My pleasure.
My pleasure.
Douglas Murray Addresses the Mass Murder of Christians in Syria | Direct Address EP. 6 I am still thinking of…
This is unbelievably foul, yet you can’t stop watching. 😀 Where’s arky? https://x.com/OntWtf/status/1900348808690589867?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1900348808690589867%7Ctwgr%5E0eac7096d9dd30bef0594551254c79ef43326cae%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Face.mu.nu%2F
Re 1, no you didn’t. You just said my retort made no sense without providing any reason. Re 2, whatever…
A message for our time. 😀 https://ace.mu.nu/archives/dead%20people.jpg
Put ’em on an unused sheep transport ship with the Poms.
Which will see me fleeing into the sewing room. At least the children’s ward at John Hunter will benefit indirectly from the race.
Meanwhile the Beloved will be sitting in his recliner leaning into the corners and drinking beer.
Albo expects more people to vote YES because he links Islam (with its radical history) and aborigines?
Not the sharpest one in the shed, but his tool-ship is confirmed.
I’m thinking lump hammer.
Whoops. That was about Lee’s Luigi comment. But happy to take a podium.
Oct 6, 2023 5:18 PM
C’mon Calli, you can get into the spirit of things. Sew up a black and white chequered ensemble that you drape across yourself and ask your beloved whether he has time for a pit stop. 🙂
No no.
Wiv’ the Poms.
As the saying goes ‘too friggin’ stupid to survive’.
Boambee John
Oct 6, 2023 4:31 PM
Thank you Boambee John.
And we only got two down thumber bummer bummers at last count.
Obviously, JC was on the piss again. Or sitting on his ‘Quaintarse’ or on the ‘throne’.
Politics is defined as “addition” in its simplest form. In Albo-world adding 2 minorities would generate a greater number, in the real world its less.
Knuckle Dragger
Oct 6, 2023 5:25 PM
Put ’em on an unused sheep transport ship with the Poms.
No no.
Wiv’ the Poms.
As you are obviously a sheep shagger, that is a really baaaaaaaaad joke. Try harder next time. That Ewe didn’t even feel it.
Oh, I’ve got more. Here’s one:
Three part time bovver boys walked into a bar.
One went straight into the ladies’ lounge, another had his red trouser braces snapped and burst into tears, and then the barmaid chased all three of them out.
Just been checking TheirABC’s mea culpa page.
Transparency being key, it is buried. You need to intuit that it is under the Editorial Policies link, which is in tiny print at the bottom of the Just In page.
Here is the link.
What is remarkable is how few errors this media behemoth makes, according to itself. If you look at the dates, maybe three or four a month. Considering the vast output across TV, radio and online, this is unbelievably excellent, in both senses of the word ‘unbelievably’.
Take, for example, the latest admission of fallibility.
That’s all she wrote. There you go. All fixed.
They are openly taking the piss.
Always time for a pit stop, Speedbox. Retirement has its advantages.
An orgy
Now that is a great idea for this weekend.
One went straight into the ladies’ lounge, another had his red trouser braces snapped and burst into tears, and then the barmaid chased all three of them out.
And here is another one for you sheep shagger.
A Scotsman goes into the Ladies Toilet.
And the ladies said – Get the fark out of here.
And he said – I apologise as I thought that the sign said Laddies. Boom, Boom.
The left’s game of intersectionality can make for some very strange bedfellows.
The weirdest one I can think of is the group “Gays For a Free Palestine;” ironically, where gays would be most unwelcome, and treated with the most extreme prejudice.
do you people have comprehension problems?
Oct 6, 2023 5:38 PM
And NO down thumbing from me.
do you people have comprehension problems?
Errrrrrr. Wot’ are they? Can I get a tax deduction for it?
Just asking for 15 million long suffering Australian taxpayers.
In “something’s got to give” news…
Local councils in SE QLD are warning they can’t manage projected population growth, with one calculating they would have to see 100 new houses built every week for the next twenty-five years to accommodate the growth.
The population of Greater Brisbane (presently 2.5m) is projected to grow by 2 million by 2046.
Trump endorses Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) for House Speaker | LiveNOW from FOX
Trick or Treaty? Yes Campaign Exposed Again!
I know that it is early Rabz, but I do like this song –
Right you are, guv’nor.
First responders are apparently meant to do on the spot psychiatric diagnoses:
‘Peer support worker?’ OMG. I suppose taxpayers are the mugs, as usual.
Anyway, while I regard all psychiatric diagnoses as dubious, as they seem to be in a cul de sac of competing theologies, BPD (if it exists) includes attention-seeking and manipulative behaviour as primary symptoms. If someone’s life work is perfecting this, how on earth is your average copper, ambo, nurse or doctor supposed to diagnose it at first contact?
Seems more like yet another excuse for bad behaviour being mooted as desirable public policy.
