Jürgen Nauditt @jurgen_nauditt·3hChina, Russia and Iran will hold joint naval exercises “Security Belt-2025” in the waters near the Iranian port…
Jürgen Nauditt @jurgen_nauditt·3hChina, Russia and Iran will hold joint naval exercises “Security Belt-2025” in the waters near the Iranian port…
AMK Mapping@AMK_Mapping_2hUkrainian forces now “control” less than 230km² of Kursk Oblast, down from 360km² just 24 hours ago.
The Spectator Index@spectatorindexEUROPE: The Financial Times reports that many European governments are feeling ‘buyers remorse for decades of US arms…
Thank you Wally.
Carryover question- why are the S.F. Liberals so unpopular in the West? -I don’t think they’re unpopular, just totally uninspiring.…
“Border czar Tom Homan is going to sanctuary cities such as Boston and “bringing hell with me,” he said during an appearance on Breitbart News Saturday.”
They should name a missile after him , ” The Homan-Hellfire”
I am waiting for results rather than threats.How about arresting a few mayors and governors?
Has our culture been so distorted by targeted influence, money and propaganda that contemporary values are no longer a genuine reflection of values but artificially created? https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2025/03/artificial-culture/
Snort, cackle!
Keep the panels in your cartoons to a minimum, Wodney.
No more than two, mmmkay.
Keep going the way you are, JR.
Such an astronaut.
LOL Mrs Stencho Pantyhose. Alex can only do what he does best.
And they are not my cartoons you dope.
I just love posters down thumbing me. Please keep up the work.
Look at them at them, furiously updating their phones to downtick something they don’t like or uptick their own comments to show just how popular they are. It’s how they spend their entire days. Retirement ticking.
This is now entering the realm of a scenario I posited about two years ago:
Iran doesn’t build one bomb and use it on Tel Aviv.
It build ten bombs and uses one on Tel Aviv, then tells the US and Europe that they will use the other 9 on their capital cities if they retaliate.
This is the Wests Nightmare Scenario as the can which has been kicked down the road, is firmly lodged in the drainpipe and can’t be kicked any further.
What will be interesting is the Nations that use the threat as an excuse to bring in a parallel Sharia government, and the attitude of the people who live there when they realise their Leaders are going to sell them out.
Good luck using a bomb on Tel Aviv. The last two wave assaults by Iran were almost totally unsuccessful. The only munitions that got through were ones projected to land on nothing much, thereby saving on Arrow 3 and Iron Dome countermissiles.
They have been preparing for this for a very long time. Israel has the best antirocket defense of any country on Earth.
Only needs to come in on a inflatable boat and detonated on the beach.
I don’t know why some of us are obsessed with rockets and aircraft delivering nukes. A donkey pulling a cart is just as effective and while slower, is a damn sight cheaper.
Sure, Bruce. That’s why the US stationed another THAAD battery in Israel.
All air defence systems leak
They sure do.
If Iran ever did detonate a Nuclear weapon on Israel, then Israel would turn Iran to glass. Tough on the Iranian people but time for them to have a revolution and dump the elderly, senile, war mongering, Jew hating Mullahs.
For good.
Not only would Israel dump a good proportion of their (estimated) 200+ nukes on them, I can imagine what the US would unleash on them if they nuked a US city. One Ohio or new Columbia SSBN patrolling in the Arabian Sea or Indian Ocean would show them that their mahdi is not coming.
Nightmare scenario is delusional.
We need to understand that Islam is a millenarian religion.
The world has to destroy itself before the 12the Imam appears to take over.
They believe this like a Christian believes in The Second Coming.
And if the Iranians have the means to ignite a WW3 and fail to do it, then they are guilty of apostasy and their Imams will get the people to overthrow them.
They are riding the Jihadi Tiger and have no way of getting off.
I just don’t believe the above, Winston. I’ve seen no plausible evidence of it anywhere.
Fringe Shia view – not Sunni ?
“This bill impacts my ability to be with kids” Yeah, that’s the point
One of the replies was about all the good these freaks are doing.
Sounds like a ploy to play the Hostage Puppy Scam.*
*The hostage puppy is used by people with evil intent to ward off retribution.
It’s an argument inversion that the Left/Islam are particularly fond of. They use it because it’s effective against naive Westerners.
E.g: Palestinian Terrorists use USAID money to feed Palestinians who murdered hundreds of Jews. When confronted with financial sanctions, they claim the Israelis are starving the ‘innocent’ Palestinians in the Gaza strip, and we should feed them, and WE are the bad guys…
I wouldn’t let a child grooming pervert like him within miles of kids.
The United States should never have gotten involved in Ukraine. The military-industrial complex profited. The Biden Family grifted. USAID grafted. Ukraine suffered.
Government jobs accounted for 31% of job growth under the Biden economy.
Last month, it was 3%.
97% was private sector jobs.
BREAKING – ActBlue may face terrorism related charges after revelations that the organization has funded multiple violent anti-Tesla protests.
Some dealerships have been shot at and set on fire.
And who is one of the principals behind Act Blue. Yep, madam self rightous herself, Elizabeth Warren.
Unfortunately, Bondi has been a disasterous choice for DOJ she has prosecuted nobody. The Act Blue criminals will walk away.
She may be taking her time to get the T’s dotted and the I’s crossed, but so far I see no arrests of major actors, no trials of major actors, and no release of the Pervert Airlines Passenger List.
Time is running out, President Trump, before we start to wonder how many of your party are in on the scams.
Or she might be getting the T’s crossed and the I’s dotted.
I was being a smartarse.
I keep reading this sort of thing but no charges seem to be laid.
As predictable as this is, it’s still infuriating to see it. For decades, Bashar al-Assad protected minority religious communities in Syria, including the country’s large Christian population. No one in the United States was allowed to notice this, and anyone who did was immediately denounced by neocons as a dangerous extremist. Bari Weiss declared Tulsi Gabbard “monstrous” and an “Assad toady” for noticing. But it was true. Assad protected the Christians. The weaker Assad was, the more Christians died. During the years that neocons in the west backed the war against Assad, the percentage of Christians in Syria went from ten percent to two percent. Now that Assad has been driven from power, many of the remaining Syrian Christians are being slaughtered and their holy places desecrated. Bari Weiss and John Bolton haven’t said a word about it. But no one who’s paying attention can be surprised it’s happening. Neocon projects in the Middle East invariably destroy ancient Christian communities, from Iraq to Gaza and in many places in between. Can this be an accident? You wonder.
The Western Church, having transplanted itself in the East are now looking on as the mugs are being slaughtered while the Church hopes they will be the last fed to the crocodile.
Not a pleasant accusation, but it fits the facts.
The German legacy media have the audacity to announce that Europe has to face both USA’s president Trump and Russia as enemies now.
All just to defend Ukraine? Clearly, a much bigger agenda is behind these WWIII ambitions!!!
That is full ‘Fruitloop’ stuff.
A non nuclear Germany is threatening the US and Russia?
The Russians alone will turn Germany, France, and Switzerland into parking lots before they send the old Red Army across the borders just to let them know you don’t get to scare a Russian twice.
Russia has bigger problems than continental Europe .. Our very own, Dudzy, say, “The British support of Ukraine is stoic”,
Quiver, Vlad, quiver …….!
