Open Thread – Mon 21 Oct 2024

The Course of Empire, The Savage State, Thomas Cole, 1836

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October 21, 2024 12:41 am

Bonjour! You lot!

Last edited 1 day ago by Megan
Pete of Perth
Pete of Perth
October 21, 2024 1:46 am

About to be on my way home on Emirates. No pagers/ walkie talkies allowed on the aircraft.

October 21, 2024 2:46 am

Another woman made good in the sciences, although it can be argued that in collaboration with her husband, or the other way around maybe?
She had an interesting life and lived to a ripe old age of 100.
Couple of wiki links, many other references if interested.


Computer pioneer and mathematician Kathleen H.V. Booth¹ in the 1950s, loading a program into the All Purpose Electronic X-Ray Computer², known as the 32-bit APE(X)C which she co-designed and built with her husband Andrew D. Booth³.

She helped to design and build three of the world’s first operational computers and wrote two of the earliest books on computer design? and programming?; she was also credited with the invention in 1947 of one of the first assembly languages? for their Automatic Relay Calculator called ARC Contracted Notation?.

On November 11, 1955 Kathleen Booth typed some French words into a computer: ‘C’est un exemple d’une traduction fait par la machine à calculer installée au laboratoire de Calcul de Birkbeck College, Londres.’ Out came the English equivalent:

‘This is an example of a translation made by the machine for calculation installed at the laboratory of computation of Birkbeck College, London.’

It was probably the first public demonstration of what today we call a translation app?.

With husband Andrew Booth, together they developed the Booth multiplier?, a highly complex algorithm that she once jokingly dismissed as an ‘arithmetical routine devised over egg and chips in the ABC tea shop in Southampton Row.’

October 21, 2024 2:53 am

Behind every successful man there is a good woman.

On the other hand the opposite is also true;
Having said that the wrong woman can destroy the most capable man.

Lucky for K Benz it was the former, otherwise we may not hanker for a Mercedes car

Bertha Benz and her husband Karl Benz had invented the first gasoline-powered automobile, but no one knew how to use it, leaving the invention unused. Everyone called Karl a fool for creating what they considered a ridiculous tricycle

To make matters worse, Karl took refuge in alcohol to accompany his depression.

The Benz family lived in Mannheim with their five children, and Bertha had to visit her parents in Pforzheim, almost 100 kilometers to the south. To support her husband and make sure that his work was not in vain, Bertha took courage and decided to set off on the tricycle to visit them.

The journey took almost a full day, a reasonable amount of time considering the power of the vehicle in the late 19th century. Bertha had to stop several times at pharmacies to refuel with gasoline, which was sold there at the time.

She visited two tanners to repair the brakes, thus inventing brake pads, and a blacksmith to fix the transmission chain. When a fuel line clogged, Bertha used a pin to repair it and insulated a wire with a makeshift tie.

After arriving at her destination, Bertha informed her husband of the success of the trip by telegram. The next day, she set off for Mannheim, completing the return journey.

The trip attracted a lot of attention, as Bertha met many curious people along the way. It was then that people began to understand that the automobile was not just a curious toy, but a practical and fast means of transportation.

Karl became instantly famous and soon everyone wanted a replica of his car, leading to numerous orders. Bertha’s trip was also an opportunity for her to test the vehicle from a user’s perspective, identifying potential improvements.

She suggested adding a gear to the transmission to increase speed, thus reducing travel time and allowing it to overtake wagons, adding a fourth wheel for greater stability, improving the brakes, and installing a fuel filter. From there, what would become a large automobile empire, known to this day, was born.

October 21, 2024 2:58 am

Dreadful living conditions in the late 1930s in the US, women usually bore the brunt.
And we call them the weaker sex.

Salvatore - Iron Publican
October 21, 2024 3:59 am

ACT election in round figures: Of every Four enrolled voters;
One voted Labor
One voted Liberal
One didn’t bother to vote
The other one divided their vote 35% Green, 25% independent, the rest for a hodge-podge of insignificant candidates.

October 21, 2024 4:00 am
October 21, 2024 4:01 am
October 21, 2024 4:01 am
October 21, 2024 4:02 am
October 21, 2024 4:03 am
October 21, 2024 4:04 am
October 21, 2024 4:05 am
October 21, 2024 4:06 am
October 21, 2024 4:07 am
October 21, 2024 5:31 am

Gullible governments conned by biotech, at taxpayers’ expense:

This week we in New Zealand were subjected to a piece of biotech propaganda from the Hon. David Seymour MP, leader of the ACT Party and soon to be Deputy Prime Minister. Dressed in a white coat Seymour spoke to us while visiting Ruminant Biotech. He held up a bolus (or veterinary pill) the size of a potato and announced that put in a cow it releases a ‘very special and secret synthesised compound’ that reduces the cow’s methane emissions by 75 percent. 
The bolus is a slow-release pill that continues to work for six months. Seymour described this as a real win-win because we can keep consuming steaks and dairy products without worrying about climate change. He concluded, ‘Science is awesome and the real solution to our climate challenges.’

The project has received $7.8 million of funding via the NZ government body AgriZeroNZ, and it’s envisaged approval for on-farm use in NZ’s massive dairy industry will be fast-tracked to begin in 2025.

Veganism has never looked more attractive.

More examples in the rest of this excellent article.

The tendency of governments to fling money at ‘scientific’ solutions to essentially political problems is just the latest manifestation of the shortcomings of the political class.

They will do almost anything to avoid direct confrontation with hard reality.

October 21, 2024 6:48 am

The New York Times
BBC News (British Broadcasting Corporation)
CNN (Cable News Network)
The Washington Post
The Guardian (UK)
Wall Street Journal (WSJ)

Anyone in China not being able to access these lefty sites isn’t missing a thing.

Top Ender
Top Ender
October 21, 2024 6:53 am

Quadrant magazine at seems to be down.

October 21, 2024 6:54 am

Science is awesome and the real solution to our climate challenges.

The only climate challenges are stopping governments from doing stupid things to “fix” a non problem.

Cassie of Sydney
October 21, 2024 6:55 am

From The Oz….

Ms Carnell, chief minister between 1995 and 2000, said Labor’s election victory extending their reign of 23 years was not “good for democracy”, and the Canberra Liberals needed to move to the political centre or “centre left” to be returned to government.

An early swing to the Liberals’ turned into a 32.9 per cent primary vote compared with Labor’s 34.5 per cent, but Ms Carnell backed “moderate” Elizabeth Lee to continue leading the party.

“I think the great dilemma is, why bother with democracy?,” she told The Australian. “If you’re not going to change governments, the whole point of electing governments is that you can change them from time to time. You can keep the bastards honest … that’s the point.

“It’s certainly really hard for the Liberals. There’s a whole generation of Canberrans who have never known anything else.

“They weren’t born when I was in parliament.”

There are a number of points here.

Point one is that the ACT should not be self-governed.

Point two is that I am unaware that the ACT Liberals were conservative or hard right so why then does Carnell say that the Liberals should move to the political centre of centre left? That’s just ridiculous.

Point three is that Carnell is sadly right about Labor’s electoral win on the weekend not being good for democracy and the question should be asked….’why bother with democracy?’

I’m curious, do the ACT Liberals stand for anything right of centre/conservative? Did the ACT Liberals vociferously oppose the ACT government’s outrageous takeover of Calvary Hospital? Or are the ACT Liberals, in their current guise just a vanilla essence version of Labor’s vanilla extract?

October 21, 2024 6:58 am

Mrs Benz was one smart, hard working good looking lady.
There’s a little more to the story. She had two of her boys help her push the motorwagen away from the house so as not to wake Karl, as shown in the painting.

October 21, 2024 7:05 am

Retail politics goes Drive Thru.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
October 21, 2024 7:13 am

Tony Heller:

In this video, I take on Potholer’s unsupportable claims about methane, and explain why the United Nations is trying to demonize this harmless trace gas.

The Methane Big Lie

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 21, 2024 7:23 am

the question should be asked….’why bother with democracy?’

