Are the unvaxxinated the risk takers or is it the vaxxinated?

Sometimes things come to light but you may be sure that those who wish to cover us in darkness do everything they can to stop any of this being made known. And what you would really like to know is why these nurses prefer to stay unvaxxinated.

There is also this which is similar but from the United States: Falsified data: Pfizer vaccine trials had major flaws, whistleblower tells

Who really are the risk-takers? The vaxxinated or the unvaxxinated?

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November 4, 2021 9:27 pm

Full points to that woman . She said it all. Thank you . In the near future we will look back her as as a hero.

Fat Tony
Fat Tony
November 4, 2021 9:32 pm

Anyone still think our governments are trying to find a way out of this without losing face???

It is mass murder – genocide.

November 4, 2021 9:52 pm

The Australian gov is still claiming only 9 ppl have died from the vaccines. unbelievable

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
November 4, 2021 10:05 pm

Anyone still think our governments are trying to find a way out of this without losing face???

It is as out of their hands as it is ours.

Bureaucracy when unleashed is a mindless millstone with more inertia than the Sun. And until someone finds something better to spin it with (or brake it so hard it shatters entirely), we are stuck being ground down by it.

Fat Tony
Fat Tony
November 4, 2021 10:10 pm

Rex Anger says:
November 4, 2021 at 10:05 pm
It is as out of their hands as it is ours.
Bureaucracy when unleashed is a mindless millstone with more inertia than the Sun. And until someone finds something better to spin it with (or brake it so hard it shatters entirely), we are stuck being ground down by it.

Rex – does your hypothesis cover the same things happening around the world (predominantly Western countries)?

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
November 4, 2021 11:32 pm

Rex – does your hypothesis cover the same things happening around the world (predominantly Western countries)?


Bureaucracy loves importing and exporting ideas from kindred organisations. And it and loves mass action even more. Noticed how quickly European and American regulatory ideas (no matter how outlandish or inapplicable to Australian conditions) appear in Australian rules and regs?

As an example, remember how the legal requirement for locomotive Flashing Ditch Lights suddenly came into being in the late 90s and early 2000s? Despite the preceding century of level crossing accident data showing that all the lights, bells, whistles and averting measures in the world will not stop an ignorant motorist or pedestrian becoming hood ornament or nasty stain on a buffer beam?

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
November 4, 2021 11:35 pm

Noticed how quickly European and American regulatory ideas (no matter how outlandish or inapplicable to Australian conditions) appear in Australian rules and regs?

And as an addendum, ever noticed how quickly ‘Guidelines’ and ‘Codes of Practice’ and ‘Declarations’ and ‘Charters’ developed by unelected and unaccountable activists and bugmen from the UN and other quasi-NGOs suddenly end up as foundational Regulatory and Legislative references?

All bureaucracy. All the doings of that busybody and terribly collegiate ‘Managerial Class’ Burnham warned society about in 1947.

November 5, 2021 1:35 am

Mandate goes into effect here in the States January 4th.

I’m beginning to hate our President.

November 5, 2021 4:54 am

So we’re defeated Rex?
We should just line up for showers now?

November 5, 2021 5:02 am

Strange this is only happening in Liberal states. Nothing about Queensland Victoria or WA. Another example of Labor and MSM of never letting an opportunity go to waste ,protecting their own base and deflecting attention away from God knows what. Meanwhile for example Dr Jeanette Young who destroyed Astra Zenica . Whose husband reputedly works for Pfizer is teflon.
Has NSW and SA legislated that it is a criminal act for doctors to treat Covid patients with hydroxychloroquine. Queensland jails them for six months if they do.See George Christianson and Craig Kelly letter to Young.

November 5, 2021 7:05 am

A few weeks ago I came across social media discussing the concern of a nurse in country NSW who was appalled at the number of unusual cases coming into Emergency after vaccinations. She had tried to raise her concerns with superiors but was always fobbed off. She said she was horrified about the determined ignoring of what was occurring.

Clearly, she is not alone in her experience. I suspect the same in happening in respect to GPS, but also suspect they see less adverse reactions since the minor reactions are unreported and the serious ones go to hospital Emergency.

