Open Thread – Wed 7 Feb 2024

Monte Carlo Seen from Roquebrune, Claude Monet, 1884

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February 7, 2024 12:08 am

Boo again…

February 7, 2024 12:16 am

Silver Medallist.

February 7, 2024 1:11 am

Someone was running it like a business.

They were indeed Indolent

Cops arrest 17-year-old suspected of hundreds of swattings nationwide

He allegedly advertised his services on social media for custom SWATs at $30 to $75 per SWAT call.

He is to be tried as an adult in Florida and if convicted, be introduced to his new roommates Bubba and Mo shortly thereafter.

February 7, 2024 1:23 am

Quattro, again.

February 7, 2024 2:46 am
February 7, 2024 2:58 am
February 7, 2024 3:28 am

More details on the US teenage ‘SWATTER’

Alan Winston Filion Created a Website and Was Selling His Swatting Services Online to Radical Leftists Where They Could Purchase His Swat for a Fee

It seems there is a major investigation going on to roll up his ‘customers’ who could receive as much as 30 years in prison if convicted.

February 7, 2024 3:31 am

This horrific murder in Brizzie highlights some of what is wrong with our justice system .. tHe magistrate running the show refused to allow media into the court citing the adverse affect it would have on the accused .. Personally, I don’;t care if media has access to any court case but I do get annoyed that the “feelinz” of low life scum are, actually, considered by anyone …!
Also note that mummy sez, “he’s a good boy” .. par for the course seeing he was charged last year with car stealing and 3 counts of robbery … plus all 5 accused attend private schools so either we has a gaggle of wealthy Sudanese living in QLD “houso” or, as usual, the wukkas tax dollars are being put to wasteful use …
And, lastly, why has only 1 been charged with murder and the others with minor car offences ..? ..
Getting the impression the lettuce leaf marination has started early .. cos colour .. FFS!

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
February 7, 2024 3:46 am

I was shaking my head the whole time with that Top Fuel car on the dyno.


Thankfully, it was just clickbait. IF they were to punch that throttle, it would be like a bomb going off!

Kenny Bernstein did that back in the 80’s and blew a portion of the garage roof off. Fire and emergency services were scrambled. They were only producing around 6000hp at the time? Clay’s car is around 11000hp today.

When you see that motor start up, it is not smoke coming out of the headers. It’s raw fuel – nitromethane and it tastes pretty good. Sweet flavour.

We Tried To Dyno a TOP FUEL Dragster In Our Shop!!! (It Was LOUD)

February 7, 2024 4:02 am
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February 7, 2024 5:28 am

Cheers Tom.

February 7, 2024 5:37 am
February 7, 2024 5:45 am

Oh dear.

I read a Conde Nast publication (ARS Technica) and didn’t feel dirty afterwards.

That SWATing kid has messed up more than he could have imagined.

Given the SWATters are usually insufferable, nasty, hate filled leftists who target righties, my sympathy for a fair trial is waning.

His customers ought to be all indicted as well.

February 7, 2024 5:57 am

the golden age of Islam, no, the golden age of Arabs.

An Indian criticism published near a decade ago.
The Myth of Islamic Science

February 7, 2024 6:01 am

** The one which comes to mind is Brian Naylor, Channel 7 newsreader who died in the Black Saturday bushfires. He had excluded one son from his will after several unsuccessful bail-outs of his junkie lifestyle. The son challenged and got a payout. Perversely, the bigger the no-hoper, the greater chance of a legal win.

Considering how often this happens, you are better off including them.
It saves all parties time, money & energy.

Real Deal
Real Deal
February 7, 2024 6:06 am

Good morning Cats!

Has anyone posted Richard Aston’s piece in the Oz? Beyond this technophobe’s ability to cut and paste.

It is a wonderful character assessment of one Malcolm Bligh Turnbull.

To call it excoriating undersells it. We may have one or two issues with Alston, but gets everything right with Mr Harbourside Mansion. Worth reading if anyone can post it.

Salvatore, Iron Publican
February 7, 2024 6:14 am

Real Deal, here you go, Richard Alston:

Watching the second episode of the ABC docuseries Nemesis, this one on Malcolm Turnbull, the striking impression is the subject’s solipsistic self-absorption.

There is no doubt Turnbull is capable of instant eloquence, but this should not be mistaken for intelligence, for which he is often credited.

What matters is not the natural inheritance of an ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills but, much more importantly, the judgment to make considered decisions and come to sensible conclusions.

As Liberal Party federal president at the time of his accession to the prime ministership and beyond, I had a ringside seat. Turnbull’s problem was that he didn’t trust anyone, presumably because he thought they were his intellectual inferiors.

The successful politician listens to those who can add value. I remember asking him why there had been a long delay in prosecuting an issue. He explained that although he had read all the departmental submissions and spoken to a number of experts, he hadn’t had time to do his own research.

Politics is often defined as the art of compromise, but to Turnbull this was anathema – it was his way or the highway. This was because he regarded opposing arguments as inherently wrong; he saw his task as being to impose his vision on the unwashed. Convinced of the moral rectitude of his progressive instincts, he treated dissenters with disdain.

He had no conception that the political world is roughly divided into liberals and conservatives, and each needs to negotiate with the other, or at least treat them with respect. There is no evidence of him having any understanding of, or interest in, political history, international statesmanship or empathy with ordinary Australians.

Instead he was entirely comfortable as a classic member of the elites, a Sydney urbanist with very progressive instincts, freighted with adamantine ambition and self-belief.

He had no regard for party politics, which he saw as an impediment to good policy. He was a LINO, a Liberal in name only. In the lead-up to the 2016 election he seriously contemplated bypassing the Liberal Party federal secretariat and running the campaign from his office, which had very few political operatives.

Against all advice and political history, he insisted on an eight-week campaign.

Despite the fact he had very little to sell, his chosen slogans, such as “jobs and growth”, were totally unpersuasive but, when they went nowhere, he doubled down with the further inanity, “stick to the plan”, which he had never properly explained to anyone, let alone the voters.

As a result of running a campaign of the most appalling ineptitude Turnbull lost 14 seats and was extremely fortunate to survive with a majority of one – a singularly unstable situation that he later acknowledged but which led to no change of direction or improvement in people handling.

On the night of the election he stayed bunkered up in his Point Piper mansion for hours, despite several phone calls from me saying key donors were very unhappy with his non-appearance.

When he finally put in a late-night showing he refused to apologise for his campaign or to express sorrow for all those colleagues who had lost their seats. Instead he chose to deliver a rant about the iniquities of his opponents, especially about their dishonest “Mediscare” campaign, despite his not laying a glove on them when it counted.

When I tackled him about whether he could have done things better during the campaign, his response was typical: “I was up at 30,000 feet during the campaign so don’t blame me, blame those on the ground.”

He instinctively wanted to take the politics out of politics. Despite me advising him of much party membership dissatisfaction, he refused to use the Liberal logo, insisting his personal brand was a more powerful magnet.

Instead the punters were asked to vote for the Turnbull Coalition team. This was entirely consistent with his hubris in having placards around his electorate for years proclaiming “Turnbull for Wentworth” – no mention of Liberal.

He famously announced that he wanted a public debate about tax reform and told me he wasn’t going to fall for the old trick and rule anything in or out. Inevitably, this started the hares running in all directions, he lost control of the project and eventually ruled everything out.

I was in Parliament House when he rolled Tony Abbott. What struck me in the frantic number-crunching was that Turnbull had very few heavyweight supporters. The ones who escorted him down the corridors of powers were mostly inexperienced wannabes, lusting for promotion.

One of the notable moments in the ABC program was when Warren Entsch finally signed up to be the 43rd, and crucial, signatory to a petition of no confidence, effectively saying “this one’s for Brendan Nelson”, who had been defenestrated by Turnbull in the most vicious political act of treason that I have ever encountered, but which the program left untouched.

Another poignant moment was when he said he had refused to put Abbott into cabinet because he couldn’t be trusted, blithely ignoring the fact that Abbott had had no hesitation in “keeping his enemy closer”, when he made Turnbull his minister for communications.

Turnbull was clearly skewered on his own petard when he reached 38 losing Newspolls, having cited Abbott’s loss of a mere 30 as totally unacceptable.

He was never backwards in throwing around gratuitous insults: Abbott was “unspeakable”; Dutton was a “thug”; Morrison “said so many things that were obviously untrue”. Asked for one word about Morrison, he said: “duplicitous.”

The irony of it all is that he demanded total loyalty from others, when he had spent almost his entire parliamentary career undermining anyone he perceived as a threat. When it was apparent he had lost majority support he showed no insights into his predicament, simply musing that he wondered if his opponents knew what they were doing.

As the good Liberal he clearly wasn’t, he couldn’t go quietly into the night and instead declared war on his former colleagues, spending every waking moment for the next few years doing his best to ensure the Liberals didn’t win the next election.

Unfortunately for him the public basically ignored his troublemaking antics and the Morrison “miracle” prevailed.

It remains an extraordinary fact that despite having nothing in common with Liberal brand he refuses to hand in his ticket.

While he would like to pretend that he is high principled, his performance on the Indigenous voice to parliament amply demonstrated his political fluidity. At the outset he fulminated against the idea, describing it as a “third chamber” but as the debate entered real time expediency took over and he suddenly supported the Yes case.

