Net Zero three strikes and you’re out

Strike One

Impossible due to the wind droughts and lack of storage.

Strike Two

Impossibly expensive due to the need to keep 100% conventional power for ever due to One.

Strike Three

Catastrophic impact on people and other living things through the supply chain from mining through wreckage of forests and farmland to disposal of toxic junk.

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Wally Dali
Wally Dali
October 2, 2023 10:13 am

Depressing catch-up with friends over the weekend- he’s one of the canniest cookies I know, great work ethic, got elbowed out of the family farm… now runs a steeplejack company, servicing cranes, winches… turbine towers.
Daughter- great kid- grad Natural Asset Management, doing a placement with… AGL.
Daughter’s beau, got a start with… Ernst and Young.
Wife… works in mental health, three days at Graylands, two days on the helpline for… rural stress counselling, marriage breakdowns and bankruptcies.

October 2, 2023 11:31 am

Net zero and climate change are the latest tricks used by international communism to cripple its mortal enemies — human freedom and the capitalist free market.

They don’t make sense until viewed through that dishonest, underhanded prism.

October 2, 2023 11:57 am

A lot of what we call out as incompetent or stupid would actually come under that umbrella. If the aim is to crash the system then they are actually effective.

Rufus T Firefly
Rufus T Firefly
October 2, 2023 3:09 pm

According to the acolytes of the Green religion, a warming of just under 1 deg C, since about 1850 is not only catastrophic, but “man made”.

We (evidently) live in a period of “Global Boiling” and soon, life on earth will be extinguished, because you, peasant, had the temerity to drive to the shops.
To borrow a phrase from one of the leading scientists alive today, “How dare you!”

Greenhouse gases are responsible, (if you believe Adam Bandt or Al Gore), for Climate Change.
[The Greenhouse effect cannot provide enough energy to heat the earth’s atmosphere, but there is not enough space to debunk that here. Needless to say, that its proponents have to break the Second Law of Thermodynamics, to make it work.]

CO2 concentration is 420 parts per million in our atmosphere, or, 0.042%.
This, we are told, is changing the climate on our little blue spheroid.
What is the most abundant Greenhouse Gas? That would be Water Vapour @ 4.0%.

Additionally, every WV molecule can absorb, hence re-emit, more energy per molecule than a CO2 molecule, yet, astoundingly, WV is NEVER mentioned!
Now, why would that be?

Never mind, because an even more compelling argument, requiring only the IQ of a brick, is needed to end this farcical debate.

Over the last 1.6 Million years, earth has been subjected to multiple Glaciation events, or Ice Ages.
How did earth break the grasp of the Icy periods?
Did some ancient civilisation use extremely inefficient coal fired power stations, that spewed mountains of CO2 into the atmosphere, thus warming the planet?
(I realise that Bruce Pascoe may wish to interject here).
Or, what is more likely, was it the orbit of earth, in conjunction with the axial tilt and axial precession, (Milankovich Cycles), that removed the planet from the ice age?

Would the temp rise required to free earth from the icy shackles, be more than
1 deg C? If it was, then, that would mean, ……..

Let’s ask a scientist, who’s track record is beyond reproach.
“Hello, ….., Tim Flannery, …….?”

Robert Sewell
October 2, 2023 3:49 pm


Oct 2, 2023 11:31 AM
Net zero and climate change are the latest tricks used by international communism to cripple its mortal enemies — human freedom and the capitalist free market.
They don’t make sense until viewed through that dishonest, underhanded prism.

It’s the line I’ve been pushing for quite a few years now, but it does tend to get you branded as a geriatric reliving the Cold War – which is fine, the Cold War didn’t end when the Wall came down – it just allowed the contagion to spread more rapidly because the Comintern was able to focus on the long term destruction of the Main Enemy.
Part of that plan was the migrant immigration – we should be saying to them that if you leave your wives and children here and go back to fight the tyranny you are supposedly fleeing from, then you can do that. But if you ran away to avoid fighting then we have no use for you – go away.

Robert Sewell
October 2, 2023 4:17 pm

Strike 1:

Impossible due to the wind droughts and lack of storage.