I was recently assured by the landlord (a friend) of two medical practices that they had administered thousands of vaccinations with “no” adverse events. What do you say? I responded that there seems to be some problems with reporting procedures. To quote Basil Fawlty, “I think I got away with it”!

November 5, 2021 7:25 am

I can see Channel 7, 9 and 10 microphones in that footage. Can Adelaide Cats advise how much of that nurse’s statements actually made it on to the evening news bulletins? I’m guessing not much, if any.

November 5, 2021 7:36 am

Rex….. No.
That is a cop-out.

It is a cop-out by gutless politicians who refuse to do what they were elected to do and have the power to do.

It is a cop-out by apathetic Australians who won’t use their vote properly, won’t hold their representatives accountable and won’t get involved in the political process.

November 5, 2021 7:51 am

Everybody needs to read this analysis by Karl Denninger:

To summarise:
1) Most vaccine batches are fairly innocuous(at least in terms of short term effects).
2) Some batches are horrendously dangerous – over 80 per cent of reported deaths are occurring in just 5 per cent of batches.
3) The dangerous batches get spread out through the (US) states so every state will get plenty of injuries but there will be locations where there are minimal apparent injuries.
4) The “hot lots” (dangerous batches) are occurring in all three vaccines – Moderna, Pfizer, AZ.
5) The number of hot lots hasn’t improved (ie reduced) with time.
6) The poor quality control must be intrinsic to making these kinds of spike protein vaccines.
7) Chances are if you’ve been vaxed so far, both shots have come from the “safe” batches and the people you know will probably have much the same experience.
8) At some point in the endless parade of boosters you’re going to get one from a hot lot. If so, you almost certainly *will* be badly injured.

November 5, 2021 8:00 am

I have asked far and wide just one question about vaccinations and that is, ‘What do the vaccinated have to fear from the unvaccinated?’

No one has been able to answer this question. It seems that it’s simply taken as a given that the unvaccinated will infect the fully vaccinated and kill them all.

November 5, 2021 8:02 am

“criminal act for doctors to treat Covid patients with hydroxychloroquine. Queensland jails them for six months if they do”
The amazing thing about this is that Qld introduced this legislation in late March or early April 2020.
Donald Trump had not even mentioned HCQ at that time. What nefarious dickhead in the Qld legislature even thought of this in early 2020?
There are myriad things that show the sinister seamy side of this debacle.
This is one of them

Rod Stuart
Rod Stuart
November 5, 2021 8:06 am

“Throughout the stagnation period [under Brezhnev], not to mention the cult [of Stalin] era, people were afraid to say anything that conflicted with the ‘supreme’ opinion, learning only one thing – to vote unanimously for anything. We would take comfort from the fact that we were doing the same as everyone else. We were only bold when it came to political anecdotes…. Now we are only just learning to speak the truth.”

12 MARCH 1988[I]

November 5, 2021 8:11 am

What happens to the truth when people are silenced? What happens after the government has extorted something vital from a nation – from its warrior class – by threatening people’s jobs, livelihoods, and freedom of movement? Once you have been intimidated into taking an experimental injection because you are “afraid to say anything,” or incapable of standing up, that is the end of your liberty. Your Premiers can ride roughshod over you and they know it. In that situation, only one comfort remains; namely, that you are doing what everyone else is doing.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
November 5, 2021 9:27 am

That is a cop-out.

You are correct.

And I ask in turn: What can you, as a little person, not possessed of the executive power to stop that cop-out in its tracks and burdened with your own immediate responsibilities for life, do about it?

Do you give full flight to your fear and anger, let it drive you to psychosis and start to furiously abuse everyone around you like Struth does?

Or do you grit your teeth and follow the example provided by Rod Stuart? Seasoned with your own little acts of physical and mental defiance? Understanding that eventually even the most apathetic and wilfully disinterested folk will be forced to ‘find’ their courage and do something about it?

I chose the latter. I am as deeply unhappy with this situation as everyone else, and I understand that some people like Struth will scream themselves hoarse at me for a perceived lack of resistance. This is fine. But unlike them I will still be on an even keel when the tide turns.

