To everyone’s relief, no more Woodstock pics or comments from me. Roger, self appointed PHD professor on everything Woodstock, has…
To everyone’s relief, no more Woodstock pics or comments from me. Roger, self appointed PHD professor on everything Woodstock, has…
I am currently reading Ian Mortimer’s ‘Medieval Horizons – Why the Middle Ages Matter’. Food poisoning and sweating sicknesses brought…
Winterised Ford T
Dogs just love you don’t care if you fail.
Even the luxury models had to find new ways to stay mobile. ———- 1940 Peugeot 402B Gasifier Limousine Faced with…
Shaves head: doesn’t shave face.
Mike Burgess is a mong.
Says social media is “both a goldmine and a cesspit” that creates communities and divides them, and the internet was “the world’s most potent incubator of extremism”.
“Well of course he’d say that, wouldn’t he?”
Physiognomy doesn’t lie.
Well I stuffed up that colony!
If nothing else Lazerpig is fun. The song at the end is a hoot. There are many critics of F-35. How many of them know about the ALE-70 pod?
(4) Shut up about the F-35 – YouTube
Did the daily walk today. I said hello to a bloke walking his dog on a leash. One second later the dog launched at me. My heart skipped a few beats …the bloke pulled him back.
I just gave the guy the eyeball and said, TRAIN YOUR F*CKING DOG!
I don’t know what the breed was.
On a more positive note, Cash and Stevo. He can drop his leash around kids with no concern at all.
Cash 2.0 Great Dane meeting new people in Malibu 43
Chris Bowen does an Amphlett every night.
Just like Chris on Family Guy. Touching.
Gawd Chrissy Amphlett was hot.
I’ll go back to bed now.
Johannes Leak.
Masterful. Have a look at the other lobsters expressions.
Brett Lethbridge.
Crisafulli has mastered the small target strategy. Modern democracy in action.
Christian Adams.
Michael Ramirez.
Matt Margolis.
Tom Stiglich.
Al Goodwyn.
Chip Bok.
Bob Gorrell.
Gary Varvel.
Ben Garrison.
Thanks Tom. Again.
Today’s Saturday Tele:
Vikki Campion: Why a gigantic hydrogen tank should never be built near one of our cities
Vikki Campion
12 Oct 2024
A venomous snake should never be approached, and a gigantic hydrogen tank that will be 10 times the size of the biggest on the planet should never be built on the doorstep of one of our cities, writes Vikki Campion.
The eastern brown snake is fast-moving, ill-natured if cornered – and one of the most venomous snakes in the world. So why did mothers in Canberra push their young children towards one this week to take pictures on their iPhone but scoffed when I urged them to keep their distance, telling me: “The government wouldn’t allow it here (in a government-owned botanic garden) if it weren’t safe.”
The issue we have with a population that willingly submits itself to an authoritarian government, which rammed digital ID through the Senate without debate, and which wants bureaucrats to decide what’s true or false, is the wildly misguided idea that it is a wisened guardian angel protecting us from harm.
It is the snake who gets the Government Angel – not you or your kid. Be it the most venomous creatures on Earth, what voices you can hear on social media, or our power grid, Government Angel does not prioritise what’s “safe”.
As Australia’s biggest energy companies walk away from green hydrogen because they cannot make it viable – taking millions of taxpayer dollars in grants with them –the government is knuckling down on a hydrogen plant 24 times bigger than the world’s biggest.
While Energy Minister Chris Bowen and friends deride nuclear power as “risky reactors”, they have budgeted more than $8bn on hydrogen, which is literally rocket fuel. Australia’s version will produce 1200 tonnes of gaseous hydrogen – 800 tonnes of which will be liquified – with an ammonia plant taking the rest.
This means you need to start a process called Haber Bosch to heat it to 450C, chuck it under atmospheric pressure and pump it with nitrogen and hydrogen, which produces ammonia. That then becomes exothermic, requiring a constant feed of hydrogen, which weather-reliant wind and solar cannot produce 24/7.
Because of this, it would need a massive storage tank to hold at least enough for 10 days, which would be about 8000 tonnes of liquified hydrogen – some 10 times that of the world’s biggest storage tank.
Hydrogen is so explosive that it is used to send rockets into space, so where are they putting this massive, super-explosive supply? Right in the lap of a regional city.
But like the ectothermic eastern brown slithering near the children, our political mothers and fathers accept this plan as safe because it comes from their guardian angel – the government. It is government-sanctioned and government-funded by a government-owned corporation.
Flynn MP Colin Boyce, whose Queensland electorate has been bestowed this nightmare, can’t understand why there is no discussion of the safety risk of an enormous rocket-fuel tank containing some 8000 tonnes of liquified hydrogen, pipes and plants nestled in the nape of Gladstone.
“If it goes ‘bang’, it will blow Gladstone off the map,” the National Party member says.
More than 400 hydrogen incidents have occurred in 40 years – Fukushima and Callide were hydrogen explosions. But jet fuel’s safety is irrelevant when it is “green hydrogen” and posed as a transition fuel in our net-zero nirvana, even when it’s not net zero at all.
Parliamentary staffer Jo Tarnawsky for calling on the PM to take action on allegations of bullying. What happened to “setting the standard” that he was so keen about before the election?
The court for suppressing the identity of a think-tank director and former prominent bureaucrat after he pleaded guilty to having child- abuse material on his phone.
The court for supressing the identity of a think-tank director and former prominent bureaucrat after he pled guilty to having child abuse material on his phone.
Eye watering.
Over to the Cat Scientists.
Greyranga see reply where?
Hydrogen is so energetic, please.
Just as well we’re governed by “Top Men”.
The bit about dumb mothers believing Government can stop Brown snakes is a furphy.
Yes, I know the dumb live among us, but that bit seems very dodgy.
I thought it was a good analogy.
Well, that’s just me anyway.
Re-name Gladstone as Hindenburg.
Would be interesting on hearing the reasons behind the court suppression decision. Or were they suppressed?
Leak spot on again I was at a meeting with Peter Jennings and Michael Shoebridge of Strategic Analysis Australia who are writing proposals for Australia’s defence for next government after election . They expect war with China in 2027 . Already China aggressively approaching other navies Phillipines most recently ,once in control of seas around China and sea route, Taiwan will be overcome by blockading the country. Taiwan makes computer chips and has superior techniques and supplies 75% of chips for USA , this info from a man who had worked there for decades.No chips no USAr
According to SAA men factories are being built in the States to make chips there but will take years to finish.
We are not making weaponry for Oz Those making missiles and rockets here have contracts with other countries but not with our government My question was how could the weapons be made with solar panels wind turbines and batteries and surely after the IDF demonstrating how knocking off leaders can be done this MO might work elsewhere.
Submarines were rubbished by all the well known facts major one being lack of skilled workforce for their crews also need two subs as time spent in port for repairs .We’ll get two by 2054 .What a waste of money not that the budget for next ten years would buy much.With that good news I’m off the Chinese lessons haha!
See my reply to the previous comment.
I doubt that if we were to raise a an infantry division, there would be enough boots for them.
“You’re called up son, bring your Reeboks.”
If Michael Shoebridge is who I think, I had a bit to do with him many years ago. Smart bloke.
Just more innocent human sacrifice death cultists
Vikki Campion cont’d:
If Australia’s story is told in its rocks, coal from plants that grew in Gondwana 170 million years ago, cities built in limestone from crushed shells, minerals that have powered the world, this week Labor has opened a new chapter on uranium.
Our most energy-dense rock is dug up here, trucked through towns and exported overseas, yet still painted as the scary villain when it is a resource that could herald a new era of Australian energy independence.
A new parliamentary inquiry to be?chaired by Hunter MP Dan Repacholi could finally give this rock – which could save his communities such as Singletone from being smothered in black photovoltaic glass – the makeover it deserves from real-life electricians and engineers, instead of office bureaucrats paid to propagate the policy platforms of politicians.
That some in Labor believe this will?damage the Coalition’s nuclear policy on the eve of the election shows how closed they have been to the free education offered to them by Australia’s wide nuclear science and engineering expert community, including the former head of ANSTO.
Submissions to Senate energy inquiries contain clear analysis that it’s impossible to decarbonise without nuclear. Submissions to the offshore wind inquiry have given ignored experts a?voice about the dangers of wind.
The inquiry report, set to come out a month before the probable May election, on a Labor-stacked committee, will undoubtedly find that the proven technology that powers most G20 economies is unachievable in Australia. However stacked the committee is, the exercise will grant national exposure to independent expert submissions, to whom Energy Minister Chris Bowen rarely grants an audience.
Mr Repacholi, fast shaping up to fill?the well-worn shoes of his long-serving predecessor Joel Fitzgibbon, has taken a step in the right direction in seeking clarity for basic stuff like deployment timeframes, fuel supply and transport logistics, uranium enrichment capacity; waste management, transportation and storage; water usage and impacts on other water-dependent sectors; existing energy infrastructure capability, including transmission; legal and policy frameworks; risk management and safety, land acquisitions and cost.
It is just a pity this comprehensive examination has never been done for?intermittent power plants, transmission lines, or the economic – and potentially literal – bomb of green hydrogen.
Nuclear is not the ugly duckling Labor thinks it is, but we’ve yet to get to the end of the story.
““The government wouldn’t allow it here (in a government-owned botanic garden) if it weren’t safe.”
Dumb as a box of rocks.
Yes Rosie, that is what the idiots think these days.
The Coates controversy.
Who is this “Coates” person? Does he think no on ever goes to Israel?
Ta Nahisi Coates.
A self-appointed arbiter of Truth.
A very ugly, inside and out, blak man who craves attention.
Just received an email that says China and Russia have HEMP sorry can’t remember scientific names it stands for . A weapon with nuclear device that knocks out American power grid up in space , That would cause utter chaos on land no electricity , no computers, no water , blackouts . Would Diesel engines be any help?
High Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse.
Only ones that don’t have electronic control, so that means older ones or agricultural type engines that don’t have electronic controls.
I understand it also means High Explosive (formed) Electromagnetic Pulse. And no, I have NFI how it’s done.
As for diesel engines, an old one without the modern electronics will still work – probably. The new ones won’t work at all without the computers.
