Hi Cats I received the daily email from teh Free Press which has an article by Douglas Murray – “How…
Hi Cats I received the daily email from teh Free Press which has an article by Douglas Murray – “How…
Ah yes, a masterful gambit to spook the markets and destroy business and consumer confidence.
Too soon?
Pension not passion.No hope of that increasing
Excellent find by Michael Smith. Listen to the Saudi tell the filthy Pallies the truth about themselves. The clip has…
Look at figure 3 with “covid” deaths excluded.
Any hope anyone will ever be held criminally liable for this complete sh*t show?
3rd runner up
wish that next time I could get on top like Tim Buckley does
Just say what you want to say Arky, I can’t be effed looking at stats right now. I reckon I have PTSD from all that Covid horseshit in Victoria. Justice will be served. It has to.
Hanged, drawn and quartered would be a light sentence for some of these fiends.
Derby day at Flemington. Not much is turning me on.. There is a horse in the Derby called Bulawayo who is presently $61 fixed, or around $53 on the tote. He’s a chance I reckon.. Can stay all day by the looks of him.
Oxford. How can anyone this stupid get into Oxford.
I now have three packages at Chullora.
One ordered from the US almost a month ago.
One from Melb a week ago.
One from Syd from yesterday.
Fascinating how all these ecosystems end up at the same choke point.
Words fail me. They just do.
TheirABC’s Business Editor, Ian Verrender, penned these remarkable sentiments, which are very much at odds with the experiences of those who have sought assistance and support from the ACCC.
Calling it a WatchPoodle is unfair. Poodles are intelligent hunting dogs that have been maligned by bad haircuts. More like a WatchCavilier King Charles, possibly the stupidest and most passive dog on the planet.
For once I agree with James Halliday.
He gives Forest Hill a decent write up in the weekend Oz.
I’ve still got a few bottles from 08-09 stashed away.
John Spooner.
Mark Knight.
Peter Broelman.
Christian Adams.
Michael Ramirez.
A.F. Branco.
Matt Margolis.
Tom Stiglich.
Al Goodwyn.
Chip Bok.
Lisa Benson.
Ben Garrison.
Thanks Tom.
Any views on today’s racing?
The Lexus fields continue to shrink.
In the olden days you’d expect a bunch of scratchings but this year there were only seven nominations.
I suppose it’s understandable.
Bern, Peter V’landys’s funny money pop-up races in Sydney are definitely damaging the strength of spring fields in Melbourne. But V’landys can’t buy respect and tradition.
What he’s doing is sooo Sydney — cheap, garish, look at me, look at me!
However, nothing bad ever happened as a result of competition.
Australia is now the world’s No.1 thoroughbred racing jurisdiction for prizemoney. Racehorse owners love the neverending smorgasbord of funny money races in NSW, Victoria and Queensland triggered by Vlandys’s roulette mentality.
A good weather forecast for the next week means the four-day Flemington carnival will be spectacular for racing purists, topped off by the VRC’s decision to boost prizemoney for next Saturday’s card, which will encourage the equine stars of the Caulfield and Moonee Valley carnivals to go again.
It’s the best week of the racing year. Can’t wait!
Tom, the Victorian racing clubs are desperate for the Everest to not get Group 1 status.
PVL not only wants it to be a Group 1, he want’s it retrospective as well.
Which tells you it’s the connections of Yes Yes Yes that are behind it as it’s the only entire to win the thing.
I do like how the Mackinnon Stakes now book ends the carnival on the final day.
I’ve never heard that theory — and I consume 20+ hours of racing radio per week.
The only thing hard-core racing fans think about the Everest is: Why Sweet Caroline?
Why Sweet Caroline?
A stupid thing has spread through the sporting world.
Unless you’re a Red Sox fan, it’s very contrived.
Ange’s press conferences are fantastic.
Better than any fly in fly out summer school MBA.
A statement from the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) reads:
A Hamas terrorist cell was identified using an ambulance. In response, an IDF aircraft struck and neutralized the Hamas terrorists, who were operating within the ambulance.
We emphasize that this area in Gaza is a war zone. Civilians are repeatedly called upon to evacuate southward for their own safety.
No surprise Israel has expelled all Gazans workers when some of them were responsible for providing intelligence to Hamas for the 7 October attacks.
Also no surprise that those who would rape and slaughter civilians would also operate out of an ambulance.
I wonder if this is being caught on drone or satellite footage.
Maybe Israel will share some footage in the coming days.
We have information which demonstrates that Hamas’ method of operation is to transfer terror operatives and weapons in ambulances.”
untangling the covid response mess and working out exactly what went wrong to produce non covid excess deaths you would think would be a pretty bloody big thing after the heavy handed crap we endured, and the sanctimonious rage directed at those who did not want to just comply with it all.
idf has managed to destroy a couple of tunnel entrances
Lies, damned lies and statistics
Report card on the wellbeing of Australians looks at what’s changed since the COVID pandemic began
UN, USA, EU, etc, etc, etc all demand that under internationsl law Israel must ensure the safety of Palestinians when bombing Gaza. But they don’t make reciprocal demands on Hamas to ensure the safety of Israeli citizens. And why isn’t the safety of Palestinians the responsibility of their elected government, Hamas, the same as is usual for all governments around the world. When were these exceptions in international law proclaimed?
