Sky interviewing US Studies Centre CEO, Michael Green. Oh boy. TDS on full display. Apparently “Trump doesn’t have as a…
Sky interviewing US Studies Centre CEO, Michael Green. Oh boy. TDS on full display. Apparently “Trump doesn’t have as a…
The childcare centre attack is more likely to be a tobacco shop turf war target. Throw in a bit of…
Also: Accurate language is important.
There’s nothing like kicking the can down the road.
You can have all the gadgets you want to do a job if the will is not there it will…
If I claimed this for Ru I’d be accused of coping.
Absolute bulldust. After World War II, a homeland for the Jews wasn’t just “nice”, it was essential.
So how did they survive for the 2000 years prior?
And besides, there had always been a continuous Jewish community living in Eretz Israel over the last two thousand years.
There have been jewish *communities* all over the place, but the country of Israel was created in 1948 – and it was invaded by *every* arab (read – muslim) neighbour immediately, and has been in regular (if not continuous) conflict with them ever since… including today.
You expect it will not be the last we hear on such matters.
I’m surprised it wasn’t a bigger issue today.
Apart from the Skynews lawyer popping in with the USB at the end, that was it.
And of course the jab at the Channel 10 fellow at the end.
Plenty of adult criticisms of the US and UK. Go look.
‘Progressives’ all thay know is to destroy.
I really thought the “South Sea Island Republic of Judah” idea would really be a lot more controversial.
Alas, debate over what is and what isn’t legitimate physics research is more controversial.
Duk, the homeland of Israel is central to the whole religion. That has to be understood. It’s not just ‘nice to have’. That statement of yours is so thoroughly patronising it’s no wonder you inflame Jewish people here, yet you seem to have no comprehension as to why. Try it with Mecca or the Al Aqsa and see how far you get.
Quite, and thats the point … the muslims outnumber the jews by over a hundred to one, are rapidly colonising all of the Jews safe spaces (including Israel and the West) , and unlike the jews have a strong tradition of action in the name of their religious texts..
Similarly, the Jewish diaspora would survive a pogrom in Israel; as they have before. Turning selected parts of the Arab world to glass wouldn’t kill Jewish people in the diaspora. It would leave the Arabs too busy picking up the shreds of their own.
You missed my point – if Israel nuked the middle east and got glassed in return, every muslim left in the world would go hunting for jews in the diaspora – and they have a 100:1 numerical advantage.
Dec 12, 2023 2:27 PM
They built a detector. How else are they going to detect it!?
The third paper was a nuclear physics paper from 1993. It said their results of a high energy interaction were explained by considering Unruh radiation. The data fits the theory. Thats how it should work. You got too angry to read the abstract I showed you.
Sorry Dot, no anger here.
What I wrote is entirely consistent with the unfortunate modern trend in physics ie.
postulate a theory based on pen and paper
publish ad nauseam on said theory,
ignore lack of evidence,
publish some more,
ignore lack of predictive ability of said theory
publish again etc..
Wikipedia has a neat summary of the Unruh effect/radiation. postulated 50 years ago and still lacking empirical evidence.
Once one has to use Minkovski/hyperbolic space transformations outside of General Relativity, one is truly pushing water uphill.
Dot, feel free to believe, no problemo for me.
Well, I doubt if we’ll be seeing that Widders clip on Sky or any of our news media.
It’s calling for an end to Islam in Europe.
nice piece about the Claudine Gay Saga.
No I didn’t miss it. I took that point and argued that the Arab would be be very diminished itself and more concerned to recover than advance its project any more.
After Operation Meetinghouse. March ’45.
Aris Roussinos is providing them.
Err ok Joyce.
Leaving the coast clear for future mandates.
Supreme Court wipes rulings on federal employee, military vaccine mandates
Firebombed June ’45.
Do Students Support Hamas Because They Are Ignorant?
What an interesting picture..
(warning, contains traces of rat looking through a dunny brush)
Fetterman Says if We Want Peace, Israel Needs to Be Able to Destroy Hamas
There Never Has Been a State of Palestine
Scholars Find Dozens More Examples of Plagiarism by Harvard President Claudine Gay
I don’t disagree the evidence hasn’t been tested enough to say it has been empirically confirmed. It just isn’t true that there is no evidence. I found a third party analysis (2031) of CERN data (2018) and an older (1993) nuclear physics paper. Both in peer reviewed journals that show evidence of Unruh radiation.
