Open Thread – Thurs 14 Sept 2023

Schubert at the Piano II, Gustav Klimt, 1899

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September 14, 2023 12:01 am

Reporting for duty.
Back to work for me, enjoy your day.

September 14, 2023 12:03 am

Shall do, but the resting bit comes first!

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
September 14, 2023 1:14 am

Most are in bed. A worthy repeat.

Bee Gees – Night Fever (Moreno J Remix)

John H.
John H.
September 14, 2023 3:10 am

Site of Male Sexual Desire Uncovered in Brain – Where a Key Gene Named Aromatase Is Present

Aromatase converts testosterone to estrogen in the brain, which drives male sexual activity.

Mice study. Weird. So weird I checked the journal. High quality. Studies on humans offer supporting evidence.
Full text.

September 14, 2023 3:24 am

Some of their products are very good, I’m just not a fanboy.

It’s hard not to be a fanboy.
I’m tapping away on my mac book pro that I purchased in 2012.
I have this one next to the bed which has survived an ex wife, a weimaraner, coffee spills & the odd ftb foot.

September 14, 2023 3:34 am

Who said:

“We simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States undetected, undocumented, unchecked, and circumventing the line of people who are waiting patiently, diligently, and lawfully to become immigrants in this country.”

Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
September 14, 2023 3:35 am

Great painting of a great composer. Thanks Dover.

September 14, 2023 3:37 am

Here’s Josh Hawley. The GOP currently has some of the best brains and decency in political history. And Doc says the elite is in terrible shape. Bullshit

September 14, 2023 4:00 am
September 14, 2023 4:02 am

Google delivers Mark Knight in clumps.

September 14, 2023 4:03 am
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September 14, 2023 4:08 am
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September 14, 2023 4:10 am
September 14, 2023 4:12 am
September 14, 2023 4:13 am
September 14, 2023 4:14 am
September 14, 2023 4:15 am
September 14, 2023 4:22 am

I’ve still got an HP laptop running XP brought around 2008. Run it on Ethernet at 1GB downloads. My relatively new PC runs so much slower on W10. Microsoft is absolute crap.

September 14, 2023 4:30 am

Microsoft is absolute crap

I wouldn’t say crap.
But needs to do better.

September 14, 2023 4:33 am

There are videos showing the exact moment Aaron Rodgers achilles “popped”.
It’s almost the same as when Kevin Durant’s “popped”.
The difference being KD was playing basketball & Rodgers was being chased & tackled by a 120kilo guy.

September 14, 2023 5:03 am

“We simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States undetected, undocumented, unchecked, and circumventing the line of people who are waiting patiently, diligently, and lawfully to become immigrants in this country.”

Bill Clintion in 1995 or 1996 to Congress.

September 14, 2023 5:04 am

Also known as Guiilame Clintoit.

September 14, 2023 5:14 am

John H. Avatar
John H.
Sep 13, 2023 11:33 PM
Whoops: EW aircraft. My bad, just finished conquering galaxy when I should be looking up Covid impact on fertility for a friend. Material I found last night was disturbing, big hits on sperm count. The inflammation may have caused permanent damage and ACE2 receptors, the spike protein target, very high in testis.

As a citizen, I would like to know more.

Anything about female fertility and pregnancy?

September 14, 2023 5:18 am

Real-estate startup Roam looks to bring 3% mortgage rates within reach.

Roam, which is set to launch Wednesday, is betting that it can popularize an obscure workaround to a problem for home buyers and sellers alike: mortgage rates that are above 7%. “Assumable loans” allow sellers to transfer their own mortgage loans to the buyer alongside the house. Few consumers know about the option, and fewer still follow through with it. And many lenders are cool to the idea because for them it would mean more work for less money.

The way mortgages are structured (they die when you sell a property & you get a new one when you buy again) is so antiquated.


Okay, how and why will this mean mortgage rates cut in half or better?

I would like to know more.

September 14, 2023 5:21 am

Bill Clintion in 1995 or 1996 to Congress.

It was Obama.

September 14, 2023 5:23 am

Microsoft is crap. People should use Libreoffice if they can instead of Microsoft Office. It’s free.

Johnny Rotten
September 14, 2023 5:24 am

Thanks once again Tom.

September 14, 2023 5:24 am

Dot, you have a debt (mortgage) secured by an asset (property).
Just because the asset is replaced with another asset, why should the terms of the debt be re-struct.

September 14, 2023 5:25 am

Interestingly, Intelslava did not report the huge attack on the port in Sevastopol. One has to read multiple sites these days to find out what’s going on.

September 14, 2023 5:28 am

Another thing that is silly is housing debt costs different amounts due to what you want to use it for.
The cost of debt should be based on the asset & the credit quality of the applicant.
Who cares if it is:
* owner occupier P&I or I only;
* investor P&I or I only.

Your credit quality is your credit quality.

September 14, 2023 5:29 am

One has to read multiple sites these days to find out what’s going on.

And most of it is still horse shit.

September 14, 2023 5:35 am

feelthebern Avatar
Sep 14, 2023 5:24 AM

Dot, you have a debt (mortgage) secured by an asset (property).
Just because the asset is replaced with another asset, why should the terms of the debt be re-struct.

You’re gonna have to draw a diagram like I don’t know any of this because rates dropping from 7% to 3% just seems like hype.

You’d get 3% loans from the beginning?

I mean, my parents lived through negative real interest rates, but this idea assumes no inflation?

I would not lend to uncredit-worthy people. I would hope to recover inflation & origination/admin costs (included in my cost of capital), plus a margin, plus risk pricing (maybe included in the margin).

Explain to me like I run a business but have never seen a loan before.

September 14, 2023 5:38 am
September 14, 2023 5:40 am

Who cares if it is:
* owner occupier P&I or I only;
* investor P&I or I only.

I thought this went to regulation and MBS pricing.

The loan market for cars in Australia is upside down.

The first car loan I got was because I wanted a second-hand car and to pay it off quickly.

I went to the mortgage broker who looked all of 18 (I was early 20s), she called up Mac Bank on a conference call and they offered me 18% at best.

So I said no and got a new car at a rate about a third of that. The payments were for longer but about the same.

As long as the vehicle is fully insured after a valuation, why aren’t 2nd hand cars priced at a lower interest rate? Wouldn’t the risk of driving it off the lot or the first few years of depreciation (real or not) be a bigger counterparty risk? You’re much more likely to be “upside down” on a new car.

America has more rational chattel mortgage loans.

September 14, 2023 5:43 am

I wonder how Obama’s speech compared to Clinton’s 1996 anti immigant speech.

NO ON 24!

It’s a landslide!

YES on 24!

September 14, 2023 5:45 am

I thought this went to regulation and MBS pricing.

It’s more regulation than anything.
I didn’t say the inefficiencies were 100% banks.
This is why Australia is ripe to be disrupted.
But when real disrupters turn up with deep pockets (like KKR) they just jump in the trough.

September 14, 2023 5:48 am

There are structural nuances in the US, German & Chinese property markets that are all very smart.
But as we have seen in all of those markets, they don’t stop booms or busts.
I might put some thought into a guest post.

September 14, 2023 5:49 am

they just jump in the trough.

Trough refers to pigs & snouts etc.
Not the other trough…

September 14, 2023 5:50 am

Did African Americans have a higher proportion of home ownership, a higher proportion of black-owned businesses and even their own stock exchange in the 1950s?

I’ve seen this claim made!

September 14, 2023 5:51 am

Or even Clinton’s 1993 speech.


September 14, 2023 5:55 am

I’ve received 3 emails from Hawaiian airlines over the past 10 days.
Telling people not to go to Maui was economic vandalism.

September 14, 2023 5:58 am

Another observation on mornings headlines.

Marles hiding behind National Security. Greens grub enables him to redact documents and nothing. The bloke is really an arrogant piece of work isn’t he? One of the cheerleaders of the Bishop lynching you’d think this would be a bigger story???

September 14, 2023 5:59 am

Work to do gotta go. Back to the ‘ville today too.

September 14, 2023 6:42 am

Marles is doing for the LNP what the LNP refuses to do for us.
Every Labor Governmrnt has arrogant pricks who eventually destroy themselves.

September 14, 2023 6:44 am

Re Dreyfus:

I have always disliked him more than any other Labor hack. He is completely overrated as a legal theorist and is a thoroughly nasty piece of work.

September 14, 2023 6:50 am

Best wishes Jacinta for your appearance at the ABC’s disgusting National Press Club today.
They are going to patronise you and probably sneer and smear.
Your bravery and cool is eye watering.
There is job going as opposition leader if you want it. The current bloke is still doing his Abbottism course.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
September 14, 2023 6:57 am

Have we all said a prayer of thanks for the great works of Marcia Langton this morning?
Dreyfus is a bench warmer compared to the her dazzling display in kicking the dead dingo.
“Bark, you racist bastard, bark.”

September 14, 2023 7:04 am

Speaking of Marcia, the hamster wheel has been busy combing through her Twitter history. hahahaha
She had a go at Mark Latham in 2018. It did not go well for her. 😀

Marcia is too arrogant to realise once the history hamsters are after you, it’s like pointing the bone. 😀

September 14, 2023 7:09 am

Thanks Pogria. Now read it in Sir Les Patterson “voice”.


She’s such a sweet, wholesome old dear.

Cassie of Sydney
September 14, 2023 7:09 am

One of the cheerleaders of the Bishop lynching you’d think this would be a bigger story???”

Hardly surprising, when you have a media that marches in goose step to Labor.

September 14, 2023 7:10 am

Yikes. Need more coffee – linky is a bit wonky.

September 14, 2023 7:14 am

you’ve nailed it. Lately, whenever you see her on the goggle box, if she is sitting, she has totally adopted Sir Les’ slouching, spread your bod around the chair pose. I keep looking for gravy and wine stains. Probably why she seems to wear mostly black lately.

September 14, 2023 7:28 am

Marcia is too arrogant to realise once the history hamsters are after you, it’s like pointing the bone.

Langton achieved her academic tenure because the university got to tick the blackfella box but, like Linda Burnley, her biggest problem is that she’s a dumb as a box of rocks.

Many thanks, Marcia and Linda, for showing middle Australia how to vote on October 14.

Cassie of Sydney
September 14, 2023 7:32 am

“Marcia is too arrogant to realise once the history hamsters are after you, it’s like pointing the bone. ?”

I hope so, but what I find interesting is that neither Sleazy nor the imbecilic and incoherent Burney have condemned her. They know Marcia Marcia Marcia is a poisonous woman, to her very core, they know she’s a far-left Marxist radical so, as I asked last night, why haven’t Sleazy and Burney condemned her words, why have they given her such a prominent role in this Voice referendum?

