Okay second best.
Okay second best.
One of Trump’s senior advisors warned him not to appoint ACB to SCOTUS.
Yikes! I can do whole fish, but not an entire school looking at me!
And buggery. Ask Lawrence of Arabia.
Have you heard of Rheimetall, Saab, and the like? They could certainly could service their requirements.
More bombs being dropped then Pearl Harbor..
Just wow.
I think this has been the prosecution’s line of argument all along (although I only watched a few hours last week) that a lot of things have come to Brittnah’s mind later on these have subsequently coloured her view of things; and this “view of things” has proved to be very different to what her recollections were in “the early stages.” This was evidenced by her initial meeting with the AFP, which has subsequently changed a lot, a meeting with the Chief, which has subsequently changed and, I’d hazard a guess, her meeting with Ch10 (who published the story not expecting more details to emerge, or not).
The release of this deed might just further reinforce that point?
From the Comments
– Let’s not convict anyone until proven guilty.
The yearning for 2019 continues ……………!
Sorry, if it is a minor clause in the deed she “misremembered”, put it on the pile with the others.
If she said $2.3 meg and the deed says the more commonly reported number of $3.0 meg, that is something else.
It might be interesting to see if the deed mentions a monster legal bill for a one day “mediation”.
Greg Sheridan tells the ‘greatest story’ at second Labouré Lecture
By Chris Dowd – December 6, 2023
“I have been given a public microphone. How can I not use it to tell the greatest story ever—the story of Christianity.”
They didn’t foresee mobiles.
… after police realised there was a warrant for his arrest … dating back to before he was put in immigration detention in 2012.
That’s some rolled-gold due diligence there by Anal’s A-team.
And this is the same gummint that fast-tracked 800+ Gazans into Oz with all the “boxes ticked” …… Inspires sooo much confidence ……… FFS!
One in four who had Pfizer Covid jabs experienced unintended immune response mRNA vaccines were affected by the glitch but no adverse effects were created, Cambridge researchers say
More than a quarter of people injected with mRNA Covid jabs suffered an unintended immune response created by a glitch in the way the vaccine was read by the body, a study has found.
No adverse effects were created by the error, data show, but Cambridge scientists found such vaccines were not perfect and sometimes led to nonsense proteins being made instead of the desired Covid “spike”, which mimics infection and leads to antibody production.
mRNA jabs, such as the ones created by Moderna and Pfizer, use a string of genetic material to tell the body to create a specific protein that safely imitates an infection.
Research in the field, spanning decades, had been slow work. It often stalled because RNA itself is often attacked by the body as a foreign invader.
But in 2023, the Nobel Prize for Medicine went to the pair of scientists who had spent years working to fix the problem. It was done by taking one of the RNA bases, uridine, and swapping in a very similar synthetic alternative.
This breakthrough allowed scientists to create proteins in the body without the immune system attacking the jab.
It allows for quick and precise vaccines that are highly effective and was the backbone of the Covid vaccine response.
Not a perfect fit
It was thought the minor tweak to uridine caused no problems in cells, but a team of researchers at the University of Cambridge’s Medical Research Council (MRC) Toxicology Unit have now found when this partially synthetic code is read, the protein-making machine in the body sometimes struggles with the uridine analogues.
Because it is not a perfect fit for what is expected, there can be a momentary pause which causes the process to stutter and a letter in the code can get skipped, much like a bike slipping a gear.
This process, called frameshifting, throws out the way the code is interpreted as it relies on groups of three bases, known as codons, being read in the right order.
This issue, caused by the jab’s code, throws the process completely out of sync and the entire subsequent code becomes garbled.
In the case of the Covid jabs, the end result is a nonsensical and harmless protein, the team found, which the body attacks and leads to an immune system flare-up.
The new study, published in Nature, found this occurred in around 25-30 per cent of people.
Rogue protein fear
The vaccine is read well enough to create the strong protection against the coronavirus, the scientists say, but the frameshifting issue creates what was, until now, an unknown off-target effect.
The code relating to the Covid vaccines was harmless and no issues were created. However the team say that subsequent mRNA vaccines used for other diseases or infections could, in theory, lead to viable proteins being created that are active in the body.
In this scenario not only is the vaccine not making the right protein, it could lead to a rogue protein being produced.
There is no evidence of this occurring in the Covid jabs, the authors stress, and they say any trials on other mRNA therapeutics would detect any such problems in early stages.
Dr James Thaventhiran, senior author of the report, said: “Research has shown beyond doubt that mRNA vaccination against COVID-19 is safe. Billions of doses of the Moderna and Pfizer mRNA vaccines have been safely delivered, saving lives worldwide.”
The authors also found that there is an easy way to eradicate the frameshifting events which relies on changing the code of the mRNA drug to minimise the use of the problematic pseudo-uridine.
Replacing it with a natural base that when read as a trio still makes the correct amino acid is enough to stop the unwanted skips and therefore improve safety without sacrificing efficacy.
These findings were shared with medicines regulator MHRA around a year ago, the scientists say, and updated vaccines that use the improved form of mRNA are in the works for cancer jabs, and other therapeutics.
‘Revolutionary technology’
“This technology is amazing and it’s going to be revolutionary as a new medicine platform for all sorts of things, but we’ve just made it a whole lot safer going forward,” Professor Anne Willis, co-senior study author and director of the MRC Toxicology Unit told reporters.
“Ribosomes are somehow sensing the modified RNAs, but the Covid vaccines are very, very safe and very, very efficacious.
“But there are decoding issues with this technology that can cause stalling and frameshifting and we can get cellular immunity to these peptides after vaccination.”
However, she adds it is very exciting that there is a way to fix the issue, which “massively de-risks this platform going forward”.
Imagine the Vince McMahon meme. Yep, my eyes are rolling back in my head.
Imagine somone subpoenas private chat logs.
Why I’ve spoilt another pair of black Speedos.
Speaking of which, a fish rots from the head.
Dot, thanks for posting the piece on Panama before.
There’s blood in the water. The Penn demonrat governor has come out against her in a big way. I think she’s gonsky.
Reynolds needs to be careful.
Defamation in Oz depends on the judge.
Get the BRS judge, you’re cooked.
Get Michael Lee, you are only back to 50/50.
Congrats – I have given 2 Speeches as Father of the Bride and an Amazing Day on Both Occasions
I waffled on at 2 of my daughters nuptuals and have since been asked by several of their friends if I had any copies so they could give their Dads some ideas on how it’s dun .. LOL!
This one of the few times I agree with Cernovich. Ackman and all these billionaire dudes are going hard against the Ivy Leagues, but don’t think for a second they’re going to vote for Trump.
Sheridan backed gay ‘marriage.’
It’s all bad vibes and feeble excuses from Mr Culture Change
Anthony Albanese’s vow to ‘change the way that politics operates in this country’ is shaping as just another disappointment. There is only one issue that occupies the PM’s mind now.
You might remember Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s announcement last year, following his election victory, that he wanted to “change the way that politics operates in this country”. He would, he declared, ensure parliamentary “culture change” for the better.
“I want it to be more respectful,” he said, also writing the day before the election that “Australians have conflict fatigue,” and were “tired of politicians who don’t step up to their responsibilities and pick arguments rather than seek outcomes”.
You had only to watch the recent performance of the clueless Clare O’Neil in parliament to see how that undertaking turned out. Having proved to be one of the most incompetent members of a most incompetent government, the Home Affairs Minister made despicable slurs against those holding her accountable.
As reported, O’Neil had been caught unawares last month when the High Court ruled that NZYQ, a child rapist and unlawful non-citizen, could not be detained indefinitely if there was no reasonable prospect of deporting him. Subsequently the government released NZYQ and 147 other detainees, including rapists, paedophiles and murderers, from detention.
Then began the comical oscillation. Appearing on Sky News on November 19, O’Neil dismissed Opposition Leader Peter Dutton’s demand the government introduce legislation for their reincarceration. “Have you had advice that’s not possible,” political editor Andrew Clennell asked.
O’Neil’s response was unequivocal. “Absolutely, it is not possible, and I know that Peter Dutton knows that”. But only 10 days later she was telling ABC News Breakfast: “Our government is now going to move quickly to establish the toughest possible preventative detention regime”.
This is making policy on the run. Not surprisingly the Opposition refuses to support the bill, saying it is insufficiently robust. In a bizarre outburst in parliament last week, O’Neil repeatedly labelled Dutton a “protector of paedophiles” over the Coalition’s stance. This, from someone who failed to prepare a legislative contingency plan in the lead-up to the High Court’s decision, resulting in sex offenders and other high-risk criminals being dumped en masse and unmonitored in the community.
As for the “protector of paedophiles” label, that is twisted and risible. If we are to extend O’Neil’s fallacious reasoning, NZYQ’s legal representatives are similarly culpable for appealing for their client’s release. So too is the full bench of the High Court for deciding as it did. Play your infantile blame game to the end, Minister, and you will discover it was another woefully inept Labor government that allowed NZYQ to arrive in Australia by boat in 2012.
