Open Thread – Wed 28 Feb 2024

Knostrop Cut, Leeds, Sunday Night, John Atkinson Grimshaw, 1893

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March 1, 2024 9:46 am

‘Zionists are not welcomed’– UC Santa Barbara Multicultural Center displays litany of deranged anti-Semitic posters

It’s Chorley, not bloody Gaza!

March 1, 2024 9:47 am

If the Queensland Police union had any sense, they would vigorously oppose this measure.

It puts their members in a position that they are not trained or qualified for, and having to make snap decisions with far-reaching consequences.

The impending election is obviously causing the Qld government to go into panic mode.

Bar Beach Swimmer
March 1, 2024 9:55 am

Could someone put up the Paul Kelly Oz article on Scummo, please.

History will look kindly on Scott Morrison’s legacy, flaws and all.

March 1, 2024 10:00 am

Shuffling along like an escapee from the aged care home

Making a frail old man walk on an uneven surface like that is dangerous.

A fall could easily lead to a broken hip and an extended hospital stay could lead to pneumonia, the old man’s undertaker.

Jokes about “maybe that’s the plan” aside, it’s highly irresponsible.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 1, 2024 10:05 am

Here you go, Beach Bar Swimmer.

paul kelly paul kelly
History will look kindly on Morrison’s legacy, flaws and all

5:00AM February 28, 2024

Scott Morrison had no finer moment in politics than taking his departure on Tuesday. On display were the qualities that took him to the prime ministership – a personal life anchored in family and faith, a spirit of combat that left “nothing on the field”, an attachment to community in the Shire and his ambitions in economics and national security.

These moments are shaped by the deeper instincts in our humanity and bring out the best in our parliament. Morrison and Anthony Albanese were warriors on Tuesday who put away their swords and offered tribute to their common cause – the Australian interest. In an emotional episode both spoke from the better angels of their nature. People familiar with the usual acrimonious rituals would have been astonished.

Albanese hailed Morrison “as a truly formidable opponent”, pointed out he governed during an extraordinarily difficult pandemic, saluted the quality and generosity of his valedictory speech, honoured Morrison’s family and, as a fellow member of the prime ministers club, said once achieved, that standing could never be taken away.

The paradox of Morrison was on display. As a politician he was assertive, driving and self-absorbed, his eyes fixated on the ultimate prize, yet as a Christian humbled by the imperfectability of human nature. He ruminated on Tuesday on the limits of politics and the false hopes vested in governments and markets, all being run by imperfect people “just like all of us”.

Morrison departs surrounded by contemporary dispute. He is loathed, even hated by many of his opponents, and the Labor benches on Tuesday were notably only half-full for the speeches. From his own side he is respected but largely unloved, seen as a prime minister whose ability was undermined by personal defects – witness the multiple ministries blunder that constituted misplaced prime ministerial egoism.

At the end Morrison opened his heart wider than before. Speaking as a politician and a believer, he said: “I leave this place not as one of those timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat. I leave having given my all out there in that arena and have many scars to show for it. I do leave behind in that arena any bitterness, disappointments or offences that occurred along the way.”

Morrison said his release from any bitterness is “due to my faith in Jesus Christ, which gives me the faith to both forgive but also to be honest with myself and my shortcomings”. His farewell speech had a powerful moral and cultural message for the nation – a message our politicians are frightened to speak and Morrison spoke only in his farewell. It is that Australia needs to retain the core of its being, its Judaeo-Christian ethic.

This is a religious position but transcends religion, going to the essence of our civilisation. He said “diminishing the influence and voice of Judaeo-Christian faith in our Western society” risks our “drifting into a valueless void”.

Why didn’t Morrison stand for this position and issue this warning as prime minister? Why, only now, does he talk in this way about his deepest beliefs? And if he had, wouldn’t he have been more successful? A skilled transactional politician, Morrison had two obstacles as prime minister – the Labor Party and a cultural revolution that he only poorly grasped and that he kept provoking.

Morrison’s faith, his social conservatism and his traditional view of families revealed a prime minister governing in an Australia undergoing a cultural transition defined by the rise of secularism, the elevation of human feelings as the basis for morality, and demands led by professional women for new rules, better behaviour and an end to discrimination.

Morrison’s flaw was lack of empathy when empathy became the electric current of political communication. He was a professional who missed that the mood and values of the nation had changed. But it wasn’t just women who turned against Morrison – it was the professional class.

The combination of Morrison’s personal failures – from the bushfire crisis onwards – and the cultural shift in professional class values brought him undone. To a significant extent Morrison lost the 2022 election on character grounds. In an astute campaign Albanese denied Morrison a major policy difference to exploit and then made Morrison’s character the central question. He was helped by the obvious reality – the government post-pandemic was weary, exhausted, and out of ideas for the future.

Morrison belonged to the post-Howard era of the Liberal Party when internal divisions over leadership, belief and tactics convulsed the party. Yet he had a lucky and successful career. Serving only 16 years in parliament, he spent nine years in office and had dominant portfolios – essentially immigration, social services, Treasury and prime minister.

He was in cabinet for the full nine years of the Coalition. His achievement in stopping the boats was conspicuous. From this time onwards he was a potential prime minister. As Malcolm Turnbull’s treasurer he supervised much of the journey towards a balanced budget while maintaining government services. Morrison was an endlessly calculating minister, competent, hardworking and with an unquenchable ambition to become prime minister that put off many colleagues.

In August 2018 Morrison outmanoeuvred Turnbull and Peter Dutton to come through the middle and take the highest office.

He won the 2019 election against the trend. Many of his critics misjudge that result. The extent of the polling recovery was virtually unprecedented and it is highly improbable that any other Liberal could have led the government to that re-election.

It gave the Liberals another chance. With the end of the Abbott-Turnbull chronic rivalry, the Coalition’s third term saw no internal challenge. Morrison and his deputy Josh Frydenberg had a close partnership, and Frydenberg remained loyal to Morrison and to party unity. Morrison became the 12th longest serving prime minister, between Paul Keating at No. 11 and John Curtin at No. 13.

He had an extraordinary prime ministership, dominated by three external events – China’s strategic assertion and its coercion of Australia, an event of international import; the pandemic that delivered not just a health crisis but the worst trauma for the federation in a century; and the global and domestic recession that threatened the highest jobless rates since the Depression.

On each front, Morrison’s achievements were significant. In retaliation, he internationalised China’s coercion, deepened ties with Japan and India, backed the Quad and was the originator of the AUKUS agreement for the development of nuclear-powered submarines in his negotiations with Boris Johnson and Joe Biden. That initiative is bipartisan. The Albanese government has assumed its political ownership. If it comes to fruition, over the decades Morrison will be seen as architect of one of the most important defence and foreign policy initiatives since World War II.

Australia’s economic response to the pandemic measures as implemented by Morrison and Frydenberg saw the most intense era of economic decision-making since World War II, co-ordinated with Treasury and the Reserve Bank. Yes, they spent too much. But they minimised the economic damage, saw unemployment return to historically low levels and delivered world-leading outcomes among OECD nations.

The pandemic response was blighted by the slow vaccine rollout and ongoing political battles between the premiers and Morrison. Mistakes were made in Australia – but far less than in many other nations. Australia had one of the lowest fatality rates from Covid in the developed world, with Morrison saying more than 30,000 lives were saved.

When history assesses Morrison’s performance as prime minister, much will flow from his handling of the three principal challenges on his watch, each being a world-defining event. So far contemporary assessments seem anxious to avoid this precise task, preferring an emotional focus on the rich list of Morrison’s flaws. And there are plenty of them. It is a safe bet, however, that as the tyranny of the present fades, history will reveal what really mattered and Morrison’s record is likely to loom in far more favourable terms.

March 1, 2024 10:06 am

I think a Bill of Rights is a brilliant idea. Here’s the Bill. You keep voting for us and we’ll make sure you never have to pay the bill. Who needs rights in a Totalitarian society. We take…… care of everything.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 1, 2024 10:07 am

Over on the Sydney Moaning Hemorrhoid, they are full of what a rotten leader he was, and how Goof Whitless was one of the greatest leaders this country had, including how he withdrew Australian forces from Vietnam….

March 1, 2024 10:07 am

UNWRA grasping at straws:

On Wednesday’s broadcast of CNN International’s “Amanpour,” United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) Commissioner-General Philippe Lazzarini stated that Israel is trying to destroy the organization to “undermine” a Palestinian state and commented on charges that UNRWA staff members participated in the October 7 attack by stating, “The allegation seems to remain [an] allegation,” and complaining that “most of the allegations that we hear, and there are so many about UNRWA, are just allegation[s] which are shared, either through social media or through journalists, but none of them are shared with the United Nation[s], and none of them, to the best of my knowledge, are also shared with the member states.”

He’s a piece of work, all right. Faced with video evidence, he is complaining that it is about ‘allegations’ that have not been ‘shared’ with the right people – even as they are all over the internet.

If Mossad has any spare time …

March 1, 2024 10:08 am

It puts their members in a position that they are not trained or qualified for, and having to make snap decisions with far-reaching consequences.

Putting on my JP hat.

It allows a persons liberty to be constrained for up to a year with no recourse to correction via the courts.

Out of your home for a year.
Not see the kids for a year.
etc, etc.

