As long as they confine WW3 to Europe, have at it, guys. Screw Europe, screw the EU, screw NATO and…
As long as they confine WW3 to Europe, have at it, guys. Screw Europe, screw the EU, screw NATO and…
I like this guy’s technique with telephone scams https://youtu.be/QWgX_kWDXKg
I suggest anyone wanting to understand MAGA from a slightly deeper point of view than just listening to a thousand…
Pure delusion. Hutchinson saw the writing on the wall and put it up for sale. Naturally, BlackRock, the world’s largest…
I have to admit the English do produce good chrese.
John Kerry to leave Biden administration, plans to join prez’s re-election campaign
Of course I am. Sorry, don’t have time to respond, as I’m off to the pharmacy to stock up on iodine.
Every single nation offering free iodine is doing so because of the risk of aging nuclear plants. You mentioned Switzerland to defend your argument why you stocked up. You either lied, or more likely too stupid to figure out the reason why iodine is issued to Swiss. Now, because it’s been highlighted you’re a first order cretin, the person debunking your stupid claim is “demented”. Go take some iodine, Turtlehead as you never know what Tuvalu is up to. You just never know.
Poland Suddenly ERUPTS With Explosive Reaction
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
It’s true. We got a young fellow in at Fitzroy Crossing about then, and despite having given the “elder” a specific kit with Betadine – An iodine sterilant for the skin – swabs and scalpels, he managed to lacerate the poor fellows penis and he was bleeding so badly he was flown out by RFDS to Perth, IIRC
The upshot wasn’t the butchery by the “Elder”, it was because we only had a lady doctor on duty, and the “Elder” refused to allow her to deal with the problem he caused. Allowing a woman to attend would negate the entire ceremony, and it would be her fault if the initiated one died.
Lance lives off-country in Townsville and has a Linkedin profile.
Utter bullshit.
This is just Green-left local governments gaslighting the population with scares about Nucalear Powah.
Cassie 13/01 10:24
Leftists love rape.
The leftists encourage rape of western females.
Rotherham, Telford, Huddesfield, Manchester, areas of Stockholm and Swedens 2nd city. Isolated cases through out Germany.
Then in Oz, the treatment of Nicole Flint – the WOng chap said that it was not the time to talk about this.
It seems to me that if you are an effeminate, well kept, happy, family orirntated girl your are going to get it.
These so called adults talking like some of the kids from the state schools banging on about those private school sluts walking around acting innocent and thinking they are too good.
While I am at it, stop banging on about women body image – males do not go to fashion shows except Elton John who foul mouths what females wear with other females.
Males think this shows are impartial and bordering on stupid.
What lefties loathe are the neat female , well groomed school teacher type who walk into a room and the boys shyly greet them with “can I help you miss”.
You’ve been Litt Up
There was nothing to think about, the government was handing out money and the investors, manufacturers, suppliers and installers were taking it. The real villains are the responsible public servants, department heads, who should have done the feasibility studies and worked out the costs.
There are two reasons why they did not do so and neither reflect well on them. One, they knew that renewables are unrealistic but wanted to be liked by their politicians and the media. Two, they really are not very smart and believed the rubbish about emerging technologies that will be available in the near future to make everything hunky dory. These elite public servants are not worth 10% of the remuneration they are paid, a junior clerk could have made the same decisions for the same reasons.
10 Questions PRO-Palestinians Can’t Answer (Can You Prove Me Wrong?)
Which has little to do with the fact that Switzerland has a national program of distribution of iodine tablets in case of a nuclear/radiological incident and Australia hasn’t – as I said.
Now, do I have your permission to go and weed my vegie patch? I’d hate to think I left the site without letting you know, Hall Monitor.
By the way, the International Red Cross is still yet to visit ANY of the hostages.
Just like in World War II, the International Red Cross turn its back on Jews.
The Houthis will have the cope and seethe as they die under steel and explosives for their masters the corrupt Iranian Republican Guard supremos.
Just like the Hamas cockroaches are dying in Gaza. The underlying principle is actually similar.
Dover – You underestimate the sheer power of the US. They can burn money to burn enemies until Hell freezes over. The problem here is Biden is currently getting pressure from all his corporate mates about “supply chains” and “business disruptions” due to the Houthis potting ships in the Red Sea. So he’s going to bombard the Houthis until they pull their heads in. The Houthis made a political mistake, which was to hit US fascist Lefty elites in a place they hurt.
Until you understand the driving imperatives of the corrupt US administration you will never understand why they do what they do.
Boeing 737 Max 9 jets grounded indefinitely pending new safety inspections after scary midair blowout
Likely true, but it doesn’t remove the fact that an imbecile holed up in Shithole Queensland stocked up because he was fearful of nuclear threats from Micronesia and was misusing the reason why the Swiss were offering free iodine.
Which has little to do with the fact that Switzerland has a national program of distribution of iodine tablets in case of a nuclear/radiological incident and Australia hasn’t – as I said.
You left out the reason and the purpose. Switzerland offers free tablets to people living within 50K of nuclear reactors. It’s that sort of accident causing the free release, you dishonest bonehead. We DON”T have nuclear reactors in Australia unless you’re concerned about Lucas Heights if it’s still operating.
Oh, it’s hall monitor for calling out your putrid bullshit is it, you ridiculous clown. You’re done, now go garden.
Last year, after Alan Tudge resigned his seat of Aston prematurely, Liberal HQ in Victoria, still reeling from the May 22 election loss, and still being gaslit by the bulldust the Liberals had a “woman problem”, decided to put up a female candidate in Aston, a female from the other side of Melbourne, a barrister who was not a local and had no ties to the electorate. The result, the Liberals lost Aston.
In hindsight it was actually good the Libs lost Aston, because the loss enabled Dutton to take control of the party room, he was then able to assert his leadership on the Voice and so on.
There’s a by-election looming in Dunkley, and in good news the Liberals haven’t fallen for the lie “they have a woman problem”, and a local has won Liberal Party preselection to contest the seat.
The Liberals might have a chance, I’m not saying they’ll win the seat (however it was a Liberal seat until 2016).
We will see. But one is for sure, the wheels have come off the Sleazy train.
Bons 13/10 @ 10:38
Spot on annalysis re sbs and abc.
The Greeks I have to laugh in the 80 & 90 the board were Anglos leftie who slagged off on Christianity.
How did they interact with the Greeks.
The Anglos who ridiculed sport flew to Argentina for Socceroos international. The soccer commentator for sbs, Greek guy, Moustache Buffont hair, short – Andy something or other – was left watching the game on a tv monitor delivering the commentary.
Ask Kostakiedis what would happen if a krout wog from Northern Europe tries out for Hellas or Olympic. Hacked with a life changing injury.
At school in the 70s we had an amazing soccer team. By year 9 most of the Star players left, the English Irish and Aussies.