The alternative is pretty awful…

Cuba In the Dark | Power Line (19 Oct)

Electricity went out across Cuba on Friday just hours after its cash-strapped government ordered the shutdown of nonessential businesses to save power as millions of residents were already suffering from widespread outages.

The country’s Energy Ministry said that a failure at the largest power plant sparked a nationwide blackout affecting the island’s 11 million residents. …

Some small, scattered protests emerged on Thursday as power outages intensified, said José Raúl Gallego, a Cuban journalist based in Mexico City who follows political and social developments in Cuba. “Residents now say that the government is deploying police and military officers in Havana to prevent protests,” he added.

We’re on the same arc, with protesters being repressed if they don’t fit with the Left’s favoured ideology. And one big power station outage on a high demand day and we’ll be into the blackout cycle too. As for Cuba there’s also a hurricane heading towards the island just to add to their misery.

October 21, 2024 7:53 am
Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 21, 2024 8:10 am

What can we think of next?

Despite the headline this article is about Elon’s SpaceX plans:

“Imagine What Government Agencies Could Look Like In 4 Years” (21 Oct)

“This is a custom-built tower with arms that are designed to catch the largest flying and heaviest flying object ever made and pluck it out of the air,” said Elon, pre-launch, his magnificent Starship on the launchpad, the largest and most powerful flying object ever made with more than 2x the thrust of the Saturn V moon rocket.

“It’ll weigh about 250 tons. We’ll make that lighter over time,” pledged the immigrant from South Africa, now suing the state of California for limiting his ability to increase SpaceX’s launch pace for purely political reasons.

Even Democrat Governor Newsom came out in support of Elon on this one, chastising his own bureaucratic appointees, as the political winds show signs of shifting. …

“The next generation Starlink satellites, which are so big that only Starship can launch them, will allow for a 10X increase in bandwidth and, with the reduced altitude, faster latency,” said Elon on Friday, as SpaceX requested the FCC make “several small but meaningful updates” to its 2nd-generation Starlink network.

“Together, this modification and its companion amendment will enable the Gen2 system to deliver gigabit-speed, truly low-latency broadband and ubiquitous mobile connectivity to all Americans and the billions of people globally who still lack access to adequate broadband.”

Governments will hate him even more when the proles’ phones can bypass their control to use SpaceX’s network directly.

October 21, 2024 8:17 am

A cute owl – leftist German edition.


Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
October 21, 2024 8:19 am

Daily Telegraph! Just the savvy voters? It has got to the point where any idiot should know they are both lacking in quality.

October 21, 2024 8:19 am


This is the crowd outside of @McDonalds in Pennsylvania where President Trump is working today.

After his shift at McDonalds today, Trump is hosting a town hall and then he’s going to the Steeler’s game.

October 21, 2024 8:21 am

100%. No honest person would even think in those terms. Something is either true or it’s not.


Good rule of thumb: those who frequently use the word “disinformation” are the ones most likely to be pushing it

October 21, 2024 8:22 am


Florida is the 3rd most populated state in the USA and they’ll have their votes counted and the results on election night.

Any Secretary of State in any state who gets on TV today and says it’ll take days to count the votes is a cheater, a traitor, and should be arrested.

October 21, 2024 8:23 am


Fox: You’ve said there’s a lot of fat in government. So what agencies would you like to shut down?

Trump: Let me have you ask another person, because I’m gonna have Elon Musk … he’s going to be Secretary of Cost Cutting … he’s made me a promise he’ll get to Mars.

October 21, 2024 8:23 am


The recent wealth tax increase in Norway was expected to bring an additional $146 million in yearly tax revenue, per the Guardian.

Instead, individuals worth $54 billion left the country, leading to a lost $594 million in yearly tax revenue.

October 21, 2024 8:31 am

Oh dear me poor Ben.
He luuurvs their ABCcess.
Not many agree.

Ben Eltham

Pretty clear what the playbook is here. The ABC is one of Australia’s most trusted institutions and Dutton wants to tear it down

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 21, 2024 8:39 am

This is the crowd outside of @McDonalds in Pennsylvania where President Trump is working today.

He’s definitely a retail politician.

comment image

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
October 21, 2024 8:39 am

From The Olde Fredde:
Top Ender:

…the PM splashed out $4.3m on a clifftop whatever-you-do-don’t-call-it-a-mansion

I’ve seen photos of it. It’s a tarted up shack on a lot the size of a hankie.
Someone saw him coming.

October 21, 2024 8:42 am

Sky daytime busy fact checking Trump and boosting Kamala.

All over her claim of working at Maccas.

Watching her yapping about her “faith” in a mega church, and knowing her active boosting of baby killing, I’m not so sure. Perhaps the heat from the cooker that she complained about was a warning.

October 21, 2024 8:42 am
Winston Smith
Winston Smith
October 21, 2024 8:44 am

Frank and the bear from the Olde Fredde:

Wonder what this guy will go for. The taxidermy deer head in the background went for $500. Sadly there is no room in the lounge to accomodate the beast.

That taxidermist should be shot. I’ve seen hairy legged leftist lesbians that look more bearish than that.

October 21, 2024 8:45 am

TV is poisonous sludge and has done much damage over the last 60 years.

October 21, 2024 8:48 am

Sucker rage. I can’t calm down.

Arrived early at Sydney this morning. Taxiing past Flight Facilities there were two “me mum wuz an ouso’s” VIP jets.

So to avoid having any contact with the common people on the long haul flight from Sydney to Canberra, the Labor scum and probably the faker pretending to be the GG cost us airport fees, flight facilities fees, hotel accommodation for two crews, catering, comm cars, security, and on it goes.

The bloke sitting next to me saw that I was firing up. He leaned across and said “just think, next year it might be Bant”.

Now I’ll never calm down.

October 21, 2024 8:48 am

There’s JOY™ and then there’s a Happy Meal.

October 21, 2024 8:48 am
Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
October 21, 2024 8:49 am

Fluffy Annaliese’s slip is showing again. She doesn’t like Trump, and just stuck her neck out by saying that Kamala’s claim to have worked at MacDonalds has been fact checked as correct. Even left-leaning Snopes declares this unproven.

October 21, 2024 8:54 am

The Bee and the Beacon are outdoing themselves today.

And the Austere Left is displeased! No more laughter you soulless plebs!

October 21, 2024 8:54 am
October 21, 2024 8:55 am

The slaggy scrag of a GG is typical of what the Canbra gene pool comes up with

October 21, 2024 8:56 am

Gary Varvel is one of my favourite American cartoonists. In this 26-minute interview, Varvel explains what motivates him. Inspiring!

October 21, 2024 8:56 am
October 21, 2024 8:57 am


“A new Covid variant named XEC is spreading across the UK, hospital admissions are rising”

“New deadly variant”

“The NHS is urging those eligible to get their booster jabs”

I can’t believe people actually still believe this nonsense.

October 21, 2024 9:02 am
October 21, 2024 9:06 am
Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 21, 2024 9:07 am

Put down that lump of firewood and back away slowly with your hands in the air, climate criminal.

Germany Weighs “Woodstove-Operating License” To Teach Users Cleaner Burning (20 Oct)

According to Blackout News here, woodstove owners may soon need to get a “stove operating license” – in order “to learn how to use their fireplace properly.”

Granted what’s planned is not a new regulation, but will be a “voluntary training course” offered by local authorities – at least for the time being. But most of us know where this eventually leads: to more bureaucratic harassment.

According to Blackout News, the aim of a stove operating license is primarily to teach stove owners “how to operate their stoves more efficiently and in a more environmentally friendly way” and to “reduce emissions, especially particulate matter”.

What, you don’t have a stove operating licence? You’ve not done the training course? You’re nicked son, get in the paddy wagon.

October 21, 2024 9:09 am
October 21, 2024 9:14 am
Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
October 21, 2024 9:15 am

Indolent @ 8:23 am

The recent wealth tax increase in Norway was expected to bring an additional $146 million in yearly tax revenue, per the Guardian. 

Instead, individuals worth $54 billion left the country, leading to a lost $594 million in yearly tax revenue.

The same phenomenon is rearing its head in the UK as the Starmtroopers prepare to shake the tax tree.