Father weeps as 3 charged with murder in his toddler’s fentanyl death at NYC day care
Mmmyes I see readers of this blog saw Albo campaigning for the Yes23, er, campaign in a mosque. FMD he really is a grub.
Greatest trolling in history! RINOs will be having coronaries in Congress.
Trump To Endorse Jordan For Speaker (6 Oct)
All that’s needed is for Gaetz to endorse him too, and they’ll all suddenly disappear up their own rectums with a small despairing pop.
do you people have comprehension problems?
Not many people here. But Tennis Elbow does. He doesn’t know what comprehension is.
As he was too busy fighting (s)’Torries’ in his sad dreamtime and spitting and slobbering over everyone elshe’, splurt’, splurt’.
Game over and welcome to the real Country.
It’s called Australia you Farking Dip Shite.
Sancho Panzer
If No gets up Albo and the new Missus will be so busy looking over their shoulder and packing boxes there won’t be time for negotiations.
Bruce O Newk here’s Jacinta Price’s article:
Sancho Panzer
Oct 6, 2023 6:10 PM
LOL. You and KD are the sheep shaggers. So please stay here. The Ewes need you.
Baaaaaaaaaah Waaaaaaaaah Black Sheeeeeeeeep.
Gays For a Free Palestine
Burqa wearers 4 bikinis?
Warren Mundine and Vicki Grieves-Williams:
I think we need a google translator for Alcosleezy’s gibberish.
I should add that a poll was had in the Price piece, over 10k of votes running at 90% no.
Gaetz nominated him.
Thanks BB – She writes really well! Not much substantial policywise but her comment that 11 of her people already represent them in Canberra is good. I second her observation about “gridlock, bureaucracy and enshrined division”. Streets ahead of Albo’s waffle.
I would like to hear from Mal Brough, who tried to fix the problems and was castigated by all the chardonnay sippers for it. Probably a good idea to keep his head down through this referendum though. But he really did try, unlike anyone else in the portfolio.
Yes Bruce was it under Brough that ATSIC was shut down?
The Voice groups Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people together based on nothing more than their heritage but real change comes from focusing on need, not race.
There is not one person who has ever explained what the Voice is.
However, Jacinta Price has explained what it isn’t.
Game Over.
Searing. And clear. Unlike Jacinta they also focus on good chunky policy too. Their article should be compulsory reading for all Australians voting in the referendum. But that’s not what the Left wants: they want vibes and emotions.
I can’t remember BB, but Howard gave him the job to fix the really nasty stuff that was going on, and the Left went nuts. Then when Howard lost Macklin got the ministry and immediately went back to the old peonage system. And here we still are.
lol Sancho. I will definitely not be going on any Himalayan excursions now.
Dr. Faustus and Calli, luckily I am fairly active and my lungs are sound, so I don’t really have any breathing issues, mainly it’s dizziness. As dizziness can be caused by a lot of other things, such as stress or viral infections especially of the middle ear, I’m open re diagnosis, but it does seem responsive to resting now in a lower altitude. I’ve been OK in high altitudes before (Colorado in 2018), but not in recent years, so I can only put this down to the changes altitude can produce when older and having moderate high blood pressure and hiking up to a higher point post gondola, without Sherpas notwithstanding. 🙂
Lesson definitely learned.
Asking for a friend; but what if the accusations are one and the same?
The dissolution of ATSIC by Howard had bi-partisan support (from Latham, iirc).
Chair at the time was Geoff Clark, who was often in the news for the wrong reasons.
True too Rosie that it’s always good these days to keep the medical insurance primed.
Going to a doc right now though seems rather unnecessary as symptoms have subsided and they’d probably want to do time-consuming tests which I will get later if this recurs.
We leave Salzburg today, heading briefly into Germany.
Sherpas are always a good idea. Or a travel slave or two.
i always venture forth with my manservant. Excellent when the plane lands and they wheel across the dreaded stairs. He passes down them, roll-aboards in hand, like Terminator. Meanwhile, I clutch the rail like a drowning Hobbit.
There is not one person who has ever explained what the Voice is.
And that is from the PM all the way down to the bottom.
So, what is it Tennis Elbow? A Political Stunt or a Cunning Stunt?
Baldrick had a Cunning Plan but you have never had a Plan. And that goes wiv’ the ‘Transishion’ with ‘Blackout Bowen’ and all the way to not get re-erected in 2025.
Fark wits all of you and maybe sheep shaggers as well. Baaaaaaaaaaah.
Interesting; on The Five the outstanding Gutfeld says elections no longer matter and offers the election of the creepy old treasonous perve who offered moderation but in fact produced borderless chaos. For Gutfeld the demorat created problems can only be solved by war. Remarkable that a dominant personality can openly advocate civil war. He’s right of course.
