Author: dover0beach

  • Guest Post: Bar Beach Swimmer -The Federal Government and the politics of Dantatorship

    The website Australian Constitution Centre is designed to teach school aged children about our ‘…Australian Constitution and the Australian system of government.’ Under the heading How else am I protected by the Constitution? is the following statement: Our Constitution is structured to protect our system of government. These protections mean we don’t have to worry about our…

  • Guest Post: Cassie of Sydney – For Whom the Bell Tolls, it tolls for thee Dave Sharma

    Last week I received the following email from Dave Sharma, the current member for Wentworth (my local member) ….. Dear Cassie of Sydney  Australians want action on climate change  The global market is rapidly changing and is demanding lower carbon alternatives. Australia can save the planet and ensure that future generations have well-paying jobs too.…

  • Weekday Reading No #2

    If Kavanaugh And Barrett Betray Pro-Lifers, We Must Blow Up The Conservative Legal Movement (The Federalist) In July, Kavanaugh and Barrett joined the court’s leftist majority in declining to hear Arlene’s Flowers v. Washington, a critical religious liberty case. They again sided with the court’s left in a similar decision to turn away a religious exemption challenge to…

  • Open Thread- Mon 8 Nov 2021

  • Open Thread – Weekend 6 Nov 2021

  • Weekday Reading #1

    The News is being Nudged Is the news still news when it is being nudged by the UK government’s behavioural scientists? Sky announced this week that behaviour change on climate can be driven by TV. It released a video which opened with the lines, “We cannot understate the urgency. But faced with issues of such enormity, what…

  • Guest Post: Mother Lode – White Supremacy? What a load of bulltish

    Has it ever really existed? The most famously cited exponents, the Nazis, were not really. They believed a sub-group they called Aryans were ordained by nature to rule the world. Sure the Aryans were supposed to be white, but so to were a lot of the subject races. Slavs and Jews, for starters. They hated…

  • The Pandemic Management Bill: Instrument of Satan

    Gab brought this homily by Fr Marcus Goulding to my attention at the beginning of the week. I’ve included both the video and written version of the homily below. ————- I look forward to the day I do not need to preach against the policies and decisions of our current state government. That day is…

  • COVID and the Shadow of Original Antigenic Sin – A Primer

    This primer is a summary of the magnificent work of Eugyppius over the last week or so. In a series of posts, principally, here and here, he fashions an argument that a universal vaccination campaign: may permanently compromise immunity to SARS-2, via Original Antigenic Sin — the phenomenon, long observed in the antibody response to influenza…

  • Guest Post: mem – An Advertising Conundrum

    Did anyone see the advertisement in the Herald Sun on Sunday, 31 October thanking Brett Sutton CMO Victoria and team for keeping us safe? The text of the advertisement ran as follows: “To Prof Brett Sutton, Prof Ben Cowan and A/Prof Deb Friedman Thank you To you and the team of people you lead, For…