Awesome. The Djoker just won. Degenerate Homo looking upstart took the first set, then Djoker went Bang Bang Bang,
Awesome. The Djoker just won. Degenerate Homo looking upstart took the first set, then Djoker went Bang Bang Bang,
Piss weak.
No. The standards of the Australian Open are not as the standards of the All England Lawn Tennis & Croquet…
DEI is a twofold problem. a) DEI itself that can allow the wrong person into important positions. b) an ensuing…
Roman salute.
Methinks the editors of Tablet, a Jewish American journal, have nailed what lead to what ensued in Israel on the weekend, and yes, the venal and corrupt Sniffer administration in Washington shoulders a lot of blame.
A Brief Education in What Just Happened in Israel
Understanding our reality is the least we can do. Start here.
Hamas’ terrorist attack this weekend took everyone by surprise, but it did not occur in a vacuum. How did we get here?
Here’s a brief annotated reader.
First, let’s look at the last major Gaza war, in 2021, which started, not coincidentally, shortly after Joe Biden took office:
As with the conflagration before that, in 2014, the strategic backdrop for the war was simple: the foreign policy pivot, initiated by Barack Obama and revived by Biden, to create a “realignment” in the Middle East by partnering with Iran. Four days before the rocket fire started, Iran’s supreme leader, Ali Khamenei, gave a triumphalist speech, declaring that “the balance of power has swung.” The Iranian framing of a new “balance of power” fits seamlessly with the U.S. administration’s declared priorities. As part of its regional realignment doctrine, the Biden administration has moved away from the Abraham Accords as fast as it can. As all the actors involved understood, the Abraham Accords represented the framework for a U.S.-led camp of regional allies to cooperate in the face of common challenges, specifically those posed by Iran. This security architecture is what Team Obama-Biden’s realignment doctrine fundamentally rejects. The point of realignment is to create the opposite regional order of that imagined by the Abraham Accords.
Rather than create an order that clearly distinguishes between our Israeli and Arab allies on the one side and our enemies led by Iran on the other, this vision moved to erase that line and to back Iran against our former allies, forcing them to accommodate Iran and to prop up its regional assets. That, Team Biden argued, is how you achieve a “more integrated region,” which is a “less pressurized” and therefore a “more stable and secure” region, as a July 2022 op-ed under Joe Biden’s name explained it.
The administration’s examples of “integration” all involved Iranian holdings like Yemen and Iraq. And now the administration was preparing to “integrate” another Iran equity, Hezbollah-controlled Lebanon, with Israel:
Over the next several months, the administration maneuvred the caretaker government of Yair Lapid to sign a maritime border delineation agreement that conceded to all of Hezbollah’s demands. In the process, the administration and Hezbollah worked hand in glove, amplifying Hezbollah’s operations to pressure Israel while demanding the latter abstain from “escalating”:
The administration hailed the agreement as a prime example of “regional integration,” whose dividends included providing Lebanon, that is to say Hezbollah, with security and prosperity, which in turn, they claimed, made Israel more secure. In other words, by entangling Israel with Hezbollah, and thereby constraining its ability to target the Iranian-led terrorist group, Team Biden was advancing its vision for a “more secure and more integrated” region.
When Benjamin Netanyahu returned to power shortly thereafter, Team Obama-Biden lost a pliant client government and now needed to make sure Netanyahu didn’t get in the way of their regional vision.
Israel needed to be tied down with all available shackles. The first and oldest instrument was the Palestinians.
A key element of trashing the Abraham Accords was to once again place the Palestinians center stage. As the administration paid and bestowed prestige on them, the Palestinians launched another terrorism campaign against Israel, this time in Judea and Samaria and Jerusalem. The Palestinians knew that they had America’s wind in their sails, and they understood the function America wanted them to perform, one familiar to them throughout their history: to act as an instrument of sabotage for radical regimes.
The administration also continued to extend a security umbrella to Hezbollah and moved to tie down the Netanyahu government in another process with the terrorist group, replaying its maritime border scheme this time on land. By this spring, Hezbollah had been assisting Hamas and Islamic Jihad in their ongoing campaign against Israel, orchestrating rocket fires from Lebanon and dispatching a bomber deep into Israel. Recognizing that Lebanon, and therefore Hezbollah, enjoyed American protection, the group then upped the ante further by setting up an outpost inside the Israeli Har Dov region in the Golan Heights.
The group’s leader explained confidently that the Israelis were deterred and that now the Biden administration will come and pressure Israel to concede. Which is exactly what happened. The administration’s special envoy came to Israel and Lebanon carrying an “initiative” to resolve their land border dispute, and advised Israel not to escalate.
Shortly thereafter, Team Obama-Biden knifed Israel at the Security Council by approving a resolution that called that part of the Golan Heights “occupied,” even as U.S. policy, put in effect by President Trump, recognizes Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan. The Obama-Biden team was dead set on reaffirming Obama’s vision, which he enshrined in UNSCR 2334, and which adopted the so-called 1967 lines. That meant that the U.S. regarded all Israeli presence and communities established in territory “occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem,” as having “no legal validity.”
In tandem with this track, the administration bogged the Israelis down in another process. This one dangled before Netanyahu the promise of a “megadeal” with Saudi Arabia, a prize the Israeli prime minister very much coveted.
U.S. officials had put out through their Israeli mouthpiece that if the Netanyahu government wants an agreement with Saudi Arabia, it will have to make concessions to the Palestinians. That is, the Biden administration had inserted its agenda on the 1967 lines and Jerusalem into the Saudi-Israeli process, and presented it as a Saudi ask that was necessary to provide “legitimacy” through Palestinian buy-in to any prospective agreement with Israel. You want your “historic” deal, Bibi? Sign here.
Moreover, the administration moved to paralyze Netanyahu at home, backing his political opponents and shunning him and members of his coalition. The administration’s ambassador backed the popular demonstrations against Netanyahu, openly flaunting Washington’s interference behind a movement to topple the elected government.
It is against this background of a relentless, multifaceted, and sustained campaign to disorient, distract, and paralyze Israel that we should read Hamas’ attack. As in 2021, it is Iran and Hamas who launched the war. But it is America that has conditioned the battlefield.
In the US pro palli scum celebrating the great victory:
The wisdom of establishing these settlements within enemy territory always seemed questionable to me.
I don’t disagree, but I and most other Jews will never forego our right to live in Hebron.
De-register them.
“De-register them.”
Yep, I’m sick and tired of the never ending cowardice, inertia and spinelessness.
Any other party would be skating on thin ice if they supported terror.
Make no mistake…the Greens support terror.
Forget the dopey “Nazis” – we have real killer enablers in our Parliament. And they’re out and proud, not hiding in some sleazy garage in the mountains mumbling slogans.
Whilst I’m a fan of Big Nuke, we need to remember that Nukes, like Bio and Chemical weapons are first of all are psychological weapons.
Threaten to nuke the largest cities in Iran –
Tehran 7,153,309
Mashhad 2,307,177
Isfahan 1,547,164
Karaj 1,448,075
Tabriz 1,424,641
Shiraz 1,249,942
– give them 24 hours to hand over all the Hamas operatives, the hostages and the bodies or the hammer falls.
The exodus from the cities of 14 million people will disrupt the already tottering Iran regime, and there is no chance the religious police or the army will be able to hold them back. The attempt to do so will lead to – probably – the overthrow of the mad mullahs.
If that doesn’t work, THEN bomb them. And add Mecca and Medina to the list.
Islam ONLY ever responds to violence. They have nothing but contempt for peacemakers.
The media depiction of the polls seems odd to me. The inference is that if the polls showed Yes at 51 and No at 49, the Yes people should be chilling the champagne.