A revelation. I’ve decoded the meaning of the Aboriginal flag. Red is for tomato. Yellow is for cheese, Black is for vegemite. It’s a traditional recipe for the iconic Australia snack – toast with vegemite, cheese and tomato. It’s flown upside down because their distress at neglecting a symbol for toast.
Everyone seems to forget that hamas is still indiscriminately firing rockets at civilian targets in Israel.
Probably deeply miffed that Israel has defence systems that prevent most of them from doing any damage.
Something for loonie tunes who thing it’s all some ‘stopworldcontrol’ conspiracy.
How Hamas Leveraged Cheap Rockets And Small Drones To Ambush Israel
How sick is the USA?
Colorado prosecutors falsify video evidence of Trump speaking at The Ellipse on January 6 in an attempt to have him removed from the 2024 ballot.
Gateway Pundit
I wrote this in response to ‘Andrew’, who said that Israel was deliberately bombing hospitals and civilian areas, shutting them down, and ‘even attacking a refugee camp’.
My comment was held ‘pending for 15 hours’ and now, 19 hours later, it is ‘rejected’.
The Oz doen’t like to publish a truthful rebuttal to a piece of Hamas propaganda mouthed by a Hamas sympathiser on their pages. Tells you a lot, I think.
A lot of people have cancelled their Oz subs due to that sort of crap, Lizzie.
Reading how even though Newsom isn’t on Foxnews, he has made sure he has been on more Fox affiliates than any other Democrat in recent history.
He is so going to be the DNC candidate in 2024.
So, by my reading, when fuel is let into Gaza in order to supply ambulances and for other ‘humanitarian’ activites, it is being funded directly to Hamas?
Stop all calls for a ceasefire. Israel is wisely ignoring them. Just let Israel get on with the job of destroying Hamas. There is no other choice.
The DNC machine is such an insidious organism.
The best brainwashers in US history.
when fuel is let into Gaza in order to supply ambulances
Ambulances = HamasUber.
There is no low Hamas wouldn’t stoop to.
What they did to Israelis on 7 October is ample evidence.
There is simply no need for Israel to embellish.
Which leaves terrorists, terrorist sympathisers and complete numpties with nothing lother than screeching that the images hamas itself released are ai generated and the attack on Israel was orchestrated by the one world government.
I didn’t go looking for samidoun on telegram but I’m sure what they posted was a televisual feast.
What has changed is that 95%+ of the Australian population have been injected, most completely unnecessarily, with a new type of “vaccine” which was still undergoing evaluation. Some of these trials are now complete, some are not.
The link Arky put up does not give a breakdown of vaxxed/unvaxxed deaths, particularly in the younger age groups.
We can infer a 95% vaxxed rate based on the national figure but I want to see the vaxxed status of all deaths, particularly cancer and heart issues.
I guess if one were to ask for that it might be the case that people’s medical status is suddenly sacrosanct again.
It’s interesting that no enterprising independent journalism has checked to see which severely injured Gazans have been transported for treatment in Egypt.
One non idiot on twitter pointed out when a hamas spruiker claimed an already injured civilian was even more badly injured when the IDF hit the hamasbulance, how could that be when the ambulance was allegedly returning from taking injured people to the rafah crossing?
This is surreal.
Chris Cuomo actually interviewing someone who is pro-Israel, and the Israel supporter is the son of an Hamas founder.
Worth a look.
“Everyone seems to forget that hamas is still indiscriminately firing rockets at civilian targets in Israel.”
Correct, including the deliberate targeting by Hamas of the main hospital in Ashkelon. Have you read anything about that in the Guardian? Have you watched any reporting of that on their ABC? Nah, doesn’t make the news when Jews are targeted. It’s da poor Nazi Pallies who are da victims!
Meanwhile, over 230 innocent Jews, Jewish men, Jewish women, Jewish children, Jewish babies, remain hostages in Gaza, if, any are still alive. Heard about them lately on their ABC or in The Guardian? Try and put a picture up of them, even somewhere like Bondi Beach, a beach in a suburb with a large Jewish population, and middle eastern cockroaches feel emboldened to travel miles so as to vandalise the memorial to them, a memorial with council permission. And what was their punishment dished out to the two cockroaches by our NSW plod, a paltry $500 fine, no wonder they laugh at us, yep, that’s gonna deter others from engaging in further Jew hatred. Ahhh, the joys of multiculturalism.
Meanwhile, I’m still waiting for arrests of those who screeched “gas the Jews’ on the steps of the Sydney Opera House.
Jew hatred, the longest hatred, is alive and well.
I didn’t look any further but it was interesting that the net excess deaths for 2020 to 2022 was just over 10,000 and a lot of those were covid.
We certainly seemed to have fared a lot better than the UK and the US in terms of death rates over that period.
My comment was held ‘pending for 15 hours’ and now, 19 hours later, it is ‘rejected’.
The Oz doen’t like to publish a truthful rebuttal to a piece of Hamas propaganda mouthed by a Hamas sympathiser on their pages. Tells you a lot, I think.”
Lizzie, same here. I wrote a comment yesterday morning about the vandalisation of the memorial at Bondi Beach. As of last night, the comment that was still pending. I rarely comment now. I don’t know what to do about my sub which will coming up for renewal in January. Whilst the newspaper is good reading and worth paying for, I’m angry about the moderation.
