Open Thread – Thurs 12 Sept 2024

In Peril (The Harbour Flare), John Atkinson Grimshaw, 1879

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September 12, 2024 12:03 am


September 12, 2024 12:04 am

And Tooth…

September 12, 2024 12:04 am

And threeth

September 12, 2024 12:04 am

Good morning Eastern Australia!!

September 12, 2024 12:09 am


September 12, 2024 12:09 am

Amusing myself here.

Pete of Perth
Pete of Perth
September 12, 2024 12:30 am

Good afternoon from Riga. Today I had a delightful wine and icecream shake with cherry bubbles. Delightful.

September 12, 2024 12:34 am

Not often I get into a single digit position .. sooooooo!

Salvatore - Iron Publican
September 12, 2024 1:06 am

Everything was fine on this thread, until Pete of Perth & Shatterzzz came along & interrupted Mizaris’ self-pleasuring.

September 12, 2024 9:26 am

I was delighted to have them join in…

September 12, 2024 9:46 am
Reply to  mizaris

…a threesome is so much more fun.

September 12, 2024 2:35 am

Once again, M Stayn gets it.
“And of course (as in the first 2020 debate) the right made the mistake of believing its own bollocks.”

September 12, 2024 3:21 am

Trump lost the debate by a letter.

He kept saying “I” instead of “We”.

September 12, 2024 3:46 am

Think whatever you may of the debate. It’s cost Trump votes where it counts.

Its over.


September 12, 2024 4:00 am
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September 12, 2024 4:14 am

I can understand shooting a giraffe, a wayward cattle dog or a feral cat.

But ducks? A line in the sand needs to be drawn.

September 12, 2024 1:02 pm
Reply to  Armadillo

They are easier to clean and cook when they are dead.

September 12, 2024 5:48 am

Thanks Tom.

September 12, 2024 5:57 am

Just scrolling through twitter, many eyewitnesses mentioning their 9/11 experiences, people who were inside the Pentagon, first responders, New York and Washington, people who watched the second plane hit the towers, lots of mentions of Todd Beamer and the brave people of Flight 93 and the usual conspiracy theorists, one of whom even claimed Todd Beamer couldn’t have made a call because airphones hadn’t been invented in 2001.

September 12, 2024 6:03 am
September 12, 2024 6:05 am

I bet not many of you knew this tidbit about Danny Kaye.


And he performed, too…

In his later years, Danny Kaye entertained at home as a chef. He specialized in Chinese and Italian cooking. He had a custom-made Chinese restaurant installed at the rear of his house by its alley, then had a kitchen and dining area built around it.

The stove that Kaye used for his Chinese dishes was fitted with metal rings for the burners to allow the heat to be highly concentrated, and a trough with circulating ice water cooled the area to keep the intense heat tolerable for those who were cooking.

He learned “at Johnny Kan’s restaurant in San Francisco and with Cecilia Chang at her Mandarin restaurants in San Francisco and Los Angeles.”He taught Chinese cooking classes at a San Francisco Chinese restaurant in the 1970s. Kaye approached kitchen work with enthusiasm, making sausages and other foods needed for his cuisine.

His work as a chef earned him the “Les Meilleurs Ouvriers de France” culinary award. Kaye is the only nonprofessional chef to have received this honor.

Kaye was an aviation enthusiast and pilot. His interest was sparked by his longtime friend, choreographer Michael Kidd, who had recently earned his private pilot’s license. Kaye began studying for his own pilot’s license in 1959. An enthusiastic and accomplished golfer, he gave up golf in favor of flying.

The first plane Kaye owned was a Piper Aztec. Kaye received his first license as a private pilot of multi-engine aircraft, not being certified for operating a single-engine plane until six years later. He was an accomplished pilot, rated for airplanes ranging from single-engine light aircraft to multi-engine jets.

Kaye held a commercial pilot’s license and had flown every type of aircraft except military planes. Kaye received a type rating in a Learjet, and he was named vice president of the Learjet company by Bill Lear as an honorary title (he had no line responsibility at the company).

A lifelong fan of the Brooklyn/Los Angeles Dodgers, and a good friend of Leo Durocher, Kaye often traveled with the team. Possessing an encyclopedic knowledge of the game, Kaye and his business partner Lester Smith also led an investment group which was awarded the American League’s thirteenth franchise, which became the Seattle Mariners for $6.2 million on February 7, 1976.

Kaye was also an honorary member of the American College of Surgeons and the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 12, 2024 7:13 am
Reply to  KevinM

A clear exception to the “Generally, actors are stupid people” principle.

September 12, 2024 12:04 pm
Reply to  KevinM

Don’t forget his conducting. He was guest conductor with multiple major orchestras. A truly talented person.

September 12, 2024 6:11 am

Having decided not to use the reply function I am simply running my little mouse up and down the sidebar at a furious pace to get to the comment box

On my computer, hitting the ‘Home’ button takes me to the top of the page, so no need to scroll. Try it!

That said, the comment function on this setup is a PITA – it’s hard to comprehend that somebody actually designed it that way.

September 12, 2024 7:28 am
Reply to  johanna

A small step Jo and I commend you for it.

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
September 12, 2024 9:44 am
Reply to  johanna

The reply function sucks.
Sucks big time.
To the nth degree.
I’d like to see the drop in volume of posts here made public.
Dover Beach, fix this problem now or I’ll start jabbing my voodoo doll of you right where it hurts.
(Jab jab jab)
How’s that sciatica going, eh?
Just wait till I turn this doll over and get the blowtorch out.

September 12, 2024 6:43 am

I am sure Hispanic voters will see what Republicans are doing to Haitians and not see blatant, unvarnished racism that could just as easily be turned on them.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 12, 2024 7:02 am
Reply to  m0nty

What’s on the menu for tonight Monty at your place? Cat, dog or rat? Or maybe wombat?

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 12, 2024 7:15 am

Possum stuffed with donuts?

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 12, 2024 7:14 am
Reply to  m0nty

Keep squirming, ignorant r-sole.

Last edited 5 months ago by Boambee John
September 12, 2024 1:16 pm
Reply to  m0nty

Wow Monty goes for the jugular. (sarc)

The Left: “No one is eating people’s pets.”

Which means we’re 1 week away from:

“Why do you care that people are eating pets.”

3 weeks from:

“Why eating pets is a good thing.”

And 4 weeks from:

“Refusing to eat pets is white supremacy.”

Cassie of Sydney
September 12, 2024 6:43 am

Reading back on the old Fred, I note a low IQ dimwit tried to equate Haitians to Hispanics.

The word ‘Hispanic’ is used as a generic label to describe people from Spanish speaking parts of central and south America. However Haitians are not Hispanics, nor would they see themselves as such, and most Hispanics would be appalled by the comparison. There are not many cultural similarities between Haitians and Hispanics.

By the way, Haitians don’t speak Spanish, instead the lingua franca on Haiti and spoken by most Haitians is creole French. After the European conquest of the Americas, Haiti was originally ruled by Spain but Spain ceded that part of the Hispaniola island now known as Haiti to France back in the late 1600s. It was the French who established sugar cane plantations on the island and it was the French who imported African slaves.

September 12, 2024 6:45 am

Just scrolling through twitter, many eyewitnesses mentioning their 9/11 experiences, people who were inside the Pentagon, first responders, New York and Washington, people

CAPT Bill Toti USN (Retd) tells his story – Unauthorised History of the Pacific War channel on YouTube.

Cassie of Sydney
September 12, 2024 6:46 am

Further to the ‘low IQ dimwit’, aka resident Nazi, I see he’s vomited up here early in the morning, methinks he needs to go away and spend his time learning some basic facts about world history.

But whilst he’s here, perhaps he could condemn the violence in Melbourne yesterday?

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 12, 2024 7:19 am

Not a hope, his side is never “violent”. Just ask the lying hypocrite, he’ll tell you.

There might, however, be a few “non-violent” bruises inflicted.

September 12, 2024 6:48 am

In the post-Olympics afterglow:

September 12, 2024 6:51 am

“I am sure Hispanic voters will see what Republicans are doing to Haitians”
And what about those poor Venezuelan refugees and the bad press they are getting?
I’m also going to point out that Haitians are French speaking descendants of self liberating Africans with a small percentage of mixed race French.
Spanish speaking Dominicans have a long hostile history with Haiti so yeah nah on ‘Hispanics’.
The long term Haitian communities in Florida are well integrated but the recently resettled, not so much.

September 12, 2024 6:52 am

I guess someone that didn’t know Malmo was only 44 km from Copenhagen couldn’t be expected to know what an Hispanic was.

September 12, 2024 7:02 am

Amazing how the Dems have the 90% of mainstream media actively promoting and constructing the daily narrative in support of them.

Get that debate rigged to an outstanding degree and benefit from a lot of online censorship and shadow banning of conservative voices.

Have all the noisy celebrities on side.

Yet somehow the polls are still 50/50.

September 12, 2024 7:06 am

Plibersek goes full teal:

Ham-fisted bluff that will blow up in Labor’s face

Simon Benson, The Australian, 12 September 2024

Tanya Plibersek has embarked on a ham-fisted show of political brinkmanship. It is a tactic that could spectacularly blow up in the government’s face. Considering the hostility that Labor has provoked with the mining community this week, it is bewildering that Labor would seek to prod further. And unnecessarily.

The Environment Minister’s tactics are transparent. Having got the Coalition close to a deal on the Nature Positive Bills, Plibersek has sought to apply further pressure by threatening to do a deal with the Greens.

If Plibersek is prepared to call her own bluff, the consequences could be significant. The Greens initially demanded a climate trigger under a new federal Environment Protection Agency.

This meant that all new projects would come under assessment by the new agency for their carbon emissions. A complete duplication of process and an effective economy killer.

In negotiations with the Coalition, Plibersek agreed to exclude assessments, a climate trigger and confine the new agency to a compliance role only.

It was as close to Coalition policy as you could get and it would have been equally remarkable had Peter Dutton not backed it, despite protestations from the Nationals who are rapidly dealing themselves into irrelevancy.

Plibersek will maintain that she has always been talking to both sides. The issue is that both sides mean completely different outcomes.

In a rush of blood to the head, Plibersek suggests a climate trigger is now apparently back on the table.

Clearly her prime minister has been unaware of this. Only last week Anthony Albanese made public assurances that the new EPA would be a compliance-only body.

That will no doubt be qualified as a position consistent only with a Coalition deal.

But it was all about jobs and the economy, he said.

Apparently not. It’s now all about politics. And what politics this is, remains a mystery.

While pandering to the Greens may play well in Plibersek’s seat, it will go down like a lead balloon in Western Australia, which was the state that won Albanese the last election.

Understandably, it is not only the mining sector but the broader business community that is now apoplectic.

The Business Council of Australia chief executive Bran Black has broken with the lobby group’s soft touch with Labor so far, and launched a serious salvo.

And he has powerful friends. Several state Labor premiers are reportedly beside themselves about Plibersek’s threat, having been contacted by the BCA, alerting them to the new development.

One can only assume that Plibersek appears to have been encouraged by Minerals Council of Australia Tania Constable’s call to arms to mining executives on Tuesday to lobby Coalition MPs to support the bill.

This was of course on the basis that the bill didn’t include a climate trigger.

Plibersek obviously thought that applying pressure to the BCA to do the same, under threat that it would otherwise go with the Greens model, was a good idea.

But all that has been achieved is handing Peter Dutton a reason to oppose it and open a new potentially damaging political battlefront for Labor where it matters.

This farcical exercise in political naivety has exposed precisely what Labor’s 2019 post-election defeat review warned about.

And it illuminates the fragility of Labor in government when you have a prime minister and environment minister both hailing from the two most Greens-influenced inner-city Sydney seats.

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 12, 2024 7:27 am
Reply to  Roger

This farcical exercise in political

Too early in the morning.

I read that as “This faecal exercise…”

September 12, 2024 7:12 am

It’s fast becoming impossible to identify what is and isn’t parody.

September 12, 2024 7:20 am

Staying with the kids and watching Nine news.

Lightweight breakfast host “fact checking” over Trump’s post abortion claims – her guest gives it to her with both barrels. Response – giggles. Same with the immigrant problems in Springfield, Ohio.

What is it with this stupid giggling over serious subjects? I’ve seen it with a number of commentators and politicians lately. Steve Conroy on Bolt was the most recent when taken to task by Michael Kroger.

September 12, 2024 7:28 am
Reply to  calli


Boambee John
Boambee John
September 12, 2024 7:30 am
Reply to  calli

They know that they are lying, and giggle with embarassment when they are called out?

September 12, 2024 7:31 am
Reply to  calli

The correct response to anything Michael Kroger says is laughter.

September 12, 2024 7:39 am
Reply to  calli

He told a lie, was pulled up, and giggled about it.

I don’t give a sh*t about Kroger. When it’s on TV, he’s lying to me.

September 12, 2024 7:22 am

I’ve got no time for the BCA, they made their bed by cosying up to various hard left governments and are now whinging about the result. What did they think would happen?

Min Council also on a number of issues is out of step with what a lot of us at the, ahem… Coal face think in the industry. They are all in with DEI BS & the Climate boondoggles.

September 12, 2024 8:19 am
Reply to  Rockdoctor

Sure, but at least they don’t want to shut down your industry, like the coming Plibersek-led Labor minority government in cahoots with the Greens/Teals.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
September 12, 2024 7:24 am

In a rush of blood to the head, Plibersek suggests a climate trigger is now apparently back on the table.

