Why don’t you have a think about how idiotic your comment is? If one virus particle of the trillions of…
Why don’t you have a think about how idiotic your comment is? If one virus particle of the trillions of…
Bizzaro world has arrived. I remember when the left were all anti-war. Things have changed. Trump is anti-war, so the…
Basically no phone reception here for a week. Both Telstra & Optus putting up 5G towers and we were told…
The family said Abu Lebdeh feared for her safety and has gone to a secret location where she will hide…
Slowly slowly these timid gerbils are starting to speak up… Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry calls for ‘realistic’ renewables…
BHP = Broken Hearted Poms.
Sancho Panzer
Jan 11, 2024 11:41 AM….finding someone to help you in Bunnings is like finding gold at the end of the rainbow. Here in The West.,{ the spiritual home of Bunnings } service is non existing.
“DNA Study Finds Ancient Egyptians Were European, Not African”
So, contrary to the film version, Cleopatra was not a ‘person of colour’.
There was no England until Aethelstan conquered York in 927.
Good times.
Better times.
Imagine it.
A world entirely devoid of knotted hankies, cloth caps and whining shop stewards.
This was what the Romans found.

I’ve read and widely shared Tony Thomas’s excellent account of the Cronulla “riots”. I grew up and lived in the Caringbah-Cronulla area and I went there on the day in solidarity (but in a non-combat role, lol). Regrettably a relative handful of boofheads played up.
Really, it wasn’t much worse than back in the ’70’s when the local surfies would rumble with the sharpies and the westies. A bit of claret was spilt on those occasions too.
It s!@#$ me that the MSM studiously ignore the disproportionately violent Leb reprisal raids 🙁
Facials are killing the planet.
A more eco-friendly facial sheet mask that moisturizes, even though it’s packaged dry (MedXpress, 10 Jan)
We should all thank Dr. Hu for this amazing discovery. It’s fun though that beauticians appear now to be tapping into climate money.
It should induce some humility and respect for the past, which is one of the hallmarks of conservatism in the best sense of the term.
One of the chief downfalls of our contemporary prats is they don’t know how much they don’t know and yet they insist on prescribing what everyone should think and therefore how they should live, as though they’re the most educated generation to have ever lived.
Not all barbarisms are bad. I am quite okay with wearing trousers, drinking beer, and not buggering boys.
That was the essence of dot’s original complaint, iirc. Hence the discussion.
Cassius Dio was on the money.
Mac Siccar:
Forgot to add – Is this Jules, our Jules?
ANU is imagining things again.
Record heat in 2023 worsened global droughts, floods and wildfires (Phys.org, 10 Jan) by Australian National University
The actual data is that drought is reducing, rainfall is unchanged and wildfires are at a record low. But ANU doesn’t like that data so they seem to be inventing some from out their arse.
The best way to fight higher summer tempt, is to buy a bigger air con. Sheesh , its not rocket science people.
One for Tom.
Joking apart: What men and women find funny (Phys.org, 10 Jan)
I always liked Pickering’s toons. That probably says a lot about me.
But wouldn’t that be scientific fraud?
I was actually proposing to cut off a leftard leg by cancelling a public holiday.
Fair enough.
They don’t need to read them. They have read about the authors to explain the literature.
At bottom all there is to know is patriarchy, oppression, misogyny, racism, toxic masculinity, colonialism, and so on.
In fact, the thankless task of plucking out the lint from all those gazed-at navels of old dead white men is so demanding that there is no time left over to actually read them.
Coffee also purchased for Jules, but I’ve no idea if that person is a lurker here.
We should ask a psychiatrist.
Panel members for new psychiatric ‘bible’ received more than $14M from industry, analysis finds (MedXpress, 10 Jan)
“Experts” are people increasingly synonymous with “grifters”.
That is their loss, but also ours since we must suffer their ignorance.
And before I go, can I suggest to anyone tempted to explore the Western canon for the first time or rediscover it, to read the original authors and not scholarly commentaries about them…the originals are much more interesting than their commentators and rarely difficult to read in a good translation. The one commentary you might really need is Bloom’s The Western Canon.
Roger, there is nothing scientific about what Bom produces. It has more in common with a steaming pile of Bos Taurus excrement.
Good news! The NSW Government has announced that October 16 will be International Pronouns Day.
NSW government dually labels Australia Day as Survival Day, spruiks Pronouns Day in ‘diversity planning’ for public servants (Sky News, 10 Jan)
Weirdly neither Bastille Day (14 July) nor Guy Fawkes Day (5 November) are included on their list. Ok to be fair they do have 14 July listed. It is International Non-Binary Peoples Day.
As supposed guardians of the temperature record, the BoM has fiddled, adjusted and tortured the data until the required result was achieved. Furthermore, their methodologies remain a secret. The incantations known only to a select few.
Without such vile, anti-scientific, grubbiness the downstream useful idiots would have no local data to support their scaremongering.
Data fiddling should be a capital offence.
I don’t think he provided enough understanding of how the situation evolved from specific, deliberate provocation of ME youth
There’s a link in Tony’s piece to an earlier QoL piece by the wisely pseudononymous “Cronulla Mum”. It describes in quite some detail the harassment and bastardry of the Prophet’s adherents:
‘The Other Side of the Cronulla Riot‘
There’s a place for history, of course, but historians haven’t shaped Western thought the way Plato, Augustine, the Bible or great literature has.
All great literature is shaped by great minds. Of the historians quoted, Herodotus and Thucydides spring to mind as extraordinary observers of the frailty of the human condition. They observed and described the rise and fall of empires – and particularly of political systems. The eternal reasons why men go to war are perfectly described by Thucydides, in particular. The opposing systems of government of Athens & Sparta, together with the commercial centrism of Corinth are remarkably reminiscent of the current socialist, democratic, & capitalist societies in our contemporary world.
The commentarii of Julius Caesar, on the other hand, should be read with an understanding of the motivation (gloria) of all Roman Republican proconsular commanders, plus the particular circumstances of his political career. But they also provide a fascinating insight into the organisation of the Roman army and the nature of the peoples they conquered.
Climate scientists think that meteorologists 75 years ago couldn’t read a thermometer to within 5 degrees.
Magical Science In South America (10 Jan)
Breathtaking how brazen this stuff is.
Only a short while before that, the entire population of what is now England voluntarily enslaved themselves to the Romans.
Sure, but look at what you get:
– law and order
– roads
– sanitation
– wine. Decent wine.
Whitest Aboriginals in Oz.
Nothing says Aboriginal like dropping in on the darkies before jetting back to France….
Phillip Adams
Rory, my youngest, whom I hadn’t seen for years, is on her way back to her home in the Pyrenees. Via a visits with her mum to their Aboriginal rellos in Victoria
Incredible how the tolerant left on REEE!DDit submit in an argument: “you have no friends and your family doesn’t love you” as well as “you write with Pinochet’s cock in your mouth”.
