Open Thread – Mon 18 Dec 2023

The pilot’s jetty, Le Havre, Camille Pissarro, 1903

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December 18, 2023 11:55 am

Ironically he’s downgraded ticking to the point where it’s actually funny because it highlights triggering.

Indeed. Any activity on the net that can be anonymous usually degrades from original purpose to a hype or trigger meter. Greshams law applies to up/down ticks as well.

December 18, 2023 11:56 am

Thanks to CL for pointing out, some time ago, that the term “Cardinal” also means gate, door or hinge.

Money sent to Australia for a gate may or may not be related but is intriguing nonetheless.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 18, 2023 11:57 am

Britnah complaining to O’Conner that she was “banished to WA to keep her away from the centre of the action in Canbra”.

Preach it Sista. Get some hi viz, learn to drive a haulpak and go FIFO.

December 18, 2023 11:58 am

Dec 18, 2023 11:37 AM
Currently, as a result of restoring, US firms are setting up giant factories in Ohio. The huge problem they’re currently facing is… not enough workers.
This isn’t 2016 when the unemployment rate was much higher. Tariff increases will just be felt through the price level … and more so.
US has a worker shortage problem that could last for decades.

So what are they doing with the millions of illegals who crossed the border in the last three years and are still pouring across in unprecedented numbers?

December 18, 2023 12:00 pm

Britnah trying to shore up jerb by going to former boss (O’Conner) in Qld.
Another in the sorry Britnah saga who “lost” SMS messages.

Lost messages. Two phones ago.

Go to the phone company and request a copy. Or Whatsapp. Or Signal.

Otherwise, please remain silent as we can all claim to have received messages that were ‘lost’.

I, myself, received one from Brittknee in 2019 saying she wished to create an event in Parliament House that would being down the Scomo government … but no copy exists because that was five phones ago.


Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
December 18, 2023 12:01 pm

the relevant proposal, a Palestinian State that excludes displaced Palestinians, is not a serious proposal that would be refused out of hand, or alternatively, accepted and then reneged at the earliest opportunity.

In that case, Israel will never agree to it, and Greater Israel is the outcome.

Roger’s suggestion above is that a rebellion against the Hashemite rulers of Jordan, where over 70% of the population are long-dwelling Palestinians, would produce a ‘homeland’ State of Palestine. Maybe Israel is holding out for this.

I dream of a Palestinian Province of Greater Israel, along the old Roman style, with an Israeli Consul in charge; my favorite fantasy as after two millennia it hoists the Romans on their own petard. But that’s just me.

Realistically, any emergent Palestinian State that allows unfettered Palestinian settlement is fated to never get off the drawing board. I doubt if too many Pallies in the West Bank and Gaza really want that either, in spite of their lip service to it, let alone Israel.

December 18, 2023 12:04 pm

Eject the Hashemites from Jordan and you have your Palestinian state.

I don’t think the Saudis would willingly hand back Hashemite lands.

Rufus T Firefly
Rufus T Firefly
December 18, 2023 12:05 pm

I assume everyone, (Lizzie, Bespoke, Dot of course), is still happy about the IDF entering Gaza? All going well?

You will recall I said on 10th Oct, “It is NOT in Israel’s best interest to enter Gaza”, which of course makes me an anti-Semite.
One of the reasons I stated, was that the IDF did not have the training required for such an operation.
Lizzie, made some comment about how I was a poltroon and would never have succeeded on D-Day, ……, or some such. Yes Lizzie, training is over rated in the Defence Force. (She has read a book on war, so she knows all about it.)

So, two days ago, three Israeli hostages were eliminated, by the IDF. They were stripped to the waist, carrying white flags, yet were still fired upon.
What conclusions can you draw about that?

Total IDF deaths in Gaza are just over 100.
Of those, 23 are “friendly fire” incidents. What conclusions can be drawn from that?
Do you think that is a high percentage Lizzie?
Would you say a well trained Army would have 23% “friendly fire” deaths?

Other casualties in Gaza are 5,000. At least 25% of those, will be permanent disabilities.
Israel has mobilised about 300,000 reservists for this operation. These are not first line troops, they are butchers, bakers and candlestick makers etc. They have been thrown into the worst kind of battle imaginable, think Stalingrad.
The IDF do not have much, if any of an advantage in Gaza. They do NOT know where the vast majority of the tunnels are, because they are deeper than ground radar can detect.
The real battle has just now begun. I said this was a trap and unfortunately, Bibi has done everything Hamas wanted.

Hamas are now breaking the earth from their tunnels, in the Northern areas of Gaza, behind the advancing IDF.
This is causing unease, (naturally), among the troops, as they never know when they will be attacked from behind.

As if all of this was not bad enough, 70,000 Israelis have been evacuated from Northern Israel. This is because of a feared attack by Hezbollah.
I have no idea of course, whether they will attack, but if I were Israel, I would not provoke such an attack. To relocate significant forces from Gaza to the North, will take time, which Israel may not have. Hezbollah are well equipped and very well trained, much better than Hamas.
The Israeli withdrawal from Lebanon in 2006, due to losses, is testament to the ability of Hezbollah.

On top of all that, the US, wants Netanyahu gone.
Israel has only one ally and it is not happy.
This is a political disaster.
Let’s hope saner heads prevail, to avoid a military disaster as well.

Robert Sewell
December 18, 2023 12:07 pm

Old Ozzie:

Homeowners hit with £120 ‘boiler tax’ to pay for heat pump drive
Companies increase prices of gas boilers to offset fines for missed heat pump sales targets
Homeowners face being hit with a “boiler tax” as manufacturers attempt to offset the cost of the heat pump rollout.

There’s only one word for this – bizzarre.
How long are the Saxons going to put up with this lunacy?

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
December 18, 2023 12:09 pm

I’ve sneaked a look at what Hairy has got me for Christmas.

It’s Mary Beard’s new hardcover book on Roman Emperorship.

Probably with some other wee giftie too. 🙂

I’ve ordered him the one on the German battles in Southern Italy in 1944 that he wants (reviewed in the Speccie not so long ago), and Anthony Beevor’s new tome on Russia in the First World War.

Books at Christmas have always been a thing with us.

Top Ender
Top Ender
December 18, 2023 12:09 pm

Some dodgy reasoning from this FB page:

Congratulations to Toowoomba on being voted Australia’s Shit Town of the Year for 2023!

Toowoomba follows Townsville (2021-22) and Logan (2019-20) in winning the prestigious award, extending Queensland’s stranglehold on the brown crown.

Here are the final standings:
Toowoomba, QLD: 23.7%
Blacktown, NSW: 17.9%
Launceston, TAS: 17.8%
Capital Hill, ACT: 9.2%
Adelaide, SA: 8.7%
Kununurra, WA: 8.7%
Darwin, NT: 7.3%
Glen Waverley, VIC: 6.7%

So Adelaide is worse to live in than Darwin?

December 18, 2023 12:10 pm

As I heard it, the solicitor-general sent unredacted evidence to the judge directly.
Which he said he hadn’t opened, and had returned.
Saying if anything was to be considered or entered into evidence, it had to be done via open court.

Robert Sewell
December 18, 2023 12:10 pm


Dec 18, 2023 8:15 AM
All is not lost.
The my truth ivys will bleed donations and enrolments and employers will look elsewhere.

rosie, these institutions have endowment funds worth tens of Billions of dollars. They will be plundered to “Further the Revolution”.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
December 18, 2023 12:12 pm

Lizzie, made some comment about how I was a poltroon and would never have succeeded on D-Day, ……, or some such.

Rufus, that was not me.

Though I do think D-Day required committed staunch hearts and brave men.

December 18, 2023 12:17 pm

still happy about the IDF entering Gaza?

I never was happy about.
I just see it as justifiable.

December 18, 2023 12:18 pm

FMD the Australian Public Serpents’ battle of the bands. What a grotesque abomination Canbra is. A parasite trying to destroy the host.

December 18, 2023 12:19 pm

You will recall I said on 10th Oct, “It is NOT in Israel’s best interest to enter Gaza”, which of course makes me an anti-Semite.

You may, or may not, be an antisemite, but reminding people of your appeasing idiocy is pretty dumb Mr Chamberlain.

December 18, 2023 12:21 pm

December 18, 2023 12:22 pm

trotted out the “Alboville” name. It was an instant hit and put into use by many

It is a good name.
comment image

Robert Sewell
December 18, 2023 12:23 pm

Dec 18, 2023 8:21 AM

Either way, Gollum or Nazgul, they are to be pitied.
It’s him. Don’t ever pity an unethical scumbag with zero ethics. He’s admitted to ticking on the basis of personal animosities.
Ironically he’s downgraded ticking to the point where it’s actually funny because it highlights triggering.

Looks like being another crap week on the stock market, and anyone who stands up to the Milk Monitor is going to cop it.

December 18, 2023 12:25 pm
Boambee John
Boambee John
December 18, 2023 12:28 pm

Dec 18, 2023 10:18 AM
Perhaps a payment to go, and a (less than social welfare) annual block payment for every year that they stay there?

Why should we pay them?

They’re Palestinians now.

Better than leaving them with the opportunity to demand “rescue” next time whatever part of the Middle East they go to blows up.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
December 18, 2023 12:30 pm

Of those, 23 are “friendly fire” incidents. What conclusions can be drawn from that?
Do you think that is a high percentage Lizzie?
Would you say a well trained Army would have 23% “friendly fire” deaths?

I think more than 100 IDF soldiers have died in this combat, Rufus. Rosie, who keeps us informed here on this conflict, may know. Many are reservists, but these are well-trained – witness the performance of the women in tanks on Oct 7th. But whatever the number of Israeli losses, it is small compared to usual figures for what is often very close advancing combat, with a necessary eye on the rear, as some of the videos here have shown. The same can be said for the care taken over civilian casualties; Jupes who is SAS trained, is amazed the figure is so low, even given Hamas’ shaky numbers.