For the Yes side to be confident of victory, they’d need state and national polling data that shows them ahead overall and in a majority of states, OR they’d need a colossal national lead OR a commanding lead and some reasonable basis to believe the less populous states aren’t going to buck this trend.
The polls at present suggest Yes is unambiguously going down in flame and it’s not going to be close. Even if they were neck and neck, this wouldn’t bode well for Yes.
Thanks for posting the Tablet piece, Cassie:
I’d thought that the hamstringing of the Netanyahu government was mainly the work of the Israeli left. But, of course, it was Obama’s puppet Biden regime in the White House.
Pure evil.
As long as Biden is the White House puppet, Obama’s third term will never end.
100% agree OCO and I believe I have Israel’s best interests at-hand when I agree, but one shadow of doubt over this eminently suitable idea resides in the back of my mind…
While I’d love to see Gaza turned into a moonscape, I think (?) doing so would only galvanise and unite the didndu’s across the Arab world and you could truly be looking at a fricking major attack on Israel from all sides. I think they have full justification to go bomb the sh!t outta the place right now but I’ve been balancing this up in my mind around “how far do you go” before you force the hand of others to step in (Lebanon being the first and most likely, followed by Jordan, Amman and then undoubtedly Iran… depending on how far you push…).
Unfortunately, Israel is screwed if they do and screwed if they don’t.
(Just my random musings I guess)
Bloody hell. Sharri Markson, who’s Jewish, has lost it on Sky News and is crying.
So sad.
Go, Sharri.
If you show conciliatory moves they think you are weak and treat you with contempt.
Making peace is not in their dictionary, when losing, they agree to terms not peace and return to war soon as they feel strong enough or thinking of having a chance doing you harm at least.
I disagree with OCO on territory. A slow expansion of whoever loses a war to you (which they have started, unprovoked against you) is an existential threat to them.
If Gaza didn’t exist in 48 hours and were expelled to the West Bank or Egypt, or had to become loyal Israelis, the incentives for West Bankers to act crazy would go down significantly.
After that, Southern Lebanon if necessary, rinse and repeat.
I think exterminating enough of Hamas to make Israel’s position abundantly clear to everyone concerned can be done without levelling Gaza. The main difficulty would arise if the Israelis decided to stay.
Lol Cohenite, lovely to see you making a “guest appearance” at my “favourite” lefty blog!!! 😛
Oct 9, 2023 5:10 PM
Did it get published? It told me some crap about a duplicate comment so I gave up.
War Returns to the Middle East
Hamas’s surprise attack, aided by Iran, is a reminder of Israel’s existential peril—and the growing risk to U.S. allies.
By WSJ The Editorial Board
The scenes of Israeli civilians gunned down in the streets, children and grandmothers taken hostage, and Palestinians cheering it all are awful to behold.
But behold the world must because Saturday’s assault from Gaza shows the reality of the global disorder that is expanding by the month. Israel is on the front lines, but all of the democratic world is a target.
The scale and initial success of the attack puncture many illusions. One is that Israel is secure in its rough neighborhood. The Jewish state may have technological superiority, but it is still threatened by implacable enemies north, south and east.
As the weekend evolved, it became clear this is no simple “terrorist” attack.
It is part of a what Hamas and its allies hope is an extended war against Israel on Israeli soil. It is supported by Iran and Hezbollah in Lebanon that could unleash a second front in Israel’s north.
The surprise assault was clearly in the planning for months and was timed for the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War in 1973. That it took Israeli troops hours to reach some of the towns overrun by armed Palestinian militants suggests that even Israelis underestimated the threat.
There will be a reckoning about the intelligence failure once the crisis is past.
Another myth busted is that Palestinians will live in peace with Israel if they get a state of their own.
Not as long as Hamas and Islamic Jihad can terrorize and dominate Palestinians.
Israel ceded Gaza to the Palestinians in 2005, but Hamas took over in 2007 and assassinates anyone in the territory who challenges its goal of expelling the Jews from all of Israel.
And please no more condemnation of Israel’s “blockade” or “occupation.” Israel has been allowing 17,000 Gazans to work in Israel each day and would like to allow more. Western critics of Israel don’t live in range of Hamas or Hezbollah rockets supplied by Iran.
They don’t have to fear that their grandparents may be dragged from their homes and imprisoned in a Hamas basement to be traded if they aren’t murdered.
No Israeli government can afford to cede control of more territory that could become a launching point for Hamas attacks.
Israel faces some difficult choices in the days ahead. A return to the status quo before Saturday’s assault would seem to be intolerable. Hamas would be able to rearm, rebuild its tunnels, and wait to attack again.
But an Israeli invasion of Gaza and reinstatement of Israeli control would be costly in lives and risk that Hezbollah would open a second front in Lebanon.
Iran-backed Hezbollah has stockpiled tens of thousands of missiles.
A new buffer zone of several miles between Gaza and Israel is another mooted option.
The response is Israel’s to make, and it deserves the West’s support.
“My administration’s support for Israel’s security is rock solid and unwavering,” President Biden said on Saturday, and we’re glad to hear it.
But the temptation at the White House will be to give Israel a week or so to respond with a free hand, and then lean on the Netanyahu government to stand down.
That is always the U.S. pattern, but it shouldn’t be this time. If a wider war breaks out, the U.S. will have to provide Israel with the arms and diplomatic support necessary to destroy Hamas and the military capacity of Hezbollah.
The assault also underscores the continuing malevolence of Iran.
The government in Tehran cheered on the attacks, and it has provided the rockets and weapons for Hamas.
It may have encouraged the timing as well, hoping the war will block any near-term chance of a rapprochement between Israel and Saudi Arabia.
The Biden Administration’s failure to enforce oil sanctions against Iran, as well as its payment of $6 billion for U.S. hostages, looks even more misguided after this bloody weekend.
The attacks on Israel, horrible as they are, at least provide some moral clarity about the stakes in the Middle East.
One side seeks the destruction of Israel and the Jews. The other arms itself to protect its citizens and state from that destruction.
The internal Israeli debates over its Supreme Court look trivial next to the threat to Israel’s existence.
The assault on America’s closest Middle East ally is also a warning about how dangerous the world is becoming.
As U.S. power and will recede, bad actors feel empowered to fill the vacuum.
American isolationists on the right and left may wish to look away, but the U.S. can’t dodge the consequences.
Refugees from socialist failure in the Americas are flooding over the U.S. border, and sooner or later the U.S. will become a military target.
The consequences of post-Cold War complacency are coming fast and furious.
Which is?
Sharri very emotional and nearly lost it. But the professional that she is, composed herself and got on with it.
Go girl!
Regarding the Referendum.
My Faulty Prediction is as follows:-
NSW 43% Yes 57% No
Vic . 46% 54%
Qld. 33% 67%
WA. 34% 66%
SA. 39% 61%
Tas 49% 51%
ACT 60% 40%
NT 55% 45%
National Total 41.0% Yes 59.0% No.
So a 6-zip whitewash on state counts (despite a win in both ACT and NT) and a 59:41 No vote nationally.
2 million+ people live in Gaza. Both annexation and mass expulsions are non-starters. There are too many people there for either to be done in a way that doesn’t come with existential risks for Israel. It doesn’t make sense for the medicine to make the patient sicker than the disease it’s supposed to cure.
Awwwww…the down-dicker loves terrorists.
How surprising.
Bruce of Newcastle
Egypt needs to stand back. If she becomes involved, a nice little 20Kt warhead threat against the base of the Aswan Dam will very quickly release 169 billion cubic metres of water into the Nile Valley and wash away Cairo and the Pyramids.
Geez, even Vic is No? Wow, that takes some doing.
Yep Cohen, sure did!
Dr Bowe (for a “Doctor” he is) runs the site and he is quite good at polling numbers and data interrogation… He made the confession/disclosure on 7 News one night that he is supported by the Teals which was unsurprising. I’ve ran into him at UWA functions a number of times and he always struck me as a data genius (yeah… weirdo).