Via Iowahawk.
Eli Kowaz
Journalist: How can you ask for a ceasefire when you promise to launch October 7ths again and again?
Hamas spokesperson: What do you want us to do? To stop?!
Here you go Bern.
Gov. Newsom Says California Will Defy Fed Gov to Ally With China (3 Nov)
“I want you to know, regardless of what happens nationally, sub-nationally, you have a partner in the state of California,” he said.
China’s Perfect Manchurian Candidate: Governor Gavin Newsom (3 Nov)
The climate thing is ludicrous, since China has already gone back on any promises they had made in previous COPs. They’re building two coal plants a week.
So what is Newsom up to? Given the vast flow of cash that has gone from China to the Biden family I have my suspicions.
For weeks gazan hospitals have claimed they can’t move patients but now they can.
Is hamas trying to move terrorists and their weapons with Red Cross shields?
paywalled at wsj
In the slightly altered words of Gert Frobe: no Mr Hamas guy, we expect you to die.
A reflex.
Hundreds of critically injured patients will be moved in a convoy of ambulances from the Al-Shifa hospital in the northern Gaza Strip to the enclave’s border in the south with Egypt, the Hamas-controlled health ministry said.
In time, a movie will be made by Hamas about this along the same lines of Dunkirk was for the Brits.
Thanks for Renoir.
Especially obesity. How much did the dead COVID fatties weigh?
Remember the “young and fit guy!” from Queensland who “died from COVID!”?
He weighed about 150 kg by eye.
We’re all getting played.
An epidemic of the obese. That’s what it was.
Hamas, ISIS, the SS Einsatz Gruppen, and Israel’s national 7/10 trauma
Snipers are killing Gazans as they escape south holding white flags.
US: Russia’s Wagner Group to supply Hezbollah with air defense – report
China Takes Control of Paralyzed U.N. Security Council, Declaring Pro-Hamas ‘Ceasefire’ a ‘Top Priority’
Opinion: I’m a Jewish Columbia professor. I wouldn’t allow my children to go here now
Quarter of Americans Know Someone Killed by Covid Vaccines, Nearly Half Would Join Lawsuit – Poll
From the weblink below –
“A quarter of Americans know someone killed by the Covid vaccines and nearly half of Americans would join a major class-action lawsuit against the pharmaceutical companies, a new poll has found. Steve Kirsch has more.
Rasmussen Reports has just released yet another devastating survey about the Covid vaccine.
Its latest survey, released at 10:30am EST on November 2nd, confirms (yet again) that the Covid vaccine is a train wreck, the biggest healthcare disaster in our lifetime.
The key conclusions:
47% personally know someone who was killed by the Covid virus.
24% personally know someone who was killed by the Covid vaccine.
42% said it was somewhat likely or very likely they would join a major class-action lawsuit against pharmaceutical companies for vaccine side effects. That would make it the largest class action in U.S. history by a long shot.
I believe the vaccine death numbers are very conservative. I’ll explain why shortly.
Bottom line: this is not sustainable.”
Here’s why you should use cash wherever possible:
NatWest combs customer accounts – and tells them to go vegetarian (3 Nov)
They’re the ones who debanked Nigel Farage for climate wrongthink. Now every customer is being monitored for carbon crimes.
Lara Logan Releases Footage of Ray Epps Whispering They Need to ‘Storm the Capitol’
The first comment – interesting if true.
Still pushing this COVID idiocy:
Better get boosted and wear masks all summer!
Democrats and their blinders
Perhaps it’s time to treat the paper as a “paper” rather than something interactive patrolled by gatekeepers. Infuriating, but at least you’d still have access to stories.
It’s a retrograde step, but that is typical of anything worthwhile the Left touches.
Conniption in Court: Gasps as Breitbart Exposé on Trump New York Judge’s Clerk Takes Center Stage
Knowing They Will Lose At The Ballot Box, Soros-Funded Leftists Turn To Lawfare To Defeat Trump
Report: Barack Obama Quietly Advising Joe Biden on AI
Does anyone actually give a sh*t anymore?
These guys are like medical Miss Havishams, all decked out in their finery with nowhere to go.
I watched that brief snippet of the interview with the hamas leader then got flicked into a video of teenager Israelis crouching in a toilet block at a beach asking if it were hamas outside. You can hear shooting. Israeli soldier comes in then leaves.
Video cuts to an hamas one, all those boys dead on the floor.
This is why you need a crypto wallet and to buy financial assets with newer competitors like Stake. You don’t need a bank. If even 20% of bank customers left, there would be a remarkable shift in the quality of services and attitudes towards customers.
House GOP approves cutting EPA budget by nearly 40 percent
This is insane: never before have US job numbers been manipulated to this extent
See new posts
Biden’s Dept of Fake Data doing its thing:
August jobs revised down by 62,000, from +227K to +165K
September was revised down by 39,000, from +336K to +297K
8 of the past 9 months have been revised lower
X as a Payment Processor…?
The only obstacle is a virtual card from them and SMSF. I have the ING one where I can trade the top ASX 300 (?) but it’s not really SMSF. Bill payment? Living room of Satoshi.
