Had a call couple of years ago from a bloke who said he was from Westpac.Wanted me to ID myself…
Had a call couple of years ago from a bloke who said he was from Westpac.Wanted me to ID myself…
In a motorway cafe. Yes, I was going to mention that!
Come on, Roger. Brave attempt to steel-man her argument but it still stinks.
Stargazy Pie?
OK. I was about to say that pork pies are shithouse. Under the threat of being Immam-Granted, I will revert…
Do you really think anyone in Canberra gives a shit about ordinary Australians losing their homes and businesses?
Email received from Telstra at 4:49 PM
Helping to keep you connected through disasters.
Typical Guardian gaslighting.
This reminds of the meme (popularized by Tim Blair?): “Muslims fear backlash following tomorrow’s terrorist attack.”
Nonsense, Doctor Jim Chalmers is there to help us.
I see the G7 ministers are ‘backing humanitarian pauses’.
Being seasoned worldly dimplomats of the best stamp the West had to offer they are blind to the fact this would allow Hamarse to recover to some extent that will require they be beaten back down a second time. The Israelis are the ones looking out for the Palis.
Hamarse attacks Israelis in fits and starts, but they torment their own people every day. The poverty and privation, the comandeering of communal goods like water pipes to make rockets, the propaganda drilled into children filling them with hate when they should be filled with wonder, and of course there is the deliberate strategy of hiding behind civilians and using their deaths as ‘freedom-fighter’ pr0n in the most benighted vacuous places in the West, like universities and politics.
Yeah, lets allow them to regain their grip so they can keep it going.
You know, I may have it totally wrong about Marty. Last week sometime, Wodney let off a huge Marty stinker advising to buy both gold and the greenback as both were heading higher. Since then the buck has done nothing, while gold has has lost around $44 bucks. Marty may actually be one of the greatest reverse indicators of all time, as the blog also suggested. No kidding, it may very well be that doing the opposite of a Marty stinker could land you with a lot of money.
A professional punter told me once about an American tipster who had a terrible track record.
The pro would back against the tipster for decent returns.
That was NFL.
I’m intending to do the same. My oldest son did it yesterday and again this morning when these disgusting signs were displayed at the playground where he takes his young children. He was livid.
It seems incredibly well organised. Professionally printed on corflutes and hung with cable ties. I might start walking with a can of black spray paint in my bag. I don’t fancy physical contact with such poisonous lies even if I’m just carrying it to the nearest bin.
Do the opposite. It’s the Constanza Trade.
Israel has been conducting humanitarian pauses for four hours a day for the last four days.
Apparently no-one has noticed.
Yesterday 50,000 Gazans took the opportunity to leave North Gaza.
I think they’ve realised hamas isn’t doing as well as their propaganda videos claim.
The Ngukurr community pool was closed for almost a year.(ABC News: Michael Franchi)
This is a blast from the past. Back in 1973 as a young auditor with the Commonwealth Auditor-General’s Office I was involved in the first and probably last extensive audit of expenditure in Aboriginal Affairs.
Files of government grants were pulled and examined. One I pulled was a grant for $485k to the Ngukurr Aboriginal Community.
The file consisted of one page and the page consisted of one paragraph which from memory stated:
The Ngukurr Aboriginal Community requires a sewerage system. The estimated cost is $485.000. Grant approved,
Gordon Bryant
Minister for Aboriginal Affairs
That was it. There were no costings from a QS, nothing. The cheque had been issued.
I raised the matter with the Secretary of the Department’s Office.
His private secretary acknowledged the shortcomings of the process and said they were dealing with the “excesses” of the new minister.
He advised that they would get the funds back and would call me when this occurred.
I wrote up my report on the matter and confirmed the query in writing with the department.
A week or so later I received a call from the department that the cheque had been recovered and would I like to sight it before it was returned to the Treasury.
The cheque was handed to me and it was made out to:
The Chairman, Ngukurr Aboriginal Community for $485,000.
It was a bit creased and a little soiled but intact overall.
I updated my file by way of note and carried on with other examinations.
A week or so later I was reading The Australian (I was an avid reader at the time) and came across one of those short titbits that often appeared on the right had side of the page.
It was a story about a guy who went to the Border Store on the Roper River in the NT. He bought his toothbrush, toothpaste and soap and went to the checkout to pay, tendering a cheque for $485,000.00 and wanting the change.
I kid you not. That was how taxpayers’ money was being spent. The Aboriginal Affairs budget at the time was $30 million. It’s now $39 billion. I would bet my bottom dollar that little has changed in terms of control in the intervening 50 years. The outcomes bear stark testimony to that.
Someone mentioned the other day, that the Doc Jim Chalmers’ dissertation was on the web.
It’s here, all of 378 pages of it.
I certify that the substance of this dissertation has not already been submitted for
any degree or qualification.
I certify that any help received in preparing this dissertation, and all sources used,
have been appropriately acknowledged.
I certify that the total length of the dissertation is 99,478 words.
Jim Chalmers, 2004
Nov 9, 2023 5:22 PM
Apparently monies are distributed via the town “money man”.
Need tires for the car etc etc go see the money man.
So he effectively has full control over who knows how much expenditure.
Anyone in town want to rock that boat/ get on his bad side?
“Humanitarian pauses”….yet we are regaled that there is a genocide happening in Gaza.
If only there had been “humanitarian pauses” in Auschwitz, Treblinka and Sobibor.
Can confirm.
Martin Armstrong is the Faulty of the financial world.
These leftists are destroying the US legal system. It’s worse than a sham trial and needs to be closed down asap.
Crossie> I don’t blame the poor staff at the coal face of Optus service delivery. Blame the well-paid, incompetent managers who did not know to ask the question:
“if the network is broken then how does the network get fixed by network engineers using the same broken network”?
zero tech knowledge required to spot the gap in Optus network support model.
UK channel 4 visits Gaza with the idf
Well I backed nearly every horse in the race before the Oaks.
Same result. Need to keep off cheap plonk.