So what did Mr Culture Change say of his minister’s remarks? When asked last week by 3AW talkback host Neil Mitchell about the incident, a mealy-mouthed and dithering Albanese instead criticised Dutton for being “focused on just politics”. As for whether he condoned O’Neil’s comments, he repeatedly insisted he was accountable only for what he said. Mitchell might as well have been talking to a government backbencher.
Now contrast Albanese’s feeble excuse with what he told the Sydney Morning Herald just days before the last election. “The job of the prime minister is to lead and the leader of a team has to accept responsibility for the big calls that are made on the field,” he said. Excellent point, Albo. When do you intend starting?
As for Albanese’s aspirations for a respectful parliament, his should heed his own sermons. Last week he called out members of the Opposition who had attended the inaugural Alliance for Responsible Citizenship conference, led by conservative commentator Jordan Peterson, in London. It was, sneered Albanese, a “cooker-fest”.
That reflects poorly on Albanese for more reasons than one. He of all people should not criticise his opponents for going overseas. And that brings me to my next point. Exactly 49 years prior to Albanese’s parliamentary snipe, The Age voiced concern about then prime minister Gough Whitlam’s decision to leave the country for five weeks.
Noting that the newspaper “has never been in the business of criticising prime ministerial trips out of hand,” the editorial questioned Whitlam’s judgement in conducting these visits when “the scorching winds of inflation will be whistling round the nation’s ears”. Sound familiar?
“[H]e is to fly off in grand style, leaving behind echoing calls for austerity and restraint. He is to meet European leaders, talk with officials of the European Economic Community and exchange words with the governments of minor donor countries. And what trip would be complete without a helicopter tour of historic ruins in Sicily? The point is that there are a few recent ruins – and several potential ones – on the Australian economic landscape at the moment. Mr. Whitlam is making his journey at the wrong time and in the wrong fashion.”
To equate both men is a tad unfair. Whitlam was urbane, witty, articulate and charismatic. But like Albanese, his was a chaotic administration, and he too could not control his ministers. And like the incumbent, he sought refuge in frequent overseas sojourns.
But to put this in perspective, Whitlam had been in office for two years at the time of that editorial and had made eight overseas trips during that period. Conversely, Albanese has been in office only 18 months but travelled overseas on 21 occasions.
No doubt the modest Albanese would say in response that his counsel is much sought after both domestically and internationally. But behind this self-image is a shallow provincial trying to compensate for his inadequacies. Last year at a press conference in Perth he was asked about the downfall of then British prime minister Liz Truss. He offered token commiserations but could not resist chortling at the Tories while marvelling at his own administration.
“I must say, I’ve been in office about five months, I’ve met with two British prime ministers so far, and obviously will have contact with the third,” he said. “Here in Australia my government is stable, is orderly, the adults are in charge.”
The adults are in charge? Yes, that is exactly what I thought yesterday when I saw Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus turn purple-faced and beady-eyed when Sky News political correspondent Olivia Caisley asked if the government should apologise for mismanaging the fallout from the High Court’s decision. Pointing his finger, gesticulating furiously, spluttering, ranting, yelling, and demanding Caisley be silent – this, everyone, is our nation’s First Law Officer keeping us safe. Witness yet again the Albanese respect vibe resonating throughout the building.
Former immigration detainees running rampant in the community is just one of many crises this government is facing. But there is only one issue that occupies Albanese’s mind. He does not want to talk about how his government will reduce inflation, or power prices, or the cost of living. Delivering the annual Gough Whitlam Oration in Sydney last week, Albanese warned of “the conservative worldview” which treats “change as a force to be feared”. What followed was so predictable.
“We see that very much with the current Opposition,” he said. “An Opposition that have learned nothing from the past and offer nothing for the future. An Opposition determined to define themselves only by what they are against.”
Could this really be the same Prime Minister who, when interviewed just last year by the Herald, said of the Morrison government, “I think that the former government acted like an opposition too much”?
Lastly, Albanese might want to reflect on what he told a Sunrise audience only days after he took office.
“It really hit home when people start to call you ‘Prime Minister’ and you realise that you are not looking around for someone else, it’s actually you” he said.
It will not be long before others are looking around for someone else to fill that office. It should be an interesting, if not happy, new year for Labor.
He did along with Fr Frank Brennan.
I’ve been on a 5 hour flight and heading. Tired, I read that as “Christmas”. Americans put up a fantastic show at Christmas with their lighting and decs. It’s just beautiful. It’s hard to spot any Christmas decorations in Oz these days.
please take very very very many jabs
JC… I can’t believe I’m saying g this- come round to my home town, I’ll show you acres of pvc-thin Christmas crap, straight from China via K-Mart, all over the joint
The Doctor Who casting row has exposed the hypocrisy of the woke Left
If the tables were turned, and a white actor was cast to play a non-white historical character, high-minded progressives would be up in arms
I don’t know how many viewers still enjoy Doctor Who.
But I’m sure its producers do. More and more, the show feels like a deeply self-satisfied exercise in Left-wing trolling.
You can just picture its producers squealing with glee, as they compete to think of ways to wind up stuffy old Tories.
“How about we get an alien to state its preferred pronouns! The Mail will be furious!” “And how about the Doctor meets Isaac Newton – and develops a gay crush on him! They’ll be so triggered!”
But the thing that delighted the producers most of all, I imagine, was a certain piece of casting.
Isaac Newton was white. Yet, in last Saturday’s Doctor Who, the actor cast to play him was Nathaniel Curtis – who is mixed-race.
Ever since, Left-wing media outlets have been in their element. “Doctor Who Upsets Conservatives as Isaac Newton Played by Person of Colour,” chortled a typical headline.
The Poke, a British satirical website, had great fun mocking anyone who objected.
Just look at these silly gammon! Doctor Who is a work of fiction, not a documentary! It isn’t meant to be realistic!
True enough. I can’t help feeling, though, that these Left-wing outlets are missing the point.
The problem is not the casting. It’s the hypocrisy.
Because if the tables were turned, and a white actor were cast to play a non-white historical character, high-minded progressives would not be giggling at anyone who complained.
Far from it. They’d be apoplectically denouncing it as a racist whitewashing of history.
Of course, I can’t strictly prove that, because these days there isn’t a chance in hell that a white actor would be cast as a non-white historical figure.
It used to happen: for example, in the 1956 film The Conqueror, when John Wayne played the Mongol emperor Genghis Khan.
And, that same year, in The Ten Commandments, when Yul Brynner played the Egyptian pharaoh Rameses II.
Today, though, no sane director would dare do such a thing. In our inclusive modern world, casting is meant to be “authentic”.
And not just when it comes to race. In 2018, Scarlett Johansson hastily withdrew from a film after online outrage over her casting.
The character she’d been hired to play was trans – and therefore, raged her critics, the actor must be trans, too.
Perhaps she should have seen the row coming.
Three years earlier, Eddie Redmayne had played a trans woman in The Danish Girl.
His performance won him an Oscar nomination. Subsequently, however, the uproar over this piece of “inauthentic” casting grew to such a furious pitch that he regretted ever agreeing to it.
“I made that film with the best intentions, but I think it was a mistake,” he whimpered, in 2021.
It’s not the only time he’s been in this type of trouble, either. In 2014, he was cast to play Stephen Hawking – even though Redmayne is able-bodied. “We wouldn’t accept actors blacking up,” thundered a columnist in The Guardian, “so why applaud ‘cripping up’?”
A perfectly fair question.
But if, these days, we want casting to be authentic, the rules must apply to every group. Which surely means, for the sake of consistency, that white historical figures should be played by white actors. And if they aren’t, we at least shouldn’t mock those who think they should.
Still, there’s no point getting worked up about Doctor Who. After all, it’s just a bit of light-hearted fun. Anyway, there’s another new episode on Saturday, and it may yet surprise us all.
Perhaps in this one, the Doctor will travel back in time to meet Mary Seacole, played by Keira Knightley.
Or Muhammad Ali, played by Colin Firth.
Sounds like the non-Maine Coon part at work.
I’ve known a few of the purebreds, and they are placid to the point of apathy. 🙂
That’s hybrid vigour for you!
Trump takes aim at John Kerry: ‘What an idiot’
Wally , Melbourne is a disgrace.
Everyone’s having a go at Christians.
I’ve been on a 5 hour flight and heading. Tired, I read that as “Christmas”. Americans put up a fantastic show at Christmas with their lighting and decs. It’s just beautiful. It’s hard to spot any Christmas decorations in Oz these days.
being the only “christian’ in this “houso” street this year I’ve dun my bit! .. not only the, usual, indoor tree but splurged on lotza solar-powered lights and lit up the fence line & garage ..
Misreading of mRNA code in Pfizer vaccines to potentially generate prions (active proteins – see mad cow disease) was identified as a risk by several contributors back in the Sinc Cat days. Only now do Cambridge researchers admit the risk.
They still insist Covid mRNA vaccines are Safe! Safe! Safe!. Being careful to not state that ALL mRNA vaccines will likewise be safe.
In another 3 years they will admit that prions are being generated by Covid mRNA vaccines, but they are not dangerous.