A lot of Hopium and Copium being consumed there.
Wall Street Isn’t Sure It Can Handle All of Washington’s Bonds
Investors long shrugged off U.S. deficits, but a torrent of Treasurys is testing the bond market
The autumn bond rout is challenging Wall Street’s longstanding belief that the U.S. government can’t sell too many Treasurys.
Ever since the Federal Reserve broke the inflation scare of the 1980s, Wall Street and Washington have shrugged off multitrillion-dollar deficits, counting on America’s global standing to provide perpetual demand for its debt that could finance the spending.
Now, the steep declines in prices of Treasurys—meant to be the world’s safest and easiest-to-trade investment—are forcing markets to confront the possibility that the rates required to place all this debt will be higher than anyone expected.
The yield on the benchmark 10-year Treasury note, which rises when bond prices fall, briefly surged near 4.9% on Friday after the monthly jobs report showed U.S. employers hired nearly double the workers that economists were anticipating. The strength of the labor market is one reason bond yields have soared this year, reflecting an improved outlook for economic growth and inflation.
Another came this summer, after the Treasury Department caught Wall Street off guard by announcing it would borrow roughly $1 trillion in the year’s third quarter, more than a quarter trillion dollars above previous expectations.
Already more than $1.76 trillion of Treasurys has been issued on a net basis through September, higher than in any full year in the past decade, excluding 2020’s pandemic surge.
Official estimates show that is unlikely to decrease.
Few expect a U.S. default or a Treasury auction to fail—a practically unheard-of occurrence that traders warn could lead to a truly chaotic period in markets, likely with prices falling across the board for some period.
Much of the benchmark 10-year yield’s climb from around 1.5% at the beginning of 2022 has been powered by the Fed’s interest-rate increases and expectations that rates could stay high for the foreseeable future. But the latest surge has raised worries that the onslaught of new debt could pressure bond prices for years to come.
“The rise in bond yields has been relentless, and the price action has become disorderly,” said Sophia Drossos, an economist and strategist at Greenwich, Conn.-based hedge fund Point72. “Much of the bad news regarding Treasury supply appears to be getting priced in.”
The level of bond yields is key to both Wall Street and Main Street. Roughly $25 trillion of Treasurys underpins the global banking system and the reserve status of the dollar. Borrowing costs for companies and households—including mortgage rates and the interest on loans—fluctuate with benchmark yields. Stocks are valued in part based on how attractive their potential returns are relative to those on Treasurys—meaning, all else being equal, more bonds at higher yields means lower stock prices.
Few on Wall Street expect the torrent to slow soon.
The federal deficit is projected to breach $2.85 trillion by 2033, cumulatively totaling $20.2 trillion—6.1% of GDP—from 2024 to 2033, according to the Congressional Budget Office. That is well above the 3.6% annual average for the past five decades—and those estimates assume interest rates will retreat without a recession. Higher Treasury yields also make servicing that debt more burdensome.
“This year the deficit is projected to be $1.5 trillion, or about 5.8% of GDP. We have never seen a deficit like this at a time of full employment,” said David Einhorn, co-founder and president of hedge fund Greenlight Capital, at Grant’s investment conference this past week. “I think everyone agrees that it’s unsustainable. But not everyone agrees when it becomes a problem.”
Large buyers including central banks have typically financed deficit spending, which rose during the pandemic as a result of stimulus efforts. But many have pulled back from the Treasury market.
The Fed financed much of the fiscal measures since 2008, but now it is paring its $7.3 trillion balance sheet. America’s largest foreign creditor, Japan, cut its U.S. bondholdings to their lowest since 2019 earlier this year. Big banks’ Treasury purchases are constrained by regulatory requirements.
“The Bank of Japan has definitely contributed to the rise in U.S. yields,” said Tim Ng, a portfolio manager focused on U.S. debt and interest rates at Capital Group, a $2.3 trillion fixed-income asset manager. “Japanese investors looked for yield in the U.S. and European bond markets—now Japanese government bonds look more attractive. It’s a meaningful shift.”
The Japanese 10-year government bond yield recently climbed above 0.80 percentage point, more than double levels from June. Higher yields have also fueled a stronger dollar, making it more expensive for Japan-based investors to protect their holdings from currency fluctuations.
Ng thinks yields have more room to fall than climb much higher, particularly as the Fed enters the final stages of its rate-hiking cycle. He also expects the onslaught of bonds to make it harder for the central bank to run off its balance sheet.
Smaller buyers might also prove increasingly reluctant.
The U.S. bond market is on track for its third consecutive year of losses, something that has never happened before.
While investors holding high-quality debt can still expect their coupon payments and full principal at the time of maturity, that has dealt a blow to anyone heavily invested in supposedly ultrasafe Treasurys.
“As an everyday investor, you’re looking at three years of negative bond returns. You might start to become skittish about buying any more bonds,” said Ng.
H B Bear
Anyone want to get some cards printed? I’m sure it would be fun….
Elbow dropped a stinking trotskyist turd on Australian voters and his tame indigenes, corporations, celebrities, media and other notables tried to coat it with glitter.
Sadly, there isn’t enough sparkle in the world to cover it.
The stench, of course, is another matter.
Chanticleer – Labor Blackout Bowen & Albo-alwaysoverseas strike again
The startling reason Boral is stopping production almost every day
Vik Bansal, chief executive of the building products giant, has provided a reality check on how the energy transition is actually rolling out for the Australian industry.
When Boral chief executive Vik Bansal thinks about the energy transition, his mind goes to the 5500 blue-collar workers that work in the building material giant’s 300 manufacturing plants across the country.
It’s those workers who are living the reality of Australia’s stuttering energy transition, which has helped push Boral’s power prices up 54 per cent in the last 12 months.
“This is what happens today – it probably will happen today and will happen tomorrow,” Bansal told The Australian Financial Review Energy & Climate Summit in Sydney on Monday.
“At a certain price during the day, when the price goes up to a certain level, manufacturing stops. Because we’ve worked out economically, it’s actually better to have thousands of people waiting idle for the prices to come down than actually do the work.”
After a morning spent going over the familiar and depressing ground of the stalling energy transition – not enough renewable projects in development, not enough movement on transmission, challenges in harnessing Australia’s impressive take-up of rooftop solar, insufficient decarbonisation efforts by companies – it was a startling reminder that these problems have real-life implications.
Of course, given concrete manufacturing is one of the country’s most emissions intensive industries, it is not surprising Boral should be facing big price increases. And Bansal accepts that he will need to live with ambiguity for some time, as rules, obligations and realities of the transition play out.
But he also points out that while the energy transition remains particularly uncertain, this nation’s ambitions – and its demand for concrete – are not.
Projects aren’t getting off the ground
We need concrete for the growing number of social housing and infrastructure projects. We’ll need it for the Brisbane Olympic Games. As AGL Energy chief executive Damien Nicks reminded the Summit, we’ll need about 1 million tonnes of concrete per annum if we are to build required renewable projects.
“How do I service that market [demand] when one of my top five cost inputs fluctuates every five minutes, with no certainty?” Bansal said.
“Frankly, give me certainty – give me certainty of policy, give me certainty of price, and I can do something with it.”
Nicks, who did suggest he might be able to help Bansal out with a more competitive energy deal, argued that AGL is doing its bit to provide certainty around the closure of its coal-fired energy plants. But whether that certainty around coal closures translates into confidence about renewable energy coming in remains to be seen.
Australian Energy Regulator chairman Clare Savage says there are more undeveloped energy projects in the pipeline in Australia than there are in existence. But the struggles that project developers are having estimating their returns in an environment of supply chain problems and stalled planning approvals, means those projects simply aren’t making it off spreadsheets and into real life.