Also you neglect to mention that the hostages shot were being used as shields in an exchange with Hamas terrorists and that Hamas are not above using suicide bombers as ‘white flag’ carriers. Friendly fire accidents do happen in intense warfare situations. You can’t ‘train’ soldiers out of it. It is situational and Hamas don’t wear regular army uniforms, so mistakes re deliberately similar clothing can cause intended confusion.. The best trainers can do is create awareness and from what I’ve seen on videos of Israeli training it is pretty thorough. Israel have even built their own tunnels to train specifically for the worst sort of combat – tunnel warfare. They knew it could come to this one day, and that day has come. Let them finish the job to their satisfaction, which will will probably only ever be partially, given the extensive tunnel networks (flood them?). Then the politics can start.

December 18, 2023 12:33 pm

But never question the legitimacy of this, the most fake designed country in the world – the Arab state of Palestine.

This is about the country of Jordan, not about the name chosen by those Arabs. Jordan is a British invention.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 18, 2023 12:33 pm

Media Diary: Clementine Ford causing headaches for her book publisher Allen & Unwin over Gaza war

By jenna clarke
Associate Editor
10:53AM December 18, 2023

Commentator and former Nine newspaper columnist Clementine Ford is causing headaches. Allen & Unwin published her most recent book, I Don’t, but it’s not her argument against marriage which has incensed the public, it’s her online activism regarding the Middle East conflict.

Diary understands the publishing house has received about 16 letters of complaint about Ford and there is now an online petition with more than 2000 signatures calling for Allen & Unwin to “sever ties with antisemite Clementine Ford”.

Ford, who quit her column with Nine newspapers in 2019, and also has a podcast broadcast by Nova, is now a staunch Palestinian supporter.

Not content with posting content calling for an end to the violence in Gaza, she’s gone on the attack with those who disagree with her.

Revealing a basic misunderstanding and a complete ignorance of the history of the Semitic people of the Middle East, Ford – like other social media personalities including Abbie Chatfield – repeats the popular trope that Israelis are white.

She recently posted a missive to “Zionist women” on Instagram calling them: “Enthusiastic supporters of a murderous regime that has been killing children for over 70 years because YOU want to believe YOUR colonising is somehow different.”|

And she had told her followers concerned with her anti-Semitic position, that “I don’t care babes” and they “disgust” her.

“Honestly you actually can’t get f..king whiter than that. You are not the victims, especially not when you live in Australia and are globbing on to some kind of bizarre pretence that you are being harmed here,” she said.

Diary has spoken to a number of high-profile creatives who regard themselves as “progressive Jews” who are scared to speak out against Ford’s Instagram statements for fear of retaliation. Some have also written to Allen & Unwin about their “distress and dismay”.

“As a left wing Jew who fiercely supports Palestinian statehood and freedom, I am of the clear opinion that empty, nuance-free, self-righteous polemic such as Ford’s does nothing other than increase divisiveness in society at a time when Jews and Muslims should be joining forces together to eradicate right wing extremism of all kinds,” one letter states.

“Like Islamophobia, antisemitism is NEVER acceptable and by continuing to promote her work, you are choosing to be complicit in the continued degradation of the most reviled minority group in history of which I am a proud, progressive member.”

Diary understands the publisher is taking all concerns seriously and has raised the issue with Ford. “Our authors do not represent the views of Allen & Unwin when they make statements publicly or privately. We will never publish material that is hate speech, anti-Semitic or breaches Australia’s racial discrimination laws and any such material is not aligned to the values of our organisation,” an Allen & Unwin spokesperson told Diary.

Ford told Diary any suggestion she is anti-Semitic is “ludicrous”. “I am the granddaughter of a Lithuanian concentration camp survivor whose father was shot and killed by German soldiers and who lost her whole family in WWII.

“In opposing the indiscriminate slaughter of thousands, I not only honour her memory but also stand alongside countless Jewish activists and leaders who have fought for decades for Palestinian liberation.

“Antisemitism is real and we should all oppose it vigorously,” Ford said.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
December 18, 2023 12:34 pm

Dec 18, 2023 12:10 PM

As I heard it, the solicitor-general sent unredacted evidence to the judge directly.

A deliberate mistake, knowing it would bounce back?
Not helpful to Doofus, Wong, Gallagher et al?

John H.
John H.
December 18, 2023 12:38 pm

lizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Dec 18, 2023 11:35 AM
“The state is not going to pay for the use of the security forces; organizations that have legal status will have to pay or individuals will have to bear the cost,” Bullrich said.

In Argentina. You demonstrate with hints of violence, you pay.

Let’s now do that in Australia to the weekly demos of Hamas supporters.

Leftist legislator and former presidential candidate Myriam Bregman said on X (formerly Twitter): “What Bullrich announced is absolutely unconstitutional … The right to protest is the first of all rights.”

José Luis Espert, a legislator with Milei’s party, Liberty Advances, replied with a three-word phrase: “Prison or bullet.”

Will they charge protestors with the cost of the bullets?

December 18, 2023 12:39 pm

Jurdge – stops for a brief chat about “how am I supposed to treat evidence about peoples state of mind if they refer to legal advice, and that legal advice isnt disclosed.

December 18, 2023 12:40 pm

Diary has spoken to a number of high-profile creatives who regard themselves as “progressive Jews” who are scared to speak out against Ford’s Instagram statements for fear of retaliation. Some have also written to Allen & Unwin about their “distress and dismay”.

Neurotic frightbats have that effect people’s spines. I have no pity for them.

Boambee John
Boambee John
December 18, 2023 12:41 pm

Dec 18, 2023 11:07 AM
Oh, who cares if there is a ‘Palestinian’ state and their diaspora emigrate there?

If that “Palestinian state” does not accept the right of Israel to peaceful existence, plenty will care.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
December 18, 2023 12:43 pm

How does ‘history dictate’ that? We, or at least, or governments have made that choice.

OK, I have reified ‘history’, but let’s accept that as a shorthand for the results of the many determinations made by nation states in their development. These determinations are made in the light of historical events, of wars fought and reasons offered and of popular sentiment surrounding those events and of economies developing in given ways under popular sentiments and democratic choices.

All of this has led to the fact that Australia is a nation defined by Howard’s maxim of border protection: ‘we will decide who comes into this country and the circumstances in which they come’. In other words, we keep a lid on it, we control immigration, and our history is part of that. We can’t just take our immigrants just from the anglosphere any more, for that would tag us as ‘racists’. So your British rellies have no more right than any others. That’s the Real Politik of it. Palestinians of the diaspora need to get used to that too with regard to Gaza and the West Bank becoming a State of some sort.

December 18, 2023 12:43 pm

A deliberate mistake, knowing it would bounce back?
Not helpful to Doofus, Wong, Gallagher et al?

The closer this whole conspiracy gets to the originating blast centre the more “stuff” will be leaked. I am very much hoping the failed criminal case and a possibly successful civil defamation case or two will power the rocket heading straight to Albo and his front-benchers.

Could be an extertaining summer.

Boambee John
Boambee John
December 18, 2023 12:44 pm

Dec 18, 2023 11:19 AM
Can I interpret that as you saying that Israel is doing as well as can be expected in the circumstances appertaining to the situation in which it finds itself at this point in time?

Why is this even necessary?

Because you expressed some doubt, and I am seeking to clarify your position. So far, it seems to be that it is too early to tell, which is not helpful.

December 18, 2023 12:44 pm

So Adelaide is worse to live in than Darwin?

Yes, Top Ender.

As a former resident of both Adelaide and Darwin, I can tell you there are very sound reasons why you didn’t stop in Adelaide on your way from Hobart to Darwin.

Adelaide is a sleepy hollow that reminds me of another Australian sleepy hollow called Geelong.

The reason Geelong is nicknamed Sleepy Hollow is that nothing ever happens there — which is great if you want to live somewhere where nothing ever happens.

Adelaide is a great place to raise a family — until you start climbing the walls.

Darwin, on the other hand, is full of renegades and runaways escaping from something. But the only people for which it is dangerous are the drunken blackfellahs who stagger — unseen by oncoming traffic because of their midnight complexions — onto Bagot Road in Nighcliff.

Plus Darwin has year-round summer weather, with the bonus of spectacular electrical storms in the wet season.

Darwin’s only downside is that the biggest employer is the government.

Thankfully, Darwin is becoming a crucial pivot for the oil and gas industries which, unlike the government, create wealth for governments to misappropriate as taxes and royalties.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 18, 2023 12:45 pm

How long are the Saxons going to put up with this lunacy?

The Welsh don’t seem happy either.

Fury as drivers can be slapped with £100 fines for going faster than 20mph from today (17 Dec)

Welsh drivers who break the new 20mph speed limit will be slapped with fines from today, officials have warned.

A three-month “grace period” has been in place to allow people to adjust to the change and to allow Highways authorities to adjust road signage and Traffic Regulation Orders. However, this period ends today, even as there remains some confusion over where the 20mph areas are.

The Welsh government said the measures were made to “save lives” and make streets safer, as well as improve pollution. The Labour-led authority also hopes the scheme will encourage residents to walk or cycle more.

But a petition calling for a u-turn on the scheme has amassed more than 460,000 signatures. The petition’s creator, Welshman Mark Baker, claims the government has failed to prove the speed limit reduction will save lives.

“The Welsh government has failed to produce any convincing evidence to support these claims of safety,” Mr Baker wrote.

“This law is being spearheaded by the WG Climate Change department and not Health & Safety!”

Elf ‘n’ safety is now a Trojan horse to get climate rubbish enacted. Could you imagine the chaos that 30 kph speed limits here would cause? I only hope the climate crazies do it, because a better way to piss off the entire population I cannot think of.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
December 18, 2023 12:45 pm

Alamak! Avatar
Dec 18, 2023 12:00 PM

Britnah trying to shore up jerb by going to former boss (O’Conner) in Qld.
Another in the sorry Britnah saga who “lost” SMS messages.

Lost messages. Two phones ago.

Go to the phone company and request a copy. Or Whatsapp. Or Signal.

Otherwise, please remain silent as we can all claim to have received messages that were ‘lost’.

I, myself, received one from Brittknee in 2019 saying she wished to create an event in Parliament House that would being down the Scomo government … but no copy exists because that was five phones ago.

O’Connor thinks this will be a media shit-show.
But no police involvement.
Lotsa back and forth with Britnah.
Nek minnit, Britnah says she is lodging a complaint.
O’Connor realises he might be a witness, including an examination of his phone.
And another phone bites the dust.

