@MarinaMedvin: “Fauci — he can still be prosecuted under state law, despite the federal pardon. And @RonDeSantis has been investigating…
@MarinaMedvin: “Fauci — he can still be prosecuted under state law, despite the federal pardon. And @RonDeSantis has been investigating…
Look just down thread, Sal. It is all horse shit. You can’t be pardoned for a crime you haven’t yet…
The left needs to learn – if you do it to us, we will do it to you. Preferably twice…
Tucker is wrong. These people can have the absolute bejeezus inquired out of them now and won’t be able to…
If Mexico won’t take the illegals back, Trump can now send them to the Vatican, as the Pope states deporting…
The Epiphany of the Lord
We have seen his star in the East;
and have come to adore the Lord. – Matthew 2:2
What Child Is This
I have difficulty believing the Chinese authorities on this matter. They seem to have difficulty understanding that coercion doesn’t mean people suddenly become willing parties to a matter.
They just learned from the no compulsion vaccine rollout in Australia…
Also there is a massive astroturf effort on twatter over Jan 6 , complete with “dork Brandon” and covid flogbaggery.
Pics of people claiming to be Drs etc pushing for “precautions”…
Jonathan Reiner
I’m concerned that our rapid antigen tests no longer have sufficient negative predictive value to rule out COVID. If you have URI symptoms and test negative for COVID, Flu, and RSV, you still may have COVID. Wear a mask in the presence of other people until your symptoms abate.
…is normal.
Storm Henk (Paul Homewood, 5 Jan)
His graphs from KNMI’s database show no trend in either central or SE England. Maybe you could detect a slight increase over the 90 years in the dataset. There has been natural warming over that period, so a little extra evaporation over the Atlantic arriving as rain in England would be consistent.
At the same time Paul Homewood has often posted about how the authorities have let slip maintenance of levies and drainage systems, so yes the floods probably result from human action, or more accurately, inaction.
Levies are a saint and sinner solution.
Fine if the water stays below the levy but a disaster once they are topped and the water can’t get back into the waterway until the river drops sufficiently for pumping or cut breaches.
In the mid-1990s, Australia was spending around 41 or 42% of its Defence budget on personnel costs. I doubt if the percentage would be significantly lower now.
Construction, either commercial or residential, over extensive tracts of land stops rain absorption and contributes to run-off. As well as contributing to the heat island urban sprawl may also be contributing to flooding.
Colonies under British rule in Africa reaped substantial rewards. Railways, roads, water and health infrastructure, education systems, banking, a universal language, bridges etc were all put in and left behind by the Brits. It wasn’t the same experience in say Belgian and French colonies, not nearly to the same degree anyways.
Vivek Ramaswamy
TRUTH #1: The real cause of Jan 6 was systematic & pervasive censorship and wrongdoing in the lead-up to the 2020 Presidential election — Covid, lockdowns, Antifa riots, Hunter Biden laptop, and irregularities in election conduct.
Aren’t they paying a $50k bonus to re-up?
There was a pretty decent conversation last evening, but then two of the site’s bush-pigs tried to turn it into a stoush about a side issue incidental to the discussion. The third, a grossly overweight bush-pig, now decides to join in this morning trying to create more strife.
Pogria, download an exercise class and see if you can do two minutes without panting.
Seriously, it’s like the site is sometimes overrun by feral pigs at times.
This is really funny. Here’s a taste;
“In April author Demetrious Polychron published a book called “The Fellowship of the King” which he claimed was a sequel to “The Lord of the Rings.” He planned for the book to be the first in a seven-part series.
The author then filed suit against both Amazon and the Tolkien estate, claiming the streaming series “The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power” had borrowed from his sequel and infringed his copyright.
It can now be reported for the first time that a California judge summarily dismissed Polychron’s lawsuit with prejudice in August.”
He must have gone to Harvard. hahahah
Anyone who ignores the Muslim elephant in the room has their heads stuck not in sand but in concrete.
We actually pay them to have more kids and then subsidise them for every activity like school fees, medical expenses etc. the more they whinge, the more money we give them. Abstract stupidity…
New World Order with Chinese Characteristics:
Wang Hui’s The Rise of Modern Chinese Thought is a monumental contribution to the debate in China about how to respond to the civilizational challenge of the West.
If you don’t read the book, read the review for an outline of China’s utopian vision of a future under their hegemony.
Are parking garages STRONG ENOUGH for EVs? | MGUY Australia – 6 mins 07 secs
taken from
Link to Structure journal: https://m-g.uy/b0x (page 38 onwards – numbered page 36 in printed edition)
INSIGHTS – Engineering Infrastructure to Support Societal Resiliency
Electric vehicle weights endangering parking structures.
By James McDonald, S. E., Joseph Moody, S. E., Michael Perkins, S. E., and Molly Pobiel, P. E.
Interesting Article Page 30
engineer’s NOTEBOOK – ChatGPT in Structural Engineering
How can structural engineers leverage Conversational AI benets while managing its risks?
By Stephanie Slocum, P. E.
Structural engineers spend an estimated 20-40% of their work hours writing. Do you ever struggle with writer’s block or spend too much time perfecting work emails? It’s
understandable to feel frustrated and wonder if this is what you really signed up for as a structural engineer.
Conversational AI tools like ChatGPT can solve this problem, acting as a writing assistant with the potential to drastically cut writing time so you can do more work you enjoy while more eectively communicating your value to teams, clients, and society.
In December 2022, based on an entrepreneurial colleague’s enthusiastic recommendation, I rst tried ChatGPT. A feel- ing of “this is going to change everything” came over me as Iexplored; the last time I felt similarly was when I viewed my rst Revit demonstration 20 years prior. I jumped in with both feet to learn all I could. e result has been working with AI experts, sharing my learnings in articles and virtual sessions, and collaborating on a report-writing workshop using this tool.
AI language models and OpenAI’s ChatGPT have since made headlines. ChatGPT is the fastest-adopted tool in the Internet age (See Figure 1). e rapid adoption rate means rm leaders must get up to date quickly; an estimated 43% of employees have already used it, yet 68% of those users have not told their bosses they are doing so.
AI tools like ChatGPT have the potential to be game-changing in helping engineers communicate eectively. At the same time, like any other software tool, it must be used with guardrails and a comprehensive understanding of the benets and risks.
Sticks and Stones you boring old Trot. 😀 😀 😀
The UK floods were precipitated by widespread falls of 40mm in an 24 hour period according to their flood watch warnings.
The country must have been well saturated for this to be a big issue. Very little evaporation at this time of year in Pommy Land.
Caught on a sticky wicket.
We had 100mm in a 24 hours Christmas Eve and got a bit of water running but not many issues.
Monumental stupidity.
I before E except after C
by Science
I love WIP
For years, whenever I’ve said that growing Muslim populations will create huge problems for western countries and in particular for the longstanding Jewish communities in those countries, I was usually mocked, ridiculed and laughed at.
My view is, Cassie, that the bulk of people today – even the well educated – are too obsessed with “the good life” to read widely and critically, as once they did. The evidence has been available to years & has been extensively written about viz Douglas Murray, “The Strange Death of Europe” , and particularly the earlier work of Christopher Caldwell, “”Reflections on the Revolution in Europe” & “Immigration, Islam, and the West” to name a few. These were serious works, and well researched & not anti-Islam diatribes. But if you ask most well educated friends (including conservatives) about them – they have no knowledge of them. Oh – I have a couple of friends, like ourselves, who have been warning about the Muslim influx for years. One is an ex QANTAS pilot who has seen the worst of Islam OS – but most of his acquaintances regard him as an eccentric !
This is what we are up against. But their cosy world will disintegrate when the crazies increase sufficiently to be a real threat in Oz. And it will be too damn late.
Vivek is really good value with a wonderful message for young people. He related in one interview that his parents wished him luck but added that luck was spelled w-o-r-k.
He also knows who is perverting Republican side and had no problem in naming them, he often rubbishes Nikki Haley and in one talk he added Mike Pence to the list. I don’t think he I’d that hostile to Ron DeSantis. Trump could do worse than picking Vivek as his VP.