Another 3 years later they will admit that in a small cohort, the prions can cause degenerative disease.
And finally in 2035 mRNA vaccines will be effectively banned, except in cases of treating terminal disease, where the benefits most surely outweigh the costs.
Bad luck to all those who believed the lies that they were Safe! Safe! Safe!
People I know from work did a big display every year at their house.
With cost of living and the doubling of electricity prices, they can’t afford it any more.
My suburb has lots of Christmas lights up, it is a popular suburb for Christians as there is two Christian private schools nearby.
The goannas are big enough in Albury to attack a man.
Husband cleaned two of the concrete troughs out yesterday and was bitten by a large lizard for his trouble. It was sheltering in a recess of the pipework & didn’t appreciate his presence. Not sure what type it was – some sort of monitor lizard. It was a reasonable bite and drew blood. Covered it in antiseptic cream.
Jeebus wept
Justice Lee is doing his best to be an actor – hands in head – playing to the camera.
The goannas are big enough in Albury to attack a man.
We had that sort of size at the local tip, before the Council closed it. But it the paddocks we rarely see really big ones.
Karen Attack
Good to see the defamation lawyers won’t have to scrimp this Christmas. Love a Sydney celebrity trial.
Ha, I never thought of that. Good point. And I bet the stores and councils are doing the same too. So inhumane.
Fark me – that constant coughing.
2 years ago he would have been sent for a RAT and put in isolation. Mask compulsory.
What’s your lawyerly prediction on the Bruce case?
Can’t Remember if I have posted this before
But continuing praise for Good Trades People on Northern Beaches
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rang on Monday spoke to Service Manager Cameron about Replacing 35 year old DE Filter with New DE Pool Filter I was supplying, plus installing on top of Pump Motor before DE Pool Filter, Waterco Multi-Cyclone 16 that I was also Supplying, and replacing 3 Shut Off Valves.
Job done quickly on Wednesday Morning – Excellent Work
Pool Centre are much cheaper than Bunnings on Liquid Chlorine & Salt
Until hungry…
Disturbing scenes as woman eaten by her 20 beloved cats after collapsing at home (5 Dec)
Twenty Maine Coons would need a lot of food, so I forgive them fulfilling the urban legend.
Late to the live-stream of the Toad/Ten proceedings.
It seems the deed between The Commonwealth and Hoggins contained reference to “physical conditions”, which will be redacted*.
But it would also appear that Ms Hoggins evidence in these proceedings contained elements of truthiness regarding the sum of damages** and the question of whether the Commonwealth admitted liability (which was a shot at Reynolds and Cash).
* Guessing she claimed she couldn’t have sex since.
** Probably deducted a few expenses from the gross sum, notably legal fees.
7 years ago
Dec 7, 2023 2:48 PM
America’s Founding Fathers did not foresee assault rifles.
The bloke from Sky News is a d*ckhead,
Crowder Schools SkyNews on Guns
Cocaine is a song with some possible relevance for the Bru vs Bri trial.
After Midnight is another
And to close out the great JJ Cale trology of songs … (I got the) Same Ol Blues
More than a quarter of people injected with mRNA Covid jabs suffered an unintended immune response created by a glitch in the way the vaccine was read by the body, a study has found.
The use of pseudo-uridine was always a matter of concern for Robert Malone. It is breathtaking that this report can on the one hand say that the effects were not foreseen, and then, that they had but a minor effect. This is despite increasing analyses reporting unexplained adverse reactions and increased deaths across all age groups. Bad batches? poor manufacturing standards? poor storage of vials? pseudo-uridine?
And they are still promoting repeated vaccinations.
Can’t see how Ch10 can succeed really. Damages might be interesting between Ch 10 and Mrs Pirate. Her agent will have their work cut out for the next decade or so.
Cat’s gotta eat.
Dec 7, 2023 4:18 PM
Whilst avoiding Vietnam – On Australian Army Manouvers in Bush Camp well off Windsor Putty Road to Singleton
An over 2 metre Goanna observed us while we were there, and became so used to us that he came down into the Camp
An Army Landrover backfired while coming in to the camp, and the Goanna ran up the nearest tree – only that tree was an Officer standing near him – Very Deep Claw Wounds – after 1st aid dressing onsite, off to hospital
Crowder on guns.
The 2nd Amendment : For Muskets Only
Given the neighbourhood Israel resides in, I reckon that when it comes to human rights and respect for human life, and that includes Palestinian lives, Israel does pretty well compared to its neighbours. Israel is a democracy, unlike Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and so on. In fact, Israel is streets ahead of those countries when it comes to basic and fundamental human rights. There is simply no comparison to be made. When it comes to its neighbours, Israel is not blessed. It is worth remembering that the since the start of the Syrian Civil War in 2011, over half a million Syrian lives have been lost, including thousands of Palestinians, many of whom have been displaced by Assad’s army. We all know what happened in 1971 when a civil war broke out between the PLO and Jordan, led by King Hussein. Palestinians were massacred by the Jordanian army in huge numbers, and many Palestinians fled back into the West Bank, under Israeli governance.
That’s just one historical occurrence, there are many others. As Colonel Richard Kemp says, the IDF is the most moral army on the planet. That doesn’t mean it’s perfect, no army is. Mistakes happen, and when those mistakes involve innocent human lives, it’s tragic. Also Israel as a country, whilst not perfect, is streets ahead of its neighbours when it comes to the rule of law, respect for minorities and human rights. Bad things happen, like the recent attacks on Christians in the Old City by Haredi Jews. Those Haredi Jews have been prosecuted, and rightly so.
Is the witness on the stand in the Brittnah trial allowed to keep reading off his smartwatch while in the dock… he’s done it a number of times now…
An Army Landrover backfired while coming in to the camp, and the Goanna ran up the nearest tree – only that tree was an Officer standing near him – Very Deep Claw Wounds – after 1st aid dressing onsite, off to hospital
Recall trying to explain to Asian tourists taking close-up pictures of a goanna in bush on Sydney foreshore that it wasn’t a good idea. Fortunately, goanna was preoccupied & no one scared him enough to “tree”.
The Mocker over at the Payallion:
It’s all bad vibes and feeble excuses from Mr Culture Change
Anthony Albanese’s vow to ‘change the way that politics operates in this country’ is shaping as just another disappointment. There is only one issue that occupies the PM’s mind now.
7 Dec 2023
You might remember Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s announcement last year, following his election victory, that he wanted to “change the way that politics operates in this country”. He would, he declared, ensure parliamentary “culture change” for the better.
“I want it to be more respectful,” he said, also writing the day before the election that “Australians have conflict fatigue,” and were “tired of politicians who don’t step up to their responsibilities and pick arguments rather than seek outcomes”.
You had only to watch the recent performance of the clueless Clare O’Neil in parliament to see how that undertaking turned out. Having proved to be one of the most incompetent members of a most incompetent government, the Home Affairs Minister made despicable slurs against those holding her accountable.
As reported, O’Neil had been caught unawares last month when the High Court ruled that NZYQ, a child rapist and unlawful non-citizen, could not be detained indefinitely if there was no reasonable prospect of deporting him. Subsequently the government released NZYQ and 147 other detainees, including rapists, paedophiles and murderers, from detention.
Then began the comical oscillation. Appearing on Sky News on November 19, O’Neil dismissed Opposition Leader Peter Dutton’s demand the government introduce legislation for their reincarceration. “Have you had advice that’s not possible,” political editor Andrew Clennell asked.
O’Neil’s response was unequivocal. “Absolutely, it is not possible, and I know that Peter Dutton knows that”. But only 10 days later she was telling ABC News Breakfast: “Our government is now going to move quickly to establish the toughest possible preventative detention regime”.
(Opposition Leader Peter Dutton has launched a scathing attack on the Attorney-General’s “misogynistic” outburst… at a reporter during a press conference on Wednesday. Things got heated after Sky News Reporter Olivia Caisley asked Mark Dreyfus whether the government would apologise over its handling of the detainee disaster after the High Court’s decision. Mark Dreyfus labelled Ms Caisley’s question “absurd”. Peter Dutton said he is perplexed as to why senior female Labor MPs are yet to call out the Attorney-General’s “misogynistic behaviour”. Mr Dutton also described Mark Dreyfus’ response as “absurd” itself. [This was under a link to a vid in the article. Thought I would add it in.])
This is making policy on the run. Not surprisingly the Opposition refuses to support the bill, saying it is insufficiently robust. In a bizarre outburst in parliament last week, O’Neil repeatedly labelled Dutton a “protector of paedophiles” over the Coalition’s stance. This, from someone who failed to prepare a legislative contingency plan in the lead-up to the High Court’s decision, resulting in sex offenders and other high-risk criminals being dumped en masse and unmonitored in the community.
As for the “protector of paedophiles” label, that is twisted and risible. If we are to extend O’Neil’s fallacious reasoning, NZYQ’s legal representatives are similarly culpable for appealing for their client’s release. So too is the full bench of the High Court for deciding as it did. Play your infantile blame game to the end, Minister, and you will discover it was another woefully inept Labor government that allowed NZYQ to arrive in Australia by boat in 2012.