The ultimate takeaway from the ABC program was that while others made many mistakes, with Turnbull it was always someone else’s fault. Humility is one Christian virtue he never understood, unlike John Howard who did, and history will judge them accordingly.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 7, 2024 6:16 am

Someone has asked drivers why they don’t like electric vehicles. As well as the usual reasons one issue is especially worth mentioning:

South Korea EV Sales Held Back by Drivers’ Fears Of Battery Fires (6 Feb)

South Korean drivers are concerned that their future EVs could catch fire while charging or in a car crash, according to a November survey by the Korea Transportation Safety Authority quoted by Bloomberg on Monday.

In 2020 and 2021, several high-profile cases of EVs catching fire were reported in South Korea. Three years ago, an electric bus manufactured by Hyundai Motor caught fire while in use.

All those YouTube videos of excitable EVs seem to be registering in the minds of the public. Mr Bowen may have a bit of a problem with his new car law.

February 7, 2024 6:23 am

There needs to be lots of law reform regarding estates.
One aspect is someone who has been excluded from the estate shouldn’t be able to weasel their way to a pay out.

Another aspect that needs reform is regarding the primary carer.
I know of two instances in my universe where the deceased went out of their way to give the family member who looked after them for the better part of a decade substantially less than other family members & other unrelated parties.
Real nasty pieces of work.

February 7, 2024 6:24 am

Disentitling behaviour has to be very, very bad. It’s always a matter of here are some rules but each situation is different.

Real Deal
Real Deal
February 7, 2024 6:25 am

Thanks, Sal. Much appreciated.

February 7, 2024 6:30 am

One aspect is someone who has been excluded from the estate shouldn’t be able to weasel their way to a pay out.

I don’t agree with this save for the amount of money that could be wasted to legitimately prevent their claim holding up might be significant.

Another aspect that needs reform is regarding the primary carer.

If it is malicious it may not be valid.

February 7, 2024 6:31 am

Instead he was entirely comfortable as a classic member of the elites, a Sydney urbanist with very progressive instincts, freighted with adamantine ambition and self-belief

He is not alone.

February 7, 2024 6:33 am

Oh dear.

I read a Conde Nast publication (ARS Technica) and didn’t feel dirty afterwards.

That SWATing kid has messed up more than he could have imagined.

Given the SWATters are usually insufferable, nasty, hate filled leftists who target righties, my sympathy for a fair trial is waning.

His customers ought to be all indicted as well.

Yeah I totally understand why this gets multiple downvotes?

Why don’t you just post your thoughts at 6 AM, “good morning, poo poo head!”.

Jesus Christ people. Dialogue and even personal insult would be better than implying that you prefer to see people swatted by dickless Reddit trolls paid by insufferable leftist bullies.

February 7, 2024 6:37 am

Stop sooking, Dot.

February 7, 2024 6:38 am


Ozempic burns your balls off.

Rogan, Gillis and the 432 Hz Shaman.

February 7, 2024 6:38 am

One situation was a guy who fell into the situation of looking after his mother as he was the only family member who was local.
He didn’t do it for a payday at the end, he just thought it was the right thing to do.

He’s been quite open about it over the last couple of years.
He’s said that if he knew she was going to go out of her way to give him a substantially less than others, he would have dropped her off at the local hospital at the first opportunity & said adios.

February 7, 2024 6:39 am

Feb 7, 2024 6:37 AM
Stop sooking, Dot.


Maybe I am but don’t you want to be told why maybe you’re wrong instead of being heckled by retards who can’t think for themselves?

February 7, 2024 6:42 am

Dot, I don’t know if Shane’s mate Matt is genuine or if he’s putting on the biggest act since Andy Kaufman.
That is tame compared to some of the stuff on their weekly podcast.

February 7, 2024 6:42 am

Good morning, felllow poo poo heads and retards!

February 7, 2024 6:53 am

Funny stuff with PBD.

Bill Maher reckons he loses sleep every night over climate change.

We could go totally nuclear or he could have statistical analysis such as Beenstock, Reigenwertz & Polder explained to him.

February 7, 2024 6:53 am

Feb 7, 2024 6:38 AM

One situation was a guy who fell into the situation of looking after his mother as he was the only family member who was local.
He didn’t do it for a payday at the end, he just thought it was the right thing to do.

He’s been quite open about it over the last couple of years.
He’s said that if he knew she was going to go out of her way to give him a substantially less than others, he would have dropped her off at the local hospital at the first opportunity & said adios.

I think that was a real nasty thing to do by his mother.
Not knowing the exact circumstances and reasons notwithstanding.

February 7, 2024 6:56 am

Feb 7, 2024 6:42 AM

Good morning, felllow poo poo heads and retards!

Exactly, those downticks were totally inappropriate and uncalled for, what is this moron thinking, if he does think at all?

As a compensation I upticked your post.

Cassie of Sydney
February 7, 2024 6:59 am

Just further to the NSW Greens MP who said as follows…

The Jewish lobby and the Zionist lobby are infiltrating into every single aspect of what is ethnic community groups, they rock up, and they’re part of the campaign,” she said in the meeting.

“Their tentacles reach into the areas that try and influence power, and I think that we need to call that out and expose it,” she said.”

Anyone recall the hysteria in January 2023 around then NSW premier, Dominic Perrottet, all because it was revealed that when he was 21 years old he wore a Nazi uniform to a costume party?

Some on the left, including our own resident scab, even tried to infer that Parrothead was a Nazi from this juvenile act. There were howls of outrage from the left about Parrothead’s costume, including from the Greens, particularly that fat slug Faruqi and from this particular state Greens MP, Jenny Leong. And of course, there were howls of outrage from the left MSM, including the Guardian and the Stinking Sneering Jew Hating Morning Herald.

And now, since October 7 last year, we’ve seen a Greens MP stand in front of a placard that stated a desire to see the world cleansed of Jews. How Joseph Goebbels and Julius Streicher must have smiled up from hell at that.

And last night it was revealed, all caught on video tape, that a NSW state Greens MP talked about a “Jewish lobby” and referred to our “tentacles”. How Joseph Goebbels and Julius Streicher are today smiling.

But of course, I need to remind people of the stinking double standards. Had this been a Liberal/National politician, it would be front page news today, splashed across every media outlet across the country, and in fact, this Liberal/National would have already resigned overnight.

But not Jenny Leong, not Mehreen Faruqi. The real Nazis remain safe in their jobs. The Australian Greens is a Nazi party, and anyone who votes Greens is a Nazi sympathiser, no different to those who voted for Hitler in 1933.

This morning the Daily Telegraph has uploaded this, Leong has issued a weasel apology…..

In a statement, Ms Leong apologised that her language had caused offence, acknowledging she used an “inappropriate” description of groups “backing Netanyahu’s genocidal attacks in Gaza.”

“Speaking on a panel during a two-hour long event last year, I acknowledge that I used a word at one point that was an inappropriate descriptor for the influence of groups backing Netanyahu’s genocidal attacks in Gaza and the ongoing occupation – I apologise that this has caused offence,” she said.

“It is incredibly telling that after a conversation where myself and other speakers made countless mentions of the genocidal attacks and occupation occurring in Gaza right now, that two months later more focus isn’t being put on the deaths of over 26,000 people, many of them children.”

Ms Leong said it is “important to hold people to account for words that may cause harm”.

“But it is equally important to not stay silent and hold people to account for harmful actions, and this includes the occupation and military violence by the Israeli state in Palestine that has been ongoing since 1948,” she said.

Liberal MP Julian Leeser called on the NSW parliament to censure Ms Leong for her comments.

“If Jenny Leong was an MP for a mainstream party, I would call on her to apologise. Given that she is a Green, she will probably be promoted,” he said.

“Jenny Leong wants to silence Jewish Australians and to remove any Jewish influence in politics, the arts and philanthropy. She believes Jewish-Australians have no place in our national life. This is the Greens.”

“The NSW Parliament should censure Jenny Leong for these terrible comments.”

Leeser is right, but you see Julian I’m still waiting for the Liberals and Nationals in our senate to organise a censure against Mehreen Faruqi. You remember Julian, the way the senate censored Bettina Arndt and Fraser Anning for much less.

The Greens should be disendorsed.

February 7, 2024 6:59 am

Humility is one Christian virtue he never understood, unlike John Howard who did, and history will judge them accordingly.

Really? I have a mop and bucket here to clean up your crock of shit.

Julius Caesar never accepted the crown of the King of Rome either.

It’s not as if John Howard refused to have a statue of himself erected in Ballarat etc.

The comparison is analogous to comparing Tarquinius Subperbus Rex to Claudius Imperator.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 7, 2024 7:00 am

More on EV fires and the media.

Electric cars: Lords urge action on ‘misinformation’ in press (6 Feb)

The Lords Climate Change Committee urged the government to build consumer confidence and push back against what it called mistruths on range and cost.

Baroness Parminter, chair of the committee, told the BBC that both government officials and other witnesses to the enquiry had reported reading disinformation on the subject in national newspapers.

“We have seen a concerted effort to scare people… we have seen articles saying that cars are catching fire – but had evidence that the fire risk is absolutely the same as [petrol and diesel] cars,” she said.

The Lords committee did not single out any newspaper in particular.

Testifying before the committee, Richard Bruce, Director of Transport Decarbonisation at the Department for Transport, conceded there was a problem.

He said: “I do think there has been an impact from a concerted campaign of misinformation over the last 14 months or so that has been pushing consistent myths about EVs that people absorb and which is reflected in their appetite [for purchasing EVs].

