Henry Payne.
Henry Payne.
Michael Ramirez.
John Spooner.
m0nty would be permanently g0rn I reck0n. Especially after getting d0xxed the 0ther night.(h/t whoever that was, the pool reporter?)…
Damm. One of the official guests stood in front of Bezos’ squeeze who has the most delightful décolletage.
Furst, not first.
Blancalirio provides a thorough assessment on the 737 MAX blowout.
You can sense he’s a wee bit pissed off.
“Yes, We Have No Bolts” 9 Jan 737 Max-9 Update
Thirst. It’s really hot here. Jane Caro says so.
Sneaky sneaky…
It’s about time. Andrew Lynch just went full psycho and wins.
Excellent car control.
<a href = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=peiA7iVyU_s"LYNCHY || SUMMERNATS 36 BURNOUT MASTER
i’m fursty.
So, no English test for immigrants under 18, but they’ll be allowed to vote from 16?
Point I was trying to make about the ‘XXXX Johnson is right’ thing.
It is a joke from Blazing Saddles.
Everyone in the town is surnamed Johnson, leading to exchanges like this.
As Gabby Johnson would say: Reverend!
Follow the white rabbit?
I stepped on a noisy today. Hate that when it happens.
She landed behind me expecting food and I turned and stepped…
Squeak! Fortunately she was able to fly off, which was a good sign. But having 100 kg of human step 50 g of bird isn’t good.
Can’t help you with your first, but I see you just eight.
that was really funny!
They are not missing the point, they are ignoring it, hoping it will go away.
The tunnel was so they could secretly still make it to Synagogue, wasn’t it? And in an election year they have good reason to fear another ‘pandemic’.
Lots of big puffball fungi growing in the trees around the farm.
Around the size of a big cantaloupe for the larger ones. Summer rain certainly brings out nature in a burst.
More multicultural enrichment:
‘Australian federal police and government officials have met representatives of the Eritrean community in a bid to avoid potential violence during a planned cultural festival in Melbourne’s western suburbs this weekend.’
– The Guardian
But in return we get…what, exactly?
Ackman’s cleanout of US Universities cannot come too soon.
Lots of culture.
In which violence seems to feature.
Should we attribute it to malevolence or stupidity that just as sectarianism had begun to retreat from Australian life, politicians decided to import new and more virulent strains of it?
Mother Lode
Jan 10, 2024 3:33 PM
I was reading a thread on x that explained it, 2 different sects of observant Jews etc, it got very, very complicated.
One holier than thou etc.
Sanctuary cities new motto: We turned away the Virgin Mary, what makes you so special?
The Media Can No Longer Persuade People to be Afraid of Covid
On the tunnel Jews, I desperately want this to be real…
Woolies cans Australia Day.
Tickler at 3:10.
That is a really informative link on the 737 door thing.
I haven’t had a chance to watch it all (only the first 7 minutes or so).
Around 4 minutes in there is a really good close-up of the upper fixing point which shows a sort of L-shaped slot in the fuselage where the corresponding door “lug” slides into and upwards, aligning the 12 stop fittings on the door with the corresponding stop pads on the fuselage.
There is supposed to be a bolt through under that lug preventing it from moving down. As he says, torquing isn’t an issue because these are castlellated nuts with a cotter pin.
Later he talks about nuts on the bottom hinge which should have been torqued up but maybe weren’t.
Or were never installed.
Twitter is owned by Democrat ops now.
I get spam that is pro abortion, anti Republican, heavily socialist and pro trans.
It’s the /facepalm subreddit. Some overpaid Democrat dickhead is just cranking out political BS in what is meant to be a funny subreddit. Cranking it like they’re watching a Bunga Bunga party they were not invited to.
Now I troll, respond once or twice and block anyone who interacts with me. It’s the only way.
Show dumb shit like Florida man, not garbage like “Missourians leave the State because of State SeNaTe RePuBlIcAnS!
I am very enamoured of Lubavitch Hasidic Judaism, in fact I am rather drawn to Haredi Judaism. The Lubavitch sect, compared to other Hasidic sects, is quite modern.
I don’t know what is behind these tunnels, but I do know they are, rightly, very distrustful of government and authorities.
Lots of culture between Ethiopia and Eritrea. Hence cultural festivals and biff.
The history of the region is fascinating as Ethiopia was the last hold out against colonialism. Indeed they resisted so successfully that it took Mussolini to beat them with tanks and artillery. Then Wavell booted the Italians and they were independent again until the Commies came in.
Modern Abyssinia (1902) by Augustus Wylde is a really good read. Free on e-book. He walked the site of the Battle of Adwa only 6 years after the Ethiopians famously beat the modern Italian Army, although they had help from the French and the Russians. The Great Game in eastern Africa.
I also bought Empress Taytu and Menilek II by Chris Prouty. She was the wife of a diplomat posted to Addis Ababa. Excellent read also. It was a time when the medieval was at last gasp versus industrial might.
They’ve been doing good stuff.