Robert Sewell
December 18, 2023 12:47 pm


Dec 18, 2023 8:48 AM
Highlighting the problem we face:
A western Sydney Muslim community leader was quoted in an ABC article (on the anger of such voters at the ALP) as saying “At a time like this we are all Palestinians.”
No, you’re meant to be Australians.

It looks like they have rejected their Oath of Allegiance.
Now we can chuck them all out, yes?
Now we can deny them their benefits and Jizya, Yes?
Now we can remove the police protection they are being given? Bloody oath!

December 18, 2023 12:48 pm

Karosene thinks government is awesome

Jane Caro
Do not vote for governments that don’t believe in government – aka libertarians. They want to wreak havoc.

December 18, 2023 12:49 pm

Arizona replies..

Arizona Libertarian Party
Thanks for the endorsement. We do intend to disrupt totalitarian control of the individual by government. ?

December 18, 2023 12:51 pm

A libertarian who uses the State to suppress protests

There was an excellent piece in Reason mag about this with an excellent explanation that protesters do not own the streets.

Ironically, it was about a neo-Nazi protest in a
in a Jewish neighbourhood in the mid west.

Try to find it this afternoon.

December 18, 2023 12:52 pm

I am very much hoping the failed criminal case and a possibly successful civil defamation case or two will power the rocket heading straight to Albo and his front-benchers.

Should electricity Bill’s Missus now be asking for permission to measure the Lodge’s windows for new curtains?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
December 18, 2023 12:52 pm

Dec 18, 2023 12:39 PM

Jurdge – stops for a brief chat about “how am I supposed to treat evidence about peoples state of mind if they refer to legal advice, and that legal advice isnt disclosed.

Well, you say “brief chat”.
I heard “final warning”.
Pretty much, “if you don’t disclose it I am possibly going to conclude that it is being used as a device to obsfucate. You might want to take that into consideration for final submissions”.
I read it as a “put up or shut up” to Ten and the Toad.
Noting that they are always careful to say the sought advice, not that they assiduously followed advice.

Robert Sewell
December 18, 2023 12:53 pm
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
December 18, 2023 12:55 pm

Will they charge protestors with the cost of the bullets?

Come, come, they are not the CCP.

Anticipating protests is wise, and having a means to retaliate against extremists established in legislation is a good idea. Prison is a last resort and bullets are unthinkable and counterproductive, crazy words only. But payment for stopping any violence intended, or indeed, damage done by protesters, why not?

We’ve tried to do it too, to legislate, but political judges have knocked back Labor legislation banning lunatic left greenie protestors from bringing down the city whenever they choose.

There should be defined limits to protest, while upholding the right to protest.
It’s always a thorny area and even more so when major changes have to be made in order to stop a country’s descent into chaos and economic decline. Trying to do it within the rule of good laws is always the ambition.

December 18, 2023 12:55 pm

I think IDF fatalities are up around 120 but I doubt anyone thinking they would defeat Hamas without casualties is lying or delusional.
Hamas and friends have lost somewhere between 5000 and 7000 and an unknown number presumably hundreds at least, have been captured or surrendered.
And although not yet complete hamas have lost a great deal of their terror infrastructure including the 4 km invasion tunnel near the Erek crossing.
I’d say to date a qualified success, despite the horror of killing three of the hostages and the ‘friendly fire’ deaths.
At least Israel is honest about their casualties and their cause.

December 18, 2023 12:55 pm

So what are they doing with the millions of illegals who crossed the border in the last three years and are still pouring across in unprecedented numbers?

Small businesses would likely hire them as they’re undocumented. Not sure of the status of asylum seekers though so you’d have to look it up.

One thing for sure though is that the large firms setting up shop in the mid west will not hire undocumented workers as it’s too risky to brands.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
December 18, 2023 12:58 pm

Meekin from Ten.

“In retrospect we could have done a lot of things differently”.

Quite so.

Robert Sewell
December 18, 2023 1:00 pm


Dec 18, 2023 9:40 AM
I bet they wear Daffy Duck socks and ties to their jerb at the Department of Administrative Administration too.
Wild and crazy.

You can buy Daffy Duk Socks?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
December 18, 2023 1:03 pm

Sorry, “Meakin”.
He’s 81 years old.
Got knocked off three times in 2007/08 for drink driving, so he’s got Sam Maiden covered.

Wally Dali
Wally Dali
December 18, 2023 1:04 pm

Jane Caro! ROFL!
“All the right enemies”, kameraden!

December 18, 2023 1:05 pm

They’ve let Meakin pop out for a few fingers of scotch.

December 18, 2023 1:06 pm

suggestion above is that a rebellion against the Hashemite rulers of Jordan, where over 70% of the population are long-dwelling Palestinians, would produce a ‘homeland’ State of Palestine. Maybe Israel is holding out for this.

Lizzie, there is Lebanon next door from which they have ethnically cleansed the Christians. There should be plenty of room there now.

Boambee John
Boambee John
December 18, 2023 1:07 pm

Dec 18, 2023 12:59 PM
Because you expressed some doubt, and I am seeking to clarify your position. So far, it seems to be that it is too early to tell, which is not helpful.

Why should this matter? Surely people can express doubt, withhold judgement, or the like, about a matter without worrying that this isn’t helpful to another in some way.

Sorry, you have been pursuing this point fir some days now, I assumed that it mattered., and was trying to clarify your position.

Let it slide.

December 18, 2023 1:09 pm

Well, you say “brief chat”.
I heard “final warning”.

There was an element of freeing himself up to make “inferences” I thought.
“so no-one is surprised” seemed fairly pointed.

December 18, 2023 1:10 pm

Optus Stadium cricket attendance was only 57,000 over four days.

Captain Climate and Khawahammad turning folks off?

December 18, 2023 1:13 pm

Bloke survived, but holy poobiscuits batman, thats a nasty misfire.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
December 18, 2023 1:15 pm

having failed to become what one might have been.
“he was a creature of suppressed passions, an artist manqué”

Yes, Dover. Rejoining families separated over many generations something denied many, not just Palestinians. Political life, indeed life itself as we live it, is often a matter of compromise and recognition that the things we most want don’t always happen.

Also, reality intervenes. One’s own relllies may be seen to never flood an economy, but everyone else’s might. If every Brit family in Australia brought their rellies in we’d soon be mouthing ‘bloody pommies’ again. Family reunion is also much abused by people who want to bring in whole clans and villages of distantly related people.

December 18, 2023 1:16 pm

I have a radical plan for peace in the ME.

Arabs, particularly “Palestinians” ; Stop existing for, dreaming of, teaching to and actually killing Jews.

It’s f#@king simple!

December 18, 2023 1:17 pm

A libertarian who uses the State to suppress protests

Please tell me there are no longer any right wingers who fall for this nonsense anymore.

If person X says to person Y – “whatever rights you give me when you wield the power, I will never reciprocate when I wield the power” then person Y should *never* give X any rights at all.

The key word is “reciprocal”. Granting people rights is not the essence of libertarianism. Granting people rights that you can reasonably expect *always* be reciprocated is the essence of libertarianism.

We know that left wingers will never allow right wingers to protest (eg anti-lockdown) so therefore it behoves any right winger in power to ban all left wing protests. Even ostensibly “peaceful” ones.

December 18, 2023 1:18 pm

Stop posting tentacle porn, mole.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
December 18, 2023 1:20 pm

Thanks Robert Sewell @12:53 for posting that article about the ferry Cartela. And thanks Top Ender for reminding me about her.

I have fond memories of drunken office picnics travelling to South Arm and back.

And not so fond memories of the travels enforced by the bridge being bowled over.

There were 3 bars on the Cartela, and I got messy at all of them at one stage or another.

A grand old lady and sad to see her just waste away.

December 18, 2023 1:23 pm

ABCcess editorialising via “someone else said”…

ABC News
After just three weeks in office, New Zealand’s new Prime Minister Christopher Luxon is being accused of running a “scorch and burn” reform agenda that is responsible for the worst decline in race relations “since the early stages of colonisation”.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
December 18, 2023 1:25 pm

Lizzie, there is Lebanon next door from which they have ethnically cleansed the Christians. There should be plenty of room there now.

Certainly. Crush Hezbollah first though.

I mentioned Jordan because it is more the traditional home of ‘Palestinians’ than any other country. I certainly don’t wish any ill on the King there. I still have his gold-embossed crown on the rather nice Ladies’ Comfort Pack I received in Business Class on Royal Jordanian. My zip purse was red, Hairy’s, for the man, was blue. Excellent service too.

December 18, 2023 1:25 pm

Optus Stadium cricket attendance was only 57,000 over four days.

I think thousands of Sandgropers decided to skip the cricket to attend the phenomenal victory lap by Perth’s retiring favourite son, jockey Damien Oliver, who rode three winners at Ascot on Saturday, including the ride of the century on Munhamek.

December 18, 2023 1:27 pm

Warning- the theme song is a earworm

To me it’s Los Colinas and Jorge Rey, gentlemen of YouTube know why.

December 18, 2023 1:27 pm

It’s f#@king simple!

Indubably, Bush.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
December 18, 2023 1:28 pm

Amazing how Meakin in his 80s doesn’t have much difficulty in finding references in folders directed by learned friends. Not like the prima donnas Llewelyn and Wilkinson.

Also his answers are concise and brief. That is, he just answers the questions unlike the aforementioned waffling preeners.

Robert Sewell
December 18, 2023 1:28 pm

Boambee John
Dec 18, 2023 10:12 AM

Dec 18, 2023 9:25 AM
Don’t knock this (rare) moment of honesty.
They should bloody well go and live there then.

Fully agree.
Perhaps a payment to go, and a (less than social welfare) annual block payment for every year that they stay there?

You’re looking at this from the wrong perspective, BJ.
They have rejected the Oath Of Allegience, so they have rejected their rights and duties inherent in Australian Citizenship.
Islam currently regards social benefits as Jizya. There is no concept of Jizya in our Constitution. Therefore, all monies going to Muslims are forfeit and all monies paid so far must be returned in cash or assets.
Either get a bloody job and support your 4 wives and twenty children, or leave.
They parasitise the West knowing our governments don’t have the guts to stand up to them.
It’s time to say to these people, “Enough”.