Remember, you alone are ultimately responsible for you and yours. But if throwing shoes at me for my opinion (however close or far from the mark it may be) makes any of you feel better, I cannot stop you…

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
November 5, 2021 9:30 am

No one has been able to answer this question. It seems that it’s simply taken as a given that the unvaccinated will infect the fully vaccinated and kill them all.

I think I’d prefer that dancing disease thing they had in the Middle Ages to make a comeback.

The quality of our current mass psychosis leaves a lot to be desired…

November 5, 2021 9:33 am

There is also this which is similar but from the United States: Falsified data: Pfizer vaccine trials had major flaws, whistleblower tells.

Who really are the risk-takers? The vaxxinated or the unvaxxinated?

Pfizer is a shit stain on decency. Runs counter to everything the medical profession should stand for. First do no harm.

They know that their vaxxine induces heart complications (in the young in particular). Here is a study that shows that the mRNA vaxxes casues: Intravenous SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccine Administration Induced Grossly Visible Pathology in Heart

The Pfizer vaxx that is approved for little kids contains tromethamine and tromethamine hydrocloride. TRIS … Tromethamine is used to treat metabolic acidosis (an electrolyte imbalance). Metabolic acidosis can have many causes. It often occurs after heart bypass surgery or cardiac arrest.

To provide a vaccine with an improved stability profile, the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine for use in children 5-11 years of age uses tromethamine (Tris) buffer instead of the phosphatebuffered saline (PBS) as used in the previous formulation

See p14 in (and various others)
EUA amendment request for Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine for use in children 5 through 11 years of age

Pfizer KNOWS~!

And they then put out Orwellian ads like this … manipulation of little kids at its worst:

Pfizer Tells Kids — Vaccine will give you ‘superpowers’…

And this is out there everywhere. And – even worse than Pfizer – is the diarrheal pool that is our journalists. They also know and chose .. intentionally choose … to supress this and let kids die. [And yes I’m looking at all you journos reading this]

November 5, 2021 9:44 am

I have asked far and wide just one question about vaccinations and that is, ‘What do the vaccinated have to fear from the unvaccinated?’

The Orwellian twist is that “unvaccinated” has become synonymous with “infected”.

Actually the narrative is worse – for “infected” may get some sympathy… the twist goes further than just that I think. “Unvaccinated” in popular parlance is something akin to “intentionally spreading deathly disease”.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
November 5, 2021 9:52 am

Actually the narrative is worse – for “infected” may get some sympathy… the twist goes further than just that I think. “Unvaccinated” in popular parlance is something akin to “intentionally spreading deathly disease”.

Class Enemies. Wreckers. Mad, malicious and wrong to be resisting those who are only doing this to us for our own good.

It’s pernicious.

November 5, 2021 9:57 am

…for our own good.

How many millions have died for the greater good … in hindsight mostly unnecessarily. And how many more will?

November 5, 2021 9:58 am

Figures @7.51am

Thanks for that link. I suspected as much. Quite a while ago Robert Malone was asked why some had bad vaccine reactions & others did not & he quickly said “bad batches”. He didn’t elaborate, which was a pity. Some time later a senior Pfizer employee was fired because she raised concern about “contaminants” in the vaccines.

Not surprising, given the speed in which the vaccines have been brought to market & in such quantities.

Actually, this scenario is preferable (although appalling in itself) to long term effects from genetic modifications to the body.

Mark M
Mark M
November 5, 2021 9:59 am

I’m thinking of becoming a magician. I’m working on the act …

And now, for my next trick, I will transmit a disease I don’t have to someone who has been immunised against it!

November 5, 2021 10:00 am

BTW I have also had concerns about the yet to be released Novavax, given that they had “production issues” this year. On the other hand, maybe these were recognised & fixed.

Slim Cognito
Slim Cognito
November 5, 2021 10:01 am

I asked a friend recently what research he did before getting the shot. His answer was “nothing, I trust they know what they are doing”.
Simply amazing.

local oaf
November 5, 2021 10:05 am

Actually the narrative is worse – for “infected” may get some sympathy… the twist goes further than just that I think. “Unvaccinated” in popular parlance is something akin to “intentionally spreading deathly disease”.

They don’t need answers to questions, or facts or anything. It’s now a belief system.