Even the BBC is prompted to report objectively on the likely negative returns of making the rich pay their ‘fair share’ in a country with the vast majority dependent on ‘benefits’ of many kinds and the tax take massively skewed to the ‘wealthy’ and particularly those actively interested in remaining that way.

Stuart Adam, a senior economist at the IFS, said reports of wealthy individuals leaving the UK were currently just anecdotal.

But he warned that it would not take a mass exodus to cause issues for the public coffers, as “tax payments are very concentrated on a small number of people”.

“There’s clearly a risk there that [Chancellor of the Exchequer] Rachel Reeves has to think about,” Mr Adam said.

And she certainly is thinking about that risk; currently contemplating the traditional Labour hollow logs, while lying her way into enshrining bracket creep to drag more tax out of average PAYE punters.

Anecdotal as it is, smart people with discretionary assets in the UK are presently taking steps to protect against CGT and inheritance tax theft.

If you want to destroy wealth and private opportunity, vote Labour.
35% did.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
October 21, 2024 9:20 am

The Hun:

Brittany Higgins has shared a significant update about her personal life after revealing she was pregnant with her first child

I wonder if she remembered the event that caused it.

Top Ender
Top Ender
October 21, 2024 9:20 am

Winston Smith: I’ve seen photos of it. It’s a tarted up shack on a lot the size of a hankie. Someone saw him coming.

Probably the same bloke that sold Brittnneee her French donga.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
October 21, 2024 9:23 am

About to be on my way home on Emirates. No pagers/ walkie talkies allowed on the aircraft.

On a related but slightly different tack, international carriers are bedwetting about the risk of Li-Ion fires on board.

If you drop your phone or tablet, please call the crew and don’t risk trying to retrieve it yourself from amongst the mechanics of your seat.

If your device starts to get hot, call the crew. (I asked a crew member what they might do with a pre-incendiary iPhone. Apparently, aircraft now carry strong boxes to contain small, burning devices.)

October 21, 2024 9:26 am

Ms Carnell, chief minister between 1995 and 2000, said Labor’s election victory extending their reign of 23 years was not “good for democracy”, and the Canberra Liberals needed to move to the political centre or “centre left” to be returned to government.

Carnell is one of the ABC’s favourite “conservatives.”

October 21, 2024 9:26 am

I see people arent entirely supportive of German cute owls.

Its a mystery to me as to why.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
October 21, 2024 9:32 am

Indolent @ 9:14 am

Does the Muslim community get on with ANYONE around the World??

Not even with other Muslims.

October 21, 2024 9:32 am

On a related but slightly different tack, international carriers are bedwetting about the risk of Li-Ion fires on board.

It isn’t bedwetting, it is a rational concern. Airliners need an airlock where such devices can be dumped. Certainly over oceans.

October 21, 2024 9:39 am

Unions put David Crisafulli on notice: $1bn election-eve pay fight

Michael McKenna & Lydia Lynch, The Australian, 20th October 2024

Queensland’s top union leader has put David Crisafulli on notice that an incoming Liberal National Party government will face strike action if it doesn’t deliver more than $1bn in unbudgeted pay rises to the state’s nurses, teachers and police…

Queensland Council of Unions general secretary Jacqueline King last week wrote to Mr Crisafulli saying the labour movement will be seeking pay rises above the annual 2.5 per cent for the next three years that were locked into Labor’s June budget and endorsed by the LNP.

Taxpayers will be slugged an extra $352m a year for every percentage point salary rise above 2.5 per cent, with enterprise bargaining agreements to be in place by April, next year for the nurses and by July for teachers and police…

[Ms. King warned] “The members are hungry for a fight.”

Steven Miles, with nothing to lose, has already given in to Ms. Kings’ extortionate demand.

Let’s see if Crisafulli says “me too!”

Last edited 1 day ago by Roger
October 21, 2024 9:45 am

Another great painting: prescient too, showing what will happen if the left has its way in the West.

Mark Dice on Trump at McDonalds. The human race does not deserve this guy. It’s in PA and half of that state was lined up to see him. Listen to the (legal) immigrant and his missus talking to Trump in the drive through (short, 4 minutes):

Donald Trump Working at McDonalds! ? ? Epically Trolls Kamala While Operating the Drive-Thru

October 21, 2024 9:51 am

Who the buggery is this Jacqueline King? Sound like your typical Marxist aggressive harridan. I wonder what she studied at the Uni?

October 21, 2024 9:51 am

He’s taking unnecessary risks, Cronkite. It’s an idiotic thing to do, in my opinion.

October 21, 2024 9:57 am


October 21, 2024 8:54 am

The Bee although, once again, I don’t see the joke.

Trump Campaign Raises Millions Overnight With New Donation Ask: ‘How Much Would You Pay To Not Have To Listen To Kamala Talk The Next 4 Years?’

I’m contemplating the idea of going internet dark if she wins. 4 years of that cackle is beyond anything I could imagine. Joyous!

Top Ender
Top Ender
October 21, 2024 9:58 am

Ireland’s desperate appeal for its citizens living in Australia to return home and help build houses has not gone as planned, with expats declaring they’d prefer to stay Down Under.

The Irish Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation, and Science launched an ad campaign in October, targeting Irish residents abroad. 

The campaign encouraged those with construction skills to return home as part of a multi-billion-dollar government plan to address the housing crisis and boost home supply by 2030. 

One campaign poster read: ‘You built Sydney, now come home and build back home.’

However, the campaign sensationally backfired it was shared on the department’s Facebook account, with many Irish vowing to stay in Australia.

‘It’s a hard pass. Australia is good to those who work hard,’ one said.

‘I don’t think the Irish want to come back home. I know they love living in Oz,’ a second added.

A third joked: ‘The weather alone would keep them here’. 

Tens of thousands of Irish people were approved to live and work in Australia in 2023, with the majority being young skilled workers. 

In the 12 months to July 2023, more than 21,000 Irish citizens were granted working holiday visas in Australia – the largest amount in more than 16 years.

Daily Mail

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 21, 2024 10:01 am

Frank Elly copping a pounding in today’s Paywallian Media Diary column. I remember when the Andrew Olle lecture was a significant event given by a major public figure. The last two have given by Leigh Sales and Frank. Beyond embarrassing. Just let it die like Olle

October 21, 2024 10:02 am

Drove up the Bruce hwy from Brisbane to Rocky last night. Beaut breakfast at beaut motel with great tropical garden. Love it.

October 21, 2024 10:06 am

I’d rather tread in a dog turd than listen to Leigh sales.

October 21, 2024 10:11 am

Many decades ago I went with Dad on Queensland Railways Daylight Rail car tour from Brisbane to Cairns. Around Maryborough I recall the driver talking about ‘wallup country ‘ or something like that. Scubby bush or paperbark country and not much good for anything.

October 21, 2024 10:11 am

The batsignal has gone out.
Dem flogs have been programmed to call Trump at McDonalds a Dukakis in the tank moment….

October 21, 2024 10:11 am

Going to be a big snake season. Alerted husband just in time to a small black crossing his path on our morning walk as he gazed off into the distance. This is the second black (the other in the house grounds), with a brown in the paddock in a couple of days. Forget checking pasture and gazing off at the mountains now.

Fortunately our local wildlife bloke came last night to collect the injured Goshawk in our paddock. We had nowhere to put it safely and he is a wildlife expert. At least it now has a chance to recover. It is a beautiful bird.

October 21, 2024 10:12 am

contemplating all that furious “fact checking” over Kamala’s claimed uni stint at the Maccas deep fryer.

Either there’s a record of employment or there isn’t. Trump claims Maccas says it didn’t employ her. No record.

Sooooo…it’s either a lie, or she was “employed” off payroll exploiting both the worker and the tax system. Which she was happy with.

October 21, 2024 10:13 am

He’s taking unnecessary risks, Cronkite. It’s an idiotic thing to do, in my opinion.

He wasn’t eating the Macca’s just serving it.

