Thanks for the update Sancho, appreciated. Ill stay off Ivanka for now…
Thanks for the update Sancho, appreciated. Ill stay off Ivanka for now…
Trump also went all Rock Star and tossed the pens he used for signing the Executive Orders, into the crowd.
I went to the rally this evening at Martin Place. It was really good. The whore of Wentworth’s name was…
He can be the no. 1 data entry. Bad Penny at no. 2.
I watched a cross on Nein news. I swear the reporterette looked like she was about to burst into tears.
Reeks of ex-teacher. Probably a Friend of the ALPBC.
At the younger end of the spectrum.
If you hit a car at Cottesloe you’ve got real problems as you’ve flown the green by 70 odd meters. On the 18th green in regulation is two good hits.
Dutton, 2nd referendum
That will drive old tori fighter Albo insane
Is Dutton playing a longer game perhaps to keep Albo Quixote frothing at the mouth?
There was a bunch of biddies on the Fennell Bay bridge yesterday waving their fuking yes vote signs. One of the good things about 3rd nations culture is each of those stupid, dried up old bitches would have been dingo shit about 40 years ago after dropping their tenth piccaninny.
Which is why the Left wants people to be as unintelligent as possible.
Knowledge Is Sanity | Power Line (1 Sep)
Yep, keep them in the dark, feed them bulldust and they will be running to Big Daddy Government to save them from the boogeyman.
Ah, so dutto is playing 4 dimensional chess by putting forward the nominally weak as piss follow up, recognise the black bastards only referendum. He looks more like a Go Fish man.
Dutto may be trying to hold the Lib’s together. We all know there are more than a few who don’t belong in the party, maybe trying stave off infighting.
That’s about as generous as I’ll be about this.
Observation suggests frothing at the mouth is an essential attribute of Albanese.
Even his orthodontist couldn’t correct a lifetime of hypersalivation.
Even though it certain the Yes will win. The country is doomed either way.
John Howard’s broad church working splendidly.
While ever turdball remains a member of the libs they are genuine weak as piss shits. Others who have to go include matt kean, birmingham and most of the victoristan lot. But turdball is the symbol of their uselessness.
He is just Mr Potato Head, I can’t imagine him any other way. I know it’s juvenile but he hasn’t exactly distinguished himself with political brilliance to counteract that impression.
A retired skool ma’am- just what I would have imagined. Those who can do, those who can’t teach. So true.
Doggo bites “Yes” doorknocker in Mosman Park.
Good boy. Have a biscuit.
Even though it certain the Yes will win. The country is doomed either way.
lucky for you you’re in Japan- you really are full of shite
Jason Falinski has his back.
Yes so a party member who actually campaigned against Shama wasn’t expelled.
It would appear Mr Dutton just decided to retire to the Parliamentary library with a single malt whisky and a Webley revolver.
A second abo referendum? Political suicide.
Copying EUSSR- if you don’t vote the ‘right’ way the first time they give you a second chance.
You can forget sometimes that many in the lieboral party are hard left even back in the Fraser era.
Which Libs? The duplicitous freaks who stood for office and won seats, or the poor buggers who voted for them rather than spoil their ballots or vote Labor?
We know who is more important. We’ve been told we don’t matter.
Fortunately stupidity isn’t an interspecies contagion.
Summary of why AW believes the Russians are preparing for a huge offensive : to invade and occupy all of Ukraine.
“The Sword of Damocles – the Russian Army’s force buildup through 2023 and what it means for the Ukrainian War going forward.”
Sunday joke for you all. Gotta love Texas!
“A young Texas kid grew up wanting to be a lawman. He grew up big, 6′ 4″, strong as a longhorn, and fast as a mustang and he could put a bullet thru a bottle cap at 40 paces.
When he finally came of age, he applied to where he had only dreamed of working: the West Texas Sheriff’s Department.
After a series of tests and interviews, the Chief Deputy finally called him into his office for the young man’s last interview.
The Chief Deputy said, “You’re a big strong kid and you can really shoot. So far your qualifications all look good, but we have, what you might call, an “Attitude Suitability Test”, that you must take before you can be accepted. We just don’t let anyone carry our badge, son.”
Then, sliding a .40 Caliber Sig Sauer P-229 service pistol and a box of ammo across the desk, the Chief said, “Take this pistol and go out and shoot:
• one illegal alien,
• one lawyer,
• one meth dealer,
• one used car salesman,
• one Muslim extremist,
• one pig-lib democrat bastard, no, wait… make that two!,
• and a rabbit.”
“Why the rabbit?” queried the applicant.
“You pass,” said the Chief Deputy. “When can you start?”“
We’ve been told we don’t matter.
correct- the other thing I’ve observed about the political class both here and in the Us is that if you are competent and have achievements in the real world you are NOT WANTED. Politics in the west is not about competent citizens stepping up to serve their fellow citizens, it’s a cast and reserved for those with connections. This must change.
Re Duttons Referendum
“Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake” — some short french general
But, your vote is. That’s where OPM plays it’s part.
This keeps them in the parasite class and pigging at the trough.
I see that Kolomoysky has been arrested, in Ukraine.
He was the oligarch, (I love that word), who set up the TV show “Servant of the People” in Ukraine and put the clown ‘elensky in, as the lead role.