I recall being in Tokyo in the mid 80s and picking the English language paper. There was an oped by an academic (who else) explaining how Japan was an economic superpower and could tread its own way and ignore the West. This was just around the time when the land perimeter of the royal palace was said to be worth as much as the entire land area of California. The very peak.
China had a one child policy and forcibly aborted women after one kid. It runs slave labor camps. Perhaps there’s something they could learn from the West.
Xi’s China’s philosophy can be summed up in a few words: control the population and lie to the gweilo.
Bonusers are not new.
A possibly apocryphal story from the 1990s.
Ronie RAAF was having trouble retaining air traffic controllers (ATCs), so paid a retention bonus. Then there was a reduction in force (that 42% for personnel was creeping up, cutting into capital investment and operations/maintenance). Ronnie RAAF then paid redundancy money, including (allegedly) to some ATCs. Then they couldn’t staff the ATC towers at air bases. Result? Pay enlistment bonuses to attract ATCs back.
At least one was said to have received all three payments.
Alternative für Deutschland leading polls in Saxony, Thüringen and Brandenburg, each of which will hold state elections this year.
Crossie 6/1 @4:11
Crossie – your emotions have taken over your sensibities.
Nature controls us.
Greenies will not change the climate.
Greenies will make you drive a vow, not have a shower eat seeds that almos killed flying duck and will remove deodorant soap/body wash and shampoo.
You will work harder and do menial tasks like dry dishes.
You have been Litt up.
The elder Leak had a very good cartoon on this, captioned something like “He’s crazy, lock yourselves up to be safe”, with a weird beard with a suicide belt raving in the background.
My great greats came from families of eight to thirteen children, now families have one two or maybe three offspring. Might this not happen in Muslim families who emigrate west? Some of the women in Islam are becoming quite westernised and may balk at “pregnant barefoot and in the kitchen”.
Don’t count on them doing that.
They see this as a civilisational conflict and, while they are unlikely to succeed in the long term, in the short to medium term they’ll do whatever is in their power to undermine the West.
It’s Time for a Decision on Ukraine
“I have spent way too much time the past few days on phone conversations concerning the geopolitical Ukrainian mess from different sides and what our computer is showing. There is a growing concern in Washington that this war in Ukraine has run its course. This seems to have risen since Biden threatened if he did not get the money for Ukraine, US troops would have to go there and fight – totally insane. This seems to be backfiring. Biden just reads the cards handed to him by the Neocons or Climate Change nuts.
What seems to be emerging is there are some US policymakers who are starting to connect the dots and have looked at this Minsk Agreement and concluded, off the record, that the only reality of peace is to start with a ceasefire that blends into a peace deal that divides Ukraine allowing Putin to keep the part he has occupied being the Donbas and that includes Crimea.
Putin has been making peace proposals all along. The Western Neocons have refused to negotiate. NATO previously killed any peace deal for Ukraine. Then Boris Johnson traveled to Ukraine to instruct Zelensky that he was NOT allowed to seek peace with Russia. The West has wanted to conquer Russia for centuries. All Ukraine had to do was honor the Minsk Agreement, and the war would have been over in 24 hours.
Zelensky is seeking to draft another 500,000 more people to die for the Neocons – ASAP. I did not want to publish the real death toll, for when I first reported that 100,000 were killed, I got a ton of hate mail claiming I was spreading Russian Propaganda. Ursula von der Leyen, the head of the EU, released a video covering the very information I had previously reported. She then edited the video at the request of Zelensky, removing the statement of 100,000 had died in the first few months. Zelensky was trying to hide the fact that he had already lost 20% of his army in the first few months of 2022. Zelensky was pretending Ukraine was winning to keep the money flowing.
The Ukrainians are notorious for false flags. In Italy, Zelensky lied, claiming Russians were capturing children and torturing them. That allegation vanished. Zelensky has said whatever he can to get money and rejects any accountability. The US Pentagon has come out and even said that they CAN NOT independently verify what took place in Bucha. There is no way to verify anything in Bucha, which Ursula von der Leyen just repeated Zelensky’s propaganda while censoring the true story about the death toll. There are even videos of Bucha that show people lying in the street pretending to be dead with no blood, and then there are videos showing they get up when the camera passes.
The real number of deaths from UKRAINIAN sources is 1.1 million, I am told, and AGAIN, this comes from Ukraine – not Russia! In fact, a local TV news operation reported the real number, and Zelensky again made them take it down as he did with the head of the EU. They suddenly reported it was a typo. The Neocons are completely destroying Ukraine, and they have ZERO regard for Ukrainian lives as they will with Americans or Europeans.
Putin’s popularity is for real 80%+, and that is entirely understandable that this hatred hurled at Putin is really toward ALL Russians. The West has two choices because there is absolutely NO POSSIBLE WAY for Ukraine actually to defeat Russia. They have 3.5 million men without drafting. The critics of Putin feel he is too “SOFT” and he should have invaded Ukraine like the US did to Iraq, and the war would have been over in 6 weeks.
Initially, Putin sent a column of tanks to approach Kiev. They were a show of force but just parked there. Putin’s critics argue they should have advanced and taken Kiev then and there. Putin saw it as a special operation to only protect the Donbas. He did not want to conquer Ukraine. He was telling the Ukrainians that they were brothers and they should not fight and end this civil war.
Here is the problem. Putin stands for election in March. Either the West agrees to a peace deal for his re-election, or Putin may be forced to deal a death blow to Ukraine. That would not go over well for many, and it would call into question NATO as a viable military entity when they have trained the Ukrainian troops that have been decimated. The question is, will the sound rational thinkers prevail, or will the Neocons prevail with the no-compromise agenda? With Putin standing for election, his hand may be forced to bring this to an end and proclaim victory.
Most of the articles that keep claiming Russia is losing are sources with the Institute for the Study of War (ISW), which is Victoria Nuland’s sister-in-law. That is the most untrustworthy source you will ever have in a war, which is always their objective – destroy Russia and China. It was Victoria Nuland’s husband, Robert Kagan, who wrote the Washington Post piece calling Trump a dictator because his wife has been in every administration EXCEPT Trump’s. The Neocons have thrown everything they could think of at Trump to desperately discredit him. This 2024 election is really a choice between War and Peace. There are some who realize in DC that they cannot send troops to fight Russia, for that will be playing into the arguments of Trump.
The ECM Half Cycle Dates from the start of the Cold War in 1947 brings us to October 15th, 2024. It was on February 17 when the Cold War Voice of America began broadcasting to Eastern Europe, and it was May 22nd when President Harry S. Truman signed an Act of Congress that implemented the Truman Doctrine. This Act granted $400 million in military and economic aid to Turkey and Greece. This was the official start of the Cold War to prevent the spread of Communism.
The Russian presidential election will be held on March 15–17, 2024. We have had a Panic Cycle this week, which seemed to melt down my phone on this topic. The volatility will rise, and it really looks like a serious decision must be made to save Ukraine by allowing a peace deal or sending every Ukrainian to their death. I am concerned that may be a tall order given the Neocons foaming at the mouth to launch World War III. Clearly, things will become highly volatile as we head toward March and Putin’s election. Everyone seems to be calling, wanting to know: What does the computer say now?
Communism failed all by itself. The Neocons were disappointed because they did not get to shoot anybody. The average citizen in America, Europe, Russia, and China wants to live life and enjoy their families. It seems to be the politicians who play with us like pieces on a chess board. We are always the Pawns of Finance and War. The very best a soldier can hope for is to return home intact to a family that is not dead. When Goring was asked how did the Nazis get the people to follow them, his response was on point and truthful.”
Bonuses … ffs
This is what we are up against. But their cosy world will disintegrate when the crazies increase sufficiently to be a real threat in Oz. And it will be too damn late.
20 years ago I created a simulation of this just using Excel. The inputs were
1. Large number of children.
2. Conversion rate – this is often forgotten – and is exponential i.e. converted mean more converted. Note very important as it is one way. Also people will convert for convenience: e.g. access, promotion, power, diversity requirements..(as in the French novel Submission) – not belief.