NSW jacks, sending their best once again (the Tele):
The papers tell me recruiting standards have slipped, but if this numbnut is prepared to exercise this level of judgment – joke or not – in this circumstance, what would he have done in a time-critical high-pressure situation where he’s supposed to make decisions where people may lose their lives if he gets it wrong?
That was a rhetorical question. The piece had a pic of Tom Cruise in it, for those interested.
Swimming pools in Aboriginal communities are apparently closed because of a shortage of qualified lifeguards:
Wasn’t Bruce a surfie at Ayers Rock? When he was also running the local village market.
If their network engineers are anything like the IT mongs I’m accustomed to, they will look at a series of screens, sequentially squint at them and then go:
‘Well, that shouldn’t have happened.’
We had a driving holiday in Europe in 1996 and stopped at Hotel Argentina in Dubrovnik for a few days. One morning at breakfast we were seated close to a group of EU and UN officials who seemed to be either travelling to or from Bosnia and Herzegovina. The overheard conversation from their table horrified me at the condescension and ignorance of the highly paid diners. They spoke patronisingly and in derogatory terms about their Croatian hosts and the various peoples of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It seems these dilettantes can be evenhanded in their derision when there are no Jews to demonise.
The wait staff who were fluent in English were exceptionally polite, more diplomatic than their guests.
Repeating the same thing, just over an hour later makes it twice as funny.
KD> and then they’d suggest to turn it off & on again
A couple of rungs further up on the ladder, also from NSW jacks (the Tele):
Probably should have just walked it off.
Not your usual night shift then.
This is a bit closer to (what I think is) the jacks’ role. Much more so than terrifying normal people or tasering demented 95 year old women holding butter knives.
Early days. See what happens.
Alternatively – I’ve never seen that happen before.
or worse – “when did you last backup this system”?
Repeating the same thing, just over an hour later makes it twice as funny.
Yes, I know.
7 Things pro-Palestinians Forgot to Tell You (…this war is not about land…)
Channel 7 News reporter indicated that Gladys may be angling to be the new Optus CEO. I snorted at that, just what Optus needs is to be run like NSW was under her admin.
Optus Failure Demonstrates Cash is King
hamas pretending they are winning
This guy is off with the fairies.
Climate change top of the agenda for Albanese and the Cook Islands (9 Nov)
The Labor Party has gone completely nuts. I’m sure the Cook Islands don’t give a flying frig about climate change. Nor does any sane person.
Yeah, they’re politicians, judges, business captains like every hooker says.
I bet it’s a flexible job.
The shy retiring type.
Dr. John Campbell
First high court case
We terminated with Optus in June, used to be OK but now a totally useless organisation. Our firm had had its business with them for at least 15 years. Never again.
The old coot popping off a couple of protesters is pretty random.
Ive memed a couple
For those who dont know the story.
Apparently one of the deceased literally did the “well shoot me then” shortly before getting shot.
Bill on truth in political advertising to be introduced to Parliament (9 Nov)
The irony is turned up to 11 since little miss chook was on the wrong side of the Voice fiasco, is on the wrong side in Gaza and is also on the wrong side of the climate fraud. Beware, Miss Chook, just about everything you say will be banned under your own legislation.
The Islanders are much smarter than Airbus Albo and can see a money generating opportunity when they see one particularly when all they need to do is mouth the right magic words.
We can’t all be Keating’s rent boy.
I have been with Optus for almost 30 years and only had problems in the last few years. The disruptive influencer CEO certainly did a job on the corporation. Yes, she couldn’t have done it without the Board’s approval which is why I think they have to go even more than she does.
The High Court has bipolar disorder.
One the one hand they deliver a magnificent 7-0 ruling in favour of Cardinal George Pell.
On the other, they ruled on Wednesday that the rapist of a 10 year old boy was entitled to be released from detention.
Greens Senator Nick McKim was positively ecstatic with joy that another 340 people in detention could also be released.
As mentioned earlier, the barbarians are no longer at the gates – they are well and truly inside.
I’m loving the Floptus moniker going around.
Regarding use of cash:
Started withdrawing $$ each week from ATM @ Bank A and depositing to Bank B while keeping some in reserve and some to pay $$ instead of card.
I’m not a fan of being charged to use my own money and with Optus-level incompetent service delivery around it feels better to have a stash of $$$.
Plus small businesses seem happy to take cash now.
That should be Ms Chook to us plebs.
Double or nothing. Interesting approach.
On the abortion issue.. as Cernovich says.
Paraphrase..Yesterday’s elections shows what happens when a poltical party stands on principle while the opposite says and does everything to win.
Closely followed by “Have you tried turning it off then back on again?”
Lebo with the Manchesters and cheap vapes near my previous employ only took cash.
The high court has always hated administrative detention.
They view it as encroaching on their powers and that at multiple stages any form of administrative detention should be reviewable by the courts.
And in most respects they are right, administrative detention has been used as a way to avoid the hard work of actually removing unwanted aliens from Australia.
The person released should have been placed straight on an aircraft and removed from Australia back to their last port of call/nation ASAP.
Any attempt to block the removal should have seen Australia using every possible legal avenue to force the deportation.
Instead they have allowed lawyers to roll the dice on various challenges for decades until they hit the jackpot.
Don’t Welcome Me To My Own Country
Wow, he’s good value. He went after the GOP establishment and the MSM without drawing breath.
Just watched that one and was looking for a link.
Savage, and justified.
Why dont the GOP hold a Rogan/Tucker etc town hall instead of using people who hate them and have lied, over and over again about them?
The Corruption of the FBI | Robert Barnes
Detention is certainly the pointy end of the Separation of Powers. A fact that has been amply exercised by Lefty lawyers for a decade or more now. Remember this every time someone calls for a Bill of Rights.
Perhaps frivolous to comment about this, BUT, has anyone else here noticed that ANAL has changed the colour of his hair?
For several months he had the palest of pearly blonde wisps across his fat head.
In the last couple of weeks, his pate has been sporting a very light ash shade.
The ash shade is covering his scalp a lot more than the previous shade.
