Open Thread – Mon 19 Feb 2024

The Pont Royal, Grey Weather, Afternoon, Spring, Camille Pissaro, 1902

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Mark Bolton
February 19, 2024 12:06 am

@ MatrixTransform
Feb 18, 2024 11:55 PM

Reposted .. wasnt one of Nina’s best but it had the Lyrics i wanted …

A little Eastern European RRolloing and a pig tail or two? I promise I wont think …

I have promised never to be either right or wrong… perhaps I was lead astray by the wickedness of others ?

Mark Bolton
February 19, 2024 12:11 am

Dot so you have a Law Degree?

February 19, 2024 12:16 am

I have promised never to be either right or wrong

Let’s assume that we have a transfer function in which the variable s appears in both the numerator and the denominator.

In this situation, at least one value of s will cause the numerator to be zero, and at least one value of s will cause the denominator to be zero.

Understanding Poles and Zeros in Transfer Functions

Mark Bolton
February 19, 2024 12:26 am

Feb 19, 2024 12:16 AM

Most definitely .. that paradigm is usefull in RC Filter Circuits.

But to transfer the analogy to numerator and denominator as either case .. one winds up with infinities .. and that depend on which variable end up on which side of the bar.

I understand why people want to be either right or wrong … the alternative leads to infinities. No one is omfortable with those and i dont pretend to be. … I just have to be. That is what purports to be reality .

Mark Bolton
February 19, 2024 12:29 am

Pig tails Please or something I can at least understand ?

February 19, 2024 12:32 am

reality is overrated

rum on banana cake, with double-cream is as good as good as it gets

or walking the beach on a glorious late summer day with an old friend back to Oz for a few weeks from Bristol

things are fleeting

Mark Bolton
February 19, 2024 12:34 am

So Dot you have a Law Degree? I do recall you talking learnedly about taking the pennies off the eyes of corpses but I didnt realise you were a proffessional in that field?

Mark Bolton
February 19, 2024 12:37 am

Feb 19, 2024 12:32 AM
My sentiments entirely!! Just coz you got SCUBA dont mean you have to go deeper than thirty feet… stay where the fish are pretty.

Two Thumbs.

February 19, 2024 12:40 am

there’s more to you than there seems Mr Bolton

February 19, 2024 12:40 am

or walking the beach on a glorious late summer day with an old friend back to Oz for a few weeks from Bristol

things are fleeting

or sitting down to a good coffee, half-way through a good book and nothing else scheduled for the day.

luxury. – for a while…

February 19, 2024 12:41 am

stay where the fish are pretty … LoL

February 19, 2024 12:43 am

Alamak gets it too

February 19, 2024 12:43 am
Mark Bolton
February 19, 2024 12:52 am

Oh sure and many more besides. Like my Swiss Boss taught me as a young Electronics Tech Apprentice… “Mark !! Correct use of pockets!!!??? ” .. Hmmn “”When you are not sure what you are doing you put your hands in them” !!! That is why I am never right and never wrong. Untill the machine is going again. Then it wasnt because I was Right ..I just got the machine going again.

Mark Bolton
February 19, 2024 12:56 am

Why would any one say you Alamak! watch such disgusting movies to inform your store of metaphors?

Mark Bolton
February 19, 2024 12:59 am

That kinda filth has got to play with your head. If you watch that trash then you frame your vision of Life so as to find an opportunity to make Life match that. You run your Life that way.

Mark Bolton
February 19, 2024 1:01 am

What if Life is mostly really beatifull and people may be a little flawed but you never need disgusting American Movies to give yourself a measure where by you can be critical?

Mark Bolton
February 19, 2024 1:12 am

Folks dont watch that Hollywood filth. It will poison your soul. You will wind up seeing Life through a cynical and entirely meritless and fictional lens of evil.

that will become your Reality and you will be the worse for it.

There is plenty of much more realistic but no less critical forms of literature to help you form a world view.

February 19, 2024 1:13 am

What if Life is mostly really beatifull and people may be a little flawed but you never need disgusting American Movies to give yourself a measure where by you can be critical?

Its a comedy with a great deal of satire if you know anything about popular culture.

Laugh or don’t laugh. Humour is subjective.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
February 19, 2024 1:16 am

35.5 degrees @ 10pm. Zippo breeze and my AC packed it in. First world problems.

WTF, it’s now 35.6!

Mark Bolton
February 19, 2024 1:19 am

Well if dimly lit American Actors talking about Life on those terms corresponds to your Subjectivity? ..Well I dont know how you can stomach such filth int he first instance… But you might want to make sure that subjectivity bleed into you objectivity.

And as to how you equate that with Humor ?

Mark Bolton
February 19, 2024 1:28 am

Feb 19, 2024 1:13 AM

Oh the barb !!! “if you know anything about popular culture. ” Oh Gosh I dont !! Hands wringing.

Wanna know what sparky well I don’t ! nor do I care to if that is the form it takes. If you are infering I am not one of the cool kids because I didnt get that purile reference then you are stand up correct.

I dont and I am glad I dont.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
February 19, 2024 1:51 am

This was event mental. That funny car going 341mph …. FMD!

I still can’t believe it.

Check your volume, this clip is really loud.

12,000hp Top Fuel Dragsters Battle for $250,000! ($1,300,000 Pro Superstar Shootout)

February 19, 2024 1:54 am

Wanna know what sparky well I don’t ! nor do I care to if that is the form it takes. If you are infering I am not one of the cool kids because I didnt get that purile reference then you are stand up correct.

Its a joke, Joyce.

February 19, 2024 2:30 am

Postcard Palermo.
Took me about forty minutes to walk from the ferry terminal to my apartment, at quarter to six in the morning probably wasn’t the smartest thing I’ve ever done, but I was familiar with the route and stuck to well lit main roads, there were a few out and about, going home from nights out or or off to work or out dog walking.
My landlord was very kind and came down to carry my suitcase up to the third floor, not in Kalka this time, close though, and close to the Ballaro markets.
Mixed area, lots of migrants, south Asian and African, some of the south Asians are Muslim, a man with orange dye in his hair, which I think signifies having done the haaj, muslim woman in the full gear, only eyes visible with gloved hands.
I’m spoiled for choice for churches, the nearest is eighty metres, another about a hundred metres to the right had a 9am mass I was really too late to join, I peeked in, full of Indian Catholics, big church, for some reason most of the central nave was empty and mass was being celebrated in a side altar, but where people could be, it was standing room only, and not the only mass scheduled. I might have a wander in tomorrow.
I went to St Ursula’s, one of those beautiful rococco churches, white walls and ceiling, with gold trimmings.
Also visited Lidl where one runs the alcoholic gauntlet to get inside, they have two security guys, one at the entrance and one roaming the store.
The alcoholics come in wherever they have sufficient coins to buy a beer, and queue jump, no time to waste.
My cultural homework was an exhibition at Palazzo Sant’Elia. I tried to visit this last year but it wasn’t open to the public, this year it has an exhibition of Sicilian in general but Palermian in particular Art Noveau, art, architecture,
furniture, jewellry and clothing plus I got to see the beautiful public rooms on the noble floor.
The majolica floors were worn but the ceilings in great shape.
It’s always fascinating how much wealth was around when you associate Sicily with grinding poverty.
Two of the hats on display had real birds on them, one a green parrot, the other some sort of honey eater.
I guess people also draped fox skins with the head attached around their necks so why not birds on hats.
The factory that produced much of the furniture also seems to have built world war one aeroplanes, the complex is now just ruins ( they had a film).
Loads of tourists like me, unlike in Sardinia, many in groups, was a balmy sunny 17c so not surprising.
Tourist office tomorrow to work out where to next, then hopefully it’s granita time.

February 19, 2024 4:00 am
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February 19, 2024 5:03 am

Enjoying reading about your travels Rosie. Palermo doesn’t sound much chop.

February 19, 2024 5:21 am

I’m underselling it then.
It’s beautiful, surrounded by mountains, many beautiful churches and palazzos and a fascinating rich history mixing Byzantine, Arab, Norman and other cultures.
True a little rough where I am staying this time.
the most beautiful churches in Palermo.

February 19, 2024 5:43 am
February 19, 2024 5:48 am
Winston Smith
February 19, 2024 6:00 am
But QHealth and the Transplant team are recommending regular booster updates. No reply to my letter to them that the manufacturer recommends the boosters NOT be given to the immunocompromised.
A very clear cut refusal to review the science, and continue the bureaucrats rulings.

February 19, 2024 6:07 am
Winston Smith
February 19, 2024 6:10 am


watching and learning

A man would need to have a heart of stone not to laugh at this story!

Like the women in Europe who are raped by illegal migrants, she will cover for them. “Not representative of the migrants fleeing oppression in their homelands”. These men are the oppressors – but the pay is better here.

February 19, 2024 6:45 am

Tim Blair today’s Tele:

Conservatives see it, but none of Joe Bidens fans or colleagues won’t accept his neurological decline

Joe Biden’s supporters would have you believe he is the performing frog of beloved Warner Bros cartoon memory, singing and dancing up a storm – except when he’s got an audience, writes Tim Blair.