Well, for numerous reasons, but the first thing you should understand is that this Voice referendum is a very deliberate coup by the left. If it gets up, this country is finished, it’s OVER. Secondly, Burney and Sleazy don’t condemn Langton because they agree with Langton, which is that those of us who intend to vote NO are racists and dumb. As I said last night, a shrewder Labor PM would have either not touched this Voice proposal with a barge pole OR, if they’d decided to put it to the Australian people, would have distanced themselves from the likes of Langton and Mayo. But Sleazy, not the cleverest Labor PM, really thought that last year’s election win gave him the license to pursue this.

As for the likes of Dunny Kenny* and Joke Hilderbeast screeching about the incivility of “both sides”. NO. NOPE. NUP. It’s isn’t the NO side that is engaging in ad hominem insults towards people who are thinking differently, it is the YES side, and they’ve been doing it for months. I will not stand by and be falsely accused of something all to satisfy pro-voice scum like Hilderbeast and Dunny, who are desperate to cover up the sins of their side. They know Langton is a poisonous old woman. They know her stock in trade for decades has been spite, bile, loathing, hatred and nastiness.

I wrote a few days ago that if this referendum goes down (and I think it will), get ready for one almighty blowback from the left and their useful mouthpieces. It will be massive. How dare we say NO to the Voice, how dare we win.

* Further to Dunny, I’ve made paltry excuses for him until now. However he, an adult man, has chosen to hitch his baggage on a feel good campaign of disinformation and misinformation. By doing so, he’s willingly sided with scum like Langton. No thank you, I now have zero respect for him. I reckon if the Voice goes down, he’ll depart Sky.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
September 14, 2023 7:32 am

Marcia gives you the distinct feeling she doesn’t t like anyone. No organisation with any skill in communication would put her in front of a camera.
It would be interesting to ask the indig community their impressions of her.
She’s probably killing support with them as well.

September 14, 2023 7:34 am

I must make 206k USD p.a. to date a 32 year old woman with a mannish face.

The content creator, from Los Angeles, has revealed that she is no longer open to anyone ‘closed-minded’ and instead often opts for more mature, older men.

my ultra-strict dating rules help me avoid liars with bad hygiene

Such as not being able to buy a Lamborghini and a Louis Vitton luggage set in the same week.

I’m ReAdY tO sEtTLeE dOwN nOw!

September 14, 2023 7:39 am

In case any busy Cats have not the time to go through the Marcia link, here are the Tweets;
Marcia to Mark, “‘You so deserve a slow, painful death and humiliating obituaries,’ Professor Langton wrote about Mr Latham.

Mark’s perfect reply, “‘the voice of Leftist compassion in Australia’.

‘Indigenous, university employed, dripping with identity,’ he wrote.

Cassie of Sydney
September 14, 2023 7:42 am

“‘the voice of Leftist compassion in Australia’.

‘Homosexual, university employed, dripping with identity,’ he wrote.“

That’s how I wish Latham had responded to that creepy and very sinister homosexual, Alex Greenfilth.

September 14, 2023 7:44 am

Haven’t scrolled so no idea if anyone’s put this link up from last night’s BOLT but how pathetic is this in, yesterday’s, Question Time from the “gucci gnome” .. we, actually, pay her for this dribbling?
No wonder 251 Affairs are in such a mess with this “dribbler” in charge ..!

September 14, 2023 7:47 am

Thanks Tom. Top ‘toons for me are Knight’s Joyce-Qantas one and most of the US ones such as Margolis and Branco. But they seem to have a surplus of material right now.

September 14, 2023 7:49 am

The GOP has begun impeachment proceedings against the incompetent and corrupt dementia patient in the White House, and look at the serious and forlorn Chuck Schumer pleading they stop for the good of the nation. Just incredible

September 14, 2023 7:51 am

Sep 14, 2023 7:34 AM

I must make 206k USD p.a. to date a 32 year old woman with a mannish face.

The content creator, from Los Angeles, has revealed that she is no longer open to anyone ‘closed-minded’ and instead often opts for more mature, older men.

my ultra-strict dating rules help me avoid liars with bad hygiene

Such as not being able to buy a Lamborghini and a Louis Vitton luggage set in the same week.

I’m ReAdY tO sEtTLeE dOwN nOw!

A cat shelter could make a name for itself with a clever dating profile or two.

September 14, 2023 7:51 am

Husband and I are setting aside time from chores to watch Jacinta at the Press Club. We have loved her for a long time, as we loved her mum Bess. Both strong, honest women. They have lived the reality of cruel cultural behaviour & know that this is not understood by the do-gooders who think that money will solve the problems. It will only prolong the misery.

My, how people have short memories. Don’t they recall the reasons for the Intervention of the Howard regime? Don’t they recall how it began from the horrors seen by the then Chief Prosecutor (a woman) of Alice Springs? Recently, the woman in a similar legal position – it may have been the senior legal person in Darwin – was also in tears talking about the cases of a indigenous assault on women and children that come before her. Why do the do-goodies ignore all of this??? Money will not fix it. Assimilation and the application of the law will.

September 14, 2023 7:51 am


America isn’t over but whose next in line?

September 14, 2023 7:55 am

Man up dot, shave your palms, throw back your hunch, suck in that beer gut and lie like a pig in poop about your income.
Then, in the height of orgasmic ecstacy tell her you are really Robbo from the housing commission flat down the road and could she drop you off to Cenno tomorrow to pick up your dole.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
September 14, 2023 7:57 am

Margolis’ cartoon is brilliant.

I assume everyone is familiar with the memes to which it refers?

September 14, 2023 8:02 am

Saw it immediately MotherLode.

I’ve liked his ‘toons ever since Tom started posting them. His old-school black-&-white aesthetic first caught my eye but even when he adds colour the aesthetic is still there. Generally a great message as well. I look for his name in the way I used to look for Rameriz’s in the Obama era.

How long has Tom been on the 4:00 AM ‘toons, now? 🙂

September 14, 2023 8:03 am


The moral perverts ( not do gooders at all) ignore that the main victims of individual Aboriginals stealing/ bashing/ abusing is other Aboriginals.

By refusing to remove the predators they effectively sanction more abuse and crime.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 14, 2023 8:04 am

Geology is racist.

‘Too rock heavy,’ too ableist, too white: Geoscience students identify concerns in field (13 Sep)

Geoscience courses are “too rock heavy,” remote field sites are not handicap accessible, and faculty in the field are insufficiently diverse — these are some of the concerns identified through a nationwide survey of students majoring in geoscience.

“BIPOC students in geoscience face discrimination and barriers to learning at all levels, from microaggressions to systemic racism,” wrote Willa Rowan of Western Washington University in her August 2023 master’s thesis.

And rocks are really really heavy.

September 14, 2023 8:06 am

Geologists are meant to rock, not do a basic two-step!

September 14, 2023 8:09 am

Rocklickers complaining about rocks.
Problem is the ones in her head.

September 14, 2023 8:09 am
September 14, 2023 8:10 am

Off to the wilds of Wiluna for a couple of weeks…

/ and he was never seen again…

September 14, 2023 8:10 am

“Babe I need $600 to fix the ECU on my EA Falcon!”

There’s a new trend now, “hobosexuals”, basically good-looking bums who will do anything in bed to get a roof over their heads.

The tip is to hook up on a weeknight because they need to go to work the next day and you won’t get kicked out and they won’t have the time to call you out.

September 14, 2023 8:10 am

And rocks are really really heavy.

That is their strength.
If you can put a DEI exec under eighty-five tons of them, the whining can hardly be heard.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
September 14, 2023 8:14 am

Professor Langton was a prolific tweeter, and had amassed more than 30,000 followers and 51,000 separate tweets when she suddenly closed down her account in early 2023.

More tweets than followers? For someone with such a high profile?

51,000 tweets, huh? That just means that she has a lot of opinions rather than that they are profound ones. In fact, I would venture that they are the same handful of ideas tweeted repeatedly over tens of thousands of tweets tweaked only for who is a racist or a misogynist, on what mainstream Australian occasion this racism or misogyny was done, and what commonplace act is “really” the act of a racist or whatever.

“When the racist Joe Blow said he was proud to be an Australian on Australia Day, he was really talking about white Australia, overlooking the genocide required to bring that about.”

September 14, 2023 8:14 am

Hard to argue.


Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
September 14, 2023 8:17 am
September 14, 2023 8:19 am
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 14, 2023 8:23 am

Tony Burke looks as though he wishes he was somewhere else, very far away!

September 14, 2023 8:24 am

Now citizens of Barbados want reparation for their enslavement during the slavery movement. Look out UK. Where does it end?

September 14, 2023 8:25 am

Sep 14, 2023 5:25 AM

Interestingly, Intelslava did not report the huge attack on the port in Sevastopol. One has to read multiple sites these days to find out what’s going on.


Here is what we know about the incident so far.

Kiev strikes Crimea

The Wednesday morning attack on Crimea involved ten cruise missiles and three naval drones, the Russian Defense Ministry reported. The Russian military managed to intercept the unmanned speedboats and seven of the missiles. Those that reached the Sevastopol Shipyard damaged two ships.

The ministry did not identify the vessels, but said later in the day, after the fire caused by the strike was put out, that both can be restored and put back into service.

Russian media outlets have claimed that the damaged assets were the ‘Rostov-on-Don’ Kilo-class diesel-electric attack submarine and the ‘Minsk’ Ropucha-class landing ship.


The strike injured 24 people, according to Mikhail Razvozhaev, governor of the city of Sevastopol. He described the condition of four of them as serious. The blastwaves also shattered windows in nearby houses and damaged rooftops, the official added.

Unconfirmed media reports claimed that two people may have been killed in the attack. All the victims were reportedly employees of the shipyard, which is a major facility primarily involved in maintaining Russian warships.

September 14, 2023 8:28 am

Sep 14, 2023 7:34 AM

I must make 206k USD p.a. to date a 32 year old woman with a mannish face.


you will also need a Powerful Bike or Electric Pump to keep inflating the Forward Assests

September 14, 2023 8:31 am

Sep 14, 2023 7:04 AM

Speaking of Marcia, the hamster wheel has been busy combing through her Twitter history. hahahaha
She had a go at Mark Latham in 2018. It did not go well for her. ?

Marcia is too arrogant to realise once the history hamsters are after you, it’s like pointing the bone.


the Headline is too good to leave behind

Marcia Langton tweet emerges where Voice architect tells Mark Latham he is a ‘white supremacist, far right-wing arsehole’ who ‘deserves a slow, painful death’ and a ‘humiliating obituary’

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 14, 2023 8:35 am

Sep 14, 2023 8:24 AM
Now citizens of Barbados want reparation for their enslavement during the slavery movement. Look out UK. Where does it end?

The reparations should consist of repatriation to the homeland of their enslaved forebears, with a cash payment of $10,000 to start them off in their new lives.