More climate winning: President Trump pulls the US out of two international climate boondoggles: the anti-coal “Just Energy Transition Partnership” and the COP-28 “loss and damage fund” scam.
Milloy is an invaluable source.
An investigation has found 5 ActBlue-funded groups responsible for Tesla “protests”: Troublemakers, Disruption Project, Rise & Resist, Indivisible Project and Democratic Socialists of America.
ActBlue funders include George Soros, Reid Hoffman, Herbert Sandler, Patricia Bauman, and Leah Hunt-Hendrix.
ActBlue is currently under investigation for allowing foreign and illegal donations in criminal violation of campaign finance regulations. This week, 7 ActBlue senior officials resigned, including the associate general counsel.
If you know anything about this, please post in replies. Thanks, Elon.
It’s those North Koreans again. Well, according to the New York Slimes.
msm pathetically trying to gather their tattered remnants of credibility about them re the ‘cyclone’ hysteria. Slavering about the chops for death and destruction, they were. Revolting, cynical, insensitive arseholes.
All they can come up with is lost dogs, fallen trees, floods where it floods all the time when it rains. Power outages ditto – surely an issue to be dealt with when it is not flooding.
Yesterday a couple of TV channels blocked of most of the day for disaster reporting. Alas for them, it didn’t happen. Still, no doubt it will go towards their ‘local content’ quota, quite cheaply.
In the case of Lismore, and other such places, the last lot of floods were much worse.
How do all those intrepid ‘journalists’ who spent the last few days on site bravely predicting Armageddon to their fellow citizens, frightening them and lying to them, feel now?
Not a thing, I suspect.
Very bad.
There will be Walkley’s won over this ‘event’.
Can someone whip down to the BoMs office and paint a line on the wall “Flood Level Cyclone Anal 2025” – just to make them feel happy about their hysteria.
The MSM love their Disaster Porn.
So then they can extoll the “horrors” of climate change.
The flood risk here is now greater than 2 days ago. The back yard is filling up. The winds are still too strong to be out and about. It is pouring rain and it is going to stay that way for another week. Many are without power. Beaches are disappearing. Sure, no problem, nothing to see here.
He’s not wrong but, of course, leaving aside the fact that America was hip deep both in provoking and extending the war.
I personally find it baffling that some random dude in Ukraine feels it’s appropriate to make a video blaming Donald Trump and JD Vance for failing to protect him.
When did we normalize that the US taxpayer was funding the entire world’s defense?
This dude doesn’t pay taxes here for those weapons. He has absolutely no right whatsoever to blame or criticize anyone in America for the truly unfortunate failure of his own government to defend his country and people.
Why is this in any way controversial?
Why isin’t he in uniform, or has he got special dispensation from The Zelensky Cartel?
The face you make when people find out you were paying an illegal alien on your staff $80,000 per year in taxpayer money and he likely had a fake Social Security number to receive the payments.
Where did he get his social security number from?
In overnight news, I see the Islamsurrection of the UK continues unabated, now both royally and government sanctioned. A few days ago a Ramadan ding dong Iftar dinner was royally sanctioned in St Georges Hall, Windsor Castle, and overnight a Nazi Hamas protester climbed Big Ben.
Further to the news from WA, as I wrote last night it was a inevitable result. It is what it is. Here’s the reality, state Liberal branches (including here in NSW) are almost all dysfunctional, captured by the far-left, soft Green inner-city wankers. The WA state liberal branch had four……yes, you read that right, FOUR YEARS to get its act together but instead prevaricated and dithered.
Electorates don’t like ditherers, they like strength and focus.
But the Jew hating Slug and his merry Jew hating comrades will be very foolish to think a similar result will be mirrored federally, it won’t be.
The WA state liberal branch of the Uniparty had four……yes, you read that right, FOUR YEARS to get its act together
but instead prevaricated and dithered.proceeded with the plan to keep itself in power.This result wasn’t unexpected – it was planned.
Today while walking my 3 year old daughter a group of “Slava Ukraini” protesters followed us around and shouted as my daughter grew increasingly anxious and scared.
I decided to speak with the protesters in the hopes that I could trade a few minutes of conversation for them leaving my toddler alone. (Nearly all of them agreed.)
It was a mostly respectful conversation, but if you’re chasing a 3-year-old as part of a political protest, you’re a shit person.
Where was JD’s Security Detail, and why didn’t they shoot the ‘protesters’ obviously threatening him?
Tase and tear gas. Reduces the blowback, whil offering genuine entertainment.
Driving them through razor wire is good for some but a bit much IMO.
JD totally had a 1911 in his shoulder holster.
Panic politics: Law professors’ umpteenth ‘constitutional crisis’ falls flat
Thank you for that reference Indolent.
By the way, empowered IK Muslims, having sniffed the wind, are now calling for a bacon ban because ‘porky pig’ offends them. How long before they call for a canine ban because dogs also offend them?
Just maybe the time is coming when long-suffering, polite and tolerant Brits finally snap because there is one thing Brits love and that’s their dogs, their pork pies and their bacon and egg sarnies.
But please note this, other religious minorities, be they Jews or Hindus or Buddhists or Sikhs don’t go around dictating their beliefs or dietary restrictions nor do they demand this or that from the state. NO, that’s just reserved for one religious ideology, ISLAM.
And more.
Veiled Threat: Possessing Pics of Muslim Women Without Hijabs Should Be Made a Crime, UK Lawmakers Say (8 Mar)
Soon only pictures of letterboxes will be allowed.
Strangely enough, the Koran does not have a view/opinion/comment on any of this.
So, who made up this stupid rule in the first place?
Well the answer of course is a goat/camel shagging Male Islamist misogynist twat,
My letterbox is more attractive than your letterbox
It is time to be rid of letterboxes.
An oldie, but a goodie.
A Mussie Strip Club. “Come on Luv, show us your FACE!!!”.
We laugh. But Australia is heading there.
Already there.
Cassie, it’s been said before I am sure here that the Brits are very slow to anger but when they do watch out. Most are extremely tolerant and welcoming, however there is a limit. A limit that I suspect may be approaching.
Having spent 19 years there in the 70’s and 80’s, with a UK born daughter still there, I still have hope.
From what I’ve been seeing since the 80’s, Another Ranga, I have severe doubts about the cranky Saxon.
In the intimidation/freedom matrix, the intimidation vector is well ahead.
Ditto for the Iranians.
It highlights the gap between the political class and voters.
Outside Muslim enclaves (thanks, previous governments, not voted for)
Your average Brit – including brown ones, who have been there for generations – will not take kindly to this nonsense.
It seems that weak=kneed politicians all over the Anglosphere are terrified of noisy pressure groups. Yes, Minister has recently been running on GEM (thanks!) and the latest episode demonstrated just that.
This was the girl who was brain damaged by a male posing as a female in a volleyball match.
REPORT: Sorority Kicks Out Women’s Sports Advocate Payton McNabb for Filming Man in Women’s Bathroom
Keep digging idiots.
I see Rozz Switzer is doing a few, er, infomercials of a different kind these days. Subscription only to her website where she has fun by dressing up. Or down as whatever situation requires.
Inside Trump’s quiet takeover of the Gen Z streaming universe and its MILLIONS of followers … and the left is quaking
Supreme Court’s USAID move has a surprise benefit for Trump
A good analysis. Of interest, with amy coney kunt now revealing her true colours, every woman on SCOTUS is a liberal bitch.
