Open Thread – Weekend 17 Feb 2024

Pond in an Old Park, Ivan Shishkin, 1897

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February 17, 2024 5:54 pm


It’s valid in the scenario I bring up because there is basically an element of hazing and continually increasing standards the industry elders were never held to (as well as ignoring more rigorous qualifications they often are too incompetent to hold) and the purpose is to destroy competition and make a claim on the labour of others as well.

February 17, 2024 5:55 pm

One legged caravaning lady pirates are fair game though!.

February 17, 2024 5:56 pm

Lavrov is badass and cool as. He doesn’t take shit from Veronica Nuland or anything of its ilk.

February 17, 2024 5:57 pm

I want calli to come back
Indeed! Also Cassie of Sydney

Err, Cats, apparently they’ve* stormed out and are now on a work to rule campaign.

They may not be back any time soon unless we incessantly insist they do so.

There is a toxic womanage posting at CL’s and the furniture store who lays into them at every available opportunity, with a special focus on Cassie, given the former knows the latter.

Now, I’m not really into this “Days of our Lives” sort of stuff, but again, this is not right.


*One of them told me last night

February 17, 2024 5:58 pm

Fair enough, Dot.

February 17, 2024 5:58 pm


Listened to this bint after the power fiasco here. Is she a full quid? Really?

Most likely a hard left ideologue (a very well paid one who doesn’t live in her electorate). Stupid or evil or both?

February 17, 2024 5:59 pm

Calli and Cassie are great contributors. I hope they choose to return.

February 17, 2024 6:00 pm

There is a toxic womanage posting at CL’s and the furniture store who lays into them at every available opportunity, with a special focus on Cassie, given the former knows the latter.

Too much drama.

There’s enough drama in navigating Wix’s dumb AI and the scamminess of Bluehosting or Hostinger.

February 17, 2024 6:00 pm

Hint – there won’t be much “stored” energy anywhere in the system.

Reading between the lines in the supergrid blueprint suggests quite a bit of anxiety about that on the part of the boffins and rightly so. It’s very much a blueprint tailored to meet political measurements rather than reality.

February 17, 2024 6:02 pm

Chernobyl Wolves Develop Cancer Resilience: Study (11 Feb)

And not only wolves. Many years ago I read an article on the complete restoration of natural life near, and around, Chernobyl.

H B Bear
H B Bear
February 17, 2024 6:03 pm

Whatever you think of Keating’s superannuation scheme (not much in my case), the imperative was ostensibly the demographic bulge of the boomers. The issue ain’t self funded retirees with their Landcruisers and caravans. They maze of Regs etc is to try and control the costs of the whole thing.

February 17, 2024 6:05 pm

Yeah, apart from head prefect who identifies as a buxom, albino lass with green eyes and silver hair and pointed ears there are now no females at the site.

Hey Cohenite! Some of us ladies are still very much here!

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 17, 2024 6:06 pm

One legged caravaning lady pirates are fair game though!.

How about 8 legged ones?

New species of pirate spiders discovered on South Atlantic island (, 16 Feb)

It’s where Napoleon ended up, so he had excellent company. Arrr.

February 17, 2024 6:06 pm

I’ve seen Jeremy Wade fish for Wels’ catfish at Chernobyl and catch Xander (basically, a bigger cousin of Redfin [European Perch]).

It can’t be that bad anymore.

February 17, 2024 6:08 pm

Hey Cohenite! Some of us ladies are still very much here!

Yes, Vicki, but you’re capable of rationality and thought, so you’re counted as an honorary bloke.

February 17, 2024 6:08 pm

Hey Cohenite! Some of us ladies are still very much here!


H B Bear
H B Bear
February 17, 2024 6:10 pm

What limited hydro capacity Australia has is largely used for peaking and profit maximising trading purposes. If the country was serious about hydro we would be building more dams but Hawke, Bob Brown and others have killed that off for the foreseeable future.

February 17, 2024 6:10 pm

And I want calli to come back. I have the impression she was upset by Lizzie calling her a coward for not joining in the anti-anti- semitism hysteria

I doubt if the very sensible women on this site would take Lizzie’s accusation seriously.

I myself advised Lizzie to “let go” of this feud, as there is “no joy in it”. Lizzie’s suggestion of cowardice for not springing to her aid & prolonging a scrap which is very particular to two women speaks for itself in its unfairness. It was very ill advised, but I don’t think it would have driven other women away. They are much too solid to take this accusation seriously.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
February 17, 2024 6:12 pm

Max 43 Tomorrow.


February 17, 2024 6:14 pm

Feb 17, 2024 5:37 PM
And I want calli to come back.

So do I. Calli’s is a very generous and fair minded person whose comments I looked forward to reading.

Boambee John
Boambee John
February 17, 2024 6:14 pm

Feb 17, 2024 5:49 PM
You have a remarkably insouciant attitude to overt breaches of UNCLOS, but it is not that different to your attitude to the Houthi attacks in the Gulf of Aden/Bab el Mandeb.

I’m being realistic. They won’t prevent innocent passage onthe SC sea as they depend upon maritime trade.

China will break the Law of the Sea for commercial advantage (resource access) but will obey it in all other aspects? Similarly for all other international law?

Given China’s willingness to do “whatever it takes”, might I say that you have taken a courageous position?

Winston Smith
February 17, 2024 6:15 pm


Feb 17, 2024 5:09 PM
Iron ore carriers from West Australia, Japanese imports to WA?

If the Chinese were actually blockading commercial transits across the SC Sea, they could simply use the Makassar Strait and east seaboard of the Philippines to get to and from Japan.

That would be a casus belli and the RAN would send a stern message to China.
And some kayaks.
Don’t forget our Stealth Kayak Wunder Waffen.

February 17, 2024 6:15 pm

Suspect there are other poison pen related issues.
I’m sorry Calli is absent too.

February 17, 2024 6:15 pm

From the OOT:

Does Australia trade through the South China Sea? Does Australia trade through other restricted waters?

Yes, and yes.

If & when ships owned/leased to Australian companies are impeded, shareholders in those companies can decide whether they pay for protection.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 17, 2024 6:16 pm

It can’t be that bad anymore.

A Russian soldier did die of radiation exposure, and many others had severe radiation sickness. They occupied the Chernobyl reactor site right at the start of the war, and the mistake made was they dug in and slept in their trenches. It’s what you’re taught to do in infantry training.

The surface soil had been fairly detoxed by years of rainfall, but under the surface there were still a lot of radioactive nasties.

February 17, 2024 6:16 pm

Well I did my bit for the environment today.

Spent $70 at Rebel Sport and they don’t even offer you a bag.

February 17, 2024 6:17 pm

If the Switkowski report had been implemented we’d have had our first nuclear power plant in 2016.

February 17, 2024 6:17 pm

Chernobyl Wolves Develop Cancer Resilience: Study (11 Feb)

I have cancer resilience from drinking lots of cans of VB and smoking Winfielld Blue rollies.t I is true.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
February 17, 2024 6:18 pm

Why have certain women left this joint?

No harm in telling people to f*ck off.

February 17, 2024 6:19 pm

Feb 17, 2024 5:47 PM
And I want calli to come back.

Iirc, calli mentioned going on a cruise in the South Pacific (Vanuatu?).

I hope she’ll return after that as I’m missing her presence too.

Ah yes, I remember now. Hope she is having a wonderful cruise and comes back with lots of things to impart.

February 17, 2024 6:19 pm

The brown turd- a meja anti-hero of the 70s and 80s.

February 17, 2024 6:20 pm

I doubt if the very sensible women on this site would take Lizzie’s accusation seriously.

I expect you’re right, Vicki. I had no other explanation, but it didn’t seem very plausible. Calli is much too sensible to leave for that kind of silliness.

February 17, 2024 6:21 pm

Also disagree that Australian were wholeheartedly in support of entry into WWII, the conscription referendum was defeated and there wouldn’t have been a white feather campaign if young men were all rushing to enlist.
Daniel Mannix also springs to mind.
My family contributed two dead, one TPI (gassed twice). Glad neither of my grandfathers, good decent hardworking farmers, and committed Christians chose to enlist.

February 17, 2024 6:21 pm

Feb 17, 2024 5:50 PM
I can live with Lizzie going, but I really miss calli.

Yeah, apart from head prefect who identifies as a buxom, albino lass with green eyes and silver hair and pointed ears there are now no females at the site. What Happened? I’ve been busy the last week so what did I miss?

Ahem, Pogria and I are still here. I cruises for us, well not yet anyway.

February 17, 2024 6:22 pm

And Rosie of course, who checks in daily.

February 17, 2024 6:24 pm

I recall Doogue’s contempt for Tasmanian blue collar workers on Nationwide was palpable. That vile wimmin treated use to monologue about the ‘moonscape’ coming into Queenstown. The ABC has hated productive people for many years. I also recall their attempted hatched job on Alcoa in WA.