(Remember, ‘elensky banned the letter Z.)
Once the show was a hit, he, (Kolo), created a political party of the same name, where the clown was once more the lead actor, only this time leading a Political Party on a,
wait for it, ……, Peace platform!
So now, after multiple military disasters, mainly due to the Generals in charge not knowing sh#t about military matters, (Generals Nuland, Blinkin, Bolton and the conga line of inept psychopaths in the EU, Borrel, Von der Crazy, Sunak, Macron et al), Kolo has returned to Ukraine. Who knows why he didn’t stay in Swit^erland.
To show his gratitude, the clown has immediately put him in the clink. It is odds on, he will suffer a bout of “Epstein-itis”.
‘elensky is about to appear at a UN hoe-down in the US, in two weeks.
Given that the Ukraine Army are unlikely to fight their way to the FIRST line of Russian defence by then, this puts him in an inglorious position with the NeoCons, who run the show. I doubt they will “replace” him, just yet.
Much more likely, is ‘elensky getting “feedback” from any of the multitude of enemies he has created over the last three years, or, a relative of one of the sacrificial armies that now forever rest, as a hero of Ukraine.
Still, a mobilisation of all remaining Ukrainians should provide another 3-400,000 for the Russians to eliminate. Much better than negotiating.
There will be no tears shed for this piece of sh#t, when justice happens.
Part of a very hard-hitting telling of truth to power in the Australian this weekend from Jacinta Nampjinpa Price. Stunning and very brave indeed. Straight talk.
A woman for our times.
I hope all Aussies stand up and Vote No in support of her critique about what’s going wrong and her policies that will start to fix it.
That’s bit of shit joke Pogria but okay.
Abbott sent the boat people back to save their lives didn’t he? What about drug laws? We have drug laws to protect people right…we don’t shoot them like Duterte or Muslim fanatics…but it’s okay because a Muslim extremist is in the list.
I can’t believe people have an underlying premise the government will innately act in your best interests after COVID.
My fear is the Dutton’s Referendum will simply make people Vote Yes this time because they don’t want more of the same waste of money later. A bad move.
If ‘yes’ gets up then Dutton may find himself having to have referendum anyway, to rescind and replace a yes vote with a new less harmful measure.
He should save himself all of that trouble and us all of the expense.
Legislate a Recognition, just as we have an Apology, and then forget this sort of division forever.
Armchair Warlord has never been right about anything though.
One aspect of Mr. Windschuttle’s ‘The Breakup…’ which I had been previously unaware of, was the hypothesis that, while no treaties were formally entered with indigenous representative bodies (because there were none, at least on a national, state, or regional level as we acknowledge), on a smaller scale, where indigenous family groups accepted the newcomers (including their food, and protection from neighbouring clans) and interacted with them amicably, such instances could constitute informal treaties.
In other words, where something was exchanged between the two parties (indigenous women sometimes being the item of exchange), and co-existence followed, that barter symbolised (in lieu of a written document) mutual acknowledgement and an intent to co-operate.
I was also unaware that Governor Phillip was speared in the shoulder by a man of Benelong’s clan, but the Governor refused to sanction retribution. So much for the ‘genocidal’ intent.
Crossie @ 11.46 am
Had to attend Medical Centre a few weeks ago. They were updating their records. When I was presented with that “Are you aboriginal etc form, my reply was “I thought the answer would be obvious” and refused to take the form, let alone tick the appropriate box.
NO! No, no, no, no, NO!
Why work to produce something (with the various risks that entails), when you can steal (with the sanction of authority) from others? It’s part of the human condition that some will always want, and try to, take advantage of others. Pretending otherwise will not change anything for the better. Humans respond to fear, force, coercion.
I think that joke is a bit like some of the old Soviet jokes. The scenario is against the ideology, pointing out how people feel about certain issues, i.e. a satire not meant to be taken seriously IRL. As has been suggested by joke analysts, a good joke can be quite close to the edge, and cause concern, and occurs in a context. It’s audience also matters. These are things Ricky Gervaise also mentions re his performances. His attacks against sacred cows are not meant to harm, just to identify concerns via laughter.
Pity Gervaise keeps off climate change though. He’s great on gender benders.
I shared a weapons pit, with a sergeant in the Army of the United States, on one of the Kangaroo exercises, way back when.
Somebody called him “Yank” one day.
“Don’t call me no Yank.” was the furious reply “I’m from Texas.”
effing possessive fail creeping in above – its not the contraction it’s
We’ve been told we don’t matter.
Eggsactly and we still don’t despite the appearances of consultation they try on.
My local fed member, good bloke and Afghan veteran of 1 RAR. Sent out a meet and greet invite, me not being in town replied with apologies and gave him 3 concerns. Two I knew he was against anyway but iterated my concerns anyway. The third, cost of living being driven by huge immigration numbers (Housing supply), anticompetitive behaviour by Colesworths (food prices, virtue signalling like banning cheap cage eggs and extras like paying for paper shopping bags) and the fact renewables weren’t (Energy) especially seeing’s we sit on huge reserves of gas & uranium.
The first 2 concerns a staffer went into depth outlining the Coalition policy but the last and probably most important, a single motherhood statement. Most people I know rate the cost of living no 1 issue at the moment and all they could muster about it was a single statement. Tells you all.
