Open Thread – Mon 11 Dec 2023

The Floor Scrapers, Gustave Caillebotte, 1875

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December 11, 2023 4:24 pm

Dec 11, 2023 4:14 PM
She’s a freaking moron, but if Trump is taken out, I’d hold my nose and vote for her.
I don’t to read any criticisms , because it’s all relative.

SHOCK POLL: Nikki Haley Absolutely Wrecks Biden By Whopping 17 POINTS — And Trump Tops Biden By 4

If you believe that you would believe anything.

December 11, 2023 4:26 pm

I challenge anyone to come up with a conflict that, after the final trials and punishments, has resulted in a line being drawn under it and everyone is content to move forward.

Alsace, between France and Germany.
The split between Slovakia and Czechia.

Bar Beach Swimmer
December 11, 2023 4:27 pm

And I then asked her, ‘may I ask you a very direct question?’ And she said, ‘sure, go for it.’

I watched that testimony. Personally, I found that exchange quite weird.

The witness said that along with the response to his next question, about effing a ‘log’ given her state of consciousness, he clearly remembered her exact words.

So, if you’re a young woman – or, for that matter, a woman of any age – and you know that you’re about to be asked some very personal, personally shocking, questions, I can’t believe that a ‘sure, go for it’ fits the circumstances.

That’s a very casual job interview, or something similar, response. Not an exchange in the work environment between a male in a position of authority and a younger female about the latter’s claim of sexual assault.

Mark Bolton
December 11, 2023 4:29 pm

Switched on as I know you all to be I am sure none of you missed this.

Tukka has Gonzalo Snr for a 20 minute chat.

Questions were asked…

December 11, 2023 4:31 pm

For much of the rest of the country it is as if dawn has broken on a home-alone party of rebellious teenagers and the adults are back in charge.

October 14, 2023 was a day of insurrection on both sides of the Tasman. In separate ballots, Australians and New Zealanders independently arrived at the same conclusion: race-based privileges are anathema to our way of life.

Jacinta Ardern will still be a leftist radical when she’s 80. Some people — especially the current crop of leftist female radicals in the West — never grow up.

Ardern’s wrecking ball administration should give Kiwis pause for thought about how the country’s Constitution can be subverted by a radical minority government with the help of a power-hungry kingmaker like Winston Peters.

December 11, 2023 4:31 pm

“I’m sure Cats could suggest other basic skills.”

I would start with basic Australian culture – specifically, that anyone, regardless of race, sex, colour, creed, religion, social status, or financial means is allowed to find any aspect of any person or group, and poke gentle fun at their perceived foibles – and furthermore, that the target of said gentle fun is not only allowed, but expected to hit back with something equally funny to them. All in good fun, and you should be laughing at yourself as much as your antagonist.

That is what we need immigrants to know – and that they should expect to “fit in” at least to some degree with the existing residents. By all means bring all the good things from your own culture – food, celebrations etc. But leave the hatred behind – that is what you came here to escape, it shouldn’t be hard to leave it behind. If you can’t leave that hatred behind then find somewhere else to live, we don’t want you here.

Oh, and no more “official translations” of government documents – the official language is English, you MUST transact with the government in the official language of the country, full stop, no exceptions.

December 11, 2023 4:33 pm

But it hasn’t worked for a hundred years. It has just made which ever side received it more determined.

It hasn’t worked with many Arabs for 1500 years. Certainly in the vicinity of Israel and the majority who reside away from it. The solution you’re looking for isn’t in sight. So the next best outcome is making it exceedingly painful and prohibitive to attack Israel. It doesn’t matter many new enemies people claim they make because no matter what, they will always be there anyway.

I have known many seemingly enlightened moderate and intelligent Palestinians. When it comes to Israel and it’s existence there is no solution for them beyond total removal of the Jews from the ME by any means available. Whatever works no matter how bloody. They are the intelligent ones, well educated etc. The other 95% are much less generous, Dealing with that leaves few choices in order to survive let alone prosper.

December 11, 2023 4:33 pm

WSJ poll is respectable, Crossie,

December 11, 2023 4:34 pm

You are so correct, millions of muslims are flocking to gaza to join hamas.
Isis who initially make a much better fist of establishing a caliphate only managed to attract 30,000 odd internationals all of whom went on to be sadly disappointed or dead.

ISIS truly were scum. Using poor Arab kids with down syndrome as cannon fodder.

I cringe at Westerners who can’t see that Hamas aren’t very different.

(Nor does that necessarily preclude Palestinian self determination of some kind. I would counsel the Gazans to be more peaceful – The West Bank isn’t in an existential crisis right now.)

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 11, 2023 4:35 pm

“I’m sure Cats could suggest other basic skills.”

Bagging Mitch Marsh, Watto and Groog’s mate.

December 11, 2023 4:35 pm

Rosie, I would prefer that Gaza is not fire bombed or atom bombed.

Both those solutions came to mind instantly, along with the Nuremberg trials. The latter, certainly. The former…not so much.

December 11, 2023 4:36 pm

Ardern’s wrecking ball administration should give Kiwis pause for thought about how the country’s Constitution can be subverted by a radical minority government with the help of a power-hungry kingmaker like Winston Peters.

The amount of Ministries the NZ Government has is mind boggling.

Rufus T Firefly
Rufus T Firefly
December 11, 2023 4:38 pm

Boambee, there should be only two criteria for allowing people, (other than refugees), into Australia.
1. Australia requires the skills they possess, (no skills, try PNG), and
2. They must abide by the laws of the country.

I would be happy to allow a two year trial period for any newcomer and providing no major conflict with the law is evident in that time, they can stay.
Most immigrants, would easily attain this standard.

The major problem lies not with most immigrants, but rather, with the brain dead, “unrepresentative swill”, that we have the misfortune, to call our elected representatives.

December 11, 2023 4:38 pm

The problem with this mentality is that any party to a conflict can justify a future atrocity by reference to a previous atrocity.

That’s a very general theory posed as a footnote to a specific point about Hamas. Hamas members are Palestinians of Gaza, no different than Palestinians of Gaza who aren’t members of Hamas. They’ve been in charge for 17 years, with a constant turnover and increase on numbers by new recruits as they become adults.

PS – The previous atrocity was withdrawing all Israelis from Gaza so those Palestinians could establish their statehood as they saw fit. They did.

December 11, 2023 4:39 pm

Thanks Katz. No festering hatreds there? With Alsace, are you referring to the Treaty of Frankfurt or something else?

One of the ones that came to mind immediately to me was Northern Ireland. It’s all simmering just below the surface. The other one is Spain.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 11, 2023 4:39 pm

Ardern’s wrecking ball administration should give Kiwis pause for thought about how the country’s Constitution can be subverted by a radical minority government with the help of a power-hungry kingmaker like Winston Peters.

Not just NZ. Anywhere that employs that joke of an electoral system. Way to let the loonies run the asylum.

December 11, 2023 4:40 pm

Dunno Calli, might have taken a couple of generations but Germany and Japan seem okay in the festering grudge department.

Look at the underlying culture of both these examples – hardworking, industrious, in search of perfection (Japan) or efficiency (Germany). They had these traits to fall back on. Barbarians have nothing but barbarity to fall back on.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 11, 2023 4:40 pm

In Israel-Hamas war, radical Islamism threatens democratic values

Speaking of democratic values the dictator of Egypt is holding an election today.

Egyptians vote in presidential election expected to deliver Abdel Fattah al-Sisi third term (ABCess, 11 Dec)

It’s amusing that they bother, but I wish Field Marshal Al-Sisi well since he’s doing fairly good work.

Only fairly, though, since I noticed Hamas somehow got rather a lot of stuff from somewhere other than via the border crossing with Israel.

Mark Bolton
December 11, 2023 4:40 pm

Bravo !! Back in the 80s I was foreman (actually first Mate) to a bunch of Viet Reffos… deckies. They would do exactly what I ordered them to do no matter how ridiculous or misguided…

“If I asked you to do something really stupid you would refuse my orders wouldn’t you? ” …

(Biggest boat I had been in command of up to that point was a 15 foot dingy …. )

” YES!!! Boss no problem Boss !! ” It took me quite some time to retrain those blokes to the point where they felt comfortable to tell me to “Sod Off ” …

Welcome to Australia Minh … you are now one of us…

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
December 11, 2023 4:40 pm

Using poor Arab kids with down syndrome as cannon fodder.

That’s most of the population. They’re all inbred from farking first cousins!

Cannon fodder is a good result for them.

Johnny Rotten
December 11, 2023 4:41 pm

I don’t think anyone should write their autobiography until after they’re dead.

– Samuel Goldwyn

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 11, 2023 4:41 pm

PS – The previous atrocity was withdrawing all Israelis from Gaza so those Palestinians could establish their statehood as they saw fit.

Wasn’t there an Isreali settlement, evicted by the I.D.F., and the first thing the Pali’s did was burn the synagogue?

December 11, 2023 4:44 pm

Virtually every story about Milei is utter dogshit. He could have said “for now”, “until the Argentine Congress repeals the relevant legislation”…

Like Pope Frank everyone is spinning their “own truth” into these stories.

He’s a “madman”! because he won’t bow down to an insufferable woman-child like Christina Kirchner? Give me a barf bag now!

December 11, 2023 4:44 pm

I’m also struggling to see an analogy between the Romans and Israel.

Were Israel to go Full Roman, the Temple Mount would be stormed, those two “buildings” torn down and the place cleared. The Muslim Quarter razed and salted and the West Bank bulldozed ready for re-development and efficient agriculture.

Oddly, that hasn’t happened.

December 11, 2023 4:45 pm

This is Albanese’s Migration Plan.

Clare O’Neil MP

Our Migration Strategy’s goal is to get migration working for the nation while bringing our migration levels back to normal.

From the Comments

– I was quite good at précis back in primary school. (Do they still teach précis?)

So allow me to exhibit my precisskills by whittling this policy down into nine very clear words:

Import many, manymore Third World, non-Caucasian migrants.

– On
a tinny with “Jew Hunter” painted on both sides of the boat

The registration is on the boat

Balmain locals flag anti-semitic concern with fishermen’s tinny

“Jew Hunter” Boat in Balmain’s boat rego is


– If Clare O’Neil wrote that article why would you even bother to read it. The policy will change with the wind depending on who puts pressure on handsome boy Albanese.

– Wow, you can see the holes in this from miles. The crooks and con-artists are going to have a field day…

– So letting in over 500,000 “immigrants”, was just a “temporary catch up”, yeah right, more like shoring up the labor voter base.