So what did Mr Culture Change say of his minister’s remarks? When asked last week by 3AW talkback host Neil Mitchell about the incident, a mealy-mouthed and dithering Albanese instead criticised Dutton for being “focused on just politics”. As for whether he condoned O’Neil’s comments, he repeatedly insisted he was accountable only for what he said. Mitchell might as well have been talking to a government backbencher.
Now contrast Albanese’s feeble excuse with what he told the Sydney Morning Herald just days before the last election. “The job of the prime minister is to lead and the leader of a team has to accept responsibility for the big calls that are made on the field,” he said. Excellent point, Albo. When do you intend starting?
As for Albanese’s aspirations for a respectful parliament, his should heed his own sermons. Last week he called out members of the Opposition who had attended the inaugural Alliance for Responsible Citizenship conference, led by conservative commentator Jordan Peterson, in London. It was, sneered Albanese, a “cooker-fest”.
That reflects poorly on Albanese for more reasons than one. He of all people should not criticise his opponents for going overseas. And that brings me to my next point. Exactly 49 years prior to Albanese’s parliamentary snipe, The Age voiced concern about then prime minister Gough Whitlam’s decision to leave the country for five weeks.
Noting that the newspaper “has never been in the business of criticising prime ministerial trips out of hand,” the editorial questioned Whitlam’s judgement in conducting these visits when “the scorching winds of inflation will be whistling round the nation’s ears”. Sound familiar?
“[H]e is to fly off in grand style, leaving behind echoing calls for austerity and restraint. He is to meet European leaders, talk with officials of the European Economic Community and exchange words with the governments of minor donor countries. And what trip would be complete without a helicopter tour of historic ruins in Sicily? The point is that there are a few recent ruins – and several potential ones – on the Australian economic landscape at the moment. Mr. Whitlam is making his journey at the wrong time and in the wrong fashion.”
To equate both men is a tad unfair. Whitlam was urbane, witty, articulate and charismatic. But like Albanese, his was a chaotic administration, and he too could not control his ministers. And like the incumbent, he sought refuge in frequent overseas sojourns.
But to put this in perspective, Whitlam had been in office for two years at the time of that editorial and had made eight overseas trips during that period. Conversely, Albanese has been in office only 18 months but travelled overseas on 21 occasions.
No doubt the modest Albanese would say in response that his counsel is much sought after both domestically and internationally. But behind this self-image is a shallow provincial trying to compensate for his inadequacies. Last year at a press conference in Perth he was asked about the downfall of then British prime minister Liz Truss. He offered token commiserations but could not resist chortling at the Tories while marvelling at his own administration.
“I must say, I’ve been in office about five months, I’ve met with two British prime ministers so far, and obviously will have contact with the third,” he said. “Here in Australia my government is stable, is orderly, the adults are in charge.”
The adults are in charge? Yes, that is exactly what I thought yesterday when I saw Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus turn purple-faced and beady-eyed when Sky News political correspondent Olivia Caisley asked if the government should apologise for mismanaging the fallout from the High Court’s decision. Pointing his finger, gesticulating furiously, spluttering, ranting, yelling, and demanding Caisley be silent – this, everyone, is our nation’s First Law Officer keeping us safe. Witness yet again the Albanese respect vibe resonating throughout the building.
Former immigration detainees running rampant in the community is just one of many crises this government is facing. But there is only one issue that occupies Albanese’s mind. He does not want to talk about how his government will reduce inflation, or power prices, or the cost of living. Delivering the annual Gough Whitlam Oration in Sydney last week, Albanese warned of “the conservative worldview” which treats “change as a force to be feared”. What followed was so predictable.
“We see that very much with the current Opposition,” he said. “An Opposition that have learned nothing from the past and offer nothing for the future. An Opposition determined to define themselves only by what they are against.”
Could this really be the same Prime Minister who, when interviewed just last year by the Herald, said of the Morrison government, “I think that the former government acted like an opposition too much”?
Lastly, Albanese might want to reflect on what he told a Sunrise audience only days after he took office.
“It really hit home when people start to call you ‘Prime Minister’ and you realise that you are not looking around for someone else, it’s actually you” he said.
It will not be long before others are looking around for someone else to fill that office. It should be an interesting, if not happy, new year for Labor.
The Mocker
The Mocker amuses himself by calling out poseurs, sneering social commentators, and po-faced officials. He is deeply suspicious of those who seek increased regulation of speech and behaviour. Believing that journalism is dominated by idealists and activists, he likes to provide a realist’s perspective of politics and current affairs.
Oh, I don’t know. From where I sit he’s fulfilled that vow.
Just not in a good way.
Hah! The Mocker got there first.
Albo “three things” reassures us with three blatant lies.
Just read a story about gormless tourists in Venice on a gondola ignoring requests from the gondolier to sit down and stop taking selfies while they negotiated a narrow stretch and bridge.
The Me Generation ignored him, the thing capsized, and they all ended up in the not-very-clean water.
Wouldn’t surprise me if some of them sued.
Dec 7, 2023 2:14 PM
Oh, and for pity’s sake, don’t tread on veil or train.
Chris I hope it goes well with no mishaps
Its not like there arent other things the Japs did wrong in WW2 to focus on…
During World War II, the Japanese military extended Japan’s civilian licensing regime for domestic brothels to those next to its overseas bases. It did so for a simple reason: to impose the strenuous health standards necessary to control the venereal disease that had debilitated its troops in earlier wars. In turn, these brothels (dubbed “comfort stations”) recruited prostitutes through variations on the standard indenture contracts used by licensed brothels in both Korea and Japan.
The party line in Western academia, though, is that these “comfort women” were dragooned into sex slavery at bayonet point by Japanese infantry. But, as the authors of this book show, that narrative originated as a hoax perpetrated by a Japanese communist writer in the 1980s. It was then spread by a South Korean organization with close ties to the Communist North.
Ramseyer and Morgan discuss how these women really came to be in Japanese military comfort stations. Some took the jobs because they were tricked by fraudulent recruiters. Some were under pressure from abusive parents. But the rest of the women seem to have been driven by the same motivation as most prostitutes throughout history: want of money. Indeed, the notion that these comfort women became prostitutes by any other means has no basis in documentary history.
Ramseyer and Morgan’s findings caused a firestorm in Japanese Studies academia. For explaining that the women became prostitutes of their own volition, both authors of this book found themselves “cancelled.”
In this book, the authors detail both the history of the comfort women and their own persecution by academic peers. Only in the West—and only through brutal stratagems of censorship and ostracism—has the myth of bayonet-point conscription survived.
Dots spirit animal.
Poor old Albo. It’s really kicking the dog at this stage. Fighting Tories is hard work.
On the anniversary of Pearl Harbor…
How’s the Truthie defence panning out for Ch. 10? Not looking too sharp, in my opinion.
Glorious, Tinta! And what an ensemble cast!
Vince McMahon also had a cartoon about his rear end made as part of official WWE/WWF canon.
Dec 7, 2023 3:24 PM
Congrats – I have given 2 Speeches as Father of the Bride and an Amazing Day on Both Occasions
I waffled on at 2 of my daughters nuptuals and have since been asked by several of their friends if I had any copies so they could give their Dads some ideas on how it’s dun .. LOL!
let me supply my pathetic attempt – changed slightly for each Daughter to allow for different attributes
Receipt for the Groom
Received, one daughter in perfect condition.
Sold as seen, no refunds under any circumstances.
Comes complete with extras – namely Our Family Clan.
Warning: not fully house trained – for example cooking and cleaning.
Care notes: with love and support, life time satisfaction guaranteed.
I am only going to speak for a couple of minutes today because of my throat – apparently, if I go on for too long, Younger Daughter, following in her Elder Sister’s footsteps, has threatened, surgical incision.
Firstly I would like to welcome all of you to this celebration of the Marriage of Younger Daughter and Son-in-Law, especially those who have travelled long distances, those from Ireland, Israel, Switzerland , UK, South Australia, Victoria, QLD and, even Seaforth and Epping.
To the women in my life, My Beloved Wife, Elder Daughter , My Daughter-in-law, and to Groom’s Mother, and My Younger Daughter herself, my grateful thanks to the effort you have all put into making today the success . that it is – and for allowing me to slumber on the sidelines in oblivion.
My Younger Daughter was born in 1981, met her Husband on Friday 13th September 2002, started “going out” on 1 October 2002 and 9 years later, here they are today, I blinked and here I am, giving the Father of the Bride Speech again – where has the time gone?
My Younger Daughter was the youngest & extremely noisy one in a very vocal and opinionated family, a noisy boisterous brother above, and Her Elder Sister, the quiet one in between.
She rose above the whirlwinds around her, in her own determined way, achieving and setting herself goals that she worked towards and reached – and has made My Wife and myself very proud of her achievements – My Younger Daughter today, beauty and happiness has radiated from that inner self and has given me much happiness as well.
Son in law, I welcome you into the family.