Im unsure (and this is usually part of making a protection order) how access to a shared property is to be allowed for the retrieval of clothes and items.
The existing “kicked out of your home until a court application in 2 weeks which you can contest” was far from perfect, but on the balance worked.

The removal of cross orders is a bad idea, leaving one party free to carry on is open to abuse.

Bar Beach Swimmer
March 1, 2024 10:12 am

Thank you, Zulu.

March 1, 2024 10:15 am

Paul Kelly is pining for the fjords of a lost career in jism. I especially loved the bit where he states Scummo out manoeuved The Steaming Turd and Dutton. The Steaming Turd effectively resigned if anyone stood against him if my memory serves me and the it was anyone but Dutton. All the spineless went with the Happy Clapper.

March 1, 2024 10:15 am

Monash University National Indigenous Space Academy.

Financially supported by the Australian Space Agency.

Bout bloody time that you recognised thousands of years of aboriginal achievement in space Monash.

National insidious University.

Salvatore, Iron Publican
March 1, 2024 10:17 am

allowing officers to impose immediate protection orders for up to 12 months without having to make an application to a court.

Similar to (but of greater duration than) the existing Liquor Banning Notice, which most cops are too dumb to use.

A consultation document – which has not been publicly released – says a trial of the new measures would include “safeguards” designed to prevent misidentification of the person most in need of protection.

What indeed could go wrong?
In my experience, when cops make an arrest outside a pub, One third of the time they’re arresting the wrong person. And that is with a very simple safeguard: Which one was breaking the law?

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 1, 2024 10:19 am

Monash University National Indigenous Space Academy.

Who’s in charge of it, Bruce Pascoe?

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 1, 2024 10:20 am

My pleasure, Beach Bar Swimmer.

Winston Smith
March 1, 2024 10:24 am


Feb 29, 2024 9:45 PM
Calli, if you are reading, please come back. I really appreciated you perspective on events and miss your down to earth approach to life.

Multiple upticks, Calli.
Please come home – all is forgiven.

March 1, 2024 10:24 am

Monash University National Indigenous Space Academy.

Beyond parody.

March 1, 2024 10:25 am

Calli, if you are reading, please come back.


March 1, 2024 10:25 am

Trawling through TheirABC, there is a story (in the literal sense) claiming that crocodiles in FNQ are an endangered species.

Oh, to get those space cadets out of Ultimo and wading around in the creeks and estuaries up there. The promise of catching mudcrabs for a gourmet dinner would probably do it.

Croc: Nom, nom, nom. Not bad, a bit bony. Could have done without the figeuroa, and the cocaine and party drug residue does cause a bit of a hangover. Fortunately, I can nap underwater for 12 hours or so.

There was this indigestible wristband. T something. I spat it out.

Keep sending those ‘influencers’ who want a photo with a crocodile!

March 1, 2024 10:30 am

Multiple upticks, Calli.
Please come home – all is forgiven.

All is forgiven?

This is why women divorce men,

March 1, 2024 10:32 am

Monash is the sewer. Always was always will be. One of Ming’s biggest mistakes.

March 1, 2024 10:33 am

Winston Smith
Mar 1, 2024 10:24 AM


Feb 29, 2024 9:45 PM
Calli, if you are reading, please come back. I really appreciated you perspective on events and miss your down to earth approach to life.

Please come home – all is forgiven.

There is nothing to forgive, quite the opposite, I think you didn’t mean that, give you the benefit of doubt.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
March 1, 2024 10:35 am

Don’t be snarky johanna.

Calli is always welcome. As are Cassie and Lizzie.

March 1, 2024 10:36 am

Mistakes were made in Australia – but far less than in many other nations.

“We were bad but others were worse” doesn’t cut it.

That is Morrison’s legacy.

As for his Christian piety, it wasn’t displayed in his treatment of others during his political career. Appealing to man’s imperfectibility as an excuse is a cop out.

Some might describe Morrison’s premiership as a “valueless void.”

March 1, 2024 10:40 am

Green/Hazlewood have just brought up the 100 partnership LOL

Winston Smith
March 1, 2024 10:41 am


Feb 29, 2024 9:55 PM
the only joy in this shit-hole is pushing JC’s big red spazz-button

It’s effort free too, MT.
Just my existence is enough to set the idiot into a frenzy. It’s like his fixation with other posters who refuse to acknowledge his ownership of the place.
Mk50 hasn’t posted here for years, and he still gets dragged out whenever JC gets the need to vent.
Most of the stuff he rants about in the latest vomit happened at least 7 years ago, but he keeps dragging it out – devoid of context – whenever he wants to kick someone’s head.
He’s such a nasty little man.

Winston Smith
March 1, 2024 10:43 am


Feb 29, 2024 10:05 PM
I haven’t had a drink since Saturday evening and lucky to have two glasses of wine a week. I never liked to drink and only do socially or at a restaurant where I buy by the glass.

I never met an alcoholic who overestimated his consumption, JC.

March 1, 2024 10:43 am

Some might describe Morrison’s premiership as a “valueless void.”

Between Scummo and Andrews, they made Vicco a prison. Scummo stood by smirking the whole time in the National Cabinet disaster and didn’t lift a finger while Andrew’s Vikpol thugs brutalized citizens here. Scummo funding the whole disgraceful episode. I spit on both of them.

March 1, 2024 10:49 am

Barking Toad
Mar 1, 2024 10:35 AM

Don’t be snarky johanna.

Am I misreading some posts here this morning?
She was not snarky, just questioned the wording of a welcome post, same as I did.

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 1, 2024 10:49 am

She had been gifted a turn key business, all she had to do was turn up.

We had a case where a woman bought a successful lunch bar and managed to send it to the wall. Often there is a lot of small subtleties attached to these businesses not readily apparent on the surface. We won the case, bankrupted the vendor, she got divorced and moved back to NZ and I’m not sure the firm ever got paid. Welcome to the law.

March 1, 2024 10:50 am

Mistakes were made in Australia – but far less than in many other nations.
“We were bad but others were worse” doesn’t cut it.

I continue to regard Morrison as a big disappointment, in spite of the splendid eulogy of this man by Paul Kelly.

At the end of the day he was essentially a middle management sort of person with pretensions of greatness. To his credit he was a loyal Australian & stood up to China when the evidence was clear that Sars 2 was developed in the Wuhan lab & almost certainly escaped due to slack procedures. AUKUS was also a solid push to secure future security for this nation – albeit an ambitious one.

But domestically, especially in relation to the “pandemic”, he revealed his limitations. He failed to critically analyse the Covid data (or find someone who could) & relied on a medical establishment that was geared for self promotion. Although he rejected national vaccine mandates, he allowed companies and the public service to violate essential human rights in pursuing individual mandates.

Worse still, he pushed a government financed lockdown policy that incurred a trillion dollar national debt, and stymied social, psychological and domestic growth in the country. I believe it will take years in recovering from the effects.

Personally, I also noted his lack of understanding of the rural community – in his response to the harrowing bushfires of 2018 & the “millennial” drought which preceded them. John Howard would have taken an entirely different position – as would Tony Abbott, in spite of his other faults as PM.

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 1, 2024 10:50 am

Some might describe Morrison’s premiership as a “valueless void.”

Exceedingly generous.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
March 1, 2024 10:51 am

He’s such a nasty little man.

Are you sure that the Stoush Nurse is a man?

Winston Smith
March 1, 2024 10:52 am

That’s really really cool.
Ultracool. But my thought is —- where’s the social interaction? Because that’s an important factor in shopping.

March 1, 2024 10:53 am


What about Kable, Kirk etc?

I think it’s dead in the water, honestly.

If it isn’t, we’re lost in more ways than one.

Real Deal
Real Deal
March 1, 2024 10:54 am

MT, Winston and Wodney.

You appear to hate JC’s stoushing, but are goading him to respond to you. Why not just scroll on by?

March 1, 2024 10:55 am

I believe it will take years in recovering from the effects.

Vicki, it will take a generation, at least.

We may never recover.

March 1, 2024 10:56 am

If it isn’t, we’re lost in more ways than one.

You can always move to QLD, dot.


March 1, 2024 10:57 am

Mar 1, 2024 9:25 AM
New York AG Letitia James Files Lawsuit Against Worlds Largest Beef Producer for ‘Misleading Public’ About its Impact on Climate

This kunt should be nuked.

March 1, 2024 10:58 am

Calli is always welcome. As are Cassie and Lizzie.

Not remotely equivalent.

Not having to read about Lying Lizzie’s domestic arrangements, including when she goes to bed and gets up in the night has been a pleasure. May she stay away, gloating over her diamonds. Since they are only online, who knows. She told hundreds of lies here.

Good riddance.

Hopefully, calli will be back. Readers should recall that she was called a ‘coward’ by sweetheart Lizzie in relation to deploring the October 7 massacre. Lizzie didn’t seem to know (which many of us did) that calli has Jewish grandchildren.

Lizzie’s gutter origins are never far from the surface, Which wouldn’t matter, if she ever managed to rise above them.

March 1, 2024 10:59 am

We may never recover.

In that sense it’s like WWI.

We’ll “recover”, but without being able to adequately calculate what we lost.

They’ve started doing those calculations in the UK, in terms of life years lost, but how do you put a value on that?