Oops the rest
Bansal is feeling this, too. He needs 19 per cent of his energy to come from renewable sources to meet his emissions reductions targets, but finding renewable energy at competitive prices is proving difficult.
And while Bansal is desperate for certainty, he is in no rush to sign up to decades-long power purchase agreements without more clarity around the rules of engagement.
Knowing what the government’s safeguard mechanism looks like helps, but there is still uncertainty, for example, around the cross border carbon mechanism that is designed to tax imports of high-emission products like concrete and cement.
Bansal concedes he doesn’t have the same perspective as regulators or renewable energy project developers, but says it’s time for the industry to sit down, address the big concerns of industrial customers and consumers, and get on with it.
“I think we’ve talked enough,” he says.
But who takes the lead on action – for the planet, for consumers, and for industry – just isn’t clear.
Industry leaders beg for both urgency to protect the planet, and patience to build consensus, trust and social licence.
That might work in a perfect world, but the clock is ticking. Surely, it is time for governments to provide more leadership and capital to reduce risk for customers and investors.
Awwww…you love terrorists and Elbow.
How surprising!
If you won’t argue with me, you craven shyte, I can call out your cowardice as much as I please.
Free speech works both ways.
Nobody wants them, especially their near neighbours the Syrians.
They are useful idiots in Islamic political campaigns, but nobody actually wants this group of malcontents, idlers, nutcases and grifters anywhere near their country, where they would only cause trouble.
It’s a failed state kept alive by transfusions from the good, the bad and the ugly.
Senator Lidia Thorpe has issued a statement – she stands with Palestine. I’m sure they will be overjoyed…
Oh, and Old Ozzie – please stop the threadbombing. You are imitating srr, who filled pages and pages with her personal preferences.
I do not want to have to go through three or four screens to get past your latest opinion of what we all must read.
Give us a link and an indication of what it is about.
It’s called blogetiquette.
Think about it – what if everyone here did what you do? The place would be unreadable.
So, please stop.
From the Spectator.
I’d be more inclined to believe the hag if she was actually making her stand on the ground in Palestine. Get going you utterly depraved, drunken blot on the body politic.
Monty in Malmo is more likely to happen.
Oh, and Old Ozzie – please stop the threadbombing.
Unless its subscription stuff then keep doing it.
OldOzzie, please keep “threadbombing” to your heart’s content.
Your liberation of news media articles — especially those behind paywalls — is most welcome.
The major Australian parties – Labor after overnight consultation – have denounced Hamas and offered political support to Israel.
Silence from the Greens – as far as I can see, no comment at all.
Unable even to recognise the humanity of murdered civilians, kidnapped hostages, and abuse of the dead.
Beyond puke.
Who the fcuk votes for these things as a good idea?
Yes. I found myself telling unpalatable truths today at S &B. They had no idea of what happened.
Our media has let us down. They are in bed with the terrorists, despite batting innocent eyelashes.
This comment has nothing to do with Ozzie, but imagine you doing it posting pics of “cute owls” You’d turn it into a trannie porn site.
The Chaser Boys (avg age 47) have tweeted:
As with many leftards, they think their moral posturing makes them ineligible to star in “ISIS specials” livestreamed from Syria.
Oh, and down-dicker – you can use as many devices, as many VPNs, in fact you can be Legion as far as I’m concerned.
You are a morally bankrupt coward. So keep going. Every flaccid finger on the button simply cements your failure.
Winston – Egypt will cooperate fully with Israel, because if they don’t they will suddenly own 2 million feral nazis. They have enough problem with Sinai jihadists already, they don’t want to have to look after Gazans.
Bruce of Newcastle
And the coppers wonder where all the community support went.
The Libs should promise, if elected, that they will relocate ABC headquarters to Gaza. Not only would that be a vote winner, but the ABC employees would feel right at home.
I appreciate the behind paywall articles being posted.
Posted by anyone.
If freely available? Just give us a short synopsis and a link.
Old Ozzie,
The only concern for me with the articles you quote is that I have difficulty reading lengthy italics.
I do not expect you to make exception for my inability to read, just letting you know.
I was amused that it took Albo 12 hours to come to a decision. Just enough for a focus group exercise.
‘Yet another failure’: Prime Minister Anthony Albanese called out for slow response to surprise attack on Israel (Sky News, 8 Oct)
Maybe enough time for a quickie poll too.
Oct 9, 2023 12:16 PM
English she is tricky lingua.
Perhaps we should ask the Haemophiliacs their opinion on the matter?
Hang on – we can’t. The homosexuals contaminated their Factor VIII supply and they’re all dead, aren’t they?
Walking past a bus stand today I see that the Yessers are going hell for leather.
I was accosted by the fact that “85% of Indigenous people support the voice”!
I have no doubt that 85% of alcoholics think they should get discounts on their grog, 85% of lawyers will be in favour of more laws”, and “85% of trannies being in favour of greater access to children”.
OK, so being indigenous and being a trannie are not the same thing, so it was stupid using logic that worked like that.
But it also made me ponder – you only need be 1/16 Aboriginal to count as Aboriginal.
Now, I will not go into the statistics of it all, but it seems to me intuitively that there are more ways to be 1/16 than there are to be a full blood – full bloods requires two full blood parents while to be 1/16 requires only one great great grandparent or, rather, 1 out of 16 of your great grandparents be so.
Now it is not quite as simple as a game of permutations, but if an Aboriginal couple have two kids then they are both full bloods.
If a Black parent and a White parent have two kids then there are two half bloods. If these two half bloods marry whites and have two kids each you get four quarter bloods. If they each marry whites and are as fecund as their parents you get eight eighth bloods…and so on.
Point is that the 16th bloods will significantly outnumber the full bloods since the bulk of the Australian population is White and therefore most couplings of halfs and quarters etc will be with Whites.
So when they speak of “85% of Indigenous” people the bulk of them will be more dilute that even half bloods. It is mostly people who are mostly white (and have very white lifestyles) who are in favour of a body that favours urban claimants to Aboriginality.
I wonder what 85% of statisticians would favour?
The “early voting” booth has closed for the day. Zero campaign presence from either Yes or No side – AEC staff only.
They’ve just come back to their hotel room. They’re in purple AEC colours, with “Yes” on the front, sewn-on flags of both Aboriginal & Torres Strait flag, and in big white letters down the back of their shirts:
I’m not making this up. (I’ll try to get a photo, I’ve got all week)
That’s a valid point but without the Hezb, Hams & Fatter there, wouldn’t preventing acts of violence be easier? Take the artillery barrages for example. They’re lobbing a lot of Iranian missiles, shells and bomb-equipped drones. There’s a trade-off/competition between that and ending transit between Israel and the Strip. There’s also a dynamic disincentive if Israel becomes mildly imperialistic.
If Israel really did take up much of the levant, the “drive them into the sea” mob would be demoralised to boot.
Arguably the “non-starter” bit goes down to budget constraints (bribery) and the IDF booting them out if they refuse to be loyal or swear an oath of allegiance.
Old Ozzie takes the time to post stuff from the AFR which takes a lot of patience deleting all the shit they jam into articles.
I’ve post a few Joe Aston columns and it takes ages.
Delete this, delete that.
If you sympathise with Palestinians you will oppose Hamas. If you believe in individual freedom and human rights you’ll oppose Hamas
Australia will be lucky to have any domestic produced cement in 10 to 20 years time. At one point you would have said Australia had comparative advantage in its manufacture.
Soccer match in Tehran. Regime put up a Pali flag and the folks are calling out to shove it up the a-hole.
Has Israel ever tried to force Egypt and Jordan to take back the Palis?
Thanks for the AFR stuff. No way I’m paying for that. Used to free ride on a mates student subscription but that when in a clean up. Mate didn’t bother subscribing either. Don’t mind paying for Teh Paywallian.