Can Kittahs and Cats imagine if the quality of discourse presented by Jacinta Price, Warren Mundine and Vicki Grieves-Williams applied across the political spectrum. What a Country Australia would be.
All the right reasons, I would contend.
The light, in the end, shone brightly on Mr Clark.
Echelons of Big Men of the Clark ilk are lined up, pockets open, hopeful that the Voice will get through and that their cups (and pockets) spilleth over.
Do you have hairy feet calli?
i always venture forth with my manservant.
What a shocking comment from a human being. Are you a woman? Of course you are. or pretend to be. FFS.
1. You’re stealing other people’s material now; and
2. A crack about dentistry, from a native of the most odontologically-challenged people since the human race was amoeba.
The best policy implementations that have happened to the Aboriginal Industry under Federal Government direction are:
1. Dismantling of ATSIC, and
2. The NT Emergency Response.
Mal Brough was involved in 2, not sure about 1.
The only positive from this entire stinking shambles-debacle.
A diamond or two have been unearthed.
Johnny Rotten
Oct 6, 2023 5:26 PM
No, him and his idiot mate have been sitting around the monster bong and Crème de menthe snifters all afternoon, chucking out burley for the stoush they want to create this evening.
So I’m off to the pub for some ales.
Prompted the following:
This, from the owner of a ladyboy.
I have read this trice, and have no idea what it means.
No wonder Aboriginal policy is such a mess.
Madagascar the film is on now on GO which is on CH 93 I think.
Administrative violence is the ammo drop the enemy keeps on giving us.
We’re using it at about 1% of potential output.
I’m talking intense background checks on Laetitia James, Fani Willis, FOI requests on the Secret Service (they’re not the target) during Biden’s term, this can get wild very quickly.
Knuckle Dragger
Oct 6, 2023 7:15 PM
As a sheep shagger. have a nice day. Bwaaaaaaaaaaaah
I liked the constantly complaining English giraffe.
With bad teeth.
Bruce, nothing should ever be ‘compulsory reading.’
Stupid, authoritarian and ineffective.
Knuckle Dragger
Oct 6, 2023 7:15 PM
Sheep shagger. Please keep up with this Blog. If you can. Neanderthal wally.
And now it’s Arry’ Potter. So you sheep shaggers can go and STFU.
Sorry guv’na, orright innit. There are no sheep in the vast Northern Territory:
Also prohibited are part-time bovver boys. This occurred after the Great Kindergarten Massacre of 2005, when a bunch of pre-school children ambushed some skinny-jean-wearing, trouser-brace having loudmouth pseudo-Poms at a bus stop in Darwin and stole their Doc Martens for silly putty containers.
Johanna – I was hoping it would counter the waffle from Albo, who is also stupid, authoritarian and ineffective.
I would prefer they just give us the lowdown.
Remember how awful DemonRats said Romney was for carrying his dog in a proper carry box, but on the roof of his car? Not even an echo of that criticism now.
I liked the constantly complaining English giraffe.
With bad teeth.
An English giraffe? LOL. You need to go to SpecSavers. There are no Giraffes that have ever spoken English that I know of.
Just like the knuckle draggers trying to walk up straight and even grunt. Well maybe they can only grunt.
And I have never seen so much bad teeth as I have seen here, Just look at Tennis Elbow. FFS. And he spits when he tries to talk. Has he always been like that? Maybe like sleazy Joe Biden as well.
Sheep shagger, Please keep up the good work. The ewes just love you. Baaaaaaaaaah
Lizzie, I love your writing, but your health is separate. Please be careful.
… and listen to Hairy.
EU Social carbon credits just arrived!
Yes. Because glasses can assist in identifying accents. Obviously.
Mr Rotten, you are officially off the pace.
The entire referendum is about putting whatever Voice body emerges beyond parliament and deal in the High Court to impute some powers. Think a blak ALPBC.
Tom, while you’re here…
I’m glad you no longer post Rowe, but this is a new low for the unutterable turd.
Three young children of friends of one of my children were killed in a plane crash this afternoon.
Please pray for them and their poor grieving families.
I remember going into the bar of the hotel where ATSIC were staying (in Canberra) after work one day not long before it was abolished,
It was a party atmosphere.
The concerns of people in hellholes were not apparent.
JR, you manage to signal a complete sense of humour failure. Calli was referring to her husband. Sober up.
Rosie, terrible. It puts everything into perspective.
Not forgotten by some.
Hence the short sharp reply to the Yessir running his engagement spiel after golf today.
“Two words … Geoff Clark.”
According to the latest Yes TV ad, which just appeared while I was watching Bargain Hunt, the Voice will remedy higher than average indigenous infant mortality rates, higher than average unemployment, and lower than average life expectancy.
In opposition, I contend that only assimilation into the mainstream of society can achieve this outcome.
It’s a no brainer.