3. Immigration.
4. Mixed marriage: children must be Muz.
5. No religion in the pool of society.
6. Versus: general resistance: e.g. Christians, Hindu, Sikhs and Jews refusing to convert.
There is no stopping it. It will be slow at first ( now) and then it will be sudden. Only re-establishing Australia as a Christian nation will stop it and I do not have any hope for that.
Vicki, before internet most people considered themselves, and they were, well informed if they read at least one broadsheet daily newspaper. That is no longer the case as the proliferation of information on the internet has at first competed with daily newspapers and television and now even surpassed all of these in the information stakes.
The mainstream news consumers still consider themselves well informed when now they are just getting one-sided and curated information while the rest of the world knows more. Even teenagers know more than these people as there is lots of information shared on gaming and social media sites. The SMH and The Age readers along with ABC viewers are the least informed.
Jan 7, 2024 9:31 AM
New World Order with Chinese Characteristics:
Wang Hui’s The Rise of Modern Chinese Thought is a monumental contribution to the debate in China about how to respond to the civilizational challenge of the West.
This – from the above:
The moderately prosperous society is a stage of historical development on the way to full socialism at home and a means to a realization of the Qing expansion into a multiethnic empire on a global scale. Or, to put it in Wang’s terms, it is moving towards the creation of a global transsystemic society based not on the Westphalian nation-state but rather on a utopian vision of a global Grand Unity of diverse civilizations, under a benevolent, unitary cultural and economic hegemon.
Ha! Tell them “they’re dreaming”! Try incorporating the ME muzzies into this utopian dream. It might work with the repression of the Uighurs, but the millions in the Middle East?
Sorry can’t paste a link but there’s a YouTube channel called “1420 by Daniel Orain” which is interviewing Russians about their voting intentions, it is worth a look imho.
Reality is biting.
Chinese women are fed up with Xi Jinping’s attempts to make them have more and more kids (3 Jan)
He’s getting desperate, but you can’t fake prosperity with much success. Women are voting with their wombs and that vote isn’t for Mr Pooh.
J.C. gets abusive, call an unknown number of contributors ‘bush pigs’ then tries to put the blame for the fight on everyone else who told him he was wrong.
The issue is – and remains – you were wrong about Chinese conscription as opposed to registration and now you’ve been called on it you’ve got the shits.
And as to me joining in, I was already part of the conversation last night, and went to bed. Or are you suggesting I have to stay up all night copping abuse from your foul mouth until you give me permission to go to bed?
Oops it is spelled Daniil – damned autocorrect ……
Tayler Hansen
Three years ago today I witnessed and documented Capitol Police Officer Michael Byrd shoot and kill unarmed Ashli Babbitt. It changed my life and how I view January 6th forever.
Since then he has been promoted to Captain and raised $164,206 via GoFundMe.
There has been no accountability but as of yesterday a $30M wrongful death lawsuit was filed by Aaron Babbitt.
Since January 6th is used as a modern day Reichstag Fire for the Establishment I’d like to use my platform to dispel rumors surrounding what actually happened.
This is the beginning of a thread, with the first point being –
The mainstream news consumers still consider themselves well informed when now they are just getting one-sided and curated information while the rest of the world knows more.
Crossie, you are probably right, but it would be interesting to do a study on the sources of information across the political spectrum.
Do conservative readers of conservative newsprint ( eg the Oz et al) complement this with data from the internet? And similarly, do the readers of SMH et al do the same? But, do both groups only seek out data on the net which affirms their world view?
Things are changing there as well, I have noted in church that younger couples are having three, four and even five children. This may not be confined just to churchgoing families as even in shopping centres I see young mothers with at least three kids in tow.
Sure, by being brainwashed by the PRC. Some of the cities are now estimated to have fertility rates of .7. This in a country with up to 20% youth unemployment and a lopsided male vs female ratio.
The of return on invested capital is appalling.The shit is going to hit the fan with their real estate sector .
That’s not to say the West doesn’t have issues – of course it does.
The US debt problem is a big one but that could be solved easily with a law demanding spending needs to be cut in real terms by 2% a year until the debt is paid off. The US has a government problem while it’s private economy is quite sound.
AMAZING! Biden’s J6 Speech Was ‘Another Babylon Bee Prophecy Fulfilled’
Mark Pittman & the Bankers
“The late Mark Pittman was a journalist for Bloomberg when, once upon a time, there were still a few actual investigative reporters. Mark did a piece on my operation in Japan. He knew what we were doing, that the accounts were mine, not the clients, and that I was buying distressed portfolios. Not one client ever signed a complaint, and there was NO DEFAULT. When they charged me. I met Mark at the Hyatt in NYC across from the Train Station. He knew it was a setup and said: “Marty, we are not going to allow them to do this to you.”
The law says that if you commit fraud, you MUST help the victims get their money back. Further proof of how New York City is a cesspool of corruption: when they realized I was helping my clients go after the bankers, they put a gag order on me to stop me from helping my clients against HSBC/Republic. They have been doing the same to Trump. The Special Prosecutor went as far as to demand a gag order on Trump so that he could not even criticize Biden while campaigning. You cannot make this stuff up. If you wrote a fiction novel with these maneuvers, they would say it is too far-fetched.
I think it is absolutely critical as Trump is put on trial in New York City. I was granted bail in New Jersey. Not a single NY journalist ever reported the Truth no less the courts. I was interviewed by a journalist who asked about the bank illegally trading in my accounts. She asked if they were using my accounts to “launder money for the Russian Mafia as they were doing in Madoff?” The banks claimed in Madoff’s case not to have known. That is absolutely IMPOSSIBLE, for they have to to adhere to the “know your client rules”. They verified every account and the corporate documents behind each one. Madoff pled guilty to an information quickly. He was not indicted and could have defended for a few years. The only reason he did so was clearly to protect his family. Just as in my case, the bank claimed it had no idea where the money was. It is impossible to get $1 billion out of a bank, and nobody knows where it went. There is NO SUCH thing as a fair trial in New York City. Trump is doomed there, and this is all about interfering in the 2024 election.
Mark understood the bankers very well. Bloomberg removed Mark from covering my case and replaced him with David Glovin, who could never praise the government more. It was Mark at Bloomberg who battled in court for years to get the details of those bailouts released to the public. Mark was probably the most professional journalist I ever met. I was told after my case began that Bloomberg purged all the reports Mark had previously written about our firm from their terminals and certainly Japan. It was as if Bloomberg was in on the whole scam.
Mark’s wife, Laura, wrote to me about Mark’s death. It was a sad day, for there was NEVER anyone at Bloomberg I ever met who had the integrity of Mark Pittman.”
In the mid-1990s, Australia was spending around 41 or 42% of its Defence budget on personnel costs. I doubt if the percentage would be significantly lower now.
This is from the 2023/24 budget papers.
Workforce: $14,851 million (29.1 per cent)
Defence’s workforce takes 29.1 per cent of the budget this year – a historically low percentage. But if we roll into that the $2.5 billion that Defence’s 8,000+ contractors cost (who essentially do the same work as public servants and Defence force personnel), then it’s more like 34 per cent.
Most ME states have signed up to BRI.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Jan 6, 2024 11:13 PM
Why does Gert Wilders have the guts to do, what our politicians won’t?
Wilders is a good man but the left which now effectively controls most Western nations operates on victimology. The left declare certain groups and things victims: 3rd nations, the climate, islam, which are oppressed by the West; then the left declare only they can help the victims and must be voted for. The left buy this, the victims buy this and enough useful idiots on the conservative side buy this so the left are elected.
We have seen the catastrophes of this process in respect of alarmism and renewables and the huge con game to do with 3rd nations. But the islam victimology will be the most dangerous. About this you can make predictions about what will happen here. You can do this because muslim violence is dependent on their population in the host nation. Peter Hammond and Clive Kessler have noted this. So what will happen in Australia is already happening in nations which have bigger populations of muslims. This is inevitable.
The solutions are probably what Wilders advocates. But ultimately islam will have to be eradicated from the human race. Good luck with that.
It’s all about compulsion and control, communists have no other ideas.