Tim Blair
19 Feb 2024

It’s not easy being a conservative in 2024, what with all Australian governments bar one in Labor hands and our broader Western culture dominated as always by leftist themes and campaigns.

It’s less easy still thanks to our cowardly parliamentary allies.

State Liberals throughout Australia have evidently decided that their best shot at returning to power is by behaving exactly like Labor, except without all the union money.

The electoral pendulum will eventually swing back … possibly.

Meanwhile, conservatives – the genuine kind, not the squishy state Liberal kind – should keep their spirits up by considering the plight of our seemingly triumphant leftist friends.

They and their parties may be in power, it’s true. But imagine the trauma associated with that power. Imagine the psychological stress of living by choice in an absence of truth.

Imagine the pain felt by political and cultural leftists every time they happen upon this quote, currently in wide circulation online, from George Orwell’s 1984: “The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”

The weird thing is that today’s leftists don’t even need to be told. They just dismiss the evidence of their eyes and ears automatically, no command required.

That’s why we have so many people on the left who still insist Joe Biden isn’t a brain-damaged zombie-in-chief even when he goes full-on zombie right in front of them.

US President Biden last week froze for a solid few seconds during what passes for him as a live television address. Perhaps he was trying to work out the approximate date of his son Beau’s death.

According to Department of Justice special counsel Robert Hur’s recent Biden investigation the president “did not remember, even within several years, when his son Beau died”.

Forget when, as Biden clearly has, he also struggles with where.

Biden frequently mentions that Beau “lost his life in Iraq”, but he actually lost his life half a decade later and 10,000km away in Baltimore, Maryland.

CNN’s Daniel Dale set the record straight in 2022: “Beau Biden died of brain cancer in 2015, more than five years after he returned from a year serving in Iraq.”

Yet leftists worldwide block out the obvious truth of Biden’s neurological decay, none more aggressively than Biden’s comrades in the US.

“The most difficult part about a meeting with President Biden is preparing for it,” Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said last week, “because he is sharp, intensely probing, and detail-oriented, and focused.”

US Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg slavishly agreed, claiming Biden was almost excessively alert during a White House discussion about trains: “He was asking such detailed questions that we actually had to dial in another expert from Amtrak to get to some of the things he was asking about.”

Biden is the performing frog of beloved Warner Bros cartoon memory, singing and dancing up a storm – except when he’s got an audience.

Incidentally, Biden was 13 when One Froggy Evening was first screened, so by now it’s probably joined everything else he’s forgotten.

The Biden lie is the big lie. Once our mates on the left have convinced themselves that their president’s brain isn’t soup, they presumably have a much easier time accommodating the rest of their cult’s logic free delusions.

Can men become pregnant and give birth? Of course. Although such questions are far simpler when the available answers are framed not by accuracy, but by acceptability. Issues of fact are no longer decided by “yes” or “no” but “good” and “bad”.

Is Australia’s most prominent Aboriginal author actually Aboriginal? Even some leftists can’t cop this one, but the ABC and others in that non-reality based subset will eternally insist that Bruce Pascoe is the real deal (By the way, how come the overwhelming majority of black actors in Australian television commercials are of African or Asian backgrounds rather than Aboriginal? Just something for the painfully woke advertising industry to address there).

How secure are borders in the US, UK and Australia? Ask this question of a leftist and you’ll likely spend the next 90 minutes or so being told that no human being is illegal, global borders are a colonialist concept and all refugees are welcome.

At which point you should simply ask your lefty mate if there’s a lock on their front door. Even the most rabid refugee advocate believes in borders when it comes to their own property.

Various economic, mathematical and logical barriers tend to eventually correct leftist excesses. We may lately be seeing, for example, a bursting of the electric vehicle bubble.

Let’s see how long the Biden bubble retains air. The election is looming.

Tim Blair

February 19, 2024 6:47 am

Some rather intemperate comments last night.

Oh dear and sigh. The 1988 referendum literature prepared by the National Party was an absolute joke.

They were naive and deluded. They participated in everything they said we did not need to worry about or would be an unintended consequence. At best, they’ve tacitly accepted these changes and never tried to change anything.

They have been absolute cucks on the right to own weaponry and self defence.

There was never anything preventing majority jury verdicts unless the Nationals reckon Bryan Pape had a fit and declared the Magna Carta was not possible to be repealed. Did the Nationals ever propose a bill of rights provision like that I support which states that our common law rights at time X are now immemorial constitutional rights? No, I didn’t think so either. Did they propose to do so and alter the referendum bill to prohibit majority jury verdicts (and civil penalties and so on)? No, I don’t remember that either.

Calling the just terms provisions “fluff” but thinking that the High Court would not view Federal budget legislation as “a law establishing” a thing and how we “securely” fund private schools is whereas “establishing” would have a completely different meaning is daft, when all spending must be drawn down by passing a law.

As for Bolton’s pro elitist comments, it’s rather funny seeing a pro Hamas lunatic support people like Dan Andrews or Anna Palasczkuk slinking off into the sunset with million dollar consultancies and gongs whereas they should be severely punished for their malice and incompetence.

Ergo he supports left labor, spiteful corruption and the COVID cult, along with Hamas.

Let’s hear another story about “what it’s really like” in the clink, Graeme. Funny how your insane blog has had no comments since Bolton has been around.

Now drop and give me 20 pushups.

February 19, 2024 6:47 am


I may have given the wrong idea of the substance I seem to be allergic to.
I was talking about Coca Cola of any brand and variety and imitations thereof.

There must be a common ingredient that upsets my system, hence my avoidance of mixed drinks of all kinds containing same.

February 19, 2024 6:54 am

It’s interesting Gabor. Maybe you could drink coke now as they don’t use kola nuts anymore (since 2016).

Do you have a citrus allergy? There’s a lot of citrus in the old cola recipes.

February 19, 2024 6:57 am


You didn’t. I was kidding around.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
February 19, 2024 7:01 am

Mystery ingredient?
It’s Life Gabor.
Coke adds Life.

February 19, 2024 7:05 am

By the way, how come the overwhelming majority of black actors in Australian television commercials are of African or Asian backgrounds rather than Aboriginal? Just something for the painfully woke advertising industry to address there

Maybe it’s bcause they turn up.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 19, 2024 7:16 am

Well I support it was easier to arrest one guy than 200,000. Which is who should’ve been arrested and eported.

Brave anti-Hamas counter-protester at London rally furious at police over arrest threat (18 Feb)

More than 200,000 people are estimated to have attended yesterday’s rally in central London, with police making a total of 12 arrests.

A gutsy counter-protester assaulted at yesterday’s Pro-Palestine rally in London for staging his own anti-Hamas demonstration has questioned why he was then threatened with arrest and led away from the area.

Iranian national Niyak Ghorbani held up a placard asking whether or not Hamas was a terrorist organisation as protesters in central London walked past. At one point one of them appeared to thrown a punch, and others hurled abuse.

However, he today shared a clip showing him being escorted away by two uniformed officers, one of whom takes his arm at one point.

Defending the action, a Met spokesperson claimed Mr Ghorbani was there to “provoke a reaction from the passing crowd” and therefore the officers were trying to “de-escalate the situation to keep everyone safe”.

That’s a lot of antisemitic Hamas lovers you have there Mr Sunak. Maybe you should do something about them before they burn down the Reichstag oops Houses of Parliament.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 19, 2024 7:18 am

Too, early. That should’ve been “suppose” and “deported”. Coffee!

February 19, 2024 7:26 am

Feb 19, 2024 6:54 AM

It’s interesting Gabor. Maybe you could drink coke now as they don’t use kola nuts anymore (since 2016).

Do you have a citrus allergy? There’s a lot of citrus in the old cola recipes.

Not that I know of but I can’t have grapefruit in any form because it interferes with one of my blood pressure pills, can’t remember which one, Irbesartan, or Nifedipine?

Strange thing was that I ran out of both for a while when in the bush for a few months and forgot to take supplies and my blood pressure remained fine at 130/75.
For a 60 year old I think that is OK.

Still taking them now as per doctors advice, although I have some doubts, but I reckon they know more than I do.

I don’t look at Google about health issues much, gives me the creeps reading how many things can go wrong, I wait and let life surprise me.

February 19, 2024 7:34 am

The fear of a gummint enquiry into supermarket pricing, definitely, throwing fear into the “big boyz” .. LOL!
Coles “own brand” peanut butter, 980g jar .. $7.50 Saturday, $7.70 today ……!

February 19, 2024 7:45 am

The Welsh nationalists have come a long way from
firebombing Real Estate agencies which were selling
Welsh properties to the English.

February 19, 2024 7:46 am

Strange thing was that I ran out of both for a while when in the bush for a few months and forgot to take supplies and my blood pressure remained fine at 130/75.
For a 60 year old I think that is OK.