There just may be some hope for something like a Jeep with a distributor replacement and a petrol engine. But the lights won’t work. Nor the cigar lighter. 🙂
The issue with EMP is the Gamma radiation that knocks electrons off wiring and creates a surge in everything attached. But some old radio receivers with valves are resistant to the surge, so look in your great grandfathers old garage for a valve radio which just might still work.
I have one that still works in my spare room. Lovely old thing but the sound can
Just change out the speaker, Megan. Easy to do and is the source of most ‘fuzzy’ sounds. You’ll probably find the speaker fabric/material has torn or perished.
Keep it for when all the electronic stuff* suddenly stops working – if you’ve still got power, that is.
*The newer electronic stuff is really susceptible to current surges.
EMP – Electro Magnetic Pulse, detonate in the upper atmosphere and bye bye transistor circuitry and closer satellites.
Older Soviet fighters till the MiG-25 still had valve technology to combat this. Older diesels and pre 1980’s cars with contact breaker points would be largely impervious. Anything really without an engine management computer would be able to work.
Unsure if the military has hardened their electronics these days but I wouldn’t be surprised as these effects of nuclear blasts have been known about since the 1950’s.
Do they have pocket miniHEMP for poker machines?
The lefty MSM is completely obsessed. No one else is.
David Crisafulli repeatedly refuses to reveal his position on abortion during heated media conference ahead of Qld election (Sky News, 11 Oct)
Not about the cost of living, or about keeping the lights on, about the hospitals, about housing, about crime and policing. No they have to keep on pounding away at when women are allowed to kill their babies. This is one case where I support Chrisafulli in refusing to answer such an insulting and evil question.
Miles is about to cop a shellacking Bligh & Newman style.
Media now in full rescue mode by bringing up non-sequiturs.
Personally the ALP is on the nose in Qld that much IMO it will have zero effect. I’ll take my $200 rego discount though…
It’s about time our politicians called these questions for what they are – activist statements – and refuse to answer them. And if they persist, leave the interview.
Abortion is the only issue they have so they stick to it.
Interesting how, with their backs to the wall, that Academics Lawyers and Perverts’ party and the Gangreens fall back on baby-butchering and granny-killing.
In other news, the BBC decides some details aren’t particularly newsworthy.
I was often a visitor to an local “Environment Centre”. These are residential facilities in rural areas for schools to have camps. They have bunk beds and kitchens and toilets. At one I went to, a brown snake had its home at the foot of the associated house, and hung around the toilet blocks for frogs to eat. This in a location with lots of kids.
Snakes, like trees, are sacred, and it is illegal to kill them. In fact, there was a proposal to Parliament a while back that all wildlife, including snakes, were to be given first aid if hit by a car, under force of law.
I share this world with insane people.
I have a pommy knocker in the car for dispatching kangaroos after the bull bar has dealt with them. No way I’m giving first aid.
“Brown snakes are protected!”
Not against Winston’s Wire Snake Whacker they aren’t!
So Greens have to give mouth to mouth resuscitation to brown snakes? Well ok then.
No wonder abortion is their most sacred issue.
These are atmosphere exploded nuclear weapons designed to produce a shower of neutrons in an “Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP)” which degrades and destroys electronic devices. It basically sends the victims back to 1800’s technology to survive. There has been some work in the USA to harden their electrical substations against an EMP, but the effect would still be devastating.
EMPs can occur naturally, look up “Carrington event”.
Today’s Saturday Tele:
A restaurateur charged with displaying a Nazi symbol at a pro-Palestine rally in Sydney has apologised after a furious response to his alleged actions.
Al Yazbek was arrested after marches last week marking one year since the start of the war in Gaza. Police allege that he displayed the swastika on a sign pictured as showing Israel’s flag.
Mr Yazhek is the owner of upmarket restaurants Nomad Sydney and Nomad Melbourne, as well as Reine & La Rue.
In a statement, Mr Yazhek, 56, “apologised unequivocally” for his actions at the rally.
He said the sign he allegedly carried during the pro-Palestine rally was “deeply offensive to the Jewish community”.
“Friends and acquaintances who know me – both Jewish and gentile – know I am not an anti-Semite,” he said, adding he was passionate “about supporting diversity and equality”.
Mr Yazek said he was “traumatised daily by the ongoing bloodshed” in the Middle East.
He was arrested at the rally on October 5, and granted bail to appear in court this month.
Yair mate…sure mate…of course you are… /sarc off
I don’t know you personally, Mr Yazek.
But I do know you’re a liar.
The sign was premeditated abuse aimed directly at Jews. And the most insulting abuse of all, apart from a physical attack. Just go away and hang your head in shame.
I’m surprised he didn’t quote the old chestnut of the photo being “out of context”. What a vile lying grub.
This is the first step in the fix.
Too many persons of wealth and/or influence dine at his restaurants.
I keep thinking this sounds like a mid-life crisis action of a man in thrall to a young lover who is an activist. People keep mentioning his wife Rebecca so I think she should be asked about this for a full picture.
Nothing alleged about it, clearly a swastika, clearly him holding the sign, being arrested, named and shamed. Issues a disingenuous apology. Don’t need ‘the justice system’ to determine the truth of the matter.
Qwerty civil war (with insects).
Trans activist ‘legs it’ after sparking chaos at event with ‘bag of crickets’ (11 Oct)
More than several: hundreds of them. I wonder if the progressives will now evict T from their interminable and unpronounceable acronym?
Any media coverage? Crickets.
I’m of the opinion that the chinese are not in war mode with the West as where would they sell their products.
They also will not sacrifice their only child. The Chinese are still traditional and the family line/ancestor worship is basic. If they go to war, the family line may end.
Germany’s biggest trade partner in 1939 was France.
Germany’s biggest trade partner in 1940 was The USSR.
Oh noes!!! We’ve lost Al Bundy……..
Ed O’Neill has partnered with the The Lincoln Project to voice a Kackles ad.
It is even more cringe than the gay one Rosie posted.
Qwerty civil war (with insects).
Hahaha. Gays and hippies and insects.
Just as I’m getting the stubbies and cheap plonk ready to watch the big engines cause global warming over the mountain at Bathurst
They expect war with China in 2027 .
Min I know some ex-defence types who say China will go if it does when it thinks it is ready and not on western timetables. They think the longer the Chicoms wait the less chance it will happen. Anything after 2030 when their demographic issues really start to bite and also affect their rather opaque financial system.
If anything having a beer with same boys who did deployments from Rwanda to Afghanistan enlightened me to how perilous the state of our forces are, we are far from ready for anything even upheaval on our doorstep. Worse than 1999 when East Timor kicked off. A senior I met who is on his way out of the system medically said after Talisman Sabre last year our 2 Divisions on paper would be lucky to field a combat brigade with antiquated equipment that is full of fatigue cracks and out gunned. The Navy can’t even protect it’s own landing ships, we don’t even have the Frigates & Destroyers to screen. The only new stuff is apparently the Abrams 2 we are getting delivered and the next stuff doesn’t start getting acquired till after 2027.
Sobering stuff but at least we don’t have DEI hires sinking ships on reefs yet.
The operative word:
I’ve heard plenty of complaints about DEI being promoted over everything else. Both in the sense of propaganda and people.
Seems the US lefties forgot an enormous voting bloc in their rush to coerce wymmyn and minorities.
White, straight men.
Too late suckers.
Monty – asking a question that insinuates that some fact exists is not even a scintilla of evidence that it exists.
Moreover, men of his age do have flatulence and incontinence. These conditions do not affect their cognitive abilities.
That happened with Biden frequently BTW Monty heard of AI
LOL. The Dems are trying everything, including projection. Biden and Nadler come to mind.
Mutley is incontinent every day and more so on days his excrement is spread here.
Childish twaddle. Democrats have never moved out of their obsession with pees and poos as a means to smear. That you repeat this says you are of the same ilk.
At least he’s balanced Monty, both ends release the same content.
the left is obsessed with shit, get down there and have a good sniff you c*nt
Boeing to Cut 17,000 Jobs and Delay First 777X Delivery (11 Oct)
US Judge to Hear Objections to Boeing Plea Deal in Fatal Crashes (11 Oct)
Boeing Halts Talks, Revokes Pay Offer to Striking Union (9 Oct)
Not looking good, especially with that high profile Starliner failure. That’s what happens when you ditch a culture of engineering excellence for bean counters and woke.
DC10 debacle was enough to sink McDonald-Douglas. Is the 737 Max enough to sink Boeing?
Had the misfortune to hear Obuma on the radio yesterday- seemed to be putting on that false accent again. Nasty piece of work.
He sounds like he has laryngitis.
In a just world the golden negro would be first in line for the neck-tie party of traitors.
Paraphrased …
“I’m really sorry that reservations for my restaurants have tanked and the silent partners who bankrolled the outfit are threatening to take my house when it goes bust”.
(BTW … they are not “alleged actions”. There is no dispute about what happened).
That he took the flag with him or took it from an organizer says he thought about it. Actions have consequences. Suffer in your boots.
Human sacrifice death cultists stalking the Jew on Campus.
From the photo – chicks and the noodle armed hopefuls who want to bed them.
All so bwave and stunning they’re masked up.
The University should suspend their studies. Permanently.
Evil and shameful.
I’m sorry but this is not a serious candidate.
I’m sure they’re impressed.
Kamala Harris Makes Pledge to Latino Voters to Welcome, Grant Amnesty for Millions of Migrants
Yes, undercutting their wages by the influx of millions of illegals will make the citizen latinos vote for more of the same. Most of them are not that stupid.
No thanks, Obama — this black man will make up his own mind and not be shamed into voting for Kamala
Can i just say.
Whomever came up with Adam bant saying “I’ve had a gutful of cox” is a evil genius
Please explain.
champagne comedy.
Love it!
Blair’s Law in action.
Trump campaign ramps up efforts to get ex-prez more security amid ongoing threats from Iran
The Bee
‘Now Is Not The Time For Independent Thinking,’ Obama Tells Black Trump Supporters
Drunk as a skunk.
Boeing has a defense division also. Not sure I’d want to be relying on Boeing made weapons.
Our politicians and industrialist are making us look even less prepared than the French, Dutch, and British in 1938.
Vid on the IDF targetting children in Gaza.
The doctor in the video claims that prior to the 7th of October, when the G@z@n powers-that-be (along with innumerous apparent citizens) chose to murder the citizens of a neighbouring country, 500-600 aid trucks were entering G@z@ daily. I’m aware that both education and health in pre 7 Oct G@Z@ was greatly funded by external donors, but why after nine years of h@m@s government was there still such a dependency on outside aid?
