Open Thread – Thurs 16 May 2024

The First Outing, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, 1876

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May 16, 2024 7:23 pm

Noted thanks Calli- must admit non Oz places I’ve driven an automobile are Scotland and Tahiti. Otherwise it’s always been train/bus/taxi/walk even in the US.

May 16, 2024 7:24 pm

Unless I had a local to drive me around ofcourse.

May 16, 2024 7:35 pm

We have driven all over the world, apart from third world sh*tholes and places with illegible signage (eg. Greece).

Portugal has been the utter pits on a number of fronts, but the traffic issue is the cherry on top of a most unsatisfying visit. Just as well it was one night only. The Portuguese themselves are charming, until they get behind the wheel of a car.

Driving in the US is a pleasure – we experienced nothing but courtesy on the interstates and back roads alike. Done about 8,000km there at least. Italy, Spain, France…no worries.

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
May 16, 2024 7:42 pm

Who is the nice blonde lady over Dutton’s left shoulder?

May 16, 2024 7:44 pm

A comment at Legal Insurrection following an article about the UN in Gaza:

UN will find that the IDF violated the terrorists’ rights by filming them without their written consent.

Five years ago, I would have wondered what this commenter was smoking.

May 16, 2024 7:45 pm

Fair enough Calli- love driving in Oz. Hoping to make it all the way up to Cooktown later this year.

May 16, 2024 7:46 pm

Dutton will defund the EDF and go nuclear; he’s got my vote.

May 16, 2024 7:47 pm

BJ is flossing his teeth as Dutton speaks; not a good look.

May 16, 2024 7:49 pm

Picasso and Georges Braque went to visit Renoir. They were despondent about not making much money from their paintings. Renoir said not to give up as one of his paintings paid for the elaborate house he lived in. Seem to recall Renoir was one of the few who made good money very eary in his career.

May 16, 2024 8:04 pm

“We have driven all over the world”

So have I, but I’ve not felt the need to skite about it.

May 16, 2024 8:08 pm

Seem to recall Renoir was one of the few who made good money very eary in his career.

It was van Gogh who was not eary.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 16, 2024 8:09 pm

Luigi evicting his tenant.
Clearing the decks before CGT gets a tweak?

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
May 16, 2024 8:10 pm

It was van Gogh who was not eary.
A cutting comment!

May 16, 2024 8:10 pm
Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
May 16, 2024 8:22 pm

This election promotional talk is never a clear cut win for any side.
Dutton only has to whisper nuclear and conservatives are falling for him.
But did you also catch the part where he wants to imprison people for up to 2 years for posting a crime online? Posting it. Not doing the crime but posting a video of it. Is this some sort of legacy broadcast media protection racket, because he didn’t mention that same rule applying for them?
Plus penalties for inciting “hate”, which is a rather broad and nebulous term.
Sounds like UK-style hatecrime laws coming down the pike. That’s potentially part of the package deal when you pick the Dutton-cabal.
Just what exactly is this Opposition in opposition to that counts for much?

Setting up a pathway to nuclear power and putting some rather minor (-25%) brakes on immigration are the only highlights in tonight’s missives from Dutton.

May 16, 2024 8:22 pm

It was van Gogh who was not eary.
A cutting comment!

He had a hacking gogh.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 16, 2024 8:24 pm

We should all be ‘worried’ about the WHO pandemic treaty

WHO is woke.

Who also is woke.

Get Woke, Go Broke: New “Queer” ‘Doctor Who’ Suffers Worst Ratings In Series History (May 16)

You would think the BBC would have learned not to be confrontational with the fans, but as we all know leftists never admit failure, they only double down. The newest version of the character is being applauded as the first “black queer” Doctor Who, played by Rwandan-Scottish actor Ncuti Gatwa. The show also features a villain played by Drag Queen and trans activist Jinkx Monsoon.

A gay black Dr Who fighting a drag queen? It’s a complete mystery why the ratings are in the cellar.

Boambee John
Boambee John
May 16, 2024 8:46 pm

Reading an older book I picked up. One of the Tom Clancy “with” series, called Dead or Alive, published 2010.

A Ranger killed some sleeping Talibs while trying to catch an elusive “Emir”, clearly based on OBL. Lawyers back in the US want to prosecute him for murder. A quote:

“… Prosecuting a soldier for killing the enemy. It was [Clark] thought sadly, a perfect testament to the character of the current President.”

Scenario ring any bells?

May 16, 2024 9:02 pm

Also, obvious that Chabahar port is going to be used by both Iran and Russia to undermine US sanctions which is why the US is not amused by India’s involvement.

India with Chah Bahar, North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC), fascinating. Just up the dirt from Gwadar, Pakistan with its Chinese development. The multi-polar world. While the Yanks are misbehaving, they are all friends. Hope it lasts and we all forget Outer Manchuria.

May 16, 2024 9:07 pm

I think he was underrated, but he speaks for me.

May 16, 2024 9:15 pm

Tyrus on Gutfeld makes a scary point: the old pervert only agreed to a debate with Trump because he knows Trump will be convicted in NY and be in jail. The pervert can then say, well, I was ready but my opponent is a crook and in jail.

May 16, 2024 9:45 pm

Have an escape plan for when the greenslime start with the “selection”, for the ‘deniers’

Always have a go bag ready.

May 16, 2024 10:52 pm
Steve trickler
Steve trickler
May 16, 2024 11:24 pm

That is how you do it. Kyle is running amok over there.

2000hp RIPS the Diesel Brothers Shop

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
May 16, 2024 11:48 pm

Maybe, Cohen.
Maybe Biden knows he won’t be able to dodge a debate without looking cowardly and/or incapable, so he’s putting up a proactive front like it’s actually his idea, instead of, you know, an all-but-compulsory convention.
Or maybe he’s a senile weakling who’s just reading the daily disposable script given him by his smartphone-generation media wranglers.
Or maybe- just maybe- it’s a bulletproof bluff from an empty suit sitting atop the globohomo Blob, united as never before, on every level, every legacy media mouthpiece and every three-letter agency, and Trump will indeed be hobbled, pilloried and imprisoned.

May 17, 2024 2:16 am

Salamanca is a “must see” if you are planning a Spanish road trip.

We are tucked into an apartment just inside the old walls, a tower of which is at the end of the street. And that’s a snapshot of this marvellous old city, the new perched on the old.

It has a bit of everything – beautiful architecture spanning the centuries, mellow old sandstone blushing in the intermittent sunshine, smart shopping street and city square, many…many bars, restaurants and other eating places, museums and glorious churches. And a Roman bridge. I stood on that bridge and imagined the Legions crossing, up to their fort on the hill.

That hill is now occupied by the cathedral, literally two cathedrals side by side…the old and the new. Unlike so many renovations, they didn’t knock down the original, simply annexed it.

In the apse of the cathedral is something special – what remains of the crucifix El Cid took into battle. Small, simple, it’s a very rough depiction of the crucified Christ. The cross on which it was fixed is lost in time.

The university here is the oldest in Spain. No demos, no posters, no Palli flags. Given what’s in the Cathedral, I understand why. They appear to remember their history.

May 17, 2024 2:53 am

In other news, Thomas Jefferson University uses someone who is functionally illiterate to announce graduating students.

When DEI reaches its inevitable destination.

May 17, 2024 4:00 am
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Johnny Rotten
May 17, 2024 4:26 am

Thanks Tom. Happy Friday.

May 17, 2024 4:27 am

China rolling out the red carpet in this Russia visit and the latter have really brought in their A-team. The comparison between this and Blinken’s visit is huge.

Since COVID, the person who has been given the longest & most over the top treatment in China was Widodo.

May 17, 2024 4:32 am

In other news, Thomas Jefferson University uses someone who is functionally illiterate to announce graduating students

Calli, part of me thinks it’s a bit.
It reminds me of Key & Peele and their A-A-Ron skit.

Johnny Rotten
May 17, 2024 4:38 am

comment image

May 17, 2024 5:02 am

Executive privilege for me, but not for thee.

Johnny Rotten
May 17, 2024 5:04 am

The Dow Jones Index nearly at 40,000

Who would have thought?

And look at the NASDAQ – Wow

And the S & P 500

And even our S & P 200

Recession anyone?

May 17, 2024 6:45 am

A bit of early morning trivia. Spanish time is Nazi time…literally.

The history of why Spain is not on GMT is fascinating. No wonder I feel a bit weary.

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
May 17, 2024 6:59 am

Media continue to carry water for Labor on “where would you put nuclear power stations” scare.
How about exactly where the decommissioned coal plants are, with grid connections already done?

Johnny Rotten
May 17, 2024 7:43 am

Dow Passes Record-Breaking 40,000 Midday Thursday

The Dow surpassed 40,000 during midday trading for the very first time this Thursday. In a January 2020 interview with Andrew McCreath from BNN Bloomberg I explained that the Dow was heading up. The video was posted with the headline “DOW 40,000” and everyone dismissed my forecast as if it were my own personal opinion. I made similar statements in other interviews, such as my interview with Financial Sense five years ago in August 2019. I reiterated this forecast in a 2021 interview and continued to stick by the computer without relying on personal opinion.

I was asked how I knew then that we’d be where we were at now. My answer is the same — I just follow the models.

The Dow was 29240 on the day of the interview with BNN Bloomberg, and while many feared a correction was coming, I explained any dip was likely short-term in nature and that it would need to drop below 19000 to be truly considered a bear market – BUT that fell on deaf ears. Even with the notable COVID dip that soon followed this interview, the market bounced right back to new highs thereafter and the models stayed on track over the long term. We experienced one of the most HATED bull markets in history. Despite all of the turmoil over the years, The Dow consistently went up for over a decade but all the talking heads insisted it would go down.