That’s excellent. Athletes even have higher blood pressure sometimes. Sometimes that is because their heart is very strong.

The “blood pressure guidelines” are a complete joke now. 90/60 is NOT healthy AND IT NEVER WILL BE, like a 6 ft MAN weighing 67 kg per BMI is considered “healthy weight”, which is complete BS to anyone with half a brain.

Keep in mind 160/100 was once considered healthy.

From the NYT in 2021:

But the problem with using Sprint to guide practice goes well beyond its small effect. Blood pressure is an exceptionally volatile biologic variable — blood pressure changes in response to activity, stress and your surroundings, like being in a doctor’s office. In short, how it is measured matters. For the study, blood pressure was taken as an average of three measurements during an office visit while the patient was seated and after five minutes of quiet rest with no staff members in the room.

When was the last time your doctor measured your blood pressure that way? While this may be an ideal way to measure it, that’s not what happens in most doctors’ offices. A blood pressure of 130 in the Sprint study may be equivalent to a blood pressure of 140, even 150, in a busy clinic. A national goal of 130 as measured in actual practice may lead many to be overmedicated — making their blood pressures too low.

February 19, 2024 7:47 am

Today’s Paywallion:

Is the ABC Lisa Wilkinson’s last chance saloon?


19 Feb 2024

Lisa Wilkinson has been missing from Australia’s TV screens for 424 days but her absence could soon be over.

The 64-year-old broadcaster has worked at every commercial broadcaster in the country – networks Seven, Nine and Ten – so it’s no denying the options left for her to return to the small screen are limited.

Veteran news and current affairs boss Peter Meakin, a consultant to The Project and long-time friend of Wilkinson who has worked with her at all three commercial free-to-air networks, says her career is far from finished.

He believes the ABC could be in her sights. “I wouldn’t be surprised if the ABC could use her talents,” Meakin told The Australian. “I think there’s still a future for her but it might be something different, still involved with interviewing but something different.

“I worked with her at Seven and Nine as well as Ten – she was a delight, she was very capable on air, she was a breeze to deal with, in my experience.”

When Wilkinson gave her teary farewell speech on Ten’s The Project in November 2022, her followers – and Wilkinson herself – were under the illusion she would be back on TV soon.

That never eventuated.

Instead, the behind the scenes rift between Wilkinson and Ten executives including Paramount boss Beverley McGarvey deepened, as was revealed in the Federal Court hearing last week as part of former Liberal staff Bruce Lehrmann’s defamation action against the veteran broadcaster and Network Ten.

Meakin said he was shocked at how badly things turned between Ten executives and ­Wilkinson, with her mental health becoming a concern for management.

“I can’t believe the relationship with Ten so clearly went off the rails,” he said.

“Whether she (Lisa) gets on air on Channel 10 before the end of her contract is in the lap of the gods.

“If Ten doesn’t have something for her, I’m confident that someone else will.”

Wilkinson’s contract with Ten expires in October, with multiple figures within the network telling The Australian that it was unlikely she would stay with Ten for that long.

No decision will be made until the outcome of the Lehrmann defamation trial is known, with the judge in the case expected to hand down his judgment in April.

Wilkinson will make one of her first official public appearances in months when she attends the Cairns Tropical Writers Festival in March to promote her book It Wasn’t Meant To Be Like This, which was published in 2021.

Wilkinson was contacted for comment but did not respond.

It’s been a rocky start to the year for Ten.

Not only has the network been under unwanted scrutiny during the latest chapter of the long-running Wilkinson saga but US entertainment giant Paramount – which owns Ten – executed a round of about 20 redundancies last week, including that of local chief operating officer Jarrod Villani.

McGarvey as chief content officer is now the most senior person at Ten.

The network’s ratings have been consistently poor over the past five years, with its audience share slipping well behind its traditional rivals Seven and Nine, and into fourth place behind the ABC.

It’s been a rocky start to the year for Ten.

Not only has the network been under unwanted scrutiny during the latest chapter of the long-running Wilkinson saga but US entertainment giant Paramount – which owns Ten – executed a round of about 20 redundancies last week, including that of local chief operating officer Jarrod Villani.

McGarvey as chief content officer is now the most senior person at Ten.

The network’s ratings have been consistently poor over the past five years, with its audience share slipping well behind its traditional rivals Seven and Nine, and into fourth place behind the ABC.

However, multiple sources have told The Australian that the network’s poor ratings and its sluggish advertising revenue – a factor that is currently hurting the bottom line of all media organisations – weren’t the reason for last week’s lay-offs.

“Paramount in the US is looking to centralise its operations, and while the Australian market is a relatively small part of the business, what happens in the US has flow-on effects here,” one source said.

Another source said that despite the woes generally associated with a round of redundancies, Ten remains in relatively good ­financial shape.

“Ten has a global parent, and access to a global library. That adds up to a fairly stable position but like everyone in the media, no one’s immune to the cycles in the market and some job cuts are happening in the industry all across the world,” the source said.

“You only have to look at Seven’s results this week (its half-year profit was down 53 per cent). Don’t dismiss the fact that Ten does have a fairy godmother.”

Another Ten source said the network needs to make sure “it remains nimble in the local market”.

“Australia is a highly competitive market. You need to take some punts and you need to move fast. It’s a case of ‘evolve, or die’.”

Wilkinson, McGarvey and Villani declined to comment when approached by The Australian.



The schadenfreude…bloody awesome:

When Wilkinson gave her teary farewell speech on Ten’s The Project in November 2022, her followers – and Wilkinson herself – were under the illusion she would be back on TV soon.

That never eventuated.

February 19, 2024 7:49 am

Most abos are indistinguishable from whitey. They’re there in the ads. They just look like your average honky, so you don’t recognise them.

Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
February 19, 2024 7:57 am

Speaking of blood pressure, Mrs MS has the complete opposite problem of most. We have a BP machine that many GPs use and it is occasionally calibrated against her GP’s machine. Immediately after arising this morning, Mrs MS had a BP of 71/58 (three readings). Very scary stuff, about which little can be done.

February 19, 2024 8:05 am

The Biden lie is the big lie. Once our mates on the left have convinced themselves that their president’s brain isn’t soup, they presumably have a much easier time accommodating the rest of their cult’s logic free delusions.

Beery, many thanks for liberating Tim Blair from the paywall, He’s in crackling form.

February 19, 2024 8:06 am

Feb 19, 2024 5:30 AM
lots of international coverage of the Sydney rally, well done all who participated!


Boambee John
Boambee John
February 19, 2024 8:12 am


As DB says, we can leave those involved to work it out … but any threat to Japans (or Koreas) energy supply lines coming through international waters will not be a matter for soft bullying and diplomatic discussion over time.

Those involved can work out the resource access issues, but under present international law, the Nine-Dash-Line does NOT provide China with enclosed territorial waters.

February 19, 2024 8:21 am

This is exactly what they were telling us for years before they unleashed Covid on us – after having war gamed it a couple of years before.

‘Mission critical for humanity’: WHO director warns that Disease X outbreak ‘a matter of when, not if’

Boambee John
Boambee John
February 19, 2024 8:25 am

Boambee John
Feb 19, 2024 8:09 AM

Feb 18, 2024 10:23 PM

Rights to which they have no entitlement while the area is disputed,

I wasn’t saying they were entitled to it now.

So what is the relevance of the “predate” comment?

It’s relevance is that the claim wasn’t conjured by the PRC, but was inherited from the previous regime, which is why Taiwan makes a similar claim.

Is there any evidence, at all, that China has offered to compromise?

I don’t know, I’m no detailed knowledge of any of the negotiations.

I’m not sure that this whole discussion has done much more to advance the sum of human knowledge in the world, other than to highlight China’s arrogance and intransigence.

February 19, 2024 8:37 am

CAPE CORAL, FL – After watching news coverage of a summit held between United States president Donald Trump and Russian president Vladimir Putin, local baby boomer Hank Valentino began to reminisce about the “glory days” when the two nations very nearly destroyed the entire world with nuclear weapons

February 19, 2024 8:49 am
Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 19, 2024 8:55 am

Biden Admin Backing Away From Aggressive Push For Electric Vehicles As Consumer Demand Remains Low

Jeffrey Tucker has an interesting article up:

The Great Reset Didn’t Work: The Case Of EVs (19 Feb)

Linking EV propaganda with the Covid fiasco is a bit of a stretch, but he may be right that it was used to create a bandwagon effect. Which is now collapsing. I would say it is the opposite way around, in that the climate rubbish was drawn upon to further scare the gullible when Covid came along, thereby justifying totalitarian edicts and actions for both. They’re still trying of course, like that WHO disease X propaganda today, but the ordinary people aren’t listening.

February 19, 2024 8:58 am
February 19, 2024 9:00 am
Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 19, 2024 9:12 am

These people have been driven insane. Literally.

