Open Thread – Weekend 12 Oct 2024

Two Women Asleep in a Punt under the Willows, John Singer Sargent, 1887

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October 13, 2024 8:15 am

Waltz seems to up there with Harry Reid in the pure evil stakes. Bad bad people.

October 13, 2024 8:16 am
October 13, 2024 8:21 am
Winston Smith
Winston Smith
October 13, 2024 8:26 am

A Gazan doctor who praised Palestinians who “killed the Jews” appeared repeatedly on the BBC, even after the corporation had been told about her social media history.

The BBC was informed about Dr Amira Al-Assouli’s past social media activity – which ranges from promising Israelis will be “vomited out” of the region, praising Jew-killers as “martyrs” and claiming “Jews are traitors” – after she appeared on a segment in March about Israel’s raid on Nasser hospital.

What to do when the government broadcaster publishes such stuff, apart from assuming the government agrees with it?

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
October 13, 2024 8:32 am

Albo to the opposition:
How many of youse is from Toretsk?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 13, 2024 8:42 am

Haha, our old friend the Ponds Institute is trying on some more social engineering.

‘Criminalising poverty’: Research argues tying speeding fines to income (13 Oct)

Research from the independent Australia Institute has found there is a case to be made for tying the cost of a traffic fine to an offender’s income, like Finland has been doing for 100 years. …

A driver pinged 9km/h over the limit in NSW is charged $181. Under an “equitable” scheme, a driver in the highest income bracket would suddenly be whacked with a $471 fine. A driver in the lowest income bracket pays $32.

A top earner caught doing more than 10km/h over the limit would be fined $889.

Research in Finland discovered fines more than €200 (A$320) reduced the likelihood of reoffending in the following six months, but the deterrent apparently vanished 12 months after the ticket.

This calls into doubt the effect of speeding fines as a deterrent, so the Australia Institute research reckons steering the fines money to road maintenance and upgrades is the best way forward.

If you thought Friday midnight wheelies were bad now, just wait until the unemployed bogan Commodore drivers get going when faced with fines of a massive massive $32.

Last edited 19 hours ago by Bruce of Newcastle
October 13, 2024 8:48 am

The globalist international left has marked Israel for destruction. It’s various minions- the BBC, ABC, Dept of Foreign Affairies in Canbra etc etc are following directions.

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
October 13, 2024 8:56 am

Opinion: Suppliers Go From Just In Time To Just Don’t Know

It appears the “Just in Time” manufacturing revolution has hit the real world limits it was always going to meet up with.

Higher borrowing rates to fund inventory growth have affected the entire supply chain. The rising inventory levels and higher borrowing rates are combining into a pernicious effect on suppliers.

Last edited 19 hours ago by Winston Smith
October 13, 2024 8:58 am

Hence the dishonest and ridiculous attempt to equate Aboriginal problems in Australia with the Palestinian issue.

October 13, 2024 9:05 am


 October 13, 2024 8:10 am

Decline of the West?

All my dope fiend mates are dead, so I can’t ask them what a liberating decision this is in the USA.

Not much has changed since Woodstock though a pendulum swing the other way is due soon.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 13, 2024 9:09 am

Things that make you go hmmm…

“Massive” cyber attacks hit Iranian government sites and nuclear facilities (12 Oct)

Amid escalating Middle East tensions, Iran faced major cyberattacks Saturday, disrupting its government branches and targeting nuclear facilities. The massive cyberattack followed Israel’s pledged response to Iran’s October 1 missile barrage, as regional conflicts intensified in Gaza and Lebanon.

Abolhassan Firouzabadi, former secretary of Iran’s Supreme Council for Cyberspace, told local media Iran suffered a cyber attack. Firouzabadi also added that threat actors stole sensitive information from targeted infrastructure.

“Nearly all three branches of Iran’s government – the judiciary, the legislature, and the executive branch – have been hit by heavy cyberattacks, and their information was stolen,” said Firouzabadi, the former secretary of Iran’s Supreme Council of Cyberspace, was quoted as saying by the Iran International. “Our nuclear facilities have also been targeted by cyberattacks, as well as networks like fuel distribution, municipal networks, transportation networks, ports, and similar sectors. These are just part of a long list of various areas across the country that have been attacked,” he added.

Is it the response itself or preparation for the response?

October 13, 2024 9:16 am

What to do when the government broadcaster publishes such stuff, apart from assuming the government agrees with it?

Winston, this is why I hold the Coalition as much as Labor responsible for the ABC’s attacks on mainstream Australians and western civilisation in general. They must promise to reign in the ABC financially and politically if they want my vote.

If they are too squishy to get in amongst the issues the simplest thing is to break it up and sell off what is not useful.

October 13, 2024 9:25 am

What a dream to wake up to.

The look on Angela Smirkel’s face when she is informed that Trump won the election.

No more sleep after that.

Cassie of Sydney
October 13, 2024 9:25 am

Beginning on Friday night, at approximately 6..44 p.m. the great and holy fast of Yom Kippur began and it finished last night at 7.45 pm.  It is a 25 hour long fast.  On Friday night I attended Shul for the solemn and beautiful Kol Nidre service and yesterday I spent over eight hours in Shul, arriving at 11.30 am and only leaving just before 8.00 pm last night, after the fast had concluded.  

Oddly this Yom Kippur I fasted quite well, feeling neither hungry nor thirsty which is a rarity for me as I am not very good at fasting.  Note, it isn’t the food I miss, it’s the fluid.  Yom Kippur is a fast where for 25 hours you abstain from ALL food and fluid (and sex, anything pleasurable is forsaken for 25 hours). It’s the great day of atonement, of repentance and of imploring and begging Hashem for forgiveness, to be written and sealed in the book of life.  

I felt a lot of comfort yesterday, listening to the prayers that have sustained my ancestors, through the good times but also through the bad times, the pogroms, the expulsions, the persecutions and so on. Unusually today, when reading the Siddur (prayer book), I read with avid interest the various commentaries, about the rabbis that had been martyred, about Jonah being gobbled up by a whale, about Avraham and Sarah trusting Hashem and so on.  

And then something dawned on me whilst reading the commentaries, which is that everything that is happening now has happened before to us Jews, it’s an eternal Jewish story. Many of us Jews now agree that we’re back to living in the reality of Jewish history, which is one of hate, disdain, isolation and persecution. Whilst we haven’t got to the persecution stage in the West or in this country yet, when you see the footage of what Melbourne University professor Professor Steven Prawer has endured from leftist and Muslim Nazi scum, you know the ice is thin, and it’s cracking. Prawer is an observant Jew and wears a kippah, he’s very obviously and very proudly……a JEW. In other words, he’s an easy, easy target. And remember, during the 1930s and 1940s the German Nazis’ first targets were always observant Jews because they were easy to find.

Just further to Nazis, reading back over the thread I see our very own Nazi appeared here yesterday. Interesting isn’t it, how this commentator has spent years here accusing those he dislikes, which is everyone on the right and most of us here, of either being Nazis or Nazi adjacent. He’s proudly told us on more than one occasion how much he hates Nazis and how he wants to ‘punch a Nazi’. I don’t know about others but I recall his near hysterical reaction last year after a group of gender critical women held a rally in Melbourne and that rally was gatecrashed by a group of music hall Nazis. You recall his reaction? Not only did he advocate violence towards those women, he smeared them all as ‘Nazis’.

And yet, when real Muslim and leftist Nazis vomit up and ‘enter the office of Professor Steven Prawer, in the physics building at the University of Melbourne, and refuse to leave when he requested. Instead, they chanted offensive slogans at him, and left stickers and signs all over his office. The university was forced to call the police to expel the protesters, our resident Nazi, who has always been quick to condemn Nazism is now curiously, oddly and weirdly…..silent. Perhaps our Nazi, since he’s so desperate to punch a Nazi or two, could contact Professor Prawer and tell him that he is more than happy to stand guard outside his office and fight off those real Muslim and leftist Nazis.

A warning, don’t hold your breath.

We Jews in the West have had it good for 80 years, but that’s over now, it’s back to living in the reality of Jewish history.  Who would have thought that this country would ever succumb to such rampant bigotry and hatred of Jews, certainly not my grandparents, but here we are.

I’ll just caveat the above, I happen to think most Australians are decent people who stand with Jews and Israel. But it doesn’t matter, it didn’t matter in the 1920s when Nazism grew in power in Germany. Noisy, activist minorities who use violence, and who are given shields of protection by disgraceful governments such as this current federal government, by scum media and by a politicised police force, will win.

On arrival at Shul yesterday I was told that shortly before a man had walked past the synagogue and yelled ‘Heil Hitler’.  I was told that the police had dealt with him pronto.  Well, that’s good.  You have to understand that our synagogues have a big police presence, a dreadful reality for all Jewish schools, synagogues, kindergartens, hospitals and aged care facilities. But this person’s hate was cleansed later on by another person.  Yizkor prayers are for those who’ve lost their parents, if you have not lost either one or both of your parents then you sit outside whilst prayers are said.  I am lucky to have both my mother and father still living so along with others I sat in the foyer whilst the Yizkor prayers are recited.  We mulled around where the synagogue gates are and whilst we were mulling around a big burly male, clearly middle eastern, stood outside the gates and started shouting, “I effing love youz all, I’m Lebanese, youz will save Lebanon, like Jesus Christ the Jew saved us”.

Inside the gates we Jews smiled and said, ‘thank you’……a thank you we meant.

Finally, I come to Al Yazbek the Jew hater.  Reading back, I think Sancho said it best earlier yesterday, there is nothing ‘alleged’ about what Yazbeck the Jew hater did last Sunday at the Jew hating fest to celebrate the Israeli Jews murdered, raped and taken hostage. Yazbek the Jew hater held up a placard of an Israeli flag superimposed with a swastika, and he also proudly held up a tweaked Hezbollah flag.

Classy man (sarcasm).