February 17, 2024 6:25 pm

this week in culture there is a segment on some douche who is using crystals, AI and meditation to manifest his dream womanage

Oh, FFS, does it need to get beyond this?

I don’t think so. 🙂

February 17, 2024 6:25 pm

Glad neither of my grandfathers, good decent hardworking farmers, and committed Christians chose to enlist.

I believe the pressure to enlist was intense too.

February 17, 2024 6:27 pm

In Alice Springs again for several days and a variety of purposes, including but not limited to smallgoodsery.

KD, are you trying a Kramer/Newman style recycling scam?
Driving a mail van back to Darwin full of Emu Lager empties?

Winston Smith
February 17, 2024 6:29 pm


Feb 17, 2024 5:37 PM
And I want calli to come back. I have the impression she was upset by Lizzie calling her a coward for not joining in the anti-anti- semitism hysteria, when calli’s position was entirely clear and sane. Lizzie has gone to CL’s site and has also vanished from this one. I can live with Lizzie going, but I really miss calli. A very sensible and lucid person who improved this site.

I thought she must have been crook or something, and I was waiting for a “I’m not dead yet!” video to emerge.

A very sensible and lucid person who improved this site*.

*Multiple ginormous amount of upticks.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
February 17, 2024 6:30 pm

If you go holidays, why even post here. I still can’t figure that out unless you do a vlog.

Opinions will vary.

February 17, 2024 6:32 pm

Cassie & Calli are missed.
Both add to the Cat.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
February 17, 2024 6:33 pm

My family contributed two dead, one TPI (gassed twice).

My family paid a similar price – the T.P.I. (gassed) never recovered his health, spent the years until his death in 1941 in and out of hospitals, and was so disgusted at his treatment that he returned his medals in protest.

February 17, 2024 6:33 pm

I myself advised Lizzie to “let go” of this feud, as “there is no joy in it”

Onya, Vicki, although your quote above does have some Stalinist overtones*.

Bloody women. Talk about drama Queens.

*Hint – the six words above in scare quotes.

February 17, 2024 6:35 pm

Overnight ferry Cagliara to Palermo tonight. €64* for a cabin.
They only run once a week, at this time of year anyhow.
All the others are more frequent, Bonifacio to Santa Teresa Gallura four times a day, even in winter, but then there is a lot of commercial traffic.
My viewing of the Melis exhibition included an overview of Italy’s North African adventures in the late 19th and early 20th century. Nervous about French and German escapades they sacrificed a lot of blood to be all finished in 1943.
One of the Melis’s worked at an Islamic art institution in Tripoli between the wars
*non resident’s price

February 17, 2024 6:37 pm

Bloody women. Talk about drama Queens.

Yes moldy dildoes and perky tits.

February 17, 2024 6:37 pm

During WWI, Australia should have told Europe to jam it.
Would have been a great opportunity to sever the ties then.

The winner needed Australia’s resources more than Australia needed them.
If Germany wanted to bully Australia, good luck.
A population of 3mill Australians back in 1918 would have made life hell for a Germany trying to occupy the place.
That was back when Oz was full of hardy types not professional managerial class like we saw during COVID.
A blockade?
Good luck with that too.

February 17, 2024 6:38 pm

If you don’t work or ever do anything other than watch internet videos, why even post here?

February 17, 2024 6:41 pm

The idea of the British navy surrendering to the Hun is also questionable.
How many would have sailed straight the US & looked to participate in “round 2”.

February 17, 2024 6:41 pm

The Soviet Union was an abomination among nations.

This awesome ditty just got it all very wrong – although the Ronny Raygun excerpts are somewhat reassuring. For when you stridently demand that certain walls not be torn down.

Fittingly, it was released in 1984.

We have always been at war with (insert relevant power heer) … 😕

Winston Smith
February 17, 2024 6:41 pm

Bruce of Newcastle

Feb 17, 2024 5:54 PM
On such exposures there was an article this week which I didn’t bother to mention, about the wolves of Chernobyl.
Chernobyl Wolves Develop Cancer Resilience: Study (11 Feb)

Which reminds me of the Taiwanese apartment blocks that was built with steel contaminated with Cobalt 60.
Those in the most affected area, had a markedly reduced incidence of cancer.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
February 17, 2024 6:41 pm

Second group of asylum seekers found on property near Beagle Bay in northern Western Australia

By paige taylor
Indigenous Affairs Correspondent, WA Bureau Chief
5:31PM February 17, 2024

A second group of asylum seekers has turned up at a remote outstation north of the Aboriginal community of Beagle Bay where a group of about 30 men was taken into custody by border force authorities on Friday, prompting concerns that more than one asylum boat has landed in the area in recent days and that some arrivals may still be missing or lost.

The undetected group of 13 men walked into the campsite of Pender Bay on Western Australia’s remote Dampier Peninsula shortly before 5pm on Friday. They were bailed up by the owners’ dogs. Pender Bay is about 51km by road north of Beagle Bay where the first group was given shade and water by locals at about 10am on Friday. The second group spent two hours at the camp with its Aboriginal occupants, who tried to calm them and assure them they were safe. WA Police arrived late in the afternoon.

Like the men found earlier near the old church mission of Beagle Bay, the second group of asylum seekers had cuts and other injuries from scrambling on rocks and walking in mangroves. An Aboriginal man at the camp tended to their wounds and encouraged the men not to go back into the bush, The Australian has learned.

The Australian has confirmed the second group comprised 12 Bangladeshi men and one Indian man. This second group has not been acknowledged publicly by the Australian Border Force, WA Police or the Prime Minsiter. They appeared to have no knowledge of the asylum seekers at Beagle Bay who had been picked up earlier in the day. This has prompted concerns inside Border Force that there may have been more than one asylum boat arrival on the Dampier Peninsula in recent days.

The group of 13 was shown news reports on an iPhone of the group already at Beagle Bay and seemed surprised, The Australian has been told.

They told WA Police they were trying to get to Sydney.

Australian Border Force and WA Police did not provide information when The Australian asked on Friday night if any asylum seekers were believed to be unaccounted for in the areas.

However, The Australian has been told the Border Force operation on the peninsula is ongoing.

The first group of men detected on Friday – the men taken into Beagle Bay in the morning – were Pakistani and Bangladeshi, according to one man in the group who spoke a little English.

The recent deliveries of asylum seekers to the Australian mainland is a concerning development for the Albanese government.

In previous years, smuggling ventures sailed deliberately towards Australian Navy or Border Force vessels or aimed for Christmas Island or Ashmore Reef where they knew they would be intercepted. Australian authorities burned the smuggling boat and took the asylum seekers into detention where they either made claims for asylum or were identified as crew and prosecuted. If the crew were clearly minors, they were usually sent home to Indonesia.

However, in November a people smuggling venture dropped a group of asylum seekers including Pakistanis at a remote stretch of Kimberley coast between Derby and Kununurra and the boat vanished undetected. The arrivals presented themselves at the Truscott air base.

Border Force authorities suspect ventures have become more sophisticated as it has become obvious that people intercepted at sea are swiftly returned to their country of origin. Some do not even make landfall and are taken home to Sri Lanka, Indonesia or Vietnam on ABF vessels.

The group that arrived at Truscott Air Base in November was on the mainland for several days then flown to Nauru.

Police are investigating signs on the Dampier Peninsula of the recent arrivals. They are trying to confirm beyond doubt that everyone is accounted for. So far, they have found plastic bags of clothes near a possible landing site and food wrappers.

This includes opened and emptied packets of Beng Beng, a crispy wafer snack popular in Indonesia and Date Crown dates distributed from the United Arab Emirates.

The arrivals on the Dampier Peninsula are at least the 11th people smuggling venture to sail close to or inside Australian waters since May 2022, the month the Albansese government was elected.

February 17, 2024 6:42 pm
Steve trickler
Steve trickler
February 17, 2024 6:46 pm

I can find a tone of people online with good travel adventures. That jabbed up pin cushion ( Rosie ) is not one if them.

5 shots, d*ckhead!

February 17, 2024 6:47 pm

I miss notafan.

February 17, 2024 6:48 pm

Going to post the full Hersh substack on the SEALS.
Get the scrolling finger ready for those not interested.

February 17, 2024 6:48 pm

Oh look, they’ve remembered Assange.

Australian Parliament Calls On U.K. To Free Assange!

February 17, 2024 6:48 pm

Posting the full Hersh substack.

What really happened in the Gulf of Aden

This is a painful story for the families of three Navy SEALs. Two of the SEALs were lost at sea and a third was critically injured on a mission on January 11 in the Gulf of Aden between Yemen and Somalia. It was a mission that never should have been ordered, and when everything went wrong, it was covered up with a series of lies.

