Who’s Afraid Of Jonathan Turley? ChatGPT, For One AI has potential to free humans from tedious mental tasks, opening up…
Who’s Afraid Of Jonathan Turley? ChatGPT, For One AI has potential to free humans from tedious mental tasks, opening up…
Today’s Tele: LATTOUF WAS THE ABC’S DEI HIRE MATTHEW BENNS 6 Feb 2025 The ABC hired fill-in radio presenter Antoinette…
Mmm I see. Hun: ABC managing director David Anderson said claims “Australia is a racist country” is based in “fact”…
Ben Garrison.
Lisa Benson.
Delta A
Feb 14, 2024 6:45 PM
I got a bit of goss from one our Aboriginal families at the old workplace.
They knew of his family (such as it was) and basically imagine the worst pisswreck setup and times by 10.
Nobody familiar with the history and the region (inc. Russia) doubted that.
It isn’t.
But you can expect some precedent setting guidance from Jurdge Lee on that score.
Specifically expect to see an end to the “Media Watch Trap” of giving people a few hours to respond, then running a “what have they got to hide” line when they don’t get back before your ridiculous deadline.
Obtaining contact details from the likes of Shiraz will probably get an airing too.
Along with the practice of feigning serious contact whilst warning people not to click on his LinkedIn profile “in case it alerts him”.
But, yes, I have no doubt that Cane Toad created a carefully constructed Chinese wall, where everything was done verbally via assistants and the lawyer was badgered to tick it all off.
Very sad, Mole.
Even sadder is that this angle – poor offender; shockin’ childhood. No x-Box – is so hackneyed that most of us skip over it in our private judgements.
Again, you have given us cause to temper our opinions with compassion.
He’ll never be able to function in the prison system. Psychologically that might destroy him. The impairment is neurologic, implying clear evidence of a damaged brain. If he hasn’t recovered from that now he never will. The vague allusions to his neurological problems suggest FASD is being concealed as it points to naughty mommy behavior.
That wouldn’t surprise me at all, John H.
Many more coming down the line, I’m afraid.
Get a load of Dana White. It’s like a Bizarro Jerry episode.
Never seen anything like it.
Somebody help out? Weren’t the Afghan witnesses paid to give evidence?
Barking Toad
Feb 14, 2024 6:35 PM
If people actually thought outside the square, they may come to realise the best way to deal with a creature who lives in a sewer pond is to ignore it. It craves feedback Its aim is to drive people off this blog with its filth and constant vitriol. Deny it that feedback and it starves. Use your brains. Do not respond directly to the thing. Talk about it – but not to it.
A reminder what quality journalism looks like,
Apparently the Feds appeared before the Senate today, possibly for a bollocking about their monitoring of recently released asylum kiddie fiddlers and murderers.
But what do I see?
Reece Kershaw delivering chapter and verse on what a search of the mushroom Beef Wellington woman’s house had turned up.
Obviously a Dorothy Dixer to divert attention from crooks on the loose.
They have learned nothing about politicians running commentary on criminal matters before the courts.
Early concerns about my granddaughter have abated but can FASD manifest later on?
Friend of ours has a student daughter who is involved in a campaign to lower the voting age to 16.There are apparently 31 countries involved in this campaign.
It will happen and we will be even more screwed
Yeah, but the old bull dyke doesn’t practices what it preaches. Constantly suggesting people gnore my comments, and subsequently does anything but ignore my comments. Just a nasty Mallee bull dyke psycho.
Pity it also never ignored Liz’s comments for 2 1/2 years of putrid abuse thrown at her. Started that again recently too.
Yeah, but the old bull dyke doesn’t practice what it preaches. Constantly suggesting people ignore my comments, and subsequently does anything but ignore my comments. Just a nasty Mallee bull dyke psycho.
Pity it also never ignored Liz’s comments for 2 1/2 years of putrid abuse thrown at her. Started that again recently too.
I bet it even shaves her ugly bull dyke face every fee days too. Filthy, nasty thing it is. Proves Satan exists.
Feb 14, 2024 7:00 PM
The Problem here is that activist judges etc will be nagged by the sociologists etc to send him back to the prison system, then he’ll get sent back to mental health institutions and so on and so on.
It’s a make work program for university graduates in the prison system. And sooner or later, everyone will be sick of the game and he’ll be out in five years. The chances of him doing it again are too high. The record of gaols as being rehabilitation institutions is full of smooth talking crims playing the system.
In the end society at large will pay the price.
Total mystery why commenters would consider this site a sewer & leave it.
Yes. I’m sick of having to continually scroll through gibberish.
Here’s the clown show. Push back is a bitch.
Yea on last one. a small lat-am country starting with “B” was bombing coca plantations when I visited quite some time ago.
Sounded legit except the plantations NOT being bombed belonged to the leaders best mate. Kinda catch-22 in how to use military infra for new purposes.
Who is the Bull Dyke?
Can we be let in on the secret?
I’m struggling to reconcile continual repeated use of this name with any intent other than to use this site as a one-way abuse forum.