December 18, 2023 1:28 pm

Italics FAIL

December 18, 2023 1:29 pm

I think thousands of Sandgropers decided to skip the cricket …

Not much attraction to watch a NSW side in Perth. The cheeters also annoy the West.

December 18, 2023 1:30 pm

Christopher Luxon is being accused of running a “scorch and burn”

Who by? The NZ Communist Pardee?

Their government has 60 something seats and IIRC 40+ ministries. New Zealand correspondents say he’s totally cucked. I suppose Horseface made everything so peachy everyone in New Zealand suddenly became bilingual and also initiated M?oris?

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
December 18, 2023 1:32 pm

Huge effort by D Oliver in front of about 8,000 at the races.

But 57,000 over 3 and a bit days at the cricket is piss poor.

Maybe cricket fans aren’t fans of Hamas openers.

December 18, 2023 1:32 pm

As I heard it, the solicitor-general sent unredacted evidence to the judge directly.
Which he said he hadn’t opened, and had returned.
Saying if anything was to be considered or entered into evidence, it had to be done via open court.

Let’s see the SG blow up another criminal trial and have another legal minecrafting by perjury for yet another third party.


In the very best of hands.

December 18, 2023 1:35 pm

A libertarian who uses the State to suppress protests. That reminds me of a comment an ethicist made about the elites who insist on freedom. It is freedom for them to impose their will on everyone else.

Quite the opposite. The BLM /mostly peaceful / summer of luuurve / totally not tyrannical CHAZ nonsense was the elites releasing their goons on the normies.

If President Ron Paul put most of them in gaol and those who resisted with force were shot, he’d still be Saint Ron Paul of the non-aggression principle.

December 18, 2023 1:36 pm

Is there anything else I can be cranky about before I duck out of this forum for a while?

December 18, 2023 1:38 pm

A “Brother Mohammed” in Bankstown, on Friday, called for a “Final Solution” for Israel.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
December 18, 2023 1:39 pm

Could you imagine the chaos that 30 kph speed limits here would cause?

We already have 40kph ‘school zones’ causing slowing traffic chaos on major highways where few if any schoolchildren can be seen as the entrances are on side and back roads. Driving outside school hours on these ‘school zoned’ major highways offers a considerably shortened journey time. It’s just virtue-signally unsupported by evidence in these areas.

December 18, 2023 1:41 pm

War Reports – 2023-12-17


Lord Bebo on X:BREAKING: Looks like the Patriot system that Germany delivered to Ukraine was destroyed yesterday with hypersonic missiles.

The Ukrainian Air Force said “we’ll not going to comment what was hit” and various credible channels like yurasumy report the destruction.

A battery of Patriot air defense systems sent by Germany to Ukraine was destroyed by a Kinzhal missile near Zhitomir, west of Kyiv.

There is also a claim that it could have been a battery, partly divided between Kiev and Odessa, and that it was withdrawn to the west after the shelling of the center of Kyiv.

Five launchers, one command vehicle, and one air surveillance radar were destroyed.

Also destroyed were 80 ready-to-fire missiles worth $5.5 million and 160 spare missiles in stock.

Their value is $1.32 billion.

Over the past eight years, the United States has ordered between 108 and 328 new MIM-104 missiles.

In one blow, Russia virtually wiped out a year’s production.

During the attacks on Kyiv, the air defense system was integrated with the radar of the AEGIS complex and long-range radar detection and control aircraft in Poland and Romania and tried to shoot down the Kinzhals, but was destroyed.

Thus, the number of Patriot air defense systems destroyed in Ukraine has increased to four.

— source yurasumy, militarist and slavyngrad

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
December 18, 2023 1:49 pm

Lunchtime here, Dot. It’s ham and cheese with onion relish again.

The last lot of ham leg left over from last weekend’s ‘early Christmas’. I’ve already distributed chunks of it to the attendees as they departed on the day. Lunch is before I go shop to find the ingredients for the super-duper ‘glazed ham’ my daughter is going to make for us when she arrives here on Christmas Eve at the crack of dawn (taking the cheapest airfares with three kids, we presume, her husband is driving down in peace and quiet with the luggage).

I’m finding it hard to get Christmas motivated. However I’ve just unleashed the Santa Stop Here sign by putting in new batteries. The excitement of the little ones at this will definitely help.

December 18, 2023 1:49 pm

Meakin has been straight forward.
Seems more truthy than the producer.
Who he’s assisting in throwing under the bus.
Channel 10 are so cooked.
How much & who pays are the only questions left.

Then they appeal & hope they get a BRS type judge?

Cassie of Sydney
December 18, 2023 1:49 pm

I see the blow fly has been buzzing. As for his statement that..

Israel has only one ally and it is not happy.

No, Israel has other allies, one ally being India.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
December 18, 2023 1:50 pm


Dec 18, 2023 12:25 PM

10 lawyer in the dock.

Meakin is news dept head honcho.

Robert Sewell
December 18, 2023 1:50 pm

John H:

The aim of the new rules is to prevent a traditional form of protest known as piquete, in which demonstrators blockade city roads and highways for hours, days – and sometimes even weeks at a time.

“We have lived for many years under total and absolute disorder. It is time to put an end to this method, to the extortion suffered by citizens,” said Bullrich, who added that demonstrators could “protest on the pavement”.

I think you are deliberately confusing legitimate protest with economic sabotage.
It’s not a good look.

Black Ball
Black Ball
December 18, 2023 1:53 pm

Tim Blair:

These are tough times for anyone with a sense of humour.

The woke era may slowly be fading, but we’re still dealing with any number of scowly schoolmarmish types to whom even basic jokes appear as some form of foreign language.

Sadly, media has always been infested by the wit-inhibited.

Run a joke – or even the outline or context of a joke – by many journalists and suddenly these sophisticated analysts of complex political events become completely bewildered.

It’s been this way for decades.

Back in 1992, then-prime minister Paul Keating mentioned in an approving way a typically entertaining point made by then-funny The Simpsons. This obvious approval was misconstrued by a prominent political reporter – a “doyen of the Canberra press gallery”, no less – as an attack.

The doyen couldn’t understand Keating’s reference to a show largely pitched at children. Way to go, doyen.

Like Keating in the 1990s, former US president Donald Trump can also get and deliver a joke. Those who cover Trump, however, mainly cannot.

One of the reasons journalists failed to understand Trump’s rise during the 2016 US presidential campaign was because the Republican nominee’s speeches were peppered with gags, one-liners and comic visual antics. For an audience emerging from eight years of Barack Obama’s exhausting solemnity, Trump was a revelation.

But the press couldn’t get it.

If US media does have a sense of humour, it tends to be self-consciously highbrow.

Like politically-obsessed crowds at Australian comedy festivals, US journalists prefer jokes to be socially affirming rather than simply hilarious.

Hence the phenomenon of combined clapping and laughter known as “clapter”, accurately defined at the beginning of the Trump era by Vulture magazine: “Politically correct humour that elicits applause but that isn’t actually funny.”

Or, in other words, anything described as “comedy” that’s been aired by the ABC thus far this century. Or, in just two words, Hannah Gadsby.

Well, Trump is now campaigning again, this time for the 2024 presidential election. He’s cracking wise again, because that’s Trump’s manner. And the press is again failing to understand what’s happening.

The other day in Coralville, Iowa, Trump told a campaign crowd how he’d previously mocked President Joe Biden’s often-noted inability to leave a stage at the end of a speech.

This performance involved Trump imitating Biden – mumbling, stumbling, turning his back on the crowd, the whole deal.

His audience loved it.

They also loved it when Trump then complained that the press had accused him, rather than the butt of Trump’s joke, of being in cognitive decline.

Whether journalists are genuinely failing to recognise Trump’s japery, or if they’re pretending otherwise, is an open question. “Sarcasm’s a very dangerous thing,” Trump observed in Iowa, “with a dishonest press.”

Either way, it’s obviously too early to predict if Trump’s comedy can win over the broader US electorate as it did in 2016. Using the same strategy in 2020, for example, wasn’t enough for incumbent Republican Trump to overcome an extraordinarily disciplined Democrat machine.

And it may not be enough to overcome Democrat voters who are so dedicated that in the 2022 midterms they elected three Democrat nominees who were dead.

One of the deceased, Pennsylvania’s Tony DeLuca, scored a massive 85 per cent of the vote.

With Biden still on the main card, Democrat supporters have the next best thing to a dead White House candidate. He won in 2020 after campaigning from a basement, so who’s to say Terminal Joe couldn’t win in 2024 from the afterlife?

Even if the worst were to happen, the biggest drag on Biden’s re-election wouldn’t be his lack of a pulse. It would be Vice President Kamala Harris, whose polling is so dire that changing her name to Hamas might actually be an improvement.

Meanwhile, even fake Trump campaign lines invented by online pranksters are better than anyone’s standard political output.

“The lemonade didn’t kill you when I was president,” a bogus Trump commented last week, referring to a toxic soft drink lawsuit. “It was tasty and fun to drink. We loved the lemonade, didn’t we?”

Trump fans weren’t fussed when the fakeness was revealed. “Bacon is more money. Gas is more money,” hoax Trump added. “The lemonade is more money and it kills you. When life hands you lemons, Joe Biden kills you with them.”

There’s one other thing. When Trump was president, the world and the US were much better for it. All joking completely aside.

Indeed Mr Blair

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
December 18, 2023 1:53 pm

Amazing how Meakin in his 80s doesn’t have much difficulty in finding references in folders directed by learned friends.

Hooray for Team Eighty.

We are not all brain dead.

Boambee John
Boambee John
December 18, 2023 1:54 pm


You’re looking at this from the wrong perspective, BJ.
They have rejected the Oath Of Allegience, so they have rejected their rights and duties inherent in Australian Citizenship.

I’m happy to get them to just go away, without the extended legal battles that would attend trying to revoke citizenship.

Wally Dali
Wally Dali
December 18, 2023 1:54 pm

There won’t be any consistent tolerance of non-violent protests- or proactiveprosecution of violent protests- until the union, and state government ie tenured pinko public servant, stranglehold on police is broken.
Basically, be it purplehaired soybag policethem or ‘roided tatted afp bruvver boys, we’ll have no accountability until the safety net privileges, and masks and sunnies, are taken away from what should be locally known and common law accountable police people.