September 14, 2023 8:36 am

Nasty piece of work, certainly but I wonder whether dear Marcia has been geed up to sink the whole voice b/s because, all of a sudden, the Albo brains trust realise just how toxic it is. Saving face has become crucial.

Black Ball
Black Ball
September 14, 2023 8:38 am

Sub heading Daily Telegraph:

The stranded passengers of a luxury cruise ship – carrying more than 100 Australian tourists – won’t be rescued until Friday as it emerged several Covid cases had been reported on board.

Leave them there. Not because of the glorified flu, rather extraordinary stupidity.

September 14, 2023 8:39 am

100 mil for the “Yes” campaign.

Should have remembered to remove Langton’s bile duct.

September 14, 2023 8:50 am

Dr. John Campbell

The [Nuremberg] Code

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 14, 2023 8:51 am

. Don’t they recall the reasons for the Intervention of the Howard regime?

I remember the “tribal elders” bawling that their “traditional authority” had been taken away.

Relatives of mine served on the “intervention.” The Aboriginal soldiers in the unit made great role models for some of the kids in those communities. “Well, yeah, if you want to be one of our mob, you have to be able to read and write – English – and we won’t take you if you’ve been in too much trouble with the cops…”

September 14, 2023 8:54 am

“Well, yeah, if you want to be one of our mob, you have to be able to read and write – English – and we won’t take you if you’ve been in too much trouble with the cops…”

What a terrible fate. Employability skills and no gaol time.

Peter Greagg
Peter Greagg
September 14, 2023 8:54 am

Joe Kelly in today’s Oz.
Sorry its a wordwall but it covers Jacinta’s Press Club Speech and the left’s attempt to walkback Macia’s ‘contributions towards harmony.
Of course you can scroll if you don’t want to read it.

No alternative: Jacinta Price’s Indigenous voice to parliament pitch

Jacinta Price hopes a No vote at the referendum will mean governments take greater accountability for improving the lives of First ­Nations people, warning a voice will only become “yet another ­battle ground for many Aboriginal voices to disagree, fall out and ­create division”.

In a draft version of her speech to the National Press Club in Canberra obtained by The Australian, the opposition Indigenous Australians spokeswoman will on Thursday say a voice to parliament will “undermine the importance of the Aboriginal members of parliament” who are “fighting to affect real change via the democratic structures by which they were elected”.

The No campaign’s leading spokeswoman laid out her vision of what a referendum defeat should mean for Australia, after a two-day political storm over claims from Marcia Langton ­opponents of the voice were being fed arguments steeped in “base ­racism … or just sheer stupidity”.
Using Professor Langton’s own words to attack her, Senator Price declared that “what would be ­racist, is segmenting our nation into ‘us’ and ‘them’.”

“You have to say it would also be stupidity to divide a nation when it has been growing ever more cohesive. To split it along fractures of race rather than try to bring it closer together,” she said. “My hope is that, after October 14, after defeating this voice of division, we can bring accountability to existing structures, and we can get away from assuming inner-city activists speak for all Aboriginals, and back to focusing on the real ­issues: education, employment, economic participation and safety from violence and sexual assault.”
Pointing to the Victorian ­experience with the Yoorrook Justice Commission, Senator Price also argued that Indigenous “truth-telling commissions” had “no desire to tell history in the round”. “They desire to misrepresent Aboriginal life prior to the arrival of the British as some form of Pasconian paradise,” she said. “And they want to demonise colonial settlement in its entirety and nurture a national self-loathing about the foundations of the modern Australian achievement.”
The address from Senator Price on Thursday comes after footage emerged of Professor Langton speaking at the University of Queensland on July 7 this year in which she suggested that 20 per cent of the population voting at the referendum were “spewing ­racism”. Professor Langton also doubled down on her assertion No campaign arguments in the voice referendum were “frankly stupid and racist” and confusing voters, ramping up her attack by hitting out at tactics she said were ­imported from overseas and damaging democracy.

“The No case has caused severe damage to our social fabric and to our democracy by importing overseas tactics using a call bank that automatically generates numbers and sending these messages out to millions of Australians. This is deeply damaging to our democracy,” Professor Langton told ABC radio on Wednesday.

“There’s a lot of work to do both with people who have legitimate concerns that need to be ­addressed and clarified and also those people who are simply confused by the very base and frankly stupid and racist claims being made by the No campaign to frighten Australians into believing that the referendum will result in damage to the Australian social and democratic fabric.”

Indigenous Australians Minister Linda Burney refused to condemn Professor Langton’s comments in parliament after being asked by deputy Liberal leader Sussan Ley if the remarks were in accord with her request for people involved in the referendum to act respectfully and with care.

“There is no room for racism in Australia. The pain of racism is real for those people who have experienced it. It is something that should not be used for political purposes,” Ms Burney said.

Campaigner for the No case, Warren Mundine, rejected Professor Langton’s suggestion 20 per cent of Australians were racist as “pure nonsense”. “Many Aboriginals enjoy a good life in Australia and we’ve got migrants who have come overseas living here and millions more want to come here. So this idea that 20 per cent of Australians are spewing racism is a bizarre comment,” he said.

SA Liberal senator Kerrynne Liddle, who is also Indigenous, said Professor Langton’s views of the No campaign were “pretty ordinary”. “I’m not going to be moved by commentary that suggests my position is ill-informed, stupid or racist,” she said. “But I’m really troubled for those people who hold a No position who aren’t as comfortable as I am with taking this position.”

Yes23 co-chair Rachel Perkins said there was “only a very small margin” of Australians with racist views, as she defended Professor Langton’s attack.

Campaigning in Perth for a Yes vote, Ms Perkins said Professor Langton’s comments from Sunday had been taken out of context.
“That was unfortunate. She’s now had the opportunity to respond and you can see that she’s talking about some of the No case’s material,” Ms Perkins told 6PR radio. “We have seen ads from the No case … that do have those racist undertones and we have seen some commentary from some people associated with the No case that is very upsetting.”

“The thing we’ve got to keep in mind is Australia is fundamentally not a racist country. People are having their views not necessarily based on racism at all. People are having their views because they might have concerns but we have to be understanding that people are still making their minds up.”

Uluru Dialogue Strategic ­Adviser and former journalist Kirstie Parker said the Yes campaign was appealing to Australians not to be frightened into voting no based upon mischief-making and subterfuge by outfits like Fair Australia who she said had abandoned honesty, decency, fairness – all long-held Australian values. “Such ‘no campers’ are trolling Aussies, and I hope Aussies will understand that come referendum day, and vote accordingly,” she said.

The Coalition peppered Ms Burney with questions in parliament over several controversial remarks Professor Langton had made – including that families had been broken apart by social workers who were, by and large, white and racist – while demanding detail over how the voice would work. The government also sought to escalate its attack against Peter Dutton, labelling him the “chief propagandist” of misinformation and mistruths in the referendum campaign.
“The Leader of the Opposition has taken the weirdest whispers from the furthest fringes of social media and legitimised them and amplified them here in the people’s house of parliament,” Jim Chalmers said. “He has seen this (the referendum) from the very beginning, not as a chance for unity, but as an excuse to practise the usual nasty and negative and angry and dishonest and divisive politics.” In her National Press Club address to be delivered on Thursday, Senator Price said that, to argue the voice was a request of First Nations people, was to play into “backwards, neo-colonial racial stereotyping, suggesting that all Aboriginal people think the same, feel the same and want for the same things”.

“Despite racial stereotyping that suggests Aboriginal Australians are one homogenous group, we are not,” she said. “I am one of 11 Indigenous voices in parliament, and I will not accept … our democratically elected voices are redundant because we belong to political parties.

September 14, 2023 8:55 am

Bruce of Newcastle
Sep 14, 2023 8:04 AM

Geology is racist.

‘Too rock heavy,’ too ableist, too white: Geoscience students identify concerns in field (13 Sep)

From the Comments

– You can take this pile of schist for granite.

– Agate what you’re saying.

– So Sad…..There are no queer rocks.

– “Courses are too rock heavy.” You lost me there. Geology is rocks so get over it

And one For Dot and the USD $206K Woman

– I identify as The Rock. Not a rock, The Rock. Fear my abs and natural animal magnetism which is ironic for (a) The Rock.

As someone who did Geology 1 at Sydney Uni under Phipps & Brannigan – What an Idiot of a Woman!

September 14, 2023 8:58 am


From Indolent’s First Thing’s link.

There’s a very short and very brutal poem by the Scottish poet Hollie McNish, written in 2019 and titled “Conversation with an archaeologist”:

he said they’d found a brothel
on the dig he did last night
I asked him how they know
he sighed:
a pit of babies’ bones
a pit of newborn babies’ bones was how to spot a brothel

“It’s true, you know,” said the writer and lawyer Helen Dale when we had lunch in London last year and I mentioned this poem, which I chose as one of the epigraphs to my book The Case Against the Sexual Revolution. Helen was a classicist before she was a lawyer, and as a younger woman she had taken part in archaeological excavations of ancient Roman sites. “First you find the erotic statuary,” she went on, “and then you dig a bit more and you find the male infant skeletons.” Male, of course, because the males were of no use to the keepers of Roman brothels, whereas the female infants born to prostituted women were raised into prostitution themselves.

**They could have sold them to the Emperor and heirs presumptive of the Emperors to become Praetorian Guards. That’s the economist in me optimising Roman society.

Black Ball
Black Ball
September 14, 2023 8:59 am

Andrew Bolt:

Marcia Langton says the media has lied about her.

No, she hadn’t said Australians against the Voice were “racists” and “stupid” – well, apart from all the ones who are. Got it?

I hope so, because this is now the scandal that’s suddenly galvanised depressed Yes campaigners, the ABC and the Albanese government, whose Voice is headed for a catastrophic defeat on October 14.

Finally! An excuse for their failure: the lies of the wicked Murdoch media!

In fact, Langton is threatening to call in the lawyers after The Australian newspaper on Tuesday reported comments she made at a meeting on the weekend, under this devastating headline, since rewritten: “No voters branded racist, stupid by prominent Voice campaigner Marcia Langton.”

But let’s fact-check this huffery.

I always thought it insane to appoint an angry race-monger like Professor Langton, a member of the Albanese government’s Referendum Working Group, to co-design and then sell the Voice – this Aboriginal-only advisory parliament – that’s curiously meant to bring us “reconciliation”.

Reconciliation from Langton? From a woman notorious for calling many people racist for making arguments she didn’t like?

Boy, does Langton have form, not just for abusing conservatives such as former prime minister John Howard, historian Geoffrey Partington and me.

She’s also attacked Leftists. Environmentalist Tim Flannery, racist. Feminist Germaine Greer, racist. Professor and green Boris Frankel, racist.

Who hasn’t she abused as racist? She’s claimed Northern Australia had once had “Ku Klux Klan” groups that “wanted Aboriginal people wiped off the face of the Earth”.

