Now imagine the USA, Europe and China are all launching, India and Pakistan have to figure the other side might…
Now imagine the USA, Europe and China are all launching, India and Pakistan have to figure the other side might…
Well well well. Gold Coast Mayor is Las Vegas on a NRL junket but Dutton going to a fundraiser in…
I’m buying frenchies and canned veges.
Then the second and third strikes from the other various triads, mopping up whoever is left with a chance of…
cohenite March 7, 2025 10:04 am Gutfeld is the best political commentator. His opening last night about the demorats reactions…
As someone mentioned here the other day(memory quote): “It’s ok to be ignorant, but not when it costs millions of lives”.
Misunderstanding of the present stems from ignorance of the past.
It may be political rhetoric but it’s effective for a reason.
Memorial of Saint John of the Cross – 14th December 2023
A Convert Among Communists and Carmelites
Roy Campbell is mostly unknown today, but he once enjoyed fame and endured infamy—attacked bitterly by C.S. Lewis and defended vociferously by J.R.R. Tolkien.
Brilliant new satirical video puts the focus on Hamas’s uber-rich, corrupt leaders
By Andrea Widburg
Eretz Nehederet (which means “a wonderful country” in Hebrew) is a satirical Israeli television show that has been making incredibly pointed and extremely funny videos about the left’s love for Hamas, whether in academia, the UN, or the BBC.
Just this morning, the show released an extremely polished new video that takes direct aim at Hamas’s leaders, all three of whom are billionaires who have been sitting out the war in Qatar.
What makes the new video’s timing really perfect is the fact that news just broke that these three men have suddenly gone into hiding:
Several Hamas leaders left Qatar for an unknown destination, turning off their phones and not accepting calls, KAN’s Arabic language channel reported citing sources in Doha on Tuesday evening.
Additionally, on Tuesday, KAN news reported that Saleh al-Arouri, a senior member of Hamas, left his usual residence in Beirut for Turkey.
I wonder if their sudden exit may have been because the Israeli ambassador to the U.N. seemingly doxed Yahya Sinwar, the October 7 mastermind, which is another way of saying that the Israelis know exactly where he and the other leaders are:
The hunters have become the hunted.
With that intro, here’s Eretz Nehederet’s new video. Because it’s done as a rap parody, be aware that there are some obscenities
Certain aspects of Holy Books can be easily dismissed when it suits modernity. Look at the proscriptions on male homosexuality in Leviticus. Gone. Ignored. By most.
I suspect modern Muslims could also disregard an instruction to kill Jews hiding behind a rock. A seventh century saying, they can argue, to be readily reinterpreted in some other way, e.g. Mo was simply talking about sins that lurk, using the idiom of his day.
At last, a (reasonably) direct answer. They move or die (Do you seriously think that they could live as dhimmis in the current MIddle East?). At least in the 1948 movefrom the Arab nations to Israel, they had somewhere to go to, but you now seem rather too comfortable with the end of that option.
At no stage have I expressed an opinion as to what I *want* to happen – unlike so many of my critics here, I dont have an opinion on that – its not the job of an analyst to have an opinion on that – having an opinion about what you want to happen ruins your impartiality as an analyst. All I have done is lay out a case for what I think *will* happen, and why.
Similarly, at no stage have I stated my level of ‘comfort’ about what I think will happen and what that means for the jews. Again, that is not the job of the analyst. The weeping and the wailing can be done by the women and the beta males in their own time (quite a bit of that in evidence here already).
In investing terms, it is known as ‘not marrying your stock portfolio’ – you act according to what you think will happen, not what you want to happen – that only gets you rekt.
Plibeserk says everything is rosy in the financial garden, and Labor fixed it all.
What really matters for investors now Fed rate cuts are a certainty
After the US central bank signalled rate cuts are coming, Wall Street is at or very close to record highs – it’s as if the many increases never happened. But what comes next?
What a difference two weeks makes.
Following the biggest rally in the month of November for 40 years on Wall Street, US Federal Reserve chairman Jerome Powell started December by trying to talk tough.
“It would be premature to conclude with confidence that we have achieved a sufficiently restrictive stance, or to speculate on when policy might ease,” he said on December 1.
But on Wednesday night, after the Fed kept rates on hold at 5.25 per cent as expected, Powell’s hawkishness was gone.
While he went through the motions in his post-decision press conference – the job on inflation is not done, blah, blah, blah – there was no ignoring the elephant in the room.
The Fed’s forecasts for rate cut movements next year (contained in the infamous “dot plot”) showed 75 basis points worth of cuts in 2024. Five Fed members expect 100 basis points of reductions.
For financial markets that have rallied hard on the expectation the Fed will start cutting as early as March, and bring rates down to about 3.75 per cent by the end of calendar 2024, this was manna from heaven.
The S&P 500, the global proxy for risk, surged as it became clear Powell wouldn’t push back against the market pricing in rate cuts, jumping as much as 1.4 per cent, to take gains from the end of October to 14 per cent.
The Nasdaq was up 1 per cent on Wednesday night. The time-honoured Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 1.2 per cent, to a record high.
Soft landing bets
These are impressive daily moves, but we should take a moment here to recognise that what has happened on financial markets in the past month and a bit is extraordinary.
The S&P 500 is now just 1.4 per cent away from the all-time high it hit in January 2021, at the peak of the pandemic frothiness and before the Fed began the fastest tightening cycle in a generation.
Or as Nick Ferres, chief investment officer at macro fund Vantage Point, puts it: “It is as though the Fed’s tightening cycle had never happened.”
The belief in the soft landing scenario – that sticky inflation, particularly in services, can continue to fall gently, that the labour market softens, but not too much, that the US and global economy can avoid recession – is clearly strong.
And if you listen to Powell, that’s completely reasonable. As he said in his press conference, restrictive rates have allowed good progress to be made on inflation, the labour market is strong, but not as hot as it was, and for now at least, the long-predicted recession remains just that.
Not even the most bearish commentator could deny that this is a pretty good picture.
But now investors need to consider an important question: can this rally continue to run, or is the Powell Pivot priced in?
After this stunning rally, do stocks still offer enough reward for the level of risk out there?
Ferres notes that not only are sharemarkets at or near record levels, but measures of risk perception have also plummeted, with volatility back at levels last seen in 2019, and measures of equity risk premium (including the difference between earnings yield on equities and the 10-year Treasury yield) back at levels not seen in two decades.
Investors betting the rally can keep running need to get their heads around a few factors, Ferres argues.
First, they need to recognise that it “would be unusual for a new bull market to commence before the impact of the recession on the labour market and the default cycle in credit has even commenced”.
Second, they need to recognise that the risk/reward equation for US equities is “extremely unattractive” unless earnings pick up or there is a meaningful fall in interest rates.
But Ferres says economic data, which points to economic and labour market softening, does not exactly support a strong recovery in earnings. And while rates are coming down, a big fall would occur as economic growth is weakening, which isn’t traditionally supportive for share prices.
By banking on a soft landing, investors may also ignore the potential for US growth to either fall faster and cause a hard landing, or remain resilient, creating a sort of no-landing scenario, where the anticipated rate cuts don’t come at all, and inflation accelerates.
But that’s next year’s problem. The question that matters right now is this: after this stunning rally, do stocks still offer enough reward for the level of risk out there?
Rabz Johnson is right, again.
Pharqued in the head is the lunatic.
Spoiler alert. The TV series ‘The Beauty Queen of Jerusalem’ depicts Jewish life in Israel prior to 1948. I thoroughly enjoyed it and learned a lot. There is one young man, of Hasidic (side curls) upbringing who is illegitimate and wishes to marry but his fiance is forbidden to him due to his illegitimacy. These innocent and good young people deeply in love are thwarted at the start of adult life. The situation is resolved by a visit to a theological rabbi who makes a surprisingly inventive theologically-sound judgement that frees the young man of his illegitimacy. These things can be done.
I’ll leave it for Jewish believers to explain how Judaism regards those prohibitions and punishments but for Christians it’s quite simple – the Mosaic covenant has been superseded by the new covenant.