McCulloch’s (over half of his 21 peer reviewed papers published are on this) cosmology papers rely on the concept of a standing wave (of light) in a Rindler horizon. From this a lot of standard physics can be derived from first principles. His empirical research explains galaxy rotation etc better than the standard model. He can fit data to a simple OLS regression with no tweaking and get a much better r^2 and model validation stat than the standard model – where lambda is an obvious fudge factor.
If Rindler horizons are a basis for probably the best cosmological model we have, then Unruh radiation is probably a real phenomena.
That aside, then there is likely something interesting and perhaps useful to the transistor experimentation.
He’s made it clear here numerous times that he doesn’t like Judaism because we snip the foreskins off baby boy’s penises.
I think he wants to be called an anti-Semite, he’s agitating to be called an anti-Semite, he’s desperate to be called an anti-Semite but I’ll just call him what he really is…….a loon and a crank.
Tucker Carlson on Trump Prosecutions: ‘You’re Going to Get Violence if You Keep This Sh-t Up’
The Great Replacement Theory
My suggestions re slandering Islam via Mecca and Al Aqua in a test case as you do to the Jewish religion referred to the current situation not any future one. Try it and welcome to being slaughtered, not simply being called out as Cassie does to you. You might also note that the Jews have survived terrible situations before today given their religious and familial strength and their intellectual acumen.
The forces of civilisation may need to get realistic about the colonising by Muslims however, and we see Geer Widders leading the way there now.
Just a question, which nations exactly would be ‘glassed’?
2031 —> 2021
I’ve dropped this phone too many times.
But I repeat myself.
The Urban Dictionary seems somewhat lacking.
Re the Trump prosecutions, sadly violence is what the Democrats want.
They wish to propagandise it as anti-democracy. They are actually quite evil.
I doubt this exists except as a form of MAD adapted for the region. It would also not be a nice thing to have more than one death cult in the ME.
Our friends at The Climate Study Group have just published the latest in their informative series of articles in The Australian , on September 22nd.
The usual rats at crickey, smh etc did not like it.
Every single ancient psalm I know mentions Israel and Zion.
Israel is foundational to Judaism. And thus to Christianity too.
The crusades were fought over it, ffs.
Whacky world of islam:
Man Fires Shots Outside Albany Synagogue, Screams ‘Free Palestine’
Germany: 8 Muslim Migrants Who Gang-Raped Girl, 15, Given Suspended Sentences
Video: NYU Student Who Tore Down Posters of Israeli Hostages Shocked by Consequences of Her Own Actions (warning: she is NOT a looker)
The Labor-Greens Agriculture Wrecking Bill
The locations are historic, but the religions do not rely on access to them else one or possibly both would not have survived until now. Unless we are getting into messianic territory and certain places “must” be secured by the faithful to enable the big big event to happen.
a truly creepy Australian, and yes I mean the blonde.
I think that you have missed my point.
An “existential threat” is something that will see the very existence of Israel ended. That is the trigger for a Samson Option.
As for what Arab governments will do to avoid their own destruction, please re-visit Jordan in 1970, Syria on multiple occasions, Lebanon on multiple occasions and Egypt with the Muslim Brotherhood.
The Houthis are not a threat to the existence of any of the major nations in the ME. The Muslim Brotherhood was such a threat to Egypt.
an influencer who promoted the voice, sorry about that.
75% of the worlds muslims dont live in the middle east …. they outnumber the jews in every country bar Israel
Doc Duk
Please stop exaggerating. The surviving Muslims would effectively be declaring war on every nation with a Jewish diaspora. Are they really that stupid and suicidal?
As do Muslims. Has he condemned them?
Your views about prospects for Israel are stupid, but not robust enough to bother calling it antisemitic.
But your prodding for a reaction is pretty standard Jew-baiting. Like bear baiting, prodding the beast to make it mad while knowing it can’t or won’t cause you harm. Jew-baiting is a well known, cowardly and sneaky form of antisemitism.
Dec 12, 2023 5:43 PM
a truly creepy Australian, and yes I mean the blonde.
A real kunt; this is her:
I stated very clearly that I will criticise *anyone* who thinks its OK to amputate healthy genital tissue from infants in the name of religion, ‘health’, hygiene, aesthetics or anything else. I included the jews, the muslims and even the Kellog Foundation in that. If you think defending the bodily integrity of infants is a marginal position, then (to mix metaphors) – god help us.