Heavens, three years ago she even attacked social workers, who she said “by and large are white and racist”. We had racist police, too.

So Langton has a dirty record of playing the racism card – playing it so baselessly that the ABC was even forced to publicly apologise to me through gritted teeth for letting her falsely accuse me of racially abusing an academic friend.

But not this time, she says. She’s innocent! She never said No voters were racist and stupid. “I don’t believe that most Australians are racists,” she protested.

And true, what she was actually recorded saying was that it was the arguments of No campaigners that were racist and stupid, not the voters themselves: “Every time the No cases raise their arguments, if you start pulling it apart, you get down to base racism – I’m sorry to say that’s where it lands – or sheer stupidity.”

So, yes, The Australian’s headline was not quite accurate. Bad!

But not so fast. We are talking about Langton here, and the problem for the Yes campaign is that even when she was defending herself on ABC Radio on Wednesday, she still managed to suggest that, actually, many No voters were indeed racist, or stupid to believe the No campaign’s arguments.

It wasn’t just the No campaigners who were racist, you see.

Media outlets were racist, too, she said: “It reminds me very much of the kind of racism we are getting from the media.”

No voters she’d spoken to were racist: “A lot of people don’t understand how what they’re saying is racist.”

Others were too stupid to know they’d been conned by racist arguments: “I thought it important to explain to her how she was duped … People are now so confused that they don’t know what they’re voting on.”

Racist and stupid, then. Like the headline said.

These No voters must be, because Langton argues the No campaigners are turning their heads with racist messages – messages that “appeal to the long-held tropes of discrimination”, she said last week – so clearly voters must be racist or at least stupid enough to believe them. In Langton’s world.

Sorry, perhaps you think I’m playing word games just to paint an innocent, loving professor as a terrible race-monger.

In fact, Langton was much more explicit – you might even say honest – about what she really thinks of No voters a couple of months ago, before the Yes campaign realised in a panic that this kind of abuse wasn’t working and switched to preaching love.

In July, Langton told a University of Queensland gathering that maybe “20 per cent” of voters were “the ones spewing the racism”, and the Liberals and Nationals were also “appealing to their racist base”. Racists, racists everywhere, in Langton’s angry gaze.

Racists and stupid people, however much she now protests we’ve got her wrong – that, no, “I don’t believe that most Australians are racists”.

Let’s see if Langton still says that when the Voice is defeated. Any bets?

September 14, 2023 9:04 am

Prostitution today is unlikely to be a significant abortion driver. I take issue with the “male lust” jibe in the modern day.

Tinder (much more equal, Bumble is female-dominated) would be the putative cause now and interviews with former adult stars – they now often have children but are totally disconnected from the potential lives they ended before motherhood.

I’m even willing to bet Tinder, PH and OF have outcompeted bordellos. There could be grant money in that!

September 14, 2023 9:06 am

Helen was a classicist before she was a lawyer, and as a younger woman she had taken part in archaeological excavations of ancient Roman sites.

And prior to that she was a Ukrainian novelist.

September 14, 2023 9:06 am

I also suspect the true financial public cost of an abortion is higher than the out-of-pocket expense or Medicare item that the practitioner can claim, notwithstanding the economic costs (financial and implicit costs).

September 14, 2023 9:06 am

Sep 14, 2023 8:10 AM

Off to the wilds of Wiluna for a couple of weeks…

/ and he was never seen again

As we stopped in Wilina to refuel at IGA, as we came out of the Bottom of the Canning Stock Route, Owner told us not to stay in the town, but head out to along the the Great Central Road – Great Advice – unfortunately now closed

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
September 14, 2023 9:09 am

Marcia – like many leftist luminaries (loony-maries) – success does not come from being smart. It comes from having a following. She doesn’t attract them of cold facts but instead with inner-glowing feelings of righteousness, therefore a flare for a shouty indignant rhetoric is the pass to success.

Kids love that shit. Lap it up. After watching TV for years where heroic figures swoop in, save the victims, punish the ignorant, and adored by the viewers, the appeal of being the heroic figure (ostentatiously fighting for the victims, sadistically punishing wrongdoers, then walking around without your feet touching the ground buoyed by heroism) is irresistible.

For the followers, the ones who see themselves in a TV show, lack of real world experience would deprive them of the opportunity. Lack of maturity means they see the world with themselves as the centre, even if the likes of Marcia orbit like a Ptolemaic sun. They do not see other people as themselves being centres. (That line about the universe being a perfect sphere with its centre everywhere but its edges nowhere would be a useful conceit, but you have to do some living to discover that is inescapable).

But Marcia and her ilk have woven a whole other world from airy histories and axioms, without weight, substance, or restraints. Champion Aborigines no matter whether it works or not. It is the doing, not what is done, that satisfies. Despise HoWARd, Dutton, cis white men – spit on them, kick at them, carry placards, paint them in the most villainous black you can, so as to show of your resplendent peacock feathers.

And only ever engage with people who flatter you.

September 14, 2023 9:11 am

Senator Price said that, to argue the voice was a request of First Nations people, was to play into “backwards, neo-colonial racial stereotyping, suggesting that all Aboriginal people think the same, feel the same and want for the same things”.

Go on, Jacinta, hit ’em with that cluebat…hit ’em hard!

Black Ball
Black Ball
September 14, 2023 9:12 am

Bolt from 2019:

Marcia Langton is the most toxic example of Australia’s new habit of screaming “racist” just to shut down debates.

She is the most toxic of many, in my opinion, because Melbourne University has honoured her as one of our finest professors.

The university made her a Redmond Barry Distinguished Professor, as well as its Foundation Chair of Australian Indigenous Studies. Here, we’re asked to believe, is a great role model of an academic.

Yet a month ago she heaped homophobic abuse on a young gay man who’d defended the free speech of Israel Folau, sacked by Rugby Australia for quoting the Bible against gays.

Langton sneered: “He probably thinks he’s gay because he masturbates too much.”

When challenged on Twitter, Langton replied with even more homophobic abuse: “Gay? I don’t think so; more like Milo. Twisted.”

That was appalling enough, but what followed demonstrated Langton’s more dangerous influence on public debate.

I’d criticised Langton’s homophobic abuse in one of my columns, and last Thursday I paid for it.

Langton was interviewed on the ABC’s Late Night Live and teed off. She claimed that northern Australia had once had “Ku Klux Klan” groups that “wanted Aboriginal people wiped off the face of the earth”.

A few minutes later, Langton added: “If the likes of Andrew Bolt don’t stop his vendetta against us (Aborigines), his racist vendetta against us, will he stop doing this to our children …

“They are spiteful, vicious peddlers of hate and there’s not an original idea between the lot of them. It’s all borrowed from the Ku Klux Klan and the far-Right in America.”

Everything Langton said was false. I am not a racist, am mounting no such “vendetta”, and am not borrowing from the KKK, which I loathe.

The insinuation that I want Aborigines “wiped off the face of the earth” is a grotesque falsehood.

I have asked the ABC to publicly apologise for broadcasting such a defamatory attack.

If it does, it won’t be the first time. The ABC five years ago apologised to me for broadcasting similar falsehoods from Langton, when she claimed I’d racially abused an Adelaide Aboriginal academic (I hadn’t) who as a result “withdrew” from public life (she didn’t).

Days later, Langton herself apologised to me on 2GB for those untruths and for also once falsely claiming I believed in foul theories of “racial hygiene” and “the master race”.

She admitted of me: “I don’t think he’s a racist.”

Still, the times being vicious, I’m hearing from Leftists gloating that Langton has smeared me again.

But they overlook that Langton uses this same sick tactic against many on the Left, too.

Here is a partial list of the people she has vilified with the great shut-up word of our times:

ENVIRONMENTALIST Tim Flannery — accused by Langton on the ABC of pushing a “racist” argument that Aborigines had not been great preservers of nature.

LABOUR lawyer Josh Bornstein — implicitly accused of racism in defending Flannery, with Langton snapping: “Doodums. Did the nig nog speak back?”

LEFTIST professor and green Boris Frankel — accused of a “racism (that) is obvious” after criticising Langton for telling the ABC the green movement was racist.

LEFTIST journalism academic Wendy Bacon and journalist Wendy Carlisle — accused of failing to grasp the “invisibility of racism” after they criticised Langton’s ABC Boyer lectures.

FEMINIST Germaine Greer — accused by Langton of making “racist” arguments about the rage of Aboriginal men, and of having a “cleverly disguised contempt for Aboriginal people”.

PROFESSOR Larissa Behrendt, who identifies as Aboriginal and has a white mother — accused by Langton of having “assumed the role of superior thinkers whose grand education and positions in the metropolis qualify them to heap contempt on the natives”.

FORMER Prime Minister John Howard — accused by Langton of having wielded “rate hatred” with “callous deliberation”.

HISTORIAN and author Geoffrey Partington — likened by Langton on ABC radio to a notorious Nazi racist: “Hitler had Goebbels, John Howard’s got Geoffrey Partington.”

Who hasn’t Langton accused of racism, when she’s also said “Australia is an extremely racist country”?

True, Langton’s attacks are sometimes on people I’ve criticised, too, and for much the same reasons.

But Langton’s use of a high-impact hate word like “racist” so often and so unfairly is not just vicious but makes important debates almost impossible.

So how can Melbourne University advertise Langton as one of its most distinguished professors?

How sad if that’s so.

And how can the ABC, our national broadcaster, keep helping Langton to spread her smears?

She’s got Cox Plate winning Group One form has Gollum. You can’t tell me she is not unlike him.

September 14, 2023 9:15 am

Peter Greagg
Sep 14, 2023 8:54 AM

Joe Kelly in today’s Oz.
Sorry its a wordwall but it covers Jacinta’s Press Club Speech and the left’s attempt to walkback Macia’s ‘contributions towards harmony.
Of course you can scroll if you don’t want to read it.


thanks for posting & all Ctats who post paywall articles – always worth reading

September 14, 2023 9:15 am

Material I found last night was disturbing, big hits on sperm count. The inflammation may have caused permanent damage and ACE2 receptors, the spike protein target, very high in testis.

Pssh ..why would Gates and co, and all his coterie who seem obsessed with reducing the earths human population to 500 million, support a vax program that impairs fertility? (Ignore their track record in Africa, and the wildlife sterilising by vax technology they developed).

As sancho would say : Paging Joe Vialls….

Fair Shake
Fair Shake
September 14, 2023 9:17 am

Climate Change nonsense. I went to a friends place recently for beer and pizza. Suburbs not quite inner Melbourne but within 10km. Friend had renovated his house in recent years and it looks stunning. I complimented him on the gas fireplace, looked magnificent. (The house is otherwise heated with hydro something). He told me the fireplace was a waste of $12k. They never turn it on as wife wants to do their bit to save the planet and move away from gas. Two others in the room cited similar situations in their homes. These previously intelligent people have fallen for this shyte. I doubt it will ever be undone.
I retorted that when they throw it out on the next hard rubbish collection day, give me a call the week before.