No such thing has happened with the Quran, the interpretation of which very much depends on the social setting.
There was a young girl of Cape Cod
Who thought babies were fashioned by God,
But ’twas not the Almighty who hiked up her nightie –
‘Twas Roger, the lodger, by God!
It’s Joe Biden’s Fault He Can’t Get the Ukraine Funding
The man was utterly insensate during his Tuesday press conference.
On Tuesday, Volodymyr Zelensky was in Washington with his hand out, and specifically he’s interested in another $60 billion of your money on top of the $100 billion he and his people already have.
So far, Zelensky’s asks haven’t received much in the way of answers.
It’s almost like Uncle Sam isn’t interested in playing Uncle Santa — or worse, Uncle Santa has checked his list and found Zelensky naughty this Christmas.
The real problem Ukraine has in getting that $60 billion in military and intragovernmental aid from the U.S. Congress isn’t Zelensky’s pitch, and it isn’t the weariness of the American people over an inconclusive war nearly two years in duration at this point.
The problem Zelensky has is Joe Biden — to the extent that Joe Biden even truly exists anymore.
The kind of money we’re talking about here is over the top, after all.
Spending $160 billion in less than two years on Ukraine would be more lavish than even the money we spent on allies in World War II.
For example, the massive aid we gave to the Soviet Union from 1941–45 under the Lend-Lease program totaled $11.3 billion, or about $180 billion in today’s money.
All of Lend-Lease, which included aid to 30 different countries, was $50 billion over four years.
The Marshall Plan rebuilt Western Europe for $13.2 billion, or close to $200 billion in today’s money, and that was over four years from 1948–52.
And what do we have to show for the $100 billion we’ve already spent?
True enough. And if you have been recklessly hysterical in your forward analysis you lose the lot.
Israel will survive, Duk. There is a hell of a lot of nuance and complexity in middle-eastern politics which i think you ignore. I don’t think it is reckless to analyse things differently from you.
So we’re talking about the NBN?
Good artilce in the Oz today on Chrissy toadying to the COP28.
“Welcome to this column and I begin today by acknowledging the Mesopotamians, the Kassites in Babylon, the Gurgum and the Kummah, and pay our respects to the First Persian Empire but not the second or god forbid the third.
In a spirit of reconciliation, we apologise to those who lost loved ones in the Battle of Pelusium and to Phanes of Halicarnassus in particular. Sorry about the sea of skulls in the Nile basin. Our bad.
Earlier this week, the speech by Climate Change and Energy Minister Chris Bowen to COP28 in Dubai should have started this way, if it were a welcome to country as we know it. Or possibly welcome to another country.”
One of the spineless men representing this country.
The weeping and the wailing can be done by the women and the beta males in their own time (quite a bit of that in evidence here already).
Ha! ha! Now…now…!
Seriously, you can be both a historical observer…and then…in your own time and space…weep for the desecrated humanity.
Bungonia Bee
Dec 14, 2023 9:48 AM
Plibeserk says everything is rosy in the financial garden, and Labor fixed it all.
She doesn’t know much about Finance (unless it’s her own finances) and as a truly inept Environment Minister, SFA about the Garden.
My impartiality places me so far above having to think about that.
COP28 — one big global psy-op to screw more money out of a few patsies
By Jo Nova
What did I say?
After the near collapse of climate talks, global leaders “rescued” COP28 at the last minute, scoring top marks in Climate Bingo: the talks are “historic“, “landmark“, “unprecedented” and use the actual phrase “transition away from fossil fuels” for the first time ever.
Be still my beating heart.
A hundred billionaires met with 70,000 hanger-onerers, using millions of dollars mostly taken from other people, and have decided they need to do it all again.
The point of these meetings is to issue more press releases, reward the faithful underlings, arrange golden handshakes behind the scenes, and transfer billions of dollars from the riff raff to the Private-Jet-Class.
This glorious goal is achieved when the Grand UN Performance of vague non-binding Hopium is used to fool investors and voters in domestic theatres.
And so it comes to pass that all nations have finally agreed to do what they were doing anyway.
But UN-speak translates the nothingness into hyperbole:
“The agreement marks “the beginning of the end of fossil fuels” — UNFCCC
The president of the European Commission has welcomed the COP28 agreement, hailing it a “global turning point”. –more Sky News.
Despite that — the world continues on the transition to fossil fuels and away from wood and donkeys, while everyone — except the patsies — plays the game and pretends to power themselves with sunshine and breezes.
Oblivious to the trillions of dollars being spent, 82% of the world’s energy still comes from fossil fuels, and the new annual growth in fossil fuels is so fast that all the additional unreliable energy sources added this year cannot even keep up with it.
The theater of the absurd
Old Ozzie, those Marshall Plan and Lend Lease figures you quote are a timely reminder of how much modern economies are capable of both funding and the recipients of this funding of responding to post-war reconstruction. If Gaza was well funded by Arab nations intent of rebuilding something worthwhile from the ruins of Hamas, with Israeli cooperation, then I think we might be in a different ball game to that proposed by Duk.
I don’t expect our beloved Princess Lisa will be a pushover. Remember, she is a Kerry Packer protege.
Several Hamas leaders left Qatar for an unknown destination, turning off their phones and not accepting calls, KAN’s Arabic language channel reported citing sources in Doha on Tuesday evening.
Additionally, on Tuesday, KAN news reported that Saleh al-Arouri, a senior member of Hamas, left his usual residence in Beirut for Turkey.
Mossad may not be the Mossad of the past. But I, sure as hell, wouldn’t want to be those guys as Israel’s focus shifts towards them.
Argentina’s diabolical debt burden outlined.
A hundred billionaires met with 70,000 hanger-onerers, using millions of dollars mostly taken from other people, and have decided they need to do it all again.
The point of these meetings is to issue more press releases, reward the faithful underlings, arrange golden handshakes behind the scenes, and transfer billions of dollars from the riff raff to the Private-Jet-Class.
Isn’t Jo great?????
There’s been plenty of Islamic reformers throughout history but they all fell foul of the literalists.
The Mu’tazila movement of the tenth century had an interpretive version of faith. It was wiped out by the literalists after the movement showed a good deal of cruel intolerance itself.
It still survives as a philosophical concept in some Muslim centres. It’s a great pity it doesn’t atttact more adherents as it’s a faith that is open to self questioning.
Yep. Thanks again Old Ozzie for the brief account from Jo Nova’s blog. She’s always good value. I know, like Quadrant, that one can flip over to the actual site, but like many I use the Cat to collect my thoughts for the day and I don’t always have time to attend other sites daily. These links are reminders too of what bounty lies elsewhere.
I’d still put my money on Mossad, indeed.
I’m not sure why some people are so furious at Duk. I also believe there is a reasonable probability that Israel, as it is currently constituted, will not survive over the long term. (Note ‘reasonable probability’. I am not certain it will not. There is a reasonable probability it will.) I would say this about any relatively small population surrounded by a much larger population prone to antipathy towards that small population.
That much smaller population can certainly protect itself through various means, which is what Israel has successfully done over the years. Israel maintains regional military superiority and has the almost unconditional backing of a superpower. Neither of these guarantees are permanent, however. If one or both of these guarantees falls away, what then?
Also, I don’t like it. If I had to pick sides, I’m on Team Israel in a heartbeat. But that doesn’t change my view above.
Absolutely bloody hilarious.
Many senior Hamas figures released in exchange for Gilad Shalit reside in Turkey.
Mossad was calling and they’re off!
Qatar getting fed up with protecting them too.
Qatar is also keen on keeping the American base in its huge new airport.
And Qatar Air (a good airline) doesn’t want the tag of being Hamas Air?
Mossad might seek them out in Yemen?
Read David Sharaz’s paranoid email to Lisa Wilkinson – after court heard Brittany Higgins was ‘terrified’ the government were going to stop her airing rape allegations on The Project
. David Sharaz sent an email titled ‘everything you need’
From the Comments
– will there ever be an investigation into this puppetmaster Sharaz
– What is Lisa Wilkinson wearing each day? Did she raid Hilary Clinton’s pant suit wardrobe?