Universal suffrage was and is always a fatal mistake
Yeah, choose which incurable disease you want to die from: death by Assad or death by HTS?
Horribly put there JC, but correct. Syria is a shithole.
painting – wow
Black ball, Wolfie rotten and other soccer fans
stunning results as Forrest defeat man city.
wolfie looks like a draw with Everton.
Ipswich just lost again but I am happy the club is keeping McKenna as coach.
championship – no real surprises except for a resurgent Burnley.
hammered Luton 4 – 0
This is recent form , indicates a good patch and users Sheffield and Leeds,
Sheffield keep winning 1 – 0, Sunderland keep winning.
WBA & Coventry keep on winning also.
Sorry Johnny did not check out Walsall.
Prem table how it should be with Man U and Tottenham 2 to 4 places above relegation.
Spurs will be lucky to get a draw against Bournemouth tonight.
My mate is a Walsall supporter with a fondness for Wolves,
They went down 3 goals to one at home to Grimsby. So they now only lead League Two by one point.
Wouldn’t call the Nottingham Forest result stunning. They’ve been going well whereas Man City haven’t.
Love Manchester United where it is right now.
Hey BB
i am conditioned mentally when the spoilt 6 loose it a major upset.
Forrest have arrested their slump, Moyes is doing his thing at Everton, told ex Leeds Harrison and the winger if you don’t provide assists or score goals your out.
They privded assists.
BTW Everton have hired Leeds utd operation, ceo Angus kinnear.
good pick up, he’s moving because of everyone’s beautiful new stadium on the port.
I’ll take a point against Everton.
That’s 6pts + goal difference clear of 18th.
Seems Jolani’s boys (Syria) are on the slaughter trail. So much for the Dar as Salam (land of peace).
One seat that didn’t receive much coverage was Fremantle. Simone McGurk, a union hack from central casting, looks like going down to a Teal independent after the Greens ran dead in the seat. ALPBC has it in doubt and WA AEC useless with no 2PP data.
The ALPBC had a few other independents shown in 2PP contests but I’m not sure whether any had Teal type backing or were just the usual LGA characters who failed to get UniParty preselection and just ran with some name recognition. There was no equivalent of a Curtin type event at State level. You would expect a similar result in Curtin Federally.
Freo is full of upper class commies.
Yep. The proletariat haven’t had a look in through Freo and Sth Freo for sometime. Even the White Gum Valley meth heads have to catch the bus in for a day’s begging.
Aren’t all modern commies either upper class or upper-middle class?
There is no such thing as an upper class comie, they are headonists, and as been pointed out here they are the upholders of that wretched class system from England and Europe.
Get rid of the unskilled and impractical arts students
Eat a bag of dicks, BOM haters.
Wednesday they forecast a 100% chance of rain for Saturday.
It was only 0.8mm, but it still counts.
I for one am ecstatic that the original BoM ( and European & US weather service ) predictions that Alfred would cross the coast about 20km away at 1am Thursday ) were wrong. Otherwise I might be sitting here with no power or internet and flooded in. As it was, I spent an hour prepping and another hour putting everything back.
I feel sorry for those to the south of us.
How many seats did the dud WA liberals win last night……three? Oh no, I’ve just checked the ABC News online page and they’re saying the dud Liberals have won a whopping five seats with Basil Brush winning, albeit narrowly, Churchlands! Wow wee, I’m bowled over! Remember, the dud Liberals had four full years to get their act together but they effed up bigtime. LOL, except it isn’t very funny, voters deserve a real choice.
Unless the general economic environment changes dramatically (read iron ore price collapsing) before 2029 the Lieborals will still be in catch up mode at that point. A lot can happen in that time.
My take if the count doesn’t change in nature. Write off 2029, hill is too insurmountable and would be a record swing. 2033 would be the the best the Libs could hope for.
Hope Basil is in for the long haul, he doesn’t strike me as someone who will stick around if it looks like a lost cause… 8 years is a long time.
Leader of the Opposition at State level possibly the worst job in politics. Emperor Barney used Sneakers as a punching bag for years.
Windy wet night in Brisbane. Big high in the Tasman not helping much.
WA election, just took a peruse of WAEC, I thought the QEC website was crap! Anyway both ABC & Poll Bludger have good round ups.
Libs projected 7 seats and Nats 6. I am informed a gain of just 3 overall. Certainly Libby would have to be on shaky ground with such an underwhelming result.
New thing about Libby is she isn’t Kirkup. other than that….
It hasn’t helped.
And sheds to the unvaccinated.
Measles Vaccine Bombshell: Virus RNA Lingers 29 Days, Igniting Outbreak Fears
Furst Nashuns witness meteor impact in Pilbara … /sarc off
Sunday Tele:
9 Mar 2025
Curtin University researchers have discovered the world’s oldest known meteorite impact crater, which could redefine our understanding of the origins of life and how our planet was shaped.
A team from Curtin’s School of Earth and Planetary Sciences and the Geological Survey of Western Australia investigated rock layers in the North Pole Dome – in the Pilbara region – and found evidence of a major meteorite impact 3.5 billion years ago.
Study co-lead Tim Johnson, from Curtin University, said the discovery significantly challenged previous assumptions about our planet’s ancient history.
“Before our discovery, the oldest impact crater was 2.2 billion years old, so this is by far the oldest known crater ever found on Earth,” Professor Johnson said.
Soon to be designated as a Sacred Site and named as ‘Spaced out Serpent (non rainbow version)’.
Hopefully they discover that the meteorite killed the Wagyl and we can all just get on with fixing bridges over creeks.
Tulsi wasn’t just the right choice; she was the perfect choice.
Indolent, I still think she’s a Democrat sleeper.
I have no courtroom level evidence, it’s just the vibe.
I still don’t trust her even if she’s looking good.
It’s like the advice given to KGB Agents infiltrating into the West:
“If you find someone behaving like a spy in your new position, advise the authorities ASAP – the person may just be a sacrificial lamb to make you look good.”
Winston they are ALL Ex Democrats
Name one U.S. inspired regime change that hasn’t ended in absolute disaster.
Are you saying they assassinated Abe?
POSOBIEC: The Russians Have Cut Off The Ukrainians And Their Supply Lines in Kursk
Fairly obvious, isn’t it?
Hungary vs. Brussels: Is the EU Blocking Peace in Ukraine? | Times Now World
The ONLY reason the Syrian slaughter is not going “viral” is that Jews/Israel are nowhere near it.
x 1,000.
Oh come on. IDF has be occupying large parts of southern Syria since Dec. Have you been hearing about that? The reason you’re not hearing about the massacres is because the Western MSM and Al Jazara don’t want you to hear about Alawites and Christians being killed in Syria. They are covering for HTS as they were when they were known as Al Nusra.
Is there a problem with Israel establishing a serious buffer zone against the psychopaths?
Which is my point.
But your point is contradicted by the first item.
Colonel Crispin Berka
March 7, 2025 10:13 pm
That was tempting fate. I spoke too soon.
About 1 hour after I posted that comment southern Brisbane lost power.
Whatever happened to Gillard’s “gold plated” transmission network, where our power prices went up due to upgrades of poles and wires? They still go down in a bit of strong wind. Barely a cat 2. Not impressed.
At 11am Saturday Energex still had no plan for when it would be restored.
The power returned sometime between 2am and 4am this (Sunday) morning.