Shell-shocked, would be the first impression I had felt that you had of the Our Family Clan altogether in full flight, that is, all offering our own opinions and not listening to others –
My Younger Daughter, we have given to your care, she has always brightened up our lives, and will do so to yours.
As a writer once said “In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities.” That is my wish for you both.
A marriage is a joining of two individuals.
Although Younger Daughter and Husband lives are now symbolically one, it’s important for each of you to realise that your partner is his or her own person.
( that includes Saturday morning Golf in the future)
As you come to understand and appreciate your differences, you will grow in trust, respect and love – and then as you truly appreciate how much of this you have in common; your love will deepen even more.
On a more serious note, as My Younger Daughter’s Father, I have come to know Son in law well over the last 9 years and realise how well suited he and my Younger Daughter are.
My words of fatherly advice are the following words, as they are so reflective of Society of today
” Life is full of many unexpected twists and turns, some joyous, some not so.
It has become so hectic, stressful, a treadmill, so materialistic, unsafe and troubled.
Please don’t forget, as a couple, as man and wife, to take time to smell the roses as you travel through life’s journey together.
May you be able to long share the pleasures of life together and support and comfort each other through difficult times.”
My and My Wife’s love to both of you
I would now like to propose a Toast to the Bride and Groom, Wife and Husband – Long Life, Health, Happiness and Love
What was that about history rhyming?
A terrible thing to be one of those naysayers now. It exonerates nothing from the atrocities, nothing at all. But the horror of imagining you could have done something, anything, will be with them until the day they die.
An ant won’t move on the border now without action being taken.
What they did foresee was the necessity of the people to be able to protect themselves from government, and they were not thinking that ‘the people’ should be only able to use muskets against a government with semi-automatic rifles.
(What the hell is an Assault Rifle? A Lee Enfield was designed to assault whole German trenches.)
My view might be a little jaundiced, but I am surprised Ten hasn’t made an offer to settle.
Maybe they have.
Any apportionment of damages would be done by Lee, no?
Or, if he finds against both, can they make blame shifting submissions?
One key point might be if the Toad assured Ten she had rock-solid corroboration, claiming protection of j’ism sources.
Corroborating witnesses which have not surfaced in any proceedings since, incidentally.
Shut up shop, the Brucie trial has descended to Dennis Danuto levels of evidence.
Literally “the vibe”.
Bruce Lehrmann’s former colleague has told the Federal Court she had “bad vibes” about him and she had decided not to socialise with him based on her “women’s intuition“.
He also was seen flying, and cavorting with Porgy Bess in the cornfield around a fire, and the devil was there!!!!
On a scale of 1 to Armageddon how would channel 10s insurers be feeling about now?
Citation required.
No. Both bets were fair dinkum, for a fair dinkum amount of money. You are lying (as always) to say I held the stake, that was to be held in escrow by a reputable law firm.
You went to water & did the blog equivalent of crawling backward in front of me on all fours.
It stopped your constant offering of big bets to other commenters who you believed didn’t have the money to match your stake.
Turned out it is you who hasn’t either the money or the balls to back your mouth.
The general term for this is: You are a “Chickenshit”
When it comes to backing bets your financial credentials do not have a happy record.
I don’t waste time with chickenshit welchers. When push comes to shove, you haven’t the balls to back your mouth. (Or perhaps you haven’t the money)
If you actually believe I don’t own the pub, you are seriously off your trolley.
Who does own it, pray tell, if not me?
Let’s not lose track of who backed down. That was you, each time. Chequebook doesn’t match mouth. No surprise.
Surge In Israeli Women Signing Up For Combat Units After October 7 Mass Rapes And Sexual Mutilation
Regarding female draftees participation, border patrol units are at 116%, battle-related intelligence collection is at 133%, artillery is at 132%, air defense is at 101%, rescue units are at 122% and border police is at 119%.
An additional 12% of women draftees requested to serve in combat units since the start of the war.
In addition, two women passed the initial vetting process for the elite air force Search and Rescue Unit 669.
On “the party going back to PH”, I’m revising my thinking on events. Bern may be right, and it fits with the evasiveness of both BH and BL.
No woman would prostitute themselves for 20cents a time. A majority would for $1Million.
Somewhere in that range is the going rate.
It’s an economic question rather than a moral one.
Aaron Berg
We need to see the evidence of Cosby’s rapes according to American liberalism.
Roger Severino
Waiting for Disney, Apple, and IBM to cut their ties with Harvard, Penn, and MIT for saying that students calling for Jewish Genocide on campus is not necessarily bullying or harassing conduct.
Sky’s Caroline Marcos reports that Brittany Higgins’ compensation for helping the ALP win the 2022 election was 2.45 million, not the $2.3 million previously reported.
Mission accomplished, Brittnah! What a cheap tart — she’ll open her legs for anybody at the right price.
Our own police ‘service’ also don’t think the Imans’ call to kill Jews is at all threatening.
Welcome to the new 1930’s.
From a recent SMH/Nine article putting shit on Ross Coulthard’s interest in UFOs:
I really do hope they set themselves up for failure.
Even those of us who long ago lost faith in the academy – given its descent into the cesspit of anti-civilisational hysteria and woke scolding – were taken aback by the sight of Ivy League bosses erming and ahhing on genocide.
This isn’t the Hindmarsh Island Bridge Case.
What foul wimmin too- dead souls. reminds me of the wimmin at Macquarie cesspit who changed the meaning of misogyny to help their comrade.
“I am sceptical about aliens”
“I also believe any possibly defamatory statement made in Channel Nine Newspaper publishing platforms”
What a schizoid personality type.
Come on, Tom. Whats 150,000 smackeroos between friends? A mere bagatelle.
Yeah, they have a bad collective case of Tourette’s at the moment. Every so often they randomly squawk DUTTON! It’s funny and sad at the same time.
‘Wreck-it-Ralph’: Peter Dutton slammed as ‘worst health minister’ in Medicare era (7 Dec)
Ludicrous and pathetic in equal measure.
Sez who?
No, drinking while WFH is not OK
David Marin-Guzman Workplace correspondent
Drinking alcohol on duty can justify serious sanctions even when you’re working from home, the workplace umpire has ruled, after a teacher disputed having his pay docked for drinking cask wine during a Zoom call.
The Fair Work Commission upheld ACT Lyneham Primary School’s decision to issue teacher Anthony Duncan a written warning and reduce his pay for 12 months for “inappropriate” conduct in breach of its alcohol policy.
The school took the disciplinary action after a supervisor saw Mr Duncan during a 11am one-on-one remote conversation “pick up a cask of wine, lift it above his head and open the tap to drink from it”.
But Mr Duncan challenged the sanction by arguing he was not at the workplace and was not supervising children at the time.
FWC deputy president Lyndall Dean said the school’s alcohol policy still applied as the conduct took place during work hours.
“Whether his home is or is not a workplace does not change the fact that the applicant consumed alcohol while working and during his normal hours of duty,” she said.
At the time, the ACT’s COVID-19 lockdown was in place and Mr Duncan was under a direction to work from home and prepare materials for “remote learning” with students.
The meeting with his supervisor was to talk about how to manage the lockdown and what teachers had to do to prepare for remote learning.
‘Hyperbolic and lacking veracity’
Mr Duncan argued in his appeal of the school’s decision that the “allegations against me are hyperbolic and lacking veracity”.
However, he later admitted to smoking during the meeting – for which he was not sanctioned – and consuming alcohol.
But he denied that he had been affected by the alcohol and said he thought the meeting was over when he took the drink.
In any case, he said the conversation was “private” in the sense that there were only two in the discussion and he had no student duties that day.
His home was not a workplace, he said, and as a result he could not have breached the code of conduct as he did not consume alcohol on the school premises.
The ACT Education Department’s appeal board was not persuaded. It said that if Mr Duncan’s claim was right “then a teacher could smoke and consume alcohol in front of children in an online classroom setting”.
It noted that if a person was affected by alcohol at work, it could constitute serious misconduct and result in termination.
Ms Dean agreed. “It is irrelevant that the applicant was not responsible for the supervision of students afterwards,” she said.
“The policy is clear that no alcohol is to be consumed during hours of duty regardless of any supervision obligations.”
Even if the conversation was private, it was “work-related discussion conducted during work time”.
She held the sanction was reasonable and proportionate in all the circumstances.
The decision follows a NSW Personal Injury Commission ruling this year that upheld awarding workers’ compensation to a NSW Health employee who was attacked by a dog while working from home.
The ruling backed findings that there was a work connection to the injury because her boss required her to reduce noise levels while taking work calls.
This led her to take her daughter’s puppy outside, which was then attacked by a neighbour’s dog who then bit the employee when she intervened.
FFS panic buying already and Jasper is still 1320km NE of Cairns. Woolworths Burdell, water, noodles and any non perishables stripped bare. Poo tickets still available LOL 🙂
Any NQ/FNQ cats travelling between Tully & Cardwell one of those yellow Palace”chook” revenue raising cameras hidden on a creek crossing between the Murrigal turn off and the Bilyana Rest Area. Mostly a threat to southbound cars.
Fair enough. I have “bad vibes” about her bullsh*ttery. And my “women’s intuition” tells me that I wouldn’t believe a thing she said.