Happy Fathers Day to all Cat dads. Just sent texts into all dads in my ambit and Hairy is happy to be King Dad for the day.
Fathers matter so much.
We are on Shinkansen fast train.
It is very fast.
But smooth, so I haven’t spilt my sake.
Did I mention alcohol is really very cheap here.
No stinking taxes.
Don’t forget the best coal in the world.
High Energy Low Emissions coal-fired power stations are a good option for us too.
I like to support them because they help reduce the climate cult panic.
Coal is good. Let’s keep it in the picture. Ask China. Ask Japan. Ask Chermany.
There’s such a lot to like about Japan. Including the bento lunchboxes on the train.
Don’t miss those.
Yes, I’ve concluded that the political-pubic serpent view office as a license to lift money from productive citizens. A bit like NSW labor in the 60s calling winning government ‘getting into the tart shop’. I’m of the opinion though that the current politicians are much more malign, incompetent, venal and treacherous than in previous decades.
I doubt you even read the details of the piece, dotty.
One thing is certain though, AW has a far better understanding of the war and the issues within it than you.
So, we’ll just have to see. If he turns out to be right this is majorly bad news. Many more people will die. The destruction will be enormous. And this last week Russia has confirmed mobilisation of nuclear missile batteries. There are maniacs on both sides but it’s the bloodsucking vampires in the US that worry me most. That senile Old Pervert in the WH will agree to anything his evil neocon handlers will propose to save his skin.
Cannot be stated enough.
A malignant, narcissistic personality intent on nothing but it’s own enrichment.
Re the tick a box for aboriginality, my youngest said he did it “to see what would happen” when he applied for his apprenticeship. Without a single check as to veracity he proceeded to receive email upon email offering tutoring, counseling support, mentoring etc. Nothing of the sort was received by his mates and he now considers the emails as spam.
I could not give a runny, pungent, puddle of faecal matter.
They don’t think about me, care about me, know that I exist.
I don’t think about them, care about them, acknowledgement their existence.
They are, as I’ve tediously written many times, a halitosis of putrefying, leprous corpses, grunting mimicry of long-deceased conservative sounds, offering nothing of substance other than hirsute nostalgia and the absence of empathy of a narcissist. They exist purely to feed from prey who are too cognitively-restrained to realise that the acidic drool dripping from their oral orifice portends nothing pleasurable.
C’mon, just vote Yes. Speed up the demise of the woke shit hole Australia! Then it might be able to rebuilt earlier.
“Doggo bites “Yes” doorknocker in Mosman Park.”
I know who I’d put down.
From the Hun.
The highly paid indidgeny industry , touting for new “clients.” A veritable army of advocates living off OPM.
There are maniacs on both sides but it’s the bloodsucking vampires in the US that worry me most. That senile Old Pervert in the WH will agree to anything his evil neocon handlers will propose to save his skin.”
Not if he’s been wrong every single time.
Let’s say I took a bet with Tim Sheens every week this year that Tigers were shit and would lose every week, it wouldn’t matter how little I know about rugby league. I’d still be right most of the time.
Every. Single.Time.
Fk off back to your text books , kiddo.
“My fear is the Dutton’s Referendum will simply make people Vote Yes this time because they don’t want more of the same waste of money later. A bad move.”
My visceral loathing for the Liberals just gets worse. Recently, a friend asked me to attend a cocktail party where the state Liberal member for Vaucluse was to be a special guest. I said, no thank you.
Canada’s woke nightmare: A warning to the West | Documentary
Vote Yes!
Daily Mail.
I just gongled him.
He should be able to afford it, seeing as how he is the King of Norway.
Eric Matheny
These guys are actors. Straight out of central casting.
Whatever our puppet government say is to distract us from the threat to our freedom | Neil Oliver
Google also says he is the King of Australia, and refuses to take his medication.
Nigel Farage Reveals Who Controls The World
Today is the anniversary of the ending of the Beslan School siege.
Should be easy to prove me wrong Makka.
No doubt Armchair Warlord has put no timeframes on his predictions.
It takes about five minutes of slowing down to a stop when coming into a station. The sensation was like a plane losing altitude.
Wtf is “Trumpian misinformation”?
“It’s such a gracious request. They’re not saying we demand a voice, we demand to be heard. They’re just saying we want to be able to give advice.”
The door knocker is parroting Albo’s “gracious request”. What on earth is a gracious request? If you are requesting something a request can’t be gracious. Only a person in position to offer a gift graciously can be gracious or not. I don’t see anything in the Uluru Statement that is gracious at all. I rather suspect these folks have no idea what grace is.
United Nations THREATENING national sovereignty as world approaches breaking point
With John Anderson
Comedy, Anxiety, and the Need for Community | John Cleese
Can you outline how this works?!
I see, so he’s always wrong every.single.time. because he doesn’t provide time frames.So if his predictions are battlefield accurate, they are still wrong because timeframes.
From what I’ve read, Big Serge and AW have had the most accurate read on progress of this war – by far. Pro-West commenters have been habitually wrong. mOntyesque wrong.
From Mariupol to Bahkmut and now the failed Ukr Counter Offensive. AW may very well be wrong with this latest assessment. Let’s hope he is.