JC is definitely on the turps early today.
He often posts really interesting things but then the turps kick in and for the rest of the night it’s just insane abuse of all and sundry..
Mate, get help.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Feb 14, 2024 7:15 PM
Judges urged to ignore ‘attack’ on Afghans who gave evidence of Roberts-Smith murder
BRS was literally convicted on the testimony of afghans who were most certainly members of the taliban and this was admitted by counsel for nein. Think about it: Australia’s most decorated soldier tasked with finding the murderer of 3 Australian soldiers dealing with afghan scum who were farmers by day and terrorists by night and these bastards gave evidence (sic) which was believed by the scum media and the idiot judge.
Caveat: not a professional, although I’ve learned a bit from a relative who is –
Not as far as I am aware.
Such cases are more likely mis or missed diagnosis early on.
We’ve all of us been given monikers in the imaginary world of “Catzania”. Sometimes i.e. every 5 mins we get an update on significant events in the world floating somewhere above JC’s head.
I’d say the drugs are not working and turps in short supply until dole-day.
Think about it: Australia’s most decorated soldier tasked with finding the murderer of 3 Australian soldiers dealing with afghan scum who were farmers by day and terrorists by night and these bastards gave evidence (sic) which was believed by the scum media and the idiot judge.
sums up canbra’s attitude to Australia and Australians.
More likely a symptom of the decline in professionalism in both western intelligence organisations and militaries over the past 25 or so years, itself a product of the loss of the existential threat posed by the Soviet Union, which allowed irrelevancies to creep in.
South Africa Appeals To UN-Run ‘World Court’ to Block Israel’s Military Operation Against Hamas Terrorists in Rafah
Discussion upthread about narcissistic behaviour is relevant to the sewer-dweller. It needs medical intervention. Not tomorrow, not next week but right now. The thing is seriously unwell.
Cheers Roger.
Not an expert. Unlikely to be manifest later on. IIRC there are physical attributes that point to FASD. Let me check …
Technical. Abstract will provide clues. Full text.
A review of the physical features of the fetal alcohol spectrum disorders
That’s indisputable, and has been for years.
A local farmer?
I probably know them.
And they wonder why the men and women in uniform protest in the only way they can – complete their enlistments, opt for discharge, and watch the swivel chair hussars write each other memos about why turnover is at such a level.
Sadly, much of the judiciary is made up of incompetent BA’s majoring in law who could not get a permanent job in a suburban office doing conveyancing.
They become social justice warriors in the hope of becoming relevant.
That is the state we have come to. Believing goat fcking terrorists over Australian warriors.
Below is an actual comment by JC at 4:21 today
“but also it’s my intolerance of your comments that I have issues with”.
He has issues with himself.
He is the gift that keeps on giving in terms of how to reply to him.
Just heard Vic minister D’Ambrosio on the tv. Wow they get into Hanson for being unpolished.
According to her logic 100km/h winds are something unusual… May have landed in Melbourne on Qantas flight with winds gusting to or above that, last time back in 2018. Someone is “malinformed.”
Ta last night Jock, delete AGL and insert Alinta.
Planning journey north again in a couple of weeks. Bipolar weather is something I had long forgotten about this joint…
LOL. Look at them all. Must be missing the cheat ticks like crazy.
Sad as.
She has a lazy eye on the same side as her gran. And that came after contracting meningococcal meningitis.
Apart from that all good and she is taller then other girls her age.
“Look what you made me do”
Early concerns about my granddaughter have abated but can FASD manifest later on?
Low inhibition, poor planning and lack of forward thinking can be some noticeable mental attributes, even without physical.
Unfortunately that also describes most teenagers.
It gets even better. According to the VIC premier, if VIC just goes harder on ruinables the weather will be tamed.
Assuming, for argument’s sake, that carbon is the culprit, she seems to think the atmosphere is partitioned.
If one of the defendants in the Lehrmann case is running a defence of justification under s 25 of the NSW Defamation Act, ( as I ampretty sure they are), then whether Bruce raped Brittany is a fact they have to prove. On the balance of probabilities of course , although in the light of the mystifying principles in s 140(2) of the Evidence Act, and Briginshaw). Lots of room for judicial choice here.
Both Bruce and Brittany lack a good degree of credibility ( in the sense of believability). If Lee J thinks it’s a toss-up, he could find for Bruce on the basis that the defendants have not discharged the burden of proof on them.
BUT, Lee J could find against Bruce on the basis that his lies revealed a consciousness of guilt (of having raped Brittany). (This line of argument sunk Kelli Lane’s defence.) It’s easier to run this argument in a civil case. If Lee J took this approach, Brittany’s lack of credibility is irrelevant.
In the end, the room for judicial choice leaves it open for Lee J to decide by reference to unarticulated premises.
D’Ambrosio is one of the more trashie ones. Just shows what garbage the political class is especially the abomination in Vicco. BAs should cease.
Albo oversees a useless vote on Assange.
Another do nothing sham.