They really are shiftless degenerates who just want free stuff.
BOM = Bunch of Muppets
ESG = Economic Suicide Guaranteed
ABC = A Bunch of Clowns
ALP = Disaster
DEI = Division Exclusion Incompetence
Also: it’s not political to gaslight your elderly parents for them watching Fox News.
Intersectionality as progress from Freudian psychodynamic theory which was the previous be all and end all to explain everything.
I used to know someone years ago that prevented BoM from destroying the original data. They were saying they could recreate it if needed. Don’t know how others resisted later on.
Would you buy an ICE car with a 5 litre fuel tank?
14 July, International Fruit Salad Day or International Heinz Day, 57 varieties.
Jan 11, 2024 12:13 PM
But ANU doesn’t like that data so they seem to be inventing some from out their arse.
But wouldn’t that be scientific fraud?
No, they are real arses!
Bruce of Newcastle
Oh, and the authorities are going to examine the contents of the phone before they give them back?
Pigs arse, Sunshine. Get a Court Order first or get sued.
Get stuffed, bureaucrat.
I’d describe it as “results may vary”. The bloke in the plumbing section in ours knows his stuff and goes out of his way to help.
Not so much.
My latest bug-bear is the taping off of whole aisles like a crime scene to get something off the top shelf. Usually there are two or three “team members” moving boxes in what looks like slow tai-chi manoeuvres.
Or just chatting.
Philippa Martyr outed the original IT years ago, to the shock of some, and then it all went down the memory hole, although commenter Kae was outraged about it.
Certainly, the IT of long standing here has not appeared on this blog since the person mentioned by Philippa has died. I don’t know if someone else took over the persona, but I suspect not. The original IT was actually quite old.
Mole at 11:54.
This was someone posting on Twitter who visited Britain just recently, right?
Anyone here think I’m part of the alt-right?
Questioning the middle class Australian leftist agenda apparently is!
The BOM uses climate models. Climate models are stuffed. Roy Spencer compares the model predictions with what really happened:
To remedy this the BOM is changing the temperature record so it fits with the models. These people aren’t scientists. They’re arseholes.
I have zero doubts the person I was talking to was a younger Gen X father of a young family.
May as well name him if he has been dead for a couple of years, eh, Lizzie.
Anyone here think I’m part of the alt-right?
Only when you’re not on the turps.
Ancient historians were often rather inclined to embellish their reporting with considerable made up material and biases. This was not regarded as a disgraceful thing to do, as the days of fully referenced histories were still to come. And as we know, all histories have sins of omission as well as commision, even in the best-referenced times.
Yes, I remember him announcing the birth of his first child.
I don’t think he was a Robert de Niro parent either.
Lizzie, I have sent you an email.
Infidel Tiger is alive, his political career is dead.
‘The Other Side of the Cronulla Riot‘
Thanks areff! I hadn’t seen this in Quadrant.
IT, like Geriatric Mayfly and others, disappeared upon the death of Old Cat.
Some may have simply missed the lifeboat, but I think others consciously stayed away for whatever reason.
Malcolm Turnbull.
Sancho, that is old history and best put aside now. The online IT we knew and admired had a fine mind and used it well and never wished to be outed. I’ll leave it there, like the wondrous Mystery Marxist called Gareth, perhaps a similar case, whose death was notified and lamented here, until .. questions arose.
It’s to do with stupid rules regarding the side lifting forklifts. If it’s not in the law some space cadet has gone overboard on policies.
My mate in construction (a deity and a seer) said he saw a SWMS at EDI Downer for a feckin’ BBQ.
Peter Dutton gives Woolies a serve:
John Brumble
You don’t have to be real bloody smart to work out that rule by the intellectual caste has been a disaster for the West.
“Like a shit stained toilet.” 😀
Ancient historians were often rather inclined to embellish their reporting with considerable made up material and biases.
With respect, Lizzie, that is a bit misleading. If you were composing records of your achievement via epigraphs, or other forms of public records – yes, it was customary to extol your achievements. The Res Gestae of Augustus is very typical of this custom – listing, as conquerors had done for centuries, his achievements – both military & political. In many ways, the commentarii of Caesar were also in this tradition. On the other hand, you did not want to be able to have your claims ridiculed by your opponents, either. Therefore, the elogia were almost always accurate records of achievements. This is often not understood in our modern times – when our moral and religious traditions prevent us (generally!) from “boasting” about our achievements. But we must not assume that they lied or exaggerated – this could invoke “invidia” .
They’re intellectuals, not academics. Typical disgusting “BreadTubers”.
Their future:
“I’ve been digging in this salt mine for three weeks Comrade, when do we get to perform the Maoist poetry!?”
Good on him.
If we can get Woollies to be afraid of offending the right as well as of the left, they just might blunder upon the idea of avoiding politics altogether!
The smooth-brained denizens of their boardroom would never come up with such a revolutionary idea through reason.
What is it about turds coming together in cesspools.
Josh Bornstein
It’s a privilege to represent Antoinette Lattouf in her unlawful termination case against the ABC which has now been expanded. We claim that the sacking was based on both political opinion and race.
What a piece of work she is.
Certainly, the IT of long standing here has not appeared on this blog since the person mentioned by Philippa has died.
I loved Infidel Tiger! I confess I had forgotten IT until he was mentioned today.
Cassie, I have replied. All aok with the changes.
These people on reddit were (in many cases still are) the same kids who averaged mostly B’s at school, but got an occasionally A and thought that made them incredibly smart.
Gosh, is Chris Bowen on reddit?
Perth Trader 11/1 @ 11:49am
Go to Bunning Churchhill Road and Regency Road Prospect – Ask for Shane the Guru – 10 mininutes of expanation and then what you need.
I go there with da boys, we seek him out, he answers our problem – then we lift him over our shoulder shouting his name with Ukranians doing a cossack dance and a whole lot of Griks on bended knees smashing broken dinner plates.
You’ve just been Litt Up
Lizzie, that’s not my memory of IT, who spoke of having a recently born child.
I goaded somone on the CBR Reddit discussing a rescue cat cafe scam (yes really) into saying the Chabad tunnel thing was a peep show or something.
I gave them the McCarthyist era questioning if they read Andrew Anglin.
A son, and his second, a daughter and taking his wife to Bali for her birthday and pondering going back to church, and recalling visiting his grandmother who lived in Balwyn and getting a belting for falling into a pond in the Fitzroy Gardens when he was eight.
And being tested for buying some fancy brand of running shoes.
Bunnings Maroochydore is full of old ladies*, any questions get referred to the 2 or 3 old blokes who work there.