I note it took Yazbek the Jew hater over four days to apologise, an apology which only came about because his reputation was being minced, like when you put leftover lamb through a mincer to make shepherds pie, and Yazbek’s food empire was slowly collapsing and crumbling. Remember, Yazbek the Jew hater didn’t say sorry on Monday, or on Tuesday, or on Wednesday, or on Thursday.  No, it took until Friday for him to apologise for his utterly obscene actions in Hyde Park last Sunday, and only because his name and restaurant empire had hit the skids and was in tatters.

And that’s because Yazbek is NOT sorry. He’s only sorry that the police arrested and charged him and the subsequent fallout has been like the eruption of Krakatoa, there is just just no place for him to hide from the rocks spewing down.

Since October 7, and particularly since October 9 when we witnessed the obscene scenes on the steps of the Sydney Opera House and earlier I had witnessed first-hand the scene at Sydney Town Hall, Jews across the West and particularly in this country have been forced to put up with the most unbelievable filthy shit imaginable. Well, no more. I and others Jews that I know do not and will not accept Mr Yazbek’s apology……a clayton’s apology if ever there was one.

I think my mother said it best to me yesterday morning, and her thoughts were echoed by others I spoke to in Shul yesterday, particularly one of my friends whose father was on the Kindertransport out of Germany in 1939.  What Yazbek the Jew hater did last Sunday was so unbelievably repulsive and repugnant that it can’t be washed over, it can’t be cleansed, and certainly not by some lily-livered words about how ‘some of his best friends are Jewish‘ (bullshit) and ‘I believe in diversity‘ etc. No, you see, as my mother remarked to me, Al Yazbek the Jew hater IS the face of evil on Australian streets, the fact he did what he did and he felt empowered to do so tells us a lot about the state of Australia in 2024. There must be responsibility, there must be accountability. He can’t walk away from this, he will not walk away from this. I do not forgive Al Yazbek.

Am Yisrael Chai.

Apologies about the long rant!

October 13, 2024 9:27 am
Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 13, 2024 9:35 am

I don’t think we’re going to be seeing Mr Qaani again somehow.

Is a Top Iranian General a Mossad Mole? (11 Oct, via Lucianne)

Revolutionary Guards commander Esmail Qaani, commanding officer of Iran’s crack Quds Force, has not been seen in public since the September 27 air strike that killed Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah.

Media sources in the Middle East have conflicting accounts of General Qaani’s whereabouts. However, several sources report that he’s under investigation for his ties to Israel. The Arabic-language al-Arabiya network reported that Mr. Qaani “is under surveillance and isolation, following the Israeli assassinations of prominent Iranian leaders.” Another report from Sky News says that Qaani suffered a heart attack while being questioned about the recent spate of intelligence failures in Iran.

Dead from an airstrike, executed as a spy, gaoled or died of a heart attack under questioning. All very opaque but all of those options mean he’s basically a Norwegian Blue.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 13, 2024 10:01 am

I’m a lumberjack and I’m OK, I sleep all night, I work all day.

Pink-haired DEI trainer slams Oregon forestry bosses ‘for hiring on basis of merit not gender or identity’ (11 Oct)

A pink-haired DEI trainer has slammed Oregon’s forestry department for hiring on the basic of merit rather than identity. Megan Donecker filed a complaint about her former boss Mike Shaw and moaned about him telling her that he sought the ‘candidates most qualified for the job.’ DEI advocates like Donecker say hiring should be done through an ‘intersectional lens’ whereby applications from people of marginalized backgrounds are given greater weight. Shaw, who earns $192,000-a-year as deputy head of Oregon’s Department of Forestry, has been put on leave over Donecker’s complaint.

I cut down trees, I skip and jump, I like to press wild flowers
I put on women’s clothing, And hang around in bars

I cut down trees, I wear high heels, Suspenders and a bra
I wish I were a girlie, Just like my dear papa

(Apologies to a Mr Palin…)

October 13, 2024 10:02 am

Chris Kenny has an article up at the Oz online titled
“Trust governments to rule what’s true? Not a chance”
It gives plenty of examples and mentions certain things he was not able to say during Covid. Such as virus came from a lab or vaccines don’t stop transmission.
However he made the mistake of referring to pages in the Uluru statement and comments are picking him up on this issue.
He does rightly point out the Misinformation Bill reference to example of using bleach to stop Covid (a reference to Trump) was in itself misinformation.

October 13, 2024 10:06 am

Also Maher, but this one is an unbelievably on point defence of Israel that might even get through to some youth.

New Rule: Dear Chappell Roan… | Real Time with Bill Maher 

October 13, 2024 10:28 am
October 13, 2024 10:33 am

Peta Credlin delivers Albanese’s political obituary:

Shameful legacy from poor leadership

Peta Credlin, The Courier Mail, 12 October, 2024

It’s hard to credit that it could have happened so quickly, yet with at least six months to go in its first term, the Albanese government looks to be on the verge of disintegration. Its legislation has stalled, its forward agenda is threadbare, its senior members are at odds, and it appears to have lost any moral compass. And yet most of them, including the Prime Minister and his office, appear to be in denial about how bad things are.

The government’s inability to commemorate the slaughter of Israeli men, women and children as the result of a terrorist attack with a simple condolence motion shows how far modern Labor has travelled from the days of Bob Hawke, who famously said that “if the bell tolls for Israel, it tolls for all mankind”.

As things stood on the evening of October 7 last year, there was only one victim – and that was Israel, with 1200 civilians killed and 250 taken hostage.

If the government really felt it necessary to mourn equally those dead in Israel’s counter-attack, it could have waited a week or so and moved a separate resolution, perhaps on the anniversary of Israel’s incursion into Gaza. Instead, by trying to conflate the victims of a terrorist atrocity with the dead civilians that Hamas and Hezbollah use as human shields, the Albanese government diminished itself, as well as spelt the end of Australia’s historic bipartisanship in support of Israel’s right to exist and to defend itself.

The inability of senior ministers to articulate a uniform position on anything to do with the Middle East, and the PM’s unedifying insistence that his position was the same as Joe Biden’s, when clearly it was not, just added to the sense of drift and confusion that began when Treasurer Jim Chalmers reportedly leaked that the government was looking to revisit the tax treatment of rental properties and capital gains.

Then there was the obvious trickery of rushing in legislation to prevent the privatisation of the NBN, that no one has proposed, that could only be sold at a massive loss, and that even Kevin Rudd said should eventually be sold.

Seriously, does no one in the PM’s office do their homework before trying on a political stunt in case it backfires like this?

Add in the government’s equally transparent game-playing with a Labor-dominated parliamentary committee inquiry into the feasibility of nuclear power to report a few weeks prior to the likely May election.

Rather than govern the country, it seems ministerial offices in Canberra are fixated on political games, when Australians are struggling to afford even the basics.

And speaking of ministerial offices, the shock press conference last week from Defence Minister Richard Marles’ chief of staff, who claims to have been bullied out of her job, is a big problem.

It’s less about the hypocritical contrast between Labor’s alleged treatment of this former diplomat-turned-staffer – and its sanctimonious weaponisation of the Brittany Higgins situation – and more about the inertia this saga creates in one of the most important offices in the country.

Is it any wonder that defence experts are alarmed at our lack of military preparedness, bumbling speeches from the minister, budget blowouts and lagging decision-making if internal issues inside his office are not resolved and allowed to fester like this? To keep someone on full pay yet ban her from her office for months is like nothing I have seen, but it speaks volumes to me about what else is happening behind closed doors.

Even on the current polls, the Albanese government is all but certain to have to do a deal with the Greens, post-election, to stay in office. And this is before most voters are even focused on the election.

If the polls are bad now, they are only likely to get worse because, let’s not forget, Labor was elected in 2022 on a record low 32 per cent primary vote. If a first-term margin is supposed to be your high-water mark, that’s grim, isn’t it? Add in the fact that a government vying for a second term usually has a record to run on, but ask yourself this: What has the Albanese government achieved?

Albanese and Dutton clash over October 7 massacre motion

After six quarters of negative growth in per capita GDP, meaning the country is in a sharp recession, there’s no way that most voters will feel better off under the Albanese government.

The second question voters normally ask is: Does the opposition deserve my vote? Unlike state Liberal oppositions, Peter Dutton is offering people a clear alternative to Labor based on conviction – supporting emissions-free nuclear power, wanting sharply reduced immigration, and offering first homebuyers a leg-up into the housing market. Overwhelmingly, people will make a choice based on who they think will best help them keep their head above water as the cost of living continues to bite.

But, increasingly, character will play out, too – both the character of the person chosen to lead us and the character of our country that we’ve seen on display recently over the Voice and Middle Eastern problems imported here.

All elections matter but it’s hard to see one that matters more than this.


The Albanese government’s “Misinformation Bill” is the biggest assault on freedom of speech ever attempted in Australia.

The fact that Labor wants to try to ram it through the parliament before the next election says it all.

And confirmation of its chilling impact on debate came courtesy of Aboriginal activist and Uluru Statement from the Heart co-author Megan Davis, who recently castigated Labor for not legislating against so-called misleading campaigns advocating a “No” vote.

Reflecting on the 12-month anniversary of the Voice defeat, on Monday, Davis argues that the laws before the parliament now would have helped defeat the “Trumpian” lies of the No campaign.

What Trumpian lies?

During the Voice debate, I spent months and months highlighting what Davis and other Indigenous leaders had said on the record over six years – in speeches, published articles and interviews – about the breadth of the Uluru Statement from the Heart, which was a long manifesto that included treaties and reparations.

There was no lie in any of my material. In fact, I used their own words and official government documents issued under a Freedom of Information application to the legal section of the government’s peak Indigenous department.

Without a free media and freedom of speech, none of this would have come out. As it was, some of what I said was taken off social media until lawyers at Sky News and this paper demonstrated it as fact, and it was forced to be reinstated.

If the Prime Minister gets his new laws, it’s game over for debate in this country and our democracy will be fundamentally constrained.

For those who voted No this time last year, the fight is still not over.