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
March 1, 2024 11:01 am

Mar 1, 2024 10:06 AM
I think a Bill of Rights is a brilliant idea. Here’s the Bill. You keep voting for us and we’ll make sure you never have to pay the bill. Who needs rights in a Totalitarian society. We take…… care of everything.

The Feral Guv’ment now has a ‘Give and Take’ position on the idea of a Bill of Rights.

To the populace – You Give and We Take.

Black Ball
Black Ball
March 1, 2024 11:02 am

Scott Morrison had no finer moment in politics than taking his departure on Tuesday.

Say no more. Much like Rudd’s finest moment in saying sorry to Stolen Generations. Nothing of substance.

Winston Smith
March 1, 2024 11:03 am


Mar 1, 2024 6:28 AM
5 cats, a moron Dashund
That’s a bad start, hope they all survive the jive.

I’ll put $100 on the snake being the victor.

Black Ball
Black Ball
March 1, 2024 11:06 am

Terry McCrann is shitty.

Both the now obviously ludicrously named Australian Energy Regulator and its fellow quango the Australian Energy Market Operator have been exposed as compromising their obligations in desperate attempts to keep the lights on as the minster for destroying our electricity system blunders on.

Attempts, though, which will add billions of dollars to future electricity bills; and add those – ever-escalating – sums quite literally, forever.

The CIS – the Centre for Independent Studies – has nailed AER for repeatedly waiving through rule breaches, to desperately ‘fast-track’ build-out of the grid to accommodate all the useless so-called renewable energy projects.

CIS has an expert opinion from a KC, James Glissan, that the claims by AER’s chairman, Claire Savage, of its right to grant waivers of the rules “does not appear to exist other than in the mind of the regulator”.

“It is not to be found in the legislative instruments”, according to Glissan.

Specifically, AER, rather that requiring AEMO to follow the rules, had allowed AEMO to skip the consultation process that might expose unrealistic estimates of the benefits of these projects, says CIS Energy Program Director, Aidan Morrison.

And at the same time, according to Morrison, AEMO kept revising up the net benefits claimed for these projects, to justify continuing with them.

Figures, Morrison added, that just “don’t add up”. Indeed, for projects that arguably should be abandoned.

Most damning of all, according to Morrison, there appeared to be a “co-ordinated push between AEMO, AER and the Energy (sic) Minister Chris Bowen to avoid scrutiny”.

With AER redacting key documents, obtained under FOI, that might explain how AER and AEMO had worked together to avoid that necessary scrutiny.

At the very least, this makes an utter mockery of AER’s core claim to be an “independent regulator” – yeah, right – aimed at making “energy consumers better off, now and in the future”.

Worse, it indicates a regulator prepared to abandon its legislative duty. And to abandon consumers.

Shut them down, fire them all.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
March 1, 2024 11:08 am

Real Deal
Mar 1, 2024 10:54 AM
MT, Winston and Wodney.

You appear to hate JC’s stoushing, but are goading him to respond to you. Why not just scroll on by?

Not goading at all IMHO. The POS just needs to STFU and stop belting into others. This poster/imposter has a bad history on this Blog and it doesn’t make for good bedtime reading.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
March 1, 2024 11:09 am

Gotta say, the early editions of Gordon Ramsey pulling a struggling restaurant apart were wonderful TV, with likeably daffy poms, exposition, resolution, learn a bit about the industry and- let’s face it- basic business accounting.
Then I think he just hit copy-paste and became a cartoon of himself- cue make-or-break nod to side stage as he changed shirt for chef’s whites- and especially with the delusional 200 pound yank on repeat.
A bit like MAFS, GoT and The Bachelor, the fresh premise was genuinely valuable.

Top Ender
Top Ender
March 1, 2024 11:10 am

Meanwhile in the Territory:

Strike Force Trident chased down a group of kids who allegedly stole two cars from a Fannie Bay home overnight.

One of the cars was found dumped in Nightcliff, while it is alleged the group in the other continued to drive dangerously through Darwin’s suburbs, threw objects at officers, and rammed a police vehicle in Millner.

A Toyota LandCruiser was seen swerving the streets of Nightcliff on Thursday morning with multiple police cars in tow when it mounted a kerb and blitzed through a school zone in its desperate attempt to lose authorities.

Strike Force Trident Detective Senior Sergeant Dale Motter-Barnard said police believed the youths had intentionally targeted police vehicles once the chase began.

Police arrested a 12-year-old and two 13-year-olds at the scene, all three being on bail and allegedly linked to other break-ins.

NT News. The Voice would have fixed this!

Black Ball
Black Ball
March 1, 2024 11:10 am

And in Man Of The People noos, Hun:

Anthony Albanese does not plan to attend Mardi Gras or Dunkley on Saturday night, instead choosing to mark his 61st birthday with a family dinner.

Speaking to the Herald Sun ahead of the Dunkley by-election, the Prime Minister signalled that work was underway to provide more cost of living relief in the May budget.

Mr Albanese also vowed to further the legacy of the beloved federal Labor MP Peta Murphy, who in December died from cancer at age 50, prioritising her work on health and gender issues.

So he’s furthering the work of Murphy but not heading down to Frankston to quaff a few reds. His political life could well be dictated tomorrow.
Although he will be itching for the glam of Oxford Street, so thinking he will attend that. Dunkley be damned!

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 1, 2024 11:15 am

The entire NEMCO “market” mechanism is a giant Alice in Wonderland construct. Even State government ownership and union featherbedding would probably be better than the current mess.

March 1, 2024 11:15 am

Anyone seen dot this morning??
He was busy yesterday by the looks of it.

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 1, 2024 11:18 am

Poor old Albo. He’s just weeks away from being bussed to the Rooty Hill RSL.

Not being at Dunkley seems a wise move.

March 1, 2024 11:18 am

‘Some might describe Morrison’s premiership as a “valueless void.”’

At the time, I thought Dutton would have been a better choice. The world would have been much improved had it listened to me.

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 1, 2024 11:23 am

Although he will be itching for the glam of Oxford Street, …”

Antibiotics should fix that.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
March 1, 2024 11:27 am

Vicki @ 10:50am.

A splendid summary Vicki of the latter years of the Morrison political life.

March 1, 2024 11:28 am

You crack me up Bear.

March 1, 2024 11:29 am

Mar 1, 2024 8:55 AM
‘Zionists are not welcomed’– UC Santa Barbara Multicultural Center displays litany of deranged anti-Semitic posters

Sydney Uni is not any better. Chris Kenny reported that they gave their students and staff leave to attend a protest yesterday in the city. What’s more activist were permitted to make presentations at lectures, all officially sanctioned. This is our money being used to push a nasty philosophy.

I don’t remember Sydney Uni encouraging or promoting the pro-Jewish and pro-Israel rally in the Domain a couple of weeks ago.

March 1, 2024 11:31 am

Lots of your fellow bears in attendance at that event HB.

Also one of the chaps in this clip is claiming his land tax has gone up 1000% since 2019..

Sicktoria of course.

March 1, 2024 11:31 am

he (Morristeen) was essentially a middle management sort of person with pretensions of greatness

Delusions of adequacy, more like.

March 1, 2024 11:31 am

TaxpayersThere are renewed warnings of dark clouds hanging over the Australian economy.

And the former boss of upmarket department store David Jones says those warnings have been reinforced by the increase in sales of one particular product.

“Now, when we’re seeing a downturn in sales — because I’ve been in this game for a little longer than I’d like to admit — we see that women particularly will go and actually spend money on a new lipstick to update their look, versus buying a new dress,” said Paul Zahra, who now runs the Australian Retailers Association.

“And that’s what we’re seeing, you’re seeing those high levels of compromise in their shopping.”

There you have it.

Marketing and share price via lipstick. 🙂

Just trust these people to invest your hard-earned, they know what they are doing.

March 1, 2024 11:32 am

Notice how electricity generation has been taken over by lawyers and economists (whatever they do). The contempt for skill and knowledge is palpable. Like aristocrats of old. A poisonous egg laid by Hilmer.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
March 1, 2024 11:33 am

Why not just scroll on by?

That’s what I do.

But occasionally fall into temptation and have a snip.

March 1, 2024 11:33 am

The Canbra way.

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 1, 2024 11:36 am

Deaths in the Senate are much more convenient. Finally Albo cops a break.

March 1, 2024 11:40 am

Notice how electricity generation has been taken over by lawyers and economists (whatever they do).

Sorry, but the engineers are just as bad.

Each camp has woke scientific illiteracy as a mind virus.

How’s APESMA going? Great? No, I didn’t think so either.

Who’s taking the paycheque for running a solar farm?

It doesn’t matter if the CEO of AGL is an engineer, a chemist, a physicist or a tradesman. JC’s favourite well-heeled IT CEO has placed useful idiots (woke scientific illiterates) in charge.

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 1, 2024 11:41 am

A poisonous egg laid by Hilmer.

An egg from an egg head. He didn’t kick too many goals at Fauxfacts either. Most of the regulatory structure is unremarkable but it significantly increases the opportunity for gaming and lawfare.

March 1, 2024 11:42 am

The lipstick index is back!


March 1, 2024 11:47 am

Mar 1, 2024 10:00 AM
Shuffling along like an escapee from the aged care home

Making a frail old man walk on an uneven surface like that is dangerous.

A fall could easily lead to a broken hip and an extended hospital stay could lead to pneumonia, the old man’s undertaker.