We didn’t make it. This future has been imposed on us by our political class. Just so they could keep their places at the trough.
Israel relaxes gun rules in wake of Hamas attacks
Given the circumstances they live under their gun control rules were amazingly draconian.
A photo, distributed appropriately, would be very, verrrry, good.
First copies to Dutton, Jacinta (no, not the Victorian one), Rowan, and, of course, the AEC Commissioner.
Thought I might share this. Back in November 2012 I wrote the following post entitled “Israel – Under Permanent Siege”. I think it was published on the old Catallaxy Files, but am not certain. In any event, it is as relevant today as once again, I see that some sections of the MSM are focusing on the Israeli response in Gaza rather than what precipitated it and the terrible actions by Hamas.
In the four days from the 10th to 14th November 2012, Islamic terrorists acting under the Hamas umbrella fired 121 rockets from Gaza into Israel, along with a number of mortar shells. Some of that fusillade hit civilian homes and factories; some civilians were wounded and others treated for shock. Air raid sirens give people less than 20 seconds to find shelter. If there weren’t so many shelters, there would be more casualties.
On November 15th, Israel responded. A targeted drone strike on Gaza killed Ahmed Jabari, the leader of Hamas’s military wing and second-in-command of the Iranian proxy al-Qassam Brigades. Jabari has been linked to hundreds of terror operations and human bomb attacks over several decades. His second-in-command, Raed Al Attar, was also killed.
It is not surprising that Israel considers itself in a permanent state of siege – both from its neighbours who have vowed to destroy it, and from the global media. The media, for its part, virtually ignore rocket attacks on Israel. But, should Israel respond, then that is a story! “Israel fans flames of war”; “World holds breath as Israel attacks”.
Let me get this straight – rocket attacks on Israelis are not news BUT Israeli military action to defend Israel against such attacks is !
The MSM seem to think that the firing by Hamas of 120-plus rockets in four days is not an escalation of violence or an attempt to murder Israeli civilians; but a targeted strike that kills two individuals who have been organising such attacks, in order to prevent them from organising any more, is an escalation. What? Seriously?
As a further demonstration of the gross one-sidedness of the attacks on Israel, let me relay a couple of statistics.
Did you know that the latest rockets add up to a total of 797 rockets fired into Israel so far this year?
Did you know that 5274 rockets have been fired into Israel since 2006?
Just imagine if this was another country. Can you imagine ANY circumstance where the United States would tolerate 120 rockets fired into US territory without responding? Or Russia not responding? Or China? France? Germany? Britain? Any country, except Israel? Of course not, and the idea is laughable. And the 120+ rocket barrage occurred in just the past 4 days. For every other country mentioned, mobilisation to full scale war would have been underway well before the end of the first day.
The willingness of the media to cast Israel as the aggressor is breathtaking. It certainly appears that Israel can never be a victim, only an aggressor and that the Jews cannot be allowed to kill their attackers in order to defend their own people.
Yet over 1 million inhabitants of southern Israel have been under siege from such attacks for years. The media have either remained silent or pose rhetorical questions about the “Palestinian problem” and make dark references to any incident allegedly undertaken by the Israeli Secret Service, Mossad. The inference being that Israel is the routine aggressor.
It appears that Israel is the only country on Earth which is not entitled to defend itself. And, as I write this, Israeli sons, husbands and fathers are being called up for military duty and placed on the highest alert status. They will defend their country against genocidal Jew-hating fanatics who have been allowed, by an indifferent world and a leftist media, to amass lethal force to realise their goal of destroying Israel and the Jewish people.
Bruce of Newcastle
Not sure a focus group was the problem. More likely realising it was required at all and convincing Caucus seems more likely.
What value would any sane person, particularly an Israeli, place on that oath of allegiance?
Sancho Panzer 5:17 PM: Regarding the Referendum.
My Faulty Prediction is as follows:-
ACT 60% 40%
NT 55% 45%
Correct me if I’m wrong, but don’t the ACT and NT not get counted as Yes/No, being territories and not states?
In other words, the Yes camp need to get a national vote majority AND 4/6 states to win?
There’s a lot of that around.
It’s about demoralisation. Everyone who stays are now “traitors” too.
That is just my take.
It is hard to get a bead on state by state numbers, but it appears that Yes support is weakening (read “collapsing”) in NSW and Victoria.
Here’s the thing.
National polling via a number of polls seems to be indicating a result approaching 60:40 (I am guessing 59:41).
NSW and Victoria combined comprise 57% of nationally enrolled voters.
If we assume that NSW and Vic are at, say, 50:50, that means they would have 28.5% of the national vote out of those two states alone. It would need all the other states and territories to be at 29% Yes for that to give a National total of 59:41. I don’t think that is likely.
If the 59:41 figure is true, NSW and Victoria are almost certainly underwater for the Yes case.
I believe the territory votes go to the national total but not toward any state’s totals
but don’t listen to me
… the Lego-Pundit will know for sure
Yes but ML (IIRC) had a competition for all eight jurisdictions and a national total.
Now is the time for Israel to unilaterally impose what it seeks. It will, of course, have to live with the consequences of its decisions and must not act rashly. Its impositions need to made with an eye to whether these can be maintained over the long term.
I’m not as gung ho as some here. Israel doesn’t have an entirely free hand. It mustn’t assume that it will always have the ability to act in the way it currently is able to. If the Palestinians are to have their own state, such an entity needs to be able to sustain its population.
Of course Israel needs to take drastic measures in the short term to protect its citizens from Hamas’s brutality, to punish them for what they have done and do what it can to ensure Hamas or any successor entity never again attempts such an attack.
However, Israel would surely wish to avoid a prolonged, pointless and strength-sapping occupation (ie. Afghanistan) or a Versailles peace; both of which would ultimately be a far worse outcome for Israel.
It won’t be easy. We’ll see if Netanyahu is a true statesman or merely a very successful politician in the mould of Angela Merkel.
oh … here he is
good timing
Well of course. They have four million Israeli Arabs that they really really don’t want to obtain firearms.
On the other hand when a feral goes all stabby they seem to get potted by a member of the public quite quickly, so the firearms policy appears to do what is required.
Shannahan on Credlin saying anyone who criticises Israel’s response to the muzzie shits is a bastard; or words to that effect.
One of the things about the muzzies which has only been touched on is that islam is eschatological; it is a death cult combining the eradication of individuality in communism with the promise of a better life after death featured in the worst cults. It’s disciples are mad; any society which bans booze and perving on woman is bound to have its men driven insane. Islam literally shows the limits of the human psyche’s ability to deal with reality and an imposed social stricture. They indoctrinate their kids from birth.
I can’t see any solution other than nuking iran which is now muzzie central. Interestingly biden’s open borders are showing equals numbers of young chunk men and muzzie guys. Maybe the 2 will fight each other.
It was a joke Bear. I suspect no one in the ALP dares go for a crap without doing a focus group beforehand. All that water and toilet paper destroying the Planet!
I’ve just got home, on the bus I was shaking and crying. When I get stressed, I shake badly. Why? Because tonight I saw Nazis at Town Hall, real Nazis.
I left work just after 5.00 p.m. and I decided to walk to Town Hall to get some groceries (I work down at Circular Quay). I went into Woolworths and bought some eggs, butter and yoghurt. I walked out the George Street door, and saw a massive police presence, and I heard shouting, using a megaphone. I then saw quite a few men and women waving Nazi Palestinian flags walking to that area that separates St Andrew’s Cathedral with the Town Hall. There’s a heavy police presence, all facing at the scum. Apparently a Greens MLA is in attendance, egging on their Jew hatred. I saw a mother and father walking with their children, all waving Nazi Palestinian flags, and those children were wearing Nazi Palestinian martyr garb. I became shocked and bewildered, and I walked up to a young policeman and said is this an anti-Israel protest, he nodded, and I looked at him and I said that the massacre of Israeli Jews on the weekend was the biggest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust. He tried not to wince, and then he said to me, quietly, “it’s terrible”. All of this is happening in Sydney tonight as I write. This is the human garbage we’ve brought into this country.