Lizard People shut down WA’s timber industry… and then build the biggest timber dogbox evah because carbon capture something something sustainability.
Dixon said the timber in the project would … be shipped from Europe in empty iron ore ships returning to WA.
We are not a sensible country any more.
Oh. I see. Someone loves Rowe comparing Price, Mundine and Dutton to Hitler.
Look in the mirror @rsehole. And don’t forget to salute.
Nurse Betty …
I hope the barman has poured all the beers at midday to save energy.
Knuckle Dragger
Oct 6, 2023 7:51 PM
Well Moosh. Guess What? You are a sheep shagger.
Come back later wiv’ betta’ stuff. And maybe betta’ teeth.
Good news on the Daylesford sixty million Powerball winner.
A retired married woman who plans to donate big sums to charities that are dear to her heart and helping disadvantaged kids.
“This prize will help a lot of people out.
“It’s my main goal.”
Uplifting stuff.
Hateful leftist INSTANTLY REGRETS abusing crowd
And it seems the same person is excited by the deaths of three small children.
Gee those downticks are working out well.
Welcome to a view of hell. I suppose an insight into the types who lurk here might be valuable.
The Pimms No.1 Cup is clearly kicking in.
Wally Dalí
Oct 6, 2023 8:00 PM
So true. This was neva the cleva country. Only the Lucky Country.
Knuckle Dragger
Oct 6, 2023 8:05 PM
Keep shagging those sheep. Baaaaaaaaaaaaaah
Pay them no mind.
An old acquaintace of mine – Ambrose Golden Brown – from Wreck Bay in the Jervis Bay Territory, looked much more like an Afghan than an Aboriginal. Like travelling salesmen everywhere, they got around.
Farmer Gez
Oct 6, 2023 8:02 PM
Good news on the Daylesford sixty million Powerball winner.
A retired married woman who plans to donate big sums to charities that are dear to her heart and helping disadvantaged kids.
“This prize will help a lot of people out.
“It’s my main goal.”
Uplifting stuff.
I just Love it. And the Gov’ment could never do that. Not ever.
Sky’s James Morrow has lost me.
He’s now just a Down Under Washington establishment stooge.
He might as well be barracking for the Democrat communists.
The Fin Review, for chuck’s steak. Disgusting, disgraceful and shameful.
I’d damn near kill to have that as a given birth name.
Given the general direction of society things to stock up on:
• Ivermectin 18mg – 7 compounded capsules
• Amoxicillin-Clavulanate (generic Augmentin) 875/125 mg – 28 tablets
• Azithromycin (generic Z-Pak) 250 mg – 12 tablets
• Doxycycline Hyclate 100 mg – 60 capsules
• Metronidazole (generic Flagyl) 500 mg – 30 tablets
• Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazole (generic Bactrim) 800/160 mg – 28 tablets
• Fluconazole (generic Diflucan) 150 mg – 2 tablets
• Ondansetron (generic Zofran) 4mg – 6 tablets
The Wellness Company Medical Emergency Kit has medicines that treat:
• Anthrax
• Bacterial Vaginosis
• Bite Wounds
• Bronchitis
• Chlamydia
• Clostridioides difficile
• Colitis
• COVID – 19
• Gonorrhea
• Giardiasis
• Lice
• Nausea & Vomiting
• Pharyngitis
• Pinworms
• Plague (bioterror)
• Pneumonia
• Rickettsial Infections
• Scabies
• Shigella Infection
• Sinusitis
• Skin Infection
• Strep Throat
• Syphilis
• Tetanus
• Tick Exposure
• Tonsillitis
• Travelers Diarrhea
• Trichomoniasis
• Tularemia (bioterror)
• Urinary Tract Infection
• Vaginal Candidiasis
• Viral Upper Respiratory Infection
Oct 6, 2023 8:08 PM
And it seems the same person is excited by the deaths of three small children.
Gee those downticks are working out well.
There are no down ticks or up ticks. It is all in your mind, Poor devils you are. LOL.
Johanna, if we or at least our children and grandchildren are required to read and watch so much of the lies inflicted on this country having to read this would be a small ask.
Oct 6, 2023 8:14 PM
Ambrose Golden Brown
I’d damn near kill to have that as a given birth name.
I like Marmaduke Frothingham DeCampe.
Yes, he is unsalvageable. On The Outsiders he is at least counterbalanced by the other two.
ZK2A. Cartoonist not tough enough to identify himself by the looks.
I know Roger. Perhaps it’s refreshing that I’m still not too old and worn to be shocked.
The Keeper keeps it all.
Oct 6, 2023 8:18 PM
You have it all wrong –
1. Water
2. Food
3. Booze
4. Books
5. Bog Paper
6. More Bog Paper
7. More Booze
8. More food
9. More water.
10. Lots more Booze
11. Who cares. Game Over.
Given that you go here by dot, that’s entirely understandable.