China sees US ships all the time in the South China Sea, and now in the Red Sea, ditto submarines. F35s are not particularly an exclusive piece of kit.
My comment was that the US has played lots of military capacity cards, not all of them. China has played none, you comment inadvertently acknowledges this by providing assumptions about China copying hardware from Russia. I’d also note that military production usually merges with regular manufacturing capabilities and capacities when serious conflict starts, unless you’re telling me the west hasn’t outsourced most of its manufacturing to China, I think the Chinese will feel this is an advantage for them not the west, and yes that include complex manufacturing now too and silicon chips as the west is reliant on Taiwan and China can stop those supplies fairly easily.
The huge mistake the west is (has been) making is walking away from the past lessons of Christianity and falling into the easy going apathy of Atheism and Agnosticism. Both the latter are on the rise. The result being is that many in the west no longer value their religious heritage or it’s many historical lessons. It’s not really that important in their minds. Therefore they can’t comprehend how influential Islam and it’s purpose is in the minds of moslems.
To the moslems that the west has opened its borders to and has allowed and continues to allow in, their cult is everything and we know the violence and hate it preaches, it’s intention to conquer and control the societies it inhabits. So with breeding and migration swelling moslem numbers in the west, many westerners are only hit with a clue bat when they or one of their family is raped, stabbed, bashed, robbed, killed, molested, intimidated or made to pay for the moslems in their midst. The oh shit moment. Realization too late.
I recall many debates here over the years with piss weak arguments like; moslems aren’t all bad, you can’t judge them entirely by the actions of a few etc. Now look where we are with thousands on the streets supporting these murderous c***ts and our loathsome police forces waving them through. Allowing so many moslems into this country will turn out to be the biggest mistake the country ever made because in years to come moslems will have a voting block and influence to peddle sufficient to swing govts of all stripes into/out of power. Then we’ll have to watch our cowardly politicians cave to the incessant demands of the growing moslem cohort here. And our Christian values way of life and those principles on which the country was based will eventually be overrun and then lost. Replaced by some kind of unrecognizable hodge podge multi-culti abortion.
Most ME states have signed up to BRI.
Yes, indeed. But the projection of the Chinese dream of a multi-ethnic Empire under Chinese control, I think, would be step too far for Islamic crazies who see, rather, a world dominated by the devotees of Muhammad.
1. Again, China has a conscription model for its military
2. That argument wasn’t central to the discussion. We were talking about the US military budget and how personnel comp takes up 40% of military budget while China’s has been estimated to cost about 15 to 20% China pays its military at conscription rates of Comp. This was highlighted as an issue.
Then you and the other bush pig barged in through the back door attempting to create an an stoush out of nothing trying to ruin a good conversation.
Go snort someone else and take the iodine.
Alaska 1282 Portland 737-9 MAX Door Failure 5 January 2024 – 7 mins 39 secs
Boambee John
Jan 7, 2024 9:50 AM
There were a couple of them – I remember the one you are thinking of, but there’s another:
Family in suburban house with irrational Muslim terrorist throwing Molotov cocktails at the house, shouting “And you call me dangerous!”
Sorry can’t find it.
Nice bit of science.
Israeli research uses Earth’s magnetic field to verify event in Bible’s Book of Kings (JPost, 4 Jan)
Yes, 2,800 years ago the Israelis were having trouble with Gath and the Philistines. Now they’re having trouble with Gaza and the Palestinians. Only difference is a slight morphing of the names, the place and the people are the same. I wonder if in another 2,800 years archaeologists will use a similar ferromagnetic method to date the destruction that’s going on now?
Like the mad Mullahs of Iran?
Quite comfy in bed with the Chinese, as it happens.
There are different levels of control and influence. While I doubt the Chinese will ever achieve their vision in toto, they will disrupt the post-WWII global order that has been the basis of our prosperity and security. As an example, consider what’s happening in the Red Sea and how that benefits China’s interests in the longer term.
Part of a very long, and very hardhitting article, from The Oz.
“Only re-establishing Australia as a Christian nation will stop it and I do not have any hope for that.
This is why I urge people here to return to church.
Atheism and Agnosticism will never destroy Islam. Judaism and Christianity can destroy Islam.
I like your comments, JohnJJJ. Submission is a very good read, and frightening because it shows us how France and Western Europe will fall.
Tired Zelensky looks too weak to achieve victory
With splits emerging in Ukraine, the president must focus on setting out a convincing strategy to defeat Vladimir Putin
6 January 2024
Today Volodymyr Zelensky faces the greatest test of his leadership, greater even than the days almost two years ago when Russian invasion forces rolled across the border. Back then, when he was offered a ride to safety by the West and asked for ammunition instead, he led a country united in a fight for its life.
That’s not so much the case now.
There are growing public divisions between Zelensky and other political leaders, such as former President Petro Poroshenko and Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitschko, as a blame game builds over failures in the war so far.
Worse still, Zelensky and the Commander-in-Chief, General Valerii Zaluzhnyi, also seem to be in conflict.
When Zaluzhnyi admitted that the war had reached a stalemate, Zelensky publicly rebuked him.
Apart from the overriding need for national unity in war, this suggests that Ukraine lacks a clear strategy for the future prosecution of the conflict.
Zelensky continues to insist that Ukraine will regain all its territory taken by Russia; although, after apparently over-promising on the summer offensive, he no longer seems to talk of timelines.
Demoralised by the failure of that counter move, some are now talking in terms of some kind of peace accords.
It has even been suggested that a potential peace agreement could be put to a referendum.
When I was last in Kyiv, there was certainly discussion among some political leaders about the idea of a peace deal in which Russia would accept Ukrainian membership of Nato in exchange for guarantees that there would be no Ukrainian efforts to re-take occupied territory.
Such talk might well be mere exasperation, but it is mana from heaven for Biden and many European leaders who want nothing more than such a peace agreement and as soon as possible.
Any serious consideration of peace talks pretty much guarantees Ukraine’s defeat.
Putting aside domestic politics in the US and EU that have, for the time being at least, essentially stifled further military aid, Biden and the Europeans have refused so far to equip Ukraine to win the war.
That brake was applied out of the unfounded fear of provoking Russia into escalating against them.
With any hint of peace talks in prospect from the Ukrainian side, to that would be added the new fear of Russia refusing to acquiesce or if it did, of pulling out.
“Provocative” weapons supplies would dry up for the long term. Putin is only too well aware of that, which is why he has repeatedly said he would be prepared to talk peace.
Zelensky needs to put a stop to this. With this year’s elections unlikely to go ahead in the midst of conflict, he should form a national unity government to help control the increasingly corrosive domestic dissent that can only weaken Ukraine’s war effort. He should also set out his country’s unified strategic vision.
So far he has not put forward any real strategy – beyond suggesting that the centre of gravity would shift to Crimea and the Black Sea while defending against potential Russian advances in the east, which is not good enough if he expects the West to keep putting its hands in its pockets.
Nor is it adequate to tell the West that Ukrainians are fighting not just for their own country, but for the whole of Europe which will itself be under threat from Moscow if Putin succeeds in this war.
That is certainly true, but there is no sign that the US president or Western European leaders really believe it. If they did, they would long ago have pulled out all the stops to contain Putin and to supply Ukraine with the massive amounts of weaponry it needs to defeat Russia.
Zelensky may be drained by almost two years of war, but he must now focus on regaining the initiative.
The BOM, hard at work:
Possible rainfall: 10 to 30 mm
Chance of any rain: 100%
Canberra area .
Cloudy. Very high chance of rain, becoming less likely in the evening. The chance of a thunderstorm in the afternoon and evening. Light winds becoming north to northwesterly 15 to 25 km/h in the morning then becoming light in the evening
Someone send them a dictionary:
a possibility of something happening.
To get a feel for Perth weather December rainfall figures – rainfall 1mm evaporation 283mm. Temperatures haven’t been too bad but jeez it’s dry. Without the 2 desal (and another on the way) this place would have hit capacity a while ago. Colin’s canal back on the drawing board?
The fruits of a population who in large part has never been taught to value it’s own history. Unless it’s the white guilt version, where they are encouraged to loathe themselves and tear down western achievements in spasms of guilt. Now we reap the whirlwind.