For two years this government has said they were working with the US but as the Rex Patrick FOI request showed, they have done nothing.
B John
I suspect 911 was the turning point. It screwed up the place, with Bush helping to give the intel agencies more power than they knew what to do with.
I recall a piece, which I think was in Reason mag at the time, extremely critical of the establishment of the FISA courts, warning they would be abused at some point in the future. You then had the Kenyan who began to use the intel apparatus for political purposes. However, if you’re looking for the beginnings, it was the aftermath of 911 that changed things I think.
The wife not my granddaughter.
Salvatore, Iron Publican
Feb 14, 2024 8:08 PM
Bourne1879 Feb 14, 2024 8:01 PM
Below is an actual comment by JC at 4:21 today
“but also it’s my intolerance of your comments that I have issues with”.
“Look what you made me do”
Gold. Clearly demonstrates the brain isn’t functioning on all cylinders. But we know that already.
Feb 14, 2024 7:18 PM
That doesn’t work, JMH.
Any comment that can be twisted will be twisted into being an attack on him. Therefore he doesn’t start the fights – he is the victim here. MK50 left the Old cat at least 5 years ago, and is still brought up interminably.
This is a non negotiable part of his illness – he reserves the right to set rules and reality.
This is his sandpit and no one who stands up to him is safe from bullying and verbal abuse. He will not share his toys.
I bet JC was a horrible little boy in playgroup.
Alamak, stop being so corporate. You sounded like an HR boffinhead earlier babbling on about toxic masculinity. I am who I am, happy to be me and never going to change. If you don’t like lit then flip past, it’s not as though you’re a great loss either to be frank.
Bloody Hell, JC.
Put the keyboard down and step away, FFS.
JC – there is blowing smoke up someones arse- then there is setting the arse on fire..
That walkout was the second one.
Seriously people, this is like starting up a new version of #metoo. The Hurties Club.
If you don’t have anything topical to say then give it a rest and buzz off.
Not a lot of sympathy for Lasry per se, but to be forced out by that malignant piece of work Kerri Judd. In a just world she would have been sacked over the corrupt and contemptible Stalinist political prosecution of Cardinal Pell.
Did you get why he walked out? I’ve never seen anyone walkout after a licking. Unreal.
I think the bit about him curing cancer, punching Putin in the dick and making love to Selma Hyeck after she tracked him down to request it might have been a bridge too far.
What a farce.
On Tuesday – Sorry Day – Prime Minister Anthony Albanese declared his “proudest” day in politics was 16 years ago, when his mate Kevin Rudd said sorry to the “Stolen Generations”.
Yet in his next breath he announced that under him we’d taken more Aboriginal children than before.
The numbers are incredible: more than 22,000 Aboriginal children are now in out-of-home care.
They’re 10 times more likely than other children to be removed from their parents to save them from being bashed, raped, starved or neglected.
In one speech Albanese accidentally exposed the Stolen Generations myth that’s poisoned our past.
Only a fool could believe such a smug and cartoonish story – that officials who removed some Aboriginal children 30, 40 or 50 years ago were racist, cruel and genocidal, but the ones today who remove even more are just keeping them safe.
Albanese also said on Sorry Day he wanted “truth telling”, so let’s give him some.
Please get your children and grandchildren to read this, too, to arm them against the lies.
For more than 20 years I’ve watched activists, journalists and academics invent this Stolen Generations tale, while evidence kept contradicting the story – infamously put by the Human Rights Commission – that up to 100,000 Aboriginal children were stolen to make Australia white.
For instance, in 2000 the Federal Court dismissed the first big Stolen Generations test case for compensation, lodged in the Northern Territory by Peter Gunner and Lorna Cubillo.
It said that for the NT, “the evidence does not support a finding that there was any policy of removal of part-Aboriginal children such as that alleged”.
Nor had Gunner or Cubillo been stolen. Cubillo was taken to the Retta Dixon home in Darwin when she was eight years old because she’d been found in a bush ration camp with her mother and grandmother dead, her white father long gone, and a woman supposedly minding her often working instead at a station 60km away. Who leaves an eight-year-old in a bush camp, without school or proper care?
In 2000 the Federal Court dismissed the first big Stolen Generations test case for compensation, lodged in the Northern Territory by Peter Gunner and Lorna Cubillo.
In 2000 the Federal Court dismissed the first big Stolen Generations test case for compensation, lodged in the Northern Territory by Peter Gunner and Lorna Cubillo.
As for Gunner, his mother out at Utopia Station put her mark on a form agreeing for her son to be sent to Alice Springs for schooling.
It’s much the same story in the dozens of Stolen Generations cases I’ve checked.
That’s why our courts still haven’t found even one case of a child stolen just for being Aboriginal.
The NSW Supreme Court, for instance, ruled that an Aboriginal woman wanting compensation hadn’t been stolen, but given away by her mother.
Western Australia’s Supreme Court ruled that seven children also weren’t stolen, but removed for their safety.