December 11, 2023 4:47 pm

Bravo !! Back in the 80s I was foreman (actually first Mate) to a bunch of Viet Reffos… deckies. They would do exactly what I ordered them to do no matter how ridiculous or misguided…

Boatswain as well as 10 – 15 other professions you swore you never worked last night (only a prisoner and firefighter!).

Get off the crack pipe, Bird.

December 11, 2023 4:49 pm

The Romans held grudges.
No they didn’t. It was a simple case of swift retribution so the other side would know who’s boss.

Absolutely, JC. The culture of Rome derived originally from an agrarian society with a clearcut system of understood obligations between a rural aristocracy and their (originally) tenant farmers. The concept of “fides” (from where our notions of fidelity derived) involved strict and understood obligations.

Much changed, of course, as the Republic grew and conquered more territory. The citizen army (originally small landowners) came to depend on their aristocratic generals for legislated pensions (of sorts – often small plots of land) after their service ended. This was the Republic – &, of course, everything changed with the advent of an imperial system of government.

But, essentially, relationships and the expectations thereby derived, were clearly understood. In today’s modern society – not so much.

Bar Beach Swimmer
December 11, 2023 4:50 pm

Bar Beach Swimmer
Dec 11, 2023 4:27 PM

Further to that. I didn’t mean I didn’t believe his testimony. I did. What is strange is that she said it to him. Like it was made up post the night in question.

Mark Bolton
December 11, 2023 4:51 pm

@ Dot

Morpearl ..Exmouth Gulf .. Pearl Fishing and farming.

Dickie Morgan … bloke was scary to fly with though I didnt realise how badly … overloaded and balance horrifically wrong.

Try to keep civil …

December 11, 2023 4:51 pm

Christianity was once arguably as barbaric, but reformed.

Christianity is profoundly different from islam even before the Reformation. The Christian God sacrificed his son for humanity. The muslim god demands sacrifice from his subjects; it’s the compete opposite. Islam also venerates death; it is eschatological. Christianity is the opposite, it venerates life. Like I said islam is an alien infestation on humanity.

Cassie of Sydney
December 11, 2023 4:51 pm

I have known many seemingly enlightened moderate and intelligent Palestinians. When it comes to Israel and it’s existence there is no solution for them beyond total removal of the Jews from the ME by any means available. Whatever works no matter how bloody. They are the intelligent ones, well educated etc. The other 95% are much less generous, Dealing with that leaves few choices in order to survive let alone prosper.”

Yep. There’s a famous and very ghastly Palestinian ‘intellectual’ by the name of Ghada Karmi. This awful woman has lived most of her life in the UK, and she’s regularly given a platform on the BBC and other media outlets in the UK to spout her Jew hatred. I remember seeing her interviewed a few years ago and she was quite serious when she said that ALL Israeli Jews must leave ‘Palestine’ and return to the countries in Europe and the Middle East from where they came.. Israel cannot exist according to one of ‘Palestine’s leading intellectuals’. Karmi has even said that cities like Thessalonika in Greece (a city once called Salonika and which, prior to the World War II, boasted a Jewish population*) should ‘resettle’ Israeli Jews.

This ghastly and very evil woman has recently been on UK media and has refused to condemn the atrocities of 7 October 2023.

* 95% of the Jewish population of Salonika aka Thessalonika were murdered in Auschwitz.

December 11, 2023 4:52 pm

I would prefer that Gaza is not fire bombed or atom bombed.

Dresden may have been fire bombed but I think anyone looking at a satellite pic of Gaza wouldn’t say it hadn’t been comprehensively bombed and bulldozed, though I wasn’t really referring to the physical consequences of war but the ability of people to close the door on the past.
Some can, some can not.
Muslim superiority is a cancer.

Perplexed of Brisbane
Perplexed of Brisbane
December 11, 2023 4:52 pm

Dec 11, 2023 3:42 PM
Gawd Fentiman has put her hand in the air for Premier. She’s just as clueless as Miles just without the pinchable personality.

I just hope that conservatives win the next state election and I’m not talking about LNP.

I don’t really know much about him other than getting KAP emails but Robbie Katter seems decent. If we had a Premier from regional Qld we might be able to get a better deal for the whole state. True conservative parties are too small and too fractured to make a dent in the Uniparty vote.

It looks like the usual merry-go-round.

December 11, 2023 4:54 pm

I’m also struggling to see an analogy between the Romans and Israel.

Were Israel to go Full Roman, the Temple Mount would be stormed, those two “buildings” torn down and the place cleared. The Muslim Quarter razed and salted and the West Bank bulldozed ready for re-development and efficient agriculture.

Oddly, that hasn’t happened

And that is the problem.

Mark Bolton
December 11, 2023 4:54 pm

@Dot …

First Mate and a Diver too.

Why would I lie? Nothing in it for me…

Why do you leap in with the nasty? What is in that for you?

December 11, 2023 4:55 pm

I have known many seemingly enlightened moderate and intelligent Palestinians.

Name them.

Top Ender
Top Ender
December 11, 2023 4:56 pm

In Odd News:

An elderly couple have faced court after allegedly keying luxury cars in a Brisbane car park.

Raymond George Edwards, 70, and Barbara Patricia Edwards, 69, arrived at Brisbane Magistrates Court on Monday intending to plead guilty, the court heard.

“My clients are anxious to deal with it because of the media attention that’s been brought on them,” the Ferny Grove couple’s lawyer Bruce Peters, principal of Brisbane Criminal Lawyers said.

“Once a plea is entered the insurance company will know how to contact the Edwards and they have accepted responsibility for their actions.”

Raymond is charged with two counts of wilful damage and Barbara one count of wilful damage. Raymond was allegedly captured on film keying a BMW and a Tesla at Brookside Shopping Centre in Mitchelton on October 28.

The footage, obtained by 7 News, was recorded by the damaged Tesla’s on board cameras.

Police prosecutor Lauren Archer said the matter should be adjourned until the quote for damage had been provided by the car owner.

Magistrate Julian Noud found it appropriate to adjourn the matter rather than proceed to sentence.

It was set down for mention or sentence on January 16.

The Edwards, whose supporters tried to block cameras, declined to comment outside court.

Mr Peters said he was disappointed the matter couldn’t be resolved today.

December 11, 2023 4:56 pm

Anyone who stood up to the Romans was flattened. Rome’s policy was to create vassal states, insert their hand-picked leaders and squish any rebellion ruthlessly and cruelly.

The Pax Romana was yours if you toed the line. One toe out and it was cut off. Judea was a pain in the neck – they would have had to kill just about everyone to get what they wanted, so they did the next best thing – infiltrate the hierarchy. Which sort of worked until it didn’t. By AD70 they’d had enough. Kaboom.

Oddly enough, in AD79 there was another big kaboom, this time nearer to home. It wiped out a few towns, towns that had a fair proportion of retired legionaries. Always an interesting connection in my mind, but perhaps it’s nothing at all.

December 11, 2023 4:58 pm

Sure Bird, in addition to a 15+ guest of the government, you were also (help me out folks if I missed anything)

A drug addict
A dole bludger
An alcoholic
A pilot
A bosun
A pearler
An electronics technician
A miner
A geotechnical worker
A lab worker
A shop steward
A firefighter
A heavy vehicle driver
A mobile plant operator

Having lived in three States and the NT.

You also denied having any other employment last night save for firefighter and a guest of the government.

Mark Bolton
December 11, 2023 5:00 pm


..and it isnt just me… You blow the “angry” on everyone. When you are not lecturing all and sundry about how Right you are about everything… Mate just relax.

You have a stick where it most rightfully shouldn’t belong. How’s about you just settle down and take folks at their Word… ?

Few people lie and self aggrandize for no reason and with no background. Sure some do. But it is so infrequent a phenomena that it is just more productive to take them at thier word and not just scream at them.

December 11, 2023 5:00 pm

Muslim superiority is a cancer.

It’s worse rosie. Many cancers are curable. There is absolutely no nett upside having a moslem population in a western nation.

Perplexed of Brisbane
Perplexed of Brisbane
December 11, 2023 5:02 pm

Dec 11, 2023 4:44 PM
I’m also struggling to see an analogy between the Romans and Israel.

Were Israel to go Full Roman, the Temple Mount would be stormed, those two “buildings” torn down and the place cleared. The Muslim Quarter razed and salted and the West Bank bulldozed ready for re-development and efficient agriculture.

Oddly, that hasn’t happened.

That’s a shame. It should happen.

December 11, 2023 5:03 pm

Expert in ancient DNA and wildlife forensics helps identify Oct. 7 massacre victims

Hebrew University Prof. Gila Kahila Bar-Gal uses her knowledge of difficult DNA extraction and physical anthropology as she volunteers at Abu Kabir

Professor Gila Kahila Bar-Gal hasn’t worked in her lab at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem for nearly two months. Instead, has been volunteering at the National Center of Forensic Medicine (Abu Kabir) on an assignment she never imagined having.

Bar-Gal, whose research focuses on interpreting DNA from archeological samples and on wildlife forensics, has lent her expertise to efforts to arrive at the identification of the overwhelming amount of human remains brought to Abu Kabir since October 7.

That Saturday, Hamas breached the border with Israel and brutally attacked over 20 Israeli communities, murdering more than 1,200 people and taking some 240 Israelis and foreign nationals hostage to Gaza. The devastating attack sparked an ongoing war between Israel and Hamas.

Headed by Dr. Nurit Bublil, Abu Kabir’s lab is responsible for extracting DNA profiles to be used in identifying all the dead from October 7.

In many cases, this has been extremely difficult because of the degraded condition of the remains.

Bar-Gal is familiar with DNA that is hard to extract, sequence or genotype. However, she is dealing with different circumstances at Abu Kabir.

“I usually work also with DNA from archeological and museum samples. When you deal with ancient samples, the quality and quantity of DNA in the specimen is very low,” Bar-Gal said.

In the case of the October 7 victims, the age of the bones is not the challenge.

Rather, it’s the fact that the terrorists set homes and bodies on fire, resulting in burned remains.

“The remains of the victims varied, including burned samples.

The problem is the lack of presence of DNA in samples that were exposed to high temperatures like that,” Bar-Gal explained.

Before volunteering at Abu Kabir, Bar-Gal reached out to the Division of Identification and Forensic Science of the Israel Police, and the IDF.

“I called both the police and the IDF the night of October 7. I had collaborated with or done pro bono work for them before and offered to help,” Bar-Gal said.

“They said they didn’t need me at that point, so I thought of Dr. Bublil, whom I had met before, and called her.