Angelina Jolie wore padding to take her from 36C to 36D to play Lara Croft.
Y’all needed to know that.
One of those ‘pro-Hamas propagandists‘ appeared here this morning. Nice to know he supports rape, murder and kidnapping, but I kind of knew he had no problems with the use of violence against people he doesn’t like or approve of when he unapologetically supported the violence in that park Auckland back in March 2023.
He is a grub.
Winston asked yesterday what we could do to make our young people fight to defend Australia. John H commented that the recent generations are not becoming conservative as they age. There has been much discussion on the potential problem of Islam in western nations. This rant is an attempt to get a discussion going.
Many here criticise (rightly) education, the media, human rights groups and others for leading younger people to despise their country. There is much to agree with in those criticisms, but the real problem, IMHO, is political leadership at all levels, national, state and local.
Therefore, let’s look at Australian Prime Ministers over the last 40 years, ignoring the others to keep this relatively short.
Bob Hawke: Whatever his other deficiencies, he loved Australia and Australians, and their traditions. He liked a beer, sports, the ANZAC legend (not myth, they are different), “manly” sports and beautiful women. He understood that a thriving economy was essential to all the things he liked. We could do with his type now.
Paul Keating: Tried to act as if he followed Hawke’s beliefs, but in reality started the slide into political correctness with his Redfern speech, which set relations with aborigines on their current disastrous path. Also pushed other elements of PC into the foreground, including ‘Ooman Rites. ‘Nuff said.
John Howard: Many faults, well canvassed here, including middle class welfare and a failed attempt to buy off environmentalists with a weak CO2 reduction target. That said, he shared a love of Australia, its people and its traditions with Hawke.
Rudd and Gillard: Followed Keating along the path to our current malaise.
Tony Abbott: His weakness in implementation of the policies he proclaimed was his great failure. That said, he (a Pommy immigrant) shared the love of Australia and its traditions with Hawke and Howard. What could be more Australian that surf lifesaving and fighting bush fires?
Malcolm Turnbull: The embodiment of the philosophy that the Liberal Party should shun leaders named Malcolm. He pushed us along the path set out by Keating, Rudd and Gillard.
What’s ‘is name, oh, Scott Morrison: See Rudd, Gillard and Turnbull.
Anthony Albanese: The turd on the Christmas pudding.
Until we get a leader combining Hawke, Howard and Abbott’s love of Australia and its people with Hawke and Howards ability to make things happen (albeit not always the best things), there will be no change to the problems with education, human rights, the media, immigration and the economy.
Who can name such a leader in Australia now? Gina Rineheart? Jacinta Price? Who?
Rant over.
Military hardware is useless if a Chinese or Russian can hack into electricity generation or comms satellites. They seem to hack into the banks and hospitals and court system without any problems.
On the day of the October 7 attack (October 8 AEST), University of Sydney politics professor John Keane raised the Hamas flag on his X account. Despite the quickly accumulating evidence of appalling barbarism by the terrorists, he never took it down. Nor did he denounce the terrorists for their inhumane war crimes.
Instead, as soon as the Israeli armed forces began their counter-attack in self-defence against the terrorists, who had fled back to Gaza with 240 mostly civilian hostages – another war crime – Keane began a tirade of posts denouncing Israel as engaged in genocide against the Palestinian people.
John Keane.
I would like to know the details behind this.
It could be the result of reduced recruiting and retention leading to lower total numbers in uniform, reduced conditions of service (rosie made some points here a few months ago about the standard of Defence housing which surprised me, as those points suggested that the standard had dropped markedly over the last 25 years), increased use of contractors/consultants (fudging the statistics) or creative definitions (expenditure on consultants dropped for a couple of years after a stricter definition was included).
On first look, it seems like a combination of all of the above.
Submission is a very good read, and frightening because it shows us how France and Western Europe will fall
Basically it is the Bell curve. You need Christianity to take care of the people who need reassurance and stability. These make the best Christians. But without faith they are the very ones who will allow Islam to proliferate. The others are the (Allegratious) simple, ignorant and the duplicitous and the unscrupulous, dissolute and degenerate. They need a strong enforceable structure to stop them multiplying and obtaining power. The Allegratious now run local councils and government bureaucracies.
They will take the money, will they deliver what Emperor XI wants for it?
Jan 7, 2024 9:50 AM
The Islamic women are not in charge of their fertility, HZHousewife.
Their husbands are, and the chattels will do as they are told.
Whether it is because the fathers like children, or like the social welfare benefits that come with children is the point.
Take the sugar off the table and the ants stop coming.
Put in a reverse Jizya tax on Muslims and they will start leaving.
Exploding Chinese EVs and Others Catching Fire –
How many have been taught any of this?
Putin knows there is absolutely no chance Russia can survive a war with Europe aka NATO. Russia wants no part of that. Europe and NATO know that he knows this, the proof being that Europe is not on a war footing or anywhere approaching or even preparing for a war footing. The people of Ukraine know they are proxies, pawns in Biden’s great money laundering exercise. That is why the internal divisions are now being exposed in Ukraine’s leadership as they sense the west walking back. The facade is crumbling and soon it will be everyone for themselves in open abandonment. The only sensible (inevitable?) solution is a negotiated settlement to stop the slaughter.
In return for a rise in prosperity that keeps their restive populations quiet.
I suspect only those who have been taught it at home by their parents.
Sadly there have been such phases over and over. It’s some sort of spiritual disease that keeps on reigniting. I suspect hatred of God extends to hatred of his chosen people.
New film on 1506 massacre of Lisbon Jews garners worldwide attention (JPost, 4 Jan)
There’s a YT trailer in the story, it’s very high quality. Sadly Christians can be just as ignorant at times as Green-Progs, and that was the case from Protestants too in the years after 1517. The Bible doesn’t support any of this nasty stuff.
‘By the One in Whose Hand is my soul, there is no man who calls his wife to his bed and she refuses, but the One Who is above the heavens [i.e. Allah] will be angry with her, until he (her husband) is pleased with her.’
– Hadith (saying of Mohammed) of the world’s most feminist religion.
I will be interested in the details of the man arrested for multiple “random” stabbings in Melbourne overnight.
The rise in prosperity (funded by others) among those migrating to the west does not seem to “keep [the] restive populations quiet”.
I would like to know the details behind this.
I think the prime reason is similar to the US, considerable recent boost to acquisition spending. Australia went from under $40b to over $50b in pretty short order to upgrade missiles, F35, new tanks, new ships, new fighting vehicles, Aukus, new artillery etc…
Similarly, Trump put in place extensive acquisition spending to take the US from $750b to around $850b…
Re the issue of the lack of adequate information in respect to the ME conflicts:
In the 11am ABC TV update the newsreader cited Hezbollah attack on Israel as if it was an isolated event – rather than, in reality, part of a regular barrage of missile attacks from Lebanon.
Given the protagonist’s are egomaniacs I have little hope in such outcome, Makka.
This is happening now. Through their proxies in Iran, MENA and the politicians in their pocket in the US and the west. China’s most significant weakness however is their demographic predicament. Which leads me to believe the window of opportunity for China to achieve it’s dream of unification with Taiwan is rapidly closing. Which may lead to acts of desperation. In which case we had all better pray that the Demorats are long out of power in the US.
Things are pretty quiet apart from Gaza, the West Bank & south Lebanon.
No ME nation has opened its borders to Palestinian refugees for a very good reason.
The world’s most horrible teenage has now turned 21.
Given her recent friendliness towards the Religion of Peace I can’t see her wanting to piss off her newest friends by getting pissed on her birthday.
Who can name such a leader in Australia now? Gina Rineheart? Jacinta Price? Who?
Matt Canavan has the intellect, a total love of this country, a strong Christian faith, a commitment to family values, & an amazing work ethic….to be the ideal candidate for a PM who would work to restore this country.
Of course, he is handicapped by National Party membership, & being in the Senate. Being a Senator didn’t stop John Gorton from becoming PM. However, being a Nat may be prohibitive. In any case, Canavan is a man of principle – not a common prerequisite for the elevation of politicians today.