October 13, 2024 10:34 am

Talking about freedom of speech I would really like to know who briefs mainstream media online moderators and what are they told to reject. Or even better have one of them go public.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 13, 2024 10:36 am

TOWN HALL: Kamala Harris’s disastrous Univision town hall featured a ‘fake’ audience. 50% of the attendees were handpicked from across the country and flown to the town hall and were allowed to ask questions. The other 50% of the attendees were hired by an ‘audience-for-hire’ company and weren’t allowed to ask questions. The event was completely stage directed and fake.

That’s a quote that Indolent put up last night. Perfect lead in to these two commentaries from David Strom and Tree Hugging Sister from Hot Air. Strom’s article is fascinating and awesome, but Beege Welborn’s is pure triple-distilled genius (and snark).

This Is Beyond Insane: Kamala’s Univision Disaster (11 Oct)

Harris is vapid. A terrible candidate. I don’t say that as a partisan but as an observer. Lots of people really do WANT to like and respect her, but few actually do. The magic is gone. “Brat Summer” is gone. The JOY!! is gone. 

What they have left is pure panic. 

Hola, Amigos De Kamalista to Her Mui Authentico Hispanica Town Hall! (11 Oct)

Prizzy Joe Cool of the Perfectly Creased Pants was working his magic on his fellow black men yesterday—well, trying to. First, he appealed to them in mournful tones, reminding them of all the life experiences he, they, and Kamala Harris have in common. In Obama’s own inimitable, insufferable fashion, he also sort of smugly wondered why these brothers can’t love her half as much as they do him, knowing the answer full well.

No one could ever be as beloved as Barack.

*sad smirk*

And the latter is Ms Welborn just getting started. It gets better and better and better. I do like Mr Strom’s choice of the word “vapid” though. Hard to think of anyone else on the planet that more quintessentially fits it.

October 13, 2024 10:42 am

Jim Hoft, dumbest man on the Internet, is forced to admit on Gateway Pundit that there was no electoral interference in Georgia in 2020 as part of a legal settlement.

October 13, 2024 10:48 am

This Is a Slow-Motion Nationalization of the Economy

Daniel Lacalle, Mises Wire, 6th October 2024

Global liquidity is expanding. In the past three months, the global money supply has soared by $4.7 trillion. This rapid increase started when the Federal Reserve panicked the first time and delayed the normalization of the balance sheet in June.

Since then, we have seen a chain of fresh stimulus policies implemented by developed economies, adding to the large fiscal packages already in place. Multi-trillion-dollar investment packages like the EU Next Generation Fund now include massive deficit spending plans. However, money velocity is not rising. All these programs only lead to secular stagnation. Government projects and current expenditures are consuming money at an unprecedented rate.

Developed economies cannot live without new and larger spending plans. The result is more debt, weaker productivity growth, and declining real wages.

In a recent report, Bank of America showed that the rise of unproductive debt has created a significant problem for the United States economy. For every dollar of new government debt, the gross domestic product impact has slumped to less than fifty cents. The United States is drowning in unproductive debt. However, at least the United States has some productivity growth. If we look at the euro area, the negative multiplier effect of new government debt is extremely evident. Despite enormous stimulus plans and negative nominal rates, the euro area has been stagnating for years.

Many of you may believe that bad policies and careless government spending are to blame, but I think this is intentional. It is a slow process of nationalizing the economy. Slowly depleting the middle class’s savings due to consistently declining real wages, the government expands its influence in the economy, garnering support from a substantial portion of the populace.

Market participants love this. A new stimulus plan means more money printing, which will bring more liquidity to markets and fuel multiple expansions regardless of weak economic figures. However, my esteemed colleagues should be wiser when hailing the next stage of financial repression. Discontent is rising among citizens, and one way or another, this will end badly.

Debt crises may not appear the same way as they used to. It is not a cataclysmic event but a slow boiling that leads to the same impoverishment.

Neo-Keynesians look at the past four years of the United States economy and claim victory. However, for many in the United States middle class, their impoverishment over the past four years has been like that of Greek citizens in 2009.

When central banks think of a soft landing, they are looking at a gradual erosion of the purchasing power of salaries and deposits. This is precisely what we are experiencing, compounded by the additional burden of higher taxes. There is no such thing as a soft landing. Only government bureaucrats and those who can conceal their wealth from money destruction can benefit from a soft landing.

This new increase in money supply may not bring a fresh burst of inflation because money velocity is not rising as well. However, that means lower investment, lower growth, and lower productivity. Market prices, multiple expansions, and bubbles may appear again, while families and small businesses find themselves in a tougher spot.

The back-to-back chain of stimulus plans shows the failure of Keynesian policies. We used to witness the introduction of a new spending and rate-cutting program a few years after the previous one. Now, governments simply add new programs on top of each other and claim that the economy is about to turn the corner.

Government spending consumes the majority of newly created money, leaving the productive economy with decreasing access to credit, declining currency purchasing power, and wealth confiscation through taxes and currency printing.

According to the most recent OECD report, inflation will be 3.5% with a global growth rate of 3.3% in 2025. The introduction of massive new spending and financial repression programs has resulted in 80% of OECD countries experiencing annual inflation that exceeds their central banks’ target. There is a global policy of absorbing productive and private sector wealth. A few years ago, someone dared to say, “You will not have anything, but you will be happy,” and most people understood the dangers of that promise. Nowadays, no one says it anymore. They’re just implementing it slowly. You will be poorer. Protect yourself from inflation and financial repression, or you will be a dependent subclass.

“Developed economies cannot live without new and larger spending plans. The result is more debt, weaker productivity growth, and declining real wages.”

The Australian economy’s malady diagnosed.

Even if the Commonwealth were to stop spending, the states are addicted to it.

Last edited 17 hours ago by Roger
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
October 13, 2024 11:00 am

The map of possible strategic futures in the Gulf that Vicki put up at 2.11pm yestereday has focussed my attention. I think it’s the one Hairy was referring to last night as I settled into bed for a nice long sleep.

Hairy came in to bed giving me a run down on how our cruise that is headed to ports in the Straits of Hdrmuz in December might become part of a wider war zone, depending what Israel does in Iran.

Be prepared for another dumping off by the cruise operators, cancelling the show before we go up that way from the Indian Ocean islands, like in Mexico did to us in 2020, he warns me.

OK, we’ll just fly to Dubai from Africa instead of cruising there I reply.

Or, he continues, we might get stuck in the Straits, unable to move forward or back.

Hmmm. Thinking that all through didn’t make for the most restful ngiht.

October 13, 2024 11:05 am

Please spend 10 seconds looking at Rosie’s 8:21 a.m. X link. It’s a doozy, and a fantastic example of pallywood propaganda. This image must be the ‘poster child.’

October 13, 2024 11:16 am
October 13, 2024 11:17 am
October 13, 2024 11:18 am

Haha. Peter Dutton is on the starting grid at Bathurst. Where’s elbow?

PS: Mr Potato Head is tipping victory in the great race for Dick Johnson Racing’s Will Davison.

October 13, 2024 11:23 am

Heartbroken their genocide attempt wasn’t sufficiently successful.

October 13, 2024 11:26 am

Maybe Dutton is picking up the ball and running with it. I hope so. One of his biggest problems is squishes in his own party methinks.

Last edited 16 hours ago by Miltonf
October 13, 2024 11:28 am

Poll Bludgers sewer.

I wade through there looking at his summaries of the Polls as they are usually pretty good, especially his graphs but the comments underneath are truly enlightening of the true believers. They have now latched on to abortion in a forlorn hope it will take points of the LNP, throw in a few comments still blaming Newman for everything that ills the state and that’s just on the state level.

Observations 2 weeks out. Polls likely predicting reasonably accurately round SEQ but a little too rosy for the LNP in the regions. Cairns & Mulgrave will remain ALP but swing seats like Barron River will go LNP.

LNP has a possibility to regain Hinchinbrook. Will likely pick up Mundingburra & Thuringowa. Townsville will remain ALP.

Mackay will probably stay red, Marani will be a KAP hold as the local member there (exPHON) has a bit of support. Whitsunday is already LNP but will probably increase margin from 3%. Same Burdekin’s Dale Last, a good bloke.

Rocky, about as Labor as you can get with Gladstone will likely be holds. However Keppel will go to PHON’s James Ashby.

KAP will keep Traeger, Hill, Marani and I don’t think they will gain anymore.

The rest unsure as that gets too far away.

So basically 4 seats north of the tropic of Capricorn. LNP need 12 seats to govern in their own right. Not going to be the north on central that wins this one. Disclaimer, if the swing on election night is above 10% then anything can happen.

October 13, 2024 11:39 am

Ralph Babet’s office emailed this to me- also in the Speccie I think.

The main problem with our political system are the politicians. 
You see, our political representatives are – for the most part – professionals. You could count those who’d worked a real job on one hand. 
Parliament is supposed to be representative of the population but is instead filled with people who have spent their entire working lives in the system. Our representatives are the least representative you could possibly imagine. 
You know how it goes…. They get a taste for skullduggery in university politics. Then they land a job as a political staffer where their political skills are tuned. Then, if they prove their loyalty and ability to toe the party line, they are rewarded with pre-selection. 
After a couple of attempts they are elected to Parliament where they work hard to honour those who put them there. They base their policies on polling rather than on any conviction or principle and they base their voting in the Parliament on how best to stay in the good graces of those who put them there. Ask them about running a small business or about trying to make ends meet or about managing staff and they wouldn’t have a clue. Yet these are the people running our country. 
That’s why people like me – who entered the Senate later in life, having worked in the real world and having built my own business – are so important in Canberra. We are there not there to honour factional deals and to pay back political benefactors. 
Yet people like me are maligned in the media and targeted by the bureaucracy. It’s not difficult to understand why. We haven’t marinated in the incestuous Canberra juice, and so don’t behave in the predictable way the swamp requires senators to behave in order to preserve the status quo.
I’ll say exactly what I’m thinking, without regard for which political powerbroker it might offend. I’m there to speak truth, not to seek another term and then another until I qualify for a generous pension. 
Disrupters have always been a danger to those who have played the system. You only need to look at how the Deep State has gone after Donald Trump to see how much the ‘system’ abhors a person from outside it. 
Trump has been maligned, defamed, sued, prosecuted and shot at. All because he threatens to burst the bubble that a bunch of full-time sycophants have relied upon to enrich themselves while pretending to care about citizens. 
This is why your support for my role in the Senate means so much to me. Australians must continue to demand that the Lower and Upper Houses are filled with people who have real life experience and who really care about voters rather than about factional mates and faceless powerbrokers. 
I’m one of a very small group who bring to the Australian Parliament real world experience and a voice that is my own. The future of our country demands we get more people like me into Parliament. And with your continued help we will. 
Thanks again for your generous support. It’s making a difference to the future of our country. 