She told me my assistance would be very welcome,” she said.

Bar-Gal’s skill at extracting and amplifying DNA to arrive at a profile for comparison for police and other databases adds value to the efforts at Abu Kabir.

Her experience in forensics and preparing evidence for use in court are also critical to arriving at identifications that everyone can rely on as 100 percent accurate.

She also brings to the table her knowledge from her position as director of the National Natural History Collections at Hebrew University, along with her background in physical anthropology and ability to morphologically identify human and non-human bones.

Bar-Gal does most of her work in Abu Kabir’s molecular forensic lab, but it is not unusual for her to be called to the dissection room.

“I consult with the doctors and anthropologists there about which bone — and which part of it — would be best for sampling for DNA analysis,” she said.

When bags of bones come in, the physical anthropologists lay the bones and shards out to try to piece together partial or whole skeletons. Bar-Gal sometimes helps them with their work to maximize the chances that DNA is extracted from bones from different individuals.

“The goal is to find the minimum number of individuals from a bag of remains brought in. If you have full bones or the indicative parts of bones, it is somewhat easier. But if you have small pieces of bones, sometimes it’s very difficult,” Bar-Gal said.

Bar-Gal shared that the only way for her to get through this experience at Abu Kabir is to look at the remains only as specimens.

To do anything else would make it impossible to do the work.

She finds this especially so when dealing with bones that she knows to have belonged to juveniles.

As hard as she tries to maintain an emotional distance, she was once a member of one of the attacked kibbutzim and knows people from others.

Her personal background has provided challenging moments.

“The first week I got remains to sample, they were labeled with names and locations.

It was very difficult. Since then, I’m only getting bags with numbers, so I don’t know where they are from, which is better,” she said.

There are still at least 10 missing or unidentified individuals from the October 7 massacre, and families have expressed their anger at the lack of clarity about the fate of their loved ones.

In some cases, families were told that their loved ones were held hostage in Gaza, only to learn that they were actually dead following the delayed retrieval of their remains from the field or identification in the lab — or both.

“Families have expressed their impatience since the very beginning, but what they need to understand is that this is not like CSI and other TV series where they work on a sample and get a DNA profile in 45 minutes.

It takes much longer,” Bar-Gal said.

“Just the stage of extracting the DNA from the sample takes about 15 to 20 minutes.

Then that has to be in some buffers for two days to extract the DNA before amplifying it to reach a profile. The whole process takes a minimum of three to four days,” she said.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 11, 2023 5:03 pm

Anyone who stood up to the Romans was flattened. Rome’s policy was to create vassal states, insert their hand-picked leaders and squish any rebellion ruthlessly and cruelly.

“The Romans built a mighty empire. They didn’t build that empire by having meetings and being nice to people.” Author unknown.

December 11, 2023 5:04 pm

I would prefer that Gaza is not fire bombed or atom bombed.

fire or newk? A nuke has the advantage that the place can be used as smooth roller skate rink afterwards.

December 11, 2023 5:04 pm

Name them.

Did you notice I said “seemingly”?

December 11, 2023 5:06 pm

But it hasn’t worked for a hundred years. It has just made which ever side received it more determined.

This is why Jared Kushner said forget the Pali’s, engage with the wealthy Arab states.
Make them make the choice between capital flows & investment or funding a bunch of inbreds in Gaza.

The problem is Iran funding these inbreds.

The fact that there has been no meaningful support (ex the campuses & city streets in Western democracies) after TWO months shows the Hamas mob they are on their own.
And again, they have been the fodder for the Iranians & Hamas big wig chickenhawks sitting in their apartments in Qatar.

December 11, 2023 5:07 pm

The Speccie’s Alexandra Marshall bids farewell to Palaszczuk…

There are not going to be many tears shed over the sudden (but not wholly unexpected departure) of Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk. As one cyclone makes landfall this week, another vanishes off into the abyss. Her rule will remain infamous for quotes such as, ‘Queensland hospitals are for Queenslanders!’ and creating scenes where children were hugged by parents at the border separated by orange bollards. She was a weak, gutless, tyrannical, wasteful, nightmare of a Premier who has overseen the creation of a youth criminal class the likes of which the state has never known. She retires from politics rich and devoid of any accountability, as they all do. The best we can say is at least she’s gone … like Daniel Andrews, Mark McGowan, Michael Gunner, and even Liberal sell-out Dominic Perrottet.

Rather generous, I think.

December 11, 2023 5:10 pm

PARIS (AP) – France said Sunday that one of its warships in the Red Sea was targeted by drones coming from Yemen. Both were intercepted and shot down.

A short statement from the Armies Ministry did not say who fired the drones at the French Navy frigate Languedoc on Saturday night.

It said the drones “came straight at” the vessel – one after the other, two hours apart – from the direction of Yemen.

The warship destroyed them both about 110 kilometers (70 miles) off the Red Sea port of Al Hudaydah on the Yemeni coast, it said.

The French do not take kindly to people shooting at their warships.

Adding another enemy to the list. Great strategy. Not.

December 11, 2023 5:10 pm

Wow, the Daylesford pub driver…he’s the worlds worst boomer.

On Monday, Detective Sergeant Peter Romanis told the Melbourne Magistrates’ Court Mr Swale scanned his blood glucose monitoring device at 5:17pm, about 40 minutes before the crash.

The officer said it produced a reading of 2.9 millimoles of glucose per litre of blood, a level considered to be below a safe threshold.


The court heard Mr Swale had previously received more than 30 penalty notices for driving infringements, mostly for excessive speed, but only had one prior conviction.

Sounds like an arrogant prick who is going to get what’s coming to him.

Mark Bolton
December 11, 2023 5:14 pm

@Dot …

What is it with you and these “lists” ?

Sure I have been some of those things and still am ..others not ..why should you care? … But I dont obsessively keep tabs on every single comment anyone has made.

Mate I sometimes work with blokes that are total fabulists… What you gonna do ? Howl BS at them and demand proof they brush thier teeth this morning … ? Or just … ride with it?

Sometimes the most insanely improbable stories turn out to be true.

Sometimes the most introverted and angry and uncharitable evaluations of the Fellow man turn out ..regrettably, to be well founded.

Which would you prefer? And why demand to be so intrusive?

December 11, 2023 5:15 pm

Am watching Shari – exploding !

December 11, 2023 5:15 pm

Christianity was once arguably as barbaric, but reformed. It was able to, I’d argue, because the Bible is not the “actual” word of God, but human’s telling of it. Wriggle room, if you will. Not true in Islam.

Glad to see cohenite setting the op of that comment straight.

December 11, 2023 5:16 pm

Hahaha. Sharri Markson on Sky reports someone not connected with Lehrmann’s defamation trial taped a public conversation in a Sydney hotel last Monday night in which Brittnah’s barrister Leon Zwier — at the top of his voice — coached (the absent) Brittnah about what she should tell the judge, a clear contempt of court.

Judge Michael Lee won’t be impressed.

The arrogance of these swindlers/carpetbaggers is staggering.

December 11, 2023 5:16 pm

30 penalty notices for driving infringements

In Viktorstan, 30 is less than the average for taxi driver.

December 11, 2023 5:19 pm

Dingoes play an important role as an apex predator in Australia, but you must always appreciate them from a distance and follow a few simple rules if in their habitat.

When touring in the outback and other areas of Australia — such as K’gari (Fraser Island) which has the purest strain of dingo in the country — it is very likely you will run into a dingo.

The dingo (Canis lupus dingo) was introduced to Australia between 3000 and 8000 years ago and has been here long enough to be considered a native animal. They are our only native canine and play an important role as an apex predator, keeping natural systems in balance. They are a protected species and are found in all states and territories apart from Tasmania.

It is important to remember that a dingo is not like the family pet and deserves the same respect we show to all other wild, carnivorous animals.

And although they have a natural fear of humans, they are unpredictable and can be aggressive, which is especially dangerous for small children.

While local government and wildlife bodies do their part to ensure dingoes can’t penetrate camping areas and the like, to help keep you and your loved ones safe in areas where dingoes live, you must follow a few simple rules.

We recommend abiding by the below rules from the Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service:

1. Never feed or attempt to feed dingoes — to do so may earn you a bite, as well as a hefty fine. This is also an offence because it teaches dingoes to become reliant on humans for food and thus weakens their hunting abilities and they become more aggressive towards humans.

2. Don’t take food to lake shores and beaches where dingoes live — a picnic puts food at ‘dingo level’ and is hard to resist for an animal that is always on the lookout for an easy meal.

3. Don’t store food or food containers in tents where dingoes live — keep it in strong, lockable containers and iceboxes (even on a boat) or in a closed vehicle. Leaving food in places that are accessible to dingoes — even accidentally — can also be fined.

4. Camp in fenced areas where possible if it’s known dingoes live in that area.
Dispose of all rubbish responsibly and keep a clean and tidy camp — secure all food scraps, fish and bait.

5. Always stay close to your children, even small teenagers — never let children sleep in a tent or camper trailer without adults or wander alone on tracks, lakes or beaches where dingoes may be present.

6. Stay alert in known dingo areas — walk in groups or carry a stick when walking alone. Always keep food in an airtight container.

7. Always keep a respectful distance — watch dingos quietly from a distance and never try to engage or interact with them.

Close encounter

The Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service recommends the following when experiencing a potentially threatening encounter with a dingo.

If you feel threatened by a dingo:

Stay calm
Stand up to your full height
Keep your arms close to your body
Face the dingo
Maintain eye contact
Calmly back away to a safe area, such as a vehicle or fenced enclosure
Do not run or wave your arms

If attacked, defend yourself aggressively.

Dingoes are wild animals, not like domestic dogs.

Strike the dingo with anything you can reach, such as a stick, backpack or coat.

If you can, take note of identifying features such as ear tags (males in the left ear, females in the right) and any distinctive markings (white leg ‘socks,’ other fur patterns, injuries, etc.).

If you or someone else has been injured by a dingo, call Triple Zero (000) and get immediate medical help. For non-urgent medical attention, call 13 12 33.

(Bit of Problem there – Unless Sat Phone – Phones don’t work in Outback & even with Sat Phones can be problems

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 11, 2023 5:19 pm
December 11, 2023 5:19 pm

What is it with you and these “lists” ?

Sure I have been some of those things and still am ..others not ..why should you care? … But I dont obsessively keep tabs on every single comment anyone has made.

You have said you have done all of these jobs (adding two to four more today) and every so often deny all bar a couple of them (such as last night).

You’re barking.