“There is an anti-EV story in the papers almost every day. Sometimes there are many stories, almost all of which are based on misconceptions and mistruths, unfortunately.”

Baroness Parminter said the government needed to step in and provide reliable information to consumers.

Haha good luck with that. If the government said it is sunny outside I’d put on a wet suit. I think that may be the attitude of a large proportion of the population.

The fun thing is that those newspapers are in the tank for EVs. Both the Tele and the Oz spruik EVs endlessly. It’s clearly an editorial diktat from on high. If News Corp papers are doing this you can bet lefty papers certainly are as well. So if the public aren’t biting it isn’t for want of trying.

February 7, 2024 7:01 am

The other situation was where the deceased gave the lion share of their assets to a range of charities.
The two sisters who looked after their mother for years were less than impressed.
Not as nasty as the other situation.
They contested it & reached an agreement with the charities.
Still not ideal.

February 7, 2024 7:07 am

It’s not being downticked that’s the issue.

It’s the content that mattered.

I’m going to assume that someone dislikes me enough that if I condemn SWATing then they will support it as a function of their likely oppositional defiance disorder and several other DSM – V mongeries.


I also disapprove of


Go ahead you crazy Redditor bastard, down tick your little, fat constricted heart out.

Perfidious Albino
Perfidious Albino
February 7, 2024 7:10 am

In a just world a bright light would be shone on the magistrate that let the ‘good boy’ out on bail last time despite police opposing. Looks to have spent virtually his entire worthless life here also.

February 7, 2024 7:13 am

“It is incredibly telling that after a conversation where myself and other speakers made countless mentions of the genocidal attacks and occupation occurring in Gaza right now, that two months later more focus isn’t being put on the deaths of over 26,000 people, many of them children.”

Hamas were dumb enough to literally declare a formal war against Israel.

“A tormentor gets a taste of his own medicine when a much larger victim snaps…”

Cassie of Sydney
February 7, 2024 7:13 am

I read the Daily Telegraph and Oz everyday and I don’t see either spruiking ‘EVs endlessly’.

February 7, 2024 7:15 am

Go ahead you crazy Redditor bastard, down tick your little, fat constricted heart out.


‘tard bait works.

February 7, 2024 7:17 am

In a just world a bright light would be shone on the magistrate that let the ‘good boy’ out on bail last time despite police opposing.

There should be total transparency on this kind of stuff.

February 7, 2024 7:21 am

Judicial appointments should be for roughly seven years and renewable once and a third time only in very special circumstances.

No one “deserves” to sit on a particular bench for 14+ years.

February 7, 2024 7:22 am

It seems Turnbull has the two beliefs of NPD I a m entitled and The rules don’t apply to me ‘ A malignant one as well .

February 7, 2024 7:31 am

Alston is stanning John Howard more than an incel weeb breadtuber pining for a Korean dictator’s sister.


Slept walked into losing a Federal election to a passive aggressive psychopath and losing his own seat.

Did not give up the leadership of his party or government despite the obvious need for a succession plan.

Was sternly monarchist but also was a little to keen to be seen around the regalia and royals.

Took away guns from Australians when State law was already being broken, also deprecating our right to self defence (whilst having his own APO/APS/AFP guards).

Claimed a “mandate” on less than 33% of the primary vote.

Likely knew about Abbott’s shameful railroading of Pauline Hanson.

Committed to us to a war which is now viewed as largely unjustified.

A real humble guy. At least he didn’t like French clocks, own a sheep station or waffle on incoherently like Tim Fizzler … (“that is untrue, false and erroneous…”).

Cassie of Sydney
February 7, 2024 7:31 am

Javier Milei is moving the Argentinian embassy to Jerusalem.

What a man!

February 7, 2024 7:33 am

BBC reports Tucker will interview Putin.

Cassie of Sydney
February 7, 2024 7:38 am

I don’t disagree with much of the criticisms levelled against John Howard but I don’t believe that losing Bennelong was his fault. The truth is that the electoral boundaries of Bennelong electorate had, over the years, been moved west, thus the demographics changed and it became more marginal over the years. That wasn’t John Howard’s fault. Also, as PM in 2007, he was forced to campaign federally and so he couldn’t spend much time in his seat. Labor, using that ghastly ABC skank Maxine McSpew, used this to their advantage. I believe that the electors of Bennelong quickly rued their decision to install McSpew.

Bennelong is now a marginal electorate, when John Howard entered parliament back in 1974(?), it was a safe north shore Liberal electorate.

February 7, 2024 7:38 am

Tucker posted on twitter that he’s doing the interview.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 7, 2024 7:44 am

I read the Daily Telegraph and Oz everyday and I don’t see either spruiking ‘EVs endlessly’.

Cassie – maybe you read the paper version. I’m going on their main webpages. I’d say EV “stories” outnumber stories about normal cars about 2:1 usually. Here’s what’s there today:

Is the EV9 the King of Kias? Or a hearse for a robot (Paywallian)

Incentives for Aussie businesses to go EV (Paywallian)

Those are on the main page. No normal cars are mentioned on The Australian’s main webpage.

The Tele unusually doesn’t have an EV article on the mainpage, first time for a week at least. It does however have these:

Australians buying utes and SUVs in big numbers (6 Feb)

But the Electric Vehicle Council, led by Behyad Jafari, says improved standards will introduce “much better options” for consumers.

“Australia has always been at the back of the queue when it comes to the best and cheapest electric vehicles, because car makers have been incentivised to offer them elsewhere first,” he says.

“That should end now with this policy, and Australian car buyers should notice the change very quickly.

2024 Chery Tiggo 8 Pro Max confirmed for Australia (5 Feb)

Chery sold more than 6000 vehicles in 2023, but that fell short of its initial lofty aspirations to move about 10,000 cars.

The maker has more models in the pipeline for Australia, too, including an electric version of the Omoda 5 compact SUV that would go up against the Hyundai Kona Electric.

That spruiking has been inserted irrelevantly into those two articles and is clearly company policy.

If you don’t like it that’s nothing to do with me. I’m just reporting what has been going on. Day after day endlessly. It’s clear gaslighting.

February 7, 2024 7:45 am

I haven’t watched any of Tucker’s shows since he launched on twitter.
I will watch his Putin interview.
Because I know there’s going to be a thousand mainstream media hot-takes from “journalists” & “reporters” who won’t bother to watch the thing.
It will be another fantastic self-selection exercise where one can further filter out shit reporters.
When one of them says or writes something that Putin said in the interview that you know didn’t happen, you can down weight anything they say/write in the future.

Cassie of Sydney
February 7, 2024 7:48 am

Nope, I read the digital edition. I repeat, neither the Daily Telegraph nor the Oz endlessly spruik EVs.

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
February 7, 2024 7:55 am

Carlson, known for radical conservative opinions, did not specify when the interview will be broadcast but mentioned that it will be free to watch on his personal website.

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
February 7, 2024 7:57 am

The NRMA’s magazine Open Road does endlessly spruik EVs.
You’d think they, of all people, would be aware of the problems inherent in EVs.
But they’re doin’ it anyhow!

February 7, 2024 8:04 am

the golden age of Islam, no, the golden age of Arabs.
It wasn’t even that. The great thinkers, Avicenna, al-Khwarizmi, al-R?z?, were not Arabs they were Persians. A common mistake that drives the Persians and modern Iranians nuts.

February 7, 2024 8:06 am

Full marks for the Mark Knight cartoon this morning .. doona on the bed last night & bathroom heater on for shaving this morning and February is, usually, Sydney’s hottest month ..!

Black Ball
Black Ball
February 7, 2024 8:14 am

James Morrow:

Readers who already feel defeated by the new year would be well within their rights to wonder just what exactly is the prime minister’s holiday recharge secret.

When parliament resumed on Tuesday, Anthony Albanese seemed like something of a new man.

Gone (at least for now) was the sad sack Albo of old, who with his “I fight Tories” and “modest requests” always felt a little like a man auditioning for the part of Willy Loman in a community theatre production of Death of a Salesman.

Instead, the prime minister’s first Question Time performance of 2024 was all fire and brimstone, taking it right up to Peter Dutton and using every simple question (do you rule out changes to the tax treatment of the family home?) as an excuse to fling grenades at the opposition.

At one point, the prime minister got so carried away at the dispatch box that he compared Dutton to Jack Nicholson in The Shining, swinging an imaginary axe and yelling, “Here’s Peter!”

Of course, we all know why the PM is so fired up, and it’s not because of those few days he and his partner spent in the Margaret River (as refreshing a destination as that might be).

Quite simply, he thinks he’s on a winner with his revised Stage 3 tax cuts, and that the opposition’s position on the question is incoherent.

Well, up to a point.

There is no doubt the opposition looked briefly poleaxed by the new policy, allowing Team Albanese to brazen out charges that they broke a promise (who in politics doesn’t, they reason, and anyone if everyone gets a few more bucks every fortnight they’ll be forgiven).

There is also no doubt Dutton is the victim of the ghost of Liberal leaders past who put the implementation of the cuts so far into the future they were all but guaranteed to be someone else’s problem.

But watching this newly confident and downright punchy Albanese, flying the banner of empathy and fighting for essential workers, it is hard not to see the cracks already emerging.

Labor may think it is winning the politics of Stage 3 (the polls are thus far reserving judgment).