Cassie of Sydney
December 18, 2023 1:55 pm

““In retrospect we could have done a lot of things differently”.”

should have“.

December 18, 2023 1:55 pm

in the UK islam flexes its muscles.

And the Police ‘Service’ are where?

I believe the official term is ‘monitoring the situation.’

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
December 18, 2023 1:56 pm


Dec 18, 2023 1:09 PM

Well, you say “brief chat”.
I heard “final warning”.

There was an element of freeing himself up to make “inferences” I thought.
“so no-one is surprised” seemed fairly pointed.

Quite so.
I think the fifth rendition of “No reason. But I sought advice. Which is privileged” has caused Izz Onner to fire a shot across the bows.
He has already said that he doesn’t think a first year law student would be stupid enough to greenlight the Loggies speech.
He either suspects there was no advice, or the advice was overruled by management prerogative.
Something which Meakin or his bosses at Ten might have neglected to tell Paramount in the US.

The Bungonia Bee
The Bungonia Bee
December 18, 2023 1:56 pm

The mostly left media hate Orban.
He must be doing a lot of things right.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
December 18, 2023 1:56 pm

Lol, Tim Blair. ‘the wit-inhibited’, and ‘Barack Obama’s exhausting solemnity’.

What a delight Tim’s work is to read.

December 18, 2023 1:57 pm

Re the “Albovilles”, the problem has been a long time in the making although it’s come to a head on his watch. There’s plenty of blame to go around, starting with John Howard.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
December 18, 2023 1:57 pm

Yep. Coming now Hairy. Time for lunch.

He offers a deal. I come now and after lunch he’ll hang up the washing.

Deal, I say.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
December 18, 2023 1:59 pm

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare

Dec 18, 2023 1:53 PM

Amazing how Meakin in his 80s doesn’t have much difficulty in finding references in folders directed by learned friends.

Hooray for Team Eighty.

We are not all brain dead.

Mr Meakin’s post prandial performance is renowned for being less coherent.
Your don’t get an eight year driving holiday for miscounting your Emu Light cans by 1 or 2.

The Bungonia Bee
The Bungonia Bee
December 18, 2023 1:59 pm

Either way, it’s obviously too early to predict if Trump’s comedy can win over the broader US electorate as it did in 2016. Using the same strategy in 2020, for example, wasn’t enough for incumbent Republican Trump to overcome an extraordinarily disciplined Democrat machine.
He doesn’t say out loud what the Demonrats are so disciplined at.
We know.

December 18, 2023 2:00 pm
December 18, 2023 2:02 pm

Radical lefties, e.g., BLM etc want to hugbox you to death.

Why you meanie! You don’t want to get hugged and give a hug back!

That’s right. I don’t want you to suffocate me as you spin it as a humanitarian and affectionate act.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
December 18, 2023 2:03 pm

Cassie of Sydney

Dec 18, 2023 1:55 PM

““In retrospect we could have done a lot of things differently”.”

‘should have“.

And should not have done some things at all.
I am looking at Meakin in the box.
He is 81.
Been around the block at 7 and 9 forever.
He looks like a bloke who was under the pump for ratings and allowed Llewellyn and the Toad to run riot.

December 18, 2023 2:03 pm

Looking Back on the Big Policy Stories of 2023 – The RAND Blog

by Jason Matheny – President and Chief Executive Officer, RAND Corporation

December 14, 2023

As 2023 draws to a close, like so many other people, I feel the weight of the world’s problems.

How can policy analysis contribute to a path forward for Israelis and Palestinians to emerge from terror and war? How can society maximize the benefits of artificial intelligence while minimizing the risks? What can be done to better prepare for a changing climate and help people whose lives are upended by disasters?

The pressure to prevent disaster by answering questions like these is real. But avoiding or mitigating a bad outcome is not the only reason to act.

Optimistic urgency is a concept the legendary defense expert Andrew Marshall discussed when trying to pinpoint the unique culture at RAND. It means that you don’t have to think the world is about to end before tackling a wicked problem. You can act with urgency because you feel that the opportunities are too great to ignore.

At RAND, I see optimistic urgency up close, every day. Our policy experts remind me that, not only can evidence steer society toward changes that improve people’s lives in the here and now, but the future can be bright if humanity rises to the occasion with rigor and reason.

Here are some examples of areas where RAND is tackling the most urgent and complex problems we face. Each is a small reminder that where there are thoughtful people working tirelessly to find solutions, there is hope.

Reckoning with the Israel-Hamas War

Since Hamas’s horrific October 7 attack on Israel and Israel’s intense military response in Gaza, RAND researchers have provided insights into what continues to be a volatile tragedy.

Artificial Intelligence: Seizing Opportunities, Addressing Challenges

Conversations about the implications of artificial intelligence are not new. But 2023 may go down as the breakthrough year in which AI dominated the public discourse.

Analyzing Russia’s War in Ukraine

Russia’s wider invasion of Ukraine is approaching the two-year mark. In 2023, the world watched as the fighting dragged on, with no clear end in sight.

Helping People Affected by Disasters, Planning for a Changing Climate

In 2023, headlines were often dominated by news of intensifying disasters, including devastating wildfires on Maui and earthquakes in Turkey and Syria that killed tens of thousands of people. Such disasters will only become more frequent and severe as the effects of climate change become more pervasive.

Understanding How America’s Educators Are Faring

With all that’s changed in public education over the past few years, how are teachers, principals, and superintendents holding up? By surveying America’s educators, RAND researchers are able to understand what’s going on in schools across the United States.

Managing the U.S.-China Competition

From the China spy balloon incident early this year to President Biden’s recent meeting with President Xi, 2023 has seen many developments in the U.S.-China relationship. RAND’s multidimensional analysis aims to prevent competition from turning into armed conflict.

Building Solutions to the Housing and Homelessness Crisis

Despite unprecedented attention from policymakers, the number of people experiencing housing instability and homelessness in the United States has continued to increase—especially in high-cost metro areas.

In January 2023, a RAND report found that the total number of unsheltered people in three “hot spot” neighborhoods in Los Angeles had increased by 18 percent.

Reducing Gun Violence

Horrific events in Lewiston, Maine, Monterey Park, California, and Nashville, Tennessee, were just some of the hundreds of mass shootings in the United States this year.

Meanwhile, tens of thousands of Americans have died by other firearm-related causes, such as other violent crimes, suicide, and accidents.

Learning Health Care Lessons After the Pandemic

This past spring brought the end of the federal COVID-19 public health emergency, but there is still much to learn from the pandemic. And one important area to focus on is health care. RAND researchers made significant contributions to this conversation throughout 2023.

Curbing America’s Opioid Crisis

Illicit fentanyl and other opioids have continued to disrupt communities and claim lives throughout the United States. New RAND research has helped illuminate many complexities of this crisis.

Steering Space Policy

Shortly after RAND began publishing reports about space in 1946, the cosmos became the realm of just a few superpowers.

Today, many more spacefaring nations and a host of companies operate in orbit. With about 6,900 active satellites and countless pieces of “space junk,” congestion is ratcheting up the risk of collisions—and conflict.

Wally Dali
Wally Dali
December 18, 2023 2:04 pm

“Alboville” ain’t bad…
“Albonesia” is of course a cognitive disability, not a country

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
December 18, 2023 2:06 pm

Meakin struggling with the sequence of dates and times after lunch.

Wally Dali
Wally Dali
December 18, 2023 2:07 pm

Emu Light?
Behave yourself, Sanchez, there’s no such thing
There was Emu 2.2, but we don’t talk of that no more

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
December 18, 2023 2:07 pm


December 18, 2023 2:07 pm

What Simpsons gag did Keating use ?

December 18, 2023 2:09 pm

Wow, Meakin definitely is less “sharp” post the interval.

December 18, 2023 2:10 pm

Dec 18, 2023 1:36 PM
Is there anything else I can be cranky about before I duck out of this forum for a while?

One of the NDIS recipients next door gets $180,000 a year to spend.

Good news, he can’t spend it on hookers. Needs to move to Victoria poor lad.

December 18, 2023 2:15 pm

The Lewellen memorial bus freeway is getting a work out today, again.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
December 18, 2023 2:16 pm

Wow, Meakin definitely is less “sharp” post the interval.

Missed his midday nap. And maybe a cuppla sips to stay awake.

December 18, 2023 2:19 pm

Uh oh, it’s QANDA time with Strategic Air Forces Colonel General Vidikund Quislingovich and his tactical firehose of disinformation.

This is a political disaster.
Let’s hope saner heads prevail, to avoid a military disaster as well.

Yes, for Hamas.

It has been effectively put to pasture. Israel has eliminated most of their leadership and freed many hostages.

What was the alternative you drug addled loon?

(We’d have world peace or something closer to it if Putin wasn’t so psychologically inadequate. He has developed both acute and chronic cases of Kaiser Wilhelm II relevance deprivation syndrome. I guess a career as a KGB Lt Col. and party Commissar in East Germany working with an organisation as evil as the Stasi warped his mind a little bit.)

December 18, 2023 2:19 pm

Hooray for Team Eighty.

We are not all brain dead

Lisa wouldn’t be far behind though. She’s be in her early seventies I think.

December 18, 2023 2:21 pm

One of the NDIS recipients next door gets $180,000 a year to spend.

Yes. Completely necessary. Bill Shorten gave us the soma so our suffering is non existent. He should lead the nation, given he has spent so much of other people’s money so wisely.

December 18, 2023 2:22 pm

Channel 7 had a nomination for some fake award withdrawn because they paid for Bruce’s accommodation.

What will happen to Channel 10 for not disclosing that BH stayed with Saint Lisa (similar but different) but similar enough.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
December 18, 2023 2:26 pm

Dec 18, 2023 2:17 PM

Weather report.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
December 18, 2023 2:29 pm
December 18, 2023 2:31 pm

As if the last two witnesses weren’t watching last week’s evidence.

December 18, 2023 2:33 pm

Meakin has been straight forward.
Seems more truthy than the producer.

Llewellin getting flatter and flatter

New shiny young thing on the stand.