December 11, 2023 5:21 pm

Sometimes the most insanely improbable stories turn out to be true.

Or it becomes unicorn flavoured Bird shyte.

December 11, 2023 5:23 pm

That is because there wasn’t any.

Thank goodness for that!

Why bring them up then? I’m finding some of these arguments very hard to follow.

December 11, 2023 5:25 pm

Glad to see cohenite setting the op of that comment straight.

Why did you and other practising Christians wait, Roger.

December 11, 2023 5:26 pm

The anthropology in Israel is very interesting.
I read about one gentleman Dror Kaplan who was thought to be a hostage whose body was finally identified only a few days ago.
His wife was murdered and his family had doubts about his status as there was footage of them both being led with hands bound by the terrorists and then later lying on the ground with other hostages.
They went with a news team to the kibbutz and retraced the locations where they were last seen on the captured footage.
Eventually some remains were found on the kibbutz fence line.
Not any more detail than that but perhaps a guess his body had been
badly burnt.
Hamas seems to like setting people on fire.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 11, 2023 5:26 pm

Bird, you protest too much. Release the nanowrigglers!

December 11, 2023 5:26 pm


Visegrád 24
In the past weeks, 200 employees of German NGOs in Gaza were supposed to be rescued and flown out to Germany

However, in the end, after being interviewed by German authorities, more than half of the Palestinians were not allowed to enter Germany due to holding “extremist views”

Mark Bolton
December 11, 2023 5:27 pm


Having driven for hire myself I wanted to think the best of this guy … two days ago at work I was chatting with an ex cabbie ..he told me the bloke was just “showing off” … well nice one Centurion … Old Mate Ex Cabbie personally knew some of those that died.

How did he pass the medical? If indeed blood sugar was a problem..

But no one does that stuff… NO ONE … I would call in sick …

A tragedy all round … bloke should do jail and likely will .. but it wont fix anything …

December 11, 2023 5:27 pm

SHOCKER! Oil-Producing Countries Don’t Want to Pledge to Phase Out Oil

Hypocrisy and climate change seem to go together a lot.

That’s why it’s hardly surprising that the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and the 10 members of the OPEC+ coalition would agree to resist any efforts on the part of nations at the Conference of the Parties (COP28) to phase out entirely the production and use of fossil fuels.

The agreement was contained in a letter that was leaked to the media on Friday. “OPEC’s letter is outrageous. OPEC wants to talk about emissions, but not the source of the emissions,” said Sen. Ed Markey (D-MA), who is visiting COP28 as part of a congressional delegation.

“It would be like the tobacco industry saying you can talk about lung cancer, but you can’t talk about cigarettes. It’s outrageous, it’s preposterous,” he told Axios.

If we’re being honest and consistent with the notion of saving the planet, why isn’t the conference discussing the phaseout of beef? We’ve been told for decades that cattle farts are a huge contributor to climate change. As it turns out, both cow farts and cow burps will eventually kill us all.

There’s no call to phase out beef production because it would start a revolution in the U.S. and most of the West. Beef is too important to the economies of too many nations to be completely eliminated.

And we’re angry because countries like Saudi Arabia, UAE, and Qatar won’t destroy their economies so that greens will feel good about what a great job they’re doing saving the planet.

The letter, reportedly sent by the OPEC secretary general to all 13 member nations and 10 members of the larger OPEC+ coalition on Dec. 6, warned of the possibility of a tipping point toward a COP28 outcome containing language calling for a phase-out of fossil fuels.

Studies show the burning of fossil fuels has already heated the climate to a dangerous degree, with devastating consequences including extreme weather events and sea level rise.

“We live in an environment in the United States Senate in which the fossil fuel industry essentially has a veto on what public elected officials do with regards to pollution,” said Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.), about the fossil fuel industry overall.

“So it should come as no surprise that want to exercise some form of a veto here,” he said. “They’ve got that kind of habit of feeling that they own that kind of clout and democratic policies and outcomes don’t apply to them.”

What the greens and climate change fanatics can’t grasp is that opposition to ending fossil fuels is not based entirely on greed by the oil companies.

The developing world cannot build up its solar, wind, and nuclear power sources to replace fossil fuels for many decades, perhaps even a century.

“The development of our countries depends, in fact, on the use of fossil fuels,” said Niger’s Issifi Boureima, who’s executive secretary of the Sahel Region Climate Commission. “It’s not easy for countries like ours to accept a text that agrees to end fossil fuels today. It’s not easy, because what do we do after that?”

“I think that in the dynamic of multilateral diplomacy, we need to avoid egoism, egoism of the north towards the south.”

The same should go for oil-consuming nations toward oil-producing nations. If there was ever any doubt that much of the world does not believe the planet is in imminent danger, this debate proves that.

The climate may be changing.

But most of the world isn’t interested in destroying their economies based on unproven science.

A group of scientists at the COP28 aren’t impressed at what’s happened at the conference so far.

“The COP28 Presidency has made a very big deal about a whole lot of voluntary initiatives, while adopting an ambiguous and weak position on the central issue of a fossil fuel phaseout,” Climate Analytics CEO Bill Hare, co-author of the report, said.

The COP28 president, Sultan Al-Jaber, also happens to be the UAE’s environment minister and is the CEO of the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC).

Not all leaders at the conference can be selfless climate scientists like Hare who only have the good of the planet on their minds.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 11, 2023 5:28 pm

Kerry Stokes capitulates in fight over costs of Roberts-Smith defamation battle
By Michaela Whitbourn and Bianca Hall
December 11, 2023 — 3.10pm

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4 min

Seven West Media chairman Kerry Stokes has capitulated and agreed to pay the multimillion-dollar costs of the Ben Roberts-Smith defamation litigation, in a move that stops communications between the former soldier’s lawyers and his chief supporters at Seven from being made public.

At a surprise hearing in the Federal Court on Monday, lawyers for Stokes said his private company would pay The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald’s legal costs – estimated at more than $16 million – on an indemnity basis, which covers a higher proportion of a costs bill than the standard order.

Including Roberts-Smith’s own costs, the total costs of the litigation are estimated at more than $30 million.

Stokes had resisted an application by the Nine-owned newspapers for his private company, Australian Capital Equity (ACE), to pay the costs of the litigation but agreed to the orders after the Seven parties failed to meet a court-ordered deadline to produce a tranche of communications with Roberts-Smith’s lawyers by noon on Friday.

Nicholas Owens, SC, appearing for the newspapers, described the move as a “complete capitulation” by Stokes’ private company.

Stokes bankrolled Roberts-Smith’s lawsuit via a loan provided by ACE. Seven Network (Operations) Ltd had originally funded the former soldier’s case, but ACE took over Seven’s loan on June 24, 2020, and Stokes’ company paid out his existing debt.

In a historic decision on June 1 this year, Federal Court Justice Anthony Besanko dismissed the lawsuit and found the newspapers had proven to the civil standard – on the balance of probabilities – that Roberts-Smith was complicit in the murder of four unarmed prisoners in Afghanistan. He also found the news outlets had proven the former Special Air Service corporal had bullied a fellow soldier.

Besanko later ruled that Roberts-Smith was liable for the legal costs of the dispute on an indemnity basis, which allows the successful party to recover 90 to 95 per cent of their costs.

Nine, owner of The Age and the Herald and former owner of The Canberra Times, sought a court order forcing ACE, and potentially also Seven, to pay the costs of the litigation.

As part of its application, Nine sought to show ACE and Seven controlled the litigation. It sought, and was granted access to, documents from Seven West Media commercial director Bruce McWilliam, Stokes, ACE and Roberts-Smith’s legal team showing their communications about the case.

The court heard earlier this year that a search of McWilliam’s Seven Network emails alone yielded 8650 emails between McWilliam and one or more of Roberts-Smith and his lawyers between 2018, when the case was filed, and 2023.

Roberts-Smith was employed by the Seven Network as general manager of its Queensland operations. He took leave from his position ahead of the defamation trial and resigned on June 2, a day after Besanko dismissed his lawsuit.

Roberts-Smith denies all wrongdoing and is appealing against that decision. The Full Court of the Federal Court will hear his appeal from February 5 to 16.

Owens said lawyers for ACE and the Seven Network had informed his chambers of the proposed consent orders via email at 4.20pm on Friday afternoon, “without warning or notice”.

“Up until that time we had been pursuing both the applicant [Roberts-Smith] and the third parties for the material that they were required to produce in accordance with the orders that your honour had made only one day earlier,” he said.

Besanko ordered ACE to pay the newspapers’ costs for the proceedings, assessed on an indemnity basis. The matter will return to court on Tuesday.

Neil Young, KC, appeared for both ACE and Seven Network, but the costs will be paid solely by ACE.

December 11, 2023 5:28 pm

Why did you and other practising Christians wait, Roger.

I was trying to work out the Romans and Boudicea and “grudges”, bespoke.

Cut me some slack.

December 11, 2023 5:30 pm

Why did you and other practising Christians wait, Roger.

I just now logged on to post the Alexandra Marshall comment.

December 11, 2023 5:31 pm

Ok, calli.

December 11, 2023 5:31 pm

This is probably as wrong as the idea that poverty and lack of education breed terrorism.

Oh, FFS, how many counter-examples does it need to bury that lie.

While we are at it, the whole ‘poverty breeds crime’ thing still haunts our courts, bureaucracies, do-gooders and the MSM.

Culture breeds crime. Millions of poor people all over the world, including in English-speaking countries, have been very poor but did not become criminals or terrorists or live in crime-ridden places.

Since I was growing up, average income in Australia has risen by at least 50%. Has crime dropped? Why not, sociologists who have never been held to account?

Even the terminal Centerlink crowd have shelter, food, TV and mobile phones.

Just one of the many lies about Aborigines and the sources of dissent.

Good articles at Quadrant recently (sorry, no link) about how the pro-Palestine movement have been forging links with radical Aboriginals for quite a while.

As the old style feminists used to say, an Aborigine without a Palestinian is like a fish without a bycicle.

December 11, 2023 5:32 pm


It was only a few years ago that global warming hysterics in Europe were predicting that snow would soon be a thing of the past. Children will grow up without ever seeing snow, they said.

But it hasn’t turned out that way, and Europe is currently experiencing below-normal temperatures and heavy snowfall. (My wife and I got out of England a week ago, just ahead of the storm.)

So you might think global warming hysterics would be abashed.

But no.

Much of Europe has been hit with cold temperatures and heavy snow falls so far this month, taking Europeans by surprise. “Experts” blame warming.

Now with the heavy, record snowfall, global warming astrologists are looking a bit foolish and embarrassed.