Bloomberg News: ‘Climate Anxiety’ Can Feel Like ‘There’s No Safe Harbor’ – Concerned are ‘crying in the office and at the dinner table’ (18 Feb)

So when we asked Bloomberg Green readers about their feelings on climate change, we wanted to understand both how living with this problem was affecting your day-to-day lives, and also what helps you cope. We received hundreds of responses covering the full range of emotions — guilt, fear, anxiety, rage and worry. We had responses from all over the world, and we also sought out some perspectives from therapists and people with direct experience of climate disaster. Along the way, we found even more people who wanted to tell us how they’ve learned to cope with the anxiety.

Terrified about climate banshees, spirits and spectres that don’t exist. No amount of data will stop them being terrified, or convince them nothing dangerous is happening. It’s like the Aztecs cutting hearts out of victims to change the weather. Just as stupid and just as evil.

February 19, 2024 9:14 am

Terrified about climate banshees, spirits and spectres that don’t exist. No amount of data will stop them being terrified, or convince them nothing dangerous is happening. It’s like the Aztecs cutting hearts out of victims to change the weather. Just as stupid and just as evil.

Probably not.

February 19, 2024 9:25 am

Terrified about climate banshees, spirits and spectres that don’t exist. No amount of data will stop them being terrified, or convince them nothing dangerous is happening. It’s like the Aztecs cutting hearts out of victims to change the weather. Just as stupid and just as evil.

Yeah Bruce. I have come across some retards who believe in the climate change nonsense. I wouldn’t say any of them were crying at the dinner table or anxious about it. These articles are all a crock of shit.

February 19, 2024 9:27 am

Remember people, Gerbil Worming has been around since 1988, that is, over 35 years ago.

It was bullsh*t then and it’s bullsh*t now.

Anyone who believes in it is an irredeemable imbecile.

Bill P
Bill P
February 19, 2024 9:28 am

Beery, many thanks for liberating Tim Blair from the paywall
Yes. Biggus Tickus

February 19, 2024 9:30 am

I have come across some retards who believe in the climate change nonsense.

Those who only listen to or read the headlines.

*Shallow thinkers.

Houston, we have a problem.

February 19, 2024 9:31 am

Anyone who believes in it is an irredeemable imbecile.

True words from Rabz.

February 19, 2024 9:37 am

Do you go to the rally Rabz?

February 19, 2024 9:38 am


Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
February 19, 2024 9:40 am

City News Kalgoorlie closes doors due to unrelenting theft two years after selling $63 million Lotto ticket
Josh Zimmerman
The West Australian
Mon, 19 February 2024 2:00AM

The owners of the Kalgoorlie newsagent that famously sold a $63 million lottery ticket have shut up shop and are deserting the town in the face of unrelenting theft and anti-social behaviour.

The final straw for Tania Parkes was a magistrate saying it was concerning that an alleged shoplifter she pursued out of the store she has run alongside husband Kevin for almost a decade felt like she was prejudiced against.

City News Kalgoorlie shut its doors on Saturday and will not reopen under new ownership until July.

The Parkes made the difficult decision to sell out of the venture because they no longer feel safe in the town they grew up in.

“In the last eight years, the stealing and abuse has just gotten worse and worse,” Mrs Parkes said.

“We are open 12 hours a day and it starts from the moment you open, right up until closing time.”

To ward off thieves, the Parkes took to keeping their 75kg rottweiler Dozer inside their store with them.

The altercation that finally pushed the husband and wife team to throw in the towel occurred in mid-January, during a major power outage caused by a severe summer thunderstorm that toppled the only transmission line into the Goldfields.

Mrs Parkes purchased a $4000 generator to keep the newsagency’s fridges operational so they could keep supplying cold drinks to the town on a sweltering 42C day.

“The lottery system was down and we were costing ourselves money staying open but we wanted to try and provide some relief to people out on the streets,” she said.
City News Kalgoorlie co-owner Tania Parkes.

With only one small section of the store open, Dozer was behind the counter with Mr Parkes – who lost his leg after falling off a roof two decades ago.

Around 8.30am, an Aboriginal woman walked out of the store without paying for a bottle of Coke prompting Mrs Parkes to pursue her.

“We have shoplifters every day and I confront them every time as politely as possible,” she said.

“It was the same with this lady, I walked on the street and said ‘No you don’t have a right to take stuff without paying’.”

Instead of handing the drink back, Mrs Parkes claims the woman struck her in the face — at which point a physical altercation broke out.

The thief was arrested and last month pleaded guilty to stealing, criminal damage and common assault, as well as breaching bail when failing to appear at an earlier court date.

She was handed an $800 suspended fine, which will not have to be paid unless she reoffends within four months.

Mrs Parkes said she was surprised by the leniency of the sentence but devastated by the commentary from the magistrate, who accepted the defendant’s “version of events” that she had intended to pay for the Coke but had been “chased” out of the store “perhaps” because of “prejudice”.

“I come from an Aboriginal background, the man who married my mum and raised me is Aboriginal and I grew up with Aboriginal grandparents,” Mrs Parkes said.

February 19, 2024 9:41 am

So Much for Global Warming/Climate Change

Melbourne Jan 1908 – 5 consecutive days of +40C plus a 39.9C preceding that heatwave.

Jan 1908 – 15 Days over 30C, 12 Days over 35C

Melbourne Jan max av mean for 1908 was 31C. Never been beaten.

Feb 1908 only got 8 Days over 30C

February 19, 2024 9:43 am

Anyone who believes in it is an irredeemable imbecile.

Funniest one was a young hippy chick waitress I worked with. Had a sticker on her car BIG OIL DON’T SURF. I asked if she had a wooden surfboard? No.

Then I’m pretty sure Big Oil is surfing. Such posing tossers they all are.

February 19, 2024 9:46 am

While checking my email just now, I saw a headline on the yahoo home page: Blaxit: Tired of rascism, Black Americans try life in Africa.

I didn’t travel any further in that direction, but had a chuckle to myself.

February 19, 2024 9:47 am

Terrified about climate banshees, spirits and spectres that don’t exist.

Loonies gonna loon.

Neurotics getting hysterical is nothing new. In the old days we laughed at them; now we are supposed to take them seriously.

February 19, 2024 9:49 am

their 75kg rottweiler Dozer


Very disappointing story.

February 19, 2024 9:55 am

Some Outright Lies from BOM

– Just Click the Years where 1908 is and see that the data goes back to 1855 as confirmed by the following

Station: Melbourne Regional Office Number: 86071

Opened: 1908 Now: Closed 06 Jan 2015

Lat: 37.81° SLon: 144.97° EElevation: 31 m

86071 MELBOURNE REGIONAL OFFICE -37.8075 144.9700 Apr 1855 Jan 2015 159.8 100 Y

Years of Operation 159.8 Years

February 19, 2024 10:00 am

Those involved can work out the resource access issues, but under present international law, the Nine-Dash-Line does NOT provide China with enclosed territorial waters.

Yes, thats my point. We ought to push very hard against this 9 dash line because any ideas that essential energy supply lines might get impacted will be more war than jaw …

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
February 19, 2024 10:01 am

Biden said the special investigator asked whether he remembered when his son, Beau, died and then hissed with outrage “How dare they ask me that!” On talking-head TV afterward people like Eric Holder: through some sympathetic resonance, echoed Biden’s umbrage.

Except the actual report states that it was Biden himself who raised Beau’s death.

But they are trying to discredit the report.

February 19, 2024 10:04 am

Further, whenever the South China Seas dispute arises in Western discussions are Vietnamese or Phillipine counterclaims, for instance, and whether these accord to UNCLOS, of any interest, or are such questions peripheral because what is actually operative here is containment of China?

Really, it’s an attempt to contain China. That’s a very novel approach. You should tell that to the neighboring countries that want to use the S China Sea as a free waterway.

February 19, 2024 10:04 am

But as with any magic, there is white magic and there is dark magic. And writing dishonestly to manipulate people is the darkest magic of all, more dangerous and evil than any physical weapon, and far more destructive.

February 19, 2024 10:06 am

[Kalgoorlie newsagent Tania] Parkes said she was surprised by the leniency of the sentence but devastated by the commentary from the magistrate, who accepted the defendant’s “version of events” that she had intended to pay for the Coke but had been “chased” out of the store “perhaps” because of “prejudice”.

Odds-on the magistrate was appointed by state Labor, is a bleeding heart liberal and thinks criminals are victims.

Carbon copy of Victoria, whose judiciary has been systematically replaced (by Labor) by radicals who are making it nearly impossible for criminals to get sentences the community denands.

Like the media, much of the state judiciaries around Australia don’t live in the real world and have never, for example, had to endure a home invasion.

Boambee John
Boambee John
February 19, 2024 10:07 am


That Westerners think this highlights ‘China’s arrogance and intransigence’ is simply peculiar.

What highlights China’s “arrogance and intransigence’ is that China agreed to arbitration, then, when the result did not go China’s way, intransigently and arrogantly rejected the outcome of the agreed process.

Boambee John
Boambee John
February 19, 2024 10:09 am


PS, the Philippine claims were part of the arbitration process, so they must have at least more basis under UNCLOS than do China’s claims in that area.