Haredi soldiers begin first ground offensive in Gaza (8 Jan)
Historically the Haredi have been resisting conscription and service in the IDF, and there’s been massive controversy in Israel about drafting them, so it’s good to see them serving for sake of the nation. Unfortunately for the Haredi to survive Israel has to survive. Which isn’t a completely certain outcome, as we’re presently seeing. The world had become much more dangerous for Jewish people in the last year. Best wishes to them.
Well, that was scary!
the 770 dispute
The trannies on Twitter are nasty shits. My complaint started as whinging about the politicisation and lack of humour on r/facepalm
I was accused of or copped, in the space of 20 minutes:
A veiled KYS statement with a falsified suicide concern notice.
Sexual harassment ( I want to f*** a tranny, apparently).
Got called weird.
Was told suicide isn’t a bad thing.
Insinuation that I would have supported Jim Crow laws.
Because I said they shouldn’t care if someone else refuses care from a trans paramedic, that post op are still their birth gender to me (and that is normal) and post op trans have high suicide rates – but also expecting normal people to change their preferences is as pointless as “gay conversion therapy”.
Twitter, Reddit, ChatGPT have been captured by trannies, we live in tranny world.
The amount of pro trans stuff being pumped out on Reddit is remarkable.
As obnoxiously vile as Andrew Anglin is regarding his antisemitism, he was right about the extent of transgender influence.
Jan 10, 2024 3:41 PM
More multicultural enrichment:
We get another violent, protected, non assimilating culture that has been brought in to terrorise white Australians. That’s what we get.
Sancho Panzer
Jan 10, 2024 4:09 PM
Watch the rest if the clip when you can. The cockpit door blew out and the pilots lost all their checklists.
Embrace the power of “and”. (h/t Insty)
It’s very heartening to see the US Catholic Universities stepping up for Jewish students since the Ivy League filth have shown their true colours.
It is a very cheering article.
Jason Foolinsky. Seriously, words fail me.
NSW Liberal Party president Jason Falinski backs 2035 target
NSW Liberal Party president Jason Falinski has declared the Coalition must take a 2035 emissions reduction target to the next federal election, splitting from Nationals leader David Littleproud who warned it would be difficult to adopt.
Liberal frontbenchers are also privately questioning the need for a 2035 target, with one telling The Australian: “Less is more. I’d be strongly opposed to a 2035 target.”
Mr Falinski, who lost his Sydney seat of Mackellar to teal MP Sophie Scamps at the 2022 election, said the Coalition should be having a debate about how to reach a 2035 target rather than whether to have one or not.
“Of course you do (have to have a target). You can’t have a plan without numbers,” he told The Australian.
“We had this crazy situation at the last election where we were on track to get to a 35 per cent reduction by 2030 but we wouldn’t update our target (of 26 to 28 per cent). Our opponents were out there saying ‘they’ve still got the Abbott government target’ and it’s like, we’ve done such a good job of managing the transition, we’re actually beating this target.”
Divisions have emerged in the Coalition over whether to adopt a 2035 target or drop its net zero emissions by 2050 commitment, prompting Energy and Climate Change Minister Chris Bowen to demand Peter Dutton “stop the nonsense” and explain his energy and climate policy.
While just one Liberal MP has so far told The Australian they believe the Coalition should be ambitious and embrace a 2035 target, there are other insiders who believe there will be a target and remain open to what it will be.
After Nationals MPs staunchly rejected or raised serious concerns about a 2035 target in The Australian, Mr Littleproud told Sky News: “I think it’ll be difficult for us to put, in all honesty, a target on 2035. And that’s demonstrated by the fact that we want to shift the energy debate about removing the ban on nuclear energy.”
David Littleproud dares Chris Bowen for marketplace ‘fight’ over nuclear energy
Nationals Leader David Littleproud has called Energy Minister Chris Bowen’s courage into question while suggesting the marketplace “fight it out” over nuclear energy after renewables “lost their social licence”. “Instead of politicians yelling at one another, let’s let the market decide – I have got the courage of my More
Nationals MP Anne Webster, who has the VNI West transmission line project in her electorate of Mallee, agreed a 2035 target would be difficult “because you have to have projects able to achieve that”.
“Right now we’re facing head on projects that are not successful, that will see the 82 per cent reliance on renewable energy by 2030. How will that happen? It will happen because Mallee will cease producing the grapes, the grains, the oranges, the almonds that we produce,” she said.
Deputy Liberal leader Sussan Ley said the Coalition would have “credible and effective, and most importantly affordable” policies to take to voters at the next election when asked if climate targets should be ditched.
She said the Coalition maintained support for net zero by 2050 but she would not commit to a 2035 target.
Mr Bowen said if the Coalition ended up winning the election without a 2035 target, it would either have to leave the Paris accord or accept the target Labor will set.
Returning from leave after his Christmas break, Mr Bowen revealed he’d written to the Climate Change Authority requesting its advice on the government’s 2035 target.
He said the target would be “very clear to the Australian people before the election”.
