Genital cutting

Not my favourite topic but someone had to say it.

While there is animated discussion about the mutilation of girls who have been persuaded that they want to be boys there is another kind of female mutilation that has been under the radar for some time. What is going on?

I don’t have time to do more research, just putting it out there.

A few references to get started, an ABC report from five years ago, a Federal Government fact sheet. And [triggerwarning] Hirsi Ali on the practice.

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December 20, 2022 2:45 pm

The latter has to fall off the radar when former dominates the screens.

Cassie of Sydney
December 20, 2022 3:13 pm

The UK in 2022…

1. In schools across multi culti UK cities like London, Birmingham, Leicester, Manchester and Luton, where white indigenous English are now a minority in their own country, teachers and students are advised to keep a look out when young girls of Pakistani and Afghani backgrounds are suddenly taken by their families for a “holiday” back to the cesspits of Pakistan and Afghanistan. This “holiday” is code for the fact that the young girls are being whisked off for some FGM or to be married off to one of their numerous male first cousins (the parents and grandparents of these girls are also usually “first cousins”).

2. In schools across the UK, LGBTQI+ gunk is taught, such as the joys of anal sex, bondage, fetishism, and other such delights and children in the UK are now being advised by teachers that they can change their sex, they can be born in the wrong body, they can identify as anything they want and they don’t have to tell tell their parents, in fact the teachers and the school will happily assist the child/teenager hide this gender bender stuff from their parents. Schools will happily advise confused teenage girls where they can get chest binders and put them in contact with sinister organisations like Stonewall and Mermaids, the latter just a business front for pedophiles.

So, this is where the UK is at in 2022, genital cutting in the name of the religion of Islam is bad, but genital cutting in the name of the religion of LGBTQ+ is okay and is being encouraged.

Both are obscenities.

Unfettered immigration and progressivism has destroyed the UK. It will not survive, it’s over. And just remember, for the last 12 years the UK has been governed by so called Conservatives, who’ve simply ignored the problems because it’s too hard. Like the Liberals here, the Conservatives deserve to be destroyed.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
December 20, 2022 6:52 pm

FGM also happens in Australian a couple . Iof cases that were reported (most aren’t) those performing this obscenity on young girls were simply give a rap over the cultural nuckles. Nothing much happened to them, and health workers suggest plenty of young girls are still ‘done’, perhaps on that overseas ‘holiday’ too. The worst of the ‘woke’ health workers mumble about cultural interference and require a ‘sensitive and sympathetic’ approach be taken to the issue of FGM, especially in its less overtly harmful forms (psychological hurts can occur from these first two types). Let’s be realistic too – physical damage and excruciating pain can occur if a needle is pressed deeply into the acutely sensitive clitoral head.
God save these little girls, for we apparently won’t.

Sex is such a powerful driver in human life that all cultures do weird things to harness and control it. Including, in our culture, trying to turn boys into girls and girls into boys – just about the craziest of all of the control attempts. Pray for these children too, for our churches won’t. They welcome it.

December 20, 2022 7:21 pm

Genital mutilation is a crime. So should be circumcision, but hey, they’re boys.

December 20, 2022 8:18 pm

Cassie: I doubt you could find a single case where joys of anal sex was in any way descriptive of teaching.
Genital mutilation is a sad remnant of cultures where women are suppressed and denied rights and education. It is illegal is all of the OECD and many other nations.

December 20, 2022 8:24 pm

Pray for these children too, for our churches won’t. They welcome it.

Bold claim, Lizzie.

Churches are many and varied.

December 20, 2022 8:35 pm

mutilating brown people, good.
mutilating white people, better.

Shy Ted
Shy Ted
December 20, 2022 9:08 pm

Best saved for politicians, journos, public servants. Sans anaesthetique. Coming soon.

December 21, 2022 12:19 am

The Left turns a blind eye to the (many) horrors of Islam because its followers are largely non-White.

December 21, 2022 7:17 am

Why focus on females? Chopping off the foreskin of infant males is also an abomination.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
December 21, 2022 9:15 am

Roger, I know not all churches ignore FGM and perhaps should have modified that to ‘some’. But FGM is often given too much cultural leeway by ‘progressive’ religious thinking or it is ignored. So it is good to see Rafe still bringing it to attention once more.

December 21, 2022 4:17 pm

Are honour killings differentiated from other fatalities in reports of domestic violence?