Important stuff first, eh Anal?
In today’s Oz there’s a story on this country’s remaining Holocaust survivors. It’s called…
‘Never have we felt the need for such a statement – until now’
These survivors have put pen to paper to publish a letter condemning the surge in Jew hatred since the 7 October Hamas invasion and murders, and sounding the alarm bells on how history can repeat itself.
One of the signatories is a man named Abram Goldberg who lives in Melbourne. Mr Goldberg is now 99 years old.
Mr Goldberg, who found a haven in distant Australia after World War II, has lived in Melbourne since 1951 and for the past 40 years, through the city’s Holocaust museum, he has told tens of thousands of people about his devastating past, the importance of speaking up and the value of hope.
Hamas’s attacks on Israel a month ago rekindled his wartime nightmares, with details of murdered babies and mothers mirroring his own wartime experiences. “You can imagine,” he says quietly, “it all came back. I never expected all this to be happening in our wonderful country: the demonstrations, the anti-Semitism and racism. I hear hatred on the television. I read it in the press, I can feel it. And it pains me. My children were born here and I have been here for 80 years. I saw a better Australia than I see now.”
And therein lies the rub. Abram Goldberg is 100% correct about the state of this country in 2023. Australia was a better place fifty, sixty, seventy years ago. The progressive dung heap that is today’s modern left just loves to decry this country, smearing its history as “waaaaaaacist”, smearing older and past Australians as “waaaaaacist”, engaging in constant denigration of our European heritage. It’s never ending, and now the scum that make up this progressive dung heap are revealing their Jew hatred, and they’re not even ashamed of their hatred. I wonder if we would have seen a group of people chant “gas the Jews” and “kill the Jews” on the steps of the Sydney Opera House in 1960, or 1970, or 1980, or 1990. You know what? I don’t think so, because Abram is right, this country was a better place then, with better people, much better people.
Today is the 85th anniversary of Kristallnacht, the night of anti-Jewish pogroms which historically was the turning point in Nazi plans to annihilate European Jewry.
I spoke to some fellow Jews in my workplace today. We see clearly the portents, and they’re not pretty.
The ash shade is covering his scalp a lot more than the previous shade.
Important stuff first, eh Anal?
Imagine the intense discussions re Anal’s change to dark rimmed spectacles too
Here is a brain teaser for you:
Would have the UK allowed Nazi supporters to hold free speech marches in London in WW2?
Go back to when ANAL first became leader, they gave him a serious makeover and grooming. Was a very daggy chap prior.
You know, we’re always having goes at the cops and generally it’s reasonable criticism, but sometimes it’s worth looking at it through the opposite lense. Look at what they also have to pout up with.
London to a Brixton (sic) that such an event/s will happen. That is what the narrative demands, and that has been the pattern.
Aside from knowing who Tommy Robinson is, I have no knowledge of the British nationalist scene. If I were the Defenders, however, I’d be stepping forward now and announcing they had been informed certain groups, possibly with the assistance of authorities, and certainly elements of the media, had planned to infiltrate their ranks and provoke violence during the traditional, respectful, Armistice Day commemorations.
Call it out before it happens, because it WILL happen.
That will not stop whatever has been planned, however it allows Defenders to be on the front foot, and shift the focus (in theory) to how the state and media deceive the public. Remember, this is a competition for influence.
Those pouting cops hey.
Put up with.
Thanks for that useful correction, Razey.
A Meme for Cassie.
Yet the current residents of the area are the new fascists and Jew haters..
Yes, no doubt you can build the imagery around a brand if done cleverly.
I would argue, though, that Rolex make a quality product, and rare failures would be replaced with a minimum of fuss.
Qantas think they just need to put a dollop of mayo on the shit sandwich and it will all be fine … because we’re Q.
Millwall to the rescue.
I wondered when the soccer hooligans would make an appearance and whether they will be the real thing or stylised like the Grampian Nazis in Melbourne.
If they were lucky, they would have just been run out of town with their tails between their legs.
[My edit].
In the only arena that matters to the bloated scumlords at the top – regional and international opinion – h@m@s is winning more than I’m sure even they hoped for.
Military victory was never on the cards, even had the hezbollocks stepped in at full height, and if G@z@ is reduced to rubble in totality, and the civilian and reptile population wiped out (neither of which is going to happen), this would ensure h@m@s an exalted place in history, and act as an inspiration for decades to come. I’m still convinced that h@m@s needed to prove itself, and regardless of what happens on the literal battlefield, it has. They have their victory state, and all that is relevant now, is how much more they can squeeze from it.
QANTAS have been dining out as the “national carrier” for years. You suspect those days are numbered. There is a limited balance of payments effect having a domestic carrier and that is about it. As well as harbouring terrorist arguably QATAR did a better job through Covid anyway.
I swear I heard that a dozen times in my career from various propeller heads.
That, and, “I just need your compuda to instal a quick update. Won’t take five minutes.”
(2-3 hours).
If it was Australia, I would urge all bikies for many miles around to come and confront the provocative pro-Palis.
Senator Gerard Rennick
AHPRA are preventing doctors and nurses from highlighting risks to their patients – 26.10.23
I was thinking of Oswald Mosely, but just read that his organisation got knocked on the once once WW2 started.
James Woods
Simple, perfect, and on point.
If you wanted a project to go off the rails just ensure it had a decent IT component.
Black Ball
Nov 9, 2023 3:48 PM
Another example of that peculiar arrogance that affects Lefties who manage to get their foot on the first rung of the greasy ladder. It allows them to think a position on a pissant Melbourne council is morally equivalent to PM of a large nation.
Has the lesbian bitch had another face lift?
The problem illustrated:
“If you don’t provide – at no cost to us – a lifeguard, we’ll let the kids swim with crocs and if one gets taken, it’s all whities fault.”
It’s time we just walked away from this never ending moral blackmail.
Yeah, I grew up in a Catholic family too. Sex was not something to be ashamed of. It was something private, shared by two committed individuals.