H B Bear
H B Bear
September 14, 2023 9:17 am

thefrollickingmole at 8 10

Off to the wilds of Wiluna for a couple of weeks…

WA’s Wilcannia. Pleased to say that one’s still on the Bucket List. Good luck.

H B Bear
H B Bear
September 14, 2023 9:18 am

Hope Knight is getting overtime. So much raw material pouring in.

September 14, 2023 9:18 am

Some interesting quotes , some are pro-Ukraine sources;

Na’omi Ducaena Allen
English speaking spokesperson for the Ukrainian military: Ukraine will hunt down “Russian propagandists” around the world.

“Russia overcomes sanctions to expand missile production,now exceeds pre-war levels”

Russia btw has whole cities dedicated to producing missiles. I lived near one of them.

Clint Ehrlich
Neocons claim sending arms to Ukraine is “worth it” because we’re degrading Russia’s military.

Now the @NYT admits they’ve doubled their tank production. And they’re making 7X as many shells as we can.

Congratulations: We’ve built the very enemy we feared.

September 14, 2023 9:19 am

Further to Dunny, I’ve made paltry excuses for him until now. However he, an adult man, has chosen to hitch his baggage on a feel good campaign of disinformation and misinformation. By doing so, he’s willingly sided with scum like Langton. No thank you, I now have zero respect for him. I reckon if the Voice goes down, he’ll depart Sky.

There are so many good people working in the wings who could replace Chris Kenny at a moment’s notice, Rita Panahi, Rowan Dean, Liz Storer, James McPherson, and Caroline Marcus who I think would do a great job.

H B Bear
H B Bear
September 14, 2023 9:25 am

Another serve of gold from Albrechtsen in today’s Paywallian.

H B Bear
H B Bear
September 14, 2023 9:29 am

Chris Kenny is normally sound but isn’t he from Adelaide? That is a terrible burden to carry all your life.

H B Bear
H B Bear
September 14, 2023 9:30 am

Coming from Adelaide is a real downer.

September 14, 2023 9:31 am

They never turn it on as wife wants to do their bit to save the planet and move away from gas.

They should burn wood – its totally renewable and sooo recycley…. the CO2 from the fire goes right back into the trees. No downsides at all.

Fun memory: watching a big V8 Classic Rally car blast off the line at the Robertstown rally, framed by wind turbines, and with a big sticker on the back window: ” Ridding the world of fossil fuels as fast as we possibly can”

Cassie of Sydney
September 14, 2023 9:33 am

I think Janet A must read the Cat too, I wrote a comment the other day about how big businesses in this country have no one apart from themselves to blame for the far-left, anti-business, quagmire that is now engulfing them from this hard-left government. Do I feel sorry for them? Nup, since May last year all they’ve done is schmooze to Sleazy and his cohort of grubs. However, I do however feel sorry for small and medium sized businesses, and I feel sympathy for those few large companies that have stayed neutral, be it on SSM, Pride, da Voice et al.

Janet A was too gracious. It hasn’t just been the little Irishman cosying up to Sleazy and co, all of them are in on it.

Has anyone posted Janet’s piece?

September 14, 2023 9:38 am

Vlad & Kim…brothers in armaments.

September 14, 2023 9:42 am

Yesterday I was pondering the fact that virtually all the non-profits and churches are officially pro-Yes (try to find one of any significance that isn’t).

I suggest it’s no coincidence that they are all on the government teat.

September 14, 2023 9:43 am

Chris Kenny is normally sound…

No, he is normally unsound.

He supported gay ‘marriage’ using the same trite ‘it’s really a conservative idea’ rationale he now uses to back constitutional apartheid. Also made the same pleas for everyone to debate each other nicely and not be so mean etc.

Staying with Sky…

1. Somebody in production please tell the anchors to stop YELLING

2. And tell Paul Murray that his nightly getitoffmychest-orial is now running to 30 minutes

3. And teach the anchors how to ask a question in less than 500 words

H B Bear
H B Bear
September 14, 2023 9:45 am

You have Big Government and Big Business. Now you have Big Church. Have a look where the ex-pollies end up.

September 14, 2023 9:45 am

There are so many good people working in the wings who could replace Chris Kenny at a moment’s notice, Rita Panahi, Rowan Dean, Liz Storer, James McPherson, and Caroline Marcus who I think would do a great job.

Kenny is running last or second last most days in the Sky after dark ratings. In fact, on Tuesday, Kenny’s 8pm hour did not even register in the top 20 Australian pay TV shows.

Sky’s new ratings star is Sharri Markson at 5pm. While it is advertised as “opinion”, Markson’s hour is the only Sky evening show devoted to breaking news stories — which she has been doing regularly.

Kenny was moved from 5pm to 8pm this year to make way for Markson.

It’s not hard to imagine his next move will be out the door.

September 14, 2023 9:48 am

And teach the anchors how to ask a question in less than 500 words

That’s why I can’t be bothered watching.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 14, 2023 9:49 am

Off to the wilds of Wiluna for a couple of weeks…

Long standing friend of the family – now gone to God – worked for the old Native Welfare Department in Wiluna – he spent years in that shithole.

September 14, 2023 9:52 am

‘Weaponized Govt Agencies’ “Don’t Wish Good Things For Me” – Musk Blames Biden Admin For Ukraine-Starlink Block

“I don’t know really what their issue is.”

That’s how the world’s richest man describes the apparent ‘beef’ that the Biden administration has with him (apart from him calling them on their bullshit and enabling a free-speech platform for others to discuss non-approved narratives).

Specifically, Elon Musk told the panel on the ‘All-In’ Podcast Summit yesterday:

“…there does seem to be some significant increase in the weaponization of government and really sort of misuse of prosecutorial discretion in many areas… I think this is really a dangerous thing for there to be partisan politics with government agencies.”

“Elon, does the Biden administration have it out for you, and why?” All-In host entrepreneur David Sacks asked Musk.

“Ha. What ever gave you that idea?” Musk joked.

“I don’t think the whole administration has it out for me,” he added.

“But I think there’s probably aspects of the administration… or aspects of interests aligned with President Biden who probably do not wish good things for me.”

As a reminder, DOJ and SEC are currently investigating Tesla for allegedly allocating funds to a secret project to build Musk a house – which Musk has denied (and Walter Isaacson’s biography also confirms has been dropped).

Additionally SpaceX is being investigated by DOJ for not hiring illegal immigrants (no, seriously). Then there’s the FAA nitpicking over SpaceX approval:

“The only thing holding back the second planned Starship at this point is regulatory approval,” signifying that they are only waiting for FAA for their next launch.

Musk made it clear that Walter Isaacson – his biographer – had misunderstood the situation and that the initial decision to not allow access to Starlink around the Crimean border was due to sanctions from the Biden administration.

“Starlink have provided connectivity to Ukraine since the beginning of the war and as the Ukrainian government has said, Starlink was instrumental in the defense of Ukraine – although the media forgets to mention that.”

Musk explains that “at the time [the attack] happened, the region around Crimea was turned off… and the reason it was turned off was because the United States has sanctions against Russia, which includes Crimea, and we are not allowed to turn on connectivity to a sanctioned country without explicit permission – which we did not have from the US government.”

Starlink was approached with immediate demands in the middle of the night to turn on Crimea, by the Ukrainian government, which Musk explains “was to enable a Pearl-Harbor-type attack on Sevastopol. So they were really asking us to take part proactively in a major act of war.”

The billionaire continued to note that while we have

“huge empathy and support” for the Ukrainian people, Musk notes more seriously, “the Ukrainian government is not in charge of American people or companies.”

The audience applauded as he added “that’s not how it works.”

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 14, 2023 9:54 am

Ex-ADF members face jail for training foreigners without authorisation.

By ben packham
Foreign Affairs and Defence Correspondent
10:30PM September 13, 2023

Former Australian Defence Force personnel who train foreign forces without approval will face jail terms of up to 20 years under new legislation to be introduced into parliament on Thursday.

The proposed new law to prevent the disclosure of sensitive Defence information comes amid allegations that Australian citizen and former “Top Gun” aviator Daniel Duggan helped to train Chinese fighter pilots.

Once passed it will require former ADF personnel and Defence public servants to obtain authorisation to work for foreign militaries or governments.
Read Next

Those seeking to work for Australia’s Five Eyes allies – the US, UK, New Zealand and Canada – will be exempt from having to secure permission under the legislation.

The move comes as the US and UK seek assurances that Australia is able to protect military secrets shared under the AUKUS alliance, including those related to nuclear submarines, new missile systems, quantum computing and artificial intelligence.

The new legislation will extend existing laws that prevent the sharing of Defence secrets, applying them to those who seek “to perform work” for foreign powers, or “provide training in relation to military techniques or controlled military items”.

Those who fail to abide by the provisions face 20 years sentences, while those who contravene authorisation conditions will be liable for five year jail terms.

Defence Minister Richard Marles will tell parliament that the importance of safeguarding the nation‘s sensitive military secrets “cannot be overstated”.

“The protection of our nation’s secrets and sensitive information is central to preserving Australia’s national security and to keeping Australians safe,” Mr Marles will say, according to an extract of his speech.

He will argue the change is not intended to prevent Australians from working overseas or with all foreign governments.

“Rather, our legislative intent is to prevent individuals with knowledge of sensitive Defence information from training or working for certain foreign militaries or governments where that activity would put Australia’s national security at risk,” Mr Marles will say.

Decisions on whether to grant authorisations under the framework will be made by the Defence Minister, who will consider the type of work the applicant performed for Defence and their access to confidential information.

The length of their service, the type of work they intend to undertake, and the foreign country they intend to work for will also be considered.

Mr Duggan, a former US Marine Corps member, was arrested in the NSW city of Orange, October 21 last year, three days after British media reported up to 30 RAF pilots had gone to China to train military pilots in return for big salaries.

He is fighting US efforts to extradite him on conspiracy and money laundering charges arising from his alleged training of Chinese fighter pilots at a South African flight school more than a decade ago.

The US alleges Mr Duggan’s training breached US laws related to the exporting of defence services.

Mr Duggan, who is being held at the Lithgow Correctional Centre, denies any wrongdoing, and his supporters say the pilots he trained were civilians.

His wife Saffrine, who has six children with Mr Duggan, said they would “fight this terrible injustice”.

“Not only are we standing up for a loving husband, a father, and a friend – we’re standing up for Australian sovereignty,” she said in July.

September 14, 2023 9:54 am

While I believe the labels ‘racist’ & ‘racism’ are now so overused as to render them meaningless, it strikes me that they might be genuinely applied to those who wish to continue to subject our indigenous Australians to low expectations & a programmed helplessness (dependence upon the state). The inVoice-Free Spear-Treats process will concrete this perception of inferiority into the nation’s foundations.