How’s that sista?
Credlin reads the Cat.
Asking why 18C isn’t being used.
Climate Crowd Coming for Cooling Appliances
“Davos man John Kerry is continuing to “pledge” for stricter regulations on behalf of the people after the United Nations climate change summit (COP28). He already committed $3 billion to eliminating coal and believes emissions could be slashed by 68% come 2050. Now, John Kerry is out to eliminate the energy we use to cool our homes.
The world experienced heat waves throughout the summer months. The globalists like Kerry do not believe that we, the Great Unwashed, should be using energy to cool ourselves. “We want to lay out a pathway to reduce cooling-related emissions across all sectors but increase access to sustainable cooling,” Kerry told COP28. There are now a swarm of articles online about “cooling appliances” as if their existence is ruining our planet. Fox reported that 7% of all greenhouse gas emissions come from refrigerants and energy used for cooling.
First, they came after our technology for heating our homes and food. They want to phase out gas stoves and reduce our heating consumption. Coal has been nearly prohibited, killing an entire sector. We have no alternative to fossil fuel but continue to “pledge” countless net zero measures as if the people had the power to alter the weather.
Over 30 million Americans struggled to pay their utilities bills in 2022, with 5 million citizens experiencing a disruption in services as they could not pay their bills.
UAE Sultan Al Jaber declared there is absolutely “no science” behind these disastrous demands to eliminate fossil fuels. Only the Build Back Better countries are adhering to these plans, as nations like China, in particular, have stated they would not participate. They are going to tax us for heating and cooling our homes and food. Soon we will realize that we are the carbon they wish to eliminate.”
Dutton was ‘elf Minister from the swearing in of the Abbott Government (18/9/2023) until late 2014 (23/12/2014). He was rated as poor by the self interested, money grubbing Australian Doctor magazine.
Hey guys should we make Seretide, Symbicourt and Singulair not require prescriptions?
I think that is a good idea that will benefit millions of poor Aussies and it won’t cost the taxpayer a cent. Overworked doctors will get relief and some more time with their families and hopefully a well earnt break.
Gazan woman reveals all aid is confiscated by Hamas & taken to the tunnels for terrorists
Yonatan Gonen
A Gazan woman surprises Al Jazeera reporter and tells him that Hamas is taking all the humanitarian aid to its terrorists in the tunnels.
The reporter tries to convince her otherwise but she continues to attack Hamas.
I just witnessed a little bit of the Christmas Story and it gladdened my heart.
While going to the supermarket I saw a couple of families with infants/primary age kids. Each family, walking separately to the Catholic Church across the road from the supermarket, had one of their kids dressed up.
Family one had an angel with them. She was all white and tinselly and wearing a lovely gown. Whereas in the company of the second family was a shepherd, with his tea towel on his head and his crook in his hand.
The first Nowell the angel did say was to certain poor shepherds in fields where they lay…
Chris Christie just called Vivek Ramaswamy “The most obnoxious blowhard in America.” ??
Criticism from christie is true praise. Christie gives fat, lazy bastards a bad name. The 2 worst politicians are obese, goat eyed ones like christie and lipoed women with power haircuts. Christie is a classic RINO who would sell anyone for a feed.
I really hope Vivek is Trump’s VP.
I’d go as far as to say that if a million bucks is fair dinkum on the table, a lot of blokes are also on the market.
Who is Ben Dillaway? Inside Brittany Higgins’ on-off relationship with her ex-boyfriend around the time of her alleged rape – as her explosive texts in her hour of need are revealed
. Ben Dillaway was Brittany Higgins’ ‘on-off lover’
. He was among first people she told of alleged rape
. The political spin doctor tried to recruit PM’s help
I love this time of year, BBS. We have a clutch of newly hatched “Baby Jesus-es” for our Christmas pageant this year. All vying for the coveted position.
In the wings are actual camels, sheep and a few kids for atmosphere and authenticity.
All’s well now though here in Birdland. I was distracted by getting out the array of Christmas decorations and doing the two trees we have ready for Saturday’s first Christmas party, for our American de facto daughter-in-law and her thirteen year-old autistic son, my son’s child, prior to the departure of these two to her family in New York for Christmas. Serving a cold collation with oysters and prawns to all who attend. For the rest of the family, who descend here on Christmas Eve from Brisbane and the on 25th for the Sydneysiders, we will put up the final tinsels and decorative lights. And start peeling the spuds and cooking the Christmas bird.
What is always a pleasure at Christmas is rediscovering the decorative things you’d forgotten you had. Some lovely feathery silver and golden birds for the tree, and also out of their box pop the Santa and Mrs Claus that I purchased in Finland’s Rovanieme earlier this year as a surprise for the children. She’s holding a large wooden spoon; for cooking, for cooking, I shall have to tell the grandies, in spite of the tales my children tell of me cracking my spoon on the furniture when cross with them; an of nana actually giving it to them around their legs chasing them up the stairs. In this Finnish iteration, Santa’s got a walking stick and is holding a sack of goodies. Both are dressed in traditional Finnish cross-stich embroidered peasant clothing and both are wearing red cloaks and high pointed red hats.
He’s the white-beared wise old Paternus Redrut of the ancient Nordic tales, the red-coat Winter Father, riding his reindeer sleigh across the night skies. We’ve put the thick warm reindeer fur skin ready for him over the chair in the foyer and an impish elf is sitting on the back of it. We can ask the children what they think he will say to Santa when he hauls in with his load.
Just found the Santa Stop Here sign, ready to do signalling duty again outside as a way station for the great man (and Rudoph!) on the night.
Carine Senior High School stabbing: Two students knifed and rushed to hospital
Two school students involved in stabbing
Two high school students have been rushed to hospital after a terrifying stabbing incident.
Police were called to Carine Senior High School, north of Perth, about 10am on Thursday following reports a 16-year-old boy had been stabbed in the back by another student.
One female and one male student have been taken to different Perth hospitals and it is understood their injuries are not life-threatening.
A 15-year-old girl was taken into custody as a result of the incident.
cohenite, I heard you on the wireless this arvo. +1
And staying there according to BoM’s model. Seven days sitting in basically the same place. Seeing that the model is normally as crazy as Greta on a bad day I suspect BoM might be overdoing the hype, just a tad.
Oh, and it’s almost sunset, so I’ll wish Jewish bloggers Chag sameach!
May the lamp oil never run out on the only enlightened land of the ME.
Mission accomplished, Brittnah! What a cheap tart — she’ll open her legs for anybody at the right price.
Not anymore she won’t. Have you seen those pegs? They would hold up the Acropolis. The only way you’re getting them apart is with a bulldozer on each one.
You’ve got to watch this short summary of Chef Vivek ROASTING Christie and Haley.
It would be hilarious, it is so brutal, but the subject matter is so serious.
Trump has got to pick Vivek for VP or Secretary of State.
I have never seen a “debater” smack the other candidates around so hard.
$10 mill and you can have me!
I’m old enough to remember ten years ago, when writing on Facebook:
I wonder where the white supremacist computer lab is….?
… would bring on the grandaddy of all 18c cases against you.
“Spit on Jews so much you drown them” – clearly not as serious as asking the way to a computer lab.
Sh*t! Even a Hannukah greeting is worth a reflexive fart?
Sick bugger.
At first instance. You suspect it might not be the end of the matter given they’re already down the hall on costs. Plenty to argue about. Not sure Mrs Pirate would be an employee which might make things interesting. Can Mrs Pirate rely on Ch 10 legals? Hmmm, who knows.
Congratulations to you and the family, Chris, especially to the bride and groom.
Two school students involved in stabbing
I hate this dimwit language we’re hearing today. Leader suggests three were involved, to be specific, two in hospital, one in custody.
Comment, from the Oz.
Any chance of a few bucks from the till, PM? I bin dun wrong.
The Albanese government paid Brittany Higgins more than $2.4 million compensation in a settlement that relied entirely upon Ms Higgins’ version of events, despite contrary versions from key witnesses who were excluded from a single-day mediation of her claim.
The deed of settlement between Ms Higgins and the commonwealth was released on Thursday in the defamation trial brought by Bruce Lehrmann against Network Ten and Lisa Wilkinson over Ms Higgins’ allegation on The Project that she was raped by him in Parliament House in 2019, after her lawyers successfully asked that personal medical information be excluded.
Justice Michael Lee, presiding over the trial, had earlier stated there was “a disparity between the evidence she gave in these proceedings and the truth of the matter”, which made the settlement deed “substantially relevant”.
The document shows that the commonwealth did not admit it had breached its duty of care to Ms Higgins when it paid her the multimillion-dollar settlement, contrary to claims she made to the court earlier this week.
Bar Beach Swimmer,
I prepared an email to send you re Dr Who but I would need an email address from Dover to be able to do so, and you would have to ask him to send it to me. No worries either way.
Spidey senses?
Higgins received $2.445m settlement including legal costs from commonwealth, court documents reveal
The federal court has released a document detailing Brittany Higgins’ personal injury claim with the commonwealth.