That’s a rhetorical question, of course.
(I could not watch the whole interview: His statements were accompanied with no factual evidence at all, merely supposition on his part).
Generational malaise of girls gone bananas for guerrillasGemma Tognini
9 hours ago
The image I saw was jarring. A young girl, she couldn’t have been more than 14 or 15.
Such a lovely face. Beautiful, open smile. In her hands, a large poster that covered most of her torso. On it, a slogan of hate. It was a proclamation so vile that for a moment I questioned what I was seeing. The poster featured a masked terrorist, his head covered in a keffiyeh, a slit only for his eyes. He was carrying an automatic weapon of sorts, armed and ready. The text on the sign read: by any means necessary.
This young girl was one of thousands who marched in Melbourne against Israel on October 6, her image shared widely on the day and the days following on various social media platforms.
We have deliberately chosen not to show her face because this isn’t about one teenager carrying a hate-filled slogan on the streets of Australia in 2024. The image captured speaks to something so much wider, deeper and more disturbing.
By any means necessary: we all know what that’s alluding to. It’s alluding to the horrific acts of October 7 last year, the worst slaughter of Jews since the Holocaust, and says they were justified. “By any means necessary” is a favourite slogan of the anti-Israel hate mobs globally. It says: whatever it takes. Ends justify the means. Rape, mutilation, kidnapping, summary executions, sexual violence, burning alive – all of it is fine. All of it is justifiable, because by any means necessary.
I’m not convinced a person of such tender years can understand fully the depraved nature of this statement and the weight of what it suggests. But we know from the events of the past 12 months that many scores, hundreds of thousands of women the world over know exactly what it means, and still choose to stand on the side of evil. Align themselves with the bad guys.
This picture bothered me for days and it took me a while to pinpoint the reason before I finally found myself asking: Have we lost a generation of women and girls? And if so, how?
When the war first started, the world was introduced to a woman called Johannah King-Slutzky.
She was, probably still is, an anti-Israel protester studying her PhD in English at Columbia University in New York and became a key face in the early days of student protests there. She also became notorious for asking the university administration to send food to the protesters, just a day after they illegally occupied buildings: “Do you want students to die of dehydration and starvation or get severely ill even if they disagree with you?” She was serious. And seriously mocked from one part of the globe to another, justifiably so.
The propensity for millennial and Gen Z women to take up their self-appointed, terrorist-chic, fashionable arms for Palestine has been well canvassed since Iran, via its proxy Hamas, declared war on Israel a year ago. The psychology of this has been analysed and pulled apart.
Yes we have.
The Universities.
Your cohort allowed the Gramscian March through the Universities and Schools.
Intellectual cowardice.
And now we’re paying the price.
Not My Frigging Problem Any More, Emma.
Democrat Head Cases!
Ben Garrison cartoon
IPA report on the screech going down like the Hindenberg found:
Not so happy about the last one, given there is no uniform or remotely acceptable definition of what it is or what it might involve.
I am sick to bloody death of being told “we” have to be reconciled with indodgyknees, given the inevitable snoutcome will be yet another massive bonfire of taxpayers’ money and the enrichment of deadsh*ts like perfesser plankton, the dodgson brothers and no doubt hydia thorpey.
No thanks and fork off.
I am sick to bloody death of being told “we” have to be reconciled with indodgyknees
I’ve never seen any suggestion that they need to become reconciled with “whitefellas.”
I have a sneaky suspicion that the 60% who voted no think the same about the issue. We all have to come to term with the facts of life so must the indigenes.
Sorry I don’t think is accurate outside some ALP/Greens electorates.
Blatant lie, just like everything they said in favour of the voice.
PSA from Dan Bongino @dbongino:
“It’s getting really bad for Kamala Harris, folks…they are in an absolute free-fall…and they are seriously worried, not just about her losing, but about down ballot effects too…VOTE REPUBLICAN DOWN THE TICKET! …You know what the Democrat and Senate House will be useful for? Impeaching Trump! So…Get your ballot and DO NOT skip a SINGLE race…R,R,R,R,R…we can clean up the mess later in Primaries…”
Trump plans to use 1798 law to dismantle illegal immigrant gang Tren de Aragua — and kick criminals out of the US
Why not? They used a similarly old law to go after him.
Look like VicPol may have finally found a Nazi:
calli, that will never get old.
I am sick to bloody death of being told “we” have to be reconciled with indodgyknees.
I don’t need to be reconciled with aborigines. They haven’t generally done anything to annoy me and I haven’t done anything to annoy them. I’ve got on fine with those I’ve met. The same as anyone else, in fact.
I don’t see any reason to care whether someone is aboriginal or not. I treat people as individuals and not as members of a collective.
Two tiered justice?
Child, 13, sentenced for role in UK riots has life torn apart after making ‘mistake’ (11 Oct)
So justice would see little miss antisemite get a similar criminal conviction, given, what was it that UK plod said again?, “the racially aggravated nature of the offence”.
Not so bad. What about the Vikpol who, in true Narzy mode, beat the crap out of women, handcuffed pregnant women (without cause), pepper sprayed Grannies and ran protection for a criminal pollie while providing terrorist supporters a protected stroll through the city?
And the bended knee – don’t forget about that little crime
….and the Chinese Communist flags on the police stations.
They’re not goin to have that one go away as quickly as they think. It will be easier to get blackberry stains out of a kids white T shirt than this.
And ran a corrupt and contemptible Stalininst political prosecution against Cardinal Pell.
How did that New Zealand navy ship run aground? Anyone here know?
Reportedly lost power.
Ran on bio-fuel, which may or may not be relevant but is interesting.
sheila driving
The cover story is engine failure. Given that the Nationals are running to her defence in such robustness I reckon that what the Board of Inquiry will find or some other failure that isn’t her fault. For all we know there a chance that may have been the cause but the BOI needs to do it’s work without interference from the Government or press, as for us in the peanut gallery we’ll always have our opinions but once upon a time they would have just been ignored not fed.
This wouldn’t be much of an issue if she wasn’t wearing 2 notches from the victimhood totem being gender & sexuality and hadn’t been sold to the public along those lines.
Where this gets interesting and hopefully the BOI is open and public is ex-Navy/merchant seaman on quite a few websites have commented that these ships have battery powered thrusters so the ship technically could be manoeuvred or in event of emergency that close to shore just drop anchor. Lack of distress call means it happened fast. Most say there’s a possibility of inaction or incompetence on the bridge.
All say though even her boosters that losing a ship even if not at fault in naval traditions is a career killer.
A young Ensign Nimitz ran his ship aground in the Philippines.
The BOI found he’d failed to consult the local tide tables.
Perhaps seeing his potential (he had graduated with distinction from the academy near the top of his class), they refrained from issuing any career impacting punishment, merely issuing a letter of reprimand.
He repaid their confidence in spades!
Loss of power near reefs? What are anchors for?
I’ve forgotten a lot of the detail, but there was a young Captain in the British Army in the 19th Century on the staff of a very competent Brigadier. The Brigadier was however from less than adequate social background and the Captain – who was – was determined to scupper the Brigadiers career before he won a great victory and would have been catapulted into the Upper Ranks of the army. So he sabotaged the Brigadiers orders during a battle and the result was a defeat for the Army along with the ruin of the Brigadier’s chance of nobility.
The Captain was cashiered, but was so proud of his effort to stop his class from being contaminated by the unworthy that he had a calling card printed with the words – “The Celebrated Coward” embossed on it.
(I’m having to dig way back into the distant past for this but the general thrust is there.)
The point is that a junior rank can get back at a senior officer in ways we find wrong in civilian life, and I’m not saying this has happened, but the chance of it should never be ignored.
Captain was trying to read the map upside down.
Chart, not map. Then again.
Lots of snakes at Werribee Zoo, my grandson and I had encounters with two on the same day last year.
I did take a video of the first, a hatchling moving away from us, but only at a very safe distance.
The other had us trapped inside a small building but we just waited for it to move on.
There are snakes everywhere in the burbs, I nearly mowed one once, I don’t think mine, which was most likely a tiger snake, was government approved.
There is a large creek nearby and an old feeder creek running across the back of my block, now in a pipe, and it’s a breeding ground for rats and as a consequence always plenty in the area so there are going to be snakes as well.
It’s Australia.
If it were Brisbane the council would have the terriers around.
They’re everywhere around me. The red bellies will zoom off as fast as they can slither. The browns not so much. That’s what happens when you have ponds and lakes filled with frogs.
Also had an olive python resident here for a few years (still have the metre long sloughed skins) but I suspect it fell victim to the kookas.
The worst by far are the lace monitors. They steal the chicks from nests, regardless of height in the trees. They just climb up and feast. Horrible things. Swamp creatures.
That reminds me…
Guess who gave us Reconciliation Australia, which is now embedded in nearly 3000 companies and not for profits via their Reconciliation Action Plans (RAPs) and whose chief aim is “First Nations self-determination”?
John Howard.
Howard has a column in the Oz today.
Don’t bother reading it. TDS.
He just can’t seem to let it go. He should have kept quiet about everything to salvage something of his reputation.
Didn’t help him any. APS has a course where unlike nice Mr Keating and a nice Mr Rudd and Nice Mr Turnbull he was unhelpful to indigenous.
Daily Mail.
Christopher Columbus’ remains discovered after more than 500 years DNA analysis confirms
When is the ritual disinterment, trial and execution happening?
In fact it was a Thai agricultural worker.
And it wasn’t an antitank missile. It was a bit of an apparently* intercepted rocket that unfortunately fell on him and exploded.
IDF: Foreign worker killed by fallen munition not an anti-tank missile (11 Oct)
(* The story doesn’t say that but the wording seems to suggest it. May’ve just been an ordinary Katyusha though, since the Hezbies are still firing more than a hundred of the things per day.)
AT5 Spandrel used for armour normally, like squashing an ant with an elephant.
Whoever called Howard a ‘lying rodent’ obviously knew him better than I did.
Today I dislike Howard even more than I did yesterday
If at first you don’t succeed, try again…and next time criminalise any opposition.
Plenty of comments on that one. Mine is pending. I am not optimistic. Having a bad run lately. Try to aim for a 50% rejection rate.
Is Ms Davis even aboriginal?