I find it telling that *both* Cassie and Rosie refuse, despite multiple invitations, to admit they prefer to label me am antisemite than to counter my positions with logic or evidence…. perhaps they doth protest too much? Should they declare a conflict of interest? Are there opinions perhaps clouded by their own ‘semitic’ tendencies?
PS… falling back on abuse is a sign you have lost the argument.
The ones participating, directly or indirectly, in the destruction of Israel and the slaughter (after rape and torture, of course) of its people.
Hence the lack of enthusiasm for the cause in the current conflict among the more rational Arab states.
Book I’m reading at the moment describes Turtlehead Bowen perfectly, “He’s the first person I’ve ever met who’s made a science out of incompetence and yet remains an arrogant little shit for no obvious reason”. That is still being too kind to Bowen. He must have pictures of that night with the goat.
Thats a real question?
If educated, civilised westerners from all over Europe could participate in the Holocaust only 80 years ago, do you really think the west is less likely to now … given its increasing islamification?
I think that you have missed my point.
People leaving or refusing to return to areas within Israel presents an existential threat. Making the costs of business high, ditto. And so on. I hear that Israeli sea traffic to Eilat is now being diverted to Med ports around Africa. Overnight, Yemen have hit one ship and directed another to port. Also rumours of a warship hit.
LOL. I haven’t abused anyone!
October 7th?
This is exactly the same logic the left uses to “fact check” us…
If an idea doesn’t support “climate change” it doesn’t have merit and can be ignored…
By taking the stance you have taken, you support the ideas of the progressives.
That is, I’m not going to argue against your idea, instead, I will call you names.
I will use these names to prove your idea has no merit, instead of attempting to prove you wrong by logic or information.
By 2030, the “Nakba” will be 4-5mill “Pali’s”.
It’s the reverse of Holocaust denial.
By 2030, there will be Holocaust deniers in most western parliaments.
Ben Roberts – Smith says nasty things about journalists – big whoop , they rank alongside the Palestinians in the scheme of things.
Another one who can’t constuct a rational argumment, so makes a poor attempt at sophistry.
So let me get this straight, we are being charged for using cards instead of cash and soon we will also be charged for using cash. Who thought that a good idea?
Treasurer Charlmers seemed to think it was worthy or a hearty laugh.
Every leader of a muzzie country is more scared of their own population than anyone else. Certainly not Israel. The rhetoric is for internal consumption only.
The Duk adds Lizzie to his list of accusers……
and the Katz…
Heres a challenge, tell me one time I said I was anti-israel or anti jews ? My position has always been:
1) I dont think the current Israeli military response to the recent attacks will solve anything. I think its exactly what Hamas wants and will only harm Israel in the long term.
2) I dont think Israel will survive long term because of the forces arrayed against it
3) I am anti circumcision of jewish boys because I am anti-circumcision, not because I am anti jewish boys.
There was a very emotional female on 4BC describing a car chase and ramming in Townsville. 4 youths in a car followed her in their car and were ramming hers. Got out of the car to break window to threaten her.
Hard to grasp how long the chase was but seemed very determined to chase her. She was clearly in great distress telling what happened.
She eventually got to her own neighbourhood where people helped her. She said somebody told her they saw a gun in the back of the car.
No doubt going to be on TV news as her story very alarming.
Daisy Cousens
Are We On The Brink of World War III?
Circular argument.
pants down
That’s bullshit!
Crossie @ 6:06pm
I went to the bank today. While there I withdrew $400.00, which the teller gave me in $100.00 notes. I was about to leave but then decided to have them changed to $50.00 notes and said that given the state of the use of cash it may be difficult to have them broken during different transactions. The teller agreed and then said that there’s very little cash around because what’s out there is being hoarded.
Your definition of an “existential threat” is substantially softer than mine.
Keep us updated, will you?
What names?
DB, did you see my email of last Friday asking to let P have my email address?
And that’s after a special police squad was flown into Townsville last week to deal with a spate of car thefts and related crimes.
Let’s see what the Boy Premier proposes.
Turns out I’ve been linking to a disability organisation.
Generosity has ended.
Anyway, some “top quality” Hamashitposting on Daisy Cousens:
Don’t involve yourselves in the Abrahamic Daemon fest in the Middle east, Saxons. Just take notes.