“(The CCA’s advice) will be one of the key inputs to the cabinet. I’ll make a recommendation to the cabinet about what our 2035 target will be, should be. And then we’ll announce that in due course,” Mr Bowen said.
“Our 2035 (target) will be ambitious and achievable. It’s got to be both of those things. There’s no point setting a target which the country can’t meet, nor is there any point in setting a target which isn’t a step up in activity.”
Jason Foolinsky = supports the republic
Jason Foolinsky = supported the Voice
Jason Foolinsky = supports net zero emission
Jason Foolinsky = lost his seat of Mackellar to a Green Teal
Jason Foolinsky is now the NSW Liberal Party president. He’ll be influencing preselections. Friend to Green Kean, Turdbull, Karma Sharma, Rent Zimmerboy. The Liberals could easily win back Bennelong, Reid and other seats if they wanted to, but not with scum like Foolinsky.
I suspect they know they’ll be next.
WTF are you going being accosted by trannies? In all the time I’ve trawled through X I’ve never met up with a trannie at the site.
One Year Memorial Mass for His Eminence George Cardinal Pell
Daily Mail.
Darwin Award.
Luckily the Victoriastan Lieborals make the NSW Lieborals look good. Things would be pretty grim otherwise.
All over REEE!ddit.
Never vote Liberal. The ALP with King Charles.
Stay out of there, Dot. You don’t know what diseases you’re going to get.
Don’t worry I expect elder statesman, John Howard, will pull them into line over lunch at the Australia Club.
“I suspect they know they’ll be next.”
I agree. Although they are showing initiative and taking the side of the good. They are not feeding the crocodile as the Ivy filth are.
Here’s a target for Foolinski.
All Australian residents and industry will have an adequate, reliable, continuous electricity supply.
Dot will be boiling plastic bags for oestrogen and voting greens by this time next year.
Plebbit is a gateway drug for the perverse and wrong.
Add: low cost.
If you ask one of our elites they will tell you that their culture adds to, and enriches, ours.
In reality all that really means to them is a new passing fashionable cuisine and perhaps some strange new clothing items or patterns of clothing – they would consider them ‘exotic’ but that is because they have no idea as to what their cultural significance is.
Away from their leafy suburbs where the cultures are put side by side (and the laws that reflect the traditional culture are ignored to suck up to the new arrivals) we have a culture that values community over tribalism (that is us obviously) now pitted against one that cannot even conceive what we call community but instead reflexively recourses to tribalism, a culture with a (now frayed, thank you politicians) tradition of forgiveness must contend with one that venerates revenge, one that promotes honesty over one that justifies convenient lies, and lets not even get started on the role of women (and the pithecoid swaggering of mentally deficient oafish men).
This of course corrodes the high trust society we used to have (and which was part of our social and economic success) but our elites can only despise the retarded rubes in the western suburbs for their shallowness.
No matter where a poltician comes from, they eventually conceive that their success is measured in how well they air-kiss and titter at tortured banalities with the elites.
I’m getting tired of being culturally enriched.
11th grade economics taught that one of the prime objectives of government was to ensure cheap and abundant energy. It sounded like something to be proud of too, as we told Australia was endowed with hundreds of years of coal supply. What a world.
I reckon it’s the world’s greatest marketing opportunity, handed to them on a plate.
Not for religious conversion purposes, but – to put it in mercenary terms – for attracting donors, and then shiny stuff will follow.
He’s right, they are not going to win an election by ignoring what most of the public believes is an imperative. The Green and Teal surge at the last election demonstrated a big change in attitude towards the issue. Push a 2035 target as justification for nuke plants by demonstrating the impossibility of renewables being able to achieve that. It is long overdue for shadow energy minister to call out Bowen’s lies regarding the feasibility of nuclear. The trend is already towards favouring nuclear. The coalition should be pushing nuclear all the time.
Jason Foolinsky = lost his seat of Mackellar to a Green Teal
Jason Foolinsky is now the NSW Liberal Party president
Gets rewarded for failure- this waste of space is hard hard left too like McPhee
Bruce of Newcastle
Jan 10, 2024 5:39 PM
NSW Liberal Party president Jason Falinski has declared the Coalition must take a 2035 emissions reduction target to the next federal election
Darwin Award.
And James Patterson interviewed on Credlin refusing to take guidance from Caleb Bond and repudiate net zero, alarmism and fuking renewables.
12 years ago when TCS was bashing everyone about the bullshit of global warming I could not believe that due to a combination of grift, ideology and sheer stupidity that global warming and renewables would be the dominant economic factor in Australia.
The LNP are gutless idiots. They could come out and eviscerate global warming and renewables and be in power for decades. But they can’t do it.
Patterson turned out to be a big fat flop like Wilson. I voted for Patterson in 2016(?) def not in last two elections.
These cattle mustering operations are full on to watch. Nothing but respect to station owners and staff. Mind boggling amount of work to keep the joints operational.