– Can we have our millions back now?
– Pay back the money and jail them all. This is an absolute farce
Explain another Holocaust but don’t express an opinion about it. Have a nice day.
The Mu’tazila movement of the tenth century had an interpretive version of faith. It was wiped out by the literalists after the movement showed a good deal of cruel intolerance itself.
Gez, in my misspent youth I dabbled in the mystic Sufi movement. Still loved to watch the dervishes when we were in Turkey, though most is for tourists these days.
We also went to Konya, and saw the tomb (as I recall, or it may have been remains of) of Jalaluddin Muhammad Balkhi Rumi.
As an analyst, what is your assessment of what might happen should Israel, having been abandoned by the rest of the world, which you have already assessed as being inevitable, be in imminent danger of being overwhelmed, with the inevitable result of rape, torture and murder on a mass scale?
So Turkey it is, Roger. Hamas Seniors like their luxury too much for Yemen.
Hamas Air
Brilliant, Lizzie!!!
I’m also not entirely comfortable with Israel’s bombing campaign in Gaza. Flooding the tunnel networks, however – that is great. Hope you didn’t forget to pack your snorkel, Habib! Oh look there’s a starfish.
Many senior Hamas figures released in exchange for Gilad Shalit reside in Turkey.
I did not know that, Roger. But stands to reason. I am just not a fan of Turkey, and can’t stand Erdogan.
You’re, at best, a disingenuous interlocutor who isn’t worth engaging with.
Usman Khawaja to fight protest ban after Cricket Australia told opener NOT to wear pro-Palestine shoes… and Pat Cummins throws his support behind his teammate
. Usman Khawaja has responded to his Cricket Australia ban
. He has been told not to wear shoes bearing a political message
. Khawaja says he was sharing a ‘humanitarian message’
Usman Khawaja to fight protest ban after Cricket Australia told opener NOT to wear pro-Palestine shoes… and Pat Cummins throws his support behind his teammate
Usman Khawaja has responded to his Cricket Australia ban
He has been told not to wear shoes bearing a political message
Khawaja says he was sharing a ‘humanitarian message’
Usman Khawaja says he will fight his ban after Cricket Australia prevented him from sharing a ‘humanitarian message’ of peace amid the war in Gaza.
Khawaja, a proud Muslim, revealed plans to wear shoes bearing the slogans ‘freedom is a human right’ and ‘all lives matter’ during Australia’s Test match against Pakistan in Perth on Thursday.
However, cricket’s governing body has told Khawaja to ‘uphold’ their rules on banning the display of personal messages.
From the Comments
– Stand him down now and send him off to Gaza.
– This is not a ‘humanitarian message’, it’s propaganda, & the ban should be enforced.
– Stand hm down put a player in that has his mind on playing and winning for Australia.
– Perhaps he should relocate there & open bat for the Palestine 1st 11.
– Is it any wonder why we no longer watch the cricket? It used to be about damn good players who earned the right to play for their country with pride and we just loved it! Now we have flogs who just want to make it all about them and their unappreciated personal opinions taking precedence over the game! Miss you Warnie!
Erdogan’s recent warnings to Israel not to attempt covert operations within Turkey’s borders might indicate invitations have already been sent.
Wilkinson wearing her Gitmo dress.
Genocidal rapists and baby beheaders lives matter!
‘All lives matter’: Treasurer backs Khawaja protest (Paywallian*)
No Jim you are wrong, and so is Usman. Why do you think we fought in WW2 and so many Australian service personnel died? It was to defeat monsters just like the Gazans.
Scratch the paint of a Labor Party critter, find an antisemite underneath the facade.
(* Oz mainpage headline, not directly linkable since it’s in the Politics Now thread.)
Lisa up.
cane toad being sworn in..
Bible hasnt combusted as shes sworn in, so thats an early win for her.
As an analyst, what is your assessment of what might happen should Israel, having been abandoned by the rest of the world, which you have already assessed as being inevitable, be in imminent danger of being overwhelmed, with the inevitable result of rape, torture and murder on a mass scale?
I’ve already answered that, they go down fighting, Masada style, but they *dont* invoke the Sampson option because that would mean the end of the 7 million jews who live outside Israel, not just the 7 million inside it.
Islam is a death cult, Judaism isnt….. why would they chose to lose *all* of their population, instead of half?
I’m not sure why some people are so furious at Duk. I also believe there is a reasonable probability that Israel, as it is currently constituted, will not survive over the long term.
We all love our Duk, who served the truth so valiantly in the dark days of the Covid vaccine frenzy. We still do, I am sure.
But the nature of the attack on 7 October – which, I note, the world is reluctantly acknowledging – changed the playing field in so many ways. Yes, there are logistical imperatives to this struggle that can’t be ignored. But the world is an ever changing feast – politically, with allegiances shifting in subtle ways. I think that in such situations you need to look at the reality of the logistics – but never stop believing in the principles by which you live.
I saw OldOzzie came in for some harsh criticism recently. Excessively harsh and unwarranted, I’d say, that said more about the critic than the criticised party.
If he posts something interesting, I read. If I’m not interested, I scroll. Where’s the harm?
He’s a helluva lot better than freaking Henry Ergas who used only to post a link to, and a single line from, his paywalled article. That was frustrating and added no value whatsoever. I think it also signaled a certain contempt for the platform and its users, but hey. It was Sinc’s house and Sinc’s rules back then.
Anyway, post away, OldOzzie. Unless dover tells you to stop, then you should probably stop 😀
She hasn’t fainted yet, nor in tears.
It won’t be long before we’re hearing ‘Hamas has legitimate grievances’ from Labor.
I’m ready for my close-up Mr DeMille.
In an orange Hilary Clinton pantsuit, if you please.
Erdogan is a malevolent excuse for a human but what exactly are his options if any covert operation succeeds? As it most likely will.
Bluster will only take you so far.
US requests Australian navy warships for Red Sea duty.
Cane toad claiming shes never had training in contempt…
Chanel 10 insurers calling HR now..
Your cold, impartial, analysis has just (IMHO) drifted into wishful thinking.
I was going to suggest he could put official sanctions on exports/imports, but too many of his cronies benefit from the trade. Not only is he a blowhard, he’s also a hypocrite.
PS, you have never answered that question so explicitly, you have several times left a “creeping assumption” (h/t Daniel Andrews) hanging in the ether.
Ooh that was a quick downtick! Sorry Henry, but you were a pain in the arse and I’m glad you don’t have main page posting rights anymore.
Also, you developed TDS, which is basically intellectual rabies. It’s incurable and means pretty much everything else you say should be ignored.
TDS is a far more dangerous and deadly mind pathogen than its predecessor, BDS. That turned out to be a temporary affliction cured by Strange New Respect antibodies created when Bush went full RINO and by the TDS infection.
I cannot see Trump ever going full RINO. And even if he did, they’d still hate him. I don’t think there’s anything Trump could do that would cure TDS.
What matters is Israel’s capacity to create glass rather than its actually doing so. If Israel was so pressed that it did nuke elsewhere while going under itself then as Vicki notes and as I have too, the realpolitik would change. That would not necessarily mean the killing of every Jew elsewhere in the world. Israel however is very unlikely to nuke anywhere. It’s nuclear bombs are very big stick though.
Iran though might nuke Israel, and if Israel got the wind of that then all bets are off, even though I think tactical strikes might be the outcome not a complete glassing.
I expect that extreme political pressure is about to descend on a judge.
We’re about to find out how much pressure.
Its. I hate it when I type on auto.
Marles’s wedgie must be getting quite painful right now.
Sending a frigate to support Israel is not going to go down well in certain suburbs.
Greg Sheridan:
Incoherent: Labor is all over the shop while allies stand firm (Paywallian)
At least the Greens have been out and proud Jew-hating Nazis. Labor hypocrisy is rapidly turning up to 11.