In Victoria, a Labor-appointed Stolen Generations Taskforce could find not one truly stolen child, and admitted the state had had “no formal policy for removing children”.
But let me tell you one of the many horrible examples I’ve reported these past two decades of the harm this myth has caused.
The day prime minister Kevin Rudd said his famous sorry, a Queensland appeal court heard a case involving an Aboriginal girl betrayed by the Stolen Generations myth.
Three years earlier, when she was seven, she’d been raped in Aurukun, in Cape York.
She was found with syphilis and foetal alcohol syndrome.
Eventually white foster parents in Cairns looked after her.
One even quit work to give her more care, but two new social workers took over her case when she was 10, and reportedly told her white carers that taking her away from her culture was repeating the Stolen Generations.
So she was sent back to Aurukun for a while. And there she was pack raped again – six times by nine men and boys.
The court heard the rapists thought sex with a 10-year-old was normal.
Many of the boys seemed damaged themselves.
Most lived with grandparents because their parents couldn’t care for them.
The case is extreme but not unique.
I once challenged an academic, Robert Manne, to name even 10 children stolen just for being Aboriginal.
On his second failed attempt, he included a fatherless 12-year-old “half-caste” girl with syphilis in a black tribe, and a 13-year-old who had been found seven months’ pregnant and working for nothing on a station.
These were stolen children?
Yes, many people do now say they were stolen, but have incentives to say so.
Many states now hand “survivors” huge payouts – up to $100,000 – with few questions asked.
But I have a question.
Who does this myth really help?
LOL…Just the look on their faces makes the vid a keeper.
[My emphasis].
Fantasising about a commenter’s sexual preferences and activity seems to me to be entering disturbing territory. If the individual publicly raised the topic of their sexuality, then I withdraw my stated concern and apologise unreservedly. If not initiated by the targeted commenter, the fantasising about their supposed intimate preferences on a public forum suggests an unhealthy cognitive dysfunction that, if transferred into real life, might prompt concern for the safety of the chosen victim.
It’s not for me to judge the maturity of another’s behaviour, however, if we were all responsible individuals, we might self-monitor in order to avoid potential future problems for the blog owner (bearing in mind recent legislation).
If you feel the need to dominate others in the cyber realm to soothe deep-seated feelings of inadequacy – go for it. But the only boss of the playground here is Dover. Everyone else humbly bows to his investment in providing us this forum.
FASD (Foetal Alcohol Syndrome) is generally picked up a bit later, but certain facial characteristics are a real giveaway almost from birth.
The philtrum and upper lip are the ones we used to look for straight away. They’re not definitive, but they are a “Hmmm” trigger.
Rafiki at 8:10.
Is it not true that the balance of probabilities bar is set much higher in defamation cases involving accusations of serious criminality, as against, say, a commercial property dispute.
If that is the case, how does a truth defence have a hope in hell of getting up?
Does the defamation case require Lee to decide if rape took place?
I mean, isn’t the more salient point what Ten and the Toad did to establish the veracity of Britnah’s story before going to air?
It seems to me that there were ample opportunities to identify inconsistencies and outright lies in her story and, in fact, some did become obvious.
These were either ignored or papered over.
Along with that, the disingenuous attempt to contact Lehrmann and the deliberate planting of information in the program to identify him means that Ten are goneski.
Bolt nails it regarding so called stolen generation.
What did Lasry do to get shunted?
Excuse my ignorance of the law, but there was a criminal case and it basically folded, which should mean Brucey is presumed innocent, no? If so, how can any criminal accusation have relevance in a civil trial?
It is hard to keep score but probably
JC 0
Others 10 +
He is flapping around like the limbless Black Knight in Monty Python’s Holy Grail.
They lost focus with the end of the Soviet Union, then 9/11 gave them a new focus, but by then I suspect that many of the old Cold War people had left, satisfied that they had successfully done their duty.
The newly promoted replacements simply lacked the balance and experience to understand the ethics of the Cold War days, and lacked the experience needed to say “No” to W or O’Bummer when they wanted actions that would have gone nowhere 10 or 20 years earlier
My last said that was at Tullamarine. The only airport in Oz apart from Perth that can control aircraft in heavy fog due to Cat IIIB certification radars & infrastructure.
The airport was opened in 1970, Victoria obviously had some eceptionally smart engineers & designers at that time. Where are they now?
The 1990s in the US were the “bestest” decade of my life. The eternal peace would be with us forever. It was an incredible place to be, and everyone thought it would never end.
911 really knocked the place for a six. I can literally separate the 90s from every other decade.
I’m still waiting for the URL you were getting me.
You wouldn’t be dodging the issue would you?
Yep. You’ve suddenly found something better to talk about, haven’t you?
Dodging again.
Winston 6
JC 0
Your mate probably never claimed he managed Aristotle Onassis’ portfolio.
I wonder then, if Ari was one of the victims. 🙂
Certain “activists” of my knowledge claim to be part of the “Stolen Generation.” They get very aggro when it’s pointed out they weren’t even born, until after those removals ceased.