See Hendo on the new chair of the National Museum board. Even Bain Attwood is now a reactionary who needs to be silenced.
Those witch trials from a few hundred years ago start to look a bit different in hindsight, as we descend into the godless abyss:
Woman Casting Spells Found Cooking Body Parts On Stove: Police
Meiselas: I want to handle this subject with care and tact, and I want to take it very seriously. It seems that when Donald Trump was giving a speech at the Detroit Economic Club, among other things that occurred when he wasn’t attacking Detroit or consistently lying, he seems to have soiled himself during the speech.
The meiselas brothers operate The Meidas Touch, a leftoid swill hole vomiting up leftoid talking points: Ben Meiselas, is an attorney who represented former NFL player Colin Kaepernick. Brett Meiselas is an Emmy-winning video editor who worked for The Ellen DeGeneres Show. Jordan Meiselas is a marketing supervisor living in Brooklyn, New York.
All dickless leftoids with a fascination for shit just like our dickless leftoid.
The top pix is the rear of the building & the bottom pix the front ..
No wonder dickless believes everything they spew up.
This could of course be the disease that afflicted Dr Strangelove, causing one of his arms to make spontaneous gestures. Has anyone thought of that?
A police sergeant who allegedly performed Nazi salutes has been suspended on pay.
The people development command officer was suspended on Friday evening following allegations she performed a Nazi salute twice this week.
Both alleged occasions were in front of colleagues at the Victoria Police Academy on Tuesday and Wednesday while the officer was on duty.
The Professional Standards Command are investigating the incidents.
The officer has been suspended on pay.
A statement from a Victoria Police spokesperson said “it wouldn’t be appropriate to comment further at this time” as the “matter is ongoing”.
The alleged incidents follow the banning of Nazi salutes, symbols and gestures in Victoria in October 2023.
The first person was found guilty of performing the banned gesture this week.
He performed the gesture in October last year, days after the new laws came in.
VicPlod heal thyself.
So which is it? A he or a she? Or is that as genuine as the charges?
Not allowed to pray in your own home.
Scotland Criminalizes Prayer at Home to Protect Abortionists (11 Oct)
And no visible crosses or bible verses, you might upset the babykillers.
Are they allowed to pray for the same in churches? Or has UK also criminalised Christianity?
Voice to parliament architect Megan Davis has called for misinformation legislation to protect a future referendum from an onslaught of “Trumpian” lies and distortions, following the defeat of the Yes campaign last year.
It’s quite clear from the IPA survey that the lies and distortions came mainly from the voice proponents. Somehow I doubt that misinformation legislation will protect us from more of the same.
All together now: awww. (via Instapundit)
As I have mentioned earlier; God’s work is what the IDF are doing. More strength to their arm.
“Return to true conservative values” says ex-British prime minister
Former British prime minister and RT Honorary Elizabeth Truss has given Campion College students an insight into her 2022 term and ultimate resignation, and explained how both Australia and Britain must return to its conservative foundations.
I hate cruel people.
Just watched an absolute a/hole throw a metal rake at a little eastern grey roo with a joey in her pouch.
He’s a member, of course. Now I know what sort of person he is. And he knows I know, for I bellowed at him from the back door.
The shame reaction is always interesting to behold. They’re all cackling to each other on the 18th pin. Stunning and brave.
During nesting season when I was a golfer it was always fun when a crow would swoop down and steal my balls.
Have you still got a high voice BoN?
The alleged incidents follow the banning of Nazi salutes, symbols and gestures in Victoria in October 2023.
Banned gestures.
Absolute authoritarian ridiculousness.
Victoriastan lyf.
Marching through the state capital in support of terrorist regimes and organisations however isn’t a banned gesture. In fact, it gets protection from the scum of VikPol.
Get used to it, Arky.
It’s what is coming for us no matter what we vote for. They aren’t listening, aren’t interested, and really don’t give much of a shit about our quaint notions of Democracy and yooman rites.
On accusations of racism by former NT Govt leftard parasites. We’ll see how it works out but if successful she should be getting a Federal gig;
Heard this song before, got the T shirt, and have the bumper stickers.
Until they pull the communist judiciary into line the criminals will be continually released back into the community to steal, assault, and invade homes.
Just like the Left want of them.
Who said it?
When you’ve received special treatment for any length of time, being treated equally under the law feels like discrimination.
Thomas Sowell?
Tom Sowell said this and many, many other great things.
Thanks for confirming that, Peter.
Well, if they are ones needing control, I guess so.
Jo on the idiot admiral’s hysteria about climate hysteria. He wants solar power subs!
Fight submarines with solar panels?: Former Defence Chief more afraid of bad weather than China « JoNova (
And the Sahara has flooded:
Watch: Sahara desert floods for the first time in 50 years after extremely rare deluge | Metro Video
So admiral idiot might be on to something: solar powered subs would be perfect for the Sahara: all that sunshine and now all that water!
While many here don’t like Greg Sheridan, he has written an excellent article today in the Oz. He demolishes the stupid claims of “proportionality” pushed by Israel’s foes. He also slates Jason Clare (as I did in the Letters) for pushing the Muslim barrow.
I remember when Jason Clare was reasonably sensible…for a Laborite. I wonder how he can rationalise his stance/look in the mirror in the morning?
Usually within a week or so he’ll destroy his own argument trying to keep in with the cool kids. He may only do so on Credlin which is the only place I see him.
It’s actually called democracy , in action. But being a leftard nutter, quoted by a leftard basket case online rag, it’s racism.
Definitions have changed. When the deviants on the left look like losing their power to wreck everything that is sensible and civilised, that’s a threat to democracy. When conservatives gain power and begin cleaning up the garbage the left has wrought, that’s called fascism. If so, then give me a lot more fascism please.
I love the Israelis. They can do retribution better than anyone.
Israel Turning UNRWA’s Jerusalem Compound into 1,440 Housing Units (11 Oct)
And they weren’t paying the rent? Wow, that is delicious!
(Do follow through to the original link, especially for the Nobel Peace Prize trolling, which is Kubrick-level black comedy!)
Don’t count on it. Apparently the Finns are worse.
At least they gave the Peace Prize to a nuke survivor instead of UNRWA.
Who said it?
When you’ve received special treatment for any length of time, being treated equally under the law feels like discrimination.
Thomas Sowell?
Anyone who thinks black people are intellectually inferior to white people needs to be introduced to Thomas Sowell.
Yep, Beaugy. Unless you’re inbred like the barbarians we’re importing, it’s all a matter of education.
I love the Israelis. They can do retribution better than anyone.
Yep. Think the follow-up post Munich.
And especially the armless & nutless splodey pagers
The “follow up” post Munich – Operation Wrath of God” – took seven years…
Revenge is a dish best served cold
They took decades to hunt down NAZIS. The fear of a knock on the door strung out over many years may have kept some in abject fear, or complacency.
Couldn’t watch that original Joker movie, not just because of my fear of clowns (a fear that has only intensified since they took over control of society) but also because I found it boring and cringe.
Seeing as Joker II has been excoriated by the same people who loved the boring turd of a first movie, I might try to overcome my coulrophobia and watch it.
Haha, solar panels cause global warming.
Rooftop solar panels impact temperatures during the day and night in cities, simulation study shows (TechXplore, 11 Oct)
by Ben Knight, University of New South Wales
Not only are they heating the planet but 40% of the electricity they produce has to be used to cool down the house they’re mounted on, by way of air conditioning. Kafkaesque.
What a scumbag Mike Burgess is.
All that babble about online indoctrination.
Nazis and Christchurch get a mention.
As usual with this prick Islam gets a pass.
Joy? Right, ?
Renewables revolt in Sardinia, Italy’s coal-fired island (TechXplore, 11 Oct)
I don’t support illegal activity, but Italians have a history of being somewhat feral. Maybe guys you’d better weld Italian bird choppers to their bases instead of bolting it.
Governments have no problem if its them doing the illegal activity. The ATO have not problem changing the rules to turn day into night. Eff em. Do what you have to.
I’m continually surprised that there isn’t more sabotage of these monstrosities in Australia.
I treat people as individuals and not as members of a collective.
Woah, Im so triggered right now, I cant even.
Settle down there Hitler boy.
Not only that but he was a non-smoker and a teetotaller!
Blast from the past – 1980. I was still at Kindegarten.
Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark – Enola Gay (Official Music Video)
Would get better traction evening AEDT.
Cats, by then, are more lubricated. 😀
It’s been clear for a while now that authorities are reluctant to publicly associate Islam with terrorism for fear of provoking a backlash from Muslim leaders, who have threatened to instruct their communities to cease cooperating with security agencies, leaving ASIO et. al. without vital sources of intelligence.
In short, mass Muslim migration has delivered us quite a pickle.
Another brilliant idea foisted upon us by our political class.
Can’t associate a group with terrorism for fear the group will indulge in terrorism?
How odd.
No, for fear that, at the behest of group leaders who are quick to take offence, members of the group will cease to inform on others in the group who are interested in terrorism.
Charming mindset, eh?
These are very much top-down cultures and the police et al have to keep the leaders on side or they close ranks.
The liberal conceit was that when these migrant groups were exposed to our superior values they’d integrate and assimilate.
The evidence several decades later, both here and in the UK, is that by and large they don’t; rather, they replicate the home culture, which they regard as superior to ours.
Sounds a bit Islamaphobic of them.
ASIO losing a source of intelligence? Did Mike Burgess resign? That should result in an increase in intelligence at ASIO.
Muslims fear a backlash after tomorrows terrorist attack.
2 great new papers which SHOULD end climate alarmism. The first shows a slight increase in Ocean Heat Content/SST over the last 50 years. The second shows a marked decline in cyclone and hurricane activity and intensity:…/2021GL095774
OK, good to see them working, but I didn’t see one person smile, or interact socially with another.
Puzzling. Perhaps it’s just a social thing – like Thais don’t like their faces shown in some other videos I’ve posted – their faces fuzzed out.
I support some illegal activity… mainly if local power surrenders its remit to federal or international invasion, which seems to be the model of most siezure of assets by the Blob.
Maybe the sardegnanoes aren’t feral so much as bribe-able. You’d need a lot of eyeballs to look the other way if you had to back the torque off of them things.
Id treat this with the same level of caution as any allegation about trump at the moment.
But since “TrUMP gave Our CoviD Kits to WUSSsia” is getting a burl..