Being a harlot was something to be ashamed of because it reduced something like that to a transaction like renting the hotel room she probably does as a matter of course.
I do believe a lot of ex-Catholics must go through great pains to make themselves feel liberated from it.
Question is: why is it so hard? Why can’t they just ‘decide’ to do it?
The high court has always hated administrative detention.
It’s only until they agree to go elsewhere.
Who’s the patron saint of the high court? Mayorkas?
I mean, many of the most precious things are private.
‘Public’ and ‘common’ usually signifies a debased, inferior sort of thing.
I suspect many of the bikies are Palis.
What’s wrong with a “Work for your benefits ” programme to train the parents as lifeguars?
Morrisson is doing an excellent job excoriating HAMAS on Bolt.
But he has refused to attack Albanese and Wong – true to form. He just isn’t a killer, unless you are a conservative in which case he will happily destroy you.
Obviously the responsibility of being PM simply overwhelmed him. I never saw him this confident and assertive when PM but his renewed confidence in no way influences my contempt for his self serving character.
Very funny clip. It’s hard to stop laughing because the dude just keeps going.
Lebs definitely. Which is not effectively different. The Daily Terror has been going on about W Syd gangs for month and they all have names of a certain um, flavour.
An impressive Douglas Murray ducking rockets in Gaza on the frontline of reporting responds to quizzing by Piers Morgan.
“It became necessary to destroy the town to save it” – Unknown US Colonel in Vietnam.
I guess both sides could view the destruction of Gaza as a success, though it was destroyed.
make that ducking rockets from Gaza
Alex Bruesewitz
There’s no place like a Trump rally! MASSIVE CROWD tonight in Hialeah, Florida, while the jokers and primary non-challengers kiss the asses of globalist donors and other America last losers at the low ratings debate.
Trump 2024!
Anti-Semitic Crimes Are on the Rise Everywhere
“If it was Australia, I would urge all bikies for many miles around to come and confront the provocative pro-Palis.”
unfortunately, pretty much all aussie bikie gangs are now ruled by Lebs who don’t even ride motor bikes. No help from there.
Gold prices Australia.
Never been too keen on an honest days work, a lot of Lebos etc, hence the bikie gangs getting a lot of them into joining. All the dodgy tobacconists getting burned down in Melbourne is tied in. Bikies control that market.
Malmo? Where have I hear that name before?
Remember, Far-right groups (those who espouse traditional British values) plot, while leftists and Palis only ever plan.
Perhaps its time a cost/benefit analysis was performed on the Diplomat Class.
From one of Monty’s postcards?
Ok I jest.
Dodgy Lebo tobacconist I mentioned upthread is still going, must be playing the game. Probably works for the bikies.
Worked with a Chinese Malay chef two summers back and he used to score these top Chinese smokes at $14 for 20. Really good. Winny Red-esque.
Way superior to the Manchesters the Lebos are bringing in.
SNAP! to everyone here who mentioned the breeding of our current bikie gangs.
A commenter yesterday made a point of people ganging up on the
Optus CEO because she is a woman. Even though I am female I have been rather hard on Kelly Bayer Rosmarin’s poor performance as the CEO of Optus. This is due to the fact that her decisions and ineptitude have affected me as a consumer of that corporation. Allan Joyce was probably just as awful in his management of Qantas but I didn’t care as I am not a customer of that airline. I am equally against all the current crop of CEOs because they are not focussed on their business but on wokeness and political correctness which does nothing but damage not only the individual corporations but the economy as a whole.
Demorats do well in some mid terms. Virginia’s Youngkin, a pretty good GOP governor lost badly because the demorats pulled the abortion lie.
Tuesday night’s elections in Virginia and across the country bring to mind this famous George Carlin quote: “Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.”
If a similar electorate comes out in 2024, God help America. Conservatives better wake up fast otherwise, Democrats will usher in full-blown socialism across the country.
The demorats have a lot going for them:
The msm
The swamp
Voter apathy and stupidity
GOP cowardice and weakness.
Trump possibly going to jail or mysteriously attacked by NY rats and gnawed to death.
No, the cash is enough. Depending on how much you were planning on giving. I was hoping for a pineapple off the next bill at least.
200GB doesn’t mean shiat to me – have infinite NBN and my mobile plan is already 500GB/month (way more than I need).
Looks like I’m going to say ‘hello’ to Telstra.
I watched the Douglas Murray interview that Lizzie linked. Good to see Piers having his a*se handed to him again. What I was intrigued by though was the look in Douglas’ eyes. The treatment of Israel and all Jews by the rest of world has birthed a rage in him. You can see it growing in his eyes whilst speaking to pussy piers.
As Douglas mentioned, he has been on quite a few battlefields, but this one is leaving a lasting effect on him. I hope he will be okay.
within seconds hambots jump in with you made that up. What are the odds some of the ‘men acting suspiciously’ arrested by the idf are singing like canaries in a tunnel?
So mOnty finally made it to Malmo, huh.
Nov 9, 2023 6:15 PM
Now I do tricks for 700 bucks an hour.
You’re under pricing yourself head prefect. That sheen of yours is worth a grand a poke every day of the week and twice as much on the Sabbath.
Also claiming Russia have just resupplied hamas.
So much salt.
Also al Jazeerawellsayanything ‘that tunnel next to the hospital was the opening to an underground water reservoir’
Hamas Tunnels; they’re always ‘Somewhere Else’.
Just ask Monty.
With golf courses, most definitely.
Jeez things ARE crook.
It is only to be expected that the current diplomat class is just as inept and useless as the corporate leaders. They all attended the same universities and the same courses which fashioned them into the nongs that they are. Our generation is exiting the stage while the next generation is bowing down to the generation after them who are the real problem we see today. Generation X seems to have disappeared faster than the boomers or have they simply withdrawn into their private safe spaces? Boomers may have been rowdy but we were also quite effective when compared to our successors.
“has anyone else here noticed that ANAL has changed the colour of his hair?”
The Chinese apparently said it was just that he is so handsome.
Specsavers opportunity there? No, just some oriental suckholing.