Do you realise the indignity I had to suffer just to pass the time?
I had to read an actual dead tree book.
It was a detective/thriller which actually turned out better than expected.
Just checked me rain gauge…32 Flanneries in the last 24 hours.
Leader of the Opposition at State level possibly the worst job in politics.
I would agree with that assessment.
Here in NSW Pretty Boy Minns is actually on the nose (I suspect many can see behind his pretty boy exterior) but the Liberals and the slimy sleazy Liberal leader, a far-left goon by the name of Mark Speakman, are absolutely no where to be seen. They’re missing. And under the fixed four year term here in NSW, there is not a state election until March 2027.
As said above, fixed terms are a disaster, particularly for right of centre parties. Fixed terms maketh for lazy politics and no one does lazy politics better than the Liberals.
When QLD had a referendum on 4 year terms, the polls consistently showed a majority did not want them for precisely those reasons.
the the day of the vote, it won comfortably.
My theory, is that it was a glorious day, the kind of day that is fantastic for beach/fishing/BBQ/whatever you please, the very kind of day the Sunshine State is famous for. So people turned up to the crowded polling booth and went:
”yeah, nah, no way will I do this more often than I need to”.
The referendum should have been for fixed THREE year terms. Pollies had a habit of going to the polls around the two year mark if things were looking good.
In Turds of a Feather news:
PM call with Prime Minister Albanese of Australia: 8 March 2025
I feel a warm glow, knowing Starmer’s supporting us. Although that may be because he’s pissing in my pocket.
A ‘welcome commitment to consider’?
A timely tempter for International Statesman Albanese to pull on the Churchill trousers and demand bipartisan support for democracy, ‘standing up for what’s right’ – and something something ANZAC-spirited and photo-opportunistic for the next few months.
What I’ve heard is that the training team positions are popular among the NCO’s but on a whole Ukraine isn’t a popular cause in the ranks.
Of course the training team jerbs are popular.
Juicy overseas/war zone allowances with leave in Paris or Barthelona and zero chance of being shot at.
What’s not to like?
Apparently boys are big fans of Poland… Which is where I’m told they are. Also been told they have lots and lots of down time to burn.
Interesting perspective. I don’t know if it is true, since it isn’t something you can easily find out about. But if so maybe the Islamization of the West is hitting a wall.
Throughout the world, we are seeing a wave of apostasy in the household of Islam (4 Mar)
The two poles of this are the disgust of Shi’a muslims with the Iranian regime and the similar disgust of Sunni muslims with the horrors of ISIS et al. The result is they are walking away, both in MENA and in the West. Or at least that is the argument of the author, who is a professor of Islamic studies at a Christian seminary.
So he hopes. But the mathematics is simple: k = number of kids, c= conversion in, m = marriages (conversions of women) p = opportunity conversions ( e.g.better jobs, promotions), r = returning to muz, a = apostasy out
M = k+c+p+r-a
If you program the Game of Life, at every iteration the board gets more and more green. It never goes the other way.
My personal belief is that – predictably – you are whistling past the graveyard.
No personal animosity, but look at a the https://books.google.com.au/books?id=SiRVAAAAIBAJ&pg=PA6&dq=Daily+Telegraph&article_id=5214,3371041&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjTjdDd8PuLAxVxRmwGHS2TA5oQ6AF6BAgHEAM#v=onepage&q=Daily%20Telegraph&f=false 40 years ago.
The ratchet is only going one way, BoN.
The Big Weekend Show on Fox is better than The Five.
No Jessica, no Harold. Those two are not just time wasters, but have spent the entire four years of the Biden Charade Admin not finding any fault with the Dems.
Now that the Demonrats have made their derangement so obvious to the general public, it’s time they were forced to watch Tropic Thunder again, the source of that timeless quote:
“Never go full retard”.
Because that’s what they have done for years.
Jessica and Harold are a waste of space, time and oxygen.
The biggest disaster with this low grade cyclone would be not producing a lot of rain for inland parts.
The West Australian State election – One advantage of living in a rock solid, National Party electorate – you don’t have to listen to Labor supporters crowing over their victory.
Just deciding how to live from now on. As a club official and competition shooter or an anti- government activist.
The deadliness of doing indeed.
The problem for us here is that not only does Albo think of Starmer as his buddy, Dutton too admires Starmer’s leadership. They both think Starmer is on the right path. While he presides over and hastens the cultural nuking of the UK.
So all the ills now infecting the UK, which is in the throes of dissolving as a nation which we once knew, will eventually overwhelm us here.
Both sprang from, and were nurtured to adulthood, by the same Marxist whore.
Cassie of Sydney
March 9, 2025 10:27 am
Leader of the Opposition at State level possibly the worst job in politics.
…the Liberals … are absolutely no where to be seen.
It’s a similar situation down here in the Democratic People’s republic of Victoriastan. The recent change of SFL leadership was welcome but the new leader, Battin, has not had much media visibility. The current liars government is really on the nose but without a well known viable alternative they might be with us for another term. It’s not as if there are no targets for the opposition to go for.
The Spencer Street Stürmer, is constantly brainwashing their readers with new horrors such as 30 km/h universal speed limits, land tax on private homes, reductions in parking spaces, renewable energy (for our own good of course) and nauseating photos of the premier wearing a hard hat and a fluoro vest.
They have started printing uncomplimentary pieces about the lawsuit against Daniel Andrews and are digging up dirt on federal and state opposition politicians too, which shows they must be worried.
Victorian State Labor Government at it again, working overtime dreaming up ways to ping its citizens with fines.
Local streets in Vic could be reduced to 30km/h speed limits under a draft proposal.
They forgot to add “because we’re hopeless at managing OPM, the State is broke and this will be a great revenue raiser for us”.
Tropher on 30km/h speed limits. Makes sense:
Gah, poor wording. “Tropher makes sense:”
Yes – the slippery slope – if 30kh/h why not 10 or better still, no cars at all. Remember when Henry Ford had to have a person with a flag in front of the first cars.
There’s a story in the family files that a GGGrandfather was the first man killed in a motor vehicle accident in Great Britain.
Apparently he was teaching the missus to drive and she reversed over him.
Nah – that was to break the ice.
Apparently he made a car and put a motor in it, went flat strap down a hill then through a stone wall in England somewhere. He was killed, and at the inquest, the Learned Judge remarked:
“This did not need to happen. The Reason for this mans death needs to be investigated and laws brought in to prevent it ever happening again.”
20 million deaths and encyclopaedias of laws drafted, and no one saw the obvious – “Before you invent the go fast vehicle, you must invent the brake.”
And a lantern.
Victoriastan finances are a real issue, potentially for Australia as a whole. The State has limited revenue sources, plenty of gas (presently banned). There is no easy way out regardless of who is in charge.
The Spencer Street Stürmer, is constantly brainwashing their readers
I don’t think the Aged brainwashes anything more than the already brainwashed. Amusing in a dark way to see it sitting on newsstands still- who the hell buys it? Apart from the usual gaggle of teachas and other assorted pubes. It must be losing nine at motza- hope so anyway.
Anyway, regarding the Vicco liberals- much better leader, good result in Werribee (I’m still intrigued as to why it took so long to announce the result) maybe they’re competitive now. State’s in very bad way though- what a mess.
Britain, France, Germany and Italy on Saturday backed a proposal by Muslim-majority nations to rebuild Gaza as a “realistic path”.