Allegations Mr walz may have been a little good with colours and a student…
Explosive allegations surface, accusing Tim Walz of s*xually assaulting a high kid child during his time as a high school football coach.
The claims suggest Walz took the high school kid to a g*y bar and engaged in inappropriate behavior while the kid spent the night at his house.
Further accusations include lying about his coaching role, with a school board investigation that took place.
Is this the October surprise Hilary Clinton warned Kamala Harris about?
2 great new papers which SHOULD end climate alarmism.
Unfortunately, facts don’t have much effect on hysteria.
King Charles tells Republican campaigners ‘I won’t stop Australia ditching the crown’Rebecca EnglishDaily Mail
Sat, 12 October 2024 7:17AM
The King will not stand in the way if Australia looks to replace him as head of state, he has told republican campaigners.
As Charles prepares for a historic visit Down Under, he told anti-monarchists he will not interfere if the people of Australia one day vote to remove him.
In a letter to the Australian Republic Movement (ARM), who had written to Buckingham Palace to request a meeting with the monarch when he arrives on his landmark royal tour next week, his assistant private secretary emphasised His Majesty’s “deep love and affection” for Australia.
Dr Nathan Ross added: “Please be assured that your views on this matter have been noted very carefully. His Majesty, as a constitutional monarch, acts on the advice of his ministers, republic is, therefore, a matter for the Australian public to decide.”
He also commended them for their “thoughtfulness” in writing, saying it was “warmly appreciated”.
The ARM campaign had itself praised the “important contribution” of the royal family, saying many Australians would continue to “respect the British monarchy” and wish the two countries to remain “the closest of friends and allies”.
But they insisted in their letter that it was time for their country to stand “on an equal footing with other nations” internationally and claimed there was mounting support for the move.
I doubt the leaders of ARM really care about Australia first. I think they see positions for themselves and grift and to lord it over their fellow Australians.
It will become another elite industry like the aboriginal one.
One more.
This is why I do not comment on U-Tube. The following pulled from the comments on this clip.
CO2 and Methane do f*ck all. They follow the heat, they do not drive it.
My response to this pr*ck would be to get back on the couch and STFU! Go watch a Netflix show.
Words that are relevant today in the midst of global warming.
Beautiful sound and visionary song at the time. (from France)
Des paroles qui sont d’actualité de nos jours en plein réchauffement climatique.
Beau son et chanson visionnaire à l’époque.
Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark – Electricity
No excuses for the ignorance on the climate scam these days.
Sheep galore.
Following on from claims by dickless that Trump pooed his strides: further evidence that demorats are mad, bad and dangerous:
Whitmer Mocks Catholics in Blasphemous Instagram Video | Frontpage Mag
Farage Slams Labour Plan to Import Renewables from North Korea and Afghanistan – Guido Fawkes (
‘Totally Insane’: Biden-Harris Admin Openly Admits Iran Became Enriched During Its Tenure | The Daily Caller
As I’ve said before, “You can vote your way into Socialism, but you have to shoot your way out.”
Don’t we just love being ruled by those who know what’s best for us?
More evidence that the headshots claim is fake.
Where’s the bony skull damage?
There’s none I can see – and a blindman should be able to see that calibre damage.
The damage from genuine skull shots is real and obvious. These ones provided by Palliwood, – and notice they don’t give two views for triangulation – have probably had the projectile sat behind the victim. The neck one is too disordered to tell.
The contemporary cultural cringe:
“What must the “international community” think of us!?”
Some might aver that our polity has proven itself superior to most other nations, as exhibited in our general stability and prosperity. Until the socialist wreckers who tend to favour republicanism gained the upper hand, that is.
Republics are boring and have nothing above politics.
And so many are oppressive dictatorships – the Peoples Republic of China, the Republic of North Korea are a case in point; and not forgetting for a moment the Republic of Cuba, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, and the Federative Republic of Brazil –
I’m not one for monarchy’s if not home grown then it seems like a waste of money.
However the crown & rep GG keep that power out of the hands of grubs like Turnbull who has his eye on first Prez and others like rep of the third waves of human migrations. Imagine someone with a tub and thumping away in that role which we would likely get if popularly elected or elected by 2/3rd Parliament..
Our system of Government may not be perfect but it works. Leave it alone.
No republic without an elected president.
Can you imagine a President, chosen by a joint sitting of both Houses of Parliament – President Julia Gilliard, succeeded by President Malcolm Turnbull?
And no one can be nominated if they are a sportsperson, have been in the ‘yarts industry, or associated with any political party in any way, shape or form.
I’m sure the list of exclusions could get to a point where no one could be Prez.
No self-nominations. As Billy Connolly said, “The desire to be a politician should automatically disqualify you from being one.”
It’s been clear for a while now that authorities are reluctant to publicly associate Islam with terrorism for fear of provoking a backlash from Muslim leaders, who have threatened to instruct their communities to cease cooperating with security agencies, leaving ASIO et. al. without vital sources of intelligence.
I think you may be right, Roger. Burgess has been behaving oddly, in my opinion. While he has been on the ball in the past, since Oct6 he seems to me to have been missing in action. Admittedly, he was excluded for some time from the Labor government’s security committee – as appalling as that was. But since being readmitted he has been, in my humble opinion, a docile participant – at least from the public perspective. I thought that may have been because he was back in “on trial”.
I may be uncharitable (& probably not aware of the facts) but I think he has been a waste of space. And it worries me.
ASIO et al can work from the bottom up if they are brave enough.
When someone is caught doing or planning a terrorist act, or providing support for terrorists (Mr restauranteur), they go to their family home and deport everyone related to them and seize all their assets as recompense.
Either they start to break ranks, or we get rid of lots of them.
Treat them the way they would treat us. They might decide to move to a muslim country on their own.
A snake will die if you cut the head off or the body in half.
Burgess has the unenviable task of attempting to contain a mess our political class has created.
To reprise my nested response to calli upthread:
Muslim cultures are very much top-down cultures and in Western countries the security authorities have to keep the leaders on side or these communities close ranks on their instruction.
The liberal conceit was that when these migrant groups were exposed to our superior values they’d moderate, integrate & assimilate.
The evidence several decades later, both here and in the UK & Europe, is that by and large they don’t. Rather, they replicate the home culture, which they regard as superior to ours. Misguided notions of multiculturalism acted as a handmaiden in this endeavour.
We – or rather our political class – have been quite foolish in all of this and more recently quite craven in their avoidance of the issues.
Quite so, Roger. I know it is easy to criticise, but sometimes one’s instinct is right.
I’m sure Burgess would rather be monitoring local Communists & their Soviet agent sponsors, as in days of yore!
Conservatives haven’t been in charge for the last few decades.
If they were we wouldn’t be in this predicament.
And I might add in regard to voters that they were never given a say in the matter. In fact, the views of the majority, which have always been known through reputable surveys, were never heeded by politicians, just as they aren’t now.
Rubber hitting the road in Europe thanks to Mutti Merkel. I wouldn’t like to speculate where it will end up.
I just imagined 4 years of this. Please shoot me.
LOL, Trump literally never talks in complete sentences. Verbal diarrhoea as well as the other end.
Military & strategy boffins may be interested in this map of the most significant trade links in the ME:
Any strike on Iran can’t be half a@#$d. They have to obliterate their military assets. I don’t think Israel can pull that off on it’s own, otherwise it would have already done it.
If they don’t the Straits of Hormuz close and good luck getting anything through the Red Sea past Yemen. Iran will be a bigger PIA than it already is.
Second COA and the more likely IMO is like Iran’s symbolic strikes is some largely symbolic strikes back at some IRG complexes.
Whoa, he’s obviously skipped for a reason. I know the Eurotrash can be very two faced with extradition, cough Roman Polanski & Christopher Skase come to mind but I wonder if he was back in Oz we would be so quick to hand him over:
David Pocock?
Oops, not him. Bummer.
I really love the work of the US pundit Kunstler. Here is his latest on the political machinations in the US:
Don’t kid yourself: Kamala Harris does not want to be President of the United States. She doesn’t even want the ceremonial stuff, the incessant shuffling from one photo op to the next, the tedious Easter egg rolls, the prayer meetings, the turkey pardonings, the tiresome state banquets for men in strange headgear who are unfamiliar with using the fork and knife, and forbidden to sip chardonnay. . . .
It’s obvious she has been played for a chump, that she was sandbagged into play-acting “the candidate” by an odd coalition of the distraught and the desperate — that is, the many agency blobsters who fear prison and the perfidious politicians such as Pelosi, Schumer, Mitch the Turtle, the Clintons, and Obama, paid to cover for the blob, often doing it badly, who fear the judgment of history, as well as the loss of their fortunes. Distraught and desperate characters make foolish decisions.
About thirty seconds after “Joe Biden” vowed to stay in the 2024 race, a delegation of these panicked pols paid him a call and passed him the black spot, knowing he could not credibly front for the massive election cheat underway. He was barely able to front for the previous one in 2020, when every lever of power got pulled to-the-max to conceal the truth about the steal, and to severely punish those who dared to murmur doubts about the election’s freeness and fairness.
How did they decide that Kamala would do any better? I assure you we will find out when the party explodes in recriminations sometime after November 5. It will probably turn out to look like the 2017 movie, The Death of Stalin, a frantic vaudeville of scheming buffoons oblivious to mundane doings of the suffering nation they pretend to serve. Unlike Nikita Khrushchev in 1953, Kamala did not prevail among this gang of squabbling clowns by force of personality or guile. She was merely a default setting as veep, arrived at to present the illusion of continuity and solidarity where none existed. She was not even involved in the backstage action. I doubt that anyone even asked her if she wanted the assignment — she was only notified after-the-fact. Thus, all the drinking.
The outstanding question: will the Democratic Party actually go ahead and attempt to execute an election steal despite growing evidence of a developing Trump landslide that might obviate it? The works are already in motion. The mail-in ballots went out long ago and early votes are getting cast by the day. The overseas ballots that require no US address or voter verification are flooding in by the millions and four years of open borders has 10-million illegal aliens (at a minimum) dispersed around the nation, great gobs of them planted in swing states, processed through the DMVs and social services — with the requisite automatic voter registration — their ballots already pre-bundled for harvest.