*The SMO was always meant to last for four years, just as planned*
It’s just kneepadding for Putin at that point.
An hour long interview. Really gets into it at about the 5 min mark. He has a mind like a steel trap.
Dr. David Martin DON’T FEAR the Coming Lockdowns… the Cabal is Already DEAD
I presume this is the same Megan Davis who claims her grandmother was “blackbirded” from Vanuatu.
Exposed as misinformation.
Whether or not it is “Trumpian” is moot.
Happy Fathers Day to all Cat dads. Just sent texts into all dads in my ambit and Hairy is happy to be King Dad for the day.
Fathers matter so much.
Our son-in-law advised daughter against having her father to the house for the usual celebration. Apparently he didn’t want a repeat of Mother’s Day when she unceremoniously threw us out of the house. She did send him a brief celebratory text message. Meaningless, really.
He’s had a good productive day on the farm & received a nice note from his godson. Also grandson contacted him with news of his new girlfriend. Nice.
Well my Father’s Day has been great as, in addition to the usual cards and small gifts from the kids, I received notification I had won $6.5 million USD. All I have to do is send some personal details and the money would be transferred to my personal bank account. Something to do with the American FBI catching some gang and I had been identified as a possible victim.
The email was signed by Christopher Wray, FBI Director so its got to be ok.
HOW GOOD IS THAT!!!!! I’m in the money, I’m in the money……
The Death of #MeToo: ‘To Be Fair, It Was Never Actually About Helping Women’
Well spotted about Megan Davis, calli.
Leftists seem to have a pattern of inventing their ‘deprived, oppressed’ ancestry as a cover for their own privilege. Or, in the case of people like Pocahontas, as a pathway to it. Or both.
Anyway, ancestor woraship seems to be making a big comeback in certain circles. I don’t know about other Cats and Kittehs, but while I admire the immediate ancestors whom I know something about, for concrete reasons, the notion that people unknown to me who died a long time ago are more than entries on the family tree is absurd.
They may have been good, bad or indifferent – so what? They do not imbue me with either privilege or oppression. Their histories may or may not be interesting, but that is all. The chromosomal mixing after three or four generations means that very little, if any, of them is left in me. That’s as it should be, to avoid the perils of inbreeding.
As is often the case, leftists hold opposing principles to be true: that biological ancestry unto many generations is important, and that humans are plastic created by their current environment and preferences. There are numerous subsets of this crazy pretzel logic.
No wonder they score high on the neuroticism scale. Trying to reconcile all of those contradictions must be very stressful indeed.
I wouldn’t believe anything signed by Wray, even if it was really him.
My old dad rang me, rather than me him, which has always been my habit on Fathers’ Day. He’s in hospital being prodded and probed. It was nice to talk with him, and he was in good spirits. His health is on the downslide though, as happens to us all.
I am very sorry to hear you are still having a hard time with your daughter. I believe it hits harder when you only have one child also. Perhaps they struggle against what they believe to be the burden of being the only one. Almost as if they resent that there isn’t another to share any future responsibilities to the parents that raised them.
It matters not that you give them your all regarding time and yes, finances.
I never, not for a second, had ever given a thought that my son would betray me. I had instilled into him honesty and integrity. To whit, every time he broke up with a girlfriend, it was always face to face, not text, phone or, the worst way, by ghosting them. I believed I had taught him to always question if something didn’t sound right. To give someone the benefit of the doubt etc. He had always impressed me with his “stand-up”, character.
All of that fell by the wayside when his father began his ‘whispering” campaign a couple of years before the big blow-up. The fact that we all lived in the same house, my life was a totally open book, there was no part of my life that was secret, my son fell hook, line and sinker for his father’s “poor me” shtick which had served him so well over the years. I know, because I fell for it when we first got together.
He did try to have me believe that he wasn’t taking sides, which may have been believable if he hadn’t told me to “get f**ked” first. My son’s timing has not always been the best.
My greatest sadness is not the betrayal itself, nor the fact that he couldn’t bring himself to say, sorry mum, I made a mistake. It’s that the longer he stays with his father, the more he is becoming like him. Unhappy, miserable and blaming everyone and everything else for his own actions. His god awful grandmother, my MIL, was like that. It runs in the family.
How about you bloody well ask them first you stupid woman. And the Canberraborigines are NOT representative of Aboriginal Australia.
Haha, they’re going to blame Trump when No gets up…
Someone fetch me my basket. I feel very deplorable.
Trumpian just means Evil.
It;s coming up to twenty years since mine passed away – there’s not a day I don’t think of him.
Casablanca on Flix. I’m on the road to Morocco next year, and I think “Rick’s Bar” is on the itinerary.
Just as well I enjoy a G&T. 😀
Does anyone notice that nearly all the leftwing initiated grievances being leveled against whites – especially Anglo whites – range between 50 to 300 years. Nothing appears current.
The Beloved got a phone call from Miss Six today, wishing him the joys of the day. Handed on to me for a quick hello, I asked her what she gave her Daddy.
Chocolate! was the answer. Well how about that, I gave my Daddy chocolate too. I could hear the cogs whirring far away. To her I am old. My Daddy is Methuselah.
Look up Managerialism and the mechanics of how it concentrates the elites by marriage and job title.
You’ll wonder how you didn’t see it coming.