The traditional leftists belief of left = good, right = evil

Now it’s vaxxed = good person, unvaxxed = evil person

November 5, 2021 10:36 am

Re “what do the vaccinated have to fear from the unvaccinated” – for many it is simply lockdowns.
This has been the ultimate psychological weapon repeated endlessly for 18 months.
The only way out of lockdowns and back to freedom is vaccination.
Certainly some [and this includes health professionals!!] are spruking that the unvaccinated will be the pathway to deadly forms of the virus that will then break through to the vaxxed, even though the opposite is the case.
But for most people pressuring others, it is the fear that an outbreak amongst these “unprotected” will trigger further lockdowns and house imprisonment. We have been beaten mentally to the point of thinking everything is still on a knife edge. Governments changing the rules continuously can do that to you.

November 5, 2021 10:37 am

Many of the vaccinated seem to have place to much faith in Government, Doctors and Pharma and done to little research.

Pfizer? The fucking company shouldn’t even still exist after their involuntary and deadly vaccine trials in Africa.

November 5, 2021 10:45 am

Many of the vaccinated seem to have place to much faith in Government, Doctors and Pharma and done to little research

Some people have been pointing this out for decades.

Once you discover that doctors typically refuse to diagnose the condition if the patient is vaccinated I have no idea how you can continue to rationalise a belief in any of the vaccines – but most do.

local oaf
November 5, 2021 10:53 am

BTW I have also had concerns about the yet to be released Novavax, given that they had “production issues” this year. On the other hand, maybe these were recognised & fixed.

Even if Nova is eventually approved for Australia, there’s no way they will allow us to choose it for a first vaccine. That would be an acknowledgment of the fact that there are better and worse vaccines. Also it would be rewarding us for refusing to follow their orders.

We’d be called vaccine snobs. Or has that happened already?

November 5, 2021 10:53 am

…for many it is simply lockdowns.

From what I’ve watched and read, unless these are the minority, the vaccinated seem to be terrified that they’ll catch the virus from the unvaccinated. The government and media seem to be pushing this narrative as well, though in a subtle way.

What I also wonder is what is going to happen when we reach say 90% vaccination rates (double and triple dosed) and COVID cases simply keep occurring/rising and those fully vaccinated are the ones being hospitalised? At some point, the government and media won’t be able to blame the unvaccinated, nor will they be able to hide the truth as families will start to ask questions.

November 5, 2021 11:11 am

This CAN’T move on until after all the rest of the Doctor WORSHIPING & FAITH in Medical Science that brought us to this point is also exposed for all the evils it’s used to both inflict & cover up.

People keep looking to the same experts that brought the world to this sick state, for their advice on how to survive the deadly conditions their remedies for mild illnesses cause, while hating with a violent vengeance, the healthy people who avoid doctors for all but emergency trauma repairs.

The Bible warns of a time when people would want to die but CAN’T.

Now we have Daniel Andrews (and others around the world), working at making it “Legal” to arrest & indefinitely detain anyone they deem to be a ‘hazard’ to Their society, you know, like Christians who refuse to sacrifice their children to Fauci Worshipers … at a time when a lot more heathy hearts are going to be sort after for transplanting into the bodies of men who had healthy hearts until they sacrificed themselves to this evil Cult.

November 5, 2021 11:25 am

November 5, 2021 at 10:53 am
What I also wonder is what is going to happen when we reach say 90% vaccination rates (double and triple dosed) and COVID cases simply keep occurring/rising and those fully vaccinated are the ones being hospitalised? At some point, the government and media won’t be able to blame the unvaccinated, nor will they be able to hide the truth as families will start to ask questions.

The trouble is that families have been asking questions from the get go, and been lied to from the get go, and each exposed lie is simply explained away with yet more lies, and families keep buying the lies because they are terrified of giving up their Faith in Medical Experts.

November 5, 2021 11:35 am

Thanks to Figures, Rorschach, and others who have been providing interesting links.

November 5, 2021 11:37 am

Bureaucracy when unleashed is a mindless millstone with more inertia than the Sun. And until someone finds something better to spin it with

Scumoron was ready to open up International borders late last year under pressure from the airlines and Rona was “just a bad flu”, remember?

Some vested interests obviously have clout – obviously, a stronger vested interest than the airlines presented itself to Scummo’s Govt.