Cassie of Sydney
May 17, 2024 7:50 am

Johnny Pesutto has now settled and has apologised to Kellie-Jay Keen and Angie Jones for smearing them as ‘Nazis’. Good.

Here is Kellie-Jay Keen’s response, uploaded overnight…..

Remember that basement dweller who occasionally comes here, remember how he, when not calling innocent Catholic clerics ‘rock spiders’, likes to call those of us whose politics he doesn’t like…..”Nazis”

Remember how last year, after the infamous Melbourne rally, that same basement dweller also called Keen, Deeming, Jones and women like me “Nazis”, and then a week later, after the near lynching of Keen and other women in an Auckland park (where women were punched and assaulted by the oh so tolerant LGBTQI+ crowd), the basement dweller lauded and celebrated the violence against Keen and advocated similar for other ‘gender critical women’….he thought it was a hoot! I’m sure you all know who I’m talking about so given Pesutto has admitted he was wrong and formally apologised, I now wait for that basement dweller to also apologise on these pages.

And just to clarify, as I write there are real Nazis running amok on the streets of Melbourne, those Nazis are barricaded in the Arts Hall of Melbourne Uni, those Nazis are draped in Pallie flags, those Nazis are screaming abuse and threatening Jewish students, those Nazis are actively calling for the genocide of Jews from the river to the sea.

As some wag wrote elsewhere, the campuses, including Monash and Melbourne, should now be called…

Mein Campus

Last edited 3 months ago by Cassie of Sydney
May 17, 2024 8:00 am

Remember last year when everybody was so concerned about the 30 odd neo Nazi idiots in VIC?
Things were peaceful then.
Time for Unis to start expelling Uni students who enter classes to cause disruption. No more hiding behind masks. Banning well known outside agitators from campus etc.
Has anybody ever heard of protests at Western Sydney Uni ?

May 17, 2024 8:14 am

We are ruled by traitors which, unfortunately, is no longer a surprise.

BREAKING: Digital ID passed in Australian Parliament

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
May 17, 2024 8:16 am

Apparently at 7:51pm last night Chris Bowen tweeted (don’t know how to put up the tweet)

I have to update my pecuniary interest register. I’m living rent free in Peter Dutton’s head

There is no way the uni-cellular brain of that chinless popinjay came up with that. Will he give credit to the staffer who did?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 17, 2024 8:17 am

Very promising news from the Dutch:

Netherlands to Create ‘Strictest Migration System Ever’ as Populist Geert Wilders Forms Government (16 May)

The Netherlands will finally get the right wing government its people voted for, and some of the toughest border control in the Western World after veteran populist and Islam sceptic Geert Wilders got the agreement of coalition partners to form a cabinet. …

Now a major 26-page provisional agreement titled “Hope, Courage, and Pride” has been agreed by all four parties, and the task of actually forming a government and picking the cabinet will begin. Here already is one of the major compromises made by Dutch political veteran Geert Wilders, for after so long in the wilderness and now commanding the largest party in the country, he has had to surrender the chance to become Prime Minister himself to keep the other coalition partners happy.

Remarkably, to get around this impasse and make the agreement fair to all four parties, none of them will send their own politicians into government. It appears the ministry positions and Prime Ministership will be held by ‘technocrats’ — non-politicians and typically academics and economists — who would implement the government programme as dictated by the four. …

The junior partner of the coalition is perhaps the most remarkable, given it has gone from being founded to entering government in just one year. The farmer movement BBB was established in direct response to outgoing Prime Minister Mark Rutte’s aggressive implementation of European Union green directives, which threatened to send a wrecking ball through Dutch agriculture for the sake of environmental goals. …

Other areas of green policy are moved against, including cancelling the controversial forthcoming ban on home boilers for heating, requiring new wind turbines to be built at sea rather than on land, and creating a new generation of nuclear power plants to ensure energy security and bountiful supply into the future.

The roll back of the immigration invasion is being highlighted, as you would expect, but the success of the farmers’ party and the overturning of green rubbish is probably the biggest news. It will cause a lot of exploding lefty heads, and not only in the Netherlands.

May 17, 2024 8:22 am

The Netherlands will finally get the right wing government its people voted for, and some of the toughest border control in the Western World after veteran populist and Islam sceptic Geert Wilders got the agreement of coalition partners to form a cabinet.

The Netherlands has a Nazi traitor for a Queen who regularly bounces off to WEF meetings and gives presentations on digital ID and vaccine passports.

May 17, 2024 8:24 am

Dr. John Campbell


May 17, 2024 8:33 am

But did you also catch the part where he wants to imprison people for up to 2 years for posting a crime online? Posting it.

That’s my idiot local member’s hobbyhorse. He’s a f**kwit.

May 17, 2024 8:51 am

Duttons Budget reply..

Immigration: Anyone who believes it is only 205,000 pa needs their head read, it is at least double that and likely triple. No firm numbers on student visa reductions, hmmmm. Result, population ponzi no discernible change.

Nuclear: Good in practise but a lot of obstacles. How they going to over ride state laws when they won’t even do it to out of control activist HC/FC judges? Any plans on the inevitable protest movement that will spawn and plans to stop it? Areas like Lake Mac also good as it will lose him no votes in a solidly red area but I also would hold reservations about the Geotech properties of converting old coal power stations. A underlying block of Sydney sandstone might be ok or even the Whyalla Sandstones in SA but some areas will be unsuited. The concrete pad is already at Jervis Bay and it is the ACT there, I don’t know why they just don’t over ride the ACT city council and build the first one there, then once people see no one is glowing green then start elsewhere…

Rest of it seemed very broad brush.

Anyway I got stuff to do to get paid. I’m not overly disappointed or overjoyed about the budget reply. Seems to be the stock standard usual Uniparty tinkering at the sides.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 17, 2024 8:51 am

Tesla woes.

Unsold Teslas Pile-Up In Mall Parking-Lots, Big Discounts Likely (17 May)

Tesla is renting parking lots to store thousands of vehicles. This helps explain the mass layoffs. …

Parking lots full of Tesla vehicles are becoming impossible to ignore as the electric automaker seemingly can’t sell enough cars and trucks to match its rate of production. According to its own figures, the electric automaker produced 46,561 more vehicles than it delivered to customers during the first quarter of 2024. Where are all these cars going? Parking lots at its factories, malls and airports.

The story also notes that BYD intends to build a 700 mile range plug in hybrid ute in Mexico. That will knock out the Cybertruck’s market neatly.

Black Ball
Black Ball
May 17, 2024 8:55 am


Could be used for any one of our ‘elites’ Tintarella. Keep up the good work (polite golf clap)

May 17, 2024 8:59 am

Dan Schneider

Two national security disasters in one picture:

?@JoeBiden just posted his 29th video on TikTok after banning it for national security reasons

Biden’s post includes a picture of Air Force One at Ben Gurion Airport in Israel, our ally he has stabbed in the back


May 17, 2024 9:09 am

Netherlands to Create ‘Strictest Migration System Ever’ as Populist Geert Wilders Forms Government

Is this a case of closing the stable door after the horse has already bolted?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 17, 2024 9:27 am

Some more promising news.

DeSantis signs laws slashing climate agenda directives, targeting adversary investments (16 May)

“The legislation I signed today [will] keep windmills off our beaches, gas in our tanks, and China out of our state,” the governor said. “We’re restoring sanity in our approach to energy and rejecting the agenda of the radical green zealots”??.

If that gets the red states moving on the same thing the results will be the biggest revolt against the climate fraud industry thus far.

May 17, 2024 9:36 am

Ponzi Scheme Victims Cry Foul:

Couple who moved from India to Sydney seven years ago want halt to immigration as they struggle with cost of living

(lost the link…ABC? Daily Mail?)

Last edited 3 months ago by Roger
May 17, 2024 9:36 am

I can only say hopefully BoN.

May 17, 2024 9:37 am

Laws is an arrogant old bastard; he and some smug caller discussing Trump’s redneck supporters and how the world can’t stand another Trump term. Honestly TDS literally drives people insane.

May 17, 2024 9:37 am

JC: “And you know, Trump was ignored? How so? Your bolded doesn’t explain your argument.”

I posted two bolded parts, the first of which was that Trump announced a policy to withdraw (which you didn’t reference) and then the one you quoted, which was that it never happened.

I’ll make it simple for you:

Trump announced policy.
Bureaucrats carry on as before.
In short, policy, as announced by the person with the full authority to specify that policy, is ignored – that is, despite a change of stated policy, people keep going based on the old policy, which I would suggest is the new policy being ignored.
Trumps policy.
Therefore, Trump ignored.

Ignored in terms of actions affected by the policy, which is what matters.

You can argue that they kept trying to change his mind on what the policy should be, or even that they succeeded in doing this later, and therefore he wasn’t ignored, but to me that is sophistry and a weak attempt to justify your position.
He stated a policy and those whose job it was to execute that policy failed to execute that policy. In what world does that NOT mean the policy was ignored? If it was Trumps policy that was ignored (and it was), in what world is that NOT Trump being ignored?
Was the policy bad? Not the point, and you know it.
Did the policy change later? Not the point, and you know it.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
May 17, 2024 9:44 am

So, I am now going to ‘skite’ about a little local holiday. After feeling wrecked after seeing my sister in such a bad state visiting her in her retirement home in Bateman’s Ba, and her husband even worse with his cancer returning, Hairy and I have taken a three day holiday in the beautiful south coast town of – now where the eff are we? – yes, in Gerringong. If you like rolling vistas of green onetime dairy countryside backed by a high mountain escarpment named the Saddleback, a proper links golf course beside stunning blue waters and a bay, or a surf coming in on a golden ocean beach, in an old-time sort of place – then this is for you. We got a three day stay in a very pleasant resort for $130 a night on a special deal, with wine and chocolates on arrival and a quality hotel room with a view of the town, some ancient palms, and over to the side, the mountain.