Canberra and the ABC with their connections where the wife/husband gets a job in the admin sector in her pre married name, and their kids get jobs and a lift up the ladder.
Someone here tried to make a
diagram of it, but I don’t remember it eventuating. Probably too complex.
Make Australia Great Again!
There, I said it. Although we’ve never actually been great. Mediocre at best.
Sep 3, 2023 3:36 PM”
I’m sorry to read this Vicki.
What if a dude identifies as a sheila?
For lord’s sake.
Hi Calli,
also watching Casablanca.
Friday night I sang along with all the songs while watching Mama Mia, Here we go again! Even after a couple of decades of not having listened to my Abba records, I still remember all the words to the songs. A brilliant antidote to the occasional attack of the blues. 😀
I think he asks the right questions:
Actually, Australia is pretty great. One of the oldest and most stable democracies in the world. Very high living standards. Peaceful as few other countries are. Very few poor people. Yea, it is pretty great and not mediocre.
Comments expressing concern for the dog’s health and welfare.
I sew and iron to ABBA. And the Bee Gees. I have zero musical taste.
Except that ABBA’s arrangements are very complex and the eldest Gibb brother wrote top songs not just for the group but for many other artists.
I always enjoy the end credits for Mama Mia!, with Benny and Bjorn in the “gods”, and Colin Firth in platforms and lurex.
“Does anyone notice that nearly all the leftwing initiated grievances being leveled against whites – especially Anglo whites – range between 50 to 300 years. Nothing appears current.”
Yes JC. These race grifters and spruikers of the left know that almost all contemporary Western countries, particularly Anglo countries such as Australia, Canada, NZ, USA, and the UK are probably the least racist and the most tolerant societies ever to have existed on the planet. So, unable to find contemporary grievances, they spend their times digging up and dredging up grievances of old, smearing people of decades and centuries ago or, as in the case of the so called buried children in Canada, and Megan Davis’ tale about her Kanaka grandmother being blackbirded, they make lies up. They have no shame. Here’s what I think, I suspect Megan Davis knows it’s bullshit, but it suits her narrative and she gets away with this because nobody dares to challenge her.
When YES gets up (and I suspect it will), it will only be a matter of months before the various statues that adorn Sydney’s CBD, of James Cook, Prince Albert and Queen Victoria, are torn down from their plinths, to much applause from our progressive class.
The Voice, once enacted, will facilitate the complete eradication of our British heritage. We’re already in the middle of a Maoist type Cultural Revolution, it will be ramped up on steroids once the Voice wins.
Donna and the Dynamos.
And you’re just fluffing for Biden, the Uniparty, and Raytheon? I don’t understand the criticisms of AW, Big Serge, etc. Their commentary has been no worse than mainstream commentators and often considerably better. It’s completely understandable given the fog of war, etc. that commentators on both sides will get things wrong, but as Makka said, if you were following them as well as commentators more partial to Ukraine you would be far less surprised at the abject failure their summer offensive has become, as well as more concerned at the possibility that Russia may be consolidating their offensive potential and waiting for Ukraine to fully exhaust itself before launching their own offensive. Worrying about timelines given that is just absurd.
by ghosting them
Ghosting is awesome.
A bird turns crazy, you owe them nothing.
Move on.
JC, you are so gay for Australia.
not Zero musical taste.
ABBA and the Bee Gees have and are, outlasting all the churned out crap songs from the last thirty years.
I wager your grandees started bouncing around the moment they head their first ABBA song. Played by Nanna!?! 😀
Ew, where did you find that?
HEARD! not head. sheesh.
ABBA and the Bee Gees have and are, outlasting all the churned out crap songs from the last thirty years.
Fun fact, the chaps from ABBA & the Gibb estate earn more in royalties from what they’ve written for other artists than they earn from their time with ABBA or the Bee Gees.
Yikes! It’s a dried up Chux!
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Sep 3, 2023 5:12 PM
It IS a political football, and no one will do anything to stop it, they just make it look as if they are doing so.
Extra 100 letters deleted because there’s no bloody point.
Of course, Catherine Liddle is completely impartial on all matters Voice.
I dunno, maybe Dutton’s suggestion will appeal to certain soft hearted types who would like to see Aboriginal people recognised but are dubious about how a voice might impact our democratic processes.
It could well be a smart play.
I might even vote yes to that, as long as it’s water tight that it can’t lead to ligitation or undermine democracy.
Why do you say that? I love the best of ABBA and the Bee Gees. Both bands were outstandingly talented.
That said, my first preferences are heavy blues/rock, electronic and the best of punk.
But, good music is good music, for example Santana at Woodstock, Soul Sacrifice – tingles up my spine every time (6 mins).
Or k d lang (the real one) doing ‘Hallelujah‘, dunno what genre that is. Not to mention her duets with Roy Orbison – magic.
I detest music snobs. That said, I also detest Trad Jazz, Celtic folk and military ‘music.’ But not because I think that their fans are idiots. 🙂
Another little thing I’ve noticed here, men who to me look like they are in their mid to late seventies, or maybe just terribly weather beaten, sweating it out in what looks to me like British WWII fire warden gear doing security work at building sites.
Pensions too low to retire or just love the job?
Tell us more why he pissed you off. I bet the real reasons are far different than what you make out.
Bet it’s more like this.