The deed of settlement and release shows that the total settlement sum was $2.45m.
That included:
$400,000 for hurt, distress and humiliation suffered by Higgins, arising from alleged conduct occurring during the employment, prior to the termination, and in no way connected to the termination.
$1,480,000 as a “capital payment” paid to Higgins due to her loss of earning capacity.
$220,000 as a reimbursement for medical and “like expenses” incurred by Higgins arising from her alleged sexual assault and event which followed.
$100,000 for past and future domestic assistance.
$245,000 as a reimbursement of Higgins’ legal costs and disbursements.
During cross examination earlier in the defamation case, Higgins revealed she received $1.9m from the commonwealth after putting in a personal injury claim.
“Yes, I received money from the commonwealth,” Higgins said. “They came to an agreement that a failure of a duty of care was made and they did pay me.”
The total amount of the payment was higher – $2.3m – but legal fees and taxes were taken out of that, she said.
“I think it was around $2.3m,” Higgins said. “I think it was the amount and then those taxes and then the lawyer took some, but I’m not sure what that fee was. I was never focused on that fee. It was only what I received that I cared about.”
Calli, those real animals and very new babies makes me think of the Vicar of Dibley Christmas special with everyone at Owen Newitt’s farm and poor Alice giving the best performance evah bringing into the world the Christ child.
that’s right, no such thing as sexual slavery in the history of mankind.
where do I apply? I shall simply lay back and think of (new) england
What’s her alias here?
Correct. There are a few out there in the “veteran” class looking for a purse and a nurse.
Good luck coppers, you will not catch him. The guy is a JET!
Ghost Rider:
Colesworths to double price of bananas.
With some striped tea towels as authentic middle-eastern headgear for the shepherds, and at least one golden cardboard crown for a visiting king too?
I’ve just set up our (admittedly small) nativity scene from Alaska, with a papoose wrapped baby angel hovering over the cut-away igloo containing Mary and Joseph in full Eskimo rig hovering over a papoose baby Jesus in the crib. Surrounding the igloo are two visiting peasants wearing hooded parkas and one rugged-up crowned king with his gifts, joining a moose, a wolf and a polar bear, all animals and people having come together to sit around the igloo in adoration. I shall tell the grandies that the birth of the Christ Child was for all people in all cultures on earth. Sadly, mine is about the only religious instruction they will get these days.
Peace on earth and goodwill to all mankind.
Taxpayers are mugs.
Our little town is chokkas with Christmas decorations and lights; so many that Council has produced a ‘Light’s Map’ of the most amazing diplays. The one-street CBD is a tad light on (ptp) but everyone else is rockin’.
Why its obvious calling for Israelis to/Jews to be drowned in spit is merely an extension of the “piss Christ” art exhibition, therefore allowed..
Racial Vilification and Section 18C
The Racial Discrimination Act 1975 prohibits discrimination on the basis of race in a variety of contexts. The act, which was passed by the Whitlam government in 1975, was amended in 1995 and Section 18C introduced. Section 18C makes it unlawful to do an act in public that is likely to offend, insult or humiliate a person or group of people on the basis of their race, colour, nationality and ethnicity.
The introduction of Section 18C was controversial and the provision has continued to cause controversy. Opponents of the provision say that it unreasonably curtails freedom of speech, while supporters say it is necessary to discourage racial vilification and promote a society free of racism.
What constitutes a breach of Section 18C?
Section 18C does not cover acts done in private. It also does not cover acts done ‘reasonably and in good faith’ for the purposes of artistic, academic, scientific or other public interest pursuits.
For an act to fall within Section 18C it must have ‘profound and serious effects, not to be likened to mere slights.’
Instances where claims under 18C have been upheld by courts include:
Distribution of material denying the Holocaust and claiming that Jews who asserted its truth were of low intelligence or motivated by financial gain;
A Ugandan worker being called a ‘black c**t’ and ‘f**cking black lazy bastard’ by a senior colleague in his workplace;
Comments published on an online news article about three Aboriginal children who had been killed in a car crash, which stated ‘I would use these scum as landfill’ and ‘let them all fight and kill each other.’
This article from das Konversation hasn’t aged well.
Really? How surprising.
As we’ve seen, never a thought for herself usually.
If D.V.A. settled claims so quickly and so generously…
Labor Government more interested in ‘swanning around with celebrities’ than cost-of-living
Nationals Senate Leader Bridget McKenzie says the Labor Albanese government is more interested in “swanning around with celebrities” than the economic crisis hurting Australians.
Ms McKenzie criticised the government for not “focusing” on cost-of-living and for not “doing something to cut their spending”.
“Labor poured $450 million into their failed Voice referendum,” she said.
“They’ve been more interested in swanning around with celebrities than actually getting to the nub of a thing that is really hurting Australians and that is this economic crisis that people are feeling.
“It’s suburbs today they are feeling smashed.”
The Britanee Show is starting to look a bit dire for Albo who’s already got a lot on his plate with criminal refugees and whatnot.
So cue distraction squirrel in the personage of one Alan Jones.
MSM bows again to their lord and master.
Health New Zealand: Where is your analysis of your data? Why aren’t you publishing it?
Albo and his Three Amigos need to change the subject quick so Alan Jones needs to be sacrificed. Funny how this sort of thing never happens to Labor or green gays.
She has already expressed an opinion on the matter, by rejecting the Ch 10 lawyers, and hiring her own.
She is in dispute with Ch 10 about which should pay said lawyer.
As it should be, Shirley.
I have no info about him, other than a google search, but, having watched a lot of the hearing, I’ve been impresed by him.
It is my belief that nearly any invented quotation, played with confidence, stands a good chance to deceive.
– Mark Twain
Yesterday the presidents of Harvard, MIT and Penn provoked outrage when, in the course of testimony before a House committee, they wouldn’t say whether a call for genocide against Jews would violate their universities’ policies.
The blowback from donors and alumni must have been nuclear, as today both President Claudine Gay of Harvard and President Liz Magill of Penn released statements recanting yesterday’s testimony:
Actually it was Gay who “confused a right to free expression with the idea that Harvard will condone calls for violence against Jewish students.”
Magill released this video apology:
The absurd premise here, which all three presidents implied in yesterday’s testimony, is that the universities’ policies on student conduct are congruent with the First Amendment.
That is a ridiculous idea.
University policies do not provide that students can do anything that isn’t illegal.
That applies to speech, among many other things.
If a student wrote in a student paper that all blacks deserve to be murdered, a perfectly legal assertion, he would be gone in the blink of an eye.
So what happened here is that the political biases prevalent in “elite” circles were inadvertently revealed, and, for the moment at least, the real world intruded and the universities scurried for cover.
Pneumonia and Vitamin A in China
Unsurprisingly Albrechtsen has a story up on the Commonwealth Deed of Settlement in Teh Paywallian.
Take with a large grain of salt.
She’s off to COP 28 in a few days.
Funny how the threat of no money and loss of tenure “focusses” the mind.
It’s clear these stupid wymmyn were selected for their job because vagina and not brain.
The only honourable thing would be to resign. But I know, through sordid experience, that many…many women of this type are not “honourable”. They expect their men to be, bit not them.
Mark Dreyfus’ mood unlikely to have improved from yesterday.
Just idly watching the movie Jurassic Park while eating dinner, I noticed a subtle hint that the character Nedley might be evil: His computer has an Apple logo on it.
Sick bastard.
Heh. Look over there! Albo!
Hideous individual.
All good. Just don’t watch it on the loo.
The ACCESS G – 3 model is obviously flawed. However it’s one of the ones they allow us plebs to see.
Latest track map from BOM has another north shift to north of Cairns now. They would have their own internal models driving the track maps. JTWC has north of Cairns crossing much weakened.
Long and short, upper level high over NSW has intensified and pushing NE which in turn will be steering Jasper very soon. Horrendous wind shear hasn’t abated anywhere south of Cooktown.
Could change as Cyclone oriented models of HWRF & GEFS all on a Cairns crossing 4-5 days out ECMWF less so but I got a hunch this is over for populated areas of the coast. Cape York different story.
Tomorrow some time Cooktown to probably Cardwell will go on Cyclone watch.
In government, “Shotgun” McKenzie’s attempts to relieve cost of living pressures for constituents met with decidedly mixed results. Which was a problem in itself.
Dec 7, 2023 2:05 PM
Couple of recommendations re 1947 war or Arabs in war
“Armies of Sand” by Pollack
rosie, Armies of Sand is an excellent book that describes how the Arabic Culture is incapable of raising armies that can fight due 100% to the failure of the culture behind it to use merit in the higher officer ranks.
A very, very good book and it details the pitfalls behind the refusal to promote excellence in planning and management that ends up killing more of its own soldiers than the enemy.
Thinking of Ten and Toad, I am reminded of the epic “collapse on air” of Jill Singer at Channel Stokes.
Singer wanted to run a corruption story about Jeff Kennett with zero corroboration.
Seven’s lawyers pulled the story.
Singer then pulled a mental breakdown on air (i.e. tanty) to get people talking about the story.