Clearly her prime minister has been unaware of this. Only last week Anthony Albanese made public assurances that the new EPA would be a compliance-only body.

An unkind cynic might think Plibersek doesn’t much care what the dismal little absentee PM thinks – or how utterly ineffectual it makes him appear.

A horrid cynic might even think the lovely Tanya is somehow positioning for a larger role in a Greens-supported minority government.

H B Bear
H B Bear
September 12, 2024 11:28 am
Reply to  Dr Faustus

Oh wow. That doesn’t bear thinking about. The Liars will be stuck with Albo if Spud falls short.

September 12, 2024 7:27 am

What is it with this stupid giggling over serious subjects?

Let’s call it…Joy!

September 12, 2024 7:27 am

“Actually the other people we hate also hate Haitians so we can unify in our hatred” is an interesting strategy.

I guess when hatred is all you have, using it as the basis for your voting coalition is the only option available. Same deal with the anti-trans stuff. Choose a tiny minority as the out group, and try to build a collegial brotherhood of bullies. Then after the election, disband the temporary alliances go back to hating everyone who isn’t exactly like you.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 12, 2024 7:42 am
Reply to  m0nty

You shouldn’t give away your plans like that Monty. How many Jews are there in Australia again?

Last edited 5 months ago by Bruce of Newcastle
Black Ball
Black Ball
September 12, 2024 8:47 am
Reply to  m0nty

Phuck off dickhead.
Off to punch some Nazis at the protest today you turd?

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 12, 2024 8:58 am
Reply to  m0nty

Enough about Liars policy towards the Slime.

September 12, 2024 7:30 am

BCA finding out the crocodile chooses the order it eats in, and pandering to it doesn’t guarantee you are last on the list.

Cassie of Sydney
September 12, 2024 7:33 am

By the way, just as Haitians are not Hispanics, nor are people from Jamaica, Guyana, the Bahamas, Trinidad and Tobago, and numerous other countries of the Caribbean.

I’m quite certain those playing in the West Indian cricket team would never ever refer to themselves as ‘Hispanics’.

Oh and Caribbean countries of Curacao, Aruba and Sint Maarten speak Dutch, as they’re still part of the kingdom of the Netherlands.

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 12, 2024 9:01 am

Don’t confuse the fat fascist fool with facts, they make his tiny brain hurt.

September 12, 2024 10:53 am
Reply to  Boambee John

He has a brain? Could have fooled me.

September 12, 2024 7:36 am

Lotocoti, Mel B is yet another menopausal woman looking for relevance. The moment these idiotic grabs for publicity appear I immediately check their age…yep.

September 12, 2024 7:36 am

What is it with this stupid giggling over serious subjects?

Stupid people find the intellectual stress of thinking very uncongenial. So they reject it and stick to the feelz. Same with the desire to make the afro hair style a protected characteristic.

The stupid have discovered they have the numbers.

September 12, 2024 7:40 am

Monty, you literally did the ” they are all the same” to a ethnic group who are extremely distinct from what’s usually called ” Hispanic”.

Then you want to lecture on racism?

You low rent mong.
Pic unrelated.

Cassie of Sydney
September 12, 2024 7:41 am

I guess when hatred is all you have, using it as the basis for your voting coalition is the only option available. Same deal with the anti-trans stuff. Choose a tiny minority as the out group, and try to build a collegial brotherhood of bullies. Then after the election, disband the temporary alliances go back to hating everyone who isn’t exactly like you.

Geez, a lecture on ‘hatred’ from the ultimate hater.

By the way Nazi, there was a lot of hatred on the streets of Melbourne yesterday. Any condemnation of that ‘hatred’?

And further to this gunk….Choose a tiny minority as the out group, and try to build a collegial brotherhood of bulliesI note that not once have you ever condemned the open and unapologetic hatred of the Greens towards a minority, that minority being the Jewish community. In fact, without a doubt the Greens are now part of a collegial progressive and Islamist brotherhood of bullying Jew haters, and quite clearly that’s a brotherhood you have happily and willingly signed up to.

You are such a monumental hypocrite.

Cassie of Sydney
September 12, 2024 7:47 am

I remember how, just last November, a collegial brotherhood of bullies gathered in Caulfied, a Melbourne suburb with a large Jewish community, on a Friday night (the Sabbath), and stood outside a synagogue threatening, intimidating and screaming abuse at Jews.

Perhaps I missed it but I recall no condemnation of that collegial brotherhood of bullies by our resident Nazi.

September 12, 2024 7:48 am

“Actually the other people we hate also hate Haitians so we can unify in our hatred” is an interesting strategy.”
Ackchyually. Lol you’re a human meme.
No one said that.
You claimed Hispanics were one with Haitians.
Hispanics are Spanish speaking Latin Americans, and I doubt many people of South American heritage refer to themselves as ‘Hispanic’ but would call themselves Porto Rican American, or Mexican American or Guatemalan American etc.
And I politely pointed out African Americans would likely have more affinity with Haitians given they are also descended from slaves imported to the Americas from Africa.

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 12, 2024 9:08 am
Reply to  Rosie

Just to confuse the idiot more, as well as Creole speaking Haitians and Dutch speaking colonies, a fair proportion of Brazilians speak Portuguese or a variation of it.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
September 12, 2024 7:55 am

…the open and unapologetic hatred of the Greens towards a minority, that minority being the Jewish community. In fact, without a doubt the Greens are now part of a collegial progressive and Islamist brotherhood of bullying Jew haters…

The Greens:

September 11 has also become the Greens’ day of shame. Victorian Greens MP Gabrielle de Vietri, who claimed the Victorian government should have cancelled the “deadly weapons expo”, left parliament to attend. Her leader, Ellen Sandell, defended Ms de Vietri’s participation as representing “our constituents’’ and urged police to “de-escalate”. 

A week ago, Greens leader Adam Bandt said on social media: “Land Forces will be in Naarm (the traditional Aboriginal name for Melbourne) next week. Labor are allowing the largest arms expo in the southern hemisphere to spruik weapons of war for profit, when the community are desperate for a genocide to end. It should not go ahead.’’ Mr Bandt tried to walk both sides of the street on the protest as it began to unfold. While telling ABC radio that “peaceful and non-violent protest is critical in this country”, he also urged: “Have a look at what it is that people are protesting about.”

Bandt’s toe rag community, that is.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
September 12, 2024 7:55 am

Got solar Monty?
Read this. Big brother taking control of private assets to benefit big foreign company investments in solar.

September 12, 2024 8:41 am
Reply to  Farmer Gez

Emergency backstops will
be safe, legal and rare.

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 12, 2024 9:10 am
Reply to  m0nty

As “safe, legal and rare” as abortions?

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
September 12, 2024 7:59 am

If you think it’s emergency powers then I can show you the whole section in AEMO’s ISP laying out this system of system control

September 12, 2024 8:00 am

I don’t hate anybody, not even m0nty. I certainly don’t hate trannies, I pity them. I don’t hate muslims or Haitians or Gazans, though I don’t want them in my country, and the same goes for plenty of other people, some of them Australians. I don’t like seeing Western civilisation replaced by something cheap and stupid. And it’s what is happening.

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 12, 2024 9:11 am
Reply to  DrBeauGan

mUntard is too pathetic to hate, he is only worthy of contempt.

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
September 12, 2024 9:58 am
Reply to  DrBeauGan

Doc, some people and cultures are worthy of hate because they hate us and they intend to do us harm.
Put away the love beads and recognise this one simple fact.

September 12, 2024 10:57 am
Reply to  DrBeauGan

I don’t hate either, but I certainly despise the vile vomit the pathetic windbags produces on the regular.

September 12, 2024 8:03 am

“First they came for the Haitians. But I was Hispanic or Afro-Caribbean, so I voted Republican.”

This is the 2024 Republican policy platform.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 12, 2024 8:11 am
Reply to  m0nty

ROFL. The Left have spent the whole of the last year vilifying Jews like the old days of the thirties and you’ve suddenly decided we are hating on Haitians?

Well news for you but I have been supporting Haitians for well over a decade. Christian Haitians in Haiti – you know the ones the gangs in Port au Prince go after. And several churches in Santo Domingo who actively support their Haitian brothers.

Your hypocrisy is off scale this morning. Also your cracked terminology, since I can assure you that Haitians are Afro-Caribbean.

Top Ender
Top Ender
September 12, 2024 8:04 am

Sweeping changes to NSW’s high school history course will see Holocaust education made mandatory for the first time, following concerns from Jewish groups that students were graduating with little or no knowledge of the horrors of World War II.

Under the new Year 7 to Year 10 History syllabus, a “depth study” of ‘Australia at war’ in WWII and the Holocaust will become a core component.

Feedback from the NSW Jewish Board of Deputies identified issues with the rigour of teaching under the current syllabus, under which students first learn about the Holocaust in Year 9, and only in the context of changing technology and civilian casualties in war.

The existing ‘school-developed’ study of the genocide is selected by an estimated one in three history classes.


Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 12, 2024 8:14 am

Monty seems anxious this morning. I wonder if he reads the LA Times?

LA Times: ‘To fix climate anxiety (and also climate change), we first have to fix individualism’ – Feels ‘like we’re just counting down the days to our own extinction’ (11 Sep)

There’re so many neurotic lefties these days. Especially young women like this lady. Quite amazing, especially when nothing much is happening climatewise. But they believe the lies and get terribly scared when righties don’t.

September 12, 2024 8:18 am

Cassie of Sydney
September 11, 2024 9:38 pm

Why didn’t Bolt appeal the judgment back in 2011? We all knew it was seriously flawed. Was the decision not to appeal Bromberg’s decision Bolt’s or News Limited’s?
Look, I’m glad Bolt has found his mojo over what was done to him thirteen years ago. It was a travesty, a stitch up, and many of us knew it.
IIRC, News provided his lawyers for the original case (and they were clearly not the A Team).

But he would have had to fund any appeal out of his own pocket, because News then pulled the plug.

At the time he was supporting his family, and had a mortgage. He could have lost everything in the crapshoot that is our legal system.

Can’t blame him for not wanting to expose his family to that risk.

Cassie of Sydney
September 12, 2024 8:25 am
Reply to  johanna

Thank you, Johanna. You’re right.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
September 12, 2024 8:19 am

Swiss twit “like, accidentally” shoots up a picture of Mary and JC, and puts it on look-at-me Instagram.
Report contains sensible glam portrait of Mizz… er… Sanija Ameti.
Says her “family hails from Albania”.
Does not name her as atheist, even though she’s solidly Green-Left.
So, yeah, it’s exactly what they have studiously avoided stating- Mohammedan accelerationism.

September 12, 2024 8:20 am

8 years of the upcoming Kamala presidency will allow the people who run the USA to then continue having low intelligence figurehead leaders in place.

Might as well I guess, like Rome went.

It will make the fall of the USA quicker too

Everyone a winner.

Cassie of Sydney
September 12, 2024 8:24 am

collegial brotherhood of bullies

I also remember how a collegial brotherhood of bullies targeted a minority of women in an Auckland Park in March 2023, resulting in the bashing of several women and the near lynching of one woman.

But that bullying, those bashings and that near lynching, according to our resident Nazi, was quite okay, in fact I recall how he laughed about it here on this blog…..coz……coz……those women deserved it.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
September 12, 2024 8:24 am

That’s odd TE, Das Grauniad is reporting that the curriculum changes will swing to Settler Colonialism Violence Ongoing Genocides and Maths-Based Climate Change Learning On Country.

September 12, 2024 8:24 am

I haven’t been able to view Garrison here lately so this might already be up, but here’s his take on the debate.

September 12, 2024 8:25 am
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 12, 2024 8:27 am

Comments on the Andrew Bolt piece about Pat Eatock gone down the memory hole overnight.

September 12, 2024 8:28 am




Today in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, @JoeBiden visited the fire station with @KamalaHarris. Many of the people inside were wearing MAGA hats and Trump gear.

Attendees tell me Joe Biden appeared totally senile at the event, and he even put a Red TRUMP 2024 hat on while @KamalaHarris was in the room.

One of the attendees asked Biden, “do you even know what your name is?”

September 12, 2024 8:30 am

Hardly earthshattering news for anyone around for the past couple of decades.

United Nations legal officer is caught on camera stating the UN’s ambition to become a world government

September 12, 2024 8:35 am

It is real. Whether he knew what he was doing is another matter.


JUST IN: Joe Biden just put on a MAGA hat in support of President Trump

September 12, 2024 8:35 am

In his 2004 book England and the Need for Nations, the British philosopher Roger Scruton termed the rising liberal ideology of self-contempt as oikophobia. The Ancient Greek word for home is oikos; and thus oikophobia, Scruton wrote, is “(stretching the Greek a little) the repudiation of inheritance and home”. It manifests as a consolidated, wide-spanning offensive against the historical, theological, literary, legal and social inheritance that formed the modern West…

As Scruton observed: “Oikophobia is a stage through which the adolescent mind normally passes. But it is a stage in which some people — the intellectuals especially — tend to become arrested. As George Orwell pointed out, intellectuals on the Left are especially prone to it, and this has often made them willing agents of foreign powers.” Hence, the tedious political activism that was formerly confined to the university campus has now been propagated across Western institutions and corporations. Indeed, the touted ‘grown-ups’ in the West are now largely liberal oikophobes, educated at elite universities that serve, as the conservative historian Niall Ferguson has argued, to transmit civilisational self-contempt in place of the classical Western inheritance. 

The Self-Hating Age: How Oikophobia is Dissolving the West

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 12, 2024 8:35 am

Long article, but well worth reading!