Father’s Day
Nothing to see here.
The report below says;
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander kids are ten times more likely to be on care and protection orders than non-Indigenous children, and at least seven times more likely to have suffered maltreatment in recent years, according to a new government report.
It’s not mediocre, Bern. I like the US much more but it’s not a shorty place to live.
It’s all relative.
Indiana Jones face melting scene.
Joh – let’s have some Raw Power …
Listen to this album and there is nowhere to hide.
“I’m a street walking cheetah with a head full of napalm
I’m the runaway son of a nookular A bermb”
Shitty ,
That was interesting. She’s given up her license to practice so regulatory bodies can’t touch her.
No doubt many will disagree with her.
August. 23, 2023. Dr. ‘Sam Bailey’, The Truth, ‘Allopathic’ Medicine, CDC, Big Pharma, Medical Tyranny, Doctor Medical Speeches, Medical Industrial Complex, The Who, World Health Organization, NIH, Killing Humanity,
Dr. ‘Sam Bailey’ “Truth Is ‘Allopathic’ Medicine’s Are Killing Fields For Humans”
Sam Bailey says some many smart things.
She also says some loopy stuff that would make Pete Evans blush.
Hey, Miss Personage! 🙂
The black armband view of Australian history has been so successful in becoming the dominant lens because it offers more of the population – from policy makers to the average Jill & Joe – an opportunity to vicariously demonstrate their moral superiority, and thus their place in the social hierarchy.
To wit: A Kiwi supervisor recently announced he had watched something on the ABCess about Australian aborigines, and stated that he felt they’d been the worst treated of any indigenous race in history, due to the multiple genocides and blah blah …
My point being that by making the statements he did, he got to publicly declare (and receive acknowledgement for; which was not forthcoming from me!) his support of the dominant social-historical narrative. i.e. “I belong.” He reinforces his place within the ‘tribe’ without having to expend much energy or take any risk (he doesn’t have to fight for his place).
What does evidence-based history offer in the way of emotional or social reward?
Miss Amber …
The best thing the Yes campaign has going for it is John Howard’s popped his head up on the No side.
Obviously he was always going to be a No vote.
But in his usual snivelling way, he only popped up when the No campaign had already turned the tide.
I always thought it had to be a hoax. Get a load of the plastic boobs.
I learnt something this afternoon. Morton’s Fork.
Reminds me a lot of our electoral system.
I presume this is the same Megan Davis who claims her grandmother was “blackbirded” from Vanuatu.
Exposed as misinformation.
Fuking grifters; every last one of them; and all you need is a sluttish media and enough sheeple; and viola! The best society ever invented by the naked ape is finished.
Am I allowed to very loudly enunciate that I don’t give a rodent’s backside about indodgyknees, Cats, I asks ya?
FFS, I’m just sick of it.
On my taste in music, please forgive me for quoting myself, but…
Gee you guys. Do you just read one sentence and then have a go? I need to be as subtle as a sledgehammer in future.
My motto in life, calli 🙂
Sep 3, 2023 5:07 PM
It looks like a folded up diaper in her hand.
Someone to watch over me
You can ask, but what are you asking?
The you tube clip was a response to the pic you posted of Biden’s female doppelganger.
I thought you would see the humour in it.
I also agree with your comment on Australia being a great country.
When you read a comment posted by me, with your handle in it, you obviously think it must be derogatory. Sad.
The ABC published this week’s customary atheist sermon yesterday, a day early:
Apart from ABBA, the brothers Gibb and prog rock, I have a taste for Purcell and Handel. And many…many others.
The planets and stars all sing to it, dancing in their orbits and pulsing to every cadence.
I draw the line at rap. There are limits. 😀
Let’s have some legislative legends, Cats! 🙂
Why wait for 1984 – you can panic now and avoid the rush …
Yay, we’re number one in the world at something!
Where Smoking Breaks The Bank (& Where It Doesn’t) (3 Sep)
Apparently vaping is very popular here. It’s a mystery.
Melania she ain’t.
She’s a housewife from Bumf^ck, nowhere, who unexpectedly got a rich and powerful husband.
Except, she isn’t. She’s been around the power scene for many decades. But every time, the visuals are lamentable.
Note the bitchy caption on the second one.
The fancy fashion magazines and sites mostly boycotted the beautiful and elegant Melania, while trying to make the best of chunky fashion klutzes Michelle and the current wearer of curtain material.
No wonder all those Democrats have mistresses.
Well yes I would take your comment as derogatory, because that’s all you’ve posted in the past in my direction. Excuse me, if I detected a pattern there.
But no matter. I’ll ask Dover if he can remove mine and all’s sweet.
Hey, even these guys are worth a listen.
If I’m allowed to give a rodent’s backside about indodgyknees, Squire.
Because currently, I do not.
Re. ‘closing the gap‘: The problem is the people and organisations that have positioned themselves in that same gap, with no intention of moving out or aside, because they find that gap very, very comfortable and suited to their needs. It’s like trying to evict a possum from its cave in the shed: They’ll scratch your face off without blinking.
I see blackbirding is getting publicity again. Before he chucked academia (or it chucked him), Peter Corris of Cliff Hardy crime novel fame was a promising academic historian. He published a well argued book showing that the Melanesian labourers were not just passive dupes and victims of kidnapping (that happened, but mostly in the very early days), but were willing participants with a view to their own and their family’s interests. But we mustn’t upset the ideologues with facts, must we?