February 19, 2024 10:14 am

According to the most recent edition of Army News, a PNG colonel has been appointed as 2 i/c of an Australian brigade (3 Bde at Townsville). I knew they often trained with us, and that individual officers were attached, but was unaware that regulations allowed them to command Australian troops.

Perhaps this is a smart decision if Aust. needs to intervene in PNG (in times of large scale civil disorder, for example) in a serious way in the future. Having a PNGDF officer leading the foreign troops might be a minor placation. The recent riots in Moresby and Lae indicate that anarchy is still on the cards. Though we could always sit back and let the PLA (disguised as civil police ‘advisors’) do the job?

February 19, 2024 10:16 am

When all of the penal concepts are debated to the nth degree, the one concept that is more robust than all others is “protection of the community”.

Being concerned for a criminal chased out of a shop by a shopkeeper, does not fit the requirement of protecting the community.

leniency of the sentence but devastated by the commentary from the magistrate, who accepted the defendant’s “version of events” that she had intended to pay for the Coke

Well, the magistrate is not very smart and cannot reason. If that’s the case, then they were not guilty.

Since they were found guilty, the magistrate was grandstanding and making disparaging comments about an innocent complainant.

“perhaps” because of “prejudice”

Also, a rabbit punching coward.

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
February 19, 2024 10:17 am

Just caught a replay of yesterday’s second hour of Outsiders.
Special guest from The Times of Israel was Haviv Rettig Gur, who explained the ridiculous “refugee” status of latterday Palis, and the insane anomaly that has a separate UNRWA group supposedly “looking after them” when it does nothing to resettle them as the UNHCR would usually do with those real refugees it has to deal with.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 19, 2024 10:21 am

Beertruk at 7:47.
This article was quoting the person in management responsible for the Project clusterf-ck (Peter Meakin) saying Toad would get a gig on the ABC.
“Sources close to …..”

Wilkinson’s contract with Ten expires in October, with multiple figures within the network telling The Australian that it was unlikely she would stay with Ten for that long.

A bit over six months to run?
She won’t be leaving early with a million bucks still on the table. Any gig at their ABC wouldn’t pay anything close to making that worthwhile. Imagine the extended claws from Nilligan, Tingle and Mrs Snowcone if Toad got a high paying gig at Aunty.
And Ten won’t be volunteering a payout offer, because it will risk a breach of contract claim from the Toad.
More from “informed sources”.

Another source said that despite the woes generally associated with a round of redundancies, Ten remains in relatively good ­financial shape.

How do we know this?

“Ten has a global parent, and access to a global library. That adds up to a fairly stable position but like everyone in the media, no one’s immune to the cycles in the market and some job cuts are happening in the industry all across the world,” the source said.

So “access to a global library” = sound finances.
So Paramount have a winner of a show aimed at 20-35 year olds.
Do they:-
(a) put it on Paramount+ and generate subscriber revenue?; or
(b) use it to generate sfa advertising revenue on Ten?

“You only have to look at Seven’s results this week (its half-year profit was down 53 per cent). Don’t dismiss the fact that Ten does have a fairy godmother.”

Who did the Oz interview for this article?
Fat Cat?
Meakin after lunch?
There are no fairy godmothers in business.
Someone at Ten is drinking their own bathwater.

February 19, 2024 10:22 am

Sad news for racing fans: 2020 Melbourne Cup winner Verry Elleegant has died in the UK. The mare was pregnant.

February 19, 2024 10:22 am

I was at the Rally yesterday at The Domain.
I was looking forward to a bit of biff but someone must have blabbed that I would be there, so the sand apes and camel jockeys stayed away. 😀

Jokes aside, it was a good turnout. Brilliant weather for three quarters of the rally. There was a large collection of stand-up shapes illustrated with silhouettes of people and in the silhouettes were copies of artworks by Israeli and many other Jewish artists depicting their views and interpretations of Oct 7. Very intense and many would make your eyes grow very moist.

The first hour was good music and meeting lots of people. It was a very friendly atmosphere and as a woman on her own, many came over and said hi, join us.

Mark Leach started the serious part of the day. He is a great speaker. I was very pissed off though that the first speaker of the day after Mark, was Scummo. He was screaming through the mike the usual platitudes of Freedom from Tyranny, Freedom from fear and violence etc. All I could think was “you slimy hypocrite”. How quickly and easily you ripped away those same freedoms from Australians on a whim.

And who the hell thought Jacki-Jackie as a speaker was a great idea? More screaming about freedom, the right to live without fear etc, and again, all I could think of was that bush pig threatening the unvaxxed that “we’re coming for you, we know where you live”. The lack of self-awareness in these turds would be laughable if it weren’t so scary that they are, or have been involved in making decisions about their fellow Australians. I don’t trust either of them.

Warren Mundine was a joy. This is a man who has only recently been hounded, derided and had his life and that of his family threatened. He truly understands what Jews are going through right now. A great and humble man.

John Anderson was good value. Interesting that Scummo and Jackie-Jackie screamed their way through their bullshit and every other speaker was measured and did not assault your hearing.

Hollie Hughes was excellent. Julian Leeser said all the right things but again, the lack of self-awareness is also strong in this one. He went on about the need to stop division and we are all one, forgetting he was so gung-ho about dividing us along racial lines.

There were quite a few Christian Iranian and Christian Egyptians there in solidarity which was good to see. And several gorgeous doggos!

I said g’day to Nic Cater as he walked past carrying a camera and tripod. I am very happy I finally made it to a rally. I met a ton of great people, exchanged phone numbers. I was given one of the posters with “say NO to Anti-semitism” and carried it so the words could be seen as I walked back to the station and on the train and not one sneer or nasty word from anyone who saw it. That felt good. Hopefully, it bodes well that the average aussie has not been sucked in by the media and their gormless, mindless and illiterate “educated, so we are smarter than you”, lapdogs.

Sorry for the word wall but I am shattered. It was a long day and I wanted to write this down before I go back to sleep for a few hours. I caught the train as I knew I would be too tired to drive back. Glad I did, up at four, and home at 1 am this morning.

February 19, 2024 10:22 am

Bradford Banducci in the news again.

He won’t be able to walk out of the upcoming senate inquiry into grocery pricing.

Perhaps he’ll send a sick note from his Otago winery.

February 19, 2024 10:27 am

Many thanks for the report, Pogria. Cheering to know there’s still sanity around.

February 19, 2024 10:27 am

Thanks Pogria.

February 19, 2024 10:28 am

sand apes

There were quite a few Christian Iranian and Christian Egyptians there in solidarity which was good to see.

February 19, 2024 10:32 am

Morrison’s presence was the headline in all the news reports.

I suspect that’s why he was invited.

The problem with that decision is that he remains a deeply unpopular figure.

February 19, 2024 10:33 am

I admire their moxie.

Is living in a tent for eight years a W though?

Family builds their own private ecovillage with free materials

Cameron and Janeen Schiff built their dream home out of trash and salvage, but it took 16 years to put it together by hand. Steel beams from a dismantled Lockheed factory frame the main structure; old surfboards from Patagonia are insulation; dozens of pieces of marble form a countertop; and broken concrete has become stairs and pathways.

The family of four began living in a trailer on the land until they had at a small room ready for a bunkbed and the kids. Each additional room was built as an individual unit so slowly a compound of rooms began to grow. Next came an office for Janine who worked from home in sales. And finally the main room, a near polygon, was finished with 10 foot ceilings, an open kitchen/living room, and a lofted bedroom.

After two wells went dry the family begin living off rainwater. All the rooftops collect rain which is then pumped up the mountain into holding tanks. Cameron laid tubing all the way up to mountainside so that there would be sufficient drop and pressure to power fire sprinklers.

They use a double barrel composting toilet, which takes about two years to fill up after which it sits for 2 1/2 years to remove any pathogens.

Cameron built a solar-powered hot tub out of an industrial mixing bowl and holding tanks across the property for rainwater one of which became a skate park. There is plenty of water for their indoor and outdoor showers and outdoor bathtub, as well as to water their fruit orchard.

Sixteen years.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 19, 2024 10:35 am

Mother Lode

Feb 19, 2024 10:01 AM

Biden said the special investigator asked whether he remembered when his son, Beau, died and then hissed with outrage “How dare they ask me that!” On talking-head TV afterward people like Eric Holder: through some sympathetic resonance, echoed Biden’s umbrage.

Except the actual report states that it was Biden himself who raised Beau’s death.

The examiner probably thought they were throwing Sleepy Joe a bone here.
“OK. He raised it. It is a pretty momentous event in his life, and it isn’t recent, so he should be able to recall the salient facts.”

Fair Shake
Fair Shake
February 19, 2024 10:36 am

Well done Pogria.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 19, 2024 10:37 am


Feb 19, 2024 10:22 AM

Sad news for racing fans: 2020 Melbourne Cup winner Verry Elleegant has died in the UK. The mare was pregnant.

Who was the sire?
Bill Clinton?