September 12, 2024 8:36 am

N’aaaaarm* (the traditional aboriginal name for Mosquebourne)

There is no traditional indodgyknee name for Mosquebourne, you staggeringly stupid collectivist cockheads.

It’s about as authentic as Phat Eatcock’s indodgyknee ancestry.

*Traditional labore spelling

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
September 12, 2024 9:22 am
Reply to  Rabz

Onya, Rabz.

Rufus T Firefly
Rufus T Firefly
September 12, 2024 8:36 am

The IMF announced yesterday that the Ukrainian economy had a growth rate of 6.5%!

The obvious follow on, was yet another $US1.1Billion, for St Volodymyr’s housing portfolio.

With rationale like that, there will always be a sinecure for our Treasurer in the IMF, when he is forced to leave.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 12, 2024 9:04 am

Government spending “boosts” growth. It’s a complete scam, since government spending actually undermines the productive sector of the economy.

September 12, 2024 8:39 am

A collegial brotherhood of bullies …

… with “legitimate grievances”.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 12, 2024 8:42 am

‘Broken on physical, mental level’: Hamas commander’s cry for helpStaff writers and AFP
2 hours ago.
Updated 2 hours ago


Israeli defence minister Yoav Gallant has revealed a letter written by a senior Hamas commander to leader Yahya Sinwar describing his fighters as “broken on a physical and mental level,” having lost most of their weapons and more than half their troops.
In the letter Rafa’a Salameh, commander of Hamas’s Khan Younis brigade, pleads Sinwar and his brother Muhammad for help, telling them: “We have lost 90-95 per cent of our rocket capabilities; 60 per cent of our personal weapons; at least 65-70 per cent of our anti-tank launchers and rockets, and most importantly we have lost at least 50 per cent of our fighters between those who are martyred and wounded, and now we are left with 25 per cent.”
He continues: “The last 25 per cent of our people have reached a situation where the people do not tolerate them anymore, broken on a mental or physical level,” according to Israeli media.
The letter, written in May – two months before Salameh was killed in an Israeli strike – reveals the success of Israel‘s attacks on Hamas and will be used by the Netanyahu government as proof that their relentless bombardment of Gaza will lead to victory in Jerusalem’s war against the militant group, despite failed negotiations over a ceasefire.
The Israeli Prime Minister has refused to budge over a key sticking point of keeping troops in the Philadelphi Corridor between Gaza and Egypt, while Hamas is equally intransigent over its demands for a permanent truce.

That’s what happens when you take on the big boys – play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

September 12, 2024 8:42 am

This is quite interesting. Her secret strategy was lying to his face in plain sight to get under his skin.

Kamala’s SECRET Strategy

Patrick Rooney, Founder of Old School (Natural Health / Success / Freedom) discusses the Trump-Harris debate of 9/10/24, and particularly what Kamala’s secret goal in the debate was, and what we ALL can learn from it.

September 12, 2024 8:44 am
Winston Smith
Winston Smith
September 12, 2024 10:12 am
Reply to  Indolent

I repeat what I said before – the AI meme is worth about 5%* to the Trump campaign in as much as it ridicules the Harris woman.
(*Figure extracted from my arse with no definite connection to reality, but it looks about right.)

September 12, 2024 8:44 am

lost 90-95 per cent of our rocket capabilities; 60 per cent of our personal weapons; at least 65-70 per cent of our anti-tank launchers and rockets

All funded by taxpayers in western countries.

September 12, 2024 8:45 am


“Everyone is talking about cats and ducks in this town. But I want to talk about one very special lady. My mother-in-law.”

Springfield, Ohio resident whose beloved mother-in-law was recently kiIIed by an immigrant from Haiti speaks out.

Stop what you’re doing and watch this.

September 12, 2024 8:45 am

Laura Loomer, LOL. She was the one doing last minute debate prep for Trump with Gabbard and Gaetz prior to yesterday’s disaster. Clown show.

Is it too late to parachute in Nikki Haley?

Last edited 5 months ago by m0nty
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
September 12, 2024 9:19 am
Reply to  Indolent

This is such an hilarious and pertinant piece of satire. Beautifully played.

September 12, 2024 8:46 am

Cops, horses, horse shit, pepper spray, shields, batons, agro Muz = Greens
I couldn’t work out why the Vic gov let the demo go ahead. It would have been easy to stop, there were plenty of warnings. A few select words in the right ears would have put it somewhere in a park. Then seeing the Oz headlines this morn and the followup articles – the Vic Gov are trying to isolate the Greens. Too many ALP supporters are voting Green. The perfect method. Greens are too ideological blind and ‘caring’ to understand. So align them with the Muz loonies and students. How to do that? The Exhibition. Perfect. Cops, horses, horse shit, pepper spray, shields, batons, agro Muz = Greens.
Don’t get sucked into this. It was typical ALP politics. They couldn’t care less about Israel,Hamas, Gaza, wars. They want power and money. Lenin would be proud.

September 12, 2024 10:23 am
Reply to  johnjjj

My point yesterday morning before it kicked off.

How many rabble rousers got midnight or 5am knocks as well?

Or is that only for Avi and right wing protest organisers?

September 12, 2024 8:53 am

Branco’s ‘toon is a classic and not just because of his rendition of darth cheney – note the badge worn by the cackling kamel.

September 12, 2024 9:04 am
Reply to  Indolent

The poll confirms my conclusion: the debate did not move the needle for undecideds.

The only thing voters were able to learn was how far the ABC moderators were prepared to go to help Harris and harrass Trump.

Black Ball
Black Ball
September 12, 2024 9:01 am

Collegial brotherhood of bullies the dickhead opined. Well, yes. Your lot. James Morrow reporting on a most disgusting turn of events:

Labor has invited a local Muslim community group with ties to a sheik who celebrated the October 7 attacks and has been linked to the extremist group Hizb ut-Tahrir to apply for its share of $2.4 million in grant money in the name of “social cohesion”.

Addressing a crowd at a pro-Palestine rally organised by Hizb ut-Tahrir in Lakemba less than 24 hours after Hamas launched its bloody attack on Israel, Sheik Ibrahim Dadoun of United Muslims Australia praised the terror fighters to an enthusiastic crowd.

“My brothers, My sisters, I’m smiling … I’m smiling, and I’m happy, I’m elated,” he said.

“It’s a day of courage, it’s a day of happiness, it’s a day of pride, it’s a day of victory.”

“This is the day we’ve been waiting for … 75 years … 75 years of occupation.”

“What yesterday happened was the first time our brothers and sisters broke through the largest prison alive.”

Dadoun later said that he does not condone innocent killings, and said he was referring to the Palestinians “breaking the blockade”.

Despite his comments, last month assistant minister for multiculturalism Julian Hill specifically invited United Muslims Australia, along with two other Muslim groups, to apply for the grants.

A media release issued by Hill’s office at the time said that “empowering young Australian Muslims locally is critical to building connections and tackling division, prejudice and hate.”

The United Muslims of Australia website lists Dadoun as one of the organisation’s sheiks and promoted as a speaker.

Along with celebrating October 7, Dadoun has also been present at a number of events organised by the group.

Among other things, Hizb ut-Tahrir calls for the elimination of Israel and which has been banned in a number of nations including the UK and most Arab nations.

Media reports have placed Dadoun at Stand for Palestine rallies at the pro-Palestine encampment chanting “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.”

Also in October on his “Sheik Ibrahim Dadoun” Facebook page, Dadoun criticised Premier Chris Minns’ decision to light the sails of the Opera House in blue and white as “(escalating) tension” despite Israel not having yet retaliated for the attacks.

Jeremy Leibler, President of the Zionist Federation of Australia, said, ““It would be intolerable if supporters of Hizb ut-Tahrir participate in government funding.”

“There is no pathway to ‘positive community participation’ through a supporter of Hizb ut Tahrir.”

“There is no pathway to ‘positive community participation’ through a supporter of Hizb ut Tahrir.”

Mr Hill said, “The United Muslims of Australia group is run by Sheikh Shadi Alsuleiman, who has been working constructively with successive governments and security agencies for many years and is also the President of the Australian National Imams Council.”

“The comments that were made by Mr Dadoun have been repeatedly condemned by the Government, and the UMA has a long and successful history in helping many young Muslims in Sydney.”

Said it before, will repeat. Islam has no place here. To celebrate that day shows it is incompatible.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 12, 2024 9:02 am


36 minutes ago
The Palestinians inconvenient truth …
Before Israel, there was a British mandate, not a Palestinian state.
Before the British mandate, it was the Ottoman Empire, not the Palestinian state.
Before the Ottoman Empire, there was an Islamic state of the Mamluks of Egypt, not a Palestinian state.
Before the Mamluk Islamic state of Egypt, there was the Ayyubid Empire, not the Palestinian state.
Before the Ayyubid Empire, there was a Christian Kingdom of Jerusalem, not a Palestinian Empire.
Before the Kingdom of Jerusalem, there was the Umayyad and Fatimid empires, not the Palestinian state.
Before the Umayyad and Fatimid empires, there was the Byzantine Empire, not the Palestinian state.
Before the Byzantine Empire, there was the Roman Empire, not the Palestinian state.
Before the Roman Empire, there was the Hasmonean Empire, not the Palestinian state.
Before the Hasmonean Empire, there was the Seleucid Empire, not the Palestinian state.
Before the Seleucid Empire, there was the Empire of Alexander the Great, not the Palestinian state.
Before the Empire of Alexander the Great, there was a Persian Empire, not the Palestinian state.
Before the Persian Empire, there was the Babylonian Empire, not the Palestinian state.
Before the Babylonian Empire, there was the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah, not the Palestinian state.
Before the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah, there was the Kingdom of Israel, not the Palestinian state.
Before the Kingdom of Israel, there was the theocracy of the twelve tribes of Israel, not the Palestinian state.
Before the theocracy of the twelve tribes of Israel, there was an agglomeration of independent Canaanite city-kingdoms, not a Palestinian state.
In fact, there was everything on this piece of land except the Palestinian state.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
September 12, 2024 9:04 am

For de new fred:

Fun discussion on Sky News The Late Debate last night. Joe Hildebrand earning his keep for once. He pointed out that Kamala breathlessly held on to the word ‘actually’ for support on countless occasions, sometimes five times in the one response. Shows she was nervous. He also noted her up-rising intonations and the three little confirmatory nods she made after each one of those, indicating again her uncertainty. Liz Storer was very very strong for Trump, pointing out how the ‘cat’ scenario would pull in those amused by the viral vids of it, noting that Trump got his main points in again and again in spite of the moderators trying to field him away from them.
Kamala won imho in the ‘best facial expressions’ stakes though. Trump seemed rather wooden and that came over as resigned. He needs to practice his expressions, using some of those incredulous ones he used when Joe Biden was speaking. This debate style depends very much on the non-verbal visuals being used as a calculated response, which Kamala-the-actress handled well (and of course the camera obliginging hit on visuals of Kamala much more often).

September 12, 2024 9:08 am

To know the actual ethnic breakdown in Pennsylvania someone would have to really research that or study it. Yet the intellectual cackling doofus knew there are 800k people of Polish descent living in Penn. How would this genius know unless her pal at ABC fed the trollop the questions?

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
September 12, 2024 9:12 am

Johanna, thank you for that tip.

Home button takes you to the top of the thread. I tried end button after that and it takes you immediately to the bottom. Both very useful and gives my slowly disintegrating mouse a longer lifespan.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 12, 2024 9:15 am

Who won presidential TV debate? Poll shows Donald Trump is winner against Kamala Harris


Reuters Focus Group: Undecided Voters Lean Trump 2-to-1 After Debate (11 Sep)

Although pundits declared Vice President Kamala Harris the clear winner of Tuesday night’s debate, former President Trump won six of ten undecided voters in a Reuters focus group. Harris only won three. A New York Times survey of undecideds had similar results.

Since both Reuters and NYT are far left these numbers are going to come as a shock to Kamala’s handlers. Even with ABC 100% in bed with her and letting her lie endlessly and repeat all the hoaxes, and smearing Trump (see Garrison’s toon today) she still didn’t win. I can’t see the Dems allowing any more debates.

September 12, 2024 9:35 am

Never hold a meeting or a debate unless you know the outcome in advance.

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
September 12, 2024 9:33 am

Lizzie from early this morning:

Liz Storer was very very strong for Trump, pointing out how the ‘cat’ scenario would pull in those amused by the viral vids of it…

The AI memes alone were a very powerful tool. We haven’t seen anything as effective as them in a previous election.
Ignore the reality of the Haitian cat eaters, that issue of 20k cultural invaders in a 55k township must have made a very significant portion of the electorate stand up and take notice of what happened there and gave an indication of where the Biden/Harris Administration is taking them.

September 12, 2024 10:09 am


September 12, 2024 8:27 am


This is not AI

Trump was right when he said Joe Biden hates Kamala

To me, this was a signal from Joe

No no, not AI at all, definitely not.

September 12, 2024 10:15 am
Reply to  132andBush

Channel 9 news bought it this morning.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
September 12, 2024 10:27 am
Reply to  calli

So did Piers Morgan.

September 12, 2024 10:11 am

Just gone up at the Oz.

Medals stripped for up to 10 top brass over Afghanistan war crimes.

Richard Marles has stripped distinguished service medals from up to 10 current and former army commanders for failing to prevent war crimes by Australian special forces personnel in Afghanistan, but is refusing to identify those who will lose their awards.