September 14, 2023 9:55 am

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Sep 14, 2023 9:49 AM

Off to the wilds of Wiluna for a couple of weeks…

Long standing friend of the family – now gone to God – worked for the old Native Welfare Department in Wiluna – he spent years in that shithole.


this is the IGA, Post Office, Petrol Station in Wiluna – Salubrious – has everyting you need,120.2246376,3a,75y,268.08h,91.78t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sFN2AKjHQMgnbE8aybg6EaQ!2e0!7i3328!8i1664?entry=ttu

September 14, 2023 9:55 am

That’s why I can’t be bothered watching.

You’re not missing much, Calli — although I would recommend Sharri at 5pm on Sky to find out stuff you didn’t already know.

The only novelty of Sky News at night is tuning in to people whose opinions are much nearer the electorate’s than the rest of the TV media, which is now wall-to-wall lefty.

Black Ball
Black Ball
September 14, 2023 9:57 am

“They desire to misrepresent Aboriginal life prior to the arrival of the British as some form of Pasconian paradise,” she said. “And they want to demonise colonial settlement in its entirety and nurture a national self-loathing about the foundations of the modern Australian achievement.”

Just beautiful.
I emailed Langton with Bolt’s columns and I will again with this.

September 14, 2023 10:00 am

Defence Minister Richard Marles will tell parliament that the importance of safeguarding the nation‘s sensitive military secrets “cannot be overstated”.

“The protection of our nation’s secrets and sensitive information is central to preserving Australia’s national security and to keeping Australians safe,” Mr Marles will say, according to an extract of his speech.

Australia’s military secrets. LOL.

Johnny Rotten
September 14, 2023 10:03 am

You have Big Government and Big Business. Now you have Big Church. Have a look where the ex-pollies end up.

Or even Big Bad Guv’ment and Big Bad Business. Not too sure about the Church though. Although the Church is all over the shop these days.

September 14, 2023 10:06 am

Elbow should stick to plagiarising Aaron Sorkin, speech-wise.

Black Ball
Black Ball
September 14, 2023 10:07 am

“The protection of our nation’s secrets and sensitive information is central to preserving Australia’s national security and to keeping Australians safe,” Mr Marles will say, according to an extract of his speech.

Much like his flight logs.

September 14, 2023 10:07 am

Stunning map shows the extent of Native Title control in Australia – as senator warns there are many more Aboriginal claims to come: Here’s what it means for you

A stunning map has unveiled that Native Title, a legal recognition of Aboriginal rights over an area, covers nearly half of Australia’s landmass.

Native title holders can get compensation for things the government has done to stop them from exercising their rights, such as building a bridge or a road.

The map, prepared by the National Native Title Tribunal, shows some 50 per cent of Australia is under Native Title, with the sections divided by dark and light green to distinguish between ‘exclusive’ and ‘non-exclusive’ zones.

A further 12 per cent of land is being assessed for Native Title, with these areas coded in blue patches or stripes.

It’s important to note that Native Title can only be claimed for Crown land and is not applicable to privately held properties.

When a Native Title determination specifies ‘exclusive’ rights, it means the Indigenous group has exclusive ownership and control over the area in question, excluding all others, including government authorities and non-Indigenous individuals or entities.

Non-exclusive Native Title in Australia grants Indigenous groups shared rights and interests in land without exclusive control.

It can grant native title holders the right to local cultural practices, such as the right to live in the area, hunt, fish, gather food or teach law and custom on country.

September 14, 2023 10:08 am

Break it to me Drs Duk and John H – given I took Novavaxxxxx, are my balls okay?

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
September 14, 2023 10:11 am

While I believe the labels ‘racist’ & ‘racism’ are now so overused as to render them meaningless…

Not at all meaningless.

Racist(adj/n), Racism(n):

1) Shut up;
2) I don’t agree with you and arguing the point is too difficult;
3) A person (esp. a tall, white, heteronormative male) who fails to accept that identity is truth and is essentially a Grampian Garage Nasty.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 14, 2023 10:12 am

“They desire to misrepresent Aboriginal life prior to the arrival of the British as some form of Pasconian paradise,” she said.

From memory, it was one of the Dodson brothers who claimed that colonialism was responsible for domestic violence in outback communities?

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
September 14, 2023 10:15 am

“The protection of our nation’s secrets and sensitive information is central to preserving Australia’s national security and to keeping Australians safe,” Mr Marles will say…

Technical Note: Sensitive Information = flight manifests of RAAF aircraft bearing ministerial family and friends and golf clubs. Emperor Xi is gagging for such secrets.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
September 14, 2023 10:18 am

Langton was interviewed on the ABC’s Late Night Live and teed off. She claimed that northern Australia had once had “Ku Klux Klan” groups that “wanted Aboriginal people wiped off the face of the earth”.

I have never heard of such things. Never heard of them as fact nor even as rumour.

So where did it come from? I have a sneaking feeling (actually, not sneaking, it is sitting with me and we are having a bit of a laugh at her expense) that she thinks she can just make stuff up and it will become ‘a’ truth – and any disputing it is racist.

She is manufacturing the racism she complains of.

It makes me think of the high school physics thing with reflecting curved surfaces with virtual images. You sit in the real world and draw lines from Marcia’s imagined events and imagined racists and create an unreal, virtual racism. She should try looking on the other side of the apparatus – she would see there is nothing there.

September 14, 2023 10:18 am

Technical Note: Sensitive Information = flight manifests

Yep. Preparing the way for the coming announcement that the manifests will no longer be made public. The LNP will fall over themselves in the rush to agree.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 14, 2023 10:19 am

For Russia tea leaf readers this one I saw today was interesting.

Putin: sending Soviet tanks into Hungary and Czechoslovakia was a mistake (12 Sep)

Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Tuesday that the Soviet Union’s decision to send tanks into Hungary and Czechoslovakia to crush mass protests during the Cold War was a mistake. “It was a mistake,” Putin said when asked about perceptions of Russia as a colonial power due to Moscow’s decision to send tanks into Budapest in 1956 and into Prague in 1968. “It is not right to do anything in foreign policy that harms the interests of other peoples,” said Putin, who in 2022 sent tens of thousands of troops into Ukraine, triggering the biggest land war in Europe since World War Two.

I’ve linked the Lucianne entry, which comes originally from Reuters. The initial invasion of Ukraine seemed to be modeled on the Czechoslovakian one. Why he’s saying this now I don’t know. He does go on to criticize the US for doing exactly this sort of thing, which may be the context. He’s got a point, a real point, with that.

September 14, 2023 10:26 am

Australia’s military secrets.

They could end up twenty years behind too.
Old jungle Classified Materials saying.

Cassie of Sydney
September 14, 2023 10:27 am

“She is manufacturing the racism she complains of.”

Well yes, hardly surprising. This is the left’s stock in trade now, the manufacture of lies.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 14, 2023 10:30 am

Vlad & Kim…brothers in armaments.

I believe it’s called horizontal escalation.

There was a bit of horizontal escalation at the summit…

Putin delivered ‘bone crusher’ handshake to ‘sleepy’ Kim Jong Un ahead of meeting in Russia (13 Sep)

“First of all we have the first handshake as Putin exits the car. It is clear that Putin proceeds himself and wants to be perceived as a stronger force. His first move is to advance very closely to Kim and give him a ‘bone crusher’ handshake

I believe he is ever so slightly intimidated by Putin, which is probably the intention. I also noticed that if you zoom in on Kim, he appears to be falling asleep as his eyes cannot seem to stay open.

Ouch, my hand hurts. 😀

September 14, 2023 10:32 am

She is manufacturing the racism she complains of.

Marxism/fascism 101 standard operating procedure in 2023.

It’s nearly 80 years since fascists lost the last world war and they’re getting desperate for a new one.

September 14, 2023 10:35 am

Why he’s saying this now I don’t know. He does go on to criticize the US for doing exactly this sort of thing, which may be the context.

Remember, for Putin Ukraine’s (Rus’ Minor) destiny is inextricably tied to Russia’s and Ukrainians are Little Russians. Ergo, in his eyes his actions in Ukraine are not those of a colonialist enterprise.

Whether his analysis of the history stands up to scrutiny is another matter.

And then there’s the small matter of the Ukrainian view.

September 14, 2023 10:35 am

OldOzzie “coming out of the bottom of the Canning Stock Route”, phrasing! That’s why there are so many Kiwis in WA, they think the Canning Stock Route is an annual event.

September 14, 2023 10:38 am

“She is manufacturing the racism she complains of.”

Where would the aboriginal industry be without “racism”?

September 14, 2023 10:39 am

“It is not right to do anything in foreign policy that harms the interests of other peoples,”

“Peoples”. A nod to other ethnicities perhaps? Putin has stated that Russia considers the majority of people in SE Ukraine to be of Russian ethnicity with desires to stay Russian centric. And has stated he considers US/EU backed Ukraine was causing considerable harm to ethnic Russians in Ukraine. His context might be ; EU/US/Ukraine have a policy of harming ethic Russians.

It looks to me like Putin is differentiating this invasion from previous Soviet incursions decades back. Whereby the Sovs were using force to maintain the expanded Soviet communist system on a satellite country. Here he seems to be claiming Russia acts as a protector of it’s “peoples” in Ukraine.

He’s speaking also to the woke west’s claims of Russia being rabidly expansionist, while NATO continually marches east to Russian borders, all the while declaring evil Russia as it’s sworn enemy.

September 14, 2023 10:39 am

Dot they don’t look ok, are they supposed to be that colour.

Peter Greagg
Peter Greagg
September 14, 2023 10:45 am

Janet A from the OZ today.

The full enormity of their folly must be hitting big business like a hammer blow
Follow @jkalbrechtsen

If it weren’t for their nauseating virtue-signalling and their stupidity, you could almost feel sorry for big business. As the second wave of the government’s industrial relations legislation, the dishonestly named Closing Loopholes Bill, lands on them, the full enormity of their folly must be hitting big business like a hammer blow.

Few business leaders may have read Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness, but the famous phrase “The horror! The horror!” is the best literary summary of how they must feel. Having cosied up to the ALP and to every progressive cause available in the hope and pious belief an ALP government would stick to its promises of moderate policy changes, corporate Australia has been dumped in favour of the ALP’s real owner, the union movement.

Wresting back policy settings to somewhere more centrist in areas ranging from IR to energy will take years – and a change of government. This is both Peter Dutton’s big opportunity and big challenge. While the Coalition will always, and must always, vigorously support small business and entrepreneurs, it owes absolutely nothing to big business.
Big business has ignored, even mocked, social policies favoured by Coalition voters such as religious freedoms and opposition to the voice, and makes a virtue of not donating a red cent to the Coalition without an equal and opposite donation to the ALP.