What about the entrapment/using an agent provocateur of or against a 13 year old autistic kid? That took a lot of class!
An inspector from NACC (the old ACLEI) making a visit is on the cards now,
“Best interests of the child”
Where have I heard that before?
MLMs can work if you are a genuine long term user of a consumer product.
I would never get involved with one.
But it should be viewed as getting discounts on something you use, not actually making money.
Just spent Valentine’s Day at the gym, and then porking all the chicks at the gym who fell in love with my awesomeness.
Oh. Wait, wait.
Wrong blog.
“I’m invincible … You’re a Loony.
Small world! My daughters man is a member of Wonwondah ;). he was due at Dadswell Bridge this morning.
A local farmer?
I probably know them.
Not quite a farmer, more a ‘Lord’ of the manor as it were 😉
I used the “fitness centre” at Del Boca Vista this morning.
10kms on the treadmill.
Only person in the place.
I got a plate gull of prawns.
Good the giant koala is ok. Coffee there is terrible though.
Beavering away doing some work on my book Cyclone Warriors – the Armed Forces in Cyclone Tracy, which is coming out in November for the 50th anniversary.
Wrote that Darwin had the longest runway in Oz, and then thought that was in 74, so maybe worth checking.
Only 5th now.
Back in the 1980’s, the Air Force held the “Pitch Black” exercises in Darwin. One of the matrons of the town rang a local radio station to complain. “Does the Air Force have to fly on Sunday? That’s when I like to watch Shakespeare’s Plays on the television.
She go little sympathy. “You go down to the airport, and look at the holes left by Japanese machine gun bullets in the walls there. That’s why the Air Force flies on Sundays.”
That’s an understatement.
“What Air Force, ours or theirs?”
“Der, ours, dummy”
“Phew, that’s alright then”
Read the Lasry thing.
Judd wasn’t happy with the decision he made in relation to the substitution of charges in relation to the boss of the man that killed the four police officers and made a complaint.
Lasry took the view that it was now impossible for him to sit on any case involving the DPP, ie all of them and that was that.
Balance of probability in civil trial?
Bit like OJ?
From what I could see, The “Lex Pistol” for all his activism & lefty spiral as a barrister, he was rather a “black letter law” type judge.
This will not have been well received by an intellectually sub-optimal ALP expecting a political court & hometown refereeing.
Is The Defender Of The Faith, aka King Charles III, any more virtuous?
My dad was left off the deployment to Tracy clean up by 5/7 RAR due to my expectant mother (not me I was already running around by then).
Amazing sights I have seen is B52’s lifting off from Darwin from Amy Johnson ave. As for the airport my first visit we embarked on stairs, my last transit quite a decent airport.
Ha, ha, ha, ha!
Back around the early 1980s/late 1970s, before Canberra was extended, some people I knew through work were having a lunch at the restaurant n Red Hill.
One of them interrupted the conversation, to tell them that a 747 was landing. It had departed Sydney, had a major problem and diverted to Canberra, using up pretty much all of the runway to land.
After repairs were made, the departure time was announced. the crowds gathered, the plane received minimum fuel to safely reach Sydney, then was towed to the absolute end of the runway, started engines, maximum power, release brakes and off she went. Successfully.
JC at 8:36.
My understanding is as follows:-
Broadly, there are two defences available for Ten and Wilko.
1. The Truth Defence. That is, establishing that the rape did take place.
2. The Public Interest defence. That is, the program was broadcast “in the course of or for the purposes of a discussion of the conduct or some person or institution that invites public criticism or discussions”.
If he had been found guilty in the criminal trial, the truth defence would be a slam dunk. However, that trial was inconclusive. Criminal trials work on “beyond reasonable doubt”, whereas a civil defamation trial only needs to be decided on the “balance of probabilities”.
They don’t apply numerical values, but let’s say “beyond reasonable doubt” is 95% and “balance of probabilities” is 55%.
However, where the defamation involves an allegation of serious criminality, I believe the bar is set higher. For illustrative purposes, say, 75% certainty.
Therefore I have difficulty seeing how Lee can possibly tick off on a truth defence in an inconclusive “he said, she said” case.
That leaves the Public Interest defence.
Ten and Toad claim this was all about “the culture in Parliament House”.
It is hard to argue that a rape allegation involving two junior woodchucks has, of itself, any public interest angle.
This defence has some credibility if the alleged rapist was referred to in vague terms, and not effectively doxxed in the broadcast.
If the Public Interest was all about “workplace safety” in Parliament House, it could have been done without saying “panties”.
Yesterday afternoon I completed my cultural homework in Sassari, visiting the fine art gallery housed in the former Jesuit seminary.
Also €6 entry, cash only, same as the archaeological museum.
Only visitor in the place, got trailed by staff a bit so so didn’t touch anything.
Most of the collection was a donation by a local 19th century captain of commerce so a big chunk of the works had no provenance and often the name of the artist was unknown.
Lots of regional as well as religious art, I always prefer Gothic and late 19th early 20th century stuff.
