillll whities are the top of the pile.”

August 30, 2023 9:29 am

Farage is a genius.
Running his campaign against Kahn’s ULEZ as a series of broadcast public meetings is brilliant.
Not that the London Andrews will take any notice, but a few gutless conservatjves may worry about their seats.
C’mon Nigel get on with forming a patty and give the poor old Poms some hope.

August 30, 2023 9:31 am

Can someone here please enlighten me as to what exactly is “abortion care”. Is it just me or do others also find this oxymoronic?

That glib hag featured in the Canadian video…linking her expertise in “abortion care” with the social justice of “assisted dying”…if only you could reach into these clips and do some caring throttling.

No different than her murderous sisters in the death camps eighty years ago, the seraphic smile on her vile face as she describes her monstrous activities. Justifying the act because “priests” are there to delver last rites.

An interesting observation that Canada, NZ and Australia are the “feeler” points of the Commonwealth for this evil tripe. Possibly because it gains no traction in Africa or the Pacific.

August 30, 2023 9:35 am

“I left the ABC because trust is broken. I left the media because I don’t believe it serves us well,” he said.

“It divides and it doesn’t care who it hurts. It is toxic. I have been part of the problem for too long.”


I thought he was entering the halls of academe, to teach…journalism.

August 30, 2023 9:35 am

Palacechook upset that the media are hounding her on the Amalfi Coast.

The Amalfi coast is for Amalfians.

She should know this.

August 30, 2023 9:41 am

Howard’s last decent act was advocating nuclear power.

He was off his rocker by the time he lost to Rudd (save the orang utans!), but that would have been a game changer.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 30, 2023 9:45 am

4m ago
Voice vote ‘mums and dads vs corporate elites’: Price

Northern Territory Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price has called the No campaign a “David and Goliath effort” as the official Yes campaign kicks off on Wednesday.

She said the No campaign was a grassroots effort backed by “mums and dads” while the Yes campaign was supported by corporates and elites.

“The No campaign is driven by grassroots everyday Australians … we’ve got thousands of volunteers coming on board, it really is going to come down to that ground game in the lead up to the pre-poll and to referendum day itself,” she told 2GB from Tasmania.

“We are not going to be complacent whatsoever, the polling might be looking good for us, but that is absolutely no reason to be complacent because you’re right, the corporates have backed the Yes side to the absolute hilt, the elites have backed it from the hilt.

“Those that are completely, utterly removed from the lives of our most marginalised remote communities have backed it all the way on this idea that they feel like well, they can appear virtuous, they can appear as though they’re the heroes for Indigenous Australia but it will be everyday Australians who want to maintain a unified country.”

August 30, 2023 9:45 am

Translation of Turdball’s babbling “It’s good apartheid, not the bad apartheid where eeeeevillll whities are the top of the pile.”

At the end of the day it’s all about Malcolm vis a vis the Liberal Party.

Speaking of retribution for perceived wrongs, NSW Lib parliamentarians campaigning for No fear the party apparatus will punish them come pre-selection time.

August 30, 2023 9:55 am

If you’re in Melbourne and the mozzies are bothering you, don’t try and scare them off with the right arm outstretched. Get some aero guard instead.

August 30, 2023 9:57 am

Sociologist Rachael Busbridge is quoted in an ABC article

“But what we’re actually seeing with the debate over the voice is that there’s a split in the progressive vote, so there’s a progressive Yes and a progressive No,” she said.

She also said some local councils have been targeted by far-right groups on LGBTQIA+ issues like drag story time, which might be a further factor in councils choosing to remain neutral.

I found Ms Busbridges use of “progressive Yes and progressive No” rather interesting. Trying to keep the comrades onside and not offending them whilst in the next sentence labelling those opposing story hour, as far right.

August 30, 2023 9:58 am

Incoming RBA governor says climate change an “acute challenge” to monetary policy.

It’s a freakin’ cult.

August 30, 2023 10:09 am

“Those that are completely, utterly removed from the lives of our most marginalised remote communities have backed it all the way on this idea that they feel like well, they can appear virtuous, they can appear as though they’re the heroes for Indigenous Australia but it will be everyday Australians who want to maintain a unified country.”

Say it loud, say it clear.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
August 30, 2023 10:11 am

This one’s for military Cats – reading “Vietnam – An Epic Tragedy 1945 – 1975” by Max Hastings.

At the battle of Ap Bac in January 1963, South Vietnamese soldiers were forming up for the final assault against the Viet Cong ( who were long gone by then.)

Fifty rounds of South Vietnamese artillery “fell short”, landing among the ARVN soldiers, killing four and wounding twelve.

A furious infantry battalion commander drew his pistol and shot the artillery forward observer through the head…

Good reading, highly recommended.

Johnny Rotten
August 30, 2023 10:13 am

C’mon Nigel get on with forming a patty and give the poor old Poms some hope.

C’mon someone here getting on with forming a Party and give the long suffering Aussies some hope.

Oh, so there are a couple of Parties already? Get on board then and ditch the ‘UniParty’ and those horrible Greens.

You know it makes sense. And eat more lamb.