So just as unions extract a huge policy quid pro quo for every dollar they give the ALP, the Opposition Leader should be telling big business unless there is a historic realignment of interests, they can forget about being rescued from Tony Burke’s IR reforms next time the Liberals are in office.

Dutton should then proceed to extract the toughest deal he can from the Business Council of Australia and its fellow travellers. It shouldn’t be too hard – we know from the state of play in IR that big business couldn’t negotiate its way out of a paper bag.
Of course, in an ideal world, “cash for policy” would be illegal. It is, after all, the brutish first cousin of the sort of pork-barrelling the teals once upon a time complained about so bitterly. However, as the central feature of the ALP’s business model, it’s hard to see it being challenged.
Who could forget, for example, the way in which the Albanese government had only just finished unpacking the boxes in their new offices when they started paying off those who had helped them into power. First off the grid, Stephen Jones thanked industry super funds, and their union sponsors, by killing off requirements that the funds disclose details of any payments or benefits they or their affiliates give to unions or their affiliates. Then came the reward to litigation funders and the plaintiff law firms in the form of an exemption from the managed investment scheme regulations. Then came multi-employer bargaining rules. Now, of course, comes the biggest thankyou of all, again to the union movement – the Closing Loopholes Bill.

If this business model is here to stay, the Coalition needs to embrace it as effectively as the ALP. Alas, it would be too gauche for the Coalition to actually demand money from big business – even though, by contrast, unions have no qualms donating cold, hard cash to the ALP. After all, BHP, Rio Tinto and many other corporations have codes of conduct banning political donations. They say, dripping with sanctimony, that their various stakeholders all have different political perspectives and they must stay apolitical out of respect for those varying perspectives. But lo and behold, it is OK for many of them to dive into the single most divisive issue in Australian political life in years – the voice debate – with powerful support, often financial, for one side of the debate only.
Coincidentally, the Yes campaign is on the opposite side of the debate to most of their individual shareholders, if polls are to be believed. Simultaneously, many of the most prominent directors of these corporations are stomping around the country signing letters of support for the voice, and some are even pestering other companies to give money to the Yes campaign. If the boards of big corporations can argue their fiduciary duties require them to give money to the Yes campaign, it should be child’s play to find justifications for supporting Coalition policies come election time.

They may have to grow a bit creative about it and use more subtle techniques than the unions; for example, by putting serious money into the BCA and directing it and other third-party vehicles to campaign long, loud and hard on issues that matter to a company.

No doubt Dutton will be very well-mannered in extracting assistance of this kind, but he should not be too subtle. The ALP playbook should be all he needs.

Dutton should not stop at money. If big business wants support from the Coalition to roll back the tidal wave of new IR legislation, big business will have to stop laughing at the social and cultural values of the Coalition and its supporters.

In the US, the backlash towards woke corporations has started in earnest and is being adopted by politicians starting with, but by no means limited to, Ron DeSantis. Disney has every right to disagree with Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” law but it had to expect consequences when it jumped into the middle of a hotly contested political issue, with the elected governor stripping Disney of its longstanding Florida tax concessions as payback. In Austral­ia, you don’t have to be a cultural conservative or an evangelical Christian to have grown heartily sick of the progressive discipline enforced by doctrinaire HR departments and their corporate communications colleagues, where diversity doesn’t stretch to diversity of opinion.

Dutton will not want to wade publicly into what will be portrayed as the culture wars. And he won’t have to. After all, nobody finds the fingerprints of industry super funds on the corporate policies of Australian listed companies either. However, wouldn’t it be nice for Coalition supporters to find that Australian corporations no longer sneer at their social or cultural values? And if that happens at the same time as the Coalition rolls back the ALP’s IR extremism, that would be a very happy coincidence indeed.

September 14, 2023 10:46 am

I saw some report last night on the Pute and Kim meeting. The presenter was nearly as good as Comical Ali, who were they trying to convince?

September 14, 2023 10:47 am

“Peoples”. A nod to other ethnicities perhaps? Putin has stated that Russia considers the majority of people in SE Ukraine to be of Russian ethnicity with desires to stay Russian centric. And has stated he considers US/EU backed Ukraine was causing considerable harm to ethnic Russians in Ukraine. His context might be ; EU/US/Ukraine have a policy of harming ethic Russians.

How did they vote in the independence referendum in 1991?

Donetsk Oblast: 83.90% for independence, 64% turnout [53.69% of possible electors].
Luhansk Oblast: 83.86% for independence, 68% turnout [57.02% of possible electors].

Putin’s concerns are and were nonsense.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
September 14, 2023 10:49 am

Pasconian paradise

That was deliciously wicked of our Jacinta.

eric hinton
eric hinton
September 14, 2023 11:00 am

Pasconian Paradise would make a good name for racehorse.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 14, 2023 11:00 am

The British government should not ‘overestimate its impact on the global scene,’ spokesperson for the Chinese Communist Party, Victor Gao, tells @AndrewMarr9.

Britain could nuke China into the Stone Age. Tell us again about that overestimation thingie.

September 14, 2023 11:06 am

Or even Big Bad Guv’ment and Big Bad Business. Not too sure about the Church though. Although the Church is all over the shop these days.

The big churches have adopted a corporate outlook due to the sheer amount of government money they take in for their schools, hospitals, nursing homes and social work and the legal & governance requirements they have to meet to administer these enterprises.

The days of the local old folks home or school being overseen by a board consisting of the local minister and some enthusiastic, well-meaning amateurs from the community are long gone. Instead, they employ small armies of bureaucrats imbued with the secular, managerial mentality rather than the church’s ethos (no matter how much they insist otherwise with their platitudinous “mission statements”, which would be unnecessary if the people they employed were Christians).

In the meantime, the bishops and synod moderators foolishly pride themselves on the empires they’ve created, which lend them a status and position in the society that their dwindling congregations don’t, blinded thereby to the compromises they have made and the reality that the government funding that made it all possible could be withdrawn, particularly if they prove recalcitrant in implementing the government agenda.

Calvary Hospital is only the beginning.

Cassie of Sydney
September 14, 2023 11:07 am

You want to know why I have hope for this country? It’s because of the likes of Dai Le…

Australia is not a racist country’: Dai Le

Independent MP Dai Le declared “Australia is not a racist country” in an emotional plea for campaigners and voters to avoid using racial politics in the lead up to the voice referendum.

Ms Le is an Australian with Vietnamese heritage who represents the district of Fowler in New South Wales, a district she believes encapsulates a modern, diverse Australia.

“I’m going to get emotional here Laura,” she said in speaking with Laura Jayes on Sky News on Thursday.

“Australia gave my late mother and sisters a start in life.”

Ms Le famously wore an Australian flag dress at her first address to parliament in September 2022, something she said was a symbol of her love for the country she immigrated to.

“That’s why I wore my Australian dress, I love Australia,” she said.

“There are flaws in any society, but Australia is not a racist country.

“It’s a country that’s growing, it’s maturing and it’s embracing its diversity.”

She said she hoped the voice referendum would not descend into an argument about “race or racism”, a sentiment she believes is shared by those in her electorate.

“It doesn’t help that when it comes to this referendum, people bring race into it,” she said.

Deciding to keep her view on the voice private, Ms Le said she was more concerned with the cost of living crisis and the government’s plan to build a further 1.2 million homes to ease the housing crisis.

“I think that the idea of building 1.2 million homes… sometimes I think that governments just pluck a number from the sky,” she said.”

Ms Le said she lived in public housing when she first arrived in Australia and at the time, housing was not seen as an “entitlement”, an ill informed message she believes the government is propagating.

“Social housing back then was a stepping stone, it’s not an entitlement,” she said.

“I think that’s another conversation we have to have.

“To assist people like myself to transition, to one day be able to own a home, but it’s not a destiny.”

In addition to housing targets, Ms Le said the government hadn’t thoroughly considered the flow on effects and hidden costs that would hammer the construction industry and put more pressure on supply chains.

“As we talk about building more houses, have we added that cost in: the release of land, the building, the construction, paying salary and wages?” she asked.

“I don’t know how we can make that affordable.””

Who would you rather…Dai Le or Marcia Langton? Dai Le or Sleazy? Dai Le or a teal?
Dai Le or Skank Keneally?

September 14, 2023 11:08 am

How did they vote in the independence referendum in 1991?

I was attempting a possible perspective, dotty.

Anyway, that’s over 3 decades ago and a couple years after Chernobyl. Those numbers mean SFA now.

Immense changes since then . Including the 30-40% of Ukrainians who have fled the country since the 90’s.

September 14, 2023 11:11 am

Albtrechtson writing is about 50% of the effective opposition to Labor. Ideas matter and quality of expression can make a big difference.

Now if Dutton could hire a decent speechwriter and say less, communicate more.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
September 14, 2023 11:16 am

The proposed new law to prevent the disclosure of sensitive Defence information…

How would these troops know Richard Marles’ flight itinerary?

September 14, 2023 11:17 am

Senate votes down bill to force inquiry into Calvary takeover
14 September 2023

The Senate yesterday voted down a last-ditch attempt to force the ACT to conduct an inquiry into the takeover of Calvary Public Hospital Bruce. Source: Canberra Times.

The Canberra Times revealed this week that the ACT’s Cabinet signed off on the start of work to draft a law to compulsorily acquire Calvary Public Hospital Bruce almost a year before the Government announced the takeover.

Senator Canavan alleged that these findings were inconsistent with information provided to the Senate and vowed to continue investigating the situation.

ACT Health Minister Rachel Stephen-Smith has denied she misled the committee, saying the drafting of the legislation did not begin until March.

Robert Sewell
September 14, 2023 11:19 am

Sep 14, 2023 9:04 AM

Prostitution today is unlikely to be a significant abortion driver. I take issue with the “male lust” jibe in the modern day.

I tried to find the quote, but gave up – “The human cost of satisfying the males lusts” is about right, but not 100% accurate.
So what do they call the bloke who runs these brothels?
Oh yes. The title is “Madame”.

Cassie of Sydney
September 14, 2023 11:22 am

So, it takes an Australian woman of Vietnamese background…

1. Whose family knew real war.

2. Whose family fled real persecution.

3. Whose family experienced real dispossession.

4. Whose family, when they arrived in this country, endured real hardship.

5. Who, on arrival in this country with NOTHING, studied hard, worked hard and became successful.

6. Who decided to run against a party skank, a skank parachuted into an electorate over thirty miles from where she resides, all because the Labor Party thought that the voters of Fowler were dumb, and this woman beat the skank.

7. Who has spoken a fundamental truth about this country….that we are NOT racist.

Two final points…

1 This woman was once a member of the Liberal party, expelled seven years ago. I call her expulsion a Liberal loss, don’t you? Meanwhile you have scum running amok in the Liberal party, from Kean to Pessuto Speakman to Archer to Bragg to Bummingham.