What about filling the pools only to a reasonably safe level?
I know, a child can drown in knee deep water but not as likely and no need for a lifeguard just a supervising parent, and how deep is the river?
While the technology stack today is very different to 20 years ago, after we were prevented on bidding for work we had been doing for 5 years, and Infosys won that part of the contract, it was impossible to get a phone connected for 2 weeks because Infosys somehow managed to corrupt the line allocation database doing a minor cosmetic change. Iirc it cost Telstra 10 million in fines.
I hold a grudge, have refused to deal with Telstra for 20 years.
Chris Kenny interviewing a holocaust survivor just couldn’t help himself asking her what she thought about all the Palestinians caught up in Gaza. I’m glad she reminded him that they celebrated the horrors of 7th of October perpetrated against Israelis.
Kenny should be removed from Sky.
That’s more like it.
Discussion earlier about how the law treats accidents with medical episodes. Below is an article from the SMH nineteen years ago. The guy who went to jail wrote a couple of good maritime/naval history books that I own. Sad all round.
Navy official guilty of killing family in crash
November 26, 2004 — 7.48am
A senior public official today found guilty of killing a family of three in a car accident after suffering an epileptic fit had lied about his disability and should not have been driving, a NSW judge said.
District Court judge Peter Berman found Royal Australian Navy senior public affairs officer Ross Gillett guilty of causing the deaths because he had lied to the NSW Roads and Traffic Authority (RTA) about his condition and should not have been driving in the first place.
Judge Berman, who presided over Gillett’s trial without a jury, found Gillett guilty of three charges of dangerous driving occasioning death at Manly Vale on Sydney’s northern beaches on May 2, 2003.
Both Gillett’s family and those of the victims sobbed as the judge delivered his verdict.
As he was being taken into custody, 51-year-old Gillett told the public gallery that he did not intend to cause the accident.
“Thank you for coming, I didn’t do it on purpose,” he said.
During the trial, Crown Prosecutor Wayne Roser said Gillett was travelling north along Condamine Street late in the afternoon when his Toyota Avalon clipped a blue Ford sedan.
He continued driving and hit a Mitsubishi sedan, forcing it onto the wrong side of the road and into two other cars, the court was told.
Musician Cameron Howie, 31, his wife Shannon, 29, and their 15-month-old daughter Michaela, travelling in the Mitsubishi sedan, were all killed.
But Gillett’s counsel, William Barber, told the trial his client had an epileptic fit and therefore was not acting voluntarily when the accident occurred.
Gillett was, therefore, not guilty because of mental illness as epilepsy was a disease of the mind, Mr Barber said.
But Judge Berman said today although he was satisfied that Gillett had suffered a seizure, his presence on the road was still dangerous because he knew he could suffer a fit and had lied to the Roads and Traffic Authority (RTA) about his epilepsy.
“I am satisfied beyond reasonable doubt that the accused did not believe that it was safe for him to drive,” Judge Berman said.
“I am satisfied that immediately before suffering a seizure on the 2nd of May 2003, the accused knew that he represented a danger to other road users.”
But he said Gillett had not proved to be a credible witness and had shown a willingness to lie when it advantaged him.
“As far as the accused’s character is concerned, those falsehoods suggest that he is prepared to tell lies and tell them repeatedly in order to advance his own interests,” Judge Berman said.
Outside the court, Shannon Howie’s father, Seamus Hannifey, said that at least Gillett would be punished for killing his daughter.
“It’ll never bring our kids back but at least he’s going to pay for taking our family away,” he said.
Senior Sergeant Peter Jenkins from the Police Accident Investigation Unit said the verdict sent a message to people who lied about their medical conditions to get a driver’s licence.
“This case is very significant because what it shows is that people must take responsibility for their actions,” he said.
“If they know they have a condition it should be reported.”
Gillett was refused bail and his sentencing submissions will be held on March 4 next year.
Nov 9, 2023 8:49 PM
Chris Kenny interviewing a holocaust survivor just couldn’t help himself asking her what she thought about all the Palestinians caught up in Gaza. I’m glad she reminded him that they celebrated the horrors of 7th of October perpetrated against Israelis.
Kenny should be removed from Sky.
He should. The lady was Suzi Smeed. Her hubbie, a great guy, was one of the organisers of Lord Monckton’s first tour of Australia in 2009. At the Newcastle leg, which I organised, they were hanging from the rafters. I really thought we were going to knock this on the head. The difference was the media. Initially objective they went burqa in support of global shitting and the sceptics were ostracised to death.
Real Deal at 9:00.
Interesting precedent.
The Daylesford thing will turn on what Mr TypeOne knew about his condition and susceptibility to hypos.
Ditto – I refuse to deal with Optus for the same reason.
Enough of the homo nonsense, Cronkite. I agree with the dude in the vid.
What I was intrigued by though was the look in Douglas’ eyes. The treatment of Israel and all Jews by the rest of world has birthed a rage in him. You can see it growing in his eyes whilst speaking to pussy piers.”
Yes, I’ve noticed that too. Murray’s discussion with the boys from Triggernomety, recorded a few days ago, is superb, and I would urge everyone to watch it. I regard Douglas Murray as a hero, he’s been warning about all of this for years. He’s an oracle of sorts, much like Tommy Robinson whom I also regard as a hero. However it’s interesting comparing the two and how each man has been treated by the UK media. Here’s the truth, they’ve been treated very, very differently because of the UK’s entrenched classism. Murray is an ex-Etonian, from the upper classes, posh, Oxford educated, whereas Robinson is the lad from Luton, common, vulgar, swears a lot, who once upon a time naively joined the EDL, a mistake he’s never been forgiven for. The MSM have never gone after Murray the way they’ve gone after Robinson. Robinson has been targeted for years for silencing and cancelling, he’s spent time in gaol, he’s been kicked off twitter, off facechook, off Instagram, he’s been debanked, defunded, de-every f*cking thing. None of that has been done to Murray, yet both men agree about virtually everything, both men have always said the same about Islam, both men have said the same about the Pakistani rape gangs that have preyed on white working class English girls, both men have said the same about the state of Britain, yet only one has been demonised and his name is Tommy, whereas Murray has not. I just hope, in this post 7 October 2023, that Murray can now openly say he stands with Robinson, and Robinson can now openly say he stands with Murray. They stand together, against the dhimmi state that is Britain in 2023, and both men have and are staunch and stalwart defenders of Jews and Israel.
