Hi Cats I received the daily email from teh Free Press which has an article by Douglas Murray – “How…
Hi Cats I received the daily email from teh Free Press which has an article by Douglas Murray – “How…
Ah yes, a masterful gambit to spook the markets and destroy business and consumer confidence.
Too soon?
Pension not passion.No hope of that increasing
Excellent find by Michael Smith. Listen to the Saudi tell the filthy Pallies the truth about themselves. The clip has…
Jane Austen had English (mostly in the east, but in that all from the north to the midlands and south with some Lancastershire [west] mixed in), French, Irish (although Anglicised) and Old Norse ancestry.
Dykes off bikes?
The more lurid the story, the greater the outrage to be garnered. From what I can gather, enough atrocity occurred in Southern Israel to satisfy the most salacious of consumers.
But the internet likes juicy stories, the more outrageous the better.
However, as the place was processed as a crime scene, witnesses questioned and evidence gathered, the resulting picture of what happened on October 7 is more than enough to warrant Israel’s response.
All the “but whatabouts” do is a crude attempt to dilute what was already an enormity of historic proportions .
Attrosities are attrosities who ever does them!
Who is this baba fukwit?
Aaargh! I posted a nested reply accidentally. *Sigh*
Apologies for the reptilian, but here I go again:
Initially they WERE constructed upside down, because they’re easier to spin that way (less friction). Then a couple of horrible accidents with tourists happened, and for safety reasons, they were flipped over.
Did no-one do history in school?
Who is this baba fukwit?
Im going out on a limb here and declaring an avian infestation.
Ball bearing bird.
Keep an eye out for a papal statement on gender this week.
Bombshell texts from Channel 7 producer expose Bruce Lehrmann’s ‘public strategy’
Daily Mail
Getting tired of all the bombshells and exposès.
I’ve been MIA for days.
Do my eyes deceive me but is it so that:
Jack Inc, VIC, has NO evidence to actually keep Mr Stevenson, accused of murder in Ballarat, in custody?
How many weeks has he been held for? Why wasn’t the evidence at the bail hearing made public, or at least, why did the press choose to not report it? For the committal hearing, how long have the police got to build their case and how many weeks do his lawyers have to respond? Why the abandoned searches? Again, what evidence do they actually have other than “mobile phone data”? Ah yes, SIM card sniffer dogs. If you believe that, look at the actual efficacy of sniffer drug dogs.
Did the doggos find anything? Look at the search areas. How are the DPP going to build a case off that? Didn’t they start searching the mines three weeks ago? If they have a theory about the crime, why don’t they have a limited area where the body of the missing person is?
Also too, the press went pretty hard on him “going on a bender” into the early hours, the night before he decided to stalk and murder a woman in summer in the bush.
I can’t function above a toddler’s level of physical competence for at least a day after a bender. That’s why I don’t do them anymore.
Either the cops have NFI and are seeing what happens if they roll a natural six or they suspect an accomplice.
I think you’d presume they’d be able to charge any accomplice from the “mobile phone data”.
They’ve searched the house the accused lived in and his (((conveyance))) and a month or so later, do not have any evidence.
More to come. If I’m absolutely wrong and they have him dead to rights so be it. I have my own theories about the decision to charge/indict.
Kate Fischer through Taylor Auerbach has been inveigled into the Brittany Higgins circus?
I hope she sues like crazy too.
Ride on the grievance train! Come on, come on! Grievance train holy roller! Everyone jump on the grievance train!
…Get on board!
…Get on board!
I bin gibbin youse a uptick for such a good return rant, Doot.
Now, who is this Stevenson bloke?
What is he may be a more pertinent question to the higher-ups in the DPP and Vic Jack Inc.
There’s a lesson here.
Maybe don’t sue for defamation if you have any skeletons in your closet. Or anyone else’s closet.
See my comment this morning re Piers Akerman’s piece on Albanese.
HiJ, calli. Heads in Jars.*
Without bodies, they can only derive meaning in their existence by talking. Talking about anything.
* If you haven’t seen the documentary ‘Futurama’ I’d encourage you to do so.
Speaking of antisemites that hatchet faced poofta bob carr now saying the IDF deliberately killed the Australian aid worker.
Did the IDF shoot the missile up in the air to see where it would land?
Here it is:
Albanese is a proven liar and an egregious opportunist who has always put political advantage ahead of principle, even to the point of disowning his own father so he could stay in parliament.
He’s also 61 years old and has been engaged in the above practices for 40+ years.