What were left were the Italians and Greeks who would be in the fourth or fith teams.
Abc – yeah private school English literature grads – better money than teaching.
I wonder how Maxie Mcque got on with Lara Tingle.
Some people regard private enterprise as a predatory tiger to be shot. Others look on it as a cow they can milk. Not enough people see it as a healthy horse, pulling a sturdy wagon.
– Winston Churchill
Oh, it’s hall monitor for calling out your putrid bullshit is it, you ridiculous clown. You’re done, now go garden.
I actually prefer my observation. You are the self appointed Blog Milk Monitor.
That’s why there were so many Houthi missiles/drones fired after the strikes…
3 days now. Not a peep.
Woddenhead, go back to checking out the ladyboy catalogue and leave people be, you limey crook.
A list of targets,
one by one until their government resigns.
Cassie – Sadly Dutton I think is seen as a sop for the base. I expect the progressive Libs who control the party will find someone else to lead them into the election. Duttun unfortunately has zero charisma, which is why even sneerer-in chief Albo has a personal favorability which is lots better than his.
Proof that most voters operate by hormones instead of brains.
. My earrings were always rather spectacular given I had a couple of well-endowed sisters and we worked together so to compensate for my deficit in that area I wore big earrings — I would say: my sisters might have big tits but I have big earrings — no-one really saw the equivalence at all.
Boeing 737 MAX crisis escalates: More and more parts are leaving subcontractor Spirit AeroSystems with defects, insiders claim – and improved stats are due to ‘staff being too scared to report issues to bully bosses’
A fascist in democracy’s clothing
Proof that most voters operate by hormones instead of brains.
Most voters are lazy retards.
We watched Miss Austen Regrets last night on Britbox. Excellent account of the last years of her life.
Olivia Williams is Jane Austen, but I noticed hard-working actor Pip Torrens in it. He crops up frequently as a snooty Englishman. IIRR he was in Patriot Games many years ago in a minor part.
Winston I no longer have the yearning for it at all — what I do love is fresh ciabatta bread cut thickly, sprinkled liberally with olive oil (not too much though) and dusted crystal salt and a cup of sugary tea — yum – that was my afternoon snack once I discovered it’s deliciousness – I have it now but without the tea.
There’s no such thing as soy milk. It’s soy juice.
– Lewis Black
Calli @ 0916:
That reminds me of Cyprus at grape harvesting time. Trucks full of grapes travelled around Happy Valley in Episkopi with juice draining out onto the road. The signs went out each year warning that the road was slippery with grape juice.
More mindless quotes.
The so called multi clan bloke sez he has bloodlines from different parts of the country. So one side of his forebears might have grown up in say, for the sake of the argument, Wiradjuri and the other Wamba Wamba. But then old mate might have been born in Latje.
That’s where the bullshit is. He would then say at a ‘Welcome to Country’ “I’m a proud Wiradjuri/Wamba/Latje man…” rah phucking rah. But try and, as you say, grift from the Aboriginal organisations in those areas. It’s really quite nauseating.
Cassie – Sadly Dutton I think is seen as a sop for the base. I expect the progressive Libs who control the party will find someone else to lead them into the election. Duttun unfortunately has zero charisma, which is why even sneerer-in chief Albo has a personal favorability which is lots better than his.
Wrong, wrong, wrong.
Firstly, when do we take notice of “personal favorability”? Even just before the Liberal landslide in 2013 Tony Abbott was not as ‘favorable’ as Kevin Rudd. Also, Dutton’s ‘personal popularity is closing in on Sleazy. Popularity is meaningless.
Secondly, Dutton is no sop, and his leadership is not a sop to the base. Dutton will lead the party to the election. I’m not saying he’ll win in 2025, but I do think that Dutton will reclaim seats, and these include some Teal seats.
The nightmare scenario is that Labor will be pushed into a minority government with the Greens.
Subbing critical manufacture.
and it’s not just them either.
There’s a certain surreal atmosphere when someone posts several wordwalls to say that iodine is an antidote to radiation exposure.
Yet is presenting this as a rebuttal of another commenter recently saying …… iodine is an antidote to radiation exposure.
Cassie – That is how it works for a lot of people in the voting booth. My own mother is like this, I love her to bits, but she cannot get past her innate emotional feeling about a political candidate long enough to be able to parse what they are saying in terms of policy and platform. And she’s been a lifetime righty. It’s how humans are, sadly.
It’s abundantly clear that the Liberal Party is utterly controlled by the Photios-Kean wing. And that Dutton is not their man. But they aren’t dumb, they know they are on the nose with the conservative base. Dutton therefore is a sop. I wish that wasn’t so, but until the Keans get booted that will be the case.
Nevertheless it is still true that Peter Dutton has zero charisma. Nothing he can do about that, it just is how he is. Look at Hawke for example, he had charisma oozing out of every pore. Howard wasn’t bad in this respect. Abbott was fairly good also. But Peter sadly is Mr Potatohead no matter what he does. He’s just built that way. And voters, especially the ladies, will vote on that aspect. The Newspoll data is very clear.
Clan structure musta changed since I was a kid. Back then it was matrilineal. Regardless of suspected sire, you were whatever clan/skin/totem/family you were born into.
There was no “multi”. Clans were …. clannish. They formed alliances & nursed hatreds, yet were within a tribe.
Tribes were wary of each other, you weren’t “both” or “multi”, you were whichever one you were born into.
@ Bruce of Newcastle
Jan 14, 2024 2:40 PM
Some of the best bosses I ever had had zero charisma… surely intelligence and administrative competence is the more compelling attribute? Even if they are dull at parties.
Switzerland, like the others issued iodine tablets to people living in the vicinity of nuclear reactors.
As far as we know, there are NO nuclear reactors in Queensland. Perhaps someone could update us if that’s the case.
How surreal.
@Bruce of Newcastle
Jan 14, 2024 2:40 PM
P.S. that was a general rejoinder not aimed at your specific observations. ~disclaim~
That’s cleared all the misunderstandings and confusion posters experienced earlier upthread.
Iodine 131 is a fission product of both uranium and plutonium. Because iodine is rare the body efficiently scarfs up any of it we ingest. It then concentrates in the thyroid gland where it is an essential minor element for an enzyme. Therefore when we get exposed to iodine 131 it can be concentrated in the thyroid and therefore cause thyroid cancer because of the radiation it emits.
Iodine tablets are provided as a nuclear fallout response because by flooding your system with natural iodine it can crowd out the radioactive iodine isotope, therefore that radioisotope does not get concentrated in the thyroid gland.
Talk of iodine tablets might be more relevant atm as we have heightened tensions in parts of Europe and the ME.
Dutton is no sop, but he is a plodder, he once worked as a Plod. Dutton reminds me of those stone age hunters of old who would spend days running down prey.