Top Ender
Top Ender
December 18, 2023 2:37 pm

Thanks for the Cartela story Rob.

The Bungonia Bee
The Bungonia Bee
December 18, 2023 2:39 pm

Did anyone else notice that Barry Humphries’ other character, a union rep called Lance Boyle, never gets a mention? Too non-pc.
I was at a show of Barry’s back in about 1980 when he used Lance to comment on various industrial matters, including the way “sacred sites” could threaten developments. Lance reckoned that such things could normally be straightened out with a few “crates of tinnies” changing hands.

December 18, 2023 2:42 pm

” Using the same strategy in 2020, for example, wasn’t enough for incumbent Republican Trump to overcome an extraordinarily disciplined Democrat machine.”

Trump was “anti-elected” in 2020 – after lockdowns and mandates (neither of which were Trump’s choice and which he opposed), and the Disinformation Industrial Complex (aka MSM) blaming Trump, people were angry and wanted change. Together with a bit of “cheating” from the left, and Biden won.
It really is that simple.
I get the impression this won’t be the case in 2024 – there are already “Blacks for Trump” wanting to do a march in Chicago (Chicago FFS!). That sounds pretty bad for Dems…

December 18, 2023 2:43 pm

Indubably, Bush

Indeed, spoke.

So tell me, why all these lofty words from people about what should or shouldn’t happen when the discussion can’t seriously be had until the “stop killing Jews because they are Jews” clause has been met?

It’s like planting the perfect crop, then not having the one fundamental ingredient for it to grow.

The Bungonia Bee
The Bungonia Bee
December 18, 2023 2:43 pm

It wasn’t “a bit of cheating”.

Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
December 18, 2023 2:46 pm

Always worth a read imho. From the Oz.


Journalists should not be duped into blaming Jews for the Middle East’s problems

9:30PM DECEMBER 17, 2023

Why do so many journalists analysing the Middle East’s problems think the answers lie in a tiny country of 9.7 million people, seven million of whom are Jewish?

Israel has no natural resources while Arab countries surrounding it occupy 1000 times more land, dominate global oil production and have a combined population of more than 400 million?

Look at income distribution patterns and one thing becomes apparent. The Arab and Persian worlds are among the poorest areas on Earth, despite the vast wealth of their rulers. Israel, with ingenuity its only resource, has average income about the same as Australia’s, while most in the Middle East languish on lower wages than black South Africans or Brazilians.

Yet it’s not only the grinding daily poverty of the Arab street that the moralising Western left ignores. It’s also the violence done to ordinary Muslims across the Middle East and North Africa by other Muslims. Add the 48,000 Islamic terror attacks listed by the French think tank Fondapol between 1979 and 2021 and their 210,000 mostly Muslim victims.

Where is the left on the medieval Arab and Persian regimes that spread Islamist terror from the Middle East to Europe, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Indonesia?

This is not another call for a Muslim reformation, but for political and media honesty.

Yet the Islamic Middle East certainly needs modernisation. The left’s favourite French economist Thomas Piketty and fellow Paris School of Economics writers Facundo Alvaredo and Lydia Assouad in 2018 analysed income inequality in the Middle East. They found “the Middle East appears to be the most unequal region in the world with a top decile share as high as 64 per cent (of national wealth) compared with 37 per cent in Western Europe, 47 per cent in the US and 55 per cent in Brazil”.

Regular readers will know this writer has a daughter living in Tel Aviv and working in the tech sector. Previously, family members have lived and worked in Jordan. Comparisons between the two countries are fascinating given both were once part of British mandate Palestine.

Jordan has a slightly larger population of 11.3 million. With at least three million Palestinians according to the government, and perhaps many more if you follow the historical arguments, it occupies four times the land area of Israel.

Life expectancy for males in Israel is 81 years and 85 for females.

In Jordan the averages are 72 and 77.

Israel’s unemployment rate is 3.5 per cent, Jordan’s 17.9.

Average income in Israel is $80,000 and in Jordan $6,500.

Jordan is a good and safe place to visit but it is clear within hours that it is much poorer than Israel. Israel’s GDP of $783bn dwarfs Jordan’s of $72bn.

The wealth picture is less stark comparing Israel with the Middle East’s oil states. Saudi Arabia has 32 million people, GDP of $1.5 trillion and is the world’s No.18 economy. Its GDP per capita is $40,000, so half Israel’s. Saudi average wages are less than Israel’s, although Saudi prices can be cheaper.

Iranian GDP sits at $549bn but its wage levels are far below those in Saudi Arabia and Israel. Its legislated minimum wage this year sits at $1700 a month.

The Western left also ignores violence against Muslims by Muslims. Few demonstrators took to the streets of Western cities to protest during the Syrian civil war this past decade. The death toll as of last March stood at 613,000, dwarfing the casualties in Gaza the past two months.

Ditto the ongoing Yemen civil war that started in 2014 and in which 150,000 have died fighting and 227,000 have perished in famine.

The disastrous Somalian civil war has been going for 40 years. Genocide Watch last year said between 350,000 and one million mainly Muslims have been killed since 1991 and 3.5 million displaced Somalis, including 1.5 million children, face starvation. The country is 99 per cent Muslim.

Add the millions killed in the Iran-Iraq war in the 1980s and the thousands killed by al-Qa’ida in Iraq after the US invasion in 2003.

To put the Israel story into perspective, between 1948 and 2021 total Palestinian deaths number 31,227. Total Israeli deaths in war excluding terrorism number 24,981. The 1948, 1967 and 1973 wars that cost Palestinians so much of their land followed invasions by Israel’s Arab neighbours.

Islam has also been waging war on black Africa for much of the past 100 years.

Tablet Magazine on December 12 said “the same Jihad that targeted Jews on October 7 has been targeting black Africans for decades”.

Tablet discusses the “hidden holocaust” from 1983 to 2005 when “northern Sudanese Arabs sought to subjugate and enslave the black Sudanese of the mostly Christian south. The onslaught cost the lives of perhaps 2.5 million black Sudanese. The Arab Muslim government’s jihad utilised kidnapping as its terror weapon of choice, not to mention casual gang rape and mutilation”.

Tablet cites Arab pogroms against black Africans in Nigeria, Mauritania and Sudan’s Western Darfur. Asking why the civil rights left ignores these, it says “on account of their ‘intersectional’ dogma – which makes Jews ‘white’ and Muslims ‘oppressed’ – the Western human rights industry, media and campus left activists are ideologically determined to mostly ignore some of the most hideous crimes on the planet”.

Trouble is, most journalists know nothing about Islam or Islamism. The Koran is not a peaceful book: it does encourage Jew hatred and other violent behaviours against non-believers. When large communities celebrate the martyrdom of their sons and daughters, the left needs to understand that fanatics mean and do what they say. They really do see Jihad as the road to paradise.

This religious outlook has served the interests of the Sunni princes who finance the spread of Wahabism and the Islamic boarding schools (Pesantren) that spread it to Pakistan and Indonesia. It serves Iran well to finance Hamas and Hezbollah.

Blaming Jews for the Middle East’s problems lets the mullahs and princes off the hook for what they don’t do for their own people. Journalists covering the Middle East should not be duped the way the Arab street is. Of course Palestinian lives matter but Islamism is the real “context”.

Back on August 26, 2014, after another Israeli-Gaza war, former AP Jerusalem bureau editor Matti Friedman published a fascinating account in Tablet explaining how much the Western media mis-reports what is really happening in Israel and Palestine. He says AP had more than 40 staff in Israel in 2011 but only a single stringer in Syria where tens of thousands were dying each week. Its Israel bureau was bigger than staff numbers in Russia, China or India. Why?

The answer then was the same as now: it’s about Western media assumptions about Jews, power and victimhood.

That combines with a complete media disregard for what real Palestinians think and want and what Islamists really believe.

Here’s a clue. Most Palestinians and Hamas do not support a two-state solution. They support the elimination of Israel, and at least some support the elimination of all Jews.

A poll last week by the Palestinian Centre for Policy and Survey Research found 72 per cent support across Gaza and the West Bank for Hamas’s murder of 1200 civilians on October 7. While 95 per cent thought Israel had committed war crimes since October 7, only 10 per cent believed Hamas had.

December 18, 2023 2:47 pm

Lewellen taking sick leave and dumping the executive producer role on a lesser flunky, tactical and meant to cover himself, or genuine??

Either way, channel 10 will be owned by a chubby ex- advisor by the end of this.

Dr Robertson up now.

December 18, 2023 2:50 pm

So tell me, why all these lofty words from people about what should or shouldn’t happen when the discussion can’t seriously be had until the “stop killing Jews because they are Jews” clause has been met?

Nerds got to nerdle I recon, Bush.
Dungeons and a dragons but with real lifes at stake. Charming.

December 18, 2023 2:51 pm

This is ridiculous.
How can this possibly be expert testimony.

December 18, 2023 2:55 pm

only to be misidentified when they emerged in the manner they did

Yes. It certainly looks that way. One can blame the IDF for their deaths, but why were they there in the first place? They were kidnapped by murderous scum who kept them in straitened conditions for nine weeks.

No wonder they were incautious with their first taste of freedom, poor buggers.

Ultimately the responsibility for ALL hostage deaths lies with Hamas and their enablers.

December 18, 2023 3:00 pm

female of 60 kg and 174 cm….

Hoggins to the Jenny Craig table…

December 18, 2023 3:03 pm

CHRIS MITCHEL: Journalists should not be duped into blaming Jews for the Middle East’s problems

9:30PM DECEMBER 17, 2023

A very very worthwhile read, with much detail about the larger picture of Islamic persecution of non Muslims – thanks Mak.

Robert Sewell
December 18, 2023 3:04 pm


I’ve ordered him the one on the German battles in Southern Italy in 1944

I’ve been fascinated by this sector for years. Do you have a name and author, please?

December 18, 2023 3:10 pm

Bush didn’t say the Gazians had to love the Jews. Just stop killing them, simple.

December 18, 2023 3:13 pm

Videos being shown, pub and security.
Hoggins seems to be clearly wobbly at one point at the pub.

Not as wobbly at the metal detector or taking her shoes off.
But probably trying to look sober in front of the security nobs.