2. Tis no wonder I love the Vietnamese.

September 14, 2023 11:23 am

Immense changes since then . Including the 30-40% of Ukrainians who have fled the country since the 90’s.

Russian speaking Ukrainians have largely fled to the west, not Russia.

September 14, 2023 11:24 am

Who would you rather…Dai Le or Marcia Langton?

This is a rhetorical question, right?


September 14, 2023 11:27 am

Tis no wonder I love the Vietnamese.

Can’t find it now, but there was a report recently of a Vietnamese immigrant family in Hobart who run a successful restaurant but face deportation because their migration agent erred on the paperwork. Their plight is in the hands of the minister.

John H.
John H.
September 14, 2023 11:28 am

Sep 14, 2023 5:14 AM
John H. Avatar
John H.
Sep 13, 2023 11:33 PM
Whoops: EW aircraft. My bad, just finished conquering galaxy when I should be looking up Covid impact on fertility for a friend. Material I found last night was disturbing, big hits on sperm count. The inflammation may have caused permanent damage and ACE2 receptors, the spike protein target, very high in testis.

As a citizen, I would like to know more.

Anything about female fertility and pregnancy?

I am yet to look into that.

Cassie of Sydney
September 14, 2023 11:30 am

Australia in 2023 under Sleazy…

Jihadi brides – in.
Hardworking Vietnamese – out.

September 14, 2023 11:31 am

Britain could nuke China into the Stone Age.

Pretty sure there wouldn’t be a Britain after a city busting exchange.

September 14, 2023 11:32 am

Regarding the earlier mention of Calatrava, its also worth looking at Hadid as the style is similar and some of works are just amazing works of design, beauty and technology. A complete antidote to miserabilist narratives about human failure and disfunction which are found everywhere.

September 14, 2023 11:34 am

Kinda feels like we’re sleepwalking into a world war… like, which countries aren’t now involved?

You’ve got all the NATO countries on one side, including Australian and other Western-non-NATO affiliated powers.

And on the other side, now, you’ve got Russia, China and North Korea (and prolly a few “satellite” Russian States lining up to be on Russia’s side too)…

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 14, 2023 11:35 am

So just as unions extract a huge policy quid pro quo for every dollar they give the ALP, the Opposition Leader should be telling big business unless there is a historic realignment of interests, they can forget about being rescued from Tony Burke’s IR reforms next time the Liberals are in office.

Big Business made their bed, now they must lie in it.

September 14, 2023 11:37 am

“and some of her designs”

For those who need the t-shirt, see here

John H.
John H.
September 14, 2023 11:38 am

Sep 14, 2023 9:15 AM

Material I found last night was disturbing, big hits on sperm count. The inflammation may have caused permanent damage and ACE2 receptors, the spike protein target, very high in testis.

Pssh ..why would Gates and co, and all his coterie who seem obsessed with reducing the earths human population to 500 million, support a vax program that impairs fertility? (Ignore their track record in Africa, and the wildlife sterilising by vax technology they developed).

As sancho would say : Paging Joe Vialls….

All the data I looked at was for infected people. Sperm counts have been declining for 50 years. Testicular cancer rates are rising. Do you think Gates and Co are also responsible for that?

John H.
John H.
September 14, 2023 11:42 am

This is the real problem. The bods take it very seriously.
Significant decline in sperm counts globally, including Latin America, Asia and Africa, follow-up study shows

An international team led by Professor Hagai Levine of Hebrew University of Jerusalem’s Hadassah Braun School of Public Health, with Prof. Shanna Swan at the Icahn School of Medicine, Mount Sinai, New York, along with researchers in Denmark, Brazil, Spain, Israel and the USA, published the first meta-analysis to demonstrate declining sperm counts among men from South and Central America, Asia and Africa.

Alarmingly, this study also shows that the decline in sperm counts in North America, Europe, and Australia — reported by this team in 2017 — has continued and even accelerated in the 21st century. Sperm count is not only an indicator of human fertility; it also is an indicator of men’s health, with low levels being associated with increased risk of chronic disease, testicular cancer and a decreased lifespan. The authors say the decline reflects a global crisis related to our modern environment and lifestyle, with broad implications for the survival of the human species.

This latest analysis, with data from 53 countries, was published today in the journal Human Reproduction Update. It includes an additional seven years of data collection (2011-2018) and focuses on sperm count trends among men in regions not reviewed previously, specifically South America, Asia and Africa. The data shows, for the first time, that men in those regions share the significant decline in total sperm counts (TSC) and sperm concentration (SC) seen previously in North America, Europe and Australia. Furthermore, this study shows an accelerated post-2000 decline in TSC and SC globally. As Levine summarized these results, “Overall, we’re seeing a significant worldwide decline in sperm counts of over 50% in the past 46 years, a decline that has accelerated in recent years.”

Swan stressed that low sperm counts do not only affect men’s fertility, but have serious ramifications for men’s health more generally, and are linked with other adverse trends, termed together as testicular dysgenesis syndrome. “The troubling declines in men’s sperm concentration and total sperm counts at over 1% each year as reported in our paper are consistent with adverse trends in other men’s health outcomes, such as testicular cancer, hormonal disruption, and genital birth defects, as well as declines in female reproductive health. This clearly cannot continue unchecked.”

Salvatore, Iron Publican
September 14, 2023 11:46 am

So where did it come from? I have a sneaking feeling … that she thinks she can just make stuff up and it will become ‘a’ truth – and any disputing it is racist.

She will have serious form for making stuff up & having it become a truth via repetition.

This is effective. It’s how the myth of the “Stolen Generations” has become accepted into Australia’s academia & journalist castes.

We’ve seen the same thing on the Cat, a regular on the old Cat would oft make something up, repeat it on endless loop, & some would come to accept it as gospel.

Robert Sewell
September 14, 2023 11:48 am

this is the IGA, Post Office, Petrol Station in Wiluna – Salubrious – has everyting you need

Not dissing your observation, Old Ozzie, but there are hundreds of these tiny communities thoughout Australia which make the existence of much of the top end to be viable.
Some of them are diamonds of ‘rugged individuals’ and other characters. With a bit of care and attention, they can flower. Which explains their current condition.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
September 14, 2023 11:53 am

Sep 14, 2023 8:55 AM

Bruce of Newcastle
Sep 14, 2023 8:04 AM

Geology is racist.

Out of professional interest I followed the link and glanced at Mz Rowan’s Master’s Thesis. In essence a rich mixture of complaints by people who seem to have made a terribly wrong career choice, ‘dignified’ by a “mixed methods” survey and a Mickey Mouse ANOVA.

Aside from the complaints about heavy rocks and the lack of wheelchair access in the field, the statistically significant BIPOC/Female/Queer etc differences from “white men” were:

“Feeling connected to the Earth”
“Seeing oneself represented in faculty and staff”
“microaggressions”, and

After a lifetime of working with the bastards, I’m here to tell you that it would be hard to find a more diverse group of professional than geoscientists. No disrespect intended here to Rockdoctor, but BIPOC’s, or Queers, or micro/macro aggression sensitives, or autists, or people with zero dress sense just wouldn’t stand out in the crowd.

Probably less so, people ‘not feeling connected to the Earth’ (although not categorically).

The main takeaway for me is that Washington Western University has accepted this fashionable sociotwaddle as a thesis for a Master of Science degree.
Very fallen.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 14, 2023 11:59 am

How did their livers survive?

Wine snobs be gone: Dan Murphy’s reveals best wines under $25 as it celebrates the affordable vino that goes ‘vroom, vroom’ (Sky News, 14 Sep)

Drinks colossus Dan Murphy’s has compiled a “decoded” shopping list of bargain bottles for drinkers who may feel intimidated by the world of wine.

I think it is a great list covering multiple varieties. Most of the bottles are under $25 and one under $10.

Shedden put together 12 judges in three teams to taste 11,000 wines to compile the Decoded Awards with heats and finals tastings.

Twelve judges taking on 11,000 wines is nearly a thousand each. Yikes. The ‘vroom, vroom’ one is Yalumba’s Y series viognier, which I can attest to since I’ve been buying it for a decade, every now and then. Often on special for ten bucks.

September 14, 2023 12:09 pm

Sep 14, 2023 11:11 AM
Albtrechtson writing is about 50% of the effective opposition to Labor. Ideas matter and quality of expression can make a big difference.

Now if Dutton could hire a decent speechwriter and say less, communicate more.

Most of the communication is via press release, which then passes via the filter of the lunatic MSM

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 14, 2023 12:09 pm

They expect us to believe this rubbish.

Owners of cats on vegan diets report healthier pets than owners of meat-eating cats (, 13 Sep)

In a survey of cat owners, those who fed their cats vegan diets tended to report better health outcomes for their pets than those who provided meat-based diets, though the differences were not statistically significant. Andrew Knight of the University of Winchester, U.K., and colleagues present these findings in the open-access journal PLOS ONE on September 13.

I suspect the key phrase is the one I’ve highlighted. Vegans report that vegan cats love being vegan. Pull the other one, nutty vegans, and stop torturing your poor cats.

Robert Sewell
September 14, 2023 12:13 pm

Dr Faustus

Sep 14, 2023 10:15 AM
“The protection of our nation’s secrets and sensitive information is central to preserving Australia’s national security and to keeping Australians safe,” Mr Marles will say…

Technical Note: Sensitive Information = flight manifests of RAAF aircraft bearing ministerial family and friends and golf clubs. Emperor Xi is gagging for such secrets.

He’s not the first bag of shit that uses the “Sensitive Information” label to hide private misbehaviour.
And he won’t be the last.

Johnny Rotten
September 14, 2023 12:15 pm

In a survey of cat owners, those who fed their cats vegan diets tended to report better health outcomes for their pets than those who provided meat-based diets, though the differences were not statistically significant. Andrew Knight of the University of Winchester, U.K., and colleagues present these findings in the open-access journal PLOS ONE on September 13.

Haven’t Universities got better things to do than this these days? Like learning and teaching people how to think.

September 14, 2023 12:16 pm

Wine snobs galore:

This dude slapped a new label (& name: Le Château Colombier) on a shitty $2.50 supermarket wine and won gold medal at the Gilbert et Gaillard wine competition in France.

They described it as “suave, edgy and rich palate with clean, young aromas that promise a lovely complexity”

1 2 3 6
  1. Put by mistake at the end of the last thread. Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare  October 17, 2024 7:13 pm Today was…

  2. Also learnt today that my SIL has Jewish “descent”, if that is even a thing. Apparently her maternal great grandmother…

  3. Remembering the TITANIC .. the “iceberg” defends itself .. LOL!

  4. Al Smith dinner speeches: Donald Trump delivers remarks at the Al Smith dinner ( Pretty funny stuff!!!

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x