Peter Dutton has been the member for Dickson since 2001. Dickson is NOT a safe blue ribbon Liberal seat. Dickson has historically always been a marginal seat. Before Dutton became the member, it was held for three years by Gareth Evans’ fatty squeeze, Cheryl Kernot, before Fatty Kernot it was held by a Liberal and before that by Labor’s Michael Lavarch. For over twenty years Queensland and federal Labor have tried everything to remove Dutton, and every time they have failed. With the help of unions and GetUp, Labor has spent buckets of money throwing resources at trying to terminate Dutton’s political careers, and they keep on failing. In 2019 Labor was convinced that they’d got him and he’d be gone. Even in May 2022, various people were projecting that Dutton’s was goneski. Except he wasn’t goneski. Dutton always defies the leftist doomsdayers, and his vote in Dickson consistently holds up election after election. Why? I suspect the voters of Dickson have more common sense than the voters of Wentworth and Warringah, and they see Peter Dutton for what he is, yeah sure, he doesn’t have much charisma but he is solid and he has his fingers on the pulse of middle Australia.
Finally re. Dutton and “charisma” I don’t recall Howard, Abbott or Morrison having much in the way of ‘charisma”….nor for that matter does Sleazy.
There was no “multi”. Clans were …. clannish. They formed alliances & nursed hatreds, yet were within a tribe.
Tribes were wary of each other, you weren’t “both” or “multi”, you were whichever one you were born into.
Further, there is a deep distrust between northern/southern/western Australia blacks. Koories down south are pretty much hated by the Murris in Queensland and Noongars in the West. Not sure why however, maybe something to do with funding models.
Not happening.
I’m not underestimating anything. You, like many others, overestimate the position of the US in 2024 as if its 1994. No one is really afraid of the US anymore. It’s to be taken seriously, but it no longer prevents regional powers from acting in the manner that US prestige once did three decades earlier. And as for this endless ordnance spigot that can be operated by endless streams of cash. No. There are hard physical limits on what the US can do in the short to medium term. They wouldn’t have been raiding their own inventories and those of their allies if this wasn’t the case, and the more that they have the weaker they appear to their competitors abroad.
These are the same imperatives of any US administration. This constant attempt to quarantine one side of the aisle from the base motives and influences that operate on the other are too obvious. Graham, McCarthy, et al. are no different from Biden, Pelosi, et al.
It’s abundantly clear that the Liberal Party is utterly controlled by the Photios-Kean wing.
Wrong again, the NSW Liberal Party might be controlled by the Photios/Kean wing, but not in SA and not in WA and not in QLD.
@ Bruce of Newcastle
Jan 14, 2024 2:40 PM
I was wondering if you were going to do that… and you did …Bless You . Being involved in a Nuclear Incident is multi factorial. I once remember some one being mocked for saying”put a paper bag on your head” .. it makes sense.
I thought Hawke had all the charisma of a forting contest.
Albo is the diametric opposite of charismatic.
Nevertheless it is still true that Peter Dutton has zero charisma. Nothing he can do about that, it just is how he is. Look at Hawke for example, he had charisma oozing out of every pore. Howard wasn’t bad in this respect. Abbott was fairly good also. But Peter sadly is Mr Potatohead no matter what he does. He’s just built that way. And voters, especially the ladies, will vote on that aspect. The Newspoll data is very clear.
Since when are you an expert on “ladies” and what they think?
I think you need to go outside and get some fresh air.
The US isn’t no longer capable of imitating the same wars now that’s been involved with in the past 30 years and win. Big call there Dover.
Would be nice if the Israelis had some way to introduce microscopic tracking devices into the medication they are sending the hostages.
it may happen
The funniest thing about this iodine tablet talk is that if its sensible to have some on hand in the case of a nuclear incident because you live near a nuclear reactor it is probably as sensible or near enough to have some on hand in case of a nuclear war, especially if you live near a potential target.
The US hasn’t placed its industrial sector on a war footing.
I noticed the pro Arab, pro houthi riot in Washington. It appears they got violent and broke the fence around the white house. The secret service and capitol police in a tizz. Aren’t these people on Brandon’s side?
In any event , surely this is insurrection. Will we see the doj pursue those participating alleging and then jailing them forv10 years on multiple offences?
Bwahahahaha! Like hell. Few will be arrested. Even fewer will go to the poker. Most will get a ray epps.
The NSW Liberal Party can’t possibly be worse than their Victorian counterpart, which will turn on its own if any don’t conform with the woke agenda, such as not supporting the transgender cult.
Mark – True. But company managers are appointed not elected, they just have to be competent not pretty. Which is the problem with pollies – they have to be sufficiently charismatic to be elected: pretty but not competent works just fine for a pollie.
My whole working life after uni was in the corporate sector… 😀
You get this with unions also. Often union bosses are charisma-less bastards because the necessary requirement to climb the union greasy pole is bastardry. It seems to me that a lot of charisma-free lefties are attracted to the union system because of that. Companies are similar, except in companies people have to be able to achieve, or they tend to get fired. In unions it isn’t competence that determines success, it is mafia-style allegiance.
Daily Mail.
Seems his sperm was affected by the war in Gaza.
Rural Queensland. Yuge target. Yuge.
omne epigramma sit instar apis
– Martial
😀 I doubt you are an entirely representative example of female humans, Cassie, from my long experience of your fine prognostications and comments. You are an unusual and thoughtful lady. My mum is who she is, and I like talking with her, since she is a window on how many women think. Which is not how men think.
My mum is exceptionally bright, she’s the daughter of a professor. But emotions are still trumps.
So, he’s now an expert on how women think.
@ Bruce of Newcastle
Jan 14, 2024 2:40 PM
Indeed … your observations as to Unions. Tick correct. But in Leftie Unicorn sanctuary the Shoppie should be as usefull to the general betterment of the work force, and hence the Industry in question, just as the Boss’s Foreman …
A conduit of usefull information ….
It does happen .. (kept under glass in the Smithsonian… ) but it can and has.
Less and less so, and moreover, neither Afghanistan or Iraq had the strategic depth that Yemen or Iran do. Do people really believe that the staffing problems that the US forces, and the Brits too, are not having a material impact on their effectiveness? Or that giving away billions of ordnance doesn’t? Or that having fleets overextending their maintenance and refit?
Proof most pollsters are leftards.
Perhaps the U.S. needs a president who can “make America great again.”
This is good news for Trump. Biden’s position has alienated quite a bit of support for Dems in ’24.
Why do you regard the Biden administration as a US administration?
It isn’t.
Let’s travel back in time to the year you brought up – 1993.
Iraq had strategic depth, as you call it, in Gulf War 1. Their military also had fighting experience as a result of the Iran/Iraq war. Gulf War 1 was basically over in a week.
Let’s fast forward to 2024.