Biden is indestructible. I expected some injuries when he fell off the bike and then again when he tumbled on the stage yet he was completely unscathed. My mother broke her hip when she stumbled while walking from bed to bathroom.

March 1, 2024 11:49 am

Mar 1, 2024 10:43 AM
Between Scummo and Andrews, they made Vicco a prison. Scummo stood by smirking the whole time in the National Cabinet disaster and didn’t lift a finger while Andrew’s Vikpol thugs brutalized citizens here. Scummo funding the whole disgraceful episode. I spit on both of them.

Couldn’t agree more. In a just world they would face, at a minimum, censure and even prosecution. Same can be said for all of the Premiers to a greater or lesser extent. I will never forgive what ‘they’ did to us.

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 1, 2024 11:49 am

It doesn’t matter if the CEO of AGL is an engineer, a chemist, a physicist or a tradesman.

True. Electricity ceased being an engineering game some time ago.

March 1, 2024 11:51 am

Mar 1, 2024 10:30 AM
Multiple upticks, Calli.
Please come home – all is forgiven.

All is forgiven?

This is why women divorce men,

Yes, Calli didn’t say or write anything wrong.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
March 1, 2024 11:57 am

and how Goof Whitless was one of the greatest leaders this country had, including how he withdrew Australian forces from Vietnam….

I remember reading that Kieth Windschuttle visited the newly opened Australia Museum (or some other such jarringly preposterous name) that he came across some display that referred to Aborigines finally being given the vote, or being classified as human, or whatever their boneheaded interpretation of the 1967 referendum was – surmounted by a picture of Gough with an Aborigine. The impression thus dishonestly created being that Saint Gough was behind this as well.

It is certainly significant that the referendum had bipartisan support – there was no villain there – but the suggestion that it was Gough’s Labor, in light of the existing hagiography of that stupid calamitous man, feeds into the idea Liberals-bad/Labor-good.

Gough had nothing much to do with it. He was probably squatting in his underground lair plotting to block supply for a Liberal budget (which I believe he tried a few times and failed, only for the Libs to do it to him and succeed).

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 1, 2024 12:03 pm

All meat suppliers should now stop delivering meat to New York City. Why risk being sued?

NY attorney general sues world’s largest beef producer over methane emissions, climate commitments (29 Feb)

March 1, 2024 12:04 pm

I quit apesma and ea years ago. Most engineers I know do not belong to ea. Just like doctors and the ama.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
March 1, 2024 12:07 pm

Biden is indestructible

Drugs can work wonders.

March 1, 2024 12:08 pm

As for his Christian piety, it wasn’t displayed in his treatment of others during his political career. Appealing to man’s imperfectibility as an excuse is a cop out.

This is what surprised, or rather shocked me the most about Morrison’s attitude to crises. For someone who professes his faith so publicly he didn’t seem to use it in his working life.

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 1, 2024 12:08 pm

The impression thus dishonestly created being that Saint Gough was behind this as well.

Liar mythology should always be treated with caution.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
March 1, 2024 12:10 pm

All meat suppliers should now stop delivering meat to New York City. Why risk being sued?

And whisky – that’ll ferk ’em.

March 1, 2024 12:10 pm

Yes putting Hilmer actually in charge of a company said it all.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
March 1, 2024 12:11 pm

I don’t consider Morrison to be a particularly wicked PM. That adjective belongs to all the people that prevaled this way then that upon the flaccid polyp.

I am reminded of the Nietzsche aphorism from the Kauffman translation of The Gay Science:

Narrow souls I cannot abide; There’s almost no good or evil inside.

It is like the “Guns don’t kill people…” thing. It would be far more productive to identify those around Morrison, loaded him, aimed him, and fired him upon the Australian people.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 1, 2024 12:11 pm

Popcorn time. Normally you’d see a try-on like this dismissed instantaneously, but there’s a twist in it which is rather entertaining.

Chicago cop sues city for right to change his race after department allows officers to change genders (29 Feb)

A Chicago police officer is suing the city to change his race on his official records after the department said it would allow officers to freely change their gender to match their identity. Mohammad Yusuf, 43, said in a federal civil rights lawsuit filed last week that he is looking to change from “Caucasian” as he “currently identifies as Egyptian and African American.” However, the Chicago Police Department is not allowing him to change his race.

He’s a muslim who wants to be black…? Going to be some very delicate tippy toeing from the powers and principalities over this one. Be glorious if the case made it all the way to Scotus.

March 1, 2024 12:14 pm

Couldn’t agree more. In a just world they would face, at a minimum, censure and even prosecution.

Ostracism for multiple decades. An unwarranted return leads to never being released from prison.


March 1, 2024 12:14 pm

For someone who professes his faith so publicly he didn’t seem to use it in his working life.

Which, pace Paul Kelly, makes his final parliamentary preachment ring rather hollow.

March 1, 2024 12:20 pm

And while the US has significant airpower

You can’t handwave this away.

The combined size of USN, USMC US Army and US Air Force airpower is almost equal to the next nine of the top ten largest airpower fleets in the world.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
March 1, 2024 12:22 pm

He’s a muslim who wants to be black…? Going to be some very delicate tippy toeing from the powers and principalities over this one. Be glorious if the case made it all the way to Scotus.

Oh yes.

And it will highlight the insanity of the qwerty mob who maintain it’s ok for a bloke to go to the gents and hang his knob over the trough and have a hose then walk out and declare he’s a girl and go into the ladies to watch little girls have a pee.

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 1, 2024 12:22 pm

Lots of fence sitting by the j’ismists over Dunkley. My view? Like the Voice, Spud home comfortably, two lengths.

March 1, 2024 12:22 pm

As I said electricity generation has been taken over by lawyers and economists. They are the ones calling the shots from that parasite robber state on the fake lake. Yes Bear is right that it was better when we had sec, etsa, seqeb and elcom.

March 1, 2024 12:24 pm

Hope you are right Bear. Interesting that anal is staying away.

March 1, 2024 12:26 pm

The American obsession with race is absurd.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 1, 2024 12:27 pm

And while the US has significant airpower

Well it is significant…

Air Force Academy Highlights Transgender Officer At Leadership Summit (29 Feb)

The United States Air Force Academy showcased a transgender-identifying activist and military service member who seeks to embed far-left gender ideology in the armed forces for a speech on leadership and inclusion. Lieutenant Colonel Bree Fram, an engineer with the United States Space Force and activist for transgenderism in the military, spoke at the National Character and Leadership Symposium, the theme of which was “Embrace Culture, Empower People.” The military official states that he is a co-leader of the Department of the Air Force LGBTQ+ Initiatives Team

Significantly weird. Bree Fram sounds like a great name for an air burst nuclear weapon. Perhaps they should drop it on Yemen, sure to be devastating. Meanwhile:

Entire Air Force to miss recruiting goal, the first failure since 1999 (15 Sep)

It’s a mystery!

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
March 1, 2024 12:28 pm

Yes Bear is right that it was better when we had sec, etsa, seqeb and elcom.

Reminds me of Eric Reece. Electric Eric. Build dams to generate cheap hydro electricity to attract industry to Tasmania.

Worked brilliantly ’til the greenies found an earless whale in Lake Pedder. And Biggles sent an F1 11 to spy.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
March 1, 2024 12:30 pm

Terry McCrann helpfully nails the AER and the whole fake structure that Bowen hides behind.
Those of us involved have recognised that the fix is in before you even begin to go through the sham process.
It’s only the corporate high rollers that get to play the game with stakes provided by power users.
This could be a huge story if the media had a nose for truly a rotten government.

March 1, 2024 12:32 pm

That whole save the Franklin agitprop was sickening and frightening. I remember someone wrote on a uni desk ‘nuke the Franklin’.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
March 1, 2024 12:34 pm

This could be a huge story if the media had a nose for truly a rotten government.

Sadly, investigate journalists are few now. I think Hedley Thomas might be worn out after the Teacher’s Pet ordeal. Janet A might be the only one left.

March 1, 2024 12:34 pm

Even more rotten than Trumble and that’s saying something.

March 1, 2024 12:34 pm

Those of us involved have recognised that the fix is in before you even begin to go through the sham process.

A cynic would aver that they wouldn’t offer the complaint process if they couldn’t manipulate it.

Still, they’ve had some wins in north QLD.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
March 1, 2024 12:35 pm

Before anybody bothers, the title The Gay Science has nothing to do with the sort of people who join NSW police and express extreme displeasure at others’ romantic choices with official issued sidearms and surfboard bags.

A book from the late 19th century its title was translated according to the verbiage of the time. ‘Gay’ meant something like gleeful. The German original was Die Frohliche Wissenschaft.

The idea was that learning and thinking, often depicted as a burdensome and arduous act (see Rodin’s thinker) should be a delight, life affirming, cleansing (from old errors), invigorating feat.

Rather an appealing idea, huh?

Those paper-flimsy personalities at the Mardi Gras, lolling their heads about, laughing bibulously, sickeningly gyrating in thrall of the minor god Priapus do not really get a look in.

No matter how many police uniforms they wear.

March 1, 2024 12:35 pm

Gough had nothing much to do with it. He was probably squatting in his underground lair plotting to block supply for a Liberal budget (which I believe he tried a few times and failed, only for the Libs to do it to him and succeed).