Well this cheers me up re flying Boeing 737-MAX
Boeing 737 Max back in spotlight: FAA safety exemptions raise questions
Boeing seeks exemption from engine safety rule for new 737 Max 7, which could have overheating issues that could cause engine casing to break off.
Boeing has requested the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to waive its 737 Max 7 model from a safety regulation that aims to prevent the engine casing from getting too hot and detaching during flight.
Overheating risk
As per an AP report, the FAA had warned last year that Boeing was working on a solution for the overheating issue that affects all Max planes. Until then, the FAA advised pilots to restrict the use of an anti-icing system in certain situations to prevent damage that could cause the plane to lose control.
However, Boeing still needs to fix the problem and has asked the FAA to exempt the new, smaller Max 7 from the safety rule until May 2026. Boeing needs the exemption to start delivering the Max 7 to airlines.
Long-term solution
Boeing said on Friday that it is “developing a long-term solution” that would undergo FAA review before being implemented.
However, some critics are concerned about relying on pilots’ memory to limit the use of the anti-icing system.
“You get our attention when you say people might get killed,” Dennis Tajer, a representative of American Airlines pilots, told The Seattle Times, which reported on the exemption request on Friday. “We’re not interested in seeing exemptions and accommodations that depend on human memory … there’s just got to be a better way.”
The FAA had instructed pilots flying the Max 8 and Max 9 to use the anti-icing system for no more than five minutes when flying in dry conditions. Otherwise, the engine inlets could overheat, and parts of the casing could break off and hit the plane, potentially breaking windows and causing rapid decompression.
That happened when an engine fan blade broke on an older 737 during a Southwest Airlines flight in 2018. A piece of loose engine casing shattered a window, and a woman sitting next to the window was killed.
The overheating issue only affects the Max, which has engine inlets made from carbon composite materials instead of metal.
A Boeing spokesperson stated that under the company’s request, pilots of the new Max 7 would follow the same guidelines for the anti-ice systems as pilots of current Max planes.
“We are developing a long-term solution that will undergo thorough testing and FAA review before being introduced to the 737 MAX fleet,” the spokesperson said.
They may not have a VOICE but they, definitely, have bank accounts ..!
251 funding list .. January thru June 2023 ……….
More recently, 737-Max deliveries have been halted to fix manufacturing defects, and last month, the company told airlines to check the planes for a possible loose bolt in the rudder-control system.
They may not have a VOICE but they, definitely, have bank accounts
There’s money in them there dills.
That’s us of course.
Experience suggests that this will lead to a shortfall in numbers to operate the new acquisitions.
Assuming that the new acquisitions actually arrive.
A Boeing thread. It ain’t what it used to be and isn’t what it will become. Will this be the biggest get woke, go broke event evah?
Or is it that the MSM, with its limited capacity for handling more than one subject at a time, is not currently reporting on eg, Syria, Sudan, Libya, Afghanistan, Pakistan and other places?
Therein lies the problem. How do we alter the prerequisites? That was really the question behind my rant. We have had no more than three PMs with genuine “potential greatness” in the last 40 years, all of whom disappointed to some degree. Until we get one with actual greatness, the slide will continue.
More to the point, how do we get to the point that even a less than great PM will have the incentive to “do the right thing”?
That is just so accurate it’s genius.
I have one beef, Gillard actively hates Australia and deserves to be separated from the hapless Rudd who I see as simply self absorbed.
“Pretty” in my sentence means relatively.
The civil war in Syria has largely concluded in Assad’s favour.
The other Arab countries are focused on development.
Embrace the power of “and”.
Voice advocate tells Albo: ‘We need to legislate’ (Tele, 7 Jan, paywalled)
Betcha Luigi does it, despite 60% of the electorate voting No.
shatterzzz .. thanks, that’s a very impressive list. I wonder what you have to do to be unsucessful? Seems everyone got a run of some type.
Does it say anywhere what the total of handouts was?
Banyule Council got $2,000 for what I don’t understand as they sure slug rate payers pretty hard out there in that part of Melbourne.
Just getting through 251 pages would take a while, I just dipped in and out here and there .. amazing who got what, for whatever
2024 is going to be about campaigning for re-election.
For that reason only, he won’t touch it.
Star Wars is fkd;
No, JC:
This is your usual schtick – keep changing the parameters of the argument then walking away declaing victory.
You stated:
And that’s where the argument started. With that statement which you cannot backup.
They must REGISTER. Registering is not being called up.
You were wrong, and wriggle as much as you want, and your ego will allow, but in the end, you were wrong.
Now shut up and get over it, fool.
Coming back from the coast this morning I come across a car with steamm coming out of it and the driver standing beside it. I usually stop to ask if someone needs help, as I slowed down I notice on the back a little sign “Vote Green 1”. I kept going. The kicker was, bloke standing there with a mask on, no one else in the car. Did I do the right thing by not giving him the finger as I went by.
And check for a few loose roos in the top paddocks of the executive management.
Diversity picks for the Engineering and Safety teams. FMD.
Jan 7, 2024 11:00 AM
I will be interested in the details of the man arrested for multiple “random” stabbings in Melbourne overnight.
Key phrases used in reporting: mental issues, known to police.
1 Drunk retard
2 muzzie
3 Edward Scissorhands
4 3rd nations
Options 1 & 2 will see the names appear but probably not 2 or 4.
We have had no more than three PMs with genuine “potential greatness” in the last 40 years, all of whom disappointed to some degree. Until we get one with actual greatness, the slide will continue.
The mechanics of the party system militates against any really principled & able candidate rising to the top. The cream doesn’t rise to the top in this case, but gets swept around in the homogenisation.
Looks like bad news for lollipoppers.
I have one beef, Gillard actively hates Australia and deserves to be separated from the hapless Rudd who I see as simply self absorbed.”
I would agree with that.
Grey Ranga @ 12:09……
You are too kind.
I would have stopped and made a carnt of meself. 🙂
Gillard was yet another female given the Liars leadership in a hospital handpass after the factionally unaligned Rudd — therefore powerless in the Liars factional system — stuffed up.
So which female in the Liars parliamentary party will be given the hospital handpass and made leader in the next 18 months when Newspoll finds Elbow is unreelectable? (Hint: it won’t be the Slovenian Hag)
To borrow from Yes Minister/Prime Minister, a “courageous” statement.
What is your definition of “relatively”? As a comparison, Israel has been fighting on scale in Gaza for a bit over two months. During that time over 20,000 Gazans are said to have been killed. Say 75 days of major operations, and 21,000 Gazans killed to simplify the arithmetic. That works to under 300 a day. Is your definition of “relatively” deaths at less than this rate? If so, you might like to reconsider.
Gillard’s love for Australia and its people is so deep and abiding that she no longer lives here.
Really, really bad news for lollipoppers.
And that is the problem to which we need a solution. Random chance would probably be better. At least the incumbent would understand his/her/xer limitations.
Not sure what you mean there.
My definition of relatively in this context is the modern history of the Arab countries in the ME, vis a vis both Israel and internal strife.
I considered this last week, Tom.
Excluding Plibersek, I don’t think there is a suitable girl.
FMD. you’re an old matron turtlehead. There’s never a need to change any “parameters” with you because all your utterances are an attempt to sound relevant and perceptive, but then come across as an embarrassing moron. When you’re given a decent kick up the rear, you accuse other people of lying. Only the other day you accused another person of lying when he actually quoted your own stupid words back to you. He quoted your own words and you stated he was lying. Now, go email the other bush pig and plead he helps you out of another mess.
The Chinese military is run on a conscription model and the rate of comp is broadly based on a conscription model thereby making this part of the military budget proportionally loads cheaper than the Americans.That was the point we were discussing, you feral pig. Now fck off.
Well-travelled Cat people…
Looking at a (working as a lecturer) cruise around South America in 2026. There are four to choose from. One version starts in Buenos Aries in Argentina and ends in Valparaíso in Chile, and the other is the reverse.
Any suggestions as to which way is preferable?