Uh huh. Typical paranoid televangelist nonsense. Very tolerant, nice guy! Very Christian. Hi Varg!
This kind of Jew hating, pro genocide nonsense and the stanning of dictatorships is why I can’t take a lot of red pill content creators seriously.
People are definitely hoarding cash becos Optus/WestPac/CBA/*** failures.Should charge the banks for cash management whether they provide the service or not and switch AusPost over completely to be a transactions-only bank. It’s a bit rich for Banks not to provide this service given profits in excess of 30B.
Au contraire, Hamas has made a grave misjudgment and is now in serious trouble:
It’s referring to Katz and him calling Dr duk an anti Semite for his views on the gaza war as opposed to trying to present some sort of constructive feedback.
Use name calling to win argument is a tool of the left was my point.
that’s alright then
No such thing was found. The magistrate thought it could be therefore Channel Nine were not liable for insinuating it.
Hamas is nearly destroyed. Many of the perpetrators of the atrocities may spend 20+ years in Israeli prison or (given the exceptional circumstances) capital punishment.
I don’t think they will survive without Plan B and/or strongly asserting itself in Gaza and if necessary, in the West Bank, Golan Heights and Southern Lebanon – but also strongly interdicting Syrian and Iranian military assets.
I already explained how your behaviour with your comments is classic well known Jew-baiting. It’s unrelated to opinions being expressed. The contents of your comments are uninteresting. Discussing them is a silly distraction.
Gatestone institute
Hamas Creates New Terrorist Group to Destroy Lebanon
I didn’t call him an antisemite because of the contents of any of his comments. His behaviour with his comments is bog standard Jew-baiting, prodding over and over to get a reaction.
I emailed Dover last evening and forwarded the request again this afternoon, I reckon he had a busy weekend but maybe my email went to his Junk Mail because I forgot to put in a subject. He may not be able to access his email for this blog during working hours.
“I demand a free pass in writing for anything I may say.”
Cassie and Rosie are not junior nursing staff who can be bullied into bowing down before The Great Medical Perfessional.
“Hezbollah wants to turn Lebanon into a new Afghanistan, attracting all terrorist organizations in the world so that Lebanon becomes an alternative homeland for rogue groups.”
I would have thought rule #1 in asymmetrical warfare is don’t concentrate your forces.
But, hey…don’t let me interrupt your plans.
I am dumb and you are a dickhead according to this sober assessor of contributions here. Don’t worry about her final horrible instruction, she’s more than a little bit mental at times; just keep doing what you do here because a lot of people here rely on you doing so. As for me, I’ll keep on doing what I do. Glad to see some further discussion of agnosticism here rather than the immediate stony silence (apart from Roger) that my comments on it received here. Hard to take after a run-in with The Australian junior jsmists so I was probably over-sensitive about it all here too.
I come here to speak, not to be clapped and no-one stops me speaking.
Cound Brunt
Now that’s a fine upper class last name.
Typical evasiveness.
Sounds familiar?
The Lebanese people are going to be thrilled about this.
No, be sook.
I’m a simple boy from the ‘Booka.
I am amused that aboriginal people apparently are the traditional owners of Dubai. It’ll be revealed, I expect, in Dr. Pascoe’s next book.
… and the support of the US under a strong US President. For moral suasion as much as financial assistance.
Hi Lizzie,
Always up for a polite discussion of agnosticism v faith!
That moron was trolling Daisy. And was echoed by another troll. Par for the course. Morrow had a go. Good on him.
That rainbow serpent got around, man.
His calling Judaism a cult doesn’t help.
Expecting Israel to be a sacrificial lam doesn’t help.
Concern trolling over the partition doesn’t help.
All these thing adds up to something, I’m not sure yet.
Sorry if posted. Andrew Bolt:
Crocodile Man. Just a coinkydinky that he just happened to roam exactly where the pipeline was supposed to go. FMD
Stories my Nanna told me…
Thanks to Bruce o Newk for bringing us Chris Bowen’s continued floggery. Should have been laughed out of the summit and told not to return.
Cult, religion, what’s the difference? I don’t know.
Doc raised an interesting point. It is strange to have a group identification physical feature that is hidden and only applies to 49% of the population. Can someone explain the reason for that?
The BRS debacle continues; after the verdict, a disgrace, was handed down the smh published this defamatory shit:
Summary of the decision
The newspapers argued these claims were substantially true. Did the judge find the imputations were true?