We walked around the old graveyard topping a hill down to the bay, Protestants and Catholics well segregated as happened then even unto death, while opposite in the distance a row of Christmas-tree pines breached the ridge and continued down to the sea. Near our hotel, Norfolk Island pines planted a century ago line the main street and dominate the aspect from the new highway, which is well off the town, but which makes a quick two hour travel from Sydney. We ate at the Crooked River vineyard overlooking the vines on a glorious Autumn day and had no need to go to France for such pleasures, including a case of wine to take home in remembrance of the day. We also drove to Berry, a trendy town not far away, and looked at some shops to replace a hotel wineglass I had broken. Found one too, and a very nice wineglass indeed it is.

Stopping off in the afternoon at Shoalhaven Heads to see the estuary, supposedly dredged, but now silted up again with sand, we took the bush track along the riverine edge to it and enjoyed reading some signs at the start detailing and picturing the amazing bird life it supports; some of the birds migrate from the northern hemisphere, Russia and Alaska, sometimes leaving their young behind for the winter season here as it is so mild, giving them time to ready for later migrations. A further arbour’d bush track took us to the Seven Mile Beach, which we had all to ourselves. After a while a man with three dogs appeared in the far distance and an Old Ozzie walked by us with his bucket, fishing gear and hat to set up for a few hours of quiet contemplation of the deep ocean waves.

You don’t have to spend a lot or go too far in this wonderful country of ours to have the very best time in the world.

May 17, 2024 9:44 am

Laws is an old turd and has been if ever there was one. I don’t know why you waste your time with him.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 17, 2024 9:54 am

Long time SBS commentator outs himself as an antisemite.

Ex-Socceroo blasted for backing call to ban Israel from World Cup (Tele, paywalled)

Former Socceroo Craig Foster’s push to try to isolate and expel Israel from international football has drawn a stern rebuke from concerned Australians.

Yet another reason that SBS and the ABC should be bulldozed into Sydney Harbour.

May 17, 2024 10:09 am

Tom’s toons this morning, outstanding; the budget was summed up perfectly and this was probably the best of the US contingent:

371362_image.jpg (720×544) (

May 17, 2024 10:18 am

DeSantis is extraordinary. In the Federal sphere he was totally captured by the blob but locally he’s a colossus.
DeSantis signs bill erasing the term ‘climate change’ from state law

May 17, 2024 10:21 am

I should point out that the Laws discussion with the never Trumper idiot who rang in was in the context of Morrison visiting Trump and calling the lawfare a pile on.

It struck me as contrary to what Morrison did and said about Trump when PM and once he left parliament he became his true self, at least in respect to Trump. The same happened to tone when he became PM: he lost his balls. What is it with conservative leaders, once they achieve power they lose their gumption and become feckless and weak. I hope the same thing doesn’t happen to Dutton. By comparison leftoids like rub and tug reveal their true commie colours.

Last edited 3 months ago by cohenite
May 17, 2024 10:31 am
May 17, 2024 10:37 am

They’re tossing the whole thing in the trash.

The renewables bin.

May 17, 2024 10:42 am

It struck me as contrary to what Morrison did and said about Trump when PM and once he left parliament he became his true self, at least in respect to Trump.

His true self…hmm.

He’s in the US to tout his book.

A Trump endorsement will be very handy in the market its pitched at.

Last edited 3 months ago by Roger
Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
May 17, 2024 10:47 am

By chance I saw the fathead Morrison on the telly last night he seems to have aged – perhaps he’s seen the eternity that’s been prepared for him being some additions to Dante’s Inferno i.e. a 10th circle – Morrison deserves no less

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 17, 2024 11:08 am

Crimes against trees.

Joe Biden is carrying debt of up to $815,000, financial records show, as it’s revealed he and First Lady Jill also failed to net royalties from three of their book titles due to lackluster sales (16 May)

The Bidens’ financial records, along with those of Vice President Kamala Harris and her husband Doug Emhoff, are required to be made public annually under the Ethics in Government Act, which was introduced to prevent any conflicts of interest.

In his form, President Biden reveals he has had no royalties from his two books: ‘Promises to Keep’ and ‘Promise Me, Dad’ this year.

Jill Biden reported no royalties for her memoir ‘Where the Light Enters’ but did note she received royalties of up to $1,000 for her two children’s books: ‘Don’t Forget: God Bless Our Troops’ and ‘JOEY: The Story of Joe Biden.’

The first lady has another children’s book coming out this July: ‘Willow the White House Cat’ about life at the executive mansion as seen through the eyes of the family pet. 

The Bidens’ literary efforts do not appear to be setting the world on fire. I hope she didn’t eat the cat, or shoot it. Distinct possibility that one of Joe’s dogs ate it though.

May 17, 2024 11:20 am

At face value the Dutch government by bureaucrats rather than ministers plan will be a disaster for Holland.

How can a coalition of four parties possibly control and make accountable a bunch of basically independant bureaucrats?

They are bureacrats brought up under the EU dictatorship. They will devote themselves to selling out Holland to Brussels.

In parallel, the EU will devote umlimited resources to undermining the coalition.


Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 17, 2024 11:32 am

At face value the Dutch government by bureaucrats rather than ministers plan will be a disaster for Holland.

Dutch coalition negotiations are marathon events, it’s amazing Wilders has gotten what he’s gotten, and this fast. In every other EU nation the conservatives, oops “far right”, have been excluded from government because icky.

Wilders won the popular vote by so much that giving him the cold shoulder wasn’t possible. But the pearl-clutching wet centre-righties succeeded in forcing Wilders to stand down from being PM. I suspect the same political equation affected appointment of ministers, since those wets would not allow any of Wilders’ people to be ministers. At least this way none of the wets are ministers either.

So it will depend on how short the reins are that Geert Wilders and his farmers’ party colleagues keep on the technocrat ministers. I suspect there will be quite a few hangings oops resignations before the technocrats get the message.

May 17, 2024 11:37 am

Very interesting development in Netherlands. Not just the immigration stuff, but this too:

I sincerely hope Dutton and the SFL’s are paying close attention to this.

May 17, 2024 11:46 am

Fitba .. gotta luv it!.. 3 players arrested this morning over betting .. that makes 4 arrested for the season .. which is more than fans arrested ;;
.. LOL .. Davila (definite) with Lewis (probable) & Bacchus (probable) from MacArthur and Torres,Mariners (definite) ..
Thugby will be soooo jealous they’ve only got 1 from Queensland (probably Dolphins) cos you can’t really add Hass’ or Hynes mummies or the former Tigers bloke who was dun for drugs* yesterday ……
*the, usual, crime of choice for thugby ..,

Last edited 3 months ago by shatterzzz
May 17, 2024 11:55 am

Finally we get the darkest day in sport.
Gillard was right.
No doubt the plod took so long because of misogyny.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 17, 2024 12:01 pm

Anyone know where I can buy some of those shirts?

Titus Groates
Titus Groates
May 17, 2024 12:04 pm

We walked around the old graveyard topping a hill down to the bay, Protestants and Catholics

I have visited that cemetery. It has the grave of the late lead singer of Dragon – Marc Hunter.

May 17, 2024 12:12 pm

More trouble at mill:

New South Wales Premier Chris Minns has sacked Labor MP Anthony D’Adam from his parliamentary secretary roles, following his criticism of police tactics during a pro-Palestinian demonstration in March.
In a speech to the upper house late last night, Mr D’Adam, said the behaviour of the riot squad had “made a liar’ out of Police Commissioner Karen Webb, who had previously said police adhered to ethical principles.
“It used fear and intimidation as a means of obtaining compliance,” he said.
“We will not be intimidated, especially when we are trying to stop a genocide.”

Black Ball
Black Ball
May 17, 2024 12:29 pm

Bruce o Newk, here be the Fozzie article:

Politicians and Jewish groups have condemned human rights activist and former Socceroo Craig Foster’s attempt to get Australia to vote to expel Israel from international football, saying sport should not be “weaponised to stoke division”.

The International Federation of Association Football (FIFA) is meeting in Thailand on Friday (May 17) and the Palestinian Football Association has petitioned it to remove Israel, effectively booting them from the World Cup.

Mr Foster has publicly backed the call, urging Australian football fans to write to Football Australia to suspend Israel.

“I support them,” he said. “And call on the football community to do likewise.”

NSW Liberal Senator Dave Sharma said Football Australia should oppose attempts to “insert FIFA into a complex international issue”.

“Football Australia should resist succumbing to loud and ill-informed voices in this debate,” Mr Sharma said. “I note that those seeking to weaponise sport in this way do so very selectively — with a focus on Israel but not on the human rights records of any other FIFA members.”

Executive Council of Australian Jewry co-chief executive Alex Ryvchin said after the government of Gaza invaded Israel and “committed war crimes of a scale and barbarity that shocked the world, Foster made no call for Palestine’s suspension from FIFA”.

“Foster’s legal arguments about the International Court of Justice and the claim of genocide are plainly wrong and his assertions about universal human rights are manipulative and misleading,” Mr Ryvchin said.

He’s written to the Football Australia chairman Anter Isaac asking them to remain “politically neutral” and saying sport “ought not be weaponised to stoke division”.

In response, Mr Foster said FIFA had a human rights policy that “obligates it to use all possible leverage to promote and protect human rights and, genocide being the worst”.

Football Federation Australia has not revealed what way it will vote, but it has been reported that the organisation was “leaning towards abstaining”.

The mask has slipped from a lot of faces and it reveals their true selves. Horrid people with black hearts.
There’s not a Leftist cause that Fozzie won’t insert himself into, a true phuckwit.