* No not cougars seeking tradies, but employees.
I think it is worth remembering that Dr Martyr, despite being a serious scholar and writer, also had a mischievous side.
I doubt she would dox someone without consent.
Remember, she did out herself here as a 300 lb black man living in a trailer-park in Florida.
When they spoke of known achievements, that was certainly a risk.
However, both Cassius Dio and Tacitus, as examples of two Roman historians of note, had a tendency to exaggerate. The piece put up here earlier from Cassius Dio about the Britons was reckless hearsay not based on the anthropology of Britain available even in his day, and Tacitus used the Roman yoke over Britain as a means of critiquing local events in his overblown reporting of the achievements in Britain of his father-in-law Agricola while pretending to despise the way the Romans used techniques of divide and rule and called their tyranny ‘peace’. This was perhaps less a sympathy for the Britons and more a call for a review of local policies at home.
Taking ancient histories at face value can be queried. Some reports are obvioius amalgams, often including mythological or popularising elements, as the collation of the original Anaed and Odyssey definitely shows, it was hardly the work of a single author. I’m currently reading my Christmas present of Mary Beard’s new book ‘Emperor of Rome’, which shows the extent to which misreporting occurred about all the emperors, as par for the course. A critical eye is often necessary, while recognising, as you say, that if you regard a piece in its context, its acceptance by peers might give it some validity.
My general conclusion though is that much ancient historiography is littered with errors, which later ages can attempt to discern. Something with modern historiography has to grapple with too.
Avoiding legal liability makes corporates highly risk averse.
I remember. She was tongue in cheek about that of course.
One might argue that she was also aware from closer to home that fabrication of a persona was alive and well on the internet and made a silly doxxing mistake best ignored. Put it back in its box.
Nuff said, now. Over and out.
Not much has changed. :p
Delta A
Jan 11, 2024 1:26 PM
Peter Dutton gives Woolies a serve:
As disgusted as I am about the attempted cancellation of Australia Day, let’s not forget that all the merch would have come from our benevolent northern trading partner. None of it would have been made here. The last thing our long suffering population needs is to have their rapidly declining patriotism exploited by selling them useless imported tat. There’s too much of it as it is at all the major retailers.
Buried treasure Dot, surely.
Pensioner falls 130ft to his death in hole he dug under his kitchen looking for treasure (10 Jan)
Everyone has a prophetic dream that there’s treasure under their kitchen, if they dig deep enough.
IT, of course, always listened to ‘the wireless’.
Oh dear. As has been sometimes noted here, one of my great failings is always wanting to have the last word.
You have no idea how much trouble that has got me into. 😀
Am I too old now to reform? lol
I’m heading back to the historiography of the fifth century!
There trouble ahead for me there, for sure. 🙂
Thank goodness it’s lunchtime.
Quite so. Now I’m trying to recall the name. Bubba?
Jo Nova has a fascinating article on a counter narrative of the source of fossil fuels:
400 lb
Undeterred by the danger, he spent more than a year excavating the hole, which ended up being as deep as a 12-story building.
Everyone has a prophetic dream that there’s treasure under their kitchen, if they dig deep enough.
Chris Bowen right?
132andBush: Jan the 10th @ 10:34 pm:
Thankyou for that link, horrible as it was to watch. It should never be forgotten and the Hamas supporters here and in the West should see it.
Back in 1981 I visited Bergen-Belsen. The numbers buried under the mounds absolutely boggled the mind. I didn’t go into the museum as my then nearly 3-year old daughter was with me. I hadn’t told her anything about it but she kept dragging her feet, saying how she didn’t like it there, until she saw a tall cross- shaped structure. She ran up to hug it and didn’t complain further. She is reading Avraham Biderman’s book atm; he ended up at Belsen after being in other camps and was there when the British Army arrived. We met Avraham while we were members of the VicCCJ.
I remember too my mother telling us about the concentration camps, not having known the scale of the evil until the Allies arrived.
I see the woke Senator Pocock is expressing support for South Africa taking Israel to the Hague for war crimes.
Does anybody know if his wokeness has ever expressed concern for murdered South African farmers?
An example of one of our totally unbiased modern historians who does not make stuff up is A. J. P. Taylor. The following is an excerpt from The Course of German History.
“[Luther] objected to the sale of indulgences in order to raise money for the building of St Peter’s—if it had been for the purpose of massacring German peasants, Luther might never have become a Protestant.”
Give me Herodotus any day.
Taking ancient histories at face value can be queried.
No historical work should be taken at face value. Ancient historians, in particular were working within a vernacular that is foreign to modern times. Nonetheless, some of them were developing the very tools and perspective that we take for granted today.
Today, historians working with such material, need also to be experts (or deeply familiar with) such tools as epigraphy, numismatics and other fields of inquiry. It is with such other fields of inquiry that we refine our understanding of the ancient past. We don’t dismiss the earliest of our documenters of events simply because of some errors we discover. Historians who use such sources today are very aware of the shortcomings of their sources.
Who was it who said that he would rather be governed by the first few hundred names in the Boston, Massachusetts, phone book than the faculty of Harvard (and that was well before the current scandals)?
LOL, Their ABC being attacked for both not being leftard enough and being waycssssist.
Fight you bastards, fight!
I see Coles is picking up the slack left by Woolworths and stacking up on Australia Day merchandise.
Been the most revealing thing about this war, is all the masks being discarded by antisemitic lefties.
We knew already that the Left were Jew-hating fascists (Corbyn, Sanders etc) but to see them come out openly like this is amazing.
Years ago I know someone who, as a corporal in the army, gave an entirely made up off the cuff safety brief on how to use a portable gas stove to a section of grunts before letting them loose to make a brew.
As you could probably guess, the first grunt let near it managed to burn himself.
Sancho Panzer
Jan 11, 2024 11:45 AM
Sure. But wong as usual.
I love living here with the Natives.
Someone should tell Woolies that hot cross buns are deeply insulting to muslims. Reminds them of the Crusades. And they should shut down their entire pork section. Ham and bacon are out also. And dog food. They wouldn’t want to be Islamophobic, surely not.
There’s a link in Tony’s piece to an earlier QoL piece by the wisely pseudononymous “Cronulla Mum”. It describes in quite some detail the harassment and bastardry of the Prophet’s adherents:”
Some background, I (and others here) have family and friends who live in the Shire and have lived there for decades. I am a proud Shire girl, I know the place well, I love the Shire. Many of us had known for years about the problems on the beach and the beachfront by the Prophet’s adherents. The reason why the Prophet’s adherents liked (and still like) to go down to the Shire was because it is the only Sydney beach accessible by train. You catch the train to Cronulla, where the train terminates, you get off at Cronulla and you walk five minutes to the sand. Cronulla beach was a mecca for the scum from Sydney’s Western Suburbs. And of course, they like to go down to perve and harass young women.