Their predictions are wrong.

Already in November snow arrived and record amounts have fallen, like in Munich.

This has sent the media scrambling for an explanation, and they have concocted one, reports German news magazine FOCUS. Here’s the explanation:

“Experts agree: Heavy snowfall is a sign of climate change!”

Strange how whenever there’s a winter with very little snowfall, that too is a sure sign of climate change.

And when there are a couple of years of drought, it is the new climate normal.

But when there’s too much rainfall, that too proves the climate is warming.

No matter what happens, it’s a sign of climate change!

Of course the “experts” have some newly-devised theory about how global warming can produce cold, snowy conditions.

The alarmists will never give up, because there is too much money riding on the climate bandwagon.

But the rest of us can stop paying attention.

As I have said before, I would be more impressed with “climate science” if it could predict something before it happened.

Mark Bolton
December 11, 2023 5:32 pm

@Dot ..

you are just too bored to have a rational conversation .. you want a pissing contest and it aint gonna happen … I am too bored to be boring enough to help you feed you’re addiction to boringness.

Oh the Sun is shining … go have a look …

December 11, 2023 5:33 pm

Also, I have a Stasi fanboi over at C.L.’s trying to tell me she was “less bad” than all the other premiers because Covid response. Because reasons.

I’m over these self-righteous anti-vaxx zealots. And yes, we’re almost at the anniversary of a horrible crime, Queensland style.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 11, 2023 5:33 pm

Kerry Stokes capitulates in fight over costs of Roberts-Smith defamation battle

That will take the gloss off Christmas in Vail.

Mark Bolton
December 11, 2023 5:34 pm


Exactly !! Crime builds Poverty … not the converse…

December 11, 2023 5:37 pm

Survey: Students Who Hate Israel the Most Know the Least About It

Really, are you surprised?

December 11, 2023 by Robert Spencer

The Left’s Long March Through the Institutions has been a resounding success. Most of our nation’s colleges and universities, including — indeed, especially — those who enjoy an outsize influence on American politics and culture, have long ago ceased to be centers of higher learning and have become centers of far-Left indoctrination.

Marxist sloganeering and agitprop masquerades as genuine intellectual inquiry, and so it’s no wonder that once American youth graduate from their once-renowned institutions, they happily take jobs in government or social media that involve stripping free speech and self-defense rights from Americans.

They also hate Jews and Israel, in large numbers.

But in emblematic of what American academia has become is the fact that those who hate Israel the most know the least about it.

Algemeiner reported recently that “students who care strongly about the ‘Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories’ do not have knowledge of basic facts surrounding the subject, and do not share similar concerns about other geopolitical conflicts.”

This wholly unstartling fact comes from a survey of 230 undergraduates at University of California, Berkeley.

Ron Hassner, who has the unenviable position of being Berkeley’s Helen Diller Family Chair in Israel Studies, conducted this survey, which began by presenting students with 18 issues and asking them to rate how interested they were in them.

Hassner explained that these issues included “US-Iran relations, the civil war in Yemen, drone warfare, etc., on a five point scale, ranging from ‘I’m not that interested’ (1 point out of 5) to ‘I care deeply’ (5 points out of 5).”

The survey went on from there to ask the respondents a “series of open-ended questions ‘on history, geography, and current affairs.’”

According to Hassner, 43 percent of the students were most interested in Israel’s alleged “control of Palestinian territories,” while expressing much less interest in “other Middle East occupations, such as the Kurdish struggle for independence, the occupation of Western Sahara, or the occupation of Northern Cyprus.” That’s understandable.

These indoctrinated bots aren’t inundated daily with self-righteous Leftist twaddle about the massive, howling, world-historical injustice of the occupation of Western Sahara or Northern Cyprus.

They likely haven’t even heard of either one.

That’s a reasonable conclusion to come to in light of the fact that they know virtually nothing about the conflict that they do profess to care, and care very deeply, about:

“Eighty-four percent of those in the most passionate cohort could not name the decade when Israel captured the West Bank, while 75 percent could not locate the Palestinian territories in question on a map.”

Moreover, a full twenty-five percent of these programmed and propagandized student “placed the Palestinian Territories west of Lebanon, in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea.”

Nor did just a few of them drive the Palestinians into the sea that they chant about wanting to fill with Israelis: “The class average for this blunder was 14%.”

Strikingly, the survey data also showed that “students who expressed the most interest in the Palestinian issue were less informed than more moderate peers, who ‘are more likely to admit gaps in their knowledge and, as a result, are less likely to hold erroneous beliefs.’

” Thus “like the rest of the class, only 25% of passionate students placed the Palestinian Territories, correctly, south of Lebanon.

But students with more moderate levels of enthusiasm provided the correct answer 28% of the time.”

In fact, “the most passionate students were also the least likely to leave questions unanswered and ‘the most likely to offer a wild guess,’ marking them as the most overconfident respondents.”

And this pattern continually recurred “in all answers related to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.” Hassner noted:

“Only 16% of students who ‘care deeply’ about the Palestinian issue provided the correct decade for the Six Day War and only 17% were able to guess that the population of Israel was somewhere between 8 and 12 million people.

The others offered guesses ranging from as low as 100,000 persons to as high as 150 million persons.”

December 11, 2023 5:37 pm

And yes, I also know that the people who “never come here” except when they do will have a field day with that last comment.

Go for it, guys. You know you want to.

And have a thought for the families of those poor young police and neighbour whose Christmases are ruined for the rest of their naturals.

December 11, 2023 5:38 pm

In a historic decision on June 1 this year, Federal Court Justice Anthony Besanko dismissed the lawsuit and found the newspapers had proven to the civil standard – on the balance of probabilities – that Roberts-Smith was complicit in the murder of four unarmed prisoners in Afghanistan.

No, that wasn’t proven at all.

December 11, 2023 5:42 pm

Judge Michael Lee won’t be impressed.

He’s gunna hit the roof (in his way of course).

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
December 11, 2023 5:42 pm

Having driven for hire myself

Add it to The List (h/t Dot, doing God’s work):

A drug addict
A dole bludger
An alcoholic
A pilot
A bosun
A pearler
An electronics technician
A miner
A geotechnical worker
A lab worker
A shop steward
A firefighter
A heavy vehicle driver
A mobile plant operator

The ‘diver’ claim could, in fairness, possibly refer to pearling.

Of course ‘taxi driver’ was in the mix. There was an unhinged bloke some years back who styled himself a taxi driver, and who also apparently had unfettered access to all sorts of conspiracies. This chap, however, was also a wildlife expert’ and ‘snake catcher’.

Also, add ‘co-pilot’ and ‘prisoner’ to The List.

December 11, 2023 5:44 pm

alwaysright brought the Romans up but that was only in relation to the holding of grudges.

I know. I did scroll back. That’s why I mentioned Boudicca!

December 11, 2023 5:45 pm

Besanko ordered ACE to pay the newspapers’ costs for the proceedings, assessed on an indemnity basis.

It is a terrible judgment, a shocker.

December 11, 2023 5:45 pm

With the benefit of hindsight the romans sticking a giant golden statue of a pig over Jerusalem’s gate and requiring Jews to enter the city by passing under it may not have been in the “hearts and minds” manual.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
December 11, 2023 5:45 pm

Whoever it was that posted Brih-nee’s mum at 3.27 – golf clap.

Admittedly in 2018 (according to the backdrop in the pic), but yes indeedy.

Hopefully mum hasn’t joined daughter in her apparent quest to eat every burger in the country.

Boambee John
Boambee John
December 11, 2023 5:45 pm

I avoid the darker corners of the web, but have any of the “usual suspects” expressed any outrage at Hamarse promising to commit multiple war crimes (murder all of their hostages) if Israel does not, in effect, surrender?

Any of them?

December 11, 2023 5:46 pm

October 14, 2023 was a day of insurrection on both sides of the Tasman. In separate ballots, Australians and New Zealanders independently arrived at the same conclusion: race-based privileges are anathema to our way of life.

I still have faith in the wisdom of the people and that is why the 2020 US election was shocking. It was so obvious that they pulled a fast one overnight and then had the nerve to imprison anyone who objected. I still have faith in the wisdom of the US voters and will see next year if enough of them turn out to vote to make sure cheating is not possible.

December 11, 2023 5:48 pm

We have to remove from the word “discrimination” the taint of it being somehow bad. It is not.

There once was a time when referring to yourself as a discriminating man was a good thing.

Delta A
Delta A
December 11, 2023 5:49 pm

Dec 11, 2023 4:51 PM

An excellent, concise summary.

December 11, 2023 5:49 pm

Jacinta Ardern will still be a leftist radical when she’s 80. Some people — especially the current crop of leftist female radicals in the West — never grow up.

They can’t grow up as then they will no longer be radical or leftist, they pride themself on their inflexibility and immaturity.

December 11, 2023 5:49 pm

SHOCK POLL: Nikki Haley Absolutely Wrecks Biden By Whopping 17 POINTS — And Trump Tops Biden By 4

Well she needed something to counter the drubbing that Indian guy gave her in the last debate.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 11, 2023 5:51 pm

It is a terrible judgment, a shocker.

Sounds like it will be allowed to stand. Perhaps understandable when you are $25m in the hole already. Litigation isn’t for the faint hearted.

Mark Bolton
December 11, 2023 5:52 pm

@KD .. you are also a “List” kinda guy? well of course you would be …

Yup when I was in my early 20s I fished Pearl Shell .. MorPearl out of Onslow in Expmouth Gulf and we had the farm on the Monte Bellows …

A drug addict – NO
A dole bludger – Yes
An alcoholic — working on it..
A pilot… Yes ..Tail wheel and Aerobatic endoresement
A bosun — WTF is a Bosun ? … you read too many sea shanties.
A pearler … no I just fished shell and kept boat.
An electronics technician – Yes
A miner – not really
A geotechnical worker- definitely .. I worked for UTS and Down Hole Surveys ..
A lab worker- yes.
A shop steward _No
A firefighter- Yes Volunteer fire fighter.
A heavy vehicle driver … Hey I live in one..
A mobile plant operator – Yes — but I never said it … I have operated a compactor.

December 11, 2023 5:53 pm

Don’t mistake the Gulf elites for the Arab street…

In the post 7/10 context a few writers, including Ayaan Hirsi Ali (yes, she’s Somalian, but not irrelevant on that account to this topic) and an Egyptian in the American diaspora writing at Tablet, have written about how ingrained “Jew hatred” has become in the Arab Muslim world, to the point that it has become almost an essential pillar of Arab identity.