But for Albanese the fundamental problem with his transformation is that it is built on a broken promise, even if it does “give every taxpayer a tax cut”.

Not only that, if the prime minister is trying to do his best Paul Keating, well, he is doing it by winding back rather than advancing real economic reform by falling back on the politics of envy.

This is not, ultimately, solid ground from which to fight heading into an election season that is already beginning to come into focus.

This is also why the opposition was keen to hammer Labor and force the prime minister to commit one way or another to not taxing the family home and not touching negative gearing.

On the one hand, Albanese knows how much trouble Bill Shorten got into over franking credits in 2019 and does not want to repeat the mistake.

On the other, feeling like he got away first with tinkering with high value superannuation accounts and now tax cuts on the basis that it’s only “the wealthy” who lose anything, he must be very tempted to roll the dice again.

Is it out of the realm of possibility that with so much anxiety around housing, and with developers and progressives alike stoking intergenerational warfare, that Labor might one day say, well, you can have the first (say) $2 million of capital gains tax free, but after that you’re on the hook?

It is pure speculation, but this would fit the government’s pattern of saying, well, the vast majority of people will still have a win while the well off are forced to pay a bit more.

And this brings us back to where we started, to the Albo of old.

There was a flash of the Tory-fighter in Tuesday’s question time, when the prime minister fired up about the subject of aspiration, saying that (fair enough) lower paid workers could be aspirational as well.

But buried in his peroration against the Coalition was the same old jabs about the Liberals and going to “the right school”.

It need not be said, of course, that the great thing about Australia is that anyone can aspire to – and often achieve – things like an investment property and private schooling for their kids, and many of the people who do are tradies and others in suburban seats who feel like they are taken for granted by Labor.

There’s one more thing, too.

The prime minister was very keen to hammer the Coalition as being a mess, after having watched the ABC’s documentary about their years in power last week.

A newly confident Albanese should remember Nemesis is exactly what happens when you show a bit too much hubris.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 7, 2024 8:14 am

Nope, I read the digital edition. I repeat, neither the Daily Telegraph nor the Oz endlessly spruik EVs.

Maybe it’s different on a phone or a pad.

But I look at their main webpages every day and usually there are at least two headlines touting EVs. Perhaps you don’t notice, if you aren’t a car watcher or enthusiast.

Between the climate rubbish and the EV propaganda I suspect a lot of people are put off from subscribing. I certainly am. I used to buy The Australian especially on weekends. Not now. The Oz and the Tele are more and more resembling Fox News webpage, which is total tripe these days.

Cassie of Sydney
February 7, 2024 8:19 am

From the Oz..

IDF admits up to 50 hostages may have been killed

The Israeli Defence Forces have confirmed that 32 of the 136 hostages held in Gaza are dead and is assessing “unconfirmed intelligence” that another 20 captured on October 7 may also have been killed.

The deaths of more than a fifth of the remaining hostages were first reported in The New York Times, which said the families of the victims had been informed.
The figure is considerably higher than the 29 deaths Israel has publicly acknowledged.

The Wall St Journal reports that Israel l presented the estimate of 50 deaths during hostage negotiations in Cairo in recent weeks, and that estimate has played a key role in negotiations for the release of hostages, alive and dead, still being held in Gaza.

IDF spokesman Daniel Hagari confirmed the deaths and said the families of 31 hostages had been notified.

“We are working in all ways to return [the hostages] home, and exhausting all information about them and their conditions,” Rear Adm. Hagari told reporters.

“The IDF is accompanying the families of the hostages in these complex and difficult days, and our representatives are providing the families with any confirmed information on their loved ones.”

The victims include 29 hostages kidnapped on October 7, as well as soldiers Oron Shaul and Hadar Goldin, who were killed and abducted by Hamas in 2014.

“To the rest of the families, we provided the accurate information about their fates and conditions,” Adm. Hagari said.

If the figure is correct, around 80 hostages believed held by Hamas are still alive and militants are holding on to dozens of bodies of people they kidnapped. None of the dead have been returned so far.

It is now 123 days since October 7, and the International Red Cross is still yet to visit any the hostages.

According to the IRC, Jews don’t matter, be they raped, defiled, murdered and kidnapped. This should not surprise anyone because the behaviour of the IRC during World War II was no different, so the template is there. Please do not give one cent to the IRC.

Cassie of Sydney
February 7, 2024 8:21 am

Maybe it’s different on a phone or a pad.

LOL. I read the OZ digital and the Daily Telegraph digital on a laptop and/or desktop.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 7, 2024 8:21 am


Not at all surprising. Far worse than other News Corp mastheads. It’s a sewer. was loudly pushing the Trump-Epstein smear last month, even after lefty MSM outlets went quiet on it, so confected and stupid it was. The Oz and the Tele at least refused to put those stories up.

February 7, 2024 8:21 am

You’d think they, of all people, would be aware of the problems inherent in EVs.

They are undoubtedly. But they are bought and paid for.

The Australian Government is turbo-charging the rollout of electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure under the Driving the Nation Fund.

The fund will provide $39.3 million to the NRMA. The NRMA will match that amount to build 117 fast EV chargers at sites across Australia. The infrastructure will better connect towns and cities with populations of more than 10,000 people.

Cassie of Sydney
February 7, 2024 8:22 am

Oz subscriptions are soaring. And I’m happy to support it because, whilst it does have its faults, the good stuff outweighs the bad stuff.

February 7, 2024 8:22 am

The fund will provide $39.3 million to the NRMA. The NRMA will match that amount to build 117 fast EV chargers at sites across Australia. The infrastructure will better connect towns and cities with populations of more than 10,000 people.

I feel like the only kid on my block not scamming the taxpayers!

February 7, 2024 8:23 am

And in more ‘you go girl’ news:

Question: if women can do anything men can …. why don’t they?

February 7, 2024 8:24 am

The below article at the Oz is paid sponsorship and been there for weeks.
“Incentives for Aussie businesses to go EV”

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 7, 2024 8:28 am

LOL. I read the OZ digital and the Daily Telegraph digital on a laptop and/or desktop.

Sure you haven’t been gaslit by the endless propaganda? It’s pernicious. Try reading Newsmax, Breitbart, Lucianne and Instapundit. Very different flavour, and the commenters are extremely negative about News Corp sites these days, especially the commenters at Lucianne.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 7, 2024 8:30 am


Feb 7, 2024 8:24 AM

The below article at the Oz is paid sponsorship and been there for weeks.
“Incentives for Aussie businesses to go EV”

Quite so.
It’s an advert.
Not editorial spruiking.
I read the Oz on an Android, i-pad, i-pod, i-phone, tablet and desk-top.
And hard copy.
I see no EV spruiking.

February 7, 2024 8:31 am

Is anyone else gobsmacked by the stupidity level of our political masters?

My stupidity meter is off the scale.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 7, 2024 8:31 am

Pray to Titus that your hallucinations of spruiking will cease.

February 7, 2024 8:31 am

Elon Musk

If evil people are given a moral cloak that cannot be questioned, they are certain to wear it.

This is not to say that all transgender people are bad – that would be false – but rather that they should be no more above questioning than anyone else.
Ian Miles Cheong

Transgender TikTok star Rachel Queen Burton has pleaded guilty to child sex offences. When he was a man, he abused two children and later transitioned into a “woman”.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 7, 2024 8:35 am

Bourne – I am aware of that. So what? There are no normal car reviews, stories or advertising on the main page. Only the two EV ones. I’d I suspect both are paid for, they have to get money somehow. Nothing wrong with that, it’s a business. But I’m surprised they don’t push car models that people actually want to buy. You’d think the car companies would want to advertise such models to people who would be interested in them. But no it’s just endless stupid electric Gaia chariots. It gets up my nose.

Boambee John
Boambee John
February 7, 2024 8:35 am


According to the IRC, Jews don’t matter, be they raped, defiled, murdered and kidnapped. This should not surprise anyone because the behaviour of the IRC during World War II was no different, so the template is there. Please do not give one cent to the IRC.

After that smarmy Liars hack Tickner was appointed to head the Australian Red Cross, I backed off from them.

Ditto Amnesty and many other so-called “charities”.

February 7, 2024 8:35 am

Getting the impression the lettuce leaf marination has started early .. cos colour .. FFS!

And a rotten immigration system…

John H.
John H.
February 7, 2024 8:37 am

Feb 7, 2024 8:31 AM
Is anyone else gobsmacked by the stupidity level of our political masters?

My stupidity meter is off the scale.

Nope, lived too long.

“Suppose I was an idiot and a member of Congress, but I repeat myself.” Twain.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 7, 2024 8:39 am

Sancho – News corp have been doing it since September 2021, when they announced they would support Net Zero.

I see no reason to subscribe to a corporation’s news products when they are overtly pushing such evil propaganda.

February 7, 2024 8:39 am

Man who thought he had no hope loses final bit of hope he didnt know he had….

comment image%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3D82855bcb2102aab97169f5b1c0027715e29bc42a

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 7, 2024 8:42 am

You’d think the car companies would want to advertise such models to people who would be interested in them.

So it’s Mudrock’s fault that ICE vehicles don’t advertise in his publications?
And he should fill this void with free content for them?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 7, 2024 8:43 am

And in more ‘you go girl’ news

Tim Blair is right onto it:

This is Not Funny and you are Forbidden to Laugh (Blair blog, 6 Feb, not paywalled)

John H.
John H.
February 7, 2024 8:43 am

“It is concerning that Americans turn to icons like Taylor Swift, a musician, to advise them on how to vote. It further evidences that Americans are not really thinking for themselves but are under the sway of cultural and commercial influences.