I remember late that afternoon when the news of the riot came through, I recall my mother ringing me because she had just spoken to her cousin who lived off the Kingsway. People were shit scared, they were not shit scared of the “whities”, no, no, no, they were shit scared of the middle eastern scum who’d organised convoys of cars to drive through the Shire, smashing cars, intimidating people and using physical violence. Of course, we’ve seen these same tactics recently, since 7 October, and very recently on Christmas Day a convoy of middle eastern Muesli scum drove through Sydney’s eastern suburbs intimidating Jews and Christians. Of course, you didn’t read about that in the SMH or see that on their ABC. Selective reporting, leftist reporting.
But back to the riot and its aftermath, whilst my political awakening occurred long before then, my loathing of the mainstream media increased one hundred fold due to its dismal and inaccurate coverage of the ‘riot’. In fact most of the media coverage was ALL lies, apart from outlets like Radio 2GB. I remember feeling dismayed and rattled by the reporting, and it was clear that the media’s intent, even as far back as 2005, was to deliberately paint a picture of the Shire as a bastion of ugly white supremacy. Much of the MSM refused to analysis/critique the behaviour of the Prophet’s young adherents who were travelling down to Cronulla beach to harass and intimidate young Australian women. Oh no, the media’s focus, the media’s torchlight was to be put on the white supremacist residents of the Shire, it was F*CK the truth. That afternoon and evening, Sydney’s very own Middle Eastern race baiters and hustlers, our very own Al Sharptons (one notorious individual in particular) stood on their platforms and perches in Lakemba, Bankstown and Punchbowl and deliberately stoked and fomented the convoys, knifings, abuse and so on that happened in the Shire that afternoon and evening. So what did our MSM do? Did they seek to objectively report what had happened, and that there was a reason why residents and beach goers were fed up with the scum. No, most stood behind the Prophet’s adherents. They were not interested in the truth. At least John Howard, for all his faults, refused to join in the smearing and defaming. We might criticise Howard but he did stand up for ordinary Australians. The only person who would now stand up is Pauline Hanson.
And over the following days and weeks, the lies and sanctimony got worse, and we had so called artists join in the MSM condemnations, refusing to see and call out the truth of what happened and why it happened, instead using their “artist” platforms to smear John Howard, to smear the Liberal government and to smear ordinary Australians as bigots, as white supremacists and so on, and we saw scum like Cate Blanchett, David Wenham, Claudia Karvan and others get together to defame and smear John Howard and the Liberal government. It was no accident that they all joined in Kevin 07’s campaign less than two years later.
But as I wrote above, the Cronulla riot was my first inkling that a wind had changed in this country, that something had changed in our political and social zeitgeist, and sadly it has just gotten worse, considerably worse. Why did the media take the side of the Prophet’s adherents? Ah well, you see, because the Shire was and IS white, because the Shire was and IS solidly middle class. Because the Shire was and IS aspirational. Because the Shire represents everything wonderful about this country.
The Shire is the place where, shortly after World War II, my grandparents bought plots of land in Cronulla and built homes there for their families. The Shire was and remains the Australia we grew up in, the Australia we love. And that’s why they want to smear and defame the Shire.
Andrew Bolt again:
Still think Tits Shorten is sharpening the knives.
I’d like to see more of Tucker Carlson. Eva Vlaardingerbroek is there, explaining how the German farmers are becoming more like the Dutch Farmers.
(and she can grow her hair as long as she likes! There are a number of journalists and TV anchors who overdo it, but angel Eva is safe from criticism)
What a piece of sh1t is this ‘person’! (Rhetorical question.) From the Oz.
I already have two nice stitched Australian flags – not printed ones! – but I’ll go and buy something from Coles.
Company I used to work for threw a BBQ for X days accident free. One bloke cut himself cutting up onions for the BBQ, and another got pizzed, and stacked his car, driving home.
Mother Lode
Jan 11, 2024 1:35 PM
It continues to puzzle me why corporates get involved in political issues. Especially the large or medium size companies. Corporate history is littered with examples where taking a political stance has resulted in serious implications by offending ‘half’ your clientele. The potential loss of business cannot possibly be made up by attracting a commensurate number of new customers who agree with the stated politics.
Separately, a business cannot have an opinion – it is the Board or CEO that have opinions which are not necessarily supported by all workers.
I just don’t see any upside for a supermarket chain (or an airline, or razor blade manufacturer etc) to proclaim its opinion on a potentially divisive matter.
More from Dutton. Clickbait at The Australian:
I’m feeling those faint stirrings of hope again.
Me too, Hugh. I am big fan of ancient histories, taking all the due cautions that Vicki advises.
I’ve never argued that modern historians always get it right and are without critique. However, with ancient texts so many other things come into play, not the least of which are textual interpolations, linguistic changes in lexical and idiomatic meanings, and translation and transcription errors, to say nothing of source validities.
Perhaps you should read what I actually, quite carefully, say.
From a book called – ‘Bad Pharma’ by Ben Goldacre –
These include: Flawed clinical trails, followed by suppression of unfavourable results, poor regulation, diseases invented purely for profit, swollen marketing budgets, doctors and academics in the pay of pill manufacturers –
No wonder that the ‘Virus Crisis’ was such a great money earner for Bad Pharma.
Reddit user: We should learn about Aboriginal history.
Me: including pygmies, the prevalence of cannibalism, the lack of women’s rights and the fact that some tribes were indeed wiped out so some towns have no traditional owners.
If Dutton’s timing his run, he’s doing okay so far.
However, with ancient texts so many other things come into play, not the least of which are textual interpolations, linguistic changes in lexical and idiomatic meanings, and translation and transcription errors, to say nothing of source validities.
Sounds just like the Bible.
I get all of that Lizzie, as I am sure most people here do. No need for a content warning.
Read and enjoy. 🙂
Aviation news (the Hun):
Too much bureacracy.
Also, roadworks.
Owning shares in both Woolies and Coles makes one somewhat bemused by anti-capitalism.
The “Frontier massacres” that were fully investigated, and found to be nothing more then “stories my Nanna told me.”
Cassie @ 2.49 pm
x 101
Boambee John
Jan 11, 2024 2:37 PM
inb4 sortition!
It has a Gillard-Abbott give them enough rope feel about it. That went OK.
Superb comment Cassie.
I know of one town where the tribe was killed off, it’s horrible to think about it but it means there can never be a legitimate land rights claim.
Fetterman making more sense than Pocock.
Mrs Stencho Pantyhose and others of that ilk.
You should be more worried about the rag heads that successive Australian Feral Guv’ments have let in and who continue to cause problems.
The ‘Too and Froms’ should be the least of your worries. But then again, you have no perspective. NFI actually.