Don’t ask or expect him to change. Demand that he resign.
Compare and contrast, Cats:
The Tucker
The coked out alcoholic former seven idjit …
The last thing morbidly obese stained y-fronts clad hamarse imbeciles see before being finally despatched to Hades … 🙂
If Israel wanted to put the fear of God into Hamas they’d be trying the terrorists they now have, and executing them in full colour on uTube.
Because right now, the ones they have are just waiting for a return bout of hostage taking so they’d get swapped for them – or just some of them. Hamas would keep some, just because they know they can get away with it.
Taylor Auerbach revealed the source of confidential information given to Seven and himThere was one key issue missed in the reports on Taylor Auerbach’s demolition derby in court last week – and it is bad for journalism.
less than 2 min read
April 7, 2024 – 7:00PM
Ex-Seven producer alleges Bruce Lehrmann joined bender with sex workers in affidavit
A former Channel Seven producer claims in court documents Bruce Lehrmann leaked Brittany Higgins’ personal text messages to the Seven Network followed…
Andrew BoltDon’t miss out on the headlines from Andrew Bolt. Followed categories will be added to My News.
In all the oohing and eeking over Taylor Auerbach’s evidence in court last week – throwing hand-grenades at Channel 7 in the Bruce Lehrmann defamation case – one big thing has been missed.
How odd, when it was a betrayal of journalism to make any whistleblower now think twice about handing over confidential information.
Auerbach, a former producer on Seven’s Spotlight program, didn’t just make journalism seem a sleazebag profession, with his tales of being rewarded with a pay-rise and promotion after paying for prostitutes to lure Lehrmann into granting Seven an interview about his dealings with Brittany Higgins, the former Liberal colleague who accused him of rape.
Or his claims of a Channel 7 lawyer allegedly getting him to destroy incriminating documents, and executives paying for Lehrmann’s cocaine.
(For the record, Channel 7 and Lehrmann deny all that, and I work at Sky News with the lawyer Auerbach named and consider him more likely to dance naked in court than do what Auerbach claims. Lehrmann also denies any rape.)
No, what’s missed in the reports on Auerbach’s demolition derby in court last week is even worse for journalism.
He also revealed the source of confidential information given to Seven and him.
It was Lehrmann, he declared, who’d (allegedly) brought Seven “about 500 pages of documents”. He’d seen some as they were copied by Lehrmann, who also sent him copies of Higgins’ private text messages.
You might think it serves Lehrmann right to be outed.
He had no legal right to release this information, taken from police evidence for his criminal trial, which was later aborted.
(Again, Lehrmann insists on oath he was not the source, and Auerbach produced no evidence to confirm his allegation.)
But even if Lehrmann did give him that information, as background for his Spotlight interview, Auerbach is bound by the journalists’ code of honour – ha! – not to say so.
The journalists’ union, the Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance, has it in its “code of ethics”: “Where confidences are accepted, respect them in all circumstances.”
Australian journalists have gone to jail rather than betray their source. Yet Auerbach rushed to the Federal Court to reveal his, two days before the judge’s verdict was due. And no journalist has damned it? Like, it’s now kind-of expected?
You might think it serves Lehrmann right to be outed.
The issue with this is how can he claim a right to use the information at all?
Think it through. How does one become entitled to use evidence obtained under a Harman undertaking in a related but separate matter? Hasn’t this been fulfilled, besides the procedural rules?
If he could be charged with contempt, it would have already happened.
This is just PR and politics – colour and movement.
Peace …
Albanese is a proven liar and an egregious opportunist who has always put political advantage ahead of principle, even to the point of disowning his own father so he could stay in parliament.
And he frequents knock shops.
I was once reluctant to opine about the beheaded babies hung out on the washing line . Back then it was an antisemitic trope so I didnt .. and the women who had their vaginas blown apart as Hamas savages put fire arms into thier fundaments .. Oh GaWD !! But now apparently it is now true (It was true in my mind) …
But even if it wasn’t Israel has a right to self defense …
The Red Sea Pedestrian criesd out in pain as He genocides you …
Oh so Dot it didn’t happen or it did … ? But either way BAN ? any discussion .. Oh GawD !!
Mmmyes you’re a waste of oxygen, no one is stopping you from hosting your own server and blog.
Oh and the pile of shoes !!! Oh GaWd !
If this figure is correct…. faaaaaark its grim.