We don’t know and neither do you. We don’t know if the recruitment level is causing problems as we don’t have a good handle on the level of efficiency in the military. Perhaps, the US military can operate effectively with less numbers seeing every single government operation is essentially overstaffed and could work well with less. You have no idea.
The US isn’t on a war footing.
Duttun unfortunately has zero charisma
irrelevant you twerp
It’s not 1941 anymore. The US doesn’t now have the industrial sector that it did then.
If there is a nuclear war thyroid cancer pales in comparison to all the other health risks. Thyroid cancer is a very low malignant risk. Leukemia, cancer here, there and everywhere, everything dying, a devastated landscape but gotta protect that thyroid?
Don’t be silly, of course it does if there was a need to place itself on a war footing. It’s spending around $450 billion adopting to new armaments, replacing old stock and building new equipment. That’s leaving out compensation.
So, he’s now an expert on how women think.
My wife says I have no self control.
The US seem reluctant to field their munitions … perhaps they will turn out not to do what it says on the tin .. other than enrich the MIC. Once the Ukies get the f – 16 ? any niggle will be a sales fail …
Suddenness is a Covid vaccine symptom, isn’t it?
Not convinced. Possibly on how some women think.
A lot of that about, sadly.
I don’t mind Mr Potato. He’s streets of slippery Luigi and Wallet Wizard in the authenticity stakes. And give me authenticity over charisma any day.
RIP … Gonzalo Lira … Oh the opression and black bagging … Oh and poor Old Ray Epps !! a five Hundred bucks fine !!!
She’s right.
Mine says the same thing about me and 100% wrong.
Free Julian Assange
Gosh. I hope they don’t call themselves “Purebloods” also.
Anyone who thinks Trump lost to that piece of shit in 2020 is as demented as biden is:
Illinois Citizens Group Files Formal Complaint with Illinois State Board of Elections – Lost Votes, Ghost Votes, OVER 4 MILLION Possible Registration Violations: Voter Shocked to See Ballots Have Been Cast in Her Name for Years (VIDEO)
Dutton is taller and a million times less of a sissy than Albo. Neither are charismatic but Albo is as awkward as they come.
Dutton is being treated the way all conservative leaders have been. If he was in the Labor party he would be on his 6th term as PM and every journalist would be smitten by him.
Just the same as Trump would have been treated if he were a Democrat (indeed Trump was treated that way before he became Republican).
Dover is right about the iodine tablets. Might as well prepare for the worst, though I’m unconvinced a modern reactor would become instant Chernobyl.
Although we seem unable to cut a house frame on site, let alone build anything more technical.
She’s right.
You still don’t do irony, do you.
Not convinced. Possibly on how some women think.
He knows how his mother thinks, and that’s it.
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
@ Figures
Jan 14, 2024 3:34 PM
Just the same as Trump would have been treated if he were a Democrat (indeed Trump was treated that way before he became Republican).
Treated by whom? The MSM … ? No one is taking them seriously any more. Good point Mate ..
Charlemagne would have been furious.
Never ironed in my life.
Bruce also know what you think, so that’s two. And I make three.
I’m sure there are more that get in his ear.
As for what men think, now there’s a mystery. They say one thing in the hope we’ll shut up, then do the opposite. Foolish creatures. I, for one, see through the ruse and smile indulgently.
Indeed if you ever want proof of how full of excrement leftists are just look at how literally *all* of them changed their views on Trump the instant he nominated as a Republican.
Every famous person inside and outside of politics loved him. Then he nominates as R and every single person on the left decided he was the devil incarnate. His views didn’t even change. Social liberal but pro free market. Same as he had always been. Those were his policies as President. If he were a D and implemented those exact policies nobody would have complained.
Leftists are evil and belong in prison. Never ever lose sight of how repulsive they are.
Iraq didn’t have ‘strategic depth’. It had no ally, was isolated physically, and the US could attack its industry with near impunity. It might have had battle experience from Iran-Iraq War but those 8 years bleed them significantly (the experience of most Western proxies). US doesn’t have those benefits here.
Of course it’s having problems. Pretending otherwise is just coping.
Quick! Go back! You’ve missed some. 😀
JC thinks its still 1941 industrially in today’s US.
And the hootie tooties have a great deal of strategic depth, has borders with everyone of its allies and an industrial capacity that is the envy of the world?
1941 was a while ago… some made good looting Russia in the 90s… their children though it would continue to be the “Family Business” … alas it is only the American Tax payer ( and the Australian $500m from Aussies) that got looted.
But the girls get to put little dogs in their hand bags … and wear the yellow and blue Slva Ukraine !!! Freedom and Democracy
RIP Gonzalo Lira.
South Africa only demoted cricket team captain for being a Jew. The International Ice Hockey Federation has barred Israel from competing in the World Championships.
Staunchly protesting this, & sticking up for Israel, is the German government.
It multiples bigger. 13% of the US economy is manufacturing, making that sector multiples larger than what it was in 1941. By that snark you obviously think it’s smaller.
Indeed it is and it will be front and centre of Liberal election campaigning. Nobody will believe Albo if he says he won’t accept Green support to form government so the Libs are free to tell everybody with mining jobs/shares they will lose their everything if they vote for Labor.
Basically, Dutton can just campaign against the Green party policies and point out that under an Albo government we will get all of them.
but we have Lindsay Graham again, overnight, saying we must target Iran. Absolute clown-show.
Lindsay “bloodfeast” Graham you say?
Okay, wading into a topic upon which I have not even a glancing expertise but nevertheless most honest intent.
Aborigines used to trade their women – perhaps for a haunch of marsupial meat or a particularly well fashioned boomerang (GT stripes?). Or perhaps they were acquired through victory in battle.
Point is that when transferred to their new clan were their offspring deemed part of the new clan (suggesting women do not pass on membership) or were they considered alien (an odd choice considering how precarious populations could be with sometimes too many mouths and sometimes too few breed stock).
So when a woman passed from one clan to another was her new clan affiliation imprinted with a nulla nulla?
Is this the origin of ‘Terror Nullas’?
Robert Graves, in his book The White Goddess makes the point (even if you dismiss the rest of his thesis) that in a matrilinear society men would be compelled to leave their tribe or nation or whatever while the women stayed put to breed pure members of the clan or nation or whatever.
In a patriarchy, which we see in Europe later, daughters are traded off to princes – it is the princess who moves.
So with the Aborigines, while clan might depend on motherhood, was the clan of the mother determined by more than the clan of her mother, and could she be re-programmed (see nulla nulla references above) to birth a child of a different clan than the mother was born to?
Cassie you are right, John Howard had no charisma and was constantly ridiculed as Little Johnny, in stand up comedy and political cartoons, yet he kept winning elections.
I agree; if I’m near a target in a nuclear war, thyroid cancer would be the least of my worries.
I don’t feel the slightest need to keep a stock of iodone.
As long as I have plenty of toilet rolls in the laundry all is well.