I find it difficult to believe that people can’t see the lack of PV power every night, and the diminished wind power every time the wind stops, and understand what will happen when the two coincide.
“But batteries”, they reply in unison.
The batteries haven’t been built, and those that have are probably ready to ignite if someone looks at them sideways.
Just how stupid can people be?

October 2, 2023 8:25 pm

a message that cannot be heard

… needs more unicorns

John McBratney
John McBratney
October 2, 2023 9:19 pm

I find it astounding that our various so called leaders refuse to consider the debacle of solar and wing energy generation in Europe. They persist in tracking down the same path to a guaranteed catastrophic melt-down of nation wide electricity generation.

As another correspondent said – why are the so stupid?? It;s not rocket science, it’s obvious.

Lesson 1 – solar and wind DOES NOT WORK
Lesson2 – Storage of any form DOES NOT WORK

Simple — EEK!

October 3, 2023 1:39 am

what Tom says @ Oct 2, 2023 11:31 AM

October 3, 2023 8:34 am

The West has handed the power hungry and delusional wannabe rulers of the world every single thing they were aiming for.

Using every authoritarian tool at their disposal Western ‘leaders’ surrendered the very things that made them successful in the first place- freedom of speech and of movement*, support for the family as a building block of successful cultures and societies, creativity and strong leadership, the moral and cultural framework of Judeo-Christian teachings, the maintenance of strong borders to their countries, a respect for high standards in education and the provision of a system that encourages excellence in scholarship rather than the nonsense-de-jour.

We have forgotten that abject poverty is the natural state of humanity and that wealth creation is the way to change it. Instead we accuse rich westerners of stealing from the poor and pile guilt and opprobrium upon those who’ve worked for financial success while taxing that work and effort to the point of exhaustion. Massive debt across the west has hollowed out economies in the way that termites destroy a house.

When, and only when, the structure of reality exposes the ugly truth and provides difficult and desperate lessons for the citizenry, will we turn this runaway train around. Sadly, it will not be without significant pain and suffering.

OK, my early morning rant is over. As you were.

*4 flights per lifetime, anyone?

The Beer Whisperer
The Beer Whisperer
October 3, 2023 11:51 am

Well, this is timely. Received a sales pitch for investing in fossil fuels, but it starkly tells us how crap net zero is. Preaching to the converted, but worth a watch.

October 3, 2023 6:23 pm

Robert Sewell
Oct 2, 2023 4:17 PM
Strike 1:

Impossible due to the wind droughts and lack of storage.

I find it difficult to believe that people can’t see the lack of PV power every night, and the diminished wind power every time the wind stops, and understand what will happen when the two coincide.
“But batteries”, they reply in unison.
The batteries haven’t been built, and those that have are probably ready to ignite if someone looks at them sideways.
Just how stupid can people be?

The thing is that general population have no idea how their electricity is generated. Not the slightest idea at all, and they have neither the knowledge nor the desire to know where or how to find out, so they have no understanding of how precarious is our current situation, or how bleak is the outlook while this “renewables” bulldust is pursued.

All they know is what the TV tells them – that “coal kills” and is nasty stuff (as is nuclear generation), but wind and solar and big batteries are the answer to everything and will stop the planet from burning up and preventing them from going to next week’s footy/concert/holiday/BBQ/fishing trip/whatever.

The kids don’t even seem to understand that when the power goes off, their phones and cards won’t buy them food/booze/fuel/Maccas/plane tickets/false fingernails/clothes/eyelash extensions/whatever. It seems that the possibility of going without, with being unable to buy what they want hasn’t occurred to them.

I got totally blank looks when casually mentioning to a couple of young things behind the counter of the local cafe yesterday that their cards/phones won’t buy them anything in a blackout. It’s as if they’ve never experienced a power blackout, and cash is that inconvenient stuff that clutters up your purse. One of them needed a maths lesson from the cafe owner to work out $2:30 change from my purchase. Concerning, because these are the voters of the very near future.

  1. More prez pardon questions: Shirley the crime(s) must be specified? yes/no? Is there a precedent for unspecified crime pardons?

  2. I need to ask around and do some research. Who is this independent Suzie Holt who is running in Groom?…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x