It’s only the Emergency Legislation enacted by traitorous legislators in State Govts that have given Pigs extraordinary powers over the populous.

Judge Dredd
Judge Dredd
November 5, 2021 11:38 am

They have no idea why their hospitals are getting flooded with patients, but we know why.
The blind are truly blind:

November 5, 2021 11:44 am

Re “what do the vaccinated have to fear from the unvaccinated” – for many it is simply lockdowns.
This has been the ultimate psychological weapon repeated endlessly for 18 months.
The only way out of lockdowns and back to freedom is vaccination.

Gen J.J. Frewen’s strategy.

Nice cant.

November 5, 2021 12:31 pm

It is a cop-out by apathetic Australians who won’t use their vote properly, won’t hold their representatives accountable and won’t get involved in the political process.

Unfortunately that is the majority of Australians.

And so WE get what THEY deserve.

November 5, 2021 12:57 pm

BTW I have also had concerns about the yet to be released Novavax, given that they had “production issues” this year. On the other hand, maybe these were recognised & fixed.

Novavax is a research company. Has no production lines for mass manufacturing of their products and so has to rely on others to do so.

Assuming that they are having quality issues … it is not necessarily their fault. However – I suspect that the issue is not quality, but actually getting someone to produce their vaxx.

Case in point – the Aust govt has bought 50 million doses. It has asked CSL if they would like to produce them here (and presumably the multi millions more for SE Asia and Oceania). At $20 per dose that is a $Billion in revenue. They said no – not geared up for it.

While CSL, the biotechnology company that is currently making the AstraZeneca vaccine in Australia, has been touted as a possibility, it said it would be unable to make both the AstraZeneca and Novavax vaccines at the same time.

Bullshit on Bullshit multiplied.

No one says no to a Yard. For that amount of money CSL could buy a bit of Barangaroo, set up a new line and still turn a profit.

When I heard that it was some “unnamed” “confidential” sources spreading the rumour that Novavax had quality control issues … bingo. Industrial sabotage either direct, or by smear. Pfizer and co have their own $Billions at stake. Some CEO woke up with a horse head in their bed or had an offer that they otherwise could not refuse…

November 5, 2021 12:58 pm

“Remember, remember,
The Fifth of November!

Gunpowder, Treason and plot!”

I have heard it said that Guido Fawkes was the only man to ever enter Parliament with honest intentions.

Given what is on daily global display, such an opinion may make some sense.

Discussion topic for the day?

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
November 5, 2021 1:08 pm

How many millions have died for the greater good …

Even more from the Greta good.

November 5, 2021 1:14 pm


I called you prior post a “cop-out” because it put the blame on the bureaucracy which we cannot easily alter, when the real blame lies with our elected representatives, which we can change at the next election, should we so choose. It is the politicians who make the law and hire and fire the bureaucrats who run government departments.

Mis-placing the blame is the cop-out, because it gives the excuse that change is too hard or too costly.

Keeping the blame where it belongs, means that we don’t have to resort to putting heads on pikes. We can effect change while doing what you are talking about… preserving our lives and the lives and livelihoods of those we value.

I’m not getting jabbed. I am planning on supporting friends who have taken the same stand, with employment if that becomes necessary. I am reassessing my involvement in social and personal structures, by the standard of “What is helpful and supportive in this current situation”. I’ve walked away from one volunteer position after 43 years. I’ve decided that friends who cannot accept my position and at least discuss it rationally, probably aren’t friends. I’ve been a member of a pro-freedom political party for decades.

You do you.

November 5, 2021 1:37 pm

Mandate goes into effect here in the States January 4th.

I’m beginning to hate our President.

You’re just “beginning” to?

November 5, 2021 1:43 pm

Thankyou for posting this. I hadn’t managed to see it before.
Good for that nurse and all like her. My gratitude to them.

November 5, 2021 1:51 pm

Does anyone have a direct link to the Rumble video?

November 5, 2021 2:00 pm

Rorschach re Novavax production problems :

I read about their problems earlier this year in magazine article on their share trading figures. Must have had problems as they hired a new Managing Director to fix things. As you suggest, manufacture of pharmaceuticals not their bag, & up till Novavax had never brought a product to market.