Was it a conscious decision of Wilkinson to dress like she’s auditioning for a genderfluid version of Bargearse?
FBI’s assurances no longer cut it in an age of politicized intelligence
By Editorial Board – The Washington Times – Wednesday, December 13, 2023
The intelligence community says it has mended its ways.
The appearance of contrition is necessary because the law allowing federal agents to scoop up the private communications of American citizens under the guise of protecting us from foreign enemies expires at month’s end.
To keep that from happening, the FBI’s allies have devised a “reform” bill designed to make voting for reauthorization of expiring Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act provisions more palatable.
Federal agents cite the law’s Section 702 to justify cloak-and-dagger operations against those accused of being agents of a foreign power.
More accurately, that’s the story you’re supposed to believe.
Whistleblower Edward Snowden provided the top-secret documents showing the National Security Agency didn’t care much about legal authority when it created the PRISM and XKeyscore programs, a massive surveillance dragnet plugging directly into the servers at Apple, Google, Microsoft and other tech giants.
These tools make every American’s personal information, browsing history and voice chats available from a convenient search interface — no warrant needed.
Critics on both sides of the political aisle complained the expanded post-9/11 surveillance authorities would one day be abused for political ends.
In 2016, the prediction came true.
The leadership of the FBI and the Department of Justice used false information supplied by Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign — the notorious Steele dossier — to falsely claim that members of the Trump campaign were foreign agents.
The G-men took those lies and ran with them to open a full-blown investigation.
Then-FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith doctored an email to falsely portray Trump aide Carter Page as a spy for Russia.
These lies were repeated to Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court judges who provided rubber-stamp approval to an unprecedented surveillance effort against a leading presidential campaign.
After Donald Trump was elected in November 2016, the FBI dispatched agent Joe Pientka to spy on Mr. Trump under the false pretense of providing intelligence briefings to the president-elect.
After the inauguration, then-FBI Director James Comey took notes on private meetings with President Trump that he then leaked to The New York Times as a means of undermining the new administration.
DOJ Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz said Mr. Comey “set a dangerous example for the over 35,000 current FBI employees” through his actions, and it’s an example still followed.
Special counsel Jack Smith, an ambitious federal prosecutor, is using the snooping tools at his disposal to jail Mr. Trump, the leading threat to President Biden’s 2024 reelection bid.
On Monday, Mr. Smith told a federal court he will call a witness who “reviewed and analyzed data on [Mr. Trump’s] phone … including analyzing images found on the phones and websites visited” while Mr. Trump was president.
Prying into the private musings of a president in this way is an astonishing abuse.
The temptation to abuse any domestic intelligence gathering capabilities — not just Section 702 authority — is overwhelming.
Rep. Mike Turner, the Republican who chairs the House Intelligence Committee, authored FISA reform legislation requiring FBI supervisor approval for all warrantless surveillance.
As recounted above, however, the top FBI officials were all in on the plot. Mr. Turner’s legislation would accomplish nothing.
That’s why the nation would be better off allowing Section 702 to expire and considering whether it makes sense to ever put such awesome domestic spying capabilities in the hands of an unaccountable few.
They’ll frame it as protecting international shipping, which it will be doing, at least at the outset.
Grate. So not only are Jew hating moozley arab sh*theads (who should never have been allowed into this country in the first place) dictating domestic policy (e.g. non policing of protests and “hate speech”), they’re now dictating foreign policy as well.
Mind you sending a RAN vessel into a war zone would be a likely death sentence for all onboard, so probably unnecessary and a hindrance.
From the Oz.
Oh noes!
Panama Canal backlog risks chardonnay shortage (13 Dec, via Instapundit)
That’s just terrible! Maybe they’ll have to buy chardonnay from someplace else, like Cessnock.
We also went to Konya, and saw the tomb (as I recall, or it may have been remains of) of Jalaluddin Muhammad Balkhi Rumi
I hope you sniffed the beard of Mo the Proph. Generally there is a queue snaking around a box with small hole. It is supposed to smell of rose water. Not to me, I am afraid.
On the Islam issue, over time there have been movements to split to Koran. The early part set in Mecca versus the later being the warlord of Medina. Needless to say anyone who comes up with this one was killed. The late Fr Paul Stenhouse , editor of Annals Australasia, was an expert on this topic and many others related to the “Religion of Peace”.
Hamas Creates New Terrorist Group to Destroy Lebanon
by Khaled Abu Toameh December 11, 2023
On December 4, the Iran-backed Palestinian terror group Hamas announced the establishment of a new terrorist group in Lebanon….
. Hamas, in short, is saying that it is planning a similar invasion of Israel, but this time from Lebanon.
. Lebanese journalist Tony Bouloss warned that Hamas’s intention is to establish a new terror group in Lebanon that could… turn it into “Hamas Land.” “Hezbollah wants to turn Lebanon into a new Afghanistan, attracting all terrorist organizations in the world so that Lebanon becomes an alternative homeland for rogue groups.” – Tony Bouloss, X (Twitter), December 4, 2023.
. According to reports, Hezbollah recently permitted the deployment of 400 Palestinians affiliated with Hamas along the border with Israel. The coordination between the two terror groups is taking place under the direct supervision of their masters in Iran….
“This [Hamas] statement is unacceptable, neither in form nor in content,” said Samir Geagea, head of the Lebanese Forces Party.
“It harms Lebanese sovereignty and is again trying to harm the relationship between the Lebanese and Palestinians.”
Geagea pointed out that the Hamas decision to establish the new terror group in Lebanon could not have been taken without the approval of Iran’s Lebanese proxy, Hezbollah.
“It is well-established that Hamas and other organizations in Lebanon are subject to the command and decision of Hezbollah,” he said. “It is next to impossible for them to carry out any military action without the knowledge and approval of the party [Hezbollah]. There is no possibility for Hamas to issue such a statement had it not been for Hezbollah’s actual signature on it.”
Lebanese parliament member Ashraf Rifi, a former general director of the Lebanese Internal Security Forces,
denounced Hamas’s decision as a “serious mistake” and called for its reversal. “Lebanon is not an arena for resistance [against Israel] or those who are deceived,” Rifi warned. “We reject this announcement. My advice to you [Hamas]: ‘Do not sink into the shifting Lebanese sands, otherwise the loss with be great.’”
Ultimately, the war Israel is currently waging against Hamas will weaken the Iran-led axis of evil in the Middle East; embolden Arabs to speak out against Hamas, Hezbollah and other terror groups, and finally hugely improve the lives of all the Arabs and Palestinians in the region by working toward peace with Israel.
If you are interested in his brilliant articles here is a list He was a linguist, with a deep knowledge of Islam. He worked in Lebanon, Indonesia and more.
Absolutely, Mole.
No journo gets beyond fetching the subs’ chinese food without being immersed in contempt and sub judice law, as well as mastering arse-saving locutions such as “raises serious questions about” and “some might think”.
The idea that Mrs Pirate knows nothing of how not to annoy the bench is absurd.
She edited two magazines. Lawyers’ counsel and their intense on-site education in regard to sensitive stories would have been inevitable
I don’t know, seems to me anti semiticism is intrinsic to islam, it’s a central tenant in their colour by numbers holy book and as Ali points out it doesn’t matter that hardly any of the world’s 1.9 billion Muslims have ever laid eyes on a Jew.
Extwitter, which of course, isn’t the room is full of antisemitic comments from Malaysia, the Philippines, Indonesia, Pakistan etc etc
The hope really is secular muslims who repudiate their littered with inconsistencies hatefilled religion.
Cane toad on its hind trotters saying it would have been insensitive to have checked the photos of the bruise on Hoggins’ leg.
Followed by throwing Lewellen under the bus as the person meant to check everything.
Poor, stupid Angus Llewellyn is being pushed further under the bus, inch by inch.
Perhaps she was too young and naive to understand?
Dec 14, 2023 11:11 AM
If you are interested in his brilliant articles here is a list He was a linguist, with a deep knowledge of Islam. He worked in Lebanon, Indonesia and more.