Toss a coin. The ride around the Horn can be a pretty rough trot though, especially if someone is prone to see sickness,.
I think you’re right, Roger.
Therefore, the Liars will spurn the habits of a lifetime and give the hospital handpass to a bloke, Richard Marles, around whom (with the media’s slavish participation) they can build a “party under new management” re-election campaign.
Two faceplants in two days by the God Oracle.
Yes, I plumped on Marles too.
I wonder if was text or email for the “come help me please”?
faceplants, God Oracle, dago…..
Is there anything this bush pig doesn’t plagiarize?
see = sea.
Western Europe has already fallen and they are just now realising it. The ossified socialists will not let any upstarts to succeed in fighting back.
That’s defeatist talk, Crossie!
2024 is going to be a big year for fighting back in Europe.
Did eastbound in 2019. The sea was like glass.
Big question, do want a long trip out and shorter trip home or vice versa? Also, if you disembark at BA, you might be able to attach yourself to an eastbound tour that takes in Machu Pichu and the falls. And maybe even the Galapagos.
Something to think about.
WS, it very glaring how feminists don’t have any problem with it at all yet they are absolutely up in arms about Knickerless and her claims of an event she can’t remember.
By 2025, the major EU countries are likely to have right-wing anti-immigration parties running the show.
Wait until then to see where this ends up.
Sorry. Westbound tour. Brain fade.
Top Ender, if you were single, I’d recommend a trip that finished in Chile, which, in my opinion, has South America’s best-looking females.
Remember, when the Spanish arrived four-or-so centuries ago, they didn’t bring any women and interbred with the local Mapucho Indians. The result? Mostly good-looking tanned senoritas.
I’m sure Mrs TE wouldn’t begrudge you the scenery you can’t touch.
The guiltiest are the parents who claim to want their children to make up their own minds about religion. If they really believed that they would have taught their children about the major religions and then the children would have a choice. How can they choose something of which they know nothing? The outcome is that they don’t.
If he has followed the Warmy scares with the assumed credulousness he will have believed the white vapour was CO2 – like they do with those pictures of power station cooling towers.
He was probably scanning the horizons anxiously looking for polar bears stranded – stranded because polar bears (ursus maritimus or ‘sea bear’) are unable to swim.
That was your mate Sancho.
He quoted my words back, but then gave an interpretation that he replied to.
Absolutely pathetic.
It was a replay of the “So what your saying is…”
I was so disgusted with whole episode that I ignored it.
He’s obviously getting lessons in duplicity from you, the Master.
Looks like bad news for lollipoppers.
What is it?
Stranded on ice floes, fer cryin’ out loud!
Can you expand on this a bit?
KD, please explain your gibberish.
Come on, KD.
What is happening at the lolly shop?
These tenterhooks are cutting into my skin!
Aaah Cassie! You cracked!
I was wondering how many comments would go by before someone asked.
As it’s Knuckle Dragger, you know that no good will come of it. 😀
By 2025, the major EU countries are likely to have right-wing anti-immigration parties running the show.
True, but the elephant is in the room, and it’s a big elephant.
Wait until then to see where this ends up.
It’ll end with violence.
I think the Rubicon has been crossed. I’m happy to be accused of being too pessimistic, but electing right of centre parties won’t make one iota of difference unless there’s a cultural shift back to those Judaic Christian values that have been steadily trashed since the 1960s.
And here’s the thing, countries that allow 14 year olds to euthanise themselves don’t deserve to survive.
I think we can safely assume that he is not white or Christian.
Make Knuckle Dragger tell!
Well apart from him being an aspiring rapper…
One thing I think I think Melbournians need to guard against is any signs of Islamophobia.
I’m not that pessimistic as the numbers don’t favor the muzz . They’re about 5% of the total population, which obviously means 95% aren’t. I’m not suggesting there aren’t and won’t be problems but I suspect the blowback is going to be pretty wild. The UK is obviously going to be a different story if the Liar’s party gets in.
We saw a blow back in Ireland recently and that could be a tiny taste of things to come.
Two more years of wait and see is how I see it.
“I think we can safely assume that he is not white or Christian.”
this has happened to the news about the 76 year old woman in a retirement home. A couple of days ago, the woman woke about two in the morning to a bloke breaking into her room. He grabbed her and tore at her clothes. Rape was definitely the goal. Fortunately, she was reasonable strong and fought him and was able to knee him in the nuts. This gave her just enough time to get to the door and call for help.
The news footage shows a beardo in boxers and nothing else, on the ground with Coppers around him. The face was blurred, of course. But not blurred enough. The style of beard and hair was a dead give away. Not white or Christian.
Very moist in central and northern Victoria.
Really moist.
Gibberish translated:
I wander over there most days to view the confirmation bias on show. That is, ‘I am not as successful in life as I thought I may have been by now, so it must be the Juice’s fault’. Usually takes two minutes to scan the six comments per day, by the same people.
The site was ‘deactivated’ earlier today for quite a while. Not ‘took too long to respond’, not ‘this site is having a problem’, and not ‘timed out’. ‘Deactivated’ was the word used.
I am not an expert on how these things operate, and/or who or what can do this sort of thing. However – and taking into account that site’s increasing tenor of ‘the Jews getting what’s coming to them’ I would not be surprised if this was a not-so-gentle warning to the bird lovers over there.
John H 6/1 5:43
The Russians have real life experience in war and how to functions as a society in crisis.
We don’t – our generals will struggle against someone who survived the trench warfare on the Russian side.
Experience trumps our tech superiority.
My father said this during the VietnamnWar – Russian weapons v American weapons.
Further the South Vietnamese had foreign soldiers and they lost.
A number of contributors here penned in the reasons for this with great insights as to what happened in the Vietnam war.
Words fail me, they honestly do.
Pogria, the online news showed a full-face shot of the bloke. Definitely not a full sandbeard.
I do not know what faith the dude follows, if any. But he certainly didn’t fit the stereotype.
January 7, 2024 at 1:22 pm
BAck up again now.
I’d choose Valparaiso -> Buenos Aires, because that way I wouldn’t have any qualms about going straight back to Oz. I dunno if it’s a west coast aspect thing, but lazy faded Valparaiso is one of the few places i’d have no regrets bunkering down in if I had to go on the lam. Also means you could re-enact the Royal Navy’s scramble to Las Islas Falklanderos from the north.
Avoid the River Plate estuary.
But you probably knew that.
“I think we can safely assume that he is not white or Christian.”
I wouldn’t assume anything.
Suspect reportedly from Melton.
Drug addled and known to police, who’ve ruled out terrorism.
Under proposed changes, individuals can apply to have their gender changed as long as they can provide a certificate from their medical practitioner or psychologist confirming they have received clinical treatment in relation to their sex or gender identity.
Words fail me, they honestly do.
Eeech, words have failed that jismist.
And logic, too. Birth certificates are marked with sex, not gender. For the meantime, at least.
But, but even if the face was blurred, his beard and the boxer shorts showed he wasn’t a christian. It’s one of the most used profile tools in policing around the world. Boxer shorts and a beard. I’ve even seen this profiling on Criminal Minds.
I’m not that pessimistic as the numbers don’t favor the muzz . They’re about 5% of the total population, which obviously means 95% aren’t.
Of course the numbers favour the muzzies. They’re 5% unified and ready for action with a plan.
The 95% consists of:
1 50% lefties, greenies and assorted dingbats
2 5% trannies, recipients of breast implants, decocking and general genital refibulation.
3 30% little johnnie type conservatives who still think a uniform is for their protection, law and order have meaning and the political system is pro-Australian.
4 10% odds and sods walking around in a mist reminiscing, venting on the web and wondering WTF happened.
10% odds and sods walking around in a mist reminiscing, venting on the web and wondering WTF happened.
Noticing this happening – finally.
Oh well.
I suppose the next round of ‘It’s Happening!’ will have to wait.
Unless Bird’s been hacking the lollipop site.
It’s Happening!
If the Right rises in Europe by 25 running on a anti-immigration, anti-net zero plank you think they’ll run from their promises?
Le Pen will most likely win the next French election. Will she do a runner?