Why report a story about two deaths and an injury when there is a president who has put America indirectly into wars in Ukraine, Israel, Yemen, and elsewhere in the Middle East? I have learned in six decades of chasing down hidden stories that it is delving into the little lies that reveals much about the bigger lies. So it has been in the past month with the story of the dead and injured SEALs.

Their target was a wooden smuggling vessel, operated by Somalis, that was suspected of delivering modern ballistic missiles or missile parts to America’s new enemy: the Houthis of Yemen. Somalis have been smuggling goods through the Red Sea and Indian Ocean in their wooden sailing vessels, known as dhows, since biblical times. Few have motors or any means of electronic communication, and the larger dhows, like the one targeted by the SEALs, often serve as living quarters for the smugglers’ families.

The SEALs were assigned to a ship named the Lewis B. Puller, after a fabled combat general, the most decorated marine of all time, who fought in World War II against the Japanese, as well as in Haiti, in Central America, and in the Korean War. The ship, modeled on an oil tanker, is what the Navy calls an Expeditionary Mobile Base, which means that it is capable, with its landing decks, of supporting a vast number of air and sea military activities from all the services, including those of the Navy SEALs. The Puller was commissioned in 2017 in a port in Bahrain and was not much in the news until it became known that the failed SEAL mission took place.

On January 13, the New York Times, citing two current and two former Pentagon officials, published the first account of the two deaths, which were said to have taken place while the SEALs were attempting to board a dhow at night.

The sea was rough, and one SEAL slipped off the boarding ladder. The initial report claimed that a second SEAL jumped into the water in an effort to save his colleague and both drowned. It was not clear whether he was also on the ladder or jumped from the inflatable speedboat known as a RHIB, for rigid hulled inflatable boat, that the SEALs used to approach the ship. A January 22 Times article about the incident, by Dave Philipps, known for his excellent sources in the special operations community, revealed that a third SEAL attempted to climb the ladder to board the dhow. He fell during the attempted boarding and struck the speedboat. He was rescued and today remains in critical condition.

Philipps quoted a former SEAL senior chief explaining that he and his retired colleagues were convinced the story, as told by administration officials, “doesn’t make sense. Something else must have gone wrong.”

There were questions at the time about President’s Biden decision in early January to expand the American war portfolio. He has taken on the Houthis, who had survived a seven-year war with the Saudi air force, supported by American bombs and targeting intelligence. That war ended with what amounted to a Saudi surrender. The American attacks, still being supported by British air power, are in their second month, and the world’s major shipping companies are still choosing not to chance a ten-day shortcut by sailing from Europe via the Suez Canal into the Red Sea. The Houthi threat is still there, pending an Israeli decision to cease its onslaught in the Gaza Strip. Ironically, or tragically, Biden is now said to be telling the Israelis that a ceasefire is needed. The world is coming to its own judgment about Biden, who is now seeking a second term.

The Somali dhow offered the White House a chance to justify its new offensive. It had been tracked by American intelligence since leaving Somalia because it was believed to be carrying ballistic missile parts needed by the Houthis in their ongoing campaign against Western shipping; The basis for that intelligence, which proved to be wrong, has not been made known.

Back to the Lewis B. Puller. The more than a dozen senior officers from all services assigned to the ship’s command center were gung-ho to send the hot-shot SEAL team to intercept the dhow, compel the boat to stand to, and board it to find ballistic missiles or parts of weapons that were coming to the Houthis from Iran, known to American intelligence as a longtime supporter and supplier of weaponry to Yemen. But there was a serious problem. The issue is what is known in the Navy as the Sea State Code, which is based on terminology used in oceanography to describe the general conditions of the ocean’s surface, as determined by three key factors: wind, waves, and swell.

There are ten categories of sea state, and SEALs can operate with ease and safety up to sea state 3. One experienced retired senior American Navy officer told me that even four- and five-foot waves can sometimes create difficulties for a Navy tanker attempting to refuel an aircraft carrier, but it can be done with skilled maneuvering. No ship loaded with high-octane fighter fuel wants to crash into the side of a carrier.

When the seas get higher, to level 4 or 5, the waves and stronger current make boarding a targeted vessel, even a wooden dhow, an extremely dangerous prospect, in part because of the difficulty in handling steel ladders, known as caving ladders, that are standard SEAL boarding gear. The steps are lightweight aluminum tubes linked by equally lightweight steel cables.

What is hard to do at sea state 3 is deadly dangerous at sea state 4 or 5, a retired Navy officer, with years of experience in special operations, told me. “The waves are going up and down eight feet and more and you do not board a ship in heavy sea,” he said. He added that Navy captains of combat ships finishing a long deployment understand that crews due for shore leave are not permitted to leave the ship in such churning waters.

The retired officer said that when the officer on the Puller who was in charge of all special operation missions, an Army colonel, told “the SEAL team leader to ‘saddle up,’ the team leader told him to look outside the window.” His message was that “it was dark, and the sea was too rough. And it was beyond the capabilities of his team.” The retired officer added: “It was an argument between the on the scene commander and a guy in charge of the SEALs.”

The SEAL team leader said no. But he was ordered to carry out the mission, despite the obvious weather issues, and he did so.

The questions that were not asked, the retired officer said, were these: “Do we know if the dhow is carrying a ballistic missile or a box full of missile parts?” No. “Can you get a key to a launch site?” No. “Or a map of all the Houthi launch sites?” No. “Do Somali smugglers know the difference between a case of Johnny Walker Red and one of Johnny Walter Black?” Yes.

The decision to ignore the concerns of the SEAL commander has been seen by the angered SEAL community in America as “beyond rational planning” and “a disaster waiting to happen.” I learned that one high-ranking member of the community, now retired, wrote a private letter to Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, asking that the officer who overruled the SEAL commander be court-martialed for dereliction of duty as the buck-stops-here boss of the operation. “It will never happen,” the former officer told me. “Dead SEALs will go down in Navy annals as heroes, not victims.” His point was that the Navy would never acknowledge that the SEAL team had no business being sent on a search-and-destroy mission in such weather.

As many as nine SEALs may have been aboard the SEALs’ inflatable speedboat—there was a second boat with no SEALs aboard as backup—as it dashed to the dhow that, as ordered, came to a stop and acknowledged that it was to be boarded. Three SEALs began the treacherous climb aboard the vessel. It is not known just what happened—did one fall off the special ladder, made up of steel tubes and chain links? Or did the ladder, swaying to and from in the heavy sea with two SEALs making the climb and a third waiting to do so, suddenly get rocked by a huge wave that flung the men against the side of the dhow, leaving both unconscious or worse, with only to drop into the sea? The badly injured third SEAL survived only because he fell into one of the speedboats.

The SEALs who made the climb into the dhow “did find the treasure,” the retired officer sardonically told me. “There were some obsolete rocket motors, all Iran-made, and some pieces of Styx missiles from the 1950s and ’60s, but no significant missile components among the cargo, other than ancient engines and some random tubes that had been used in missile attacks. There was the usual cargo of liquor, cigarettes, random knock-off clothing, porn cassettes.”

The Somali smugglers were taken prisoner and placed on Navy vessels that came to the scene, and the dhow sent to the bottom.

The two deaths were reported, but over the next few days, the retired officer said, all involved “were playing the game,” keeping as many details as possible under wraps. The Lewis B. Puller was locked down in extreme secrecy. The names of the dead were made public, but not that of the survivor, if he does survive. His is a story that no one in the Navy wants told. I learned that the commanding officer of the Lewis B. Puller, who graduated from the Naval Academy in 2000 and spent his career in Navy aviation—not as a pilot but as a backseat radar intercept officer—may be quietly retired, if the system works as it usually does.

There is a Navy history for such arrogance and deception that dates to the end of the Second World War. The chief of Naval Operations was crusty Admiral Ernest King, a brilliant officer who played a key role in advising President Franklin Delano Roosevelt on military matters. When asked at one point by an aide what to tell the press about the progress of the war against the Japanese fleet, King famously said: “Don’t tell them anything. When it’s over, tell them who won.”

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 17, 2024 6:49 pm

This awesome ditty just got it all very wrong – although the Ronny Raygun excerpts are somewhat reassuring

I was expecting Genesis!

Genesis – Land of Confusion (1986)

I have a slight feeling Phil and the boys were a bit lefty…

February 17, 2024 6:49 pm

You mean the combined efforts and resources of US, UK, NATO, Ukraine still haven’t been able to dislodge Russia from Ukraine.

That would be entirely false.

The US, UK and NATO have no combat air or naval forces or on the ground front line artillery or armour involved. Giving reasonable second tier equipment to poorly trained and disorganised Ukrainians was never going to dislodge Russia but when used as cannon fodder they are certainly stretching the Russians supply lines.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
February 17, 2024 6:49 pm

There is someone here who lives near Spit Junction, isn’t there?