Tarric Brooker aka Avid Commentator https://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f1e6-1f1fa.svg
According to the ABS in the last 12 months, there have been a total 465 non-private sector dwelling approvals in Queensland (seasonally adjusted).
During the last 12 months of population growth data Queensland’s population grew by 143.6k.
Words fail… Except cringing…
Isn’t it an offense, punishable by death, for someone who isn’t a Sikh, to wear a Sikh turban?
Let’s hope so.
Makes a change from the usual jester’s cap and bells.
He’s going all Justine Truedope.
Remember that visit to India?
I wonder what number of dead Israeli babies is not enough for Baba and Bolton?
Here’s a good song for any remaining Israel Kibbutzim and a reminder that many of the poor kids murdered by Hamas were buying into the Hamas propaganda.
The Hope County Choir – Keep Your Rifle by Your Side
They’ll look high and they’ll look low,
They’ll look everywhere we go,
But when the sinners find us we won’t hide.
They’ll come loud and they’ll come fast,
But we shoot first and we can last.
Keep your rifle by your side.
Singing, ‘Oh, Lord, this Earth was made for us.’
Singing, ‘Oh, Lord, this sinful life just ain’t enough.’
So we’ll take a stand,
Because we must protect our land.
Keep your rifle by your side.
They’ll come day and they’ll come night,
They’ll have our children in their sights,
But if they don’t have Faith their eyes are blind.
They can scream and they can shout,
But they will never smoke us out.
Keep your rifle by your side.
Singing, ‘Oh, Lord, this Earth was made for us.’
Singing, ‘Oh, Lord, this sinful life just ain’t enough.’
Let me hear the voice,
You know we have no other choice.
Keep your rifle by your side.
They’ll have bombs and they’ll have tanks,
Because they have money in their banks,
But we won’t fall as long as we can fight.
They’ll go on and preach their hate,
But they won’t get past the gate
Keep your rifle by your side.
Singing, ‘Oh, Lord, this Earth was made for us.’
Singing, ‘Oh, Lord, this sinful life just ain’t enough.’
When I see your face
I know I must protect my place.
So, keep my rifle by my side.
Singing, ‘Oh, Lord, this Earth was made for us.’
Singing, ‘Oh, Lord, this sinful life just ain’t enough.’
When I see your face
I know I must protect my place.
I’ll keep my rifle by my side.
Keep my rifle by my side.
Keep your rifle by your side.
All of them, 132andbush.
If the beheaded babies and such post October seven is so plainly bullshit … Why would the Goyim belive you about the Holocaust ? It is fundamental to your cause ? What if it never happened ? You lie fabulously now .. Why would we asuppose you are being truthfull about whal happened or didnt 80 years ago? Oh Gawd !! They poured the Zyklon pellets into where we where from holes in the roof … Oh GawD!!
Oh perhaps you own Washington?A great investment !!
AFAI can find, there was one child under two years old killed on Oct 7th. That’s one too many.
There were another 2 two year olds killed. That’s too many.
The undisputed evidence of hundreds of thousands of people, on both sides?
The undisputed empiric evidence of millions of bodies?
The undisputed documented evidence of Final Solution activities?
Seriously. It is excellent sport to take the piss out of you Bolton, along with your 700 careers, but the reality is you are a filthy wannabe ex-prisoner (by your own admission), meth user (again, by your own admission) and bus-resident who somehow believes you are several rungs up because you watch A Current Affair.
Piss off (or don’t), and peace out. Man.
Ever the victims..
That last comment, Bolton, has put you in moderation. It has aroused deep suspicions.
True factoid:
All inmates in Western Australian prisons were given bromide in their food.
None of them, not a single one, can now attain or hold an erection.
Not one.
Peace out.
Mark Bolton
April 7, 2024 8:09 pm
Bird strike.
Most embarrassing thing I read today?
Special operations plod in various states like to listen to Fortunate Son on their way to “missions”.
Even though 99.9% of the places they are kicking in doors don’t have any weapons.
Australian states that is.
Baba + Bolton.
Same person, different personalities?
Will have to start calling both of them Sybil.
Sadly, there’s a wealth of idiots out there.
That’s why we’ll never be a Third World nation.
Oh. Wait…
So just STFU and stop gleefully jumping on the unverified stories and attempting to use them as a club to beat Israel with.
Or perhaps we could talk about officially verified reports, like that hospital strike on Oct 17, 2023. Officially (as officially reported by the governing body in Gaza) hundreds of people died, 471 according to the official figures from the Gaza Health Ministry.
