Open Thread – Wed 27 Dec 2023

The Creation of Adam, Michelangelo, 1512

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Cassie of Sydney
December 29, 2023 10:48 pm

Some examples of the priorities of Australian police…..

1. On 9 October 2023 Muslim and leftist Nazi scum, on the steps of the Sydney Opera House, screech, scream and shout “kill the Jews” and “gas the Jews”. What did the NSWaffen do that night? They stood back, did nothing and “monitored the situation”. I hear nobody has yet been arrested from that night. So much for hate speech laws.

2. Every weekend since 7 October 2023, Muslim and leftist Nazi scum have protested on the streets of our CBD streets, screeching, screaming and shouting “from the river to the sea”, an explicit call for genocide, a transparent call for the complete eradication of the state of Israel and the Jewish inhabitants of the state of Israel. What have the NSWaffen and VICWaffen been doing during these protests? Have they charged anyone for hate speech? No, nyet, nup. They’ve stood back, done nothing and “monitored the situation”.

3. A few weeks back, Muslim and leftist Nazi scum stormed a Melbourne CBD hotel where families of murdered, raped and kidnapped Israelis were staying. What did the VICWaffen do during that unseemly and violent protest? They stood back, did nothing and “monitored the situation”.

3. On 29 December 2023, a group of young white Australian males decided to engage in a good fun frolic at the MCG where they formed a snake like train of beer cups. I’m quite sure none of these young men called for genocide or for the gassing of Jews BUT, BUT, BUT, VICWaffen were onto them, putting a stop to such lighthearted fun. You will note that the VIC police didn’t stand back, do nothing, and simply monitor the situation today at the MCG, gosh no, they were on the job, just like Dick Tracy!

Okay I get it, it’s okay for some to “let off steam”, it all depends on their skin colour, their politics, their religion, their levels of JEW HATRED.

December 29, 2023 10:49 pm

Hopefully the Israeli Ambassador or the Jewish Association will issue a formal open invitation to Sonny Bill Williams to view the 7 October footage. Then let him claim how well behaved his “brothers” were. Could invite the cricket player as well.

Hopefully those who have Fox subscriptions are giving Fox appropriate feedback.

December 29, 2023 10:52 pm

hi dover, i have an updated email adress i would like to use, see below ta

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 29, 2023 10:58 pm

Hopefully the Israeli Ambassador or the Jewish Association will issue a formal open invitation to Sonny Bill Williams to view the 7 October footage.

I’d issue a challenge to that other boofhead “Mundine” to view the footage as well.

Cassie of Sydney
December 29, 2023 10:59 pm

Dunny Bill Williams is no different to David Irving.

December 29, 2023 11:04 pm

NY Times bears witness to evidence of Palestinian sexual savagery on October 7: “A two-month investigation by The Times uncovered painful new details, establishing that the attacks against women were not isolated events but part of a broader pattern of gender-based violence on Oct. 7.”

The ‘gray lady’ speaks.

The sexual crimes committed by Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and Gaza “civilians” on October 7 have been well-documented and reported on by a range of media. Nonetheless, there is a concerted effort at rape denialism at websites like the “Electronic Intifada” and various social media accounts.

Waiting for the ‘feminist’ movement to speak out….

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
December 29, 2023 11:06 pm

Wolfman at 7:23

Every time I hear of Cenk Uygur I am reminded of the 2016 epic meltdown:

The Young Turks Election Meltdown 2016: From smug to utterly devastated

And finally to angrily eating their own.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 29, 2023 11:17 pm

The sexual crimes committed by Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and Gaza “civilians” on October 7 have been well-documented and reported on by a range of media.

They complain when Hamas fighters, taken prisoner in Gaza, , are stripped to their underwear….

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 29, 2023 11:27 pm
December 29, 2023 11:32 pm

Ah yes, they’re off and running on the Jew Hating trail – and don’t they look like their hideously uglee selves, again …

Sunny Boy Williams – of the immediate public toilet intimacy with the cheating midget houso ranga’s woife
Anthony Mundane – never opened his cavernous gob without subsequently effortlessly stuffing it with his big fat foot
Wallee Nobody – well, let’s get metaphysical here – if you use drones in warfare and you were too badly edumacated and stupid to vote in favour of the screeech, then you’re a (cue spookee muzak …) waycist!
Pedro FitzSimians – my woife is the gratest truth teller in Ozzie history, just as my weighty, fact free and hugely unread tomes do not make perfect door stops, I tells ya!
Chlamydia Fjord – I hate whinging dead raped and violated Jewish womanages – how dare they complain about being subjected to allegedly unspeakable atrocities that my beloved moozleys would only too happily visit on useless narcissistic feminayzee slags like me, me, meeeee! It’s all about me, I tells ya!

We don’t need no Jew hating imbeciles, Cats …

December 29, 2023 11:37 pm

Well, that little spray should annoy our resident anti-semite.

December 29, 2023 11:40 pm

Cassie of Sydney
Dec 29, 2023 10:48 PM

Some examples of the priorities of Australian police…..

Okay I get it, it’s okay for some to “let off steam”, it all depends on their skin colour, their politics, their religion, their levels of JEW HATRED.

ASIO and police have assessed that anti-Israel mobs right here in Australia, comprising Muslims and progressive left supporters mainly from academia, are genuinely likely to physically attack Jews, so have strategically permitted them as an outlet, to threaten Jews here in Australia with genocide so they won’t actually do it. Think about that for a little more than just a short moment.

December 29, 2023 11:41 pm

They complain when fat lardarsed pallyweirdos, taken prisoner in Gaza, are stripped to their soiled underwear…

They should have all been summarily executed.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
December 29, 2023 11:45 pm

Going back a few weeks, I was clueless about all this.

One of the best channels ever discovered.


Jack Out The Back:

Roundup at the Outback: Cattle Tagging and Bull Wrangling

December 29, 2023 11:45 pm

and sorry, I’m not sorry.

Utterly evil monsters. To paraphrase the Austrian corporal, what’s happening in Gaza is not “a knightly conflict”, it’s a struggle for existence.

No mercy should be shown, just as satan’s spawn didn’t show any on October 7.

December 29, 2023 11:47 pm

im generally pretty positive with my outlook. an optimist if you like. i boosted out of melbs in 89 for the far north, chasing a girl. tbh, i didnt even know this place existed. over those years it hasnt changed much. pretty white bread. majority anglo rednecks. make of that what you will

December 30, 2023 12:02 am

When your enemy is able to take the piss out of you like this, then you should give it away.

December 30, 2023 3:40 pm

Christmas Bon Bons

We tried a new brand, tired of the old simple ones and the new ones that don’t go bang at all.

Mistletoe and Merry brand, Crackertoa type, out of South Africa – they make many types, but the Cracketoa have a popper in them that explodes confetti everywhere .. just awesome seeing the joy on people’s faces!

Everyone went from neutral to full enthusiasm at the first one going off, and they have a joke hat and a horn .. so the noise can continue.

I feel so sorry for young folks who never knew cracker night ..

1 7 8 9
  1. Also learnt today that my SIL has Jewish “descent”, if that is even a thing. Apparently her maternal great grandmother…

  2. So many promises being made why not throw in Gladiators as well. Could be a 2nd career path for NRL…

  3. Our American guest lives in Portland, which has been traditionally Democrat country, blue as blue, and I had thought them…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x