Being told to not wear the uniform in public due to a certain religious group does not help with pride of country.
I didn’t go into the museum as my then nearly 3-year old daughter was with me. I hadn’t told her anything about it but she kept dragging her feet, saying how she didn’t like it there, until she saw a tall cross- shaped structure. She ran up to hug it and didn’t complain further.
Annie, my husband and I took our then pre-teen daughter to Dacau. She has never forgotten it – though I doubt if she would visit any of the concentration sites now. But I wanted her to see it. Travelling on my own in later years I saw Auschwitz-Birkenau which had a profound effect on me.
A property developer from Queens explains a stance on abortion that the vast majority of Americans are on board with.
It is not perfect & the corporate media will butcher it deliberately in editing.
Might not sit well with the evangelicals but hey, they’ve ensured state based constitutional amendments like Ohio will be the roadmap in most states moving forward.
Well done.
I think suburban voters have figured out Elbow isn’t Bob Hawke’s bottom — that he’s a time-server who isn’t taking the country to a desirable destination, like the expensive climate lunacy.
Thankfully, Peter Dutton hasn’t repeated his brainfart of wanting to rerun the referendum and appears to be successfully staring down the wets.
Hey Lizzie, says Hairy calling down the hallway. Have you been keeping your eye on politics in Ecuador lately? I wander down to his sanctuary, saying nope, what’s happening. A sixty day curfew, a major crack down on drug gangs which running riot are beyond the law, a high risk of kidnapping …
Stop there, I say, and read for myself the Smartraveller.gov outline:
We were considering a stay in Guayaquil city prior to taking a flight to the Galapagos Islands, which come under the same jurisdiction and curfew. Flights from Ecuador are the only way to get there.
Two batty well-off old Aussies look like sitting duck hostages there to me. Me too, says Hairy. In an immediate decision, we are knocking the Galapagos trip off the Agenda for our March 2024 South America jaunt. We’ll go there later on a cruise in hopefully calmer times and spent more time in March in Argentina, Hairy says.
Hmm. Politically interesting there too, but at least the risk is less, I agree.
Best laid plans gang awry, after Hairy’s spent long late nites checking flights and feasibities for Galapagos. But there’s suddenly more to worry about in Ecuador than those volcanos. At least none of that part of the trip is booked yet.
“Given the extraordinary scale of civilian casualties and human suffering in Gaza and the serious allegations against Israel, I am strongly supportive of the need for a credible and robust examination of Israel’s conduct under the Genocide Convention,” he said.
Ah yes – Israel has over-reacted, but the US and the rest of the west didn’t over-react when 9/11 happened. Nor is there any mention of China’s treatment of Muslims, Hindu’s and anyone else that isn’t both Chinese and supportive of the CCP.
Never mind how Jews, Christians and Hundus get treated in the Islamic theocracies that just about surround Israel. Ignore the massacre of Christians by Muslims in Africa.
If Israel used even half the indiscriminate violence that has been used against them, Gaza would be a mass grave covered in a pile of rubble that used to be buildings. But the Israeli’s are too civilised and their soldiers too accountable for that to happen – mores the pity. Unless and until Muslim nations – and enclaves like Gaza – that practice, allow and encourage murderous atrocities like those committed by Hamarse are punished with 10 times worse against them, they will continue.
Hamarse are cowardly, lying dogs with no honour. They should be treated exactly as they treat Jews.
a surrogate child tells their story
I think I got kicked off the cat rescue scam thread on r/CBR because I annoyed an anti semite who made up Anglinesque tawdry nonsense about Jews.
20min limits on reddit Dot.
Otherwise it will rot your brain.
Ecuador, drug gangs raid a TV station. etc. etc.
Read all about it, Ecuador today.
Chamath Palihapitiya
There are some jobs in society where skill and capability must be the ONLY criteria for employment.
And there are other jobs in society where the hiring criteria can, and should, be multi-faceted.
An inability to differentiate the two will eventually cost innocent life.
Billionaire & now former DNC donor tweeting this is a good sign.
He’s cut cheques for Haley & RFK Jr this cycle (that he’s been public about).
We might criticise Howard but he did stand up for ordinary Australians. The only person who would now stand up is Pauline Hanson.
I reckon Matt Canavan, Alex Antic, Craig Kelly, Malcolm Roberts and quite a few similarly minded conservatives could be relied upon to stand up for our values.
wiki on wafa
I would go. I’m too fat to kidnap,.
Jan 11, 2024 3:02 PM
Hit them up with a few of the old “protectors of the Aboriginals”reports, where they account individually for every unable to support themselves person living on various stations and the allowances givn for their care.
Plus decrying how the breakdown in traditional society meant the young bucks had pinched all the girls and were prostituting them at Broome Wharf and how the prevalence of the Syph meant the girls would be infertile.
And a lot of “racist” laws were actually done for benevolent reasons.
So racist only the people supplying the booze were fined…
Drink. The greatest curse that has happened to the Aborigines through their intercourse with other races, is the drink curse. The grog traffic is only partially prevented. I am glad of this opportunity to write in praise of the work done.by Corporal Stewart and P.C. Johnson in this connection on behalf of the aborigines. The proclaiming of a Camping Reserve at Broome for town natives between sunset and sunrise has put a considerable check on the grog supply, only occasional cases coming before the Court.
Already 58 native women suffering from venereal disease have been collected from Wyndham downwards, and have been sent across to the island. From one of the doctor’s reports I quote the following passage:— “The condition of some of my patients here bears eloquent testimony to the urgent necessity for maintaining these institutions for the segregation and treatment of these unfortunate people in the most efficient manner possible, not only for their own sakes, but for the sake of the community at large.”
A very small meteorite inscribed “Never Again”.
Written Dec 2023:
Would you buy a house that after a couple of owners, many tenants and renovations, still couldn’t be profitably rented out at any price and it never had been?
Of course, 2022 was the tail end of WFH. I bet they have less daily and monthly active users now.
Sorry if I seem to snipe, Hugh, but I often say here very sensible and thought out things, that cover a lot of bases, and get ritually ignored until someone else comes along, says almost the same thing, and gets appreciated for their efforts.
Life’s like that of course for vocal female last worders and uppity ex-housos.
Being taken hostage in Ecuador might make a welcome change.
Sorry rosie. I went to press “up” and grazed “down”. So now you have a 1 and a 0. And now I know how that particular toggle works.
55 years today. I certainly nabbed the Best Man out of that wedding party.
And I’d do it again, in a heartbeat.
Happens to me all the time. It’s good when others have the same ideas independently. That way you don’t keep thinking you’re from Mars.
Predatory bridesmaid? You minx, Delta!
How anybody could possibly believe a contiguous coal seam hundreds of metres thick came from dead forests is beyond me.