These parties are running on an anti immigration platform and I don’t see them turning.
Sounds like the lollipopper is in for the long haul, KD.
My wife noted how the state emergency managers have seamlessly moved from catastrophic fire warnings to widespread flood alerts without a blink.
Only the very best character actors can approach this level of crafted believability.
Fair enough.
I just find it distasteful, and worthy of taking the piss. All sorts of assumptions are made without any justification – ‘this is a sign, hiding in plain sight, the Rs are taking over’ and so on, and the handful of commenters there are drawing almost exclusively from the nuffernet to support their worldviews.
Everyone needs a platform, I guess.
They insist gender and sex are different “thing”, that one doesn’t determine the other, then immediately get them cross-buttoned. A birth certificate doesn’t “decide” you were born or who your parents are or where it happened, it documents facts about your birth. The info recorded isn’t subject to personal likes and dislikes. You can’t decide to name your next door neighbors as parents and decide the birth was in Dubbo because you didn’t want to be in Albury where it happened.
I don’t believe Le Pen will ever be allowed to form government. What will happen is that we will see the scenario in Submission, where leftist parties form government with Islamic parties.
In a strange twist of fate, or perhaps it was portent, Submission was released on 7 January 2015. What else happened that day?
I just find it distasteful
Highly distasteful.
Hmmmm. An ongoing level of violence that would cause horror in the rest of the world, then? Emperor XI might find this to be not amenable to his usual tactics outside China’s borders.
RN, which is the political party Le Pen belongs to is polling at around 25%, which is running neck and neck at the top.
If an election were told today, Le Pen would win. This isn’t to say that things won’t change but it’s looking pretty good.
Macron is currently running at 68% disapproval.
Le Pen will most likely win the next French election. Will she do a runner?
Le Penn is the Trump of frogland. The msm kills the poor girl. She has had to moderate some of her policies such as being against same dick marriage, anti-abortion and has stopped advocating the death penalty. France is the leading European nation in terms of its muzzie infiltration so that will play a part in the election. But macron has been making anti-muzzie noises recently and that may fool the sheeple enough to get him back in.
In the meantime, england, sweden. switzerland, germany are well on their muzzie way with all having over 5% of their population in hijabs and AK-47s.
Good to see you contributing still Cohenite, hope you are feeling better.
I think most of the Teal electorates will be won back.
I’m not sure he can run again as he’s term limited I think. This is his second term I believe.
Let me say this quietly lest the noise or his hemorrhoids wake the sleeping:
This is a much nicer blog without the trader.
Bearer(ha) of bad news ML. Polar bears can swim.
You have to wonder about the pillows who go along with this nonsense.
How many of them view their sex as being some fluid that sloshes one way or another? How many really believe that in 10 years they might think themselves the opposite sex without thinking something profoundly disruptive must have had to have happened – and that this future self was deluded.
Years ago I read Wittgenstein’s On Certainty. Fascinating stuff, like how it is possible to doubt if your shirt is actually your shirt (did it get mixed up with an identical one somewhere perhaps) but what about doubting your arm is your arm. A person who sincerely did that would be considered to have a mental illness.
Such a person might recourse to theories like the intervention of aliens, or rogue surgeons or something – at which point we would expect their attending doctor to double their meds.
But this is where the gender freaks are at. They have had to construct an awkward, incomplete, and unconvincing, theory about sex to create a basis of doubt where there had never been any doubt or confusion before.
It should be automatically laughed off and politicians should busy themselves with more concrete concerns like posing with an idiot grin in front of a plaque announcing the opening of a new crack in the pavement.
But they do not dare. They will publicly disown truths that they cannot escape in private because the ABC has a hoard of deviants and activists on speed dial.
It nevertheless is a ridiculous hodge-podge, this entire gender theory BS.
It might be fun to retask the old ‘Confucius says…’ thus:
I would note you could not use the ‘Confusion say…’ thing to state that politicians are mentally and morally bankrupt parasites. Because that is not confused. It is an example of unassailable lucidity.
If you want nice, go to mummyblogs.
On the 12th Day of Christmas
January 6, 2024 | Sundance
Christmas Eve in the Orthodox world. St. Michael’s Cathedral in Izhevsk City, Russia
I’m not sure he can run again as he’s term limited I think. This is his second term I believe.
He is barred from 3 consecutive terms but he could still miss the next election and then run again.
What I’m saying is the frog media will treat Le Pen like the US media treats Trump; and look what beat Trump: a fuking corpse.
I s as m buying a bag of Allen’s Killer Pythons in solidarity.
Given the recent timbre of the place I am sure they will appreciate I bought something from IGA’s Allen’s Snackbar.
Rufus T Firefly
Jan 7, 2024 2:45 PM
This version of the chunk virus is not as feverish the others. But then I had the benefit of anti virals this time. Lots of snot.
I knew. That was why I made sure to include the actual meaning of their scientific name. When giving the name the salient characteristic identified was not that they where white, or even that they lived in the Arctic, but they were sea bears.
mamamia is a very “nice” blog.
And pogsie’s may be interested
Go here:
So nice.
thanks for the update. I hadn’t seen the full photo, only the blurred.
I’m so pleased the woman had strength and her wits about her.
This mental health website may explain to this blog’s most colourful member why he cannot control his temper:https://www.mentalhelp.net/anxiety/small-penis-syndrome/
If you profoundly do not understand something then glaring contradictions and inconsistencies do not affect you.
Look at MSM newsreaders. Up every morning attaching little weights to their foreheads and exercising the muscles so they can with epoch-marking gravitas the most arrant nonsense. And famous for being so vacuous that NASA breeds newsreaders to test the readiness of their probes destined for the darkest and most far-flung abysses of the universe.
and also pleased it wasn’t a muz trying to rape her, but one of “our boys”, which makes it so much better.
Stop, my penis can only get so erect…..!!!!
This is quite a long twatter post, so Ill only extract a couple of buits.
In short, the chap Bill Ackerman who helped expose the Claudine Gay thing at harvard is chewing his shield, standing on the bridge and yelling “come at me bro” to every tenured loon in the USA.
And he has the funds to carry out his threat.
Libs of TikTok and Scott Adams follow
Bill Ackman
Last night, no one at
had a good night’s sleep.
Yesterday evening, shortly after I posted that we were launching a plagiarism review of all current MIT faculty, President Kornbluth, members of MIT’s administration, and its board, I am sure that an audible collective gasp could be heard around the campus.
Why? Well, every faculty member knows that once their work is targeted by AI, they will be outed. No body of written work in academia can survive the power of AI searching for missing quotation marks, failures to paraphrase appropriately, and/or the failure to properly credit the work of others.
But it wasn’t just the MIT faculty that did not sleep last night. The
faculty, its governing board members, and its administrative leadership did not sleep either. Because why would we stop at MIT?
Don’t we have to do a deep dive into academic integrity at Harvard as well?
What about Yale, Princeton, Stanford, Penn, Dartmouth? You get the point.
While we are going to do a detailed review of plagiarism at MIT, we are not going to be the only ones who do so.
Every college and university in the world is going to have to do the same for themselves. They will do so because they will need to validate all plagiarism accusations, or someone else will do it for them.
The best approach, however, is probably to launch an AI startup to do this job (I would be interested in investing in one) as there is plenty of work to do, and many institutions won’t have the resources to do it on their own. Perhaps more importantly, the donors are going to demand that the review is done by an independent third party.
Years ago when my kids were little we were sitting outside the University Bookshop while wife was getting something. Cock in a frock is crossing the road and coming towards us. Kids say what’s funny? Nothing I say. CiaF turns around and heads back only to turn around and come back. This happened a few times. It appeared to me this was the first time out in daylight. After CiaF passes by kids say…… that looked like a man in a dress. I cracked up. It really was sad, but expecting to think this is normal is asking too much. I must ask if they remember.
Now that’s not “nice”, Driller. Be “nice”.
I’m not sure reaching back to battles over thirty years ago actually counters my point.
“Accurate” does not share a meaning with “nice”.
Something for this site’s most regular face planter to reflect upon.
The same is true of the US. Their last peer conflict was WW2.