Was interested to see traditional costume for the locals including both veils and lower face coverings for the women, though there is no obvious Moorish influence being ruled by Aragon may have played a part, or maybe it’s just because of the practicality protecting skin of people who spend most of their time outdoors
Sancho, you are right and I wouldn’t be surprised if this case was not part of a uni law course on what not to do.
Objectively: YES.
““Look what you made me do””
The classic Wife Beater Persona.
It recently became a Grandfather. Being a mentor to the next generation usually softens a sour personality.
Perhaps though, all is not as it seems. Projection and diversion are common tactics of the bully and coward.
Until it mentioned it had become a Grandparent, I had no idea it had more than one child.
Foul language, the same slurs on replay, hiding behind another commenters’ skirts.
When said commenter stated that “she liked all the commenters that it reviled”.
That is when it magnanimously informed said commenter that “she could feel free”, to like whomever she wanted.
What a benediction!
That is the point where it became seriously deranged.
It, who had been the Knight in Shining Armour, who had, ad nauseum, brought up the fact that it, and only it, had her back, or skirt, when all others had ignored what it had pointed out so vociferously.
Unbelievably boring. The only time it is mildly amusing is when it starts to spit like the Tory Fighter.
I’d give them a guided tour of Belsen.
A few of those around.
it made me chuckle also.
To answer your question pf a couple of days ago, yes, I used a ride-on. I have a couple of acres to mow.
I use the push mower for the dog yard and the chook yard, areas where the gate is too narrow to take the ride-on through.
It’s Valentine’s Day, Pigria. Show a little love.
Back when first deciding to plunge into the Cat, as it seemed a reputable conservative type discussion blog, did anyone think that within a few years 50% of thread output would be this type of shit?
Good stuff from Danger Dan:
You can piece it all together without the aid of a MSM whore.
Happy new year! Anthony Albanese
I wouldn’t let 16 year olds vote even for their school captain.
It has certainly been a case study in legal suicide bombing.
Maybe the Ten Litigation Lawyer thought her job was to generate litigation, not resolve litigation.
Look, 25 years ago, legal beagles for media organisations were feared and their power of veto was absolute.
I remember Jill Singer at Channel Stokes executing a fainting couch flounce on air after legal pulled a report she wanted to run on Jeff Kennett.
It later transpired that the basis of the report was defamatory bullshit, but Jill was quite happy to run it and burn a pile of shareholder cash.
There are some Israeli gentlemen knocking at your door. Something about MOSSAD?
Reading this Helga Lam case.
A judge in 2024 wrote that her victims were willing participants.
They were aged 13 to 16.
One of the best channels I’ve ever discovered. When it comes to camel culls, it will rattle people. City folk watching crap on TV can piss off!
This clip is family friendly.
Shopping trip: Just before Christmas
Pauline Hanson, Malcolm Roberts and Jacinta Price are the only xunts at Canberra I would cast a vote for
One of the precious little poppets is wearing a T-shirt that says “Always Was, Always Will Be Aboriginal Land.”
I didn’t know “Palestine” had been Aboriginal land, has Bruce Pascoe been asked for comment?
Catturd ™
This is who gets your hard earned tax dollars.
He gets richer – you get poorer.
Egypt BETRAYS Hamas
My sister. A successful business woman and mother reckons Peter Dutton is super hot and cant wait to vote for him.
You experience some strange shit along the journey.
Anyone recall, George Santos? He’s the Republican, who won a NY seat and was subsequently found to be a blowhard bullshit artist and subsequently expelled from Congress. Because of their piousness the GOP lost the seat last night to a Demon.
Meanwhile, the far more crooked democrat senator from NJ, Robert Menendez, remains in the senate despite a mountain of indictments against himself and his wife for taking bribes and payments even in gold.
dover … isnt it time?
11.19 pm.
Being a broad church, we have one of those.
What happened to the Musk Zuckerberg fight?
Musk won.
If you use Meta, you’re a cuck, beta, etc.
more footage of Gazans moving north from Rafah, along the coast.
With a knockout? Where’s the video?
Older article (2022)
I keep on saying it’s a scam and smells like a scamola:
More recently (2023):
Pretty soon the age for criminal responsibility will be higher than the voting age
If this is any indication, 24 is over bar the shout.
Obvious questions – What other countries have no right to exist, and what are you doing to dissolve them?
Dear lord Russell Broadbent is an Eeyore c#@t. Totally insufferable.
Only the GOP would be stupid enough to split and allow one of their own to be thrown to the wolves when doing so would make their razor-thin margin in the HoR even more precarious.
Learn to take it like a man.
You pair of trolls dish it out with gay abandon, suck it up.
Get back to us when I’ve;
a) posted the same stuff 50 times on one page – not a once-off.
b) got stuck into someone other than the sites two biggest trolls.
c) have called a female “Butch Swamp Donkey” (or worse) 35 times on the one page.
d) in fact, when I’ve called a female any hideous name.
That’s one of the differences between you & the manner in which I was raised.