I think Victoria can be proud that we sent this man to Canbra.

October 13, 2024 11:42 am

Hijinx in the worlds most boring suburb.

We have a regular street Sunday breakast which is fun.

The discussion this morning was the sirens and lights that disturbed the night hours last night. No doubt the Karens will be lined up on Monday demanding special subdued sirens for genteel suburbs.

The cause of the display was apparently a young lady who owns a plastering business and is a rover in the local vicball footy club.

Apparently she became incensed at a cop who declared her vehicle to be unregistered and proceeded to remove her plates and to call a tow truck.
She beat him so badly that he pressed his ‘calling all cars’ button and we were soon swamped with rozzers.

They must have been up here for a surfing weekend because you never see cops here.

It would appear that for the near future there will be less competition in the plastering business and the club is seeking a new rover. Unfortunately for her she is not first nations niece so she remains incarcerated.

No drugs or booze involved apparently. Those who know her say that she should come with warning signs.

October 13, 2024 11:47 am
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
October 13, 2024 11:53 am

Why do I keep getting thrown off Catallaxy when I try to disengage back to the Cat from one of Rosie’s posts; sometimes from others’ links too? It’s happened four times today already.

If the return arrow is black I try that first which sometimes works. If not, then I’ll try clicking on the x to return to the Cat. Some posts, from Indolent for example, mostly require only a click on the x in the tab to return. Some posts, often Rosie’s, will throw me off no matter what or how I click to return.

Does anyone else have this problem?

October 13, 2024 12:20 pm
October 13, 2024 12:27 pm

California rejects further SpaceX rocket launches after Musk’s ‘aggressive’ presidential race involvement (

It is the California Coastal Commission. AFAIK a bunch of Karens.
?They can’t actually stop launches from Vandenberg which is a DoD facility.

October 13, 2024 12:32 pm

Am Yisrael Chai.
Apologies about the long rant!

Cassie. if there is any good (in Oz) that has come from this shameful revelation of anti-Semitism in our Australia, is that it has been exposed.

Personally, I have been saddened and shocked by such discovery amongst my own social circle – small though the examples have been. In some cases it has taken the form of attempted disavowal of Oct7. These have now been so thoroughly debunked with the evidence, that it is rarely heard these days – but I heard it in the first week after the attacks.

My response has been swift and unequivocal. It is the only way. In every case there was a retreat – but – in my heart – I will not forget their instinctive assessment. On the other hand, the acknowledgement of the horrors of Oct7 by others has strengthened my attachment to them.

At our regular morning coffee haunt in Sydney there is a 90+ Jewish lady (& her son) who was a survivor of the Holocaust, though she lost most of her family. Knowing how the current climate must be affecting her, when I was in Sydney last week I took her some fresh farm eggs from “our girls”. She was very touched. The next day she appeared with the egg container filled with delicate little biscuits that she had made for me from the eggs!

In this lousy world today, it is in these moments that we can express what we feel.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 13, 2024 12:35 pm

California rejects further SpaceX rocket launches after Musk’s ‘aggressive’ presidential race involvement

Elon is going to nuke them into dirt as soon as he gets a lawsuit filed.

Btw it’s a SpaceX double feature tonight as the Dragon capsule with 4 astronauts aboard will be returning to Earth just before Elon has another go at launching his ginormous rocket. Coverage of the Dragon capsule re-entry commences about an hour before the Starship launch attempt, at 9:40pm AEDT if the time zones work out properly. Weather may delay it though, since they’re landing in the sea off of Florida.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
October 13, 2024 12:35 pm

Trump/Vance mailing these pamphlets all over Pennsylvania
comment image
I can only guess the logic is that they are removing all excuses people might have for not voting, such as inconvenience on the day. Worked for the dems.

Trump currently leading +8% on

Cassie of Sydney
October 13, 2024 12:41 pm

Hi all, I am in shock….just went to Avner’s Jewish bakery on Bourke Street and both windows were defaced overnight with big Hamas red triangles. I have pictures. The staff are in shock but they will not be bullied.

They’re not even hiding their Jew hatred any more.

Oh, perhaps our own Nazi could condemn some real Nazis? Oh wait….I can already hear his silence, it is deafening.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 13, 2024 12:42 pm

ISIS sex slave kidnapped aged 11 is rescued a decade later thanks to TikTok video
From the Oz. Anyone able to post this in full?

October 13, 2024 12:44 pm
October 13, 2024 1:11 pm

Rumors swirling around about Tampon Tim, or now, more appropriately, Touch Down Tim.

ALLEGATIONS EXPLODE: Tim Walz, the Democratic VP nominee, faces shocking accusations from @DocNetyoutub, who claims @Tim_Walz’s teaching career ended over inappropriate relations with a male student. This isn’t just a smear—he was called “TOUCHDOWN TIMMY” for a reason.

More here

Last edited 14 hours ago by JC
October 13, 2024 1:15 pm

California rejects further SpaceX rocket launches after Musk’s ‘aggressive’ presidential race involvement
They aren’t even hiding that it is about politics, not the coastal environment

October 13, 2024 1:19 pm

What has the albansleazy goat rodeo achieved?

Nothing good, that’s for certain. Although, they have provided some useful data to support my new hypothesis that every labore goat rodeo is significantly worse than the one preceding it.

Early days in NSW for the minnimax goat rodeo, but the awful performance is clearly evident already – see for example the incessant unhinged pallyweird demos conjuring up scenes reminiscent of 1930’s Germany that attract zero attention from our beloved police farce or any censure from minnimax and yasmine catlady.

Absolutely bloody hopeless.

October 13, 2024 1:22 pm

Avner’s Jewish bakery on Bourke Street and both windows were defaced overnight with big hamarse red triangles

There’s that 1930s Germany vibe again.

October 13, 2024 1:25 pm

Apparently, “is” would be the correct word.
Starmer Was A Pabloite And A Red, Green Revolutionary

October 13, 2024 1:25 pm

On the cruise issue – we were booked on Queen Anne Singapore to Southampton next year. Wanted to see Suez. Not happening, because I don’t think this is finishing any time soon.

In Sydney again for no 1 grandchild’s Confirmation. I was touched that our Jewish family is attending in full force too. We have to stick together.

Might be off the air after tomorrow for a few days. Slice and dice yet again. One of those years…last time I should have asked for a general anaesthetic with full overhaul not just a grease and oil change! 😀

October 13, 2024 1:38 pm
Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
October 13, 2024 1:39 pm

So Inane.
She Walz into the party like she was very high on pot.
Her chat strategically dipped below the public’s eye
Her staff have lost the plot.
She had one eye on the prompter, as she
botched up all her thoughts.
And all the media wished they’d be her partner
they’d be her partner and
You’re so lame
You probably think it’s all about you

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
October 13, 2024 1:45 pm

I amuse myself.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
October 13, 2024 1:48 pm

Kamala Albanese copping a right old flogging.

What footy jumper is he going to wear at Bathurst this arvo?

October 13, 2024 1:54 pm

Interesting election thoughts by Rockdoc above.
I heard Robbie Katter on 4BC talking about abortion and calling out Crisafulli. This subject has now been repeatedly used in questioning Crisafulli and LNP candidates. Would it even rate in top 10 issues for most people?
I think Katters aim is to hinder landslide by LNP because his party will have no influence if LNP get a good majority.

October 13, 2024 1:56 pm

YEAR ZERO: How they tried to change Britain forever

Summary: The video “YEAR ZERO: How they tried to change Britain forever” by The Jolly Heretic outlines historical instances of radical societal reengineering attempts. It draws parallels between past totalitarian attempts in places like Cambodia, China, the Soviet Union, and North Korea to the ideological shift that took place in Britain with the arrival of New Labour in 1997 under Tony Blair. The video critiques various political maneuvers and ideological shifts that aimed to fundamentally alter British society and culture, resulting in the erosion of traditional values and freedoms, and discusses the long-term impacts of these changes. ### Key Points: #### Introduction to Radical Societal Change – Discussion of “Year Zero” as a concept of eradicating past traditions and cultures to create a new social order. – Reference to the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia and the brutality of their regime, alongside their goal of a classless society. – Mention of Mao Zedong’s Cultural Revolution in China aiming to eliminate “the four olds.” – Allusion to Stalin’s purges and rapid industrialization, and Kim Il-sung’s totalitarian state in North Korea focused on propaganda. #### The Impact of New Labour and Year Zero in Britain (Post-1997) – The date May 2, 1997, marked a significant shift in British politics with Tony Blair coming to power. – Aim of New Labour to fundamentally change Britain’s nature and remold it ideologically. – Laws introduced that restricted freedom of expression and altered standard legal practices concerning racially motivated crimes. – The police service was politicized, altering its approach to race and equality, moving away from equal treatment before the law. #### Changes in Language and Cultural Perception – Language shifts mandated by New Labour aimed to break connections with the past, e.g., changing terms like “colored” to “people of color.” – The transformation in language reflected a moral and ideological shift, creating a divide between the past and the present. #### Political and Cultural Landscape Transformation – Blair’s New Labour reflected a departure from traditional ideologies, adopting a more polished and modern politics. – New Labour politicians had strong radical leftist ties from their youth within the context of 1960s rebellion. – Blair’s government pushed to entrench power within specific institutions and ventures like quangos, moving governance away from elected bodies. #### Continuity Post-Blair – The Conservative Party under David Cameron did not reverse the institutional changes initiated by Blair’s government but rather adapted to them. – The notion of a “Big Society” and other initiatives continued the legacy of Blair’s governance style. – Discusses the implications of devolution in the UK and how it has entrenched left-leaning policies and governance. #### Immigration and Long-term Societal Changes – Explains the dramatic shift in immigration patterns to the UK since the late 1990s, reflecting in record-high net migration figures. – Suggests that the cohesion of society relies on shared values and homogeneity, hinting at potential societal challenges stemming from increased immigration. ### Conclusion The video positions Tony Blair’s New Labour as equivalent to past revolutionary movements in its desire to fundamentally reshape British society, suggesting that such pursuits often lead to notable harm and shifts in cultural identity. It critiques these ideological transitions and warns of their long-term ramifications.