Yep, I remember talking to a Labor party operative/recruiting officer around 1968-69 at UWA who boasted that that was what they would try. No compunction about doing so.

March 1, 2024 12:36 pm

“Please Explain” is rich with implications in today’s 2024 debut. Particularly regarding the *non* royal engagement.

Bruce in WA
March 1, 2024 12:38 pm

Re: Taylor Swift in Singapore.

We fly to SIN tomorrow to catch a cruise back to SYD.

Original plan was to fly up yesterday and stay a day and two nights with a bit of a look-round and shopping.

Problem: Swifts flocking to SIN have more than doubled (even tripled) the prices hotels are charging for a room. Some well over $1000 per night.

March 1, 2024 12:38 pm

Die Frohliche Wissenschaft

Or, remembering Jimmy Buffett, much the same meaning “La Vie Dansante”.

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 1, 2024 12:39 pm

Miltonf – it wasn’t government ownership per se, it was that generators followed the demand curve in cost order. You still had excess generating capacity built to support coal mines, large industrial customers supplied below cost and other forms of political interference. All up, I’m not sure many would argue it was worse than the situation today.

March 1, 2024 12:44 pm

A book from the late 19th century its title was translated according to the verbiage of the time. ‘Gay’ meant something like gleeful. The German original was Die Frohliche Wissenschaft.

And Germans don’t wish each other a Gay Christmas.

Same word.

Joyful, merry or happy.

March 1, 2024 12:45 pm

A poisonous egg laid by Hilmer.

An egg from an egg head. He didn’t kick too many goals at Fauxfacts either. Most of the regulatory structure is unremarkable but it significantly increases the opportunity for gaming and lawfare.

Always beware of solutions that are more complex than the problem apparently being solved.

March 1, 2024 12:46 pm

Not ideal at all bear but apart from union silly buggers Australians had affordable and reliable electricity.

March 1, 2024 12:46 pm

Johanna, your croc piece was priceless. Keep ‘em coming.

Bar Beach Swimmer
March 1, 2024 12:47 pm


To his credit he was a loyal Australian & stood up to China when the evidence was clear that Sars 2 was developed in the Wuhan lab… Although he rejected national vaccine mandates, he allowed companies and the public service to violate essential human rights in pursuing individual mandates.

Claiming Judeo-Christian values as the foundation of this country but, at a different time, using/allowing other institutions/individuals to get ‘round those same Christian foundations in order to bludgeon citizens for the “greater good” is only marginally better than the CCP arresting and throwing into gaol, without trial, its “dissidents”.

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 1, 2024 12:49 pm

Those of us involved have recognised that the fix is in before you even begin to go through the sham process.

Anyone who has ever put in a submission to a community consultation process would know the feeling. We had the same thing with the redevelopment of the WA State Netball Centre which creates traffic chaos on our street for six months of the year. A slight improvement, a new set of traffic lights but the lollipop men and the traffic management guys are still there till about 1:00 on Saturdays.

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 1, 2024 12:49 pm

Mar 1, 2024 12:32 PM
That whole save the Franklin agitprop was sickening and frightening. I remember someone wrote on a uni desk ‘nuke the Franklin’.

I recall seeing “Nuke gay whales in the Gordon below Franklin”, for maximum trolling.

March 1, 2024 12:50 pm

UNSW from Sir Philip Baxter to Fred Hilmer.

Bar Beach Swimmer
March 1, 2024 12:53 pm

Btw, there’s are great column at Quadrant

No Jab, No Job, No Basis in Law

by Augusto Zimmermann & Gabriël Moens who look at the recent Supreme Court of Queensland ruling against COVID vaccine coercion.

Dunny Brush
Dunny Brush
March 1, 2024 12:53 pm

Albo abandoning the Mardi Gras is telling. Presumably an adult has told him that shimmying the night away at a passé event might not be a good look if he loses a long-held seat populated by middle Australia. That said: Frankston should bid for the Mardi Gras.

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 1, 2024 12:55 pm

Zimmermann was red hot on the Covid BS at the time.

John H.
John H.
March 1, 2024 12:59 pm

Mar 1, 2024 10:23 AM
He has to make that threat because otherwise NATO would be laughing at him.

RUS would grind the Europeans into dust. And while the US has significant airpower, I doubt they have the troops to accomplish anything on the ground (Another 24K recruitment shortfall; effectively 2 divisions lost). The risk of nuclear escalation flows from this uncertainty. BTW, if merely stating the obvious, that a direct confrontation between two nuclear powers risks a nuclear exchange, why isn’t placing NATO troops in UKR also characterised as a threat? Seems rather tendentious.

Years later and still haven’t taken Ukraine. Russia doesn’t even have a formidable defense against the Gripen. Russia doesn’t have enough utes to transport military equipment across that vast plain.

H B Bear
H B Bear
March 1, 2024 1:02 pm

I think we did put the kybosh on a crappy unit development. A Singaporean group basically owns the whole block except for this pokey 2 lot corner. They put in a development proposal as a try on which was knocked back. It was put on the market shortly thereafter. Don’t know whether it sold but hopefully someone is losing money somewhere.

March 1, 2024 1:04 pm

Albo abandoning the Mardi Gras is telling.


Presumably an adult has told him that shimmying the night away at a passé event might not be a good look

He’s such a doofus.

One wonders how much longer Labor will put up with him.

As reported a couple of weeks ago, it’s now confirmed that Penny Wong (one half of Elbow’s so-called Praetorian Guard, the other half being Mark Butler) wants out and Jim Chalmers has his nose out of joint due to Albanese’s handling of the stage 3 tax cuts.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
March 1, 2024 1:04 pm

Hopefully, calli will be back. Readers should recall that she was called a ‘coward’ by sweetheart Lizzie in relation to deploring the October 7 massacre. Lizzie didn’t seem to know (which many of us did) that calli has Jewish grandchildren.

Lizzie’s gutter origins are never far from the surface

And this is exactly why I will not return to this site and so far nor will Cassie. But we will continue to read occasionally, for the site has value especially when out of Australia, as I will be after tomorrow. Cassie has been in email contact with Calli but has not heard back. Cassie believes that some very vile things said on the Furniture site may also be keeping Calli offline. That’s up to Calli. I hope she is enjoying her holiday nevertheless.

It is clear to me that Johanna’s rewritings of history and abuse of me will continue. The woman is obsessed. She simply cannot help herself and I do not wish to be associated with a site that tolerates this, with her anti-Semitism and authoritarianism as a side-dish. I believe Dover has rules to circumvent such attacks. They don’t seem to work. Perhaps leave this recent spray by Johanna up now, Dover, so that my view of it here makes sense for readers.

A correction is due here. I did call Calli a coward, because she did not object to Johanna’s anti-Semitic atack on Cassie, a Jewish woman. Johanna’s spray did contain pure anti-Semitic tropes, as I have enumerated here several times, indicating why I wish to not be here. Both Cassie and I were appalled at the lack of interest here in supporting a Jewish woman, a good contributor here, under a vile and unwarranted attack, as made by Johanna. We expected Calli, whom we knew had Jewish relatives (and indeed, as Johanna should be aware, so do I), might understand our emotions better. I have since apologised, saying I did not mean to be hurtful to Calli, who at least did recognise some of the problems with Johanna’s anti-Jewish spray (why didn’t weakling Jews organise, etc, unlike the ‘hardened up’ Dutch?) whereas others were more concerned with piling on both me and Cassie (whose very deep hurt cannot really be understood or there would surely have been more commentary about that here).

It is an outright LIE to say that the issue re Calli taking offense was directly to do with the October 7th attacks. It was directly to do with an anti-Semitic spray at Cassie by Johanna, who refuses to see her own complicity, which is always the case. No apology to the site or to Cassie has yet been forthcoming – instead the site has to suffer her dissembling comment at 10.58 above.

Those who see nothing wrong, even as above today (looking at you, Kevin) with this attempt to absolutely dissemble (throw off the scent) about what did happen on that morning are part of the problem. I will not be here to answer any further commentary about this matter nor make other commentary here; why should I bother when CL’s site is available and better moderated? Lie away, you silly jealous fabricating-events woman, now that you have been properly called out for that and for your usual hatreds.

Apologise to Cassie, Johanna. That is the least you could do to redeem yourself. No amount of ‘I love Israel’ etc will cover your tracks here.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
March 1, 2024 1:04 pm

Sadly, investigate journalists are few now.

The MSM is now a client demographic of the government – or at least the left wing parties. They are temperamentally averse to the asseverative uncertainty, the intellectual rigour, or the mere effort required for real investigation. They live on press releases mostly. Using one press release to challenge another is considered courage.

Worst though is the likes of 7-Nilligan who have boundless energy but start from conclusions and work backward from there, selecting sources and using innuendo, hints, anonymous victims, and an insurmountable lack of understanding of subject matter, to bridge the gaps between select facts and desired outcomes.

There is a strange self-serving etiquette in Australia where networks don’t investigate the investigations of other networks. Sure they will say that they were unfair, but not investigate and broadcast it. I don’t know, but has anyone yet done an investigative report on the bucket of puke that was 7-Nilligans ‘investigations’ into George Pell?

There is this new hit-piece coming from the ABC about a private school in the Sydney Eastern Suburbs, yeah? Is there no ambitious underling at Sky who would not like to dissect the ABC’s ridiculous j’ism?

