What To Do, Hollowed Out and Still Spewing CO2?

Our obsessive minister for climate change and energy Chris Bowen seems intent on ridding Oz of manufacturing. All unintentional mind. Collateral damage, as it were, from demolishing foul CO2-spewing coal-power stations, and marginalising and driving out its fellow pollutants oil and natural gas. Incidentally, history will thank him because it will be written current-day university graduates.

As it is, manufacturing employment has declined by about 15 percent over the past forty years according to ABS data, while employment overall has increased by about 118 percent. Recently the loss, or potential loss, of aluminium smelting, nickel refining, loo-paper and plastic manufacturing, made the news. Increasing power prices formed part of the problem facing these industries. And have no doubt, power prices are going nowhere but up as more of the “cheapest” form of energy is installed.

It’s a mistake to think of the loss of manufacturing only in economic terms. A wide range of occupations enriches society. People who work on the factory floor have a quite different work experience than people working in offices or in cafes or in hotels or in mining or in agriculture; and they bring that experience to bear in social interactions. And they remind people that consumer goods, cars and planes don’t appear from thin air. Though, I doubt the Greens would ever absorb that insight. In any event, the more variety of occupations the better.

It’s also better to have manufacturing for security reasons. Infrastructure and skills which can be easily transformed into armament manufacturing is better than trying to start from scratch. In WWII car manufacturing plants became tank manufacturing plants without much ado.

If Bowen has his way we’ll have rich enclaves of mining and agriculture with electric cars being driven by the well-heeled past empty factories. Hollowed out, like a third world country, tourism and its offshoots will become a major employer of the common people. Thus, better hope that the Great Barrier Reef doesn’t die from global warming.

Marine scientist Peter Ridd was sacked for saying that this would not happen. But what does he know? Ninety-seven percent of marine scientists, who depend for their government grants on the GBR being in its perpetual death throes, adamantly disagree.

Mind you, even with manufacturing gone Bowen will have a CO2 problem. Those scope 3 emissions are a worry. All that exporting of coal and gas will result in GHG emissions overseas for which we must bear full responsibility. Australia is the largest exporter of coal and ranks sixth in exports of LNG. I am not too sure what can be done about that. Give Australia back to the Aborigines, I suppose?

After all, as the Greens and assorted activists of genuine, very sketchy, and dubious indigenous heritage are never shy of telling us – white interlopers are living on stolen land. Not sure where the Asian, African and Middle-Eastern immigrants and their descendants stand? Let’s ask Linda Burney. She seems smart.

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March 10, 2024 12:14 pm

If Bowen has his way we’ll have rich enclaves of mining and agriculture with electric cars being driven by the well-heeled past empty factories. Hollowed out, like a third world country, tourism and its offshoots will become a major employer of the common people.

We’ve lost 58 000 full time jobs since June 2023.


I put it on the open thread this week but it might as well go here as well.

March 10, 2024 1:11 pm

The personal finances of Bowen et al need to be put under a microscope.

Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
March 10, 2024 4:17 pm

Peter, many thanks for yet another excellent article that, imho, should be front and centre in The Oz. Poor fella, my country.

March 10, 2024 4:36 pm

No empty factories. They get bulldozed for high-density housing. If the factories ever do return they’ll have to be elsewhere.

March 10, 2024 6:07 pm

Those scope 3 emissions are a worry.

Nah… its anything with a lung is their real problem.

Save the wilderness, Kill a Koala A Day!

Delta A
Delta A
March 11, 2024 9:18 am

The personal finances of Bowen et al need to be put under a microscope.

Precisely. As should all the big renewables shills. Always look to see who is profiting most.

March 11, 2024 9:29 am

At my age, the one piece of advice that has never proven wrong is ‘Follow the money’.

March 11, 2024 11:21 am

Bowen…. never had a job outside of politics.

March 11, 2024 7:31 pm

Yet we’ll still vote for these quality-of-life assassins because ‘at least they’re not the other mob.’

Until conservative-leaning voters miraculously find self-esteem and decide that ‘settling’ for something is NOT better than nothing at all, politically speaking, NOTHING WILL CHANGE.

The Lieborals may be ‘the best of the worst’ but a party which does not even pretend to represent us, is not a party worthy of our vote.

The ONLY way an alternative will arise on that side of the political playground, is by Rabzing the present bullies. Yes, there will be vacant space for a while, and yes, newcomers will inevitably make mistakes and take time to grow, but if we are not prepared to finally ditch what is an abusive political relationship, we need to stop moaning about OUR CHOICES.

The Liberal Party is now, and has long been, conservatively dead. D.E.D. dead. Twitching-like-a-catatonic-zombie-with-escaping-gas-dead. Give nostalgia the flick (she’s the one who gave you that burning itch), and send a message to those who despise you – if you haven’t noticed, get your pulse checked – by refusing to even acknowledge their existence. Vote accordingly.

They don’t deserve us.
It’s past time to move on.
That was then, this is … O.K., enough with the platitudes and metaphors.
Wake the feck up, conservative Australia!

  1. Thanks for reminding us Pogs. He has a big family, so maybe hanging out with them? I hope so. Also…

  2. You can see where all the Krispy Kremes went. That had to be a public golf course dressed like that.

  3. mUnty personifies the problem with public golf courses. Clubs should include that with their mail out for annual subs.

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x