October 13, 2024 1:59 pm
Barking Toad
Barking Toad
October 13, 2024 2:02 pm

“I fight Tories”

You bumbling insipid idiotic.

October 13, 2024 2:05 pm

Found this on Jo’s wonderful blog. It is, as they say, The Don “hanging out with the boys”. Gives you more insight into the man, beyond the fables. It is long but a bit of fun.

October 13, 2024 2:11 pm

“I fight Tories”
You bumbling insipid idiotic.

Political office is generally only open to this type- if you’re any good, you’re not wanted by the establishment. Ask Donald Trump. Trump has certainly made Howard out himself as part of the problem.

Last edited 14 hours ago by Miltonf
October 13, 2024 2:20 pm
October 13, 2024 2:24 pm

There’s that 1930s Germany vibe again.

So all the religious discrimination laws, racial vilification laws etc were really only to restrict debate about multiculturalism. Remember Dame Roma Mitchell demanding prosecutions for ‘incitement to racial hatred’?

October 13, 2024 2:41 pm

Hi all, I am in shock….just went to Avner’s Jewish bakery on Bourke Street and both windows were defaced overnight with big Hamas red triangles. I have pictures. The staff are in shock but they will not be bullied.

I hope that the cops have CCTV footage of the perps, leading to arrests and charges.

Serious discussions should be had in Canberra, if not Spring St, about proscribing the red triangle. The fact that Hamas uses it to designate military targets should make it illegal to use in a local context.

It’s a bakery, not an instrument of war, ffs.

Cassie of Sydney
October 13, 2024 2:49 pm

I have just been informed by a friend who’s on Instagram and who follows Ed Halmagyi, the owner of Avner’s, that along with the Hamas red triangles daubed on his windows, a note was left under the door of the bakery with the following words on it…….

Be careful

There you go folks………Australia 2024. All of this has been gifted to us by years of multiculturalism, by tolerating the intolerant, by this disgraceful federal government headed by the grub from Grayndler and his creepy Jew hating team such as the grotesque Pong, the idiot Burqa, the world in sheep’s clothing Ed Husic, Jason Clare, Adam Bumdt, Fatso Faruqi (who is possibly the most disgraceful person ever to enter the senate), Hideous Thorpe, their ABC and all the rest of the leftist, Muslim scum.

I will be voting for Peter Dutton.

October 13, 2024 2:56 pm

It’s a bakery, not an instrument of war, ff

now apply your logic to the events in Israel last year...

October 13, 2024 2:58 pm

Fox News host Jessica Tarlov @JessicaTarlov
, who is a Kamala Harris supporter and Democrat strategist just incited violence against President Trump LIVE ON AIR after he survived 2 assassination attempts.

She should be fired for this.

“This is the chance to put the final nail in the coffin so that you don’t have Donald Trump on the ballot again.”

Had never heard of this abomination.

Looked her up on Wikipedia-

Tarlov attended Bryn Mawr College, where she earned her B.A. degree in history. She went on to study at The London School of Economics and Political Science and received a Master of Science degree in public policy and administration, a Master of Research degree in political science, and a doctorate degree in political science and government. 

The usual shitshow of useless ‘degrees’ from despicable institutions pretending to be beacons of enlightenment but really fetid halls of smelly orthodoxy.

October 13, 2024 2:59 pm
Last edited 13 hours ago by JC
October 13, 2024 3:00 pm

Given what they’re trying to do to Elon it’s time for another cute owl, space type:

Cassie of Sydney
October 13, 2024 3:17 pm

Oh look here, Harris hanging out with a Jew hating Muslim cleric, from The Daily Telegraph……

Kamala Harris met with controversial Iranian imam who backs Hezbollah
Vice President Kamala Harris mingled with a controversial Iranian imam who allegedly has close ties to groups fuelling anti-Semitic hate on American college campuses, it has emerged.

The revelation came from an alarming new report on extremism by George Washington University researchers, which lifts the lid on Iran’s hateful influence in the US.

In one of the report’s concerning images, Ms Harris was seen chatting to Imam Mohammad Ali Elahi, who has deep ties to Iran and has praised Hezbollah, saying he would die for the cause.

Ms Harris met the imam in July 2021 at a Covid-19 vaccination centre in Detroit, Michigan.

“Democrats hold a dangerously mistaken notion that Iran is part of the solution, not the main problem in the Middle East,” Jim Hanson, chief editor of the Middle East Forum, a DC-based think tank, told The New York Post.

“This leads them to outreach here in the US with Muslims tied to that tyrannical theocracy like Mohammad Ali Elahi.

“Obama, Biden and Harris have all enabled and even funded their efforts.”

But of course, it’s different when the left hang out with Jew haters

Cassie of Sydney
October 13, 2024 4:05 pm

The Australian just uploaded this literally in the last half an hourago…..

TV chef Ed Halmagyi defiant in the face of anti-Semitism
Well-known Jewish chef Ed Halmagyi said he decided not to wash the graffitied Hamas symbols off his eastern European bakery window on Sunday morning because “people need to know” that this happens in Australia in 2024.

The large red inverted triangles, painted on Avner’s in Surry Hills sometime between 10pm Saturday and 1.30am Sunday, was accompanied by a written note slipped under the door that warned the former TV chef to “Be Careful”.

All day on Sunday, customers, who had travelled from across Sydney to show their support, sat in front of the symbols and enjoyed their baked goods.

“I thought about (taking the symbols down this morning), but I thought, that’s a very silly thing to do because people should know that this stuff happens,” the former Better Homes and Gardens star told The Australian while slicing a salmon.

“The reaction of wanting to scrub it off immediately and pretend like it’s not there. That implies two things. One, that it was effective, and made me feel somehow vulnerable. And it simultaneously says you’re a victim of your circumstances. I’m not a victim,” he said defiantly.

As The Australian arrived at the bakery, a couple approached Mr Halmagyi and told him they had seen the incident on social media and wanted to offer their patronage.

“It’s too small and irrelevant to hurt me,” Mr Halmagyi told them, smiling.
Eyal Wolstin said he travelled from Maroubra to “show solidarity and support” to Mr Halmagyi.

“The last thing that he needs to face at the moment is stupid behaviour like that … All the Israeli’s on our WhatsApp group are saying come and share your support. So we are here, enjoying a coffee,” he said.

It’s in stark contrast to the mass cancellations reportedly suffered by Nomad restaurateur Al Yazbek, who was charged with displaying a Nazi symbol at a pro-Palestine rally.

“One of things that’s very clear is that here in Australia, as opposed to other places, we don’t support the vitriol and hate that is tolerated elsewhere in the world. Australia is a very peaceful place. Which is why when people take their own time to try and create division, that’s why it stands out, because it is unusual. And it’s largely ineffective.

“The main thing for me. People want to spray paint the shop, go for it, can’t stop you. Want to leave you notes under the door, go ahead I can’t stop you. But I do get to choose my reaction … Spray paint doesn’t effect me.”

His grandmother Alice, who he has a plaque for on the outside of the building, was in Auschwitz in 1944 – one of only a handful of her community that survived.

On Saturday night, a candle marking her death was still burning in the window.

“So many people have come along to say are you OK. I am OK but the fact they wanted to find out is really representative of the community that we’re building.”

He wanted to call the incident out for what it is – anti-Semitism.

“I’m very proudly Jewish. But I’m also Australian. I’m not Israeli. If you’ve got a problem with what’s happening with internal Israeli politics, you’ve got a problem with Israeli military politics, a problem with Israeli foreign policy, there’s a very good way to deal with that. You go down the hill and you talk to the Israeli consul,” he said.

“If you’re getting to me, it’s not because its an Israel problem, it’s because it’s a Jewish problem. And we have a word for that, it’s called anti-Semitism.”

Mr Halmagyi has been vocal on his personal social media page about issues like the October 7 massacres and the death of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah.

Of October 7, he said: “Victims were Muslim and Christian, Buddhist, atheist and Jewish, Druze, Bedouin, Arab, Thai, Canadian, German, Israeli and from more than 40 other nations. And to the people of Gaza, we see you and your pain, and you are in our prayers.”

From October 9 until the end of Yom Kippur on Saturday, Avnes flew an Israeli flag.

Executive Council of Australian Jewry co-chief executive Alex Ryvchin said: “Marking a Jewish business with the Hamas death triangle is a dangerous form of incitement to violence that invokes the darkest days in human history.”

“Australians will be appalled by this conduct which is totally at odds with our national values.”

Mr Halmagyi said he had submitted an online police report.

October 13, 2024 4:08 pm

Scum fellating scum..
The brothers have long denied the prosecution’s claims that they were driven by greed and a desire to inherit a multimillion-dollar fortune, and argued that they killed their parents in self-defense after years of sexual, physical and psychological abuse by their father. Earlier this month, George Gascón, the LA district attorney, said his office would review new evidence and decide whether the case should be considered for resentencing or a new trial.