Thanks JohnJJJ,
Interesting List of Articles – have emailed link to myself to read when back in Sydney
Sending a frigate to support Israel…
Want US nuclear submarines? = man up when they call….
Khawaja, a proud Muslim
Oxymoron of the year; even better than the proud 3rd nations moniker the losers and sundry grifters attach to their names.
But what a team the Aussies have: capt climate change, Mr Sonny Bill fuked my wife at one end and the proud fuking muzzie at the other. I hope the pakis roll them for 50 and the test is over in a day.
Poll: Do you support the most recent military aid package for Ukraine?
Yes, it is important – 36 (13%)
Yes, but we should do more – 22 (8%)
No, it’s too much – 46 (17%)
No, we should stop entirely – 163 (61%)
Dec 14, 2023 10:54 AM
FBI’s assurances no longer cut it in an age of politicized intelligence
By Editorial Board – The Washington Times – Wednesday, December 13, 2023
For what they did to Trump, the US and the world, in a just world, every one of these swine would be executed.
Reposted from wrong thread:
Richard Landes, in Can “The Whole World” Be Wrong? (2022), warns that the convergence of Western postmodern (woke) millennialists with Islamic pre-modern Caliphators is a marriage made in hell. To conflate apocalyptic Global Jihad with the bending of history towards justice is a madness all of its own. If we continue down this track, the West—not just Israel—will be in even deeper peril. That may be the ultimate meaning of October 7.
This is the conclusion by a very good article by Daryl McCann on the significance of the October 7 attack in the latest edition of Quadrant.
Oh wow.
That’s a devastating intervention by Lee.
Game, set and gavel up the clacker.
Justice Michael Lee cut in: “Would you accept … that a woman would not be showing unwavering courage, if she made a false allegation of rape … against an innocent man?”
Ms Wilkinson: “Yes, I accept that.”
Justice Lee: “Does not follow that if you say that someone’s showing unwavering courage, it means they’re making a true allegation of rape against a guilty man?”
Ms Wilkinson: “Yes.”
Got to do some work but this shows that the bastards are still winning:
Irish teacher jailed indefinitely for refusing to call a male student a girl.
Teacher Enoch Burke who taught History and German refused to use the preferred pronouns of a trans student and use ‘they/them’ pronouns.
He was then fired from his job and banned from going near the school.
The school then got a court order against him but he refused the court order and was subsequently arrested and jailed.
He now remains in jail indefinitely and won’t be released until he agrees to comply with the court order.
I think I’d show unwavering courage if I was in danger of losing $2.4 million.
Boston Mayor Michelle Wu plans no WHITES holiday party for councilors: Aide accidentally sent group email invite meant only for ‘electeds of color’
. Boston Mayor Michelle Wu planned a Christmas Holiday Party exclusively for ‘electeds of color’
. An aide to the mayor accidentally emailed the exclusive party to the whole city council chamber
. The move to host a racially segregated party sparked outrage, with one city councilor branding it ‘unfortunate and divisive’
The Democratic mayor of Boston has sparked outrage after inviting city councilors to a holiday party intended only for ‘electeds of color.’
Michelle Wu’s invitation for the December 13 ‘Electeds of Color Holiday Party’ appeared to have been sent out to all councilors in error by her aide, Denise DosSantos.
DosSantos followed up the email 15 minutes later apologizing for the invite, clarifying that it was only meant for the city’s six councilors of color. The seven white council members were not welcome.
‘I wanted to apologize for my previous email regarding a Holiday Party for tomorrow,’ DosSantos, a black woman, wrote. ‘I did send that to everyone by accident, and I apologize if my email may have offended or came across as so. Sorry for any confusion this may have caused.’
There was no apology for actually planning to host a racially segregated party. Wu was slammed by outgoing City Councilor Frank Baker, who told the Boston Herald that it was ‘unfortunate and divisive.’
Now she may have to donate one of her homes to Bruce and his lawyers and maybe another to her lawyer.
I also believe there is a reasonable probability that Israel, as it is currently constituted, will not survive over the long term.
The long term is obviously a long time. I believe Israel can survive but they cannot do so with Gaza and the West Bank and a few million rabid Jew hating Palestinians continuing to exist inside their internationally recognised original border.
There is no solution that involves Israel surviving under the current situation. Pretending there may be is a folly….
Let’s hear some more crap about how this war is white supremacist Jews oppressing poor downtrodden brown people.
Another Israel hostage death was confirmed today as well.
both Tanzanians taken hostage now confirmed to have been murdered
Till Peters is bleeding out on the steps of the NZ parliament having committed hari kari I think I will take his declarations of loyalty with a grain of salt. Not quite Tony Windsor but I’m sure they would enjoy each other’s company.
I doubt it.
The job is done.
What do they care what happens to Ten or the Toad.
They will just circle the wagons around Mark Doofus and Katie Gallagher.
I have just remembered one other way Israel can “win”in the long term.
One nuke on the UN.
The Pallis only exist because they are the only people in the world born with birthright refugee status.
Does not exist in any other form for any other group (some individuals can be stateless by birth, but its rare).
The sheer amount of funding and support for the “governments” of Palliban keeps the grift going.
Mr Richardson finally gets to the obvious question.
Britnah’s phone was completely wiped (possibly by Mossad) but the infamous bruise photo survives.
How can this be, he wonders aloud.
Welcome to Energy in Australian under The Australian Labor Party & Labor Blackout Bowen
NSW heatwave sparks energy shortfall warning, residents urged to reduce electricity from 5pm to 9pm
NSW residents struggling through a blistering day have been asked to turn off the airconditioning, and delay using non-essential appliances on Thursday night.
Jessica Wang
NSW residents have been asked to consider turning off their airconditioning, and delay using their dishwashers, washing machines and dryers on Thursday night, with a heatwave straining the state’s energy supply.
The state has been hit with a heatwave warning from the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM), with temperatures in western Sydney set to hit 40C, and the mercury rising to 37C in Sydney.
The high temperatures has caused the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) to forecast a forecast Lack of Reserve 2 (LOR2) for NSW, which warns of a “significant reduction” in predetermined electricity reserve levels, with electricity usage expected to peak between 5pm to 9pm.
NSW Labor Energy Minister Penny Sharpe implored households to help ease the strain on the energy network by limiting their non-essential energy usage during Thursday’s peak, however stressed it was a “precautionary measure”.
She asked people to turn off their pool pumps between 5pm to 9pm, or delay starting their dishwashers, dryers and washing machines until tomorrow morning.
“Every small bit of action that we take will make it much easier to make sure that the grid stays on and there’s not a problem,” she said.
“No one is forced to do any of this. We’re just simply saying, when you go home tonight, if you don’t need to use your dryer, or you don’t need to put the dishwasher on until tomorrow morning, just please do that.”
The state has been hit with a heatwave warning from the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM), with temperatures in western Sydney set to hit 40C, and the mercury rising to 37C in Sydney.
The high temperatures has caused the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) to forecast a forecast Lack of Reserve 2 (LOR2) for NSW, which warns of a “significant reduction” in predetermined electricity reserve levels, with electricity usage expected to peak between 5pm to 9pm.
Ms Sharpe said she had been told a unit had gone out at one of the state’s coal-fired power station, which contributed to the strain, however she said this wasn’t “unusual” activity.
While there is no impact to consumers predicted at this time, AEMO’s warning issues a call to generators to feed more energy supply into the grid, or for large commercial consumers to reduce their energy usage.
Government agencies have also been asked to reduce their electricity use, including switching off non-essential lights, and reducing their airconditioning where safe and feasible.
Ms Sharpe warned NSW may experience further energy supply shortfalls as the summer progresses. The government will be analysing how reductions in energy usage during peak periods can impact demand on the grid, using Thursday night as an example.
Toad Bunions, in resplendent orange, was grilled by Richardson today.
Plenty of oozing condescension and superiority to the SC’s questions, just like Angus.