MISSING: summary MISSING: current-rows.
He murdered an unarmed and defenceless Afghan civilian by kicking him off a cliff and procuring other soldiers to shoot him. ?
He broke the moral and legal rules of military engagement and is therefore a criminal. ?
He disgraced his country and the army by his conduct in Afghanistan. ?
He committed murder by pressuring a newly deployed soldier to execute an elderly, unarmed Afghan to “blood the rookie”. ?
He committed murder by machine-gunning a man with a prosthetic leg. ?
He is so callous and inhumane that he took the prosthetic leg back to Australia and encouraged his soldiers to use it as a novelty beer drinking vessel. ?
He committed an act of domestic violence against a woman in the Hotel Realm in Canberra. ?
He is a hypocrite who publicly supported Rosie Batty, a domestic violence campaigner, when in private he abused a woman. ?
Besanko J found that BRS did not offer enough evidence to repudiate these imputations not that they are true. BRS did not assist his case because of inconsistencies between the accounts of his witnesses. But reliance on the defence’s witnesses, afghans and disgruntled veterans was nonsense. In amongst all this was the ignored spectre of the bastard hekmutallah, the reason why BRS was on patrol. Hek murdered 3 Australian troops who were training him. He now lives in glory with the taliban.
“You misrepresent my serious research into International Bankers.”
Has anybody seen Julia Baird and Ellen Fanning in the same room together? Perhaps the ALPBC should be cloning viewers at this point.
Daily Mail. Bring back the “dictation test!”
I do. You can leave a religion without fear of repercussions. You can’t leave a cult.
And yes, there are cults within “Christianity”. Avoid them. They are poison.
Black Ball
Dec 12, 2023 7:15 PM
Simon Munkara. You can bet your bum someone or group asked him to do it.
This needs to be investigated.
It’ll be climate nut cases I reckon.
Au contraire, Hamas has made a grave misjudgment and is now in serious trouble:
Dont make the mistake of declaring victory too early…. this is a classic error in asymmetric war: the side with more combat power always seems to be ‘winning’ early… but they get outlasted in the end (exhibit A- Bush and his ‘end of major combat operations’ banner in Iraq). Lets see in a year or 2 or 5 whether Gaza is no longer an issue, whether the rest of the ME is less or more problematic for Israel, and whether Israels benefactors in the west are more or less solidly behind them.
The Imam of Hek’s mosque swore, on the Quran, that Hek was a loyal Afghani, with no ties to the Taliban…
There are a few schools of thought on that.
One of the wry ones is that Abraham tried to take a short cut with Hagar and got…well, a short cut. One that he’d never forget.
When a cult gets big enough it turns into a religion. It’s a matter of there being enough people in it to enforce the rules on everyone else.
Circumcision as Rebellion
Dec 12, 2023 7:26 PM
Cult, religion, what’s the difference? I don’t know.
I do. You can leave a religion without fear of repercussions. You can’t leave a cult.
And yes, there are cults within “Christianity”. Avoid them. They are poison.
Check out this mob. Nut jobs.
More Bizarro World
That little jab as the bell went was a corker.
Dripping with “This is an away game for you, champ. You are clearly out of your depth. Let me explain how things work around here.”
Tactically brilliant.
It left the smarmy prick sweating about what might be loaded in the gun at resumption of play tomorrow.
And if I call someone who will be listening?
His calling Judaism a cult doesn’t help
Not quite….I said someone who advocated for the ritual amputation of genital tissue from healthy infants was closer to being a cult member than a Dr who opposed it.
Expecting Israel to be a sacrificial lam doesn’t help.
No, I said the basic strategy of irregular war was to goad your adversary into heavy handed responses which create more irregulars and lose you the support of your own population. Hamas knows this and planned for it. I understand Israels need to lash out, but also know that history shows that doing so will not benefit them.
That’s a complete misrepresentation of my view and my comment. He’s just an ordinary Jew-baiter, says anything to generate anger reactions.
He ran into the same brick wall that I’ve mentioned before when it came to folks here who demand purity despite enormous impediments, such as punitive sanctions. Milei will need some help from organizations like the IMF and the World Bank to break through because his country is in total disarray. Maybe he’s understood now how hard it was.