Even sadder.
100% New Jersey arriviste
Melania, as far as elegance, is the real deal. No wonder she’s still hated.
She was between the cross hairs, and she knew it. Not just her, but her child. No wonder she always looked so uncomfortable. Remember all the yap about an imminent divorce once Trump left the presidency?
Not so.
No probs. Let’s leave it up.
Fauci admits to lack of COVID mask evidence — but wants us to wear them anyway
“Explosive Revelation: Fani Willis Linked To Massive Election Fraud And Money Laundering RICO Enterprise!”
Fatty Trump and his Woife, Melania are just legends.
Posted without comment …
And neither does anyone else. I can’t ever recall any aboriginal giving a toss about me either. Works both ways.
I was pleased to see Christopher Nolan included a Negro lady in a class Oppenheimer was giving. Many may have thought woke. Not true. Her name was Carolyn Parker. She worked on the Manhattan Project. I thought the movie was one of the best acting performances for all the actors. Stand out was the unhinged Robert Downey Jr. Emily Blunt has come of age. I’ve read a lot about Oppenheimer over the years as although I don’t have heroes I really admire him.
Poor man, he’s incurred the wrath of the woke.
Ted Nugent Defends Carlos Santana, Alice Cooper’s Anti-Trans Rants (2 Sep)
Sadly I never have heard anything of Mr Santana’s by reason of complete accident. How in fifty years that is possible I dunno, but that is as it is. I wish him and Alice Cooper well in their new lives as desperados.
Music takes you places.
Eternal Eclipse:
Eternal Eclipse – Rival (Official Music Video)
It’s a real pity our resident Slovenian Sea Hag couldn’t be swapped for Melania, one of the most beautiful and elegant representation of a Slovenian woman.
JC, calli, Cassie, Pogria, myself and some others all have dodgeyknees. We want a Voice.
Pogria & Cassie -thank you both for the kind words.
Pogs – collectivist women can’t hide their envy and hate.
A tale of two Women, magnifique as they are …
Looks like a pretty piss poor attempt at a photoshop – as if the dress was just taken from some catalogue and pasted over – with no time to fit it to her body.
As if she turned up in her underwear (or less) and no one dared say a word – and held in their puke which would have been achievement enough. But on learning that the picture would be released all the news agencies quickly got their IT geeks on task.
I suspect there will be multiple versions of the photograph with different dresses and, if there is an IT guy with an impishly mischievous sense of humour out there, a version with an elephant’s body – the saggy wrinkled skin on the pachyderm would make it look natural.
Sep 3, 2023 6:21 PM
JC, calli, Cassie, Pogria, myself and some others all have dodgeyknees. We want a Voice.”
Laughing so hard I’m crying! Epic comment of the thread. No, of the month! 😀 😀 😀
Most are getting shitty with Dutton because of having to go to another referendum. I think Duttons remarks block Elbow from calling him racist and that of the No voters. Also it will pull Yes voters away.
I heard this album at a friend’s place, he brought it back from the US not long after release. At the time, you couldn’t even order it into Australia. Then, a guy moved into our share house who owned a copy, and I badgered and tried to bribe him for months, but he wouldn’t sell it to me.
I finally bought my own copy, and the other two in that series, and have played them hundreds of times. I know every note, and they still thrill me.
There is nothing even vaguely equivalent today, unless you cite the gangsta rappers, which I don’t.
As for Farnham, I like the song and he’s a great singer. Attaching it to a partisan cause is a mistake. He has a great set of pipes, but Farnham is (to quote a friend who managed Rugby League players) ‘no Rhodes Scholar.’
I doubt that it will matter much.
Did any one else see twiggy on Outsiders hysterically claiming humidity was going to kill us all?
Twiggy strikes me as one of those people just smart enough to think they know everything.
Someone has obviously pointed him towards the Clausius Clapeyron relationship which states as temperature increases the water holding capacity of the air increases. But here is the thing as temperature increases more energy goes towards heating things and leaves less for evaporation. Stewart Franks noted this before he was driven from this country by alarmist scientists:
“Senior climate change researchers have claimed that higher temperatures lead to higher moisture evaporation and that this is why the Murray Darling Basin has experienced such a harsh drought,” Associate Professor Franks said.
“This is incorrect and ignores the known physics of evaporation.
“During drought, when soil moisture is low, less of the sun’s radiant energy goes into evaporation and more goes into the heating of the atmosphere which causes higher temperatures.
“Most importantly, the elevated air temperatures do not increase evaporation but are actually due to the lack of evaporation and this is a natural consequence of drought.
The measure of evaporation, pan evaporation shows a decline in recent years. This decrease may have slightly reversed lately but to claim as twiggy does that we are all going to die from atmospheric saturation speaks of hysteria. As I say with $30 billion behind you that spells trouble for the rest of us.
I didn’t mean JC had dodgeyknees. I was responding to him.
Sep 3, 2023 6:11 PM
Melania, as far as elegance, is the real deal. No wonder she’s still hated.
She was between the cross hairs, and she knew it. Not just her, but her child. No wonder she always looked so uncomfortable. Remember all the yap about an imminent divorce once Trump left the presidency?