Unlike Angus, long pauses in answering killer questions on journalistic responsibility, checking of details and contradictions on Hoggins’ cock-n-bull story about all those photos and messages being lost.
Lots of “I can’t recall!” to queries on obvious holes in her story,
Michael Lee doing even more questioning than he did with Angus. Very sharp.. would have cut through all the BS much more quickly had he been running the case.
But at least we now know that Toad’s not tech-savvy, leaving all the hard facts lifting to that genius Angus.
Which begs the question for Channel 10: Why are you still defending this?
Spot on, areff.
Lisa Wilkinson’s assertion that she never learnt contempt law is complete bullshit.
She was editor/editor-in-chief of a series of high-profile magazines and was expected to caste an eye over everything in the publishing queue on its way to be vetted by the lawyers.
Sounds to me like she is going to try to push someone else under the bus. I believe judge Michael Lee saw her coming and the only thing in question is the size of the damages award against Network 10 she is responsible for.
I hope libel insurers start demanding safeguards against the frequent excesses of editorial activists at 10, the Nine papers, the Guardian, etc, who are becoming expensive and reckless legal liabilities.
“Dunno. Mr Llewellyn was the sole point of contact.”
So many buses this morning, Angus, and they all seem to have your name on them.
Tesla files recall on 2 million vehicles to fix autopilot software
Tesla is recalling about two million cars to limit the use of the Autopilot function after a long investigation by US regulators.
The US traffic safety regulator has confirmed Tesla is recalling over two million vehicles, almost all of the cars it sold in the US, due to a risk associated with its Autopilot software.
The mass recall follows a two-year investigation into about 1000 crashes that occurred when the tech was in use.
Documents posted yesterday by US safety regulators said the update would increase warnings and alerts to drivers and even limit the areas where basic versions of Autopilot can operate.
“Tesla has now filed a safety recall with the agency related to its Autopilot software system,” the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) said, adding that “affected vehicles will receive an over-the-air software remedy.”
The recall covers nearly all 2 million Tesla vehicles on US roads.
In a statement, the regulator said Tesla’s autopilot system “can provide inadequate driver engagement and usage controls that can lead to foreseeable misuse of the system”.
If Autopilot is misused or if the driver fails to recognise that the function is activated, the risk of an accident could be higher, NHTSA said.
Vehicles will be updated to include more alerts encouraging drivers to keep their hands on the steering wheel.
AEMO is mandated by the government to operate the system.
This is sheer incompetence by AEMO.
A case where “shoot the messenger” is apt.
I hope libel insurers start demanding safeguards against the frequent excesses of editorial activists at 10, the Nine papers, the Guardian, etc, who are becoming expensive and reckless legal liabilities.
You can add the ABC to that list. So much Taxpayer money pissed up the wall.
Dec 14, 2023 11:48 AM
Welcome to Energy in Australian under The Australian Labor Party & Labor Blackout Bowen
NSW heatwave sparks energy shortfall warning, residents urged to reduce electricity from 5pm to 9pm
NSW residents struggling through a blistering day have been asked to turn off the airconditioning, and delay using non-essential appliances on Thursday night.
My response is – Build another Power Station that can provide base load electricity for the next 50 years.
yeah but…
much easier to just accuse Dr Duk of wrong-think
“Did you ever check the phone had been checked”…
“No i was told it was no longer an issue”.
Thats not entirely convincing Mrs Toad
Inquired to the team…
Escalated up the chain…
But didnt ask herself.
Boomers in Government have failed us’: Gen Z launches ambitious Australian political party
A new Gen Z Australian political party has emerged with some incredible demands – here’s what young Australia is asking for.
Jack Evans
An emerging Australian political party is writing serious cheques, demanding free university, no income tax for under 25s, net zero and nuclear power, and drug decriminalisation.
And it’s hoping to get it done with an army of political social media influencers.
The Gen Z Party emerged from the ether this week in a boomer-bashing squall.
“The Boomers in government have failed us,” its promotional material declares.
“The fossils in government must go.”
There are around 4.6 million Zoomers (ages 11 to 26) in Australia at last count, close to one-fifth of Australia’s population, and it’s the voters and political aspirants among that demographic that 19-year-old Melbournian Thomas Dolan wants to mobilise.
“There’s 4.6 million Gen Zs in Australia with more turning 18 every year, and we all have to vote, but it’s like “who do we vote for?” he said.
“Yeah, we have Labor and the Greens, but there’s no total alignment.”
“Why are we voting for a bunch of lawyers to speak about our common experience and to represent us in parliament?”
What do they want?
If the self-proclaimed “socially progressive” party’s policy reforms are at all a reflection of the generation, it offers some interesting insights.
The policy initiatives, Mr Dolan said, are inspired by government-run youth summits that largely steer clear from social reform but share radical ideas for an economic and environmental overhaul.
The party’s environmental plan involves joining forces with The Greens in their push for Net Zero while ensuring all Australians become “fair and equal shareholders” of Australia’s natural wealth, first through taxing profits of “dirty exports” and by restoring resource mines to the National Trust.
The Zoomers want to see “burdensome tax penalties” on transnational companies operating in Australia that create or use single-use plastic items.
Gen Z party states it also wants any profit from exported coal redirected to provide Australians with free electricity and fund the transition to clean energy.
As for clean energy, the party surprisingly states it’s willing to embrace Australia’s energy boogeyman – nuclear power – citing its effectiveness in China, the United States, India and France.
“Make me sound like some cheap tabloid journalist”…
Lawyer lets that hang significantly.
That’s our darling kelpie.
Thanks, bons, for an entertaining and insightful post.
Jesus – didnt read Hoggins stat dec herself- someone else in the team did
Happy Gaiamas!
How to give gifts with the planet in mind (Phys.org, 13 Dec)
There you go Cats. You should re-gift “gently used goods” this Christmas. For the planet. It’s a great answer to the traditional question: what do I do with this soap-on-a-rope that my uncle gave me for my birthday?
Toad: I hate Linda Reynolds”…
Also toad: I was unbiased.
Is the poor old pensioner pleading the Nuremberg defense?
My favorite quote on ignorance:
Dozens of wronged washing machine repairmen tuning in to YouTube as they get their day in court.
Lisa La Toad is way, way, out of her depth. Intellectually, professionally, ethically and legally.
Obvious after only listening for 5 long minutes to her mental drowning under questioning.
Feeling deeply sorry for all those who have to endure sitting through this for their job.
Her so-called career should never recover from this debacle but, given the current state of the world, one would not like to lay good money on it.
C.L. at 11:34 and cohenite at 11:36.
I didn’t hear it live,but when I read the transcript I assumed it was Richardson asking that question.
I think Justice Lee has had a gutful of Channel Ten’s confected bullshit.
Lee now giving Crysanthou a thrashing over her objection to the questioning of Toad.
Said in meeting (Sharaz, with brite-knees present) “want Lerhmann to have difficulty every getting a job again”…
No pushback or query..
Defence tries to block questions about it.. denied.
As for clean energy, the party surprisingly states it’s willing to embrace Australia’s energy boogeyman – nuclear power – citing its effectiveness in China, the United States, India and France.
At least they have the brains to get this one right.
Not hearing much from the usual suspects about the war crime of murdering hostages.
Not in this household – three years ago when the Covid disaster was running amok, I decided I’d no longer tolerate the intolerable. I’ve lost some friends, but not many. And I’ve gained a few.
And my conscience is clear.
What’s Elbow’s NACC been doing all this time?
Given what this cabal of poisonous grifters cooked up between them, Brucie should do quite well out of this. Channel OneZero and the orange Toad not so much.
The Albo defence – ‘why would I?’
This is why I am pro-gun. Self defense. No sympathy from me for the guy twitching on the ground. His intent was clear and the driver said eff you.
Steve Inman:
Car Jackers Get Swiss Cheesed By Victim
Apparently that is the most dastardly accusation one can make … “tabloid”.
This cuts to the core.