But speaking of risks, I don’t know what cackles is on but I’ve never been this pissed in my life:

(45) ‘Joyful warrior’ Kamala Harris trying ‘so hard to be liked’ – YouTube

October 21, 2024 10:15 am

In the 12 months to July 2023, more than 21,000 Irish citizens were granted working holiday visas in Australia – the largest amount in more than 16 years.

Skilled, hardworking, easy & willing to assimilate.

How many insurmountable hurdles do you suppose our government would put in the way of any who wanted to stay permanently?

Perhaps they could claim asylum on the basis that the Irish government is persecuting the native population.

Last edited 1 day ago by Roger
October 21, 2024 10:17 am

Cassie – Allegra Spender is speaking at the Sydney Institute on 29th October. Opportunity to ask some unanswerable questions of this Teal????

October 21, 2024 10:17 am

OK this Jacqueline king is a lawyer. So never had a real job.

October 21, 2024 10:20 am

Another great painting: prescient too, showing what will happen if the left has its way in the West.

Some AI bright spark should create a sixth for the series…a glass and concrete landscape complete with wind turbines, solar panels and an incoming meteor shower.

Title it “Build Back Better”.

October 21, 2024 10:22 am

Seems you have to be uni ejucqted to be a union boss. A trade not good enough. The expansion of hiya ejucashun has spawned so many destructive parasites.

October 21, 2024 10:24 am

Apparently Jane Caro’s “significant service to the broadcast media” is hysterical hyperbowl.

Last edited 1 day ago by lotocoti
October 21, 2024 10:34 am

Is caro not all there? Just seems to vomit up fashionable woke sludge. Doesn’t seem to like Australia much. Maybe she should go back to London and stay there.

Last edited 1 day ago by Miltonf
October 21, 2024 10:34 am

He wasn’t eating the Macca’s just serving it.

He flatters everyone about how good-looking they are. He even told a pal, who lives down in Florida and was meeting with him to discuss Jewish affairs, how good-looking he was too. The friend took it seriously too and was flattered to hell. I set him straight. 🙂

October 21, 2024 10:35 am

Comment from Herald Sun.
“Trump serves fries while Harris continues to serve up word salads”

October 21, 2024 10:39 am

No pagers/ walkie talkies allowed on the aircraft.

I’m guessing that exploding ipads and smart watches will be banned soon.

October 21, 2024 10:45 am

Is caro not all there?

I’m afraid even a Bex, a cuppa and a good lie down won’t fix our Jane.

October 21, 2024 10:47 am

Picturing Kamala at the drive thru.

”Would you like lies with that?”

October 21, 2024 10:49 am

Demonrat appointed judges have a serious problem. How the SCOTUS sees it.

“In Garcetti v. Ceballos, the Supreme Court ruled that government employees can be punished for statements made pursuant to their position as a public employee,” he said. “In other words, there is no First Amendment protection for expressions made pursuant to their professional duties.

“Even if a judge is acting as a private citizen, ethical rules can limit political speech if it furthers the state’s interest in an independent and impartial judiciary and are no more restrictive than necessary.”

New York University law professor Stephen Gillers told Newsweek that judicial ethics rules everywhere forbid judges from engaging in public political activities.

“The judiciary is a non-partisan and non-political branch of government,” he said. “When a lawyer becomes a judge, he or she forfeits certain first amendment rights that belong to private citizens. A separate set of rules aims to encourage public confidence in the courts and judges.”

Talking about Wilcox, he said: “The behavior of Judge Wilcox, even after being warned, seems to have led the judicial ethics commission to conclude that he crossed that line and thereby threatened public confidence in the courts.”

October 21, 2024 10:49 am

Something for all those who held onto Aussie gold mining shares over the last year or two:

October 21, 2024 10:55 am

Calli, if you are still reading, I have been wondering about your screen name. Did you choose it in honour of the Greek muse Calliope or callistemon? I was reminded of your name when driving through the Blue Mountains yesterday and enjoying the gorgeous bottle brushes.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
October 21, 2024 11:02 am

Rasmussen Reports @Rasmussen_Poll 1h

Former President Donald Trump has widened his lead over Vice President Kamala Harris in the battleground state of North Carolina.

Also leading nationally by +16% at the moment in the betting odds.
Still seems too close for comfort.

October 21, 2024 11:07 am

Ex-Abortionist Confesses: ‘I Knew They Were Human—And I Didn’t Care’


Steve trickler
Steve trickler
October 21, 2024 11:18 am
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 21, 2024 11:18 am

Clementine Ford bizarrely links death of Hamas leader to ‘full moon’ and compares him to Jesus
Daily Mail. We are supposed to take this silly hag seriously?

October 21, 2024 11:31 am

Artwork by Thomas Cole, love his work


Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 21, 2024 11:32 am

Pick the real headline…

ABC News Argues 9/11 Overblown As It Was ‘Only A Handful Of Buildings’ (16 Oct)

Blaming Israel for 9/11 and predicting the death of Israel and US (20 Oct)

One of them is satire but both organizations certainly need Rabzing.

Boambee John
Boambee John
October 21, 2024 11:35 am

Is Jane Carosene calling for -ta da – “insurrection”?

Lock her up with the J6 prisoners, not to be released until they are.

October 21, 2024 11:39 am

Artwork by Thomas Cole, love his work

I hope we’re going to get the other four in sequence.
Then the Voyage of Life series.

Last edited 1 day ago by DrBeauGan
Black Ball
Black Ball
October 21, 2024 11:51 am

Andrew Bolt:

Now Yahya Sinwar has died, let’s admit an unpopular truth: Benjamin Netanyahu is the Churchill of our times.

Hate Israel’s prime minister all you like – and our Foreign Minister, Penny Wong, has made clear her loathing – Netanyahu has led Israel to stunning battlefield successes that could finally give his country peace after 76 years of struggle.

Last Thursday, his soldiers killed Sinwar, head of the Hamas terrorist group which ran Gaza and a year ago started this war by massacring 1200 Jews and taking 251 hostages.

The top leadership of Hamas is now wiped out. Military chief Mohammed Deif was killed in a bomb strike. Ismael Haniyeh, head of Hamas abroad, was blown up in his bedroom in the middle of Iran’s capital.

Israel says it’s killed 20,000 other Hamas fighters, and the latest opinion poll – by the Arab World for Research and Development – suggests just 6 per cent of Gaza residents now want Hamas to lead them after the war. They know Hamas started a war that’s led them to destruction.

But there’s to Netanyahu credit. He’s also now smashed the Hezbollah terrorist army that for a year fired missiles from Lebanon into Israel.

Israel’s counter-attack started with one of the greatest intelligence stings. Israel tricked Hezbollah into buying 5000 booby-trapped pagers, and on September 17 exploded them as Hezbollah officials and fighters checked why they were buzzing.

In one strike, thousands of leading Hezbollah operatives were taken out of action.

The next day Israel blew up Hezbollah walkie- talkies as well.

With Hezbollah’s commanders almost literally blinded, Israel struck. Hezbollah’s top commanders, including leader Hasan Nasrallah, are now dead. Israel estimates it’s also destroyed two thirds of Hezbollah’s missile.

Iran, which armed Hezbollah, Hamas and the Houthi militants in Yemen, has also been rocked.

It launched two massive missile attacks of is own on Israel, yet killed only one poor Palestinian in the West Bank.

Israel is yet to deliver its response to the 181 missiles Iran fired on October 1.

Israel has proved it is terrible in its vengeance, and now peace is not just possible but the only sane course for its neighbours.

The United Arab Emirates, Morocco and Bahrain already knew this and signed accords with Israel, figuring it was safer and more profitable.

The pathetic way Sinwar died proves it. Israeli military video shows him, wounded and covered in dust, sitting alone among debris in a chair. He sees the Israeli drone that’s flown inside to find him, and throws a stick at it.

How pathetic. He died like a mad monkey, throwing a stick at the high tech future he could have created for his own people by choosing peace over jihad.

That message will cut through.

But remember: none of this would have happened had Israel listened to the Albanese Government, or to US president Joe Biden, who couldn’t figure that in a brutal neighbourhood it’s safer to be feared than pitied. .