I note our resident “Nazi” puncher hasn’t popped his head up to say anything. Note the silence. No condemnation, yet I remember his righteous howling when over fifty innocent worshippers were gunned down in a mosque in 2019. He was right to howl, that was a monstrous crime, just like the murder of hundreds of dead Jews is a monstrous crime, but I note this silence. He’s a coward, the worst type, a moral coward. But I shouldn’t expect anything less. He’ll probably attend a similar demonstration of solidarity with Nazi Palestinians in Melbourne.
Gaza is 20km long and 365 km2 just annex it and destroy Hamas
be more like a liberation than an invasion
besides, Palestine isn’t a thing … worry about the West Bank later
Israel has given ample opportunity for non-combatants to leave before they commence the ground invasion. Time to show the terrorists who the boss is.
1000+ dead Israelis and who knows how many hostages suggest that it doesn’t.
How about subjecting people to perving on trannie “cute owls”? You’re not factoring that in for us victims.
I am the Rococo Frieze around the inside of the state-room that is sancho’s head
… twitchy trigger-finger mate?
OldOzzie, please keep “threadbombing” to your heart’s content.:
Soe good news: Jacinta in Adelaide being interviewed by Credlin. Behind her are some big tough looking nuts holding her sign.
Top Ender.
ACT and NT voters are included in the National Count, but are not included in state by state totals.
I haven’t seen any polling from territories, which is understandable as they don’t feature in the ‘majority of states’ count.
Lysander’s link earlier to the salty tears of lefty poll watchers had one hopeful postulating a ‘path to victory’ with Tassie, NSW, Vic, ACT and NT giving a majority of states.
Light on for the No vote, I reckon.
The NT is chockers with people – of whom the indig is still very much a minority, although front and centre of everything – who are sick to death of witnessing first hand the taxpayer largesse squandered by various means.
Every word Sharri said tonight was true.
Hear this, there is zero moral equivalence.
One side is good, the other side is evil.
I want Gaza razed.
It has to still be voted and counted.
Don’t count your chickens. All those Labor functionaries didn’t get flown to the US to ‘observe’ the 2020 elections for nothing.
Because there’s one thing you can count on – the Left lies and cheats because sometimes it’s all they have.
Zatara – A few pistols do not a defense against a major offensive make.
They’re pretty good for sending stabby Arabs to Allah though.
I did see that there were a lot of individual defensive actions taken by the locals in Sderot and thereby, but the Palis were armed by Iran with serious kit. I think they took out at least two IDF tanks.
Man with an Israeli flag is arrested
We know the marxist 5th column scum have taken positions of power in the country. I would be very very concerned if I were Jewish.
By popular demand a cute owl!
Salvatore, Iron Publican
The stupid Lebanese took them in, and in return they have trashed the place, had a civil war, and blew up half of the capital city.
From memory, Monty ducked out, when the issue of the costs of repatriating his corpse was raised.
Sonny bill supports the pallis.
Sonny Bill Williams shows support for Hamas militants who launched horrific attack on Israel
Obviously rooting warner’s missus destroyed his mind.
You seem to be correct on this occasion.
Who is writing your material today?
That one isn’t terrible cohenite.
She still may have a penis but only a small one.
Re that figure that 80 per cent of indigenous want the Voice that Albo and other keeps throwing around, I reckon it’s marketing bullring. It appears in the Mayo/ O’Brien booklet – I took one for the team and read it – so must have been cooked up ages ago to give the Yessers something to launch off. 90 per cent would have been a bridge too far. Even if it is true, there is no reason the 80 per cent figure wouldn’t have slumped along with the intentions of the rest of the community. And anybody with a smidge of experience with indigenous communities knows consensus on anything is rare.
Chuckle. I looked at that “Cute Owl”, cohenite.
For a moment it went to some stitching I’d seen on Pinterest…I thought, oh a kindred spirit.
Then…abs. And tan. Nothing for me to see there. The boys might have other ideas.
Further to my piece that I wordbombed from Tablet earlier, that piece also relates to the superb editorial by Rowan Dean yesterday. Here’s a fact, Iran, Hamas and Palestinian terror have been financed and egged on by various US administrations, specifically the Obama and Biden administrations, and other spineless Western governments in the UK, France, Canada and here in Oz, with our current Sleazy PM and his despicable lowlife lesbian foreign minister, Penny Wonk, all throwing tinder into the pyre that is Israel bashing and Jew hatred, a pyre that exploded on Shabbat morning in Israel.
All of them shoulder some responsibility for this.
Black September.
Yes I know that’s Jordan, not Lebanon. Just illustrating the same point.
bern +1
It is possible, just possible that the one depicted there might not be a dude.
Unlike all the others. Who are dudes.
Let me put it another way BoN. The Prime Minister of Israel apparently disagrees:
Bummer, my old high school is about to become co-ed even over the current girls’ objections. It seems even higher academic results for single sex school students are not reason enough to continue.
Israel & the Saudis have a common goal of keeping Iran in check.
The current US administration does not share that goal.
I agree. Anyone who supports the terrorists and what they did to that young women is also guilty. There is no excuse for this level of barbarism. This is not about revenge. This will be retribution.
Possibly some private polling. And count the numbers.
I had a quick look through and saw it was OK for NSW, but did’t say anything about Qld registration? Are you aware of this?
I’m in an Airbnb this evening.
Without going into too much detail of the location it’s a cabin on a farm.
A working farm.
There is so much animal shit. I’m laughing about now.
Will be a chapter in my book or a scene in the movie I will one day make.
My cute owls are guaranteed penis free. Any claim to the contrary is wishful thinking.
Very on trend.
I read that the music event was a knife/gun free zone…. pity the Opfor didnt follow the same rules…. another example of laws not affecting criminals…
I had a quick look through and saw it was OK for NSW, but did’t say anything about Qld registration? Are you aware of this?
It’s ok in QLD
It’s like a Disney movie.
All the animals are congregating as close to the cabin as the fences will allow.
I should have added it is Randwick Girls High which is next door to the Randwick Boys and there may not be enough students for both schools in that area. I predict that one of them will be sold to developers, valuable real estate with the attached sports grounds will be snapped up in a moment.
I note Big Spender’s silence.
OldOzzie, please keep “threadbombing” to your heart’s content.:
Coed schools are the way to go.
Zatara – different situation. Prior to yesterday the Israeli government had to keep firearms out of the Israeli Arab community. They aren’t as feral as the Gazans but they are still quite fruity.
That policy has worked. The Israeli Arab community is not unlike our Western Sydney types – the usual drug supply and organised crime. Most of the murders in Israel occur in that demo. Up to now a lid has been kept on them.
Today though is different. Just as Ukraine handed out weapons the day the Russians invaded it is appropriate for the Israeli government to do likewise. And the political caution regarding the Israeli Arab demographic is not quite so sensitive as it was last week, since if they make one single move which is hostile the Israeli state will ream their arses. It’s amazing how much freedom a declaration of war gives. I think the Israeli Arab sector is going to be veewy veewy quiet, and polite, for quite some time.
Never heard of him before.
Obviously a real douchebag.
These piece of canbra rubbish apparently ‘has a passion’ for energy. Sums up why this county is in bad shape.
lare Savage was appointed Chair of the Australian Energy Regulator in September 2019.
Over the last 17 years Clare has acquired significant leadership experience in the Australian energy industry. She has a passion for the energy sector and a commitment to its development, particularly through this current transition.