Prenti Downs Station is a 1 million acre (400,000 hectare) cattle property, 300km north of Laverton, and 300km east of Wiluna, backing onto unallocated crown land.
You’d be happy to know the baby camel at the beginning of this clip was taken back to the homestead, alive … check out 36:05.
Camels are running amok across Australia, chiefly the interior. They are in their millions and need to be dealt with. I’ve got no qualms in admitting I was clueless about most of this. Not now.
Check out the channel.
Jack Out The Back:
Mustering Mayhem: Bulls, Bungarras, and Baby Camels!
I know about your MLP jar.
I geta lot of right wing stuff on twitter from Elon Musk plus a thing called ‘end wokeness’.
With Malcolm Turnbull as leader they will vote for us. J,ismist, “Hmmm, yes”.
I dont even want to know what a MLP jar is.
Anyway Eva is my waifu
Speaking of which I may never leave work again, Ive lost my wedding ring somewhere onsite, been on a bit of a diet and 15 kgs down, the ring was loose. Didnt even feel it go.
Police Arrest Hundreds of the Anti-Israel Protesters Who Obstructed Traffic in New York City
Ozempic finger?
The public are not going to believe politicians about AGW. The coalition tried that years ago and lost the public debate. Revisiting it won’t change the result. If they tried that trick the under 35s will desert them. They can change the public attitude towards nuclear because even without the coalition fighting for nuclear the trend is favourable so just for a change if they chose the right target they might gain some traction. Country people will love the idea because they don’t want the countryside dotted with props, shiny stuff, and transmission lines, everyone will love the idea because it solves the baseload problem and a nuke plant lasts for decades.
It is beginning to look like these protesters are not even trying to win people over to their side. They’re just trying to exert their dominance. They want to show people they can do whatever they want without consequences.
agree and they have the tacit support of the eloi establishment
We must protect them from the IG “models”.
Net Zero 2050 and Decarbonising Australia are policies of deception, and everything done only ends with a futile result that will achieve zero benefits for Australia and the World’s temperature.
In the meantime, China, India and others will replace all the greenhouse gas emissions Australia saves, in 30 mins. And they will be burning our own coal, gas and uranium to do it.
Our Labor, Green and Teal politicians are treating us voters as mugs, and seriously compromising our critical, reliable, base load power, required 24/7.
We must fight back against this insanity.
An extremely important Rally to join and financially support is the “National Rally against Reckless Renewables”.
Rural Australians from all across Australia with their City friends are having a having a protest rally in Canberra on the 6th February 2024. You can follow and support the “National Rally against Reckless Renewables” on their Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/RallyAgainstRecklessness/
Protests are not going to work. The LNP has to be taken over by conservatives and the MSM as well. Buckleys.
Jan 10, 2024 6:33 PM
Ozempic finger?
“one meal a day” finger.
This is the last week of the diet though, other 1/2 is cranky Im losing weight, so Ill be 10kg off my ideal.
Seriously, we need a ‘cute camel’ photo category to outshine the (allegedly) cute owls recently inflicted upon us all.
I was told earlier I became a grandpa to a little girl. Lord, I was almost on my freaking knees praying it would be a boy, and end up with the consolation prize.
She’s an English ma, so I guess the genes are narrowing again, which is a pity in a way. 🙂
She’ll be crankier when she finds out the ring’s AWOL.
Or maybe Catholic universities are just doing the Christian thing.
They will attract some of the hate including from anti Semitic ‘Catholics’ who have come out from under every rock on Twitter.
Congratulations JC.
Yes congrats JC
The public are not going to believe politicians about AGW.
From about 2009 to 2013 the public debate was being won by the sceptics. Then the msm, particularly the fuking abc went into overdrive in promoting alarmism. It took a decade but they have carried the sheeple. There were opportunities for the conservative side of politics to resist this but a large minority of the LNP are drivel spouting alarmists themselves. A bit of courage might have defeated this insidious bullshit. Now the trigger points will be blackouts and I reckon the left will use the social mayhem to tighten the noose.
JCPops.more on gazan ‘journalists’
Now the trigger points will be blackouts and I reckon the left will use the social mayhem to tighten the noose.
or Anal’s large scale assault on the economy and society will blow up in his mean, soft little face like on 14/10.
I don’t think Australians will tolerate blackouts when the rest of the world is still with reliable coal, gas or nuclear. The local idiocracy will then be exposed and the noose will tighten on the political class, metaphorically speaking.
Congratulations, JC!
Not the point cohenite. Blackouts won’t change their opinion about AGW but will change their opinion about renewables. When the coalition fought against AGW there was still an active public debate. That’s over and trying to resurrect it now is a fool’s errand. Use the current state of debate to push for nuclear. The coalition has ample opportunity there. More nations are going nuclear, Germany’s renewables is a fiasco, the public attitude towards nuclear has shifted and that without any public campaign push. The big one is calling out Bowen’s secret funding deal to rush through renewables, the coalition should be constantly on his case about that.