[Unlinkable OZ]
A horrid cynic might think this is the outcome that Trump was aiming for, forcing responsibility for not recreating a fortress and terrorist nest onto the Islamic world.
Obviously a traditional begging bowl for Team Hamas. Hopefully Britain, France, Germany and Italy are going to pony up for Australia.
My idea is still for the UN to be moved to Gaza.
And maybe all the embassies of nations who don’t recognise Jerusalem as the Israeli capital?
Puttie getting some last minute kicks in and possibly expanding the area of land he can get in any Trump organised peace deal:
VIDEO: More than 20 People Killed in Russia’s Overnight Attack on Ukraine
Iran doing the same:
Iran Rushing to Build Nuclear Bomb: West, Act NOW :: Gatestone Institute
Can you imagine how much worse it would be if Trump had not won.
For Ukraine? You serious?
Yes I am. And don’t call me Shirley.
[puts on flameproof suit]
Leftoids not just after Elon’s jalopies:
Trump Resort Vandalized by Gaza Firsters.
Oh Dear.
Not wise to vandalise the Presidents home in Scotland from where he ventures forth to golf..
Especially when he’s a Billionaire who has a reputation for getting back at people who disrespect him.
Welcome to AI country
Wife has discovered Chatgpt, she’s become an expert at everything. Hasn’t quite mastered the, if you dont ask the right question, you wont get the right answer conundrum.
Bondi’s slow walking or even the halting the release of the Epstein Files is highly suspicious . Especially as she has noted publicly that her reasons pertain the “National Security”.
We all are aware of the network of perversions that were “allegedly” taking place on the island, and elsewhere. But it’s possible the blackmail, coercion, bribery and other more obvious possibilities are salacious diversions from what could be the hidden web underneath it all. If National Security is the serious reason to stop the release especially after all the turbo-hyping around the releasing of the Files by the Trump team, then there is a LOT potential horrors to contemplate. Those actors/cabals are still in place- somewhere. And they have very serious power it would seem.
The tunnel and pizza crew walk again.
Bondi is a big letdown.
How the Media Killed Itself – Daniel Greenfield / Sultan Knish Articles at DanielGreenfield.org
I hope the same thing is happening here
Looked at ISW yesterday, not much is happening. Yes the Russians are trying to pinch off the salient but it may take a quite while from what I could see.
On the other hand these things go gradually until they suddenly go rapidly.
So you’re about 48 hours behind events on the ground then.
Pope Francis Ignores Church Massacre – Daniel Greenfield / Sultan Knish Articles at DanielGreenfield.org
Frankie is a dirty old stink
In 2023, Pope Francis visited the DRC and blamed the violence on ‘capitalism’ and “’economic colonialism”. Using purple prose like the “poison of greed has smeared its diamonds with blood,” he warned ‘rich countries’ “Hands off the Democratic Republic of the Congo! Hands off Africa!”
what an old turd
And how many riches are in the Vatican (gold, jewels, silver, diamonds, etc.) ? And why have them?
This applies to the British Royal Family as well.
And how much money does the Vatican receive from the RC Churches in those poor Countries around the World?
And how much aid and help does the Vatican provide to the poor people around the World?
Cry me a River……………….
Agree. I think we’ve all had enough of the Saxe-Coburg Gothas too now the Queen has gone.
Hopefully the rumour that Charles has converted to Islam is true and the whole rotten structure falls in a heap.
Pope Francis is critically ill. And while he is no doubt sympathetic to the murder of Christians, the people murdered in DRC were protestants.
Why aren’t you slamming the protestant Pope?
And blood diamonds are indeed a problem in DRC with approximately 6 million people being massacred since 1996 in conflicts between various parties to control the diamond trade.
Have people forgotten so quickly?
Ben Harvey comment: Premier Roger Cook about to find out that third terms are when the wheels fall offBen HarveyThe West Australian
Sun, 9 March 2025 8:21AM
Roger Cook is about to find out that third terms are when the wheels start falling off a government’s wagon.
It’s been a very disciplined administration thus far, thanks largely to Mark McGowan’s iron fist.
His popularity, and the reflected glory bequeathed to Cook, meant they were able to contain Labor’s tribalism.
The past eight years have not been blighted by any scandal worth remembering.
The walking disaster that was the late Barry Urban was as close to a genuine political controversy as the McGowan-Cook Governments got.
That’s going to change, and probably quite spectacularly.
Ambition will inevitably trump loyalty at some point between today and the 2029 poll.
Every Labor MP knows that a fourth term is very unlikely. They appreciate that the next election will herald eight years in opposition.
Young politicians such as Daniel Pastorelli will play the long game. They won’t try to act above their station because they have time on their side.
They will endure Opposition, albeit grudgingly, knowing they will be stronger for the experience come 2033 or 2038.
Older backbenchers won’t come at it like that. For them, this is the last hurrah; their last chance to be one of the handful of West Australians afforded the incredible honour of sitting around the Cabinet table —.and to reap the post-politics financial rewards that position affords.
As Cook considers his new front bench the factional overlords who govern Labor’s internal politics will be positioning their favoured minions.
Remember that under Labor’s rules, the premier chooses the portfolios frontbenchers get but the factions decide who sit on the front bench in the first place.
On that front, the white-anting will have already started.
Those MPs who have been looked over for a ministerial position, and who have no interest in seeing the opposition benches for one day let alone four or eight years, will be unexploded ordinance for the next four years.
The ones whose talent dysmorphia means they believe they’ve been hard done by will destabilise the government from the get-go.
It will start with leaks from the party room and end with leaks from the Cabinet room.
Does anyone think Rita Saffioti and Amber-Jade Sanderson, having come so close to sitting on the throne, will be team players all the way to 2029?
Hell no.
They aren’t going to do eight years in Opposition; this is their last hurrah.
They might have the professionalism to respect Cabinet confidentiality but their allies around that table sure won’t.
They’ll make their play the moment the first poll shows Cook is no longer preferred premier.
And then it’s on for young and old.
History shows that if there is one thing Labor does well, it’s tear itself apart.
That tells you everything you need to know about politics. Laybore are experts at this it would seem.
What a grubby non-profession.
Beam me up Scottie……………………
True of both sides. Amber-Jade won’t take long. And Saffioti knows the clock is ticking. And the fuzz, teachers and nurses are likely to stop playing ball. Expect things to get much tougher.
When, as rumour has it, Anal decides a Vietnam conscription policy is a good idea, then we’ll see Labor tear itself into tiny little gobbets of skin and gristle.
The idea that the Stupid Frigging Liberals will win the 2029 WA state election is a weird fantasy, requiring a surge from around seven seats now to 30+ in one election cycle. It just won’t happen.
Bb Knuckles and other AFLers.
Early but if the Hawks win the flag would consider this one of the all time great coaching feats.
Ervery club around the world, where a legendary coach leaves crashes with the successor.
Not Sam.
the rescuing of players such as Nash, meek, chol, newcomd, d ambrussio frost.
Even worpel has improved his disposal skills.