Which is NOT in the suburb where the gracelessly aging Lisa Wilkinson lives.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
February 17, 2024 6:50 pm

Of them …

February 17, 2024 6:50 pm

If the Ziggy Shitkowski report had been implemented we’d have had our first nookular power plant in 2016

Hindsight being a wonderful thang, again. 🙂

H B Bear
H B Bear
February 17, 2024 6:53 pm

Oh look, they’ve remembered Assange.

Expect there’ll be a bit of that for a while. Dunkley byelection 2 March.

Boambee John
Boambee John
February 17, 2024 6:55 pm


If & when ships owned/leased to Australian companies are impeded, shareholders in those companies can decide whether they pay for protection.

Get an amendment to UNCLOS, allowing merchant ships to be armed, and defend themselves.

And have the UN issue Letters of Marque, usable against breaches of UNCLOS.

Bear Necessities
Bear Necessities
February 17, 2024 6:58 pm

My Grandfather got gassed and suffered from Shell shock on the Western front. He had ongoing epilepsy for the rest of his life. My Great Uncle died on the Western front. My father contracted Malaria in Northern PNG. It nearly killed him. My uncle fought hand to hand at Milne bay.

As time goes on whilst I am still very proud of their service and valour, their experiences post service both physical and mental shows there has been a very high price paid. I only want my sons or grandchildren to be involved in war service if Australia is directly attacked. In my mind you can justify that.

February 17, 2024 6:59 pm

The Australian has confirmed the second group comprised 12 Bangladeshi men and one Indian man.

Why go to all that trouble when they could just enrol at a dodgy college & fly in?

February 17, 2024 7:01 pm

Steve trickler
Feb 17, 2024 6:46 PM
I can find a tone of people online with good travel adventures. That jabbed up pin cushion ( Rosie ) is not one if them.

5 shots, d*ckhead!

Calm down dude.

That’s my Mum.

February 17, 2024 7:02 pm

Dunkley byelection 2 March.

Hey, Frankstonians, after ejecting the Stupid Frigging Liberals, do you still want to be ruled by a bunch of union thugs getting rich off your super?

If you do, and will vote again for the Liars in the Dunkley byelection, you’re dumber than we thought.

Winston Smith
February 17, 2024 7:03 pm

H B Bear

Feb 17, 2024 6:10 PM
What limited hydro capacity Australia has is largely used for peaking and profit maximising trading purposes. If the country was serious about hydro we would be building more dams but Hawke, Bob Brown and others have killed that off for the foreseeable future.

All it takes is for the Libs to go to the next election with a policy of building hydro electric dams, but they won’t do that because Labor says no. Just how gutless is that?
My idea is to pull down the Ecocrucifixes, and put them – via shafts – into pipes running through the dams. Like outboard motors in reverse. They’ll chop up fishes but not birds and we have a dam site* more fish than wedgies. More consistent power and not disrupted by wind droughts.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 17, 2024 7:05 pm

If the Ziggy Shitkowski report had been implemented we’d have had our first nookular power plant in 2016

The Left would have, um, Pomplamoose can sing it best…

Nuclear Kittens – Pomplamoose (26 Jan 2024)

I can’t recall who put us Cats onto this band. Was it Struth? I forget.

February 17, 2024 7:10 pm
February 17, 2024 7:10 pm

A Russian soldier did die of radiation exposure, and many others had severe radiation sickness. They occupied the Chernobyl reactor site right at the start of the war, and the mistake made was they dug in and slept in their trenches. It’s what you’re taught to do in infantry training.

Bruce, a couple of years ago there was a doco on the aftermath of the Chernobyl meltdown, including interviews with some of the first responders. I thought everyone would have succumbed to exposure – but no. Some may argue that the “survivors”in the immediate locale were produced to save Russian egos – but I am not so sure. It was a very detailed doco – & not Russian.

February 17, 2024 7:11 pm

Oh look, they’ve remembered the Assange

If he was gifted with the opportunity to re-exist his life, then you’d presume the Columbian Embassy Broom Cupboard confinement from 2012 to 2019 might not just feature that prominently …

The weird thing is, I’ve never given a rodent’s backside about the creepy narcissistic imbecile. Although to his credit, he has pissed off some other equally ridiculous self important imbeciles.

So get me to the Ecuadorian Embassy Balcony for some allegedly pompous pronouncements, Cats! 🙂

February 17, 2024 7:14 pm

Yeah, yeah, Colombia, Ecuador, they all sound the same to me, Cats!

February 17, 2024 7:15 pm

There is someone here who lives near Spit Junction, isn’t there?
Which is NOT in the suburb where the gracelessly aging Lisa Wilkinson lives.

We are in Cremorne. While I am not sure exactly which is her house, her street in Mosman is much closer to the harbour than Spit Junction.

February 17, 2024 7:15 pm

Dislike Assange as much as you want but he’s been held without trial for around 5 years. That’s just unacceptable.

February 17, 2024 7:18 pm

We are in Cremorne. While I am not sure exactly which is her house, her street in Mosman is much closer to the harbour than Spit Junction.

We lived/ owned a place in Neutral Bay. Nice spot. Mosman is the outer burbs.

February 17, 2024 7:20 pm

Yes, Vicki, but you’re capable of rationality and thought, so you’re counted as an honorary bloke.

Hey DrBeaugan – that is actually a compliment . As I have said before, I am grateful to be here & to be accepted amongst “all youse blokes”.

February 17, 2024 7:20 pm


I once had that album on vinyl.

February 17, 2024 7:22 pm

The US economy is going to fall into recession in the middle of 2024, Citi’s chief economist says

It may do.

I’m actually surprised that it hasn’t yet. But then you have this. San Fran to some extent has become a shithole. A lot of the talk is a little exaggerated but it’s certainly heading in the wrong direction. Meanwhile it leads the world in what is the most important technical innovation since the introduction of the internet. AI.

February 17, 2024 7:25 pm

As I have said before, I am grateful to be here & to be accepted amongst “all youse blokes”.

Without a female presence this place would have a distinct gentleman’s club vibe, Vicki.

Time for another whisky.

February 17, 2024 7:25 pm

Bruce of Newcastle
Feb 17, 2024 5:54 PM

I know that it works for arsenic exposure for example.

Has been known for a long time, I’ve read about it in the book, The Count of Monte Christo.
Now, there is science for you. LOL.

February 17, 2024 7:28 pm

Dislike the Assange as much as you want but he’s been held without trial for around 5 years. That’s just unacceptable.

Yeah, agreed, JC, but seriously, why did he scarper in the first place?

Tally up the charges – rape, rape in Sweden. Leaking US state security secrets en masse and other provocations, which I don’t give a rodent’s about.

Now for how long has the Chansley been languishing in solitary – and, for what, I asks ya?

February 17, 2024 7:30 pm

And yes, I’ll happily engage in a bit o’ “whataboutism” when it suits me, Squire. 🙂

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 17, 2024 7:30 pm

Rabz – I often saw Captain Beefheart LPs in the second hand dives along Pitt St, back in the day, but I regret that I never bought one. Now I have the time to enjoy, and YT to listen to for free. Lots to dislike about this current millennium, but there are some nice things too.

While I was looking up Genesis I saw U2 has a new one. Has a nice funk solo in the middle.

U2 – Atomic City (23 Sep)

February 17, 2024 7:31 pm

I don’t know how the US can “afford” a recession. It’s currently running a deficit of around 6% of GDP and the arrow is pointing the wrong way. If the place goes into recession the deficit would head to 10 to 12% of GDP. It would be a horror story in the making.

The Fed can decide where it wants nominal GDP and my guess is that it would allow the inflation rate to remain higher than target for longer so as to avoid a recession and a massive deficit.

February 17, 2024 7:32 pm

Here’s how Australia should have approached WWI.

If GB wanted Australia human capital, they should have paid for it properly.
If you volunteered (conscription is an abomination of course), you should have been given a 1000m square block of beach front, harbour side or other premium land.
Back then these would have been smallish blocks.

If you died, the land went to your family.

The program would have to make distinctions between combat & non-combat roles (plus probably another dozen or so aspects).

It could have been funded by selling the assets of the royal family here in Australia.
Any short fall have been made up over the following 20-30 years.

If reparations were going to be an issue if the Brits lost and Australia was potentially on the hook for some of it (ie downside), those putting themselves in harms way to try stop that should benefit (ie upside).

Just a rough draft would have been a better way to approach it.

February 17, 2024 7:32 pm

Now for how long has the Chansley been languishing in solitary – and, for what, I asks ya?

Think about it- the US has imprisoned political dissenters without trial. Stalin stuff. It just fuking stinks. I’ll certainly never go there again while that state of affairs remains.

February 17, 2024 7:35 pm


My recollection is that charges were dropped in Sweden. Unless I’ve missed something, seeing I haven’t really kept up with it, he’s being held because the US has extradition order to ship to the US on charges. This has been 5 odd years now? Like WTF!

February 17, 2024 7:36 pm

Is that dirty old pelosi slag still in congress and the filthy old abomination gone back to San Fran to spend more time with her depends?