February 19, 2024 10:38 am

Sad news for racing fans: 2020 Melbourne Cup winner Verry Elleegant has died in the UK. The mare was pregnant.

Terrible news. That mare was a badass racehorse. What was the go. Did she just drop dead?

February 19, 2024 10:39 am

Did she just drop dead?


Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 19, 2024 10:40 am


February 19, 2024 10:41 am

Verry Eleegant could salute at any trip. That is a great horse.

February 19, 2024 10:41 am

Sancho, it’s now reported that Verry Elleegant died giving birth to her first foal.

February 19, 2024 10:41 am

I don’t get this mania.

Taylor Swift is headed to Sydney after well and truly conquering Melbourne, playing to her largest audience ever and wowing almost 300,000 people at the MCG over three nights.

We were driving around/past the MCG on Saturday around 3.30 in the arvo and there were lots of people on their way to the G then. That’s around 4 hours before the start of the concert. What would you be doing sitting in a tight seat in the grandstand for for a total of ~8 hours FFS?

February 19, 2024 10:41 am


February 19, 2024 10:44 am

Meanwhile, the EV is deeply loved by many as

1) a second car,
2) for well-to-do suburban commuters,
3) who own homes,
4) can charge overnight, and
5) have a gas car as a backup for cold weather and out-of-town trips.

That is to say, the market is becoming exactly what it should be – a street-worthy golf cart with very fancy features

– and not some paradigmatic case for the “great reset.” That’s simply not happening, despite all the subsidies and tax breaks.

February 19, 2024 10:46 am

Sixteen years.

Southern California.

Don’t skimp on the fortifications would be my advice.

February 19, 2024 10:49 am

I add my approbation to others who have acknowledged Pogria’s report on the rally.

February 19, 2024 10:49 am

Taylor Swift mania must be symptom of Climate Change Anxiety, I reckon. What else can explain it?

February 19, 2024 10:50 am

That’s simply not happening, despite all the subsidies and tax breaks.

We sought comment from Bill Shorten but he did not return our calls.

February 19, 2024 10:51 am
Mother Lode
Mother Lode
February 19, 2024 10:52 am

Sorry for the word wall but I am shattered.

No worries. Good for those of us who did not attend to get some of the feel of it – especially because it is not an angry feel – in contrast to leftist rallies.

I assume the Steaming Mourning Hamas and the ABC reported ‘a few hundred extremists’, while their own rallies are usually reported to be in the billions with people of all ages and genders and across the whole splendid kaleidoscope of Australian society.

February 19, 2024 10:53 am
Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 19, 2024 10:53 am


Feb 19, 2024 10:41 AM


Don’t f-cking “Chuckle” me, champ!

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
February 19, 2024 10:54 am


Was it suddenly a ‘suddenly’ death? That is the real test.

February 19, 2024 10:54 am


February 19, 2024 10:55 am

German anti-Fascists go Fascist:

I would like to treat Right-wing extremist networks in the same way as organised crime. Those who mock the state must have to deal with a strong state, which means consistently prosecuting and investigating every offence. This can be done not only by the police, but also by the regulatory authorities such as the catering or business supervisory authorities. Our approach must be to leave no stone unturned when it comes to Right-wing extremists.

More from eugyppius.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 19, 2024 10:59 am

I assume the Steaming Mourning Hamas and the ABC reported ‘a few hundred extremists’, while their own rallies are usually reported to be in the billions with people of all ages and genders and across the whole splendid kaleidoscope of Australian society.

I have commented on this before. If the pro-Israeli rally started at midday, they will take a drone shot at 10:30 of the vast expanse of parkland dotted with a very few people.
If it is a pro-Pali rally, there is invariably a metre high banner being carried in front with a bunch of twenty activists with fists raised and putting on their passionate activist-faces.
Camera shots are always taken from a low angle looking up at the front row to avoid any awkward conflicts with the text of the article estimating “tens of thousands” of protestors. The banner hides any sparseness of the crowd behind.
Pure gaslighting.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 19, 2024 11:01 am


Feb 19, 2024 10:54 AM


If you f-cking ‘LOL!’ me one more time it will be on, pal!

February 19, 2024 11:03 am

it’s now reported that Verry Elleegant died giving birth to her first foal.

The foal didn’t survive either. Sad. Anyone know who she was in foal to? Frankel?

February 19, 2024 11:03 am

We are too stupid to see the Dark Ages are back

Quiet quitting is not just about jobs. We are also abandoning parenthood, religion and relationships


This is a column about work, but I’m going to start with religion (atheists, bear with).

A Telegraph analysis reveals that Church of England attendance has fallen by about 20 per cent since Covid. Some of that will be old folks dying off; some of it, people losing the habit.

But it’s also an illustration of how we respond to cultural cues.

By closing churches in the middle of the “Greatest Crisis Since the War”, Christian leaders sent the message that collective worship isn’t essential – and if it didn’t matter then, why would it matter now?

The lesson of lockdown was that nothing – not your religion, your relationships, education or career – matters more than your health.

Therefore, it’s no surprise that today, despite almost one million vacancies, more than nine million of us of working age are economically inactive, including two and a half million on a sickie.

The state told us we could stay at home and be paid to do it, that any cost will be covered by the future taxpayer.

What mug would choose to get a job?!

There are very good reasons not to work.

A lot of modern employment is insecure and badly paid.

The failure to invest in state social care has compelled many to look after relatives.

But while I’m sure the incoming Labour government has countless policies to fix these problems (tumbleweed blows across the page), what they’ll really struggle with is the changing shape of work – the rise of the click-based, content creating “non-job” – and the cultural perception that much of what we do is simply a waste of time.

Britons once built ships.

Now we work in HR and events management.

I’m convinced that one reason why we adore the NHS is that it remains a rare locus of expertise and hard work, where people do something that matters.

Yet even the doctors are on strike. This is the Dropout Generation. If we’re not getting what we want, we walk away – when we can be bothered.

Academics have identified a curious phenomenon called quiet quitting, whereby employees stay in their job, they just do less of it, having neither the will to climb the ladder nor the energy to hop off.

This is demonstrable – UK workers have lost 4.5 working days a year since Covid – and the term is being creatively applied to relationships (where the precarious nature of online dating reflects the gig economy for work).

Britons are having less sex, marrying later – if at all – and putting off babies for good, causing populations to shrink.

The replacement rate is circa 2.1 babies per woman; in South Korea it’s 0.78. The silver lining of civilisational collapse is we might finally see the end of K-pop.

Once upon a time, the key unit in society was the family.

Today it is the individual. The only principle we can agree matters is choice, though with the death of religion and philosophy, the range of choices that we can imagine has narrowed drastically, as culture and faith have been replaced by holiday photos and video games.

I’m with the philosopher Alasdair MacIntyre: we live in the new Dark Ages, we’re just too illiterate to realise how dumb we are. Harold Macmillan sat in the trenches reading Aeschylus. Rishi Sunak is a fan of Taylor Swift.

The PM wills Britain to grow, but being the product of a bland corporate culture, cannot explain why we should make the effort. To make the most of one’s talents, perhaps; to contribute, to enjoy responsibility, to pass something on. Prevailing against such optimism, the stuff that gets us out of bed in the morning, the green movement glues roads to a halt and predicts there won’t even be a tomorrow to enjoy.

In a culture saturated with despair, people sigh “I can’t cope!” Pharma companies say “You don’t have to”. And doctors write the prescription.

Rather than ask why capitalism makes people mad or unwell, we invite citizens to drop out of it. Rather than encouraging partners to make a relationship work, we celebrate them for having the “courage to walk away”.

And if you don’t want to brush your own kid’s teeth, says Labour, we’ll do it for them in school (that actually is a policy of theirs).

Labour’s abandonment of proper socialism, that is sacrificing today for a better tomorrow, strikes a chord among an electorate that doubts society can remake itself and is gradually giving up on democracy.

Polling suggests young people favour a dictatorship. I don’t think they’re dreaming of Stalin. Rather they regard politics as stupid, occasionally harmful, and they’d prefer it to go away.

In a Deliveroo society where one doesn’t even cook the food one eats – let alone kill it and pluck it – we want stuff to be done for us, fast and anonymously.

The ideal dictator would be a hard-working immigrant. “If you’ve enjoyed this military junta, please remember to leave a review.”

My point is this: it’s tempting to see Covid as the Great Disruptor, an event of such unusual force that it shook society to its foundations, and that we only need to pass some bills and kick a few deadbeats off welfare to put things back.

But that’s wrong. Lockdown went with the grain, confirming the slow death of vitality in British life, and sending the state in to take the place of the engaged citizen.

We’ve been complaining about our work ethic for years.

The baby glut has been a long-time coming. And Christianity has been ebbing away since the 1970s. We have a spiritual crisis, which is to say we’re a society without a motivating spirit.

February 19, 2024 11:05 am

LOL, chuckle and sigh

February 19, 2024 11:05 am

I assume the Steaming Mourning Hamas and the ABC reported ‘a few hundred extremists’

The SMH reported “thousands gathered” with a photo of the crowd.