Let the man have it; he has just shut down eleven government depsrtmentd. He can prioritize achieving his primary goals above Paris Gerbil Accords.
In any event, Argentina is required to meet net zero by 2050. It’s light years away so stop it with this panic talk.
That’s his name, Kenneth Copeland.
He’s running a cult.
Andre Antunes:
Judgement on COVID-19 goes HEAVY METAL [Kenneth Copeland Remix] [I Demand]
So burning heretics at the stake doesn’t constitute a repercussion? Calli, you’re confusing the wet, powerless version of Christianity we have currently with the older, nastier version that dominated the West for a long time.
It was the Christian religion that warned Galileo about questioning the orthodoxy. He was shown the instruments of torture as a hint of possible repercussions. You are wrong, unless you think the Roman Catholic church was a cult.
Which poses the interesting question- who should the ALPBC use? I suggest recently retired Subaru Forrester driving school teachers who have recently purchased matching e bikes as a starting point.
All logical points, all defendable, but the screeching from the coven and the toolies supporting the hysteria are drowning out the points Duk is making. Which is the aim.
They will be safe in the area under UNIFIL Peacekeepers.
They are sociological definitions.
Well yes Steve Trickler. Munkara wouldn’t be paying Federal Court fees so who is financing it?
Duk, let’s be realistic. Uncle Sam won that war in a few weeks. The second strategy was the part that was problematic. Nation building was an honorable with those losers in Iraq. They were given a golden opportunity and didn’t take it.
an honorable attempt….
Not as nuanced as you clame.
More like Judaism and Islam are a colt. The follow on was just an excuse.
Look at the very least it shows lack of control an unessary thing to raise in these times.
Thanks, DrBeau. Totally predictable.
I never respond to baiting starting with “so”. Try again.
No, it was Pope Paul V.
It’s as though most people’s brains have taken a holiday on account of the Isreal/Jew topic…
Remember covid?
Remember Ukraine?
Remember “weapons of mass destruction”?
Remember Y2K?
Just to name a few topics where peoples critical thinking took a holiday in the moment because of “muh feelings”…
I know its aesthetics but is a circumcised dick much prettier than an uncircumcised one?
Dot, Hamas can reconstitute itself within a year with new recruits and new light infantry weapons of which the Middle East is awash. In fact, they must portray themselves as being victors over Israel, or the Gazans will get rid of them.
I’m constantly amazed that people believe that X or Y will not be allowed to happen because this or that government/s will prevent it. The Gulf states couldn’t bring the Yemeni rebels to heal and they are now the de facto government of Yemen ( and , BTW there has been a lot happening there in the last 24 hours).
Totally agree, DB. Again, the Abraham Accord is indicative of the differing positions in the ME. Yemen is a particularly wild, “wild card”. They make everyone nervous – including other Muzzies.
This is from a bloke cheerleading the storming of the Muslim quarter of Jerusalem.
Dec 12, 2023 6:39 PM
So it’s beneath your intellectual prowess to discuss them?
Plenty of people here have said that Islam is a cult.
They won’t be saying it twenty years from now, for fear it will get their heads chopped off.
Reverend Simon Sideways (UK) is spot on once regarding immigration.
Good rant.
Good you deserve everything you get leftie!
1) I dont think the current Israeli military response to the recent attacks will solve anything. I think its exactly what Hamas wants and will only harm Israel in the long term.
2) I dont think Israel will survive long term because of the forces arrayed against it
No screeching. Just think both propositions will prove to be incorrect.
….once again
Out of 10, those Yemeni fckers are probably at around 6.8 on the annoyance meter. If they hit 8.3 they’re going to get themselves into serious trouble. They’re serious cruising for a bruising.
is this better?
No. If you can’t see that your claim is false there’s no point.
Cronkers, you’re the expert on this subject. Take a better look next time you’re with a cute owl.
Plenty of people leave cults. That’s why cults die. Most cults are so small they are incapable of revenge upon those who leave. They will be ostracized but some religious people also do that to apostates. IIRC apostates are regarded as more evil people than non-believers.
Roger’s explanation makes sense.
Steve, I recently saw a claim that Copeland is worth 300 million. Not a cult but one hell of a con man. Right up there with Benny Hinn. Copeland and Co have seriously damaged the reputation of Christianity.
You’re confused.
Only Islam does that.
Scores of nations have Judaism or Christianity as majority religions with no oppression of non-believers.