The Defence Minister told parliament on Thursday morning that the move finalised the government’s response to the Brereton War crimes inquiry, which found credible information that 25 Special Air Service soldiers unlawfully killed 39 Afghan civilians and prisoners.

”In accordance with obligations owed to individuals involved, including under the Privacy Act, I am prohibited from disclosing the details and outcomes,” Mr Marles said in a statement to the House of Representatives.

It’s understood former chief of the defence force Angus Campbell, who served as Middle East commander when some of the war crimes occurred, will retain his distinguished service cross”

How does he get to keep his?

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 12, 2024 10:18 am
Reply to  Bourne1879

He knows where the (metaphorical) bodies are buried?

Remember that R-G-R were in government during the relevant period.

Bruce in WA
September 12, 2024 10:19 am
Reply to  Bourne1879


Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 12, 2024 10:21 am
Reply to  Bruce in WA

Great Minds…

Bruce in WA
September 12, 2024 10:18 am


Government strips medals from up to 10 Afghanistan vets

?Up to ten senior officers who had command responsibility during the Afghanistan campaign will have their medals revoked, but former defence chief Angus Campbell will keep his. 

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 12, 2024 10:19 am

‘National shame’: Richard Marles strips medals from Afghanistan war commandersBy Matthew KnottUpdated September 12, 2024 — 10.11amfirst published at 9.59am

Listen to this article
5 min
Defence Minister Richard Marles has stripped distinguished service medals from commanding officers who held senior roles during the war in Afghanistan, taking up the key remaining recommendation of the Brereton inquiry into alleged war crimes by Australian troops.
Marles’ long-awaited move, which comes just days after the release of the final royal commission report into veteran suicide, will infuriate veterans groups who believe the officers involved are being unfairly punished for others’ wrongdoing and will likely spark criticism from the federal opposition.

The decision does not affect those accused of war crimes themselves, such as Victoria Cross recipient Ben Roberts-Smith.
A Federal Court judge, applying the civil standard of the balance of probabilities, found that Roberts-Smith was complicit in the murder of four unarmed civilians in Afghanistan during a defamation case against this masthead last year. He has not been charged with any crime and maintains his innocence.
A government source said that bravery medals such as the Victoria Cross were not dealt with by the Brereton report and that Marles’ response was limited to responding to that inquiry.
The honours issue has been sitting on Marles’ desk since May 2023, when then-defence force chief Angus Campbell wrote to a small group of Afghan veterans to inform them he had recommended the minister terminate their awards for distinguished and conspicuous service on warlike operations.
The government has declined to identify the names of the officers who have been stripped of their medals, and has not revealed exactly how many people received letters from Marles on Wednesday informing them of his decision.
Government sources who were not authorised to speak publicly said that fewer than ten people had had their awards cancelled, and that fewer than 15 people had received letters from Marles.
Most are understood to have left the defence force.

September 12, 2024 10:21 am

Speaking of hideous AI creations, this is what Laura Loomer looks like now.

Obviously a big Eric Stoltz fan.

Bruce in WA
September 12, 2024 10:37 am
Reply to  m0nty

No, it’s not. This is.

September 12, 2024 10:41 am
Reply to  Bruce in WA

That’s the same person, Bruce.

September 12, 2024 10:38 am
Reply to  m0nty

That’s you beneath her, isn’t it Gimp? lol

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
September 12, 2024 10:25 am

Re the reply function here, it would work much better if the replies were not immediately hidden, requiring a click to see them.

If they were indented but open, people could scroll by if they weren’t interested in that particular topic, which would make the function do what it should, enhance a topic as part of the flow but not interfere with other flows in the thread. Hiding the replies is a killer.

September 12, 2024 10:26 am

Ignore, ignore, ignore,

Do not feed.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 12, 2024 10:59 am
Reply to  johanna

I do not feed Monty.
He feeds me.

Titus Groates
Titus Groates
September 12, 2024 2:14 pm
Reply to  johanna

Correct, Jo.

Cassie of Sydney
September 12, 2024 10:26 am

From The Oz…

‘No deterrent’ to lawlessness since October 7: Senator Paterson

Opposition home affairs spokesman James Paterson has called for further efforts to clamp down on the “extraordinary levels of lawlessness” since Hamas’ bloody incursion on Israel on October 7. 

Speaking on Sky News, Senator Paterson’s comments followed violent anti-war protests in Melbourne opposing the Israel-Hamas war and weapons proliferation.

“We have seen threats to violence, threats to kill, incitement to violence … and almost no one has been charged or arrested, let alone prosecuted and sentenced for those crimes,” Senator Paterson said on Thursday.

The Victorian Liberal called for further action from the federal government to clamp down on the recalcitrant behaviour. 

Let’s be a little more transparent here, there’s been no deterrent to Jew hatred since October 7.

Oh and it’s worth repeating again and again and again that whilst NSWaffen have been busy rounding up and charging Christian rioters from the Wakeley Church stabbing in April 2024, not one person has been charged from the events of Monday night, 9 October 2023 in front of the Sydney Opera House.

Ya see, we now live in a society where it’s okay to scream……

F*ck the Jews
Gas the Jews (and yes, those words were said)

and the most chilling….

‘Where’s the Jews”.

The last line the most prescient, because leftist and Muslim scum are now targeting Jewish schools.

So much for Albo’s soshul coheshun!

September 12, 2024 10:33 am

Daily Telegraph gives more of a clue as to who the officers are

“The inquiry recommended reviewing the awards given to those in command positions in the Special Air Service Regiment (SASR) wing of the Special Forces”

When the published the honours lists they would have been the people only named as LTCOL S which was always an indicator of Special Forces.

Tele says 9 officers.

I am guessing will be the senior SAS officers in the tours which had the war crimes occuring.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 12, 2024 11:01 am
Reply to  Bourne1879

That would be better termed as the “war crimes”.

I trust nothing out of Canberra, especially when it comes from the SAS-hating Left.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
September 12, 2024 10:39 am

We have been watching the series ‘Turning Point: The Cold War’ on Netflix this week inbetween our usual Sky After Dark news viewings. We’re just about to hit the Bay of Pigs next episode, having been over the development of the bomb, the Soviet spies like Rosenbergs giving info to the Ruskies, the De. Strangelove period with the growth of the arms race and the gradual realisation of MAD. Lots of interesting historical footage, MacCarthy bad and Dulles too, some may have another view on a lot of this. Nevertheless worth a look for temps perdue. All that Civil Defense barking about hiding under your school desk, and backyard fallout shelters, giving way to shelters only for the political elite and the rest of America can die. Entitlements of another era. Nuclear weapons are still a worry to me though. Not so nuclear power any more, though occasional thoughts of wartime do rise re that. Coal power is my preference. Cheap, and low particulate and other emissions these days.

September 12, 2024 10:39 am

Angus Campbell keeps his medals but those below him don’t. What a farce.

I hope we start hearing leaks about Campbell’s tenure, my mate had him as subordinate when Campbell was a field grade. Says he is two faced and had it down pat then.

September 12, 2024 10:43 am


FFS meant superior?

September 12, 2024 10:43 am

Outstanding painting, In Peril. Best night sky I’ve seen.

Pick of Tom’s toons:

ae0dbef89abe6ba840d4517b5d75602c (1024×768) (

The more I look at the debate I realise what lying creeps the demorats and their media whores are. In the context of what is happening in the US and the world Trump killed the lying hag but bread and circuses and plausible lying can confuse the punters.

And what a skank this taylor swift whore is: childless cat lady or as they are known in the burps: smug, useless kunts.

September 12, 2024 10:43 am

Twitter told me that the White House issued an official statement that Biden gave someone a hat and they asked he wear their hat, so he did.

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 12, 2024 11:56 am
Reply to  Rosie


September 12, 2024 10:46 am

ACT ‘Police’ are now lying down and letting drag queens in stilettos walk over them Perhaps they like it?

Anyway, I found it difficult to wade through this article on TheirABC – slow. sludgy, devoid of facts:

Here are a few tasters, semi literate, propagandist, and wouldn’t have made it into my student newspaper:

Canberra’s pride festival SpringOUT won’t have a police presence at its Fair Day, in another blow to relationships between law enforcement agencies and the queer community. 
It comes after some members of the Canberra LGBTQIA+ community voiced concern on social media about the presence of police at the cornerstone Pride event.


The Secretary of SpringOUT Festival Committee Nathan Lester said he hopes the decision will show that the festival has listened to community concerns.
“I think whilst, like in any community group, there might be some tensions in house, I hope that we’ve actually listened to them appropriately,” Mr Lester said.
“And we’re moving down the right path to ensure that we have a successful event and Fair Day for the whole festival, and actually the community is together and feels together and safe in that community.
“So I think hopefully we’ve done the right thing, and we want to keep doing the right thing in this space.”
If anyone knows what that means, please let me know.

The rest of the article is similarly incoherent, but the bottom line is that ACT ‘Police’ are delighted to define themselves and their duties as whatever trendy pressure group deem them to be.

Perhaps it’s just the hierarchy, dunno. But, it’s bad news for victims of actual crime.

September 12, 2024 10:46 am

So much for Albo’s soshul coheshun!

If Albanese believes there is no place for antisemitism in Australia, as he keeps repeating, he should have the matter on the agenda of the national cabinet and be leading state premiers – who are chiefly responsible for policing – in a front foot response to it.

And I mean antisemitism, not “hate speech” or “racism” any other euphemism and certainly not pairing it with “Islamophobia.”

But that would require leadership from the incredible shrinking prime minister who can’t even manage his own cabinet.

September 12, 2024 10:51 am

Full video of the hat.
Laura Loomer as you know is a loon.

September 12, 2024 10:58 am

Google search engine responds to “Migrants eating pets” with page after page of the dying, unread, uncommented on pages from “mainstream” media: “Trump falsely claims…”.
Trump’s first move should be to break Alphabet up.

Last edited 5 months ago by Arky
September 12, 2024 11:07 am

Google search engine responds to “Migrants eating pets” with page after page of the dying, unread, uncommented on pages from “mainstream” media: “Trump falsely claims…”.

Expect little from fewfacts or the ABC but notice the kiddies at News also running the same line as well. Seems to be too much smoke for there not to be a fire in the background somewhere. Personally I reckon it will be ultimately be found to be true and they will refuse to acknowledge it and move on.

Never let the truth get in the way of a good deflection I suppose.

September 12, 2024 11:22 am
Reply to  Rockdoctor

Seems to be too much smoke for there not to be a fire in the background somewhere. 

The fire appears to be complaints from Springfield residents to police of Haitian migrants killing geese in a park and a pic purporting to be one such migrant carrying a dead goose down the street. Police denying it so residents have taken their complaints to the town council. That seems to be the genesis of it along with an unsubstantiated report of a girl seeing her pet cat hanging from a tree in her Haitian neighbour’s yard.

Cassie of Sydney
September 12, 2024 11:10 am

From The Oz….Melbourne’s CBD this morning…

A tense confrontation took place between Palestinian protesters and members of the public in Melbourne, with one an Iranian man heard chanting the name of terrorist organisations proudly and aloud through the streets. 

Anti-war protesters have returned to march through Melbourne’s CBD a day after disgracing themselves outside the Land Forces weapons expo on Wednesday. 

A few dozen masked protesters held signs and started chanting at the front of the Melbourne Exhibition Centre, with police unmasking and searching them. 

Highway patrol officers were forced to block King, Flinders and Spencer streets for Thursday’s march. Dozens of motorists, who became gridlocked, sounded their horns in anger. Some of the anti-war activists were blowing bubbles and many, again, chose not to show their faces.

In a confrontation with The Australian, one Iranian protester was heard chanting “Hamas, Houthis, Hezbollah, Mashallah”. 

During a confrontation between two Palestinian protesters and bystanders, one protester shouted at a passerby: “You are taking our homes. Give us our land back, and we’ll gladly return.”

“These lands are disgusting,” the protester added.

Police intervened and moved the protesters on, prompting applause from the crowd.

Open support for terrorists and terrorist organisations. And what’s the bet that there are already Gazan ‘refugees’ (cough) among the protesters.

I note our resident Nazi’s silence.

September 12, 2024 11:26 am

And what’s the bet that there are already Gazan ‘refugees’ (cough) among the protesters.

On our dime.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 12, 2024 11:30 am

one Iranian protestor was heard chanting “Hamas, Houthis,Hezbollah, Mashallah.”

He should be driven home to collect his passport, and a change of underwear, then driven to the airport and put on the next plane to Iran….

September 12, 2024 11:19 am

My thoughts post debate. Kamala had clearly crammed for the event, she was all performance and said all the “right” things. Like any student who crams, the knowledge is pretty much gone two weeks later, but in the meantime you might have passed the test. It will be interesting to see how consistent she remains in the next ten weeks. If she shows up in public of course, and talks seriously about anything if importance.

local oaf
September 12, 2024 11:30 am

Couldn’t resist

September 12, 2024 11:30 am

Anti-war protesters have returned to march through Melbourne’s CBD a day after disgracing themselves outside the Land Forces weapons expo on Wednesday. 

“Anti-war protesters” who support terrorists, Iran and the destruction of Israel.