Especially as the ABC itself is like a painfully gas-inflated bowel of private school graduates in need of a righteous farting?

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 1, 2024 1:06 pm

‘Obsessed’ Higgins told Ten not to settle with Lehrmann
Miklos BolzaAAP
Fri, 1 March 2024 9:30AM

Brittany Higgins was so obsessed with pursuing Bruce Lehrmann over an alleged sexual assault that she refused to help Ten defend his defamation case unless they agreed not to settle, his lawyers say.

In a submission made public on Friday, Lehrmann’s side argues Ms Higgins’ credibility is so poor the court should completely reject her testimony unless it is corroborated by some other source.

“No confidence can be placed in Ms Higgins’ understanding of her obligation to tell the truth under oath or on the most solemn of occasions,” Lehrmann’s submission said.

Ms Higgins had a “preparedness to tell lies” both to the federal government to obtain a “life changing” settlement of almost $2.5 million and to an ACT criminal court during a now-dropped prosecution of Lehrmann, the document said.

The former Liberal media advisor had an “obsession” with securing vindication against her claimed rapist through the courts, including in his defamation case against Network Ten, Lehrmann argued.

Lehrmann is suing Ten and journalist Lisa Wilkinson over a February 2021 report on The Project where Ms Higgins was interviewed about her alleged rape in Parliament House.

She claims Lehrmann sexually assaulted her in the office of their then boss, Senator Linda Reynolds, in March 2019.

In agreeing to help Ten defend the defamation case, Ms Higgins said the network was not to make any offer to Lehrmann to pay him damages, retract the articles, make an apology or pay his legal costs.

“That is an extraordinary position for a witness to take,” Lehrmann’s submission said.

In the document, Lehrmann continued his denials that any sexual activity took place, saying there were “too many other plausible possibilities” about what happened and why Ms Higgins was later found naked in Senator Reynolds’ office.

She could have vomited on her dress and removed it or taken it off because she was afraid of getting sick on it, the submission said.

“The critical point is there are a number of plausible explanations for why Ms Higgins, being affected by alcohol, took off her dress and lay down naked on the minister’s couch.”

Even if the court rejected claims nothing happened, it would still need to find Ms Higgins was unable to give consent in order to show that rape occurred, the submission said.

Lehrmann also sued News Corp and the Australian Broadcasting Corporation over their coverage of Ms Higgins’ allegations.

Both these cases have settled, with the ex-Liberal staffer receiving $445,000 in legal costs under the agreements.

The trial against Ten has concluded and judgment will be delivered at a later date.

Lehrmann was charged in August 2021 over the alleged rape, but his criminal trial in the ACT Supreme Court was derailed by juror misconduct.

Prosecutors did not seek a second trial, citing concerns for Ms Higgins’ mental health.

Lehrmann is also before Queensland courts accused of raping another woman twice in Toowoomba in October 2021.

He has not yet entered a plea, but his lawyers have indicated he denies the charges.

March 1, 2024 1:06 pm
Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
March 1, 2024 1:11 pm

Mar 1, 2024 1:06 PM
ny Cats live at or near Rockdale?

Fred Flintstone does. Oh no. That was Bedrock not Rockdale.

John H.
John H.
March 1, 2024 1:13 pm
Mother Lode
Mother Lode
March 1, 2024 1:13 pm

I really enjoyed reading Nietzsche.

It was Eine Frohliche Wissenschaft.

March 1, 2024 1:14 pm

Mar 1, 2024 12:22 PM
As I said electricity generation has been taken over by lawyers and economists. They are the ones calling the shots from that parasite robber state on the fake lake. Yes Bear is right that it was better when we had sec, etsa, seqeb and elcom.

Funny about the fake lake in Canberra being OK with all the greens living there while insisting that dams and irrigation canals in the farm belt must be emptied for the sake of the environment and now to placate the rainbow serpent. It’s about time Lake Burley Griffin was drained, for the environment of course.

March 1, 2024 1:19 pm

It’s about time Lake Burley Griffin was drained, for the environment of course.

Id rather it became a repository for mosquito borne diseases to prevent their extinction in the wild.

Malaria needs love too, as does dengue fever and ross river virus.
Its for mother earth, to oppose my sensible plan means you hate Gaia.

March 1, 2024 1:22 pm

It’s about time Lake Burley Griffin was drained, for the environment of course.

That reminds me…

Walter Burley Griffin fell on hard times in the Depression as commissions dried up.

He ended up designing industrial incinerators.

A surviving incinerator in Ipswich, SE QLD is listed on the state heritage register.

Imagine that…a culture where even incinerators could be thoughfully designed and aesthetically pleasing.

I quite like Griffin’s work. I’ve seen the other designs for Canberra and, believe me, we dodged some bullets there!

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
March 1, 2024 1:23 pm

As reported a couple of weeks ago, it’s now confirmed that Penny Wong (one half of Elbow’s so-called Praetorian Guard, the other half being Mark Butler) wants out and Jim Chalmers has his nose out of joint due to Albanese’s handling of the stage 3 tax cuts.

They will all be cactus at the 2025 Genewal Ewection and very prickly at losing power no doubt. Blackout Bowen especially with those batteries not included.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
March 1, 2024 1:29 pm

Excellent! Blurred vision has gone from my eye. I copped a punch to the head recently from two friendly indigenous blokes.

I wonder how they are fairing? I dropped both of them with two mighty blows.

Black eye fading. I didn’t want go out in public looking like I did. A horrible experience all up.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
March 1, 2024 1:30 pm

Mar 1, 2024 1:22 PM
It’s about time Lake Burley Griffin was drained, for the environment of course.

That reminds me…

One of the Incinerators is in Willoughby, Sydney, and the other one is in Glebe, Sydney, opposite the bay across from the Fish Markets. The Willoughby one was turned into an Eatery. No Cannibals allowed though.

March 1, 2024 1:30 pm

Mar 1, 2024 12:36 PM
“Please Explain” is rich with implications in today’s 2024 debut. Particularly regarding the *non* royal engagement.

Loved it, glad it’s back from its hiatus. I still think that the engagement will be called off if Albo is deposed as PM though a prime ministerial wedding in The Lodge may be just the thing to save him. The producers of the cartoon were very kind to Jodie but I suspect she is just as cynical as her swain.

March 1, 2024 1:33 pm


Judging from bove, the site needs a group therapy thread with potentially 5 or 6 couches and at least 3 equipped with handcuffs. It would be a great help for recovery.

March 1, 2024 1:35 pm

I don’t consider Morrison to be a particularly wicked PM. That adjective belongs to all the people that prevaled this way then that upon the flaccid polyp.

Morrison was the compromise candidate (echoes of moving from Yes Minister to Yes Prime Minister)

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
March 1, 2024 1:35 pm

Mar 1, 2024 1:19 PM
Victorian Labor pollies are dropping dead at an accelerated rate.

Maybe they all took the Jabs and Boosters. Hopefully Chairman Dan did as well. Time will tell as they say.

March 1, 2024 1:36 pm

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Mar 1, 2024 1:04 PM

Quite a spray of diversion of truth, and self justification.
None of the so called ‘antisemitism’ took place here by either calli or johanna, only in your febrile imagination.

Those who see nothing wrong, even as above today (looking at you, Kevin) with this attempt to absolutely dissemble (throw off the scent)

WTF are you on about?
My two comments today were to defend calli, saying she had nothing to apologise for.
You attacking me for it proves that you still think she was wrong.

As for you coming back here or not, I have a surprise revelation for you, nobody cares.

BTW, Your record of numerous flounces proves your future intention somewhat doubtful anyway.

March 1, 2024 1:37 pm

The Willoughby one was turned into an Eatery.

The one in Ipswich is a cinema.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 1, 2024 1:37 pm

It’s about time Lake Burley Griffin was drained

Calling a lake after a white guy from America must be irksome to the Rainbow Serpent. It’s probably racist. And sexist (since he was male). And colonialist. And how on earth can they keep Black Mountain? That name really does have to go.

March 1, 2024 1:38 pm

I believe the pollies only had saline. Early on, one NSW pollie made a big deal about having his first jab, a few days later one side of his face dropped. Bell’s Palsy. Apparently Bell’s Palsy was quite common amongst the jabbed. He hasn’t been seen or mentioned since. I can’t remember his name, but it shouldn’t be hard to find.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
March 1, 2024 1:39 pm

Mar 1, 2024 1:33 PM

Judging from bove, the site needs a group therapy thread with potentially 5 or 6 couches and at least 3 equipped with handcuffs. It would be a great help for recovery.

With you occupying the whole thread. Stay there. We will stay here.

Thanks Dover. Your help will be most appreciated by 99.99% of this Blog.

March 1, 2024 1:40 pm

They have trains.

Dover, you’d think the train lines would be one of the first things taken out.

March 1, 2024 1:41 pm
March 1, 2024 1:41 pm

Mar 1, 2024 1:06 PM
ny Cats live at or near Rockdale?

I wonder if there were any Hamas tunnels under that sinkhole.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 1, 2024 1:41 pm

I did call Calli a coward


because she did not object to Johanna’s anti-Semitic atack on Cassie, a Jewish woman

Oh righto. Woman with Jewish grandkids fails to leap to your defence in the latest round of Hatfield/MCoy straw boater-waving.