It really is a diabolical problem to unpack and address.

Mark Bolton
December 11, 2023 5:53 pm

@KD .. I dont know why you ever registered as not being a complete drip… maybe you said something once that impressed me?

OK Lets see your Resume …

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
December 11, 2023 5:54 pm

A heavy vehicle driver … Hey I live in one

You live in a bus?

December 11, 2023 5:55 pm

Piss off, Bird.

December 11, 2023 5:55 pm

The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) has issued yet another direction ( ) to Snowy Hydro to stop polluting Kosciuszko National Park.

The latest EPA Clean Up Notice relates to Snowy Hydro’s mismanagement of spoil from blasting and tunnelling in the national park. It follows six environmental breaches over the last year, including a $15,000 fine to project contractor WeBuild for allowing 9000 litres of polluted water into the Yarrangobilly River.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
December 11, 2023 5:56 pm

OK Lets see your Resume …

Not nearly as impressive, I’m afraid.

Secret agent
Purveyor of poorly-cooked smallgoods

And I am allowed in hospitals and railway stations.

Boambee John
Boambee John
December 11, 2023 5:57 pm


Oh, and no more “official translations” of government documents – the official language is English, you MUST transact with the government in the official language of the country, full stop, no exceptions.

Hence my suggestion of a rigorous English language test, written and oral.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
December 11, 2023 6:00 pm


Listen up New Zealanders, this is how it is done.

Dutton too.

December 11, 2023 6:02 pm

DB, I saw a report earlier today that the IDF lost 79 vehicles in the last 24 hours.

Although, it was a claim by scumarse so prolly suss:

Mark Bolton
December 11, 2023 6:05 pm

@KD ..

at least you have a sense of humour … No not a bus but a truck …i live in a truck … I have made it wonderful. wanna know what ? i am not even licenced to drive the damn thing… 1000 kg over… it seems.

The millionaire stuff … Hey… but This “poorly cooked small goods” thing …you intrigue me…

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
December 11, 2023 6:05 pm

SHOCK POLL: Nikki Haley Absolutely Wrecks Biden By Whopping 17 POINTS — And Trump Tops Biden By 4

I can’t stand Nikki Haley. Strange that Americans can’t see fraud and smarm.

Luckily Vivak put her in her place.

Boambee John
Boambee John
December 11, 2023 6:05 pm


the ability of people to close the door on the past.
Some can, some can not.
Muslim superiority is a cancer.

Strangely, many of those who deride “white superiority” seem to have no problems with the concept of Muslim superiority.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 11, 2023 6:06 pm

I’ve seen reports over the last few days that IDF losses are potential higher than currently reported. For instance, ynet are reporting serious WIAs are likely 60ish a day

Dover – Arutz Sheva has been putting up stories of soldiers who have given their lives each day. There is no sign that those are being monkeyed with.

About 100 IDF service people have died in the Gaza invasion. The ratio of WIA is about 15 to one, which is a tribute to their medivac people and their body armour.

Courage and bravery: These are the 107 soldiers who heroically fell in the war (8 Dec)

Boambee John
Boambee John
December 11, 2023 6:07 pm

Were Israel to go Full Roman, the Temple Mount would be stormed, those two “buildings” torn down and the place cleared. The Muslim Quarter razed and salted and the West Bank bulldozed ready for re-development and efficient agriculture.

And there would be a crucified Pally every 100 paces on every road leading from anywhere to Jerusalem.

December 11, 2023 6:08 pm

Listen up New Zealanders, this is how it is done.

Dutton could pick up 2-3% of the Australian LNP primary vote by pledging the reduce the size of government and therefore the taxes needed to support Australia’s Big Government.

That would require courage, which I don’t think Dutton has because of the number of wets still in the LNP party room.

December 11, 2023 6:09 pm

Thanks Bruce. I mentioned the death toll about 10 days ago to my kids. It was around seventy at the time. They both nodded and found it difficult to hold back emotion. These things go very, very close.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 11, 2023 6:09 pm

SHOCK POLL: Nikki Haley Absolutely Wrecks Biden By Whopping 17 POINTS — And Trump Tops Biden By 4

The poll comes from Murdoch press…
Who’ve decided to back Ms Haley as Not Trump.
I believe in fairies and nixies more than such numbers.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
December 11, 2023 6:09 pm

Alluded to earlier, but (the Hun):

The insulin-dependent driver of a BMW that ploughed into the beer garden of a Daylesford pub last month received nine alarms to treat his low blood sugar in the hour before the crash that claimed the lives of five people, a court has heard.

NINE alerts. In one hour.

Look – I’m not diabetic or anything like it. However, I know people that are, and those people are generally extremely careful with their blood sugar.

Particularly when driving – you know, piloting a tonne of metal going at speed.

The last alert came just one minute before the deadly smash, according to police.

As they say – this is big, if true.

William Herbert Swale has been charged with 14 offences over the deadly crash on November 5 and will remain behind bars until a decision is made on Friday over whether to grant him bail.

There would (normally) be only extremely compelling reasons to grant this stupid man bail. The bloke is 66 years old, and was piloting – if not a sporty Beemer – then something very much like it.

I know, I know it’s only MSM reports – but this screams ‘I’ve got plenty of cash, and those stupid doctors don’t know what they’re on about’.

December 11, 2023 6:10 pm

I doubt it lysander.
Hamasisis constantly show their terrorists lobbing stuff at tanks then an explosion but never a destroyed tank.
Apparently the explosions are the Trophy defence systems.
Not to say they haven’t successfully destroyed some, Israel have admitted to losing some along with their crews.
They also claim thousands of IDF fatalities but Israel being a democracy with at least part of the press hostile to the incumbent government someone would have noticed their sons brothers husbands were no longer in communication indefinitely.

Bar Beach Swimmer
December 11, 2023 6:10 pm

From the Sky News website:

In the audio recording, there are numerous examples of Zwier and Sharaz discussing how Higgins should respond to specific questions…

In a revelation that will shock the public, Zwier says that he – not a doctor – drafted Higgins’ medical report which detailed her anxiety and suicide attempt.

He read aloud the medical report to the group, after opening his laptop at the bar.

He says “let me brief you” before reading a statement from the doctors that he received on October 9.

“Yeah I gave him the draft, I wrote it,” Zwier said.

The medical report – that Zwier claimed to have drafted – was used when the ACT Director of Public Prosecutions Shane Drumgold announced he wouldn’t proceed with a retrial of the rape charges against Lehrmann because of Higgins’ fragile mental state.

Ten days later, a one-day mediation took place between Higgins and the Commonwealth which led to a deed of settlement where Higgins was paid $2.4 million.

Zwier did not respond to questions about whether the medical report he drafted was also submitted to the Commonwealth

December 11, 2023 6:10 pm

The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) has issued yet another direction to Snowy Hydro to stop polluting Kosciuszko National Park.

We had to destroy the environment to save it.

Mark Bolton
December 11, 2023 6:14 pm

@KD .. different prang … My Bad.

I was mistaken .. I thought the subject was that POS that rolled the bus. CONCENTRATE!

There is a presumption for bail. 1 . Mess with witnesses. 2. Continue with some rampage. 3. Flight risk …

else You get Bail. Presumption of innocence and all that..

December 11, 2023 6:16 pm

Don’t forget Hamasisis claimed 500 dead at the Baptist hospital in Gaza.
It was between 10 and 30 and self inflicted.
They also claimed early on 50 hostages had been killed in Israeli airstrikes, then it was 3.

Delta A
Delta A
December 11, 2023 6:16 pm

Why did you and other practising Christians wait, Roger.

I lauded cohenite for his excellent post the moment I saw it. This is The Cat rush hour, bespoke. I expect to see this post around seven o’clock.

Mark from Melbourne
Mark from Melbourne
December 11, 2023 6:20 pm

Christianity is profoundly different from islam even before the Reformation. The Christian God sacrificed his son for humanity. The muslim god demands sacrifice from his subjects

Yes, loose words to make a point from me.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 11, 2023 6:22 pm

He he. Ch 10s lip reader gets to spend Christmas on Bondi Beach. Almost makes up for the flight.

December 11, 2023 6:22 pm

In a revelation that will shock the public, Zwier says that he – not a doctor – drafted Higgins’ medical report which detailed her anxiety and suicide attempt.


Mark Bolton
December 11, 2023 6:22 pm

@KD … I have know blokes with Blood Sugar stuff and they can get very messed up… really difficult.

Myself I know I have operated a Motor Vehicle pissed as a rat. Decades ago … Thank the Almighty I never hurt anyone.

Now I wont get behind the “wheel” if I am even in a bad mood.

Where is culpability? The bloke by his inaction … failed to factor in his ability to operate a motor vehicle …ALLEGEDLY… but if he knew he had blood sugar issues it was his responsibility to ensure the saftey of his fellow Citizens …He MUST have known . but let’s keep an open mind …

This is all just second hand …

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
December 11, 2023 6:23 pm

If you want proof that Sydney is overcrowded and hanging on by a thread, then you should have been trying to drive across the Sydney Harbour Bridge or Tunnel (the only link between two CBD’s) as I was at around 8.15 this morning on a popular WFH day (Monday) when traffic is ‘lighter’. Traffic north had become almost a parking lot, so it backed up to Point Piper in the east on New South Head road. I persevered with it because I had an appointment over that side at 12.30 as well as a 9.30 dance class (arrived late, half way through it). I took the turn off via the Cahill Expressway and towards the bridge to avoid crawling along a dark and stuffy underwater tunnel, even worse, being stuck in one next to a couple of overheating Teslas. Arrived at the problem, just past North Sydney, where the Warringah Mess called a Freeway undergoing ‘improvements’ had lost a lane and became a slow funnel. One lane lost due to an accident had turned this main city artery into a quagmire of traffic. The radio was also announcing slow downs due to accidents on nearly all the other main arteries.

It doesn’t take much to bring down a city.

December 11, 2023 6:24 pm

Could I pl;ease put in a request for Old Ozzie, apart from posting articles that are freely available, (slabs of text) to stop bolding the bits that he thinks we are too dumb to grasp?

I do not be to be spoonfed content and especially do not have to have the ‘important’ bits bolded by my would be Kindy teacher.

Why do you do that? Do you think that readers here are too stupid to get the message? Are your opinions so important that they have to be bolded?

As I have said before, a lot of your threadbombing is material that is available via a link, with a brief summary. Netiquette.