February 17, 2024 7:36 pm

Think about it- the US has imprisoned political dissenters without trial. Stalin stuff.

For “the US” read the Biden/Obama/Rice administration.

February 17, 2024 7:36 pm

the US has imprisoned political dissenters without trial

For many years, Milt.

The treatment of the Chansley is a disgrace. Apparently, he’s been confined in solitary for most of his illegal apprehension.

This is not right.

February 17, 2024 7:36 pm

I know that it works for arsenic exposure for example.

There was a Poul Anderson story like that. Scout ship with consciousness level computer runs across other scout ship. Lady on board. Apparently human. Our scout falls for her but realises eventually, she and he are actually now different species. Her preference for a little arsenic seasoning on her food gives it away.
Same theme as “The Winter of the World”.

Winston Smith
February 17, 2024 7:38 pm

Boambee John

Feb 17, 2024 6:55 PM
Get an amendment to UNCLOS, allowing merchant ships to be armed, and defend themselves.
And have the UN issue Letters of Marque, usable against breaches of UNCLOS.

Damn straight.
Piracy would stop in a month if they were allowed to fight back. Even a couple of explosive drones would make the bastards stop and think.
It’s the same as our societies – if the citizenry aren’t allowed to have guns and use them especially with stand your ground and castle doctrine laws, only the criminals would have guns.

February 17, 2024 7:38 pm

It can’t be excused, even that way, Roger. There are now political prisoners in the US. The only hope is the 24 election and this listing ship rights itself after that. I’m giving it until Nov.

February 17, 2024 7:39 pm

Feb 17, 2024 5:37 PM

And I want calli to come back. I have the impression she was upset by Lizzie calling her a coward for not joining in the anti-anti- semitism hysteria, when calli’s position was entirely clear and sane. Lizzie has gone to CL’s site and has also vanished from this one. I can live with Lizzie going, but I really miss calli. A very sensible and lucid person who improved this site.

Yes, we miss calli’s comments.

Lizzie has done more to alienate and silence people with her over the top demand to apologise for something that never happened and calling all and sundry cowards.

We all felt and supported Cassy and sympathised with her grief, but it went on for too long.
There comes a time when you have to gather yourself up and fight back, that it was pointed out by Johanna got Lizzy’s hackles up and she dug in deep.

Selecting calli as a target of her ire was uncalled for she didn’t deserve it.

February 17, 2024 7:39 pm

Think about it- the US has imprisoned political dissenters without trial. Stalin stuff. It just fuking stinks.

Tell it to the disgusting Oz government and Daniel Duggan.

February 17, 2024 7:40 pm

Is that dirty old pelosi slag still in congress and the filthy old abomination gone back to San Fran to spend more time with her depends?

The latter, Milt, although the irreparable damage from her unrelenting war on the American people has been done.

I’ve looked up where she exists in San Fran.

A nice comfy poo free neighborehood.

February 17, 2024 7:41 pm

the disgusting Oz government and Daniel Duggan

Yet another outrage. 😡

February 17, 2024 7:41 pm

Governments are just gangs of armed criminals.

February 17, 2024 7:42 pm

Pelosi is a mafia princess. Steaming filth.

February 17, 2024 7:42 pm

It can’t be excused, even that way, Roger. There are now political prisoners in the US.

Not excusing it, JC.

And let’s not forget Daniel Duggan, imprisoned here at the behest of the same junta/government.

By Mark “I will uphold the rule of law” Dreyfus.

H B Bear
H B Bear
February 17, 2024 7:43 pm

It’s not quite Le Mans but the Bathurst 12 Hour should provide some good viewing.

February 17, 2024 7:43 pm

Snap, Eyrie.

February 17, 2024 7:45 pm

Chansley was released sometime in 2023 (if people think he is still locked up).
The two years he spent behind bars was still a travesty.

February 17, 2024 7:48 pm

Kevin M.

This isn’t just the Jews who need to fight back . Every single adult Australian has an interest in seeing this diabolical situation is stopped.

February 17, 2024 7:49 pm

Dislike the Assange as much as you want but he’s been held without trial for around 5 years. That’s just unacceptable.

Without trial you say? He’s had at least 5 in the UK.
2019, arrested and jailed as flight risk.
2021 magistrate ruled against extradition, he won
2021US appeals, US wins,
2022 UK supreme Court, he loses,
July 22 UK Home Secretary orders extradition.
2022 Appeals to UK High Court, still ongoing.
I expect if he looses the UKHC he will speak to the ECHR delaying the whole process even more.

Is this delay the fault of US or Assange himself? What could he possibly have done that might make the UK keep him in jail as flight risk , hmmmm I wonder ?

February 17, 2024 7:50 pm

When you have the police establishment lying to our faces that what we heard was something else, then it’s our fight too.

February 17, 2024 7:51 pm

(if people think he is still locked up)

ok I though he was along with some others

February 17, 2024 7:52 pm

Is this delay the fault of US or Assange himself? What could he possibly have done that might make the UK keep him in jail as flight risk , hmmmm I wonder ?

Wikileaks released the Afghan files.
Which showed that the US were killing civilians on a daily basis.

February 17, 2024 7:54 pm

And we not talking disputed combatants like in the BRS case.
We are talking genuine civilians being butchered.
On a daily basis.

February 17, 2024 7:55 pm


He’s been held in jail without conviction for 4 and getting to 5 years that even your timeline shows that.

It’s of no account what US courts say as he’s currently in a UK jail. Appalling.

Boambee John
Boambee John
February 17, 2024 7:56 pm

Feb 17, 2024 6:41 PM
The idea of the British navy surrendering to the Hun is also questionable.
How many would have sailed straight the US & looked to participate in “round 2”.

The basis of this discussion is the warring parties deciding in 1916 (LOL) to pack it in and negotiate a treaty, ending the war.

Since the US was not then part of the war, any British warships sailing there would have been interned. That, however, was a fall back option in 1940, except IIRC the proposed destination was Canada, from where they could continue hostilities, while awaiting the participation of the US.

February 17, 2024 7:56 pm

He was never charged, as under Swedish Law ,the Swedes needed to get him back for an interview as part of the investigation.

He ran out the clock and the statute of limitations kicked in, and charges could no longer be laid.

February 17, 2024 7:56 pm

Ahem, Pogria and I are still here. I cruises for us, well not yet anyway.

It’s a veritable bevy of sheilas!

February 17, 2024 7:57 pm

Cap’n Beefheart LPs in the second hand dives along Pitt St, back in the day, but I regret that I never bought one

BoN – vinyl has allegedly made a comeback, for some bizarre reason, over the last decade.

Mates buying turntables and then outlaying many hundreds of dollars on the black vinyl saucers.

Inexplicable, I tells ya.

CDs exist for a reason. The main one being vinyl is stupid, clumsy and prone to damage – and no, it does not sound “richer” than CDs you pompous waffling windbags.

I’m a Vinyl aficionado, I tells ya!

No, your a self pleasurer.

February 17, 2024 7:57 pm

After Foxnews called Assange a traitor when the Afghan leaks were posted, I started reading them so see what it was all about.
I read those Wikileaks docs for months.
My neocon world views ended in 2010 because of it.

February 17, 2024 7:59 pm

Feb 17, 2024 6:10 PM

And I want calli to come back. I have the impression she was upset by Lizzie calling her a coward for not joining in the anti-anti- semitism hysteria

I doubt if the very sensible women on this site would take Lizzie’s accusation seriously.

‘Dear Lizzie’ does let the mask of gentility slip at times, and that was one of them. It was a disgusting slur, but not out of character.

I hope that calli is just taking a break, something that I find to be good practice. I noted that she found the accusation of cowardice unjust, unfair and out of left field, which it was.

As it turns out, there are still quite a few women around here. Although, given the misogynist sludge posted by men who can’t get a girlfriend who fulfils their wishes (euphemism) – it’s hardly surprising that there are not more of us.

Interesting also that readers regret the absence of one commenter, but not another. I share that opinion.

In other news, I’ve been delving into the black market for cigarettes. On my way home from the mall, I sat down outside the DSS office, which has benches marked ‘no smoking’ where someone has inserted ‘ice pipes’ in between the two words. Arthritis, hot day, heavy bags.

There was an empty packet of ‘Manchester’ cigarettes lying on the ground. In the recently closed popup tobacconist nearby, I’d seen prices listed for ‘Manchester,’ which I’d never heard of. But, they were unable to supply me with my preferred and popular brand, and have now closed down.

The Manchester packet has a Dunhill-style design – no ugly pictures, a tiny health warning on one side, deep red and gold with a coat of arms on top.

The company that makes and sells them is incorporated in London, owned by shell companies plus a bloke with an Arabic name, with directors in Cyprus among other places.

I found articles going back ten years or more about this mob manufacturing and selling black market cigs all over the world, including in Australia.