May 17, 2024 12:40 pm

Executive Council of Australian Jewry co-chief executive Alex Ryvchin said after the government of Gaza invaded Israel and “committed war crimes of a scale and barbarity that shocked the world, Foster made no call for Palestine’s suspension from FIFA”.

Ah…I was wondering about that.

I don’t suppose he’s called for the suspension of Myanmar or China either.

Thanks, BB.

Last edited 3 months ago by Roger
May 17, 2024 12:50 pm


 May 17, 2024 10:33 am

 Reply to  Indolent

In his stoush last year with Trump, DeSantis just needed to be patient. Whether or not he finishes up in Trump’s cabinet next year, he’s a lock to win the GOP nomination in 2028.

The thing that ruined DeSantis’ prospects was taking the RINOs money which alienated the Republican conservatives. If he were to be selected as the VP he would no longer need that tainted money as the grassroots would be willing to fund him. Trump’s influence would also work in his favour.

Even if he is not picked to be Trump’s VP as long as he is in his admin he is young enough to wait out whoever will be the VP this time and subsequently the presidential nominee.

May 17, 2024 12:51 pm

It struck me as contrary to what Morrison did and said when PM. The same happened to tone when he became PM: he lost his balls. What is it with conservative leaders, once they achieve power they lose their gumption and become feckless and weak. I hope the same thing doesn’t happen to Dutton. By comparison leftoids like rub and tug reveal their true commie colours.

True colours…
Almost all of us centrist or conservatives are actually born and raised in the same soup as the lefty ruling class.
We have many similar underlying values.
If we were genuine about the ‘HoP’es for Their ABC and the rest of it, we would see contingency plans for getting power that include lists of people to be fired on Day 1, and list of people to be counselled and put on Performance Management Plans on Day 2.
There would be an actual program that wasn’t ‘Same as them but nicer’.

John H.
John H.
May 17, 2024 1:00 pm

What is it with conservative leaders, once they achieve power they lose their gumption and become feckless and weak

Yes Minister.

May 17, 2024 1:11 pm

ABS confirms what every Australian worker walking out of a supermarket scrutinising their receipt knows – real wages have resumed their fall after a brief blip that Chalmers made much of in his budget spiel.

Now down 7.1% on the June 2020 peak.

And unemployment is edging higher every month.

May 17, 2024 1:16 pm

John H.
May 17, 2024 1:00 pm

What is it with conservative leaders, once they achieve power they lose their gumption and become feckless and weak

Yes Minister.

The permanency of a public servant’s position is the key issue.
They can out-wait any politician and they both know it.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
May 17, 2024 1:17 pm

Chris Merritt in the Oz has a piece about the decision of the ACT town council to refer Sofronoff KC to a corruption enquiry.

Any chance someone can post the article?

May 17, 2024 1:18 pm

Henry Ergas. The Australian.
Last week, Melbourne’s La Trobe University instructed its teaching staff that pro-Palestinian protesters have a right to address any class of their choosing for up to five minutes.
“If protesters enter your classes,” wrote the university provost, ” we ask that you refrain from intervening and allow them to share the information they wish to.” The only action staff can take, should they wish to prevent that occurring, is to postpone the class or cancel it altogether.

Black Ball
Black Ball
May 17, 2024 1:25 pm

Rita Panahi gives the AFL a caning. Again:

The sheer absurdity of the AFL never ceases to amaze.

With the exception of the Australian Greens or the Queers for Palestine movement, one would struggle to find a more conflicted, wildly hypocritical pack of moral-posturing pretenders than the men and women at league headquarters.

It’s clear they have learnt absolutely nothing from their ill-considered activism for the Voice referendum, which was ultimately rejected by a clear majority of Australians despite the ‘yes’ camp out-spending the ‘no’ side, and by some margin.

For reasons that defy logic the AFL is again determined to antagonise at least 61 per cent of their fan base with more harebrained, race-based activism that will see a number of clubs changing their names to indigenous terms.

Are you pumped to see Euro-Yroke take on Walyalup this weekend? Perhaps it’s the clash between Waalitj Marawar and Narrm that has you excited; that’s if you had the slightest idea what any of that meant.

Both South Australian clubs decided to change their names, ignoring the fact that 65 per cent of the state voted against the Voice and the racial division it represented. If you think people who voted ‘no’ to the Voice would be happy to see their club name changed for some worthless virtue signalling exercise then you haven’t been paying attention. It’s bold of the AFL and its clubs to so haphazardly alienate a significant portion of their fan base.

The AFL’s official X account was mocked mercilessly this week when they posted an article with the following caption: “Will the Suns be able to emulate Yartapuulti’s success in limiting Tom Stewart’s impact?” You can imagine the responses.

Most footy fans, whatever their political persuasion, are thoroughly sick of politics and Leftist activism intruding into the game they love. And, they are increasingly seeing that the AFL has little credibility to weigh in on consequential sociopolitical issues.

This is the same organisation that has instituted a systematic WADA-dodging protocol that sees players pre-tested for illicit drugs and faking injuries to avoid match day positive tests, and the steep penalties that would follow.

It’s an organisation that this week came down like a tonne of bricks on a hapless Collingwood fan who awkwardly hugged West Coast’s, sorry I mean Waalitj Marawar’s Harvey Johnston but protects illicit drug users and gives endless chances to some unsavoury characters.

The AFL can rationalise holding a minute’s silence at games for female victims of violence while celebrating a character like “Dani” Laidley who four years ago pleaded guilty to stalking an ex-girlfriend and repeatedly breached court orders.

And, it’s worth noting this latest bit of activism will do nothing to advance race relations or unity, indeed the overwhelming majority of Indigenous folk are unlikely to know the names AFL clubs have adopted, given there are more than 250 different indigenous languages and 800 dialects, according to the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies.

A beautiful smackdown.
Euro-Yroke apparently is the name of St Kilda. Call me suspiciously suspicious but I have the feeling this is completely manufactured rubbish.
Also last night saw a young Aboriginal boy go out and hug Max Holmes from Geelong. Wondering if he will be banned from games for 12 months. Sorry you know the answer to that, I will see myself out.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 17, 2024 1:33 pm

Someone here (Tom?) mentioned the other day the ridiculous name changes for AFL clubs for ‘digenous round.
I could figure out what most of the teams were by their logos.
Until now.
There is a team called Wallypup which has not only changed it’s name but also it’s logo. By a process of elimination I figured out it was the Fremantle Dockers.
But what if six, or eight or ten teams change their name and their logo?
No-one will have a clue.
Here’s the thing.
For 49 weeks of the year, the marketing Nazis will be all over any variations in marketing material.
The Essendon red and Carlton blue have to be just the right hue. The “Magpies” and “Demons” typeface must be perfect. The placement of logos on apparel must be precise.
But for three weeks of the year, the purity of branding and marketing collateral goes out the window.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
May 17, 2024 1:34 pm

Rita Panahi gives the AFL a caning. Again:

Thanks Black Ball @01:25pm for posting that article.

The stupids from AFL HQ are doing their best ever aboriginal virtue signalling this week/weekend

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 17, 2024 1:35 pm

I see Rita Panahi is all over the AFL bullshit.

May 17, 2024 1:43 pm

ABS confirms what every Australian worker walking out of a supermarket scrutinising their receipt knows

Then the RBA issues a press release saying WFH is partially to blame for the rental crisis… People are looking for an extra bedrooms to house a computer, not a person

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 17, 2024 1:47 pm

chris merritt Sofronoff faces unequal application of the law

  • 5:17PM May 16, 2024

The decision to subject Walter Sofronoff, KC, to a corruption inquiry raises issues of principle that do not reflect favourably on the government of the ACT.
The core of the problem relates to the erosion of one of the great principles of the rule of law – equal application of the law.
Sofronoff, a former president of the Queensland Court of Appeal, is accused of breaching provisions of the ACT Inquiries Act – a criminal offence – during his inquiry into the aborted rape trial of Bruce Lehrmann in the territory’s Supreme Court.
He provided his report on an embargoed basis to two journalists before giving it to the ACT government.
After taking legal advice, those in the ACT government who had accused Sofronoff last year of breaking the law took no further action – at least in public.
They did not apologise when Sofronoff’s lawyers asked for a retraction. Nor was Sofronoff charged with any offence.
Had charges been laid, his conduct would have been assessed against the requirements of the Inquiries Act – the statute that outlines the rules for those running inquiries.
Criminal justice is harsh. Those who breach the Inquiries Act can be jailed by a court.
But criminal justice is also fair. Those running inquiries who do not breach that statute know they cannot be punished – even if they infuriate those in authority.
This guarantee of robust independence is now at risk.
Sofronoff, despite being accused of criminal conduct, has not been subjected to a fair trial in which a court could assess his conduct against the clear and specific requirements of the Inquiries Act.
Instead, he is a victim of forum shopping.
Exactly the same criminal allegations that did not result in his prosecution have now been referred to a non-judicial tribunal that is not governed by the rules of evidence, operates under a statute that gives it a vaguely defined jurisdiction and which is overseen by a former academic and public servant who has never held a judicial position.
That public servant is John McMillan, a former commonwealth ombudsman who is an authority on public and administrative law, not criminal justice.
McMillan is a respected and honourable man. But he, too, must comply with the law – in this case the territory’s deeply worrying Integrity Commission Act.
This act is so vague it leaves open the possibility that Sofronoff could be declared corrupt not if he broke the law, as alleged by the territory’s government, but if McMillan decides the former judge “could” have broken the law.
Section 1 of the Integrity Commission Act says: “For this Act corrupt conduct is conduct that could constitute a criminal offence …”.
If there were any substance to the allegations against Sofronoff he would have been charged and prosecuted in a real court. It is revealing that this did not happen.
Instead, a man who has held one of this country’s most senior judicial positions is being subjected to a system that sidesteps the rigours of criminal justice.
Those accused of murder and rape receive fairer treatment.
With a lower standard of proof, a speculative “could” test for corruption, and no merits to appeal, Sofronoff is being set up for the same sort of smear that befell Sydney businessman Charif Kazal.
Kazal was declared corrupt in 2011 not because he had broken any law, but because the NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption believed he “could” have broken a law.
For more than a decade, Kazal has been trapped in a Kafkaesque nightmare, unable to clear his name or test the merits of ICAC’s findings. Independent prosecutors, however, refused to charge him with anything.
Thanks to the advocacy of human rights lawyer Geoffrey Robertson KC, Kazal last year won a ruling in his favour from the UN Human Rights Committee. That ruling requires the federal government to prevent any similar erosion of rights guaranteed by the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
The Albanese government, like its counterpart in NSW, has done nothing about the Kazal ruling. That means Sofronoff could become the latest victim of this bizarre system.
ACT Chief Minister Andrew Barr accused Sofronoff of breaching the Inquiries Act at an emotional press conference on August 7 last year.
In retrospect, this is hard to reconcile with the failure to bring the former judge before a court. It also seems at odds with the formal written statement Barr issued the same day with his Attorney-General, Shane Rattenbury.
The formal statement implies there is a need to change the Inquiries Act because there is no provision that addresses Sofronoff’s actions.
This is what that statement says: “The government will also consider changes to the Inquiries Act to strengthen provisions relating to the obligation of nondisclosure of information in section 17 prior to the formal release of an inquiry report.
“The intent of any changes will be to provide the ACT government and the Canberra community with assurance that the unapproved release that occurred on this occasion will not occur for any inquiry that may be commissioned in the future.”
Sofronoff, like everyone else, is obliged to comply with obligations imposed by the law. But he is also entitled to the protections of the law.
If those protections can be sidestepped for Kazal and Sofronoff, they can be sidestepped for everyone.