Reply to the daily telegraph post, Libs say the tide has turned: It will be the same as the WA election, No Policy again! 1 Leave Paris agreement, 2 Leave the UN, 3 Leave WHO, 4 call out Net Zero as its a scam and Co2 is Vital for all Life on Planet Earth, 5 Remove Alcohol and Cigarette taxes, 6 Build Dams and funnel rivers into the middle of Australia, 7 Stop with the welcome to Country and Original Australian bullshit we are sick of it, 8 drill baby drill, Victoria is almost floating on oil and gas and has huge reserves of the cheapest source of power Brown Coal, 9 Stop preferencing Greens, 10 Just go home Australian Government would do less harm if they did nothing!
You left lawyers out.
A bounty perhaps.
Just now at happy hour, this Karen took immediate offense to my MAGA hat!
HER: “I can’t believe you’re wearing that.”
ME: “Why wouldn’t I?”
HER: “Because he’s destroying the country.”
ME: “How, by getting criminals off the streets?”
HER: “They’re not criminals, they’re asylum seekers.”
ME: “The ones he’s deporting are violent criminals.”
HER: “Hey, migrants clean my building and they’re afraid to come to work now.”
ME: “Well they wouldn’t be afraid if they didn’t break into the country.”
HER: “These are people who come here to feed their families, and what Trump is doing is incredibly disgusting.”
ME: “Not as disgusting as American citizens voting for crime and open borders. Are you always this friendly with the customers?”
HER: “Well, I’m the owner so I can say what I like. And honestly I think I’d like you to leave.”
ME: “Fine, as long as you realize that this is why your side lost.”
I laughed, got up, and took my business down the street where it was cheaper AND friendlier.
Keir Starmer ‘sidelining’ Christianity to ‘promote Islam’
We are doing 3.8’s over here. We are catching up, Americans….said with 100% respect.
It’s great Clay bought all his staff a feed.
Clay Millican:
3.71 @ 331 MPH and Freiburger Joins NHRA
And that is a great indicator of just how out of touch with the electorate they are. They couldn’t see that it would be seen as vote buying.
Democrats don’t live on another planet, but they sure as Hell live in a different economy.
They should have just gone ahead with Mass Citizenship events which would have been a heck of a lot cheaper.
Tony Burke of OZ is an egg spurt on this and always available for hire.
Best of WIP: Trump and DJ:
Afghans ceased to be useful any time after about 1850 if you did not need to move anything by camel.
Somewhere in Europe cheering the massacre of Alawites in Syria.
Similar cheering in Gaza.
imagine being Hezbollah right now.
Nice pit stop.
Why can we not see the scum being kicked in the groin till they bleed.
One thing I found out as a young feller was that you didn’t make a copper run.
Never go the run, the coppers will take it out of your hide.
I urge everyone to ring up Dave Cochrane on 2SM. Dave is one of the rare talkbackers who isn’t a leftoid or who has TDS. Get on and tell all 37 of his listeners not to vote for rub and tug.
Which unfortunately looks like what is going to happen.
Just a dust settler.
Also cut off from the NW monsoon flow that is starting to get going again after the 20 day periodic hiatus.
This wet flow usually brings widespread rainfall to the interior albeit mostly thunderstorms thousands of km away from the cyclone or ex.
At the moment big wad of dry air between the SEQ and the reforming monsoonal flow north of a line between about Mt Isa and St Lawrence.
All I got say is was a bloody sticky night last night, inside struggled to drop below 30deg and outside I think it was around 28deg min. No rain for few weeks, some would be nice now.
Outstanding news.
I just got a text from ‘myGOVSMS’ advising that a ‘New 2025 Centrelink Advance pay’ is ‘available ‘NOW’.
Didn’t even realise I was on Centrelink for all these years. That advance pay must be worth millions. Millions.
I’m going to that website on the text. Gonna get PAID, baby!
Scam !!!!
Nope, sounds totally legit.
Awww, all I seem to get is nastigrams about unpaid tolls in a part of Australia that is 1400km from the nearest toll…
Like the Dave Chappelle skit on reparations. Chortle
They are advertising it cos the rates change (slightly) with the 6 monthly OAP rise .. been available for years .. It ain’t “free” .. You can borrow up to $1600 (conditions attached) then they deduct it back from your benefit over 13 f/n payments …..
Should have mentioned the only advantage is it’s interest free .. you only pay back the amount you borrow ……
Never heard of it before
Good footage of a Quaintarse Dash8 landing during ALFRED!!
Watched it myself, nice.
Been in in a few landings like that at Mackay and Townsville during storms/monsoons.
Best executed landing I’ve ever come across was on one of those days when Melbourne gets 90-100km gusts at Tullamarine. Approach was as rough as, final settled a little but Captain kissed the runway and rolled out with little deviation. As I was leaving the flight crew were standing at the cockpit door, I complimented them saying I though we were in for a rough time. Captain thanked me and seemed a little embarrassed but added he thought same.
Bwah ha ha ha.
He would have been working the pedals big-time to keep it on line.
I reckon those on the left hand side might have been twitching a bit with the last wing drop towards the end.
Seeing nothing but ground.
No passengers, alas (would make a great yarn).
Flown up from Tamworth where it was waiting out the cyclone.
Wow Bush. The pilot doesn’t appear to be DEI from a rough guess.
(As an aside though, you need the resident astronaut’s approval prior to posting anything aviation) . 🙂
Behave yourself, young man.
You haven’t landed sideways until you’ve landed in a Caribou.
Why are you riding a caribou in the first place, KD? It’s no horse.
I once saw an RAAF pilot walk a Caribou along a runway at an air show on its nosewheel with the aircraft kept in the air by its incredible engine thrust. Best trick I ever saw.
Nikki Osborne from a few days ago, reporting on Alfred.
Where is Mark with his History pictures? I miss them
There was something weird about the way the WA election was conducted. The queues to vote were enormous everywhere – 1hr plus waits. I had to go to three different polling places: one mid-morning, one after lunch and another at 5.30ish, but as I had various commitments throughout the day, I couldn’t queue for that long and had to leave. I thought that (as is ordinarily the case) I would be able to walk straight into a polling both at the end of the day, but no, the line was as long as ever. I ultimately wasn’t able to vote. I don’t think there was any funny business going on (can’t see how this sorry state of affairs would have benefited any party); however, it seems to me that the AEC dropped the ball, bigtime.
There was absolutely no voting info printed in the West Australian newspaper. No list of polling places anywhere.
A shambles at my local booth.
WA AEC were poor, even for a state government department. Expect this will be ongoing.
Apparently WAEC used a different contractor this election who were a disaster (just heard from a relative who was working for them yesterday). This might explain backend issues but not at the polling places, where the processes looked to be the same as always, and there were the same number of staff working as there were during previous polls. No obvious reason why they were processing voters so much more slowly. Perhaps fewer polling places?
Is this how it’s going to be at the federal election? Because it’s absolutely not good enough. I note that in the media today, WAEC is denying there were issues yesterday – it needs a good kick up the arse, and its officials should stop gaslighting the public.
Dr Lott on the advantages of an armed populace:
During the ten years from 2014 to 2023, there were 180 active shooting cases (as defined by the FBI) where a concealed handgun permit holder stopped an active shooting attack. We decided to do a deep dive to see how many cases there were out of those 180 cases where a concealed handgun permit holder accidentally shot a bystander (one case, 0.56%), got in the way of police (zero cases, 0.0%), had the handgun taken away (one case, 0.56%), and got themselves killed (two cases, 1.1%). What was more common were cases where the permit holder was injured in saving the lives of others (44 cases, 24%). Fifty-eight of those cases were instances where a mass public shooting was likely prevented. An Excel file with the data for civilians and police is available here.
