The hate speech laws are working well. Good job it’s nothing serious, perhaps not wearing a mask while less than…
The hate speech laws are working well. Good job it’s nothing serious, perhaps not wearing a mask while less than…
Do that actually have to meet the contractual standards, or are those optional?
Disgusting article in The Australian saying that it’s OK for women to break the law whenever they feel a bit…
We were provoked and taken out of context excuses are fairly novel ones. Nonetheless, the ‘taken out of context’ card…
Dumping net zero and the climate scam has done nothing bad for the Reform Party. And crass and uncouth pint-drinking…
‘Actors are generally stupid people…’
Anthony Hopkins, when asked why he doesn’t publicly comment on political issues.
There’s no reason why the P.M. cannot go to Lae in Papua New Guinea for Anzac Day. There’s an international airport at Nadzab (though a rough ride between there and Lae), we have a High Commission in Lae, and the war cemetery was maintained very respectably the last time I saw it (which admittedly, was about a decade ago). We also have a small contingent of ADF at IGAM Barracks which could be utilised for ceremonial purposes.
Lae was an important base, both for the Japanese, and then for the Australians and Americans from late 1943 onwards.
Then there is Buna Gona where a whole Aussie & US Division fought literally through swamp.
True. Kokoda and the Beachheads were a sharp learning curve (especially in terms of supply and logistics), but also disgraceful for the political pressure that was applied during the latter. MacArthur was lucky that Curtin and the Australian population were bewitched by him, because his performance as a commander during this period was (I’ll be generous here) average.
This “Future Made in Australia” thing sounds a bit like it might be inspired by “We Make Nafink” philosophy.
But we don’t. We produce a lot. But every day production is closed as we deal with higher energy prices, higher taxes, higher wages and higher hire (ha!).
To some extent, this is reasonable. Volumes in Australia are a poofteenth of fk all.
But we should process more.
And we should stop shooting ourselves in the head by refusing to mine and process uranium and rare earths.
The good thing is that, once these idiots finally steal all of everyone else’s money, they won’t know how to manufacture the cupboards they need to hide in.
Privately, sure.
But it’s not part of his brief to represent the nation abroad at commemorative events.
That’s in the G-G’s remit.
At the very least, if cameras are going to be present, Albanese should invite Dutton. Using such an occasion for party political or personal political advantage is obnoxious and insulting to the memory of those who served.
That’s a good point regarding official duties, Roger.
Maybe he’s trying to do a Keating?
I reckon so, Muddy.
Indigenous Christian responds to Tucker’s claims.
Carlson is losing credibility.
170 officers from the rank of Colonel upwards, will no longer be advanced in time
From what I know as an Army brat getting to Major or Sergeant is easy in an arms corp in our army. WO2 up and Major up used to be a bit more selective and less time based especially for officers, SNCO’s less so.
Not all Majors will get sub unit command, even less will get unit command then above that commanding a Brigade & Division are even more elusive.
Will pass on to a mate who knows more than I to see what he has heard.
It’s just something I read, but I found it interesting if correct.
It’s like a purge-by-stealth: ‘Oops, did we just accidentally terminate the careers of that many experienced officers? Anyway, I guess we’ll have to fill those roles with juniors or officers we know and trust.’
Digital IDs are being rolled out globally; from Europe to Ethiopia to Australia
It’s the internet. You can always find someone to say almost anything.
It’s meaningless.
It’s a valuable perspective from someone on the ground in Israel (unlike Carlson) that warrants careful consideration.
Like Al Jezeera put together a docco of “What really happened on October 7 … It was terrible … But here, if one were to opine on the paucity of beheaded babies … Oh Gawd … then they will be wanting to find out who employs you and threaten them unless they sack you .. Oh GaWd …
As to the Hokey Pokey – Wat’ Baat’ the Conga –
Dr. John Campbell interview with James Roguski on the new international health regulations from the WHO.
Even the dogs listen to President Trump
Naomi Wolf was one of the most famous liberal intellectuals in America. Then she questioned lockdowns and the Covid vax. It’s pretty amazing what happened next.
I linked a shorter version above, but this is the full Tucker interview with Naomi Wolf, which is one hour long (the rest is older stuff).
Don’t forget Black Tape. The Whale Spirits are among us, well perhaps the greedy slags who wish to shut down industry.
How this shit can be even considered in a court is beyond me.
Don’t forget the songlines…
The Daily Telegraph has short videos but can’t link them here.
However the title of one of those is Middle East becoming this generation’s Vietnam.
So says Joe Hildebrand. If I can somehow link it I shall.
Well, “Slainte” to all you mob.
Mme Zulu’s latest test results are back, and they are all negative. For the first time, in two years, there are no appointment letters stuck to the fridge. We are opening the (good) champagne.
Cats will do me the courtesy of ignoring any incoherent transmissions from this call sign..
Good news. Enjoy.