Celebrities have been supporting politicians since Bernays.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 7, 2024 8:45 am

I see no reason to subscribe to a corporation’s news products when they are overtly pushing such evil propaganda.

So don’t subscribe then.
Problem solved.
Or do you want to dictate advertising content to a publication you don’t subscribe to?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 7, 2024 8:48 am

So it’s Mudrock’s fault that ICE vehicles don’t advertise in his publications?

Try looking at the Motoring section Sancho. Yes they do. Especially expensive models. But they don’t usually get prominence on the main web page. As I posted the Tele does have two normal car stories on their mainpage today, but the motoring writer had to add stupid electric car propaganda to both stories. It was interesting that neither story was paywalled. That’s a tell that they’re required ritually to do their obeisance to Gaia in case the plebs fail to get the holy message.

February 7, 2024 8:52 am

The rats are scrabbling. They’re being forced into this by the literal uprising which our media is conveniently overlooking. It further confirms that the only way to deal with these people is to stand up and say NO.

EU Commission set to scrap plan to halve pesticide use after farmer protests

Cassie of Sydney
February 7, 2024 8:54 am

For someone who piously refuses to subscribe and read News Corp publications, that someone reads a lot of News Corp stuff!

February 7, 2024 8:55 am

Given the SWATters are usually insufferable, nasty, hate filled leftists who target righties, my sympathy for a fair trial is waning.

Interesting comment below that piece about the apprehended swatter, running along the lines of “don’t expect the trial or the outcome to be extensively reported as it might highlight how ridiculous and dangerous our (the US’s) militarized police are”.

P.S. Cass – I’ve noticed pro-EV advertorials frequently being listed in the Oz’s email headlines they’ve (inexplicably) started sending me again. It is infuriating, given how blatant it is -and I will never subscribe to any newscorpse publication ever again, while they continue to publish the worthless dishonest opinions of brain damaged collectivist crackpots (BIRM).

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
February 7, 2024 8:55 am

Good morning from Tartaria.

I will note at this juncture that not once have I bought a motor vehicle, expensive or not, on the say-so of someone I don’t know who is paid to write articles designed to convince people to buy cars.

I have also yet to arrive at the conclusion that Klaus and/or the R people are pulling the strings of a global psy-op where punters are conditioned to sleepwalk into EV car yards with their wallets out.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 7, 2024 8:55 am

So don’t subscribe then.
Problem solved.

Sancho – I don’t. I suspect a lot of people don’t for the same reasons. You’ve seen the reports from Cats of what Oz comment sections are like. The newspaper often seems like it is at war with its own readers.

Well not my business if News Corp wants to go broke. I just dislike the transparent attempts to socially engineer rightwing readers. The whole never-Trump campaign that News Corp has been relentlessly pushing is another example. On the other hand such stupidity is why outlets like Newsmax are doing so well – righties fleeing Faux News.

February 7, 2024 8:59 am

Feb 7, 2024 6:42 AM
Good morning, felllow poo poo heads and retards!

I believe all the cool kids are just saying GM.

Not like you and the rest of the old Harry Highpants fogies, get with the new thing daddy-o.

February 7, 2024 9:01 am
February 7, 2024 9:02 am

Bruce of Newcastle
Feb 7, 2024 8:35 AM

But I’m surprised they don’t push car models that people actually want to buy. You’d think the car companies would want to advertise such models to people who would be interested in them. But no it’s just endless stupid electric Gaia chariots. It gets up my nose.

Toyota petrol model waiting lists are still between 3 and 15 months depending on model. They don’t need to advertise. No-one really wants an EV unless they’re a tosser. Hence the need to advertise (even though tossers seem to be a large proportion of the electorate).

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 7, 2024 9:03 am

For someone who piously refuses to subscribe and read News Corp publications, that someone reads a lot of News Corp stuff!

I look at a lot of news Cassie. One should understand all sides of politics. Very important to especially understand the left and centre-left since they’re the ones who are the totalitarians. Keeping an eye out for what enemies are doing is a life extending precaution, as I know you know. Current events have been very eye opening.

The climate stuff that News Corp is pushing is very dangerous, since the left is actively advocating for persecution of anyone who does not believe their kooky religion.

February 7, 2024 9:04 am

And now, he’s going after Disney….

Elon Musk

Please let us know if you would like to join the lawsuit against Disney
Gina Carano ?
Today is an important day for me–I am filing a lawsuit against @lucasfilm & @Disney

After my 20 years of building a career from scratch, and during the regime of former Disney CEO Bob Chapek, Lucasfilm made this statement on Twitter, terminating me from The Mandalorian: “Gina…
Show more

February 7, 2024 9:06 am

Harvard-trained nutrition expert: If I could only prioritize one food in my diet, it’d be this
Ha – I think he and the PR company may need to drop the “Harvard-trained” descriptor!

February 7, 2024 9:06 am
February 7, 2024 9:08 am

Harvard-trained nutrition expert: If I could only prioritize one food in my diet, it’d be this

Its dick isnt it?

Real Deal
Real Deal
February 7, 2024 9:12 am

The NRMA’s magazine Open Road does endlessly spruik EVs.
You’d think they, of all people, would be aware of the problems inherent in EVs.
But they’re doin’ it anyhow!

Their EV obsession consumes every editorial comment by their CEO and chairperson. Most NRMA members drive ICE cars because they cannot begin to afford EVs.

The letters are always a hoot to read. Older members usually who think we should still make hand signals when turning; roads should be made out of rubber and tyres made of concrete. Plus having triangular shaped speedometers.

February 7, 2024 9:14 am

Question: if women can do anything men can …. why don’t they?


because feminists have declared men are better at being women than women.

February 7, 2024 9:16 am

NSW – Eat Ze bugs – live in the pod – own nothing and be happy…
The controversial Pep-11 project would be killed off along with all offshore gas and mineral exploration projects in waters off New South Wales under new laws proposed by the state government.

Penny Sharpe, the NSW environment minister, on Monday announced the Minns government had listened to concerned community members and would prioritise protecting the environment.

Cassie of Sydney
February 7, 2024 9:17 am

News Corp subs are soaring, particularly for the Oz. I say good, because whilst it isn’t perfect, it’s a helluva lot better than Nine media.

It’s also why I sub to Sky.

February 7, 2024 9:19 am

The Greens should be disendorsed.

Cassie, not going to happen. What is horrendous is that now we know for sure that 10% of Australian voters are antisemites. This 10% are the Green Party members and voters. If they were not they would have already ousted both of these Faruqi and Leong.

Then of course you still have Lakemba crowd who are not limited just to the mosque suburbs. Does that bring us up to 15% of voters.

Let’s not forget all those school kids attending the Palestinian protests. I fear they represent another 5%. Does that take the total to 20% or still 15% as the protesting school kids will end up as Greens? Or does that bring the future Green vote to 15% and still antisemitic?

February 7, 2024 9:21 am

Getting the impression the lettuce leaf marination has started early .. cos colour .. FFS!

Excellent pun.

February 7, 2024 9:21 am

The NRMA’s magazine Open Road does endlessly spruik EVs.

As does the RACQ magazine

February 7, 2024 9:23 am

That green pos still seeking to delegitimise a real genocide even when apologising. FMD!

February 7, 2024 9:29 am

Penny Sharpe is more proof that nothing good comes out of Canbra.

February 7, 2024 9:29 am

Interesting comment below that piece about the apprehended swatter, running along the lines of “don’t expect the trial or the outcome to be extensively reported as it might highlight how ridiculous and dangerous our (the US’s) militarized police are”.


Oh you mean like these corn fed good ol’ boys with an APC and gunt overhang?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 7, 2024 9:32 am

Penny Sharpe, the NSW environment minister, on Monday announced the Minns government had listened to concerned community members and would prioritise protecting the environment.

Yet they want to put up bird mincing whale killers in the same location.

There was even a rally in Ncl in support of the proposal on Sunday. They’re stark staring bonkers.

February 7, 2024 9:32 am

The controversial Pep-11 project would be killed off along with all offshore gas and mineral exploration projects in waters off New South Wales under new laws proposed by the state government.

Penny Sharpe, the NSW environment minister, on Monday announced the Minns government had listened to concerned community members and would prioritise protecting the environment.

Absolutely mongery from the mongs and mongers in the mongocracy.

They’ll eventually make all jobs bar MP and political staffer illegal.

Cheap and abundant energy commodities?

Why do you want that for? Build a 5 mn home with ugly brutalist thermal mass and you can stare at a vacant ocean until you pop yer clogs, I tells yas!

February 7, 2024 9:33 am

From last thread:

Islam is treading the correct path … IMHO..

It was said seriously AFIK. So indicative of insanity.

February 7, 2024 9:35 am

Sharri is reason enough to subscribe to sky.
Janet is reason enough to subscribe to the Oz.

February 7, 2024 9:38 am


The Reptoids/Reptilians are K-selected.

The lower class cattle (humies) they abduct and turn into nullos or MAFS contestants, are up until that point, R-selected as a sub-species.

Maybe refer to them as “the Reps”, “people my estranged father David Icke told me about at rehab” or “Draconians”.

Let’s be scientific about this!