My grandmother fought hard to have me christened “Templeton” as a middle name.
1. Water
2. Food
3. Booze
4. Books
5. Bog Paper
6. More Bog Paper
7. More Booze
8. More food
9. More water.
10. Lots more Booze
11. Who cares. Game Over.
12. Panadol (required due to items 3, 7, 10)
I didn’t realise Madagascar and Harry Potter were so emotional.
Then again, it might be the sweet sherry.
Calm down Wodney.
Kipper-induced, no doubt.
OK I’m gonna have to tee off on this one.
World’s tallest wooden building to be built in Perth after developers win approval
Developers say South Perth’s C6 building will be made up of 42% timber and be carbon negative
42% timber does not make something wooden.
Western Australia is set to become home to the world’s tallest timber building, a “revolutionary” 50-storey hybrid design reaching a height of 191.2 metres.
I expect that record-smashing height to be reviewed.
Timber will make up 42% of South Perth’s C6 building, including the tower’s beams, floor panels, studs, joinery and linings.
Oh righto. Window dressing, then.
Come to think of windows- lotsa glass and not a lot of eaves in the artist’s impression. Heating and cooling all those international visa sequesterers will be carbon emission offset, I assume?
The Grange Development project at 6 Charles Street will include more than 200 apartments and was approved by Perth’s Metro Inner-South Joint Development Assessment Panel on Thursday. The developers say it will be carbon negative, storing more carbon than it uses and will combine lightweight, durable, renewable glued laminated timber and cross-laminated timber with lower amounts of steel and concrete than conventional construction methods.
Lower amounts of debbil debbil metal than conventional. Woop.
Timber is a core component of houses, as well as low-rise apartments and townhouse developments, making it a significant cost in construction.
As significant a cost amount as the buried bloodletting for approvals and licensing?
It will also be taller than Atlassian’s hybrid timber headquarters, currently under construction in central Sydney, which will be 180 metres high. The world’s tallest timber building, Ascent in Wisconsin, US, stands at 86.6 metres with 25 storeys.
Gotta keep Cannon-Brookes in the news.
Architect and principal of Fraser and Partners, Reade Dixon, said the project, which does not yet have a construction timeframe, is revolutionary in an industry that hasn’t changed much in its approach to commercial buildings over the past 70 years.
Laminated timber. Apply the physics. Woop.
AI could not name a man more strongly destined to become an architect than Reade Dixon.
The building’s developers claim that the 7,400 cubic metres of timber consumed by C6 could be regrown in just 59 minutes from one sustainably farmed forestry region.
The f*ck? Regrown? It’s grown in the first place, why make a dog and pony show about re-growing?
“C6 will consume approximately 580 pine trees sourced from sustainably managed and farmed forests,” the project’s website states. “We can’t grow concrete.”
I wonder if they had workshopped C4 as a possible name for a combustible high-rise before Ricke Ardonne said “we gotta get those numbers up, it’s too close to the bone…”
C6 will house edible and floral gardens on its rooftop.
And like McDonald’s Salad Bar, I’m sure it will be cherished. And feed all the residents. And be carbon neutral. And stuff. Biodiversity, that’s it.
Dixon said the timber in the project would either come from Australia’s largest mass timber producer, XLam, in Albury, NSW, or be shipped from Europe in empty iron ore ships returning to WA.
The irony, it burns like C4.
The director of the University of Wollongong’s Sustainable Buildings Research Centre, Timothy McCarthy, said the developer’s claims do not include end-of-life carbon costs of timber.
So close to net zero deliverance, the professor rolls the ring of power in his spindly hands…
“Currently, the end of life scenario for timber is landfill – people are working on getting this changed but the IPCC [Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change] only considers permanent sequestration for materials, and timber eventually rots or burns, returning its CO2 to the atmosphere,” he said.
Gotta keep yer blood-funnel in the main vein, IPCC. Because it’s only sustainable if you’re a parasite, forever.
While the trees used in the design come from fully sustainable sources, [yeah: trees] McCarthy noted only 40% of a tree ends up as timber – the rest is ploughed back into the land or made into mulch, while some goes towards paper making.
Prof has been brainstorming. Or maybe just googling.
Although the ambitious design was a “tough task”, he praised the project’s approach.
“[C6’s] ambitions are to be lauded and if it can deliver that sustainability over the full life of the building, we are changing the playing field, particularly in WA, where the climate is very harsh,” he said.
Honestly, where is the climate not harsh? Martha’s Vineyard, the Whitsundays and Cyprus, as far as I can tell. Ferkin academics, get out of your air-conditioned labs once in a while.
Fraser and Partners will open-source publish all technical materials from the project. The aim is to encourage more mass timber architecture in the built environment in response to the climate crisis, said Dixon.