If you’re going to accuse people of anti-Semitism you can start with the lollipop blog, not here.

I hope your latest audience enjoys ongoing chapters of It’s A Wonderful Life, recounted from behind the crystal decanters and Axminster (and pebblecrete).

It must annoy you that there’s plenty of ‘come back calli’ and nothing of ‘come back Elizabeth’.

Bar Beach Swimmer
March 1, 2024 1:42 pm

Brittany Higgins was so obsessed with pursuing Bruce Lehrmann over an alleged sexual assault that she refused to help Ten defend his defamation case unless they agreed not to settle, his lawyers say.

So, she used her claimed mental health state to stop the criminal case but wanted to be part of, and direct, the civil case to “prove” her claims.

March 1, 2024 1:45 pm

I quite like Griffin’s work. I’ve seen the other designs for Canberra and, believe me, we dodged some bullets there!

Hail Lucifer!

John H.
John H.
March 1, 2024 1:45 pm

Mar 1, 2024 1:37 PM
Years later and still haven’t taken Ukraine.

They defeated Ukraine in March ’22. Without financial and military support from NATO they would have capitulated in ’22. NATO, particularly the Europeans, have had to empty their arsenals so UKR could continue. Setting that aside, unless you actually consider what both sides actually fielded it’s just locker room talk.

Russia doesn’t even have a formidable defense against the Gripen.

You’ll only ever find this out in a hot war.

Russia doesn’t have enough utes to transport military equipment across that vast plain.

They have trains.

You’re missing the biggest problem. Russia can’t produce enough Vodka for the troops.

Trains? Then why so many commercial vehicles used in Ukraine?

Russia won’t even use the best fighter to penetrate Ukr air space. Please explain. The must vaunted s400 turns out to be a dud. Their tanks suck.

March 1, 2024 1:46 pm

Thanks Dover. Your help will be most appreciated by 99.99% of this Blog.

Wodney, the Instagram Influencer. People are very persuaded by the strength of his opinion and depth of character.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
March 1, 2024 1:49 pm

Mar 1, 2024 1:37 PM

I do like your logic on the UKR.

Mr. Z says that only 31,000 UKR soldiers have died in this conflict. If so, where are the other 469,000 UKR soldiers from the 500,000 strong Army that they had in early 2022? Are they all injured and in Hospitals. Or have they fled or dead.?

And why is the UKR now conscripting any male that has a pulse.?

This War is long over. Sue for peace Mr. Z and then the West can take back the money that you have stolen as well as the property in Florida.

Unfortunately, all those dead Ukrainians cannot be brought back to life.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
March 1, 2024 1:52 pm

Mar 1, 2024 1:46 PM

The Stoush Nurse has spoken once again. All quake to his/her/its/whatever rantings.

Or else. LOL.

March 1, 2024 1:52 pm

dyma ddydd dewi sant.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 1, 2024 1:53 pm

Russia doesn’t even have a formidable defense against the Gripen.

You’ll only ever find this out in a hot war.

Interestingly one of the conditions Hungary put on their ratification of Sweden into NATO was that the Swedes had to sell them four Gripens.

Sounds like they want to try them out, which is all I can think of why they’d only buy four of them.

March 1, 2024 1:56 pm

particularly the Europeans, have had to empty their arsenals so UKR could continue. Setting that aside,

Actually, let’s not set it aside.
I don’t quite understand why this is a big deal as you’ve mentioned this a few times. In times of peace, nations don’t really and shouldn’t carry an overabundant supply of war materiel. It’s a great waste of limited resources.

It also goes to show that Putin’s paranoia or bullshit about a Western intentions. An under-supply of weapons etc doesn’t indicate the West had bad ideas towards Russia.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
March 1, 2024 1:56 pm

Little boy of about 7 years old is sitting on a park bench, smoking a cigarette. An elderly lady is walking past, sees him smoking, and says, ”Young man, don’t you know smoking is bad for you? It will ruin your lungs, yellow your teeth, make you stink of smoke, and it will shorten your life!”

The kid looks up at her, takes a drag, and says, “Ma’am, my great-grandfather just celebrated his 99th birthday yesterday.”

She looks down on him and says with disdain, “Oh, and I suppose he smokes?

The boy replies, “No. ma’am, but he does mind his own goddam business.”

March 1, 2024 1:57 pm

I quite like Griffin’s work. I’ve seen the other designs for Canberra and, believe me, we dodged some bullets there!

Hail Lucifer!

That might explain a lot about Canberra.


But seriously…I was once at a dinner party in Adelaide (don’t ask) sat next to a fellow who insisted that William Light laid out the city according to sacred geometry with the cathedral as the axis point. Or something. It was a very tedious evening.

March 1, 2024 1:57 pm

Am on my mobile so a pain to try and do it.

Can somebody post the Courier Mail article about Qld Health not getting back unvaccinated health workers despite dropping mandates 5 months ago.

Seems a nurse received an email from HR saying been told could not get job back. Health Minister looks like been misleading media and DG saying no such policy to stop returning. However only 37 out of over 1200 been allowed back in 5 months.

March 1, 2024 1:57 pm

Mar 1, 2024 11:49 AM

Mar 1, 2024 10:43 AM
Between Scummo and Andrews, they made Vicco a prison. Scummo stood by smirking the whole time in the National Cabinet disaster and didn’t lift a finger while Andrew’s Vikpol thugs brutalized citizens here. Scummo funding the whole disgraceful episode. I spit on both of them.

Couldn’t agree more. In a just world they would face, at a minimum, censure and even prosecution. Same can be said for all of the Premiers to a greater or lesser extent. I will never forgive what ‘they’ did to us.

There are not enough expletives in the English language to quantify how much I agree with these statements. I’m used to life’s challenges (no violins, please), but the abandonment I felt during the covidiocy was something extra.

March 1, 2024 1:58 pm

I will not be here to answer any further commentary about this matter nor make other commentary here; why should I bother when CL’s site is available and better moderated?

its obvious that you (projecting, somewhat) are the one obsessed without a sense of humour or ability to just move on.

Let alone admit you maybe upset a few people here with your shrill attempts to rally support by accusing good folks of being bad.

take your own advice and enjoy CLs site as long as you wish.

John H.
John H.
March 1, 2024 2:03 pm

of Newcastle
Mar 1, 2024 1:53 PM
Russia doesn’t even have a formidable defense against the Gripen.

You’ll only ever find this out in a hot war.

Interestingly one of the conditions Hungary put on their ratification of Sweden into NATO was that the Swedes had to sell them four Gripens.

Sounds like they want to try them out, which is all I can think of why they’d only buy fou

Bruce Turkey is producing its own fighters. The Gripen is big in the EW realm so I’m wondering if Turkey is looking at appropriating some of that technology. Another issue might be that the Gripen is the only modern fighter that has very low maintenance requirements and can be rearmed and refueled on a highway with very few personnel. Another technology transfer. The Gripen is meteor capable. Russia has nothing comparable to that missile.

March 1, 2024 2:05 pm

Have a look at a map of Russia and its rail transport network and get back to me.

They could have a train line spread out every 5 miles across the entire Western borders, but if they don’t have air superiority (and wouldn’t) they would be taken out in the first hours of a war with the West.

March 1, 2024 2:06 pm

It was a very tedious evening.

I’m sure.

Just to finish with; consider ABC radio Canberra. 666 on the dial. Join the dots, Rog. (grin)

We used to turn off the Hume at Yass and drive through Canberra to get down to the south coast. Creepy shit hole. Then I found a route from Murrumbateman to Bungendore and thus avoid the pestilent place.

March 1, 2024 2:08 pm

Bruce of Newcastle
Mar 1, 2024 1:53 PM

Interestingly one of the conditions Hungary put on their ratification of Sweden into NATO was that the Swedes had to sell them four Gripens.

Sounds like they want to try them out, which is all I can think of why they’d only buy four of them.

Read it, can’t link to it.
The entire Hungarian air force planes are Gripens, no idea how many but they are used in many hot spots in the region as Nato support, like in Estonia.

Salvatore, Iron Publican
March 1, 2024 2:09 pm

Pogria Mar 1, 2024 1:19 PM
Victorian Labor pollies are dropping dead at an accelerated rate.

If only this could be extended to the Victorian Liberal party.

March 1, 2024 2:09 pm

No wonder Ukr/NATO are on the back foot across Ukraine;
JUST IN – German frigate “Hessen” mistakenly fired at a U.S. MQ-9 Reaper drone over the Red Sea on Monday; both missiles malfunctioned and fell into the sea — BILD

Lord Bebo
????? LMAO: Royal NAVY may has to sell an aircraft carrier?

tyrel wallace
Feb 21
#r4today Royal Navy Trident missile test fire fails for 2nd time in a row, lands only 40 yards from the sub that fired it, each missile costs £17M; the RN has renamed the system ‘Boomerang’

local oaf
March 1, 2024 2:11 pm

A surviving incinerator in Ipswich, SE QLD is listed on the state heritage register.

We have one here in Adelaide, someone I knew lived a couple houses away on …

Burley Griffin Boulevard!

March 1, 2024 2:11 pm

Russia won’t even use the best fighter to penetrate Ukr air space. Please explain. The must vaunted s400 turns out to be a dud. Their tanks suck.