Interesting that not even their ABC would run her half-arsed story.
Times have changed.
Bar Beach Swimmer
Dec 7, 2023 6:17 PM
cohenite, I heard you on the wireless this arvo. +1
I thought I was on thin ice talking about Kerry’s fart but it seemed to go alright.
The Lion goes Bang!
Piss off you pr*cks.
Lion King vs 30 Hyenas! Rare KILL!
Cultural Catholics did. Catholics didn’t.
62 pages of goodness to read while eating dinner.
Have you seen the meme:
‘Gardening. Because murder is evil.’
On assorted posters, t-shirts, etc.
Popped up in my ads recently and for some reason I thought of you.
Sorry: ‘Gardening. Because murder is wrong.’
Except no public $$$$ involved and Alan can give as good as he gets, so to speak.
The Bru/Bri thing looks to be expanding its blast radius as more comes to light.
Next the communications between the bit playas such as Sharaz, Gallagher, Keneally & Albo should be of interest to NACC.
Hoist by their own NACC petard – thats my Xmas wish list.
I never listen to Marc Bolan on the loo.
(See who gets that.)
Roger, this is the younger me.
It’s good advice.
So, RD, BoM has several different models projecting wildly different events over the space of a week. Oh. Hand me my bowl of stewed bugs.
No woman ever posts like JC – Discuss.
The mark of any good scandal. “What’s this thread?”
Lurker. Tenth Dan. Platinum belt with many…many deaths head netsuke.
Did Brennan make a distinction between sacramental marriage and civil marriage in order to come that that conclusion?
And is that distinction reconcilable with Catholic doctrine?
More like screwing the pooch IMHO.
Security licenses?
As in allowed to have a pistol/firearm licence?
As in allowed to own a hand gun?
Perhaps someone can look a little closer at this because I wanted to get a handgun but the conditions were quite onerous, so didn’t bother.
If only I’d known I could get someone at the local mosque to enroll me in a ‘Security Company” I’d have been able to get one.
The Rise of Cultural Marxism | Jordan Peterson
They are really shitting themselves about Dutton taking paint off Luigi.
I don’t know who is writing Luigi’s material, but this is not a great Torrie fighting tactic.
Mediscare is best saved for a fraudulent SMS campaign two days out from an election.
women would be ashamed to post like JC
I think you’re wong, I’d add more names to this.
It’s waiting on the final wording of COP28.
‘This is the worst bill ever’: Labor passes ‘economy-wrecking’ same job same pay bill
Page 7 of the deed clearly, CLEARLY states “without any admissions of liability”.
Justice Michael Lee is going to have an issue with obvious porky pies being told.
Over a critical piece of information to boot.
Dec 7, 2023 2:52 PM
This bloke is looking more impressive as time goes by. It will be interesting to see him as the next VP to a President Trump.
re your mention of netsuke, have you read “The Hare with the Amber Eyes”?
Page 14, again, no admissions of liability, clearly stated.
Know your Enemy.
Below is the latest fearmongering email from the Greens to their subscribers.
(emphasis is mine)
Hi Name,
I’m writing to ask you to do something a bit unusual.
I’d like you to think of a friend or neighbour who shares your values.
Someone who’s sick of the status quo and concerned about the future like you. Does anyone come to mind? Or a few people?
Name, here’s my request – if your friend is potentially Greens-leaning, would you share this page with them?
You can email it to them, or post it on your social media. If you’re feeling bold you can tag them!
I’m asking you to do this for a few reasons.
If you’re like us, you’re having conversations with your friends about how things feel at the moment. There’s a lot of heartache in the world. Climate breakdown is frightening, and we don’t know what it’ll mean for this summer.
People are worried – they can’t see an end to the hardship.
If you and your friends want action that makes a difference, there is something you can both do to create positive change.
Name, share our movement and our plan for action with a friend who feels like you do.
Our plan is a revolutionary “continuous campaign” to win the balance of power in parliament at the next federal election.
Can you imagine what we could achieve in balance of power? We could stop all new coal and gas. We could fix the housing crisis. We could save our future.
That’s why we’re working so hard for historic growth in the next federal election.
Sadly though, we’ve hit an unexpected roadblock. The cost of living crisis has taken a real hit on our supporters. And the bottom line is, we have a worrying funding gap this quarter.
The challenge now is to reach into the movement and find others looking to make a difference too.
If you know someone who cares like you do, invite them to join us in the fight for our future too.
You have my word – with you alongside us and your friends too, we can win. Thank you for everything you do to protect our future.
Yours in solidarity,
Adam Bandt
Leader of the Australian Greens
PS. If you’re able, you’re very welcome to make a donation yourself too to help us meet the shortfall! We understand if you’re doing it tough, and can’t though. Please know we’re fighting for you.
Shorter message:
we’re all gunna die of climate breakdown
so give us yr munni
Yes, if Bruce wins this one, the ensuing shit-fight between Ten and the Toad will be epic.
We’ve already seen the undercard event with the bunfight over separate legal representation. If there is a big award to Lerhman, along with a mountain of costs, it will be on.
While watching Doofus give Olivia Caisley the finger last night, this scene came to mind.
Page 25, BH will require fortnightly psych appointments for the next 5 years.
It seems it’s tokenism galore at Ivy League universities. Who needs competence when you have the cachet?
Page 29 onwards is the BH description of events.
Then it goes into time lines re Brown, Reynolds & Cash.
This is why Cash appeared so chipper on Bolta.
BH’s time lines appear to be out from what Cash said in the ACT “trial”.
Melbourne CBD all tied up this afternoon with FIVE different protest marches.
Palis vse Greta clones. Didn’t catch the others.
More tomorrow and on the weekend.
Once they would start a small magazine.
Biden, the dribbling idiot pathological liar (BIRM) just can’t help himself:
1 – Football is a fall sport and lacrosse is a spring sport in the U.S. Two very different seasons.
2 – Archmere Academy (Biden’s high school) didn’t have a boy’s lacrosse team until 1993, 32 years after he graduated.
Page 53 goes on about the breach of confidentiality.
But considering her boyfriend at the time sprayed it to the press gallery already & she knew about that, this appears to be bad faith at best.
Which boyfriend, Bern?
I think Extinction Rebellion & various enviro-loons were some of the others.
So, RD, BoM has several different models projecting wildly different events over the space of a week. Oh. Hand me my bowl of stewed bugs.
Yup hence why I will generally go with the US Navy site being Joint Typhoon Warning Centre (JWTC) any day. Their track record is very good predicting the path of these storms but having fleets that sail the Pacific guess they have to be.
Yanks are actually into sending P3 Orion’s and C130’s into these things to get data.
I saw that baby Greta book at Aldi this arvo, um…who TF is buying this? Hopefully, my low-cost congeners eschew it the same way the primary market refused to buy them.
Oh boyo boy. That needs reading at least three times to fully absorb the stupid.
Well spotted!
The only conclusion one can take from reading the entire deed & that 2.45mill was paid (just under the 2.53mill claimed) and how there was zero pushback is that it was either extreme incompetence or collusion on behalf of the government.
You can see the maths employed to get to the 2.5mill+ number in the claim.
Simply bizarre.
Bandt is a shameless huckster.
It will be interesting to see if (how) the NACC tries to wriggle out of this one.
“I demand you dox yourself so I can write shitty reviews about your business.”
You’re not exactly subtle, JC are you? How about you put up your business address?
Which boyfriend, Bern?
The chubby one.
With the dark hair.
Oh that’s right….
The Deed was never, ever, intended to see the light of day.
Oh what a tangled web …
Well the solution to this is obvious…
The Queensland government says it’s moving fast to allay the crisis by providing rent relief and building more social housing.
“We’ve had the largest concentrated investment we’ve ever had in Queensland to deliver social and affordable homes,” Queensland Housing Minister Megan Scanlon told 7.30.
“So far we’ve delivered 4,000 [homes] but we still have nearly 10,000 to go.”
We need to import 500,000+ people this financial year and every year from now on….
Winston Smith
Dec 7, 2023 7:28 PM
Vicpol have canceled 1500 security licenses in the span of 24 hours, apparently some dodgy dude was “endorsing” applicants,
Security licenses?
As in allowed to have a pistol/firearm licence?
As in allowed to own a hand gun?
These may be of interest:
Muslims take over Australian security companies
Security licences WA; check the names.
This country is like some soft gobbler sitting surrounding by foxes; we’ve had it too good, are too trusting and lazy and the crunch is coming.
You should respond:
Why don’t you go and glue yourself to a road, I hear can help
Collusion by the Mean Girls, and incompetence on the part of Mizzz Knickerless, who doesn’t seem to have read the fine print.
Knickerless fvcked up, she trusted the Mean Girls.
Critical because Britnah was trying to create the impression that the Commonwealth had admitted liability on the part of Reynolds and Cash.
I think Lee (in a fairly measured tone) has already indicated his displeasure at the “inconsistencies” between Britnah’s evidence and the release document.
I don’t think Britnah is going into his “Reliable and Credible Witness” pile.
Somebody better settle soon or this whole thing may get a more than a little messy.