No disrespect to Fiona Stanley Hospital in Perth – the lady has had the best of care, but, if I never see the place again, it will be too soon.
Fantastic news. After all the time life is centred around hospitals, it takes a bit to fully accept that one is in the clear. Zulu you and Mrs Zulu have a great night celebrating
Best news I’ve heard today!!
Under proposed changes South Australia is moving to drop mandatory covid vaccination for healthcare workers – it would be the first state to do so. BUT workers have to sign a form stating they agree the covid vaccine is beneficial but they are willing to forgo those wondrous benefits. “We’ll graciously allow you to return to work so long as you sign this form saying we were right and you’re wrong”.
I guess that’s a reluctant admission that the evidence is natural immunity is the equivalent of – in fact better – than the vaccine. There was never any need to bully and coerce people into taking a vaccine using experimental mRNA technology.
There are no words I can express in public about this topic.
Black Ball
April 12, 2024 7:33 pm
Too few like you, and too many of the others.
Swan has the cheek to take a swipe at the head of ther Productivity Commission. Let me be Frank. the lowest ranked economist at the Productivity Commission is more able to comment on Albos new “inflation Reduction Act” than Swan. I know Swan is allegedly a “professor” at some University but he definitely did a “body swerve” when it came to economics.
Wayne Swan BA (Hons) is another example of what is wrong with politics and the academy in this country. That delusional piece of trash needs to be put in its place. The place of a useless tenth rate intellect who has never had a real job. Sadly that’s a requirement for membership of the political class.
To be accepted by the Bubbled into The Bubble, one must demonstrate no awareness of existence beyond The Bubble.
too true
Arts degree huh?
So Swan’s a perfesser now? Gawd.
OJ Simpson brown bread.
I wonder if he’ll fit in the coffin.
Mentioned today Swan had a chop at Dai Le who has actual experience in the private sector, even though limited and I suspect being Viet would have an innate mercantilist bent anyway. As for Swan, he has none pre Parliament and I don’t count his post Parliament history, like Moyston he’s not on Boards for his knowledge or nous.
RGR produced some of the smarmiest ignoramuses I have ever seen. Conroy is another. They showboat around thinking they kicked goals but take away the media fluffers were really bereft of even the most basic substance or any tangible real time results except failure.
Reading David Reynolds new book “Mirrors Of Greatness: Churchill and the Leaders Who Shaped Him.” Good reading.
From the chapter on Lloyd George –
“His steering gear is too weak for his horsepower.” Lloyd George on Churchill, March 1916.
It was sometimes said that “Lloyd George was born a cad, and never forgot it. Churchill was born a gentleman and never remembered it.” Page 37.
ZK2A @07:58pm
Good news.
You and the bride – get fcuking very untidy.
Lived together for nearly forty years. Never married.
This lady is the ultimate pacifist. She experienced an Army truck parked on our front lawn, and a kitchen full of soldiers. She produced coffee and afternoon smoke-oh….
Many commenters have a hazy memory of what they said and did at the time of the “pandemic” and now recall only the parts that puts them in a good light.
And LOL to Lizzy, she was so restrained since she started posting on CL’s blog, never talked about herself, not much anyway.
Sticking to topics only, but alas, she couldn’t keep it up.
Back to the all powerful all helping matriarch of the clan, that without her would fall apart.
Wonder what happens if … hope she’ll be around for a long time.
Not to mention lending her wast experience as an epidemiologist to the cause.
The entire gun debate made simple for leftists.
EV and Lithium Ion Battery Plant BURNS For 36+ HOURS!
Essendon giving their fans false hope over thrashing a side that is fighting for ninth along with them. Very underwhelming match.
You know, the only issue that the Demonrat Party seems to be running on—aside from lying and hiding/lying about its cruel, destructive policies—is abortion. It has nothing else.
Re: the “Indigenous Christian” – Hebrew wasn’t the language of Jesus Christ.
Yep. False hope all over the place.
Re: the “Indigenous Christian” – Hebrew wasn’t the language of Jesus Christ.
He said nothing abour Hebrew. He said he spoke Aramaic
Nice rant Miltonf. Shane Wand (world’s greatest fiance minster) should be deported to Manus Island and never allowed to return to the mainland.
Mark Dice:
Why They Love Him and What It Means for America ( OJ )
I’m so looking forward to the boat load of Aussie cars heading over there. They’ll run amok and of course provide a spark to the Americans.
I give it 5 years and they will start to challenge us. I foresee them sending cars over for the Summernats.
Good times to be had by all.
Things are starting to get SERIOUS! Cleetus Burnout Rivals!
No he didn’t.
This event has seen a Nitro Funny Car go 341mph! @1000ft! … Insane! I’ll post it soon.
Here, we watch Clay vs Garret. Ruby shuts down because of the vibrations from the Top Fuel Car. ( :
Good fun had by all.
New OT up.