Despicable: Pro-Hamas Zealots Trash Trump’s Iconic Scottish Golf Course
That’s all well and good. However, the real question that needs to be answered is why are there so many mass attacks in the US compared to elsewhere?
Dr Lott has some answers to that:
Demographics of Mass Public Shooters
International Comparisons
Basically if you take away black shootings the US has a gun shooting rate about the same as Australia’s. Guns are NOT the problem.
Fair enough, however blacks are Americans and they’re not going anywhere.
Trannies are increasingly featured in mass shootings.
Islam. Slaughtering, well everyone, since the 7th century.
That didn’t age too well.
Turns out Vance was right.
Is someone going to tell the Europeans. Hello?
That’s “mass murder”, not mass execution.
Dude, really?
Is that for real!?
I think so. It’s under his name on Truth Social.
FMD disaster porn they had all over the news this morning of a house allegedly losing a roof turns in Brisbane’s northern suburbs out to be something else.
To me looks like a patio that has been built onto the front of the house then enclosed at some time into a room. Rest of the house coped quite well despite being across the road from the bay:
Scroll down for the pics half way thru article.
Oh and the block of units which lost their roof at Labrador on Friday night was one of those flat roof types from the 1970’s. Up this way that design is usually the first to go in a real cyclone.
The roof peeling off.
If it’s the same one I saw I thought the same thing.
No anchor strips.
Emperor Barney has said the Western Australian Liberal Party may need to merge with the Nationals to regain credibility..
Don’t do it.
In Qld just means the Brisbane left faction runs everything now.
Conquest’s Laws, No. 2.
Emperor Barney might want to keep his head down for a while longer just yet.
And finish his remedial course at The John Howard School of Succession Planning.
Exposing the ASTRONOMICAL cost of Net Zero | MGUY EV News 9 March 2025
New Jersey’s First Islamic City: Muslim Politicians Seize Power in Paterson, Declare It ‘The Capital of Palestine in America,’ Raise Islamic Flags, and Advance Sharia
So, not only London or Lakemba NSW.
Time for a push back and get rid. Maybe a Crusade or two, or three, or four or more and more…………………….
Get out your Cross of St George.
Predicted 45 years ago.
Storm giving the Eels a spanking in Melbourne. Top stuff.
A criminal law professor at UCLA is calling for a military coup against the Trump Administration.
The left’s support for “democracy” lasts until the exact moment they start losing elections.
The US Military love Trump. This wally will need to get his own army and good luck with that.
What he is suggesting is a million times worse than Jan. 6.
“But it’s okay when we do it!”
Ditto “bipartisanship”.
Why NATO’s civil-political affairs network keeps pushing to cancel democracy in Romania
Over 1,000 copy-paste appeals were filed against C?lin Georgescu’s candidacy, organized by Soros-backed activists trying to block him.
But the Electoral Bureau (BEC) is set to reject them all—the challenges were filed before his candidacy was even validated, making them invalid.
A desperate move by the globalist machine, but rules are rules—and Georgescu’s path remains clear.
And even if it fails, Israel still retains the right to respond. Bye bye, Tehran.
I certainly hope so.
So many crosses
Where is the UN? Where is Amnesty International? Both of these and other NGOs have been completely co-opted and are now worthless, without influence or even honour. Might as well close them up.
A lot more crosses than died in the Soweto riots.
A genocide of whites, but that is OK with leftards, they are class enemies.
Painting with a broad brush here, but…
Whites and Christians are being slaughtered in their thousands every week.
Who is doing the killing?
Blacks and Muslims.
Who are seen as the aggressors?
Whites and Christians.
Who are portrayed as the victims?
Blacks and Muslims.
Just in case head prefect didn’t see my reply:
Dr Lott has some answers to that:
Demographics of Mass Public Shooters
International Comparisons
Basically if you take away black shootings the US has a gun shooting rate about the same as Australia’s. Guns are NOT the problem.
Anyone else getting sick of the Alfred disaster porn on the news. Good thing there is no other news. Albo front and centre at the army accident.
The locals blame the state of the road for the accident.
Local Council, State and Feral Guv’ments, where are you?
Media are not interested in that sort of thing when Labor are the government, particularly when so at all levels.
Albo visiting the injured tomorrow in the hospital will be a vomitous tellie event.
Dressed in fatigues
How the hell would that work? The parties despise each other and it would be a trainwreck that would keep Labor in government for goodness knows how long.
I think the anxiety over the Libs’ performance is a bit overdone. They have decent numbers in the LC, the ALP lost its majority there, they’ll probably get to 8 seats in the LA. They actually have the numbers to at least be a functioning, visible opposition now, with a proper shadow cabinet as opposed to 5 people each juggling a dozen shadow portfolios or whatever. At least they’ll have a person in each role who can get across their brief, which means they will actually stand a chance of holding the government to account. Whether Mettam is the right person to lead them, well, who knows. It’s hard to gauge the quality of the opposition when there are so few of them. No doubt Zempilas will have her job before too long, but there’s no reason to think he’s especially capable and I expect him to flame out quite quickly. He strikes me as being all hat and no cattle.
He strikes me as being all hat and no cattle.
I’d go along with that.
Just when you thought we had finished with the Wagyll – the mythical rainbow serpent – the local Shire Council is facing the beak, over alleged breaches of the Aboriginal Heritage Act, 1972,… work done to repair creek crossings…
Will that be the same judge as in the Maddox case, or will it recuse itself for this one?
See that got a run on the ALPBC election coverage courtesy of the Lieboral talking head.
Not bad for legislation in force for 30 odd days before even Sneakers pulled it for overreach.
Gutfeld is interviewed by some leftoid belch from NPR, the yank equivalent of the abc, who is surreally incapable of understanding Gutfeld’s malditties and indeed anything approaching humour. It is an amazing but entirely typical example of the humourlessness of the leftoid media.
Stuffy National Public Radio Host Interviews Greg Gutfeld and Fails to Get Any of His Jokes (AUDIO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Mike LaChance
Thanks again for WiP, Tom. Very much appreciated; I look forward to 4:00 am Eastern Cat Time every Sunday.
Some great memes there today, especially that one of a frustrated Delta – aka Francesca – wrestling some very basic English into her quasi literate year eight boys.
Sheesh! It ain’t quantum physics.
I have a friend, older vintage than myself, private school education, yet she will not stop saying, “should of, could of”. aaaarrrrgh!!!! I have stopped correcting her after a few years. There is only madness for me if I keep trying.
My pet hate is people saying “loose” when they mean “lose”.
Prevalent in speech of the younger generation and, of course, all Victorians.
Not this Victorian.
Nor this one.
I just find it laughable how some Melbournians can’t pronounce their own city. Whenever I am down south I keep hearing about Malbourne.
It’s pronounced Melboring!
My pet hate is misuse of myself.
Mixing up I and me.
I thought it was ‘Mairlbun’.
Don’t give up!
Very few people can speak proper English. Even fewer if they have had a private school education. I have finally taught myself to stop automatically correcting the ABC.
The way some Victorians say ‘hear’ and ‘near’ is something I can’t emulate.
I know what you mean. It’s so annoying.
Can’t be our Delta – she’s got two feet.
Mind you, she’s kicking arse, so it could be a younger Delta.