You can’t be debanked if you don’t have a bank!
An addendum to Christian Adams’ toon.
NuLabour: The party of the hamarse adjacent.
Snipers or did they just drive through in their hambulance?
Perhaps it’s time to treat the paper as a “paper” rather than something interactive patrolled by gatekeepers. Infuriating, but at least you’d still have access to stories.”
Wise advice, and it’s basically what I do now. I post comments very, very infrequently.
Your stalker is up calli.
A tribute to calli’s stalker.
What kind of middle aged man owns a Bedford van and a Bichon Frise?
All things pass into the night.
This is the Bee, but it’s pretty close to the bone.
‘We May Never Know Exactly What Hamas Wants,’ Says Reporter In Front Of Hamas Holding ‘Exterminate Jews From Existence’ Banner
Weird how no Covid polling like the Rasmussen one been done in Australia.
Calli, you do have a gift with analogy.
Dear world: I don’t care
I don’t care if you’re out on the street, waving your flag and chanting your slogans. We won’t die silently the way you want us to
Fauci-Run Lab In Montana Experimented With Coronavirus Strain From Wuhan A Year Before Pandemic
Ah, the miracle of the little shits.
Why thank you Crossie. Shame I’m also a weirdo magnet.
Another analogy – positive and negative poles. 😀
My first laugh of the day. Yes, park your money with a Sam Bankman Fried who will embezzle it at best or even worse, give it to your enemies. Cash is the way to go.
johnny maga
RFK was endorsing AOC’s Green New Deal & advocating for Carbon taxes less than 4 years ago
“I think the green new deal is important, it’s good, we ought to be pursuing it… I believe we should use market mechanisms like carbon taxes”
Conservatives aren’t going to fall for this
Avi Lewis nails it in a simple sentence (Indolent’s link):
The answer to every mealy mouthed “but…but-er”.
A Masonic leader was at Vatican environmental conference to promote depopulation, world gov’t
This Is The Final Confrontation Between Israel And Hamas
Teh Weekend Paywallian reprints an interesting WSJ article, “How terrorists plotted to hoodwink the left”. Why I still think a subscription is worthwhile.
or attack them deliberately when being used for their intended purpose.
Middle Schooler SUSPENDED And BANNED From Sporting Events After Being Accused Of Wearing Blackface
The money quote:
THEY*KNOW*IT*WONT*WORK – thats the point!
It’s a good start now go for the remaining 60%.
Calm down and pay attention.
There are plenty of good wallets. SBF ran a shitcoin investment fund as well as issuing his own shitcoin tokens.
BTC is de facto legal tender in Japan and under the based semi authoritarian/libertarian President of Nicaragua, the new national currency.
Cash? You’re going to buy a home with cash? If you have over 10k on hand it can already be confiscated with little recourse.
Inflation is running several times higher than official CPI data. That cash is losing double digit value each year, BTC is in fixed supply.
Question and answer on the same day.
Macquarie Group’s profits plummet (Sky News, 3 Nov)
Macquarie’s serious case of green indigestion (Paywallian, 3 Nov)
Indigestion can give humans wind. For companies it’s the other way around: wind gives them indigestion. Another wind project has collapsed overnight:
Shell Pull Out Of US Offshore Wind Farm Contract (3 Nov)
The project economics are so bad that they are writing off the dosh they paid for the rights, and also are paying a penalty just to get out of the sucker. Hey Mr Bowen why would they be doing that if offshore wind is so cheap?
They will work regardless because you can buy physical wallets as well.
If we don’t have electricity and cash is being deprecated in double digit figures per year, how many briefcases of cash will it take to buy a home in 2040?
Like the reporter in 2020 insisting it was a “mostly peaceful” protest while buildings were in flames behind him. People like that should be laughed out of the public square and told to find a different career. Or better still, such “media” people need to be doxxed and not employed by anyone ever again.
Imagine paying a $5000 electricity bill with $20 notes.
It’s absurd. It’s like buying a bag of groceries with 20 cent coins.
and NOT
Where is grown up Pip when you need him? “Wouldn’t piss on her if she were on fire,” should be a guiding principle.
Unfortunately, there’s no hope of even that getting through. It’s just the starting budget bargaining position.
Hoodwink? No, they know and knew before what it was all about otherwise why have signs and banners en masse ready within hours? I am in no mood to give the left even a skerrick of a doubt.
Tony, yet again, is right.
All civilian deaths are tragic, but only some are an atrocity.
We are talking about everyday spending that can be, and is, used to profile you to establish when you are no longer a “good” citizen. Why do I need to take part in some risky financial moves when we already have cash?
“Oh there won’t be any electricity!” What businesses can run without electricity?
You’re going to buy everything at a farmers market? Your car dealership is going to do manual paperwork on forms that don’t exist?
…and they still use banks, and they’re going to accept your A4 sized envelope of $50 notes?
If you’re debanked, you don’t have cheques, regardless of if they’re being phased out or not.
Firstly, I hope I will never see an electricity bill that size, but the point being made is that your purchases are and should remain private. I pay cash for all minor things, shopping, eating out etc. and use credit cards for larger items. If we let them, they will eventually ration electricity anyway.
One thing I’ve never understood is that while the aim is to totally control us digitally, where will the electricity to do so come from when all the reliable sources are being closed down.