Officially it was an IDF strike, wasn’t it?
Senior military figure to lead probe into Israel’s World Central Kitchen strike
By ben packham
The Albanese government will select an experienced military figure as its special adviser on Israel’s killing of seven aid workers, including Australian Zomi Frankcom.
As the government worked through its shortlist for the extraordinary role, it was prioritising candidates with defence experience who could work closely with the Israeli investigation, led by an Israeli Defence Forces reserves major.
Anthony Albanese on Sunday said the appointment would be made “within 24 hours”, declaring that the government wanted “clear information and transparency around this”.
As the Israel-Hamas war entered its seventh month, Industry and Science Minister Ed Husic said there were “systemic problems” in the way Israel had conducted itself in the conflict, and Frankcom had “paid the price”.
Opposition foreign affairs spokesman Simon Birmingham said it was “naive” to pretend civilians weren’t accidentally killed in wartime, including by Australian forces. He said the deaths of the aid workers last week were “a tragedy in a sea of tragedies” dating back to the October 7 terrorist attack, when another Australian – Galit Carbone -– was killed by Hamas.
“Unlike Hamas, Israel does have processes and they have been stepping through those processes of investigation,” he told the ABC’s Insiders program.
Do we not have an ambassador in Israel. Is she/he not the liaison between the two governments?
What qualifies the Industry/Science Minister to comment, by the way (apart from political opportunity, stoked by the feral media)?
Israel has rejected the “special advisor” ……
Unverified stories? I’m not promoting 40 beheaded babies, 20 children bound shot and torched, vaginas shot or stuffed with nails, slashed wombs, baked babies.
These are the lies of Zaka volunteers, an organisation founded by a pedophile.
Rufus T Firefly, step on up.
I don’t think the Jon Stewart scandal has legal legs but it certainly has political legs. Stewart has TDS and was a vociferous critic of Trump over valuing his assets and supporter of the fat kunt who prosecuted Trump, at her behest it appears. Now it has been revealed that Stewart over valued one of his properties by over 800% for sale where he definitely benefitted at other people’s expense, unlike Trump. Why hasn’t the fat, black kunt prosecuted Stewart. Trump’s gorgeous lawyer and a panel of guys excoriate Stewart and the fat kunt:
NY AG Latitia James UPSET & FACING JAIL TIME After She TOLD Jon Stewart To Do This To TRUMP On TV (youtube.com)
Hearing reports now that IDF has evacuated Gaza but for the north-south barrier.
These are the lies of Zaka volunteers, an organisation founded by a pedophile.
WTF did ZAKA have to do with October 7? Is this some sort of bullshit about the massacre being done by the IDF. The hamas scum raped, tortured and murdered everyone, babies, children women and men, old and young. And then the bastards took 250 hostages to continue raping, torturing and murdering back in gaza.
Anyone who vomits otherwise is just a piece of shit.
what a load of frog shit, it was you that used the notion as a talking-point
you’re not ‘promoting’ it … so much as using it as a stage-prop
Dreams answered.
Stayed up a bit later on a Sunday night to watch the midget cheating houso ranga in the IPL.
Gone for 10. Mission accomplished.
your logical fallacy is an appeal to purity or , what’s known as the No True Scotsman
there are No True Scotsmen in Gaza
I’ve done a search of references to ‘beheaded babies’ from the OT since Oct. The first reference was in an Old Ozzie link to a Daily Mail articleon 9/10. The OTs for Oct 9, 12, and 16 are interesting in that regard.
I see Dutton is negotiating with Rolls Royce for SMRs.
In related news, cohenite is negotiating his pre-nup with Kylie Minogue.
I am deffo not going back for a look
the whole exaggeration game is designed to have everybody arguing about truth v reality
oh mUnty you’re a bit of a Greta aren’t you
next to zero carbon emissions v certain death by radiation emissions
… and the premises of neither are true
you j’smists love a good narrative though
sorry, did I say true?
… I meant real
April 7, 2024 10:59 pm
I see Dutton is negotiating with Rolls Royce for SMRs.
Tennis Elbow is already going to give RR 4 Billion South Pacific Pesos of our hard earned and now borrowed moneeeeeee to develop the reactors (very small SMRs that can go for 30 years without missing a beat) for the Nuclear Subs.
So, comment prease.
You don’t see very well at all or keep up with current events.
New OT up.
Nuclear plans pay western democracies.
Renewables pay an aggressive dictatorship.
What to do? Eh Monty.