Everybody appreciates bringing material to our attention, but having to scroll and scroll your long, selectively bolded contributions is a real pain. It is not about sharing information, it’s about forcing your daily reading on everyone, with bolding in case we are too dim to get it.

If everyone here did this, the place would be unreadable.

Think about that. if you can.

December 11, 2023 6:24 pm

Dec 11, 2023 4:33 PM
WSJ poll is respectable, Crossie,

Not when they are promoting their candidate.

December 11, 2023 6:24 pm

Nothing says “youth radio station” like a wrinkly old scrotum retiring after 30 years there.

Stalwart triple j figure Richard Kingsmill has on Monday announced that he will be stepping away from the youth station after a 30-year career.

Responsible for the 3 saddest words in the english language..
Australian hip hop….

December 11, 2023 6:26 pm

All good, Delta.

Boambee John
Boambee John
December 11, 2023 6:26 pm

Dec 11, 2023 5:48 PM
We have to remove from the word “discrimination” the taint of it being somehow bad. It is not.

There once was a time when referring to yourself as a discriminating man was a good thing.

Part of the ongoing corruption of the language by ignorant, arrogant, leftards (BIRM).

December 11, 2023 6:26 pm

If Israel is mourning actual IDF killed in battle, I believe it. They are documented KIA.

As for Hamas’ casualties…no names, no photos, nothing, unless important.

They are meat. Not to me, because they are people, and deserve the awe and respect and mourning for those made in God’s image, however fallen. But they are meat to Hamas and their spruikers, who see sheer numbers as a tool.

Bar Beach Swimmer
December 11, 2023 6:30 pm

I love today’s painting. Thank you, DB.

(Meant to say it earlier).

Mark from Melbourne
Mark from Melbourne
December 11, 2023 6:32 pm

The insulin-dependent driver of a BMW that ploughed into the beer garden of a Daylesford pub last month received nine alarms to treat his low blood sugar in the hour before the crash that claimed the lives of five people, a court has heard.

At the time, I posted here that I thought this could only be a well-controlled diabetic who had missed the signs.

Assuming this is true (and I’ll bet it is), I was absolutely wrong. This was a complete moron who I’ll bet has a history of ignoring low BSL. SWMBO has the same monitor and the same app. It is far from backward in coming forward!

I don’t care if, as per his legal eagle, he was “in the midst of a medical emergency”, because the emergency was of his own making. Pull over, Have a drink of the sugar-laden juice (or snakes, or jelly beans, pick your own poison) you have in the glove box.

I am frankly gobsmacked that any Type 1 has attained the age of 65 with this sort of attitude, I really am.

December 11, 2023 6:33 pm

Nice language Gruinaid scumbags…

Israel-Gaza war live: Hamas issues warning over lives of hostages; UN general assembly to hold emergency meeting
“warning” now meant “threatens to kill kidnapped civilians”

A Hamas spokesperson has issued a warning over the lives of hostages still being held in Gaza.

In a televised statement, a Hamas spokesperson said Israel will not receive “their prisoners alive without an exchange and negotiation and meeting the demands of the resistance,” Agence France-Press reports.

Israel says there are still 137 hostages in Gaza, while activists say about 7,000 Palestinians are in Israeli jails.

Qatar is continuing mediation in an effort to release more hostages – but prime minister, sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani says “unfortunately, we are not seeing the same willingness that we had seen in the weeks before.”

Nice bedfellows the pro Pallis are lying down with.

Mark Bolton
December 11, 2023 6:39 pm

from Melbourne

Sadly … who knows… I knew a bloke who when his BSL got low was a tottal handfull. Couldn’t talk sense to the bloke. He went berserk.

But that was decades ago and he was barely 20.

Now days that stuff should be totally controlled …. sure I am just going off MSM …Who knows the Truth…. ? Yet ?

People died.


Mark from Melbourne
Mark from Melbourne
December 11, 2023 6:39 pm

Schwartz Media proprietor Morry Schwartz is quitting his role as chairman just two weeks after he criticised a controversial letter signed by hundreds of journalists urging Israel be treated the same as terrorist group Hamas.

Despite his departure he told The Australian his decision to step down from chairman had no connection to his recent comments about the overseas conflict and the role journalists played in reporting fairly.

He said his exit has been six months in the making.

Oz… not bothered linking.

So the Jewish proprietor of a leftie publication criticises anti-semitism and he then resigns from the editorship of the publication he owns???

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 11, 2023 6:40 pm

Just across the lake from the Cafe yesterday:

A merry evening at Lake Macquarie’s ‘Carols by Candlelight’ (Ncl local news, 11 Dec)

More than 20,000 people attended the Speers Point event

Very nice, gentle and entertaining report from that young lady journo and her camera guy. I hope some of the actual meaning seeps into the minds of the attendees.

December 11, 2023 6:40 pm

Dec 11, 2023 6:24 PM

Could I pl;ease put in a request for Old Ozzie, apart from posting articles that are freely available, (slabs of text) to stop bolding the bits that he thinks we are too dumb to grasp?

I really appreciate Old Ozzie’s article-walls.
Like him, I would bold the important bits, to emphasise the essential point(s).
If one wishes to, one can read the lot.
If one doesn’t, the scrolling wheel is a dear friend.
Thank you, Old Ozzie.

December 11, 2023 6:47 pm

Don’t forget Hamasisis claimed 500 dead at the Baptist hospital in Gaza.

They also claimed 500 for the Jenin Massacre but it turned out to be an order of magnitude less. Those boys have form like that.

Mark from Melbourne
Mark from Melbourne
December 11, 2023 6:48 pm

from Melbourne

Sadly … who knows… I knew a bloke who when his BSL got low was a tottal handfull. Couldn’t talk sense to the bloke. He went berserk.

Yes, and that is absolutely true, bird. Been there, done that. Multiple times. Not fun when they get uber-low, not fun at all.

But, as the facts unfurl, clearly not relevant. The app in question doesn’t just monitor levels, it monitors trends. It yells loudly. Take your anecdote as just that… not data. Just like mine was when I posted (wrongly) on the topic.

*If* it was nine warnings, that would have been – minimum (looking at the manual as I write) – 45 minutes.

December 11, 2023 6:49 pm

Slithering turd is slithering….

Amazing how the laws of supply and demand dont apply to “refugees” competing for housing.
Ireland is in a dark place. Riots in Dublin last month exposed to the world the presence of a small, nascent but emboldened far right. A complex range of factors underlie this: social media conspiracy theories, toxic masculinity, an ugly underbelly of racism and persistent social and economic inequalities. But the far right is also weaponising a decade-long housing and homelessness crisis that afflicts the entire country and has placed thousands of people in a state of chronic housing stress, anxiety and fear.

The truth, however, is that Ireland’s shortage of affordable housing has not been caused by an increase in numbers of immigrants or refugees, but by 30 years of policies that have left delivery to the property market while decimating social housing.

See, numbers dont matter…

But hey, hes a uni perfesser, and a clever man!
Rory Hearne is associate professor/senior lecturer in social policy at Maynooth University, Ireland. He is the author of Gaffs: Why no one can get a house and what we can do about it

December 11, 2023 6:50 pm

Judge Michael Lee won’t be impressed.

He’s gunna hit the roof (in his way of course).

How will he find out?

December 11, 2023 6:50 pm

Ooh! I was chugging along the admittedly wonderful highway into Coffs when Plod came past in the dirt at warp speed all flashy and noisy.

Shortly thereafter, we spied a sinister looking low slung black Merc in the ditch and two Plods racing towards it with guns drawn.

Someone was in for a bad day. Plod looked agressive and was probably not pursuing an internet hatespeacher.

Madam, always looking for the positive, surmised that it was probably a movie scene. In Madam’s world that means an ABC movie scene. At great risk I explained that her her theory was impossible becase they were actual guns, the Cops were actual white boys, not black girls, and we were not in the Southern Highlands.

It was memorable, and hilariously, everyone slowed to the speed limit for at least 500 meters.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 11, 2023 6:50 pm

“I’m not a gynaecologist but I could take a look.”

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
December 11, 2023 6:52 pm

Heartbreaking to scroll through the portraits of the brave and beautiful young men, and a few older ones, who lost their lives fighting for Israel’s survival in some fierce hand-to-hand firepower fighting and other incidents of battle. The old term ‘the flower of their generation’ has never seemed more real as one realises they are gone from life, caught in these momentary glimpses of who they were, serious, smiling, joking and oh so noble in their very youth and their prospects now foregone, in contrast to the fewer more seasoned faces. God Bless, I mouth silently in the words of my childhood.

I simply cannot feel the same way for the Hamas dead, conditioned since childhood to live only for hatred, mayhem and death in jihad. May their god let them rest in peace too at the last, which is the only blessing I can think of for them.

December 11, 2023 6:57 pm

More Elbow mongloiodism…

A new migration deal signed between Australia and India has been praised for creating more opportunities for young people and early career professionals in both countries.
More accommodating conditions and rules have been outlined in the Migration and Mobility Partnership Arrangement covering short-stay arrivals, students, graduates, researchers, professionals and those seeking training visas for workplace-based opportunities.
From 1 July this year, Indian graduates of Australian tertiary institutions on a student visa can apply to work and pursue professional development without visa sponsorship for up to eight years.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 11, 2023 6:57 pm

Nothing says “youth radio station” like a wrinkly old scrotum retiring after 30 years there.

Gave Frank Elly her start in radio. JJJ has been the ALPBC’s Marxist training ground for a decade or two. Now about as hip as RN.

December 11, 2023 7:00 pm

has been praised for creating more opportunities for young people and early career professionals in both countries.

How nice! Opportunities in both Australia and India?

When do the first Aussies leave for these opportunities on foreign shores?

December 11, 2023 7:01 pm

May their god let them rest in peace too at the last, which is the only blessing I can think of for them.

There’s only one God, Lizzie, and one can’t give blessings by any other name.

We need to get serious about this, as it boils down to a spiritual-theological conflict.

See Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s recent piece on why she’s become a Christian (I think she was a way to go, which she admits, but she’s made a good start).

December 11, 2023 7:03 pm

From 1 July this year, Indian graduates of Australian tertiary institutions on a student visa can apply to work and pursue professional development without visa sponsorship for up to eight years.

This is one of the areas the migration review is supposed to crack down on.

They’re not serious. as I suggested earlier.

December 11, 2023 7:03 pm

I’d like to know who’s doing all the “praising”.

Mark Bolton
December 11, 2023 7:04 pm

from Melbourne

Massive props to you Mate … !!! Anecdote is NOT evidence ….

WE all must keep an open mind.