Much younger, Winnie. 🙂
WA election 2025: Greens to seize balance of power in WA Upper House as Labor loses unprecedented majorityJake DietschThe West Australian
Sun, 9 March 2025 3:55PM
Brad Pettitt will no longer be the sole Greens MP, with the Left wing party set to win four and holding out slim hopes of a fifth from preferences. Credit: Riley Churchman/The West Australian
Labor will have to navigate an emboldened Greens party and a colourful cast of fringe candidates to pass bills after its unprecedented control of the Upper House ended.
With more than half of the vote counted on Sunday, Roger Cook’s party was heading towards 16 of the 37 Legislative Council seats — just three short of the tally needed for a majority.
The Premier said it was too early to analyse the ongoing Upper House vote, but claimed “it doesn’t matter who has the balance of power”.
“It is only four years in the entire time that WA Labor has ever been in government, where we’ve enjoyed a majority in the Upper House,” he said Sunday as he basked in the afterglow of his massive victory.
“We’ve always had to negotiate with the Upper House in relation to any legislation.
“So it doesn’t matter who has the balance of power, we will always negotiate with the other teams to make sure that we can see our legislative agenda be implemented.”
The election was the first in which a statewide ballot replaced the six regions that heavily weighted the vote towards regional WA.
Snork, snork..
Replaced one gerrymander with another.
Bit like Victoria.
Wouldn’t want to be doorknocking for the Federal Liars in Regional WA.
Greens were the big winners from Saturday. The upper house a bit of an own goal for the Liars.
I just read O’Neill’s last article on Spiked. He always pushes the superstitious Church vs. enlightened Science line. I’ve only read his articles online. Is he different in other situations?
He’s generally good value, Sean.
Take each article/argument on its merits.
He tends to target Islam more than Christianity.
Thanks for the advice.
So, we all now have our experiences of this rain/windy event. I hesitate to call it a cyclone, since a) I have been through one that was a cat 2-3 in the whitsundays, and it was more interesting, and b) know the BOM worked so hard to keep it a cat 2 when it clearly had faded.
But to the BOM in more a general sense. They seriously need a clean out, or we use the NZ service, or Windy, which has been pretty good (Oh, and I know of farmers in WA who use their own subscribed weather forecasting service, having given up on the BOM):
Here in central NSW the BOM war forecasting 80+% of 20-40mm for today (Sunday) since last weekend, on top of a lesser probability of less rain for Saturday. OK, in light of that we get moving and organise things to cater – move machinery under cover, move stock, rethink haymaking, get ready to sow some oats etc etc…. The forecast stayed with tipping 80% chance of 20+mm until yesterday, when it decreased both in the % chance and likely amount.
And so far today: hot (30+ degrees), sunny, some cloud only late today….
Not a drop.
The BOM are costing us not only the $ taxpayers give them but some serious money in decisions that are based on their forecasts, both in the agricultural and mining sectors in my estimation.
Time for some accountability.
/Rant over
Agreed totally. One of the weather chasing blogs of a number I follow had a post up Fri night that at not one place on the coast did Alfred reach Cat 1 winds apart from Cape Byron. Then laid out the qualification criteria. An hour later the post was gone, either the storm chaser had second thoughts or the BOM got thin skinned.
Few mine sites I have done contracts on use a Kiwi private service and yes it is much better than even the BOM paid product I have come across with BHP contracts.
There is a kiwi site from the uni in wellington that is usually more accurate than BOM, but that is a low bar to scale.
Link is here
Another epic fail by canbra- BIRM.
Watching the ‘the conversation’ on youtube- enjoying it so far.
Bee sting: family fury as elder’s memory ‘exploited’The family of the late Indigenous leader whose ashes were scattered at Mount Panorama-Wahluu say his legacy has been appropriated, with even his memorial ceremony abused.
From the Oz.
Realistically, who gives a damn anymore?
Eventually, you just lock the tantrum throwing, self absorbed kid in his bedroom and ignore him.
Vote Labor.
Get the Wagyl.
Wall Street Apes (@WallStreetApes): “Victor Davis Hanson tells you the truth about why everyone is attacking Elon Musk The Truth Exposed: “Have you noticed that the crescendo of hatred toward Elon Musk is becoming surreal?” “We had a congresswoman from Ohio, her name was Marcy Kaptur, she recently said that she wasn’t sure where Elon Musk loyalties lay because he’d only been a citizen for 22 years. Elon Musk is a naturalized citizen. This is very interesting because remember the left says that people who are here illegally and not citizens should gain all of the protections and rights of citizens. They should be de-facto citizens. Anybody who would question a naturalized citizen’s loyalty according to the left would be xenophobic, nativist” “This follows a whole series of personal attacks: – We had posters in Washington, D.C. saying, Eliminate Musk – We had a man arrested from Indiana online for promising, threatening to kill Elon Musk – Here in California, we have Representative Garcia, he was on television and he said that Elon Musk was a D-I-C-K, and when called on it he said you had to bring weapons, i.e. against Musk, for this bar fight. Weapons – Then we had this unhinged minister, Steve Caudle from Tennessee, he got up in his pulpit, and it was televised, and he said that Elon Musk was satanic, a devil, and sometimes you had to use violence to stop such devilry “We have turned someone who has – Saved the U.S. space program and will probably save two astronauts who otherwise would perish in space if it was left to the government program. – Who reinvented the entire auto industry – Who opened up all of social media with X We have turned this person into a demon, a disloyal demon, a traitor, someone that we smear and we slander all day long for what? For saying that the $36 trillion in debt and the $1.5 to $2 trillion + Joe Biden in some years had $5 and $6 trillion deficits are unsustainable? And through a series of revenue enhancements and drastic cuts of programs that are unnecessary, we can get near a balanced budget He takes no money. He’s not confirmed as the head of a government agency, but of course there’s all sorts of deputies and heads of agencies that require no confirmation, including the National Security Advisor of the United States of America.” “I think it’s time to stop this because if you continue this rhetoric, somebody as this person in Indiana or this minister in Tennessee is going to openly call for violence if they have not already against one of the most iconic Americans in our history.”” | nitter.poast.org
Musk is a U.S. citizen of 22 years, but his loyalties are somehow very “suspect.”
But according to the same people illegal immigrants’ loyalty must not be impugned and you’re a racist or a Nazi if you call for their deportation.
Has it happened under Biden?
I suspect someone or some people are getting help from inside the WH.
Aviation came up today a couple of times so I think this is appropriate.
I have seen RAAF C17’s do low passes over Cluden racecourse in pairs, then over Lavarack Barracks before doing a sharp turn onto the flight path into Garbutt over Douglas/Kirwan.
Impressive flying anyway and I been told the US push the envelope much harder than Ronnie RAAF. Anyway US C17 vid:
Transport pilots who are wannabe Top Guns have been known to come unstuck.
Straight and level.
Don’t spill the coffee.
But, but the simulators should make you just as good.
At least as good. Really good!
Upgrade Albo was on the news tonight being seen congratulating the army “heroes” who helped out with flood recovery at Lismore.
And Albo was in a rain jacket.
Which brand jacket?
I tracked it down, it’s the Asics brand cricket australia jacket.
NOT North Face. 🙂
Albo has good costume advisors.
North Face is played.
Interesting. Will have to watch how this plays out.
Why are the libs so unpopular in the West?