Mr Gascon – rings a bell
He has faced several recall attempts. Gascón is one of the several progressive prosecutors funded by liberal billionaire George Soros. Elected on a promise to reduce “mass incarceration,” the embattled district attorney has overseen an increase in crimes as prosecutions have fallen.

October 13, 2024 4:10 pm

Also- universal suffrage was a mistake- change my mind.

“There are thousands of TikToks from young people, specifically young women, talking about the Lyle and Erik case,” Murphy said at an event last month. “I was blown away because it seemed so current to them.”

October 13, 2024 4:32 pm

Executive Council of Australian Jewry co-chief executive Alex Ryvchin said: “Marking a Jewish business with the Hamas death triangle is a dangerous form of incitement to violence that invokes the darkest days in human history.”

Incitement to violence is a criminal offence, so why haven’t NSW Plod laid charges?

Oh that’s right. To get justice in NSW, you have to be a member of the ALP’s favored victims groups under their new two-tiered policing policy.

Chris Minns is just the acceptable electoral face of the radical, anti-social NSW Labor government.

October 13, 2024 4:39 pm
Cassie of Sydney
October 13, 2024 4:40 pm

Sydney Cats, please make a point of visiting Avner’s Jewish Bakery when you can. The bagels are divine and the cinnamon and honey babka, oh gosh, it’s akin to tasting heaven.

Cassie of Sydney
October 13, 2024 4:44 pm

This comment from the resident Nazi was nested so I’m posting it for all to see….

LOL, I finally answer your constant whining about condemning Hamas, and this is your response. Way to make friends and influence people, Cranky.

See how he trivialises Jew hatred? I think the above comment clearly shows he lacks any moral compass. He calls me Cranky. Well yes, Nazis make me very cranky, ya see I don’t like Nazis and I don’t like the Nazi here.

Cassie of Sydney
October 13, 2024 4:51 pm

Now, just recall how NSWaffen Plod managed to track down a 82 year old woman from Five Dock and charge her for telephoning a mosque in Western Sydney and saying ‘go back to where you came from‘.

Will we see the same level of NSWaffen police intrepidness in hunting down the scum who defaced Avner’s bakery and left a threatening note which is inciting violence against the bakery?

Hmm…let’s wait and see.

October 13, 2024 4:53 pm

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha

 October 13, 2024 12:42 pm

ISIS sex slave kidnapped aged 11 is rescued a decade later thanks to TikTok video

Here is a perfect story for Hollywood to turn into a hit movie yet they will run a mile from it. It has drama, war, pathos and heartbreak to hold audiences on the edge of their seats however, Hollywood is no longer in the entertainment business, they have gone full Leni Riefenstahl for the left in general and Democrats in particular.

Maybe the new movie studio working with Kelsey Grammer and John Caviezel will pick it up and turn it into a success. It’s time for a new movie centre to be established in the US south and sunbelt.

Cassie of Sydney
October 13, 2024 4:53 pm

The resident Nazi thinks those of us who rail against the explosion of Jew hatred are….whiners.

Cassie of Sydney
October 13, 2024 5:11 pm

Also- universal suffrage was a mistake- change my mind.

In 2024 there is a very big problem with young women. I think the West can be saved but it won’t be saved by women, it will be saved by men. However, there are good women out there who are fighting, and the Cat women, several of whom I am fortunate to know personally, are true warriors.

October 13, 2024 5:17 pm

This is truly the worst time to be alive and be a woman…

From a thread on free lunches for shoolies by premier “and a set of free steaknives” Minns


they should do this in victoria purely so i can be freed from the prison of preparing school lunchboxes

Wheel reinventor

Such an obvious efficiency win it’s mad anybody could possibly oppose it

October 13, 2024 5:20 pm

Repost, too many links..

This is truly the worst time to be alive and be a woman…
From a thread on free lunches for shoolies by premier “and a set of free steaknives” Minns

they should do this in victoria purely so i can be freed from the prison of preparing school lunchboxes
Wheel reinventor

Such an obvious efficiency win it’s mad anybody could possibly oppose it

October 13, 2024 5:22 pm

Ireland, starved, brutalised and downtrodden by the English too much – or not enough.
You decide.



BREAKING: Christian teacher Enoch Burke has been sent back to prison in Ireland after he refused to use a student’s preferred pronouns (they/them).

Burke has already spent 442 days in jail for opposing transgender ideology.

The Woke Mind Virus is destroying the West.

Cassie of Sydney
October 13, 2024 5:37 pm

Palestinians (and many Muslims) inculcate their children with Jew hatred and a love of violence.

Israelis inculcate their children with love of Hashem and his Torah.

The difference is profound.

A Bar Mitzvah boy

Mi She’Berach l’Tzahal – Nerya Granot

October 13, 2024 5:49 pm
October 13, 2024 5:51 pm
Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
October 13, 2024 5:54 pm

Apologies if this has been already put up – just awesome and in Florida too

Cassie of Sydney
October 13, 2024 5:55 pm

Would I be correct in guessing that the Nomad restaurants were not marked or defaced with any graffiti? Would I be correct in guessing that no notes with “Be careful” were slipped under the doors of any of Yazbek’s restaurants? I believe the anti-semites know who is on their side and so they will not be attacked in any way.

You would be correct.

October 13, 2024 5:57 pm


October 13, 2024 5:51 pm

Yes, The Democrats Really ARE Panicking

I reckon the Kamaltoe poll collapse begins this week. Just a hunch.

October 13, 2024 6:06 pm

Milley was quoted yesterday as saying that if Trump wins he’s afraid of being court marshalled. With good reason, apparently.


He knows what he did.

Last edited 9 hours ago by Indolent
Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
October 13, 2024 6:20 pm

Lesbian news (the Tele):

Convicted cocaine smuggler Cassie Sainsbury has revealed she was secretly in love with the “predatory and manipulative” woman who lured her into becoming a drug mule

Yes. Yessssss.

Of course you were ‘groomed’. Of course it wasn’t your fault.

Someone else was a ‘predator’. Someone else ‘manipulated you’.

‘But I muled all those nose beers for love! LOVE, I say!’

Tell your story walking, you flabby newly tatt-sleeved opportunistic crack whore.

October 13, 2024 6:26 pm


When you understand that CO2 is beneficial to all life on planet Earth, that the planet is greening rapidly because of CO2 increasing, that all vegetation loves it & grows faster because of it, as well as plankton and phytoplankton, and that our greenhouse gases are 95% water vapour, and that CO2 at current concentrations or higher has negligible impact on temperature compared to water vapour. And that life adapts faster to increases of temperature & CO2 than in decreases in either. That ten times more humans die because of cold temperatures rather than hot ones. That global warming is the best thing that can happen to planet Earth, to humans, and to all life forms. That CO2 levels are still critically low and need to be much higher to steer clear of the danger zone where all vegetation dies. Then you will love CO2 for the rest of your life.

October 13, 2024 6:28 pm

Again just waded through Poll Bludgers Qld election thread. Some juicy tid bits if true…

Bons on the abortion , apparently all show to sandbag Feintman seat. Interesting if true. Apparently she seen as a future leader, shudder just what we need another far left premier in waiting.

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
October 13, 2024 6:31 pm

A question for the Endocrinologists among us:
Has anyone heard of the concept of Ultra Low Dose Insulin Therapy in Non Insulin Dependant Diabetics?
From the conversation, it is meant for those who exhibit higher than, and of longer duration, BSL.
Apparently meant to give the pancreas a break from having to produce insulin at a flat out pace and give it time to recover instead of flogging itself to death.

October 13, 2024 6:34 pm

I’ve always disliked Bob Hawke but he was right when he called the ALP left ‘a canker’. He was mild compared to the 21st century wreckers of course.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 13, 2024 6:51 pm


Queensland Premier Steven Miles promises free lunch for Queensland schoolkids in latest election cash splash (Sky News, 13 Oct)

Miles obviously hasn’t read Robert Heinlein.

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
October 13, 2024 6:54 pm

Gold today:
A$ 3,937.14
Over the last year, up $935/oz. or 31.6%
A$46.73 up $33.52/oz
I bet some goldbugs are happy.

Last edited 9 hours ago by Winston Smith
October 13, 2024 7:05 pm

Small mercies Pong either didn’t know about this or thought it was a bridge too far, yes it is RT warning warning…:

From what I can see, 44 states in Europe, 25 signed. I don’t expect anything less from the Iberian Peninsula where the Portuguese weasel is from but wow 25 states, even we didn’t:

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 13, 2024 7:06 pm

Blue-Bended Bee Post Office mural among Tanya Plibersek’s reasons to veto Blayney gold minePaige Taylor
4 minutes ago


Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek has cited a mural on a central NSW post office as proof of the existence of the blue-banded bee dreaming story, one of the central reasons she killed the Blayney goldmine proposal despite evidence from the local land council that the story is not Wiradjuri tradition.
The Environment Minister’s newly-released reasons for blocking the billion dollar project in its current form show that the only issue she sided with a renegade anti-mine Indigenous group was over the highly contested blue-banded bee dreaming story at the Belubula River.
Ms Plibersek accepted the claim of the Wiradjuri Traditional Owner Central West Aboriginal Corporation that the dreaming story is part of Wiradjuri tradition. The small registered charity, known as WTOCWAC, claimed that historically the bee dreaming would have been taught as part of pre-initiation ceremonies.
Referring to a mural at the Bathurst post office, Ms Plibersek wrote: “Information about a public artwork by Wiradjuri artist Baranga Wiradjuri, named the Blue Banded Bee Creation Story, was also submitted to support the validity of the Dreaming as an Aboriginal tradition”.
“Whilst not identical, the description of the artist’s interpretation of the Dreaming is largely consistent with WTOCWAC’s explanation,” Ms Plibersek said.

The Orange land council has repeatedly claimed Ms Plibersek has been taken in by baseless claims that the are where Regis had mine approval is of particular significance to Wiradjuri people. The land council disputed the claims about blue banded bee dreaming in evidence to Ms Plibersek in February. Ms Plibersek acknowledged the Orange land council submissions by six of its representatives – five of whom identify as Wiradjuri – but rejected it.