It could go a few ways. One is, just let’er rip, harvest all those fake votes, stuff the drop-boxes, flood the zone, and do it all right in America’s face as if to say: we can do whatever we want. . . to get whatever we want. . . and you can’t stop us. That is probably the point where blue America finds out exactly what the Second Amendment was designed for. You might also expect a whole lot of state-organized resistance, especially in the populous red ones, Texas, Florida, real court cases over fraud this time, contested certification.
Or, the election could come out a hopeless unresolvable muddle. There’s no precedent for this and no provision in the Constitution, but you can imagine the Supreme Court having to decide a necessary do-over minus all recent gimmicks, paper ballots only, voters with proof of citizenship only, all voting on one re-scheduled election day before January 1. This novelty would be something apart from the clunky Congressional machinery established for settling electoral college disputes, since it is predicated on various states’ inability to determine their electoral college vote in the first place, based on patent irregularity and fraud.
You could also imagine a period of disorder so deep and grave that the regime behind “Joe Biden” declares martial law. . . or, alternately the military — the martialinstitution — has to take matters into its own hands, shoving aside even “Joe Biden” and his filthy retinue. Appalling to consider, I’m sure, but these things happen in history, and the Party of Chaos has set enough mischief in motion to wreck the election and wreck the country. Call it catastrophizing, if you will. There it is.
But to step back from that abyss, it appears that Mr. Trump’s momentum accelerates by the day, that he is becoming, at last, an implacable, irresistible juggernaut who will, perforce, overcome all the gimmicks, traps, and frauds arrayed against him. Kamala seems to think so. Have you ever seen such resignation, such loserdom-in-action as her recent performance on CBS’s 60-Minutes, or her pitiful admission on ABC’s The View that she couldn’t think of anything she would do differently beyond the excellent management of national affairs under “Joe Biden” (and herself as veep). Surely that said it all. She has nothing, brings nothing.
Long ago, she was a pretty girl with a law degree and an infectious laugh on the fringes of local politics in San Francisco. The winds of fortune blew her this way and that way until she ended up way over her head, used by the reprobates around her as a mere device to stay out of jail. She ends as an historical prank on her own country. It must be deeply demoralizing to be used like that in front of the whole world.
As long as they have NFL, NBA, Baseball, NASCAR and all the fast food they can eat (panem et circenses), the American people will not rise up in revolution against the Democrats. They can cheat to their hearts content, and it will just make grist for the mill for conservative pundits.
The military won’t do anything other than support the government of the day.
No one knows where the line is that has to be crossed and frankly they probably don’t care.
Their guns may as well just hang on a wall and they can look at them from time to time.
I really hope I’m wrong.
PS. The rest of the west is no better than the US.
I can’t read anything that is stuck on bold. It upsets my brain.Just saying.
Yeah…nah; she does.
If only out of vanity.
Kemp doesn’t present any evidence that the claims are fake. He simply presents counterclaims that there are other possibilities for the headshots, etc.
Load. Of. Rubbish.
The IDF are being scrutinized like no other army in history. And the Israeli Left is all over them too. Totally terrorist theatre.
Vicki, in addition to my thoughts just spotted this on page, surprisingly rational for them and their kiddies anyway. Last section on the US red lines lays out a possible counteraction if Iran closes the Straits of Hormuz and probably the furious back channel negotiations with Israel that we wouldn’t be seeing to blunt their response:
Yep. Minds being applied with some urgency as the situation develops.
Chick footy news (the Hun):
Outstanding journalism. This is a mighty call, given the packed field of putridness inflicted on this wide brown land in recent times, but that call is absolutely on point.
Ha ha ha.
But ‘elite athletes’!
Oh my lord. That is an Under 12 scoreline (or Minis, should one go as far back to recall that term) – which, by the way, was played in 20 minutes on smaller grounds. These two teams of tarts took an entire football game to reach that Under 12 benchmark.
Hard to imagine indeed.
This almost-entirely subsidised and unjustifiably over-promoted madness must end.
There’s your problem with the unwatched, unloved Lezzo League right there.
It’s like boys under 12 footy. Even the chicks watching it can’t pretend it’s entertaining.
Girls grow up without the hand-eye coordination that footy drums into boys.
Changing that will take a generation.
The low attendance numbers will be fixed if AFL agrees with a current demand that an AWFL game precede an AFL game.
Heh, I’m still hoping that on some wet muddy Melbourne Saturday an AWFL basement matchup will actually manage a 0-0 draw. It’d be historic!
It would make bagging soccer that much harder.
You really do have to wonder about some of these people:
Shit Towns of Australia
1. Windsor, NSW – Pair of sickos arrested for allegedly rooting farm animals
2. Alice Springs, NT – Cop hospitalised after maniac in stolen car chucks rock through police car windscreen; 7 feral kids aged 11-15 arrested after stealing car and throwing fireworks at cops
3. Cunnamulla, QLD – Grub with hep C jailed after spitting in face of paramedic who was trying to save his life
4. Ipswich, QLD – 3 private school students sent home from Japan trip after allegedly stealing disabled man’s wheelchair
5. Cobram, VIC – Drongo catches fire after allegedly spitting petrol on bonfire
6. Perth, WA – Coles faces $100k damage bill after gronk sets toilet paper on fire; family catch random gronk showering in their house; OnlyFans model banned from Bunnings after filming in stores
7. Townsville, QLD – Hoons cause $300k worth of damage to public property; salty tradie allegedly calls in bomb threat after getting kicked out of strip club
8. Tailem Bend, SA – Motorbike gronk busted doing 151km/h in 50 zone while on drugs and wearing pirate hat
9. Frankston, VIC – Bogan charged after allegedly performing gender reveal burnout in front of cops
10. Cooee, TAS – Drunk menace fined for blasting ‘Sweet Home Alabama’ on repeat at 2am
That list is a mild one.
A few regular suspects missing.
Chuckle where would the power rankings be without a reference to the ‘ville though I do note the Mexican Hoons are SEQ creation and Showgirls on Flinders st East nightclub precinct are s&^% anyway (I had one visit there with a rather seedy mate 15yo ago and even he was unimpressed).
Yes. We didn’t do anything stupid when we were young.
My response to Rosie’s 1:01 p.m. post re alleged x-rays of G@z@n children:
While the images are not of sufficient quality to be examined, and I’m certainly not an expert in this field by any means, I have the following questions:
In the image top right, with the (roughly pixelated) bullet apparently sitting within the brain itself, should there be an entry wound on the top of the skull? (Clicking on the image reveals the top of the skull. There does appear to be a small fissure in a skull plate, but at first glance (remembering my amateur status) it does not appear to align with the angle of the bullet.
The image at left with the bullet seemingly having pierced the spinal chord (or perhaps passed beside it) gives the impression that the bullet has entered towards the bottom of one of the eye orbits. Should there be a noticeable damage path, or would that not show up on an x-ray?
On the image bottom right, with the bullet seemingly coming to rest between several of the cervical vertebrae, but not severing the spinal chord, is it normal for the projectile to travel such a short distance? If it was a ricochet, why is the bullet still perfectly shaped?
My final thought is that the projectile in the top right image gives the appearance of being more elongated than the other two, and indeed, the projectile in the bottom right image has a different profile again, though possibly that is not helped by the poorly-pixelated black outline.
I’m genuinely interested in the thoughts of Cats who have some forensic knowledge, especially whether or not an x-ray is capable of showing a wound channel/path and point of entry through bone.
No forensic knowledge of Xray of skull bullet wounds, just from standing behind the radiologist where we both say “Faarrk! and he’s still alive?!” but generally there is a fragment trail in cases where bone has been disturbed. And it’s as obvious as dogs balls.
Nah – the fact there is only the one picture and not one at right angles so we can see the position of the projectile is the ‘tell’ of bullshit.
From the comments…
The bullets look like they still have their casings.
I can’t find an x-ray image of a .223 to show that with casing they look very different to in that x-ray.
Those look like the bullet/pill only (i.e. sans casing) however they look pristine, like they’ve just come out of the box when you’re reloading.
They just looked too long to me. No deformation. I thought the actual bullet was much much smaller. Also, for a projectile of that size why no catastrophic damage to bony structures?
Here’s a fair idea of how they look naked, and inside a shell casing.
Can someone do the sums for a comparison between this:
And this – The Halifax Explosion.
It isn’t that bad really.
As a kid I remember as passenger in our old EH station wagon on the way to nanna’s passing the big gasometer on the North Shore. It was huge! Painted green, which is ironic in the circumstances. Town gas is 50% hydrogen and most of the rest was carbon monoxide.
Of course that gas mix was produced from coal, so there was nothing special about it back then. Now it is green hydrogen though so holy and perfect (and extremely expensive).
Further to my post above (pretending I know what I’m talking about!), on two of the three images, the purported bullet has been outlined using some type of basic graphics software. I’m assuming that due to the jagged pixellation of the black outline (the shape having been created horizontally and then rotated). This tampering (presumably to highlight the location of the projectile for the visually-impaired?) makes it even more difficult to discern the shape and size of the former.
Upon re-examination: in the bottom left image, the projectile seems to have passed through the spinal chord (this is a child, bear in mind) without having damaged the dorsal spinal process (apologies for just guessing the terminology). Correct, or impossible to tell? Don’t quit my day job yet?
X-rays are good for counting bullets and bones- fractured bones can be diagnosed reasonably- any tissue softer than ligament is nigh impossible to guess at.
I’m genuinely interested in the thoughts of Cats who have some forensic knowledge, especially whether or not an x-ray is capable of showing a wound channel/path and point of entry through bone.
Hopefully Flying Duk is around because I’m curious too. Pic’s I’ve seen of gunshot would usual a small puncture at entry and the exit takes a chunk of flesh with it.
FFS anyone having same spellchecker woes where it corrects to a word completely different to what should be there…
Would should be wound.
The round imperfection at the extreme right had me wondering for a few seconds until I realised it was a developer fluid splash.
By which i mean, guess, but you’ll have to open up the patient- or get a CT scan. I’m quite amazed by CT.
Tracking an order of some parts out of the Netherlands I’ve ordered. Took them 10 days to get into the warehouse but same genuine parts here 3 months. Now they are on the way.
Within a day and half they have moved 602km to the Fedex facility to CDG Airport in Paris awaiting dispatch.
If I had family in NSW send something by Post in Oz I’d receive this package from the other side of the planet quicker.
Stayla your in it.
Some stuff I order from a supplier in the suburbs of Paris.