The forest trees would have needed to be 85 bazillion km high.
There is no such thing as fossil fuels – nothing significant anyway. Commercially available hydrocarbons are all made abiotically.
We have a really good proper quality cloth flag, made in Australia, but now that I’ve called a BBQ I shall really spark the table up from Coles selection of Australiana to rival the great Australia Days of yore with this particular crowd, whom we’ve known for years.
Some koala and echidna serviettes, and little flags on every place name. A banner of flags over our entrance. The big flag hanging out of the window waving to the harbour. That’ll do for a start. Wonder what else Coles have on offer and if Woollies willl now step into any breach and start competing after all the bad press.
I reckon Matt Canavan, Alex Antic, Craig Kelly, Malcolm Roberts and quite a few similarly minded conservatives could be relied upon to stand up for our values.
True, and Mark Latham, Gerard Renick and one or two others.
Rory, my youngest, whom I hadn’t seen for years, is on her way back to her home in the Pyrenees.
Phil, Phil, Phil, mate, mate, mate….
Have you wondered why she lives in the Pyrenees?
Could it just be embarrassment at living in a country with a virtue-signaller who made a motza from publishing joke books, and who collects dead Eygptians?
I have been left to mind Miss Seven and Master Eight while their parents have a night on the tiles at a local resort. Back tomorrow. And I’ve been transported back in time – Mario Cart. They were shocked when I could name all the characters!
Something hasn’t changed. The annoying music.
Some time back, there was a run of four mates who all got married within a twelve month period, and for which I was a groomsman at all.
I fell ‘victim’ to Predatory Bridesmaid Syndrome on all four occasions. Married none of them, though.
“Fetterman making more sense than Pocock.”
In fairness, they treated Fetterman for neurological and mental issues, so perhaps they inadvertently “cured” his progressive tendencies?
My geology is not great, how do forests end up 6 to 8 miles down?
Dover please take that out of moderation.
The ABC as usual fails to mention the real reasons.
Ecuador to build mega-jails inspired by El Salvador’s hardline leader (5 Jan)
El Salvador has gone hard against the gangs and has built enormous prison camps for the gangsters. Crime, violence and murders are ‘way down.
So when the Ecuadorean gangs heard about the new policy they decided to stage a coup.
The ABC doesn’t like the El Salvadoreans, nor do they like broken-windows policing, since that might not go down well with certain special Australians the ABC favours.
Hmm, I note that the NSWaffen Police are yet to charge anyone who screeched, screamed and shouted “gas the Jews” and “kill the Jews” that night of 9 October 2023.
But I guess some groups are special and protected, those people being the ‘Prophet’s adherents”.
Zdravko Suscevic sentenced for making harassing phone calls to Parramatta Mosque
Zdravko Suscevic sentenced for making harassing phone calls to Parramatta Mosque
A drunk man who declared that Muslims should be killed and gassed during a series of harassing phone calls to a Sydney mosque has narrowly avoided full-time jail. Find out why he embarked on the tirade.
A man who labelled the prophet Muhammad a pedophile among other vile comments during phone calls to Parramatta Mosque was fuelled by the eruption of the most recent conflict between Israel and Hamas and grew up being “indoctrinated’’ into “Islamophobia”, a court has heard.
Glenwood’s Zdravko Suscevic, 58, pleaded guilty to six counts of using a carriage service to menace/harass/often after he made the phone calls while drunk to the Marsden St mosque between October 9 and 12 just days after the most recent conflict broke out.
Police traced the calls by a private number to Suscevic’s mobile phone during the “unsophisticated” offences.
Police facts tendered to Blacktown Court state the father raised the Bosnian genocide with the mosque and said: “You guys are animals, you deserve to be killed.
“You shouldn’t be in this country. Go back to where you came from.’’
The food delivery driver also spouted: “You should be gassed’’ and “your prophet is a pedophile’’.
He was arrested at his house and taken to a police station where he revealed his motivations to police.
“He shared that after the ‘invasion of Israel by Hamas’ he felt an overwhelming disdain for the ‘doctrines’ of Islam,’’ the police facts state.
“He voiced his belief that the teachings of Prophet Muhammad are ‘barbaric’ and instructed followers to ‘behead’.
“Moreover, he expressed the view that Islam is a ‘militant religion teaching war and killing’ and described Prophet Muhammad as a ‘pedophile’ whom people should not follow.’’
Suscevic also conceded that he made provocative remarks about the Bosnian genocide, directly telling the victim that “Muslims should be massacred” and adding “so you know what it feels like, because that’s how Jews felt’’.
“The accused consistently referred to the victim’s religion as ‘you animals’, associating it with what he perceives as a violent belief system,’’ the facts state.
“In his words, these views are ‘correct’ emphasising his belief that Islam is a ‘religion of war’, that Muhammad is a ‘pedophile’ due to his marriage to a six-year-old, and that the Jews didn’t deserve the recent conflict ignited by Hamas.’’
He also opened up to police about his struggles, highlighting a battle with alcohol addiction, and suggested it might have played a role in amplifying his “aggressive tendencies” during the calls.
At Blacktown Court on Thursday, Zdravko’s lawyer, Danilo Rajkovic, said his remorseful client, who has Serbian heritage, suffered “generational trauma” after Islamic occupation of nations such as Serbia and was indoctrinated into Islamophobia.
The court heard the father’s alcohol addiction also fuelled the tirade but he was on medication and was seeing a psychologist.
Magistrate Brian van Zuylen labelled the calls disgraceful to Suscevic, who stood with his head bowed while he was sentenced.
“Whatever your feelings are, you can’t ring up the mosque and say the most appalling things you did, and the community expects courts to protect them,’’ Mr van Zuylen said, adding they were “appalling threats, insults and derogatory remarks”.
Mr van Zuylen told Suscevic he had unresolved anger management issues that included domestic violence and assault charges for which he was given good behaviour bonds in 2017 and 2021.
He convicted Suscevic and gave him an 18-month intensive correction order which allows him to serve his sentence in the community.
He must also complete 100 hours of community service work and he must not go within 100m of Parramatta Mosque.
Oh and Zdravko Suscevic is right about Islam’s prophet.
If the test met the “community expectations” of the communities that made Australia a great place, the failure rate would be around 90%.
Subterranean palm trees.
Top ten plant and fungal species named new to science in 2023 (Phys.org, 10 Jan)
Why if there are underground palm trees someone could climb down a volcano and maybe find dinosaurs and underground seas and all sorts of amazing stuff!
I would go. I’m too fat to kidnap,.
that may or may not be true, but you would probably taste great on the rotisserie in the jungle to the starving natives, lol.
I want this to be good.
Loved the first film, 2nd was good as well.