We are supposed to take this vooking malarkey seriously, in the twenty first century?

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 13, 2024 7:08 pm

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 13, 2024 7:06 pm
Awaiting for approval

Blue-Bended Bee Post Office mural among Tanya Plibersek’s reasons to veto Blayney gold minePaige Taylor
4 minutes ago
Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek has cited a mural on a central NSW post office as proof of the existence of the blue-banded bee dreaming story, one of the central reasons she killed the Blayney goldmine proposal despite evidence from the local land council that the story is not Wiradjuri tradition.

We are supposed to take this malarkey, seriously, in Australia, in the twenty first century?

October 13, 2024 7:19 pm

Blubbersack is very the model of a marxist wrecker.

Plibersek studied journalism at the University of Technology Sydney, graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in Communications. She then took a Masters in Public Policy and Politics at Macquarie University. After a failed attempt to secure a cadetship with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), she found work with the Domestic Violence Unit at the New South Wales Government’s Office for the Status and Advancement of Women.

The usual bludge degrees followed by non jobs.

Last edited 8 hours ago by Miltonf
October 13, 2024 7:30 pm

Am trying to recall name of a series saw on one of the streaming services. Unfortunately can’t recall names of main actors which would make it easy.
Plotline was mainly in an east African country where CIA supported rebels to overthrow the Government. British intelligence involved and there was a double cross by the local Brit guy. The ultimate baddie was a rich guy in USA whose company was supplying the arms and would also get the deal for reconstruction. A CIA agent blows the whistle and exposes Senator working for the rich guy.
Was a good series and obvious similarities with Iraq and Halliburton and Ukraine and Blackrock.

October 13, 2024 7:32 pm

Turns out that starting my trip to Brisbane (Ningi) from Melbourne (Ferntree Gully) today was a master stroke, what with Bathurst keeping most of the fcuk wits at home. From home to my overnight stop in Heatherbrae took me just on 10.50hrs, including 2 fuel stops and lunch. A gorgeous Spring day and a genuine pleasurable drive. On to Ningi tomorrow, hoping for the same.

October 13, 2024 7:38 pm

Obuma on the prowl for cackles. If obuma doesn’t take it up his pointy arse I’ll kick blackout in the cods. More on obuma’s hubbie, Big Mike, and the obumas’ history including every record of obuma (birth, education, parents, marriage, children) being sealed. Short and to the point:

Barry & Mike Change the Game With This One (

Salvatore - Iron Publican
October 13, 2024 7:47 pm

Miles obviously hasn’t read Robert Heinlein.

Wow, I’ve something in common with Milesey.
Btw, who is Robert Heinlein, & should any reasonable person be expected to have read him?

Current read: An actual Australian author, unsubsidized, who wrote books people wanted to read.
Sold a helluva lot more copies than our current subsidized literary prize monkeys, when the world had about half the population it has today.

Louis Litt
Louis Litt
October 13, 2024 7:57 pm

Wow – the paintings are amazing – what about some Aussies like -Marsh in central Victoria – had paintings in Dalesford.

October 13, 2024 7:58 pm

I think the West can be saved but it won’t be saved by women, it will be saved by men.

Fwiw, I recently suggested here that homeschooling mothers will save the West or at least preserve its inheritance, like the Celtic monks of old.

Susan Wise Bauer is their patron saint.

According to God’s design, women and men are complementary.

Last edited 8 hours ago by Roger
October 13, 2024 8:11 pm

Miles obviously hasn’t read Robert Heinlein.

Wow, I’ve something in common with Milesey.
Btw, who is Robert Heinlein, & should any reasonable person be expected to have read him?

Heinlein is debatably the best S-F writer who had a marvellous early period which degenerated into a latter neurotic period which while still interesting (Stranger in a Strange Land) became all about him and his fear of death. He was an engineer by trade so his speculative ideas where well grounded.

Personally, I think Jack Vance is the best.

October 13, 2024 8:14 pm

Watching the Victorian edition of the 7 news….

Victoria will see a 400 million shortfall instamp duty revenue caused by falling house prices.

House prices are falling because of increased supply.

Supply has increased because investors are selling

Investors are selling for 2 reasons, 1) land tax 2) rental reforms


October 13, 2024 8:18 pm

“Victoria will see a 400 million shortfall instamp duty revenue caused by falling house prices”
Great news

October 13, 2024 8:21 pm

The Victorian Nazis have invaded Corowa in southern NSW, as per Channel 7 news. How convenient? And just when Albo needs a change of subject from the Muslim anti-Semites.

October 13, 2024 8:24 pm
October 13, 2024 8:29 pm
October 13, 2024 8:37 pm

October 13, 2024 7:30 pm


October 13, 2024 8:40 pm
October 13, 2024 8:45 pm

DO NOT – I repeat, DO NOT – click on J.C.’s 8:40 p.m. link.
And here’s me without any alkymahole in the house.

Dover, please reprimand J.C. for abuse of trust. Or something.
I have to shower now.
I feel so percolated.

Last edited 7 hours ago by Muddy
Titus Groates
Titus Groates
October 13, 2024 8:57 pm

Yes, don’t click on JC’s link. Mutton dressed as week old road kill.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
October 13, 2024 9:07 pm

Miles obviously hasn’t read Robert Heinlein.

He didn’t consult with the school tuckshops association on feasibility either.
Don’t worry it’s only OPM.

October 13, 2024 9:07 pm

To compensate for head prefect’s sacrilegious perversion of the sanctity and beauty of cute owls here is a genuine one, again following Elon’s persecution by the flat Earth leftoids, based in space, and fulfilling one of womankind’s greatest duties, feeding her menfolk:

Top Ender
Top Ender
October 13, 2024 9:20 pm

Miles obviously hasn’t read Robert Heinlein.

One of the greatest SF writers ever, but you gotta pick and choose as some of his stuff is terrible. The later novels which all inter-connect are at once captivating and awful, and tied into Heinlein’s repressed sexuality.

Born in 1907 in Butler, Missouri, he earned his B.S. in naval engineering from the U.S. Naval Academy. Heinlein served as an officer in the Navy, assigned to an aircraft carrier and later to a destroyer, where he worked in radio communications. He was discharged from the Navy for health reasons, and worked in various professions, including real estate sales and silver mining.

Heinlein began writing to pay his mortgage. He later served in the Navy during World War II, while continuing to write fiction and non-fiction. Heinlein was named the first Science Fiction Writers Grand Master and won Hugo Awards for four of his novels. Half a century after their publication, three of his books were honored with Retro Hugo Award, given to books published before the Hugo Awards began.

Greatest IMHO =

The Puppet Masters
Starman Jones
Time for the Stars
Citizen of the Galaxy
The Door into Summer
Methuselah’s Children
Starship Troopers
Glory Road
Farnham’s Freehold
Time Enough for Love

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 13, 2024 9:22 pm

EXCLUSIVEDad’s bone-chilling ‘Saudi sisters’ honour killing taunt: Father vows to hunt down and ‘slaughter’ his daughter after she refuses to leave Australia and return to Saudi Arabia to marry her cousin
Daily Mail.

October 13, 2024 9:32 pm

BREAKING NEWS: Port Hedland Council Votes to Expose DNA Contamination in mRNA Vaccines, Pushing for Nationwide Action

Port Hedland Council takes bold action, voting to expose DNA contamination in mRNA vaccines. With five members reporting adverse effects, this decision could ignite a national health crisis response!

Last edited 6 hours ago by mizaris
Cassie of Sydney
October 13, 2024 9:53 pm

From The Oz
Newspoll: Coalition ahead for first time since election

The Coalition leads Labor on a two-party-preferred basis for the first time since the 2022 election in a political boost for Peter Dutton as Anthony ­Albanese’s approval ratings fall to a new low.

Salvatore - Iron Publican
October 13, 2024 9:57 pm

Okay, Robert Heinlein = a writer of …. science fiction

Should it be reasonable to expect anyone to have read his .. er.. output? Particularly Milesey?

It’s not as if he’s Frank Herbert, or Ray Bradbury, or Isaac Asimov (or is he?)

October 13, 2024 9:59 pm

It’s not as if he’s Frank Herbert, or Ray Bradbury, or Isaac Asimov (or is he?)

No, he’s better. He’s got interesting ideas.

Salvatore - Iron Publican
October 13, 2024 10:19 pm

Oh dear.

October 13, 2024 10:24 pm

Cassie of Sydney

October 13, 2024 9:53 pm

From The Oz

Newspoll: Coalition ahead for first time since election

It says Libs’ primary vote is 38%. I can’t recall where, but I once read that the Libs need a primary vote of 38% to win.

Salvatore - Iron Publican
October 13, 2024 10:30 pm

Excerpts from Stephen Rice in The Australian:

Nomad restaurant founder Al Yazbek … was questioned by police after acting suspiciously outside a Bondi synagogue in Sydney’s east in 2014, when his car was found loaded with “water bomb” balloons.

The next day, he made his way into a rally for Israel in nearby Dover Heights where more than 10,000 members of Sydney’s Jewish community had gathered, before [he was] removed by police.

Police also spoke to Mr Yazbek’s wife, Rebecca, who was found in a car outside the event and said she was waiting for her husband.

Mr Yazbek told The Australian he would be standing down from the Nomad business, for the sake of his family, staff and customers, to attend an ashram in India.

In the same statement, Ms Yazbek said: “I’m furious at my husband’s actions with the placard. His actions are a threat to my family and our business.”

Not reprehensible, wrong, bigoted or subhuman, just bad for business.

October 13, 2024 10:34 pm
Cassie of Sydney
October 13, 2024 10:39 pm

Faaaaaark…..everything I’ve written about this Jew hater is true but it’s worse. He stalks Jews, he’s putrid and so is his wife. I attended that rally in 2014, I recall it well. The location was changed at the last minute (because of security concerns) to Dover Heights. It was originally meant to be in the park next to Mizrachi synagogue at Bondi.