So there is that.

Most of their report focused on Morrison.

Real Deal
Real Deal
February 19, 2024 11:06 am

I think old Scomo is on a hiding to nothing here. If he goes to the rally he is insincere and shouty. If he doesn’t go, he’s a scumbag for ducking the rally. Heads you lose, tails you lose.

February 19, 2024 11:07 am

The lesson of lockdown was that nothing – not your religion, your relationships, education or career – matters more than your health.

The prematurely dead due to delayed medical treatment would beg to differ if they could.

February 19, 2024 11:08 am

If he doesn’t go, he’s a scumbag for ducking the rally.

If he didn’t go/wasn’t invited would anyone have missed him?

February 19, 2024 11:09 am

German anti-Fascists go Fascist:

The scary part is irony is lost on them Roger.

February 19, 2024 11:09 am

Thanks for the report on the rally. Good to hear good support shown.
I guess occasionally Lambie finds herself on the right side.

February 19, 2024 11:10 am

“Someone at Ten is drinking their own bathwater”. After they pee’d in it, I might add.

February 19, 2024 11:15 am

Lambie will grift of enything for a chance to howl at the moon.

February 19, 2024 11:15 am

Lockdowns, the mRNA vaccines & many other aspects of the Covid nightmare did signify, I think, the great changes in western societies. They revealed how we have traded many of our values for affluence. It also revealed the extent to which our traditional education has abandoned the essential principle of critical thinking.

It is a great shock to some of my generation. I don’t know if it is recoverable.

February 19, 2024 11:20 am

I dunno, I see it One step back, two steps forward, Vivki.

February 19, 2024 11:21 am

Had a family gathering last night. 12 people from 3 families. Normally we split the bill.

As I made the booking and they did not split bills I paid. Two other Dad’s did not have cash so asked me for my bank account details.

We need to keep cash going.

February 19, 2024 11:21 am

Yeah right. Blaming the death of the C of E on quiet quitting.

The failure to invest in state social care has compelled many to look after relatives.

“The (UK Government’)s Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) total proposed expenditure for 2023/24 is £279.3 billion…”

That’s 538 billion AUD, for 67.96 million people.

From that 279.3 bn GBP, 232.4 GBP will be spent on benefits.

25.7 bn GBP or or 49.57 bn AUD will be spent on adult social care for 818,000 people by the NHS. 60,599 per client – on top of benefits and private spending, plus charities!

So we have a C of E historian who thinks there is not enough socialism and blames quiet quitting for why people don’t go to church.


I don’t mind a word wall but I do like discernment.

February 19, 2024 11:25 am

Lockdowns, the mRNA vaccines & many other aspects of the Covid nightmare did signify, I think, the great changes in western societies. They revealed how we have traded many of our values for affluence.

Who got affluent? Who did less or no work? Who was given the short shrift from lockdowns or mandates?

It also revealed the extent to which our traditional education has abandoned the essential principle of critical thinking.

It’s not easy to think critically when you are being lied to and gaslighted by utter psychopaths who cannot admit they made a mistake (or their hypocrisy) and when you are punished by exclusion from employment or professional deregistration is you question their narrative.

February 19, 2024 11:26 am


February 19, 2024 11:28 am

When you let the kiddies write the headline .. LOL!

February 19, 2024 11:30 am

Whenever Taylor Swift sings, she expels trillions of microscopic brain fungus spores, which travel on the gifts of nature (the wind, tides, dropbear dives) to all sixteen corners of this flat Earth, and are unknowingly inhaled by the lemming legions. Once in the human bloodstream, these particles make their way to the Parabellum Cortex of the brain, which triggers the usually dormant Dalek Cell. Nothing but the amygdala survives the waves of paralytic chemical attack. In the final stage, humans will exist in a state of catatonia until The Final Anthem vaporises all trace of what for millenia was the dominant species on the planet.

Or something.
I need coffee.

February 19, 2024 11:35 am

Shameless repost. Do NOT mess with the hive mind of Swifties.

Papa Meat – Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce break up…

A prophecy, not a parody!

February 19, 2024 11:39 am

Perhaps it is the pursuit of affluence?

There is a difference between education and schooling. I cannot recall if it was John Taylor Gatto who posited that for many decades, we have had schooling, rather than education, as the goal of the state. Schooling is about conformity, socially moulding individuals … here my memory fades.

I would suggest that education is a self-pursuit, a choice; whereas schooling is an obligation.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 19, 2024 11:39 am

Commies gotta commie.

Economists have proposed a $100 billion-a-year fossil fuel tax: A debate Australia should embrace (, 18 Feb)

Leading Australian economists Ross Garnaut and Rod Sims this week sought to shake up the carbon policy debate in Australia, by proposing a tax on the nation’s fossil fuel production. They claim it could raise A$100 billion in its first year and position Australia at the forefront of the low-carbon revolution.

A carbon levy of the type proposed is an eminently sensible approach to get to net zero. This is a policy debate whose time has come. Let’s bring it on.

No, just no. Take your kooky religion and shove it where the sun don’t shine son. Here’s who he is:

Ian A. MacKenzie
Professor of Economics, The University of Queensland

Economics certainly has metastasized into a lethal national cancer lately. UQ should be bulldozed into the Pacific Ocean so that lots of nice corals can colonize it.

February 19, 2024 11:39 am

Lambie will grift of enything for a chance to howl at the moon.

Where was she during covid?

Oh, that’s right…threatening to “come for” the unvaccinated.

If the Rev’d Mark Leach is the organiser of these rallies, someone needs to have a quiet word in his ear.

H B Bear
H B Bear
February 19, 2024 11:42 am

To describe the New York court as a kangaroo court is most unfair to our own Kangaroo Court.

February 19, 2024 11:43 am

Feb 19, 2024 11:28 AM

When you let the kiddies write the headline .. LOL!

Let’s rephrase that:
Traditional Toxic Male Wall violently impacts with Mercedes of Colour.

February 19, 2024 11:45 am

Or something.

Muddy, The Tay Tay phenomenon is just the latest generation of pubescent and pre-pubescent girls putting their hysteria on display as they have done down through the generations.

There are women now in their sixties and seventies who were fainting teenies during the Australian Beatles tour of the 1960s.

It’s just what females of the species do.

It’s actually quite reassuring that some things never change.

February 19, 2024 11:45 am

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Feb 19, 2024 9:40 AM
City News Kalgoorlie closes doors due to unrelenting theft two years after selling $63 million Lotto ticket
Josh Zimmerman
The West Australian
Mon, 19 February 2024 2:00AM

The owners of the Kalgoorlie newsagent that famously sold a $63 million lottery ticket have shut up shop and are deserting the town in the face of unrelenting theft and anti-social behaviour.

The final straw for Tania Parkes was a magistrate saying it was concerning that an alleged shoplifter she pursued out of the store she has run alongside husband Kevin for almost a decade felt like she was prejudiced against.

Fuking magistrates, judges, the media, chalkies and bureaucrats are destroying the west. This bastard should be named.

February 19, 2024 11:46 am

A carbon levy of the type proposed is an eminently sensible approach to get to net zero. This is a policy debate whose time has come.

We contacted Julia Gillard for comment but she did not return our calls.

February 19, 2024 11:51 am

Yeah, I was just taking the urine, Tom. I don’t have an opinion on the issue really. I’m hoping that procrastination will prod the naked dancing girls in my head to stop bouncing, and enter reality for the purposes of injecting order into the Kaos around me.

Ah, domestic chores. Such satisfaction.

February 19, 2024 11:53 am

…magistrates, judges, the media, chalkies and bureaucrats are destroying the west.

You omitted economists.

February 19, 2024 11:53 am

Though we could always sit back and let the PLA (disguised as civil police ‘advisors’) do the job?

The probability of that happening is quite high. Exactly what happened in the Solomons… When the PLA take over, and they will, they will effectively be just 6 kilometres from Boigu island, which, of course, is Australian Territory.

The strength of our navy diminishes daily as government slashes ship building plans and who knows, with the runs on the board in stealing the South China Sea, perhaps the Arafura Sea is the next takeover prospect for the Chinese…

Salvatore, Iron Publican
February 19, 2024 11:53 am

Kalgoorlie newsagent Tania] Parkes said she was surprised by the leniency of the sentence but devastated by the commentary from the magistrate

It is not without very good reason that a decision by a Magistrate cannot set legal precedent.

H B Bear
H B Bear
February 19, 2024 11:55 am

“Someone at Ten is drinking their own bathwater”. After they pee’d in it, I might add.

A very helpful attribute in commercial television.

February 19, 2024 11:57 am

Shameless repost. Do NOT mess with the hive mind of Swifties.

Papa Meat – Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce break up…

A prophecy, not a parody!

Now that TT has gained max market(NFL, NFL-adjacent fans) exposure the entrypoint(a.k.a. Boyfriend) will be downsized with parting gift of a few nice or not-so-nice songs.

On to the next episode.