It comes to mind also that Murray is gay, and “they” are a little bit reluctant to attack him because of that.
That’s why it’s not the legal test. People should be allowed to do what they like so long as it does not affect those around them. Say, by killing them.
The Daylesford thing will turn on what Mr TypeOne knew about his condition and susceptibility to hypos.
I would guess so, Sancho. And whether his brief can argue for some special exemption or whatever. Thankfully these things are rare, but I wonder how it could be argued if a bloke off his chops on meth who kills someone in a crash could argue a special medical condition. I worry about that in the ACT where one of my children lives given their obscene drug laws.
Enough of the homo nonsense, Cronkite
Ok, here’s an IDF cute owl.
What happened, the internet ran out of ‘indeterminates’?
Actually it will be 20 years on Dec1.
No pleasing some folks.
Florida waterfront home lists for US$68 million. Surprisingly no tile flooring.
I hold a grudge, have refused to deal with Telstra for 20 years.
I dumped Telstra 8 years ago for Optus. Problem is, there is no one left to use that I trust.
Industrial espionage? Who’s to say that Telstra aren’t behind this FLOPTUS thing. I admit to understanding next to nothing about all this technology and what not. Or caring to.
I said it was funny Hamas was claiming they didn’t execute the atrocities.
Well – here’s another source confirming just that.
Avi Yemeni interviewing an Israeli soldier.
If Daylesford bloke was type 1, but hadn’t informed VicRoads etc, he will go. Has to, or why even have such laws?
JC Avatar
Nov 9, 2023 9:37 PM
Florida waterfront home lists for US$68 million. Surprisingly no tile flooring.
Mar-a-Lago is 4 times as big yet the freak now judging Trump only valued it at $18 mill.
Tin foil hats? Next aisle.
When does a property become a compound?
Clay pigeon shooter? OK whatever turns you on. Back in the first few Olympics the pigeons weren’t clay, LOL.
The so-called judge should be thrown out and sent to jail. along with the fat pig AG.
The Florida pad could be worth close to $1 billion. I think Trump is right to throw around that sort of number as the place is about 45 acres.
I’d guess it would be multiple homes on one expansive allotment.
There’s a sophisticated investor here who keeps plugging gold as the investment de jour.
Seinfeld Festivus is on. Happy days
SPECULATION – I hope this is not the case, but if it is then there’s not a lot of wiggle room there for Sporty Beemer Guy.
Six weeks early.
The Airing of Grievances and Feats of Strength should be a staple in every household.
Love the Festivus episode. Was too wacked for Kramer LOL. Elaine ended up in a TAB with some creeps?
Oh, mUnter…..
Read that, just above. There’s your link you asked for.
Seriously, you are pissweak.
I can’t remember which episode, but when it got mentioned that Newman took over Son of Sam’s mail route, that was gut-splitting. 90% of those shows gold.
There’s a sophisticated investor here who keeps plugging gold as the investment de jour.
Now how about 10 years and if you’re an Australian investor in the US S&P what would be the total return after calculating the conversion from Aussie dollar to the Greenback?
The Aussie Dollar was 1.0478 at the beginning of 2013 versus .6403 today
Buying US$100 of the US S&P in 2013 would have cost $95.43. Expressed in Australian dollars $363.73 would equal A$568.10
The compound return, having investment in the US stock market over 10 years is a formidable 19.5%. Beat that punk.
Most closet Nazi’s are.
You can deduce a lot from what his mouthpiece didn’t say.
If he had declared it to VicRoads with a medical opinion that he was low risk, the lawyer would of said so.
My vibe is that Daylesford chap might be in a spot of. Niece is a barrister, just reading the tea leaves.
Now, lets looks at gold’s performance over the same period.
Gold price Jan 2013 US$ 1,656.80/ Aussie dollar 1.0478 = Gold price in Aussie Dollars
A$1581.22. Gold price now in US$1,947.05 / Aussie Dollar .6402 = Gold price in Aussie Dollars $3,041.31
The compound return for gold over ten years in Australian Dollars is 4.5%
Comparatively, $100 invested in gold would return you $155.30 over this period, while $100 invested in the S&P would return $593.85.
Over the past 10 years gold may have just broken even with inflation.
No. No, no no no no no.
That is not what Martin Armstrong said. Can’t be right.
Lurking downtickers.
Downtick harder, daddy.
Anyway, “Sliante” to you horrible mob.
There is an option for these kneecaps that oes not involve full replacements, and takes nowhere near as long to recover from! It may cost a few bob….
Anyone with Kayo. Apart from the Aus Vs. Afgahan mini, there is a separate Glenn Maxwell mini. Worth watching for Ian Smith’s commentary at the end. “Un-natural” and “Mindblowing” got a mention.. Sure was bro.
Poor old Afganistan are are lot better team than many others in this comp.
Yeah KD and Leigh, the old firm; just here for some downticking now.
That’s it boys. Downtick hard.
I’ll repeat what I wrote earlier, because I think most will not believe it until it is too late:
The international response to the 7 Oct systematic execution of innocents is the beginning of a normalisation of mass murder. When we cease to be shocked by the feeding frenzy of subhuman predators on those of our own kind, we cease to be human ourselves.
If John Constantine were still with us, he would have an appropriate word or phrase to describe this state of moral and mental decomposition. Me, I can barely shake my head.
All speculation till it gets to court. Plenty of opportunity for things to get difficult quickly though. Let’s just wait and see.
They have listed Bruce Pascoe as a Living Legend of Research. Many of the others are authors. Their criteria: page views on Wikipedia. I wonder how many times some of these people looked at their Wiki entry. There’s probably an app for that.