Mike Benz
Jesse [Watters], love ya man — appreciate you amplifying the clips I published, the connections I spelled out, and the statistics I cited
Best practice is to cite your source. How about we call it even by having me on your show for a deeper cut on Pentagon psyops?
Time to get some Perfesser Emersoni up your house sized backsides, Cats! 🙂
First grandchild?
I did see that bit.
When I were a lad, a lot of checklists were summarised into acronyms with each letter a prompt for an action, so you could do them from memory, rather than refer to a card.
U – Undercarriage down, F – Flaps set etc.
Trouble was, some letters had two or three actions attached and the acronyms usually weren’t recognisable words. You just had to learn the actions by rote.
I did think a lot of checklists were stored in the compuda and could be called up on the flight displays.
Emerson is def on the more despicable wastes space- very appropriate that the ‘doctor’ is now at the ANU. This is the unemployable garbage the misgoverns us. Malicious incompetence written all over this spiteful mediocrity.
The Liberal party should stop appointing losers to leadership positions.
It’s a no brainer, as my American cousins would say.
All the best JC. Grandies are the best. 😀
Yeah KD, first one.
This kid is going to be 76 in 2100 assuming all is well. I wonder what it’s going to be like if I’m not around by then. 🙂
Violence abhors a vacuum.
“Or maybe Catholic universities are just doing the Christian thing.”
Rosie, this is what I believe also.
The Legover Man was prepared to go where no other man would. Bowen is an admirable replacement for those shoes.
Oh, goodness, goodness gracious me …
This Albansleazey goat rodeo is truly beyond parodee … 😕
Standing on the shoulders of Giants.
Jan 10, 2024 4:03 PM
Woolies cans Australia Day.
The sooner that the Feral Guv’ment declares that Australia Day is Federation Day which is the 1st of January then the better. Federation of Australia was the 1st of January, 1901.
There was no Australia on the 26th of January, 1788. It was a Colony of convicts. FFS.
Historically the Haredi have been resisting conscription and service in the IDF, and there’s been massive controversy in Israel about drafting them, so it’s good to see them serving for sake of the nation.
You know BoN, I think I know more about the Haredim than you do. There’s a reason why the the Haredim traditionally don’t serve in the army. Most Haredim are anti-Zionist. They have a theological problem with the state of Israel. Most believe that a Jewish state should only be formed when the messiah arrives. Most refuse to speak Hebrew as their everyday language so, whilst they pray in Hebrew and Aramaic, they won’t speak Hebrew because they regard it as sacrilege. Yiddish is still the language spoken in the large Haredi communities across America, the UK, Europe (Belgium), Israel and here. I have been in homes where Yiddish is spoken by even the children. Historically there’s a reason for the Haredi antipathy towards Zionism. Historical Zionism was very secular and fervently anti-religious, this enraged the rabbis and religious authorities of the ghettoes and shtetls across Eastern Europe prior to World War II. It was the rabbis who were in charge of the ghettoes and shtetls and they didn’t want to cede their power.
Whilst there are Haredi groups that have softened their animosity towards the state of Israel, some groups like the Satmar have not and probably never will. Then you have groups like Neturei Karta, who are fervently anti-Zionist and appear at pro-Palestinian demos. They disgust me.
The Lubavitch, who are behind the tunnels in NYC, are now Zionistic, but some of the old guard Lubavitchers are not Zionists.
Anyway, even if the Haredim don’t fight in the IDF they do other good things, such as working for the Zaka charity running kosher kitchens, driving ambulances and so on, both on Israel and here. They also pray, and I think that prayer actually does count for something. It is almost always religious, often Haredi Jews, who go in after a terrorist attack or an invasion like we saw on 7 October 2023 to pick up the body parts of dead Jews. And that gives me and other Jews a lot of comfort, to know that these bodies were being treated halachically and given the respect denied to them in life.
Once upon a time, across Yiddishland, which is Eastern Europe prior to World War II, there were huge communities of Haredi Jews, comprising dozens of different sects. Most of those men, women and children were annihilated in World War II, there are no tombstones, nothing. Their ashes scattered to the wind, or you walk on their ashes at Auschwitz or Treblinka, which is why I don’t want to visit such places. But at the end of the day I will cut the Haredi some slack, because their piousness, their decency, their eccentricity, their humour, and most importantly, their Yiddishkheit far outweighs any of their theological hang ups.
For those interested in the Haredim, I recommend watching Shtisl and Rough Diamonds.
Here are IDF Soldiers, returning from Gaza in 2014, singing with followers of the Breslov Haredi movement and Rabbi Nachman..
Making Falinsky lieboral president shows it’s just a club for the connected- why regular citizens would donate, give up time and pay membership fees is beyond me. I stopped nearly 10 years ago.
Bravo nonno JC.
Daily Mail poll:
Do you agree with Woolworths removing Australia Day items?
Yes 9% 153 votes
No 91% 1,593 votes
Poll still taking votes…
Jan 10, 2024 7:09 PM
Yeah KD, first one.
A little girl. Huzzah.
“Ah, we’ve got a John Pesutto on the phone. Line 2.”