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
December 21, 2022 4:55 pm

Chopping off the foreskin of infant males is also an abomination.
Punching holes in the earlobes of infant girls is also psychopathic.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
December 22, 2022 12:36 am

Okay, maybe I was a bit too obscure, and yes I hesitate to start a stoush with our resident champion Dr Duk…
Infant circumcision, whatever its origins, is known to be a massive benefit to the human male, conferring resilience against STDs and UTIs, which then knocks on to added protection from cancers and more debilitating geriatric UTIs. There may be some religious compulsion, which I understand is no longer entertained by oz med… but the healthcare compulsion was reflected for a long long time, as the only parents seriously holding out for and procuring the practice were themselves doctors and nurses.
It’s but a snip, it does not alter reproductive function and at a guess by pure demographics, 3/4 of the Cat gents would have been done and never thought twice about it.
…and women prefer it.
Anyway, esp in the shadow of the parallel-ish (obviously a much more serious hack, done at a much later stage, for very different reasons, by a very peculiarly vicious people) FGM, I suppose it’s becoming a thing of the past in the Western hemisphere. Must be odd for fathers who have been circumcised themselves to have to get a pamphlet and bone up on the maintenance routine for their sons.

December 22, 2022 1:27 am

Well, that’s religion for you. If you can make people believe impossibilities, you can make them commit atrocities.

December 22, 2022 5:03 am

Wally Dalí says:
December 22, 2022 at 12:36 am

Okay, maybe I was a bit too obscure, and yes I hesitate to start a stoush with our resident champion Dr Duk…
Infant circumcision, whatever its origins, is known to be a massive benefit to the human male, conferring resilience against STDs and UTIs, which then knocks on to added protection from cancers and more

Not often, if ever I would enter a debate about this, but I need more than your opinion before I believe this. I’d say, off the top of my head that uncircs are outnumbering the others by 10 to one and no overwhelming STDs and UTIs plague them.
Give us some genuine stats and then we can discuss.

December 22, 2022 8:10 am

Okay, maybe I was a bit too obscure, and yes I hesitate to start a stoush with our resident champion Dr Duk… Infant circumcision, whatever its origins, is known to be a massive benefit to the human male

Yes, we were taught that too at med school, but if the last 3 years have shown us anything, it is that you cannot trust ‘experts’ who are simply parroting back what they were taught by ‘the system’. (Exhibits A, B, C etc : Covid, Statins, Cholesterol Hypothesis, Seed Oils, ‘Healthy Food Pyramid’, AGW etc etc etc)

I previously looked extensively at the literature on circumcision of infant males after growing concerned at the adequacy of anaesthesia for it…. and the safety of anaesthetising any child of such a young age – giving anaesthetics to small children was always my biggest horror when I was practicing. I was always less scared of anaesthetising a critically injured adult than a well child.

I concluded (surprise, surprise) that circumcision was a barbaric ritual with no immediate and few if any long term ‘health’ benefits. Furthermore, it DID cause serious damage – it removes about 50% of the penile skin, causes the now exposed head to scarify and lose sensitivity, and totally alters sexual function later. Furthermore, if done on infants, it also affects the way the central processing areas the brain related to sexual stimuli develop. This is analagous to how a deaf child fails to develop normal hearing even if given cochlear implants later – at best, they get a ‘low res’ experience because the central processing is much impaired.

In some ways, pushing circumcision on infants (who could afford to wait and see if the wanted it later – its not like they are at risk of cancer or STI as infants) parallels pushing COVID injections upon them – it is to prevent them from making up their own minds later. Almost all infant circumcision proponents were themselves circumcised as infants, and like the victims of other forms of child abuse, tend to replicate their trauma later 🙁

Chris M
Chris M
December 22, 2022 9:43 pm

I previously looked extensively at the literature on circumcision of infant males after growing concerned at the adequacy of anaesthesia for it…. and the safety of anaesthetising any child of such a young age

Haha what is this, activist talking points. I always laugh when I see this stuff 🙂

In a baby no anesthetic is required as it isn’t a painful procedure at all, FAR less so than nappy rash for example. You get a little whimper for two-three minutes max then nothing again. Whatever your views when it’s a few weeks old baby the potential of pain simply isn’t a viable claim at all. Teens and adults very different of course, but then repeated infections are also painful.

December 23, 2022 9:04 am

Good personal hygiene prevents any problems for the uncircumcised. Most men have their hand on it all the time anyway, no excuse not to keep it clean.

  1. Yep. Go to a Jewish rally about the hostage situation and physically assault them, expect someone to put you in…

  2. Hey JC – the financial melt down. this was telegraphed after the election result was known to have trump the…

  3. The fatty lezzo in the blue top shouting ” no sex for a months for guys” …. hahaSnort, cackle. “Yeah,…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x