This whole thing was to crown Toad’s career as a serious j’ism and expunge her history as the editor of “Dolly” and a spruiker of Danube cruises on brekkie TV.
Mmmyeah. Zero mention of justice for breaking the law by raping Britt.
Judge just poured kero on Wilkinson..
Evidence for coverup: 2 senior government came and saw her
Another senior advisor came and saw her to check she was ok..
Worse than watergate!!!
Also: (not judge) Whats the proof of coverup.
Toad: I know how politics works…
The Bible says:
Your own mouth condemns you, and not I; Yes, your own lips testify against you:
Let’s go to the transcript:
Mr Richardson: “Ms Wilkinson, I want to suggest to you that you were completely committed to supporting Ms Higgins?”
Ms Wilkinson: “I agree.”
Mr Richardson: “You had no intent of challenging her on anything?”
Ms Wilkinson: “I totally disagree.”
Mr Richardson: “You had no desire to check or scrutinise anything she said.
Ms Wilkinson: “I totally disagree.”
Mr Richardson: “You were entirely captured by your source, weren’t you?
Ms Wilkinson: “Can you define captured?”
Mr Richardson: “Entirely committed to supporting her version of events.”
Ms Wilkinson: “With scrutiny.”
Mr Richardson: “You were thrilled by the riveting commercial appeal of the story that she told.”
Ms Wilkinson: “Don’t make me sound like a cheap tabloid journalist Mr Richardson.”
A deduction by Britnah that a closed door meeting between a couple of PMO types and Brown must be about Britnah.
Richo : “Based on what?”
Toad : “Well, she’d never seen them there before.”
Richo : “But Britnah had only worked for Reynolds for three weeks at that point. How would she know how often they might meet?”
Toad : “Yes, but I know how politics works.
Richo : “That’s your answer, is it?”
Dec 14, 2023 11:24 AM
Poll: Do you support the most recent military aid package for Ukraine?
Yes, it is important – 36 (13%)
Yes, but we should do more – 22 (8%)
No, it’s too much – 46 (17%)
No, we should stop entirely – 163 (61%)
Airbus/Tennis Elbow. Don’t you know that there is a Cost of Living crisis here in Australia and that Charity begins at home. Now, with that Budget Surplus you could……………BUT you and your Cronies won’t. And you wasted over $400 million on the InVoice.
So out yer’ go in 2025. Good riddance to Bad Rubbish.
Where My Dad used to Teach – https://www.smh.com.au/national/nsw/north-sydney-boys-high-tops-the-hsc-for-the-first-time-20231212-p5er0s.html
Excellent Site from SMH – Kudos to SMH for a great layout
Exactly what I was thinking Sancho. One for Angus, and one each for everyone up the line.
Richardson: “You were entirely captured by your source. Weren’t you? You were thrilled by the riveting commercial appeal of the story that she told.”
Wilkinson: “Don’t make me sound like a cheap tabloid journalist, Mr Richardson.”
Great work from the security guard.
Bank robber is welcomed with open firearms
Denied with extreme prejudice.
I think a disconcerting thing for a witness is when a question gets asked and your brief gets on their hind legs to object.
You spend five minutes outside and return to hear the cross-examiner say, “Let me put that question again …”
The Canadian Army has now become invincible!
Canadian military to provide tampons for male soldiers (13 Dec)
I suppose you could use one for a bullet wound. There is that. Someone should ask Richard Marles when he’s going to do the same thing for tampon-deprived ADF guys.
Ms Wilkinson: “Don’t make me sound like a cheap tabloid journalist Mr Richardson.”
Well you are along with that bandana wearing fat slob of a husband you have. What a double act.
Walk into your local bank, and there’s the carcass of a would be bank robber, lying in the doorway…
Bruce of Newcastle
Dec 14, 2023 12:42 PM
The Canadian Army has now become invincible!
Canadian military to provide tampons for male soldiers (13 Dec)
I suppose you could use one for a bullet wound. There is that. Someone should ask Richard Marles when he’s going to do the same thing for tampon-deprived ADF guys.
They are the new face masks to combat Covid – ABC123XYZMumboJumbo
Her coverup is built on….. her vibe.
There was a young girl from Madras
Who had such a beautiful ass
Not round and pink
As you would think
But had long ears, a tail, and ate grass.
It has always been a mystery why Channel Ten didn’t settle.
Then it occurs to me.
If the in-house lawyers had cleared the broadcast, it isn’t a great look if you fold and pay damages as soon as the writ lobs. Enquiring minds at Paramount HQ Legal in the US might want to know why you cleared the broadcast in the first place. Better to lose in court and blame the vagaries of the Australian legal system.
I am not a cheap tabloid journalist. …or better said, I am not a cheap prostitute.
I am a moderately expensive…. but good value. Many happy customer. You leave Google like now.
Wilkinson said she believed there was a “lot of damage control going on within the prime minister’s office to keep this whole thing under wraps”.
Richardson asked what was the basis for her thinking there was a systemic cover up.
Wilkinson: “When within days, two of the most senior advisors to Prime Minister Scott Morrison turned up in the office, you know that damage control is going on.”
“Also the fact that she was just a junior staffer, and she was getting calls from senior members of Scott Morrison’s office on politically sensitive days for the Liberal party… checking in to make sure she’s okay.”
A cheap tabloid journalist would have been more self-aware & sceptical.
Not to mention across the legals.
What a stupid woman.
“Im reading between the lines because thats what we do as journalists”
Which enables her to ignore what was actually said.
äll of those versions could be true”.
Running from we will support you to you will lose your job.
One more.
The bloke in the grey copped a flogging but ultimately won. Another kick to the head would have been justified.
Steve Inman:
An armed robber takes a beating from his victim
Generally, I think she is holding her own (although a few embarrassing moments). At least a lot better than Llewelyn yesterday. Can any legals on these pages tell me where I’m wrong?
Lisa is good at reading between the lines.
Not sure if she also sees dead people.
The red tops are always better on scandals and in the gutter stuff.
‘I’m attuned to reading between the lines.’
The method, Cohenite – I want to know the method.
Fill in the blanks: W_od _hi–er.
I am not sure how the court stenographer would record Mr Richardson’s shrug.
Generally, I think she is holding her own (although a few embarrassing moments).
More importantly, what is she wearing? Asking for an influencer.
Well, that didn’t take long.. The second session between Bunions and Richardson showed gloves finally coming off..
Bunions digging her hole further, with every condescending, snarly answer, directly arguing with Richardson.
Causing the SC to become not-so-subtly more impatient and short with his questioning, hints of contempt for the wintness now seeping through.
Several “Is that your answer?” to Bunions’ dissemblings.
“It is, Mr Richardson!” To the guy tearing her testimony apart.
Even Angus couldn’t manage that.
Dec 14, 2023 1:00 PM
I think she might be on Shakey ground with “ït was my teams job””, or “ï sent it up the line, plus the appeals to everybody knows and between the lines.
But definitely better than the Lewellen chap yesterday.
Pressure on supply wasn’t supposed to be an issue until summer 2025 acc. to AEMO in February of this year.
Top man, Daniel Westerman.
Whatever the damages, they likely to be the max which would be whittled down on appeal to a higher Court, which is usual in many cases.
Good quote from the Daily Sceptic, COVID Inquiry review…
‘Ours is not to reason why, but to pay tax and die – with apologies to Lord Tennyson. ‘
“I Don’t Want to Get Into That”: Covid Inquiry Shuts Down Prime Minister When He Points Out Lockdown Did More Harm Than Good
Unless of course, if reading between the lines might uncover that her preferred narrative might crumble, then it’s back to new idea.
John @ 1pm – she’s not been there as long as the Producer – let’s wait to see where it ends up.
But there’s still some doozies,
Not reading the Stat Dec;
Her reference to a cheap tabloid journalist;
and on a program she said the viewers may find difficult to keep up with, hence we left out Brown’s offer to have Britts bring her Dad for support;
Being attuned to reading between the lines.
In fact, on the reading between the lines, thing – pity she didn’t read, be attentive to, the actual lines she was reading.