*clutches award to shallow chest* “If I can inspire more people to reach for Gaia’s dreams…”
“Our great hope is that it challenges the industry to do future projects better,” he said.
Construction accounts for 11% of global carbon emissions, while cement alone is responsible for 8% of all carbon emissions. In 2020, WA generated 81.7m tonnes of CO2, or 16% of Australia’s emissions.
Permit season starts on the 15th here, I’m going to do my bit to emit a fair bit before then, and afterwards too.
Don’t forget the rest of the quote: “A lucky country run by second rate people who share its luck.”
Although “second rate” seems to be a charitable estimate these days.
C’mon mUnty, you know you want to give this the thumb down.
Sky’s James Morrow has lost me.
He just called merrick garland a POS and said the latest scuttlebutt about Trump that he discussed nuclear subs with Pratt is evidence garland and his AGs are all lying, corrupt sacks of shit.
I have possibly mentioned before being shocked when walking off a flight in Paris and spying Clark and his goons sitting in the First Class cave casting sneering FU glares at the proles as they filed off.
They were wearing croc tooth hat bands which was quite a trick for a bunch of Victorians.
Until then, I had no idea that these creeps had access to unlimited money and used it for their personal gratification in the absolute knowledge that they would not be challenged.
It was during the UN Kyoto coup and Clark and his goons extracted themselves from Pigalle for long enough to be all over the adoring Euro media to define the hellish Australian apartheid.
They had some videos of bull catching and brumby shooting that were, apparently, to be considered as metaphors for our treatment of Aboriginals.
I actually copped some serious stick at work for a few weeks. No sense trying to explain to Europeans that these guys were nothing more than the World’s most cosseted mysogynist crime gang.
A few years later I saw him in my favourite sandwich shop in the 15th. Surprisingly for me, I controlled the emotions and satisfied myself with a simple and erudite “fu*kwit”.
It is an exceptionally cool name though.
The coolest name I was called upon to represent in my previous life was Sebastian Pierpoint Ravenscroft.
He’s long since passed, so I think I can mention that without fault.
Not being one of those people who puts up every one of their favourites for other people to obsequiously marvel over I dare impose upon you all…
Gerry Rafferty’s Baker Street.
As a kid in year 8 I loved this song – being cranked out of a tiny kitchen radio which our very normal suburban ears somehow heard the same way as 15 channel Hi-Fi, particularly the key changes from verse to chorus!
But here is a clip which captures the very remarkable saxophone without stifling the rest. Not as good as the original musically, but with a vibrancy of which the original might, I hope be, proud.
Ambrose Golden Brown
This is Golden Brown –
For a bit of dumb, light humour…Ghostbusters (original and best) is on 7Flix.
Prepare to be slimed. And Zuuled.
Speaking of names, I had cause to speak online with my phone provider the other night. I was greatly assisted by a gentleman who said “Hello, my name is Hardik, how can I be of assistance?”
“Come again…?”
Wally, great commentary.
Found the prototype for the big wooden tower proposed for Perth.
Two-storey model
Wondering how a wooden structure of that size could ever get insured? Its hot enough in WA summers for wooden power poles to burst into flames …
Sebastian Pierpoint Ravenscroft.
That’s not bad. Edgar Allen Poe is up there; and the Romantic poets were well named:
John Keats, Percy Bysshe Shelley, Alfred Lord Tennyson, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Lord Byron and William Blake.
Any bets on this ever being completed?
Brian Eno a.k.a. Brian Peter George St John le Baptiste de la Salle Eno
Sheesh. Sky News is being swamped with Yes23 ads.
These people are so stupid they think all they have to do is flood their opponents with your propaganda and whatever you’re promoting is magically accepted by the dumb bogans in voterland.
No wonder most of them don’t have real jobs — not even in politics.
No poncey name is complete without Cholmondeley. Preferably hyphenated.
We call this “marriage”, I think.
In random but not unrelated news, SWMBO and I calculate that our first kiss was 50 years ago last week! How time flies when you’re having fun.
Here’s the thing…
The sax player came up with the riff that made an otherwise bland song a hit.
Yet at the time he was only paid the hourly rate of a studio musician.
Did he ever press for song writer’s royalties? I don’t know.
Until Procul Harem’s organist won his case in the House for Lord’s for the riff to A Whiter Shade of Pale being worth a song writer’s credit, such claims were hard to win.
Perhaps Bach’s estate should have got a portion of that settlement though. 😀
Saw my first yes sign in the ‘ville today at a set of lights over the Bruce hwy & Deeragun Dve.
Given the crime problem here I wonder how long it lasts.
Mother Lode
Oct 6, 2023 8:39 PM
Not being one of those people who puts up every one of their favourites for other people to obsequiously marvel over I dare impose upon you all…
Gerry Rafferty’s Baker Street.