But if we jump to conclusions and the bloke was culpable ? .. Prison? An expensive resource that should only be used to keep really dangerous people isolated from the community. Reform His ideas? WHAT?

Beyond Me Mate … I would be happy to go Jury but Not Judge.

So so sad.

December 11, 2023 7:06 pm

JJJ has been the ALPBC’s Marxist training ground for a decade or two. Now about as hip as RN.

In need of a… hip replacement?

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 11, 2023 7:07 pm

From 1 July this year, Indian graduates of Australian tertiary institutions on a student visa can apply to work and pursue professional development without visa sponsorship for up to eight years

Should help scooter sales.

Bar Beach Swimmer
December 11, 2023 7:08 pm

In a revelation that will shock the public, Zwier says that he – not a doctor – drafted Higgins’ medical report which detailed her anxiety and suicide attempt.

Is that fabricating evidence?
Would Dumgold have accepted it without it being on the letterhead of a medical practitioner?
If so…

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
December 11, 2023 7:09 pm

Wow. This is only the second time I’ve seen this dog accept treats from strangers and both have been female dog trainers using liver treats. Melissa the dog whisperer@ 0:23

Both Cash and Stevo were at the growers market in LA and a butcher gave Stevo a freebie of raw freshly cut steak. He went on and it offered to Cash and was rejected on the spot.

Stevo took it home where I am sure it was consumed.


Woof Bark Growl:

Cash 2.0 Great Dane at Dana Point Harbor 6

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 11, 2023 7:09 pm

In need of a… hip replacement?

Mole will show you the way out.

December 11, 2023 7:12 pm

It is up to young people to rectify the mistake of Brexit, European President Ursula von der Leyen told a formal dinner for Brussels figures on Tuesday night, making her belief the United Kingdom is on the path to return to European clear.-said the foul old eurotrash slag

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
December 11, 2023 7:13 pm

There’s only one God, Lizzie, and one can’t give blessings by any other name.

In my less than schooled theological thinking, Roger, I tend to combine the God of Israel in the Old Testament as the same God the Father in the Trinity mystery of the New Testament. If that is theologically wrong, mea culpa. My mother always used to bless us goodnight, taking her cues from the Church of England we all used to write on our census forms.

The god of the Islamic Arabs seems to have other elements of divinity from elsewhere.
So not the same god in my understanding of it, a ‘false’ god drawing on the religious traditions and writings of the Jews and Christians. Many today I suspect see all three religions having exactly the same deity, objectionable as that may be.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 11, 2023 7:16 pm
December 11, 2023 7:16 pm

You’re theologising is on the right track, Lizzie.

Keep at it!


December 11, 2023 7:18 pm

In need of a… hip replacement?

Mole will show you the way out.

I thought it was rather good.

But then I would, wouldn’t I?

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
December 11, 2023 7:22 pm

There’s only one God, Lizzie, and one can’t give blessings by any other name.

I’m an agnostic, Roger. My blessings are from my own religious base, but given no level of certainty about any of it, I would also suggest that the god of Islam might have some benevolence towards the Hamas dead. I don’t. That’s all.

December 11, 2023 7:25 pm

The insulin-dependent driver of a BMW that ploughed into the beer garden of a Daylesford pub last month received nine alarms to treat his low blood sugar in the hour before the crash that claimed the lives of five people, a court has heard.

Has anybody considered this f/wit may well have planned a ‘final exit’ strategy that failed?

December 11, 2023 7:27 pm

I would also suggest that the god of Islam might have some benevolence towards the Hamas dead.

Lizzie, there is no “god of Islam.”

December 11, 2023 7:28 pm

I think after nine alarms you’d be beyond thinking at all. Knowing all the careful, responsible Type 1s in my small orbit, it seems impossible.

There’s no accounting for pride though. This time he’d get home. Moron.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
December 11, 2023 7:32 pm

It takes a lot to rattle me when it comes to horror. No blood, no gore here.*

Just freaky sh*t here.

*For the record, this GIANT was built for real life displays. Kane ran with it and built this around a now demolished shopping mall.

Do enjoy the ride. No spoilers from me, except to say the shopping mall music is creepy as f***, let alone the Giant.

Watch in the dark.


Kane Pixels:

The Rolling Giant (The Oldest View Part 3)

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 11, 2023 7:32 pm

I tend to combine the God of Israel in the Old Testament as the same God the Father in the Trinity mystery of the New Testament.

‘S quite correct Lizzie, but you’ll have to do a lot of reading to get exactly why.

Martin Luther got all excited about Romans 1:17, but that had already been said to Abram a couple thousand years before (Gen 15:6, Gen 22:15-17). The consistency is pretty amazing when you recognise it.

December 11, 2023 7:34 pm

The promise is through Isaac, not Ishmael.

We have alternative histories & scriptures here.

And alternative Gods (not that there are “other Gods”).

By the simple law of non-contradiction, both cannot be true.

December 11, 2023 7:37 pm

Our Pauline on Bolta (with Steve Price filling in) calls the leading candidate to replace palachook, steven miles, an arrogant prick; which is an understatement. It’s such a pity that Pauline always sounds as though she just about to burst into tears. And a major loss to Australia that she and Latham had a falling out caused by his harsh words about pooftas and a clash of egos.

December 11, 2023 7:38 pm

Re. the trial of the century. Britt’s moth won’t be fooling Lee J. with her well rehearsed testimony. What did shock me was her father. An absolute dropkick and amazing that two seemingly intelligent women (his daughter excluded) would have relations with him. Ex wife and new lady friend.

December 11, 2023 7:38 pm

to which Sharaz responds “it was deliberate because if she was going to blow-up her life … and change the parliament, she wanted to make sure it landed.”

On Bru vs Bri I’ve tried to keep an open mind as to what happened and what might be the ulterior motives, if any, of the people involved. Partly because I’d like to see the system deliver justice and partly because we can’t know what happened in the office so give the young lady benefit of telling her side etc etc.

The above, if recorded correctly, is enough to say this whole thing was made-up political hit job from start to finish and I don’t discount the thing was planned with Labors active support. Bruce was a prime goose in the whole affair, but others were conniving and planning to get max political advantage from this evil scam.

Its feels like a watergate-level event for which all the people involved should see the inside of jail instead of government offices and parliament.

Plus, is the leak just another attempt to blow up a trial when Team Bri is losing bad? If so, the whole legal team involved should be thrown out of the work forever.

December 11, 2023 7:39 pm

ps: Apparently Cane Toad may be up tomorrow! 🙂

December 11, 2023 7:40 pm

OK…I have to go but I’ll check back tomorrow for any further questions, Lizzie.

Good night!

December 11, 2023 7:43 pm

Dec 11, 2023 7:38 PM

I think we all agree this was a political hit job. Pure and simple.

December 11, 2023 7:45 pm

A political hit job plain and simple and made dead easy by the simple Mr Morrison and the SFL.

Delta A
Delta A
December 11, 2023 7:46 pm

Could I pl;ease put in a request for Old Ozzie, apart from posting articles that are freely available, (slabs of text) to stop bolding the bits that he thinks we are too dumb to grasp?

Respectfully, I disagree, johanna.

I don’t suscribe to the news services that Old Ozzie posts and I’ve found that, even though most of those posts have merit, I don’t need to read them in detail, especially when there is so much other info to trawl through on the Internet.

In short, I appreciate summaries, or bolded passages, to impart or highlight the gist of a story. Keep at it, Old Ozzie, I say. And thank you for your effort.

December 11, 2023 7:47 pm

In a revelation that will shock the public, Zwier says that he – not a doctor – drafted Higgins’ medical report which detailed her anxiety and suicide attempt.

It is common practice for lawyers to guide the writing of medical reports so they are consistent with the legal criteria and thresholds; and there exist many specialists who specialise in writing legally consistent reports.

But this one is arguably not in the ball park because it suggests a lawyer diagnosis which remains the doctors prerogative.

December 11, 2023 7:47 pm

I think we all agree this was a political hit job. Pure and simple.

Guess I am the naive one – waiting until now to believe that people could act like this in a free, democratic country.

December 11, 2023 7:50 pm
December 11, 2023 7:53 pm

Dr Who
In a skirt.

Queer as who?

December 11, 2023 7:53 pm

Certainly seems to be getting more intense
four more fallen heroes

December 11, 2023 7:54 pm

Dec 11, 2023 7:47 PM
I think we all agree this was a political hit job. Pure and simple.

Guess I am the naive one – waiting until now to believe that people could act like this in a free, democratic country.

Welcome to the New Wold Order. Orwell was a profit not merely an author.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
December 11, 2023 7:55 pm

The app in question doesn’t just monitor levels, it monitors trends. It yells loudly

If they can get Burger Brih-nee’s texts and ancillary messages from three years ago, they will certainly be able to track how many alarms piped up on this bloke’s phone, and what he did about them. Which, IF reports are correct, appears to be nothing.


Prison? An expensive resource that should only be used to keep really dangerous people isolated from the community

Bolton. Yes. Prison.

Because, if this turns out to be correct, five people died as a direct result of this bloke’s negligence and/or arrogance.

Including children, you monumental poltroon.

In your world, nothing is anyone’s fault. There are no consequences. Is that it?

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 11, 2023 7:56 pm

I think we all agree this was a political hit job. Pure and simple.

Certainly not going to script. Beware people bearing dossiers.

December 11, 2023 7:57 pm
December 11, 2023 7:57 pm

Banning fossil fuels is now a make-or-break issue at climate talks

Going to be a long walk home for turtlehead then.
Effective immediately, no ICE powered travel for anyone attending.

Mark Bolton
December 11, 2023 7:57 pm

free Gonzalo Lira … free Julian Assange … free every other poor bugger that just got banged for telling the Truth …


Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
December 11, 2023 7:58 pm

For clarity:

Prison? An expensive resource that should only be used to keep really dangerous people isolated from the community

This was Mr Bolton’s commentary, and I would be interested to hear any alternate solutions he may have for a bloke that – IF reports are accurate – cost five people the rest of their lives because he thought he knew better.

  1. All David Cameron had to do is reverse Blair and Brown’s policies and Bob’s your uncle but no, that was…

  2. Canula not in right. Had a porta-cath implanted for my chemo course, way back when. The first “stab” missed the…

  3. Israel will have done that because they’ve basically won. Ukraine is more nuanced. Much as I like Trump he has…

  4. America is thoroughly broken, it’s f’d, she announces  No, it is not though some states are such as California, Washington,…

  5. More and more lately secular charities have been captured by the left as plantation farms. I also have deep reservations about…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x