Clare has worked extensively on a range of issues including governance; climate change and renewables policy; electricity and gas market design and operation; network regulation and pricing; and retail market regulation.
Prior to joining the AER, Clare was Deputy Chair of the Energy Security Board. Together with the Chair of the ESB, Clare has worked to bring a greater level of coordination to the activities of the three energy market institutions and overseen the delivery of many of the recommendations of the Finkel Review. Clare was responsible for the development of the Retailer Reliability Obligation which confers considerable new responsibilities on the AER.
Prior to joining the ESB, Clare was the Executive Director, Policy, Energy & Climate Change at the Business Council of Australia and worked with Australia’s largest businesses, including electricity and gas producers and consumers, to develop a suite of integrated energy and climate change policies.
From 2012 to 2015 Clare held executive positions within EnergyAustralia spanning corporate strategy; business development; policy & government affairs; and public affairs gaining deep insight into competitive wholesale and retail electricity and gas markets. Prior to this Clare held several roles at the Energy Supply Association of Australia (ESAA) including Chief Executive Officer providing strategic thought leadership to the industry and working with governments to develop policies to support outcomes for both the competitive and regulated sectors of the industry.
Clare commenced her career in the public service – initially in the UK and then at the Federal Department of the Treasury. It was during her time at Treasury that her passion for the energy sector was ignited.
Clare has a Bachelor of Commerce (Economics) and a Bachelor of Arts (Politics and History) from The University of Melbourne.
Good point Cassie.
The Lowy men backed Sharma whilst two of the wives backed Spender.
Very odd she’s been silent.
Daily Mail.
Anyone who supports Hamas, particularly after this latest terrorist attack, is evil.
A lot of these canbra wimmin seem to sport the 70s anne summers look.
Daily Mail.
Is this because they are covered under the F*ckwads and Retards Act?
ABC reporterette tells me “some are questioning” why the government is lighting up the Opera House with Israeli colours but doing nothing to acknowledge the Palestinian casualties. Sell it for a dollar to the Friends of the ABC.
No it isn’t. She’s a coward, and will hitch her colours to the cause that yields the votes.
A disgusting person.
The bloke that knocked off David Warner’s missus in a pub dunny.
Steady on.
Interesting watching the greens reveal their true selves
That was me that was going to run a poll, but there didn’t seem to be a lot of interest in it.
Re NT/ACT, will their results be even announced separately?
This is the country I now live in, let me remind you that there were Jews on the first fleet (my earliest ancestor arrived as a convict in the 1810s). The Jewish community has gifted this country the likes of Sir John Monash, Sir Isaac Isaacs, Sir Zelman Cowen, Isaac Nathan, Sidney Myer, Gustav Nossal,, Olivia Newton-John, David Helfgott,, Roy Rene, the Solomon family from Adelaide, who supported Saint Mary Mackillop and so many other amazing, gifted, clever, wonderful Jewish men and women who helped build this country……but in the last half an hour, I read this……
Police tell Jewish community to avoid Sydney tribute
Alexi Demetriadi
NSW Police have warned Sydney’s Jewish community from attending the CBD on Monday evening for the lighting of the Sydney Opera House’s sails over safety concerns.
It comes with a condemned pro-Palestine rally taking place on Monday evening before the lighting of the sails with the Israeli flag, although the Jewish community have since been urged to stay at home.
“NSW police are urging the community not to attend the Sydney Opera House or Town Hall this evening,” an email from the NSW Jewish Board of Deputies to members said.
“Community members already in the CBD should be vigilant as protesters are likely to seek to march from Town Hall to the Sydney Opera House.
“The events tonight may pose a risk to the safety of community members and you are strongly urged not to attend.”
The board have been in contact with NSW Police throughout the day and it is understood the new advice came from assistant Police Commissioner Tony Cooke.
NSW Jewish Board of Deputies president David Ossip said it was disturbing and concerning to know the community were not safe in their own city.
“It is a very sad state of affairs when security concerns mean that the Jewish community is not safe to go to certain parts of the Sydney CBD,” Mr Ossip said.
Earlier on Monday, the Prime Minister condemned the pro-Palestine rally in Sydney’s CBD on Monday night as Australia’s Jewish organisations condemned both the Greens for their support and those planning to attend.
“I support people’s right to demonstrate their views, we’re a democratic nation,” Mr Albanese said.
“But I would counsel what is to be served apart from really just creating a climate that is not conducive to peace and to the objectives of wanting to see Palestinians and Israelis living a peaceful and secure life would not advance it at all.”
The Australian Jewish Association and the NSW Jewish Board of Deputies slammed the state Greens for supporting the pro-Palestine rally in Sydney’s CBD, with one of the groups saying they were “backing terror”.
The organising group said it would be a “mass, peaceful protest”.
NO…..NO….NO…..this is not right. I am not safe in my own country.
Avi Yemeni and his cameraman are heading to Israel tomorrow to report on the war because, as he says, he doesn’t trust the mainstream media to do so without a pro-Hamas bias.
Donations towards his expenses can be made here.
This should haunt Blinken to his grave.
This is how it begins.
The police won’t stop the pro-Palis. They “warn” the Jews.
The Rum Corps redux. We know now who they fear.
Maybe, just maybe they’re struggling as they don’t have the money.
Disclosure could put them over the edge.
Which is exactly why it should be canceled and police should be out in force to enforce the cancellation.
How many Australia Day parades were canceled in 2022 due to supposed covid safety risks? How many arrests?
Oct 9, 2023 5:08 PM
Like the Germans, “They are either at your feet, or at your throat.”
Say you’re a lead cop. Which group do you think is the more law abiding, civilized, and extremely unlikely to cause hurt to others through appalling violence? 🙂
Every time Israel is attacked, Jews or Jewish sites in other countries are also attacked, but never vice versa.
It’s interesting how Thorpe subscribes to the entire suite of ultra left dogmas- trans-sexualism and destruction of Israel. Aboriginal rights are just another string to her bow.
Except for those who stay under cover of Taqiyya.
Quite so, JC. You suppress the compliant.
Just like this.
Wow that was quick Mr Flaccid.
How many would be builders? Can’t be long before another Liar recession we needed to have. Keep an eye on the unemployment and immigration figures. Somebody is going to blink.
I actually think the cops are doing the right thing here. They’re more than aware that if there’s violence, it would come from the animals supporting the terrorists. I suspect they’re telegraphing to Israeli supporters the swine are going to be in close proximity and it would be a great idea not to approach these rabid loons.
I’m sure the police are rationalising it thus, but it’s cowardice on their part.
And don’t imagine the pro-Hamas crowd won’t take note and be emboldened.
Embarrassing for us that we jumped on the ‘occupied’ not ‘disputed’ bandwagon recently, no doubt at the behest of the US State Dept.
We’re complicit. Leak nailed it this morning, Wong must be fuming…
I think the police should do their job.
Keep the peace.
Exactly who wants do disrupt it?
Dunny Brush.
Your suspicions are well founded.
Sugar Ray Martin spat it out on Spotlight last night and, of all people, Thorpey took him to the cleaners over it.
Pointed out that it was a voluntary internet survey, which by no means goes close to meeting the standard for a statistically reliable poll.
Sugar Ray did a good impression of a goldfish at that point.
As for it being stale?
Yes, it was done in February, when the National polling numbers were leaning heavily to Yes.
Remember how they treated the unvaxx’d? They tried to destroy us, and all we did is refuse an experimental medication.
No, you are NOT safe at all.
Cohenite Cute Owl…..
With a stance like that and no camel toe? A bit suss.
Any Australian media outlets providing airtime to pro-Homos (sic) celebrations/rallies, etc. are announcing their unequivocal and proud support of the sexual assault and murder of civilians (of any nationality).