December 18, 2023 3:15 pm

The Germans surrendered in 1918 because the war was now lost, not because they suddenly decided to love the English and the French; they probably hated more than they did, if at all, in 1914. This is the case in every conflict.

And you accuse me of being silly.

As far as I’m aware “killing English and French” was never pathological with the Germans.

Robert Sewell
December 18, 2023 3:16 pm


Though I do think D-Day required committed staunch hearts and brave men.

And Green Top Hats.
A lesson learnt in the Anzio invasion – someone who outranked everyone else even the HQ types.
I’m going from 40 year old memory here so I stand to be corrected.
The Anzio landings were stalling and one General of Artillery believed it was due to insufficient 25Pounder ammunition so he over rode the landing schedule – nothing comes off the ships unless it’s 25 Pdr ammunition, and as a result, no fuel, no rifle ammunition, food etc was landed. The trucks now carrying the extricated and triple handled 25 pdr ammo ran out of fuel ferrying the shells to the artillery… And the Germans counter attacked.
And so the Beachmaster was created. Wearing a green Bowler Hat as his symbol of office, he outranked – on the beach – even Churchill.
It makes an interesting story even if its “Tales my Nanna Told me.”

December 18, 2023 3:18 pm

“It wasn’t “a bit of cheating”.”

Sure it was.
In the “swing” states (which are the ones that matter) Trump won in 2016 by about 70k votes. In 2020, Biden won by about 40k votes. So 110,000 votes is all that mattered. Out of 150 million-ish in 2020 nation-wide. Because those swing states are what it ALWAYS hinges on.
I mean, sure, there was other “iffy” stuff that went on, no doubt, but those swing states are what matters, and the change was relatively small, as above.
You have to admit that 110/150,000 is a “little bit” – it’s less than 0.1% after all.
Well targeted, for sure.
Well disguised, also for sure.
But never-the-less, quite small – just enough to make a difference, see? No point in making it too obvious, right?

December 18, 2023 3:21 pm

Christmas should be about genuine love and friendship, rather than the mass decorations & cutesy shopping enticements.

We were privileged to see real Christmas spirit on the weekend when very old friends invited us to lunch at their home in Sydney. When we arrived it was apparent that they assumed, because of our problems with our daughter, that we would not be having a family Christmas. The dining rooms was resplendent in a lavishly decorated Christmas table, with the family silver and best plates etc. A beautiful cooked ham and succulent turkey was served, as well as bubbly. They had also invited their boys and wives and their children (my husband is godfather to one of their boys) – so it was a real family Christmas lunch.

As it turns out, and they did not know, my daughter has included us in Christmas lunch and celebrations at her home. But I will never forget the love and kindness that inspired that wonderful lunch with our old friends.

And btw – my friend was tripped and broken her elbow a few days prior – unknown to us. But it did not cause her to cancel the lunch. Friendship at its best.

December 18, 2023 3:21 pm

Those shoes are difficult stone cold sober. The step back at the pub could just as well be re-focussing on surroundings after gazing at her phone. All her attention was on that phone…look up, refocus, step back, wobble.

Six inch heels are like that. Had she been tanked, she wouldn’t be able to walk in them. I suggest some of the guys try it! 😀

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 18, 2023 3:22 pm

Sancho Panzer at 12:52

Pretty much, “if you don’t disclose it I am possibly going to conclude that it is being used as a device to obsfucate

Yep. invites an adverse inference. Safe to assume Crysanthou doesn’t have a magic bullet. Which poses the question, why are they here at all?

December 18, 2023 3:23 pm

That’s a really nice story Vikki. I love decking the halls too. So glad I did it before we left, I wouldn’t have had the heart to now.

Something cheering about those little twinkling lights in the tree.

December 18, 2023 3:24 pm

14-18 was territorial, same for WW2, with a large chunk of genocide thrown in.

Arab v Jew is NOT territorial at its root. It’s genocidal.

Are you trying to conflate the two causes?

December 18, 2023 3:26 pm

I suggest some of the guys try it!

Suggestion… declined.
Purely subjective, but i thought it looked like a bit of a pissy totter on the trotters.

December 18, 2023 3:26 pm

Christmas should be about genuine love and friendship


, rather than the mass decorations & cutesy shopping enticements.


I had a ball getting photos taken of my wife two sons and grand girl with Santa.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
December 18, 2023 3:29 pm

Chris Mitchell pretty much nails the hatred of Israel is backed by old fashioned jealousy and religious bigotry.
It’s a common failing of humanity throughout history but in most of the world it is considered a sin, not a call of faith.

December 18, 2023 3:30 pm

only to be misidentified when they emerged in the manner they did

Yes. It certainly looks that way. One can blame the IDF for their deaths, but why were they there in the first place?

This “when-did-it-begin-and-hence-fault-lies-with-XXXX” can be done over many timeframes. Probably one reason why the ME is a volatile region given multiple sets of memories dating back to different times.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 18, 2023 3:32 pm

Optus Stadium cricket attendance was only 57,000 over four days.

WA cricket crowds are always too low. CA gives us a Test because it works for TV in the East. Pakis are very much second string these days, although not as bad as the West Indies. Let’s see what they get for the Monday in Melbourne.

December 18, 2023 3:36 pm

I dream of a Palestinian Province of Greater Israel, along the old Roman style, with an Israeli Consul in charge

That would have to be a Proconsul, Lizzie – at least if it reflects the republican period. The Proconsul would govern a major province for a year (with one year extensions, if necessary) following his Consulship in Rome.

I would suggest that such an arrangement would be not only rejected out of hand, but entirely inappropriate, as in Roman times it was recognised as the government of a conquered people by their conqueror.

December 18, 2023 3:37 pm

This “when-did-it-begin-and-hence-fault-lies-with-XXXX” can be done over many timeframes. Probably one reason why the ME is a volatile region given multiple sets of memories dating back to different times.

When one side is a genocidal death cult the only time frame is the present.
Stop trying to make excuses.

Robert Sewell
December 18, 2023 3:38 pm


Dec 18, 2023 1:36 PM
Is there anything else I can be cranky about before I duck out of this forum for a while?

Yes, Dot. Yes there is.
It’s the exorbitant price and appalling quality of Daffy Duck Socks.
I’m livid about it.
Bloody livid, I tells ya.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 18, 2023 3:39 pm

As I heard it, the solicitor-general sent unredacted evidence to the judge directly.

Would be extraordinary if true. I would treat with some caution. Has the Cth sought to be represented at trial?

December 18, 2023 3:39 pm

I had a ball getting photos taken of my wife two sons and grand girl with Santa.

That’s OK, Bespoke. That’s a Christmas tradition which allows us to have a photo album that shows our kids and grandkids growing into beautiful people – & us into shrivelled up oldies!

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
December 18, 2023 3:41 pm

Bruce of Newcastle
Dec 18, 2023 7:24 AM

We should get Albo’s 860 Palis to dig Snowy 2.0 and the Suburban Rail Loop. They’re obviously very good at it and cheaper than the CFMEU.

Service guarantees citizenship. 😉

December 18, 2023 3:45 pm

When one side is a genocidal death cult the only time frame is the present.
Stop trying to make excuses.

No excuses being made for any side in this conflict by me. Its just an observation that behaviour can be excused/explained given a long and usually selective memory plus a dose of whatabouttery.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 18, 2023 3:50 pm

thefrollickingmole at 12:48 – that’s how you get invited back on Teh Dumb (dec’d) when you are white and don’t own any colourful headgear.

December 18, 2023 3:51 pm

I reckon it should be put about that Mossad are putting nanoparticles in the water to make the pali’s Jewish. How long would it take to get legs? Even though we have the technology we wouldn’t do it. We don’t comment on improbable field tests. That sort of thing.

December 18, 2023 3:53 pm

It’s the exorbitant price and appalling quality of Daffy Duck Socks.

These Grinch ones are excellent.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
December 18, 2023 3:53 pm

Lizzie, the problem here is that using the Howard maxim, that isn’t a determination to be made by anyone other than the Palestinians. Rather, under the guise of realpolitik, you want it to be made by the Israelis in perpetuity. Something tells me Palestinians everywhere think that is pretty funny stuff.

No, Dover. Howard’s broader context was that saying sovereign states are forced to make their determinations in the light of history. In his speech, Howard prefaced the statement I quoted with a contemporary view, that Australians are a generous and multi-cultural people. Ergo, unspoken, we can no longer make our determinations in favour of only British or similar-to-us immigrants as in the past during our Foundation, nor even wish to do so, but that we can at least select from a diverse range of applicants. Nothing about privileging one group of people in that at all.

Stopping Palestinians in any new Palestinian State privileging the local Palestinian diaspora as immigrants to this new State is essential to creating a viable Palestinian state out of ‘greater Israel’ territories. Palestinians can take as rum a view of that, or not, as they like. It is what has to happen, with only marginal leeway to it.

As has been pointed out here often re this situation, arguments of ‘fairness’ and ‘moral equivalence’ are not about simple balances, but about delicate manoeuvres based on both fact and perceptions, that provide acceptability and compromise rather than perfection for both sides.

The truth is, as Gregory Sheridan’s article on past failures and others writing in the Australian this weekend have very clearly pointed out, four Pallie State options have been carefully put together by external negotiators, received Israeli agreement, and have been knocked back in favour of genocide of the Jews. I think the Jews are being pretty reasonable about that past and that the Pallies should be grateful to get anything from this background and their supporters’ current behaviour.

I also think, contra to some opinions here, that this war is more than marginally successful already, due to what it represents as much as what it has done in physical terms. It represents a strong halt to years of tolerance by Jews of Palestinian and other intifadas from all comers; no more, and never again, or we will crush you. Well deserved, in my view. The Palestinians should now cut their cloth to suit it.

If you want to argue otherwise, then go for it. You have plenty of company, not all of it good. I see little point to further ahistorical philosophising about it and wait to see how these negotiations will pan out. If they fail to satisfy Israel, it will be the worse for the Palestinians, something which sensible folk in the Middle East are certain about.

December 18, 2023 3:54 pm

“It’s the exorbitant price and appalling quality of Daffy Duck Socks.
I’m livid about it.”

It’s deth-picable – deth-picable, I say!

Delta A
Delta A
December 18, 2023 3:55 pm

As if the last two witnesses weren’t watching last week’s evidence.