Our government told Israel to not “escalate”. Israel instead destroyed Hamas.

Our government told Israel not to go into Lebanon. It instead smashed Hezbollah.

Our government told Israel not to go into Rafah. It instead found Sinwar there, and blew a hole in his head.

At every step, the Albanese Government and Biden pulled at Netanyahu’s arm, trying to make him stop, calling for peace just when the terrorists were losing and needed time to regroup.

Had Netanyahu bent to their pressure, Hamas and Hezbollah would today still have their armies. Iran, their puppet master, would still be literally calling the shots. And Israel, mauled and timid, would be a sitting duck.

True, Netanyahu has a deep stain on his reputation. He was in charge when Hamas a year ago exploited Israel’s complacency and invaded, massacring, raping, beheading and kidnapping Jewish civilians.

That Netanyahu refused to resign or even admit personal responsibility seemed disgusting, yet it was the yin to this yang – he’s a leader who never gives up.

In even this, there was something of Churchill. Churchill similarly seemed finished when, as Britain’s First Lord of the Admiralty in World War 1, he ordered the disastrous Gallipoli campaign.

But when western civilisation was threatened by Hitler’s fascists in World War 2, he saved it.

Now there’s a new alliance of fascists bringing war – Russia, China, Iran and North Korea.

Be grateful that in a West where many weaklings now rule we have a Churchill in Jerusalem to show what it is to fight. And win.

Like Netanyahu would ever listen to the Wong Chap in any case.
Speaking of, have any of our Labor leaders said anything about the death of Sinwar?

October 21, 2024 11:51 am

If you’re wondering why daytime Sky News is unwatchable, news from the Ponds Institute in today’s Media Movements newsletter from AAP:

Glenn Connley has now finished as the Canberra Bureau Chief at Sky News Australia based in Parliament House

He has joined The Australia Institute as the Senior Media Advisor.

October 21, 2024 11:57 am

He died like a mad monkey, throwing a stick at the high tech future he could have created for his own people by choosing peace over jihad.

True that. Stupid, stupid man.

I wonder what happened to his missus’ Birkin handbag? Clearly there were some vestiges of modernity that the family enjoyed.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 21, 2024 12:02 pm

How pathetic. He died like a mad monkey, throwing a stick at the high tech future he could have created for his own people by choosing peace over jihad.

If instead of the stick he’d held his arms up in surrender I suspect the drone operator would’ve reported that to his superior and Israel would have accepted his surrender. And he’d still be alive, albeit in Israeli custody. Again.

October 21, 2024 12:08 pm

Bibi has done something else.

He has exposed the UN for the posturing, useless, terror-endorsing, money grubbing edifice it has become.

UNRWA busy in Gaza, aiding and abetting Hamas, the UN “peacekeepers” in southern Lebanon, watching on as Hezbollah built tunnels, fired rockets and terrorised northern Israel under their very noses.

Meanwhile, the oleaginous, money hoovering slobs on First Avenue tutt-tutted about cease-fires and proportionality.

He has more than made up for the deficiencies of last year, much of which can be sheeted home to others who will remain nameless – such is the price of real leadership, the place where the buck should stop but rarely does.

October 21, 2024 12:14 pm

Winston Smith: I’ve seen photos of it. It’s a tarted up shack on a lot the size of a hankie. Someone saw him coming.

Been wondering that myself .. My son’s, modest, “coasties” shack, not too far from Copa, cost him $1.3million (2 years ago), 4 bedrooms, has a 12mts inground pool, 4 car garage (separate) and on a block that would be 3 maybe 4X the size of the one in the Luigi pix ..Also 3 minutes walk (bottom of street) to the water, no beach but fenced pool, playground(s) & open picnic area(s) all the way up to Gosford …….

October 21, 2024 12:14 pm

Hate Israel’s prime minister all you like – and our Foreign Minister, Penny Wong, has made clear her loathing – Netanyahu has led Israel to stunning battlefield successes that could finally give his country peace after 76 years of struggle.

I have always liked Bibi. Look – he is a pollie, and as such, he will always push the boundaries to stay in power. The corruption insinuation put aside (I have no idea of the actuality), I agreed with his stance on the judiciary. There must be a separation of powers, and the judiciary should stick to upholding the Constitution and not go “off the farm”.

But even his political enemies must agree that he has been a wonderful leader after the Oct7 crisis. Yes, the question of the hostages has been virtually an insurmountable problem for the ultimate survival of Israel. Hamas had to be hunted down and destroyed. Given the inhumanity of Hamas, it was a wonderful thing to have got back the hostages that they did in the early days.

Under Bibi’s leadership Israel has shown its tenacity, its courage and its stunning technological expertise.

October 21, 2024 12:14 pm

On the weekend the BBC crossed live to some academic expert in Qatar for a considered view of the significance of Sinwar’s death.

They got a Dr. Strangelove “Mein Fuehrer!” moment that had the interviewer backing out very quickly.

Cassie of Sydney
October 21, 2024 12:18 pm

This overnight in Sydney’s East. From the Daily Telegraph. Yesterday morning it was Lewis Continental Kitchen in Bondi that was torched in suspicious circumstances. Bronte, Tamarama and Bondi Beach are ‘Jewish areas’.

Police launch investigation into Hamas-related graffiti across Bronte, Tamarama and Bondi Beach
The Australian Jewry Council has urged authorities to crack down on a “growing pattern” of acts intended to “intimidate our community” after Hamas-related graffiti was sprayed across the city’s east.

An investigation is underway after police discovered Hamas-related graffiti in multiple locations across Sydney’s eastern suburbs overnight including Bronte, Tamarama and Bondi Beach.

Officers located the graffiti on “multiple structures” across the three beaches shortly before 11pm on Sunday night.

The Executive Council of Australian Jewry urged authorities to ‘put an end to this hatred’.

“This daubing of public property with the name of a proscribed terrorist organisation is intended to distress and intimidate our community and make us feel unsafe in this country,” Co-Chief Executive Alex Ryvchin said.

“It is part of a pattern of behaviour that is escalating in areas with large Jewish communities as we approach the first anniversary of the October 7 horrors. Sydneysiders and our community should not have to face these acts of support for a group that just carried out the mass slaughter of our brethren and has pledged to attack Jews throughout the world.
“People have need to think about the effect of their conduct and face consequences for their actions. We urge the authorities to investigate and put an end to this hatred.”

The incident was first revealed by 2GB radio, with listeners sharing photos of the defacement.

Police have launched Strike Force Cadomin to investigate the graffiti and are urging anyone with information to contact Crime Stoppers at 1800 333 000 as inquiries continue.

I guess the above must also be ‘letting of steam‘. Ho hum, the grub from Grayndler’s ‘soshul coheshun’ is working well, isn’t it?

They’re coming for us Jews and they’re no longer even hiding it. And they’re laughing because they’re empowered by a disgraceful federal and state governments and by politically and ideologically corrupted police forces.

Oh and memo to our resident Nazi, any condemnation of the above? Last week, our resident Nazi accused me of ‘whining’ because I object to Hamas red triangles being daubed on Jewish bakeries and in suburbs where lots of Jews live. But here’s the thing, I don’t want to see Hamas red triangles daubed anywhere.

By the way, since Muslim and leftist scum are allowed to ‘let off steam’, why can’t an 82 year old woman from Five Dock also be allowed to ‘let off steam‘?

October 21, 2024 12:20 pm

Much debate on twitter about whether Mrs Sinwar’s handbag* was the real McCoy.

I will say this, muslim women go for expensive handbags as a substitute for being able to dress fashionably and it was the one thing she took with her when she hunkered down on 6 October 2023.
It’s possible also that it was a high end fake, which is apparently a thing in Gaza.
*Real cost is USD $64,000 thousand as you have to spend $32 to be eligible to buy one.

October 21, 2024 12:23 pm
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 21, 2024 12:24 pm


King Charles’ royal Australian tour LIVE updates: Greens leader’s shocking tirade against His Majesty and Queen Camilla as she vows to snub royal couple in Canberra
Daily Mail. I’m sure Their Majesties will be devastated!