I would like to know if all of you hawks, Pancho, Katz, Lizzie and of course Dot, who never saw a war she didn’t like, are still happy with Bibi’s decision to send the IDF into Gaza?
Did you catch the murmurings from the Whitehouse overnight?
I’ll ask again next week.
Meanwhile, in Ukraine, Arrestovich*, who is in Kiev, has now stated that he thinks dialogue with the Russians is essential.
Clearly, he is the appointed one and has top cover. Without it, he would be imprisoned, or otherwise neutralised, like the Opposition Party leaders were, ……., for the good of democracy, right Dot?
‘elensky will be getting some, ……, feedback, soon.
* Arrestovich, St Volodymyr’s ex buddy, was interviewed in 2019 and said then:
“We will be at war with Russia soon and Ukraine will be destroyed, BUT, the cool part is we will be part of NATO!”
Yes I know that it’s not likely to go ahead but there is no harm in daydreaming. On the other hand, stranger things have happened.
Holding cash is risky! This isn’t 1913!
M0 (“currency”) growth from April 2020 to August 2023 grew at 50% per year, annualised.
All of these losses cascade to other parts of the economy. Yesterday I checked my super account and found that it had dipped by $20,000 in the last ten days. At this rate I will soon be eligible for an old age pension.
I am not sure respite is the correct word. The vague drafting and onerous fines of the consumer laws make commerce almost impossible, with the likes of a juice company fined $100,000 for have a picture of a kiwifruit (amongst other fruit) on the label, despite no kiwi fruit in the contents or listed as contents on the label.
The Trade Practices Act was introduced by Whitlam and has become a monster. It was a lifetime ago my law lecturer referred to “buyer beware”.
That is up to Israel.
I suggest they only ever retaliate however, annex whatever territory terrorist attacks are made from, one at a time until their neighbours learn to be civilised, or the full extent of the biblical Levant becomes Israeli sovereign territory forever.
To be frank they will never see peace until at least Gaza, the Golan Heights and Southern Lebanon at a minimum are pacified and annexed.
There is still a chance for the Lebanese and Palestinians to live peacefully with Israel under such conditions.
A leopard never changes its spots. Another analogy is the scorpion who will eventually sting, it’s in his nature.
My first laugh of the day, anyone who thinks cash (aka government money) which is going backwards at ~ 20% a year, is better than bitcoin, and believes the establishment line that crypto is ‘unsafe’, ‘only for crime’, ‘will be banned’ etc etc
Pro tip – dont believe what the govt tells you about crypto anymore than you would believe what the taxi industry said about Uber, Australia Post said about email, or the Drive In said about TV.
are still happy with Bibi’s decision to send the IDF into Gaza?
F * C K.
Tell me blowfly, are you still happy with Vlad’s decision to send the Russian army into Ukraine?
I’ll ask again next week.
WHO Director-General Tedros Complains of Slow Progress on Pandemic Treaty, Giving the WHO Powers to Target “Misinformation” and “Infodemics”
That’s not the problem Dot.
The problem is BTC gyrates like a crazed gymnast on acid.
By comparison AUD is very stable against the greenback, so as a store of money it is much better – since most commodities are priced in USD. Gold likewise is very stable against the USD.
BTC is a high risk/reward investment not a currency. There’s a difference. WIthout stability it won’t be used for cash. And the sovereign risk is very large, since nation stated hate it, since it lets people escape governmental control and launder money.
One day, I hope, we will see someone doing a PhD thesis which calculates the number of dead due to the MSM shielding Hamas from consequence and instead helping them by reporting on events with such an anti-Israel bias.
Hamas is caught out lying again and again and again, yet again and again and again the j’ismists report Hamas claims without demur or the least scepticism.
We get reports “50 million killed by IDF rocket” and later they will mention the claim came from the Hamas – disconnecting claim from its discrediting source.
It can already be done on your phone with meta data, data mining on time stamps, correlation to CCTV & facial recognition, social apps using wifi & Bluetooth, geolocation, voice conversations, web and app use etc and patterns of cash disbursements as well as the back end of corporations which are of varying security, not to mention Hacking Tools or built in security back doors. Don’t forget your smart TV can be compromised with Angel’s Tears and record you when it is “off”.
The upside to cash is no social credit rating linkage but so does BTC and so on have that advantage too.
For those interested in the maths behind commercial real estate in the US & what it means for banks, the All-In Pod discuss it.
Lined up to go from the 22min mark.
They have had an ongoing view that at some stage there will be a TARP style program for office related assets at some stage.
Keep in mind, these guys are & mix with the donor class.
Meaning they aren’t talking out of their collective arses.
It’s what I do now (for at least a year now) as I no longer post comments on the Oz.
Because cash is going away, either officially (govt declares it no longer legal tender) or unofficially (businesses stop accepting it, banks stop issuing it etc). If you want ongoing transactional privacy* into the future, you might want to get up to speed on the alternatives.
* reminds me of a meme I saw recently:
“They are PUBLIC servants and we are PRIVATE citizens – we should know EVERYTHING about them and they should know NOTHING about us”
Please compare AUD M0 growth since 2008 and the BTC price since 2008.