February 7, 2024 9:38 am

Go Tucker !

Just remember that any journalist or TV host criticising his interview of Putin would themselves have wanted the scoop.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 7, 2024 9:41 am

This will be interesting.

Biden to Send Troops to Stop Texas from Protecting the Southern Border (6 Feb)

Joe Biden has called out the cavalry to ride to the rescue of illegal aliens breaking into the country.

You read that right.

Joe Biden is listening to his far-left base and has nationalized a National Guard contingent to “support the federal government’s U.S.-Mexico border control efforts,” which is to say Biden’s opening up of the Southern Border to the illegal invasion.

The left has been urging President Biden to federalize National Guard troops to reopen Texas’s border where illegal immigrants have been overrunning the state. It appears Biden has begun the process of doing that by ordering the Alaska National Guard to get ready to deploy to the border in support of the federal government, not the security of the border.

Anyone have a shooting war between Texas and Alaska on their 2024 bingo card?

February 7, 2024 9:42 am

The Australian Greens is a Nazi party, and anyone who votes Greens is a Nazi sympathiser, no different to those who voted for Hitler in 1933.


John H.
John H.
February 7, 2024 9:45 am

Feb 7, 2024 9:33 AM
From last thread:

Islam is treading the correct path … IMHO..

It was said seriously AFIK. So indicative of insanity.

You aint seen nuffin yet. I recently had a conversation with a Roman Catholic who claimed that the Church and Islam can and should find common ground.

February 7, 2024 9:55 am

I just posted a comment about Red Cross that didn’t appear, so I posted it again and got a message that it was a duplicated repeat. It had this link –

February 7, 2024 9:57 am

One of the prime drivers of estate litigation was that in Victoria until recently,you were pretty well ensured that most of your legal costs would be paid out of the estate.So it was worth rolling the dice.
Another issue is that parents of a drug affected child usually spend a fortune on the kid but don’t keep accurate records.If they did a provision in the will that I have already spent $xmillion on young Freddy might deter litigation.
Even gutter crawling lawyers want to be assured of a pay day.

February 7, 2024 10:00 am

Alwaysright, I would be gobsmacked if they weren’t useless. They’re certainly on the Mutley scale of incompetence.

February 7, 2024 10:00 am

It’s an advert.
Not editorial spruiking.

Thats a distinction without a difference – the Oz has followed all the other papers by progressively (snigga) ratcheting down on conservative content/comment, and favouring all the usual suspects (klimate horreur, aboriginal voices, QWERTY, trans, Orange man bad etc….

Its why I stopped subscribing a few years back.

February 7, 2024 10:02 am

You aint seen nuffin yet. I recently had a conversation with a Roman Catholic who claimed that the Church and Islam can and should find common ground.

Constantine Dragases Palaeologus was and still is a cool guy.

February 7, 2024 10:03 am

Im claiming a new word all for myself


February 7, 2024 10:06 am

Feb 6, 2024 12:27 PM
Was only there for a few days
On my way home when i made the comment

February 7, 2024 10:06 am

Last week Sharri looked very fetching, not as in fetch me a sammich and beer but the the other. It may have been due to my wife being away but there you go.

February 7, 2024 10:08 am

JUST IN: Chile’s Former Conservative President, Sebastian Piñera, Dies in a Helicopter Crash; Sources

Let me guess … specially selected all female flight crew? #stunningandbrave

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
February 7, 2024 10:11 am

The Bolt retort: Police won’t cop ‘fanciful’ claims of flag arrest
By Noel Towell and Kishor Napier-Raman
February 7, 2024 — 5.00am

Listen to this article
5 min

Police are mad as hell, and they’re not going to take it any more. That’s right, after Chief Commissioner Shane Patton stood his ground – to say the least – after Sunday’s LGBTQ Pride March, at which activists robustly objected to police participation in the event, Victoria’s finest now have a bone to pick with Andrew Bolt, firebrand columnist with Melbourne’s US-owned tabloid, the Herald Sun.

The Bolter had quite the tale to tell late last month, in his newspaper column and on his Sky News TV show, about a chap called Frank Strazdins, who claimed a police officer arrested him in Swanston Street on Australia Day.

Strazdins’ crime? Having two small Australian flags protruding from his baseball cap, he reckons. Cue the standard outrage from Andrew.

But there was nothing standard about what happened on Tuesday. Coming off a two-week run-up, Victoria Police’s communications unit put out a lengthy statement blasting Bolt’s broadcast and column as “inaccurate”, “nonsensical” and “fanciful”.

Our favourite bit of the saga is that the police – like most Australians probably – were blissfully unaware of Bolt’s TV show and column until the Daily Mail, of all outlets, called to see if the story checked out.

The cops insist that it most certainly did not.

The police version of events is that an officer approached Strazdins as he stood in the middle of the busy thoroughfare and advised him that his attire might be provocative to the 30,000-odd Invasion Day protesters who were approaching. The officer was apparently even so kind as to advise Strazdins and his partner about the safest route to take to their stated destination, Southbank.

“It is nonsensical to suggest any police officer would threaten to arrest someone for wearing any national flag, let alone an Australian flag,” police communications director Beck Angel said.

Angel said no attempt was made to seek comment from police or fact-check Strazdins’ claims before they were broadcast and published by Bolt.

“We will not tolerate our police officers being subject to fanciful stories that have not been fact-checked. We will not cop that,” said Angel.

Nice touch, Beck.

Neither Sky News nor News Corp Australia, publisher of the Herald Sun, responded to our requests for comment. Strazdins could not be contacted for comment.

February 7, 2024 10:11 am

In “the peasants are revolting” news:

Victory for Europe’s farmers as Brussels caves on emissions targets

At this rate (assuming a Trump victory or other disruption in the US) Australia will be left like the proverbial shag on a rock.

February 7, 2024 10:11 am

It appears Biden has begun the process of doing that by ordering the Alaska National Guard to get ready to deploy to the border in support of the federal government, not the security of the border.

If ever it happened, I suspect that the Alaska NG will be met with more than just Texas NG troopers. This is just madness , yet to be expected from this old pervert in the WH. Or is it a command actually from his woke Karen wife, the insidious Jill? In any case, great call in the run up to an election.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 7, 2024 10:12 am


😀 The Bee is right on the case!

Trump Promises If Elected He Will Legalize Punching Vision Pro Wearers In The Face (6 Feb, via Instapundit)

Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
February 7, 2024 10:13 am

Feb 7, 2024 9:35 AM
Sharri is reason enough to subscribe to sky.

And Rita.

February 7, 2024 10:14 am

I recently had a conversation with a Roman Catholic who claimed that the Church and Islam can and should find common ground.

A bishop, I presume?

The Roman Catholic hierarchy has been making such inane noises for decades.

February 7, 2024 10:15 am


The Reptoids/Reptilians are K-selected.

The lower class cattle (humies) they abduct and turn into nullos or MAFS contestants, are up until that point, R-selected as a sub-species.

and on that topic (R vs K selection), may I recommend this excellent book which explains why leftists and conservatives hold the sometimes apparently contradictory idea sets that they do…..

heres a typical review:

This book explains, perfectly, why liberals don’t care about debt and borders, and why they are so desperately driven by ‘equality’. It all boils down to leftists being genetically and epigenetically hard wired (like rabbits) to view the world as dangerous, but with abundant resources, so they pursue a ‘quantity beats quality’ reproductive strategy, and fight tooth and nail to negate any advantages that the ‘quality over quantity’ strategists, the conservatives, pursue. Sadly, the conclusion to be drawn is that the west is in decline due to the ‘free resource’ illusion created by the welfare state, and that collapse is inevitable. At least it puts one in the position to understand why all great empires rise steadily over centuries, then collapse into debauchery and decay.

February 7, 2024 10:22 am

The brave black kid who stabbed the grannie in the heart was out on bail or robbery with menaces. The retard premier of qld says he won’t remove the detention as a last resort from the Youth Justice Act because it will make hardened criminals of the brave black kiddies if they are put in jail with the other blackies. So they will continue to be given bail so they can stab grannies. Of course the beaks do have discretion to ignore the last resort bullshit and they don’t so they should be nuked with the retard premier.

All the dickless LNP has to do to win the next qld election is to walk around with a photo of grannie on their t-shirts saying stabbed by the premier. Do you think they will?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 7, 2024 10:22 am

“It is nonsensical to suggest any police officer would threaten to arrest someone for wearing any national flag, let alone an Australian flag,” police communications director Beck Angel said.


Man Arrested in Liverpool For Carrying British Flag (6 Feb)

A man was arrested during a pro-Palestine protest in Liverpool for seemingly little other than the ‘crime’ of engaging in free speech and carrying a British flag in Britain.

If pommy police will do this Vicplod certainly would. After all a guy waving the Israeli flag was arrested in Sydney in similar circumstances.

John H.
John H.
February 7, 2024 10:24 am

Feb 7, 2024 10:14 AM
I recently had a conversation with a Roman Catholic who claimed that the Church and Islam can and should find common ground.

A bishop, I presume?

The Roman Catholic hierarchy has been making such inane noises for decades.

Roger you have completely confused me because I thought he was just a misinformed RC.
I can’t understand how any realistic common ground can exist. Can you help?

February 7, 2024 10:24 am

A man was arrested during a pro-Palestine protest in Liverpool for seemingly little other than the ‘crime’ of engaging in free speech and carrying a British flag in Britain.