Calli’s demarcation between cult and religion of the restrictions on leaving and consequences for those who do is spot on.
And only Islam sanctions attacks on apostates.
Oh, and please don’t give us “whatabout” examples of fringe Christian/Jewish sects with a few dozen members.
And it was because the Church of Rome had virtually canonised Aristotle’s cosmology.
Galileo got in trouble for being a smart-arse and for badmouthing people who had actually supported him. He was never tortured or excommunicated. Additionally, much of what he posited was wrong. Some of it was total crap, in fact.
Nothing says scrapping the bottom of the argument barrel than dragging out the Spanish Inquisition and poor old Galileo.
LOL! someone has a God complex.
Cronkers, you’re the expert on this subject.
Correct. I’m an expert on dickheads.
Take a better look next time you’re with a cute owl.
Been a while: a classic cute owl.
That’s sophistry. You didn’t argue with the Pope in those days. Not if you knew what was good for you. Which is why Calli is wrong. These days I can declare my atheism and nothing happens. The Christians weren’t always so tolerant. Once they’d have cheerfully burnt me at the stake for it.
BeauGan, I’m about to retire (with a good book and a large brandy) but I’ll check back tomorrow for any further thoughts on your part.
Good night!
You got anything more recent than from when Chris Columbus was sailing 12 foot skiffs around the lake as a kid?
Cult, religion, what’s the difference? I don’t know.
I do. You can leave a religion without fear of repercussions. You can’t leave a cult.
Do you get your foreskin back?
If you’re arguing that Israel’s existence is problematic, you may also argue that all settler nations are problematic, in which case you ought to have voted in favor of Yes in the ref.
It is getting to be quite depressing to search through history for grievances.
Neanderthals are now demanding reparations because they have a serious grievance against modern humans. This is where we’re going to end up.
No, it’s quite germane to the point.
The pope never represented eastern Christianity and by that time he didn’t represent half of European Christianity.
Your statement is demonstrably false.
Sorry mate, I count six erroneous bases that you are erroneously arguing from in those two paragraphs.
Perhaps you need to study the subject a tad more. I’ve been doing so for fifty years and that’s only the tip of the iceberg.
Dec 12, 2023 7:51 PM
The point I made is now resting on a feather bed, waiting for a reply.
And *that*, dear readers, is a better way of disagreeing than is resorting to ad hominems and abuse.
Only Islam does that these days.
Christianity has done it in the past. It stopped when it lost authority. I bet Rosie would want to see me suffer for my atheism if she could arrange it. Fortunately, all she can do these days is call me names. I can survive that.
I’ve read postmodernists that make more sense.
Do you get your foreskin back?
I think what the trannie terrorists are doing to the kids is of more concern than a flap, the removal of which does provide some benefits apart from aesthetics.
You know, there’s an argument that Israel’s birth was problematic without going into finer details. But why just single out Israel, when you could make the case that every single settler country from the US, Canada, Australia, NZ, all of South America and many others set up shop in possibly a worse way.
The sheer hypocrisy of people living in these counties criticizing Israel’s existence is very ironic.
I imagine anything is possible with plastic surgery e.g. a virgin can be created out of ‘nothing’
Indeed. Picking scabs to justify atrocities isn’t noble.
Do you get your foreskin back?
Not just a loon and crank, also a sicko!
Remember when I left the cult of the unvaxxed and got pilloried for it over a number of platforms?
Went on for quite a while too. Just six months ago someone (names aren’t important) discounted my opinion because “you submitted”.
Even though I had made it perfectly clear that I would do the deed once an alternative to AZ appeared.
Others had this experience too.
Now tell me about all that historical nastiness in the Middle Ages.
ooooh how cynical is that, eh?
Jew-baiters take any response as another opportunity to prod the Jew. Watch it happening here with others who respond.
Tell me you’re not posting comments at the furniture store. Say it ain’t so. That’s the roach motel. Once you end up there it’s like a maximum security prison for the criminally insane.
Some examples from less than 500 years ago might be handy.
I think you might have some sort of S&M fetish by the sounds of that.
I accept that Christianity has become less brutal to apostasy than it used to be. I’m a beneficiary of it’s weakening power. But it was as nasty as Islam is currently in its heyday.
I only respond to tantrums with amusement.
I know its aesthetics but is a circumcised dick much prettier than an uncircumcised one?