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 21, 2024 12:29 pm

Heavy police presence for Indigenous protesters at war memorial ahead of King’s visit

There are Indigenous rights protesters at the war memorial in Canberra where the King is expected later today.
Crowds have lined the roads to catch a sight of King Charles III. He is expected to later lay a wreath in the Hall of Memory.
The protesters are chanting, “no pride in genocide” and “always was, always will be Aboriginal land”.
They have large banner which reads, “decolonise”.
There is a heavy police presence. They appear to be trying to move the protesters away.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
October 21, 2024 12:33 pm

saying that Kamala’s claim to have worked at MacDonalds has been fact checked as correct.

Fact check?

1) an examination to test or ascertain accuracy, quality, or satisfactory condition.
“a campaign calling for regular checks on gas appliances”

2) a stopping or slowing of progress.
“there was no check to the expansion of the market”

In j’ism, a fact check is meant to check facts. Stop ’em stone-cold dead.

It really is nothing more than a j’ismist calling someone a liar, relying on some long-lost professional reputation for honesty and integrity.

I saw a clip where Mike Johnson was being interviewed, the j’ismist quizzing him about all the heat FEMA was feeling. Johnson mentioned that under Biden Harris a program had been set up to divert FEMA money to illegal immigrants. The bobble-head quickly leapt in saying that it had actually been set up under Trump. Johnson rebutted that it had not, it was set up by Biden Harris, adding that there was no emergency to address under Trump. The j’ismist said one more time “Yes they did. Anyway…” and tried to move on.

How clever do these idiots think they are. They argue like children. You just know Johnson was seconds away from being told his pants were on fire.

October 21, 2024 12:36 pm

The RBA has crunched the numbers and produced the graphs to help even politicians understand:

Rents have been increasing due to population growth driven demand and inadequate supply exacerbated by inflationary cost blowouts and a long term skilled labour shortage, not the cash rate rises.

It’s not a “market failure”, it’s a government policy failure.

Can we have that discussion about migration now, Uniparty?

Last edited 1 day ago by Roger
Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
October 21, 2024 12:37 pm

Reposted for excellence:

How pathetic. He died like a mad monkey, throwing a stick at the high tech future he could have created for his own people by choosing peace over jihad.

That message will cut through.

But remember: none of this would have happened had Israel listened to the Albanese Government, or to US president Joe Biden, who couldn’t figure that in a brutal neighbourhood it’s safer to be feared than pitied.

Our government told Israel to not “escalate”. Israel instead destroyed Hamas.

Our government told Israel not to go into Lebanon. It instead smashed Hezbollah.

Our government told Israel not to go into Rafah. It instead found Sinwar there, and blew a hole in his head.

Roofie T Firefly, aka Ronnie RAAF (Australia’s Churchill, for those so inclined [snork]) appears to have gone missing.

I wonder why?

October 21, 2024 12:46 pm

saying that Kamala’s claim to have worked at MacDonalds has been fact checked as correct.

Yes. She did claim that.*


*the English language can be a real bugger. 😀

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
October 21, 2024 1:02 pm

 October 21, 2024 9:45 am

Another great painting: prescient too, showing what will happen if the left has its way in the West.
Mark Dice on Trump at McDonalds. The human race does not deserve this guy. It’s in PA and half of that state was lined up to see him. Listen to the (legal) immigrant and his missus talking to Trump in the drive through (short, 4 minutes):
Donald Trump Working at McDonalds! ? ? Epically Trolls Kamala While Operating the Drive-Thru


I’d like to see Sky News send a invite for him to appear on Rita’s show. I know he would say no, but if he did, his encyclopedic brain would rattle anyone asking questions.

He’s very select when it comes to interviews. Ben Shapiro for example would not dare take him on.

October 21, 2024 1:09 pm

Funny how working at Maccas to get through law school wasn’t mentioned in Harris’s memoir.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 21, 2024 1:11 pm

 October 21, 2024 10:11 am

Going to be a big snake season. Alerted husband just in time to a small black crossing his path on our morning walk as he gazed off into the distance.

There’s your problem.
“Gazing into the distance”.
I swear I will end up with a stoop in my old age developed from the habit of constantly scanning the ground 2-5 metres ahead.

October 21, 2024 1:11 pm

H B Bear October 20, 2024 11:20 am
Reply to Nelson_Kidd-Players

Don’t agonise too much. Compulsory preferential voting means in most cases your vote will end up with the UniParty. You can deny the Lieborals electoral funding putting them down the page. I don’t know how much of this holds at State level.

If the minors got critical mass more often, especially to the right, it would be more effective. The UK swings a lot more electorally, despite their First Past the Post system hampering the effect. Regardless of the system set up, apathetic voters will always win out if so inclined and we seem to have an abundance here. I’d love to see the LNP get spooked by losing a seat or two to One Nation or Family First.

October 21, 2024 1:15 pm

Eyrie October 20, 2024 10:18 am
The schools are owned by the Uniting Church, which was formed in 1977 by liberal Methodists, Presbyterians and Congregationalists.

Which seems to be so useless that they are still “uniting” after 47 years and not yet “united”.

I was there for the ‘opening’ weekend. Seven-year-old me heard them say they wanted to bring other denominations into the fold which seemed a curious detail to me at the time but was a red flag in hindsight.

October 21, 2024 1:25 pm

lice launch investigation into hamarse-related scrawling across Bronte, Tamarama and Bondi Beach

Oh, give it a rest. What a joke. OK – minnimax is a staggeringly stupid useless evil arsehole, but he doesn’t seem to have realised the implications of some recent comments of Dr Mutton’s (who I’m no fan of either).

If the stupid incompetent arseholes allowing these obscene displays of Jew hatred to continue unabated in Sydneystan and Mosquebourne don’t put a stop to them, then they (and their pet nayzees) may be in for a rude shock once the albansleazy goat rodeo is punted next year.

Dr Mutton has made it clear he wants these weekly outrages to stop and he has hinted he will take direct action to ensure they are and that the perpetrators are arrested and deported.

Which will no doubt be an unwelcome surprise for minnimax, nanna webb, her useless keystones and the goat forking inbred nayzee Jew haters.

Unfortunately, I just can’t see anything remotely like this actually happening.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
October 21, 2024 1:28 pm

I’d pay good money to visit this family and have a feed with them on their property.

I’d be about the millionth person in line.

Traditional Georgian Spinach Pkhali: Easy & Healthy

October 21, 2024 1:32 pm

Watching a few conservative YouTubers on the weekend, I’m not sure why they’ve latched onto this argument saying “if Palestine is a country/people, who was their first Prime Minister or King or Queen…”

I’m not entirely sure of the point of this line of argument. Anyone?

I simply call “Palestine” a made-up country. Is as real as Narnia.

October 21, 2024 1:55 pm

There’s your problem.
“Gazing into the distance”.
I swear I will end up with a stoop in my old age developed from the habit of constantly scanning the ground 2-5 metres ahead.

Out of snake season, I am a habitual “distance” scanner. I reckon it is an evolutionary thing since our ancestors were always looking for game. With me – its looking at condition of pasture/cowcondition/roos/wombats/pigs/weedgrowth/fence condition etc etc. And, of course the weather…..its the best thing about living “rural”.

October 21, 2024 1:57 pm

There’s your problem.
“Gazing into the distance”.
I swear I will end up with a stoop in my old age developed from the habit of constantly scanning the ground 2-5 metres ahead.
Out of snake season, I am a habitual “distance” scanner. I reckon it is an evolutionary thing since our ancestors were always looking for game. With me – its looking at condition of pasture/cowcondition/roos/wombats/pigs/weedgrowth/fence condition etc etc. And, of course the weather…..its the best thing about living “rural”.

October 21, 2024 2:05 pm

The ABC finally admits that carbon offsets are fraudulent:

Last edited 1 day ago by 2dogs
October 21, 2024 2:10 pm

If any Cats are planning on carving pumpkins for Halloween next week, here’s a sure fire way, that’s proven to work, and you don’t need a knife. 😀

October 21, 2024 2:24 pm

DJT nearly at 60% chance of winning POTUS:

2024 U.S. President (Real Clear Politics)

October 21, 2024 2:29 pm

There is something so magnificent, so ponderously inevitable about this image, I just had to share it.