All currencies “gyrate wildly”. You just have the “convenience” of using a rapidly deprecating reference currency.
Nov 4, 2023 8:48 AM
Tony, yet again, is right.
All civilian deaths are tragic, but only some are an atrocity.
What might have been if he had been able to articulate things as well when he was PM? The coalition may still be in government. If they had acted on the things they should have.
A pox on the wet left of the SFL’s.
Over the years I have traded ETH.
Zero current position.
I have never traded BTC.
I am coming around to idea of BTC being a genuine store of wealth.
How to position size it?
I don’t know.
The inevitable ETF is short-medium term noise.
Long term, is it more likely that BTC be worth zero or 5x what it’s currently trading at?
I think the latter.
1) The AUD might be stable against the USD, but the USD is a melting currency like all other fiat currencies. To misquote Peter Schiff, ‘ it might be the cleanest dirty shirt at the laundry, but you still wouldnt want to wear it’.
2) I assume you meant a ‘store of value’ not ‘of money’, and on that basis, zooming out shows that neither the USD nor the AUD are ‘stores of value’ over any significant timeline. The USD price of gold in 1971 was $35, now its $2000. The AUD price of an icecream in 1971 was 17c, now its $4.
One of the thongs that struck me in London last week was the high number of businesses/merchants that only accepted payment with a credit card ie no cash.
You sometimes have to pay by credit card only to go to a public toilet !
“They are PUBLIC servants and we are PRIVATE citizens – we should know EVERYTHING about them and they should know NOTHING about us”
Amazing how it’s inverted.
Just look at the post upthread how a bunch of public servants get their back up over questions on notice with weeks to respond.
One licence I held previous required questions from the regulator to be answered within 48 hours.
They do not like it when the shoe is on the other foot.
What about the little guys with Air B&Bs?
I reckon they will be left holding their flaccid members.
Last few days I have seen many outlets qualify hamas death figures with ‘cannot be independently verified’ or similar.
Not brilliant but better than before.
Yes, but its trajectory over time is relentlessly upwards – for example there is no time in its history where its price is lower 4 years after you bought it. Its volatile because it is still an emerging asset and the market is small and still unsure about how to value it. Short term volatility is the price you pay for its outperformance over longer time frames.
Nov 4, 2023 9:20 AM
Ouch! 😛
What about the little guys with Air B&Bs?
Depends if you live in Melbourne or Miami.
Qantas shareholders vote no to executive pay plan (Terror, 3 Nov, paywalled)
If it’s 25% against it is usually a kiss of death for a board. Eighty percent is a hanging offense.
The Board has its fingers in its ears though:
Qantas shareholder’s microphone shut down (Paywallian, 3 Nov)
How dare some little people ask us about the company they own? The nerve!
One of the thongs that struck me in London last week was the high number of businesses/merchants that only accepted payment with a credit card ie no cash.
Serious questions:
How many had surcharges on transactions?
How does this work for tourists?
Reason, I have gone back to cash dealing with business in Oz because of said surcharges that are even on debit transactions some places and when overseas I have only ever dealt in hard currency.
Maybe rampant theft by staff and others as the UK moves more and more to a low trust society is disinclining businesses from taking cash.
Public toilets cash would be a druggie magnet.
In mainland Europe many small businesses only take cash via machine, staff never get anywhere near it.
The famous sandwich shop on Ortigia was one of many.
Yes I’m cash for coffee etc. I always ask if they surcharge for card now.
I am not an expert, guru etc, just an ordinary person.
This is one of the most important conversations I have ever had in my life.
Look up Total Information Awareness and the Vault 7 WikiLeaks.
There is an arsenal of domestic spying tools being actively deployed against you RIGHT NOW.
Every single thing I mention above is not only true, they have been around for over a decade.
Now we are approaching(?) useful AI to manage the machine learning processes to analyse the data and quickly draw possible inferences.
There are no secrets unless you literally have an electronics free zone.
Look everything up I have asserted.
Most people hear about Angel’s Tears and laugh awkwardly. The audacity of the very thing leads people to disbelief.
That’s how the deep state gets away with most of its nefarious activities.
Everything I have said above is true and verifiable.
That is gratifying news.
I would expect it has little to do with journalistic integrity (otherwise all reporting would improve) but the embarrassment of being time and again discovered to have been wrong within a couple of days by ordinary people on Twitter/X who do research journos are too smug and complacent to do.
It takes takes an hour or more to process a btc transaction which makes it useless for 99.9 % of any transactions I might make
Yep, Duk, it’s an investment not a currency. Maybe in the long run it will become a currency.
If you bought BTC this time in 2021 you’d’ve lost three quarters of your money in a year. That’s an inflation rate of 300%. So groceries bought with BTC would’ve cost you 4 times as much as a year ago.
The Departmental Secretary for the Federal Environment Ministry is paid $923k p.a.!
The PM and CJ of Aus. are paid ~$587k!
I’ve got a mate who does a bit of busking on the side. Apparently less people carrying cash is grim news for buskers.
BTC for transacting is like an apartment on 57th Street in NY for living.
They are a view on the asset being a store of wealth.