Restaurant boss ‘acted suspiciously’ at synagogue as police found water bombs in car
6 minutes ago

Nomad restaurant founder Al Yazbek, who last week apologised “unequivocally” for holding a Nazi sign at a Pro-Palestine protest, was questioned by police after acting suspiciously outside a Bondi synagogue in Sydney’s east in 2014, when his car was found loaded with “water bomb” balloons.

The next day, he made his way into a rally for Israel in nearby Dover Heights where more than 10,000 members of Sydney’s Jewish community had gathered, before the restaurateur was spotted by security and removed by police.

The restaurateur flaunted a modified flag, claiming ‘resistance is evolving’.

Police also spoke to Mr Yazbek’s wife, Rebecca, who was found in a car outside the event and said she was waiting for her husband.

Jewish community leaders were alarmed by Mr Yazbek’s conduct and believe his display last week of a swastika superimposed on an Israeli flag was not a one-off event but that the high-profile restaurateur “has form” stretching back at least decade.

Mass cancellations have been reported at his up-market restaurants Nomad Sydney, Nomad Melbourne and Reine & La Rue, with major corporations cancelling events and business relationships after the 56 year old was charged with knowingly displaying a Nazi symbol in public.

“Friends and acquaintances who know me, both Jewish and gentile, know I am not an anti-Semite; they also know how passionate I am about supporting diversity and equality in both my personal life and within the Nomad Group of businesses.”

Executive Council of Australian Jewry co-chief executive Alex Ryvchin told The Australian: “No one took his apology seriously, which predictably referred to ‘Jewish friends’ and a ‘support for diversity’ to mask deplorable actions. These latest revelations show a pattern of vilification and harassment of Jewish Australians going back a decade.
“Both incidents weren’t spontaneous emotional outbursts but involved planning and premeditation suggesting a disturbing level of fixation,” he said.

On Sunday, Mr Yazbek admitted he had gone to the synagogue to throw water bombs, mistakenly believing the Israel rally was to be held there, but claimed he had simply “detoured” to the rally the following day, while the couple were taking their dog for a walk, “to listen to the event”.

Mr Yazbek told The Australian he would be standing down from the Nomad business, for the sake of his family, staff and customers, to attend an ashram in India.

In the same statement, Ms Yazbek said: “I’m furious at my husband’s actions with the placard. His actions are a threat to my family and our business.”

An investigation by The Australian reveals Mr Yazbek’s ­aggressive activism against Israel extends back at least a decade, to the last major confrontation between Israel and Hamas.

In July 2014, Israel launched a military operation into Gaza following the kidnap and murder of three Israeli teenagers by the terror group, leading to the reported deaths of more than 2000 Palestinians. As pro-Palestine protests swept Australia, Sydney’s Jewish community organised a rally in support of Israel at the Dudley Page Reserve in Dover Heights, to be held on Sunday, August 3, 2014.

The day before the rally,, at 10.25am, a man was seen walking past the Bondi Mizrachi Synagogue and into Barracluff Park next door, where he sat and took out an iPad on which he appeared to be either taking photographs or making notes.

About five minutes later, he got up and walked past the back door of the synagogue, before returning a few minutes later. He was then seen walking towards Beach Road, where he got into a parked black BMW X5 and drove away. Police were immediately alerted.

At 10.40am the same man returned to the synagogue on foot and sat on a wooden bollard. When synagogue staff approached him, he said he was “here for an Israel rally today”. The staff member told him there was no rally and asked whether there was anything else they could help him with.

“No, that’s none of your f..king business”, the man allegedly ­replied.
Police then arrived and questioned the man. He was identified as Al Yazbek, police noting a tattoo in Arabic writing on his left forearm.

When police searched his car, they found a quantity of filled water bombs.

Mr Yazbek was not charged but a Google search revealed that two days before, he had posted a message on Australian Jewish news website J-wire: “end the slaughter. end the blockade. the missiles will stop. too simple a concept for you to grasp?”

The following day, huge crowds turned out for the Dover Heights rally in support of Israel, with more than 10,000 members of the Jewish community attending. Messages from Labor MP Mark Dreyfus and Liberal MP Josh Frydenberg were read to the Israeli flag-waving crowd.

At 11am, as the rally was in progress, the black BMW identified the day before outside the synagogue in Bondi was spotted outside the park.
Police stopped the car, which was being driven by a woman who identified herself as Rebecca Yazbek. She told police her husband was inside the event and she was waiting to pick him up.

Mr Yazbek was identified in the crowd, detained and removed from the event. He was questioned by police but allowed to leave without charge.

On Sunday, Mr Yazbek told The Australian he mistakenly thought the Israel rally was going to be on Saturday at the synagogue and acknowledged he had planned to demonstrate “and was going to throw water balloons”.

“There was no event. The police came and asked me to move on,” he said in a statement.

Mr Yazbek did not answer specific questions about whether he was taking photographs but ­denied the exchange with the Synagogue staff member.

“I don’t swear at people,” he said. “I wanted to demonstrate about the Israeli killing of 2310 Palestinians, leaving 3374 children wounded and 1000 permanently disabled.”

Mr Yazbek denied he had gone to the Jewish rally the following day to cause trouble.

“The next day, Rebecca and I were going for a walk with our dog. I asked her to detour so that I could listen to the event – that’s all,” he said.

“I was simply going to listen to the speeches.

“I have put at risk my family, my staff and my restaurants. I’ve also, strangely, helped to inflame the discourse in Australia. My ­intent was the opposite.

“This is what I do believe. I support peace. I am against the ­violence perpetrated by Hamas and Hezbollah. I am against the ­violence perpetrated by the ­current Israeli regime.

“My family and the staff who rely on our restaurants, and our customers, do not deserve to suffer because of my political actions, so I am standing down from the business to attend an ashram in India.”

Mr Ryvchin told The Australian: “While Yazbek’s prominence has brought attention to his ­actions, the reality is that dozens of influencers and thousands of activists have spent the past year engaging in similar conduct.

“Targeting Jewish Australians because of certain feelings or opinions about what is happening in the Middle East is repugnant. It will only stop if there are meaningful consequences.”

October 13, 2024 10:39 pm


This is what The Establishment is afraid of.

Coachella isn’t in Texas or Florida, it’s in California. There is MAGA as far as the eye can see.

We are going to make this too big to rig!

Cassie of Sydney
October 13, 2024 10:42 pm

In the same statement, Ms Yazbek said: “I’m furious at my husband’s actions with the placard. His actions are a threat to my family and our business.”

She’s no better than her disgusting husband, and as the Oz piece says, she was a party to stalking of Jews back in 2014.

As I’ve written before Mrs Yazbek should change her name. I find it insulting that she has a Hebrew name.

October 13, 2024 10:47 pm

“Milley was quoted yesterday as saying that if Trump wins he’s afraid of being court marshalled. With good reason, apparently”

Milley is so dumb he thinks he can be court marshalled whilst no longer serving.

He certainly was a treasonous scumbag.

October 13, 2024 10:48 pm
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 13, 2024 10:51 pm

Lehrmann bid to appeal rape case without putting up $200k suretyStephen Rice
2 hours ago

Bruce Lehrmann returns to court on Monday in a bid to launch an appeal against the rape finding by judge Michael Lee without having to provide a $200,000 surety demanded by the Ten Network, or pay the $2m legal costs that have been awarded against him.
Mr Lehrmann wants the Full Court of the Federal Court to overturn Justice Lee’s ruling that on the balance of probabilities, the former Liberal Party staffer raped his former colleague Brittany ­Higgins in the then ministerial office of senator Linda Reynolds in Parliament House in March 2019.
Justice Lee ruled that Ten and presenter Lisa Wilkinson did not defame Mr Lehrmann when airing an interview with Ms Higgins about the rape on The Project in 2021.
The court was previously told that Mr Lehrmann – now on Centre­link – could be forced into bankruptcy if he couldn’t meet the costs order.
Mr Lehrmann argues that it is in the public interest that the appeal proceeds.
He says that he was denied procedural fairness in his defamation case against Ten and Wilkinson and that Justice Lee failed to properly apply the “Briginshaw principle”, which requires higher standards in civil cases involving serious allegations.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
October 13, 2024 10:59 pm

Pffff I’m aware of his work.
(h.t. Martin Prince)

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
October 13, 2024 11:01 pm
October 13, 2024 11:09 pm

SpaceX Starship IFT-5 Flight Test

T -5:00

Last edited 5 hours ago by Zippster
October 13, 2024 11:32 pm

Hopefully all three of Yazbeks restaurants fail quickly as a result of his behaviour.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
October 13, 2024 11:37 pm

Wow, the booster catch was amazing.

Well done SpaceX.

Last edited 4 hours ago by Steve Trickler
Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
October 13, 2024 11:55 pm

Just look at the state of this filthy skank. Just look at it (the Tele):

The mother of murdered schoolgirl Charlise Mutten has tearfully declared she hates herself for placing her trust in her daughter’s killer in an emotional new interview.

No, you should hate yourself for being a serially-imprisoned drug-fcked useless piece of shit who let your latest boyfriend – who you met in prison circles, no less – rape and shoot your own daughter before putting her in a barrel and throwing it in a river.

Charlise had been living with her grandparents but they’d allowed her mother, Kallista Mutten, to take her for the holiday period.

The only people I feel sorry for are the grandparents, who not only had to look after this poor girl while its ‘mother’ was in prison but allowed her to join this useless scrote and her latest equally scroted boyfriend.

Naturally, they abandoned her and smoked ice and rooted until the bloke got sick of the pressure and killed this poor girl.

Stein was jailed for life in August after a jury found him guilty of murdering Charlise before stuffing her body in a barrel and dumping it near the Colo River.

Prediction – he won’t live to die in jail.

This stupid, stupid mole was paid by 60 Minutes to wail about how it wasn’t her fault.

Decorum prevents me from describing how this disgusting swamp donkey should meet its end, other than suggesting it should be sooner rather than later.

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x