Bruce Pascoe is certainly living legend. Of bullshit artists and con men.
Are there still luvvies taking him seriously? People have done research on him yonks ago, and there wasn’t a shred of aboriginal ancestry in the clown.
I had a slight chortle when I read people here were thinking of switching to Vodafone.
Did you compare their coverage maps?
You’re going to get less coverage than Optus on the other 364 days of the year and that’s a win is it?
I’d guess most people say Vodafone! as their knee-jerk reaction, but if they rate coverage at all they don’t actually move there.
Dover! moderation!??
I’ve heard of people stuffing money into their mattress, but this mattress *is* money.
Would this luxury item hold value better than gold?
Maxwell’s heroics have taken front and centre stage, allowing the hopeless batsmen who came before him to escape most criticism.
I’ve watched his masterclass twice and will do so again. Drama, illness, fatigue, mistakes – and countless moments of sheer cricketing power and beauty.
As one commentator said, it’s unlikely we will see an equivalent feat of sporting brilliance again.
Zafiro, Wikipedia tells me that since August 2020, he (Pascoe) has been Enterprise Professor in Indigenous Agriculture at the University of Melbourne; so yes, the luvvies are still covering his arse for him.
My name is George Costanza, I’m single and I live with my Vodaphone!
In fact, I have a work phone. My employer did a super cheap deal with Vodaphone. Works OK in most areas with traffic lights. Outside of the big smoke, the coverage…….the co………the coverage……..shitzen.
Hence I have a second phone of my own with Telstra.
Go the red Ninja! Impressive skills.
Steve Inman:
They tried to jump him and failed miserably
On the back of the Optus saga … perfect timing. Ha!
Every NBN Worker Ever… | Garn.
“And now they’ve gone and shot themselves in the foot again”
A key piece of network equipment implicated in Optus’ nationwide outage has links to the Netherlands, China and the UK, as well as to a system run by Optus’ owner, Singtel, in Singapore, and the faulty update believed to have triggered the outage may have originated in any of those countries, telecommunications experts say.
But that does not mean Australia’s second-largest carrier will be able to point the finger of blame entirely offshore, the experts say.
Faulty updates to the so-called “routing tables” that control the flow of data around the internet were not uncommon, and it was up to telecommunications companies like Optus to do checks on updates before they propagated across their networks and wreaked havoc, said Matt Tett, managing director of the network testing facility Enex TestLab.
In any event, it was also possible the routing table update was an internal mistake, in which the same checks should also apply, he said.
Optus has refused to say what caused its outage, which started at 4am on Wednesday and was not resolved until 6pm that day.
On Wednesday, Optus chief executive Kelly Bayer Rosmarin said it was too “technical” to explain what happened, but the company would offer a full explanation once it got to the root cause of the issue.
In a statement on Thursday, Optus said: “In common with major global telecommunication networks, the Optus network is designed with multiple layers of fallback and redundancy. At the heart of this is a modern intelligent router network developed with the world’s leading vendors.
“Despite this, a network event yesterday triggered a cascading failure which resulted in the shutdown of services to our customers,” Optus said, without elaborating on what the network event was.
Routing tables
The outage does appear to have been caused by one of Optus’ routers, which control how data is shuttled across the internet, and which receive instructions on how to do so via regular updates to their internal databases, known as routing tables.
Updates are done via a global network of routers running what is known as the Border Gateway Protocol. The router that appears to have brought down Optus’ entire network receives BGP updates from Optus’ Singtel headquarters, China Telecom and the global cloud provider Akamai, as well as a UK telecommunications company and two other Optus routers.
BGP updates are routinely checked for errors before they are deployed, however. Last year, when a telecommunications company in Russia released a faulty router table update that took Twitter offline across parts of Europe, some internet companies accepted and propagated the incorrect update, “while other ISPs continued to use the previous, valid routes”, an analysis by Cisco Systems found.
It was unlikely Optus completely failed to check an update to its router tables, because if that were its practice its network would be going down “much more often”, Mr Tett said. The company probably had multiple layers of checks, which the update somehow got past.
“It could happen to everyone who runs BGP,” he told The Australian Financial Review.
What early signs suggest may have gone wrong at Optus
As well as bringing down Optus’ landline, mobile phone and internet services, the outage also appears to have brought down the internal network used by Optus to manage its network, forcing technicians to travel to affected locations and attempt to fix problems in person.
Industry insiders said it was “unusual” for a telecommunications company not to keep that management network “out of band”, or completely separate from its main backbone, so devices can still be managed remotely when the main network is down.
One insider who asked not to be named said that running the management network “in-band” – on the same backbone it is meant to manage – was “not a choice I would make”.
But Optus may simply have done a risk assessment and decided that the odds of complete network failure were so low, an in-band management connection to its BGP routers was “worth the risk”, Mr Tett said.
Ian Martin, a telecommunications analyst at New Street Research, said there was no reason to think the outage was exacerbated by Optus failing to invest adequately in its network, however.
The company had increased its spending on network infrastructure in the last several years, and its expenditure was now roughly in line with that of its rivals when judged as a proportion of market share, he said.
Indeed, its increased spending meant that Optus now had more free network capacity than Telstra, and was just beginning to win new customers thanks to that added capacity when the outage happened, he said.
Last year, too, Optus was just beginning to reap the rewards of its network investment when it was hacked and potential customers shied away, Mr Martin said.
“And now they’ve gone and shot themselves in the foot again.”
Johannes Leak.
Mark Knight on today’s memorial service at the MCG for AFL great Ron Barassi, who died in September.
Christian Adams.
Michael Ramirez TDS.
Michael Ramirez #2. Brilliant.
Matt Margolis.
Chip Bok.
Chip Bok #2.
Gary Varvel.
Lisa Benson.
Nov 10, 2023 3:56 AM
Reminds me of a small personal example as to how stupid this can be.
I have a Toyota Avensis station wagon, last week I left an internal light accidentally on, which naturally flattened the battery.
No problem says I, I have a charger and one of those fancy NiCad thingos that can start a car, sort of like a spare battery with a jumper lead only a lot smaller.