Now that’s particularly asinine, even for Australian journalism.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 12, 2024 11:44 am

Suggestion from one of the local veterans – Campbell should be allowed to keep his medal. Conditions at the hotel he was staying at, in Dubai might not have been five star…

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 12, 2024 11:46 am

Tink to lose seat as AEC confirms plans to abolish North Sydney electorate

The Australian Electoral Commission has confirmed its plan to abolish the electorate of North Sydney as it pushes ahead with its proposed redistribution of divisions across New South Wales.
The change will force incumbent Teal independent Kylea Tink to either retire at the next federal election or find another seat to contest.
Dispute more than 490 objections to the abolition, spearheaded by Ms Tink, the electorate’s enrolled voters will be shifted to the neighboring divisions of Bennelong, held by Labor backbencher Jerome Laxale, Bradfield, held by Liberal frontbencher Paul Fletcher, and Warringah, held by fellow Teal Zali Steggall. 
Election analysts predict Mr Laxale’s narrow margin will be whittled down even further following the change and will likely flip the seat to the Liberal party.
Mr Fletcher also faces further headwinds to maintain his seat but is expected to retain it, while Ms Steggall’s electoral grip on Warringah is unchanged.

Ek roll ap die vloor…

H B Bear
H B Bear
September 12, 2024 1:48 pm

Fewer Teals the better.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 12, 2024 11:48 am

More smoke on the Springfield cat eaters and it’s not good

Monica Showalter also has a post up which is absolutely damning.

That media ‘narrative’ about pets going uneaten by Haitian migrants in Ohio is starting to fall apart (11 Sep, via Lucianne)

All of this is there for anyone with the internet to see and hear. Actual police reports. I am sure the Dems are pulling up the drawbridge only because they realize just how bad it is for them. Expect the MSM to do Olympic level gymnastics to fake check it all into oblivion.

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
September 12, 2024 1:17 pm

From the Link:

What’s interesting here is how the people who have lost pets might feel about it. There wasn’t a trace of empathy from either Kamala or Muir about the people who may be missing their pets as pets are members of the family for most, taken with extreme cruelty by foreign migrants for eating or torturing purposes in occult rituals.

For someone to deny that you ever had a pet, that your pet was butchered and eaten by people who don’t belong here and you’ll never get a drop of justice, let alone a truth commission to say that it actually happened, is pretty heartless and disgusting.

The whole coverup, of course is Muir, and the city officials are trying to deny any negative effects of the Harris-Biden open borders policy. That’s bad stuff, too, because if they’ll cover up this, they’ll cover up other crimes, and they’ll arrogantly expect to never be held accountable for them.

It’s the cover up that kills careers, and this one – as minor as it appears – is starting to claim its first victim.

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 12, 2024 11:54 am


Nuclear weapons are still a worry to me though. Not so nuclear power any more, though occasional thoughts of wartime do rise re that.

I remain of the belief that a prime reason for the collapse of the Cold War was a realisation after Chernobyl that fighting even a conventional war in Europe with dozens, if not hundreds, of nuclear power reactors spread across the potential battlefield was not either practical or rational.

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
September 12, 2024 1:20 pm
Reply to  Boambee John

Boambee John:
The people who declare these wars are safe in bunkers, not dealing with the irradiated countryside.
They just don’t care.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
September 12, 2024 5:57 pm
Reply to  Boambee John

Even Ukraine vs Russia has pussyfooted around the destruction of nuclear power plants. You just can’t tell what way the wind’s going to blow.

Remember – ‘a hard rain’s a-gonna fall’.

September 12, 2024 12:01 pm

 September 12, 2024 10:11 am

Just gone up at the Oz.
Medals stripped for up to 10 top brass over Afghanistan war crimes.
Richard Marles has stripped distinguished service medals from up to 10 current and former army commanders for failing to prevent war crimes by Australian special forces personnel in Afghanistan, but is refusing to identify those who will lose their awards.
The Defence Minister told parliament on Thursday morning that the move finalised the government’s response to the Brereton War crimes inquiry, which found credible information that 25 Special Air Service soldiers unlawfully killed 39 Afghan civilians and prisoners.

This personifies modern australia: our best and bravest pilloried by our weakest and worst: smug media turds and political traitors. No one should be prosecuted for anything in afghanistan; nine brought afghani witnesses against BRS. Those witnesses were like every other scumbag in that rotten hole: farmers by day and muzzie terrorists by night. They were rewarded and BRS and every other soldier persecuted by the ruling class. Look at the bastards:

Anthony Albanese and Richard Marles are taking action over war crime allegations.

Military leaders stripped of medals over Afghan claims (

September 12, 2024 12:03 pm

I remain of the belief that a prime reason for the collapse of the Cold War was a realisation after Chernobyl that fighting even a conventional war in Europe with dozens, if not hundreds, of nuclear power reactors spread across the potential battlefield was not either practical or rational.

The iranians will not be constrained by practicality or rationality.

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
September 12, 2024 1:24 pm
Reply to  cohenite

Cohenite, that’s quite correct. The Lunatic Leaders of Iran believe that there must be a final great battle before the 12th Imam comes to claim his kingdom.
They welcome a nuclear disaster.
It’s in the Koran – therefore it must be true.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
September 12, 2024 6:02 pm
Reply to  Winston Smith

This is what freaks me still when watching shows like Turning Point: The Cold War. We pushed all of our fears aside in the West due to MAD and we know the score for big bangs. You are right though, Winston, Iran’s mullahs are bat-shit crazy and no doubt are already planning a little bit of fantasy destruction of Israel, just as the lunatics in the Pentagon in the 50’s and 60’s were game planning nuclear armageddon for the West. What calming hand is going to stop these mullahs holding high their Korans? Only Israel’s certainty of retalliation I suspect.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 12, 2024 12:13 pm

NSW plod have been tracking down and incarcerating Assyrians for months now because of a rowdy protest.

Injured cop sprayed with liquid at anti-war protest tells Police Association boss rally was Melbourne’s ‘most violent’ in decades (Sky News, 12 Sep)

Presumably Vicplod will now do the same with these the ‘most violent’ protesters ‘in decades’.

I’m waiting Ms Allen.

John H.
John H.
September 12, 2024 12:23 pm


 September 12, 2024 12:03 pm

I remain of the belief that a prime reason for the collapse of the Cold War was a realisation after Chernobyl that fighting even a conventional war in Europe with dozens, if not hundreds, of nuclear power reactors spread across the potential battlefield was not either practical or rational.

The iranians will not be constrained by practicality or rationality.

Iran will be emboldened by the deal with Russia involving the provision of Su-35 fighters in exchange for drones and possibly short range ballistic missiles.

September 12, 2024 12:32 pm

Written proof that Walz doesn’t mind babies killed post birth:

This is a copy of his voting record where he accidentally voted in favour of providing medical care to such babies and the reversed his vote in writing!

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 12, 2024 12:43 pm

Elon trolls Taylor Swift…

Elon Musk makes ‘creepy’ offer to Taylor Swift as singer endorses Kamala Harris as next US president: ‘I will give you a child’ (Sky News, 12 Sep)

Self admitted childless cat lady vs a guy who has 12 children. And, if she prefers a father with a musical rather than technical genius, there’s always Dave Grohl. He seems quite willing too.

September 12, 2024 12:46 pm

Hahaha suck it Demonrats!

“Haitians eating pets” is trending as a google search in the US! (Personally, I thought DJT had “lost it” when he said that or was being hyperbolic, but I’ve seen much this AM to prove him right).

I simply cannot imagine what a town of 50K would do with 20K migrants.

September 12, 2024 12:52 pm
Reply to  Lysander

English and Irish villages of around 500, have been forced to take on upwards of 2-300 of the filth each, in the last couple of years.

H B Bear
H B Bear
September 12, 2024 1:50 pm
Reply to  Lysander

I might start work on a 2nd edition of my flamingo cookbook. The Spanish translation sold well.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 12, 2024 12:49 pm

Speaking of Elon: great hair!

September 12, 2024 12:55 pm

“Haitians eating pets” is trending as a google search in the US! (Personally, I thought DJT had “lost it” when he said that or was being hyperbolic, but I’ve seen much this AM to prove him right).

Lysander, yesterday someone posted a link from an article by Adam Creighton (an excellent journo) on this matter. It was to a council meeting (in Springfield, I think) where local residents expressed their despair over what was happening in their town. As I said yesterday, if they were lying they should receive an Academy Award. I have no doubt at all (no matter what Springfield officials are claiming) that these people were genuinely distraught.

Maybe the vid has been taken down. I just cannot understand why OS and our local journos havnt seen the footage. The news coverage these days is so unprofessional and lacking in critical inquiry, that I am glad that the internet gives other access to information.

September 12, 2024 1:31 pm
Reply to  Vicki

…. which is why internet access must be very closely managed. Ask any Western Government. As so often the case now, they all seem to have the same idea at the same time.

September 12, 2024 1:45 pm
Reply to  Vicki

I just cannot understand why OS and our local journos haven’t seen the footage.

Oh, they’ve seen it. They just don’t like it. And it doesn’t suit the Border Czar record of doin’ nuffink except cock stuff up.

John H.
John H.
September 12, 2024 12:59 pm

Humanity’s First Words: Older Than Previously Believed (

1.5 million years: Erectus. Not surprising. Most in the field expected Erectus to have language. Even habilis may have had language through signing.

There are several areas of the brain that play a critical role in speech and language. According to Mithen, however, the key to the language mystery can be found in a specific part of the brain known as Broca’s area. Located in the left hemisphere, the Broca’s area is crucial for our ability to produce language, articulate ideas, and comprehend words accurately, both in spoken and written form.

Echoes of Chomsky’s innate grammar hypothesis. Mithen has a point and the relationship to motor skills is very interesting.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 12, 2024 1:19 pm
Reply to  John H.

Nice mystery in today’s science news.

Archaeologists discover an ancient Neanderthal lineage that remained isolated for over 50,000 years (, 11 Sep)

“We thus have 50 millennia during which two Neanderthal populations, living about ten days’ walk from each other, coexisted while completely ignoring each other. This would be unimaginable for a Sapiens and reveals that Neanderthals must have biologically conceived our world very differently from us Sapiens.”

Holding onto a snit for 50,000 years would be epic. On the other hand maybe they just didn’t speak the same language…

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
September 12, 2024 1:30 pm

Or perhaps there was an alligator choked river between the two?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 12, 2024 1:33 pm
Reply to  Winston Smith

Heh, I’ve read Captive Universe. If only they’d crossed the river their progeny would’ve been space pilots!

September 12, 2024 1:19 pm
Reply to  John H.


John H.
John H.
September 12, 2024 2:15 pm
Reply to  Lysander


Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
September 12, 2024 6:13 pm
Reply to  John H.

Yes, I put up a similar video a week ago, which looked particularly at the human hand and its concave shape, useful for early hand axe holding, any old round stone would do, and this ability to use a hand axe allowed the opening of bones in carrion flesh on the open grasslands, for the flesh rotted but the desirable and extremely fatty marrow stayed fresh. This fatty marrow, as a major food source, also then in a constant iteration with hand dexterity, produced the larger and complex brain from Pithecus onwards. Look at your hand, cup it together to drink from waterholes in a savannah, and you are looking at your own little evolutionary trail.

I am now doing the paleo diet, and fat forms about 60% of it. Yum. Then protein and carbs come a very distant last.
I have lost three kilos over four weeks, feel well, and I’m never hungry.

Bear Necessities
Bear Necessities
September 12, 2024 1:02 pm


Since we are the topics of cats, here is the best song with cats in the title. Hit it UK Squeeze.

Top Ender
Top Ender
September 12, 2024 1:07 pm

When Geoff Clark’s mask slipped among AFL elite

Being welcomed to the best seats in the best AFL corporate box wasn’t enough for the then ATSIC chair Geoff Clark — an unusual demand revealed a sense of entitlement as big as the MCG.

Andrew Rule and Mark Buttler
5 min read

The thief, the tie and the Brownlow winner

The thing about proven thief and accused serial rapist Geoff “Borer” Clark is that a lot of people who’ve dealt with him since the 1970s remember it — but rarely for good reasons.

These brushes with Clark are at both ends of the sporting, social and political spectrum.

Some time around the early 2000s, Clark was welcomed to the best seats in the best AFL corporate box along with various football and rugby figures, courtesy of mega-sponsor Rio Tinto.

He didn’t punch anybody but didn’t endear himself to at least one AFL official who recalls his behaviour and the sycophantic way he was treated.

The first oddity was that Clark (then the chair of ATSIC) and his companion did not mix with the other guests, including two indigenous rugby players. Worse, he demanded an AFL tie like the one an AFL executive was wearing.

To the embarrassment of some, the AFL man, a legend of the game, quickly unknotted his own tie and handed it to Clark on the spot, despite the fact Clark could easily have waited for one to be sent within a day or two.

“In the formality of the corporate suite, I am sure, my very proper colleague felt acutely uncomfortable with his now open neck shirt,” the insider recalls.

“It has stuck in my mind all these years — I just could not share the reverence with which others apparently regarded this man. He was clearly used to getting what he wanted. At the time it seemed clearly like a demand and I felt embarrassed with my colleague that he acquiesced so quickly.”

The nice guy in this exchange once won a Brownlow. If there’s any justice, Clark will win the Downlow — a spell back behind bars for the first time since he was a vicious young thug.


September 12, 2024 1:40 pm
Reply to  Top Ender

This was exactly when Clark threatened me outside work, demanding access to a report I’d written for management.

I feel vindicated that I had the guts to say No when an AFL luminary couldn’t do the same.

Thug is too flattering to the AHole.

September 12, 2024 1:08 pm

Military leaders stripped of medals over Afghan claims (

It is a conundrum. It was – rightly – stated by veterans that the top brass should not be shielded from any claims brought against those under their command. But I would totally agree that the so-called “war crimes” were often collateral damage incurred in the mayhem of combat.