This lunatic fringe stuff is pushed by the Scottish “Nationalist” Party.

England has to Englexit from Britain.

February 7, 2024 10:25 am

Bungonia Bee
Feb 7, 2024 7:55 AM
Carlson, known for radical conservative opinions,

Well of course since everything to the right of Marx is now radical conservatism.

Top Ender
Top Ender
February 7, 2024 10:27 am


Kiwis prove dangers of race-based division

Once you open the Pandora’s box of separatism and special rights based on race, it is a terrible task to stuff the shocking spectres that emerge back in the box.
Bitterness and division will be your constant companions. Best to learn from our neighbours across the ditch and keep as tight a lid on the box as is practically possible. New Zealand’s divided governance arrangements, and resulting uncertainty about who governs and how, now verges on plunging the country into major civil strife based on race.

The shocking divisions on display even before Tuesday’s Waitangi Day are a harbinger of the deep unhappiness now unavoidable in New Zealand race relations.
Tensions are high on New Zealand’s national holiday as protestors hit the streets of the nation’s capital.

New Zealand has its own special legal and cultural framework that entrenches, and exacerbates, its racial divisions, and we can only watch on and wish our neighbour well in trying to resolve them. What we must not do is import or replicate the legal, cultural and political schisms inherent in New Zealand but almost entirely avoidable in Australia.

As Anne Barrowclough’s analysis on the weekend explained, ever since the Treaty of Waitangi in 1840, New Zealand has had a framework of divided governance.

The English-language version of that treaty ceded complete sovereignty over the country to the Crown, but the Maori version of that treaty was said to be much more ambiguous. That uncertainty led to the adoption in the 1980s by the Waitangi Tribunal, an unelected body of assorted well-meaning lawyers and academics, of the so-called Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi.

These principles were an airy-fairy, loosy-goosy group of platitudes that apparently made the country a “partnership” between the New Zealand Crown and Maori.

There was never any definitive or precise statement of the extent of the co-governance thereby established but co-governance of some kind it clearly was.

The Waitangi Tribunal’s stated vision that the “the Crown and Maori, reconciled in the spirit of the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi/Te Tiriti o Waitangi, will be empowered to join in creating a better future for all New Zealanders” is a lovely sentiment. The reality in recent years has been bitterness. When the former government introduced ethnic priority for Maoris in the health system, it provoked disgust among doctors and non-Maoris.

The ACT and New Zealand First parties, now in coalition with the National Party, have a policy of de-Maorification, and are demanding a referendum to clarify the Waitangi principles, and a poll before the election that brought all three parties to government suggested a majority of New Zealanders support the referendum.

Thankfully, Australia is not cursed by the institutional framework that makes these issues so difficult in NZ.

The Australian legal position on sovereignty is clear and unambiguous. As settled by the High Court in Coe and other cases, the Australian Crown is the sole and exclusive sovereign in this continent. The High Court specifically stated there is no room for any form of residual sovereignty of Indigenous persons.

With the exception of eccentric corners of some of our law schools and political fringe-dwellers such as Lidia Thorpe and her “blak” sovereignty movement, nobody seriously contends otherwise. Any possibility of change to Australia’s existing sovereignty arrangements was snuffed out by the disastrous failure of the voice referendum.

Though the legal system does not support them, the “always was, always will be” activists will never give up trying to find wedges to create co-governance, different legal rights and different legal systems based on race. The treaty push, most recently aired by Greens who have little understanding of middle Australia, is the latest such Trojan Horse.

Elsewhere too, our system of equality under the law is under challenge. In British Columbia, where I’ve been for the past month, the provincial government is set on a course of sharing governance of Crown lands with First Nations.

As Bruce Pardy, a professor of law at Queen’s University, explained in the National Post last weekend, the effect of amendments to the BC Land Act will be to grant veto rights to hundreds of First Nations groups.

This change, described by some academics as a shift away from the Westminster model of governance, has its roots in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. While Australia, Canada, the US and New Zealand voted against this declaration in 2007, in 2016 Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau reversed Canada’s position.

The result, Pardy says, is that “First Nations will have a veto right over how most of BC is used. Joint management can be expected to apply to mining, hydro projects, farming, forestry, docks and communication towers, just to start. Activities at the heart of BC’s economy will be at risk”.

With the push in Australia by the Greens and other radicals within our law schools and bureaucracies to unravel our current governance system, we need to consider one fundamental question before it is too late. Do we go down a route of separatism, co-governance, divided sovereignty and different rights for different groups, or do we continue to support the principle of every person being treated equally under one system of government?

Australians demonstrated with determination at last year’s Indigenous voice referendum that they want one country with one governance system and equality under the law for all. They want rights and obligations to be based on individual characteristics not on membership of collective groups.

Positive discrimination for limited purposes and limited time periods is acceptable to many Australians so long as these discriminatory arrangements are diligently scrutinised to ensure they fulfil their purpose and last no longer than strictly necessary.

Recent decisions of the US Supreme Court winding back temporary affirmative action programs for university admission that had outlasted their purpose demonstrates this is a growing global realisation.

Not only does Australia not have a legal history or framework that mandates divided governance, it has a vibrant multicultural society with many different subgroups all of whom are entitled to respect, tolerance and support but not entrenched privilege or rights.

Equality under the law means we can still celebrate diversity and encourage people to enjoy their culture. Our Indigenous people do deserve recognition as the original occupiers of this land, and government support to help their individual circumstances. We can recognise Indigenous land rights because they reflect acceptance under Australian law of existing traditional usage and ownership of the land by Indigenous peoples.

But permanently entrenched differentiation in legal or political entitlements – by setting up separate courts, entering into treaties, or providing race-based (rather than need-based) rights and entitlements – is a recipe for entrenched unhappiness and continued division we are now seeing in New Zealand.

For every Maori demand, there is an equal and opposite reaction. The result is a constant ratcheting up of ill-feeling and division.


February 7, 2024 10:28 am

Feb 7, 2024 10:25 AM
I recently had a conversation with a Roman Catholic who claimed that the Church and Islam can and should find common ground.

Where it is possible, sure.

I would prefer the Church to first find common ground with Catholics.

February 7, 2024 10:28 am

I recently had a conversation with a Roman Catholic who claimed that the Church and Islam can and should find common ground.

Where it is possible, sure.

A starting point would be women are for breeding purposes only.

February 7, 2024 10:30 am

Feb 7, 2024 10:14 AM
I recently had a conversation with a Roman Catholic who claimed that the Church and Islam can and should find common ground.

There were 2 key data points which told me, on my last trip to the sandbox, that the West was lost, and Islam had won

1) Our padres gave us training on ‘how to respectfully treat a koran’ , should one be encountered in the course of our duties
2) I learned that NATO had a ‘gender equity adviser’ in Kabul (no duff!)

The West? Stick a fork in er, shes done!

February 7, 2024 10:30 am

I can’t understand how any realistic common ground can exist. Can you help?

I thinks Conquest’s 3rd law may apply in this instance:

‘The simplest way to explain the behavior of any bureaucratic organization is to assume that it is controlled by a cabal of its enemies.’

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 7, 2024 10:31 am

Get ’em while they’re young.

‘Woke Kindergarten’ Is Working Out About as Well As You Might Expect (6 Feb)

The Woke Kindergarten curriculum shared with schools includes “wonderings,” which pose questions for students, including, “If the United States defunded the Israeli military, how could this money be used to rebuild Palestine?”

In addition, the “woke word of the day,” including “strike,” “ceasefire” and “protest,” offers students a “language of the resistance … to introduce children to liberatory vocabulary in a way that they can easily digest, understand and most importantly, use in their critiques of the system.”

Other “wonderings” include, “If we abolished the police, what else could we do to keep the world safe?” and “If we eradicate borders, how might we build our communities to include and support neighbors from all over the world?”

These schools had some of the lowest reading and math scores in the state. But after two years of Woke Kindergarten, the scores got even worse.

Math and English scores actually hit new lows last spring “with less than 4% of students proficient in math and just under 12% at grade level in English — a decline of about 4 percentage points in each category,” according to the Chronicle.

Feature not bug I suspect. If you can’t read and can’t analyse anything you have no choice but believe what the Party tells you.

John H.
John H.
February 7, 2024 10:32 am

Feb 7, 2024 10:25 AM
I recently had a conversation with a Roman Catholic who claimed that the Church and Islam can and should find common ground.

Where it is possible, sure.

What’s the point though? Ultimately both are diametrically opposed to each other. Islam is bonkers, being tolerant of it encourages more bonkerised people.

February 7, 2024 10:33 am

Where it is possible, sure.

You really think it possible to find common ground with a religion that aggressively supports the barbarism of Oct 7th? Or even try to find common ground with that kind of evil?

Cassie of Sydney
February 7, 2024 10:34 am

And Rita.

And James McPherson.

And Liz Storer.

February 7, 2024 10:41 am

and advised him that his attire might be provocative to the 30,000-odd Invasion Day protesters who were approaching.

Any mention of what might have been implied or explicitly stated might happen if the gentleman didnt do as the officer requested?
Im sure the commish will releaser the worn footage of the interaction so I dont have to go to the trouble of accusing him of being a lying, knob gobbling sack of diseased dingoes scrotums.

Because at this stage I think hes a lying lying, knob gobbling sack of diseased dingoes scrotums.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 7, 2024 10:44 am

More EV fun.

