Worse than Whitlam?

Suffering from a crisis in confidence. Be not alarmed. This is not a personal crisis.ย  It is just that I see very little in the current Labor government to convince me that its redemption is likely; i.e., a radical change of course.

Letโ€™s go back in time. Take the second and third Gough Whitlam ministries. Yes, some unhinged people. Jim Cairns, Rex Connor, Al Grassby and Lionel Murphy did not readily inspire confidence. On the other hand, there were some solid chaps, I think anyway. Men like Kim Beazley Sen., Bill Hayden, Frank Crean, Don Willesee, John Wheeldon. Where are their counterparts today?

When I look across the Anthony Albanese government I see him, his evasions and his bare-faced lying about the intake of Gazan Palestinians, and his evident inability to handle the job. And also most prominently Richard Marles, Chris Bowen, Jim Chalmers, Tony Burke, Penny Wong, Tanya Plibersek. Okay, Clare Oโ€™Neil and Andrew Jiles canโ€™t play ducks and drakes with criminal illegal immigrants anymore. But, does Burke taking over from them remind you of the relief felt when Hayden took the Treasury reins from Cairns? No, it doesnโ€™t. It is a frying pan to fire situation.

Sorry, but I canโ€™t see a chink of hope. This latest god-awful decision by Wong to throw Israel to the wolves while expressing regret that she couldnโ€™t go further shames us all. She is a national embarrassment.

Meanwhile, Plibersek cancels a goldmine on the filmiest of pretexts (with superciliousness on steroids) while readying to destroy Australiaโ€™s prosperity with her โ€œNature Positiveโ€ [Mining negative] bill to set up an Environment Protection Australia agency. She is hosting The Global Nature Positive Summit, dubbed threateningly the “United Nations COP”, in Sydney between October 8 and 10. She will want to make a commitment at whatever cost to Australia. Look, she felt marginalised by Albo and now wants to make a splash. Be afraid of this lady.

Meanwhile, Chris Bowenโ€™s unreliable-energy antics are simply beyond parody. It is a matter of arithmetic that intermittent wind and sun cannot power a modern economy or any economy for that matter; and that batteries cannot conceivably store anywhere near sufficient power to fill the gaps. Thus it wonโ€™t work. As anyone with a brain, unlike Bowenโ€™s, not addled by climate cultism, can see. We need fossil fuels and/or nuclear. Mythical green hydrogen and pumped hydro are just that, mythical.

Meanwhile, Chalmers has discovered a new economics whereby spending money and giving people free money, via rebates, to counter higher prices reduces inflation. Magic Pudding economics before our very eyes. On the side, he engages in the sport of Bullock bashing.

Meanwhile, Bourke when not having a policy-influencing weather eye on Muslim votes in his western Sydney seat of Watson was busy introducing industrial relations laws designed to reward union bosses and cripple businesses. And now heโ€™s in charge of immigration. Really? Great choice Albo. Leaving aside the governmentโ€™s utter dereliction of duty in secretly issuing tourist visas to Gazan Palestinians with nary a check, migrant flows show no sign of slowing – putting increasing pressure on cities, housing, hospitals, schools, transport, and that minor matter in our multicultural maelstrom called cultural cohesion.

Meanwhile, Marles our defence minister is doing his best to convince our adversaries that we are defenceless. Unless it is a clever ploy, our apparent inability to provide even one warship to support the US and other allies in the Red Sea might just be seen as a sign of weakness. Come and get us. We have few soldiers, no subs, no ships, no drones and no missiles. True, an exaggeration. But not that much of one to allow us to feel secure. Mind you, I am sure we are up there with the best of them in the military gender-bending stakes.

Obviously the ineptitude, recklessness and sheer bloody-mindedness goes beyond my brief account. Consider, as examples, Aboriginal affairs and the upcoming misinformation (censorship) legislation. It is all bleak so far as the eye can see. Is there any bright spot? I canโ€™t see one. Can you? And just imagine if there are enough people in Australia to vote this government back into power, with the help of the execrable Greens and deplorable Teals. What would it say about us collectively?

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Carpe Jugulum
Carpe Jugulum
September 21, 2024 3:07 pm

From the outside looking in, i really can’t see anything bright for Oz in the short term.

Given you will probably have a minority alp government in thrall to the Nazi Party (greens), i would recommend hiding or liquidating your assets and having an extended break offshore.

September 21, 2024 3:21 pm

What would it say about us collectively?

Let’s leave collective judgments to the left.

September 21, 2024 3:41 pm

And just imagine if there are enough people in Australia to vote this government back into power, with the help of the execrable Greens and deplorable Teals. What would it say about us collectively?

That we’re so stupid we deserve what we’re going to get.

Living with ignorant fatheads is a painful business.

September 21, 2024 3:54 pm

Some of us prefer to stay here and fight for something we love rather than run away and take snide pot shots from overseas.

September 21, 2024 5:13 pm

‘ineptitude, recklessness’. Perhaps. What if it is deliberate? It doesn’t take a capable person to destroy, especially when they have host of Pilgrim, Trilaterals, Blackrocks etc to kindly instruct (read ‘order’) them. They’re just little cogs in the big encroaching neo communo-fascist rule.

Wally Dali
Wally Dali
September 21, 2024 7:06 pm

Yep NB, “Nature Positive” is a -typically improsaic- banner to cover up the further parasitism of our lives to the globohomo blob of money lenders, rentseekers, ticket punchers and kid-diddlers.

Carpe Jugulum
Carpe Jugulum
September 21, 2024 7:26 pm


September 21, 2024 3:54 pm

Some of us prefer to stay here and fight for something we love rather than run away and take snide pot shots from overseas.

Some of us aren’t aust citizens, and i see no fighting going on.

But you do you LTCoL milton MC GGF

September 21, 2024 7:47 pm

Is there any bright spot?

labore will eventually be voted out and the evil incompetent imbeciles in this abortion of a so called called government will all die (by natural causes or otherwise).

I’m hoping both eventualities will happen sooner rather than later.

  1. I’m reading Thomas Fleming’s book “The New Dealer’s War.” Interesting reading, to say the least!

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x