Not so.”
Indeed. I could not believe how the progressive left took out their unhinged hatred of Trump on her. It’s usual for a first lady to be given a Vogue cover, but not Melania Trump, a former supermodel. She was the subject of constant smears, vilification and attacks. However, she’s one very tough and gorgeous gal. She’s a Slav, an Eastern European woman, who was brought up under Communism, I suspect she knows what she and her husband dealt with and are dealing with. She doesn’t flinch. I recall Trump saying after the Kavanaugh hearings had ended how he had relied on her to stay strong, to have Kavanaugh’s back and that Melania had said, about Kavanaugh’s accuser, Christine Blasey Ford or whatever her name is, that she’s lying. Sometimes it takes a woman to know when another woman is lying. I’ve long felt the same about La Knickerless.
Here’s to beautiful friendships.
I love this movie.
great clip and song. Heavenly women. Thanks.
Tells me about it, Squire. My right knee. The ‘orrible clicking. Been blessed with it for the last fifteen years. Yet it doesn’t hurt, doesn’t impede my movement and only flares up for brief periods of time (measured in seconds) occasionally in mid winter.
Yet it is still something that could be done without.
err, yes, but there are many more important problems in my life, like picking arguments with my best friends, just for the hell of it. 😕
“JC, calli, Cassie, Pogria, myself and some others all have dodgeyknees. We want a Voice.”
LOL….I can’t stop laughing.
Grey Ranga,
you responded!
Never go the full response.
You’re a marked man now. 😀
Here you go Rabz.
Ultravox – Hymn (HD) (31 Aug 2023)
Sounds great! Excellent to see these bands putting up their stuff in high def.
Thanks, Pogs 🙂
Okay, so Fernando for thick fabrics like trousers and skirts, Waterloo would work for shirts, and Mama Mia for socks (I suppose).
What do you use for women’s blouses with frilly collars – it would suggest a strange marrying of tempos.
Are there different tracks for cotton and polyester?
Ok, since John Farnham has come out for the dark side, I have to counter it.
Ultravox – The Voice (1981)
Would make a very fine No anthem!
I liked ABBA, still do. My younger sister was utterly obsessed with ABBA and Susie Quatro, an odd combination, but her obsession, particularly with Quatro, worried my grandmother, who thought my sister might be a lesbian, a notion which greatly amused by mother and father who were surprised my grandmother knew anything about lesbians, but also the fact that my sister, when her infatuations began, was only eight years old!
Cassie, unless there is widespread fraud, I can’t see the Yes vote getting up.
It’s the first time I’ve heard this.
Great visual edit.
Alphaville – Sounds Like a Melody (Moreno J Remix)
For light fabrics
Requiring high temp and starch.
Joh, I read a review of it in’73 in one of my my sister’s magazines after blundering into her bedroom (cleverly when I knew she wouldn’t be there) – the cover picture stills brings the chills to the spine – Iggy looks not of this world.
“Cassie, unless there is widespread fraud, I can’t see the Yes vote getting up.”
Lee, I’m trying to prepare for the worst.
The Marvin 🙂
Potential YES voters who have doubts about the prospects of going waaaaay beyond recognition might vote NO, knowing that they would have a second chance at a possibly less threatening option later.
Dude, tell me about it. I went to gym this morning and was dragging up 300 lbs with a leg press contraption destroying my left knee.
That reads weird.
Aren’t you supposed to be in some old school hall surrounded by scarecrows with nascent hopes in their hearts, all sitting on stackable chairs with cheap coffee in paper cups? And you are supposed to stand and intone: “Hi. My names is Cassie, and I am an ABBA fan,”
“Hi, Cassie.”
Seriously though, the 70’s were a period when upbeat and catchy songs ruled. Not at all a bad thing. The current culture seems to be a directionless but fervid hedonism – mere pleasure because they are incapable of joy.
Clever Goil.
Radiohead, trying to avoid the “first second impression“.
“OK Computer” is an album not easily reckoned with.
An epic, nonetheless.
Mother lode, Sure, certain things a photo-shopped, but that earlier pic isn’t. Here she is wearing the blue sack in different shots which weren’t photo-shopped. Obviously taken on the same say.
If you are going to criticise everyone except yourself and your small band of acolytes as being inferiors, it might help to learn the difference between a musical stringed instrument and an exclamation denoting triumph.
Susie Quatro and Koko.
22 Dec 2011
During her recent Australia Tour to promote her new album, produced by the legendary Mike Chapman, entitled in The Spotlight, Suzi Quatro got to meet the star of the hugely popular Aussie flick Red Dog. Koko flew in from Perth to meet Suzi at Crown in Melbourne. Her song Stumblin In is featured prominantly in the film.
Red Dog Meets Suzi Quatro.mp4
The withered blue Chux is real! Pity help us.
Hehe, when I went into the AAR we had to starch our uniforms so much that after ironing you could hold them horizontally and they wouldn’t sag.
News of the day…
ABBA’s Agnetha Faltskog’s first single in ten years is ‘a little underwhelming’ – review (31 Aug)
Sounds fine to me. Catchy.
Agnetha Fältskog – Where Do We Go From Here? (1 Sep)
Liz Fraser, ringing out like a bell …