May 17, 2024 1:53 pm


May 17, 2024 9:37 am

Kneel, Both Dover and yourself can’t except a mistake. It’s actually no longer funny. Here’s an excerpt from Dover’s own cut and pasta indicating cognitive dissonance. Creating your own reality is a real thing.

Here: His own cut and paste refutes your arguments.

When he was asked later about his comments to Defense One, Jeffrey told Vox reporter Alex Ward that there was never an agreed official number for U.S. troop levels in Syria. Instead, Trump talked about keeping “a few hundred” service members in the country.

“There was no violation of instructions or orders just a general effort to keep under 1,000,” Ward quoted Jeffrey as saying in a tweet.

But, but Trump was ignored. LOL

Enough now.

Last edited 3 months ago by JC
May 17, 2024 1:53 pm

Wow, China and Russia issued an extraordinary joint statement yesterday,

All this while that total fkwit Blinken plays rock star on a band stand at an Israeli club. Back home, Biden doesn’t know what day it is, until Jill tells him.

Europe is overrun with moslem and African shitholers. The UK is in the process of converting to Islam.

We get special attention in the statement – Handsome Boy isn’t Xi’s friend.

While others get on and build their future, the embarrassing west soldiers on with wrecking their immense centuries old wonderful bounty. The fruits of historical ignorance.

May 17, 2024 1:56 pm

The US stock market is predicting Trump will win.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 17, 2024 2:01 pm

Cassie of Sydney
 May 17, 2024 7:50 am

Johnny Pesutto has now settled and has apologised to Kellie-Jay Keen and Angie Jones for smearing them as ‘Nazis’. Good.

But nothing for Moira Deeming?

May 17, 2024 2:10 pm

I dunno, if was the shift and a coincidence. Going through Melb international security were 90% sheilas wearing hijabs. I was fingered for a random on-board luggage check and it was hijab wearing sheilas and a black African with terrible bad breath.

Last edited 3 months ago by JC
Barking Toad
Barking Toad
May 17, 2024 2:12 pm

Thanks ZK2A. Appreciated.

Black Ball
Black Ball
May 17, 2024 2:14 pm

Toad and Mr Panzer, I could be wrong but I believe next week is also scheduled for the wankery as described by Ms Panahi.

May 17, 2024 2:15 pm
How Modernity is Causing the Birth Rate to Collapse | Louise Perry
Black Ball
Black Ball
May 17, 2024 2:26 pm

The dog collar wearer still getting fleas. Daily Telegraph:

A City of Sydney councillor claims he felt gaslit by Mayor Clover Moore after she asked “do you agree to support Mardi Gras or not” while discussing emergency funding.

In a fiery council meeting, councillors spoke against the “aberration” of standard practice that took place when Ms Moore presented a motion to fork out half of the state’s $1.1 million emergency package to save Mardi Gras Parade only hours before they were due to meet.

Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras requested emergency financial relief over worries the 2024 parade would not go ahead due to more than $1m of debt and significant financial pressure.

Councillors have complained they were only briefed three hours before the May 13 meeting – though Ms Clover offered to help pay the bill on February 23, following a sit down with Night Economy Minister John Graham.

In the council meeting, Ms Clover said it was “the first opportunity” for the issue to be aired, despite two previous meetings occurring since the in-principal support of the rescue package.

Councillor Shauna Jarrett said the situation was just another example of “being told what to do”.

“The lack of respect and transparency around the way decisions made by the staff of this organisation is unfortunate,” she said.

“We’re facing a crisis in this city with respect to the funding to a lot of arts organisations and yet here we are being asked to approve a large sum of money without any background info.”

A spokesman for Ms Moore responded and said city staff worked with Destination NSW and Mardi Gras to prepare the report, which was handed out when finalised.

“The report was brought direct to Council, rather than through the following Committees meeting cycle leading up to the next Council meeting on Monday 24 June,” he said.

“It is not unusual for reports to come direct to Council.”

Councillor Lyndon Gannon, the only member to vote against the motion, said he felt he was gaslit and the Mardi Gras question was framed so a negative answer would indicate overall opposition to the event.

“We were giving no explanation about why ratepayers should be giving the government money. It’s absolutely ridiculous,” he said.

“It’s a part of my committee, these sort of decision are meant to go through me, but it didn’t.”

“Clover basically said that it was an arrangement that she had with Graham and that she really wanted the counsellor to support it, but then gives us no answers to any of our questions.”

The funding motion was carried at the May 13 meeting.

Let it go the way of many music festivals of late. If people don’t want to part with their hard earned, whether it be the local pub, grocer, whatever, it withers then shuts up shop.
Certainly don’t see any council throwing money to appease local bar flies

May 17, 2024 2:38 pm

May 17, 2024 2:10 pm

I dunno, if was the shift and a coincidence. Going through Melb international security were 90% sheilas wearing hijabs.

I noticed this trend many years ago in commonwealth services, once you are in a secure position and authority to hire don’t apply if you are white.

May 17, 2024 2:42 pm
May 17, 2024 2:50 pm

“Kneel, Both Dover and yourself can’t except a mistake.”

Was that deliberate?
I can accept that I made a mistake, and I can except a mistake by anyone as unusual. I presume you mean the former based on context. Either that, or as above, it was deliberate – perhaps for humor (just to be generous).

Regardless, as I said, it seems to me that you are dismissing the failures of the deep state to carry out the stated policy of the President by virtue of the fact that at a later date, the policy changed. My point was always and ever that these permanent “public servants” did as they wished rather than what they were told by their elected superiors (“superior” in the “authority” view, not any other like “morality” etc) and that such is not acceptable behavior by them.

Their duty is to carry out the stated policy, whether they like it or not, whether it makes sense or not, whether it will work or not. Any failure of the policy falls upon the elected representative not them, just as any success is not theirs to claim.
This is not hard to understand – or so I assumed. You appear to either fail to understand it, or fail to recognise the reason why these things are they way they are. But don’t let me stop you from espousing your opinion, you are welcome to have it and say it, just as I am welcome to mine, and both of us are welcome to disagree with the other. I trust my own position on this matter is now clear (if it wasn’t before), and that is an end it.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
May 17, 2024 2:54 pm

Apparently at 7:51pm last night Chris Bowen tweeted (don’t know how to put up the tweet) 

“I have to update my pecuniary interest register. I’m living rent free in Peter Dutton’s head”

And yet he leaves his own head vacant.

As I see it there are a few ideologues in Labor – that is, people playing a long game to mutate Australia into some unholy chimera of socialism, greenism, and non-whitism. The rest are flies that are drawn to the stench of death, guaranteed a feast of corrupted flesh.

The strategic use of Bowen is to send him out to blabber – he can splutter pus from his mouth for hours utterly unencumbered by any sort of conscience be it moral, intellectual, historical…you name it. But the sight of his head, shaped like pinched clay and with its facial features crowded in the middle like they share a shameful secret, spouting out manifest bovine ejecta without the slightest flicker of self-consciousness is surely intended to provoke a justifiable outrage from those opposed which the MSM can mischaracterise as Fascistic intolerance and ‘literally Hitler’.

Bowen is not a human. He is a mere mathematical operation in a larger and more cynical political equation. Anyone who treats him as having a soul is misunderstanding him, and his full fell effect, at the most profound level.

Last edited 3 months ago by Mother Lode
Mother Lode
Mother Lode
May 17, 2024 3:09 pm

I truly have no idea why the adjective ‘fell’ has stuck with me so long. I read it in a few spots in The Lord of the Rings and it has stuck with me since.

fell (adjective)
fell purpose
c: very destructive : DEADLY
fell disease

It would seem a word that has truly found its time.