Boyle will direct 28 Years Later, while Garland is on board to write all three films.
The budget for each film is around $75m, a far cry from 28 Days Later’s $8m budget. The 2002 film became a critical hit and a surprise box office success, as well as a launchpad for its star, Oppenheimer’s Cillian Murphy.
All good Lizzie.
But don’t you try and tell me that my modern edition of the Iliad contains aught but what the muse inspired Homer to sing to his clear-toned phorminx c. 2800 years ago! 😉
I have a feeling that some of the US luvvies might be regretting stacking the ballot boxes on his behalf.
As for Pocock, I’ll probably get accused of misogyny for saying this but why on earth are Canberrans allowed to vote?
The most privileged people on the planet with nothing to do but virtue signal.
“If the test met the “community expectations” of the communities that made Australia a great place, the failure rate would be around 90%.
“In my experience, Australia dealt out its lumps. qite impartially.
He’s not even what passed through Hawke’s bottom.
A mong has an opinion.
? Zali Steggall MP
?Freedom of speech is not a right to spread disinformation and misinformation. This is a global concern. Democracies work best when engaging in healthy debates, not stifled by underhanded desperate tactics designed to divide and polarise voters.
I reply
Just listened to 12 minute speech of the Russian Konstantin Kisin at the ARC conference in London. Great stuff. Funny, super bright, & IMPORTANT advice for conservatives. “We are in the fight of our lives”…..yes, we all know it. And what are we doing about it?
BTW he is coming to speak in Sydney. Look under Centre of Independent Studies for details. I think I will have to be there.
Wivenhow, I’m old and gristly.
As for the Parramatta mosque, isn’t that the one where Curtis Cheng’s murderer was geed up and handed a gun? Why wasn’t it closed down?
Have they gone all scared now they are in some droob’s cross hairs?
The thing about the Massachusetts phone book was H L Mencken, I believe.
The same guy who said:
Blanche’s finger?
Fetterman is an old fashioned blue collar Democrat.
Bother. That was Master Four. I get the eight year old twins in a couple of weeks. Keeps me on my toes.
Could it just be embarrassment at living in a country with a virtue-signaller who made a motza from publishing joke books, and who collects dead Eygptians?
I don’t know. He’s got a helluva nice spread near Scone.
Reminds me of Daughter’s wedding when she asked her brother to be her ‘bridesmaid’.
“Aw, I dunno,” he drawled. “What if the other blokes get drunk and try to look up my frock.”
He could have worn a kilt. Then he would be perfectly within his rights to thump them. Hard.
I watched Albo reply offhandedly last night when asked about this issue and was aghast. He responded like a junior minister rather than the Prime Minister who is supposed to lead on all government policies. I don’t think he understands his job and is completely out of his depth. Labor should retire him as soon as possible for somebody who at least knows his stuff.
TheirABC (which is not supposed to promote private enterprise products) gushes about another woke product destined for box office failure:
You couldn’t make it up. It’s beyond satire.
Have I mentioned that Hollywood is now just a money-laundering machine for cocaine and other related enterprises?
Imagine what Sam Goldwyn or Darryl Zanuck would have said about a proposal like this.
For a start, whoever wasted their time by bringing it forward would the next day be cleaning pools, if they were lucky.
I was thinking more of what was exiting, not entering.
calli I have a t shirt with “Fat people are hard to kidnap” on it.
I went into the CBR thread and told Redditors that Canbra shouldn’t even exist if they hate Australia Day so much.
Much sneering ensued.
Jan 11, 2024 2:19 PM
Jo Nova has a fascinating article on a counter narrative of the source of fossil fuels:
Actually abiotic oil and the seas of CH4 is enough to turn a man towards religion. Just imagine, (the) maker has set up a replenishing, that is endless, supply of fossil fuel, the use of which sends CO2 into the atmosphere for the plants to use and grow bountifully.
Looked at in those terms alarmism is blasphemy of the lowest order, which also makes sense since one of the dominant motivations of the alarmists is misanthropy and a desire to rid the world of humanity.
Thanks, Hugh. Sing, O Muse. I’ve heard her too.
Such songs there are she’s heard as never have been sung.
Here is a very good overview, including the early Greek, of how translators can reimagine things, just as historians down the ages, in spite of their best efforts, can also do.
The Speccie had a very good review of a yet another startling new translation of the Iliad only recently.
Did the management consult shareholders about their decisions to insult most of their customer base and thus harm the shareholders’ earnings? If not then obviously they are not acting in the best interests of shareholders and need to be relieved of their duties at the next AGM.
The Australian has more about Dutton vs Woolies:
Having inflicted months of abuse and criticism on conservatives during the highly divisive voice campaign, Labor is worried about culture war. More front than Myers.
I’m not saying that there weren’t some “dark and bloody deeds” done, on the frontier, in the early days, but either the whole story is told, or none of it.
I must get on, as they say.
I am working on an ancient text. One of many. It’s my hobby.
Slowly getting there. Perseverence is a virtue.
Jan 11, 2024 4:39 PM
Well done, you’ve won the interwebs for today. Hearty applause
Yes. In clear dereliction of duty.
TE, I have a different opinion, it’s more likely to be like father, like daughter. She would have heard numerous times dad pour scorn on his home country that the daughter doesn’t consider it special enough to live here. On top of that there would have been snobbery involved about Europeans’ superiority to us colonials.
Taking ancient histories at face value can be queried.
Military history through the ages is full of inflated claims, generally with the extent of a victory and/or defeat.
Give you two: Battle of Hastings in 1066, and Towton in 1461. Both have enormous claims of the numbers of dead, yet mass graves in the area have not been discovered. Inflating the figures was tempting – why not, as it made either your victory or your defeat sound more important.
In WWI and II over-claiming was also prevalent in especially the sea and air wars. Whether an aviator was actually shot down as opposed to being the unknowing subject of a claim he had been shot down was part of the great myth of victory claims of the war. It took quite a while for the air forces of the world to come to grips with reality as opposed to aircrew claims in World War II air to air combat.
The numbers of aircraft shot down in various theatres varied enormously upwards from the truth of the matter. There were several reasons for this: inexperience early in the war; a desire to boost morale by believing aircrew claims, confusion and inexperience over what constituted an actual kill as opposed to a damaged aircraft, and of course the propaganda war.
Over the years of the conflict the claims as opposed to reality began to merge. By the end of the war the air forces, having become a lot more hard-headed over the conflict, viewed with suspicion, and demanded proof of a victory rather than simply acknowledging it.
Beginner fighter pilots misidentified their targets, opened fire too far away, and often claimed victories that weren’t. There were a number of reasons for this: two or three pilots might fire at the same bomber, and each claimed it as a victory. A smoking aircraft also was not necessarily a kill – it might be just damaged, and some machines produced smoke under emergency power as they sought to escape: both the Japanese Zero and the Betty bomber were known for this.