November 5, 2021 2:06 pm

PeterW – we are doing the same. Some vaccinated friends don’t give a hoot about our unvaccinated state – mostly those who were jabbed so that they could travel.

Others have been disappointing, to say the least. Won’t be maintaining a relationship with them, even when the virus ceases to be such an issue. Family have been great & supportive. They were not really surprised by our stand, although, sadly and worryingly, they have chosen vaccination.

November 5, 2021 2:07 pm

“Some CEO woke up with a horse head in their bed or had an offer that they otherwise could not refuse…”

I have no proof, but my personal suspicion is that something like Pegasus phone virus was sent to politicians and other “high and mighty”, and was then used to blackmail them into not just accepting, but pushing the narrative that CV-19 is a deadly plague that REQUIRES a vax, then a second dose, then a booster, then another booster etc. Lockdowns for a virus that is 99% survivable? Mandating a vaccine that is 6 times more dangerous to a 15 Y.O. male than the the potential consequences of the disease? Allowing continued use of a vaccine that has presented (in the US at least) more adverse events in 18 months than all other vaccines combined over 10 years? In every “western” country? Where India, Brazil et al have shown clearly that treatments that are cheap, plentiful and safe exist? With big tech silencing anti-narrative voices? Seems implausable that they could ALL go down the same path without some “help”, doesn’t it?

After all, what politician would survive exposure of their personal and private comments re: the voters, the media, their own party, world leaders etc etc? “Nice job you have there – be a shame if anything happened to it.”

November 5, 2021 2:15 pm

“Seems implausable that they could ALL go down the same path without some “help”, doesn’t it?”

The only other plausible explanation I am aware of is that they KNEW it was an engineered virus, they KNEW it would mutate etc etc. But couldn’t tell us. Because if they did, Chy-na (for making it and letting it spread) and maybe even the US (for funding it) would be pariahs and cut off from the rest of the world due to public pressure. Which, given the already outsourced manufacturing to that communist shit-hole would do as much damage as the lockdowns have.

If you have another plausible explanation other than those two, I’d like to hear it…

November 5, 2021 2:16 pm

PeterW – we are doing the same. Some vaccinated friends don’t give a hoot about our unvaccinated state – mostly those who were jabbed so that they could travel.

Others have been disappointing, to say the least. Won’t be maintaining a relationship with them, even when the virus ceases to be such an issue.

It is times like these when you find out who your true friends are, even among blood relatives.
A friend or relative who unfriends you because you are unvaxxed never was your friend.

November 5, 2021 2:30 pm

Kneel, the simplest explanation is often the most likely.

I have always thought that the digital revolution helped this crisis explode. I recall first seeing via the internet the amazing scenes from Wuhan in early January &, like others was horrified. My fears multiplied when I followed its outbreak in Italy & was particularly spooked by an internet Twitter feed of a very devoted young nurse in an ICU in northern Italy. I can then recall walking & weeping all the way up our 1km drive at the farm when I heard of the first case in Oz. Quite frankly at that stage I couldn’t wait for a vaccine to be developed.

In retrospect, governments followed the lead initially of citizens – the worst thing they could do- declaring national emergencies before the virus infection rates were effectively analysed . Big Pharma licked their lips & the rest is history.

The central problem was the stupid, panicky deal they did in the contracts. If they had have been able to cancel these deals (like the subs!) when adverse events started to occur in the US, maybe things would have played out differently.

Certainly, the start of the vax problems changed everything for me & it started a very big learning curve on vaccines & virology. But governments had dug such a deep hole for themselves by this stage together with their bureaucrats& advisers, that they now refuse utterly to try to reach daylight again.

Of course, I am not averse to accepting blacker origins & evil plans by big players on the global scene, & indeed, am leaning increasingly to that way of thinking.

November 5, 2021 2:51 pm

It is the politicians who make the law and hire and fire the bureaucrats who run government departments.

Not anymore… all elected politicians are monkeys dancing to the hurdy-gurdy played by the Humphrey Appleby’s. Clive Palmer was asked: Why did Gladys change her tune from last year and is insisting on lockdowns and double vaxxing… ? He answered that she had ICAC dangling over her head and the axe would fall unless…

While obviously implicating Photios and co – these “lobbyists” can only do what they do with the public service nod.