And yet they keep 5c coins in circulation. I love the little echidna, but…
The Palestinian Health Ministry must be the envy of other world health authorities with its ability to supply daily figures on Palastinian casualties regardless of the fact their is a war going on .. must be such a comfort to relatives to know that if a multi storey building “collapses” the Ministry will have all the details within 30 minutes, casualties, deaths and names ……..
Wonder why none of their other HAMAS “ministries are sooo efficient ..? ..
They need a Voice to Parliament.
What I don’t see is how my employer can pay me without an account and BSB number?
I have a small amount of old copper coins.
In the collapse, I strive to be a humble credit merchant and the new Medici dynasty of the 2000s and 2100s.
Oh wait, that’s that shitty loli anime online Isekai time waster loot box game.
There is no low Hamas wouldn’t stoop to.
Why wouldn’t they when they get resounding hand-clapping & cheering from the leftie online media/press .. after all it’s only an “atrocity” or “rules of war” breaker if Israel does it (which includes any sort of retaliation ) …
Wolfman channelling Tom Jones!
Duk – No I meant store of money, as in a bank account that you use for day to day transactions. Which is what Dot was talking about.
A store of value is quite different – which is why I mentioned gold. I don’t like gold because it is ground zero for manipulation by governments. Plus there’s a disconent beytween physical and paper – there being 10 times as much paper out there as physical.
Jonova has an interesting post today:
That is of course completely backwards, since if we decarbonize and super funds invest in green rubbish the punters will lose their super. One look at the graphic shows that the entire superannuation industry is captured by this religious silliness. No wonder SMSFs are so popular and no wonder Canberra persecutes people who choose to do a SMSF.
So as a store of value an industry super fund is rapidly becoming a great way to lose it all.
Given Aristotles 3 necessary functions of money (unit of account, medium of exchange, store of value), I hope BTC becomes *money* not ‘currency’ (currency lacks the ‘store of value’ function)
Yes, as noted, you need at least a 4 year horizon. The BTC I bought in 2016 is currently up 70x, and was still up 5x, even at the bottom of the 2020 Covid crash.
It’s a stumbling block and I’d look into it.
I think you might be able to have it deposited into Stake (Hello Stake dot com, not the actual online casino). – stake also offers a more free superannuation platform with more choice – but the SMSF fee is ~1k per year. With ING I can only trade the top 300 maybe and can’t buy into more than 20% of my portfolio with one share.
We are about to get a shellacking by a massive thunderstorm. There are golfers, oblivious to the impending storm, still tee-ing off.
They’re going to get caught halfway down the course with nowhere to go.
Even the roos have scarpered.
Even the roos have scarpered
I love the footage you see on social media of kangaroos taking over golf courses.
Has anyone else noticed how recent photographs of Hillary have her looking younger and younger.
She’ll be in her nappy on her trike soon.
Doriana Grayl
The CIA is out of control.
From wiki
Part 6 – “Weeping Angel”
On 21 April 2017, WikiLeaks published the sixth part of its Vault 7 material, code-named “Weeping Angel”, a hacking tool co-developed by the CIA and MI5 used to exploit a series of early smart TVs for the purpose of covert intelligence gathering.
Once installed in suitable televisions with a USB stick, the hacking tool enables those televisions’ built-in microphones and possibly video cameras to record their surroundings, while the televisions falsely appear to be turned off. The recorded data is then either stored locally into the television’s memory or sent over the internet to the CIA.
Allegedly both the CIA and MI5 agencies collaborated to develop that malware in Joint Development Workshops. Security expert Sarah Zatko said about the data “nothing in this suggests it would be used for mass surveillance,” and Consumer Reports said that only some of the earliest smart TVs with built-in microphones and cameras were affected.[42][43][44]
As of this part 6 publication, “Weeping Angel” is the second major CIA hacking tool which notably references the British television show, Doctor Who, alongside “Sonic Screwdriver” in “Dark Matter”.
I do too. Timeless artwork. I miss the little possum and the frill necked lizard also.
And….here’s the storm! Hopefully no hail in it.
How dare some little people ask us about the company they own? The nerve!
How dare the little people ask questions of the “Pollies” who are supposed to represent them in Guv’ment and who happily take their money for taxes/levies/surcharges/fees/duties, etc. The nerve of it all.
Well played, Calli, well played.
The general population of G@z@ are merely the sock puppet for h@m@s. They provide a ‘normal’ covering for the mechanism beneath. They exist only to serve that purpose. Without the anthropomorphic outer layer, h@m@s would have to retard the options of Isr@el by some means other than international proxies, in order to compete and survive.
And for me, my real-life intitals were on every coin. 🙂
Cailli – The storm came through the Cafe about an hour ago. Only rumbling it turned out, but the birds all vanished. Then came back afterwards. It was interesting to watch.
One of the thongs that struck me
You must have wandered onto the set of Housos.
Dot, that statement was too well informed.
Is there something you need to share with the group?????
Those wishing to dabble on the De4by could do worse than look at the two Dundeels… Sunsets and Mercante. Both out of Fastnet Rock mares, which has been Dundeel’s best “nick”.
Also like Gates’ breeding.
I am also a cr@p judge!
Although some of them are not averse to a bit of general rape and pillage if presented with the opportunity.
Has anyone else noticed how recent photographs of Hillary have her looking younger and younger.
She’s taking to wearing these full body wraps/capes.
Reminds me of the baron from the most recent Dune movie.