They were being openly advertised and sold in the pop-up smoke shop near me until recently. I just didn’t know what they were until today. Or how blatant it is.

Those ever-ratcheting virtue taxes do have consequences. In this case, there must be container loads coming in, then complex distribution channels going down to a pop-up in Queanbeyan.

It’s big money. Today I bought two cartons of legitimate cigarettes, and it cost $840. Excise was half the price.

Virtue signalling rools, OK?

What’s a bit of organised crime and corruption when you can not only beat the collective breast about purity, but also enhance the coffers of the State?

I remember growing up in Sydney, where the Budget was invariably shouted out in the headlines of the Sun and the Mirror as ‘BEER, CIGS UP!’

Nowadays they just tighten the ratchet in silence.

February 17, 2024 8:00 pm

No, you’re a self pleasurer

err, apologies Cats for the hideous typo in the previous comment – oh – and fork off, god, you non existent something or other, I tells ya … 😕

February 17, 2024 8:01 pm

CDs exist for a reason. The main one being vinyl is stupid, clumsy and prone to damage – and no, it does not sound “richer” than CDs you pompous waffling windbags.

of course not especially when you remember by the early 80s the master recordings were digital anyway.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 17, 2024 8:01 pm

Is this delay the fault of US or Assange himself? What could he possibly have done that might make the UK keep him in jail as flight risk , hmmmm I wonder ?

I’m agnostic about Assange himself and his alleged crimes against the USA.

However the venom the US Left is assailing him with is a tell. A real tell. They reserve that particular level of toxicity for especially hated class-enemies. And the UK elites are going right along with it all. That is also a tell.

You can know a man by his enemies. Not myself a supporter of Assange, especially, but boy does he have all the right enemies.

February 17, 2024 8:01 pm

Assange was smart enough to realise that if the US got their hands on him, it would be the end of him.
He was right.
His extradition isn’t so he can front some civilian criminal court.
He will front a kangaroo court where he & his lawyer will not even be able to hear all the evidence against him.
How can you defend yourself when you can’t even hear all the evidence because of “national security”.

Winston Smith
February 17, 2024 8:03 pm

This was put up the other day:

A man reaches a certain age where he doesn’t want any drama. He doesn’t want to fight anyone – and if forced to, he will not fight fair. He will not quit and there are no weapons he will not use. It’s best to leave him alone with his coffee, scotch and cigars.
Don’t poke the old men. They will hurt you.

Rather good, I thought.

Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
February 17, 2024 8:04 pm

Bear Necessities
Feb 17, 2024 6:58 PM
My Grandfather got gassed and suffered from Shell shock on the Western front. He had ongoing epilepsy for the rest of his life. My Great Uncle died on the Western front. My father contracted Malaria in Northern PNG. It nearly killed him. My uncle fought hand to hand at Milne bay.

As time goes on whilst I am still very proud of their service and valour, their experiences post service both physical and mental shows there has been a very high price paid. I only want my sons or grandchildren to be involved in war service if Australia is directly attacked. In my mind you can justify that.


I have a very similar story with my grandfather (gassed, lost a lung, ended up with TB) and my Dad in the Middle East and New Guinea etc.

Your last paragraph, with which I agree completely, is particularly poignant.

Boambee John
Boambee John
February 17, 2024 8:09 pm

Feb 17, 2024 7:18 PM
We are in Cremorne. While I am not sure exactly which is her house, her street in Mosman is much closer to the harbour than Spit Junction.

We lived/ owned a place in Neutral Bay. Nice spot. Mosman is the outer burbs.

Did you enjoy the noise when the Oberon class subs were doing alongside dive and surface tests? Lots of high pressure air being used to blow the tanks.

February 17, 2024 8:10 pm

The ABC has hated productive people for many years.

Who do they imagine pays their generous salaries?

February 17, 2024 8:10 pm

AI and meditation to manifest his dream womanage

I am getting close to manifesting a real womanage. Young nerdy/geeky girl. Very lovely. Highly intelligent. Talented photographer and internet marketing shit etc. Digs my jive. Used to work with her in 2017-20 until COVID psyop. Contacted me about something the other day on the Insta. Hello.

February 17, 2024 8:10 pm


The Wikileaks stuff that was released was analogous to the Pentagon Papers leak by WaPo. WaPo action was considered heroic.

February 17, 2024 8:11 pm

Amazing how boomer-cons are still all-in on the US war machine.
Assange was exposing it.
Snowden was exposing it.
Trump was exposing it.
But Trump is the only one boomer-cons stick up for.

February 17, 2024 8:12 pm

George Papadopoulos
MI6 are as bad as the CIA…

It’s horrific when a political opponent dies in jail.

But it’s also never good to be caught on camera attempting a coup in your country with a foreign intel service.

Navalny in this video is asking MI6 Officer James William Thomas Ford for $10-20 Million a year to start a color revolution…

Winston Smith
February 17, 2024 8:12 pm

and if forced to
‘and’ needs to be replaced with ‘but’.

February 17, 2024 8:13 pm

CDs exist for a reason.

Showing your age, Rabz.

The world has moved on to digital downloads.

Or so I’m told.

February 17, 2024 8:13 pm

The Wikileaks stuff that was released was analogous to the Pentagon Papers leak by WaPo.

Tom Hanks was in an awful movie about that was released in the last year or so.
Saints, every one of them according to Hollywood.
Assange, not so much.

February 17, 2024 8:14 pm

B John, we were poor then and couldn’t afford being close to the water.

Weren’t the subs around Kirribilli?

February 17, 2024 8:17 pm

Navalny in this video is asking MI6 Officer James William Thomas Ford for $10-20 Million a year to start a color revolution…

And? Putin hasn’t funded opposition is various parts of the old Sov and elsewhere?

February 17, 2024 8:18 pm

Miss Ellen, paradise by the dashboard light …

Will you take me away, will you make me your woife

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
February 17, 2024 8:19 pm

aging Lisa Wilkinson
I still think you’re … something, Lisa.

February 17, 2024 8:20 pm

Rog – just trying to grasp onto something “tangible” …

February 17, 2024 8:21 pm
February 17, 2024 8:21 pm

Rog – just trying to grasp onto something “tangible” …

I know the feeling.

See my last line.

February 17, 2024 8:22 pm

And? Putin hasn’t funded opposition is various parts of the old Sov and elsewhere?

I’m sure he has. But this the same MI6 that helped Killary get the FISA warrant done and the Russia Hoax started against Trump. The point is there are no good guys. Anywhere, at present.

And why the only chance to turn this shitshow in the west around is POTUS Trump.

Boambee John
Boambee John
February 17, 2024 8:22 pm

Feb 17, 2024 8:14 PM
B John, we were poor then and couldn’t afford being close to the water.

Weren’t the subs around Kirribilli?

No, Neutral Bay. The locals were happy when the subs were moved to WA when the Collins Class arrived. Apparently the process was very noisy.

February 17, 2024 8:23 pm

The ABC has hated productive people for many years.

Who do they imagine pays their generous salaries?

I don’t think they care- arrogant, incurious, cargo cult

February 17, 2024 8:28 pm

The ALPBC hates productive personages

Water is wet

The sky is bleu

Collectivists are staggeringly stupid

The sun rises in the east and sets in the west

I wanna lerve like … 🙂

Salvatore, Iron Publican
February 17, 2024 8:28 pm

What’s this about the ladies having all been chased away?
Crikey some of you blokes badly need to visit an optician.
These ladies have all made several comments over the past day or so;


Perhaps they should prefix a WB to their name? For “woman blogger” 😉

Oh come on
Oh come on
February 17, 2024 8:29 pm

I gave links to Lavrov and another guy talking about Moldova and Kazakhstan.

Bruce. These didn’t say *anything* about Putin saying he wanted to reconstitute the Russian empire (that was your claim, remember). Lavrov talked about Transnistria, which is a de jure part of Moldova but is de facto autonomous and which the Russians have been concerned about for decades, as they have ethnic Russian populations in surrounding countries like Kazakhstan. Your articles falsely assert that these concerns must mean Russia is fixing to invade and conquer these lands.

But even if these articles provided sufficient evidence to support their conclusions (they don’t, not even close), they STILL do not provide evidence that Putin stated he wants to reconstitute the Russian empire. That’s what you said he said, and you have not been able to back up your claim, no matter how much you’ve twisted, turned and blustered in your efforts to do so.

Incidentally. Your claim that Ukraine (current) or Moldova (ever) could just eliminate one battalion tactical group – let alone three – if these inconvenienced Ukraine or Moldova sufficiently, really shows how superficial your knowledge of the military information you regularly spurg out here is.

February 17, 2024 8:30 pm

And why the only chance to turn this shitshow in the west around is POTUS Trump.

Can’t be POTUS if you’re dead.
The Security State will not let Trump in the Whitehouse again.