6 days after placing the order, the stuff (sometimes the size of a small tea chest) is sitting on my front desk.
(longest they’ve ever taken is a fortnight)
Stuff ordered from Melbourne (doesn’t matter what or from who) routinely takes a month to Six weeks, sometimes muuuuuuch longer.
If a stove breaks down, it can be Four months before the required spare part arrives.
From the email:
Sorry, I’m having difficulty posting the link.
by The Meuleman Family, Organizer
Why Presutto needs to go and Kennett needs to rediscover the mongrel he had when he destroyed Kirner in the early 1990’s. To Kirner’s defence her and Cain were plain incompetent, Andrews is the most corrupt politician I have ever seen in my lifetime for Australian standards and probably our short history.
There needs to be a full and wide ranging Royal Commission into Andrews, the Police, prosecutors and even Judiciary with no holds barred. Get the RC’ioner & staff from another Commonwealth realm as I don’t think ours could be impartial.
A Royal Commissioner, selected from the Cat? Sorry, you can’t use torture.
Daily Tele – No comments as of now.
Akerman: Australia’s most useless senator was elected by 0.01 per cent of WA voters – she’s nobody’s Voice but her ownFatima Payman has called her new party Australia’s Voice but, given she only fell over the Senate line, it’s a stretch to say she represents anyone’s voice, writes Piers Akerman.
Andrews and VikPol; the very essence of everything putrid about the corrupt unionised organised crime gang running Sicktoria.
The SUV didn’t grow a brain and hit the kid. It was Andrew’s drunk missus.
Or…it could have been Andrews himself.
They can both rot behind bars for mine.
Snork, snork!
Exclusive: Remains of Andrew ‘Sandy’ Irvine believed to have been found on EverestThe discovery, made by a National Geographic team 100 years after the mountaineer vanished with George Mallory, could add new clues to one of the great unsolved adventure mysteries of all time.
When asked by a reporter why he wanted to climb Everest, Mallory purportedly replied, “Because it’s there.” (wiki)
I’ve often thought that Keith Mallory, a mountain climber character in Alister MacLean’s Guns of Navarone was a hat tip to George.
Did think the same thing!
A lot of bodies around up there. On some climbs they just walk over the top of them. A few grisly photos about of skeletons in down clothing. Not the best advertisement for Kathmandu,
This thread about the dhimmitude of Egypt’s Coptic community reminded me of the ginger jihadi? who enthused about the day he would stride down the street as the kafir stepped into the gutter.
Jacinta Price: Payman’s attempt to falsely equate Indigenous disadvantage with Palestinian cause is offensiveJacinta Nampijinpa PriceThe West Australian
Fri, 11 October 2024 2:37PM
The last thing Australia needs is more politicians trying to make it all about themselves.
But that’s what we got this week with Senator Fatima Payman’s latest stunt to draw attention to herself and her divisive political ambitions.
Her announcement that her new political party will be called Australia’s Voice is yet another divisive brick thrown through the window of our national project.
It’s not a mistake that she announced this around the one year anniversary of the barbaric October 7 terrorist attack on Israel and the anniversary of the defeat of the Voice in the 2023 referendum.
Payman’s refusal to stand up for Jewish Australians and back our allies in Israel already put her outside the Labor party, the party that preselected her and got her into the Senate.
It’s true, Labor speaks out of both sides of its mouth on the conflict in the Middle East.
But for Payman, only fully blown, pro-Palestinian social division is good enough.
She wants a government that, like her, is deathly silent on the atrocities perpetrated by Hamas, but which accuses Israel of “genocide” for responding.
She wants to turn a blind eye to Australians flying the flag for Hezbollah while turning up her nose at the Jewish Australians facing a rising tide of anti-Semitism.
But her persistent attempts to falsely equate the issue of Indigenous disadvantage with her pro-Palestinian cause is just too much.
Is she serious?
First, she wears a flag pin that combines the Indigenous flag and the Palestinian flag. That’s just grossly offensive.
And while my views on the Voice are well known, and I don’t agree with the leaders of the Yes campaign on how we address Indigenous disadvantage, they’re right to be outraged about Senator Payman’s thoughtless co-opting of their cause.
Imagine naming your pro-Palestinan political party after the Voice, while signalling to the world that you’re jumping on board their issues with an Indigenous-Palestinian flag pin on your lapel.
It’s as ignorant and naive as Payman’s false claim in her first speech that Labor abolished the White Australia policy, when in fact the Menzies government started dismantling it in the 1950s.
Former Senator Nova Peris said it well in the pages of The Australian.
“It is breathtakingly disrespectful, and a complete misappropriation of yet another aspect of my people’s story and emblems,” she said.
“The Australian Labor Party gave Ms Payman a voice. This rogue Senator has misappropriated that privilege in a self-entitled manner.”
And you can tell it’s self-centred because when pushed on what her party will actually stand for, Senator Payman has no answers.
Because there is no policy, only division. The division is based on disrespecting Indigenous Australians and failing to defend Jewish Australians.
It’s not the system of government that is the problem, it’s the government system that is the problem. Endless unelected overpaid leftist drones.
OK, prolly meth addled dude tries to hijack bus. Cops in attendance us OC spray, first part good.
They then tried removing him from drivers seat but got smacked in the chops for their troubles. Having escalated to OC why go back a notch on the use of force? Next step should have been batons or tazer but if he wasn’t responding to OC, tazer would have done not much, so get the ASP baton out FFS. Then I read about a chick getting a broken jaw, ah makes sense now. How many were 10lb wringing wet chicks?
FMD, the guy was full of some substance trying to drive a bus full of old people to Geelong and could have been a danger to others. So at what stage does he not get beaten to submission by ASP batons and dragged onto the nearest footpath where paramedics inject him full of Narcan or sedatives to a quick check at emergency and a nice padded cell after.
Sounds like an old geezer that got involved holding his arm back was more useful than half a dozen cops.
Getting hijacked by a nude druggie immune to tasering would be an educational experience for a bus load of elderly tourists!
It was a cunning tactic by the liars to set up a committee to look at Duttie’s nuclear proposal; even if the committee is being led by lurch:
Committee Report – Nuclear Energy Select Committee Appointment (
Dutton & Co. left themselves open to this move by not having a detailed policy.
It’s a desperate tactic, why would fucked up zztop work when the csiro boondoggle failed?
I’ve found this belief to be widespread among young people. Is it taught in the curriculum? Or are teachers disseminating disinformation off their own bat?
No worse then Linda Burney’s claim that she was regarded as “Flora and Fauna” before the 1967 referendum.
I’d suggest that’s a more serious falsehood.
Or Bill Shorten’s claim that the early settlers presented Aborigines with small pox infected blankets?
If I didn’t know better, I’d say this was from the Bee. Certainly, that’s where it belongs. Silly me, I thought that DOJ stood for Department of Justice. Not much of that around these days.
JUST IN — DOJ has sued Virginia over removing non-citizens from its voter rolls ahead of the November election.
Meghan McCain threatens to ‘spill tea’ on father’s actual thoughts on Kamala Harris
Anglican Teacher Fired Over Refusing To Use Personal Pronouns Awarded $575K
Meanwhile in “we hate colonialists” Ireland, Enoch Burke is in jail, his incarceration having just been reaffirmed by a judge.
Neighbourhood bully Iran now making threats against Arab states, I note.
Perhaps the Arab States might just get off their arses and deal with THEIR Iranian problem.
A Saudi emissary was recently in Tehran seeking a modus vivendi/feeding the crocodile.
I’m not sure that she’s as aware as he seems to think but he certainly gets it right on the precarious position we’re in.
Kamala Unwinding
Bill Clinton joins Obama as part of Harris campaign blitz
Society ‘put to the torch by PROGRESSIVES’ as Labour nudge UK towards digital SLAVERY | Neil Oliver
The anti-immigration backlash begins slowly, and then all-at-once.
Haha, that photo will have the AFP wetting themselves with excitement! There’s a large mismatch between demand and supply when it come to garage nazis.
You’d almost think it was a false flag op.
The Age is flogging crime stoppers.
Um ok, the message may not be palatable but what crime did they commit apart from not having a permit, which Muslim marches since Oct 7 haven’t as well had?
Dr. John Campbell. This relates to Australia.
Discrediting genuine concerns.
I agree, this has been building for a while just two tier policing and treatment is now bringing out the ugly side.
Chuckle, over on the new thread just spotted the annotation in the comments box on a thread with zero comments yet.
Not “Join the discussion” but says “I dare you to comment first.”
Noice DB.
Legendary folk hero Robin Hood falls victim to woke culture as Nottingham Building Society drops him from logoTroy de RuyterPerthNow
Thu, 10 October 2024 2:20PM
He’s been a legendary hero for centuries, robbing from the rich to give to the poor and saving maidens in distress — but Robin Hood has finally met his match in the modern world’s woke culture.
The outlaw and his band of merry men, along with Maid Marian, have long been at the centre of countless movies, TV series and books, hiding out in Sherwood Forest in Nottingham.
But an English financial institution that once proudly used the 12th-century noble turned rebel in its logo has dropped him from its banner — because he’s not “inclusive enough”.
Nottingham Building Society axed Robin as part of a rebrand to celebrate diversity.
Old fuddy-duddy logo on the left, new & improved logo on the right.
(for those who don’t go to the link)
I’m amused that Robin Hood is now a running dog racist capitalist.
Ok, yes, he was a monarchist too, that probably has something to do with it.
On the other hand in all the movies he was terribly ghey, so I’m not sure exactly where they’re coming from. Men in tights!
“We Were Told We Were NUTCASES!” | Alex Phillips SLAMS Boris Johnson U-Turn On Covid Conspiracy
Your Blood Type Affects Post COVID Heart Risks
That was interesting, especially the part about the immune system and the ‘O’ blood group.
More about michelle being a bloke:
Marian Robinson Surprised by Her Son Big Mike’s Pregnancy (
C’mon Cohenite, you know that these days that men can get pregnant and give birth. It’s the vibe.
Giuseppe Prosciutto was unavailable for comment, due to having his house sized backside kicked by a fashionable brunette …
The Cybercab – Tesla’s autonomous driving DELUSION | MGUY Australia
However, Mike “duelling banjos” Burgess in an exclusive interview, has told the ALPBC that, “These are clearly not individuals expressing rhetorical support for unmentionable idiotologies while letting off steam in a figurative manner, I tells ya 😕 “
That’s a keeper!