There is something about the English language and singing and music, It works, And no better with this. Hats Off.
I have a weakness for three names seeing as I have four to contend with.
Would that be the kind of apartheid that gives a racial minority Constitutional superiority over the majority? Nor real self-aware?
Not real …
Alright, he wins.
And, of course, pronounced as Chumly.
Oct 6, 2023 8:51 PM
Why are you so prickly?
Have you no humour or anything else. Get a Life and relax. This is only a Blog, Not a Life.
I think this is easy money for Sky, they play the ads while most, if not all, of their audiences ignore them or deride them. Any lefties who watch Sky would vote Yes anyway and therefore also ignore the ads.
Seriously glorious. Don’t cross the streams! Speaking of dumb, light humour…my reading this evening is Bob’s Saucer Repair, which has had me in tears of laughter. Starts off at a thousand miles an hour and just keeps on getting better.
I asked the kids if the teachers etc have been discussing the ‘Voice’ at school.
Answer: ‘What voice?’.
Good result. The topic itself should have never seen the light of day. What a waste of time.
Use Brave browser and dont log into a google account. No ads. Ever.
If it pays the bills, fine by me.
I drop Brave shields on most righty websites since they need the money.
I’ll see your Brian Eno and raise you Brigadier General José María Jacobo Rafael Ramón Francisco Gabriel del Corazón de Jesús Gordon y Prendergast, one time Australian CGS (pre WW I).
PS, there is some dispute as to how many of his names were registered legally, but it is a magnificent set.
Since you are so desperate to get my attention, Johnny…
Take DrBeau’s advice. And sleep it off.
Correct, Crossie.
I’m all in favour of dumb “progressivises” loading up their media enemies like Sky News with revenue. We hate you!!! Here, have some money! Financially, it’s hilarious.
Good point. I’ll try doing the same.
Boambee John> Cannot top that one. You’re the Winner and prize is an extra glass of finest warm sherry.
The sax player came up with the riff that made an otherwise bland song a hit.
I saw Al Stewart at the Royal Albert Hall in London in 2013. He told the story of Year of the Cat which was a hit from a similar time as Baker Street. He said the producer (Alan Parsons) said the song needed a saxophone solo. What to do? They were recording in Abbey Road and someone said a bloke lived a few streets away. The bloke named Phil Kenzie dragged himself away from the tele went to the studio and nailed a great improvised saxophone solo in two takes. I don’t really like the sax but it works so well on Baker Street and Year of the Cat. Kenzie played the solo live at the concert in 2013 using the same saxophone.
If my instincts of WA epic construction serve me well, I can predict that within ten years, C6 will be-
-constructed to an all-new recipe, mainly involving Malaysian chipboard
-re-named something Nyoongah
-full of Han commerce students
-and owned by a Canadian investment fund.
Phun Perth Phact-
the brutally envisioned Council House was once the world’s biggest asbestos building, weight for weight.
Ha ha Wally. Your cynicism even exceeds mine. I suspect you’re right. Full of Asian students going to Curtin till their parent’s paperwork comes through.
Speaking of names, no one here apparently remembers the name of Johann Gambolputty de von Ausfern-schplenden-schlitter-crasscrenbon-fried-digger-dingle-dangle-dongle-dungle-burstein-von-knacker-thrasher-apple-banger-horowitz-ticolensic-grander-knotty-spelltinkle-grandlich-grumblemeyer-spelterwasser-kurstlich-himbleeisen-bahnwagen-gutenabend-bitte-ein-nürnburger-bratwustle-gerspurten-mitzweimache-luber-hundsfut-gumberaber-shönendanker-kalbsfleisch-mittler-aucher von Hautkopft of Ulm.
Joe Aston – the man has made his mark.
His ability to effortlessly denounce the tall poppies (real or imagined in their lunchtimes) has set him apart from just about every other alleged “journalist” in the braindead ozzie lamestream meeja. That he purveyed his work denouncing pollies and corporate spivs in our own legendary anti-business daily made it even more delicious.
His takedowns of some of the ridiculous pompous sanctimonious corrupt and quite frankly preposterous narcissists that are insultingly held up to us as some sort of role models or ideals to aspire to will become the stuff of legend. The man never boasted about purveying quality journalism (i.e. not “j’ism”) he just went out there out and did it.
Full steam ahead and damn the defamation suits.
Salute, Squire. Epic work. We need some more and now more than ever.
Do not allow yourself to be muzzled by baubles and bimbettes.
How do you deal with parents who won’t send their children to school, for fear of “losing their culture?”
Vile cynical gutter communist politics – trying to unite the two most obnoxious tribes of insoluble inbred imbeciles against the mainstream.
Never forget, collectivism cannot exist without many, many enemies, real or imagined.
Divide and Conquer.