When I think of politics and politicians charisma is always my first consideration.
And asking a single person is also an excellent way to assess general community viewpoints.
You can ask anyone.
Of course, Albo could try doing the same to Dutton by saying he will join with ONP but I suspect “threatening” Australians with a massive cut to immigration wouldn’t be very effective.
Jan 14, 2024 3:59 PM
Lindsay “Lady Bugs” Graham .. a disturbing image and perhaps meritless ? .. But the bits of the bloke the world gets to see are far more horrifying.
Ditto Musk. A hero to the “progressives” with the Tesla, then a monster when he took over Twatter, and allowed a freer exchange of ideas.
The US didn’t have a huge industrial sector in 1941 either. In fact they were just barely out of a decade long depression.
They built a massive manufacturing sector overnight, even while they were recruiting/drafting/training millions of men to hugely increase the size of their (at that time) small armed forces and fighting on two continents.
If they need more munitions they will make them. As usual.
“Little Johnny” was taller than Bob Hawke.
Mother Lode
Jan 14, 2024 4:00 PM
Okay, wading into a topic upon which I have not even a glancing expertise but nevertheless most honest intent.
As noted 3rd nations were in Australia for 47000 years. They lived a completely natural life. They had to have a system to prevent inbreeding, unlike the muzzies who encourage inbreeding. Trading of women was one way of doing this and I would suggest a woman traded, if possessed by the head willer-waller of the new tribe, then her brats would be his and be part of that tribe. Alternatively if a young buck was forced to Walkabout and then, if taken in by a new tribe his brats may become part of that tribe but wouldn’t have the status that the willer-waller’s brats would have.
The whole process has a fair bit of complexity and I wonder if it was instinctive or brought here from somewhere else from a more complex social antecedent which was continued as the 3rd nations devolved to a natural lifestyle.
Guys the picture you are seeing is just what the MSM point at you .. No sane person believes this … just look at the ABC ? Utter bulldust and lies by every means ..
Ultravox “Fear in the Western World ” … this is nothing new ..
He just found out that being a gay Jewish sperm donor ranks lower in wokeland than Hamas terrorists.
Greenies calling a lack of tax a “subsidy”, just to wreck an industry…. In MY UK??
The government needs to urgently end polluting tax breaks for the UK fishing fleet that threaten to “empty the ocean of fish”, say conservationists, after a first-of-its kind study reveals diesel subsidies to be worth up to £1.8bn a decade.
Without the tax subsidies, largely provided to the most fuel-intensive section of the fleet, many sectors would be unprofitable, according to the analysis by government environmental advisers.
Globally, fuel subsidies to the fishing industry were estimated at $8bn (£6.3bn) in 2018, and represented a third of all harmful fishing subsidies, the authors said, adding that they were a key factor in the widespread depletion of fish populations, more than a third of which are overfished.
Fuel-tax concessions for the UK industry amounted to £150m-£180m a year, from 2009 to 2019, according to the analysis of industry data, which was published in the journal Marine Policy last autumn. They amount to between 15% and 18% of the industry’s income, which was worth £1bn last year.
This tax relief benefits the most fuel-intensive, climate change gas-emitting and industrial fishing methods, such as trawling and dredging, acting as a disincentive to developing a more fuel-efficient and carbon-smart industry, campaigners said.
And here is Luigi the incomprehensibles newest attack line for the mining and farming industries…
A failure to end the tax breaks could cause problems for the UK, which in December pledged to ratify the World Trade Organization’s unprecedented agreement to end fishing subsidies and also to support the second stage of WTO negotiations next month to end the most harmful subsidies, including fuel subsidies.
PS, political cartoonists are never concerned with consistency, only with hitting their preferred targets.
See the different treatment of Hawke and Tony Abbott regarding wearing budgie smugglers.
JC knows that the USA learns from history
In 1941 the US had a pitiful air force(it was part of the army), very limited land based armaments, and not enough ships. Within months a massive shift in manufacturing resulted in production runs of extraordinary capacity. Liberty ships were coming out of shipyards at a very high rate and losses from Pearl Harbour were quickly recovered. The inadequate Kittyhawk was rapidly replaced by the Wildcat, then the Hellcat, and the Lightning, the Corsair, the Helldiver, the Douglas, the B 25, and produced enough B17s to send flights of thousands into Germany.
The USA has already produced 1000 F-35s while Russia is boasting about building 20 Su-57s and Su-35s. If you think the USA doesn’t have a contingency plan for the outbreak of war you are seriously underestimating how much thought goes into military planning. When the going gets tough the USA gets tougher.
@ Boambee John
Jan 14, 2024 4:15 PM
RIP Bill Leak …
Hairy Festeringpenis, noted truthiness teller has a new hot take from a “who the F*ck are they” source that says all Jews are evil..
Mary Kostakidis
The Cradle:
How Israeli forces trapped and killed ravers at the Nova Festival
‘new details have emerged showing that Israel’s Border Police was deployed at the Nova site before Hamas stumbled on the festival, causing the eruption of a major battle.
While some ravers were indeed killed by the Palestinian resistance – whether by intent or in the chaos of battle – the evidence now suggests that the majority of civilian deaths were likely inflicted by Israeli forces themselves.
This was due to the overwhelming firepower employed by occupation forces – including from Apache attack helicopters – and because Tel Aviv issued the controversial Hannibal Directive to prevent Hamas from taking Israeli party-goers as captives.’ #Gaza
The comments arent exactly running in full support of her lies though.
The leader of the Australian democrats at the time – her name escapes me – was taller then Bob Hawke.
It has Iran, Syria, etc. If it could get military gear from Iran while the latter is sanctioned what will change?
Really, manufacturing was less than 13% when the US was the arsenal of democracy?
This perfectly illustrates the gatekeeper society we live in. Media and the elites decide who is “in” and who is”out” and if you do anything they don’t like you will forever be “out” or if “in” will be expelled forthwith. A few high profile expulsions are a warning to everyone else not to rock the boat or care about what happens to the “outs” who don’t matter.
Real dollars
US GDP in 1941 US$1.56 trillion assume 35% was manufacturing = $546
US GDP in 2022 US$ 22.5 trillion with 13% being manufacturing = $2.925 trillion.
It’s 5.5 times larger without taking into account that the real cost of manufacturing has fallen significantly through efficiency gains. Smaller as a proportion and much larger.
Like Tom Cruise he was portrayed as taller. 🙂
H.P. Willmot’s book “World War Two – the Period of Balance” makes the claim that, in 1943, American shipyards produced the equivalent of the inventory of the pre – war Imperial Japanese Navy.
You are arguing for prominence of you view in the MSM … trying to justify them as if they are a reflection of how people actually think … perhaps it once was?
Hairy Festeringpenis, noted truthiness teller has a new hot take from a “who the F*ck are they” source that says all Jews are evil..