Congrats JC.
Maybe best to keep your gender preferences and subsequent disappointment under wraps.
Jan 10, 2024 3:57 PM
People come in numbers, not amounts!
“Tons of people turned up.”
And the Italian migrants –
Even with Al Grasby and the Griffith Mafia growing the “Mary Wana” stuff.
Junior Cretin would know I’m sure.
What is she going to call you? Pa? Pop? Gramps?
The Beloved’s two granddaughters can twist him around their little fingers. I bet she will too! Congratulations.
I’ll withdraw the comment if Zac Kirkup gains preselection for the next WA election. Vote 1 Basil.
Hmmm, call from nearby mine.
Near fatality.
Chap got his head pinned under a trailer.
Tip: Dont get your head pinned under a trailer.
That’s “Hi Alan” Grassby, to you, Rotters.
Whacky world of islam:
Reuters and AP ‘journalists’ watched Hamas lynchings and kidnappings, urged civilians to join
‘We Know a Free Palestine is Only Possible Through Queer, Racial, Gender, Reproductive, and Environmental Justice’
Nigeria: Muslims ‘armed with deadly weapons’ storm villages, murder 41 Christians and kidnap many others
She’s an English ma, so I guess the genes are narrowing again, which is a pity in a way.
Love those English genes.
She will call him JC, and damn well like it.
Boo! Nanny state!
Too much bureaucracy!
H B Bear
Jan 10, 2024 7:20 PM
Infidel Tiger for Premier.
Hes learnt his lesson, obviously the only way to win is to go even further left and really outflank the greens this time.
Jan 10, 2024 7:21 PM
Al Grasby
The shite did not like British migrants one bit. A hole.
That’s almost a weekly occurrence in Nigeria.
A village of 500 was attacked over Christmas with c. 50% dead or wounded.
If true, I may revise my previously adverse opinion of Big Al.
Boo! Nanny state!
Too much bureaucracy!To be fair, there was a lack of “dont get your head pinned under a trailer” signage in the area.
Yes, lost his seat but appears to have learned nothing.
The sooner that the Feral Guv’ment declares that Australia Day is Federation Day which is the 1st of January then the better. Federation of Australia was the 1st of January, 1901.
There was no Australia on the 26th of January, 1788. It was a Colony of convicts. FFS.
It is very strange that no one celebrates the Independence and creation of the nation of Australia. Very strange as most Nations celebrate their Nationhood.
Try. Try. And try again.
The political class will tell us it’s OUR fault for not moving fast enough and far enough on ruinables when they were blessing us with their intellect. No-one will neatly place their own head on a pike.
Still have to check the letterbox number when I get a flyer from my local Nedlands Liar member. And look around to make sure no one has seen.
Cassie – I like the Haredi approach, and their priorities. but shit happens.
Like now.
LOL, Rog – wasn’t sure if you were correct, so went and consulted that suppository of truth, wikipedia:
The Gliberal Party – self parodies “r” us … 🙂
Mmm, yes…a sure way to placate an angry electorate is to tell them it’s their fault.
The electorate might be angry, but what will they do about it?
RFK Jr.: Who Really Profits from The Ukraine War?
I know you like to think you’re an expert on everything but you’re not, and particularly not on the Haredi.
Still some of the best election night TV. Along with a few Kroger rants.
Suffer and whinge in the dark.
Is Michelle Obama Running a Shadow Campaign for President?
Mazaltov, JC.
Disgusting is the word.
FBI’s Post About Hunting Down ‘January 6 Fugitives’ Immediately Backfires as Disgusted Users Revolt
what will they do about it?
elect Dutton
The Liberal party should stop appointing losers to leadership positions.
They should stop appointing losers full stop.
Here in the federal electorate of Higgins they have re-endorsed the hopeless and clueless Katie Allen. She used to swan around in her EV prattling on about renewables and climate change. She lost the formerly blue ribbon liberal seat to a liars candidate in 2022 – there was no teal candidate but I’m sure there will be this time around. Until the libs rid themselves of the Turdball and Morrison legacy and start behaving like true conservatives we’ll be stuck with the liars/slime for the forseeable future.
It is very strange that no one celebrates the Independence and creation of the nation of Australia. Very strange as most Nations celebrate their Nationhood.
So come on down all you ‘Pollies’ and explain it. If you can that is.
A few days ago I looked up definitions of conservatives. So many definitions … . Another example of people throwing a word around without bothering to define it with respect to a specific context; in this instance, Australia.
Thanks all. She’s as cute as a button, as they say.
Consider what’s happening in Europe atm, Muddy.
In some German states the equivalents of the Labor Party are polling at >10%.
She lost the formerly blue ribbon liberal seat to a liars candidate in 2022 – there was no teal candidate but I’m sure there will be this time around.
She was so bad, and she didn’t even have the excuse of having a Teal up against her.
Her heroes are Michelle and Barry O. When being interviewed on Sky News, she never had as her backdrop in her home the Oz flag or words from Menzies’ 1942 speech….no, no, no, Ms Allan always had displayed Michelle Obama’s book.