Growacet, you peckersniffer.
Game on! … repeat clip.
I envisage his daughter in future years joining in. Camels are out of control in this country. I had no idea how bad it was. It is cost prohibitive for him to process the meat. A bloke from Albany comes up for his pet food business and does his best.
Millions to deal with. Many people from around the world want to join in. Insurance is a problem for Jack.
Military should be chiming in.
Outback Camel Control Part 3: Epic Showdown in the Heat!
Jack is not HUNTING. He is culling. Those South Africans in the comment section can f*ck off. Dic*heads!
Johannes Leak.
Mark Knight.
Mark Knight #2.
Brett Lethbridge.
Michael Ramirez.
A.F. Branco.
Matt Margolis.
Al Goodwyn.
Steve Kelley.
Gary Varvel.
Tom Stiglich.
Henry Payne.
Lisa Benson.
Ben Garrison.
Thanks again Tom. Leak brilliant as usual and Knight #1 very good.
Thanks, Tom. One of Leak’s finest.
I wouldn’t piss on the joint if it was on fire. Overpriced crap.
tried Cicerello’s in Fremantle the No 1 FISH & CHIPS in WESTERN Australia with a BRITISH EXPAT!
How dare you speak of the presidents senility!
Steve trickler
Feb 15, 2024 6:39 AM
I wouldn’t piss on the joint if it was on fire. Overpriced crap.
tried Cicerello’s in Fremantle the No 1 FISH & CHIPS in WESTERN Australia with a BRITISH EXPAT!
The best fish and chips in Sydney, IMHO, are in fish and chip shops run by Greek Families.
Kamala Harris is ready to serve.
Yeah, but have you tried their free range camel burgers?
Lacepede Seafood on the jetty Kingston SA
I’ve had some good fish and chips in my travels but you won’t find fresher or much better cooked.
Porto Torres.
By bus because trains are infrequent, €1.90 each way.
Pretty quiet, it’s a ferry port, to the mainland, Corsica or Barcelona if you feel inclined.
I visited the Roman Baths and the archaeological museum. The baths was a guided tour with a lady who spent a year living in Fawkner. You get to walk through the complex, it’s not bad. The front was built over a domestic ehat apparently was built over another domestic, the top one has some very nice, about complete mosaics. There are actually three sets of baths in the complex but one is separated by the train terminus, apparently they dynamited a second of ruins to build it. Plenty more where they came from.
I was also directed to the Roman bridge, only closed to general traffic in the 1980s, recently the modern surface was removed and the Roman stones exposed, looks a bit sad and neglected, a bridge to nowhere now but it had to be walked on.
Porto Torres has a string of islands running right, it’s rather
gorgeous. Definitely worth a day trip, if you’re in the area.
Domus, not domestic!
Were the reports of Loy Yang A going offline prior to the storms accurate, or just a furphy?
A bit of encouraging news:
The Super Bowl Shows A Way Forward (14 Feb)
More discussion at the link about the receding tide of woke, which seems to be driven by a grass roots revolt. Bud Light gets mentioned, slightly amusingly. They’re trying very hard to undo the disaster they brought upon themselves, and such examples are scaring the other corporates away from woke in what almost seems to be a stampede.
Many other problems are being caused by the green-progressive Left but it is nice to see at least some of this stupid stuff is losing traction. I hope.
Hamsters have slowed down for Lent.
Peta Credlin from the Oz.
In a time of reducing enlistment, the poms are going to force their sailors to undertake AGW classes.
Bruce O’Nuke:
And yet Bud lite haven’t sacked the entire marketing department which is obviously riddled with woke cancer. Unlike Red Bull who got a clean out that would have made a gastroenterologist about to perform a colonoscopy, ecstatic with delight.
What energy security?
Listened to an interesting YouTube stream*. Bud Light sensitised people to DEI. Then the FAA wanting DEI, and an airline being “open to” deaf & blind aircrew (not sure if cabin staff or the front of the bus) has been the “oh f***, this bullshit could get us killed”. Prior to that it was “oh it’s just the entertainment industry / schools/ college, that doesn’t affect me”. The Gina Carano lawsuit against Disney/LucasFilm** has also shown how DEI can easily affect them and theirs.
* Lying awake with gout, and the side effects of Colgout, so switched on autoplay and all sorts of random stuff feeds through, listened to an interesting discussion on tanks, a Midway podcast I hadn’t seen before, wood turning and joinery and trains.
** Most of the media have missed that its not a defamation claim, but a claim under California’s Labour Laws using provisions that were originally added to protect gay activists from being fired.
Gough, Keating, TLS ano now Elbow. Giving us that sick feeling in the stomach as you wonder how much damage they will do, prior to being thrown out of office.
Albanese has brought home the saying “they’ve stopped listening”. I certainly don’t bother to listen whenever Sky crosses to his latest presser or speech to parliament.
On a slightly different tack, from Peta’s article: After all, he (Giles) and Home Affairs Minister Clare O’Neil said in the parliament they would leave no stone unturned to protect the community.