Four Legs Good
Two Legs Bad
*With OPM
Charles V Payne
This is beyond arrogance it scary. You know conversations and planning are happening among the ‘elite.’
This goes against the ethos of America. The Establishment is losing in the arena of ideas despite control all levers of influence. Are re-education camps next?
This could end in bloodshed.
Real Mac Report
Hannity: “Do you believe that Anthony Fauci belongs in jail?”
Sen. Rand Paul: “Without question..I think the book will go a long way to convincing the rest of America that this man was a traitor to his country.”
While working in the USA in the mid-70’s I knew a Harlow J. Loomis III, who looked very much like his name.
Also, Rodney Alan Rippee, who came from Tupelo Mississippi.
Sod that – how or why is that monster still alive?
It belongs in Hell.
Ahem …
cheers you bunch of Grandpa Simpsons
Zulu, Michter’s single barrel straight rye
*big thumb
Oct 6, 2023 7:54 PM
Three young children of friends of one of my children were killed in a plane crash this afternoon.
Please pray for them and their poor grieving families.
Rosie, dreadful news. My thoughts and prayers.
“Sliante” to you, and yours. Mine’s a large Port Charlotte, heavily peated.
Whilst enjoying the televisual feast that is Outsiders* of a Sunday morning as one might do so, I’ve not noticed the hideously uglee bald headed flog that is the Morrow** denouncing the outsized Orange Person who possesses a matching house sized rear end, not to mention some of the most atrocious taste (or complete lack of it) in the history of humanity.
When one lurks in the swamp, there is no need to. 🙂
*How’s about that Persian Princess, Cats? Feisty.
** Son of Lance, one of Time Magazine‘s more notorious purveyors of quality journalism, as she was spoke …
Sincere condolences, rosie.
Steve Inman:
Weekly Top 5 (10/6)
Hedley Thomas’s book on the Chris Dawson Murder case being released on Tuesday.
I hear the sad news but life goes on – And a good laugh helps –
For secret reasons I’ll have a drink (perhaps two) tonight.
Either Bruichladdich, MacAllan, or Port Charlotte. Perhaps all three.
Also sadly forgotten, Andriantsimitoviaminandriandrazaka aka Andriantsimitoviaminiandriana Andriandrazaka, King of Avaradrano, Madagascar.
Life is too short to drink poor quality whisky, wear badly fitting underwear, or associate with losers.
“Wha’s there like us?”
“Damn few.”
” And they’re all dead!”
Scottish soldier’s toast, taught to an Australian tourist, in a boozer on the Royal Mile, in Edinburgh, in 2004.
Jonathon Rotten, you tasteless peasant.
A blonde, a brunette and a redhead stride into a mess hall … 🙂
Whatever happened to those entertaining hussies?
Spurgeon Monkfish III
Oct 6, 2023 11:28 PM
Jonathon Rotten, you tasteless peasant.
And it is Johnny Rotten. Jonathon is an upper class pompous name. Get rid.
Really? So try this for size.
Spurgeon Monkfish III
Oct 6, 2023 11:28 PM
Jonathon Rotten, you tasteless peasant.
A blonde, a brunette and a redhead stride into a mess hall … ?
A Man walks into a Bar and goes Ouch!!!!!!! It was an Iron Bar.
A Tommy Cooper special.
I must say chaps, this Woild would not be a pleasant place without English Roses.
Save it for Later …
As for those Hollweird Hussies, we don’t need to give a little … 🙂
Farrell – unfortunately a Catholic and we went to the same inner city Catholic school. For someone how started as a waiter he has come far. Hides a lot of alp shit eg appealing to the dyke vote. Why are the gaylp Eunichs doing at a toxic male function
Spurgeon Monkfish III
Oct 6, 2023 11:59 PM
I must say chaps, this Woild would not be a pleasant place without English Roses.
Save it for Later …
As for those Hollweird Hussies, we don’t need to give a little … ?
You lot are far to young for me, Now this is real music –
Where is “Jer Cough Cretin” and Mrs Stencho Pantyhose? Are they at a Melbum Orgy or what?
Or have they been told off for causing too much trouble? I do so hope so. LOL
…Put ’em on an unused sheep transport ship with the Poms…
Dorpers vs bovver boys brick heads at 20 paces.
1, where he’s surly and disagreeable; 2, where he’s mean; 3, where he’s vicious; and 4, which is when he is brutal. On occasion, an extremely hard headbutt causes Mean Machine’s dial to get stuck on 4½, which causes him to go berserk, unable to stop headbutting anything he comes across.
How can people make beautiful music like this and make war?
Remind them that those aboriginal äctivists” who are most adamant that they should not “los[e] their culture” have themselves thoroughly assimilated into the broader culture.
Mother Lode Avatar
I normally don’t like live music, but this is the best rendition of Jerry Rafferty’s “Baker Street” I’ve ever heard. Marvellous!