The Left, as we can see from the appalling riots in Melbourne, seem to believe that all combat is the domination of the strong over the weak & is therefore wrong.

As for Richard Marles – he somehow condones the appalling comment of the outgoing army head that “there is no room for Exceptionalism in the defence forces”.

September 12, 2024 1:18 pm

and actually the community is together and feels together and safe in that community

A banal assemblage of illogical gibberish worthy of the cackling kamel herself.

John H.
John H.
September 12, 2024 1:18 pm


 September 12, 2024 12:55 pm

The news coverage these days is so unprofessional and lacking in critical inquiry, that I am glad that the internet gives other access to information.

It has now become so hopeless that Ground News, which apparently rates news sites according to their bias, is being heavily promoted on various YT channels. For in depth analysis YT is superior but I don’t rely Ground News. In politics bias is unavoidable but there should be limits. It reminds me of that wonderful line in the old movie Broadcast News where the character played by Hurt, when challenged about crossing the line from reporting news to opinion blurts out, “but they keep moving the line!”

Top Ender
Top Ender
September 12, 2024 1:21 pm

Updated version:

Privacy claim over move to strip war crimes medals
1 hours ago

Richard Marles has stripped distinguished service medals from current and former army commanders for failing to prevent war crimes by Australian special forces soldiers in Afghanistan, but is refusing to identify those who will lose their awards.

Fewer than ten have had their medals removed, with the Defence Minister citing privacy concerns for his decision not to name them.

He told parliament on Thursday morning that the move finalised the government’s response to the Brereton war crimes inquiry, which found credible information that 25 Special Air Service personnel unlawfully killed 39 Afghan civilians and prisoners.

Former chief of the defence force Angus Campbell, who served as Middle East commander when some of the war crimes occurred, will retain his distinguished service cross.

Fewer than 15 serving and former commanders received letters from Mr Marles advising them of the outcomes of reviews of their awards, with at least five arguing successfully they should retain them.

“In accordance with obligations owed to individuals involved, including under the Privacy Act, I am prohibited from disclosing the details and outcomes,” Mr Marles said in a statement to the House of Representatives.

The move comes nearly four years after General Campbell released the Brereton report, which itself took four years to complete.

“This is the final step in government action emanating from the Brereton report. Accordingly, of the 143 recommendations in the Brereton report, 139 of these recommendations are now closed,” Mr Marles said.

The remaining recommendations relate to the work of the Office of the Special Investigator, which was set up to prepare cases against alleged war crime perpetrators.

Opposition defence spokesman Andrew Hastie – a former SAS captain who served in Afghanistan – welcomed the government’s response, but said accountability for the crimes went further “up the chain”.

“I believe that our troops were let down by a lack of moral courage that went up the chain of command all the way to Canberra – including in this House,” he told parliament.

“From Tarin Kowt to Kabul to Kandahar to Dubai to Canberra. Those in the chain of command should have asked more questions.”

Mr Hastie, who once reported a soldier under his command for severing the hand of a dead Taliban fighter, said earlier intervention by the nation’s military and political leaders might have prevented many of the crimes.

He said rebuilding trust in the nation’s special forces and the chain of command was now the top priority.

Police have so far launched a single prosecution based on the OSI’s work, charging former SAS soldier Oliver Schulz in March last year with one count of “war crime – murder”.

Victoria Cross recipient Ben Roberts-Smith was last year found by a judge in his failed defamation action against Nine newspapers to have murdered four Afghan prisoners, but has not faced criminal charges.

Mr Marles said the Brereton inquiry’s revelations “will always be a matter of national shame”, and reforming the culture of the nation’s special forces was an ongoing task.

In his report for the Inspector General of the ADF, Justice Paul Brereton blamed the war crimes on a clique of non-commissioned officers who fostered a perverted warrior culture within the SAS.

But Justice Brereton, who has since been appointed by the Albanese government to head the National Anti-Corruption Commission, said special forces commanders bore a “moral command responsibility and accountability for what happened under their command and control”.

He said SAS Regiment commanding officers also bore “significant responsibility for contributing to the environment in which war crimes were committed” by failing to restrain the unit’s NCOs and allowing the regiment’s toxic culture to fester.

But he said accountability did not extend to higher commanders, including the commanders of “Joint Taskforce 633” – the top Middle East commanders during the war who included General Campbell.

Mr Marles said: “These were findings of the most serious, disturbing and consequential nature. They warranted the most serious, considered and thorough response.“

He said the work by successive governments to ensure accountability for the crimes identified by Justice Brereton was “profoundly important”, and internationally significant.

“That we have held ourselves accountable in this moment allows Australia to continue to cherish this service – past and future,” Mr Marles said.

The government’s move to close its response to the Brereton inquiry came less than a week after the final report of the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide revealed at least 1677 serving and former serving defence personnel died by suicide between 1997 and 2021.

Oz with comments open

September 12, 2024 1:22 pm

The news coverage these days is so unprofessional and lacking in critical inquiry …

… you’d think it was being purveyed by smug collectivist crackpots with a rather obvious agenda.

H B Bear
H B Bear
September 12, 2024 2:15 pm
Reply to  Rabz

Hard to think anyone wouldn’t have a lower opinion of j’ismists than a decade ago.

September 12, 2024 1:42 pm

I’m amazed at how many GoFundMe pages set up from inside Gaza to help get “Palestinians” into Australia; here’s one of many examples:

Fundraiser by Iyad S’Bayeh : Please help my family escape Gaza for Australia (

Raised $55k!!!!

It appears to me that most were crossing through Rafa into Egypt which costs about $30K and the trip to Australia around $20K.

Each of these pages seems to have dried up since April which must be around when Israel got to Rafa.

I wonder if ASIO checks the names of the people on these pages. Der fred, what a stupid question! Of course they don’t!!!

September 12, 2024 1:48 pm
Reply to  Lysander

Here’s another one: Fundraiser by Mohammed Hamdouna : Help Rescue a Family from War-Torn Gaza (

Mohammed, who made it to Melbourne, had a brother called “Jihad” (who was killed by Israeli forces in 2006).

Jihad… what a lovely name.


Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
September 12, 2024 1:43 pm

Lizzie, I’m coming round to the “out with the new, return to the old ways!” blogue preference.
What bugs me is logging on, seeing the start of an interesting “recent post” by someone interesting in the top right… scrolling down… and realising that the tidbit is buried in a reply to a reply somewhere, mid-page.
And no, the “hot comment/most reached” plug-in don’t do it for me.

September 12, 2024 1:44 pm

If I could spell Finnochiaro, I would suggest that she appears to be starting rather well.

I wonder if she would like to be PM. She and Jacinta would be quite a team.

September 12, 2024 1:50 pm

So some random dude goes down to Springfield Ohio and finds the most racist people he can find, and asks them about Haitians eating cats. And that is what passes for right-wing Western political discourse these days.

Cassie of Sydney
September 12, 2024 2:07 pm
Reply to  m0nty

A Nazi smearing others as racist! Now that’s chutzpah.

H B Bear
H B Bear
September 12, 2024 2:18 pm
Reply to  m0nty

Maybe stick to economics 101. Or read to “H” next time.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 12, 2024 2:22 pm
Reply to  m0nty

Perhaps read some of the links from today Monty, before you make more of a fool of yourself.

September 12, 2024 2:23 pm

That American Thinker piece was a puke funnel special. Just wall to wall racist blood libel.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 12, 2024 2:31 pm
Reply to  m0nty

ROFL. Ms Showalter is one of the most incisive commentators in the blogosphere.

And she linked all the details. The police reports were especially entertaining.

You are losing this fight abjectly Monty. Time to retreat and lick your wounds whilst enjoying your meal of roast pussy.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
September 12, 2024 6:19 pm
Reply to  m0nty

Peter Balwin, he who had his face rearranged in the Labor Party inner West battles against criminal corruption in the 80’s (Hairy and I knew him then), had an interesting piece in the Saturday Oz back page. It was on ‘racism’ and how the term has become completely devolved and degraded these days.

Read it M0nty, and recognise yourself. Then go home.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
September 12, 2024 6:20 pm


September 12, 2024 3:29 pm
Reply to  m0nty

From what I can deduce from the available video of the Springfield Council meeting is that a number of residents were pleading with the Council to protect – not just the animals being killed – but their own property.

Monty, this is naught to do with “racism”. When you bus in tens of thousands of impoverished people from a country almost destroyed by gangs into a small poor rural community in a western country you are going to have trouble.

Cassie of Sydney
September 12, 2024 2:38 pm

Hey Nazi, any condemnation of the feral rioters in Melbourne yesterday and today?

Your silence, Nazi, speaks volumes.

September 12, 2024 2:39 pm

Another COVID persecution bites the dust with Monica Smits but the magistrate gave her a joke of a damages settlement!

From Avi:

September 12, 2024 2:52 pm

The reason the USSR didn’t invade western Europe during the Cold War was that the nomenklatura had all the nice things they wanted. Nice WESTERN produced things. They may have been commies in need of a one way helicopter ride but they weren’t so stupid as to make the economies of western Europe work as well as theirs.

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 12, 2024 4:08 pm
Reply to  Eyrie

Reagan’s military build-up exposed their economies for the pathetic shambles that they were.

John H.
John H.
September 12, 2024 4:22 pm
Reply to  Boambee John

A Russian minister stated Reagan’s strategy accelerated the decline by a few months. It was more than that but his point being the USSR was stuffed before Reagan came to power. Perhaps I have this wrong. I have a vague memory that even by the late 70’s it was obvious for many that the USSR was going to fall apart.

September 12, 2024 2:57 pm

The great irony (and irony is a tragedy) that nobody has picked up on is why are Haitians in Haiti so hungry (to get elsewhere!?)?

Yes, there’s been political instability and a major earthquake in 2010 but most of the madness started in 2007-2010 when Haiti (much like Sri Lanka) started diverting its crops to biofuels to save the planet.

There’s been many academic articles about this topic over the years but this one: Food vs. Fuel: Diversion of Crops Could Cause More Hunger – PMC ( shows an 83% increase in food costs due to going from crops for food to crops for biofuels.

It’s all been downhill since then!!! And when 5,000,000 people are hungrier than the skinniest of Ethiopians; I’m pretty sure you’d resort to eating anything.

September 12, 2024 3:10 pm
Reply to  Lysander

Haiti has been a basket case for most of its existence, Lys.

September 12, 2024 3:13 pm
Reply to  Roger

Agreed. For a couple of hundred years.

But things took a turn for the worse (which nobody believed possible) when they started trying to save the planet before themselves.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 12, 2024 3:43 pm
Reply to  Lysander

The gangs took over the place a couple years ago, and central authority collapsed.

Biden’s bunch did something limp and drew in some Kenyans. Usual pussyfooting. As you expect all that stupid crap hasn’t worked.

Secretary Blinken Visited Haiti As US-Backed Police Fail To Wrestle Control From Gangs (10 Sep)

If it wasn’t for so many innocents being killed this might be amusing. Now the escapees are eating house cats in Ohio.

Last edited 5 months ago by Bruce of Newcastle
September 12, 2024 3:04 pm

If you do a bit of Googling with Distinguished Service Cross and SAS you will find some of those most likely to be losing them.

One, after publication of Brereton report, did offer to return his as a number of the alleged killings happened during his time in command in Afghanistan. His offer was rejected at the time.

They may have been LTCOL (insert initial) when awarded the medal but once they got promotion their award was no longer a secret and is often included in their career summary.

September 12, 2024 3:13 pm

Well this inspires confidence that we are lorded over by TOP..MEN…

September 12, 2024 3:26 pm

I’d be laughing if it weren’t so infuriating.

September 12, 2024 3:13 pm

Monica Smit has two of her arrests ruled as unlawful and awarded $4,000.

The arrests were just a police tactic used against protesters like her and Flying Duk to deter them. Avi I believe won all his cases. Nothing will have happened to any of the police officers. Just like those police officers filmed assaulting protesters in clear cases of excessive use of force.

$4,000 is nothing and does not really send a message.

Meanwhile Smit says her legal fees about $300,000.

September 12, 2024 3:25 pm
Reply to  Bourne1879

So that’s the cost of freedom. 300,000!!!!

And you don’t even need DJT in the lodge.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 12, 2024 3:50 pm
Reply to  Bourne1879

Lawfare is a sign of the death our nation.
Justice denied.

September 12, 2024 5:25 pm
Reply to  Bourne1879

The real question is: Which of our current political, social, or corporate representatives stood by her side?

If the answer is ‘none’ (or a ‘renegade’ discarded by the elite), WHY do you – yes, YOU [that’s a generic ‘You,’ not Bourne] – still consider any of them worthy of support, let alone your vote?

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
September 12, 2024 6:24 pm
Reply to  Bourne1879

Did she get costs awarded against them?

September 12, 2024 3:23 pm

Another reason (!) AUKUS needs to get a move on:

Fuel under fire: insights from the 2024 Defence Fuel Symposium | The Strategist (

The IEA minimum requirement for the Australian Defence Force fuel supplies is 90 days. We are currently at 68 but given our current “burn” rate, that fuel would only last 32 days.

This has been an issue for quite a number of years and we’re still not catching up.

NO no no I’m not gonna do the whole China invasion thing cos, with 32 days’ worth of fuel, East Timor could have a crack at us instead.

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
September 12, 2024 3:41 pm
Reply to  Lysander

Like Germany in the last two years of the war, a tank costing $1.2 million US is lost because of a lack of $100 worth of fuel.
Our losses in a future war will be similar.
Now, what was that saying about “For want of a nail, the Kingdom was lost?”