But… but areff, they swore an oath to tell the truth.

December 18, 2023 3:56 pm

Looks like Brown will be giving evidence around a conference table.

December 18, 2023 3:56 pm

Stop with the leading questions, Dover.

Say what you think was the motive.

December 18, 2023 3:57 pm

No way my grandson was getting his photo taken with santa. Must run in the family. Neither my son nor myself would at that age.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
December 18, 2023 3:59 pm

in the UK islam flexes its muscles.
And the Police ‘Service’ are where?

I believe the official term is ‘monitoring the situation.’

This is a UK problem long in the making. Racial tensions developed in the 1960’s and 70’s as ghettos formed from Commonwealth arrivals and displaced older, working-class Brits.

Initially police dealt with in the traditional way; speak to the parents, exercise ‘move along’ powers, and a bit of an informal touch-up of particularly mouthy twats. As things got rowdier, policing moved to ‘stop and search’, the so-called ‘suss powers’, which led to increasing arrests for possession – which led to ‘it’s racist innit’ and eventually to full bore race riots.

The political shock of the 1981 rioting caused the Establishment and police forces to recoil, and community policing became the least painful and most career-advancing MO.

By the mid 1980’s, the UK was well-advanced in handing substantial political control over to Islamic interests, the most coherent, organised and militant of the minority groups. This was barely commented on in the UK MSM – but widely so in the US and Europe:

Integration a Problem : Muslims in Britain: No Small Clout
LA Times, September 1986

None of Britain’s new minorities have exerted greater influence over time-honored traditions and basic values than the growing Muslim community, today estimated to number well over 1 million.

Although barely 2% of Britain’s 55 million people, the Muslims, who come mainly from South Asia, the Middle East and West Africa, have tended to cluster in the large cities of the industrial north and Midlands, where they constitute an increasingly powerful force for change.

The article goes on to describe the changes then evident in terms that would not then have been acceptable in the British press.

Where they constitute an increasingly powerful force for change” is now coming into sharp focus in the UK, where intolerant, militant Islam – backed by its useful idiot supporters – actually and unequivocally controls both the peace and the political agenda.

It’s taken 40+ years in the UK to hand over legitimacy to 7th Century thinking: but Australia is a quick adopter.

Unfortunately, to my own dim vision, there is no recognisable or practical path back.

December 18, 2023 4:00 pm

My grand girl is used to blokes with big beards, Ranger.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
December 18, 2023 4:03 pm

Bear at Three Twenny Two.

Yep. invites an adverse inference. Safe to assume Crysanthou doesn’t have a magic bullet. Which poses the question, why are they here at all?

I think it is as simple as Ten lawyers would rather be able to plead to the US parent that they “got a bum rap from a far-right jurdge” than explain why they voluntarily settled a defamation action on something which they cleared for publication two years ago.
As for Toad?
Equal parts arrogance and stupidity.

Robert Sewell
December 18, 2023 4:04 pm

Wally Dali

Dec 18, 2023 2:07 PM
Emu Light?
Behave yourself, Sanchez, there’s no such thing
There was Emu 2.2, but we don’t talk of that no more

Winston puts fingers in ears.
Lallalalallaa. Ican’thearyou…..Lalalalalaalla

December 18, 2023 4:07 pm

I read Justice Lee’s questioning of the Toxicologist was to go to BH credibility. If she wasn’t as pissed as claimed then she SHOULD have been able to recall events better than claimed

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
December 18, 2023 4:07 pm

Winston puts fingers in ears.
Lallalalallaa. Ican’thearyou…..Lalalalalaalla

I WILL NOT be lectured on beer by that man…

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
December 18, 2023 4:11 pm

Does this raise any questions?

It may, and the relatives of the hostages will see out the truth of it, because Israel works as a democracy; but the other side of this action must be heard too. In a fierce firing-fight ‘surrendering’ is often not an immediate option, especially if you have no identification of those surrendering. It is certainly a situation entailing a certain ‘jumpiness’ or ‘trigger happiness’ in the side trying to advance. The hostages would have been better advised to take cover and lie low until discovered in less strenuous circumstances, but they, poor souls, were no doubt terrified beyond reason.

War is hell.

December 18, 2023 4:11 pm

Beer, peanuts and refried beans.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 18, 2023 4:11 pm

Or, in other words, anything described as “comedy” that’s been aired by the ABC thus far this century. Or, in just two words, Hannah Gadsby

Gadsby is as funny as arse cancer.

Delta A
Delta A
December 18, 2023 4:11 pm

My grand girl is used to blokes with big beards

The very best kind.

December 18, 2023 4:11 pm

Dec 18, 2023 3:03 PM
CHRIS MITCHEL: Journalists should not be duped into blaming Jews for the Middle East’s problems

9:30PM DECEMBER 17, 2023

A very very worthwhile read, with much detail about the larger picture of Islamic persecution of non Muslims – thanks Mak.

Chris Mitchell’s column is always my first go to read in the Oz on Monday mornings.

December 18, 2023 4:13 pm

H B Bear

Have arse cancers lawyer on the line – they demand a retraction after you slandered their client by comparing them to Gadsby.

Cassie of Sydney
December 18, 2023 4:14 pm

For those who say I should toughen up, hear this. I am quite tough, I go to rallies, I speak my mind, I blog here (and believe me, this place isn’t for the faint-hearted). Those Cats who know me personally can testify that I’m pretty tough. I try and be strong for my elderly mother and father. But you know, like almost every other Jew on the planet, I am now profoundly depressed. The events of 7 October 2023 have shattered most Jews, but to add to our depression and our apprehension are the immoral acts of various governments, the left, the progressives, and the all round the excuse makers who now side Islamist barbarism, These people really believe that Israeli Jews deserve to be raped and slaughtered. I am without words.

I have been depressed all day, because last night I read on the Australian website about an Islamic ‘cleric’ from a western Sydney mosque who preached a sermon calling for a “final solution”, which is a not so subtle code for a final solution against Jews. I don’t want to live in a city where such creatures are free to roam. Why should any decent hardworking Australian share a city/country with such a despicable creature? But what really depresses me is that the NSWaffen Police and the NSW government will do nothing, it won’t be mentioned on their ABC or Nine or The Guardian. Nine Media are too busy smearing and defaming Alan Jones, because he might have once pinched a man’s bum once upon a time.

Yes, I am depressed…but worse than depressed, I feel such incredible apprehension.

December 18, 2023 4:14 pm


Shirley in Australia, we would say “Tinglingalu!”?

December 18, 2023 4:14 pm

They were seen to be unarmed, shirtless (so presumably without suicide vests), and waving white flag, but the sniper team identified them as ‘suspects’ and two were immediately killed.

Imagine being the IDF who will live with having done this for the rest of his life. I hope his name won’t be released. War is horrible.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
December 18, 2023 4:14 pm

One might hope too that in this war every death of every Israeli, soldier or otherwise, receives a similar scrutiny as to whether or not the killing was justified.

Won’t happen though. This is war.
And Hamas are no army with codes of conduct.

December 18, 2023 4:15 pm

Probably one reason why the ME is a volatile region given multiple sets of memories dating back to different times.

I’m not talking millennia. I’m talking 70 days.

They were stolen, kept in horrible conditions, possibly tormented and in fear for their lives.

Only one group is responsible for this. Please don’t run geriatric distraction squirrels to divert from the original crime…murder, rape, mutilation, theft, torture and abduction.

December 18, 2023 4:19 pm

Brown will be called to give evidence.
Livestream will be delayed by the sounds of it.

Cassie of Sydney
December 18, 2023 4:20 pm

Only one group is responsible for this. Please don’t run geriatric distraction squirrels to divert from the original crime…murder, rape, mutilation, theft, torture and abduction.”


Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
December 18, 2023 4:20 pm

Oh Cassie, how can we, I, cheer you up?

I still have that Hanukah present for you which I’ll give you on Thursday.

Trouble is I’ve put it somewhere safe and now I’ve forgotten where.

Is this Team Eighty losing it?

If so, that’s pretty depressing too.

Good job we still have Tim Blair around for a laugh when we need one.

December 18, 2023 4:21 pm

Does this raise any questions?

Of course it does. It makes me demand a forensic analysis of the site, the conditions and the training of those involved. I would want to grill each of them individually as to what they saw and what prompted them to pull the trigger.

If there was any suggestion…any at all…that one of the killers (for that is what they did) was compromised in any way, I would want to know how that happened and why.

In war things must happen fast. I remember the barely controlled terror I have felt when things have gone pear shaped in a civil setting and help was in the form of a single, brave and unarmed man. I’m cutting the soldiers some slack until they are investigated.

Robert Sewell
December 18, 2023 4:22 pm


Six inch heels are like that. Had she been tanked, she wouldn’t be able to walk in them. I suggest some of the guys try it! ?

Are you suggesting we may not have?

December 18, 2023 4:22 pm



December 18, 2023 4:23 pm

“… but to add to our depression and our apprehension are the immoral acts of various governments, the left, the progressives, and the all round the excuse makers who now side Islamist barbarism…”

As will soon be apparent, if it is not already, the gutless pollies who would do anything for a vote do NOT represent the majority of Australians – most of whom find the actions you describe as immoral and repugnant as you do.
Chin up Cassie – chin up, chest out, be proud, because your people deserve to be proud of what they have done, and what they have survived. This too will pass, and Jews will also go on, as they always have.

Boambee John
Boambee John
December 18, 2023 4:23 pm

Delta A
Dec 18, 2023 3:55 PM
As if the last two witnesses weren’t watching last week’s evidence.

But… but areff, they swore an oath to tell the truth.

The truth might not match last week’s evidence?

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 18, 2023 4:23 pm

Sancho Panzer at 4:03 – possibly. I expect there is plenty to catch up on visits to the US.

  1. The correlation between the election of the Attlee communists and Starmer’s stalinists is striking. Both fell into office as a…

  2. The second bottom photo of the First Lady as she ponders the punishment of the FBI operatives who amused themselves…

  3. Trump has the right answer for them, tariffs on everything from China regardless of whether bought in an Australian store…

  4. Noticed the pianist at the Capitol played one of my favourite hymns just before the arrival of the new VP.…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x