May 17, 2024 3:26 pm

When discounts aren’t as good as the “real price”
What having a well paid lobbying* can achieve in Canberra .. FFS!
looks better than .. freebies-are-Us …….
Often offering the lowest prices, Chemist Warehouse had previously used a policy allowing them to knock $1 off government-set prices on the cost of scripts to create competition — a policy that other pharmacies did not use.
The discount policy was first introduced by former health minister Sussan Ley in 2016, but now, the Albanese government has bowed to pressure from the Pharmacy Guild to end the days of discount scripts.
After the intense scrutiny of this year’s budget due to the rise in the cost of living, the Pharmacy Guild welcomed the decision — saying it will help Australians “struggling with the cost of healthcare”.
The lobby group fought for the change to the discounted scripts, saying it would keep costs down in the long run and “restore universality” to prescription prices but result in the binning of the $1 discount.
“The freezing of maximum medicine co-payments via the staged application of the discretionary $1 discount will help Australians struggling with the cost of healthcare and will restore universality to the PBS,” The Pharmacy Guild’s President Trent Twomey said.
The Pharmacy Guild said the measure will provide “much-needed relief” for those struggling to afford their essential medicines amid inflationary pressures and a cost-of-living crisis.
“Freezing indexation of co-payment means patients won’t have to foot more of the overall cost for their medicines come 1 January each year,” Twomey said.
“On behalf of our members, the Guild has a strong track record of fighting to bring down the cost of medicines — I’m pleased the Guild secured anti-inflationary relief for patients by phasing in the universal application of the $1 discount as part of our 8CPA negotiations.”

Last edited 3 months ago by shatterzzz
May 17, 2024 3:30 pm

Pope Set To Hold Press Conference on Aliens and the Supernatural | The New York Sun (

Pope to Aliens: “Have you heard of this guy Jesus Christ?”

Alien to Pope: “Yeah he swings by every couple of years. He loves our chocolates.

Pope to Aliens: “We’re still waiting for his second coming. What does chocolates have to do with anything?”

Alien to Pope: “He loves our chocolates. Why? What did you guys give him?”

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 17, 2024 3:36 pm

Black Ball
 May 17, 2024 2:14 pm

Toad and Mr Panzer, I could be wrong but I believe next week is also scheduled for the wankery as described by Ms Panahi.

BB, ‘digenous round now runs for the best part of a month, including the saturation coverage of the “true meaning” of the various scribbly jumper designs (which, strangely, do not sell well to fans), the various ‘digenous round matches and the celebration of ‘digenous players past, present and out on bail.
This is AFL marketing at it’s finest:-
“Gee, ‘digenous round doesn’t seem to be gaining traction with the public. Why would that be?”
“It’s obvious. It is only one weekend. We need to spread it over 3-4 weeks so fans can see the true significance and revel in the full ‘digenous round experience.”
“Brilliant idea, Andrew!”

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 17, 2024 3:47 pm

In a fiery council meeting, councillors spoke against the “aberration” of standard practice that took place when Ms Moore presented a motion to fork out half of the state’s $1.1 million emergency package to save Mardi Gras Parade only hours before they were due to meet.

Now why would Mardi Gras be heavily in debt?
It’s basically a street parade where participants fund their own float, or arseless chaps or whatever, and no doubt the high profile corporates pay for the privilege of sucking up the rainbow dollar. I doubt the local councils would be charging them anything above bare minimum for traffic control etc.
What other costs would they incur to be running at a yuuuge deficit?
Could it be that it has become a massive gravy train for a few of the A-Gays in inner Siddy?

May 17, 2024 3:47 pm

The sheer absurdity of the AFL never ceases to amaze.

It all started with getting a point for missing the goal posts.

May 17, 2024 3:59 pm

‘digenous round matches and the celebration of ‘digenous players past, present and out on bail.

Luv it .. 15/10 ..LOL!!

Last edited 3 months ago by shatterzzz
May 17, 2024 4:02 pm

Reported earlier on the Cat but I see Michael Cohen had a very ordinary day in court. Claimed he rang Trump to do the Stormy deal but came out today he rang Trump’s bodyguard to talk about something totally different.

That’s kinda key to the entire case.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 17, 2024 4:11 pm

Pope Set To Hold Press Conference on Aliens and the Supernatural

He doesn’t appear to be on the same planet as the rest of us.

Pope Francis: ‘Specter of Climate Change Looms over Every Aspect of Existence’ (16 May)

Not that I can see from the real world data. Nice day here, I’ve just mowed the lawn before the rain comes next week.

May 17, 2024 4:26 pm

My just turned one grandson saw some chickens hatch. On his part, this involved hand waving and pointing interspersed with baby blah blah burble blah. Does life get any better. Even Mr nearly four was most impressed. Life gets with grandchildren.

Last edited 3 months ago by GreyRanga
May 17, 2024 4:31 pm

I’m surprised Fake diggeynous bwuce the goothse pascoe hasn’t claimed the diggies were playing gayfl for thousands of years.

May 17, 2024 4:34 pm

Pope Set To Hold Press Conference on Aliens and the Supernatural

He doesn’t appear to be on the same planet as the rest of us.

What was God thinking of when he became Pope????

May 17, 2024 4:43 pm

Bowen is not a human. He is a mere mathematical operation in a larger and more cynical political equation. 

Oh Mother Lode – you flatter him! Chris Bowen, for me, is one of those AWFUL boys in school who imagined he was a lot smarter than he was. A struggler. Nothing wrong with that. EXCEPT if the struggler thinks every mark was in error. That is Chris Bowen. There are some quite clever people in federal Labor. Bowen is not one of them. He is a journeyman. The Labor Party use him as cannon fodder.

Last edited 3 months ago by Vicki
May 17, 2024 4:55 pm
May 17, 2024 5:02 pm

What was God thinking of when he became Pope????

For argument’s sake (since I’m not RC and don’t believe the pope is appointed by divine decree. Do Catholics even believe that? dover?)

God generally acts through means, in this case the cardinals. It could be that he permitted Francis’ election by them to test the RC faithful.

Last edited 3 months ago by Roger
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 17, 2024 5:32 pm

‘Right to resist’: Muslim group supporting Palestinian ‘resistance’ given charity status


By rhiannon down

  • Reporter

and joe kelly

  • National Affairs editor
  • 5:01PM May 17, 2024

A Muslim group awarded charity status in this week’s budget has issued senators with a legal warning for condemning the anti-Israel “river to the sea” chant and claims Labor has abandoned its own senator, Fatima Payman, over her allegations of genocide in Gaza.
The Australian Muslim Advocacy Network’s AMAN Foundation was endorsed as a deductible gift recipient in Tuesday’s federal budget, just days before the group wrote an open letter warning a motion the Senate passed condemning a controversial pro-Palestine slogan risked breaking the law.
In the open letter to senators sent on Friday May 17, the Network said Senator Payman had showed courage in breaking ranks with the Albanese government and speaking out at a “critical point of history where further genocide can be prevented”. It criticised her Labor colleagues for “disloyalty” for refusing to back her, saying this was a “disheartening” outcome.
The letter accused upper house MPs who voted in support of a motion to condemn the “from the river to the sea” chant of characterising Palestinians as “inhuman, violent, and genocidal”, warning of the legal risks of violating racial vilification laws.

“Without the protection of Parliamentary privilege, the Senate motion would likely violate section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act and various state vilification laws, including those in Victoria that prohibit encouraging, assisting, or inducing vilification,” the letter said.
“‘From the river to the sea’ is a call for freedom from Palestinians and their allies, fundamentally different from the annexation and colonisation promoted by Likud under the same phrase.”

The letter said Senator Payman was a “truth-seeking brave woman from a minority community” who was “not afraid to speak truth to power and uphold the values of justice and dignity for all people, regardless of their background”.

May 17, 2024 5:39 pm

I’ve visited Portugal many times, but never driven.
After one driving experience in France I said never again.
What else went wrong there for you Calli?

May 17, 2024 5:39 pm

Acceptance speech for the Hamilton Award at the Manhattan Institute.

Douglas Murray: Choose Life, Not the Death Cult | FULL SPEECH

May 17, 2024 5:42 pm
May 17, 2024 5:43 pm
May 17, 2024 5:45 pm

God generally acts through means, in this case the cardinals. It could be that he permitted Francis’ election by them to test the RC faithful.

Or it could be that He doesn’t care what they or any other human beans get up to. This would also explain earthquakes and volcanoes. The God-doesn’t-give-a-stuff theory explains so much.

May 17, 2024 6:14 pm

Or it could be that He doesn’t care what they or any other human beans get up to.

Since we’re obviously referring to the God whom Christians worship your comment is beside the point.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 17, 2024 6:20 pm

Released detainee charged in Brisbane, again
Staff writers
A released immigration detainee who was previously charged with failing to comply with curfew conditions has been arrested again on the same charge in Brisbane.
Afghan born Rahmat Ali Haidari, 31, had his case mentioned in the Brisbane Magistrates Court on Friday after being taken into custody overnight, The Courier Mail reported.
The Australian Federal Police allege Mr Haidari breached the conditions of his Commonwealth Visa last Saturday (May 11) as he failed to comply with curfew conditions.
Mr Haidari was charged with one count of failing to comply with curfew conditions and the case was adjourned until May 21.
The 31-year-old is understood to be one of 150 detainees released back into the public after a landmark High Court decision in November made it illegal for detainees who could not be deported to be held in custody indefinitely.
He was remanded in custody until Tuesday.
This comes as Mr Haidari was previously granted bail on May 1, on the condition he attends the Logan Central Community Mental Health Centre to take part in a mental health assessment.
The offence carries a maximum penalty of five years’ imprisonment and/or a $93,900 fine.

So, just when do we say “enough is enough” and deport this prick?

May 17, 2024 6:22 pm

Since we’re obviously referring to the God whom Christians worship your comment is beside the point.