February 17, 2024 8:30 pm

Navalny in this video is asking MI6 Officer James William Thomas Ford for $10-20 Million a year to start a color revolution…

Why am I meant to care? He was a political rival to a dictator.

The point is there are no good guys. Anywhere, at present.


February 17, 2024 8:31 pm

Cool song Rabz. My fave is Midnight at the lost and Found.

Salvatore, Iron Publican
February 17, 2024 8:33 pm

The ABC has hated productive people for many years.
Who do they imagine pays their generous salaries?
I don’t think they care- arrogant, incurious, cargo cult

If asked about “money” they’d trot out one of these quotes; (All used by ABC personages in the past)

1/. ABC is a net benefit to Australia.
2/. If you use triple bottom line accounting, the ABC actually doesn’t cost anything.
3/. Not being “money-oriented” the ABC is able to produce better programming.

February 17, 2024 8:35 pm

What is with these black skank AGs prosecuting Trump, fani in Georgia and letitia in NY. They are complete POSs. And that fuking judge engoran is a freak. He posts semi nude photos of himself.

There’s gotta be something weird in this freak’s background

February 17, 2024 8:36 pm

I don’t think they care- arrogant, incurious, cargo cult

I still remember the day when then ABC RN “business editor” Peter Ryan opined that tax cuts to businesses large or small were a “handout” from government.

I had to pull the car over and regain my composure before resuming my trip.

February 17, 2024 8:39 pm

Arthur Engoron, George Soros, Lewis Kaplan, E Jean Carroll, Reid Hoffman

February 17, 2024 8:40 pm

Midnight at the Lost and Found.

Not his greatest song but I like it. Or the idea of being at the Lost and Found at Midnight.

February 17, 2024 8:40 pm

On my way home from the mall, I sat down outside the DSS office, which has benches marked ‘no smoking’ where someone has inserted ‘ice pipes’ in between the two words.

Yep Seymour Victoria had a one way sign on a service road to Anzac Ave between Monash Dve & Smith st defaced similar once. The area was a well known drug haven we used to nickname Cyprus Hill and someone had added a c to the front of the one and drawn a pic of a bong. Result “Cone way” seemed fitting for the residents. Was there for bloody years.

Went past it recently, gone and the telephone box that used on the corner of Smith st that was a well known dealer meeting point.

Ice seems to have displaced weed as a drug of choice these days especially in smaller rural towns. I saw similar signs when I was in the Hunter in places like Cessnock/Kurri Kurri.

February 17, 2024 8:41 pm

Hey, Cats – a bunch of us will be getting together tomorrow at a gathering in Sydneystan to express our solidarity with the Jewish Peoples.

So join us – or be an enabler of the sort of obscene ridiculous antisemitism we’ve been subjected to since October ’23 and the worst pogrom since ’45.

You can be as lax as you like, if you wish. Just don’t have the gall to complain when they come for you – and afraid, you will be.

February 17, 2024 8:42 pm


And Delta.

February 17, 2024 8:48 pm

Gab am probably closer than I have been in years being in NE/Cntrl Victoria atm but will have to phone in support again in the absence of ticks.

Best of luck.

February 17, 2024 8:49 pm
Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 17, 2024 8:49 pm

paradise by the dashboard light

Oh wow, Meatloaf on the Cat? The world must be ending!

Rabz – I’ve been browsing YT. I’ll put this one up since I’ve been watching it with a degree of mesmerization. You might like it too if you haven’t already seen it. It’s a making of Chet Faker’s Gold music video, with those seriously awesome roller skaters. Fascinating.

Roller Skater Candice Heiden Talks Filming Chet Faker Gold Music Video (2020)

February 17, 2024 8:51 pm

I think it’s wrong to view the US and say, Russia, and conclude they’re both bad.
The US is a far more complex nation than Russia, politically speaking. Russia is a dictatorship, whereas the US isn’t. There are red states, and the legal systems in these states aren’t appendages to the demons. You have the House that’s basically stopped any legislation coming from dementia in the past 1 1/2 years. Red state governors and state houses aren’t buying any bullshit peddled in Washington. There’s also SCOTUS.
There’s a Washington and blue state problem; it’s a big one, but not everything there is crap. 

February 17, 2024 8:54 pm

As for Australia, we have no choice in the matter until we can defend ourselves without relying on America, which would raise GDP spending on defence significantly at least in the short run.

You are in the West, you depend on America. Full stop.
It is an entire system. From 5.56 to doctrine to who the actual enemy is. From the cultures recruits are drawn from, to the rules of war and how soldiers expect to be treated.
Every single thing there is a pam for has been planned, thought through and implemented over many decades.
You need Lockheed Martin. You need the US Marine Corps. You need the aircraft carriers, the factories that produce it all.
Everything we do piggy backs off that system.
The only alternative to this trillions of dollars system is the old communist bloc system. Which would be entirely alien to Australians.
I agree with the sentiment, but people need to seperate out internal US political disputes from geopolitical reality.
They need to seperate out their disappointment at the failures and corruption of recent years combined with the silly conceits of liberal tech billionaires from the national interests of our countries which still face the zero sum games of some very nasty players around the globe. There used to be a thing called bipartisanship in defence. Both sides better get their shit together and find that thing again.
There is no alternative.
And finally, how stupid would you feel if over the next decade the political fashions shifted in the US, in the universities, in the political parties- more to your liking and you were left with an arsenal of ex – Soviet crap and a training doctrine that assumed recruits were fetal alcohol damaged sheep with zero initiative.

February 17, 2024 8:58 pm

Yep Seymour Victoria

At Pucka for a stint?

Meth heads and deadshits in the old country town I lived in didn’t last long. Run out of town promptly.. Xunts there and the copper ran a tight ship.

Oh come on
Oh come on
February 17, 2024 9:00 pm

Tiger, who is non-binary and uses they/them pronouns, said they knew people who had been through conversion practices.

“How conversion therapy works is really sinister, and it is a lot like coercive control in a relationship,” they said.

“They really lower your self-esteem and tell you how worthless you are, you’re going to hell, or your family don’t love you, or you don’t deserve to be alive even.

“And then they say, but we love you, and we can help you, we can save you.”

That’s what the trans pushers say when grooming autistic girls/ confused teens/ single parent kids so they’ll go on puberty blockers and cut their body parts off.

February 17, 2024 9:01 pm

I’m not sure if it’s correct. The law that Trump was hit with was legislated after the GFC. It says that for fraud to be committed when providing valuations to the banks, there doesn’t have to be a victim lender that lost money. Even the act alone is punishable.

That sounds problematic, even if the banks suggested they were fine with everything.

Does Trump have an appeal to the SCOTUS as the fine sounds like it’s confiscation?

February 17, 2024 9:02 pm

Feb 17, 2024 6:48 PM
Posting the full Hersh substack.

What really happened in the Gulf of Aden

Thanks for posting that. Much appreciated.

February 17, 2024 9:04 pm

There’s a Washington and blue state problem; it’s a big one, but not everything there is crap.

You seem to be assuming everything is crap in Russia by comparison. It isn’t .You are also talking your book.

NYC is being turned into a refugee camp full of shitholers. SF is a now a tip. There is a traitor in the WH allowing what amounts to an invasion of the homeland. The USD is printing Trillions to fund a proxy war a world away and launder billions into corrupt pockets. The Swamp is desperately trying to jail the Opposition Leader by any illegitimate means available. USG is actively censoring anti-woke and patriotic forces across the US landscape. Street crime and violent theft is off the charts.

The US is in serious trouble and that’s a big problem for the west, not just the US. I really hope they can get their shit together,

It’s Remarkable
It’s Remarkable
February 17, 2024 9:11 pm

To dear Indolent,
I know there are some who criticise your contributions, but I am not one of them.
Some of your links take us to great places that otherwise might not be found.
The link to Tucker C and Mike Benz discussion today led to something that was outstanding, Thank you.

February 17, 2024 9:13 pm

You seem to be assuming everything is crap in Russia by comparison. It isn’t .You are also talking your book.

Firstly, I don’t have a “book”. Secondly, Russia is ruled top down by a dictator , and yeah, it’s pretty bad. It may look hunky dory for a moment in time, but 20% of GDP is being thrown to the war effort. The defence establishment is paying much higher salaries and meanwhile the private sector is short of labor (military). This can’t keep up forever. Inflation is around 8% and the guided rate is around 16%.

The US is the United States. All power doesn’t reside in Washington.

February 17, 2024 9:14 pm


February 17, 2024 9:14 pm

Thanks for confirming my point.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 17, 2024 9:15 pm

Bruce. These didn’t say *anything* about Putin saying he wanted to reconstitute the Russian empire

Oh good grief. OCO, you are either a nitwit or a Russian. And even Russians don’t believe what they actually say. It’s all completely bleeding obvious.

If you think these guys aren’t curated by the Kremlin in what they say you are amazingly naive.