Only problem is, as I found out, only the driver side door responds to the key and even that reluctantly when there is no electricity.
No way to open the boot where the above emergency items were located.
Cut it short, I had to do like the technicians, travel to the physical place to fix the problem, except my journey was a lot shorter.
I could access the boot from the inside, the car being a station wagon, I don’t know if it’s possible with a sedan?
Anyhow, I learned my lesson, tools and charger no longer kept in the boot.
Give me an old fashioned car with the separate boot key any day.
Thanks Tom. Leak is magnificent!
Another quality Leak.
I’m not sure if Cats remember but a couple of years ago, Cate & her Hollywood friends were on about if you weren’t a doctor, scientist, expert you should shut your mouth about COVID (@sarc).
But now she feels qualified to lecture on Israel?
Cohenite, how about instead of posting your “cute owls” for a bit, you post IDF birds.
To demonstrate your support of Israel, of course.
There are insta accounts devoted to the IDF beauties.
I can’t remember her name but there is an IDF pilot who is a 11/10.
From memory she also has a degree from MIT as well.
In case there is any doubt that the EU is completely devoid of ethics and brains, they are now taking geopolitical advice from airhead actrines. What’s more, Cate Blanchett speaks on behalf of the UN, an outfit that makes the EU look like a model of probity and expertise:
However, I suspect that the power of ‘influencers’ like Cate mainly exists in the minds of their fellow travellers on the elite cocktail circuit.
It didn’t do them much good in Da Voice referendum.
Good on Lachlan Murdoch, from the Oz.
Lachlan Murdoch rallying call to condemn anti-Semitism
Australia must address rising anti-Semitism without equivocation following last month’s terror attack on Israel, News Corp co-chair Lachlan Murdoch has urged.
“Let’s be very clear. When it comes to anti-Semitism there is no room for equivocation. There is no fence-sitting,” Mr Murdoch said in Sydney on Wednesday.
“From Brisbane to Broome, from Launceston to Lakemba, anti-Semitism does not belong in Australia. It is our duty to address and tackle it, as it is to address and tackle all forms of hatred.”
Mr Murdoch, who addressed News Corp Australia journalists and executives at the company’s annual News Awards for excellence, called for more “courage” in the coverage of “difficult stories” such as the war in Gaza.
“Ours is a vital vocation that requires endless focus, reinvention and adaptability, as well as the standard journalistic prerequisites of curiosity and courage,” he said. “Courage to cover the most difficult stories. Courage to address distressing events such as the horrific October 7 terror attack on Israel. Courage to report on the ensuing war, and courage to expose the disturbing wave of hatred against Jews around the world and in our own communities.”
Mr Murdoch presented the prestigious award for journalistic excellence named after his grandfather, the Sir Keith Murdoch Journalist of the Year award, to Sky News Australia’s Northern Australia correspondent Matt Cunningham for his coverage of the Indigenous voice to parliament campaign and unrest and violence in Alice Springs earlier this year.
“Indigenous issues rose to the top of the agenda due to the voice referendum and News Corp provided more context, more facts and more diversity of opinion than any other media organisation. Our balanced approach fairly represented the nation’s differing perspectives,” Mr Murdoch said.
“As it nears its 60th birthday, The Australian led intellectual arguments for both sides and was the chosen vehicle for voice architects like Noel Pearson and Frank Brennan.
“No other media organisation can boast such dynamism and whole-hearted embrace of the contest of ideas. Issues like these go to the very heart of who we are as a company, and as a country. They are not easy. Quality journalism is hard and requires unique individuals to craft it.”
He also criticised the Albanese government for its proposed “misinformation laws”.
“It is ironic that at a time when our country is rightly vigilant and proactive in resisting foreign interference in our politics, media and communication infrastructure, the federal government is proposing misinformation laws that will position them, the government, as the arbiter of truth,” he said.
“This comes after we learned that federal agencies, under both Coalition and Labor governments, secretly used such methods to suppress and censor debate during the pandemic.”
He urged journalists and editors to continue to expose “these excesses” and hold politicians to account.
He praised those who “report from war-zone frontlines where people physically defend their values with their lives” and those who cover “the critical debates about policies and laws that might censor free speech or seek to control thought”.
“Many here share with us stories of tragedy and triumph, of dedication and despair, that make up our human condition and drive progress,” he said.
Mr Murdoch also cited “out-of-control cost-of-living pressures” as a critical issue confronting Australia and warned of the “political and social bias built into emerging AI-driven chatbots, like ChatGPT”.
And note that Murdoch Jnr calls it out and says the word “Lakemba”, unlike so many of our spineless politicians and media commentators.
The difference between Hamas & Israel.
via Alex Berenson substack this morning.
The state of justice in the USA: priority one, knobble Trump and family. Priority two, jail all J6 people regardless of their actual activities on the day.
“ Heavily Armed FBI SWAT Teams are hunting down a Trump supporter in the New Jersey woods like mass murderers who escaped prison.
The FBI and local police are hunting Gregory Yetman in the New Jersey woods near his home. The manhunt was first reported on Wednesday when local news media was tipped off during the raid.”
The open border policy is paying dividends already, as recent voting shows.
“That is the whole point of open borders. It may take a few months, or even a year for Democrats to get each wave of illegals registered and voting. But that means the ones who came in in 2021 (Biden’s first year) started voting in time for the 2022 midterms. The ones who came in in 2022 (Biden’s second year) started voting in this election. The ones arrive this year (Biden’s third year) will be voting in the 2024 presidential election.
So now in blue cities, blue counties and blue voting districts in each state, there are more Democrat voters every year. That’s one reason Youngkin went backwards in only two years.“
I’m glad Matt got the award and hope he gets a nice raise as well. I often see his reports on Sky and think he really is much better than the eastern seaboard reporters.
Cassie, thanks for posting this report on Lachlan’s speech. It is comforting to know that he is not at all like his woke siblings. Rupert made the right choice in leaving the Murdoch empire in his hands.