NO attention must be given to these animals who revel in and advocate for, the death of unarmed civilians. They must be starved of oxygen.
If you or your organisation renders them first aid by publicly disseminating their virus, you are announcing your support of their actions: partly, wholly, conditionally … it doesn’t matter.
I repeat, ANY Australian media acknowledging these disturbing responses to human trauma mark themselves as ACTIVE SUPPORTERS of the atrocities being celebrated.
You may disagree with aspects of Israeli history, or with elements of past or present Israeli Government policy, but here and now, you must choose whether or not you support the mass execution of the helpless.
Cut the oxygen.
You really wonder what sort of dead soul would join the ATO. Susan Lay did which says a lot about her and the modern lieboral pardy.
I don’t think it’s cowardice. They’re job is to try and ensure protests are peaceful. They can’t with one particular group. It’s risk avoidance in the hope the more reasonable side isn’t attacked.
It’s not the same thing and NSW cops aren’t anywhere near as terrible as Vic Pol. If it was Victoria you would correctly assume Vic Pol was supporting the terrorists, but it’s NSW and a whole difference ball of wax.
Sure, some of them won’t be sincere.
It’s demoralising.
A lot of them hate their rulers so they’re suggestible right now.
You’ve psychologically broken some of them.
This breaks any solidarity in a future move against Israel.
Iran can no longer back them with credibility.
You would control the ground and so can prevent rocket attacks anyway.
If they’re viewed as traitors in the Muslim world it would encourage actual, real loyalty to Israel.
The US nursing home data is devastating for the narrative; now it’s time for our own peer review before we submit this to a journal
Old Ozzie:
Bansal needs to let the board know that he’s going to stop production of cement if he can’t get it at commercially sensible prices.
If they sack him, it won’t matter because sacking him won’t lower power prices. But it will send out a very loud signal to the banks and unions that the situation is now untenable.
They did for the Republic referendum. The Chief Minister of the time (Kate Carnell, Lib, IIRC) was exceeding proud that the “educated and intelligent” residents were the only jurisdiction in Australia to vote YES to a republic.
miltonf – I’m not sure the ATO is really to blame. A lot of people operating fundamentally uneconomic businesses (for whatever reason) end up using the ATO as a source of finance, being unbankable through regular channels. If anything, they just postpone the inevitable.
Cripes, you put up a glorious cute owl, not a hint of tumescence and now folk complain about no camel toe. Well, here you go: cute owl, camels included.
WTF are you doing? That’s a real woman who wasn’t born with a penis.
You could be right there.
I was flying blind there because there is no NT polling (although it is only one electorate so it might be found in that electorate-by-electorate analysis linked earlier).
In any case – how can I put this politely – you lot don’t matter.
NT is less than 1% of the national roll, so it won’t move the needle on the national vote much whether it is 60:40 or 40:60.
And it doesn’t form part of the “majority of states” arm of the referendum.
Old Ozzie puts up good links.
Use your scroll wheel.
I do not envy the Israelis who have to decide what to do next, but this seems to me to be the best idea of a bad bunch (I’d personally go for “nuke ’em til they glow”, but I realise that (a) that is not practical and (b) I’d go to hell).
Just annex the joint and put it under Israeli law. Permanently. No need to go after Hamas in any way… just pursue criminals. Perhaps, I will grant, with much zeal, but whatever.
Promise them the vote in, say, a decade.
Oct 9, 2023 6:47 PM
I am infuriated. The photo of the man with the Israeli flag being dragged away by police is one of the most outrageous photos I’ve ever seen.
using the ATO as a source of finance
I don’t understand how they would do that Bear? In my case the ATO only takes money from me.
Yes I appreciate OldOzzie’s and Black Ball’s posts.
When Hell Breaks Loose in USA: Slowly at First, Then All at Once
Huggy is suggesting that by not paying in the super, it’s an alternative way of funding yourself. You keep the money, at least for a time.
What is happening in Australia with muzzies being allowed to shit everywhere while Jews are dragged away should tell Israel all it needs to know. You kill and kill and kill; and then kill some more. Be civilised and nice and you might as well as put on your Dodo costume.
THIRTY-ONE Harvard organizations including college’s Amnesty International affiliate blame Israel for Hamas’ brutal terror attack which has killed more than 700 people: ‘Something is deeply, deeply wrong in academia’
Biden is slammed for holding a BBQ at the White House as Hamas holds Americans hostage and kills at least four during their surprise attack on Israel which has left 700 Israelis dead: President makes NO statement day after assault
OK JC I dig
Something is deeply, deeply wrong in academia’
too damn right
Their job – according to their own mission statement – is to maintain social order.
That means policing those who threaten it.
It is a little bit larger than that. (not much)
25 miles long by about 5 miles wide. 90,000 acres.
By not paying their taxes, they are effectively taking out a loan from the ATO.
At a high rate of interest.
To stop cancel culture from killing society, we need to embrace free speech
Hamas Goes Tet
It looks like Hezbollah have waded in.
If The Arabs have fired 5,000 rockets at Israel, the Israel needs to hit the Gaza Strip with 5,000 120mm mortar shells.
The mainstream media reporting will no doubt get worse as Israel rightfully retaliates to protect her citizens.
I don’t trust the media—so I’m going to Israel to tell the truth about the war
and you seem to be wanking as usual
What if they don’t think they can?
The bile is rising to melt down temperatures.
Not just for the Hamas animals but the perhaps more disgusting media.
I just saw the video of a poor girl being dragged off by the animals into a car. The poor kid had obviously pooped herself, but our media betters chose to desecrate her memory by showing that horror.
Sonny Bill is not the only animal at large.
NSW police were able to use quite a deal of force on those who were “literally killing people” – (sounds much more serious than merely harassing a few Jews)
NSW police took it down to the level were being pushed around by a police horse got you about a month in the police cells & charged with animal cruelty, before changing their mind letting you go.
They were able to bodyslam housewives to the ground for … walking the dog in the suburbs. Girls sunbaking alone in the middle of a 5-acre suburban park brought a multi-car police response.
Thus NSW Plod can shove it up their clacker. They can grow a set of male genitalia & bluddee well take on the hotheaded weirdo beardos who threaten people who want to look at the Opera House being lit up.
I’ve no problem with replacing the Commissioner, & as many Deputy/Assistant Commish, Chief Superintendents, & so on.
Those assholes trod all over normies, now it’s time to put their big boy pants on & treat fighting age men the same, or show cowardice.
They earned the name pigs, it’s not just a stray insult.
Failing to submit GST returns, failure to submit PAYG, failure to submit superannuation. A lot of money churning through businesses isn’t actually “theirs” in any real sense of the word – they are just unpaid agents (of the ATO largely). Significant debts to the ATO is the first sign of trouble.
And when those animals come up against soldiers – trained soldiers – I’ll bet their bowels move even faster.
Contrast the media coverage of the Kiwi mosque massacre and recent events in Israel.
Then Sydney has a serious problem.
Ya think? 🙂
Sal, 80,000 acres. 640 acres /per sq mile.
Just like Malmo. Although we are still awaiting confirmation.
As I write, Nazis are down at the Sydney Opera House. The Daily Telegraph is reporting..
Flares have been thrown at the Sydney Opera House by members of an angry pro-Palestinian crowd, as the Opera House sails lit up in the colours of Israel.
Moments after the blue and white colours of the Israeli flag lit up the Opera House sails, members of the crowd started screaming “f-ck Israel”, and “f-ck the Jews” with multiple protesters covering their faces.
Read the above again………”f*ck the Jews“. The scab is well and truly off the Nazi Palestinians now.
I can’t describe my anger. Where’s the Nazi puncher? Lots of Nazis to punch at the Sydney Opera House tonight.
Which is why the police should have cancelled the protest and dispersed the crowds. If one side is advised not to protest then the other side should also be prevented.