Top Ender
Top Ender
October 21, 2024 2:29 pm

Thorpe at it again:

Indigenous senator Lidia Thorpe interrupts King Charles’ welcome ceremonyThe senator unleashed on King Charles following the conclusion of his speech to Parliament House on Monday.

The Great Hall was completely silent when Ms Thorpe began her outburst.

‘You committed genocide against our people, give us our land back!’ she shouted, while draped in a native fur coat.

‘Give us what you stole from us! Our bones, our skulls, our people, you destroyed our land!

‘Give us a treaty, we want a treaty in this country! This is not your land, this is not your land! You are not my King, you are not our King.

‘You’re a genocidalist!’

As Thorpe was dragged out of sight, the audience heard her yell: ‘F*** the colony, f*** the colony.’

Daily Mail

October 21, 2024 2:47 pm

The thorpe is a psychotic slag

October 21, 2024 2:49 pm

A liar a hypocrit and a parasite

October 21, 2024 2:52 pm

Well well well, stench of corruption already.

That didn’t take long:

Of course ICAC will not even go near this. If with substance seems a tad more serious that a bottle of Grange though.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 21, 2024 2:55 pm

I go out just now to collect the washing from the Cafe Hills Hoist. Always necessary to take food with me as I get a lot of assistants when I do that. Some aren’t toilet trained especially well, which means that piece of washing needs immediate rewashing.

Fortunately that wasn’t necessary, but youngest helper kooka arrived on the fence while this was transpiring, so I went over. He instead leapt into the air, and came down with a black prince cicada. I think I am the last thing the unfortunate cicada saw before the final curtain, since it was looking at me from inside a kooka beak.

Kook! kook! says youngest kooka excitedly as I return the unnecessary mince to my pocket. Off he goes with unfortunate cicada to feed his granny’s family – she’s about 16 years old and has had many kids. Whereupon I collect the rest of my washing.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
October 21, 2024 3:05 pm

Miltonf @ 2:47 pm

The thorpe is a psychotic slag

Miltonf @ 2:49 pm

A liar a hypocrit and a parasite

You must learn to be clear about your opinions.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 21, 2024 3:06 pm

If any Cats are planning on carving pumpkins for Halloween next week, here’s a sure fire way, that’s proven to work

Jackhammer or chainsaw?

Minnesota Teacher’s 2,471-Pound Pumpkin Wins Top Prize at Competition (20 Oct)

A small crane would probably help as well.

Cassie of Sydney
October 21, 2024 3:07 pm

Of course ICAC will not even go near this. If with substance seems a tad more serious that a bottle of Grange though.

As NSW now has a Labor government, ICAC has gone to sleep. It’ll sleep a long time, only waking up when a Liberal government is elected.

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
October 21, 2024 3:08 pm

Charles III – says in effect “I am a climate alarmist and an enviro-loon” and Sky News approves that message.
I like Charles.
I do not like loonies of the Lidia Thorpe sort. She is mental.

Cassie of Sydney
October 21, 2024 3:13 pm

Lidia Thorpe….

always was and always will be

a skank.

October 21, 2024 3:14 pm

I see Keith Payne VC was standing next to Penny Wong just behind Lidia Thorpe.
Would have been good to see him step forward to have a word with her. Not blaming him but would have been good.

October 21, 2024 3:37 pm

Had a bit of time this AM and looked up some MPs financial declarations.

Notably (?) “Senator” Payman has the following:

  • Donor – Muslim Womens Support Centre
  • Donor – World Vision
  • Donor – OnePath Network (Islamic Media Company)
  • Donor – Muslim Aid Australia
  • Donor – Sadaqa Welfare Fund
  • Donor – IQRO Academy (Online Quaranic learning)
  • Donor – Alhidayah Centre Wangara
  • Member of WA Labor Administration Committee

1) It should’ve been telling she was going to leave Labor when she’s only a donor to one Labor group, the other seven are Islamists;
2) I wonder if any of these organisations has links to unsavoury folks. I’m sure it does. The “OnePath” network seems like it does ISIS videos??? (I haven’t looked that far yet tbh, but it has that feel about it).

And (3), This is the woman starting the “Australia Party?”

Seriously….? **vomits**

October 21, 2024 3:51 pm

Cotrast on the last lot who thought attacking the red sea pedestrians in WA was a good idea.

No turd left unstoned to get them, in the name of suchal ceheeesion…

October 21, 2024 3:59 pm

Mike “pour the gin” Carlton pegs the hypocrisy meter to the red effortlessly…

Mike Carlton


Good. On our recent trip OS we flew Qatar Airways. On time, modern aircraft, terrific cabin service. I’m not flying Qantas again until they stop screwing their staff and passengers and remove every last trace of that arrogant little Irish git who trashed the joint.

Ive replied.
“Climate emergency ” he tweeted, while flying Qatar airways, adding “The future is female” and finishing with “Resist” and a watermelon picture…

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 21, 2024 4:00 pm

King’s visit ‘difficult for First Nations people’: Cox

Greens First Nations spokeswoman Dorinda Cox says King Charles’ visit to Australia “will be difficult for many First Nations people” and has used the opportunity to reissue calls for a federal truth-telling process. 
“This visit will be difficult for many First Nations people, who still feel the injustice every day of colonialism, especially our stolen generations, which are perpetuated through systemic and structural racism and discrimination,” she said. 
“Visiting memorials and attending charity events is not changing the harrowing injustices and ongoing unacceptable rates of deaths of our people in Australia.
“First Nations justice, truth telling and healing needs to be a priority. The King should be clear in his recognition and support of this. He now needs to be on the right side of history. 
“We need the Labor government to have clear instructions from their sovereign head that we can’t continue on this path if we want peace and healing, this comes with accepting responsibility for the role, actions and destructive impacts of the Crown.”
Senator Cox said that Australia “remains the only Commonwealth country without a treaty with its First Peoples” and said that a federal truth-telling process “must be our priority for a collective, First Nations led pathway forward, together”.

Always the victims, ay, Dorinda?

Dunny Brush
Dunny Brush
October 21, 2024 4:01 pm

A skit of a hapless Royal being yelled at by a fur-coated chunky watermelon bankrupt bikie consort who attends strip clubs for milestone birthdays wouldn’t get out of the writers room. Too silly.

Rococo Liberal
Rococo Liberal
October 21, 2024 4:11 pm

I’m beginning to think that it wopulod have been kinder for the British to have allowed all the aborigines to have died back in the 19th century.

At least then our current “aboriginal” activists who are al 50% or more white and who happily enjoy all the benefits of whitefella civislisation, would not be here whining all the time.

Go and live in a humpoy being beaten up by your menfolk, Linda, you slag.

Dunny Brush
Dunny Brush
October 21, 2024 4:13 pm

And while I think of it: how does Lidia get in a blue at one protest and then get through security at the War Memorial event? Surely she should be identified as a clear threat?

October 21, 2024 4:18 pm

King’s visit ‘difficult for First Nations people’: Cox

You’d think they would be more concerned by the immigration policies of successive governments reducing their tiny numbers even further.

With each year, more and more immigrants come in who have zero sympathy for the home grown moochers.

Why would they,. they are and were not oppressors and let’s face it, the first nations (ha!) are not the oppressed they make out to be.

Even with a bunch of people joining them for benefits, their percentage of the Australian population continues to drop further into obscurity.

We do however, have the ever present whine of envy, hate and spite.

Their chief weapons are spite, spite and envy, and hate ..

and entitlement

October 21, 2024 4:25 pm

Hmmm, how about some nice soothing roman poetry?

Megan 3 Stallion and Ice Ice Snoopy Dog take notes, this is how its done.

October 21, 2024 4:34 pm

‘You committed genocide against our people, give us our land back!’ she shouted, while draped in a native fur coat.

Hey Lidia, rants like that sound better delivered in a blackfella accent from Yuendemu or Gove — which you can’t do as you’ve only ever been there surrounded by bodyguards because to them, you’re a rich yellafella from the big smoke.