September 12, 2024 3:47 pm
Reply to  Winston Smith

Without getting too alarmist about it (alarming as it is), it’s not like if we were at war that the ships carrying fuel over here would even make it!

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 12, 2024 3:52 pm
Reply to  Lysander

Another reason (!) AUKUS needs to get a move on

The most practical thing that AUKUS could do is commence large scale Mandarin language lessons for Australian residents.

September 12, 2024 3:28 pm

…with 32 days’ worth of fuel, East Timor could have a crack at us instead.

Get out of here.

NZ, otoh…

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
September 12, 2024 3:28 pm

Gee whiz, that was wild.


Steve Inman:

Brazil: An unhinged man refused to get off the roof of a bus until the community got involved.

September 12, 2024 5:20 pm
Reply to  Steve trickler

Back story: He was telling everyone to vote for the Australian Liberal Party (ALP). So he deserved it.

September 12, 2024 3:48 pm

I read a good point about the debate.
(Keep in mind the debate was held in Pennsylvania).
The piece reckons that KamalToe won the debate, but also Trump won the election over the issue of fracking, which is a pretty important election issue in Pennsylvania. He hammered this home

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
September 12, 2024 3:48 pm

“Edison Medicine”
Idiots playing at ‘tough guy’ and failing.
From Inmans “Tased and Confused Collection.”

Last edited 5 months ago by Winston Smith
Bear Necessities
Bear Necessities
September 12, 2024 3:56 pm

Monty is never going say a bad word about the riots in Melbourne yesterday. They are his sides Stormtroopers who will be very useful in enforcing order in the future if you know what I mean.

September 12, 2024 3:57 pm

Look at the gob of Mark Speakman:

NSW moderate Liberals accused of undermining Peter Dutton amid fallout over council nominations (

He looks like he has 2 gophers up his arse. Bastards like this mutant are not moderates but just another species of leftoid. All part of little johnnie’s broad church.

September 12, 2024 4:36 pm
Reply to  cohenite

Paleface Yoda.

September 12, 2024 3:59 pm

This poor bugger deserves a very large chunk of change..

Dont care if he was a scallywag before or after, he was knowingly and maliciously wrongfully imprisoned for 5 years.

September 12, 2024 4:01 pm

And another – this headline seems sort of subdued considering the 5 alarm version used for male killers.

On Tuesday the bodies of Russell Smith, 11, and his brother, Ben, nine, were discovered inside a Faulconbridge home by their father, Nick Smith, who contacted police.

Their 42-year-old mother, Trish Smith, was also present and had self-inflicted injuries, police said at the time. She was taken to Westmead hospital in a stable condition under police guard and was arrested. No charges have been laid.

September 12, 2024 4:06 pm

Exactly and further what did the cops/mental health/DOCS know about this POS of a woman before?

I suspect there’s some ar#@ covering now in full production…

Perplexed of Brisbane
Perplexed of Brisbane
September 12, 2024 5:59 pm

Obviously the father drove her to do it. SARC OFF.

September 12, 2024 4:07 pm

Cooking tea tonight.
Probably a curry.
What goes with ginger tom?

September 12, 2024 4:13 pm
Reply to  Arky

Shirley you mean “Haitian Chicken”

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 12, 2024 4:16 pm
Reply to  Arky

Fido I believe is pretty good, or perhaps ratatouille with fresh rat.


H B Bear
H B Bear
September 12, 2024 4:19 pm

Eat a cat, save a rat.

September 12, 2024 4:20 pm
Reply to  Arky


September 12, 2024 4:23 pm
Reply to  Arky

What goes with ginger tom?

Diced beef, garlic, diced onions, chopped fresh mushrooms, dried basil and curry paste from a jar — preferably one of the expensive brands.



Salvatore - Iron Publican
September 12, 2024 4:24 pm
Reply to  Arky

A full bodied, bold, shiraz.

Bruce in WA
September 12, 2024 6:00 pm
Reply to  Arky

Mango chutney’s pretty good.

September 12, 2024 4:10 pm

“Before I begin, I’d like to acknowledge that Geoff Clark is a thief, a liar, a thug, and a parasite. But you already knew that”

September 13, 2024 6:41 am
Reply to  Carmichael

You forgot gang rapist

September 12, 2024 4:16 pm

Catheter out this morning .. Several minor mishaps whilst I’m learning that I’m back in control but other than that the rest is A-OK & next check-up not for a coupla months ………

September 12, 2024 5:01 pm
Reply to  shatterzzz

Kepp punching, shatterzzz.

September 12, 2024 5:06 pm
Reply to  shatterzzz

Great to hear. I hope you will be back on the bike soon, and in the pool.

Delta A
Delta A
September 12, 2024 5:09 pm
Reply to  shatterzzz

Good news, shatterzzz. Glad to hear it.

September 12, 2024 4:19 pm

Gotta luv the Oz lettuce leaf justice system .. Accessory (after the fact) to murder now only worth a suspended sentence .. If you wen tto the right school …

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 12, 2024 4:22 pm

Young woman is called out over ‘absolutely appalling’ act at Melbourne anti-war protests – before she sinks even lower with vile one-sentence spray
Any of the bush lawyers on this blog help out? She’s wearing an Air Force cadet’s uniform to the protest, yet she’s not a member?

September 12, 2024 4:41 pm

A “Persian cosplayer” is her self-description.

Perhaps she can do an on location performance for the mullahs. Sure to tickle their funny bones.

September 12, 2024 4:27 pm

I will be happy to accept that Australian forces committed “war crimes”, when individuals are charged and found guilty in the appropriate court. Many hundreds of investigators have been on “the case” so to speak for many years and haven’t been able to come up with much, sans Oliver Schulz being charged and awaiting trial. My sense is, what happened in the U.K will eventually happen here. All criminal prosecutions against UK forces were dropped as it wasn’t at all clear that any laws had been broken. I have tried to review the scant details that actually exist of the “alleged acts” against the relevant rules of war, and its all very murky indeed.
PS. Australian rules of engagement started out as stupid, and quickly progressed to completely ridiculous.
PPS. Not a lawyer, but unlike Muntard, I did manage to obtain a Bachelor of Economics.

September 12, 2024 4:30 pm

Funny but true meme:

“As you get older you’ll realise that a $300 watch and $30 watch both tell the same time. A Michael Kors wallet and a Forever 21 wallet hold the same amount of cash. A $300,000 house and $1,000,000 house are both homes and a Bentley will drive you just as far as a Ford”

“True happiness is not found in materialistic things, it comes from quality firearms, ammo, gear and night vision devices.”

H B Bear
H B Bear
September 12, 2024 4:44 pm
Reply to  Lysander

You never regret the money spent on toys. Even golf clubs bought as odds and evens to lessen the sticker shock. There was a Titleist driver that didn’t really earn its keep.

Bruce in WA
September 12, 2024 6:02 pm
Reply to  Lysander

“True happiness is not found in materialistic things, it comes from quality firearms, ammo, gear and night vision devices.”

Not in WA, sadly.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
September 12, 2024 6:30 pm
Reply to  Bruce in WA

Jewellery does it for me. 🙂

September 12, 2024 4:31 pm

The working class can…
Anthony Albanese has finally sent a long-time tenant packing from one of his investment properties.
The Prime Minister has listed his three-bedroom Dulwich Hill home in Sydney‘s inner-west for sale and will go under the hammer with expectations a successful bid could reach $1.9million.
Despite begging the Prime Minister not to sell up, long-time tenant Jim Flanagan revealed in May that he had been forced to search for a new place to live.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 12, 2024 4:37 pm

Isn’t such conduct typical of your true Tory?

September 12, 2024 4:41 pm

Do heroes still exist (or should we expunge the word from our dictionaries?).

One of the changes I most lament in the development and use of language is the dilution of the concept of heroism, and what constitutes a hero. ‘Hero’ is a showbag temporary tattoo applied to anyone now, seemingly regardless of their motivations and the context.

I realise this observation is far from novel, however it reoccurred yesterday when I read the name ‘Rick Rescorla’ on the Powerline blog, regarding the anniversary of 9/11. If you haven’t heard of him, do yourself a favour and look into his story.

For me, one of the most obvious examples has been the application of the title to sporting identities. Now, I admire anyone who strives to be the best in their chosen field; the self-discipline alone is to be acknowledged (and maybe envied). However aiming for a reward is not what a hero does, in my humble opinion. (Rewards can be great motivators, so I’m not rubbishing that).

I could dribble on about this topic for eons, but I wanted to mention this: When I first looked at Powerline’s home page, I saw Rescorla’s name and thought to myself ‘Yeah, I’ve heard of him. But I don’t need to read about him again.’ It turns out that I DID, however, and I’m grateful for the realisation that among what often seems like an overload of popular culture-induced narcissism, I found a reminder that real people – humble, passionate, imperfect homo sapiens – still exist. At least they did 23 years ago.

The world may be going to H*ll in a mouldy Aldi bag, but I sense (hope) that somewhere out there, quieter than ever, maybe true heroes do still exist among us. We need them.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 12, 2024 4:52 pm
Reply to  Muddy

‘Hero’ seems sexist and elitist. I suppose ‘heroine’ is sexist and elitist too. Is there a qwerty version? A ‘herolgbt2iqqwhatever’? Ok, yes, that might fix the sexism but not the elitism.

September 12, 2024 5:03 pm

Maybe ‘decent bloke/blokette?’

September 12, 2024 4:57 pm

Dickless opining:

So some random dude goes down to Springfield Ohio and finds the most racist people he can find, and asks them about Haitians eating cats. And that is what passes for right-wing Western political discourse these days.

Haiti is in the top 10 shitholes on Earth. Haitians are scum. They’ll eat anything. So will the chunks as their wet markets show; even Armadillos. Any culture which eats Armadillos is beyond redemption. Haitians would eat Armadillos if they could afford them. The left of course are content to eat Western society.

September 12, 2024 5:03 pm
Reply to  cohenite

There is a cultural Haitian practice for some people in Haiti, particularly pregnant women, to eat a type of biscuit called a galette or a bonbon tè. It is a cookie made from a blend of soil, fat, and salt

September 12, 2024 5:00 pm

Latest alarmist crap from their abc:

Tuvaluans prepare for life in Australia as rising tides swallow their country – ABC News

This is pure crap.

Pacific Sea Level and Geodetic Monitoring Project – Monthly Sea Level and Meteorological Statistics (

The Tuvulu chart:

IDO70056SLI.pdf (

No trend in 30 years. If the LNP were not little johnnie’s broad church they would have dismantled the abc yonks ago.

September 12, 2024 5:03 pm

Seems to be too much smoke for there not to be a fire in the background somewhere. 

The Haitian cat thing is a story that cannot be left to stand, it is too visceral and damaging to the narrative. Witness Monty’s fervid attempts to throw cold water on it, even he understands this much.

September 12, 2024 5:21 pm
Reply to  Frank

Yup, 3 links below already out there along with the dispatchers audio:

Pensioner with invalid hubby has migrants trying to squat in her yard:

Black guy witnessing the ducks being taken:

Alleged Haitian with a goose:

How much more will we see by this time tomorrow? Noted that has dropped the storied saying it’s untrue, like I said zero correction or shred of credibility they move on without correcting themselves.

September 12, 2024 5:22 pm

Witness Monty’s fervid attempts to throw cold water on it, even he understands this much.

The 3 stages of Monty
1: Thats not true
2: Ok its true but you are racist.
3: Its true and thats a good thing you bigot!

Top Ender
Top Ender
September 12, 2024 5:30 pm

Zulu got in first but anyway Clark jugged:
Indigenous leader Geoff Clark in custody for stealing $1m from Aboriginal organisations

Geoff Clark, once one of Australia’s most senior Indigenous leaders, is behind bars after being found guilty of stealing almost $1m from the Aboriginal organisations he once led.

The 72-year-old was appearing in the Melbourne County Court for day two of his pre-sentencing plea hearing when Judge Michael O’Connell revoked his bail on Thursday.

Clark’s barrister, Simon Kenny, applied for an extension of Clark’s bail ahead of his sentencing but Judge O’Connell rejected the application.

Clark sat in the dock next to his son Jeremy Clark, 51, who had his plea hearing concurrently following convictions against him of frauds to the value of more than $231,000.

The former chair of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission was found guilty of 25 charges, including 17 counts of theft, four counts of obtaining financial advantage by deception, two counts of perjury, giving false testimony, and knowingly dealing with the proceeds of crime, by three juries in three secret trials that ran between December 2023 and May this year.

The convictions were kept secret until last week when a suppression order was lifted.

Juries found Clark stole more than $922,000 from Kirrae Whurrong Community Inc, Maar Land Council and Framlingham Aboriginal Trust over the course of 15 years.

More than $400,000 was used to cover some of Clark’s legal fees in the early 2000s, when he was facing historical rape allegations, unfair dismissal proceedings and an obstructing police charge relating to an incident at the Criterion Hotel in Warrnambool in 2002, for which he was found guilty.

In the pre-sentencing hearing on Thursday, Mr Kenny asked Judge O’Connell to take into account the fact that Clark had not offended since 2018 and that the police investigation into the allegations against him had been delayed.

Mr Kenny argued that any period of incarceration for Clark was “likely to represent a significant part of whatever time of life he has left, because of his ill health”.

Mr Kenny told the court Clark was an “intelligent man” and “well regarded by many people who know him,” and pointed to numerous character references that he said attested to that.