Maybe they’ve got the wrong god. Maybe the right one is M’bongo M’bongo from the middle of the Congo and everyone who doesn’t worship Him is destined for Hell.
This theory is obviously loony, but no loonier than yours.

May 17, 2024 6:24 pm

Mother Lode
 May 17, 2024 2:54 pm

Excellent description of that rancid turd blackout bowen. Now turn your wit to what should happen to the pustule in a fair and just world.

May 17, 2024 6:26 pm

This theory is obviously loony, but no loonier than yours.

Have a pleasant evening, BeauGan.

May 17, 2024 6:37 pm

Have a pleasant evening, BeauGan.

I shall. You too. You’re a good man.

H B Bear
H B Bear
May 17, 2024 6:39 pm

This week the Media Watchdog takes a nostalgic look back at the Hendo and Mincing Marr’s days on Ol’ Leathery’s couch.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 17, 2024 6:58 pm

Perth broker Euroz Hartleys encouraged by raising rush after tough few yearsSimone GroganThe West Australian
Thu, 16 May 2024 4:43

Years of sluggish deal flow have eaten away at Euroz Hartleys’ bottom line, but chair Andrew McKenzie is optimistic there are some “green shoots” after a more lively start to 2024.
The longstanding stockbroking and corporate advisory firm is tracking a $2.2 million unaudited after tax profit for the financial year to April 30, after posting just over a $1m profit during an especially “challenging” six months to December 2023.
The numbers are a far-cry from the $52.5m it made in 2021 when mining deals and IPOs were going gangbusters.
But Mr McKenzie is hoping the market has enough momentum to turn and that investors could be getting their risk appetite back.

The optimism comes after Euroz Hartleys lined up a string of capital raisings in recent months, following a “traditionally quiet” December to February.
“The big hole has been the lack of (equity capital markets) activity in the last three years,” Mr McKenzie said.
“The last two months there’s been a definite pick up.”

Euroz Hartleys was joint lead manager on a $100m raising for gold miner Pantoro, an $80m raising for Spartan Resources and was also in Perseus Mining’s camp for its takeover of Tanzanian gold explorer OrecCorp.
While mining — especially gold — had been the main earner, Mr McKenzie said biotech had also been an “interesting” space. The firm handled a $20m fundraiser for Victoria-headquartered Dimerix and $12m for Nedlands-based Argenica Therapeutics.
Mr McKenzie said investors would “love” to buy more copper if they could find it and there was also strong interest from the East Coast in industrials businesses and mining services. Investors were still “reasonably receptive” to lithium, he said.
Trades among retail and institutional clients have kept ticking over in the past six months, providing a much-needed revenue channel through brokerage. The firm told the ASX this was a “strong underlying measure of the health of our business”, with retail turnover showing more momentum than institutional.
In late 2023 the broker bought up to $1 billion of stock in takeover targets Azure Minerals and Liontown Resources for Gina Rinehart’s Hancock Prospecting.
Euroz Hartleys is also preparing for what would be a rare non-mining ASX listing in WA, with the IPO of private marine services provider Bhagwan Marine.
Subject to finalisation, the listing would be WA’s biggest since APM joined the market in late 2021 and capitalise Bhagwan at up to $200m.
The group’s funds under management rose to $3.84b over the period from $3.67b. The company said its final dividend would be dependent on ECM sentiment for the remainder of the year.
Earlier this year, Euroz Hartleys made the move to new headquarters in the QV1 Building in Perth’s CBD. The relocation has brought the nearly 200 staff that used to be split across two separate buildings, under the same roof. Euroz and Hartleys merged in 2020.
Shares in Euroz Hartleys closed up 3.73 per cent at 84¢.

We’ve been dealing with Hartley’s since they began, in 1955……

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 17, 2024 6:59 pm

Four thousand years of consistency of message, with a likewise consistent theology DrB.

Read the bit about Abraham and Isaac on the mountain.

12 “Do not lay a hand on the boy,” he said. “Do not do anything to him. Now I know that you fear God, because you have not withheld from me your son, your only son.”

As Abraham believed God and was credited with righteousness God set him a test. As a reward for getting it right God gave his son, his only son, as a sacrifice to atone for the evil of those who believe in Him.

There you go consistency over four thousand years, since Abraham was around maybe in about 2,100 BC. The Genesis account was written around 1,400 BC*, and may owe a lot to Joseph who was vizier in Egypt about 1,850 BC from what I can tell.

(*I’ve laid out from Egyptian archaeology a few times why those dates fit Genesis so well, particularly since Akhenaten suddenly got a dose of ole time monotheism out of nowhere.)

Last edited 3 months ago by Bruce of Newcastle
May 17, 2024 7:10 pm

Too good not to share.

May 17, 2024 7:16 pm

(*I’ve laid out from Egyptian archaeology a few times why those dates fit Genesis so well, particularly since Akhenaten suddenly got a dose of ole time monotheism out of nowhere.)

Couldn’t have had a solid support by the masses. See what happened to his brand new city.

Early days in my current religious education, but I find it very hard and my questions are upsetting the lecturers.
May have to find other avenues more attuned to doubters.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 17, 2024 7:16 pm

One of the nicest bits of the account of Abraham for me as a scientist with an interest in archaeology comes when Abraham and Isaac set out to go to the mountain per God’s instructions:

Gen 22:6 Abraham took the wood for the burnt offering and placed it on his son Isaac, and he himself carried the fire and the knife. As the two of them went on together,

All fine on the surface until you think like an archaeologist:

he himself carried the fire and the knife

In 2,100 BC bronze was well known but ironmaking hadn’t quite made it to those lands, so flint and steel weren’t yet a thing. Thus they carried a fire around with them since it was so much effort to light a fire using the stick and socket method.

Small details like that tell lots.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 17, 2024 7:33 pm

Couldn’t have had a solid support by the masses. See what happened to his brand new city.

My thought is that Akhenaten had his own deep state to cope with: the old polytheist priestly class. Monotheism did them out of a comfy well paid job. And the power that came with it.

He was a kid when Moses did his thing. His elder brother Thutmose vanished (no scuba gear back then). But that childhood memory would have seared into his brain, since none of the original Egyptian deities ever did anything like that stuff. So when he was old enough to make his reign stick he brought in a sort of monotheism that looks like a kid’s memory of what the slave race believed. But since the slave race had vamoosed there weren’t any of them around to teach him their religion, so what Akhenaten brought in looks warped and distorted compared to Judaism.

Once Akhenaten died his sickly son Tutankhaten wasn’t politically strong enough and the deep state came back and reinstated the yummy polytheistic system again. Then because as we all know deep states are revengeful buggers they chiseled the faces off all of Akhenaten’s statues they could find and bulldozed his temple complex.

May 17, 2024 7:33 pm

If God had told me to sacrifice my first born son, I’d have told him to piss off. He doesn’t come up to my moral standards.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
May 17, 2024 7:34 pm

Euro-Yroke apparently is the name of St Kilda.
Favourite factiod- there is no “Saint Kilda”- the anglicised name of the Scottish island chain is a nearest fit palatization of a number of norse names, my favourite being scurr skildar, a chain of shields.
Another favourite passtime of mine, when some virtuous midwit starts scattering indigenous neologisms in conversation-
“We’ve got a cabin on Wadgemup in July”
“Oh where’s that? Bali?”
“No, Wadgemup. Rottnest.”
“That’s a new one.”
“Well it’s actually what the First Nations people have always called Rottnest.”
“Righto… how do they spell it?”
“Double-u, ai, dee…”
“No, I mean, how do they spell it in First Nations?”

Last edited 3 months ago by Wally Dalí
Cassie of Sydney
May 17, 2024 7:54 pm

Did you know that ‘Palestine’ is now an imperial project? Parts of university campuses across the West are being renamed “Palestine”. Did anyone cede this land to the occupying leftist and Muslim scum? Well, it’s good to see some indigenous British try and reclaim their land from the occupying scum. A young man decided to wake up some of the parasitic leftist and Muslim scum camping illegally at Liverpool University with ‘Rule Britannia’…..

British student wakes up protesters at a Palestine solidarity encampment at Liverpool University

And note, as the young chap said, the tents housing the occupying leftist and Muslim scum don’t come cheaply, they’re expensive, each tent costs a few hundred quid.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 17, 2024 7:56 pm

Refugee to be kicked out of Australia after cutting off man’s ear in brutal attack to steal his phone

  • Jok Gar, 21, has a history of violence 
  • Refugee now faces deportation

Daily Mail. There is a precedent!

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 17, 2024 8:16 pm

 May 17, 2024 5:39 pm

I’ve visited Portugal many times, but never driven.

I always travel by funicular railway when I visit Europe.

May 17, 2024 8:20 pm

There is money in monotheism too.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
May 17, 2024 8:33 pm

Mutt of the Weekend.
Hard to believe such a handsome chap is still looking for a home.
…any Victoristani cats with male grandkids? Tommy would be a brilliant dog for a boy.

Johnny Rotten
May 17, 2024 8:38 pm

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
 May 17, 2024 7:56 pm

Refugee to be kicked out of Australia after cutting off man’s ear in brutal attack to steal his phone

  • Jok Gar, 21, has a history of violence 
  • Refugee now faces deportation

And who let him in and what checks were done? Over to you Tennis Elbow and the Team protecting this Great Southern Land.

May 17, 2024 8:40 pm

ZK2A, sorry not holding breath this piece of trash is going anywhere, let alone Sudan or Egypt.

He’ll have some pettifogger running interference as soon as the immigration agents off him to Villawood or Maribyrnong.

May 17, 2024 8:44 pm

Furthermore the whole episode is a prophesy – the lamb in the thicket was slain instead of Isaac. That prophesy was fulfilled a couple thousand years later.)