And the tanks need to be moved on trains to where trains go, then its movement in the open which exposes them to drones and missiles. Which explains why Russia moved so slowly at the start and still finds it hard to move fast without losing lots of armour.

Logistics, the tough part of war.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
March 1, 2024 2:11 pm

A damn impressive response time from the crews.

Check it out.


Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 1, 2024 2:14 pm

Mar 1, 2024 10:15 AM
Paul Kelly is pining for the fjords of a lost career in jism. I especially loved the bit where he states Scummo out manoeuved The Steaming Turd and Dutton. The Steaming Turd effectively resigned if anyone stood against him if my memory serves me and the it was anyone but Dutton. All the spineless went with the Happy Clapper.

You forget the stiff competition from Jules “11 votes” Bishop.

Real Deal
Real Deal
March 1, 2024 2:17 pm

A correction is due here. I did call Calli a coward, because she did not object to Johanna’s anti-Semitic atack on Cassie, a Jewish woman. Johanna’s spray did contain pure anti-Semitic tropes

I remember Jo’s post as thoughtless and nasty. Very insensitive to Cassie’s obvious grief at the anti-semetic Islamist terrorism of Oct 7th.

However Lizzie, you would want to provide clear evidence that Jo’s comments were anti-semetic. I do not remember them as such. To suggest they were is an extraordinary form of gaslighting.

I do, however remember Calli being called a coward. That was simply wrong and should have been withdrawn and apologised for immediately. It was not.

I appreciate Jo’s comments greatly. But I wince at her attacks on you and to a lesser extent on Cassie. But I also wince at your accusations of anti-semetism. That is profoundly incorrect to say the least.

March 1, 2024 2:18 pm

In any event, the idea of a conventional war with the West or NATO is unrealistic if Putin’s daily threats of using nukes are anything to go by. If the West attacked Russia, and we took the dictator at his word, he would use nuclear weapons against his enemies. You’d have to assume a response from NATO, in which case Russia would no longer exist. It doesn’t mean the West wouldn’t be hurt, but Russia would be gonesky.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 1, 2024 2:18 pm

The entire Hungarian air force planes are Gripens.

Thanks Kevin I didn’t know that! I assumed Hungary would just have something NATO compatible like F-16s or Eurofighters. Shows that I should look such things up. But they did ask for more of them and Sweden said yes so the Hungarian parliament is ratifying Sweden’s entry into NATO. Hungary was the last hold out after Turkey caved (for a bunch F-16s).

March 1, 2024 2:19 pm

Germany just ruled out sending troops.

Thanks be to the Lord.

I don’t want to get nuked.

Real Deal
Real Deal
March 1, 2024 2:19 pm

KD at 1.41pm.

Many, many upticks.

March 1, 2024 2:22 pm

I quite like Griffin’s work. I’ve seen the other designs for Canberra and, believe me, we dodged some bullets there!

Nah dawg.

The Federal City on Lake George with neoclassical buildings was a grand idea, fairly unrealistic though, IMO.

John H.
John H.
March 1, 2024 2:23 pm

Mar 1, 2024 2:11 PM
Russia won’t even use the best fighter to penetrate Ukr air space. Please explain. The must vaunted s400 turns out to be a dud. Their tanks suck.

And the tanks need to be moved on trains to where trains go, then its movement in the open which exposes them to drones and missiles. Which explains why Russia moved so slowly at the start and still finds it hard to move fast without losing lots of armour.

Logistics, the tough part of war.

Thanks Alamak! That was my point about the huge European plain. By the time the Russians managed to get the equipment to the front line huge losses would have been incurred because the USA has 3900 aging Tomahawks, plus a range of new missiles, and a proposed mass delivery method by transport aircraft, repeated attacks by Eurofighters, Tornadoes, B 52s(stand off), Lancers, stealth bombers, and ground based missile attacks. It suffered huge losses just in Ukraine, in this scenario exponentially larger losses.

Russia would be in a hopeless position. A war on 4 fronts: Finland and Sweden to the north, Vladivostok and Kaliningrad would be gone in a week, multiple countries to the West, Ukraine to the south. Putin won’t risk it. That’s the problem, he would have no choice but to go nuclear or run off forever to hide in some bunker.

March 1, 2024 2:23 pm

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Mar 1, 2024 1:04 PM

Nuf sed, eh?

March 1, 2024 2:25 pm

Because they don’t want to commit their SU-57 unless they have to, in airspace covered by NATO ISR which they cannot directly engage. Their ‘dudness’ is greatly exaggerated.

IF they were superior they’d be constantly flying asserting theatre dominance (totally destroying the Ukrainian Air Force in air combat or later air to ground missions) and bombing/missiling the Ukrainian army out of range of drones and SAMs.

Love the T-90M, great price-performance ratio. Probably better than Abram’s in the current environment.

Come on bro.

March 1, 2024 2:32 pm

Pogria @ 1.06 pm
Yes, I’m a denizen of Rockdale.

March 1, 2024 2:34 pm

That’s the problem, he would have no choice but to go nuclear or run off forever to hide in some bunker.

Well, that’s a big fkg problem. It’s the ONLY problem that matters with continually provoking Russia. Air superiority, trains, tanks will all be forgotten once the nukes start dropping.

March 1, 2024 2:35 pm

Are you’re admitting that Russia will still be able to move things by train over the vast bulk of its interior up to its forward areas, so all we’re arguing about is the extent of the latter? 10 km to border? 50km? 100km?

I’m saying train lines are sitting ducks against superior air power no matter how many train lines there are.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 1, 2024 2:36 pm

H B Bear
Mar 1, 2024 12:22 PM
Lots of fence sitting by the j’ismists over Dunkley. My view? Like the Voice, Spud home comfortably, two lengths.

Kos Samaris on 3AW this morning.
He was asked about the great Torrie fighter attending a Katy Perry concert at Anthony Pratt’s Raheen mansion.
He expressed the view that, when Joe Average is on the bones of his arse, overt funstering by pollies wasn’t advisable.

March 1, 2024 2:36 pm

Mar 1, 2024 2:19 PM
Germany just ruled out sending troops.

Thanks be to the Lord.

I don’t want to get nuked.

Lame and gay.

While you were chasing girls and enjoying your youth I was preparing.

You had your chance… had.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
March 1, 2024 2:38 pm

And how on earth can they keep Black Mountain?

Haha – nice one centurion.

March 1, 2024 2:42 pm

I don’t have the slightest doubt that this is the intention. Hopefully, people will be more awake to it this time.

“Disease X” Was Rehearsed at “Clade X” Are We About to See A New Plandemic?

March 1, 2024 2:42 pm


Are these trains express or stop at all stations?

John H.
John H.
March 1, 2024 2:46 pm

Mar 1, 2024 2:38 PM
IF they were superior they’d be constantly flying asserting theatre dominance (totally destroying the Ukrainian Air Force in air combat or later air to ground missions) and bombing/missiling the Ukrainian army out of range of drones and SAMs.

It’s never fighter alone, it’s a combo of fighter and ISR (ground or airborne). AWACs has at least double range of a F-35 at its best. The only effective way of asserting dominance is either taking the AWACs out or having them move further west.

Come on bro.

It’s just true.

Russia recently lost an AWAC and a Command aircraft, probably by some rather antiquated missiles. The meteor missile has such a range that an AWAC won’t detect a F 35 outside of launch capability. Contrariwise when a Flanker fired two missiles at a British surveillance aircraft(RC 135?) the first missile didn’t track and the second missile the rocket motor failed. ???

March 1, 2024 2:46 pm

They 1. won’t be able to reach most of the rail lines;

And just as pertinent, the rail lines don’t go near potential front lines, which incidentally is where supplies are most needed.

March 1, 2024 2:50 pm

And how on earth can they keep Black Mountain?

Change it to Blak Mountain.

March 1, 2024 2:50 pm

Madness. Nuclear war over a corrupted money laundering scam.

If Ukraine falls, NATO will have to fight Russia — Secretary Austin

March 1, 2024 2:51 pm

They could have a train line spread out every 5 miles across the entire Western borders, but if they don’t have air superiority (and wouldn’t) they would be taken out in the first hours of a war with the West.

Are you’re admitting that Russia will still be able to move things by train over the vast bulk of its interior up to its forward areas, so all we’re arguing about is the extent of the latter? 10 km to border? 50km? 100km?

Exactly, a system of moving tanks thats easily observable and would result in them being destroyed en route or when they arrive so as to snarl up the logistics chain even further.

Russia in many ways seems to be fighting WW2 again using outdated tactics & machinery. Guess that Russian Military Modernization budget was a bit wasted .. like here in Oz

March 1, 2024 2:51 pm

Given the amount of equipment failures in the initial stages of the Russian invasion (remember the tires that crippled movement etc) would their nuclear forces be in any better shape?
If the UK, which is supposed to be “clean” of corruption has its missiles fail so badly, what state would Vlads be in?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 1, 2024 2:57 pm

Because you’re at the fag end of the logistical journey. Just like when goods get to Melbourne via train they are then transferred to trucks.


N. Korea has sent more than 10,000 containers of munitions, materials to Russia since Sept (24 Feb)

That’s a looong train trip from Norkistan. The TSR must be chocka with containers going in both directions.

  1. Pardon my ignorance – where and when was this speech? Easily described as a rallying call to arms.

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x