October 21, 2024 4:49 pm

Why didn’t King Charles C and Queen Camilla get a smoking ceremony and welcome to country?

Hope they’re not offended….?

October 21, 2024 5:06 pm

Last week we were told people in northern gaza were on the verge of starvation, two days ago they were being lined up, shot and shoved into mass graves, today it was horrific scenes of strewn body parts, which, unusually, were not being shared all over twitter.
What will tomorrow bring?

Last edited 1 day ago by Rosie
October 21, 2024 5:12 pm

Go and live in a humpoy being beaten up by your menfolk, Linda, you slag.

Don’t wonder again what female mental illness looks like. We shouldn’t be angry with someone who appears to be very mentally ill and should be cared for in a humane mental institution.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
October 21, 2024 5:23 pm
October 21, 2024 5:26 pm

Other than being sentenced to jail there appears to be no way to permanently expel a senator from the Australian parliament:

Chapter 31 – Conduct of Senators and rules of debate – Parliament of Australia

So that hideous kunt thorpie looks to be safe.

October 21, 2024 5:39 pm

Ahahaha! Just saw footage of Thorpe!

The nong is in a possum skin and high heels!

I bet His Kingship wasn’t expecting a floor show complete with jester. She works hard for the money.

October 21, 2024 5:42 pm

On that note, time for some…disco!

You go girrrrl.

October 21, 2024 5:43 pm

Again I ask, why use the name Lydia Thorpe a colonial settler name. All so spiteful dishonest and self contradictory.

October 21, 2024 5:53 pm

H B Bear

October 21, 2024 5:41 pm

Reply to  Farmer Gez

Victoriastan is approaching a failed State without the Rule of Law. Does anyone care? Mind you, Fauxfacts was along for the ride.

We were driving back from the beach yesterday. There used to be one noticeable thing about major Victorian roads. There were almost no potholes. Now, you have to negotiate around them. They can’t maintain the road system because the CFMEU is eating us alive.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
October 21, 2024 5:59 pm
Steve trickler
Steve trickler
October 21, 2024 6:04 pm
Steve trickler
Steve trickler
October 21, 2024 6:07 pm
Winston Smith
Winston Smith
October 21, 2024 6:08 pm

It appears HAMAS has given up.
From 13 hours ago.
It’s just one area, but it’s very difficult for them to come back from here.

October 21, 2024 6:12 pm
October 21, 2024 6:17 pm
October 21, 2024 6:20 pm
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 21, 2024 6:23 pm

From Paul Ham’s book “Vietnam:The Australian War.”

A wounded soldier, who had just left a repatriation hospital on crutches, encountered an aggressive female student, in the street.

“…did you fall over, chasing after a Vietnamese woman whilst trying to rape her?” she said.

The soldier stopped, and thought, “I’ve heard of this attitude, I’ve seen it from a distance, but here I am confronted with it.”

She continued “You people and the Americans have plundered the innocent Vietnamese for many years. Eventually, the Vietnamese will gain victory over you, despite your barbaric acts.”

The soldier interjected “You have first hand knowledge of this situation?”

“No I don’t and neither do you because you wouldn’t have a bloody clue..”

The soldier paused, and thoughtfully replied that, despite “your recently acquired knowledge…you can’t come to terms with any reality beyond your own..”

“Oh, I see.” she shot back. “the philosophical digger.Well, I suppose you should be a digger, a digger of graves, and I suppose you should be philosophical because you’ve obviously got a guilty convenience, which you should have.”

“Look, darling,” said the soldier, “I think I’m not philosophical. I’m just bitter. I’m very bitter at the fact that I’m not you.”

“What the hell are you talking about?” she asked.

“Well, I estimate your age to be roughly…mine, and I’m blue collar, I suppose. I suggest you are highly motivated…you’re going to be a white collar or professional person and things are open to you as far as the future is concerned…you’ll be making all the money shortly, upon graduation, you’ll have a job, a comfortable job…”

He concluded: “some people are getting their arzes shot off..if you are that concerned for humanity, why don’t you do something for them?” And he hobbled away, on his crutches. (Pages 602 – 603.)

October 21, 2024 6:27 pm

With apologies to Dire Straits but…

Is it coincidental that Industrial Disease rhymes with Anthony Albanese?

I think not.

Cassie of Sydney
October 21, 2024 6:28 pm

Last week we were told people in northern gaza were on the verge of starvation,

I bet Mrs Sinwar is still as fat today as she was when she walked into the tunnel with her husband and children hours before the October 7 massacres. We know how Hamas siphons the dosh sent in by the UN and charities into building tunnels to rape and murder Jewish men and women and I reckon all the food being delivered into Gaza is being gobbled up by the fat Mrs Sinwar.

As an aside, many Muslim Arab men, being the sicko perverts they are, are obsessed with both corpulent women and hymens. It’s a sick culture.

October 21, 2024 6:29 pm

Bikers’ moll Lidia Thorpe has form.
She protested an event last year while literally falling down drunk.
Then there was the time she made an arse of herself at a strip club in Melbourne.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
October 21, 2024 6:38 pm

 October 21, 2024 5:42 pm

On that note, time for some…disco!
You go girrrrl.



Donna Summer (Macarthur Park Live 1978)

October 21, 2024 6:47 pm
October 21, 2024 6:53 pm

Bikers’ moll Lidia Thorpe has form.

I’d suggest she also has problems.

Top Ender
Top Ender
October 21, 2024 6:53 pm

Now reduced to four members in a 25 seat parliament, Labor fights back:

An Indigenous member of the Northern Territory parliament has urged remote community residents living in the long grass to return to country to escape “bad laws”.

Mulka MLA Yingiya Guyulu posted the warning on social media at the weekend advising countrymen sleeping rough or in town camps in the major centres to consider returning home.

“Please think about going back to your communities or even back to your homeland communities,” he wrote.

“Because we are now seeing an NT CLP Government that is introducing very BAD laws that will increase systemic racism for our Indigenous Sovereign people of this land.

“We are going to see an increased number of Aboriginal people – adults and children in jail. “We are going into a thick deep rain. We are being disempowered further by a colonial government and we must hold strong to our culture so that we can come out the other side. Come back to homeland country where you are safe.”

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
October 21, 2024 6:57 pm

 October 21, 2024 6:46 pm

Reply to  Steve trickler
Is it Friday night at the Cat or are there new catallaxy Standing Orders?


Everything changes. Mix it up.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 21, 2024 7:08 pm

What price “reconciliation” and a “Treaty” after the fair Lydia’s outburst?

October 21, 2024 7:09 pm

Bit shaken up.
Just witnessed an horrific incident of domestic abuse.
By a mother.
The magpie adults seem to have chosen a fledgling each as exclusive dependants.
There are three, so I don’t know where that leaves the third.
Went out in the back yard to see Quardle attacking one of her chicks. Really hoeing into it. The poor bugger was on it’s back while she went him with some vicious pecking. It went on and on and on, far beyond a motherly chiding.
I intervened with some beef, and the chick flew off, and a bit later Awk went up and gave it a feed.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
October 21, 2024 7:10 pm

Thorpe has clearly broken her oath and should be removed from parliament.
If she isn’t then the is no reason that the people should abide by any laws passed by the house. You cannot have it both ways.

Cassie of Sydney
October 21, 2024 7:16 pm

I really like James Macpherson. He doesn’t flinch, quiver or recoil when it comes to stating the truth, particularly about the religion of pieces. He doesn’t care about being ‘liked’.

October 21, 2024 7:28 pm

“It appears HAMAS has given up.
From 13 hours ago.
It’s just one area, but it’s very difficult for them to come back from here.”
Our darkfriends are telling us that’s the queue for the execution pit.
Or innocent civilians being harassed by the IDF.
Take your pick
Where the women and little children are, no-one knows.
Or do we?

October 21, 2024 7:32 pm
1 2 3
  1. Interesting rabbit hole tweet about who owns the companies that make the voting machines in the USA.

  2. The ‘macwin’

  3. 18 24 150 who to believe?

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x