You are saying that finding a lamb in a thicket was a prophecy that Jesus would be killed 2,000 years later? Bit weak on detail, don’t you think?

If this is the standard of biblical prophecy, you wouldn’t be taken seriously by the average ten year old.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 17, 2024 8:47 pm

Reading John Nichol’s book “Spitfire:A Very British Love Story.”
At a time when a production Spitfire cost 9,000 pounds (The engine cost 2,000 pounds) Lord Beaverbrook, the press baron turned manufacturer launched the Spitfire fund, in early summer of 1940. The fund reached 13 MILLION pounds.

“The money came from all corners. The people of Basutoland in southern Africa stumped up enough for an entire squadron: a South Wales village raised 5,000 pounds following the death of a son flying for the R.A.F. In Manchester, prostitutes arrested for soliciting were given the option of “donating” a princely 3 pounds rather than facing prosecution. “Page 53.

(3 Pounds was nearly a weeks wages for the average civilian worker.)

May 17, 2024 8:52 pm

Fly into MEL next week. Guess I’ll need to bring the puff jackets and thermals by the looks…

See specialist again, after PET scan things gone from a chance fusion of vertebrae to possible. Apparently my lower spine lit up on the scan, LOL sorta explains a lot.

Anyone had steroid injections in the spine? We’re going that path first.

Johnny Rotten
May 17, 2024 9:10 pm

“The money came from all corners. The people of Basutoland in southern Africa stumped up enough for an entire squadron: a South Wales village raised 5,000 pounds following the death of a son flying for the R.A.F.

In Manchester, prostitutes arrested for soliciting were given the option of “donating” a princely 3 pounds rather than facing prosecution. “Page 53.

(3 Pounds was nearly a weeks wages for the average civilian worker.)

A great way for the Ladies of the Night to fcuk the Germans.

May 17, 2024 9:10 pm
May 17, 2024 9:14 pm

Rokdok, I’ve had them in my neck. Series of six in three discs. Reduced pain fot three weeks. Next series of six reduced pain for four days. Didn’t bother with any more. $21k of titanium later, I still have pain but incredible nausea stopped and the short term memory loss stopped. Now I’m just old and forget anyway.

May 17, 2024 9:20 pm

Dr Mutton’s budget reply, Cats – what a joke. On us, of course.

Firstly, let’s check those wondrous immigration numbers:

Overseas migration 2022-23 – net annual gain of 518,000 people

The “net annual gain” in this financial year is now of course, way above last year’s figure. For example:

Net permanent and long-term arrivals in February 2024 were at a record monthly high of 105,460.

Multiply that figure by 12 and see how it works wonders for the deliberately engineered “housing crisis”.

Net permanent and long-term arrivals in the 12-months to February 2024 totaled 498,270. This is the highest 12-months to February number on record. It is 44 per cent higher than the previous record of 346,470 in the 12-months to February 2009*

Let’s go to the actualities. Here’s the ALPBC:

Opposition Leader Dr Mutton, in his budget reply speech, announced the Coalition would cut the number of permanent visas granted for migrants in its first two years to 140,000

The Garudain:

Karl Stefanovic asked Dr Mutton how he felt about the government labelling him “Darth Vader” for his doom-and-gloom tone. In Thursday night’s budget reply, he had promised to cut migration by 25%, to 140,000 migrants a year, and further cut the number of overseas students.

In other words, the real, actual net immigration figure per year to this stupid, stupid country is now running at around a million. No prizes for guessing where 90% of them hail from from.

The figures do not add up. Cutting migration by 25% would equal 250,000 per annum, not 140,000 per annum.

So which is it, Dr Mutton, you hideously uglee knobhead?

If I wanted to live in f*cking inja or china I’d have emigrated there decades ago, you quisling c*nts …

End of part one.

*Thanks Ruff!

Last edited 3 months ago by Rabz
Johnny Rotten
May 17, 2024 9:22 pm

So, just when do we say “enough is enough” and deport this prick?

Just put him in a leaky boat in shark infested waters. Job done.

May 17, 2024 9:22 pm

Question without notice:

If Australia offer to send a team to the USA to assist the UN doing Election Monitoring duties, you know, so it’s fair and there’s no unusual activity.

Q: Who would you send?

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 17, 2024 9:28 pm

Academic sacked over swastika image fails to get job back
By stephen rice

  • NSW Editor
  • 8:16PM May 17, 2024

The University of Sydney has won its bid to sack far-left academic Tim Anderson over his display of a Nazi swastika superimposed on an Israeli flag, with a court finding his actions did not comply with the “highest ethical, professional and legal standards” required to be protected under the university’s intellectual freedoms.
The university had appealed a ruling by Federal Court Justice Thomas Thawley in 2022 that Anderson was exercising his academic freedom when he showed students the slide and was unlawfully dismissed in a breach of employment law.
Justice Thawley said he accepted Anderson’s argument that he created the swastika graphic for academic purposes, to stimulate critical analysis and comparisons between “fascist systems”.
“While I consider that the (slide) would be offensive to many people, in the context in which the Israeli flag superimposed with the swastika was used, I do not consider that its use involved ‘harassment, vilification or intimidation’,” Justice Thawley found.
On Friday the Federal Court by a majority of two to one overturned Justice Thawley’s ruling, finding that Anderson’s comments failed to comply with the “highest ethical, professional and legal standards” required to be protected under the intellectual freedoms enshrined in the university’s enterprise agreement.
Justice Nye Perram noted that in 2018 Anderson posted on his Facebook account a photograph taken at a lunch in Beijing showing five people sitting at a table in a restaurant, one of whom is wearing a shirt bearing Arabic script which translate into English as “Death to Israel”, “Curse the Jews” and “Victory to all Islam”.

Yes, Cats, THAT Tim Anderson!

May 17, 2024 9:32 pm

Another Dr Mutton shadow budget announcement, designed to seem like some red meat for those ‘orrible nayzee proles that are less than gruntled about the staggering collectivist stupidity he and his fellow clowns are determined to visit upon us:

“We’ll stop chinese marxists* buying Ozzie residential property for (drum roll …) 24 months, we tells ya!

Anyone who believes the statement above is even stupider than blackout bowen.

FFS, just stop voting for them – and I mean all of them. They hate you. Stop deluding yourselves.

End of part two.


Johnny Rotten
May 17, 2024 9:35 pm

Pope to Aliens: “We’re still waiting for his second coming. What does chocolates have to do with anything?”

Alien to Pope: “He loves our chocolates. Why? What did you guys give him?”

A Cross (and maybe a hot bun) and a few nails but he said he didn’t like your chocolates unless they were dark chocolates with soft centres.

Milk chocs not so much. They are Alien to him.

Are you really Aliens or ………………….

Last edited 3 months ago by Johnny Rotten
Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 17, 2024 9:36 pm

Yes, Cats, THAT Tim Anderson!

Wow, that is the best news all day. A more worthy recipient of the boot would be hard to think of. Amazing that Uni Syd has actually had the cojones to do it.

Will it go to the HC though?

Johnny Rotten
May 17, 2024 9:47 pm

 May 17, 2024 4:34 pm

Pope Set To Hold Press Conference on Aliens and the Supernatural

He doesn’t appear to be on the same planet as the rest of us.

What was God thinking of when he became Pope????

There was no Pope mentioned in the Bible. It was just another one of those Human made titles to lord it over the peasants, take away all of their money/stuff and not to let them read or write.

It worked for a while until it didn’t.

May 17, 2024 9:50 pm

Back before collectivists decided to consume themselves, human centipede style.

What a bunch of joyless hectoring staggeringly stupid sanctimonious hypocritical arseholes they’ve now revealed themselves to be.

I’d rather be dead than be forced to exist in a reality infested by them.

Oh wait – they could happily try to arrange that …

Last edited 3 months ago by Rabz
May 17, 2024 9:58 pm

I left a brand new jacket, pants and shirt on the plane (in LA)that I bought to attend a wedding in Portugal. I had misgivings giving it to the flight attendant but he talked me into it because it wouldn’t crease in the coat closet. He forgot to hand it to me and I forgot to ask.

Chances of getting it back a fcking zero.

Now, I have to double up and buy a new set.

May 17, 2024 10:10 pm

Football Australia

Stuffed to the gills with useless utterly discredited severely brain damaged on the take forkwits.

If the schlockeroos ever achieve anything of note it’s in spite of them.

Les Murray and Johnny Warren are furiously revolving in their resting places, Cats. 😕

May 17, 2024 10:11 pm

There was no Pope mentioned in the Bible.

Wasn’t St Peter the first one?
(could be mixing them up new to this caper)
Not named a pope but.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 17, 2024 10:19 pm

 May 17, 2024 9:58 pm

I left a brand new jacket, pants and shirt on the plane (in LA)that I bought to attend a wedding in Portugal.

It’s a jinx on travellers.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 17, 2024 10:20 pm

 May 17, 2024 9:58 pm

I left a brand new jacket, pants and shirt on the plane (in LA)

And the tasseled loafers?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 17, 2024 10:26 pm

Channel 7 AFL commentator Brian Taylor opened himself up to a potential Thatcher-Negus situation this evening.
Carlton vs Sydney in Siddy.
“This is a Rugby League town but everyone here was talking about this game today. It was all they could talk about”.
An inquisitive colleague might have asked “Who? And where? When did you arrive here and who have you spoken with?”.

May 17, 2024 11:03 pm

Rosie, you asked about the food, and lack of spicyness.

The dish I had at the restaurant was a local speciality called pica pau. It had little sausages in it, meat, sauce and a net of melted cheese. My tummy bug might be mystery meat…or water. Or just too much rich food and greed. 😀

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x