Vomitous…absolutely vomitous.
That is one of the better cattle station/mustering videos, purely for the part where the lad catches a goanna, kills & butchers it, ready for cooking.
First class.
Probably having a Mazaltov cocktail as we speak.
I love how the US Dipstick is in the Middle East talking about telling the Jews to hold up a bit.
Meanwhile in the UKR it is all guns blazing to get Russia.
What a hypocrite. FFS.
Big evening, Friday our time. Several of the US large banks are reporting 4th quarter results, which should be a tell for the start of 24. If they stumble, everything is going to look awful for a while at least.
I’m sure the Lubavitchers used Mazaltov cocktails to dig the tunnels in NYC!
Trump trolling Mark Cuban, even in 2017.
Uranium fuel used in a reactor is referred to as being “burned”. What comes out is chemically different to what went in, notably with the presence of Plutonium.
That might be because it’s essentially a considered attitude rather than an ideology, the expression of which will vary according to which culture or civilisation it is being applied and what in that culture deserves to be conserved.
One essential belief of conservatism, however, is that humankind is not perfectible and is, in fact, inclined to corruption. That sets it at odds with most political ideologies.
Have you been to Crown Heights?
It’s nice, but not as pretty as Park Slope.
But the subject was emissions, B John.
Been commenting to myelf on the old Fred. Re Covid differential diagnosis, ditching the Woollies shop due to Australila Day wokeness, and the Jan 6 state of the US nation.
Can’t be ersed to copy and paste here. Too busy. G & T time too.
Note to self. Check the thread list befre commenting. Time moves on. 🙂
P1ss of the leftards by declaring January 1 is Federation Day, to be observed as a public holiday, then abolish the 26 January public holiday.
They might not like the concept of Australia Day, but they lurrrrve the public holiday and the associated day off/ penalty rates.
A letter Trump sent to Cuban back when. Trump is the greatest troll to have ever existed.
The show, “The Benefactor” was a failure. I don’t know for sure, but I suspect the show was to compete with Trump’s.
Trump actually sent this and signed it with an accompanying “yours sincerely”.
January 1 is already a public holiday for New Year. If we celebrate Federation instead of Australia Day on January 26, we’d lose a day off.
Can’t get more Australian than that!
Have you been to Crown Heights?
Yes, JC. My favourite shul in NYC is the Carlebach Shul on the Upper West Side.
Our political class will not be able to get away with it if Germany, France and other European countries do a u-turn away from renewables. Depending who wins the election in November US may also desert the whole renewables boondoggle. Once the US abandons renewables, it will be all over.
I’m wondering if the result of the referendum means your average Aussie has had enough of all the politically correct rubbish rammed down their throats?
I’ve called a Lamb BBQ with old friends (a couple of whom are woke and hesitant because aborigines, but still coming, lol). We used to all have great Australia Days together years ago. I’ve told them, I’m still putting out the flag, so it can be seen from celebrations on the harbour.
Mention of Infidel Tiger? If Infidel Tiger is still around it is NOT the IT of the old Cat. I have insider knowledge there. RIP.
Apropos the role of Fujitsu in the post office scandal in the UK, a family friend who was working for them in Sydney on defence contracts quit last year, protesting that he didn’t want to be associated with the quality of work they were doing. You’d hope someone in Defence is paying attention.
The current DC bullshit against Trump is a test of POTUS immunity. Trump’s right to question election fraud is facing the accusation that such an act is an alleged criminal offence is so far outside POTUS duties as to render Trump’s POTUS immunity invalid.
The 3 panel judges the claim against Trump include a skank called Pan who questioned Trump’s legal team by proposing a scenario where a POTUS uses a SEAL team to assassinate his rivals. Trump’s legal team batted this away by saying the constitutional process would be an impeachment and that such actions would not be part of POTUS duties and rights. But the point is these fuktards actually believe Trump is Hitler and a mob boss. This makes what a group of journalists were overheard hot miked so pertinent. They were discussing assassinating Trump, making Pan’s question once again ironic because such scenarios are entirely what the demorats are thinking.
26th January is when the Rule of British Law and the English language first arrived on this continent. Since then many immigrants and aboriginal people have all contributed to making the great country we all enjoy and salute today. That is what we celebrate on the 26th of January, not some special pleading moaning from any one group of contributors.
Congrats JC.
Just off Vic border. Newell hwy around Moree a mess. Fulton Hogan have ripped up 3 stages of 10-15km but working on 2 sections with about an estimated 300m of roadway being actually worked. Seems all blast thru the 80 zones at 100 till a stickler for the rules is found or some actual workers are doing the job.
Rest of the highway not to bad, seen it worse especially around Gilgandra after the olympics.
Drivers are a problem. The art of overtaking on a non dual highway is a lost art. Unsure if it is revenue raising speed enforcement or just inexperienced country driving but FFS hesitating when you have comitted to the pass is a Darwin’s award.