She’s not holding up her end of the wicket.
Hahaha. The Pakistan cricket team was just welcomed onto Perth stadium by some clown playing a didgeridoo.
Surely it should have been a re-enactment of Hamas slaughtering Jews to warm their muzzie hearts.
Dot upon reading this article…
38-year-old woman decides she wants a baby, claims she’s been ‘betrayed by feminism’
In the event of the Jewish nation falling (I don’t think it will btw) I think the Massada middle finger option will be played (glassing itself). I think this for Taiwan and any small nuclear armed country facing it’s end.
so much white knight today
Tom and arref earlier re Toad’s alleged lack of knowledge of prejudicial conduct around ongoing criminal matters, pleading “I’m not trained”.
I once worked for a boss who, I think, neatly summarised the attempt to use “I’m not trained”, specifically in relation to guys finding quite inventive ways of injuring themselves.
You can divide the requirements to do any job into three parts:-
1. Normal commonsense that an adult with an above median IQ could be expected to possess;
2. Domain knowledge and skills which any member of a profession should have mastery of. A carpenter shouldn’t need training in how to cut a mitre. A doctor shouldn’t be able to plead “no training” if they can’t take blood pressure. An accountant should understand how to reconcile a bank account without being re-trained after a holiday.
3. Specialist knowledge for which training might be required to elevate a person to that professional status, or as a result of new legislation, or a change in organisational methodology.
Someone who bristles and gets into high dungeon at the suggestion they might be a tabloid j’ism would be expected to fall squarely under category 2. That is, in possession of domain knowledge which would enable them to flag situations which are at risk of either defamation or conduct prejudicial to an ongoing trial. By “domain knowledge” I don’t mean being a legal expert. I mean being able to recognise a risk and control it, partially through legal vetting.
Note carefully what she said though … “I sought legal advice.”
She didn’t say she followed legal advice.
Tal Chaimi was killed on 7 October and his body taken to Gaza
Indeed. The Zealots at Masada did not “go down fighting, Masada style”, they committed suicide to deprive the Romans of the opportunity to crucify them, one every hundred paces, along every road leading out of Jerusalem.
Is the IDF getting confessions from surrender hamas terrorists and or finding devices which have conclusive video evidence?
I might add a prediction Israel has to either destroy Hamas ASAP or hold out for another 12 months until Trump is back in the White House and ends both wars in Ukraine and Gaza.
Ms Wilkinson: “Don’t make me sound like a cheap tabloid journalist Mr Richardson.”
We’ve already established what you are, Ms Wilkinson, we’re just haggling over the price.
Reading upthread, I note a few comments regarding bespoke’s unique way of spelling. IIRC, bespoke said back on Sinc’s Cat that he, bespoke, had dyslexia (or similar). For that reason, I find it rather rude for people to remark about it at all.
As for:
Not nice, Elizabeth.
I am so tempted to buy this as a present for a mate…
its so over the top its funny.
See if you can spot the chap stationed near Chernobyl, and his furry pet.
The US branch of Hamas (aka Democrats) would never allow Trump to become prez.
On what basis do you conclude that?
Assuming both Ten and the Toad lose.
Would Ten bother appealing solely on the amount of damages? I doubt it, given that they would have to weigh up the legal cost of an appeal as against any reduction in damages.
Toad isn’t relying on a truth defence, just that she acted in good faith. I suspect any judgement would be so watertight that grounds for appeal would be minimal. And again, why would she spend money to maybe reduce damages? Remember, her career is largely over, and she is not spending Ten’s money here (well, that is still subject to challenge at least).
Over the next 15 years, Gen Z will participate in the greatest transfer of wealth the world has ever seen.
By my calculations*, they will share over $100 Trillion for which they have not lifted one damn finger to earn. This sort of unparalleled greed has me searching for a match to set fire to my lot so they get Jack Shit except ashes.
* numbers plucked from my hairy arse, but not far off from the truth and if anyone wants to check them, they can go for their lives.**
** The numbers – not my hairy arse.
Note carefully what she said though … “I sought legal advice.”
That is a multifold admission. Firstly it shows she thought there were dubious aspects to brittleknee’s story. Secondly, she wanted to quarantine herself from ramifications. However just because you got legal advice before you did something does not mean you are absolved from legal consequences. Lawyers are not responsible for their client’s actins and words. In any event I doubt whether any lawyer would have advised the cane toad to give her Logie speech.
She didn’t say she followed legal advice.
NSW residents have been asked to consider turning off their airconditioning, and delay using their dishwashers, washing machines and dryers on Thursday night, with a heatwave straining the state’s energy supply.
Considered, and rejected. I’d be calling for everyone to turn them on to highlight the issues, and to force inner city elites to think about coal/gas/nuclear as realistic options to solve the self inflicted problem.
“A cheap tabloid journalist”.
That line should be on every headline online and in print.
She’s a Christmas Turkey. Stick a fork in her, she’s done.
Said in meeting (Sharaz, with brite-knees present) “want Lerhmann to have difficulty every getting a job again”…
Going for the ‘I’ve been cucked angle’
We need a Javier Milei (new Pres. of Argentina) !
Within the first 48 hours in office, Sr. Milei has…
Cut the number of ’under secretaries’ from 182 to 140
Cut the number of secretaries [department chiefs] from 106 to 54
Cut the number of ministries from 18 to 9…
He’s also cut all superfluous ministerial expenses (staff cell phones, drivers, travel accounts, etc.)
Currently, all people hired by the outgoing president (Alberto) across all divisions of the government are under review. The presidential spokesperson reiterated that ’the national spending cuts have just begun.’
Also in the news, perhaps unrelated, a fire has broken out in the building next to the Ministry of Labor with reports there was an explosion. Some are speculating they’re ’burning documents.’
Israel’s invisible victims
To the west, Israeli military casualties don’t count
Funeral of Sergeant Major (Res.) Gal Meir Eisenkot who was killed in Gaza;
son of Israeli war cabinet member Gadi Eisenkot and his wife Hana
Boomers in Government have failed us’: Gen Z launches ambitious Australian political party.
In what way would the boomers, in government or in any other capacity, have failed these spoiled prats?
Oh – you mean the grandparents who help finance cars and/or school fees/holidays OS….not to mention attending school functions (when Gen Xers working)/ taking them to hospital when accidents occur/ sit through interminable school concerts & footie games/ sit interminably in cars waiting for them at end of school day/ attend sporting carnivals etc etc
“No journo gets beyond fetching the subs’ chinese food without being immersed in contempt and sub judice law, as well as mastering arse-saving locutions such as “raises serious questions about” and “some might think”.
I also note MiZZZZ Wilkinson is not entertaining any idea in court that the rape allegation is contested or unproven in any way.
No “allegedly” in her statements.
After hearing this I had to wipe down my monitor and the wall. Never laugh with a mouthful of spag bol.
Wilkinson was also being clever regarding what training she’d had. Despite having had many conversations about what is or not “contempt” she may never had a formal training session.
Grandparents wealthy enough to pay for school fees overseas travel and cars are few and far between.
Quite correct.
It’s better to have a minor breakdown now than have a major collapse during winter when more people will die – especially from the elderly and sick cohort.
The accompanying photograph showed a totally multicultural crop of the top boys. Just saying.
Anyway, I will treat myself to a boast of proud grandparent that my beautiful, clever (if woke!) granddaughter received an ATAR of 90. So “there” to the well known Nth Shore private school from which she had to be removed due to bullying in Yr 10.
SP @ 1:36pm
It is now.
Grandparents wealthy enough to pay for school fees overseas travel and cars are few and far between.
Rosie, you are correct. But there are certainly a great many who sacrifice their personal time and space to care for their grandchildren preschool & after school. They also use a lot of their spare cash to buy clothes and “extras” for the little ones.
While there’s a part of me that wants to laugh at this woman and the shallow existence she’s led for the last twenty years, there’s also a part of me that feels sorry for her and the position she finds herself in.