I get so many ads on YouTube for crap I don’t want, Slow Life: Isekai, Pit Vipers, Rainbocorns (I’d prefer a actual scale Unicron), feminine “marital aids”…
I suppose I shouldn’t talk utter nonsense at my phone to provide the NSA malinformation.
Bruce of Newcastle.
You have read about the woke brigade renaming birds that have been named after White Men.
Well here is a gentleman who states that his favourite species of birds are ones that were named by people who hated them! It’s a great link with good pictures and the genuine names of birds.
The Spangled Drongo makes an appearance. 😀
I agree with Tom that the current VRC week is the best week of racing and that V’Landy’s ‘funny money’ is progressing racing some what. It just exposes the inaction of Qld racing. Surely we can have a funny money race is Brisbane. How about the ‘BrisVegas’, ‘Maroon Mile’, ‘Ports not Bags Classic’ etc. We have 4 to 5 million people within an hour and a half of Eagle Farm and Doomben. There is no imagination in Qld racing.
P.S. Last weeks Cox Plate was the best WFA race I’ve seen in the last decade. Any of the top 3 would of been a worthy champion.
If I’d observed all the rules, I’d never have got anywhere.
– Marilyn Monroe
That started about 20 years ago, with advent of self-cleaning, homeless/pervert/druggie-free kiosk toilets.
Spending a penny in London is now so complicated that there’s an app for that.
Not our ABC.
More civilian deaths in less than a month than the 9 month seige of Mosul (2016-17, c. 10 000+ deaths), according to them this morning.
Mumus, academic and judicial robes….
Pog, that’s entirely unsurprising. Woke revisionism leveraging the natural OCD of birdwatchers…
I’ve wondered when the magpie will be re-named, maybe kicked off by a certain AFL club?
Nov 4, 2023 8:34 AM
A Masonic leader was at Vatican environmental conference to promote depopulation, world gov’t
Nov 4, 2023 8:35 AM
This Is The Final Confrontation Between Israel And Hamas
Good links. The vatican one is just unbelievable. The catholic church is now affiliated with human haters.
I wondered if my statement might have been interpreted as absolving the entire population of responsibility for their own actions. Not so. (Given my other comments in recent weeks, I’d hope that my stance on this issue was clear).
What I meant was that h@m@s is not a ‘government’ in the understood term of the word. The international Filth Filter (media) intimates that h@m@s has to both care for a civilian population and defend itself (and it’s civilians) against imperialist Isr@el. Hence the source of much empty sympathy and posturing.
If the truth – that h@m@s sees itself as the owner-operators of an abattoir – whether Isr@eli or their own citizens is irrelevant to them – they would have less success in the information sphere (in which they are still wildly succeeding).
Mumus, academic and judicial robes….
Easier to conceal all the adrenochrome being piped into her.
Re the roos on golf courses :
Not so popular with the patrons, as the males can get very territorial and aggressive.
They like the short, sweet grass. Since we slash & mulch our paddocks, local mobs of kangaroos regard our place as heaven. A few are OK, but I draw the line at 30+. Fortunately, our direct neighbour has decided to slash for fire security & his new cattle. Instantly, we have reduced numbers of roos. Yay!
Rogue apostrophe alert.
That’s worth at least 28 down-thumbs.
Pogria @ 10:15am – thanks, awesome! Quite a bit of chuckling from that Ace post. I don’t follow him, I should but there’s so much else around!
Which is why muh spelling is all over the place this morning, it’s a busy news day and I keep posting too fast.
Has anyone else noticed how recent photographs of Hillary have her looking younger and younger.
Hillary is not human. And michelle is a man. What is it about demorat ‘women’.
Health report.
Apparently my intestines have taken a dislike to…. Dominoes pizzas.
Moving house so they were a desperate choice.
Last nights efforts was 6 chunders and 9 “can an anus be converted to a high pressure sharter” sessions
I feel like a used condom, all hollow inside.
I have heavy stuff to lift today, in public… pray for me.
Twitter/X has been a bit of an eye opener. The Pally-love is just so bizarre and far-fetched.
There is one cartoon showing two or three dismembered pally children but two news crews are focussed on a crying Israeli baby.
Another shows a single Hamarse fighter facing an incoming armada of fighter jets with Israeli, American, British and other European flags, signifying that poor little Hamarse is facing the onslaught of the whole civilised world.
There is also a tweet with just a coin with the word ‘Palestine’ and the year 1927. I assume this is meant to prove that the land was Palestinian before da Jooz turned up so it rightfully belongs to the Palestinians.
Oh, and Mike Carlton is exposing himself again with a picture of some happy people behind a giant banner with the Israeli flag on it. Mike asks “What are they celebrating?” His brief sojourn in Britain back in the early ‘80s(?) really broke him.
I never usually comment on racing matters.
However – one of the reasons for declining popularity – in Melbourne, at least – may have something to do with the Hun’s piece this morning, apropos of fashion.
To advertise Derby Day, and the general appeal of going to the races, there is a picture of a skinny bloke wearing a dress and elbow-length see-through gloves, waving his arms about in the manner of John-Michael Howson.
Against a pseudo-dreamcatcher backdrop, if you don’t mind.
That’s a big icy schooner glass full of nope for me.