Reminds me of the comment made by Churchill after visiting Bletchley Park, the codebreaker HQ during WW2.
Noting the number of odd bods working there, he said to the boss “I know I told you to leave no stone unturned when recruiting, but I didn’t expect you to take me literally”.
Labor’s parliamentary positions are full of characters who hit the top of their game as union reps. To make matters worse they are interlocked policy-wise with the Greens and Teals.
We no longer have enough of the media who want to keep the bastards honest, and this is why we have so many stupid policies in place. As I’m fond of saying, we are governed by idiots and ideologues. The Victorian energy fiasco is the first in a series – closing coal-fired power without proper alternatives will probably continue, and we will all be experiencing blackouts before long.
The Loy Yang shutdown was caused by transmission line failure.
The big 500kv lines are all double acting circuit and each transmission tower is a point of failure that results in a cascading failures if one is damaged.
AEMO intends to have the whole east coast strung with a potential multi-point failure grid. The batteries that are claimed to be storage are in fact circuit break protection at junctions of the line when the system trips because line failure.
You’re being bullshitted at a high level.
10 000+ kms is their latest estimate.
I’m sure someone here can tell us how many towers that requires.
Contacts to be given to the lowest bidders, presumably.
Victoria recorded a net decrease of 7,606 businesses during the 2022-23 financial year.
Government fees and regulations are major costs of doing business in the state, but the Australian Industry Group warns even large companies are feeling the pinch of power costs.
Queensland experienced the largest net increase in businesses – 11,031.
Figures from ABS.
Elbow is waltzing around in his prime ministership only interested in himself and lapping up the limelight . As all his ministers a classic example of the Peter Principle except they reached their level of competency way back in union days
Feb 15, 2024 8:14 AM
You have my sympathy Diogenes about the gout. The pain is described as ‘exquisite’ but I reckon it’s worse than that.
I’ve been to a specialist doc and he put me on – I kid you not – and I’m not one for quack remedies – but Vitamin C 500mg twice daily. My urate levels are back to normal range and I’ve not had a gout episode for over a month. Apparently the excess dose of Vitamin C binds with the Uric acid and is excreted in your urine.
Worth a try.
The trickle before the flood.
Australia’s comical power grid was deliberately designed by hippies and political radicals to take our living standards back to the agrarian economy of the 19th century.
What did you expect from our ruling class, which has the intellect of a three-year-old girl?
America’s dysfunctional overclass
Johnny Rotten
Feb 15, 2024 7:33 AM
Steve trickler
Feb 15, 2024 6:39 AM
I wouldn’t piss on the joint if it was on fire. Overpriced crap.
tried Cicerello’s in Fremantle the No 1 FISH & CHIPS in WESTERN Australia with a BRITISH EXPAT!
The best fish and chips in Sydney, IMHO, are in fish and chip shops run by Greek Families.
That I can believe. I will not pay $47 for a serving in Kings Park.
It’s a effin joke … yet people do.
Let’s hope he sticks to it.
Speaker Johnson Shuts Down Senate Bill, Blasts Biden in Fiery Presser: “A Man Too Incapable of Being Held Accountable For Mishandling Classified Information is Certainly Unfit for the Oval Office
Sadly, Tom Johnson is right!
Like the aluminium in one of our naval vessels that was sourced from China, was substandard despite the certificates, and had to be carved out of the ship and replaced.
That one should have been a hanging offence.
New Report Says Obama CIA Worked With International Spy Agencies to Get Trump
I should clarify the 47 bucks includes a freshly squeezed orange juice and a coffee.
For some reason called Kingston SE SA.
If we are anywhere within coo-ee we go to Robe for crayfish.
Ukr Collapse: Avdeyevka Defence Breaks, Troops Flee, Rus Missle Strikes, Syrsky Admits Rus Advances
THIS is the scariest thing about EV batteries (it’s not fire) | MGUY Australia
Ace has more on the auto-impeachment features
written into the bill to make it Trump-proof.
Sounds terrible. Are all English people like the ones in the documentary, Coronation Street?
Marles and Giles prahvart skool lefties. Loathsome, spoilt, entitled rubbish.
Citizen Free Press
Victor Davis Hanson sounds the alarm:
“Brace yourself for what is coming in 2024.”
Robe crays
Same here Sancho. BiL had a licence at one stage and I’ve been out hauling up pots. Like yabbying with sharks instead of leeches.
It’s complete BS. Trump has nothing to worry about.
There is another Kingston. On the Murray.
Feb 15, 2024 9:02 AM
tried Cicerello’s in Fremantle the No 1 FISH & CHIPS in WESTERN Australia with a BRITISH EXPAT!
Sounds terrible. Are all English people like the ones in the documentary, Coronation Street?
He’s full of sh*t Dot. Many a business would sh*t over the joint including my local. Basically $50 for a puny fillet of fish, chips and drinks.
Freo is for f-wits. A decaying sh*thole.
Better tell Rand Paul.
Thanks Tom for the Toons – Leak on fire again.