She’s our very own Magda Goebbels.
ABC …”Breaking news !! Cape Country and proud paraplegic indigenous lady rescues drowning dog”
What you need to know about this !!
I was thinking Bobby de Niro. 🙂
Janine Haines
I think you have to look at “matrilinear societies” as the logical resting point for a culture where fatherhood is unknown, contested, the result of assault, and quite simply absent. Old mate Christopher Pearson would point out that many aboriginal tribes would treat male children with indifference, unless and until they survived and grew to a point where they would physically threaten the dominance of the elders, at which point they’d be taken away for initiation and rites of passage which were in themselves survival challenges. Only then would they have a tribal belonging, have an adult name, and carry the “skin” of the tribe. One-on-one fatherhood simply didn’t exist.
In that sort of space, anthropologists would see the “fa’fafini” phenomenon of the pacific islands, which is reflected in the modern “sistagirls” of northern Australia- where boys who might be normally homosexual and/or were brutalised by growing up under the violent gerontocracy would shy away from adulthood rites and live “as women”.
Pearson was especially scathing of the denial of “boy brides” on northern aboriginal communities, where male children were the chattel and sex toys of initiated men, inevitably some of which were directly related.
The concept of “fatherhood”- just like “marriage”, “justice” and “mercy”- are entirely European. I don’t think they transliterate to Aboriginal society in the way that the handwringers might wish, just as “representative democracy” will never take a hold against the momentum of tribal Afghanistan. I reckon we saw it in the Swan Valley Nyoongah Community hellhole, at with Geoff Clarke, where there was simply no taboo against incest.
FiL was in Canberra for a Real Estate conference, met Hawke and Howard. Laughed at Hawke with his platform shoes.
I am not even remotely interested in aboriginal inter-clan or inter-tribal relations. As far as I am concerned they are Australians, like 25 million of others of us, and that should be the only qualification for rights, privileges, benefits and responsibilities of citizenship.
Their ancestry may be important to them and their families but should have no impact on the rest of citizenry or taxpayers.
Jan 14, 2024 3:17 PM
Perhaps the U.S. needs a president who can “make America great again.”
Australia needs a Prime Minister who can “Make Australia Less Sh1t.” To quote the mechanical engineer, John Cadogan on YouTube.
@ Wally Dalí
Jan 14, 2024 4:33 PM
Whilst what you posted is contentious… I see a resonance with my experience …
What I will say for sure is theat 95 percent of Urban Australian Whites – hand wringers though they may be – have utterly no clue.
The rationale for Jay’s sacking (!) is clearly anti-Semitism. Apparently, ‘genocide’ against Gazans is genetically transmissable via sperm donation.
The only conclusion I make is that they all deserve each other. We can be sure that the ‘deep connection’ between Jay and the pair of pooves/lesbians included every left wing trope going around. 100% certain.
Ya get that, Jay.
In other words, civilisation is European.
Thank you.
Whenever we talk about the state of the US, strategically, I feel like I’m constantly being told to drink some Sleepytime Tea.
Robert Bropho, and his repulsive nephew, Timothy Lenin Bropho, saw themselves as entitled to the pick of the young girls, under tribal law.
@ Crossie
Jan 14, 2024 4:43 PM
Yes … The Aboriginal Society .. was very different. I was lucky enough to have had it explained to me ..
these ideas we have meant nothing to them then … same as a “transistor ” meant nothing to Us Westerners in the 1700s .. but there were concepts they valued … we wouldnt have like them now in 2024 …
Even the European civilisation as it existed at the time of contact with most Stone Age tribes around the world in the 18th and 19th centuries has changed and evolved. The height of civilisation at present is that the rights of the individual outrank those of society, state, family, clan or tribe.
You need coffee to wake up.
I like this chap, any chance he could take Australia for a spin??
Just to add to the above, the tragedy of aboriginal Australians today is that even with all the advantages of civilisation that we enjoy, our governments are happy to let large groups of remote aboriginals be damned to the cruelties of their savage past.
The ‘societies’ do vary, you know. Markedly, in quite a few instances.
300 Nations and all that. Try applying societal rules for the northern saltwater tribes to the Walpiri desert people and see how far you get.
A blanket ‘oh it was all explained to me by one person’ does not, and will not cut it.
You folks are helping me reconcile my self with why I hated my Father … when I was a bairn He was a Communist … but gradually drifted to the Right.. in later days it was all “Beards and Lefties ..Bahh humbug” .. but all he was ever doing was critisising his own youthfull exuberance .. he never sought any new information .. never studied Economics or History … He just got angrier and angrier …
Why is it OK for most Australians to take advantage of individuality and self-actualisation but other Australians purely on the basis of their ancestry have those privileges withheld from them? If we were really serious about choice for aboriginals then their children would be taught how the rest of us live and then they could make an informed decision whether they wish to live a lifestyle as their ancestors lived before European contact.
Funny how there are hundreds of )hamas)videos and eye witness accounts of hamas killing hostages but none has videos of Apache helicopters.
The truth is hamas had hours in which they were able to hunt down nova party goers in their hiding places with almost no opposition.
Like the two guys who hid in a water channel pipe for a couple of hours until hamas had a look inside. One of them recorded his final moments.
And the girl (and her friend) on the phone to her sister as she ran and ran and ran having panick attacks and vomiting, getting a grenade thrown at them, then, wounded hiding under a car pretending they were dead, until a terrorist came and shot them and they were really dead.
Predictably (the Hun):
Big if true.
Hopefully, given that these agencies have decided to go public with this, there are a few people having a sleep right now under several feet of dirt.
Get one while you can:
Deep State, WEF Will Not Like This: Machine You can Now Buy, Unveiled, that creates water from air….
“Nugget” Coombes, and the myth of “the noble savage, living on his traditional lands” have a lot to answer for.
Of course I’m casting no nasturtiums upon other matrilinear knowledge of Hebraic people of the Mesopotamians and Tathua De Danaan that Graves would write about on one of his euro-peyote trips. Agricultural and literate societies have a much deeper recorded knowledge of gestation, etc.
our governments are happy to let large groups of remote aboriginals be damned to the cruelties of their savage past.
Crossie I think there is a much more cancerous motivation- the Exceptionalist political class, and the Service Provider industry, just like the Elders Past Present And Future, depend on the eternal immiseration of their underlings.
Voters who would be motivated against them have been cowed by Woke incantations.
@ Crossie
Jan 14, 2024 4:59 PM
Why is it OK for most Australians to take advantage of individuality and self-actualisation but other ….. ~snip~
Exactly !! If it were white children getting that done to them CPS would be coming down like the Valkyries … but since those children are black … no rescue …
Mary Kostakides. FMD is this disinformation? If so, phuck her off.
In Australia, the reason the outs “don’t matter” because of compulsory preferential voting, which essentially directs all votes ultimately to the Liars, SFLs, Nationals and Slime.