Cassie of Sydney
August 30, 2023 10:16 am

Aug 30, 2023 9:21 AM
Thanks Cassie.

Agreeable people are canon fodder for psychopaths – Jordan Petersen

Nothing more I can add to that.”

Yep, Dr Peterson nails it.

All of this is why, as I wrote above, it’s time to stop being nice. Canadians were long known for being agreeable and nice, and all that being agreeable and nice has done is facilitate a far-left dystopian nightmare. I think one can apply that to the West as a whole, and particularly across the Anglosphere.

Further to that youtube video I linked to, I’m a big fan of Maxime Bernier, the conservative founder of the People’s Party of Canada. In 2018 he left the Canadian Conservative Cuck Party in disgust, and he founded the new right of centre party. He did a Bernardi, except unlike Bernardi he hasn’t chucked it in. Bernier says that the party is around for the long haul, he understands it takes years for small parties to gain electoral traction and have some electoral impact. In September 2021, when Canada went to the polls for a federal election, the PPC did receive a few million votes, but didn’t win any constituencies. And remember, for those who complain about preferential voting v first past the post v proportional etc, Canada has first past the post voting. It is always difficult for minor parties to win seats. Now the Canadian Conservatives party are leading in the polls, because Turdeauism has made Canada a dysfunctional basket case of progressive lunacy, where groomers prey of children, I ask the question, if the Conservatives in Canada do win federally, will they rescind/repeal/reverse/abrogate any of this progressive lunacy? Or will they, just like the Liberals did here in Oz from September 2013 through to May 2022, tinker with stuff on the side, or simply put it all in the “too hard basket”, just like our Liberals did with Section 18C, with the various human rights commissions running amok targeting conservatives (just ask Lyle Shelton, Kirralee Smith, Sall Grover, Bernard Gaynor about these Stasi organisations). Right of centre parties in the UK, in NZ, in OZ, in Canada, in USA are always good at talking the talk, they’re just useless and spineless when it comes to walking the talk. They are ALL talk and no action. We are desperate for a right of centre government that is willing to speak up for the silent majority, that is willing to starve activist government departments of funds, that is willing to say that a woman can’t have a penis, rather than right of centre governments that cower in fear, because they’re scared what the far-left MSM says.

The good news this morning is that I didn’t run into any “YES” spruikers, but I did run into Dave Sharma, clumsily trying to ride a bicycle on the footpath. I smiled at Dave and I said to him, “don’t fall off the bicycle Dave”. When I got on the bus, I thought to myself, what a perfect metaphor that was for Dave Sharma, the Liberal Party and Wentworth. A man who no doubt has never read Menzies Forgotten People Speech, who crossed the floor to vote against religious freedom, who harassed Scumbag to sign up to the suicide that is net zero, who talked the talk about being a “Liberal”, but hasn’t a Liberal bone in his body. He can’t even ride a bicycle properly, and what kind of man rides a bicycle to work? What a wank.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 30, 2023 10:18 am

Dover – This one was entertaining. He’ll be Mahatma Gandhi before you can say da.

Yevgeny Prigozhin hailed as ‘second Mandela’ in funeral tribute (30 Aug)

Yevgeny Prigozhin was hailed as a “second Nelson Mandela” on Tuesday as the founder of the Wagner mercenary group was buried in St Petersburg.

“The farewell to Yevgeny Viktorovich took place in a closed format,” the Wagner group said on Telegram. “Those who wish to say goodbye may visit Porokhovskoye cemetery.”

In the hours before the funeral Dmitry Peskov, the Kremlin spokesman, told reporters that the “presence of the president” was “not envisaged” at the ceremony.

Funny that.

H B Bear
H B Bear
August 30, 2023 10:20 am

Today’s large dog and small horse clips are brought to you by Basil Zemplas and 6PR.

I would ask that our Lord Mayor be shown due deference. Unless he is working with Fat Cat. A personal friend of mine.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
August 30, 2023 10:25 am

Vlad by the way has moved quickly to put his own guy in charge of Wagner’s African operations. He’s a military intelligence spook.

The problem with doing that is it becomes harder to have those operations at arms length, which was the most useful aspect of having Prigozhin run them as a private company boss. Wagner has been robust, lets say, in the fulfillment of their contracts.

August 30, 2023 10:27 am

Dot @ 9:21

Even at the exaggerated costs quoted by dishonest “renewables” shills, nuclear power is already cheaper than Snowy 2.0.

The upside of Snowy 2.0 ought to be better & more irrigation, flood mitigation and recreational areas with more efficient water trading.

This miss allocation of capital and physical resources must be unequaled since the pyramids were built.

Also; if you want to trade water you can also demonstrate an ability and a desire to grow food and fibre with it.

H B Bear
H B Bear
August 30, 2023 10:28 am

Voice referendum ‘definitely winnable’: Turnbull

Apart from an Sydney insider deal alongside Trevor Kennedy on Ozemail, Lord Waffleworth does not have a track record of success.

  1. Carryover question- why are the S.F. Liberals so unpopular in the West? -I don’t think they’re unpopular, just totally uninspiring.…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x