Similarly, bomber pilots claimed they had bombed the target even if they a) did not know whether they had, and b) knew they had not. Bombing a well-defended target was extremely traumatising, so being sent back to do it again was just as bad.
Their gunners also sometimes claimed a fighter as shot down if they thought they had hit it, notwithstanding the fact that a lot of fighter aircraft – the Thunderbolt and the Kittyhawk for example – were very tough and often made it home. For that matter air gunners usually missed: hardly surprising when they were trying to hit an aircraft moving in three dimensions, very fast, while they themselves were on a platform that moved about constantly.
The truth as opposed to the claims could be extreme. In one raid of 17 August 1943 in the European war, the Fortress bomber air gunners of a big raid on two German factories claimed 288 enemy aircraft shot down. Under analysis this was reduced to 148. The true figure, established later, was 27.
Ooooooh! Mole. Zali won’t like that.
You said “bum”.
Daily Mail.
The Liars lurrrrve a “culture war”, as long as they are the only ones allowed to attack. They are much less enthusiastic about being attacked.
On this theme, in Ion Idriess’ Desert Column his unit, on patrol in the Sinai, stopped at the remnants of some ancient ruins.
Noticing they were having their tea & smoko sitting on an ancient Greek mosiac, instead of a Roman one, the men got into quite a discussion as to the best translation of the Ancient Greek writings represented in the mosaic.
To settle the matter, they called an officer (padre or doctor or somesuch) to rule on who’d made the better translation.
The officer studied the mosaic for a while, then came up with a yet another slightly different translation. The men deferred, as the officer “seemed to know what he was talking about”
Probably not something that would happen in today’s Australian army. Along with the ability to jump a horse over a 6-foot high obstacle whilst riding bareback, translating Ancient Greek is probably another skill lost to today’s army (& today’s Australian youth)
This is a further reply to the original Reddit post that is stuck in moderation.
This is the gold.
Political interference and slander.
I help run AgainstHateSubreddits. We were responsible for getting a lot of the moderators of the largest subreddits in 2019&2020 together to demand a sitewide rule against hate speech & hate groups.
As part of that, for the past 7 years I’ve deep-dived into the history of hate groups / Ideologically Motivated Violent Extremism & Racially or Ethnically Motivated Violent Extremism groups on this site, as well as studying / researching the effects of moderation standards.
Moderators aren’t (by and large) hostile. There were a large number of extremist subreddit operators, but those had mostly left the site by the end of 2021.
The propaganda about bad moderators was primarily pumped out by the extremist subreddit operators – specifically the people who operated CringeAnarchy and The_Donald.
I know this because I and people I collaborated with got invited into their backrooms, where we got front row seats to their efforts.
They left the site due to the fact that they chose to criminally harass and send death threats to Reddit employees, and Reddit dropped a hammer — and then in 2022 they largely decamped to Twitter when Elon made a bid to buy the site.
Also because of the implementation of the Moderator Code of Conduct and sanctions applied for Community Interference.
When they did, the 24/7/365 deluge of death threats, hatred, harassment, and etc largely ceased. There were still dedicated harassers; those got shut out by safety changes made to the API & to how automoderator & the sitewide antiabuse systems process notifications pushed to users.
The point of all that is this: The problem subreddit operators were invited by Reddit for the better part of a decade, but were mainly gone by now.
I loathe the “we’re going dark indefinitely / turning subreddits NSFW” “protest”, particularly because the same people who were driving CringeAnarchy and The_Donald had kept operators in place in a lot of subreddits running simple but useful bots, and those people were in turn the ones running a mod discord server, and saying “Go dark indefinitely”, “turn the subreddit to NSFW”, and encouraging moderators to dash themselves against reddit, because making reddit die is those manipulative actors’ goal.
The protest was launched to signal that Reddit needed to fix their app & not break tools & moderation collective efforts. It was hijacked.
Another part of what I’ve done over the past 7 years is research what the TOS was every year, what admin policies were, etc.
There was a time, ~10 years ago, when Spez said Nazis would not be allowed on the site. Then it sold to Wired, Ellen Pao fixed a lot of liabilities, and he came back. When he did, he had changed his view to “tackling hate is hard”, and inconsistently applying content policy.
There’s a very good possibility that coontown and the other subs in summer 2015 were closed because Joshua Ryne Goldberg was operating out of them while a federal LEO investigation was underway targeting him.
Jailbait was closed not because of the content but because ViolentAcrez was trying to hand it over to a group that was also probably under us federal LEO investigation.
It took 2 years after the sitewide rule against hate speech and hate groups, to ban MGTOW – which had been quarantined explicitly because an FBI sentencing brief on a thwarted incel spree shooter described the group as a gender-based IMVE group.
2 years and a constant campaign of reporting.
When Spez both had the userlevel privileges / group privileges to directly edit database fields and the lack of impulse control that led to him doing so … on top of ignoring how The_Donald was setting the site on fire every day and running off good faith users and communities …
I don’t think he’s actively evil. I think he just had a responsibility towards millions of users, tens of thousands of communities, investors, and etc and stood by and did nothing while evil people ran rampant — until he was forced to do something.
If I had known in 2013 what I know now, I would have steered clear of Reddit, and found ways to force UCHISPs to proactively c&p violent extremist group usage of services.
This is looking like an anti-Australia putsch by our shitty grocers – for that is all they are.
Shame on them.
I don’t think the Minister understands the concept of inclusive.
Which community’s expectations is he interested in satisfying? It doesn’t sound like he means the overall Australian community.
All right, which one of you ‘orrible mob has their names on this list?
The smartarse Krauts just destroyed their Australian retail strategy a la Bud Light.
Someone in retail should explain to the idiots how commerce works.
Link to trans activist’s slanderous comments and admission of violating the civil liberties of others in communion with the FBI is here:
Top Ender
At least for the heavy night bombers of Bomber Command, I suspect that a reasonable case could be made that most air gunners achieved little more than to increase the total casualty list. Most air interceptions by night fighters (British, as well as German) seem to have been made from below and behind, so only the rear gunner had much chance to contribute.
The original British plan was for mass formations of bombers to attack by day, in close formation for mutual support. Once the change to night bombing in much looser formation occurred, careful thought might have removed the mid-upper gunner at least.
Boys, while I know that while you are definitely not gay, the subject of bottoms and poo apparently fascinates you. You just can’t help talking and ‘joking’ about it.
Wimmenses do not share this reflexive ‘her, her, her’ whenever bottoms and poo are mentioned. Nor do they use it as a way of criticising people they don’t like.
So, since you are definitely not gay, what is it with the obsession with bottoms and poo?
please let’s not go down that path again.