Cassie made a good argument a couple of days ago for retaining compulsory voting, but we need to work out how to make optional preferential voting matter to pollies.
IIRC, it was introduced in NSW and Queensland by the Liars, who thought, for whatever reason, that they would benefit the most. That didn’t happen, so the Liars once back in government moved to repeal it, and the SFLs supported them!
Recall, also how many years ago an academic in Victoria worked out that voting 1 for your preferred candidate, than 2 for all of the others was a valid vote. It took very little time for the UniParty to combine to ban that.
One way to get attention might work if applied to safe seats held by Liars or Slime (I assume very few here prefer either of them). Vote 1 for the party you prefer, then 2 for the next acceptable preference, then leave the rest blank, but write on the now-invalid vote a message supporting optional preferential voting.
Perhaps the message might get through that having optional preferential would at least provide the preferred party with a few dollars, that are not attached to invalid votes?
Just a few thoughts.
Because someone disagrees with you?
No, I estimated the US manufacturing sector at around 35% of GDP in 1941 and even with that proportion, while it’s around 13% now, it’s still dwarfed by present day production.
In any event, the focus in on the Hootie Tooties and they are about a war away from returning to hunter gathering on their camels.
That’s absolutely bafflingly Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion bonkers.
I’m actually starting to suspect that Mary Kostakidis the “Journalist” has never done any of her own primary research.
Latest video of biden trying to molest a young girl; this old pos must be in the late stages of dementia. May everyone who voted for it and is keeping it upright get a virulent STD. This is just so fuking bad:
Young Girl in Coffee Shop RECOILS After Biden Creeps on Her – Whispers in Her Ear (VIDEO)
Now we are getting somewhere.
Jan 14, 2024 1:39 PM
I have never mentioned Micronesia or any other Pacific Island. All of that is an invention of yours you made up. The Swiss have been issuing these packs ever since the 60’s when the spectre of a nuclear confrontation between Warsaw Pact and NATO was a very real concern.
See, this is your problem – you make up stories and to you they become reality.
What I discussed was the failure of our Civil Defence organisation to not have Iodine available at the community or family level.
As an RN in remote communities – shitholistan is what JC charmingly calls it – part of my job is to respond to civil emergencies and update Disaster Plans in conjunction with the Police/Army and other government agencies.
Because I had been in the Army as a Registered Nurse/Nursing Officer, I was aware that among other things, iodine supplementation especially for children is needed in case of radiological contamination of the environment – as happens in nuclear war, dirty bomb attacks, and contamination of the surrounds if a reactor core is breached.
Children get cancer of the thyroid because they typically need a lot more iodine than adults. The Iodine supplementation needs to commence immediately, and certainly no later than a day or so after contamination. No remote Hospital that I know of carries stocks for them. I know this because I ordered pharmacy for many of them.
I mentioned this with the background of how would the government get these medications to the hospital/pharmacies in the event of a radiological emergency?
The answer of course is – it depends on the weather. The cities will be fine – if we have the stocks because distribution is easy. The bush is going to have to go without because I doubt there are 200million doses in Australia.
So the problem is how do we protect people in the outlying cities from this situation?
Well if you look at Europe, they already have plans – and stocks – available. The Iodine tablets I have here are due to expire in 2030, so short life isn’t an issue.
So what I did was buy 600 ml of Lurgolds iodine – a liquid form that at the time cost me bugger all, about $150. That’s enough for all the kids in town to get a weeks protection in case of need.
I’d just give it to the local hospital. Why? Because I saw a need in my community that needed attending to that others hadn’t seen.
That’s what members of a community do.
They don’t sit on their arses waiting for someone to do something about it, they just deal with it.
The funny thing is that JC and Sancho would be first in line squealing about lack of preparedness from government when they could have bought their own iodine tabs from Water Purification Products, http://www.iodine.net*
Perhaps I’m a little excessive on the need to get some iodine tabs if you are >65, but
How many children/young adults do you have spare?
*I do not benefit in any way from sales from this company. Seek medical advice if concerned.
I already drink coffee, which is why I’m not tempted by Sleepytime Tea.
Some whinging on Reddit.
Amazing how many people are upset they had parents who loved and disciplined them.
What a whiny pathetic c$&@.
My parents are still trying to convince themselves that “smacking” was discipline and it was fine. The wooden spoon too. I distinctly remember not being sure about what I had done wrong too that meant I was getting hit anyway.
I also just found out that my parents barrel bolted the front door to stop me playing in the yard when I was little. I know I got screamed at for running around the house when I was about 4 but my ADHD butt needed to run it off. I ended up tripping and smashed my head open on the coffee table because I couldn’t sit still. I needed stitches. I am still told to this day that it’s my fault. I thought it was because I wasn’t doing as I was told. Now being told I was actively locked in the house and wasn’t allowed to play outside changed my mind.
It is called “legal chastisement of a child” and it is perfectly legal.
Yeah nah. When it bruises, welts and instills so much fear in a child they start to lie to cover up mistakes because they are afraid to go to their parents for help because of what happens when they do the “wrong” thing then it’s not discipline, it’s abuse. Then those kids grow up and spend their entire adult lives being afraid of confrontation because of the consequences when they were children and so they become people pleasers and end up in abusive relationships because they’ve been conditioned to think that this is normal. Kids been led to believe, by the people they trusted the most, that hitting you one minute and saying “I love you” the next means they care when it’s actually domestic violence. End of.
This is ridiculous.
It’s psychology actually. Look it up.
It’s anecdotes and opinions.
Jan 14, 2024 1:56 PM
I don’t pretend to know the best way to topple Iran’s government. Selective strikes? Invasion?
A list of targets,
one by one until their government resigns.
Those are real works of art, Katzenjammer. They only need an altar with a cross to finish the work.
Better still, just use a MOAB on a couple of the dams. There’s already a water crisis in Iran, let the Iranians deal with their government themselves.
Dot, does it end “änd thats why they need to pay for my transition/furry costume/womens studies degree”?
Jan 14, 2024 5:21 PM
Score 1 Dover (actually 2 because He was just responding to tiresome and stupid remarks.. )
score zero to the zero …
As to the far more productive topic of coffee Trung Nguyen … absolutely toxic as an actuall coffee but a thrilling additive to Extra Creamy Milk … as a flavouring … as a meal in it’self … Big long cold glass …
Tintarella di Luna
Fair enough. I thought you were still hankering for it for some reason or other.
James Morrow reporting on the noisy minority:
Some pretty stark numbers in there. Which is why the gnashing of teeth over Dutton’s call to boycott Woolies is correct. The Left hate to be challenged because their ideas are diametrically opposed to functioning society.
Cassie made a good argument a couple of days ago for retaining compulsory voting, but we need to work out how to make optional preferential voting matter to pollies.”