Medvedev actually did say once that they wanted to reconstitute the Soviet Union. That was in 2014 but. He’s pulled his head in since then. Now he just threatens to nuke everyone. Cute guy.

I really don’t understand the hyperbolic hyperbowl coming out from regime insiders, there’s obviously a reason for doing it. Something psychological. Putin may have bad strategic sense but he ain’t a fool, and he has been plugged into the black sector for a very long time.

February 17, 2024 9:15 pm
February 17, 2024 9:15 pm

Correct? Or bullshit?

I was a senior commercial banker with one of the “Big Four” banks for almost 20 years.
President Trump was convicted of fraud when no one was defrauded. He’s been ordered to pay over $360M in damages where no one was damaged.
A bank is required by law to rely on their own appraisal preformed by one of their chosen third party appraiser, which the borrower reimburses the bank for. The borrower has to provide audited financial statements by an accounting firm approved by the bank. The audited financials have the assets valued according to “Generally Accepted Accounting Rules”, which are very specific and based primarily on the properties original cost. Market value is whatever a willing buyer and seller agree upon. Appraised value is a subjective estimate of market value that can be determined by several different methodologies.
The decision by the Court is the true fraud.

February 17, 2024 9:16 pm

One other thing is NY isn’t just NYC and SF isn’t the surrounding like Silicon Valley area either.

February 17, 2024 9:17 pm

It’s a making of Chet Faker’s Gold music video, with those seriously awesome roller skaters

Thanks, BoN, but no. What happened to April Corley is one of the greatest outrages in human history.

The destroyers of that sort of Beauty deserve eternal damnation, after I’ve annihilated them.

Delta A
Delta A
February 17, 2024 9:17 pm

I’m sorry Calli is absent too.

Aren’t we all?

But calli did say a day or two before her departure that she was having sensitive issues with her frail mum. That can be very drainging and time consuming.

I wish her all the best and hope that she’ll be back soon.

February 17, 2024 9:19 pm

On a brighter note, my favourite Ozzie Brunette showing off her dance moves … 🙂

February 17, 2024 9:20 pm

Firstly, I don’t have a “book”.

Of course you do. Your property and shares in the US. You are talking your book.

February 17, 2024 9:56 pm

Of course I don’t.

Really, are you that conspiratorial to think that bullshitting would have any influence on an Australian blog? What I say would cause a boom or a bust in the NYSE? You have to be kidding.

February 17, 2024 10:01 pm

Bruce of Newcastle
Feb 17, 2024 7:05 PM

Oh dear: Nataly Dawn.
I think I’ve just pomplamoosed.

February 17, 2024 10:04 pm

As long as there are hostages being held in Gaza, young IDF soldiers are dying and Jews around the world are facing ever increasing anti Semitism, Cassie can say and feel whatever she likes, in fact even if the hostages are freed and hamas are defeated she can righteously be concerned about the ongoing vulnerability of Jews around the world.

February 17, 2024 10:04 pm


One of dads postings and myriad of places I existed as a child.

I still have rellies here, Bendigo & around that we have been bugging for 6 weeks now when not in Caravan Parks. I’m getting some ailments checked from too much wear and tear by some specialists in Melbourne that Townsville or anywhere north of Caboolture lacks in my current address normally in Nth Qld.

Not wrong about the drugs in Seymour, though they are slowly weeding that out. The rabbit warren in Long Gully, Bendigo is apparently getting those types. Army brats and the jail bird sons were an unlikely hanging group back in the ’80’s at the local Tech High School. Place could be very clicky then and AJ’s weren’t always made to feel welcome. The cops you mention though, apparently different breed to the f%$# ups from Melbourne in purgatory I remember as a teenager.

That said the place has been done up nicely compared to what it used to be. Problem is the place is dying commercially; saw mills, dye works, knitting mills and even retail now on the wane. Government dependant enterprise booming though. Regrettably as I told a mate the other night Victoria is resembling the rust bucket state again I left after Uni to head to the wilds of north & western Queensland.

February 17, 2024 10:06 pm

I guess I made my comment re Calli in light of the circumstances and the venom directed at her elsewhere, that she herself eluded to, that might be influencing her absence.

John H.
John H.
February 17, 2024 10:07 pm

Bruce of Newcastle
Feb 17, 2024 7:05 PM
If the Ziggy Shitkowski report had been implemented we’d have had our first nookular power plant in 2016

The Left would have, um, Pomplamoose can sing it best…

Nuclear Kittens – Pomplamoose (26 Jan 2024)

I can’t recall who put us Cats onto this band. Was it Struth? I forget.

Pomplamoose do great covers. Their version of Mr. Blue Sky is joyous. They attract some good session musos.

February 17, 2024 10:07 pm

Does Trump have an appeal to the SCOTUS as the fine sounds like it’s confiscation?

There are 2 Appeal stages before SCOTUS can decide to take it. The fat kunt charged Trump under New York Executive Law § 63 (12). This is typically used to prosecute shysters who have actually defrauded poor average folk. There were no victims, no complaints, no loss of profits or disputed valuations in any of Trump’s business dealings. 63.12 must have victim(s) and demonstrable, quantifiable losses. There were none with Trump. Relief under the section is a reimbursement not a punishment. No one lost anything so the huge punishment contravenes the purpose of the section.

February 17, 2024 10:08 pm

Only just caught up on the Maddox v Rainbow Serpent nonsense.

Mr Maddox was charged under the unamended 1972 laws for building a creek crossing on his property, which the prosecution claimed had disrupted Waugul — a rainbow serpent central to mythology for Noongar people — as he removed a large amount of silt from the creek, Sky News Australia reported.

He removed silt from a creek.

Do these people understand where silt comes from, and where it ends up???

It is very, very silly.

For 51 years, presumably, no one else was charged for this “blasphemy”.

The States are bound by treaty-level human rights law. They too are barred from imposing religious observance.

February 17, 2024 10:10 pm

A Wussian Bimbage in traditional Wussian Furryness

Another Wussian Bimbage in traditional Wussian Furryness

A bit sexy. This is how communism flourishes in the west. 😕

John H.
John H.
February 17, 2024 10:11 pm

Feb 17, 2024 7:59 PM
Feb 17, 2024 6:10 PM

And I want calli to come back. I have the impression she was upset by Lizzie calling her a coward for not joining in the anti-anti- semitism hysteria

I doubt if the very sensible women on this site would take Lizzie’s accusation seriously.

‘Dear Lizzie’ does let the mask of gentility slip at times, and that was one of them. It was a disgusting slur, but not out of character. …

The charge of antisemitism against you was ridiculous. Even more ridiculous was the complaint that others weren’t defending them.

Oh come on
Oh come on
February 17, 2024 10:20 pm

No Bruce. It’s very simple. You claimed Putin said he wanted to recreate the Russian empire. I asked you for evidence that that statement was made. You have not provided any, and it doesn’t matter how much you stomp your feet and insist you have provided the evidence and anyway other Russians have said it and some news articles said it is what he thinks and it’s the vibe and everyone knows it and whatever other guff you will come out with – the fact remains you have failed to provide the evidence for your claim. I’m neither a nitwit nor a Russian. Although I would certainly be a nitwit if I accepted your increasingly absurd insistence that your manifest failure to provide evidence of your claim is illusory and that you have in fact discharged your evidentiary burden.

Nope, you haven’t and you know you haven’t. You just don’t want to admit you were wrong.

H B Bear
H B Bear
February 17, 2024 10:22 pm

miltonf at 8:23 – I think there is a genuine lack of curiousity at the ALPBC. It borders on offensive to describe something that costs Australian taxpayers over a billion dollars year in, year out as “free”.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
February 17, 2024 10:23 pm

Only just caught up on the Maddox v Rainbow Serpent nonsense.

The local elders don’t have a problem – it was his neighbor who dobbed him in.

February 17, 2024 10:23 pm

The Security State will not let Trump in the Whitehouse again.

Truer words have never been written. Anyone who has seen the extent the bastards have gone to prevent him getting to the WH will understand.

Even if he wins the election, he will never be inaugurated.

February 17, 2024 10:24 pm

Hey Cats – Helen Mirren and Johanna are indistinguishable, I tells ya!

February 17, 2024 10:29 pm

And of course, my erstwhile sister dons the furry Wussian hats when she’s in Thredbo and it suits her perfectly.

Family. I could really do without it, Cats.

  1. I asked Grok to check the factual statements in the Wall Street Journal Editorial for veracity. Here’s what came back.…

  2. I feel like I’m on a Star Trek holodeck asking the computer to change the tone of something and grok…

  3. ASIC has not produced them & is arguing that they are under no legal obligation to produce them. Even though…

  4. Meanwhile, Jew haters run amok and incur zero consequences.. No penalty for Melbourne obstetrician Miranda Robinson in ‘racist’ rowLIAM MENDES…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x