“It’s not as simple as simply saying Geoff Clark took advantage of his community,” Mr Kenny said.

Crown prosecutor Justin Lewis SC told the court Clark appeared to have been living “in some senses, a double life”.

“There was this essentially parallel life being lived where good works were, at the same time, being accompanied, on the other hand, by offending,” Mr Lewis said.

Mr Lewis warned the court there was a “real possibility” Clark would try to regain a role in administering the bodies he stole from.

“He has already sought to take part in the administration of Framlingham Aboriginal Trust,” he said.

?Judge O’Connell will hand down sentences for Geoff and Jeremy Clark at a later date.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 12, 2024 5:48 pm
Reply to  Top Ender

Seems that Geoff Clark was part of Pat Eatock’s action against Andrew Bolt.

Perplexed of Brisbane
Perplexed of Brisbane
September 12, 2024 5:54 pm
Reply to  Top Ender

Still surprised he only went down for $1 million. I thought it would be way more.

Top Ender
Top Ender
September 12, 2024 6:38 pm

It’s what you can prove in court….

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 12, 2024 5:34 pm

Broome man had four break-ins before he cable-tied trespassing kidsBy Rebecca Peppiatt and Amber WilkinsonSeptember 12, 2024 — 1.33pm

A 45-year-old Broome man has gone on trial on Thursday, defending his decision to cable-tie three young children and detain them before police arrived in March.
Mat Radelic claims he made a citizen’s arrest of the children, aged six, seven and eight, after finding them in the backyard swimming pool of a vacant home he was in the process of selling.
The incident made headlines after a passerby live-streamed their interaction with Radelic during the incident.
“They were frightened … they were crying, shaking and singing out for their mum,” Leandra McKenzie told 9 News Perth at the time.
“It would have been over an hour … we were yelling at him to tell him to release them … but he just wouldn’t give up.”
But during his one-day trial, Radelic’s lawyer Seamus Rafferty told Broome Magistrates Court his client had made four complaints to police in the preceding three weeks over property damage he believed had been perpetrated by those children, leaving him “frustrated”.
Rafferty told the court Radelic had suffered smashed windows and pavers and had been broken into, leaving him with a $10,000 damage bill.
He claims no arrests were made over the property damage.
“This is a man who you know had been a victim of crime four times in a short period of time before that day,” Rafferty told the court.

“He called police, he’s not a vigilante. He’s a man who was protecting his property.
“What else is he meant to do – keep letting it happen?”
He told the court Radelic made a citizen’s arrest of the children on March 5 and called local police, telling them he had three kids tied up after finding them trespassing on his property and swimming in the pool.
The court heard officers then took 35 minutes to reach the house, where Radelic was heard on body-worn camera footage played to the court telling them about the previous damage to the house.
“There’s no consequences for them, but there is for me?” he said to them.
“It just spirals out of control … until someone gets hurt.”
Radelic was charged with three counts of aggravated assault.
“It’s not about emotion, it’s not about race or vigilantism, it’s a property owner who ticked every single box in terms of a citizen’s arrest,” Rafferty said. “The arrest was lawful.”
Police prosecutors argued his actions were “dehumanising” and that using zip ties to detain the children was unreasonable and unnecessary.
“The children had clearly been compliant, they left the pool, waited long enough for him to go to his car and get the cable-ties,” they said.
“Options were available. The circumstances simply weren’t there to justify any use of force.”
Magistrate Deen Potter will hand down his decision on October 4.

Perplexed of Brisbane
Perplexed of Brisbane
September 12, 2024 5:55 pm

Was the passerby the same ethnicity as the crims? I doubt any other property owners in the town would have complained.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 12, 2024 6:33 pm

To the best of my knowledge, yes. The mother of one of the children played the race card to the full “If that was an Aboriginal man who tied up white children, he would never have been let out of gaol.”

September 12, 2024 5:41 pm

That the Haitian immigrants are eating cats and geese etc, whilst entirely plausible, actually hides the actual deadly serious issue. Why are approx. 20k Haitians in Springfield Ohio? A town I believe of 58k approx.? Its impossible to explain as a rational decision. I would well believe the cat eating stories. My brother in law is a civil engineer in Thailand. He handles very large projects. The workers are generally from the North East areas like Isan. Often they will live on site in pretty poor conditions. They will kill and eat any cats or dogs they can get their hands on, of which there is generally an abundance to be found on the street. They will eat anything, washed down with copious amounts of Mekhong “whisky”.

September 12, 2024 5:42 pm

Haha. Tim Blair on Sky News on Kamala’s performance in yesterday’s presidential debate: “She was unbourboned (by what has been).

September 12, 2024 5:45 pm

How vaccines cause autism

The science is clear. The aluminum in vaccines gets escorted into your brain. That’s the crux of it. The MMR shots don’t have aluminum, but MMR ends up being a great escort service.

September 12, 2024 5:51 pm

How is it that when this so-called philanthropist does anything, the net effect is to make him richer?

Bill Gates Wants AI-Based Real-Time Censorship for Vaccine “Misinformation”

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
September 12, 2024 5:53 pm

Monty is never going say a bad word about the riots in Melbourne yesterday. They are his sides Stormtroopers who will be very useful in enforcing order in the future if you know what I mean

I’ll take on the tart in the RAAF cadet ‘uniform’ and Joker makeup.

100% she lives with Mumsy and Tristan (stepdad) in a modest three-storey $6 meg arrangement in Middle Park, which won’t do much good when she gets a straight left to the boat race, right down Main Street.

September 12, 2024 5:54 pm



Florida based, official international fact checking org, is funded by the US State Dept! And it operates in the United States too! This is a massive scandal! The State Department, who legally can’t operate in the US, has been funding US fact checking since 2015! Yes, it’s earliest days!

The news orgs that operate under the IFCN flag, such as the Washington Post, do the leg work. Which then results in posts on Facebook etc being labeled and the algorithms throttling the post.

This official international fact checking org is also partnered with Google. Poynters IFCN was funded by the CIA linked, State Dept NED and Omidyar grants.

Recall Google initiated the first ever US censorship and expanded it globally by using the First Draft Consortium. First Draft also worked hand in hand with the IFCN. Poynters Politifact was in the First Draft network.

Now check out this timeline of events.

April 2015 – First Draft Consortium started by Google

June 2015 – Official First Draft Announcement comes out. Along with its Google News Lab partnership announcement (obviously)

Aug 2015 – Google News Lab partners with Poynter

Sept 2015 – IFCN is launched by Poynter

Oct 2015 – Poynter launches IFCN with State Dept NED funding

Oct 2017 – Google news lab partners with IFCN specifically

Dec 2018 – Poynter acquires Politifact

Next I’ll list some key quotes from IFCN’s beginnings:

Oct 21, 2015 – “Today marks the online launch of the International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN) at Poynter. This informal network, a forum for fact-checkers from five continents, is born out of the desire to study and discuss fact-checking as a journalistic instrument worldwide.

The IFCN is supported by grants from the Omidyar Network and the National Endowment for Democracy.”

“Poynter’s partnership with Google is the institute’s first major alliance with a digital technology company.”

Now showing US links is easy.

“Led by the International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN) at the Poynter Institute, FactChat is the first collaborative project to unite U.S. fact-checking organizations with two major Spanish-language news broadcasters to fight mis/disinformation during the 2020 presidential campaign.”

“Facebook users in the US and Germany can now flag articles they think are deliberately false, these will then go to third-party fact checkers signed up with the IFCN.

Those fact checkers come from media organisations like the Washington Post and websites such as the urban legend debunking site Snopes.

Another warning appears if users try to share the story, although Facebook doesn’t prevent such sharing or delete the fake news story. The “fake” tag will however negatively impact the story’s score in Facebook’s algorithm, meaning that fewer people will see it pop up in their news feeds.”

“Alexios Mantzarlis at first led the IFCN:

Then he moved to GOOGLE NEWS LAB. And is now Principal, Google Trust & Safety Intelligence. As Director of the IFCN, he helped draft the fact-checkers’ code of principles and shepherded a seminal partnership between fact-checkers and Facebook.”

Now let’s head into Brazil:

– Cristina Tardáguila, NED FELLOW, Founder of Agência Lupa and was at Brazil misinfocon with Zommer. Both were GDI advisors. Cristina Tardáguila is the IFCN Associate Director.

– Laura Zommer is Zommer isn the board of the IFCN and Género & Numero from Brazil. She’s also the Executive and Editor-in-Chief at Chequeado, the first initiative of fact-checking and verification of public discourse in Latin America.

Knight Fellow Laura Zommer started Factchequeado, a journalism and education hub to stem disinfo flows in Spanish-language platforms in the US.

Factchequeado will use innovative approaches developed by Chequeado and Maldita in Latin America and Spain – introducing a WhatsApp tipline to involve audiences in fact-checking. Factchequeado is a collaborative alliance with Latino media and fact-checking orgs.

Sources plus more to follow.

Last edited 5 months ago by Indolent
September 12, 2024 6:01 pm
Reply to  Indolent

Trust & Safety Intelligence…

Nuf sed.
Information manipulation on an international level.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
September 12, 2024 5:55 pm

Reposted for excellence:

The 3 stages of Monty

1: Thats not true

2: Ok its true but you are racist.

3: Its true and thats a good thing you bigot!

This amuses me, because it is true.

September 12, 2024 5:58 pm

4: People gotta eat; I believe cat tastes like chicken.

September 12, 2024 6:11 pm
Reply to  Roger

More likely to be fishy if it is a domestic variety. Whiskers and all that. Quite stringy too, I would imagine. Best suited to slow cooked curries.

H B Bear
H B Bear
September 12, 2024 9:26 pm
Reply to  Frank

I would think you would treat it like rabbit – slow braises, white wine …. Not about to find out.

September 12, 2024 5:56 pm


“Prebunking” — also called “cognitive vaccination” — is the attempt to get people to disbelieve any narrative that does not support the government.

As Mike Benz write, it is “proactive brainwashing.”

September 12, 2024 6:14 pm
Reply to  Indolent

Harmony Acceptance.

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
September 12, 2024 7:50 pm
Reply to  Indolent

Communists. Doing what Communists do – create mountains of skulls, while claiming to be “for the Wukkas”.

September 12, 2024 6:02 pm
September 12, 2024 6:06 pm

We’re going down the U.K. path.

Labor’s Misinformation Bill Introduced

September 12, 2024 6:11 pm

Roseanne Boyland, one of the Jan 6 deaths:

… the autopsy comes out and says that the death of this woman was the result of a broken ribcage.

I still find the post Jan-6 machinations one of the most extraordinary political webs of the past few decades. (As I often comment: The ‘pipe bomber’ has apparently still not been found after four years, yet non-violent members of the crowd have been tracked to, and arrested, in Alaska and other locations). ‘Disturbing’ does not come close to describing the authoritarianism …

September 12, 2024 6:12 pm

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
 September 12, 2024 5:34 pm

Broome man had four break-ins before he cable-tied trespassing kidsBy Rebecca Peppiatt and Amber WilkinsonSeptember 12, 2024 — 1.33pm

This is fuked; and a harbinger of further action by aggrieved citizens. The 3rd nations, pallis and other leftie chosen ones are getting away with complete bullshit in this shit hole. Some poor buggar built a bridge across a stream so he could get out when it flooded and the 3rd nation ratbags claim the great serpent lived in the creek and now the guy is facing ruin and jail time.

Toodyay real estate agent Tony Maddox pleads not guilty to Aboriginal Heritage Act breach – ABC News

And don’t get me started on that butter faced 3rd nations skint who stopped the NSW gold mine.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 12, 2024 6:31 pm
Reply to  cohenite

The Tony Maddox case has been adjourned for the SIXTH time, and it ‘s taking it’s toll on Tony and his family. The Third Nations ratbags are claiming that, if the flow of water is restricted, their people will get sick and die. Anyone who asks how such malarkey is supposed to be taken seriously, in the twenty first century is accused of having no resepect for Aboriginal traditions.

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 12, 2024 7:40 pm

Tell them that the Kadaitcha Man will come for them if they don’t back off.

Then listen as they reject aboriginal tradition and culture.

September 12, 2024 6:18 pm
September 12, 2024 6:21 pm

The Herald Sun online had a story about a former Miss Switzerland being murdered by her husband and pureed in a blender. After scanning to the bottom of the page the story has disappeared, only to be replaced with an advert for kitchen appliances with accompanying photo of a KitchenAid blender.

Pity really, we were interested to know what sort of blender he used.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 12, 2024 6:42 pm

Broome cable tie incident was a ‘lawful citizen’s arrest’: detective
From the Oz.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
September 12, 2024 7:00 pm

Haiti didn’t “suffer” the 2010 earthquake, it’s just that everything fell down because it’s a third world race-communist sh*thole. The Dominican Republic, on the other side of the island Hispaniola- and where the quake was epicentred- was a-o-k, and flew in lotsa aid- which was immediately commandeered by gangs and gestapos, because it’s a third world race-communist sh*thole.
If you thought that the tragedy would create oppurtunity to build back better- olo!- it was actually too good at oppurtunity for US SoS to miss, with Hillary Clinton permanently f*cking over the staple peanut growers, flooding the marketplace with subsidised US surplus.

1 2 3
  1. For those in a reflective mood Netflix has “Alone in Berlin” with Emma Thompson, starring wonderful art deco sets in…

  2. Zactly, I can get my cholesterol medication anywhere overseas in a number of countries no prescription in a drugstore. Just…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x