February 19, 2024 11:58 am

My wife has been on the phone to a call centre in India for an hour trying to resolve an issue re charges levied for a service on a device she sold three years ago. She’s now onto the third operator.

Any company that inflicts Indian call centres on their customers has no respect for them.

The company is Optus, btw.

February 19, 2024 11:59 am

Daughter is visiting from Sydney and is renting there.

Lease recently ended and had been expecting to sign new one with an increase of probably $100 which would have been ok.

However agent sent one sentence email to say owner now looking to sell and new lease will be 3 weeks and keep renewing at 3 weeks and will have 3 weeks notice to move out.

3 weeks seems ridiculous in terms of notice in the current climate where not easy to find a rental.

Both her and partner on decent money but say highly stressful trying to find new place as many turning up to each viewing they are going to. Even then low quality with high rent as landlords know market is in their favour.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
February 19, 2024 12:07 pm

Trump fined $355+ Million Goldman Sachs $550 million for the Great Recession

COMMENT: If you want justice, go to a whore house. If you want to get screwed, go to a courthouse in N.Y.


REPLY: That is probably very true. I guess you at least get what you pay for.

This fine imposed on Trump of $355 million, plus interest and penalties, is so outrageous it is furthering the collapse in confidence in the government, which has just become so corrupt and out of control. To put this in perspective, Goldman Sachs has agreed to pay $550 million to the Securities and Exchange Commission for the whole Mortgage-backed collapse they instigated. The billions of dollars lost by people was incalculable. It resulted in the Great Recession.

The entire world knows this NYC verdict is not just biased; it is deliberately interfering in the 2024 election. If Trump had not been running for president, none of these cases would have been brought. New York City has the most corrupt court system in the United States as well as many third world countries, and this verdict is proof of that fact.

As I said, this verdict is so outrageous, along with the absurd jury award in the Carrol case; New York City is by no means a place to do business – EVER! The world is waking up. As I have said, when I asked a New York Lawyer why no banker ever goes to prison in NYC, his response was:

You Don’t Shit Where You Eat!

February 19, 2024 12:09 pm

However agent sent one sentence email to say owner now looking to sell and new lease will be 3 weeks and keep renewing at 3 weeks and will have 3 weeks notice to move out.

Ouch, very ouch.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
February 19, 2024 12:18 pm

Any company that inflicts Indian call centres on their customers has no respect for them.

Try dealing with Telstra service centers, face to face.

February 19, 2024 12:19 pm

When you let the kiddies write the headline .. LOL!
Let’s rephrase that:
Traditional Toxic Male Wall violently impacts with Mercedes of Colour.

I was laffin’ more at the “as 999 crews descend on the village”

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
February 19, 2024 12:20 pm

Kalgoorlie newsagent Tania] Parkes said she was surprised by the leniency of the sentence but devastated by the commentary from the magistrate

Friends of ours have been running a roadhouse in regional Western Australia. They are so fed up with being broken into by the indigenous, and the leniency of the sentences if they are charged, they are selling up, and moving back to the South West.

February 19, 2024 12:21 pm

Now that TT has gained max market(NFL, NFL-adjacent fans) exposure the entrypoint (a.k.a. boyfriend) will be downsized with parting gift of a few nice or not-so-nice songs.

As with all lefty females, Tay Tay’s final act, when record sales start declining, will be to announce she’s a lesbian — now very fashionable in the Western world.

In Australia, for example, Pandora jewellery’s TV commercials are actually advertisements for female homosexuality.

February 19, 2024 12:24 pm

Immigration at record levels while residential building approvals have declined to where they were ten years ago.

We are governed by idiots. Prove me wrong.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
February 19, 2024 12:26 pm

Comment, from the West Australian story about the Kalgoorlie newsagent.

The alarm goes off in my business in Broome. I race down and get there 5 minutes later to find the police there with an about 30 yr old character, there is footage of him walking around my place opening cupboards and flicking his lighter for light. He tells the police he was walking along and saw the door kicked in and decided to go in to make sure everything was alright. Police say thats ok then and give him a lift to where he wants to go……True

February 19, 2024 12:29 pm

Try dealing with Telstra service centers, face to face.

They used to be franchises, so you weren’t actually dealing with Telstra people.

Telstra announced a buy back post-covid; not sure how far advanced they are on that.

The service certainly couldn’t be any worse…could it?

February 19, 2024 12:34 pm

Feb 19, 2024 11:53 AM

PNG is desperately in need of civil infrastructure. If they accepted Chinese ‘development’ projects, presumably Chinese project managers would be a part of that.

If they develop, say, enhanced port facilities at Lae, one might imagine fishing rights in PNG territorial waters to be part of the deal. If some or all Chinese fishing vessels are part of the auxiliary PLAN coastguard, essentially we might end up with a WWII-style coastwatching network on (part of) our doorstep.

It’s tricky though, because our PNG neighbours are both sensitive about Australian assistance, and also wily.

February 19, 2024 12:36 pm

Try dealing with Telstra service centers, face to face.

They used to be franchises, so you weren’t actually dealing with Telstra people.

Recently we had a NBN router failure and had to deal with Telstra, all Ozzie call centre operators and the local shop turned out to be very helpful. All soved very quick for no cost. Gobsmacked.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 19, 2024 12:37 pm


Feb 19, 2024 11:10 AM

“Someone at Ten is drinking their own bathwater”. After they pee’d in it, I might add.

I think that is the whole point of drinking your own bathwater.

February 19, 2024 12:42 pm

As with all lefty females, Tay Tay’s final act, when record sales start declining, will be to announce she’s a lesbian — now very fashionable in the Western world.

Good point, there is a whole other market to conquer when TT comes “out” as her own true lady-liking self because modern men are a disappointment.

She is a very clever business person and I have 100% respect for her abilities in turning female emotional chaos into cash. Well done.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 19, 2024 12:42 pm


Feb 19, 2024 11:39 AM

Lambie will grift of enything for a chance to howl at the moon.

Where was she during covid?

Oh, that’s right…threatening to “come for” the unvaccinated.

If the Rev’d Mark Leach is the organiser of these rallies, someone needs to have a quiet word in his ear.

Not least of all because she will go to the next cross-bench meeting in Canbra and cop a “re-education” from Pocock and the Teals, and come out swinging against Israel.
And her Road to Damascus moment will lead the ABC news for a week.
Best keep her out of it.

Salvatore, Iron Publican
February 19, 2024 12:44 pm

Any company that inflicts Indian call centres on their customers has no respect for them.

Worst of the lot: An Australian call centre, manned by either Kath or Kim. On occasion they’ve been so hopeless I’ve hung up & redialed, in the (successful) hope that this time my call would be routed to India.
Philippines call centres cured me of that habit. Full of headstrong alphas with zero people skills & that Filipino trait of using weasel words to turn everything back onto the caller, while achieving the most unsatisfactory outcome possible.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
February 19, 2024 12:45 pm

Posting again for those that missed it.

241 mph = 549.01 kph. Insane!

I expect a rule change soon . They’ll limit the nitromethane or the blowers. Scary quick.

341 MPH: Bob Tasca III Shatters Own Record At PRO Superstar Shootout

February 19, 2024 12:45 pm

…magistrates, judges, the media, chalkies and bureaucrats are destroying the west.

You omitted economists

Those $100 billion-a-year fossil fuel taxes aren’t going to advocate for themselves.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
February 19, 2024 12:46 pm

One thing government’s will do when announcing new taxes (and this is how I first heard of the newly mooted $100 billion tax on ‘Fossil Fuels’) is to say that the tax will raise $100 billion as if it is just conjured up from nowhere noticeable, or from some charity drive.

If they were honest (stop laughing!) they would say that they were planning on taking $100 billion from fossil fuel companies and it is then left to them to sort out how they will fill the hole thus created.

February 19, 2024 12:47 pm

“However agent sent one sentence email to say owner now looking to sell and new lease will be 3 weeks and keep renewing at 3 weeks and will have 3 weeks notice to move out. “

Tell them to keep paying the rent, but don’t sign a 3 week lease.
There is an “expectation of continuance” and the landlord, even if selling/sold, needs to give you 90 days notice for a “no fault” eviction.
Of course, I am not a lawyer, so seek other advice, but that is my understanding.

February 19, 2024 12:51 pm

All soved very quick for no cost. Gobsmacked.

That’s interesting because the chief rationale of the franchise buy back was that poor customer service was damaging their reputation.

February 19, 2024 12:52 pm

If they were honest (stop laughing!) they would say that they were planning on taking $100 billion from fossil fuel companies and it is then left to them to sort out how they will fill the hole thus created.

Gee, where will they turn?

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
February 19, 2024 12:52 pm

Oops, it was 341 mph.

Boambee John
Boambee John
February 19, 2024 12:54 pm


who knows, with the runs on the board in stealing the South China Sea, perhaps the Arafura Sea is the next takeover prospect for the Chinese…

Surely that would be a bit too “arrogant and intransigent”?

1 2 3 6
Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x