That is one of the arguments…. ‘women prefer the appearance of a circumcised penis’…. but then again, the analagous argument has also been put forward in support of FGM – Ayan Hirsi Ali describes her grandmother sneaking her and her sister off for FGM, against her mothers wishes, because the natural female genitalia were too ‘clingly’.
I had a nice evening, went to Christmas drinks in the CBD hosted by Women’s Forum Australia and the wonderful Rachael Wong, who is the CEO of Women’s Forum Australia. Sall Grover was there, as was Kath Deves, both extremely glamourous, beautiful and articulate women. Nice to be around like minded women when it comes to the gender bullshit. The women there were ordinary women, heterosexual, lesbian and a fair few men. Had some great conversations.
JC, I’m not about to give anyone there my email details. Not born yesterday.
Cohenite at 8:06.
That owl looks remarkably feminine.
What’s going on?
Also that’s fruity.
John H.
Dec 12, 2023 8:00 PM
I am looking at the crowd AND their body language. F*cked in the head idiots.
The whole f-cking world was brutal back in the Middle Ages.
I repeat, something more recent than when Chris Columbus was in short pants would be great.
You got anything?
Looks like duk and beag are going to be the finalists on Australia’s Biggest Victims.
I recall beag once accusing me of supporting paedophile priests back when he cheering for Cardinal Pell conviction.
You’ve also used that rosie would burn me at the stake wahwah before.
Can you come up with some new material?
I concede that there was a certain amount of cultism on both sides. But getting rude messages isn’t quite as bad as getting burnt at the stake.
We’ve got a lot more civilised over the centuries. Now we hurl abuse instead of rocks. One day, who knows, we might even get rational arguments.
I know its aesthetics but is a circumcised dick much prettier than an uncircumcised one?
I’ve only ever slept with one man who was not circumcised. He was Swedish, we were lovers for a few months, this was back in the early 90s. I remember finding his penis with the foreskin intact quite challenging to look at. I remember telling my mother, thinking she’d be shocked, and all she did was laugh!
That is one of the arguments…. ‘women prefer the appearance of a circumcised penis’…. but then again, the analagous argument has also been put forward in support of FGM – Ayan Hirsi Ali describes her grandmother sneaking her and her sister off for FGM, against her mothers wishes, because the natural female genitalia were too ‘clingly’.
You took the bait and compared a circumcision to FGM which is done entirely for power reasons and removing the sexual identity of women. Go and give yourself an uppercut.
If Israel is to be returned then there is a lot of WW2 borders will need adjusting as well.
I cant imagine China being overly thrilled to have Manchuria back as a neighbour.
Duk, let’s be realistic. Uncle Sam won that war in a few weeks.
No, they kicked the first couple of goals, then lost by 15 goals at the final siren.
I remember it well, I played in that game….
That owl looks remarkably feminine.
What’s going on?
You’re just growing up.
Speaking of cults. I’m only half way through this clip. Freak show!
Peter Santenello:
The FLDS is a fundamental sect of the Mormon church. In this video, we get in with a former member who shows us the complex world of multiple mothers, dozens of siblings, and harsh requirements under the heavy hand of Warren Jeffs.
Escaping Polygamist Cult – Inside the Dangerous World of the FLDS
You took the bait and compared a circumcision to FGM which is done entirely for power reasons and removing the sexual identity of women. Go and give yourself an uppercut.”
Yep, he couldn’t help himself. Quite revealing.
Calling themselves Pure blood’s.
Claiming to be truthsays.
Not cultish.
ummm no, there wasn’t. It was on one side as Insolent keeps reminding us. Only a few days ago, Juan had a go at me for vaxxing up as though I had murdered countless people. Very peculiar behavior where we’re now supposed to defend personal medical decisions to cult members.
Dok Duk
What is your recommended strategy?
Curious minds, etc.
I never cheered for Pell’s conviction, Rosie, quite the contrary. I said that the charge should never have got to court, it was always preposterous. And I don’t believe I ever accused you of supporting paedophile priests. I’m afraid your memory has been rewritten by your feelings.
And it’s Beaugie.
Another cute owl; one for the connoisseurs.
Perhaps we could demand to know if that position has been recanted.
My memory of that was …
Before : “Guilty as. Jury said so. And Court of Appeal. And he looks like the type”.
After the 7-Zip from the HC : “Well, who knows? Maybe he did, maybe he didn’t.”