One is a much larger annoyance than the other, Cats, both here and elsewhere on this planet.
Unless you’re a braindead collectivist cretin, busily feeding your cuddly li’l pet crocodiles.
The original Ghostbusters on soon. Classic.
Night all.
Watching now
I’m rereading the Safehold series by Weber.
If anyone made it into a TV series it would leave Game of Thrones distantly in its wake. But no one will do that because it’s righty and Christian.
Ah well, I’ll just have to convert the text into mind’s eye visuals. Back to book.
European Patriots’ Power Rises
I wonder if the Technocrats – having seen that their aim to be in charge is not going the way they envisioned – are beginning to have concerns that the Great Unwashed may be planning on doing to them what they were planning to do to us?
Perhaps they need to be nervous, certainly if I were in their tasseled loafers, I would be too.
Labor’s WEAKNESS On Middle East War Hurting Aussie Jewish Community
Misinformation sunk the Voice and we need censorship… claim ‘yes’ campainers
“Apparently ‘misinformation’ sunk the Voice referendum. So, we need censorship to stop it. Ironically, the ‘yes’ campaign itself spread misinformation. ”
In other words, we got it wrong and we need to ignore the result and move ahead with what the Left want.
The Voice failed.
Stop blaming it on misinformation!
I was wandering to and fro and came cross this by Freeman Dyson. I thought he was a theist but this is more Buddhist than theist:
He imagined Dyson spheres.
That is big balls stuff!
Sounds like process theology, which has its roots in a defective Hegelian doctrine of God.
Heh, equal and opposite takes!
I’ve just been off to see if I could find my copy of Ringworld in all my bookcases, so that I could read it again. I failed. Might have to buy it off of Amazon rather than spend more time searching!
(Dyson was a climate realist, btw, because he knew science.)
I think for Dyson these subjects were playful explorations not to be taken seriously. He wouldn’t have cared if it sounded like Hegel or Buddha.
Response to Rabz’s 9:25 a.m. post:
All we filthy Caucasians could get tatts on our foreheads of the word ‘INVADER’ and it STILL wouldn’t be enough.
We could allow every fauxborigine who demanded, to spit in our open mouths, but it STILL wouldn’t be enough.
We could hand over all our material possessions and wealth and march ourselves off the coastline into the frothing breakers until we drowned, but that STILL wouldn’t be enough. Because there’d be no-one to fund them then, and they’d accuse our ghosts of turning our backs on them.
There is NO ENDPOINT, NO SOLUTION, NO CATHARTIC MOMENT of national ‘reconciliation’. The victims and the milkers-of-victims require a never-static stream of perceived trauma in order to sate their narcissistic urges. They will use, abuse, and seek to damage anyone who refuses to feed them, because the alternative is to stay silent and listen to the voices in their heads that repeatedly drone ‘YOU are not good enough.’
That was a pretty embarrassing ‘genocide’ for an industrialised empire, wasn’t it?
All those “Frontier massacres” that turned out to be nothing more then “Stories my Nanna told me?”
The only way I deal with this is to ask them the following:
How will reconciliation stop women drinking during pregnancy and hence prevent FASD, how will it stop men bashing women in remote communities, etc etc. Make the focus on specific behavior issues not symbolic crap.
I do that because their rhetorical tactic is always to control the narrative and they have been remarkably successful at that, mainly because our politicians and most talking heads are too gutless or too ignorant to challenge their narrative.
To say to a person that their problems are entirely the result of other peoples’ behavior is to make that person powerless to change their own behavior. Intergenerational trauma happens but it isn’t solved by talking about it, it is solved by creating better home environments for children, by working towards a better future, by recognizing that it is possible to transcend the past. More importantly, it naturally washes out. It must do that because otherwise everyone would be effed up.
A comment on the Bounding into Comics website:
(Emphasis mine).
I’ll be appropriating that one.
I don’t normally comment nor get hot-under-the-collar about TV or fillum remakes that change the gender or race of prominent characters (if it’s their IP, they can do whatever they want), but a story on Breitbart about ‘the first openly transgender stormtrooper’ in the Star Wars universe prompted a thought. The character has very pink & blue stripes on their body armour – won’t this draw attention to them in battle? How practical is that?
Anyhooo, enough of the procrastination…
The Voice failed because the communication vacuum that was Albanese was filled by a motley of obvious, greasy-faced troughers and opportunists selling contradictory versions of what the Boice might be.
Any misinformation was the direct result of a process that was set running by politicians without any proper information as to the end point.
As Dr Beaugan notes above, I feel no particular need to reconcile myself with the broader Aboriginal community, or them with me. I suspect that 60% of punters felt the same.
Slightly surreal: in the wilds of the Borders, reading the Cat while waiting for a builder, sitting in a stone barn that has been home for the past few days, with rain coming sideways outside.
The original 4 Yorkshiremen.
October 12, 2024 9:51 am
How did that New Zealand navy ship run aground? Anyone here know?
Could not parallel park.
The cause of the accident was not enough water. Then too much water.
Not only that, but hitting a reef and sinking the ship wasn’t good enough, it had to be charred remains sinking.
Her pronouns are now sink, sank ,sunk.
Obamacare in action.
This man used to be a Democrat until this happened… now he’s voting for Trump
Check this out
Travelling by coach from Palermo to Cefalu and return. Hard to tell which will take over first: prickly pear or gum trees.
Why can’t Harris answer a simple question?
Andrew Lawrence
Keir Starmer- 100 days in government.
U.S. phases out project Ukraine
Is Alexander, the bloke on the right having some kind of fit?
Sir LiesALot
This is hilarious.
Did you hear the one about the Electric Ferry…?
Every time! Every fircoat time.
Of course nobody lost theit job.
Government incompetence everywhere you look….
What threats were those? Not to allow Israeli planes to attack Iran through their air space?
It’s their air space.
Like I said…the neighbourhood bully.
About to get some comeuppance.
Seriously, you’re peddling this argument?
Like, don’t you know that Iran’s missiles have literally flown over other countries just to go “kaboom” in Israel?
And some have dropped short on those countries.
From a Daily Telegraph article about Rex Patrick.
“Patrick also declared he was not being supported by Climate 200, although he argued there were affinities, especially in fighting for greater “transparency” and “accountability” – an area the “transparency warrior” has been occupying with his relentless FOI requests of government agencies”
He is running as a SA Senate candidate for Lambie. However if you look through his X posts and retweets you do get a feeling he might be Teal. It is interesting to note that Lambie is running Senate candidates in NSW (an ex military lawyer) and Qld (ex Army in Lambies same recruit squad). Some may recall her party had three elected in the Tasmanian election but two resigned from the party.
She had a fellow Lambie Senator, Tyrell, in Federal Parliament. Tyrell fell out with Lambie over Lambie wanting to go interstate. Tyrell wanted her to concentrate on TAS.
Hopefully none of her candidates get up.
Randomly looked at FightAware app in the early hours and saw unmanned observation balloon HBAL722 (Project Loon) zig zag at 61,000 feet over over hundreds of kms of ocean east of Jervis Bay. The interwebs say Project Loon was started by Alphabet for communications purposes, then shut down, now resurrected by US Defence Department. Any aviation Cats know why HBAL712 would be aloft right Down Under?
Week In Pictures.
Tom, the best WIP ever.
Thank you.
“Hello @afalkhatib
I saw your post after seeing the reply from @COLRICHARDKEMP and @AntSpeaks, and then I read the article, twice. As someone who is actually a forensic ballistics specialist, I wanted to respond to your post, and this article, with some facts that will demonstrate just how deliberately dishonest and inaccurate both your post and the article are:”
Why does this not surprise me. Muzzies lying. My default is anything muzzies say is a lie, as they lie even if there is no need. It must be great to live in an alternate universe. If they didnt have oil nobody would talk to them.
Thanks Rosie – the Cat, as usual – pulled the bullshit apart, slapped it onto a couple of slices of bread, and fed it to Paliwood.
Simple but cunning plan
Death cult
Good news for Elon.
FAA Approves SpaceX Starship 5 Flight Set for Sunday (12 Oct)
From the mission page it looks to be launching tonight at 11pm AEDT with coverage starting at 10:30pm although I don’t know if the timezone calcs are right or not.
Bruce:The request is blocked.?
Winston – Both are ok for me, I just tried them again. You can also see it via xtwitter here:
They put up a tweet with the coverage some time before launch, and you can watch either on xtwitter or on their mission page.
King Arthur May Have Been LGBTQ+, Claims Woke Welsh Council (
Wales- how fu*cked can you get? What a sh*t bird little place.
After the Revolution, book them helicopter Joy rides.
Then again, he may not have been.
I was right! 😀
What hole do these low lifes crawl out of? Toxic trash.
Kamala “Hawk Tua” Harris, the Wannabe Cackler-in-Chief
Thanks to John H for his post on Freeman Dyson. I did not know who he was – & did some reading. Fantastic. My brain is not wired up effectively for either mathematics or science – I am a wordsmith. But I have always grappled with the nature of Being & mankind’s place in the “scheme of things”. I gravitate to the metaphysical side of things & enjoyed reading up on this remarkable man.
Freeman Dyson’s work seems to fit with Rilke’s belief that “we are here so that God may know himself in you”.
werewolves losing control of the speech of others
Battle for Toretsk Is Raging, Ukraine Now Controls Less Than Half the City – PLUS: Russia Breaks Ukrainian Lines, Launches Counteroffensive in Kursk Region
Decline of the West?
All my dope fiend mates are dead, so I can’t ask them what a liberating decision this is in the USA.
Is that like the Aboriginal guide I met in Alive Springs a couple of decades ago?
He referred to himself as a member of the Rescued Generation. All of his non-“stolen” siblings were long dead.
I don’t know about that but, to use his own word, he is most certainly weird.
October Surprise: Tim Walz Accused of Pedophilia
And that’s why it was asked.
I wouldn’t pay too much attention at this stage, it’s just too convenient. I seem to recall the same stuff swirling around the 2016 election also, except it started a lot earlier.
Seems par for the course.
Another fail.
Trump Movie “The Apprentice” DOA with Almost No Audience After So Much Publicity
Unambiguous 1st Amendment Violation: Commiefornia Blocks SpaceX Launches Over Musk’s Posts