No, the subject is electricity generation. By focusing on “emissions”, you concede the debate to the alarmists. CO2 emissions are not the villain in this debate. Expensive, unreliable, so-called renewables are the problem.
I did consider saying something but you seemed to be having so much fun.
Helen D (nmrn)
Snap re public holidays.
Oh and Ford Ranger drivers with horse floats pip just Rangers for the worst drivers…
Funny saw f all of them till I got on the Newell.
When you start losing arguments it’s time to give it away.
Oh, my wordy lordy yes.
They leave the Mallard and Jayco towers in the shade, as horrific as they are.
I’m wondering if this is another spectacular Woolworths own goal.
The last one had to do with an ANZAC Day ad, as I recall.
“I don’t think Australians will tolerate blackouts when the rest of the world is still with reliable coal, gas or nuclear. The local idiocracy will then be exposed and the noose will tighten on the political class, metaphorically speaking.”
It is way beyond any pretence of tolerating blackouts when the blackouts occur. The damage will already be done and the backup possibility will already be destroyed.
Time to act is now. Any government that is elected or re-elected with a policy to continue down the destructive net-zero highway demonstrates that state actually supports the policy…
With the exception of voting down the Voice, Australians are pretty good at being dickheads, as seen in the Covid fiasco…
An Act of the British Parliament to legally amalgamate a few of their remote colonies isn’t an appropriate event for an Australian celebration.
Helen, those who object to Australia Day will object to Federation Day just as strenuously, if not even more. The idea is to destroy our history and glorify the Stone Age culture that preceded it.
I realise that, Digger
MNRs will have progressed considerably by then, we hope.
They said they consulted.
I never go to their foul hovel of borderline products, but many people are driven by economy.
But as a place that quibbles over cents is it really worth their while to give their customers a reason to go to other stores to buy certain items (for those trying to make ends meet while still valuing Australia Day) or strike political postures in front of those who can afford to go somewhere else.
I think the semen-doused nobodies who run woollies don’t shop there – but it is a strange abstraction composed of of sales, revenue, and astroturf emails.
Contextually define what the attitude is otherwise it risks becoming a slogan. I saw an example of that at the last election. This huge billboard with “Freedom” plastered over 5 times. Freedom from what!? Who comes up these slogans and thinks everyone understands words in the same way they do?
I don’t know anyone who thinks humankind is perfectible. The Left is very preoccupied with instituting all manner of legal constraints on behavior. The Right wants to remove many of those constraints because it believes that somehow things will work out; especially in economics. The last thing we need is perfect people. Too boring.
Obviously the same pollsters who have been advising Albo on the Voice.
Thinking strategically about how the LNP might win the next election, (which i realise is not a premise accepted by many here), the reasoning and policy advocated by John H above is compelling. The LNP need a catchy slogan; maybe something like “To get to Net Zero, Go Nuclear with the Liberals”. Maybe too wordy.
For all my trouble, Reddit has suspended my account, given me a warning and removed my offensive content – which was disagreeing that a person born a man, has to be called a woman.
I’m not gonna die on a hill over this but the next step seems to be “you must find bio male trans women attractive”.
Bill Ackman’s war to make universities accountable has the left panicked
He was very public about the Harvard president’s plagiarism so the left unwisely accused his wife of plagiarism in response. They are now learning that it’s not a good move to piss off a man with that much money, brains, and ability.
Blowing the horns of a dilemma.
The majority of Australians(62% by some polls) support net zero. That net zero won’t happen is irrelevant. Any political party that now argues AGW is nonsense and net zero is unnecessary will die on that hill. A political party that clings to a position that the greater majority consider dangerous is facing electoral disaster. It is easy for you to demand the coalition die on that hill but that will only give Bowen free reign with his stupid ideas. Thinking that now, somehow, magically, the Australian public will repudiate net zero and AGW is wishful thinking. Politics is about compromise. Don’t attempt the impossible, argue for nuclear as the best way forward otherwise the coalition risks getting bogged down in a debate that will burn their political capital. Too idealistic, very bad strategy.
Rafiki forgive me, but that sounds as catchy as gonorrhea. You’re wordsmith of note, come up with something decent.
This is the sort of analysis that draws people to this site. Pure poetry. 🙂
I’ve been served with an INSANE legal threat
You’re wordsmith of note, come up with something decent.
Save money: glow in the dark with nuclear.
LOL. The disappointment part.
I guess there’s another big wage hike coming from FairWork.
If these morons don’t get a grip, we’re back to the old days of the Accord.
If Bowen makes you puke,
you gotta go nuke.
If the Liberals want to win the next election, and in particular marginal seats like Aston, Bennelong, Parramatta, Reid etc, the only slogan they need is…
If you want to keep your gas connection, vote Liberal.
The Liberals would win in a landslide, and they wouldn’t need Teal seats.
But don’t worry, it won’t happen. Instead they have morons like Flatulent Farting Foolinsky leading the party here in NSW, leading them into oblivion.
Nuke Net Zero