Besides – a top end public servant makes multiple times what a hurdy-gurdy monkey makes. And they can’t lose their job on a public whim, or if caught with a bottle or a bonk. Where is the power? Even convicted heroin traffickers can earn most of a mill a year in the public service…

November 5, 2021 3:01 pm

My fears multiplied when I followed its outbreak in Italy

Your emotions were well massaged to go along with the message. Last I heard is that the Italian cases were HUGELY overstated…

November 5, 2021 3:39 pm

Big Pharma licked their lips & the rest is history.

This is one thing that turned me off getting the vax, but for a different reason. When I heard that the government enacted laws that meant that Big Pharma could not be sued if something went wrong down the track, alarms bells rang long and loud.

Government was now taking the word of Big Pharma when they said, ‘Trust us, nothing can go wrong.’ They were given a green light to do whatever they wanted.

November 5, 2021 4:15 pm

Yes Rorschach, you are right. That is the point. At that time, the necessary stats were just not available. On reflection, we know that Italy has a preponderance of oldies – particularly in Northern Italy – & they constituted the majority of fatalities.

We now have the benefit of hindsight. Indeed, my principal anger is that we have had readable stats for at least 12-18 months re infections & for 6-8 moths for vax casualties. The authorities had them & did not have the moral fortitude or integrity to pull out of their death dive with the vaccines.

Fat Tony
Fat Tony
November 5, 2021 5:23 pm

Reading the above, it seems to be that the government has been caught by the contracts with Pfizer in particular.

I call bullshit on that one – what’s to stop the government telling Pfizer to fuck off?

What’s Pfizer going to do – take the government to the International Court (or whatever) and be subject to total public discovery? Not likely.

There is great evil afoot here – and as can be seen by the coming mandates for 5 -11 year olds, Moloch is unsatiable.

Miss Anthropist
Miss Anthropist
November 5, 2021 5:31 pm

Vaxxies are naive Luddite sheeples. I pity the fools.
Science proves that 76.3% of smokers definitely won’t contract the batlurgie.
I’m cool with that.
Anybody who didn’t see this whole thing was about power not health is not very bright. And getting those untested noxious things into your body? Well your body your choice. Just stop trying to justify your buyers remorse on here. Won’t get you any likes.
By the way vaxxies. Don’t look up naive in a dictionary. It isn’t there.

November 5, 2021 5:43 pm

I call bullshit on that one – what’s to stop the government telling Pfizer to fuck off?

Governments no longer run countries… our leaders (new gods) are the likes of Amazon Alphabet Metaface and Comcast . They own the hurdy-gurdy monkeys, the lobbyists that are the puppeteers and the rest of the pretenders.

November 5, 2021 6:55 pm

There is no need for sophisticated international conspiracies to explain why bad things happen – simply reading history provides adequate explanations for things far worse than this which have resulted in horrible consequences for millions of people.

That opportunist politicians and corporations jump on disasters, fabricated or real, for their own ends is hardly new. They don’t need to formally collude – their objectives fit together seamlessly. One hand washes the other, and vice versa.

The problem is one of perspective. COVID is not the Plague, or Spanish flu, or anything like them. The political class is now slowly backing away from the early panic message with the ‘living with COVID’ message. They are doing it at different rates and degrees, but the general direction is reverse, with the vaxxes as a smokescreen.

As a leper Grade 1, I am all too aware of the stigmas and personal heartaches that this debacle has caused for my outgroup. But the real political pain comes from the many people who merely asked ‘how high?’ and were still deprived of access to their homes, their livelihoods, being able to see their elderly relatives and friends and even being unable to attend their funerals. The lockdowns and border closures have caused immense suffering to people who did everything that was asked/demanded of them. I’m not seeing a lot of enthusiasm for more of that.

There is a fair bit of COVID fatigue where I live. People are over the whole thing. I don’t think the prospect of a lifetime of ‘boosters’ is a goer as the panic ebbs.

As I said, it’s an uneven process, but the tide seems to be going out.

Fat Tony
Fat Tony
November 5, 2021 7:18 pm

johanna says:
November 5, 2021 at 6:55 pm
There is no need for sophisticated international conspiracies to explain why bad things happen – simply reading history provides adequate explanations for things far worse than this which have resulted in horrible consequences for millions of people.