Thank you. But whilst I now believe compulsory voting is a necessary evil, and might save countries like Oz, I’m not sure which voting system is best, preferential, proportional, first past the post. The truth is that they’re all flawed however I suspect preferential is probably the worst.
No, because the argument is always of the sort that says: the US has nothing to worry about.
So why is it so difficult for US to ramp up production of shells given this? Why did it need to raid the inventory of itself and its allies? Why would it even need to convert into a war economy given the above?
We were told this a month ago. Again at the end of last week. It’s not going to happen.
@ Cassie of Sydney
Jan 14, 2024 5:32 PM
Much and all as I think you are a silly Old Cow .. you nailed this one …compulsory Voting is totally required . If nothing else it requires Silly Old Cows to at least gain an semblance of an opinion … and amongst the other benefits it makes Elections almost impossible to rig.
Here we go.
LSD meeting with free time and keyboard. Pill testing required.
The inmates are in charge of the asylum.
WHO Appoints Transgender Majority for Panel on Raising Children
Hundreds of Biden administration employees plan to WALK OUT of their jobs next week in protest of his support for Israel in Hamas war after young White House staffers sent letters criticizing their boss
I was pleased to see the US and Britain throw some ordinance at strategic targets in Yemen against the Houthi terrorists who have gained control. I don’t think we need to get into arguments about long-term issues of relative capabilities over time and re US prestige when the aim is currently to give the Houthis something to think about with regard to continuing their Iran-driven insect-bite attacks on the Red Sea. When a thumping is delivered and a bloody nose is the result, little bullies tend to cease and desist – certainly for a while, and hopefully for long enough for Israel to make Hamas inoperable. They may then join in against the Houthis. Yemeni citizens may decide they aren’t so keen on the Houthis after all.
Just some thoughts from someone in a form of extremis right now, perhaps affecting my judgement. 😀
A lefty oestrogens onto the screen about the flag..
Hey “flag shaggers” & “flagtards”
I reply..
“Dont be such a flaggott”.
We shall see how long it takes for me to be blocked.
Does the Earth have a fever? Is it boiling? Have we hit the tipping point? The answer is clearly no
HAPPENING NOW… Pro-Palestine Protesters Try to Breach White House, Violently Shake Security Fence
We’re not getting somewhere you turd brain, we’re getting nowhere.
I did, to mock your patently absurd claim – that somehow feel threatened by nuclear weapons.
You absurd, lying delusional crank. Switzerland makes iodine available for people living within a 50 k radius of a nuclear reactor. I’ll post it up again so others can see what a useless, disgusting feral swine you are.
But firstly let me repeat what you said… word for word.
Switzerland is NOT making iodine available to all, you ridiculous clown.
In a pretty little white dress and cute nurse’s cap no doubt.
They were likely not getting any natural iodine in their diet and had zero to do with nuclear war, you clown.
What does that have to do with the fact that you went out and panicked because you thought nuclear war was likely and rural Queensland would be a target?
Here we go, mind reading again.
Go take your iodine, you clown.
All of that is an invention of yours you made up. The Swiss have been issuing these packs ever since the 60’s when the spectre of a nuclear confrontation between Warsaw Pact and NATO was a very real concern.
See, this is your problem – you make up stories and to you they become reality.
Flew up to the Gold Coast from Newcastle airport today. The plane departed 5 minutes before schedule. Is this a world first?
Nah, I’m neither a cow nor old.
Cassie of Sydney
The country is sick of flashy politicians who ooze charisma, and suck at their jobs. I’d vote for a plodder who could get us out of the messes that the Flash Thundercocks have driven this country into.
“A promising young man should go into politics so that he can go on promising for the rest of his life.”
– Robert Byrne
BJ, like Cassie I am in favour of compulsory voting but not the preferential method. Choosing one candidate from a field should do it and if nobody gets a majority then there should be a run-off election between the two candidates who got the most votes.
Peta-philes showing their knowledge of farming.
Nah, I’m neither a cow nor old.
@ Cassie of Sydney
Jan 14, 2024 5:46 PM
Like your style you SOC … sometimes .. no actually now I think about it I often get called a stupid Old Bastard …
Then I arch right Up !!! Not So much of the “Old” Sonny!!! ~slapping my walking cane on the door jams ~ …. 😉
James Melville
The annual WEF meeting takes place at Davos from 15th to 19th January.
??2,500 delegates
??1,000 private jets
A jamboree where a bunch of hypocrital corporatists preach to us plebs about saving the planet and use virtue as guise for greed.
Of course she hasn’t, she was a newsreader and read whatever was put in front of her. She looked like she knew what she was reading but that is the performance part of the job.
The inmates are in charge of the asylum.
WHO Appoints Transgender Majority for Panel on Raising Children
Another relevant factor with Nova is that 40 people who attended the festival were taken hostage, how does that tally with Apache helicopters?
Ms Kookynuts could use her investigative journalism skills to track down the circumstance of each death but that would require effort.
At least two large groups of hostage hid in large rubbish skips, one lot were all killed with grenades iirc then set on fire, another group were shot (and a couple of them survived) I’ve seen photos of the burnt ones and photos of the other group hiding before they were shot.
And all the people shot around the bar area, filmed on a policeman’s gopro as he called out hoping for survivors, zero evidence of a helicopter there, and of course hamas filmed themselves shooting all the portaloos that people were hiding in.
Hamas filming themselves shooting at cars on the roads, dragging the dead out of vehicles, all those bodies riddled with bullets from kalashnikovs.
There’s no point though in presenting evidence to Kookynuts, she’s taken a side, and that’s all that matters.
The Houthies are little bullies? They just fought and won a civil war in which the Saudis and other Gulf states weighed in significantly with US assistance. The curious thing about this latest intervention is that it might actually widen their support and allow them to gain control of the South, incl. Aden and the East.
There’s no point though in presenting evidence to Kookynuts, she’s taken a side, and that’s all that matters.
Indeed. Kookynuts is no different to David Irving.
I am finding it difficult to comprehend this unhinged Jew hatred.
Every conflict has it share of BS ..propaganda …this one is no different …beheaded babies raped women .. humidicribs come in for a smashing .
Normally the more enthusiastic and less milatarily usefull get sent on Information Warfare Missions.
They are mostly not very good at ti .
Shorter JC: If somebody hasn’t entered it into Chat GP’s database, it didn’t happen.
Ground burst.
350/400Kt warhead.
Fallout will be a cigar shaped pattern 1000Km or more, and 400Km wide. In whatever way the wind is blowing.
FFS, you are so bloody thick. I’ve never seen someone so eager to display their ignorance on a matter they have no damn clue about.
JC will go to bed tonight utterly convinced – as he does every other night – that he’s the smartest man in any room on the planet, and that everyone else fades into obscurity in the nova like radiance of his intellect.