Hertz halts plan to buy 65,000 electric cars amid EV slump (6 Feb)

The rental car giant is pausing plans to buy 65,000 electric cars from EV pioneer Polestar, according to comments made by Polestar CEO Thomas Ingenlath in an interview with The Financial Times.

This comes just weeks after Hertz said it would sell off 20,000 EVs — one-third of its electric vehicle fleet — citing high repair costs as a key reason for this.

Hertz’s estimated $3 billion agreement with up-and-coming EV maker Polestar in 2022 was seen as a major moment for electric vehicle adoption.

It came after Hertz struck a similar deal with Tesla and agreed to buy 100,000 of its EVs in 2021. That deal has also had its issues, with Elon Musk’s barrage of price cuts driving down the value of Hertz’s fleet of used Teslas.

At this rate Hertz is going to get Bud Lighted by the Left pretty soon. Not allowed to go off the reservation.

February 7, 2024 10:45 am

‘The point’ or ‘the possibility’ would depend upon the issue that presents itself.

Name one.

Cassie of Sydney
February 7, 2024 10:48 am

“We will not tolerate our police officers being subject to fanciful stories that have not been fact-checked. We will not cop that,” said Angel.

Gosh, sensitive lot, aren’t they. Pity though that the Victorian Police didn’t apply that standard to allegations against the late Cardinal George Pell. Cardinal Pell was the target of a lot of “fanciful stories that were not fact-checked”.

Here’s the truth, I don’t believe a word the Victorian Police say.

H B Bear
H B Bear
February 7, 2024 10:51 am

feelthebern at 6:23

There needs to be lots of law reform regarding estates.

Much tighter control of costs orders against the estate would be a good start. Going to be a burgeoning area of law going forward. One barrister works almost exclusively in this area and never short of briefs.

The most interesting case we ever had was a husband and wife with mutual wills. She was murdered, husband committed suicide while the cops were going over the backyard with a ground penetrating radar. The two estates sued each other for whatever cash was around. Two day trial in the Supreme Court. Don’t know what happened as I resigned and went to the UK before the judgment was handed down. If all law was like this I may not have left it.

February 7, 2024 10:52 am

Biden has begun the process of doing that by ordering the Alaska National Guard to get ready to deploy to the border in support of the federal government, not the security of the border.

Hilarious and oh so transparent. He picked the one state in the continental US that doesn’t have an illegal alien issue. Of course it doesn’t hurt that Alaska only has 3 electoral college votes so it won’t hurt the Dems too much to piss them off. In comparison, Washington DC has 3 votes as well.

Prediction: The unit musters are going to fall well short of the roster numbers at least for a few days and there are going to be ‘issues’ with getting them embarked and deployed.

Less certain prediction: There will be enough of a delay for the state(s) to go to federal court and get an injunction against being forced to participate in an illegal act until SCOTUS can rule on it.

Chances of the Dem Invasion Authorization Act passing just sank through the floor.

February 7, 2024 10:53 am

Cassie of Sydney
Feb 7, 2024 10:34 AM
And Rita.

And James McPherson.

And Liz Storer.

You beat me to it.
I will add Caleb Bond. I know he’s not de rigeur with many here, but I enjoy his sartorial splendour. I quite like a man with an excellent suit and tie collection. 😀

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
February 7, 2024 10:56 am

BoN is reason enough to subscribe to New Catallaxy! Go easy Cassie, we love you too.
You’ve seen the reports from Cats of what Oz comment sections are like.
I have first-hand experience of this, which is why I no longer subscribe to the Oz.
It’s as if they sub’d out the moderation to the kiddies at…

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
February 7, 2024 10:58 am

West Australian sheep farmers are getting much good advice on the future of the live sheep trade, from Tasmanian Independent, Andrew Wilkie.

Strike me handsome, Sandgropers, aren’t we just so lucky?

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
February 7, 2024 10:59 am

Caleb Bond is good, but some allow superficial style considerations to interfere with their perceptions.

Cassie of Sydney
February 7, 2024 11:01 am

I will add Caleb Bond

Yes, I really like Caleb.

H B Bear
H B Bear
February 7, 2024 11:02 am

Here’s the truth, I don’t believe a word the Victorian Police say.

VicPlod’s statements have always required more than than the standard grain of salt. Generally in inverse proportion to the seniority of the officer making them.

February 7, 2024 11:02 am

You aint seen nuffin yet. I recently had a conversation with a Roman Catholic who claimed that the Church and Islam can and should find common ground.


Mark Bolton
February 7, 2024 11:04 am

Name one.

To arrogate that Man can know the fullness of the Almighty.

February 7, 2024 11:05 am

I can’t understand how any realistic common ground can exist. Can you help?

If you mean doctrinal common ground, it doesn’t.

Christianity & Islam are opposed on every key doctrine, which means Theology (doctrine of God proper), Christology and Soteriology (how one is “saved”).

If you mean, “Can we set aside our differences for a week to build a new village well”, maybe.

February 7, 2024 11:05 am

Sorry dover, the Catholic Church doesn’t need to partner up with a murderous cult to promote those or any issues. Doing so would demean the Chrurch’s already precarious standing.

February 7, 2024 11:08 am

Capital punishment as a legitimate form of retribution for the most grievous offenses.

The Roman Catholic church opposes capital punishment, regarding it as “inadmissible because it is an attack on the inviolability and dignity of the person” [Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2018].

February 7, 2024 11:11 am

Bungonia Bee
Feb 7, 2024 10:59 AM
Caleb Bond is good, but some allow superficial style considerations to interfere with their perceptions.

Bung, there is nothing wrong with wanting to look at something that pleases the eye.
What I particularly like about Caleb is that he wears his own clothes. The women on Sky, unfortunately have to wear what the wardrobe department gives them. Look carefully over the next week or so. There are about four variations on the dresses the women wear, in around five different colours.
I’m glad to note that Peta seems to have put her foot down on the vile, neon yellow suit with eighties shoulder pads that she had been forced to wear at least once a week.

Strike ladies, strike for a better quality wardrobe.

February 7, 2024 11:12 am

Marriage as a relationship between the sexes.

As I recall, Australia’s Muslims were conspicuously absent from the plebiscite debate.

One Muslim leader at the time conceded it was because they didn’t want to be seen siding with their ideological foes, i.e. Christians.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 7, 2024 11:13 am

Fish tax.

Outrageous ‘Pet Tax’ Bill Introduced in Colorado House By Democrats Raises Concerns (6 Feb)

Colorado House Bill 24-1163 aims to impose a tax of up to $8.50 on every pet in the state, including invertebrates, with the tax being payable annually.

For instance, someone with 100 aquarium fish could end up paying $850 every year. And if they fail to register a designated caregiver, the cost for those 100 fish would skyrocket to $2,500 annually. Similarly, owning ten pet reptiles could result in an annual tax of $85 to $250.

The proposed “online pet animal registration system” would be overseen by the Department of Agriculture, adding another costly bureaucratic layer to the state government. Critics argue that this bill, apart from generating revenue, fails to accomplish its stated goals of connecting pets with owners during emergencies and supporting animal shelters. Instead, it would burden pet owners who may struggle to afford the registration fees and resent the government’s intrusion into their personal lives.

There you go, if your aquarium fish ever escape the government will have sufficient funding to recapture them for you.

February 7, 2024 11:15 am

The women on Sky, unfortunately have to wear what the wardrobe department gives them.


February 7, 2024 11:16 am

The Roman Catholic church opposes capital punishment, regarding it as “inadmissible because it is an attack on the inviolability and dignity of the person” [Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2018].

I thought for exceptional crimes, there was an…err, exception.

John H.
John H.
February 7, 2024 11:18 am

Feb 7, 2024 11:05 AM
I can’t understand how any realistic common ground can exist. Can you help?

If you mean doctrinal common ground, it doesn’t.

Christianity & Islam are opposed on every key doctrine, which means Theology (doctrine of God proper), Christology and Soteriology (how one is “saved”).

If you mean, “Can we set aside our differences for a week to build a new village well”, maybe.

Thanks Roger, that was my point.

February 7, 2024 11:18 am

I watched Sharri last night and, iirc, she wore a green sleeveless top. I thought at the time it detracted from the seriousness of her message.

Mark Bolton
February 7, 2024 11:20 am

Feb 7, 2024 10:59 AM

“Capital punishment as a legitimate form of retribution for the most grievous offenses.”

As a Christian I am very uncomfortable with this one. “bellum iustum” .. Once your Enemy is disarmed you have no recourse to “Self Defense” as a justification for intervening in th Life of Another Human with the express intention of extingushing that Life.

“Thou shalt not kill” doesn’t quite cover it and it isnt really the Commandment anyway.

“Thou shalt do no Murder” catches the drift better … i.e. Kill Away … when it is justifiable.

But the one that sent me spinning was a take from an American Baptist …. “Best send an unrepentant Sinner to the Lord for judgement soonest …. every Day He spend on God’s Earth leaves Him open to more Sin and the Ultimate Judgement more harsh .

In other words it is a Mercy Killing …

But what would I know ? I dont presume to know the mind of the Almighty …

inshallah ..

1 2 3 6
  1. Have a Vegan sister-in-law who shows up to family bbqs with this stuff. Demands quarantined cook plates but she’s sufferable.…

  2. Something you don’t hear about in the MSM: Afghan Migrants Face Deepening Despair as Iran Intensifies Deportations – The Diplomat Iran…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x