Don’t undersell the evil that is going on in the world today – this could turn out far worse than anything that has come before. It is evil & it is being done deliberately.

November 5, 2021 8:07 pm

More evil than what Stalin or Pol Pot or Mao did? Worse than WWI?

Get a grip.

Fat Tony
Fat Tony
November 5, 2021 8:23 pm

johanna says:
November 5, 2021 at 8:07 pm
More evil than what Stalin or Pol Pot or Mao did? Worse than WWI?

Get a grip.

Get a grip yourself, you silly old cow. We haven’t seen the worst of it yet.

November 5, 2021 8:28 pm

‘Nonvaxxed’ please, not ‘unvaccinated’.
The latter makes it sound like something is incomplete, not made whole. The former is a statement of choice. And vaxx because an injection that doesn’t provide sterilizing immunity, is by definition, not a vaccine. Language matters

November 6, 2021 7:20 am

7) Chances are if you’ve been vaxed so far, both shots have come from the “safe” batches and the people you know will probably have much the same experience.
8) At some point in the endless parade of boosters you’re going to get one from a hot lot. If so, you almost certainly *will* be badly injured.

In other words, Russian roulette. The next booster? The one after that?

And our governments think we are not important enough to be protected from pharma corporations’ malpractice. They are the evil ones.

November 6, 2021 7:24 am

The only other plausible explanation I am aware of is that they KNEW it was an engineered virus, they KNEW it would mutate etc etc. But couldn’t tell us. Because if they did, Chy-na (for making it and letting it spread) and maybe even the US (for funding it) would be pariahs and cut off from the rest of the world due to public pressure. Which, given the already outsourced manufacturing to that communist shit-hole would do as much damage as the lockdowns have.

Kneel, I believe this is the real situation and China sabre-rattling is to deflect attention from it.

I also think that’s why Trump had to go so he wouldn’t find out what Fauci did and clean house there.

Winston Smith
November 6, 2021 7:47 am

Judge Dredd:

They have no idea why their hospitals are getting flooded with patients, but we know why.
The blind are truly blind

Grab a camera, go to the nearest hospital and see how busy it is.
Remember the “overcrowded” and “swamped” hospitals at the start of this “epidemic”? You know, the ones with no patients?
Time to start calling the Health bureaucrats for answers.

Winston Smith
November 6, 2021 7:54 am


But governments had dug such a deep hole for themselves by this stage together with their bureaucrats& advisers, that they now refuse utterly to try to reach daylight again.

That’s the nub of the problem.
Pride and ego come before the peasants lives and freedoms.
It certainly shows us our place on the totem pole of importance.

November 6, 2021 3:31 pm

Governments no longer run countries… our leaders (new gods) are the likes of Amazon Alphabet Metaface and Comcast . They own the hurdy-gurdy monkeys, the lobbyists that are the puppeteers and the rest of the pretenders.

In the long history of conflict between rulers and bankers, the rulers have usually won.

It’s not so easy to talk about calling in somebody’s loan when he is threatening to cut off your head. As Mao said, “Power grows from the barrel of a gun”. As one of Hitler’s ministers said, they didn’t care who owned what, they would do as they were told.

November 6, 2021 3:44 pm

Why did Gladys change her tune from last year and is insisting on lockdowns and double vaxxing… ?

Sigh…… Because she’s a politician who is faced with a panicking population, demanding that “da gubberment” save them.

It’s poll-driven. All she had to do was look at the irrational criticism directed at Morrison over the fires – which weren’t his job, but that didn’t stop the whinging idiots.

It’s far harder for a politician to say “we cannot do this”, than it is for them to make dramatic press conferences, throwing desperate strategies around … to be paid for with Other People’s Money.

Conspiracy theories are not required. As William of Ockham would have pointed out, it is all explainable by egos, groupthink and politics-as-usual. It’s not as tho these things are without precedent. ?

November 6, 2021 3:47 pm

Those who think that big business runs everything, should contemplate the updated version of the old proverb……

If you owe the Bank a million, you have a problem. If you owe the bank a trillion, the Bank has a problem”

Version 1.0.0
Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x